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My name is Anita Singh. I live in a small town of Uttar Pradesh. Presently I am 32 years of age, married. I got
married at the age of 25 to Rajesh, who was a shop-owner. My married life started smooth and I was happy with
everything. Rajesh and I shared a very good and close relation. My sex life also was quite regular and satisfactory.
But bitterness in my life started when Rajesh and I decided we are going to have an issue after two years of our
marriage. When even after one year of unprotected copulation I was not getting pregnant, we were very concerned.
There was pressure from my in laws also. I was really confused why this was happening. I had my periods regularly
and physically also I had a very developed figure from my teenage itself. I never thought that I could land up in
such a problem!

I was 27 years then, had a somewhat fair complexion, 5 feet 2 inches height, oval face, and amply built. As I said I
had a developed figure from my teens with 32 breast size and flaring hips from my college days. I was conscious
about my diet so that I do not add additional flesh on my hips. I always got a good male attention on road or at any
gathering, which I could sense, though I was pretty conservative in dressing. In that sense I was very shy
regarding these matters, which was really due to my upbringing and the small town we lived in. I was adequately
gifted by god at proper places in my body though with somewhat heavy bottoms. I was pretty active and fit with
regular menses.

Rajesh took me to a number of doctors. I was very shy initially though we went to female gynecologists. But I felt
very embarrassed in that process of examination where each time I had to open my sari, salwar kamiz, or whatever
I was wearing and even pull down my panty. To tell honestly I had a real turn on when the doctor touched my
private organs for examining purpose, though she was a female I got triggered she was actually examined my
breasts or nipples or my hairy pussy. I instantly got wetness down there and it reflected very apparently on my
panty, which was rather uncomfortable for me. The doctors gave medicines and asked for lab tests, but there was
no result.

Rajesh then took me to the city doctor, but I made him very clear that I would go for a checkup only to a lady
doctor. But all those resulted in nothing positive. My mother-in-law took me to homeopaths, who also could not yield
any result for me. The relation between Rajesh and me was also getting bitter. At the same time I realized I was
not at all getting any sexual pleasure out of copulation, rather it seemed to be an exercise to achieve something.
Days went by and I did not even realize that another year was gone! I was 28 years by then. I remained so
depressed all day and had a real hard time.

Then one day Rajesh told me that he has decided to go to a male gynecologist who is an expert in infertility cases
in the city again. I was really very rigid about not going to the male gynecologist out of my shyness. I think any
normal lady would avoid that because the fact remains you have to expose your breasts and pussy in front of a
male, may it be for examination purpose. So I was really rigid on my stand about avoiding a male doctor and before
this could land up in a harsh confrontation between my husband and me, one of my neighbors, Meera, had a proposal
to my mother-in-law.

If I can quote my neighbor’s words to my mother-in-law,

”Aunty-ji, you have tried so many doctors for Anita, but you did not get any result. Anita told she even went to the
city for a checkup. You applied homeopath also, but she is not yet blessed with a child. Look at her; she looks so
depressed all day. Why don’t you take Anita to Rampur to Guru-ji’s ashram Aunty-ji? Two of my relatives got
result; they were childless for 4-5 years. They went to him, took “diksha” and his herbal medications changed their
lives. And our Anita is only married for three years! Before her case goes too worse, you make a visit to Guru-ji, as
he can do miracles.”

Its not that we had not heard of this sadhu-baba at Rampur, but his ashram was very far off from our town. He
had cured some critical diseases and some childless cases also. I was really searching a way to avoid this male
doctor checkup and at the same time a hope to get a child made me readily jump into this proposal. My mother-in-
law also convinced my husband by saying,
“Rajesh, I think what Meera says makes sense. Since we have tried some doctors and tests were all normal, lets not
waste more time on that right now. These sadhu-babas really can do miracles and as Meera was saying the herbal
medicines worked for his relatives who were childless for 5 years.”

In my mind I was so thankful to Meera for her timely idea. At that point I was indeed trying my best to avoid
probing my body by a male gynecologist, but little could I guess that this ashram visit would actually be a shameful
remembrance for me lifelong. The way I was exploited in the name of “diksha”, in the name of “treatment”, and in
the name of “jagya” makes me feel so ashamed even today, after so many years. I was exploited so very cleverly
and emphatically at every level and my desire to get a child was so high that I allowed everything crossing every
limit of decency and modesty.

It was one week stay in the ashram of Guru-ji at Rampur and within that period I had to allow at least half a dozen
males to enjoy my 28-year-old fully matured figure from all angles – seeing, touching, examining, groping, squeezing,
and all one can think of except fucking, because that crowning was done by Guru-ji himself! I had to shed all my
shyness and was virtually treated like a slut during my treatment under Guru-ji. I am really amazed when I look
back at those seven days about how I allowed all that! Probably Guru-ji’s mesmerizing personality and my eventual
desire to get the child at all cost made me act such lewdly from a shy modest housewife.

Rampur. Guru-ji’s ashram was situated here, a small village, which was surrounded by mountains on all the sides.
There was a big pond with very clear water just beside the ashram, which made it like a heaven with cool breeze
blowing and there was absolutely no signs of pollution. My mother-in-law came with me. Rajesh ultimately was not
able to make it with me, my mother-in-law took me there. There was a substantial crowd waiting for darshan of
Guru-ji. We had made an appointment so that we could talk privately to him regarding my problem. I was a quite
afraid seeing Guru-ji, who was hugely built, almost 6 feet in height with a stout figure. He was wearing a saffron
dress and his voice was calm and reverberating. A feeling of obedience would automatically come seeing and
listening to this man.

My mother-in-law narrated about my purpose of visit and Guru-ji listened to it very intently. There were two more
persons who were his disciples probably in that room apart from me, my mother-in-law and Guru-ji. One of them
was taking some notes as my mother-in-law was detailing my problem.

Guru-ji: Mata-ji, I am glad that you have brought your bahu to me regarding this problem. I want to make one thing
very clear that I cannot do miracles, but if she takes ‘diksha’ under me and performs what I suggest faithfully, she
would not return with empty hands. Mata-ji, the treatment path is not easy in these cases and if your bahu can
walk on that path, there is no reason why she would not have a child in a year’s time. Of course, provided after the
treatment, she meets with her husband on my suggested days.

The words were so convincing that I was more than eager to take ‘diksha’ under him and start the ‘treatment’ at
that very moment. My mother-in-law also expressed the same to Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Mata-ji, before you agree you should first know my norms. I do not keep any devotee in darkness. There
are three stages in achieving the coveted goal of being a mother here. They are ‘diksha’, ‘herbal treatment’ and
‘jagya’. Your bahu has to stay here for five days at a stretch to complete the diksha and the herbal treatment
starting from a full moon night. If I feel that is enough to attain the goal, she might leave on the sixth day, but if
a ‘jagya’ is required depending on her case, she would have to stay for another two days making it 7 continuous
days. She has to abide by my ashram rules, which my disciple will tell you.

We were listening to his mesmeric voice and I must say it had some hypnotic effect. I did not see any offensive
norms in what he said and so was my mother-in-law and I gave the nod to take ‘diskha’ and do the ‘treatment’ under
Guru-ji: Sanjeev, please note down her personal details before proceeding and let her know in details about ashram
rules and regulations. Beti, you go with him to the next room. Mata-ji, you can ask me if you have any other
questions and concerns other than this issue.

I alighted from the ground and followed Guru-ji’s disciple, Sanjeev. We went to the adjacent room and he asked me
to sit to the couch that was there in that room. He remained standing. He was around my age only, around 35-40
years with an average body and a calm, smiling face.

Sanjeev: Madam, my name is Sanjeev. You just don’t worry since you have come to Guru-ji. I have seen several
women who benefitted from his unique and very special treatment. But you have to obey it completely as he says.

I said, “Yes of course. I will definitely try to do that. I have been suffering for this now almost three years.”

Sanjeev: Don’t worry Madam. Let me now tell you about what you have to do. You will appear here next Monday
afternoon before 7:00 p.m. That day is a full moon night, so you will have ‘diksha’. Madam, please do not bring your
sari etc. as our ashram has a dress code and you will be given saris, which are specially washed with herbal
detergents, and also Madam, no ornaments are allowed here. Actually speaking we offer everything here, so there
is no need to bring anything.

I was a bit puzzled about the “sari” part, as I have not seen any woman in the ashram till then. He just mentioned
about wearing the saffron sari, but what about blouse and petticoat. I cannot just wear a sari. Sanjeev probably
understood what I was wondering.

Sanjeev: Madam, you must have noticed that Guru-ji told me to note your “personal details”, so you do not worry
about blouse etc. In our ashram we provide everything staring from hair clip to slippers.

He laughed a little and I also was relieved. Still I was wondering about my undergarments; will the ashram provide
that also I was puzzled!

Sanjeev: Madam, please answer to my questions honestly. And Madam one thing please do not feel shy here and
don’t be introvert because you have come here for a goal and we are just here to make you achieve that.

I felt very confident hearing Sanjeev’s words, otherwise was a bit nervous.

Sanjeev: Do you have regular periods Madam?

Me: Yes, very rarely do I miss.

Sanjeev: When did you last have an irregular period?

Me: Three to four months back may be. I took some medicine and cleared it.

Sanjeev: What’s your approximate period date Madam?

Me: 22nd or 23rd of a month.

Sanjeev was noting down as I was answering. So he was not in direct eye contact with me, so I was finding it easy
to answer such personal questions. Otherwise I have never talked about these to anyone except to the doctors I

Sanjeev: Madam do you have heavy periods or moderate? Do you feel any additional pain, discomfort other than the

Me: Moderate, 2-3 days. No, normal.

Sanjeev: Okay Madam, rest of the more intimate details will be taken up by Guru-ji when you will be in the ashram.

I was a bit comfortable hearing that though was thinking on what “intimate details” would the Guru-ji take from
me. Sanjeev continued the conversation and I almost stammered answering his next question feeling very shy
sharing this sort of information to an unknown male.

Sanjeev: Madam, now about ashram dress code. We will give you four herbal washed saffron saris for your seven-
day stay. Generally I have seen that is sufficient, but we do have additional also if needed. What is the size that
your wear? I mean blouse…

Me: Err, I mean why do you need that?

I knew that was foolish to ask, but it came out just spontaneous and went into a more uncomfortable conversation.

Sanjeev: Madam, in our ashram we provide sari, blouse and petticoat to the women who come for ‘diskha’ and
‘treatment’. So for that only I need the size.

Me: Okay, its 32.

I noticed Sanjeev noted the figure and looked for a second directly at my erect boobs under the cover of my
blouse and sari as if trying to measure the 32 size through his eyes.

Sanjeev: Madam, since mostly the women who come for ‘diksha’ to Guru-ji are from rural areas and as you also know
many of them do not wear any undergarment, we have no provision for that. But since you are coming from the
town, please carry your undergarments, but remember to get it sterilized here herbally, as you are not allowed to
wear anything, which is nonsterile after ‘diksha’.

I nodded with a smiling face and was a lot relieved hearing this.

Sanjeev: Thanks Madam. You can leave now and appear here on Monday afternoon. .

I returned with my mother-in-law who sounded very optimistic about the Guru-ji as she had a talk while I was in
the other room with Sanjeev and she assured me not to get tensed being there alone, but to faithfully obey Guru-ji
as he instructs. I was happy overall, but little could I anticipate what was in store for me in those seven days in the

Next Monday, I went out with my mother-in-law again for Rampur to Guru-ji’s ashram. In my bag I practically took
nothing, as Guru-ji’s disciple Sanjeev told that everything would be available there, except for a spare set of
clothing including a sari, blouse and petticoat and some money for emergency purpose. I took two sets of my
undergarments and one set I was already wearing and thought that it would be enough for seven days.

Sanjeev greeted us with smiling faces. We went to Guru-ji and he gave ashirwad to both of us and after some
general talks, my mother-in-law went back and I was all alone in the ashram with Guru-ji and his disciples. Today I
saw two more disciples apart from Sanjeev and another one I had met the other day.

Guru-ji: Beti, be comfortable here. Can I call you by name?

Me: Certainly Guru-ji.

I was feeling a bit uncomfortable in front of five males, as I was the only woman there. They were all looking at me.
I was wearing a light colored cotton sari with matching blouse. Though my breasts were erect as usual through my
blouse and sari pallu, I noticed none were looking at that as most males do when they first meet me. Finally looking
at Guru-ji’s calm eyes and listening to his soothing voice, I was getting normal and comfortable.

Guru-ji: Okay Anita, let me introduce you to the members of my ashram. Sanjeev you have already met, the other
ones are Rajkamal, Nirmal, and Uday. During the time of ‘diksha’ Sanjeev will guide you and others will help you
during the ‘treatment’ in different phases, which I will tell you clearly later. Now you take rest and I will meet you
at 10:00 p.m. for ‘diksha’. Sanjeev will steer you through.

Sanjeev: Please come Madam.

We went to a cozy small room, which Sanjeev referred to as ‘my room’ with an attached toilet, where I found a
very large mirror, where one can see almost the full figure, which seemed quite unusual to me, as we generally have
small mirrors in bathrooms. There was also a clean white towel, soaps, toothpaste, etc. nicely kept as is in a hotel.
In the room there was a cot, a dressing table with comb, hair-clips, sindoor, bindi, etc., a chair and a cupboard in
that room. Sanjeev gave me a cup of milk and some snacks to eat.

Sanjeev: Madam, you take rest and let me know if you need anything extra apart from what is available here. Then
after an hour I will come and take you for ‘diksha’, which is actually the sterilization process of your mind and body.
That is the starting point of your journey to reach your goal Madam. By the way, if you can hand over your bag as I
will check and allow only those as per ashram rules to be kept along with you.

I was a bit taken aback by the last part of his words, especially “I will check”.

Me: I have brought nothing as you said.

Sanjeev: But still Madam, I have to check. Don’t be shy here. I will be with you throughout your stay here.

He took my bag without waiting for my permission. He took out the money-purse from it. Then he took out the
couple of white brassieres that I have brought with me and put them on the bed. I was looking at the floor in utter
shyness that an unfamiliar male was handling my inner wears. Now he took out a blue panty and waited sometime
and held it in the air as if he was trying to guess how that little thing can hold my pumpkin like ass. Thankfully he
did not look at me and then took out some handkerchieves, and the spare sari, blouse and the petticoat that I had
brought. Finally he took out one last item, my white panty, and put that on bed too.

Sanjeev: Okay Madam, so I will take your extra sari, blouse, and petticoat and keep that in office as you are not
allowed to wear outside clothing. I will give you the ashram sari, blouse, and petticoat when you will go for ‘diksha’
and also a nightdress for sleeping. Also I am taking your inner wears for sterilization and will return you tomorrow

I had nothing to say, but to nod my head. He took my undergarments and again he stopped a bit on my panty. It was
so awkward for me. Then came the bumper question from him, which turned me red instantly.

Sanjeev: Madam, I will also need your err.. I mean your bra that you are wearing right now for sterilization

Me: But, how can I give it right now… I stammered.

Sanjeev: Madam, I will have to prepare the boiling herbal solution for washing and it takes a lot of time doing that.
So I was asking you to hand me over, it would save time and labour for me.

He was saying in such a cool voice as if it’s so normal. I had really no reasoning for this and had no other
alternative, but to hand over my bra and panty to him. For once it did not struck me that I will have to remain
without my undergarments till the next morning, as Sanjeev said he would return them next morning after
sterilization, and all these males in the ashram would know that very well and its not that I will remain all along in
my room, I will have to go for ‘diksha’ and would have to move around in front of male eyes without my bra on, which
would automatically be a sexy exhibition for any male.

Me: Okay then, if you can come after sometime, I shall hand it over.

Sanjeev: Don’t worry Madam, I will just wait here. How much time will it take to…

He deliberately did not finish as it was very apparent what he tried to say.

Me: Okay, as you wish.

Saying that I went inside the toilet. Sanjeev waited in the room. I noticed that the toilet door was more of a half
door leaving a gap at the top. Soon I realized why it is like that because there was not a single hook in the
bathroom to keep clothes. One has to keep on the door top, that’s why the gap is left there. But soon I also
realized that Sanjeev was there in the room and he would see the clothes that I keep on the door from within the
room. So he will clearly have an idea to what extent I was undressed in the toilet as I keep the clothes on the door.
My ears were getting hot at this thought, but also considered that I must be thinking a bit too much, as they are
after all devotee and lead a sage life.

I faced the door and started opening my sari and quickly unwrapped it from my body. I kept it on the door top and
then started to open the knot of my white petticoat and had to wriggle a bit as it was sticking to my fleshy bottom.
There was a large mirror in the bathroom, as I said earlier, and I saw that my panty was displaying more than
covering my large ass cheeks. This was a problem with me, I tried several brands, but unfortunately every panty
that I wear automatically shrinks towards my ass crack and cover practically nothing of my buttocks. I was truly
looking very obscene like that with my blouse on and panty squeezing in my ass crack. Hence I quickly got out of my
panty and was about to keep it on the door top, but the very thought that Sanjeev must have noticed my sari and
petticoat hanging on the door made me change my mind, as if he sees my panty there, it would be very apparent
that I am now naked. Hence I kept it on the dry portion of the floor and started unbuttoning my blouse and bra to
get completely naked.

It was just the partition of the door between Sanjeev and me and I am stark naked here and he is just a few feet
away behind the toilet door. I turned red and was feeling a flow in my pussy already. I was standing with my blouse
and bra in my hand and noticed that they were soaked in sweat, especially the armpits of my blouse and the cups of
my bra. I kept the blouse on the door top and picked up my panty from floor and observed wet marks on my panty
too. So I thought that I would wash them and then give to Sanjeev for sterilization. At that very moment Sanjeev

Sanjeev: Madam, shall I take your left over garments for a wash and you can wear the spare ones that you have
brought. They must be all sweaty in this humid weather.

The voice was so near, I was astonished. He must be very near the toilet door and have been noticing I am keeping
my sari, blouse and petticoat on the door top! I was a bit shaken by his voice and quickly wrapped the towel around
my completely naked body though I was quite secure behind closed doors of the toilet. I replied in a meek voice.
Me: No, no, its okay.

Sanjeev: What okay Madam, you will feel fresh wearing the new set. But Madam, do not take a bath now, as before
‘diksha’ you have to take a bath.

I gained composure by that time and thought Sanjeev’s idea was better as I need a change of my dress as I had
sweated a lot. Before I could give him a green signal to bring my spare dress, he himself was proactive.

Sanjeev: Madam, I am taking your sari, petticoat and blouse for a wash and will keep the spare one that you have

Giving me no time to react, I saw that the sari and petticoat vanished in a flash from the toilet door top. Now I
have literally nothing to wear except for my inner wear. The blouse also was gone in a moment. I don’t know what he
did with them but his comment shocked me.

Sanjeev: Madam, it seems you sweat a lot in your armpits, the blouse is totally wet there, and the back is also
somewhat wet.

I was dying out of shame now. It means he is checking my blouse at different parts, the armpits, the back, and
obviously the cups, where my twin peaks stay. I am a married housewife, 32-year-old old fully mature woman and
this unknown man was checking my ‘taken off’ blouse! I had to answer something.

Me: Yes, err… I mean sweat a lot.

Saying that and wasting no more time I started washing my bra and panty so that I do not face any more tricky
questions. I also noted that Sanjeev kept my spare clothes on the door top. But the petticoat slipped to my side
from the door top as he kept the blouse over it.

Sanjeev: Sorry Madam. I did not realize that it would slide like that.

Since I was washing, I could not also catch it and it landed on watered part of the floor and instantly my light blue
petticoat turned deep blue soaked in water.

Sanjeev: Madam, I hope it landed on dry floor or is it wet?

I could not tell the truth as it could provoke more lewd conversations.

Me: Its okay. It landed in dry are.

Sanjeev: Still I should have been more careful.

I had finished washing my inner wear and had to take off the towel off my body to dry myself. My free naked
boobs jiggled on every movement I made, which I saw in mirror reflection. As I said, my boobs have not sagged at
all, they stood proud and unknowingly my nipples were already hard and stood up like two grapes.

I took the blouse off the door top and started wearing it. This was after a very long time that I was wearing a
blouse without a bra. Hardly do I remain in the day without a bra and at night I wear a nighty with nothing below,
but a blouse with nothing underneath was a very rare dressing for me. I do not know why the thin material of the
blouse trembled me a bit and to my ill luck, this was a thin, white one and in the mirror I made out that it was
displaying my booby treasures in vivid way. The nipple outlines were clear evident and to my shock both brownish
areolas on my breasts appeared through the white material of the blouse. I was cursing myself for bringing this
blouse, but had now no alternative but to wear it.

Sanjeev: Madam, are you over? I need to attend Guru-ji once now.

I quickly wore the wet petticoat, as I had no other choice and by no means could go in that sari before a male
without the petticoat on, as the sari was quite flimsy. I made all necessary adjustments to hide my upper treasures
with my sari pallu.

Sanjeev looked at me with a smiling face as I came out through the toilet door. There was a step from the toilet
towards the room and when I stepped down on it, automatically my free boobs clasped loosely in the blouse gave a
bouncing effect and I noted that his eyes did not miss that. It was extremely uncomfortable for me to be like this
in front of this male and I tried to wrap up things as quickly as possible. I handed him the washed undergarments. I
was feeling wetness on my smooth buttocks and thighs, as the petticoat that I was wearing was half wet especially
in the buttock area and that was making me more uncomfortable.

Sanjeev: Okay Madam, take rest.

He left and I felt so relieved and quickly closed the room door and got rid of the wet petticoat. This time I did not
open my sari and just lifted it to my waist and untied the petticoat knot. It was sticking to my buttock as it was
wet and I had to struggle a bit to finally slide it over my round ass cheeks. The very sensation of not wearing
anything below my sari was giving me a turn on.

Almost an hour passed, but there was no sign of Sanjeev taking me for ‘diksha’. My petticoat was more or less dry
now and I was thinking of wearing it when there was a knock on the door. I had to say something to the person
knocking as I needed to put on the petticoat.

Me: Please wait, I am opening in a minute.

I swiftly wore the petticoat and flowed the sari over it and opened the door. There was Nirmal standing on the

Nirmal: Madam, Sanjeev said to take you to diksha room. Guru-ji is waiting there.

He was a short statured guy, only probably 5 feet and his eyes were just in the level of my boobs. I was careful not
to show him any unnecessary bouncing of my free boobs.

Me: Okay I am ready. But Sanjeev was saying to take a bath before the diksha…

I could not complete as Nirmal interrupted in between.

Nirmal: Yes Madam, that’s right, but that bath would be with special herbal water in front of Guru-ji.

Me: What?

That was my instant reaction hearing the words “in front of Guru-ji” and I suppose any woman would react like that.

Me: How can I bathe in front of him, I am not a little girl?

Nirmal: No, no Madam, you got me wrong. I wanted to say the herbal waters are specially prepared by Guru-ji and
he chants some mantra on that before you take the bath. There is separate toilet in the diksha room.
Listening to him I calmed down, but he probably got entertained by my reaction.

Nirmal: Madam, who says you are a little girl? He must be a blind donkey.

He paused a bit and then added, “But Madam, you cannot deny that you can look like a little girl if you get back to
your school days uniform.”

He smiled. Nirmal was flirting with me I realized, but to my surprise I was enjoying his words! His comment did not
irritate me. I was feeling hardness again in my nipples and my breasts getting firm hearing a male hinting me to
show up in my school uniform, seemingly knowing the school uniform skirt would not even properly cover my macro-
sized buttocks. Nirmal’s eyes were directly on my taut breasts due to his short height.

I also replied teasingly.

Me: Sanjeev already said your ashram would provide sari for me. I hope you will not come up separately with a
school dress.

Nirmal: Madam, ashram is like a school only. So there is no harm in wearing that. But don’t blame me if you cannot
wear it Madam.

He said laughingly. I do not know why I was dragging this and getting fun out of this useless conversation, but
somehow this short-height Nirmal amused me. During this conversation I completely was out of my mind that why I
have come to the ashram. It was not a fun trip and I was here for a treatment for bearing the child. But the
chronology of events with Sanjeev first and now this amusing Nirmal probably drifted me temporarily.

By then, I could realize my nipples were growing to their full size and my heart beating faster. May be my standing
in front of a completely unknown male in braless state added to it.

Me: You have a point that ashram is like a school only. But why can’t I wear it?

What he replied was the most provocative statement I have ever heard from a male concerning me.

Nirmal: So you agree that the ashram is like a school. So you should have no objection in wearing a school uniform.
But the uniform will be of the size of a schoolgirl because it is a ‘school uniform’. Right Madam?

He paused very briefly looking at my eyes, but his eyeballs roaming frequently on my whole body.

Nirmal: Suppose I bring a school dress for you Madam, the white top and the pleated skirt, I can bet you cannot
wear it as even if you can get your legs into the skirt, it will not go up your hips. Madam, you are very plump there.
And for the top, surely you will not be able to close a single button of the top even if you are braless as you are
right now. So was I wrong Madam if I had said ‘don’t blame me if you cannot wear it’.

I was getting amused by the conversation no doubt, but at the same time was taken aback when he said he knew I
was not wearing a bra directly. It seems the whole ashram knew that!

Me: Umm… But I don’t agree with you. I can wear the skirt surely; the top may be a problem. But thank god! You do
not have the school uniform as the ashram dress code.

I giggled and Nirmal laughed back at me too.

Nirmal was gaining in confidence in his words as he saw me responding to his teasing talks. May be he leads a sage
life, but the way I started showing signs of shamelessness in my conversation probably provoked him. I was really
unsure what I was trying to do, my pussy was already wet and my boobs gaining in firmness. I was also breathing a
bit heavily now. It was difficult for me to stand still, and so pretending to adjust my sari in front of him, I actually
was rubbing my ass to the door.

Nirmal: Madam, now we are getting late, but let us do a trail after your ‘diksha’ is complete. I will bring you a school
dress to try out and then you will agree to my words.

Nirmal is inviting me for a lewd session I could understand. I was also equally fascinated to tease this 5 feet
dwarfish male.

Me: Oh really, you have a school uniform in the ashram. How come?

Nirmal: Madam, one of the devotees of Guru-ji came with her daughter and by mistake has left a packet some days
ago in which there was a school uniform of her daughter along with other clothes. She never came back to take it.
It’s lying in the office cupboard. But Madam lets go now for your diksha, Guru-ji must be waiting.

This was going a bit too far. I never expected a school uniform of a girl in this ashram, but thoroughly enjoying this
dwarf’s pranks.

The diksha room was somewhat bigger than the room I was staying. There were pictures of various gods and
goddesses. There was a throne-like structure where there was a small stature garlanded with lots of flowers and
leaves. The whole atmosphere was smoky as there were several agarbattis burning simultaneously. There was
Sanjeev and Guru-ji in the room. I did get quite nervous coming in that room. Nirmal left the place closing the door
behind me.

Guru-ji: Anita, its time for your diksha. Let me brief you about this. You will take diksha under me, but we are all
serving the Linga Maharaj. We are all disciples of him and you will also become one in a short time. Your diksha is
different from us as you are taking this keeping in mind of a goal of getting pregnant. So it will also not feature
the full rituals. Jai Linga Maharaj. Anita, Linga Maharaj is based on miniature Amarnath of Kashmir. It has supreme
power and if you devote yourself completely to him, he can do wonders for you. But if there is any shortfall in the
dedication, you will not get the desired result. Jai Linga Maharaj

Sanjeev also chanted “Jai Linga Maharaj” and asked me to chant too. I also said “Jai Linga Maharaj”, but never
realized what I was chanting!

Guru-ji: Anita, diksha to Linga Maharaj is cleaning your body and soul. So, first I want you to clean your body. You
go to the toilet, have a bath with the water in the bucket, which is a special mixture of herbs with water and roll
the linga over every part of your body.

Saying that he handed me over the “linga”, which I saw was a black stone made 6-7 inches long one-inch broad
structure with a rather broad base at one end. It was looking like an egg roll, that we have from fast food centers,
but standing on a small base. I was correlating it with an egg roll in my mind, but never could realize Guru-ji was
signifying it with the ‘male linga’ meaning penis!

Guru-ji: Anita, wet your body with the herbal water and then soap with the foam in the mug. Make sure to touch
the linga to every part of your body as you rub soap while bathing.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Since you are taking diksha for childbirth, you chant “Jai Linga Maharaj” three times after touching the
linga on your sex organs.

I nodded my head though was feeling a bit uneasy hearing the word ‘sex organ’ from Guru-ji’s mouth, but my cheeks
turned red like a teenager as Guru-ji elaborated on that.

Guru-ji: Anita, generally women think that sex organ is the vulva or vagina, but actually sex organs relate to much
more. Let me hear first what is your idea of sex organs. Do not be shy, as you must open your mind here.

My heart was beating fast hearing such a question. I was stuttering and searching for words.

Me: I mean those organs err… which are involved I mean in intercourse.

I was unable to speak more before two males naming my sex organs.

Guru-ji: Anita, you have to open up, open your mind, talk freely, and do not keep any inhibition. Okay, just name the
organs where you will chant the mantra.

Now I had to speak and leaving all shyness I narrated what was asked for.

Me: I will chant the mantra on my err… breasts and my pussy.

Guru-ji: Okay Anita. I can understand your shyness. You have named only the two major organs. You said you will
chant mantra when you touch the linga on your breasts, what about your nipples? Do they have any role when you
have intercourse with your husband or not?

I shamefully nodded my head. I was feeling thirsty also. Only moments ago I was trying to tease Nirmal, but now it
seemed I am in more experienced hands!

Guru-ji: What about your hips Anita? Do you not consider it as a sex organ? Does it excite you or not when you are
touched there?

Again I had nothing to say, but to nod. I was looking at the ground and my heart beating fast. But Guru-ji’s voice
was so clam and he was not even once looking at my braless boobs, his eyes were riveted on my face.

Guru-ji: So we tend to miss out so many things, you see. So every part of your body that excites you while having
sex, you should chant the mantra three times. Your breasts, nipples, hips, vagina, thighs, and of course lips. You
need to obey me perfectly to attain your goal.

Sanjeev: Madam, here is your clothes that you will wear after the bath.

He handed me over a saffron sari, blouse, and petticoat. And again there was no undergarment for me to wear. I
went to the bathroom and it suddenly seemed to me that since Guru-ji was sitting on floor it should be a grand view
from him looking at my undulating fleshy ass from that angle as I walked to the toilet. My husband often told me
that my buttocks jerk more attractively if I am not wearing a panty. I also knew that as my buttocks are a bit
heavy, the elastic grip of the panty keeps them in somewhat of a check. This made me more conscious in my walking
and was feeling very, very awkward.

But my mind soon cursed me for thinking in such a way about Guru-ji. I realized that he is a male who is over these
silly things. I was feeling rather guilty the next moment for thinking like that about him.

I entered the bathroom and found the water for my bath, the foam and the Linga. I closed the door only to find
myself in a sea of luminosity! I was certainly very amazed at the lighting arrangement in this toilet. There were two
at least 100-watt bulbs glowing in that small area, which was rather odd. I was almost feeling the heat of the bulbs
in that small area. This toilet door had no top-open business like the one I experienced in my room and also there
were hooks on the door, but I wondered why there was so bright light arrangement in the bathroom.

I got out of my sari, but was feeling very clumsy in that intense illumination, it was like bathing in open daylight. I
unbuttoned my blouse and my mango-like boobs sprung out free and stood stiff. I was naked the next moment as
the petticoat found the hook at the toilet door. I started bathing as I was instructed with the herbal water, which
had a hypnotic scent. I foamed myself and then took the Linga, which was not heavy at all though made of stone. I
touched it on my left breast and said “Jai Linga Maharaj” as was directed by Guru-ji. As it touched my naked
breast, for a moment I felt like a male hand touching my globe. I shivered momentarily and then touched it on my
right breast too and said “Jai Linga Maharaj”.

I never was for a moment able to guess that this whole bathing session with me touching my naked buxom and
fleshy 28-year-old body with the Linga and saying ““Jai Linga Maharaj” was actually filmed on tape and that was
the reason why there were a couple of high power bulbs glowing in the toilet.

I finished my Linga action all over my body including my pussy and ass cheeks. I was feeling rather hot doing this
even after the bath. I dried myself with the towel and started getting into the saffron ashram attire.

Even initially I was having doubts regarding this, now it confirmed when I tried to wear it. The blouse was fairly
tight when I tried to button it. I doubt this was a 32-size blouse. The cutting etc. of the blouse though was very
decent, but I had to struggle to get my twin globes into it, as the cups were rather small. I am sure if I had worn a
bra, it would have been impossible to button it fully. Somehow I managed to wear it, but could not button the top
hook of the blouse, it was so tight there and ample fair cleavage remained exposed over my blouse. I made sure
that the pallu covers it fully and went out of the toilet.

Guru-ji: Good, so you are done with your bath. Did you do as I said Anita?

Me: Yes Guru-ji. I said “Jai Linga Maharaj” three times as you instructed.

Guru-ji: Okay, now sit down here and worship to Linga Maharaj.

He started performing puja chanting several mantras and sometimes with my name and clan included. I sat there
with closed hands and worshipped to Linga Maharaj about a successful treatment under Guru-ji and conceiving soon.
Sanjeev was also there helping Guru-ji perform the puja. The puja for diksha went for almost half-an-hour and at
the end Guru-ji came up to me and put a red tilak on my forehead and I respectfully touched his feet. As I bent
down, I realized that my blouse got stretched and carved more on my matured boobs, giving me a feeling that the
hook would break any moment. Thankfully that didn’t happen saving me from more embarrassing moments.

Guru-ji: Now your diksha is complete. You are a disciple of me and devoted to Linga Maharaj. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji: Tomorrow morning we will meet at 06:30 am and I will let you know of your routine in the ashram and your
treatment plan. You can go now Anita.

I went out of the diksha room and went to my room with Sanjeev accompanying me.

Sanjeev: Good night Madam, I will call you at 06:15 am and will also deliver your sterilized undergarments. Nirmal
will come with your dinner.
I was feeling very fresh I do not know why may be after that herbal water bath and was very pleased the way
Guru-ji performed the puja. I took rest on the cot for sometime.

Knock! Knock!
Someone was knocking at my door. Since I was lying alone and the blouse that Sanjeev gave for me to wear was too
tight, I had opened the hooks and was resting in that fashion, I swiftly buttoned the last three hooks of my blouse
and wrapped my sari round me. The first two hooks remained open leaving almost half of my breasts oozing out
above my saffron blouse. I was anticipating Nirmal and no one else now, it was nearly 10 o’ clock at night, he must
have come with the dinner.

My guess my correct and it was the dwarfish disciple, Nirmal, but my other guess was wrong. He did not come with
the dinner!

Nirmal: Madam, how was the diksha?

Me: Okay, I really liked Guru-ji’s puja.

Nirmal: Jai Linga Maharaj. Keep faith on Guru-ji, he will surpass all obstacles in your life.

He was smiling and his overall appearance amused me again. Frankly I was feeling very fresh with the herbal bath
and hot too, as each time I thought of my bathing under such vivid lights, I was getting a faster heart beat. And
now seeing this dwarf male once more, I thought of teasing him.

Nirmal: Madam, shall I bring the dinner for you?

Me: No, its only 10:00, I generally have dinner after 10:30 p.m.

I paused and little and then continued without giving him a chance to speak.

Me: But going back to our previous chat, you know, Nirmal, I later thought on your words and you were very right!
The size I have grown to, I cannot wear a school uniform skirt. So I take back my words.

It was worth seeing Nirmal’s face. It was as if ‘haat aya par muh na laga’ type situation for him. The dwarf was
looking so desperate and looked even funnier now. He did not expect that I would not allow him a chance on the
school uniform topic at all.

Nirmal: Bur Madam, I mean… you said you would try once.

Me: Yes that was my initial thought, but I buy your words that I would not be able to wear a school skirt, as it will
be too tight for my figure.

I avoided direct words denoting to my full-sized body like ‘thighs’ or ‘buttocks’. Nirmal was looking as if he has lost
something very precious, but I did not want to discourage him fully and altered the topic.

Me: But Nirmal, I am having a different problem. Can you sort that out?

Nirmal’s face was still miserable, to say the least, but he looked up to listen to my problem.

Me: Actually the blouse that Sanjeev have given is not fitting me at all. Can you bring me another one?
Nirmal’s eyes as if lit up! He probably thought my twin mangoes would be a more enjoyable sight for him rather
than my pumpkin ass.

Nirmal: Didn’t Sanjeev give you a 32-size blouse?

My eyebrows went up! He knows the size I told to Sanjeev in my interview privately. Everybody in the ashram
knows my boob size is 32!

Me: Yes, but it is very tight. I doubt it is of proper size.

Nirmal: No, no Madam. The size is right for sure as we have separate bunch for each size.

Me: Can’t be Nirmal, I use 32 blouses for the last two years, but why this one is so tight here?

I subtly pointed my hand to my fully developed milk tanks, as I wanted to provoke him a bit. Nirmal also took the
opportunity and his face was again looking humorous with his jaws slightly drooping down.

Nirmal: Madam, since these are readymade blouses, you are feeling the tightness.

I was yet again getting peculiar fun playing with words with this middle-aged dwarf. I had neither talked to any
male like this before, not had been in such a situation as in this ashram.

Me: Nirmal, it’s so tight, I could not button the top hook.

Nirmal now looked directly to my youthful braless boobs and seemed as if he was trying to visualize my posture
standing in front of him with the top hook open of my blouse. And in fact, if I actually had pulled my sari pallu down
my condition was hugely indecent. I was not wearing a bra and through the ultra-tight blouse my nipples were
distinctly visible and since the top hook of my blouse was open, I was advertising adequate cleavage show.

Nirmal: Oh Madam, then its really a problem. How can you be in that position? Shall I arrange another one for you

He seemed so worried for this housewife!

Me: Its already nighttime Nirmal and I will take my clothes off and wear the nightgown. So I do not require
another blouse now.

I wanted to see his reaction to such direct comments. His comic facial expression was added on by a slight bulge in
his crotch area. I felt a raced beat in my heart noticing this.

Nirmal: Okay Madam. You can change in my absence and by that time I will bring you the dinner.

It was a crafty thinking from Nirmal’s part I thought for his visual pleasure, as he knew I had no undies to wear
and would look rather sexy that way in any nightdress whatsoever. I nodded to him, thinking that if I do not look
decent enough, I will not wear it in front of him. He went off to bring my dinner.

I closed the door behind Nirmal and went to the cupboard where the nightdress that Sanjeev gave was kept. I
seriously did not notice it previously. Now taking it in my hands I felt pretty secured that it was not any flimsy
dress. It was also saffron colored, coarse material cloth stitched like a short nighty. It was with sleeves, thank
god, and appeared decent to me though the length was short.
I did not go to the toilet as the room door was closed and started changing into it. I was nude in a flash and was
much relieved opening that tight blouse though a couple of hooks were open throughout Nirmal’s presence. My
boobs were actually paining as the blouse cups were very tight on my youthful peaks. I wore the nighty over my
head and looked in the mirror. The rough materials of the nighty touching my nipples made them harden instantly.
Never in my life did I get a turn on so many times in a day like this.

Little did I know then that this was nothing in comparison to what’s been waiting for me!

The dress was quite flowing and as the material was thick enough, my mature figure was not very evident through
it. The dress ended just below my knees and hence I was not feeling too much exposed. After having looks at my
figure wearing the nighty from different angles, I was quite convinced that am not looking vulgar without my
undergarments. The only problem was my swollen nipple impressions, which no one standing in front of me could
miss, especially any male. But I thought there was no way I could hide that and waited for Nirmal.

In no time, Nirmal was back. He was holding a tray that had my dinner, which included chapatis, dal, and vegetable.
He was ogling at me I noticed and I tried to limit my movements to restrain the jiggling movement of my round,
freely hanging breasts.

Nirmal: I can wait and you can have your dinner and if you want anything more I can bring that.

Me: So kind of you Nirmal.

I pulled the table on which the dinner was kept near the cot and sat on the cot to have the food. But as soon as I
sat I became very conscious as my nighty rose up a fair distance exposing my knees completely. And without even
looking up to him, I could bet Nirmal’s eyes were glued to my exposed legs and knees.

Nirmal: Madam, you take your dinner and I will sit here.

Saying that without even giving me any chance to stop, he sat on the floor some feet away from me. Initially I
thought that since they lead a sagacious life, they are habituated to sit on the floor and moreover, there was no
chair in the room, so Nirmal sat on the ground. But the next moment I comprehended the wickedness of this dwarf.
Being a small man his eye level is itself much lower than normal males and now sitting on the floor, he was actually
getting an upskirt view.

I was extremely alert the next moment, as I was not wearing a panty even and closed my legs as far as possible. I
tried to stretch the cloth of the nighty a bit lower, but my plump ass was not allowing that. I looked down at Nirmal
and his eyes were on my legs, but there was a dissatisfied facial expression also as I had closed my legs and believe
me, it again made me smile. It was so funny looking.

I finished my dinner as quickly as possible and went to the toilet to wash hands. Since Nirmal was seated still, he
enjoyed a very appealing rear view of my swaying buttocks in that short nighty from a low angle, which was
accented when I had to bend to pick up the towel from the floor, which was kept for drying purpose, but dropped
somehow from the wall hook. Believe me, it was not a deliberate effort from my end at all, but that dwarf was
lucky enough to get an unrestricted view of my prominent inviting ass cheeks as the material of the nighty
stretched as I had to bend down.

Nirmal left within some moments after that with the tray and bid me “good night”. But his eyes said as if he was
rewinding my bending down posture in his mind. I was feeling very uncomfortable as a woman. When he left, I went
to bed, but was restless. I was constantly thinking did I cross the limit in front of Nirmal, what did he saw actually,
was I looking too indecent in that bent position? Ultimately I got out of bed and went to the toilet straight and
reproduced the scene before the mirror, as the toilet-mirror was almost life size, as I told before.
I bent down to touch the wet floor of the toilet and looked through my legs at the mirror behind. Oh my god! I am
looking so very tempting in that pose with my full round buttocks on display with my nighty rising up as well
exposing my fair legs adequately. Any male would love to see a matured woman in that compromising pose. I was
shocked to see a slight hint of my long ass crack also through the nighty! It was natural though as I was not
wearing a panty. I was feeling so ashamed, so guilty, and cursed myself. After some moments I went to bed
somewhat dejected with me and with the mantra to be ‘more careful’ on the future days in the ashram. I muttered
“Jai Linga Maharaj” for my actual goal, of conceiving a child, several times before going to sleep.

“Madam, Madam!”
I woke up hearing that voice. It took a bit of time to regroup myself from sleep, pulled down the nighty, which had
pushed up exposing my fair and firm thighs and got out of bed. It was a female voice! I was really surprised by that
as I did not see a woman there at least yesterday, nor did I notice that on the first day when I came to the
ashram with my mother-in-law. I opened the door and there stood a middle-aged plump woman with a smiling face.

“Madam, my name is Meenakshi. I am Guru-ji’s disciple. I did not meet you yesterday as I was out of station for
some days and had reached this morning only.”

I looked at her now attentively. Meenakshi was elder than me in age, probably 35, somewhat dark in complexion
with an oval face with very prominent womanly assets. She was wearing the ashram dress code. I asked her to come

Me: Oh! A bit of relief seeing a woman here.

Meenakshi: Madam, there is no difference in male and female here. Guru-ji treats every disciple equally. So you
don’t worry at all. Jai Linga Maharaj.

I also chanted the ashram theme mantra and asked her to wait, as I wanted to go to the toilet first. When I came
back to the room, I found Meenakshi had already cleaned and prepared my bed and was cleaning the room with a

Meenakshi: Madam, please get ready quickly as we need to be in front of Guru-ji at 06:30 am. Here are your
sterilized undergarments. Sanjeev handed over to me as they are dry now.

Me: Thanks a lot. You know yesterday the whole evening I was braless in front of these males. Think of my
condition. And to make things worse, I really had a torrid time with this blouse yesterday.

Saying that I pointed the blouse to her. She smiled.

Meenakshi: Yes, Nirmal told me its cups are smaller for your breast size.

I was bewildered time and again seeing the porousness of each event in the ashram! Everyone knows everything
here regarding me! Did Nirmal also tell everyone what grand view he got of my ass as I bent in front of him? I was

Meenakshi: But no problem Madam, take Guru-ji’s permission and I will do the needful.

Me: For a change of blouse size, do I really need to bother Guru-ji?

Meenakshi: Yes Madam, as per ashram rule we need to inform any change to Guru-ji, even if it is related to our
I showed her how awkward my position was as I was unable to button the two upper hooks of my blouse.

Meenakshi: Madam, you look very appealing with the buttons open. Your ones are standing erect even without the

I blushed, but felt proud. I have got this compliment before also.

I turned from her now and wore my bra. It seemed I was wearing it after an era, though it was only few hours on
last evening. I felt so secured wearing that and hastily wriggled up my panty with both hands to my waist and
completed wearing my sari in another couple of minutes.

Closing the door, we went ahead to Guru-ji. As Meenakshi walked in front of me I appreciated in my mind even
being a female of her heavily swinging hips below her sari. Though she looks very round in every part of her body,
starting from her face, her boobs, and obviously down her bottoms, she seemed very agile and walked at a brisk
pace and I was hurrying on to keep pace with her.

Guru-ji was sitting in a meditation position and welcomed me with a smiling face. There was no other disciple
present then. Within the next couple of minutes before Meenakshi left the room what I saw was totally
unbelievable to my eyes. I have never seen such things done so openly!

Meenakshi: Guru-ji before you start talking to Anita, will you please listen to a problem of mine?

Guru-ji: What is it Meenakshi?

Meenakshi: Guru-ji, I had an acute pain last night in my waist and now though the pain is very less, I am still

Guru-ji: Hmm. May be some sort of muscle ache, unless you have injured anything. Let me see. Come here.

Guru-ji was sitting on the floor. We were standing some feet away. Now I remained still and Meenakshi went
forward and stood absolutely in front of him. To tell the truth the situation was such that Guru-ji’s face was just
in front of Meenakshi’s honey pot. Then she turned back and faced me. Now her heavy buttocks were almost
touching Guru-ji’s face! Now I saw Guru-ji stretched both his hands from that sitting position and touched her at
the waist first and asked about pain. Meenakshi nodded.

Then what Guru-ji did turned my ears hot even. He started palpating Meenakshi’s hips quite directly over the sari
with both hands. As I was standing at an angle I could see every movement of Guru-ji’s hands on Meenakshi’s hips.
First it was light palpation and then after a moment he was virtually kneading both ass cheeks with both hands. It
was looking more arousing as Guru-ji was doing this from a siting posture! Meenakshi’s rear portion was very round
and copious in regard to any woman and thus Guru-ji’s palms even when stretched fully to press were unable to
cover it fully. I was quite surprised to see Meenakshi’s face, which was so normal. This went for a few moments
though and before Guru-ji stopped, I noticed he just squashed her firm ass cheeks with both hands as a final
squeeze. Meenakshi was standing still so far, but due to the heat that must have generated in her due to such
vigorous ass fondling moved about a bit and faced Guru-ji.

Was I unnecessarily thinking dirty about Guru-ji? My mind consoled me that this might be the process to trace the
culprit muscle causing pain in the hips. But whatever, the way was very direct and definitely this should not be done
in front of others, as it might lead to a wrong thinking.

Guru-ji: Meenakshi, you need to use hot compress on your hips and waist and take this medicine twice daily.
Saying this, Guru-ji pulled out a box from his side and opened it and I saw there are at least 40-50 small bottles
containing medicated colored solutions. Meenakshi left the room taking the medicine. Guru-ji now turned to me and
asked to sit.

Guru-ji: Sorry Anita to keep you standing. I hope you are feeling much better now getting back your

He smiled looking at my eyes. I nodded subtly feeling the natural shyness to such comments, though I must admit
that I am slowly getting familiar to it.

Guru-ji: Anita, from today I will start your treatment. Jai Linga Maharaj.

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj.

Guru-ji: Let me get some more details from you regarding your married life. Don’t be shy and do not hide anything.
The mind must open up. You should tell me or ask me about anything and everything that comes to your mind. Your
issue is such if you do not open up, your treatment will not be perfect.

I nodded again.

Guru-ji: I just noted shyness in you when I mentioned about undergarment. Why Anita? Till such time you feel
these are natural and normal things, your diksha is incomplete. As you are wearing a bra, I am wearing a brief under
my clothes. What is there to be shy of, tell me?

Me: Err… Yes Guru-ji. Nothing.

Guru-ji: Okay. How many times in a week did you copulate?

Me: Twice a week in general.

Guru-ji: Did you get full satisfaction after the intercourse?

I nodded my head.

Guru-ji: Did you feel you were fully aroused Anita while doing it or did you feel it could have been a longer process
or a different style or anything of that sort?

Me: No Guru-ji. I never felt like that.

Guru-ji: Okay, then apparently most things are normal and mostly as you have regular periods. Tell me Anita, in one
session how many times did you copulate? Once or more than once.

I was already feeling hot in the ears and my cheeks had turned red too out of womanly nervousness answering such
things to a male.

Me: In the first few months of marriage twice, but for the last one year, its once only.

Guru-ji: Anita, in the earlier days, did you have discharge from your vagina twice? Were they amounted the same?

Me: Yes, but frankly speaking on some days, I did not discharge the second time, but my husband discharged.
Guru-ji: Hmm. Do you discharge heavily?

Me: No, not much. I mean…

My nervousness was gulping me from saying such private things.

Guru-ji: Tell me Anita. Regroup your words and open your mind.

Me: Actually I feel till now a days also that there is something ‘hot’ that remained within me and did not come out
even after the process is over.

Guru-ji: Okay Anita, relax. I have got the needful information.

There was silence for some moments, as Guru-ji closed his eyes and was meditating.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj. Look Anita, your pregnancy will come only if you discharge more during intercourse.
What I gathered it seems you are not getting aroused enough to get total discharge of your fluids. This often
happens to couples, which is not very concerning. But the concerning part can be if even if you are aroused fully,
your vaginal discharge is inadequate.

Guru-ji gave a pause as if inviting the natural question from me.

Me: If it’s not adequate, what happens Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Look Anita, if discharge is scanty, the number of ovum produced is also less and the pregnancy chance
decreases significantly. But be relaxed my dear, as there are ways to pull out your full vaginal discharge and also
herbal medicines to enhance it. But you need to obey my guidelines in toto.

Me: Guru-ji I would do anything to get pregnancy. I am really frustrated now. I will do exactly as you order.

Guru-ji: Good Anita. But remember it’s easier said than done. The first thing I will need is the measure of your
vaginal discharge. Do you masturbate?

I was feeling thirsty now. I have never in my life faced such a question and was really feeling very, very
embarrassed. I never tried such things. Whatever happened was natural with me. Its not that I didn’t get
discharges before marriage, but they were all natural, through dreams mostly, and at times some brushing or
groping in trains, buses, etc. and thinking about them later in bed with a pillow may be.

But now I was feeling puzzled how could I get a full vaginal discharge, as for that I need to be aroused fully, only
imagination would not lead to that. Most importantly, my husband is not here also.

Me: Yes, Guru-ji, very few times do I masturbate and the discharge also is very less.

Guru-ji: Anita, you need to do exactly as I say. I need the measure of your vaginal discharge and based on that
further treatment will be planned.

Me: But Guru-ji, without my husband… I cannot lie down with…

Guru-ji: Anita, what are you thinking I don’t know? Are you expecting that I will ask you to lie down with another
man to get your full discharge? I know you are a housewife and your social limits.
I nodded and was somewhat assured now. But still I was not clear how would I get fully aroused if I do not lie down
with a male!

Guru-ji: The first part of the treatment is mind control. You have to only respond to actions on your body naturally
and wipe out everything else from mind. Do not think who is with you, where you are, but just respond normally to
situations that I will give you. Control your mind to the actions only. It will be done so very naturally, just like we
are talking now and so don’t worry at all, it’s just a treatment process. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I nodded to Guru-ji though perceived little about what exactly will be the treatment like.

Guru-ji: Let me summarize for you what will be the plan. First the medicine part. You will take this herbal drug in
the morning after your first urine in empty stomach and at bedtime. The dosage is written on the bottle. Okay?

I nodded taking the medicine bottle from him.

Guru-ji: This is the second herbal extract that you will always take when you will go out of this ashram. And here is
an oil with which you need to massage your full body before taking bath in the noon. And every shower you take
must be with herbal water as you did during your diksha. I feel you start applying the oils from tomorrow, and not

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I felt very fresh after the herbal water bath.

Guru-ji: Yes, the herbal extract helps to rejuvenate your organs and energy level. But remember that the oil I just
gave you must not be applied on your breasts. For that, this is the oil, which should be used. I hope there will be no
confusion if you can remember that the breast massage oil is green in color. Okay?

I nodded like an obedient student. I could realize my nipples jumped up within my bra hearing the words “breast
massage” from a male.

Guru-ji: Anita, you will get the guidelines regarding your massage from Rajkamal. You have probably not conversed
with him because he remains busy most of the time, as he is the ashram cook.

Me: Yes Guru-ji. I have not talked to him though saw him yesterday when I came here.

Guru-ji: And now for the mind control part. This is very important. You keep this special soaking pad and wear it for
the next couple of days whenever you go out of the ashram.

Guru-ji handed me over a small white square shaped cotton pad, which looked like a big handkerchief folded to
form a square. I was in a dilemma what to do exactly with it though Guru-ji said to ‘wear it’.

Me: How do I wear this Guru-ji?

I probably asked the most silly question of my life!

Guru-ji: Anita, I already told you that I must know how much discharge you are having when aroused and this is a
specialized pad with a measuring litmus paper within it, which will enable me to gauge that. You will have to place it
within your panty over your pussy hole.

My ears turned red instantly hearing this. I avoided eye contact from Guru-ji out of womanly shyness. Hearing the
words “panty” and “pussy” directly from a male made my condition worse, as the nipples grew more and so were my
copious upper treasures giving me a tighter sensation, as my blouse was already stretched enough.

Guru-ji: Put it within your panty in such a way Anita so that it does not get shifted. It needs to soak every drop so
that I get the correct measure. I hope you can manage that.

I nodded right away looking at the floor and wanted to end this discussion desperately. I felt like if I allowed more
on this topic, Guru-ji might ask to lift my sari to my waist and he would actually put his hand within my panty to
show me how to wear this pad.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I got your point.

Guru-ji: Fine. Anita, I want you to have at least two orgasms per day for today and tomorrow. Remember, every act
that you will face might seem to be highly outrageous, but is actually a part of your treatment. So you must be
taking it sportingly and allow for the incidents to happen in its natural path. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj.

Guru-ji: Anita, I also want you to participate in daily chores that we do. If you feel, you can help in the kitchen.
Similarly if you feel, you can participate in pastime like yoga, swimming etc. in the afternoon.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I will definitely do that which would suit me.

Guru-ji: You can go now Anita. You will get instructions from me via my disciples what to do, where to go, etc. Have
faith in Linga Maharaj.

Me: Thanks Guru-ji. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I went out of his room and went back to my room. I was still tense about the mind control part. As Guru-ji said, I
have to ‘take it sportingly’, but obviously being married was pretty much worried to experience two orgasms in a
day without my husband. I only had such intense sexual pleasures in the early part of my marriage days. I consoled
myself at the same time that there is no other way out, as Guru-ji needs to know if my discharge is normal or not.

At around 10:00 am Nirmal came tapping at my room door. By then I already had a herbal bath. It was so
refreshing and bathing in front of the life size mirror in my toilet was as if making me more shameless. The general
10-minute long bath got extended, as I stayed nude there for some more time appreciating my youthful figure in
the mirror. Before that I went to the kitchen and got introduced with Rajkamal and helped him with some
vegetable cutting also.

Nirmal: Madam, please get ready. Guru-ji said to take you to the tailor as you are having problems with your blouse

Me: But I did not tell Guru-ji in the morning about this. How did he know?

Nirmal: Meenakshi told Guru-ji.

I thanked in my mind to Meenakshi. She saved me from taking such an intimate issue to Guru-ji. And the way Guru-
ji asks direct question would have been another blushing episode for me.

Each time I see this dwarf I feel amused. I noted that his eyes were roaming more on the lower portion of my
figure. Realizing that I consciously avoided turning my back to him while talking.
Me: Where is the tailor? Does he stay in the ashram?

Nirmal: No Madam. But not far at all, it’s only five minutes walking from here. Madam, I will not go with you; Uday
will come and take you, as he is dedicated for outside visits.

Me: Okay Nirmal. You can send Uday.

Nirmal: Madam, please make sure to take the medicine before going out of the ashram and to wear the pad.

He left the place with a wicked smile. I was again taken aback. This nitwit also knows that I need to wear the pad
within my panty!

I closed the door and had the medicine as per dosage and then went to the toilet with the pad. Since I need to
place the pad securely, I decided to get out of the sari and petticoat completely. So again I had to strip to an
almost bikini posture as I had my bath only sometime ago. I pulled my panty half way down my fair buttocks and
placed the pad covering my pussy hole and pulled the panty up again. The touch of a foreign body on my pussy
instantly gave me a turn on. But I tried to distract my mind from it and quickly wore my petticoat and sari. My
blouse as usual clung to my tight boobs with the upper hooks open, but at least I felt assured that I would get a
proper blouse to wear, as I need to stay here for 5-7 days now.

Uday had a charming personality, but with a very well built body. He told me he teaches yoga here and is very
active in sporting events like kho-kho, kabbadi, swimming, etc. Any woman would like his physical structure and
honestly I also appreciated in my mind his physique. We went out of ashram and took the way by the big pond just
outside the ashram. I noticed there was not much residence, only a few and very scattered.

As I tried to walk swiftly to match Uday’s steps through the grass filed, I began facing my common problem. I
clearly felt my panty sliding off my smooth buttocks and getting shifted to a side due to my speedy walk. I know in
no time it will roll into my ass crack if I do not walk slowly. Though the pad was secure in the front, I felt very
uncomfortable within even though this was nothing new to me, as it’s the same story with almost all panties I wear.
I had no other option but to walk a bit slowly and thankfully Uday did not ask me why I decelerated.

Soon we reached the tailor’s place. It was a small hut, so to say. As we knocked an elderly man came out. He must
be at least 55-60 years, almost my father’s age. He was wearing thick spectacles and was wearing a lungi. He
appeared very feeble.

Uday: Master-ji, our Madam is having some problem with her blouse, can you see if you can correct that.

Master-ji: But I right now I am busy taking measurements. It will take some time.

Uday: Okay Master-ji, she will wait for a while.

The tailor looked at me. His eyesight seemed to be weak, as he looked quite a while at me through his thick glasses.
At that time another man came out of the house, he was middle aged, may be around 40, very thin, also wearing a

Master-ji: Ramlal take Madam inside. I am coming from toilet.

Uday whispered in my ears that Ramlal was Master-ji’s brother, who helped him in his tailoring and that they can
stitch a blouse in only a couple of hours. Since it took at least a week to sew a blouse by our town’s ladies tailor, I
was quite impressed hearing it.
Uday: Madam, I really have nothing to do here now. I would advise you to get a new blouse stitched by Master-ji. I
will go to the village and pick you up from here in an hour.

I nodded knowing nothing what waited for me there and Uday was gone.

Ramlal: Come with me Madam.

His voice was very harsh and he looked rough too. He was ogling like most males at my upright breasts. He led me to
a very small room. There was a sewing machine at the right side, a sari hanging diagonally on the left, and a heap of
colored clothes. The room was undoubtedly humid, as there was no ventilation except the door. A dim bulb
illuminated the room and a table fan was giving air. Since I came from outside, it took some seconds to get
accustomed to the light and I noticed a girl was standing there also at one corner.

Ramlal: Sorry for the inconvenience Madam. There is not much space here. Master-ji will finish taking the
measurements of this girl and then attend you. You sit on this stool till such time.

I was about to look intently at the girl who was standing at the corner of the room, but saying the above Ramlal
forwarded me the stool, but kept on holding to that. I was rather irritated by his act, because if I sit now I will
have to put part of my buttocks on his fingers and naturally I reacted heatedly.

Me: What is this? How can I sit if you hold the stool like this?

Ramlal: Madam, don’t get angry please. I am not sure if it can take your weight. Yesterday only one toppled and got

I understood and smiled on my own seeing the condition of the stool.

Me: Yes, your stool looks like you in health.

The girl who was standing there also laughed at my comment. Ramlal of course smiled big like a rascal showing his
teeth, but did not remove his fingers from the stool top and I had to sit on that as he was supporting it. I was
conscious enough not to sit on his fingers directly, but the position was such, his fingers got partially pressed
between my firm ass cheeks and the wooden tool as I sat. I cannot say about Ramlal’s feeling, but I bet he must
have enjoyed the roundness of this 28-year-old housewife, but the very contact of male fingers on my smooth
bottom triggered my heartbeat. I promptly compelled him to leave the stool and adjusted on it myself.

I looked at the girl now. She was a teenager wearing a ghagra-choli. Clearly she was not wearing a bra and her
nipples were quite evident through her thin blouse. I looked at Ramlal’s eyes to see whether he was eyeing them,
but was shocked to find he was instead eyeing my cleavage! I instantly adjusted my pallu, which was displaced, to
conceal my cleavage and to stop the free show he was getting due to the two open hooks of my blouse. By this time
Master-ji was back.

Master-ji: Madam, sorry to keep you waiting. I will finish within five minutes.

Then what happened in the next five minutes was more appalling and I had never seen such offensive thing done in
a tailor shop in my life. Master-ji went up to the girl who came for a choli stitching and took all measurements with
his hands, I mean stretching his fingers! There was no tape, though there was a measurement string. I was
dumbstruck. Master-ji took all measurements starting from her sleeves, her shoulder, her back, her armpits, and
obviously her twin cups with his fingers and Ramlal verified that with the measurement string and jotted down in a
notebook. I noted that the girl was quite nonchalant in spite of continuous stroking and touching of her youthful
boobs by Master-ji. I felt my heart would miss a bit when Master-ji took a measurement with his thumb poking
exactly the girls’ upright nipple and his middle finger touching her boob base.

The measurement was over soon and the girl went away. Now I had to ask the obvious to this tailor duo.

Me: Master-ji, why don’t you use the tape for measurement?

Master-ji: Madam, I have more faith in my hands rather than on the tape. I am stitching blouse for 30 years now
and there has been little complaint from my customers. Madam, don’t think since I stay here means I stitch only
for villagers, my blouse go to the metro cities also. I also stitch undergarments for 10 years Madam, and I had no
major complaints on such delicate things also. And all are done based on my finger measurements.

Master-ji seemed determined to convince me about his style of taking measurement.

Master-ji: Madam, look at your side to that heap. All those bra and panty would go to the cities and you would
purchase that in attractive packs from shop. If this method was not correct, could I run this business for such a
long time Madam?

I looked at the heap of colored clothes, which though I noted entering the room, but due to the dim light was
unable to perceive what they were and moreover I came from direct sunlight from outside. Now visibility was clear
and I noticed a heap of brassiere and panty of different colors. I really had no idea that these can be stitched as
well like the blouse.

Me: I thought Master-ji that the undergarments we buy are machine-made.

Master-ji: No Madam, not all. Some like these are hand-made too and these also are hand measured on different

He paused for a second and continued.

Master-ji: Madam since you are from the town, you feel shy seeing me take measurements like this. But believe me
Madam, this actually gives a better fit to the blouse. If I give you an example, you might understand, there are so
many types of toothbrush in the market, isn’t it? Some with an angled top, some with curvy bristles, etc. etc., but
Madam why so many variations? Because the toothbrush is not that flexible moving on our denture unlike our
finger, which is so very flexible.

I was listening curiously now, though he was old and feeble, was explaining in a nice way.

Master-ji: Same is the case here Madam, tape is not the best tool to measure female anatomy. Fingers and hand
flexibility is a better tool.

I was more or less convinced by Master-ji’s narration and did not want to bother too much on this issue. Afterall,
it’s a just five minute measurement session.
Master-ji: Okay Madam. Let us come to your problem now. What is the problem with your blouse? This one also is
sewed by me only.

Master-ji had a smile on his face now. Ramlal by this time was busy with the sewing machine stitching some cloth.

Me: Master-ji though it is 32 size as per the ashram, the cups are too small for me.

Master-ji: Ramlal, give Madam a 34 size blouse to try out.

I was surprised that he did not even bother to see my blouse once to look for the problem.

Me: But Master-ji I wear 32 size.

Master-ji: Madam, when you said you are having problem with the cups, first let me fix that, other things can be
altered in the machine in a minute, isn’t it?

Ramlal searched from the cupboard and came to me with a red blouse. He stretched the material and saw the
blouse cups and looked offensively at my twin peaks and handed me the blouse. This scoundrel’s looks were so dirty!

Ramlal: You go to the back of that sari and change Madam.

Me: But I cannot here change like this…

I was not finding the proper words. The sari cover level was only till my bust line and secondly since the room was
too small the proximity was too close for a woman to change clothes with males present there.

Master-ji: Madam, have you noticed my spectacles? I cannot even see clearly objects a couple of feet away through
these thick glasses. Madam, you are absolutely safe here to change.

Me: No, no, I am not saying that…

Master-ji: Ramlal, bring some tea for us.

That was a masterstroke to convince me. I had little to counter his words now. I did not argue any more and went
behind the sari at the corner of the room. I faced the wall deliberately as the place was so very exposed. The sari
diagonally tied up to wall hooks was not an adequate cover at all.

Master-ji: Madam, there is a lot of dust and dirt on the floor. It would be better if you do the drop your sari on
the floor.

Me: Okay Master-ji.

I said ‘okay’, but found that if I do not drop my pallu on floor, I will have to hold it with one hand, but that way I
cannot change my blouse because I need both hands free to open my blouse hooks and to take that off my body. I
found that only way is to tuck the pallu in my waist and change.

I opened my blouse completely and was in my bra now. I was feeling very relaxed as that Ramlal was not in the room
and took the 34-size blouse off the wall hook and wore it. After putting on all the hooks, I felt the blouse was a bit
loose everywhere, on my cups, on my shoulder and at the base of my boobs too and was not fitting me.

Getting me pallu back on my shoulder I went out in front of Master-ji though knowing very well that Master-ji
would check my blouse and I will again have to drop the pallu off my upper treasures.

Master-ji: I thought it would have been better if you had taken off the sari completely Madam, as I will have to
take check your blouse and you may have to try another one for exact fitting. It will be uncomfortable for you each

There was no need to complete the sentence I thought and interupped.

Me: Yes Master-ji. You are right.

Since Ramlal was not there, I took off my sari in front of Master-ji. I got out of it and Master-ji helped me to hold
my sari so that it does not reach the dirty floor. I was surprisingly not feeling uncomfortable without a sari in
front of an unknown male, especially considering Master-ji’s age and poor eye vision. So now I was more or less in
the same state like the teenage girl whom I saw initially in the room. The only difference being I am wearing my
inner wears, which the girl was not.

Ramlal just then entered the room with tea.

Ramlal: Madam, have this tea, this is a special one with...

He stopped abruptly seeing me in that state. My matured pointed boobs were enough to turn this scoundrel’s head
and through my thin petticoat layer he could probably make out my well-formed thighs also. I thought I should not
give much attention to his looks.

Ramlal: … with ginger Madam.

Ramlal kept the tray on the dirty floor before I could stop him. The floor was not only dirty, but I noted
cockroaches and small rats running around here and there!

Me: Why is the condition of this room such Master-ji?

Master-ji: Madam, I am sorry for that, but in the initial days I tried to kill these insects etc., but this place seems
to be a breeding place of these animals and with time, I am habituated with them.

He smiled though I was not at ease at all in that room with the dirt and the insects.

Master-ji: Have the tea Madam and then I will check your fitting.

Saying that he bent down and picked up a cup and sipped tea. Ramlal was already sipping sitting on the machine. I
also took a couple of steps forward and bent down to pick the cup from the tray on the floor. As I bent, I realized
my blouse was creating a gap with my boobs and my mangoes almost popped over my bra. I knew the valley between
my wheat-colored breasts was getting exposed, but I had to pick up the cup from the floor. So, I tried my best to
hide my deep cleavage with my left hand and picked up the cup swiftly. Seeing me do that I saw Ramlal chuckle. The

Master-ji: Okay Madam, lets check your blouse now.

Saying that he came near to me, within one foot. I was just slightly breathing heavily as a male came so close to me.
He was taller than me and as he looked down at my blouse-covered boobs, with each breath, the top of my boobs
were getting slightly more visible to him over my blouse. I blushed a little on my own.

Master-ji: It looks far from fitting Madam. Let me check exactly how much loose it is.

As Master-ji got closer to me, I could smell the sweat of his body. The smell of male sweat made me took a deep
breath. He started to check the sleeves of my blouse first. He started with my left hand and inserted one finger
through the sleeve end and touched directly on my arm. He continued this for a while and was slowly rubbing his
finger on my left arm while touching the cloth.

Master-ji: Ramlal, sleeves lose by 5 strings. Let me check the back now. Madam, can you turn round and face
Ramlal was noting in a notebook behind me. Now I turned my body to him to face him and he openly gazed at my
erect breasts. How irritating! The room, being small and congested, was hot also and I was sweating now. My
armpits were wet already and I lowered my eyes to note that wet patches in my armpits were evident on the
blouse. At that moment, I almost stirred up at Master-ji’s comment. For a while though I noted that Master-ji was
not touching the back of my blouse despite the fact that I had turned, but I was more concerned about that
Ramlal’s gazes.

Master-ji: Madam, please don’t mind but I must say that your panty is more ill fitting than this blouse.

Me: What?

Master-ji: Madam, madam, please do not get angry at my words. As you turned back the light fell in such a way on
your back that I can clearly see through your petticoat. If you don’t believe my words, ask Ramlal to come this side
and check.

Me: No, no. No need to check anything. I trust your words.

I had to admit that I trust my tailor’s words that he has seen my panty through my petticoat and somehow
resisted Ramlal to come to my backside to check that. My hands automatically went on to my ass out of womanly
shyness and I stupidly tried to cover my round ass with my palm.

Me: But how do you know…

Master-ji thankfully intercepted in between because I did not know what to ask actually.

Master-ji: Madam, I don’t know where from do you buy these, it has shrunk like a rope.

I thought for a while and concluded that there is no harm telling the truth to this old man and the tailor is the only
person who can find a solution for me regarding my panty problem. Thinking on that line, shedding all my shyness, I
told Master-ji about it.

Master-ji: This is not a problem Madam at all. Look at that heap. At least 30-40 panties are there and none of
them would curl up to the center like your one. Ramlal, bring one from there and I will explain the problem to

I was somewhat scared now out of natural shyness to talk regarding my panty in front of two males. I quickly tried
to shift Master-ji’s focus.

Me: Master-ji, please understand my priority. Please fix my blouse first. I cannot stand like this forever. If you
can get this done first…

Master-ji: Right, right Madam, I must finish with your blouse first.

I was breathing quite heavily and automatically standing with my legs spread a little, as I felt wetness slightly
building up in my pussy. Master-ji started to stretch the back of my blouse to see how loose it was. In the process,
he also was rubbing my smooth back with his fingers. I felt he pulled the back of my blouse and I felt his hot
breath on my bare back. Instantaneously his warm touch and breathing made my nipples jump within my bra. I
thought Master-ji must have been clearly seeing my bra strap inside, as he has pulled the back of my blouse a fair
I was feeling a bit uneasy and shifted a bit and by doing that I invited more mess, as my round ass globe directly
hit Master-ji in his crotch area and I felt his firm lund within his lungi poking its head. He also must have felt the
firmness of my full ass. I blushed and giggled on my own thinking the hardness of his lund considering his age.

Master-ji: Madam, it is quite lose at your back too. Ramlal, 7 strings at the back U and 4 strings on the side U.

I nodded in agreement. Master-ji then walked in front of me and he took his face towards my blouse and now being
so near could clearly see my mammaries going up and down. He got his face even closer to my mangoes on the
pretext of checking the fitting. Master-ji was so near to me now that I could feel his breath bouncing off my
boobs. I did not mind anything, as I knew his vision was poor.

Master-ji: Madam, it is lose from the front too.

He said while pulling my blouse a little in the front to see how loose it was from the front. As Master-ji pulled my
blouse, I saw that rascal Ramlal’s eyes almost popped out, as the scene was extremely sexy now.

Master-ji: Madam, now raise your hands up and be in that position as I take the measurement.

I lifted my hands and naturally my firm boobs exposed more over my blouse due to this stretching and more of my
cleavage was on display to these two males. As I was sweating also and with my arms extended, the outline of my
bra was more evident from the front also. Master-ji now put his right middle finger to the side of my heaving left
breast and the thumb extended on almost my nipple. I clearly shivered by this unique sensual hand measurement.
This man was directly touching my boob standing in front of me in the name of measurement and I have to allow
that. Thankfully it was a swift process and then Master-ji brought the middle finger at the center of my breast
where the thumb was and stretched the middle finger to the hooks.

Master-ji: Ramlal, cup one full H and quarter.

Ramlal noted that and also measured the stretched fingers of master-ji with a string and noted that.

Master-ji: Madam, now I need to know how tight you want the blouse to be so that you are comfortable.

I nodded without knowing how he would guess that.

Master-ji: You might feel a bit odd, but that’s my process for first time measurements. Madam, just think as if my
palm is your blouse cover. I will press slowly and you have to only signal me when you are most comfortable
regarding the tightness on your cups.

Oh! My god! What does this old thug say! He plans to cup my breast openly now! And he feels this is ‘just a bit odd’
for a married woman of 28 years. I would slap any male doing that to me. I had to object to this.

Me: But Master-ji is there no other way to…

Master-ji again tried to convince me.

Master-ji: Madam, you are facing this problem with the 32 size blouse ashram gave you. It was measured on a
thinner female than you, so if you do not give the exact size, either it will be lose there or too tight.

Me: Master-ji, actually, I would have been comfortable with a tape. Please.

I said in a pleading voice. I do not know what went through Master-ji’s mind, but he agreed to me!
Master-ji: Okay, okay Madam, if you are not at ease, I will not force you. I will stitch it as per your cup size. It will
certainly be slightly lose or tight and you will have to adjust.

I was so much relieved. And just then happened a frightful incident. Ramlal screamed like anything and jumped to
my side almost colliding with me. Master-ji also went a couple of steps back and pulling my hand held me back.
Initially I did not notice anything, but when I looked at the door, there were a couple of snakes standing there.

Ramlal: It’s a cobra Master-ji. Beware.

Master-ji: Yes, I have seen that. No one should move now.

The snakes were almost guarding the doorway and if they proceed towards us there was nowhere to move, as the
room was too small. The snakes were quite big and slowly moving their heads and seemed to keep a watch on us. I
was very much frightened seeing snakes so close. Ramlal seemed to be also very scared, but Master-ji was
relatively cool. Master-ji said he encountered snakes here before, but never in the room like this. For the next few
minutes, Master-ji tried many ways like making a move towards them or throwing an article to them and virtually
left no stone unturned, but was unsuccessful to turn those snakes away.

I was sweating profusely now, in the heat and also due to fear.

Master-ji: There is only one way we can get rid of these snakes. We need to offer them milk and they might drink
and move away, otherwise any moment they can attack us.

I also thought that’s a good idea and probably the only way to get out of this dreadful situation.

Ramlal: But Master-ji, I have to go out to bring milk for snake, but they are on the doorway and surely would bite
me if I try doing something silly.

Me: Right Master-ji. No one can go out. Then what to do?

Master-ji thought for a while and then said, “Madam, you can only save us from this situation.”

Me? I was very astonished. How can I help out this situation?

Master-ji: Madam, you have the natural milk. Please get out some milk and feed these snakes, then only the snakes
might go.

I was simply dumbstruck!

What does this old ruffian mean? I need to squeeze out milk from my breasts for these snakes! I was getting
confused. But due to this awful situation, I could not even work out in my mind of an alternative too. There were
droplets of sweat on my exposed breast area and I could realize I was sweating more throughout my body due to
this abnormal situation I am in.

Master-ji: Madam, please think with a cool head. Milk will satisfy these snakes and we might be saved. It will take
only some minutes for you to get it from your breasts.

Ramlal: Madam, please. I also have a bowl here for my eating purpose in which you can get out the milk.

I understood the situation, but since I was childless till then, milk formation was not there in my breasts. These
two males did not know that. I had no other way but to reveal that to Master-ji.
Me: Master-ji, I mean err… I do not have a child till now. So, you can understand probably that…

Master-ji was witty enough to get what I meant and exclaimed, “Oh! I can understand Madam, but then the only
hope is also gone!”

I was so thankful that Master-ji understood me at once, but that rascal Ramlal was after me.

Ramlal: But Madam, I have heard if proper sucking is done on the breasts, unmarried females can also produce milk.

Me: Just shut up! Master-ji, please…

Master-ji: Ramlal, don’t talk rubbish. What do you mean? You will suck Madam’s breast and milk will come out? Milk
will only form in Madam’s breasts after she gets pregnant at least once. Didn’t you hear that Madam has not been
pregnant till now.

I was feeling very embarrassed, as Master-ji instead of speaking in general terms, told Ramlal using my direct
example. Me being a matured married woman could not escape the heat hidden in those words and was feeling the
womanly tightness in my boobs. I could not look directly to Master-ji in some shame and had to adjust my bra from
the sides to accommodate my heavy breathing.

Simultaneously I was sweating profusely and my white bra was now very clearly visible over my blouse and below
also, I began to look indecent, as the thin layer of petticoat was now soaked with drops of sweat on my thighs. I
looked down from the corner of my eyes and realized that my petticoat was clinging to my well-formed thighs in a
lewd manner. I pulled and jerked the cloth of the petticoat in a reluctant way so that it did not look very obvious to
these males.

One thing was puzzling for me that the snakes were not approaching us; they both remained stationed at the
doorway only. They were gently swaying their heads standing in an upright position. And due to their strategic
position it was impossible for anyone of us getting out of this room without being bitten by them.

Ramlal: But Master-ji, then what to do?

There was silence for a while and then Master-ji came up with an idea, which was the most bizarre and weird I
have ever heard.

Master-ji: Eureka!

The old man almost jumped and both Ramlal and me were surprised seeing his reaction.

Master-ji: Please listen to me carefully Ramlal. You can save us.

Ramlal looked equally puzzled as me.

Master-ji: Listen to me carefully. I can see only one way of getting the milk and get rid of these snakes. But since
Madam does not yet have developed milk in her breasts, I have this plan.

He paused. I wondered what he is up to!

Master-ji: Madam, these snakes will not be able to differentiate between milk and a white liquid. So what I feel is
we can fool the snakes with a white liquid, which is not actually milk. Ramlal, you will masturbate here and pour your
fluid in the bowl and we will fool the snakes with that white solution.

There was pin drop silence in the room, only the slight hissing of the snakes could be heard. I did not know what to
say. Even though I appreciated in my mind the idea, but looking at the practical angle was highly scared. An
unknown middle-aged lower class male will masturbate in front of me, a grownup lady of 28; that too married!

I was truly feeling very edgy and uncomfortable now and could not counter also as I do not have any alternative way
to get rid of this situation. Giving milk to snake to get rid of them seemed to be the wisest decision to me.

Ramlal: Master-ji, will it work?

Master-ji: Nothing works, Ramlal, till we try. Madam, I know it will be somewhat uncomfortable for you, but as you
do not have the milk in your breast, you can also realize…

Me: I can understand Master-ji.

What would I say more? The very thoughts of this idea was giving me a wild turn on and more so as I was not fully
dressed also for a long time now.

Master-ji: Ramlal, do not waste time, as anytime the snakes may proceed to us.

Ramlal: Master-ji, how can I do it fast? I need the time. I need to think.

At this comment, I could not stop laughing and Ramlal probably was encouraged seeing me reacting positively to
such a ‘hot’ issue.

Ramlal: Madam, this man will not be able to remember when he last did ‘that’, and he is telling me to do it fast.

I again giggled at his comment, which I knew I should not, but I was somehow feeling quite aroused at this
development. Little did I know that the medication, which I took just before leaving the ashram with Uday, also
had its effect on me.

Master-ji: Okay, okay, if needed I will show you what I can still do.

Ramlal: You will surely get a heart attack Master-ji. Am I wrong Madam?

I had to smile and nod at this lower class filthy discussion. Ramlal was now about to start and I was having a
pounding in my heart with my nipples fully taut within my bra. Ramlal turned to the wall and took off his lungi, now
he was in his underwear and vest only. I saw he took both his hands towards his crotch and started with the
process facing the wall. He was time and again turning his head looking at the door too at the snakes.

After some moments he confessed reality.

Ramlal: Master-ji, I cannot think of anything at all. The scariness is more in my mind due to these snakes. My lund
is not getting erect Master-ji.

There was silence. Ramlal was facing us now and he was holding on to his dick within his underwear and I could
clearly make out its position. His underwear was of thin material and I saw his lund was hanging like a big banana.

Master-ji: Hmm. What to do then? Madam?

I had nothing to say and before I could say anything also Master-ji bowled me over.

Master-ji: Okay Ramlal, do one thing. You look at Madam and try to masturbate. Seeing a female should help you.

Me: What?

Master-ji: Madam, if looking at you can help him, let him. We need the milk that’s all.

Me: But Master-ji this is absolutely…

I was feeling so ashamed that my voice choked. My feeble resistance was not enough to stop these males.

Master-ji: Madam please cooperate. Madam, if you feel very shy, you can do one thing, you can turn to the wall and
Ramlal will see you from behind and try to masturbate.

Ramlal: Yes Madam, I will try this.

The rascal was now smiling very wickedly. Seeing no other alternative, I agreed and went a couple of steps towards
the wall and turned my back to Master-ji and Ramlal.

I was almost tongue-tied as I had never been in such a state before or after marriage. I did notice on road or at
gatherings males staring at my erect boobs or my swaying hips, but not such deliberate thing ever happened. Ramlal
must be gaping at my full ass now as I was facing the wall. I remembered while I was combing my hair in our
bedroom once, my husband commented ‘looks a big ripe pumpkin darling’ looking at my petticoat-covered ass. I do
not know if Ramlal was thinking the same. My petticoat string was tied just at the curve of my waist to my hips. I
wish today I had tied it a bit up towards my navel. My bulging ass cheeks must be appearing very alluring and more
so as my panty had long ago curled like a ope in my ass crack.

Ramlal: Madam, you look so beautiful from the backside. Thank god, you are not wearing the sari, it covers so much
of your treasure.

Master-ji: Madam, Ramlal is so correct. You back is very attractive.

Master-ji also now joined Ramlal in praising my figure. I had nothing to say and could only utter, “Please do it fast.”

After a gap of few seconds, there was another request coming from that scoundrel Ramlal.

Ramlal: Madam, still I cannot concentrate, these snakes are moving their head so much that my eyes are going
towards them.

Me: What can I do for that?

I was a bit irritated now, but Master-ji quickly controlled the situation.

Master-ji: Ramlal, you come close to Madam and I will keep an eye on the snakes. Don’t fear. Madam, you also help
him a bit to masturbate quickly.

Me: What more shall I do?

Master-ji: Madam, you can do a lot. Right now, you are only standing like a statue Madam. I think if you can be a
little bit cooperative and can just err… I mean if you can move your waist in rhythm, the work will be easier for

Me: What do you mean Master-ji?

Master-ji: Madam nothing much. Just as the snakes are constantly shaking their heads and keeping an eye on us,
you just hold the wall and move your waist rhythmically just like a dancer. Madam, please consider the situation for
Ramlal also – these poisonous snakes behind and we are asking him to…

Me: Okay, okay I understand.

And what did I understand? That I have to sway my petticoat-covered hips in rhythm so that this scoundrel Ramlal
gets excited and get his lund erect. I thought it’s no use wasting time and started as Master-ji suggested. I lifted
both my arms slightly upwards at the level of my eyes and held the wall and started moving my hips in a flowing way.
I remember my school days when I used to be in dance class and that experience is coming handy today!

Master-ji and Ramlal both exclaimed with positive reactions at my hip movement and I had to tell them that in my
teenage days, I used to take dance lessons. I turned my head for a second and saw Ramlal was in close proximity
now, and his eyes were glued to my swinging ass. I was feeling very, very hot now doing all this. I continued with my
gyration and heard deep breathing of Ramlal at my back, as there was hardly any sound in the room. I myself was
getting horny now and was feeling the tightness in my bra, as the very idea of myself moving my ass like a dancer to
get a male masturbate!

After some moments I heard nothing and felt restless and turned towards Master-ji and Ramlal. I realized that my
pussy had started flowing fluids due to the heat generated in me from this abnormal, but erotic situation. I simply
blushed seeing Ramlal’s erect lund looking like a protruding rod within his underwear and he was constantly stroking
it with both his hands. It was looking certainly very tempting to me, and for that matter, to any matured woman
this is a very welcome sight. Ramlal was slightly taken by surprise by my turning to him and he stammered.

Ramlal: Its err… not done yet Madam.

I was getting thrill now from the situation and I felt like being naughty. I wondered how this was happening within
me? I am such a homely housewife, so conservative in dressing and approach, so shy about exhibitionism, so
sensitive to male touching and groping; little did I know that the medication was also guiding my senses now. Looking
directly to Ramlal’s eyes for the first time probably, I smiled.

Me: How long will it take Ramlal?

Master-ji: Madam, I think he needs a little more assistance from you.

Me: Tell me that Master-ji, I am not an astrologer, I cannot read his mind.

I could not take my eyes off Ramlal’s erect dick. I was feeling really hot now seeing that ‘ready rod’, and I was
breathing heavily, my 28-year-old youthful body getting taut for that lund.

Master-ji: Madam, you just continue your semi dancing posture, and please allow Ramlal to touch you on your…

Master-ji deliberately left the sentence incomplete to see my reaction, he was an experienced man and readily saw
that I had little objection, as by now I was in full womanly ‘heat’.

Master-ji: Madam, I promise he will not touch you anywhere else. I think this will readily get his fluids out of him.
In normal circumstances, I would have given a tight slap if a male wants to touch me on my ass, though it’s not that
unknown males have never touched me there. In the crowded trains or buses, I had no doubt felt their hands over
my sari or salwar on my firm globes, both upper and lower, but it cannot be compared to today’s incident.

Honestly I felt like being touched now. I even felt like removing my blouse and bra completely because of the heat
in the room and also within my body. It not only made my bra wet with sweat, but also my heaving flesh was trying
to as if break the shackles of my undergarment. I readily agreed to the proposal, but obviously tried not to show

Me: Okay Master-ji, as you say, but please do it fast.

I turned to the wall again and started to swing my hips like a dancer holding the wall in front of me. This time I was
more eager to do this action and swung my hips more in a circular fashion. I must be looking awfully vulgar being a
28-year-old woman with a matured figure doing this hip movement wearing a blouse and petticoat and hence
naturally Ramlal was also up to the task in a flash and I felt his grip on my right ass check almost instantaneously.

Ramlal: What a gaand you have Madam. It’s so smooth and firm.

Master-ji: When it looks so good, must be good in taste also.

I heard Master-ji and Ramlal’s chuckles. Ramlal was pinching hard on my macro-sized bottoms each time I swung my
hips to the right and to the left. His pinches fell on my ass cheeks, just covered by the thin petticoat, as my panty
had already bunched up to my ass crack and I was quite sure Ramlal could feel that with his fingers and readily
identified that only the thin layer of cloth was separating his fingers from touching a 25+ lady’s naked ass cheeks.

Master-ji: Madam, you are looking too sexy from the back. Ramlal, you are so lucky.

Ramlal: Master-ji, you do not see these things at this age and better keep an eye on the snakes.

We all laughed at his comment. I was laughing shamelessly stirring my round bottom and getting pinched there at
random by that scoundrel. I thought if someone pulls up my petticoat to my waist, my ass cheeks would surely look
red by this vigorous pinching. My pussy was all wet by now and had a heavy flowing. I realized soon that Ramlal had
taken both his hands off his dick and was stroking my gaand now. He cupped my each ass cheek in each palm and
was squeezing those like an air horn, as I swung my ass with more force now due to his rough fondling.

Master-ji: Ramlal, be quick, the snakes are advancing!

There was an alert from Master-ji. I do not know whether Ramlal at all heard it, as he was so much engrossed in
crushing my gaand with both hands. I was writhing in ecstasy due to this male fondling on my very sensitive organs,
the ass and was muttering in sexual pain. I just then felt Ramlal had taken his palms off my gaand and I thought he
must have heard Master-ji’s alert.

No way. Ramlal was now demanding more! Till such time he was touching and squeezing me and now without even
taking permission, he started pulling my petticoat up from my back exposing my fair legs.

Me: What are you doing. Stop. Stop. Master-ji!

I was enjoying every bit of his touching over my clothes, but now I was suddenly afraid of getting molested by this
ruffian. Before I could offer a substantial resistance, he took the advantage of being at my back and lifted my
petticoat almost to my thighs and grabbed my thighs with his rough hands. His fingers were touching the naked
skin of my midthigh almost and he buried his face on my round ass. It was a very sensuous position for me. A male
grabbing me from behind, pulling my dress above my knees, touching me on my firm thighs, and at the same time
rubbing his face on my gaand! Master-ji did not interrupt and I had to be in this compromising position for some
significant time meekly struggling. L

Lastly I cried out when that rascal bite me on my firm ass cheek over my petticoat and started poking his thick
nose into my ass crack. My panty was already bunched up there and now he was thrusting his nose hard there and
honestly that was a terrific feeling. Simultaneously his hands embraced my naked thighs under my petticoat.

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

I could not take that any more and started cumming heavily. My whole body was writhing in sexual delight and the
pad inside my panty was fully wet now. My resistance was getting weaker and Ramlal seeing the opportunity without
any delay crawled his fingers over my silky thighs and went up and up to touch my most private organ. Though I was
adequately covered by my petticoat on my hips and in the front too, Ramlal’s hands made me naked inside.

I had sexual pleasures with my husband no doubt, but this was entirely different, a new sexual feeling as if due the
abnormal situation buildup and the people. Ramlal also in no time had his fluids coming out of his lund and this time I
had his ‘lund darshan’ also as he poured that hot white fluid into a bowl. This was the first time I was seeing a male
dick apart from my hubby’s! I could hear my heart beat seeing that black rod oozing the white fluid. Oh! What a
site! All women love that, but not to go in waste like this, but to be in their honey pots.

I now tried to do mind control as Guru-ji advised me in the morning. I already had my first orgasm out of the total
four I need in two days as per Guru-ji. I quickly adjusted my clothing, though there was not much left to do. Ramlal
stood there half naked with his lund hanging like a banana again as his erection was gone due to the discharge. My
condition was also like Ramlal’s penis, fully exhausted.

Master-ji now took the bowl from Ramlal and kept a safe distance and offered his semen to the snakes and to my
utter disbelief the snakes started sipping that! But after gulping some, they lifted their heads from the bowl and
thankfully turned back and left the room quietly. We all were so relieved and the whole episode ended there.

Not much happened after that, except for Master-ji did give me a better fitting blouse tallying the measurements
noted in the notebook and I wore that in front of these two males taking my present blouse off and giving them a
clear view of my fair, smooth back and midriff, the only cover being my bra strap, and then I wore my sari, and
before I left…

Master-ji: Okay Madam, all’s well that ends well. We are saved from the snakes. Thanks for your cooperation. But
do let me know if you feel a problem with this new blouse. I will send a couple more through Uday.

Me: Thanks Master-ji.

Master-ji: And Madam, when you get time from ashram in the afternoon, you can come down here and I can solve
the problem with your panty also.

I nodded and came out of the room. I was quite exhausted and feeling pretty much ashamed too about what
happened just now in this tailor’s room.

Uday came back to the tailor’s place in another 10 minutes and till such time I had to tolerate Ramlal’s ogling at my
youthful figure. Coming back to ashram first thing I did was to take a bath and the herbal waters seemed to work
wonders for me. I was so fresh again and honestly felt like having another orgasm. Before that Nirmal came to
take the pad, which I was wearing within my panty. He told that Guru-ji would replace a new one after each of my
outdoor visit. I took rest in the afternoon after lunch and was time and again recapitulating what I did with
Master-ji and Ramlal. My ears turned red as I thought of Master-ji taking my blouse measurements, me doing a
half-dance for Ramlal’s masturbation, and finally Ramlal’s rough touches on my lower part of the body. I could not
sleep properly due to these horny thoughts.

At around 05:00 p.m. Meenakshi came to my room.

Meenakshi: Madam, are you too tired?

Me: No, no. On the contrary I am quite…

I stopped for a moment. Is she aware of what happened at the tailor’s place? Uday seemed to be unaware when I
came back with him, as he did not ask me anything. I was feeling very shy to ask Meenakshi directly though she was
a woman.

Meenakshi: Then fine Madam. You can go to visit the fair, which is very popular here. Its some distance away
though, but should not be a problem if you start now.

Me: Which fair are you talking about?

Meenakshi: Madam, its an annual fair which takes place in a nearby village. And here we all will be busy, you might
feel bore.

I thought that would not be a bad idea, as I had nothing much to do in the ashram right now. Guru-ji and others
would also be busy, as devotees from outside would come for a ‘darshan’ now. Hence I readily agreed.

Meenakshi: Okay Madam, here is your new pad. Also please take the medicine. I will send Uday after 5 minutes
when you are ready.

Meenakshi went off swaying her big bottoms. Surely this woman has very attractive hips I thought in my mind. I
closed the door and went to the toilet. Each time changing this pad was irritating. Like all women, I also was not at
all enjoying pulling down my panty frequently. I had the medication and went to the toilet to change my nightdress,
which I was wearing, and had a face wash and got dressed in five minutes. Uday was again my companion.

Uday: Madam, the fair is a bit far off from here and it’s not a walking distance.

Me: How do you plan to go then?

Uday: Madam, we will take a bullock cart. It will be here any moment as I had informed him prior.

Me: Okay. But how long will it take?

I had never been on a bullock cart, so was keen to ride it. The cart arrived and we got into that.

Uday: Madam, it will take some time and you can enjoy the village scene as we travel.

It was not a bad experience, though the cart was moving very slowly. The scene outside was also very nice and a
cool breeze was making me feel very refreshing. I was thankful to Master-ji for this blouse and it fitted very well
on my copious boobs over my bra. So overall I was feeling very comfortable.

Uday was telling me about the history of the fair and the village. But when even after half an hour we did not reach
destination, I was feeling restless.
Me: How much more time will it take Uday?

Uday: We have only covered half the distance Madam. Since the cart cannot go faster, it will take some time.

Initially it was okay, but now sitting like this with my knees folded made me feel a slight pain at my waist and
knees. At the same time, as the road was very undulating, my boobs were jiggling too much within the tight clutches
of my bra and every now and then I was doubting that my bra hook at my back will get opened. I pulled my sari pallu
properly over my upper treasures as a precaution in front of a male. The place inside the cart was also not adequate
and moreover Uday was also sitting close, so I could not shift much and remained in that posture.

At last we reached the fair and it took an hour to reach there. The whole of my waist and buttocks were paining. I
noticed Uday did some freehand stretching getting out of the cart. Myself being a woman was unable to do that
what Uday was doing in the open. I was having ache in my knees, hips, and waist and thought that if I go to the
toilet first, it might be a safe place to stretch myself a bit, so that I feel more comfortable before entering the

Me: Uday, I want to go to the toilet first.

Uday: Okay Madam, but since this is a village fair, I doubt there will be a separate toilet. Let me ask someone.

Uday came back with a negative answer.

Uday: Madam, here there is no such ‘toilet,’ ladies generally go behind the shop for toilet purpose.

I was in a dilemma, as I cannot tell Uday now that I do not want to urinate, but wanted to stretch myself. He
guided me to the back of a shop.

Uday: Madam, I will stand here, you go and do it there.

I was in a situation of complete amazement. How can this man ask me to urinate almost in an open space?

Me: How can I do it here?

I was almost perplexed. I am not a 10-year-old girl that I can urinate like this? There was a bush at the back of
the shop whose height will hardly cover my knees and though it was evening time visibility was very clear. Moreover,
my added anxiety was it will not only be Uday who could see me clearly, but also there were some village people
standing here and there who would concurrently get a free view of my urinating.

Uday: Madam, this is a village, do not feel shy.

Me: What do you mean? Just because this is a village, you mean to say I should lift up my sari to my waist in this
open space and should not feel shy?

Uday: Madam, madam, don’t get annoyed please. In the village you will not get a protected toilet like the town.
Please understand.

Me: Uday, come on, there are so many people around. Simply I cannot sit here shamelessly. Sorry. Let us go to the

Uday did not try any more to persuade me to urinate in that open space and I got rescued from another humiliating
situation. The fair was held on a small area and it was quite crowded by rural people, but still there were some
shops of ornaments, garments, etc. which interested me. It took almost an hour to cover the fair, as the crowd was
heavy. Due to the crowd, I had to walk close to Uday and time and again my ‘always erect’ firm breasts were
brushing against his elbow. Initially I tried to avoid that, but due to the moving crowd I did not mind it later.

After sometime, it created a problem for me. Now I could realize Uday was doing it purposefully and keeping his
elbow in constant touch with my blouse-covered mangoes and since within bra, they appeared very firm and he was
constantly elbowing them. Uday must have thought that I was deliberately walking close to him so that my well-
formed boobs touch his elbow, but in reality it was due to the crowd that I had to walk like that. Honestly I was
also enjoying a bit, but I realized with time that Uday was now overdoing it considering we were in a public place.

I was walking on his right and Uday now was virtually circling his right elbow on my left boob constantly pressing it.
The act was so deliberate as people coming from opposite direction could clearly see it. I was feeling very
cumbersome, but could not tell Uday anything. Moreover, due to this constant rubbing, I was also getting heated
and my boobs grew in size and were so tight within the bra that Uday’s right elbow was almost getting a spring
action from my firm upper globes. That probably encouraged him more, as hardly does a male get such tightness
from a married woman’s boobs.

I stopped at a shop and was checking a pair of earrings and Uday also stood close by me. Now I could sense his
deep breaths on my shoulder.

Uday: This would look nice on you Madam.

Saying that, he handed me an earring and a matching necklace. Though I did not want his suggestion, but he poked
his nose into it. I tried that the earring and it looked decent to me.

Uday: Madam, also try the necklace and if you feel you can buy it. I have the money.

The shopkeeper also encouraged me wearing the necklace along with the earrings to check overall. I was about to
wear the necklace, when Uday unnecessarily tried to help me.

Uday: Madam, you relax, I will fix the necklace fastener on your neck.

The shopkeeper I noticed was smiling hearing that. There were two to three more customers in the shop also who
were also looking at us. I did not want to argue and attract more attention and agreed to Uday. But what he did
certainly crossed the decency limit in public. He just shifted a little, went behind me, let the necklace fall on my
upper chest area, and started fixing the hook near my neck. Then from behind in an almost hugging posture he
dragged the necklace down touching my both breasts adequately over my blouse. And as if trying to make the
necklace flow properly on me, Uday felt both my tight mangoes with his palms, which I comprehended without a
doubt. The shopkeeper and the others also did not miss that and I felt very clumsy being treated like that in a
public place.

The shopkeeper seemed more eager now to hold the mirror in front of me and forwarded a few more earrings and

Uday: Madam, try this, this also looks nice.

Me: No Uday, I think this is pretty fine.

I could understand his intention, but he and the shopkeeper also insisted me to try another and then pick one. I
wore the second earring set and Uday was ready to wear me the necklace. This time he was more bold and I almost
gasped, as he in the process of wearing me the necklace was directly touching my breasts in front of the
shopkeeper. This was a longer necklace, which extended below my boobs and this gave him more opportunity to
grope me. He dropped the necklace from my neck to its full size. He was standing just behind me and placed his
arms across my upright boobs and pressed my cups as if adjusting the necklace up. I was standing within his arms
shamelessly and people were watching me.

Uday very cleverly took the mirror in his left hand from the shopkeeper and held it in front of my breasts as if to
show me how good the necklace was looking on me. This way the shopkeeper for the moment was unable to see my
breast area and taking the guard of the mirror, with his free right hand, he first cupped my right breast and then
gave it a very good squeeze from over my blouse.

Uday: I think this one is better? What do you feel Madam?

I was in no position to talk as I could feel his right palm was still cupping my breast. I looked to my side and was
almost traumatized to see two young boys were watching us. Uday was not looking at anything I suppose and this
time he almost covered my whole right breast with his palm and gave me a series of tight squeezes. All these
happened in a span of few seconds and I could not resist being groped so openly with people watching me.

Finally it was over and we bought the second earring set and the necklace and mixed with the crowd again.

As evening advanced I noticed there was more crowd in the fair and in that small place there was much pushing
going on. This time since the crowd was jostling through the narrow passages by the shops, I had no other option
but to hold Uday’s hand, otherwise I would be left behind. Walking was now becoming increasingly difficult and I
had to keep one hand in a protective fashion otherwise every now and then a passing elbow was touching my milk

I tied to behave with Uday very normally as if I paid no attention to his naughtiness in the ornament shop and took
it as being unintentional. Uday was also trying to gauge my reaction to his advances and seeing apparently no
resistance made further moves.

Uday: Madam, these village people are not cultured, just be alert.

Me: Yes that I can see, the way they are pushing around.

Uday: Madam, do one thing, instead of holding my hand and walking behind me, you come by my side and then I can
in fact protect you also.

I thought that was a good idea, I nodded to him, and came to his right side. Uday indeed had some other plans. I
noticed that he put his arm on my right shoulder right away pretending to protect me from the crowd coming from
opposite direction. My whole body was now almost touching his masculine torso as I walked. In no time I realized
what he is up to. Uday now was embracing me over my shoulder with his right hand, which was now only an inch away
from touching my breast, acting as if he protecting me from incoming people. And from each impact of the passing
man, he took full advantage and began touching and feeling my heaving breast.

In a jiffy before I could say or do anything Uday was cupping my right breast again! This time he seemed very
confident and turned me instantly on fire as he was resting his fingers on my boob as we walked. I looked down at
my breast shamefully to find his fingers acting almost as another layer over my blouse. As the pushing was more
now, Uday made the most of it and was virtually massaging my conical peak in his right palm. I was getting
adequately aroused now due to this continuous male touching, holding, and squeezing of my youthful boob. This went
on for some minutes and with time Uday’s squeezes were beginning to get harder and he almost toyed with my
blouse-covered flesh. Once I felt he was poking one of his fingers and trying to trace my nipple over the blouse and
bra cover. I noticed that each of the men who were passing us had their eyes on Uday’s hand and on my mammary.

I could not take it anymore and was feeling very ashamed allowing such things in public. Being a 28-year-old
matured woman I was enjoying his touches and was already wet in my pussy, but this was crossing decency limits as
I was in the open. Today in the morning when I crossed all limits of decency still I was in a confined area. I had to
stop Uday from his advances.

Me: Uday, please behave yourself.

Uday: Sorry Madam, but the crowd is so unruly they are coming on to your body

Uday gave his excuse and I did not wanted to argue on that, but now was really feeling the urge to urinate due to
the heat generated in my body.

Me: Uday, I want to go to toilet once. That time I could not…

I thought there was no need to complete my sentence. Uday had already taken his hand off my breast area and now
guided me jostling through an alley to the back of a shop. Since now it was late evening, there was darkness though
there were electric bulbs glowing throughout the fair. I observed that though the area was not absolutely dark, it
was not possible for the fair people who were at a distance to make out anything. But the problem here was
absence of a proper bush behind, which I can sit and pee. So I was a bit hesitant again.

Uday: Madam, what are you waiting for now?

Me: Can’t you see there is not even a bush here.

Uday: But Madam, no one is noticing you in this darkness. You can go to that corner and…

Me: What darkness? I can clearly see you.

Uday: Madam, come on. Okay I will not look at you while you…

He smiled very meaningfully at me, but I ignored his tease and wanted to me absolutely sure before getting into
any more humiliation at this age.

Me: And if someone comes here?

Uday: Madam, how long will take? It’s just a matter of some seconds!

I was simply not assured as I knew it will take some time for me as unlike other women just pulling up my sari,
sitting down, and peeing off will not do. I will also have to pull down my panty, which is never easy for any woman to
do quickly, and additionally I have to set the pad inside my panty suitably also.

Uday: Madam, if you stand here like this someone might actually come. So go and sit in that corner and I will be
guarding you.

Uday was saying things in such a casual manner as if his presence does not matter to me at all. I again inspected
the place. It was semi dark, true, but at the same time it was open on all sides except one side where the shop was,
and anyone coming up to that place would be able to see me very clearly. Never in my life had been in such a
Ultimately things boiled down to the fact I have to urinate in that open space and that too in front of a male. I was
feeling so very shy, but had nothing to do in this regard.

Me: Uday, please turn back and do aware me if someone comes in.

Uday: Madam, if I turn back, you can I see if anyone is coming or not.

I understood very well that he would not miss this opportunity to see me peeing. Any male for that matter would
grab this chance to see a 25+ woman urinating in front of him. The situation was such I was simply helpless, as I
needed him to stand there at least to see if anyone was coming.

I noticed Uday’s eyes as if lit up when he eventually saw that I agreed to pee in front of him. I went to the corner
beside the shop, which was approximately about 10-12 feet away from Uday. I could go no further because there
was too much illumination from lights of other shops. I slowly turned my back to Uday and was really feeling very
shy doing this, but had no other alternative now. I bent down a little bit and with both hands quickly pulling up my
sari and petticoat almost to my hips. The cool gentle breeze almost made me shiver when I felt it on my exposed
thighs. My thighs are fairer than my body complexion like most women and quite well formed and plump. I could not
resist looking behind once to see Uday.

Uday: Madam, do not look back. Do it quickly.

Uday was looking at my exposed legs and commanding me. I briefly saw his left hand was on his crotch; he must be
stroking his dick seeing a married woman in such a compromised state. I did not waste time anymore and did what I
needed to do. I quickly dropped down my panty to my knees and took the pad in one hand and while I was doing that
my whole bottom virtually remained exposed and Uday must have had a grand view of my naked buttocks though I
tried to keep my sari as a cover as much as possible on my hip area. When I squatting I knew my huge naked ass
was fully exposed in front of Uday’s face due to his proximity.

The hissing sound of my peeing was adding to my shame. I again looked back to see if anyone was coming and what
Uday was doing, but to my surprise I did not see Uday standing there! I could not move my head much in that
squatting position. My urination was almost complete and I was much relieved as the hissing sound of my urination
was creating more embarrassment for me.

Uday: Madam, beware!

I was shocked and horrified as I heard Uday’s voice almost by my ear. I could not see him a moment ago at my back
because he has come up almost to my front now. I was simply stunned seeing him in front of me, as my whole pussy
along with my legs and thighs were completely uncovered and I was still discharging my urine. Uday could see my
pussy hole with the thick bush of hair above it very clearly. My god! I never ever in my life faced such a humiliation.
My face also reflected my utter shock and shame seeing Uday looking bluntly at my naked pussy.

Uday: Madam, madam, don’t panic. You are actually sitting on an ant heap and so I wanted to alert you.

Me: You get out of here first.

Uday: Madam, you have watered their heap and ants will now come out in scores. So be very careful.

He did not move a bit and his eyes enjoying the sight of his lifetime probably to see from the front a matured
woman peeing out. I could not sit like that any more and got up with drops of urine still coming out of my hole and
quickly pulled my sari down with my left hand as I was holding the pad in my right hand. Uday almost dragged me
out of that ant heap and I noticed that what he was telling was absolutely true. Red ants were all over that place
triggered to come out by urine.

I could not walk properly as my panty was still down around my knees. I need to pull that up and put the pad also.

I could not meet Uday’s eyes as to what happened some minutes ago. I still could not digest the fact that he
actually has seen me urinating in the sitting posture. I do not know what was going through his mind, but he seemed
quite normal!

Uday: Madam, we are getting late now slowly. We should make a move.

Me: Yes, I also do not spend any more time here.

I said so though I was thinking how to put it before Uday that my panty is still halfway down my legs below my sari
and petticoat.

Uday: Okay Madam, then you can just wait here or at the ornament shop and I will get a bullock cart.

Me: No, no Uday. Not again in that snail like vehicle. I have had enough of aches in my waist and knees.

Uday: But Madam …

I interrupted him, as I wanted to know if an alternative transport arrangement could be made.

Me: Why don’t you try to get some substitute transportation?

Uday: Madam, I told you there is nothing much available in this route.

After some continuous pleading from my end, Uday went out to search for something other than that bullock cart
and asked me to wait in front of the ornament shop. I told to myself that it would be real painful to travel in that
cart again for an hour if Uday fails to get an alternative conveyance. Now that Uday was away I also wanted to
wear my panty properly and place the pad also. I noticed that there were some people coming where I urinated a
few minutes ago and hence had to leave the place and tried to look for a secured place.

I was walking in somewhat baby steps as my panty, which was around my knees, was hindering me to walk
comfortably. Soon I found the back of another shop, where there was very minimum light and there was no one
there also, and felt it to be a safer place. I chose a corner and quickly pulled up my sari along with my petticoat to
my waist and pushed my panty towards my crotch area. I felt the gentle breeze again on my naked thighs and as I
was about to put the pad within my panty just over my honey pot, I heard two voices. I almost froze as whole of
the lower part of my youthful jawani was entirely exposed then. I looked up here and there, but could not see
anyone, but I am sure I heard two voices. After a few moments since I could not trace anyone in the semidarkness,
I continued with my job and got the pad inside my panty and flowed my sari down and finally when I was adjusting
my pallu over my breasts, again I perceived the voice.

“Please, please, someone would come.”

“There is no one here. Don’t worry.”

Since there was darkness here, my eyes took some time to adjust and now I could clearly see that just a few yards
away a male and a female were standing close by the cover of a tree. They seemed engrossed in themselves and did
not notice I was there also in the dark. I moved a little to get a clearer view. The man was middle aged, but the
female was a teenage girl. The girl was wearing ghagra-choli, which is the common dress here for women. The scene
was indeed steamy as the man had hugged the girl and was trying to kiss on her lips and girl was eluding his lips by
constantly moving her head. I noticed that the man has now cupped one of her boobs over her choli and the girl’s
resistance was getting weaker. In no time the girl was stroking her fingers through the hairs of the man and they
were lip-locked. As they were kissing, I saw that the man now took one of his hands off her boobs and cupped her
tiny ass over her ghagra. Seeing such hot activities from such close proximity made my nipples grow hard right
away. I was getting great pleasure peeping like this. As the man was energetically squeezing the girl’s young boobs,
my right hand also automatically went towards my tight boobs and touched my nipples. I noticed the girl was now
almost gasping, as the man descended from her lips to her boobs. He was almost biting her boobs over her choli and
pulled up her ghagra with his embracing hands almost to her thighs. I could not stop myself pinching my own nipples
over my bra and blouse seeing this very passionate sight. Immediately I felt hint of precum within my pussy also
and feeling quite thirsty seeing this ‘live’ show.

“Paro, Paro, where are you?”

The couple behind the tree and myself both almost froze to this voice. I noticed an old man was searching probably
for that girl calling her name, must be her father or a relative. As soon as the old man crossed us to a safe
distance, I noticed the girl adjusted her dress and ran away immediately and the man followed suit in the opposite
direction. I was cursing the old man, as I was thoroughly enjoying the scene, and now that everything was over I
came out of the darkness adjusting my bra a little to breathe easy, and went towards the ornament shop to wait
for Uday.

Uday came after some minutes with a smiling face.

Uday: Madam, you should thank your luck. You don’t have to go in the bullock cart.

I was so pleased to hear that not knowing what actually was waiting for me in the next hour. I never anticipated
that this auto rickshaw ride would also be a memorable one like my tailor’s encounter with Master-ji and Ramlal.

Me: Thanks Uday. What have you arranged?

Uday: An auto rickshaw Madam.

Me: Thank god Uday.

Uday: But Madam, in this part people doesn’t travel in rickshaws as you travel in the cities. It’s basically a good
carriage here. So you might face a little problem with goods loaded in that vehicle.

Me: Still it’s hundred times better than that slow cart and definitely it should take lesser time.

Uday: Of course Madam. It should take 15-20 minutes only.

We went out of the fair and I did not feel it necessary to mention what I say to Uday. The rickshaw was standing a
bit far away. There was not much light outside the fair arena and the moon was also not there in the sky. I could
well see goods tied already at the top of the rickshaw and also to its sides by rope.

Uday: Madam, this is Mishra-ji. This is his auto. Fortunately he is going towards our ashram.

Mishra-ji was an elderly man, visibly obese, and fifty plus for sure. He was completely bald headed. He was wearing
a dhoti and a bush shirt. Uday introduced me to him.

Mishra-ji: Beti, you will have some difficulty I can understand, as there is scarcity of space in my rickshaw due to
the goods, but if you can tolerate me and my rickshaw for 15 minutes, you will reach ashram.

I smiled to his words and felt at ease due to his age and also as he was addressing me as “beti”. Since there were
packaged goods in the front seat too, hardly any space was there to sit except for the driver. Hence Uday, myself,
and Mishra-ji sat at the backseat of the auto rickshaw. Mishra-ji boarded first, followed by me. I was surprised to
see something black sitting at Mishra-ji’s foot as I got up.

Mishra-ji: This is my pet dog Moti. Wherever I go, he follows me. But he will not create any commotion, be rest
assured Beti.

I sat beside him and his dog was looking up at me. Thankfully Moti was a small sized dog, but I could not make out
his breed though I love dogs among the household pets. The dog apparently looked well behaved and did not react
seeing unknown faces. I noticed that there were a couple of packets on the seat too, as there was no other vacant
space to keep them in the auto rickshaw. Naturally the sitting area was cramped, more so because of Mishra-ji’s
overweighed body.

Mishra-ji: Beti, you can see my size. You might just struggle sitting in this short space and for that do heavily
curse me. May be by that I lose some kilos and next time when I allow someone to sit in my rickshaw, he or she
gets a better ride.

We all laughed at his prank including the driver. Frankly there was very little place for Uday to squeeze in the
backseat. I tried to move as much as possible maintaining decency to Mishra-ji, but then also Uday could marginally
touch his ass to the seat. The auto rickshaw started on its way immediately as we boarded. For accommodating me
Mishra-ji took his left arm around me over my head on the seat top and my face was now so close to his armpit that
I could inhale the odour of his sweat from his shirt.

Mishra-ji: Beti, are you a little better now?

I nodded and shifted an inch more to him almost gluing to his body so that Uday could sit a little better and he was
now able to move his ass in between my thighs and the auto seat boundary. In the process I realized his right elbow
already touched my thrusting left boob and was feeling its softness. I did not want to encourage him at all in front
of the elderly man and so just gently pushed his elbow with my left hand.

Mishra-ji: All three of us own big garage spaces to park our cars.

Uday laughed on this comment, but I could not grasp what that old man meant.

Me: I could not get you Mishra-ji.

Mishra-ji: Beti, I mean we all have heavy bottoms and thus when we garage ourselves in this seat, we all need big
spaces to park our...

It was not required to complete his sentence and we all laughed at the comment. I must say this old man had a
decent sense of humor. As we laughed I realized that Uday was again trying to elbow me taking the advantage of
the semidarkness within the rickshaw. I did not disapprove him this time, as I still could not shrug off the erotic
scene that I enjoyed in the fair. As someone dips his finger in a bowl of oil, Uday, seeing me not hindering his hand,
started dipping his right elbow to the depth of my rubber-tight boob.

Mishra-ji: Oh! My head!

There was a bump, which the driver probably missed, and since the rickshaw was going at a fair speed, it jerked
strongly. The driver immediately slowed down and I inquired out of courtesy to Mishra-ji if he had hurt himself

Mishra-ji: I bumped it on the rod Beti.

Mishra-ji pointed towards his forehead and I turned a bit towards him and tried to see what happened to his
forehead. As I took my hand towards her forehead, he held my fingers and showed the area where he was hurt.

Me: You remove your fingers from forehead and let me see if there is any cut or not.

As he dropped down his hand and since my right arm was lifted to see his forehead, his elbow directly pressed on
my right boob. I did not mind that and moreover he was calling me “beti”, so no other thoughts came to my mind at
all and I was really eager to see his bumped forehead. As he was tall, even in the sitting posture I had to stretch
myself and in the process the side of my right boob was entirely open. I felt Mishra-ji’s left elbow was digging
deep on my right boob under my raised arm. Since there was absolutely no place to shift or move I felt he had no
other option but to place his left hand there to accommodate me to see his forehead.

Mishra-ji: Hope its not cut or bruised?

Me: Could not see very clearly Mishra-ji, but seems okay.

Mishra-ji: Please check it a bit Beti.

As I was feeling his forehead with my fingers for a bump, I felt elbow was now firmly placed under my raised
armpit and was pressing my juicy mango. Moreover, Uday seeing the chance increased his naughty handwork. He was
now elbowing me more deliberately and with more force. He was almost circling his elbow tip on my taut flesh within
my bra and blouse. So, now I was in a position where two different males were elbowing my mangoes in a moving
auto rickshaw though I was sure Mishra-ji’s touches were not purposeful.

I completed inspecting Mishra-ji’s forehead and tried to bring down my arm, but then only, Mishra-ji’s pet dog that
was lying so far at his feet jumped up to his lap. The old man trying to provide accommodation for his dog virtually
poked his whole elbow into my tight boob feeling very adequately the firmness of it. Now to assist Moti to sit on
his master’s lap, I had to keep my right arm at Mishra-ji’s back on the seat top. I realized that this actually made
me more vulnerable as my whole of right boob remained unguarded.

Uday: Madam, I think this is the right way to extract some space for each of us. As you have kept your hand
behind Mishra-ji, let me keep mine also behind you. That way you will also get some space.

Mishra-ji: Uday seemed to be getting intelligent by the minute, isn’t it Beti?

Again there was a roar of laughter. Moti also barked twice I do not know why. At that moment a cycle coming from
the opposite side was flagging us to stop. The driver stopped our vehicle and the man on the cycle informed us that
there was an accident half a kilometer ahead and road was closed, so we should take the left turn from here.

Uday: Oh god! That’s a pretty lengthy route Madam.

Me: How long will it take via that route?

Uday: 40-45 minutes at least.

Mishra-ji: No use thinking on that. It’s just a matter of additional half an hour.
Our auto took the left turn and off we went. Since this road was not a main road, the lighting was not adequate
here and the road was also more bouncy. My heavy boobs were jumping within my bra quite a bit now. Uday was the
first one to take advantage of this situation. Now that his right hand was behind me at my back, he with each jerk
was embracing me tighter. I looked through the corner of my eyes to Mishra-ji and thankfully he seemed busy with
his dog on his lap. Uday was now getting a free access to my right boob as my right arm was lifted and he was sort
of embracing me with his hand going behind my body. He was now very easily cupping and squeezing my unguarded
right breast below my sari pallu. I was thoroughly enjoying that though was conscious enough to keep my pallu in
place so that the old man could not see anything.

Suddenly the auto rickshaw braked seeing a bump or whatever, but the effect was thoroughly embarrassing for
me. As the vehicle braked, Uday was actually cupping my right boob from the underside; the sudden brake made his
fingers dug in my boob. Mishra-ji’s right arm was in a folded position on his dog’s head just a few inches from my
boob; the sudden brake brought his palm directly over my boob also. It was like two men holding my one boob and
both their hands met in that sudden brake!

Mishra-ji: What nonsense is this? Drive slowly and keep your eyes open. There is no hurry.

Mishra-ji rebuked the rickshaw driver and he apologized. But there was no apology to me from any of the males for
touching my boob in that sudden jerk. By this time Uday had shifted his hand from my breast to my shoulder at my
back. I was rather comfortable at this approach from him. Mishra-ji’s fingers were still nimbly touching the
sideline of my right boob as the dog had also shifted its position somewhat by that jerk.

Mishra-ji: Beti, are you okay? Hope you are not hurt anywhere?

I was feeling confused as while this old man was talking to me now, I could feel his fingers were brushing on the
bulging cup my blouse. I scolded myself in the mind for thinking ‘differently’ about this old man. He is so caring!

Me: No, no. I am absolutely fine.

The auto rickshaw moved on, but now at a slower speed. Uday was not still for a moment. He was now caressing my
back over my blouse and tracing my bra strap. I almost trembled as he traced my bra strap from my shoulder and
started moving down over my back to the hook over my blouse. I was trying to talk normally so that the old man
does not understand about the naughty acts going ahead just beside him.

Me: Moti, look here. Tu tu tu tu… Do you like me?

Mishra-ji: Moti nod your head.

While all this silly talking were going on round that dog, Uday’s middle finger and thumb were actually busy picking
up my bra strap and was pulling it slightly from my body. He was like playing with it, pulling and leaving it the next
moment with each jerk. No woman can sit comfortably if someone is playing with her bra strap like this, but still I
was trying my best because I was getting (s)excited by these acts. Uday probably was fade up after sometime
doing that and moved his right hand down my blouse towards my butts. I shifted slightly forward as if to cajole
Moti, which aided him to place his hand between the seat and the back of my body. I felt his hand was moving down
tracing my spine and was on my waistband now.

In the meantime, I was trying to cuddle Moti so that Mishra-ji also did not notice what Uday was doing. Mishra-ji’
was to my right and he had put his right hand almost in an embracing position on the dog, which in effect brought
his fingers very close to my right boob. Since my right hand was also at his back to make space his fingers were
actually poking my right boob every now and then with the vehicle jerking. Initially I was not minding that thinking
of his age, but once I felt his thumb rubbed on my nipple over my blouse and bra. I thought it must have been
unintentional, but the touch was making my nipples harden.

Mishra-ji: Beti take Moti in your lap. I think he will stay there.

Me: No, no. If he bites?

Mishra-ji: Beti trust him. He will not bite your… after all he is not your husband.

I blushed hearing this chitchat. Mishra-ji laughed loudly probably to make me feel at ease.

Mishra-ji: Hope you did not mind anything beti by my naughty words.

Me: Its okay. You have a good sense of humor.

I was still blushing in front of this old man. I brought my right hand from the back of Mishra-ji to take Moti in
both hands. He tried to place Moti to my lap, but since the dog was getting restless coming to an unknown lap, I was
a bit scared.

Mishra-ji: Beti don’t fear. Moti is very well behaved. Chu. Chu. Moti, be still.

The old man had to turn a bit now towards me and with his both hands he was still holding the dog, as it was
struggling in my lap. I was feeling Mishra-ji’s touch on my fingers as we both were trying to hold the dog. Uday
seeing Mishra-ji turning towards me was not moving his hand. He was touching me around my waist and trying to
insert a finger into my petticoat. Thankfully he remained still now, but the restless dog was giving me a hard time
because in controlling the dog, Mishra-ji was pressing my juicy mangoes with both hands from the front. What he
was doing, though he was almost my father’s age, would excite any matured woman. But I still felt it was
unintentional on his part and he was earnestly trying to control the dog only.

After some moments, Moti was quiet and sat on my lap close to my boobs. By that time I had enough gasps as
Mishra-ji’s fingers pressed and rubbed on my 32-size breasts a number of times with Moti in his hand. Uday did
not waste any time as he saw the dog was quiet and started inserting his finger inside my petticoat and was trying
to touch my panty I understood. Thankfully I knotted my petticoat very securely and he was not able to insert his
finger to any significant length.

Mishra-ji: Beti let me keep one hand on Moti so that I can control him if he does any mischief.

What should I say? Though the approach was very humble from the old man, but this would actually enable him to
touch my erect bulging boobs almost constantly. I nodded and this time he turned towards me significantly and
asked me to shift more towards him so that he can easily manage his dog. Where should I shift I thought to
myself? If I shift more the posture he is in practically I will have to sit in his lap! Still on his request I shifted a
bit and now my silky firm globes of my buttocks were almost on his thighs and he could very well feel the roundness
of my big ass. Honestly I felt he had no ill intentions, because it was all situational demands.

Mishra-ji: Now it is better Beti. I think you are comfortable.

Yes, sitting almost on the thighs of a 50+ man for a 28-year-old woman has to be ‘comfortable’. I indicated
agreement and this time I was somewhat shaken by his bold movement. The dog was revolving his head to and fro
and he placed his palm on its head and I noted though his palm was there on the dog’s head, the fingers were
almost cuddling my left boob. I almost gasped at his action and honestly it was no way a fatherly touch though he
was still calling me “beti”!
Mishra-ji: Beti now that I have my hand on Moti, you are safe. You can also hold him freely now.

I could not by any means think that he was touching me on purpose. His voice was so normal, his approach so caring,
his elderly age, and his calling me ‘beti’ was making me feel guilty thinking in that ‘dirty’ line. I started taking his
touches as situational and started not to mind them. Uday had now left the ‘inserting his finger in my petticoat’
project and was more eager to touch and press my smooth butt cheek and surely I had more juice in my ass than
anywhere else and he must have been enjoying a lot touching me there. I shifted again a little bit forward as he
was not able to get an entire handful. Now that I shifted a little he was able to freely move his hand and squeeze
my flesh there very comfortably. I also was in the seventh heaven getting an ass squeeze again by a different male
on the same day!

Suddenly there was a jerk again and I felt in trying to hold Moti more securely, the old man’s palm fell on my heavy
left breast. It certainly was a spongy and bouncy reaction for him from my rubber-tight boobs and the situation
was such I could not object to his palm on my breast. The road was adequately dark now and for the first time I
felt Mishra-ji was not the fatherly figure that he appeared. He was clearly not holding the dog’s head by his palm,
only the arm was guarding it, and instead his palm was more or less directly over my pallu covered blouse. Honestly
I was also feeling incredible as one male was caressing my large ass cheek and now another hand was on my upper
treasures. Guru-ji’s drug effect was making me act like a slut in this auto rickshaw!

Moti was calm for only these moments and he again started struggling. The more Mishra-ji tried to control the dog;
it was more of a massage for my milk tanks.

Mishra-ji: Beti, it seems Moti is not that comfortable on your lap. You can put him down on the floor.

Me: Yes. He is not sitting quiet for a moment even.

Mishra-ji: May be for Moti it is from frying pan to oven.

Uday could not stop laughing on that. He also gave a quick tight pinch on my ass over my sari to appreciate that. I
too giggled shamelessly.

But as I put Moti on the floor of the auto rickshaw, he did something, which I was not at all expecting. The dog
started sniffing my feet enthusiastically and in no time inserted his head within my sari. It was real precarious
situation for me. Uday also seemed surprised seeing that as he stopped coaxing my buttery hips.

Mishra-ji: Moti, Moti, what are you doing dear?

Moti was totally nonchalant to his master’s calls and I could feel the wet nose on my naked legs below my sari and
alarmingly it was moving upwards.

Me: Ouch!

Mishra-ji: What happened beti?

Moti was now gently scratching my knees with his legs and sniffing my naked lower thigh area. I did not have to
reply to Mishra-ji as the dog’s head below my sari was very evident now between my legs. I was feeling so hot by its
wet touches, which I could not probably express. The dog was licking the beads of sweat on my inner thighs now.

Me: Ooooooooh! Aaaaaah! Please get it out.

Mishra-ji: Beti, don’t worry. I am getting him out.

Uday: Madam, don’t move much, the dog might bite you.

Mishra-ji: Moti, Moti. Come here good boy.

It seemed to me that the dog was more into his sniffing and licking under my petticoat and sari as he heard his
master’s call. I could feel the dog’s wet nose onto my naked thighs and as it was licking, its saliva on my naked skin
was making me shiver as if in sexual pleasure. I was getting moistened in my pussy now, the flow getting heavier.

Mishra-ji: Beti, he is not listening to me. You need to pull your sari a bit so that I can catch my Moti.

Me: Please do whatever, but get that thing out. Ooooooooh!

The dog was now slowly approaching more towards my crotch as he crawled up within my sari. My thighs were all
wet now by his cold nose and hot tongue, the combination was turning me wild. My thighs were generating heat now
generously and I was in no way less aroused by this dog in comparison to any male!

Mishra-ji: Okay, okay.

Now I as if gave license to the old man to lift my sari!

Mishra-ji: You keep calm beti, I will pull up your sari and get out Moti.

I was in a very poor shape in front of two males now and was more or less struggling to sit properly on the auto
rickshaw seat, almost wriggling my body in ecstasy by the acts of this naughty dog. Mishra-ji bent a little and
started pulling my sari off my legs upwards along with my petticoat. Uday seeing my condition held my hand with his
left hand and embraced his right hand around me over the seat top. Getting the support I leaned on to his body and
he did not miss this opportunity to cup my breasts again. But since Mishra-ji was in front of me, he was clever
enough to put his hand below my pallu and started gently coaxing my full boobs.

Mishra-ji exposed my fair legs in no time and bunched my sari around my knees. Moti was trying to move his way up
more seeing Mishra-ji trying to catch him. It seemed to be a game for the dog and in the process was making me
shamelessly exposed and horny at the same time. Mishra-ji’s touches were now completely devoid of the fatherly
care and he appeared to be a changed man from a caring father like figure to a greedy old man. For Mishra-ji,
getting the opportunity to pull up the sari of a matured housewife like me, it was highly rewarding so to say. He not
only bunched the sari and petticoat up at my knees, he was caressing my fair and shapely legs intensely. He seemed
not interested to get out the dog at all and now was trying to pull my sari up forcefully above my knees to see more
of my naked jawani.

Since I was siting with Moti between my legs, I had to spread my legs a lot to accommodate the dog and as a result
Mishra-ji was almost off his seat. Hence it was not easy for him to pull up my sari anymore. The old man was not to
resign so easily and I was amazed to see his muscle power at this age, he with his left hand fervently cupped my
round hip-side and made my leg rise slightly from the seat and pulled up the sari.

Me: Ouch! Please don’t…

Though that was my natural womanly reaction, but I enjoyed every bit of it. I was now practically naked from my
waist on my right side by the old man’s lewd handwork. Moti at last was exposed out of my sari. Giving me no time
to react to get rid of the dog, Mishra-ji lifted up the remaining sari cover that I had over my left thigh to Uday’s
side making sure I become completely naked down my waist. Thank god I was wearing a panty otherwise I would
have been sitting in the moving auto rickshaw with uncovered pussy with two males!
Mishra-ji did not stop, neither did Moti, nor Uday!

Moti was still busy with his sniffing work and currently with my exposed skin the dog went up unhindered up to my
panty and was sniffing that area. The dog’s saliva was all over my bare well-formed thighs and I tried to wipe them
with my free hand, one hand being held by Uday. At that moment my feminine ‘shame’ was overtaken by
sensuousness. I was discharging now more than earlier, as was aroused tremendously. The dog was between my legs
supported on my naked knees with its tail up and poking its nose over my panty to sniff my vaginal fluids.

Uday was having a squeeze of his life. He was initially milking my right boob over my blouse with some decency
under the sari pallu. By ‘decency’ I mean as the auto rickshaw was jerking he was kneading it and was only stroking
or caressing it gently. But now seeing my compromised condition, he was virtually mauling me like anything. He
cupped my right boob very tightly with all his fingers firmly gripped on my juicy mango and was not at all releasing
it from his palm! I was simply gasping for air by this treatment of Uday. With his left hand he was holding my hand,
which was making the journey more passionate for me.

Mishra-ji seemed as if was determined to make me fully exposed in this moving auto rickshaw. He was now directly
caressing and rubbing my naked moist thighs. Moti had made them wet and when I tried to wipe it dry Mishra-ji
interrupted by holding my hand. He then began to do the wiping of my smooth silky thighs with his free hand. His
rough palm on my completely uncovered thighs was making me go wild and this elderly guy was gyrating his palm in a
very sexy manner, to say the least, starting from my knees, slowly up my thighs, and reaching till my panty. I could
clearly make out the dog’s nose and Mishra-ji’s fingers poking on my panty. Thankfully Guru-ji’s pad was rescuing me
from direct touching on my choot.

As the auto rickshaw went on its way at a rather slow pace, my humiliation in the hands of two males and a dog
continued. I realized both my hands were now arrested, one by Uday and the other by Mishra-ji and hence I could
hardly resist physically to whatever was going on. Moti was now fully on my naked thighs, sitting there, and sniffing
my pussy area and also moving his nose up towards my protruding breasts. Mishra-ji was somewhat satisfied
caressing my uncovered curvy thighs and took his left hand towards my hips. He forced me to lift my hips a little
bit and in a flash pulled the remaining sari and petticoat from below my heavy buttocks to my backside towards the
seat. Now the only cover down my waist was my meager panty and as I sat again from the lifted position, I felt the
cold seat touching my completely bare ass cheeks. My panty as usual had bunched up in my ass crack. Feeling the
seat on my naked ass I almost had a fresh cumming.

Me: Ooooooooooooooh! Please. Please. What are you doing?

I had to tell something now as things have gone just too far. But who was listening to me I doubted.

Me: Take the dog off. That’s all I want.

Now what Mishra-ji and his pet dog did made me cum thoroughly and I had a full orgasm. Uday only played a
support role. He was thankfully not progressing any more apart from my right boob, but he virtually oozed out all
juices from that I believe. Moti was now progressing above and his nose was now on to my bosom area almost. Due
to Uday’s constant pressing and cajoling and things happening, my sari pallu had shifted from its place exposing my
left breast. Uday was kind enough to keep the pallu on my right breast though his palm was acting as a better cover
for it for a long time now.

Mishra-ji now left my hand he was holding and took his left hand to my back. I was shocked to see it was not going
towards the top of the seat and instead going towards my panty-covered butts. With his right hand he almost
dragged me to lift my base again and simply put his left palm below my right ass cheek.
Me: Ouch!

The old man made me sit on his palm now and must be thoroughly enjoying this erotic posture. With each jerk of
the rickshaw, I was wriggling and pressing on his palm and his hand was sandwiched between my heavy bottoms and
the auto seat. I had never had such an experience in my life sitting on the palm of a male! But to tell honestly it
was a heavenly feeling. Fluids were pouring out of my pussy now. Moti equally rose to the occasion like his master
and started licking my blouse covered left tit.

Me: Stop this dog Uday. If it bites me there…

I could not complete the sentence in the thrill I was getting. The old man’s hand below my fully naked ass was
taking me to seventh heaven. I was thoroughly enjoying this threesome and especially sitting on a male hand!

Mishra-ji: I am there to cover you beti, don’t worry.

Saying this he pinned the last nail to my coffin and put his palm just in front of the dog’s tongue, which was licking
my blouse. He did not wait a moment to take hold of my free left boob, which was now totally uncovered off my
pallu. He grabbed it and gave it a very tight squeeze and two different men palming my boobs made me reach my
orgasm. My body jerked in the hands of two males and the dog was watching now. At last Moti took his nose and
tongue off my body!

Me: Ooooooooooooh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Stop pleeeeeeeeeease.

Frankly speaking the dog actually had no intimate part of my body to sniff now, as I reached the peak of my
orgasm. Mishra-ji and Uday clawed my tits very securely; Mishra-ji’s other hand crushed under my broad ass cheek
as I was sitting on his hand. Uday’s other hand now went to my panty front poking it. Both males were utilizing to
the fullest this unbelievable chance to expose and molest a married woman. I could sense the heavy breathing of
Mishra-ji near my shoulder, as it was probably too much for his age. I cummed desperately now and with my free
hand grabbed Moti to my breast.

After some moments, I discharged every bit of my honey in Guru-ji’s pad within my panty and my body was giving
way after this unusual indecent sexual build up. I noticed Uday also slowly took off his hand off my right breast
and I felt my bra had completely soaked in the heat of his squashing, if I can say so. Mishra-ji was somewhat
reluctant to remove his hand off my breast, he was still feeling the firmness of my left boob. His hand was still
under me and my heavy ass cheek was pressing his hand with each jerk of the vehicle and he was truly assessing
the roundness and firmness of my ass like anyone else had done before in my life.

The auto rickshaw driver warned us that we are again taking the main road. Fortunately due to the goods loaded he
could not see me.

Mishra-ji: Beti adjust your sari, otherwise any driver coming from opposite side would cause an accident.

Uday laughed at this comment, and I also smiled as I had thrown off all my shame. I looked down at my body and
delivered a long breath seeing my condition though I was feeling very satisfied. I was a bit puzzled as even getting
this sort of a wild excitement and orgasm, I am not getting that huge urge to get fucked. Under normal
circumstances, definitely if I had allowed that much liberty to this old man and Uday, I would force them to fuck
me or vice versa, which any woman would do if she is taken to such heights of eroticism. I wondered may be Guru-
ji’s drug is playing some role, because what happened in this moving auto rickshaw would definitely kick out Guru-ji’s
preaching of mind control. In the morning I was definitely aroused to the full, but I would beyond doubt refrain
from any further involvement with those low class people like Ramlal or Master-ji.
I regrouped myself quickly as I realized that I was on road. But my sari was stuck in Mishra-ji’s hand on which I
was still sitting. The very thinking of sitting on a man’s palm made me blush, yes still, even after such slutty
behavior and I lifted my ass a little and the old man readily pulled his hand out and took Moti off my lap. Moti was
again the well-behaved dog, as he looked initially when I boarded the auto! I quickly pulled down my sari to cover my
fully exposed thighs and legs. I was thankful in my mind to find that my sari pallu was still clinging to my breast. I
appropriately covered my blouse-covered treasures and at the same time found Mishra-ji adjusting his crotch
within his dhoti, probably stroking his lund and relaxing and consoling it for missing the free fuck! I smiled to
myself at my own naughty thinking.

Mishra-ji: Beti it seems milk has sipped out of your mammary. Shall I give you a handkerchief to wipe it?

Me: No, its not milk, its your dog’s tongue-work.

Uday: Madam is still childless Mishra-ji and hence has come to Guru-ji.

Mishra-ji: Oh sorry beti. But Guru-ji’s treatment will definitely help you to get pregnancy.

‘I do not know about pregnancy, but if I go on allowing unknown males to touch my body so liberally, I will surely
become a whore soon’, I thought to myself.

The auto rickshaw ride was soon over as we reached the ashram. Mishra-ji bid me good-bye and as I was
descending from the vehicle, for one last time I felt very clearly he cupped the flesh of my round ass with his
hand, as if helping me to get down. I could not meet Uday’s eyes and straightway went to my room and entered the
toilet. In the twinkling of an eye, I pulled off my sari off my body, as I desperately needed a shower. My petticoat
also reached the floor in no time and also pulled down my panty, the back of which was almost stuck in my ass crack.
So I had to juggle my heavy buttocks to pull it down, which is now almost a regular phenomenon whenever I had to
pull down my panty in the toilet for shower or urinating.

Then suddenly I noticed that one of the hooks of my blouse was broken and was hanging, which I did not notice in
the semidarkness of the auto rickshaw. . It was not the upper one, but third from the top, must be due to Uday’s
extreme pressing on my tits. I also noticed that the flimsy cloth of my blouse was also torn at that juncture, as if
someone poked a finger through it. I never got such a long and constant squeeze on my boob in my lifetime, what I
got today, and believed little that the blouse could do to sustain such cuddling! I needed to mend it via Master-ji.
My bra was also moist with sweat and I was so relieved pulling that off and being completely nude. I put aside the
wet pad at a dry place and took a very long bath trying to wipe off the guilt that I accumulated the whole day being
a housewife.

Nothing much happened more and frankly I was not expecting any more! Nirmal did come once to take my pad and
also served me the dinner. Meenakshi did come to ask me how was the fair and the wink of her eye told me that she
was aware of my sensuous evening humiliation. Sanjeev came with a pair of spare blouses, which Master-ji had sent
matching my size and also with the message that I need to attend Guru-ji at 06:30 am in the morning. I was so
much exhausted after discharging fully twice in a single day with such a heavy dose of exposure and purposeful
handling by males that I immediately fell flat on bed after doing my minimum chores.

I was feeling so hot that almost pulled up my nightdress to my abdomen and remained hugely exposed with no
undergarments. I fell to sleep quickly, very natural, and honestly had a very tight sleep. I did dream that night, but
that was very haphazard and I could not make out anything of it though remembered the presence of the snakes
and Mishra-ji with his dog in the dream.

I wake up at Meenakshi’s call and quickly got up, adjusted my dress and opened the door. She told to be at Guru-ji’s
room within half an hour. I used the conveniences and was ready with a bath by that time. I wore a new sari and one
of the two blouses that Master-ji sent. This blouse certainly went befitting on my heaving bosom. I deliberately
did not wear my panty now, as I would again have to pull that down while fitting the fresh pad. I was feeling
refreshed and as if recharged after the herbal bath.

Guru-ji was performing some puja. The room was quite smoky and there was no one else apart from us. Guru-ji was
as usual wearing his saffron attire. I waited for 5 minutes as he completed his puja.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj. So Anita, tell me, how was your day yesterday?

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj. I mean, err…

I could not utter more. What should I say? I enjoyed the male massages and kneading enormously, much like a slut?
Guru-ji probably understood that.

Guru-ji: Okay Anita, I can understand it was morally very painful to adjust to such treatments you being a
housewife, but seeing your wet pads yesterday I assessed how much pleasure you extracted.

Me: Yes I had heavy discharges both times.

Guru-ji: Good Anita. But I do not want you to concentrate on any other thing till today and as was yesterday you
have to respond to situations appropriately.

Me: Guru-ji, can I ask you something?

Guru-ji: I know probably what you will ask. You had your discharges but you did not feel the urge for intercourse.

I nodded my head in agreement, as I was about to ask that very question only.

Guru-ji: It was due to the medication that you are taking. I just want to measure your discharges and nothing else.
For that you have to compromise a little, that’s all.

Me: Guru-ji, don’t say ‘a little’, I had to be extremely shameless to …

Guru-ji: Yes, yes, I take my word back, but afterall it will help me assess your position for pregnancy.

He paused very little and continued looking at my eyes.

Guru-ji: Today is Bodh Purnima and I want you to offer puja at ShivNarayan Temple, which is the largest temple in
this area. Uday will take you there. I will have very heavy gatherings here, so Nirmal, Sanjeev, and Meenakshi will
remain busy. In the afternoon, I want you to visit the Mukteswari Temple to attend the ‘aarti’.

Our conversation concluded and I alighted from his room. Again I had the feeling that Guru-ji was eyeing my
undulating large hips under the sari, as he viewed me from ground angle. I was conscious that I was not wearing a
panty and so was more alert probably. I went to my room, but did not have my breakfast, as I would go for the puja
and after some loitering in the ashram and gossiping with Meenakshi, I went to my room to get ready to visit the
ShivNarayan temple. Little did I know what sort of embarrassment and humiliation awaited me in a sacred place
like a temple!

Uday: Madam, are you ready?

Me: Yes. How far is the temple Uday?

We both tried to act normally towards each other. I had taken my medicines and had worn the pad and was ready
to move on. Uday had a good physique, as I already mentioned and after yesterday’s incidents, I was finding Uday
quite ‘lovable’ if I can use that word. His presence was giving me happiness. He was clean shaven today and was
looking handsome too.

Uday: Not much time Madam, we will take the bus and it should take 10 minutes.

We walked through the field to access the main road to avail the bus. Today Uday was walking much closer to me
unlike the time we went to Master-ji. I was holding his hand at times to keep pace with him. I do not know what was
happening in me, but I felt like spending more time with Uday. We took the bus and naturally it was a bit crowded.
Uday today was protecting me in the true sense. We boarded the bus and Uday was just behind me with his arms on
my side. I was also taking aid of him more than necessary now, for example, as I pushed people in the bus to get in
I was holding him with one hand. As Uday held the rod above my head, I was holding the same area, our fingers
touching constantly. As the bus traveled, I felt his muscular body was so secure to lean on and of course as I leant
my heavy buttocks was directly pressing on his crotch. But unlike yesterday Uday seemed to be very well behaved
today, may be as the bus journey was very short and our destination came in no time.

I noticed many people alighted from the bus at the temple stop and as I got out of the bus I did not hesitate to
adequately press my protruding firm boobs on Uday’s back as he was in front of me. As I pressed my blouse-
covered breasts hard over his back, Uday turned slightly and smiled back at me recognizing probably me effort to
attract him towards me. I was really not very eager now to go to the temple, but to spend time with Uday, but my
man seemed reluctant and was heading towards ShivNarayan temple.

Me: Uday, can I say something?

Uday: Certainly Madam.

Me: Do I really need to go to the temple? I mean is it a must?

Uday: Yes Madam. It is Guru-ji’s directive and everything has a purpose and a goal as you know also now.

Me: I know. But what I mean is… if we… I want to say…

Uday: Madam, you don’t have to say anything. Now you go to the temple and offer the puja.

Me: But Uday. I want to… how can I say that?

Uday: Madam, you don’t have to say that. I can understand.

Me: You are an absolute duffer. If you understood, you never would ask me to go to this temple now.

Uday: Madam, you go for the puja now and in the afternoon though Guru-ji has asked you to go to Mukteswari
Temple, I will not take you there.

Me: Promise?

Uday: Yes Madam. It’s a promise.

I was happier now as I could bend this man towards my intention. I know that today I need two discharges for
Guru-ji’s assessment and honestly, I wanted one of them to get through Uday.

Me: My god! Such a long line!

Uday: Yes Madam, it takes a long time to get in, as the deity is in the ‘garva griha’.

Uday and myself did not stand in the line and went behind the office of the temple. A middle-aged man was waiting
for us there I presumed. Uday had a talk with him and introduced me to him as “Pande-ji”.

Pande-ji: Madam, do not worry much about the line. Actually the extra time consumed is because of the regulation
of only one devotee is allowed at a time in the garva griha to offer puja.

Me: Oh I see.

Uday had left the place. Pande-ji was around 40 and was strongly built. He had thick beard and I noticed he had
lots of hair on his arms and seeing that concluded he must be having a hairy body. Frankly I like hairs of male body
and I am lucky that my husband possess the same. Pande-ji was wearing a white dhoti and white shirt. I also
noticed there was a boy standing nearby watching us. He was a teenager 15-16 years.

Pande-ji: Chotu, you keep the line and then quickly have a bath. Madam, please come with me, no need to stand in
this direct sunlight, let the line proceed inside the temple, then we can queue up.

Chotu went off and I followed Pande-ji on his way more inside the temple area. There were small hut-like
structures and pandas of the temple dwell here I could understand.

Pande-ji asked me to sit on a ‘khatiya’ on the courtyard of that small hut. The cool shade was a welcome site for me
with the small hut and a tree and two cows tied there. I sat on it and immediately realized that the hard coiled
ropes of the khatiya were actually stinging on my soft ass cheeks. I was pretty uncomfortable and was trying to
stretch my panty within my sari to cover my ass, but found that very hard to do in that position and could only
shift my body weight from one ass cheek to the other to get some relief. I was also unable to tell Pande-ji the real
problem out of womanly shyness. The rope was so coarse that it was poking me even over my sari and petticoat.

Pande-ji: Madam, are you not feeling okay sitting on the khatiya?

I had to admit ‘yes’ to Pande-ji and he readily came up with a bedcover.

Pande-ji: I can understand Madam. Since you are not used to khatiya, the rope is stinging your soft flesh.

I had to gulp that provocative comment from the man and since the khatiya was low down and as I tried to get up
seeing Pande-ji coming up with a bed sheet, my pallu slipped. I must say I was a bit careless and though quickly
covered my heavy blouse-covered bosoms, the man had a very distinct view of my deep cleavage and part of my big
bubbly mangoes, as he was right in front of me and I was standing up from a bent seated position. In my mind I
thanked my luck that at least Master-ji sewed me a fitting blouse, otherwise I would have been in a more
humiliating position with two of my top buttons open. I noticed that my white bra strap was visible by the side of
the left cup of my blouse. I slid my finger within the blouse and got the strap covered and this I had to do in front
of this man’s eyes and naturally Pande-ji’s eyes were riveted on my tits.

As Pande-ji was putting on the bed sheet on the khatiya, I tried to adjust my panty and gently smacked my bottoms
with my right hand and also massaged them softly, as it was still paining. I thought no one was watching me do that
as Pande-ji was engaged in my front with the bedcover, but I never realized that the lad was back and was standing
right behind me. I was more than abashed seeing him, as I knew what he saw and more importantly what I did. I
saw the boy was smiling looking at me and at the same time looking at my flaring hips time and again. I could not
look straight at him though he was a young boy because of shame.

It was a complete candid sequence and any woman would feel ashamed if such an action is capped by male eyes. I
actually first stretched my sari pleats on my buttocks and traced my panty over my ass crack and tried to stretch
it over my ass cheeks. In the process I bent forward very faintly accenting my round bottoms towards the boy and
he must have seen my fingers scratching my sari-covered ass to search my panty line. Then I self massaged my ass
cheeks one at a time with my right hand to feel comfortable. That’s all!

I sat on the khatiya with the bedcover on. Pande-ji went inside the hut and after some moments came out with a
‘thali’, which had all sorts of puja ingredients.

Pande-ji: Chotu you take your bath quickly and by that time I will get the milk for Madam’s thali.

I noticed that the tap was just few feet away from me and Chotu prepared to take the bath there. Pande-ji also
went towards the tree some 10-12 feet away to get milk from the cow. Chotu was wearing a half pant and a shirt
and he willingly took off the shirt and wrapped a towel around his waist and took off his pant.

Pande-ji: Chotu do not get the towel wet.

Chotu: But, then how I can take the bath?

Pande-ji: Come on Chotu, why are you feeling shame in front of Madam?

Pande-ji paused a little.

Pande-ji: Madam, just see this little boy’s shame? He cannot take a bath in front of you.

I laughed softly and was about to say something, but Pande-ji continued.

Pande-ji: Is Madam a small girl like your friend Rupa that you are getting ashamed? Madam must have seen many
boys like you taking bath in front of her. Isn’t it Madam?

That was a provocative hint I thought from Pande-ji and had to ignore it. Pande-ji was now milking a cow with a
tumbler in between his knees.

Me: I will not mind Chotu. You go ahead. No problem.

I said innocently not knowing what Pande-ji and Chotu actually meant in their conversation. I never could imagine in
my wildest dream that Pande-ji was indicating Chotu to take shower naked in front of me!

Chotu: Okay Madam then I also have no problem. Please warn me if Rupa comes.

Me: Who is Rupa?

Pande-ji: Rupa dwells in the next hut Madam. His girl friend.

Myself and Pande-ji had a mild laughter. Chotu now without any inhibition removed the towel from his waist. He was
just a few feet away from me and probably deliberately he was facing me now. I was almost shocked to see Chotu
completely naked now. His young dick was already tight, probably seeing my ass stroking. My eyes could not
concentrate anywhere else but on the open hanging dick of this young boy. His lund was standing like a banana in
the air as he started pouring water on him. His pubic hairs were quite thin I noticed almost like a girl.

I was already breathing quite heavily and my nipples growing within my bra seeing the bath of this 15 year old boy.
Chotu was very crudely washing his pubic area, especially his raised dick, and the worst part was he was facing me.
As he made the slightest moves, his erect tool was almost dancing and making me miss a beat. Out of womanly
arousal reflex, my legs started parting a bit, but I made myself control that.

Pande-ji: Hey Chotu, soap your body properly.

Chotu: I cannot do it better.

Pande-ji: Wait then, let me come.

Pande-ji approached me with his tumbler of milk and kept it in front of me.

Pande-ji: Madam, these young lads, they are so naughty. Let me soap him properly. You just keep an eye on your milk

Pande-ji smiled while he said the above. I wondered what he meant by ‘your milk’!

Pande-ji went up to Chotu and started rubbing his body with the soap. I noticed the rubbing was very short lived on
his upper part and came down to his penis soon. Pande-ji was virtually coaxing his lund with one hand and twitching
his balls with the other effectively making me feel very hot. My hand was automatically on my boobs and my thighs
were slowly parting seeing this erotic act. I thought if Pande-ji did it for some more time, Chotu surely would have
masturbated. Thankfully it ended soon and Chotu dried off his naked body and was dressed up.

I noticed that he was not wearing any shorts and just wore a fresh half-pant and a shirt. Pande-ji came forward
now after washing his hands and poured milk from the tumbler into a small bowl in the puja thali.

Pande-ji: Madam, just see, how thick the milk is.

Me: Yes. There is no added water at least as we get in town.

Pande-ji: No Madam, it’s absolutely pure, like breast milk.

Saying the last couple of words, he made sure to look up at my upright twin milk tanks below my blouse. I could not
say anything to such comparison. Chotu saved me and as he was ready now we were on our way again to the main
temple building. I was carrying the thali now as it was fully ready.

Me: Pande-ji, I see all women standing in the line with kumkum on their forehead. Why is that so?

Pande-ji: Yes Madam, you will also have that. It’s a custom of this temple. Now comes the tough part Madam
standing in this queue.

We stood in the queue now and this place was within the temple. The long line went outside the gate in the open.
The place was not adequate here as it was a thin passage and men and women queued up there. The line was jam
packed, to say the minimum, and it seemed they are standing for a long time there as almost everyone looked tired
and sleepy. Pande-ji stood right behind me and Chotu was in my front. The pressure of the people in the line made
me stand in body contact with both the males.

Since Pande-ji was fairly tall in comparison to me and standing right behind me, my sixth sense told me he was
trying to look down my shoulder straight into my blouse. From the corner of my eyes I noticed that my pallu had
shifted a fair bit in the hustle and bustle of the queue exposing my wheat colored upper chest area. Since I was
carrying the puja thali, both my hands were preoccupied and I had to helplessly allow Pande-ji peep into my blouse.
Just then, another panda came with a bowl of kumkum and put a bindi sort of mark on my forehead.

There was quite a bit of pushing going on in the line and Pande-ji was taking every opportunity to press more onto
my back. What could I say as I myself could see the pushing around in the line. So I stood dumb as if not minding
this. My pallu had slipped quite a bit now off my shoulder and was partly resting on my arms exposing substantial
portion of my upper treasures. As my ample breasts tightly filled my blouse I could bet Pande-ji was enjoying what
he was seeing.

Getting no reaction from me, as per the natural nature of all males, Pande-ji also was encouraged. In the beginning
he would only press during a pressure in the line, but now he kept pressing against my curvy figure even when there
was no pushing. I could realize his crotch area was openly pressing against my soft full buttocks. I was a bit
alarmed as Pande-ji slowly began to move his pelvis up and down against my ass. I looked around as I was standing in
a public place, but was assured that everybody was busy with themselves and concerned about the slow movement
of the line. I saw Chotu was humming a tune and apparently was not much concerned what was going at his back.

Pande-ji: Madam, there is a lot of crowd today. It will take time.

Me: What can be done. Fortunately this place is comparatively cooler since within the temple.

Pande-ji: Yes Madam.

The line crawled forward very slowly and we were in a place where light was also quite inadequate due to the thin
passage. Pande-ji did not waste time talking and was soon up to his tricks, which kept my mouth shut too. I could
feel Pande-ji’s face was close to my shoulder now feeling my hair almost. I could hear his breathing round my ears.
The long breaths were making me breathe heavy. The back of my blouse was fortunately decently cut and was not
exposing much of my skin. I felt for a moment Pande-ji’s chin touch my shoulder. Right at this moment, I sensed
Chotu seemed to wake up! He was pressing me from the front now and I had to lift up the thali somewhat to
accommodate his pushing.

Chotu: Sorry Madam, pressure is coming from my front.

Me: Its okay Chotu. Now I am getting used to it.

The young lad seeing no hindrance from my side gently and slowly started to press me backwards and I was tightly
sandwiched in between them now. Pande-ji must have got somewhat aroused as I sensed he leisurely put one hand
on my round bottom. He kept it motionless for a moment to see my reaction probably. I shifted only a trace out of
womanly shyness, but the way Chotu was pressing me with his back, I could not move much at all. In no time, I
realized the grip was quite firm. Pande-ji was assessing the firmness and roundness of my ass. My panty as usual
was bunched up in my ass crack and I could realize that Pande-ji could feel my naked ass cheeks below my sari and
petticoat. I could sense fingers were crawling on my proud ass and Pande-ji was missing no opportunity to squeeze
my firm buttocks whenever there was a push.

Chotu suddenly turned to me and said in a whispering voice.

Chotu: Madam, the man in my front is having very bad sweat odour and since my face is near his armpit, I cannot
stand the odour.

I smiled to his words and comforted him.

Me: Okay, do one thing, you turn towards me and stand.

Chotu readily obeyed my order, but I realized I made a mess, as his height was short and his face was at a very,
very uncomfortable height – just in front of my protruding boobs. Pande-ji was not leaving me to breathe easily and
was now kneading both my ass cheeks with his both hands. I could realize very clearly his tight grips on my ass. As
he squashed my fleshy bottoms very firmly I almost uttered an “ouch!”

Chotu: What happened Madam?

Me: Err… No it’s okay. There is so much pushing here.

Chotu nodded in agreement, and as he nodded his nose softly brushed the tip of my left boob. And now with every
movement practically his nose was poking my left boob. Since I was holding the thali, my arms are also raised up and
I could not guard myself at all. Chotu did not know, but he actually brushed my nipple below my blouse with his nose.
Never ever did my husband even played with his nose on my nipple! It was an instant turn on for me and the arousal
was probably more than Pande-ji’s ass massage

Pande-ji was probably satisfied massaging that much and now I realized that he was searching for my panty line
over my sari. He was naturally not getting it over the skin of my smooth buttocks and his searching finger was
making me feel completely wet in my pussy. Pande-ji was now tracing my ass crack and at last found my panty line
and was trying to pick that up with two fingers! I was feeling very much aroused with such an act, a man is trying to
trace my panty line and now trying to pull the sides of my panty with his fingers over my sari.

I looked around again out of shame and shyness, but felt better seeing no one was noticing what was going on. The
area was also fortunately semi dark and that helped this whole action. Chotu was now holding my waist to keep
balance, as there was much pushing from the front. At least twice his face almost buried in my firm boobs due to
pushing and he apologized and made this effort to not touch my boobs again. But I realized very well that this lad,
though quite young, was naughty enough and now since he was holding my waist with both hands he was actually
feeling my matured body.

With this double action, I thought I would cum immediately, but I was also curious to see and feel how far these
two can go, especially this 15-year-old boy. Chotu moved his hand over the exposed area of my waist. His palms and
fingers were quite cold, probably as he had taken the bath, and after lying motionless there for a few seconds, he
moved his hands further down till it was on the fold of my sari on my lower abdomen area. I was feeling so weak
due to his touches directly on my naked skin and felt like I should throw away the thali and grab his head on my

Pande-ji knew very well that I was in no way oblivious to all this. Pande-ji had picked up my panty line over my sari
and felt, stretched, and dragged it amply with his fingers. He was over with it and was up to something bolder, I
guess, as his hands were stationary for a while. I was anticipating something and that exactly happened. Like all
males, he fell for my juicy boobs now. As both my hands remained lifted due to the thali in my hand and Chotu
facing me, it was all the more easier for him to approach my round tits.

We were standing by the wall in the passage and I felt Pande-ji squeezed his right hand in between me and the wall
and was touching me in my armpits. I felt very shy at this movement, as when he would touch my boobs it will be
clearly seen by Chotu as he was facing me. I had to do something. But I was a child in comparison to this male duo
and they did not give me any chance to react at all and made me speechless by their boldness.

It was a joint attack, if I can term that. The queue also proceeded to a dark corner of the passage in the temple,
which also help aggravate the movements of these two different aged males. Chotu’s hands, though initially on my
waist, slid constantly down and were just over my sari line now and in one quick smooth action he pushed his right
hand into my sari! I was so startled by this act that I could not even utter a sound. Chotu did not give me enough
time to realize what was happening, as he quickly pushed his hand deep into my sari frills with one push. This made
me almost jump off my place and in the process my arms were raised more. Pande-ji was equally opportunistic to
take the chance of my arm lifting and grabbed my firm jutting right breast down my armpit. It was a very tight
squeeze straightway

Me: Aaaaah!

I mumbled, but realized that I couldn’t shout and attract attention with Chotu’s hand in my sari and Pande-ji’s hand
on my blouse. It would be too embarrassing. This was the first time I tried to wriggle out, probably out of shame
and fear, as I was in a public place. I had to intervene and held the thali in my right hand, more so as Pande-ji’s
hand was also below my right arm holding my jiggling breast, and brought my left hand down to my navel and tried
to pull out Chotu’s
hand from within my sari. I kept wriggling, not attracting people as far as possible, but Chotu gave one hard push
downwards, and I stood like a statue. I closed my eyes in shame and clenched my teeth, as I was feeling so helpless
though getting highly aroused.

Chotu’s hand was deep down my sari and on my panty now, touching directly!

This young boy was almost raping me standing in front of me in the semidarkness of this temple. Chotu began to
move his hands in my sari, sort of up and down each time touching my panty and over my pussy. For a few seconds
my eyes remained closed and my teeth clenched tight. It seemed to me by his expert movement that Chotu had
perhaps done this to other women earlier and he must be knowing that once you have your hands in a woman’s pussy
area, she would not create any scene. I could feel Pande-ji’s hand was exploring my right boob thoroughly by
pinching it, squeezing it, gauging its size, and tracing the nipple. I was now flowing down my pussy heavily into Guru-
ji’s pad. I was aroused completely.

I had to open my eyes now, as I cannot stand like this in the queue in public, it was not my bedroom. I was getting
weaker and weaker and lost my grip almost on the thali, as I was unable to even stand properly. But these two were
clutching my 28-year-old jawani like octopus. Pande-ji now was moving his pelvis against my round full ass, as if he
were fucking me from behind. I was too weak to struggle and honestly the pleasure I was getting from this
twosome fondling was heavenly. I just stood motionless feeling Chotu’s touches on my panty, Pande-ji’s thumps on
my heavy ass, and his tight squeezes on my right breast. In fact I was leaning backwards on Pande-ji for support.

Chotu now put his hand within my panty from the front and was touching my pubic hairs. This is probably the first
time someone after my husband is touching me in such a private area. I was virtually writhing in ecstasy.
Fortunately my petticoat had a tight knot and he could not move down any further. Expectedly I was cumming
heavily now and was more or less reclining my head on Pande-ji’s flat shirt-covered chest. I knew by this action I
was giving approval to exploit me more, but I was feeling so weak. Pande-ji was certainly emboldened, as he knew
now for sure I liked this fondling.

Pande-ji with his free left hand was now again pressing my buttocks and with his right hand twitching my right
boob and nipple. It was easy for him to trace my nipple, as it has grown up like a ripe grape now. I do not know if
the man behind Pande-ji could see what he was doing. The groping was so direct, but probably the darkness in the
passage saved anyone from seeing our acts. I realized the line moved up to an extreme corner of the temple
passage and this area was the darkest even in daytime, as there was no ventilation. I saw a door to a room a few
yards away and understood that was the ‘garva griha’. I tried to bring in some devotion and loyalty in my feeling for
the puja, but things were absolutely out of my control now. I was sexually so aroused that was unable to
concentrate on anything else, but more fondling of my body.
Chotu soon realized he could not go any deep down my sari and quickly took out his hand off my sari frills. It was a
great relief for me also, but taking the advantage of the darkness, he reached for my sari down my legs. He bent
slightly and being a small boy the man standing in front of him did not care to look round what he was doing. In a
flash he held the bottom
part of my sari and began to pull it up exposing my legs. He kept on pulling it, further and further. I could not feel
like stopping him, as the little boy’s naughtiness was giving me immense sexual pleasure. I was in no time exposed
till my thighs and Chotu like an experienced married man was fondling and stroking my very well-formed smooth

Seeing the opportunity Pande-ji was also not to be left behind. I felt his warm left hand immediately on my thighs
and I could very well realize he was more keen to pull up my sari to my waist. I noticed Pande-ji shifted a little to
my left side as if to protect the nakedness of my naked legs. From outside apparently though my sari looked
normal, but if someone probed further below, he would find my sari had been pulled up and was still getting pulled
up and two male hands were moving on my naked thighs below the cover. I couldn’t imagine in my wildest dreams
that I am standing half exposed in a temple and being fingered by an unknown boy and an elderly stranger like this.

Me: Ouch! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don’t.

I murmured very softly so that no one was attracted towards us, as Pande-ji forcefully pulled up my sari and
petticoat till my waist exposing my legs, thighs, and even my groin completely. Perhaps Pande-ji was getting much
excited, as he had taken his hand off my left boob and brought it towards my legs to pull my sari up and expose me.
Alarm bells rang in my mind as my whole of lower half was now exposed and Chotu openly pinched me on my naked
ass cheek. I tried to stop Pande-ji with one hand as I held the thali with my other hand, but since he had both
hands free and standing behind me, it was very easy for him to pull up the sari and my meek resistance hardly made
any effect.

Me: Pande-ji, you are crossing the limit. Stop this. I cannot stand like this.

I was a bit stubborn now, but he did not care of reply. I was also unable to match his masculine power and he just
made me stand like this with my sari and petticoat pulled up to my waist. His grip on them was so secure that I was
feeling just helpless. I softly whispered to him again, but the reply was very strong!

Me: Pande-ji, stop this now.

Pande-ji: Just stand like this, otherwise I will expose you in this state in front of everybody.

I was shocked to hear this commanding voice. It seemed the person had changed in a flash.

Me: But…

Pande-ji: No ifs or buts Madam. If you shout I will take you out in sunlight like this. So just keep calm.

Me: But I am coming from Guru-ji…

Pande-ji: Guru-ji my foot. One more word and I will pull your panty down and take you in front of all, you understand

I was utterly confused, at the same time I was peaking up sexually due to this fondling and exposure. But for the
first time, I was a bit scared. I tried to keep my composure so that I do not create a scene and people see me in
such exposed condition. For a matured lady like me, who is nearing 30, to stand in a temple queue in that forced
half-naked state was asking for too much, but I consoled my brain and kept my cool as far as possible.
The line moved on like a snail and we were approaching the ‘garva griha’ and I was walking as the queue proceeded
shamelessly with my sari and petticoat pulled up to my waist, now forcefully tugged by Pande-ji in my waistband. I
could feel the cold air touching my completely uncovered thighs and legs and honestly I was dying in shame to such
forceful treatment. For the first time, tears came to my eyes, as on all previous situations I was also enjoying the
male touches on my body. Chotu’s eyes ogled my nakedness and he also enjoyed viewing me stand and walk in that
semi exposed state. He and Pande-ji were caressing my naked fleshy thighs and buttocks at their will.

Suddenly I realized from Pande-ji’s hand movement behind my ass that he deftly pulled open his dhoti and brought
out his lund and touched me on my naked ass! I briskly turned my head and my eyes almost popped out.

Me: What a lund, what a size!

I exclaimed to myself. Pande-ji’s cock was simply massive and any grownup girl would exclaim seeing that. He quickly
pointed it towards my big ass. Honestly, I couldn’t believe it; there were people standing in front and the back of
us, but no one could see what was going on due to the darkness and the narrowness of the passage. I simply had no
idea what to expect now! The very touch of the hot penis on my naked ass cheek made me cum and now the arousal
was slowly taking over my scariness. With one big push, Pande-ji pushed his cock onto my ass crack.

Me: Oooooooooh!

I was shivering in ecstasy as Pande-ji also whispered some lecherous comments in my ears, which were related to
my figure and hips, obviously. He was pressing his lund hard into my ass crack, but fortunately it didn’t go in, as I
was wearing a panty, but now he was pressing his thick erect tool on my soft ass cheeks. My eyes opened wide and I
clenched Chotu’s hand in excitement. Pande-ji cock almost dipped in my soft naked ass cheeks and I was highly
excited. He began to move his cock in a motion, in and out, as if he was fucking me from behind. I just shut my eyes
and enjoyed the hot. Chotu freed his hand from my grip and cupped one of my breasts now and started squeezing it
vigorously. I felt all my blouse buttons would fall open if he massages like this. Pande-ji’s both hands were guiding
his tool all over my naked round hips, only my ass crack being covered by my panty.

My lips parted as I was eagerly wanting a kiss there, and my body had begun to move to the rhythm of Pande-ji’s
gyrations. I was pronouncing soft moans now and was dragging Chotu close towards my body in excitement. My
pussy was completely wet now and discharging and I realized I was reaching climax through this molestation. As I
pulled Chotu close, his face was touching and pressing my erect boobs, and now he caught hold of my left hand,
which was free, and guided it to his crotch. He unzipped his half pant in a flash and put my hand into it.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh!

I was uttering such emotions as I held Chotu’s young hard penis and was feeling Pande-ji’s massive lund crush on my
soft ass. I didn’t need any persuasion and began to fondle his cock with my palm and fingers, as Pande-ji kept
fucking my ass. I was feeling so horny and continued to act like a slut. I was still squirming in sexual stimulation and
my body jerked, as I was cumming very heavily now. I broke out into spasms and was having my orgasm, right in
front of the lustful eyes of Pande-ji and Chotu. While trying not to let out loud moans I had to snug my face into
the broad shoulders of Pande-ji. This obscene show went on for some more moments till I had completed my

When my orgasm did subside I came crashing back to reality. I was feeling so very ashamed that I couldn’t raise
my eyes to look at Chotu, nor to Pande-ji.

Pande-ji: That’s like a good girl!

I heard the whisper in my ears and also some whispering lecherous remarks. We were also close to the ‘garva griha’
now and had to take permission from Pande-ji to lower my sari to cover me.

Me: Pande-ji, people will see me now. I must cover myself.

Pande-ji without wasting words pulled out my sari and petticoat from my waistband and dropped it down and at last
I was fully covered. Chotu turned back and Pande-ji wore his dhoti properly and everything appeared so normal in
the twinkling of an eye. I was still almost panting as to what happened in the last few minutes and in no time our
turn came to get inside the ‘garva griha’ and the door closed behind us and we three were there ‘alone’ in the room
in front of the deity. I was feeling so guilty that was unable to look at the puja, offering puja was impossible in
that state.

Pande-ji: Madam, I don’t think you can give puja in this state.

Me: Yes, no way. I am not in a position to give puja.

Pande-ji: But you can offer something to me.

Me: What?

Pande-ji: Madam, your job is over, but mine is not complete

Me: What do you mean?

Pande-ji: You had your discharge, what about me Madam?

I was simply shocked to hear that and before I could react Chotu took the thali from my hand and kept aside.
Pande-ji also came close to me.

Me: But, you cannot do this…

Pande-ji: Madam, if you try to make a scene, you know very well what I can do.

Again that strong voice, which was so forceful.

Me: But please understand that I am married and am not like those what you are thinking.

Pande-ji: I know you are not a whore and that’s why I did not take you to bed.

I was feeling so confused, what to do. I was cursing Guru-ji and Uday in my mind for sending me here.

Pande-ji: We don’t have time. Chotu bring her here.

Pande-ji referred to the back of the deity, where there was a small place. Chotu quickly came to my back and held
my hands and pulled me there. Pande-ji immediately hugged me from the front and my erect boobs pressed on his
chest. I was struggling to get free, but could do little, as my hands were held securely by Chotu. Pande-ji was
cupping my butt cheeks with both hands and was rubbing his face on my neck and shoulder. I was a bit surprised
that he did not try to kiss my lips or cheeks, which is the general tendency of the males. He held me close to his
body and his body odour was so intoxicating! I could not scream as if I attract people I only will be humiliated, so
tried to respond to his touches. Though I had a complete orgasm minutes before, his close male touches were
making me aroused again. My jiggling boobs were crushing against his broad flat chest and he must be feeling the
fullness and firmness of them. I was struggling though with my legs, but it was nothing to Pande-ji’s powerful

After some hugging, cajoling, and cupping my well-developed butts and tits, he left me. I was quite amazed and
honestly irritated due this half done act! But quickly I realized his plan. He went behind me, dropped his dhoti, and
at one go lifted my sari and petticoat up to my stomach with both hands making me shamelessly half-naked again in
front of their eyes. Chotu came to my front and Pande-ji now gripped my hands from behind and started digging his
open erect lund in my ass. Chotu now hugged me from the front. In a couple of minutes I was hugged by two males
and I never ever had this experience in my life and was simply gasping. Naturally I was getting sexually aroused
again by this awesome twosome affair

I decided to surrender to this joint effort and Chotu was hugging me very tight, and I was also thrusting my juicy
blouse covered boobs on his face. He was biting them over my sari and blouse. Pande-ji was constantly thumping my
ass and his hard thick penis was kissing every bit of my soft buttocks. I was getting immense pleasure honestly.
But in a minute or two, I felt Pande-ji reached his climax and ejaculated on my naked ass globes. Chotu seemed to
take full enjoyment of hugging freely a much elder woman from his age and touched me at all my private parts.
Since my arms were held by Pande-ji, I could not block him and he was in fact touching and feeling my blouse, my
bra strap, my panty, dragging the cloth to see inside, and even pulled my thin pubic hairs!

After some quick stroking by Pande-ji on my buttocks, he was exhausted. Without wasting a minute, Pande-ji
cleaned the mess off my hips with his dhoti. I was all along standing with my sari pulled up over my waist
advertising nakedness shamelessly. Thankfully, everything happened behind the deity! Uday showed up after half
an hour and I did not talk to him at all throughout our return journey. I was very angry with him for sending me to
this man. I was back in the ashram and rested in my room after having a long shower and a full-appetite lunch.

Though initially I was cursing Uday in my mind for sending me to Pande-ji and the way that scoundrel treated me, I
later realized that there was nothing Uday could do, it was purely Guru-ji’s instruction that he obeyed. I also
remembered what Guru-ji told me before the start of this two-day therapy that I have to only respond to actions
on my body naturally and wipe out everything else from my mind. Hence when I rewinded the whole episode in the
temple in my mind lying on my bed, I realized Pande-ji must have been momentarily carried away by my well formed
assets and had done to jack off. Afterall he is a normal male!

In fact I started feeling proud about my figure at this nearing thirty age to have turned the heads males of
different ages staring from Chotu to Pande-ji to even Master-ji! The only guilt I had was allowing the two males to
molest me within the temple garva griha, which is considered a very sacred place and I prayed to god to forgive me
for this wrong act. The scene that was making me turn red with shamefulness was the moments I was made to walk
by Pande-ji in the line with my sari pulled up. This humiliation was so very disgraceful to digest for me.

I did not know when I fell asleep and woke up when Nirmal knocked at the door. He came with tea and snacks with
his ever-amusing face. Nirmal served the tray and kept looking at my breasts. I was not wearing a bra as I was
sleeping and they were hanging loose like a pair of mangoes. I was surprised to note that I was not feeling shy
standing like that in front of a male! Still out of womanly shyness I looked down at my boobs and found that my
nipples were clearly visible through the dress and soon realized that was the reason for Nirmal’s intense gaping. I
quickly turned round and went for the toilet to put on my undergarment and Nirmal had to leave.

Nirmal: I will bring you a fresh pad before you go out to see ‘aarti’ in Mukteswari Temple.

Me: Okay. Please close the door as you leave.

Nirmal went way and I went to the toilet to get fresh and use the conveniences. I was ready in 10 minutes, put in
the pad in my panty and had the medication and when I came out of my room, it was already getting dark. I slept
for quite a while I thought. I was no doubt feeling very fresh and rejuvenated after the tight afternoon sleep. My
eyes eagerly searched for Uday, but I could not find him. When I went out to the courtyard, I saw he was playing
kho-kho with Sanjeev, Rajkamal, Meenakshi, and Uday, and there were also a few local boys and girls. Uday seeing
me waved and indicated to wait. I was watching him only, as he was running and chasing, his muscular body was truly
a site to watch. I was surely developing a crush for him now I clearly realized. I almost felt a racing beat in my
heart like my early college days when I had the only affair of my life!

The game was soon over and Uday washed his hands and feet and then we went out. We waited outside the ashram
for the bullock cart to arrive.

Uday: Madam, are you angry with me about any of morning incident?

Me: Yes, of course. How can you leave me in the hands of that scoundrel?

I pretended to look dejected with him and wanted that Uday would plead me.

Uday: Madam, believe me, I had nothing to do in it, as it was Guru-ji’s instruction.

Me: I don’t know. He misbehaved with me.

Uday: Madam, if he had done anything rude, it must be coincidental, he probably could not control himself in front
of your beauty.

I remained silent and turning my face off Uday and wanted to see his reaction. He gently touched my elbow and
tried to coax me.

Uday: Madam, please do not mind. Please.

I turned and smiled, which in a way indicated that I was okay regarding what Pande-ji did to me even after I had
my discharge. Uday also smiled and gifted me with a very indecently poke into my bulging right boob with his thumb.
I blushed and did not even mind such open obscene behavior from a male, whom I know only from yesterday. I
myself was getting amazed to see I was reaching new heights of shamelessness every moment.

The cart appeared soon and Uday told that had to the Mukteswari Temple first otherwise it might be reported the
cart driver in the ashram. I was not very happy though listening to this, but felt happier as Uday sat very close to
me within the cart. Unlike my first boring cart ride yesterday to the fair, it was more adventurous one for sure. I
was thrilled like a teenage girl as I noticed the cart driver was not facing us as he guided the bullocks. Uday and
myself sat right behind him within the cart shade and since it was already evening, there was sufficient darkness
also, though the road through which it proceeded was not desolate.

Uday: Madam, keep an eye on the road, people should not see us too close.

He whispered in my ear, his thick lips touching my ear and his hand encircled me with a light hug. I almost trembled
to this romantic action and blushed vigorously. I was feeling like a teenage girl on her date! Uday was cautious
enough to take off his hand without delay, as the shade under which we were sitting in the cart was open from
behind and anyone behind could see us clearly. As we sat our legs were touching each other’s and while the cart
moved and undulated on the bumpy road, I was actually trying to get more of his touches. My heart was beating
faster and undoubtedly I was having a revisit of my emotions of my college day dating escapades.

I was holding his hand firmly and he was playing with my nimble fingers. His palm was warm and was giving me a very
good turn on. Seeing a darker instance as we traveled slowly through the village road, he touched my breasts and
playfully put his fingers below my pallu and gently squeezed my firm blouse-covered flesh. I smiled to myself
getting such a loving clasp on my boob, as the encounters that I had here included only lusty grips on my milk tanks.
With each undulation of the cart, Uday was rhythmically giving me a boob squeeze and I was feeling so good that I
closed my eyes. I was feeling his fingers moving slowly on my succulent breasts and tracing my bra within trying to
find the outlines of my nipples.

Uday: Where have you hidden your nipples Madam? I am not able to trace them.

I slapped his hand mockingly and blushed again. My ears were getting hot, but before Uday could do anything more,
we reached the Mukteswari Temple. It was a much smaller temple unlike the ShivNarayan Temple I visited in the
morning. Uday told the cart driver to be there again within two hours and we hurried inside the temple.

Uday: Madam, since we are in saffron dress, anybody would recognize that we are from ashram. So we need to
change our dress first. I have brought some clothes for you and me in my bag. Lets go behind the temple first and
change to it.

I nodded and followed him and we went to the backside of the temple, which was relatively quiet and completely
vacant. Uday brought out a striped half-shirt and trouser for him and went behind a nearby tree to replace his
ashram clothing. I stood there alone holding his bag. My heart was beating fast thinking if someone comes in
between, but nothing happened and within a minute Uday was back.

Uday: Madam, you now quickly change your sari and blouse.

Saying that he pulled out a printed sari and a white blouse for me from his bag. I took that and went behind the
same tree. I rapidly pulled off my sari from my body and looked around before opening my blouse. There was no one
for sure and enough darkness and that gave me courage to unbutton my blouse and within seconds I was standing in
my bra and petticoat only. I was patting myself in my mind for my recently developed boldness! The blouse was
loose by all means, must be of some woman with an awesome size. I moved out from behind the tree and Uday
quickly kept my saffron sari and blouse in his bag.

Me: Whose sari and blouse are these?

Uday: My girlfriend’s.

I looked at his eyes with mock anger, but he almost pulled my hand and we hurried away through the temple
backdoor. Though there were village people on road, due to our normal clothing, we did not attract much public

Uday: Madam, the riverside is the safest place. It’s hardly five minutes walking distance from here.

Me: Okay, you know this place better.

Uday: At this hour of the evening it should be absolutely desolate.

Soon we reached the riverside and it was truly a lovely place. A cool gentle breeze was blowing and with thick
grassy riverbank, dimly lit moon, and no one there except us – indeed made out an incredibly romantic ambiance.

Uday: How do you feel Madam?

He was holding my hand and I instantaneously made him hug me. The male scent of his body, flat chest, and his
muscular shoulders made me nearly mad and I also embraced him very tight. Uday feeling my juicy figure with his
body and hands was pumping me for more and started hugging me very, very firmly and digging and rubbing his face
more into my face. I was getting terribly excited and dying to taste his lips now - leaving behind all my shame - I
made the first progress and boldly kissed his lips before he could do that. In no time, my lips were filled with his
saliva and his thick lips were sucking mine. It seemed to me as if he would suck all juices off my lips at one go and
when he parted my lips for a while I was panting like anything.

Me: Uday…

I was ecstatically moaning his name and was largely turned on sexually by Uday’s passionate hugs and kisses. I
nearly fell to my feet due to his cuddling, but his strong arms kept me secure glued to his body. My pallu had
almost fallen to my arms and since the blouse was too loose, I was giving a daring display of my hugely uncovered
breast area above my bra to him. He took his face to my cleavage that remained exposed due to my ill-fitting
blouse and rubbed his face there with lots of kissing and licking. Seeing the opportunity I took my right hand to his
crotch and picked his khada lund over his trouser.

Me: Ooooooooooooooh!

I burst out a loud moan holing his thick took, as it felt so good to touch even over his trouser and brief. In no time,
Uday helped me to unzip his trouser and I noticed his meat was looking like a pole struggling in his mini brief. As I
was stroking his hard penis over the material of his brief, suddenly Uday pulled off. I was so taken aback by his
movement that I could not react for a while and remained stranded with my pallu down, exposed cleavage, and in
one hand I was holding Uday’s dick. Uday was looking at the river. I quickly gathered composure and noticed a boat
coming towards us.

Uday: Madam, seems we are riding our luck, come with me.

I hurriedly followed him as he waved to the boat and ran towards the water. He had a talk with the boatman, who
looked pretty young, and gave him a 20 rupee note and we both boarded the boat.

Uday: Madam, his name is Babulal. A very nice boy. He will give us a half an hour ride. I know him and so we are safe

Me: Uday, you are a genius.

Babulal: Uday bhaiya, please get up quickly. We should not stand here like this.

My heart was almost skipping beats, as the setting was so romantic – dim moonlight, calm river, small boat, no one
around and am with a lovable male. I was already wet down my panty and now simply wanted Uday on my flesh.

Me: Uday, please tell Babulal to turn to the other side. He can see us directly.

Uday: Madam, Babulal cannot guide the boat sitting like that. Lets us one thing – we turn our backs to him.

Me: But Uday he is so close… I will not be able to be free.

Uday: I will make you free Madam.

He whispered in my ears “off your clothes”.

I punched him jokingly and was so desperate for his intimate touches that I was shamelessly agreeing to do love
making in front of the boatman, Babulal.
Uday: Madam, with such a beautiful setting here, just ignore him. He is just a small boy. It’s only you and me.

I could not ignore completely ‘small boy’ now, as I had experienced Chotu, seen him taking bath, saw his lund, and
felt his touches on my body only in the morning in the ShivNarayan Temple. The boat was rather small and Babulal
was sitting just 7-8 feet away and there was no shade in the middle where we can remain guarded. So the slightest
movement I do or Uday does will be clearly seen by this third person. Doing love making in front of another male
would be outrageously shameful for me I thought. But simultaneously, in all honesty I wanted to get exposed now in
front of Uday. I was tired of getting squeezes on my bra-covered boobs for the last two days and fanatically
wanted Uday’s fingers to open my blouse and bra now. But this boatman was spoiling my thoughts, as I was really in
a dilemma to allow myself to be fondled again in front of a stranger. Uday whispered in my ears seeing my

Uday: Madam, why are you wasting time on this Babulal? He is a school going boy.

He might go to school, but that does not mean I should do ‘anything’ in front of him! He was only 7-8 feet away
from us, hence obviously was very conscious, but before I could contradict Uday any more, he held me and turned
me in my sitting position and forced me to show my back to the boatman.

Me: Ouch!

Uday did not let me utter any more word and hugged me very tightly in my sitting position and started kissing. For
that moment I thought of objecting him, as he was openly embracing and kissing me in front of the boatman, but
the cold breeze, sound of water splashing on the boat, and Uday’s romantic moves made me forget about everything
and I also started responding to him.

Uday: Madam, you have not completed what you started.

Me: What?

Uday: You opened my zip only, who will pull down my brief?

Me: Why? Ask your girlfriend from whom you have brought this sari for me.

We both giggled and we were embracing each other very intimately. I kissed Uday in his lower lip and in return he
gave me a long kiss sucking my thin lower lip. As he kissed Uday guided my hand towards his trouser zip and made
me open it. Then Uday pulled off my pallu from my breasts and this time he was straightway opening my blouse
buttons. His both hands opening my blouse hooks one by one while he made sure my lips are locked in his mouth. I
tried to resist somewhat thinking of the boy sitting just behind me, but his kissing was making me so weak. I
thought better to open his zip completely and was now fondling his erect and thick lund again.

Me: Oh! My god!

I said to myself. Uday’s lund was so good to hold. I had held my husband’s erect penis many times, but surely Uday’s
tool felt to my fingers as more powerful and juicy. I simply loved it and honestly more than my hubby’s. I coaxed it
and pulled it out from the side of his brief. The shaft was l-o-n-g and so upright. I was playing with the foreskin
and was getting wetter by the minute within my panty.

As I was engrossed with Uday’s ‘garam lund’ and enjoying the kisses on my lips by him, I did not notice what Uday
was up to and suddenly felt cool breeze on my boobs, and saw that Uday was extremely swift in opening all my
blouse hooks at this point exposing my white bra to his view.
Me: Ummmmmm! Ummmmmm! Ummmmmm!

I tried to say “No”, “No”, “No”, but since I was lip-locked with him, I could sound that much only, as he was now
trying to peel off my blouse off my body. My pallu was already flying in the light breeze behind my back and I could
realize very well that my sari was getting loose off my waist. Uday somewhat forced me now to open my blouse
completely and since it was very loosely fit he did not have much trouble getting it off my arms. Uday did not leave
sucking my lips till he completely removed my blouse off my body and instantly I felt a shiver went down my spine.

I tried to grab the blouse, but Uday cleverly threw it towards my back and now was pulling my sari off my waist. He
simply made me stand and started whiffing it off my waist. In any case my sari was not worn very securely, as I
wore it standing in the open behind the tree in the temple in a hurry and thus before I could even take two
complete breaths, I was standing in Uday’s arms in my scanty bra and petticoat only. I looked behind and nearly
froze as I saw Babulal was picking up my sari and blouse from the boat floor and gaping at me lewdly. Out of natural
shyness my arm went on to my revealing breasts only clad in a bra in trying to save decency.

Uday: Madam, don’t worry about your dress, Babulal will keep them securely.

I was feeling so ashamed looking at the old thug, Babulal, as he sat with a smiling face with my sari and blouse in his

Uday: Madam, why are you feeling shy? He is just a kid.

Me: Have some sense Uday. I cannot just go on opening my clothes in front of him, just because he is a teenager.

Uday seemed not much interested to continue the talks on this topic and started hugging, squeezing, and kissing me
again. Uday was openly touching all my private areas now. With one hand he was cupping my breasts and with the
other hand he was massaging my bottoms and simultaneously he was sucking and biting my thin lips. I was wriggling
in elation and sexual excitement to these male touches. I was grabbing him also and scratching his back and hips
and it was such a nice feeling to hold his physique.

Uday: Madam, please leave me for a while.

Me: Why?

Not answering to my question, Uday started undressing. I smiled seeing his act and in no time he was almost naked.
I already had opened his trouser zip while fondling his erect tool and now he pulled it off his legs and the shirt and
his vest too. He was standing in his mini brief only and was looking very sexy, and more so due to the ambiance. The
boat was now almost in the mid river and the waters beside us were glittering in the moonlight. I could not see the
banks clearly due to the darkness. Uday took a couple of steps forward to hand his dress to Babulal because the
strong breeze might fly the clothes to the water if not kept securely.

The scene was getting heated up and to tell the truth I also eagerly awaiting to be naked in Uday’s arms in this
ultimate romantic setting, but the only concern for me was the presence of that Babulal. As I was expecting Uday
hugged me tight and this time was trying to pull up my bra from my big firm boobs. I somehow resisted him from
doing that, but the very next moment he was trying to unfasten my bra hook on my smooth back. I knew Babulal
was getting a wonderful view of my uncovered whole back as the only cover there was my bra strap, which was
hardly one inch broad.

Me: Uday pleeeeeeeeeeeease. Don’t do that.

I closed my eyes as I realized Uday’s fingers had unfasten by bra hook on my back and the straps sprung to both
sides making my back completely bare and my tits as if bounced up freely off the bra shackles. I was almost
trembling in excitement, as I was standing in the all side open boat and the cool breeze was adding more
stimulation to my arousal. I kept my eyes shut as I could comprehend I was losing my last clothing from my upper
portion of my body. Uday applied force to make open my arms and pulled out the bra and made me completely
topless. I was standing topless in a boat in the mid river in the arms of a male, who is not my husband, and also
being watched by the boatman!

Uday: Babulal come down once. Keep this also.

Babulal: Yes Uday bhaiya.

I opened my eyes slightly and saw Babulal coming up on the undulating boat to take my bra. I was feeling a bit
ashamed, but also realized the strong wind would fly it surely to the waters if not kept properly. I kept my head on
Uday’s chest hiding my naked boobs also there and waited till Babulal went back to his place.

Babulal: Madam’s bra is so wet with sweat Uday bhaiya. She can catch a cold wearing this.

Babulal was inspecting my bra now. The boy was looking at the insides of my bra cups. Uday was hugging me still and
with one hand was constantly twisting my erect nipples as he was talking to Babulal.

Uday: Keeping it in the open will…

Babulal intercepted Uday.

Babulal: Uday bhaiya, let me do one thing. I will tie it to a pole and Madam’s bra will dry up in moments in this
strong breeze.

Me: What?

I could not stop reacting listening that this weird plan; Babulal is planning to tie my bra to a pole and wave it in air
to get it dry! I could not move out much to talk to him directly, as there was not even a thread on my upper part of
the body and hence remained in Uday’s physical guard.

Me: Uday, please stop this boy.

Uday: Come on Madam, who is going to see it here. Even if anyone sees it, will think it’s just a white cloth, no one
can understand that it is actually your bra.

Saying this he started kissing me in front of Babulal. This action made my naked hanging boobs quite visible to the
boy. He was wearing a half pant and the bulge within it clearly indicated that this live show was much to his liking. I
was enjoying Uday’s kiss again, though feeling a tinge of shame in front of a third person for my topless condition.
After a very long kiss he left my lips and by that time, Babulal had put my bra on a pole and as he erected it, my
bra was flying in the strong breeze like a small flag.

Uday did not give me much chance to me react to this action of Babulal, as he turned his back to Babulal and also
turned me to face away from him towards the shore. My round ass was now touching his lund, which was out of his
tiny brief. Out of natural shyness my arms went to my fully naked breasts and I tried to cover at least my areolas
and the taut nipples with my palms. Uday started squeezing and mauling my uncovered boobs with both hands from
behind me. His hands almost acted as the only cover now on my twin peaks, which were jiggling and bouncing on my
slightest movement.
I had never remained topless in my life in the open except with my husband on bed, however, I was feeling like am
in heaven in the lap of waters around me ion this undulating small boat. I thoroughly enjoyed the squeezing and it
seemed to me as if his fondling was going on, and on, and on. My erect boobs and nipples grew to their full size due
to this hot action and simultaneously I was fully wet within my pussy. I was slowly pushing my soft round hips to his
crotch and feeling his absolutely khada lund.

Uday now moved his right hand from my boobs and slowly took it down my upper naked body to my navel. He circled
my navel and fingered it in rhythmic motion.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I was discharging soft moans as I was wetting the pad in my panty with my fluids. Uday now gradually eyeing my
honey pot and after caressing my naked waist region, he pushed his hand within my petticoat. I felt his fingers
were touching my pubic bush and he was gently playing with the thin hairs there. Out of natural reflexes I closed
my legs a bit, but Uday thumped my buttocks with his pelvis to indicate that he did not like my action. I parted my
legs again in the standing posture and he swiftly pulled my petticoat string now and it came off almost instantly.
Alarm bells rang in my head and I tried to grab my last decent clothing.

Me: Uday, please don’t take it off. I will become fully…

Uday: Madam I want to see you naked.

He whispered in my ears and tried to pull down my petticoat from my waist.

Me: Uday, please understand. There is another person watching us.

Uday: Person! Babulal is a person. Madam, you will make me laugh. Moreover, when I was kissing you he has already
seen your breasts, right? If he sees your legs will that make much difference? Tell me.

Uday did not wait for my reply and almost forced my hands off my petticoat and pulled it down to my mid thighs
and in one last swift action, my petticoat dropped to my ankles. I was standing stark naked now wearing only a tiny
panty, which was so small that it was not even covering my ass cheeks properly. I felt like standing in my toilet, as
never ever did I stand in the open like this.

Uday: Madam, you look so very beautiful without clothes. Your figure is so sexy even after marriage. Ummmm.

He turned and kissed me on my lips feeling every part of my naked body. Strangely I was still not feeling the urge
to be fucked even after Uday had made me nude except for my panty. Guru-ji’s drug had its effect surely. I
realized Uday probably knew that and now he slowly made me lie on the deck of the boat and by doing this he made
me totally vulnerable to Babulal’s wide gaping eyes. I almost froze in shame when I saw Babulal coming up to us

Me: Uday…

I simply closed my eyes momentarily pulling Uday towards me. But Uday forced out of my arms and picked up my
petticoat and handed over to Babulal making me shamefully exposed. Me, a 28-year-old housewife lying on a boat
amidst a river in front of the boatman with completely uncovered body. My heavy breathing was making my exposed
round boobs look very attractive and my reddish upturned nipples were crowning the scene. Babulal must have been
seeing the scene of his life while he took the petticoat from Uday. I was cumming again, not even touched by Uday
right now, but the very thought of this teenager seeing me in this stripped condition.
Babulal: Uday bhaiya, its difficult to come time and again as you can see the breeze is building up. If Madam opens
her panty, I can take it together.

I was dumbstruck and probably this was left for me to hear. I did not know what to do or how to react to this and
remained motionless.

Uday: Babulal, stay within yourself. I will tell you if I need your help.

I felt much happier as Uday scolded the boy, but my joy seemed short-lived.

Uday: What do you think? Madam is she so shameless that she will become fully nude in front of you?

Babulal: Sorry Uday bhaiya.

Uday: Don’t you know a panty holds all the respect of a woman even if she opens everything? If that thing is
protected, a woman is secured. Isn’t it Madam?

He pointed his finger to my panty-covered pussy and asked me the question. I could not make out what to do and
nodded like a fool lying there in front of two males in a ‘bare all’ state. I do not know what Babulal understood, as
he went back to his seat at the corner of the boat. Uday did not waste any more time and entered the ultimate of
our lovemaking. All the conversations between him and me were like whispers with ample fondling, squeezing,
rubbing and kissing.

Uday: Madam you have such a beautiful body, how did your husband allow you to stay away?

He embraced me and kept his body weight on my body. I looked at him and whispered a reply with satisfaction in
my eyes with every touch of his.

Me: If he did not allow me, how could I get you?

Uday reached and caressed my face and my hair and took his lips again near my lips and I parted my lips to
accommodate his. His hands were caressing my whole body though mostly on my juicy and erect boobs. The very
next moment Uday was running his tongue through my neck and ears and I closed my eyes and was moaning softly.
Then for the first time he started sucking my nipples, one at a time and simultaneously twisting the other free
nipple. This gave me a huge, huge turn on.


I was almost yelling in excitement. The next moment Uday was licking my entire left breast while he fondled the
right. I was reaching down to feel his hardness. As I did that Uday started to suck on my right nipple with full
force as if trying to draw milk from it. He was now kneading my left breast very intimately and giving me immense
pleasure. When he finished with my breasts, I looked at them and dropped my eyelids in shame as they were almost
shining with Uday’s saliva in the moonlit night. My nipples were fully swollen by his oral attack.

Uday was on top of me now completely and licked my face and neck. This is the first time any person apart from my
husband was on top of my body. I was definitely getting more pleasures than what my hubby had given me so far.
As Uday caressed my breasts sensuously, our lips met again now in the most sensuous way. We were chewing each
other’s lips and sharing our saliva. Uday then got up and started concentrating down my body.

Uday: Madam, can you please turn over once.

I was lying on the floor of the boat and now turned over and was in a prone condition with my face on the floor. He
instantly pushed down my white panty a bit, which was only covering my ass crack. My huge gaand remained fully
exposed to his eyes. I lifted my gaand shamelessly to help him pull down my panty more. Uday was careful so that
my pad was not dislodged off my pussy. Uday basically pulled out the panty cloth of my ass crack and pushed it
aside on my booming ass cheek. Uday now spread my thighs and settled his face on ass crack and started licking me

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!

I was trembling in excitement. Uday was also getting very excited as my full ass was in front of his face. He
initially tenderly stroked each globe of her big gaand and then moved his fingers toward the crack between my ass
cheeks and parted them wide to look at my fart hole. Uday then started licking and biting the firm flesh of my
naked gaand. He then started fingering my asshole very tenderly.

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! .

I was gasping with each stroking of his finger. He fingered my asshole and licked it so much that I was feeling my
asshole was getting slightly parted and must be looking bigger now. I also spread my ass further so that I could
allow the ultimate.

Uday: Babulal, is there any oil in the boat?

I was quite shaken up by this sudden question of Uday. I almost forgot there was a boy watching me do lovemaking.

Babulal: Yes Uday bhaiya. Shall I give it to you?

Uday nodded and he readily came up with a small bottler of oil. As I was lying on floor, I could see Babulal’s feet,
he was standing within one foot of my naked body. Uday put the oil on his lund and made it greasy. Babulal I saw
went back to his position.

Uday: Madam,. now you will get more pleasure and less pain.

He now brought his huge oil-soaked lund near my ass and positioned it to get inside me.

Me: Uday, please do it gently.

I was almost appealing to him. Uday positioned himself and pushed his dick very slowly inside my anus. I was now
loudly moaning. The oil really was lubricating his lund very well in my moist anus. I felt his penis tip progress inside
my hole gently. I grasped the boat floor as he was gyrating his hard dick a bit faster into my crack. Uday’s hands
were not wasting the time and he cupped my full breasts, which were pressed under my body on the boat floor, and
started giving me very tight squeezes.

Me: Oh! My god! What pleasure I am getting!

I made some subtle adjustment in my body to give Uday more pleasure. I pushed my bottoms a bit upwards and
lifted my body a little balancing on my elbows. This made both my boobs hanging freely in air and Uday very easily
gripped them like two mangoes in two hands. Honestly it was slightly painful, but I was thankful to Uday for the
lubrication he made with the oil. Moreover, he was not fucking my ass recklessly and he was very caring. We were
doing it slow and steadily. He pushed his lund more and I was also pushing my gaand back till his lund was well within
me. Uday increased the rhythm of the strokes and I was in the seventh heaven greeting every push with wild
orgasms. After some minutes we both discharged adequately being completely satisfied.
We stayed in that position for some more moments enjoying the lovely night on the boat with the wind and the
sounds of water. Then Uday pushed up first and wiped his semen of my gaand with his brief, which was lying at his
side. I never noticed when he took his brief off and was completely naked. After he cleaned me up, he pushed and
pulled the cloth of my panty to its proper position over my buttocks covering my ass crack and part of both of my
ass cheeks. I was not feeling any shame now, though very little was left in me I thought. Now I got up and was
absolutely facing Babulal. He was gaping at my hanging fully-grown breasts, but I did not try to hide them, but
instead turned my back to him. I looked at Uday’s lund, which was hanging like a banana now after discharging its

Me: Uday, please get my dress. I cannot be like this anymore.

Uday: Babulal, bring Madam’s dress. Madam, do you want to get to shore or want to sail across some more distance?

Me: Lets spend some more time here.

Uday: Okay Madam, we have still some more time left before the cart comes to the temple.

I quickly dressed up as Babulal handed Uday my clothes. I put on my bra and Uday now helped me to clip it. I was
feeling so weak that I accepted his “husband-like” behavior. As he put on the hook, he again started massaged my
erect boobs, now clasped in the bra.

Me: Uday, now stop. They are paining.

Uday: But they seem to be ready again Madam.

He commented this feeling my hard nipples, twitching each of them over my bra with his thumb and middle finger. I
also responded adequately by holding his limp penis.

Me: But he will take time to get ready dear.

We both laughed and hugged each other. I wore the blouse and pulled in my petticoat and Uday now forced me to
be in that state for some more time not allowing me to wear the sari.

Uday: Madam, you look damn sexy in this way.

Simultaneously Babulal also got ample views of my half clad body and must have enjoyed every bit of this boat ride.
Minutes passed very quietly as the boat sailed through the river with the pleasant breeze blowing and the moon
shinning the waters. I was sitting almost in Uday’s lap, we were so close together, and felt almost sleepy in this
exotic ambiance. The quiet journey continued and I was feeling if it would have been never ending!

Silence was broken by Uday’s words.

Uday: Madam, I am feeling guilty you know.

Me: Why do you say so?

Uday: Madam, this is the first time I violated Guru-ji’s instructions. I did not take you to the temple and we came
here and enjoyed.

The mood was such one tends to get philosophic I thought.

Me: But Uday, the goal was to get me… You know.

Uday: No, no Madam, I deviated from my conduct. I feel so guilty now.

Me: These things do happen in life once or twice. Uday, look at me. I am a married woman and I was also carried
away by your presence.

Uday: Madam, you are not at fault. You have come here for a treatment and you are in the process of getting it. I
am feeling like a culprit. I can never tell this to Guru-ji and have to suppress the fact.

Uday paused and then continued. He sounded so philanthropic!

Uday: Madam, have you ever felt guilty in the true sense in life after undergoing through any event? Where you did
something out of compulsion or innocence. If not, you will not feel this.

I thought for a while. I thought deeper.

Me: Yes Uday, you are probably right.

Uday: Do you remember the state of mind you had that day? Then you can realize my mind.

Me: Hmm… Uday I also had such an occurrence in my life, but that time I was too young.

Uday: Age is not the binding factor here Madam, the feeling is. Let me hear what happened to you?

I took a deep breath as Uday had dug up an incident from my teenage days when I was in school.

Me: But Uday, it’s not a matter to be shared proudly. It’s a tale of humiliation if I recap it today. But at that age I
hardly understood that.

Uday: See Madam, the realization comes only after something happens. The case is the same for you in your school
days and for me today. That day you might not have dictated things, but even today if you had not persuaded me, I
probably would not have the courage to defy Guru-ji’s instructions.

Me: Hmm… Okay if you insist, this was what happened. I will try to tell you everything…

I was in class X then and I still remember that day quite vividly. It was a Saturday. It was an unusual Saturday. I
will tell why I am saying that. We were a joint family; my father and his brother lived together. My grandmother
was also alive. Thus at any point of time someone or the other was always available in the house. But that day the
situation was very unusual as a close relative from my mother’s side died and my parents went there along with my
aunt and elder sister. Even my grandmother went with them as she was close to her. I was alone in the house and
since my uncle had night duty, all were away by the time he came back. Hence I was in the house with my uncle only.

My uncle used to come back from his night duty at around 08:00 am and taking breakfast he used to go to sleep till
noon. The only servant we had in the house was a maidservant who came regularly at 06:30 in the morning and
prepared food, washed clothes and went away by noon. Since I did not have school on weekends and my uncle
sleeping I was wondering what to do. Then I thought of opening my elder sister Sunita’s bookshelf and scan
through the story books which in general she keeps away from me. My elder sister never allowed me to read those
quoting that they are “adult magazines” and naturally I had more inclination towards them. Today I got the chance.
Though I was around sixteen years then, since I was brought up in a very conservative environment and studied in a
girl’s school, I was still pretty much “innocent.”

I just peeped in my uncle’s room to see whether he was asleep or not. I saw he was sleeping tight in a supine
position, but his lungi was up almost to his waist exposing his hairy legs before my eyes and even I could peep into
his blue shorts. I also noticed a bulge in my uncle’s shorts and quickly went off from that place not understanding
what it was. I closed the door and opened didi’s bookshelf with the keys and took out those books. Sunita didi is in
college now studying post graduation. I saw they were Hindi magazines, but not film magazines. There were lots of
stories, which had pretty strange names. I scanned through some of them, viz. “Naukrani Bani Biwi”, “Rukmini
Pahuchee Meena Bazaar”, “Doctor Ya Shaitan”, “Bhabie Meri Jaan” etc. etc.

There were also pictures accompanying each story and most of them depicted a male and a female and some had
only females in scanty dresses. My ears were getting hot seeing those pics and something was happening in me I
could realize. In one story, there was a set of pictures, very bright and clear, where a man was kissing the girl on
her lips in the first photo, next he was holding her breasts with both hands, the girl was only wearing a brassiere,
her legs could not be seen. Next the man was kneeling before her and embracing her naked legs and here I realized
the girl was wearing a panty only. In the last one, the man was sucking her nipples and she was not even wearing the
brassiere in this pic. I quickly closed the book and was breathing heavily.

“Nita, Nita!”

I heard my uncle calling me. Though my name is Anita, he calls me lovingly “Nita”.

Me: Chachu, aa rahi hoon. One minute.

I quickly put the books in the shelf, locked it and went out to see what uncle wanted. When I went into uncle’s
room, I was still breathing heavily and was not out of the effect of those “adult magazines”. I tried to remain
normal, but uncle somehow caught me.

Uncle: Nita, do kadam aane me tu haaf rahi hai? Kya baat hai?

Me: Nothing chachu. Aise hi.

Uncle was looking at my breasts, which were rhythmically moving up and down within my top and bra. I tried to
divert the topic.

Me: Chachu aap mujhe bula rahe the? Koi kaam hai kya?

Fortunately my uncle did not drag that inquiry, but still looking at my twin peaks intently, he asked me to bring the
knife from my mother’s room, as he wanted to cut some fruits. I readily went for that and the first thing I did
coming to mummy’s room was to check myself in the mirror. I was panting a bit no doubt, which was actually making
my top stretch a bit on my tits, but otherwise looked okay. I was 16 then and had normal sized boobs, very erect
and tight, along with a thin figure and somewhat fleshy hips for a girl of class X. I used to wear tops and skirts at
home and that day also was no different.

As I was growing fast at that age and most of my skirts were getting shorter for my height, my mom used to
select skirts for me to wear at home, and I invariably found that she chose the shorter ones for home and the
longer ones for outside. She hardly discarded any skirt and today also I was wearing one of them from my mom’s
collection. I noticed my mom did not mind much if I wore short skirts at home, but while I went outside she was
very particular about my skirt covering below my knees. Even she kept aside one skirt for my sleeping purpose, that
too when I slept with my didi, which was horribly short now, as probably that was brought when I was in class VI.
For the last one year, I always wear a brassiere at home, as my mom insisted that, saying
“teri doodh ab bari ho gayi hai Anita. Hamesha bra pehna kar.”
Today also was no different. I took the knife now for uncle and went back to his room. As I entered I saw uncle
was changing his dress. On other days, if my aunt was present, uncle would certainly use a towel or turn back to the
wall, but today to my utter disbelief, he was changing it openly. It seemed to me as if he was waiting for me and as
soon as I entered his room, he started to pull down his lungi. His vest was already off and now he was standing
naked except for his shorts. I dropped my eyes from directly looking at him and placed the knife on the table and
was about to leave the room.

Uncle: Nita, almirah se mera ek lungi dena.

Me: Ji chachu.

I opened the shelf and picked up a lungi for him and when I turned I saw uncle had come forward and was standing
within a couple of feet from me. He was looking so odd standing only in his blue shorts and the bulge was so very
distinct within his shorts. I was feeling very uncomfortable and my eyes were inadvertently going time and again to
his shorts. I quickly left the room handing him the lungi. I went back to my room and was wondering why my uncle
behaved that way!

I put on the headphone and listened to some music to clear out the uncomfortableness that I was having due to
reading those magazines and seeing uncle’s bulge in his shorts. Then after around half an hour I went for my bath.
Since our house was an old fashioned one, we did not have attached baths, but used a common bathroom. I took my
spare clothes, a fresh set of undergarments and the towel and went inside the toilet for taking a shower. I was
almost done with my shower when I heard uncle shouting to open the toilet door!

Uncle: Nita, Nita, ek bar darwaza khol jaldi, I have cut my finger.

Thump! Thump! Uncle was hitting the door and I was a bit puzzled. Though I had completed my shower, I was
completely nude then and water was all over my body.

Me: Chachu mai to naha rahi hoon.

Uncle: Nita its bleeding heavily, jaldi darwaza khol.

Since my uncle was insisting me to open the bathroom door, I quickly started rubbing my wet body with the towel
and at the same time requested uncle to wait for a while.

Me: Chachu ek minute please. Kapde to pehen-ne do.

Uncle almost ordered me now in a very stern voice.

Uncle: Itna khoon beh raha hai idhar, us-e kapde ki padi hai. Tu nangi hi nikal aa.

I was shocked listening to him, but thought probably it was bleeding very profusely such that he wanted me to get
out of the bathroom urgently. I tried to rub my naked body dry very quickly, but uncle was getting very impatient.

Uncle: Nita, kya hua? Nangi ane me sharm aati hai to towel lappet le, lekin bhagwan ke liye jaldi nikal.

Me: Ji chachu.
I quickly wrapped the towel around my body, but at the same time felt it was very inadequate and was exposing a
lot of my young tender body. There was no more time to think about my physical show off, as my uncle was striking
the door again and I had to open it. Uncle almost rushed inside the toilet and held his bleeding finger under the
running tap. I was really surprised to see that the cut was not that severe, at least the way he behaved and made
me get out of the toilet forcefully.

Uncle: Kitna bleeding ho raha hai dekh Nita.

Me: Yes chachu.

I was more concerned about my compromised condition in terms of clothing than his bleeding. The towel was good
enough to cover my both jiggling boobs, but all of my fair legs and thighs were totally exposed. I felt like wearing
that short skirt, which my mom had kept for sleeping, which only covers my round bottom area. Though I had tied a
knot with the towel around my body, I was not at all comfortable as my movements might just open it and the towel
might slid off my naked body. As uncle was washing his finger, he was watching me also time and again.

Uncle: Tu to ab sachmuch badi ho gayi hai Nita.

I giggled a little at his comment and replied innocently to him.

Me: Aj malum pada aapko?

Uncle: Nehi Nita wo baat nahi hai. Actually towel mei to tujhe aj pehli baar dekh raha hoon na, is liye.

I giggled and blushed and did not even know what to reply.

Uncle: Aj tak towel mei to mai sirf teri chachi ko hi dekha hoon.

We both laughed at this. Then what happened in the next one minute was the weirdest thing and I least expected

Uncle: Good, ab bleeding lagbhag stop ho gaya hai. Let me wrap it with something.

Saying that he looked around. My dress I was wearing before my bath, I kept that set in a bucket for washing and
my fresh set was hung on the door hook. A blue skirt and a white top was hanging there and I had kept my bra and
panty on top of the tap, as I would wear that first thing after my bath. I almost got a kick in the teeth when I saw
my uncle chose my panty, which was kept over the tap, to wrap his finger!

Uncle: Filhal isi se kaam chala leta hoon. Baad mei bandage kar lunga.

Me: Chachu par wo to meri…

I had to make an objection, as uncle was about to pick up my pink colored panty.

Uncle: ‘wo to meri’ – kya? Tu bhi naa. Ja, room me ja aur dusri panty pehen le.

Saying that he picked up my panty and stretched it to see its dimensions. My ears turned red now, as he was seeing
my panty intently close to his face. I decided not to stop there and went ahead for my room.

Me: Chachu mai room mei jake kapde pehen leti hoon. Fir ake apka bandage karti hoon.
Uncle: Okay ja, jaldi ana.

I was so relieved to be in my room and quickly closed the door behind me. I was breathing heavily now standing so
long clad in a towel only. I opened the cupboard and took a fresh set of white undergarments and wore it. I picked
up a blue top and a matching light blue skirt. But as I saw in the mirror to wear a matching skirt, I was exposing my
legs beyond the limits of modesty, as this skirt was again quite old and was literally short. It must have somehow
evaded my mom’s eyes I thought. I hesitated for a second to wear it, but finally decided for it as there was no one
in the house except uncle. My light blue skirt just looked like a bigger miniskirt, as it was exposing half of my fair
thighs. I went back to uncle’s room to get him the bandage.

Uncle was sitting on bed in his room and as soon as I entered inside the room he asked me a very strange question.

Uncle: Nita, tu mujhse jhoot kiyu boli?

I walked to the side of the bed where he was sitting. I noticed he had wrapped his finger with my pink panty. I was
feeling so ashamed seeing my panty wrapped on my uncle’s finger.

Me: Jhoot? Kaun sa jhoot chachu?

Uncle: Tu boli ke ye teri panty hai.

Me: Ya chachu, ye to meri hai.

Uncle: Ek baat bata Nita. Tu teri chachi se choti hai ya badi?

I was not getting at all what uncle was trying to mean and so innocently continued the conversation.

Me: Choti hoon. Chachu, ye koi poochne wali baat hai?

Uncle: Wohi to. Ab bol ke ye kaise ho sakta hai ke teri chachi tujhse choti panty pehenti hai?

Me: Kya?

I was surprised and somewhat irritated at such a lewd comment. Uncle went on explaining.

Uncle: Tu jab chali gayi to mai dekha ke ye panty to teri chachi jo pehenti hai us-se badi hai. Ye kaise ho sakta hai?

I argued innocently and was dragging in more humiliating situations for me.

Me: Chachu, ap ko kaise pata hoga chachi ki undergarments ke bareme? Ap to kharidte nehi ho unke liye.

Uncle: Sirf kharidne se hi pata chalta hai? Nita, tu bhi na.

Me: Chachu, ap hawa me baat karoge to mai maan loongi kya?

Uncle: Nita, mai teri chachi ko roz dekhta hoon early morning nahake toilet se nikal kar mere samne panty pehenti
hai. Aur tu bol rahi hai mai hawa me baat fek raha hoon?

For the moment I was taken aback listening to such a comment about my own aunt. My aunt had a heavy figure at
least compared to my mom. She had big boobs and big hips. I tried to imagine the scene as uncle told that she is
coming out of the toilet after the bath and wearing her panty in front of uncle.
Me: Chachi kya nangi bahar aati hai toilet se? Ya fir aj jaise mai nikli uncle ke samne waise?
I murmured within myself. I was feeling a thirst continuing such conversation with my own uncle.

Uncle: Okay, tu yakin nehi kar rahi hai na. Mere saath aa idhar.

Uncle stood up and went up to their almirah. I followed him. He opened the almirah and after some scrambling and
jumbling of their clothes, he took out a couple of panties of my aunt. I was feeling a hot wave was passing through
my body as my uncle brought my aunt’s panty in front of me. It was such a tiny one that I myself looked down in

Uncle: Ab bol Nita, kya mai galat bol raha tha?

Now uncle readily opened my tied panty in his finger and was trying to show me how big my panty was compared to
my aunt’s.

Uncle: Tu 16 saal ki hai aur teri chachi 35 saal ki hai. Dono ki panty dekhke mujhe to ulta lag raha hai.

He burst out in laughter to his own words. I had to say something, but what I said put me in a messier situation.

Me: Ji chachu, mujhe to iski size dekhkei sharam aa rahi hai.

Uncle: Tu sharam ki baat kar rahi hai, lekin teri chachi to bolti hai ajkal ye sab fashion hai. Ye dekh. Ye sab
magazines dekhke to wo ye sab kharid ti hai.

Uncle threw a couple of English colorful magazines before me. I saw the name of the mag is “Cosmopolitan” and
when I turned the pages there were only pictures of tons of girls wearing only bra and panty. My head was like
spinning seeing so many of them, among which some were also topless. I was really amazed to know that my aunt
goes through this mag, where my mom does not even allow filmi magazines in our house for revealing pictures.

I was really feeling very ashamed now looking at those very revealing pics of girls before my uncle, but could not
directly come out of the situation also. I was really wondering what to do, but my uncle dragged me into more
humiliating situations and talks.

Uncle: To Nita mai to sabit kar diya ke ye panty to teri nehi ho sakti. Mujhe lagta hai ye zaroor teri mummy ki hogi.

While saying he pointed towards his wounded finger where my panty was wrapped around like a bandage. I was still
fighting innocently trying to prove my point.

Me: Nehi, nehi ye mummy ke nehi hai. Mummy to…

I stopped myself, as I almost told my mom’s secret to my uncle. My mom does not wear a panty generally except
during her periods, but how can I tell that to uncle? I quickly tried to cover that up.

Me: Chachu ek kam karte hai, chaliye mai apko apne almirah dikhati hoon, usme isi size ka aur bhi panty agar mil jaye
aapko yakin ho jayega?

Uncle: Ye thik rahega. Chal.

I thanked god in my mind that I did not reveal my mom’s secret, but little did I know that I would have to reveal
much more in the next few minutes. We walked to our room, I mean my parents room because though Sunita didi
and I slept and studied in a separate room, we had one common almirah. Chachu very rarely comes to this bedroom
as most of the time while chatting we are in the dining hall. I went up to the almirah and opened it in front of him.
It was full of female clothes only, my mom’s, my elder sister’s and mine of course. My mom had made each shelf in
the almirah for one person - like the top one for her, the middle one for me and the lower one for Sunita didi. I
quickly scrambled my shelf and got hold of two of my bra and panty and showed it to uncle.

Me: Ye dekhiye chachu, same size hai ki nahi?

My uncle took this new panty again in his hand and stretched it as if to see how much it will cover my buttocks. I
was feeling so ashamed as he was doing this very openly. Then quickly he noticed a panty, which was poking his head
from the lower shelf.

Uncle: Ye kiski hai? Bhabie ki?

Me: No chachu, ye to Sunita didi ki hai.

I replied innocently. Uncle picked that panty also from below and started comparing the two. Sunita didi’ s panty
was also slightly short than mine. The prime reason being my mom did not want me to wear skimpy panties and
hence usually brought those with a bigger base so that almost the whole of my bottoms are covered properly. But I
have seen many a times Sunita didi wearing a panty, which exposed more of her round ass cheeks than covering.
When I asked, “Didi is panty to teri aadhi gaand bhi nehi dhak rahi hai”, she replied “Tu jab badi hogi tab samjhegi
aisi panty pehenne ki maza.”

Uncle: Nita, ye dekh. Ye panty bhi teri wali se choti hai.

Me: Chachu mai kya kar sakti hu agar mummy mere liye aise hi types kharid ti hai to.

Uncle: Arre to aise bol na. Isi liye mujhe samajh me nehi aa raha tha.

Thank god! He understood. Uncle was still inspecting intently Sunita didi’s panty.

Uncle: Nita ek baat bata, tu boli ke bhabie tere liye kharid ti hai, to Sunita ke liye bhi kharid ti hai kya?

Me: Nehi chachu, didi apni inner khud kharid ti hai. Ek din to mummy aur didi mei is mudde pe ladai bhi hui. Mummy
ko to is type ki undergarments bilkul na pasand hai.

Uncle: Dekh Nita, mai to bhabie ko itne saal dekh raha hoon. Wo badi conservative kism ki lady hai.

Now I could not resist myself from innocently revealing my mom’s very personal secrets. I was such a fool at that
age and my uncle was gulping the ‘rasila’ info from me.

Me: Chachu ap nehi jante, wo sirf meri aur did ke bare mei conservative hai.

Uncle: Nehi nehi, ye mai nehi maan sakta. Bhabie jis style se sari pehenke bahar jati hai, ghar mei jis kism ke nighty
pehenti hai…

I interrupted uncle and was now innocently revealing my mom’s very personal secrets, but I never realized that my
uncle was only poking me to know more. I stood up on my toes and from the backside of the top shelf of the almirah
brought out a nighty to show uncle.

Me: Ye dekhiye chachu, ye kya conservative hai?

It was a pink colored looked normal looking decent nighty, but the was appallingly short for any average height

Uncle: Wow!

Me: Mummy ye kabhi kabar sone ke waqt pehenti hai.

Uncle: Ye to koi filmi dress se kam nehi!

Me: Haan chachu.

Uncle was now inspecting my mom’s nighty very closely especially from the waist part downwards and stretching to
see how much was its width.

Uncle: Iski jo length hai aur bhabie ki jo height hai, ye pehenne ke baad bhabie to adhi nangi rehegi. Tu to dekhi hai
teri mummy ko ye pehene hua, mai kya galat bol raha hoon Nita?

I myself blushed listening to uncle’s words and could only nod. I had seen mummy in that dress not for lot many
days, but certainly on some Saturdays.

Me: Ji chachu.

Uncle: Lekin is dress ke sath to bhabie ki conservative panty nehi jamegi. Iske sath to teri chachi jaisi pehenti hai,
wo wali panty chayihe.

He paused just for a moment and asked me a bumper question with a smiling face. .

Uncle: Kya re Nita, bhabie is dress ke niche panty pehenti hai ke nehi?

Me: Ap bade besharam ho. Kya sab puch rahe ho chachu.

But within my mind I distinctly remembered that mummy was not wearing anything below the dress on at least one
occasion as when I saw her in that attire, she was lying on bed already and my dad was taking a bath and I could
clearly see her pussy though she quickly covered herself with a blanket.

Uncle was looking very intently now as if visualizing my mother in that dress and I could now distinctly see a bulge
in his lungi. It was looking like a small pole being erect out of the lungi. And as soon as I noticed that I started
feeling uncomfortable, but soon had a height of uncomfortableness by my uncle’s request.

Uncle: Nita tu thodi help karegi? Mai ek cheez dekhna chata hoon.

Me: Kya cheez?

I asked innocently. Uncle was looking at my eyes directly and in a very unusual manner. He was holding my mom’s
sexy dress in his hand.

Uncle: Nita mai teri chachi ke liye ek aisa nightdress kharidna chahta hoon.

Me: To kharidiye na kaun roka hai? Lekin ap kya cheez dekhne ki baat kar rahe ho?
Uncle: Dekh Nita, bhabie ko to mai dekh nehi sakta is dress mei. Lekin at least kisiko to dekh loo before I buy. Tu
kiyu na ekbar pehen isko? At least mujhe idea ho jayega.

Me: Kya?

Uncle: Nita. Is me sochne wali to koi baat hai-I nahi. Teri mummy jab pehen sakti hai, to tu kiyu nahi? Aur aj to
ghar mei koi hai nahi.

I would not say that I never felt wearing that dress, but did not get the opportunity to wear it, which was also
true, but never ever did I thought to wear it in front of someone, especially a male, but now I could not refuse my
uncle straight away also.

Me: Par chachu…

Uncle’s tone was changing from request to command.

Uncle: Nita abhi to tu mere samne sirf towel mei khadi thi, to ise pehen ne mei sharm kaisi?

Me: lekin chachu …

Uncle: Bakwas bandh. Ye skirt aur top utar aur ye pehen le.

I had nothing to do but to obey my uncle’s order. I took the dress from uncle’s hand and went to the attached
bathroom in my mom’s room and closed the door. I was growing fast and was almost my mother’s height by then,
may be a couple of inches shorter. Yes, proportion wise I was not as plump as my mom, which is quite natural also at
my age of only 16. Though I was wearing a shorter skirt today than what I wear normally, mom’s dress would still be
simply half the length of that. The heaviness that my mom has in her boobs and hips due to her age and marriage
were missing in me of course, but still when I looked into this dress I felt that it would keep me highly exposed.

I took off my top above my head first and then dropped my skirt to the floor. I kept both of them in a hanger in
the toilet. I was standing in my bra and panty only. I appreciated my somewhat lean figure on which my tight boobs
stood proud clasped in my white bra. My panty was adequately covering my firm ass cheeks and my pussy. As I held
the dress in front of me I could realize it won’t cover anything more apart from my ass. I have never worn such a
short dress till then. Even the skirt my mom had kept for sleeping went down at least to my mid thigh. Out of
natural shyness probably my left hand went to my buttocks and with my fingers I tried to stretch the material of
my panty over my ass cheeks so as to cover a bit more of my round fleshy buttocks, but it had already stretched to
the fullest and did not extended a centimeter on my ass.

Uncle: Nita so gayi kya? Ek simple sa dress pehenne mei tu kitni time legi?

Me: Chachu zara sabar to kijiye.

I pulled in my mom’s dress now over my head and got it down through my shoulder over my twin peaks and belly. The
dress was fortunately covering my breasts quite appropriately, but due to the cutting at the top and shoulder
laces, my white bra strap remained exposed over both shoulders. It was looking very vulgar to me, but I could not
find any way to wrap them. The length of the dress was as expected just enough to cover my round bottoms.
Seeing my condition, I had no doubt that when my mom wore this dress surely the bottom part of her hips would
remain constantly exposed.

Moreover, the mid portion of the dress was rather flimsy, which I did not notice initially, but now became aware of.
And my navel and belly remained exposed through the very thin material of the dress. “How could mummy wear
such a dress? How could she be so shameless at this age!” I thought to myself and seeing me in the mirror I
flushed and my ears were instantly red. Should I go like this in front of uncle? I was in a dilemma.

Knock! Knock!

Uncle: Nita come on!

I had no other alternative but to open the door and come out in front of my uncle in that revealing dress. Though
hesitant I opened the door and out of shame was unable to come out of the bathroom. Without wasting a second
uncle came inside the bathroom and saw me standing with my face down and legs joined together. The whole of my
fair legs and thighs were completely bare in front of his eyes.

Uncle: Aj tak towel mei to mai sirf teri chachi ko hi dekha hoon.

We both laughed at this. Then what happened in the next one minute was the weirdest thing and I least expected

Uncle: Good, ab bleeding lagbhag stop ho gaya hai. Let me wrap it with something.

Saying that he looked around. My dress I was wearing before my bath, I kept that set in a bucket for washing and
my fresh set was hung on the door hook. A blue skirt and a white top was hanging there and I had kept my bra and
panty on top of the tap, as I would wear that first thing after my bath. I almost got a kick in the teeth when I saw
my uncle chose my panty, which was kept over the tap, to wrap his finger!

Uncle: Filhal isi se kaam chala leta hoon. Baad mei bandage kar lunga.

Me: Chachu par wo to meri…

I had to make an objection, as uncle was about to pick up my pink colored panty.

Uncle: ‘wo to meri’ – kya? Tu bhi naa. Ja, room me ja aur dusri panty pehen le.

Saying that he picked up my panty and stretched it to see its dimensions. My ears turned red now, as he was seeing
my panty intently close to his face. I decided not to stop there and went ahead for my room.

Me: Chachu mai room mei jake kapde pehen leti hoon. Fir ake apka bandage karti hoon.

Uncle: Okay ja, jaldi ana.

I was so relieved to be in my room and quickly closed the door behind me. I was breathing heavily now standing so
long clad in a towel only. I opened the cupboard and took a fresh set of white undergarments and wore it. I picked
up a blue top and a matching light blue skirt. But as I saw in the mirror to wear a matching skirt, I was exposing my
legs beyond the limits of modesty, as this skirt was again quite old and was literally short. It must have somehow
evaded my mom’s eyes I thought. I hesitated for a second to wear it, but finally decided for it as there was no one
in the house except uncle. My light blue skirt just looked like a bigger miniskirt, as it was exposing half of my fair
thighs. I went back to uncle’s room to get him the bandage.

Uncle was sitting on bed in his room and as soon as I entered inside the room he asked me a very strange question.

Uncle: Nita, tu mujhse jhoot kiyu boli?

I walked to the side of the bed where he was sitting. I noticed he had wrapped his finger with my pink panty. I was
feeling so ashamed seeing my panty wrapped on my uncle’s finger.

Me: Jhoot? Kaun sa jhoot chachu?

Uncle: Tu boli ke ye teri panty hai.

Me: Ya chachu, ye to meri hai.

Uncle: Ek baat bata Nita. Tu teri chachi se choti hai ya badi?

I was not getting at all what uncle was trying to mean and so innocently continued the conversation.

Me: Choti hoon. Chachu, ye koi poochne wali baat hai?

Uncle: Wohi to. Ab bol ke ye kaise ho sakta hai ke teri chachi tujhse choti panty pehenti hai?

Me: Kya?

I was surprised and somewhat irritated at such a lewd comment. Uncle went on explaining.

Uncle: Tu jab chali gayi to mai dekha ke ye panty to teri chachi jo pehenti hai us-se badi hai. Ye kaise ho sakta hai?

I argued innocently and was dragging in more humiliating situations for me.

Me: Chachu, ap ko kaise pata hoga chachi ki undergarments ke bareme? Ap to kharidte nehi ho unke liye.

Uncle: Sirf kharidne se hi pata chalta hai? Nita, tu bhi na.

Me: Chachu, ap hawa me baat karoge to mai maan loongi kya?

Uncle: Nita, mai teri chachi ko roz dekhta hoon early morning nahake toilet se nikal kar mere samne panty pehenti
hai. Aur tu bol rahi hai mai hawa me baat fek raha hoon?

For the moment I was taken aback listening to such a comment about my own aunt. My aunt had a heavy figure at
least compared to my mom. She had big boobs and big hips. I tried to imagine the scene as uncle told that she is
coming out of the toilet after the bath and wearing her panty in front of uncle.

Me: Chachi kya nangi bahar aati hai toilet se? Ya fir aj jaise mai nikli uncle ke samne waise?
I murmured within myself. I was feeling a thirst continuing such conversation with my own uncle.

Uncle: Okay, tu yakin nehi kar rahi hai na. Mere saath aa idhar.

Uncle stood up and went up to their almirah. I followed him. He opened the almirah and after some scrambling and
jumbling of their clothes, he took out a couple of panties of my aunt. I was feeling a hot wave was passing through
my body as my uncle brought my aunt’s panty in front of me. It was such a tiny one that I myself looked down in

Uncle: Ab bol Nita, kya mai galat bol raha tha?

Now uncle readily opened my tied panty in his finger and was trying to show me how big my panty was compared to
my aunt’s.

Uncle: Tu 16 saal ki hai aur teri chachi 35 saal ki hai. Dono ki panty dekhke mujhe to ulta lag raha hai.

He burst out in laughter to his own words. I had to say something, but what I said put me in a messier situation.

Me: Ji chachu, mujhe to iski size dekhkei sharam aa rahi hai.

Uncle: Tu sharam ki baat kar rahi hai, lekin teri chachi to bolti hai ajkal ye sab fashion hai. Ye dekh. Ye sab
magazines dekhke to wo ye sab kharid ti hai.

Uncle threw a couple of English colorful magazines before me. I saw the name of the mag is “Cosmopolitan” and
when I turned the pages there were only pictures of tons of girls wearing only bra and panty. My head was like
spinning seeing so many of them, among which some were also topless. I was really amazed to know that my aunt
goes through this mag, where my mom does not even allow filmi magazines in our house for revealing pictures.

I was really feeling very ashamed now looking at those very revealing pics of girls before my uncle, but could not
directly come out of the situation also. I was really wondering what to do, but my uncle dragged me into more
humiliating situations and talks.

Uncle: To Nita mai to sabit kar diya ke ye panty to teri nehi ho sakti. Mujhe lagta hai ye zaroor teri mummy ki hogi.

While saying he pointed towards his wounded finger where my panty was wrapped around like a bandage. I was still
fighting innocently trying to prove my point.

Me: Nehi, nehi ye mummy ke nehi hai. Mummy to…

I stopped myself, as I almost told my mom’s secret to my uncle. My mom does not wear a panty generally except
during her periods, but how can I tell that to uncle? I quickly tried to cover that up.

Me: Chachu ek kam karte hai, chaliye mai apko apne almirah dikhati hoon, usme isi size ka aur bhi panty agar mil jaye
aapko yakin ho jayega?

Uncle: Ye thik rahega. Chal.

I thanked god in my mind that I did not reveal my mom’s secret, but little did I know that I would have to reveal
much more in the next few minutes. We walked to our room, I mean my parents room because though Sunita didi
and I slept and studied in a separate room, we had one common almirah. Chachu very rarely comes to this bedroom
as most of the time while chatting we are in the dining hall. I went up to the almirah and opened it in front of him.
It was full of female clothes only, my mom’s, my elder sister’s and mine of course. My mom had made each shelf in
the almirah for one person - like the top one for her, the middle one for me and the lower one for Sunita didi. I
quickly scrambled my shelf and got hold of two of my bra and panty and showed it to uncle.

Me: Ye dekhiye chachu, same size hai ki nahi?

My uncle took this new panty again in his hand and stretched it as if to see how much it will cover my buttocks. I
was feeling so ashamed as he was doing this very openly. Then quickly he noticed a panty, which was poking his head
from the lower shelf.

Uncle: Ye kiski hai? Bhabie ki?

Me: No chachu, ye to Sunita didi ki hai.

I replied innocently. Uncle picked that panty also from below and started comparing the two. Sunita didi’ s panty
was also slightly short than mine. The prime reason being my mom did not want me to wear skimpy panties and
hence usually brought those with a bigger base so that almost the whole of my bottoms are covered properly. But I
have seen many a times Sunita didi wearing a panty, which exposed more of her round ass cheeks than covering.
When I asked, “Didi is panty to teri aadhi gaand bhi nehi dhak rahi hai”, she replied “Tu jab badi hogi tab samjhegi
aisi panty pehenne ki maza.”

Uncle: Nita, ye dekh. Ye panty bhi teri wali se choti hai.

Me: Chachu mai kya kar sakti hu agar mummy mere liye aise hi types kharid ti hai to.

Uncle: Arre to aise bol na. Isi liye mujhe samajh me nehi aa raha tha.

Thank god! He understood. Uncle was still inspecting intently Sunita didi’s panty.

Uncle: Nita ek baat bata, tu boli ke bhabie tere liye kharid ti hai, to Sunita ke liye bhi kharid ti hai kya?

Me: Nehi chachu, didi apni inner khud kharid ti hai. Ek din to mummy aur didi mei is mudde pe ladai bhi hui. Mummy
ko to is type ki undergarments bilkul na pasand hai.

Uncle: Dekh Nita, mai to bhabie ko itne saal dekh raha hoon. Wo badi conservative kism ki lady hai.

Now I could not resist myself from innocently revealing my mom’s very personal secrets. I was such a fool at that
age and my uncle was gulping the ‘rasila’ info from me.

Me: Chachu ap nehi jante, wo sirf meri aur did ke bare mei conservative hai.

Uncle: Nehi nehi, ye mai nehi maan sakta. Bhabie jis style se sari pehenke bahar jati hai, ghar mei jis kism ke nighty
pehenti hai…

I interrupted uncle and was now innocently revealing my mom’s very personal secrets, but I never realized that my
uncle was only poking me to know more. I stood up on my toes and from the backside of the top shelf of the almirah
brought out a nighty to show uncle.

Me: Ye dekhiye chachu, ye kya conservative hai?

It was a pink colored looked normal looking decent nighty, but the was appallingly short for any average height

Uncle: Wow!

Me: Mummy ye kabhi kabar sone ke waqt pehenti hai.

Uncle: Ye to koi filmi dress se kam nehi!

Me: Haan chachu.

Uncle was now inspecting my mom’s nighty very closely especially from the waist part downwards and stretching to
see how much was its width.
Uncle: Iski jo length hai aur bhabie ki jo height hai, ye pehenne ke baad bhabie to adhi nangi rehegi. Tu to dekhi hai
teri mummy ko ye pehene hua, mai kya galat bol raha hoon Nita?

I myself blushed listening to uncle’s words and could only nod. I had seen mummy in that dress not for lot many
days, but certainly on some Saturdays.

Me: Ji chachu.

Uncle: Lekin is dress ke sath to bhabie ki conservative panty nehi jamegi. Iske sath to teri chachi jaisi pehenti hai,
wo wali panty chayihe.

He paused just for a moment and asked me a bumper question with a smiling face. .

Uncle: Kya re Nita, bhabie is dress ke niche panty pehenti hai ke nehi?

Me: Ap bade besharam ho. Kya sab puch rahe ho chachu.

But within my mind I distinctly remembered that mummy was not wearing anything below the dress on at least one
occasion as when I saw her in that attire, she was lying on bed already and my dad was taking a bath and I could
clearly see her pussy though she quickly covered herself with a blanket.

Uncle was looking very intently now as if visualizing my mother in that dress and I could now distinctly see a bulge
in his lungi. It was looking like a small pole being erect out of the lungi. And as soon as I noticed that I started
feeling uncomfortable, but soon had a height of uncomfortableness by my uncle’s request.

Uncle: Nita tu thodi help karegi? Mai ek cheez dekhna chata hoon.

Me: Kya cheez?

I asked innocently. Uncle was looking at my eyes directly and in a very unusual manner. He was holding my mom’s
sexy dress in his hand.

Uncle: Nita mai teri chachi ke liye ek aisa nightdress kharidna chahta hoon.

Me: To kharidiye na kaun roka hai? Lekin ap kya cheez dekhne ki baat kar rahe ho?

Uncle: Dekh Nita, bhabie ko to mai dekh nehi sakta is dress mei. Lekin at least kisiko to dekh loo before I buy. Tu
kiyu na ekbar pehen isko? At least mujhe idea ho jayega.

Me: Kya?

Uncle: Nita. Is me sochne wali to koi baat hai-I nahi. Teri mummy jab pehen sakti hai, to tu kiyu nahi? Aur aj to
ghar mei koi hai nahi.

I would not say that I never felt wearing that dress, but did not get the opportunity to wear it, which was also
true, but never ever did I thought to wear it in front of someone, especially a male, but now I could not refuse my
uncle straight away also.

Me: Par chachu…

Uncle’s tone was changing from request to command.

Uncle: Nita abhi to tu mere samne sirf towel mei khadi thi, to ise pehen ne mei sharm kaisi?

Me: lekin chachu …

Uncle: Bakwas bandh. Ye skirt aur top utar aur ye pehen le.

I had nothing to do but to obey my uncle’s order. I took the dress from uncle’s hand and went to the attached
bathroom in my mom’s room and closed the door. I was growing fast and was almost my mother’s height by then,
may be a couple of inches shorter. Yes, proportion wise I was not as plump as my mom, which is quite natural also at
my age of only 16. Though I was wearing a shorter skirt today than what I wear normally, mom’s dress would still be
simply half the length of that. The heaviness that my mom has in her boobs and hips due to her age and marriage
were missing in me of course, but still when I looked into this dress I felt that it would keep me highly exposed.

I took off my top above my head first and then dropped my skirt to the floor. I kept both of them in a hanger in
the toilet. I was standing in my bra and panty only. I appreciated my somewhat lean figure on which my tight boobs
stood proud clasped in my white bra. My panty was adequately covering my firm ass cheeks and my pussy. As I held
the dress in front of me I could realize it won’t cover anything more apart from my ass. I have never worn such a
short dress till then. Even the skirt my mom had kept for sleeping went down at least to my mid thigh. Out of
natural shyness probably my left hand went to my buttocks and with my fingers I tried to stretch the material of
my panty over my ass cheeks so as to cover a bit more of my round fleshy buttocks, but it had already stretched to
the fullest and did not extended a centimeter on my ass.

Uncle: Nita so gayi kya? Ek simple sa dress pehenne mei tu kitni time legi?

Me: Chachu zara sabar to kijiye.

I pulled in my mom’s dress now over my head and got it down through my shoulder over my twin peaks and belly. The
dress was fortunately covering my breasts quite appropriately, but due to the cutting at the top and shoulder
laces, my white bra strap remained exposed over both shoulders. It was looking very vulgar to me, but I could not
find any way to wrap them. The length of the dress was as expected just enough to cover my round bottoms.
Seeing my condition, I had no doubt that when my mom wore this dress surely the bottom part of her hips would
remain constantly exposed.

Moreover, the mid portion of the dress was rather flimsy, which I did not notice initially, but now became aware of.
And my navel and belly remained exposed through the very thin material of the dress. “How could mummy wear
such a dress? How could she be so shameless at this age!” I thought to myself and seeing me in the mirror I
flushed and my ears were instantly red. Should I go like this in front of uncle? I was in a dilemma.

Knock! Knock!

Uncle: Nita come on!

I had no other alternative but to open the door and come out in front of my uncle in that revealing dress. Though
hesitant I opened the door and out of shame was unable to come out of the bathroom. Without wasting a second
uncle came inside the bathroom and saw me standing with my face down and legs joined together. The whole of my
fair legs and thighs were completely bare in front of his eyes.
Uncle: Chal ab khana paros de.
Me: Chachu ap ek minute ruko, mai room se jaldi se ek nighty pehen leti hoon aur apka khana paros ti hoon.

Uncle: Uhu… Nita mai kya bola tha? Mai bola tha ‘mere samne ye dress utar de aur, mujhe khana paros de’ – matlab
ye bra aur panty pehenke tu kitchen mei jayegi aur mere liye khana parosegi.

I was looking like a dumb fool at my uncle’s face.

Uncle: Nita, khali peeli time waste mat kar. Aaage aage chal, mujhe teri gaand sirf panty mei kaisi lagti hai dekhna

I had no other option, but to follow his command. I walked in front of my uncle clad only in my bra and panty and he
followed me. He was making lecherous comments and I was feeling so very embarrassed that I was sobbing. I went
to the kitchen in that condition and arranged for food. I remained in that state while I worked in the kitchen and
my uncle watched me from the kitchen door. Each time I was bending for any work in the kitchen, my both boobs
were almost out of my bra cups and uncle was making very vulgar comments.

At the dining table also, as he ate his food, I stood there in that half naked state. Honestly I thought it was
better to be completely naked, but to be in undergarments in front of a male. At last my humiliation stopped with
my uncle finishing lunch.

Uncle: Ja Nita, ab room mei jake skirt-blouse pehen le. Dil khatta mat kar. Aur yaad rakh ek baat, aj jo bhi hua iski
zikar agar tu kisise karti hai, to teri khair nehi.

I went to my room and closing the room broke out in tears. I felt okay after sometime and went up and wore a
dress to cover myself up.

!!Flashback ends!!

Me: Uday, that’s the story. I felt so very embarrassed when I first realized what actually happened that day, I
cried the whole day ‘feeling’ about my embarrassment.

Uday: True Madam. How our own relatives exploit us and we cannot do anything about it. My feeling coincides with

We had some more talks on this topic and after sometime reached the bank and from there went back to the
temple again. The cart was already there and with a half satisfied, regarding my ass fucking by Uday, and half
depressed, regarding my teenage exploitation, I returned to the ashram.

It was quite late. I went to the toilet straightway and had the bath, which I was having after each of my heavy
orgasms, now for the fourth time. I was so joyful in my mind with the number of turn-ons I had in the last 48
hours. I was feeling so lively and my acts of shamelessness were not bothering me at all considering my vivacious
feelings. I never reached so many peaks in my married life even. In my mind, I thanked Guru-ji and was really
hopeful that this way I would achieve my goal of a fertile womb. As I bent down while bathing I was having a slight
pain in my ass hole where Uday fucked me really hard, though he applied some oil, but though I did not feel that
much pain then, I was having quite a bit of pain now in my ass hole along with the associated area. I thought a good
tight sleep would soothe me and hence I quickly took my dinner and went to sleep. In the interim, Meenakshi came
to pick my wet pad and reminded to attend Guru-ji at 06:30 am and she went off with a very meaningful smile at
which I blushed, as if she could read everything in my eyes. I did not waste much time and changed to my
nightdress and switched off the lights for sleep.

“Knock! Knock!” “Knock! Knock!”

I woke up by this irritating sound on my room door. Though I wanted to have some more sleep, I had to reply to the

Me: Okay, okay, I am awake and will be there in front of Guru-ji in half an hour.

Generally they woke me up half an hour before Guru-ji’s appointment time so that I had enough time for using the
conveniences and getting fresh before I made a move. I replied not even bothering to know who was knocking at my

“Knock! Knock!”

Me: I told you I am coming.

“Knock! Knock!”

Now I was a bit puzzled. Can’t he or she hear me what I am saying? I had no option but to get out of the bed and
open the door. I was aware that I was not wearing any undergarments, but thought it has to be either Meenakshi
or Nirmal who must be knocking, I did not bother to put anything below my nightdress, but straightened it over my
body so that I looked reasonable.

Me: “Who is it?”

I murmured as I opened the door. Before I could realize anything I felt a hug and I was kissed on my tender lips.
My sleeping spell immediately went off and I was fully conscious by hot male saliva on my tender lips. Since there
was darkness still outside as it was very early morning, I could not make out who it was, but could well realize he
was a strong man. As I had just awakened from deep sleep, I was physically also feeling weak and before I could
gather any resistance, the man gripped my waist by his right hand and with his left hand he grabbed my right boob.
It was freely jiggling below my nightdress, as I was not wearing a bra, and he immediately started squeezing it very

Me: Aah! Who are you? Stop this!

Uday: Madam it’s me. Uday. You could not recognize me?

I was shocked and excited at the same time. I never expected him to be here and the way he hugged and kissed me
as soon as I opened the door, I hardly got any chance to guess who it was. I was so relieved.

Me: Its still very early morning. They come to wake me up at 6.

Uday: Yes Madam, its 5:00 am now. I was feeling restless, so I came to see you.

Me: So, this is the way you see a woman?

We were both standing and hugging each other in the middle of the room, the room light still switched off. Uday’s
lips were very close to my face, his both hands encircling my waist and at times he was feeling the roundness of my
ass over my nightdress.

Uday: No this is the way I see you. You are special.

Me: Hmm. You are special too my dear.

We kissed each other. It was a long kiss and our tongues explored each other’s. While we kissed I was hugging him
tight, but I found escaping my hug, his hands were exploring my pumpkin ass and was squeezing my firm ass cheeks

Uday: Madam I missed one thing in the boat. I want to complete that.

Me: What?

I almost whispered in his ears though was a bit puzzled at his comment what he wanted.

Uday: Madam since Babulal was there on the boat, I could not see you naked.

I was already pretty aroused by his intimate touches and wanted to be explored more by Uday and honestly this
request pleased me, but I did not express it to him.

Me: But Uday you have seen every part of my body on the boat.

Uday: No Madam, since Babulal was there I did not remove your panty. But now no one is watching us, I want to see
you fully naked. Are you wearing a panty Madam?

He paused and did not waited for a reply from me and with both hands felt, rubbed, and kneaded my ass cheeks
over my nightdress to check as if I was wearing a panty or not.

Uday: Madam, your ass feels so good without the panty.

He murmured in my ears. I closed my eyes and was elated by his act. As he was teasingly checking my ass for a
panty, he pulled up my nightdress to an alarming height almost exposing my round ass globes. As it is the nighty was
short and as he pulled it, I looked awfully naughty standing in that pose where my whole thighs and legs were
exposed and my nighty bunched up near my ass.

Uday left me for a second and bent a little and then lifted me in his lap and swung me in the air as heroes do it in
the films. I was enjoying that to the hilt. My husband had never done this to me while lovemaking, neither at home
nor when we went for our honeymoon. Uday seemed so sure about what he was doing.

Me: Uday please get me down.

Uday: Get you down where Madam? On bed?

We both giggled and he kept me in his lap for sometime feeling my intimate parts with his hand and face and then
got me down. Uday again started kissing me very tightly on my lips and his free hands were slowly pulling up my
nightdress first over my legs, then my well formed thighs, and now almost up my ass. I could realize my ass cheeks
were out in the open and I could feel his direct touches on them. I removed my lips from his lips and tried to stop

Me: Uday please…

Uday: Yes Madam, I will please you.

He pulled up the nighty to my abdomen and bent down to look into my pussy. I was shivering in excitement though
coiled back in shame as he brought his face very close to my naked pussy and started kissing me there. He was
rubbing his nose on my pubic hairs and inhaling the pungent smell with deep breaths. His tongue was probing my
pussy lips now and I was very wet down there. He was encircling me with both hands and cupping my firm naked ass
cheeks. My husband had also kissed and rubbed me at my honey pot, but for all those instances we were in bed.
Standing in the room panty-less with my nightdress pulled up to my waist and a male other than my hubby kissing
my pussy was the first time in my life.

In no time I was cumming heavily and Uday’s face was wet with my discharge. After completing his licking my pussy,
he stood up and put his right middle finger inside my pussy hole and fingered my pussy for at least two minutes.
Getting the opportunity, I also caught hold of his thick hard penis within his dhoti and I was stroking and feeling
its hardness with both hands. Uday was simply giving me heavenly pleasures and now I wanted to get fucked by him.
Yesterday I was under a drug spell, but today morning I was the normal woman and wanted to get a hard fuck by
my man, Uday. Though at the corner of my mind, my housewife identity was raising a meek obstacle. The pleasure
and the situation was such, I dropped all my shame and pleaded him for a fuck like a slut.

Me: Uday, please do it now. I am dying to get you inside me.

By that time, Uday pulled up the nighty with one hand above my round boobs and now practically the nighty was
bunched up to my shoulder and whole of my body was naked before Uday. My boobs looked like two searchlights
jiggling freely with every movement of mine and naturally attracting all attention of Uday. My nipples were rock
hard and they also had grown to the fullest and looked rosy pink and swollen. Uday’s lips kissed, licked and sucked
them amply till they were glistening with his saliva. I was so heated now that I myself pulled up the nighty off my
head and stood completely naked in front of him.

This was the first time ever I stood naked in front of any male other than my husband. I was not feeling any
shame, rather was much urged for a fuck!

Uday: Madam, lets go to bed then…

He whispered in my ears and then only the whole dream as if broke!

“Knock! Knock!”

Uday was as if electrified the way he left me and stood up and kept his finger on his lips.

Uday: Madam, please reply but do not open the door. I will be in a big fix.

Me: Yes, who is it.

I pretended to my level best though my heart was beating fast. I replied in a sleepy tone as if I was fast asleep
and woke up due to the knock. I was still standing naked and realizing that I briskly covered myself with the

Nirmal: Madam, its me Nirmal. Its 6’o clock.

Me: Okay thanks for calling. I am getting up and will be there before Guru-ji by 6:30.

Nirmal: Okay Madam.

We heard Nirmal going away and we both were relieved.

Uday: Uff! What an escape. Madam, I must go now.

Me: But Uday, leaving me in this condition…

I was still highly aroused and my 28-year-old body fully heated up and was breathing heavily, standing naked with
my pussy dripping and I was seeing that my man was about to leave. One could easily realize what my condition was.

Uday: Madam, please understand, I have to go now because if anyone catches me here I will be in a big soup, as I
have violated the norms of the ashram.

Uday did not bother for a reply from me and opened the door slightly, looked around outside and went away closing
the door very gently leaving me alone in that hugely aroused state. My condition was so susceptible that I was
giving me a self-massage on my warm boobs and fingering my own pussy. I realized after sometime that I cannot sit
like this and went to the toilet. I was still discharging and somehow managed to take a bath though much heat
remained within my body I realized. I wore a fresh set of herbal washed sari, blouse, and petticoat, took my
medication, and went to Guru-ji’s room.

Guru-ji: Come, come Anita, how o you feel after two days?

Me: Fine Guru-ji. I think your therapy is working on me. I feel more energetic physically and mentally.

Guru-ji: Good.

Me: Guru-ji, what was the finding of my, err. I mean the pads?

Guru-ji: Anita, the finding is not bleak, but not excellent also. The later two pads do tell that you are having better
discharges, but its not adequate still.

I was a bit depressed listening to Guru-ji’s words, as I was quite hopeful that everything was quite okay considering
the long discharges that I had in last two days. Guru-ji probably read my eyes.

Guru-ji: But Anita, I do not think you should worry on this. What I am there for? You just participate
wholeheartedly in whatever you do as I instruct you. Bas!

I nodded my head though had a subtle concern that my discharge was not adequate. I was also wondering what
treatment was waiting for me now. In no time, Guru-ji spelt out that.

Guru-ji: Now I will offer puja to Linga Maharaj. You also participate in that Anita and after that I will do a check
up of yours, as I want to see why you are having a somewhat inadequate discharge even after full arousals?

Guru-ji paused a little and looked directly into my eyes. I was also looking at him.

Guru-ji: By the way, how were your last two temple orgasms?

I had to tell a lie regarding my second adventure with Uday.

Me: Yes Guru-ji, it was okay. Pande-ji was a bit harsh though.

Guru-ji: I can understand that. You cannot simply blame him, as you have such an attractive figure Anita for your

I was a bit taken aback by this sort of a statement from Guru-ji, though he quickly recovered.
Guru-ji: I mean these people like Pande-ji and all are part of your treatment process and if any one got carried
away please don’t mind it and forgive them. You must keep your focus on your goal only to achieve pregnancy
through my therapy. Right Anita?

Me: Yes Guru-ji, that’s why I did not react and controlled myself.

Guru-ji: Right, mind control.

I was still feeling concerned about low discharges on full arousals, though I thought I discharged more vaginally
than when I do intercourse with my hubby.

Me: But honestly Guru-ji, I got full excitement…

Guru-ji interrupted me in the middle.

Guru-ji: Anita, it’s not the question of excitement only, as there are several other aspects that contribute to this.
I need to know your vital signs like pressure, pulse, heart rate etc. and do a checkup like the doctor does. I am no
different from a doctor, but my ways of treatment are different.

I was gulping what Guru-ji was saying eagerly.

Guru-ji: You know, sometimes it so happens that due to some other organ’s dysfunction, the vaginal discharge does
not reach the desired amount. For example, may be there is a slight hindrance in the vaginal pathway or some other
problem in any other part. So before I conclude anything and give you meds, I must be sure.

Me: That’s true.

Guru-ji: Have faith on Linga Maharaj. He will take you through. You do not worry at all Anita. Will start you on meds
today and then tomorrow you will undergo the maha-yagya that will wash out all negative factors from your body to
achieve pregnancy.

Guru-ji paused again. I was eager to know more.

Guru-ji: It’s a two day long yagya, very tedious and strenuous Anita, but the result is sweet as nectar. But you know
yagya alone cannot do wonders, medications will have to take the support role. And if you can satisfy Linga Maharaj
through maha-yagya, you will be gifted with the fruit you have been long longing for. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: I will do my best Guru-ji. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji: Now the puja and then will do your checkup.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

I responded positively for the checkup not even knowing that in the coming half an hour Guru-ji would delve into my
‘jawani’ in the most subtle and clever manner in the name of checkup. Guru-ji closed his eyes and started to chant
mantras. I also folded my hands and started worshipping to Linga Maharaj. The puja went on for 15 minutes and
after that Guru-ji went to the toilet to wash his hands. Till such time he was sitting and as usual he was wearing his
saffron dress. When he went to the toilet, the light was falling on his body from behind and I was shocked to
notice that he was not wearing a chaddi inside his dhoti. When he turned sideways and was facing the light in an
oblique way I could see his banana-like hanging lund! I quickly turned my eyes off him, but what I saw for a split
second made my nipples erect instantly.

Guru-ji said to follow him and we went out of the room to another adjacent room, where I did not go before. I
could not see any of his disciples in the ashram corridor, may be they are busy with other chores. My eyes were
searching for Uday, but there was no trace of him. There was a rectangular table in this room, which was probably
the examination table, and another table on which there were doctor’s apparatuses like thermometer, stethoscope,
blood pressure reader, spatula, forceps, etc.

Guru-ji: Anita, lie down on the table. I will arrange for the apparatus and will start the checkup.

I went up to the table. It was quite high than a normal table, almost to my upper abdomen level, probably for
convenience of the person who is doing the checkup. I realized it would be just the right height for Guru-ji who is
fairly tall, but for myself I found it rather impossible to ride it, as there were no stairs. It was like climbing a wall
and after a few tries I gave up. I tucked my pallu to my waist, held the table with both hands, and raised my right
leg to climb the table, but noticed my sari was getting lifted to alarming heights exposing my fair legs; thus
refrained from my efforts. I looked for a stool to climb, but there was none.

Me: Guru-ji, the height of this table is very awkward and here there is no stool also.

Guru-ji: Oho! You are unable to climb up. Actually since it’s an exam table, the height is a bit… Anita, just wait a

I stood there like an obedient student and after some moments Guru-ji came forward.

Guru-ji: Anita you try to climb up, I will just give you a little push so that you are up on the table.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

I held the surface of the table with both hands and raised my toes to maximum height and then gave pressure to
climb up. I felt Guru-ji’s hands on the back of my thighs and he gripped me there and raised up. I was feeling very
awkward in this position as my full round gaand was just before his face. So I quickly tried to get onto the table,
but Guru-ji surprisingly removed his hands off my thighs halfway! I was practically hanging at that point of time, as
there was nothing to give support for my legs and if I tried to extend and lift my leg for the tabletop, my sari
would surely expose my lower portion. So I had to sought help.

Me: Guru-ji, please push me a little more. I cannot get up from this position.

Guru-ji: Oh! I thought you could manage.

My huge ass was just before his face and I felt Guru-ji cupped my ass cheeks with both hands to push me up the
table. I was surprised at his act, he did not push me, instead gave a firm squeeze with both hands on my fleshy ass

Me: Ouch!

Automatically came out of my mouth, as I was not expecting such a behavior from Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Oh! Sorry Anita. I almost slipped.

Me: Oh! Its okay Guru-ji.

I had to say, but I was very sure that he purposefully squeezed my buttocks. Now he gave me the desired push and
I was up on the table. I felt Guru-ji did not remove his hands off my flaring hips till I was fully up on the table and
he was feeling my sari-covered flesh. Uday had already made me very horny, which I somehow calmed down through
the bath, but again a male touch on my buttocks made my pussy wet once more. I realized my vaginal fluids were
soaking my panty slowly. Altogether I felt so very awkward to climb like this with my huge gaand before a man’s
face, more so as he was also pushing my ass cheeks to help me climb! My ears were red already and my breathing
heavier. I was somewhat alarmed by such a behavior from a person like Guru-ji, but at the same time was not fully
convinced that he did that on purpose. I was wondering did he actually slip? Did he cupped my ass deliberately?
Could he not help me by holding the back of my thighs as he initially did? I was confused.

I now sat on the examination table and Guru-ji went back to the other table. I pulled off my pallu off my waist and
adjusted my sari properly and lay down on the table. As I lied down, my pallu got stretched on my firm boobs and I
noticed my mangoes were looking like two conical hills moving up and down below my sari and blouse. I tried to
adjust the pallu to look decent. Guru-ji was back to the exam table now. He had brought a blood pressure reading
equipment along with a stethoscope and an unknown device, which looked like a meter with a wire connected to a
small monitor.

Guru-ji: Okay Anita. Are you ready?

Me: Yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: First let me check your BP. Do you know your range?

Me: No Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Okay, I will check and let you know. Raise your left arm a little.

I raised my left arm from the lying down position and Guru-ji started wrapping the black cloth there and after
finishing started pumping the bulb for the mercury to rise up in the equipment. I was feeling the pressure in my
hand and my BP came to be 130/80, which Guru-ji told was almost normal though on the higher side. He unwrapped
the black cloth off my arm and while doing that I noticed time and again he was watching my heaving boobs.

Guru-ji: Now let me see your pulse.

Saying that he held my left wrist. His warm fingers pressed on my tender wrist and I did not know why I was
feeling so uncomfortable and having a racing heartbeat. May be only some minutes ago I had a hot session with

Guru-ji: Strange!

Me: What Guru-ji?

I could not guess why he said strange.

Guru-ji: Anita, I see your pulse rate is very rapid, as if you are very excited. But you just attended the puja and
then we come here! It should not be… Let me check again.

Guru-ji again pressed my wrist with two fingers, but I knew very well why he was getting an increased pulse and
waited anxiously with a worrisome face if he probes into it further.

Guru-ji: What is the matter Anita? Apparently you look calm, but your pulse is racing.
Me: I do not know Guru-ji.

I tried to tell a lie, but Guru-ji looked directly at my eyes and as if was searching for an answer.

Guru-ji: Let me confirm it with your heartbeats.

Saying that he left my wrist and took the stethoscope and put that in his both ears and holding the knob at the
end of the tube, he proceeded towards my breasts. I was feeling a bit uneasy as he placed the knob on my upper
chest over my sari. I could still feel the cold knob touching my skin over the thin sari material. In the process I
felt Guru-ji’s hand gently brushing my conical peaks. He was almost bending over my breast though was looking
intently at my eyes. I was feeling thirsty and my heart was beating even faster now as Guru-ji was checking it.
Guru-ji now shifted horizontally the stethoscope knob over my actual breast area and immediately there was a
slight shiver in my body out of womanly shyness. He was pressing gently on my pallu and blouse covered left boob
and I realized the stetho-knob was inches away from my nipple. I was breathing heavily naturally.

Guru-ji: Anita, your heart is also beating faster than normal. There has to be something.

I tried to look as innocent as possible while replying.

Me: Guru-ji, I do not know why this has happened.

Guru-ji was still holding the stethoscope on my left breast and probably feeling the spongy action of my bra-
covered boob. I was feeling extreme tightness within my blouse now with this constant press resulting in heavy
breathing. He at last removed the stetho-knob over my breast and was staring openly at my undulating blouse-
covered peaks. I adjusted the pallu out of regular reflex though there was nothing to adjust, as Guru-ji did not
remove my pallu off my chest area while checking my heart rate.

Guru-ji: Anita, you are not a little girl that you won’t know why your pulse and heart rates are high. You are a
matured lady and you must not conceal anything from me.

I was in a dilemma regarding what to say and how to put it. I could not escape Guru-ji’s checkup and had to

Me: I mean Guru-ji I had a err… a wild dream, probably that effect…

Guru-ji: But you woke up at least an hour ago, but how can the effect be so pronounced now?

I was not able to answer properly. All along I was lying on the table and Guru-ji standing by my side, just beside my
breast area.

Guru-ji: Anita, the way your breasts are moving up and down still now, I think it has to be something else.

I blushed to such a direct comment about my intimate body part and I desperately tried to divert him.

Me: No, no Guru-ji, that’s because of your...

I deliberately did not complete the sentence and showed him in sign language with my right hand the way he was
pressing the stethoscope on my breast. Guru-ji seemed amused with my sign language. He laughed loudly at my
Guru-ji: If the touch of an inanimate stetho can race your heartbeat that much, you surely would collapse if you
get a male touch?

He continued laughing and I also smiled in return.

Guru-ji: Okay I take your word Anita that you had a hot dream and now me checking you made you feel horny.

I was so relieved hearing this.

Guru-ji: But let me tell you this is not a good sign. The pulse and the heart rate are alarmingly high even if I
consider what it should be when you are having sex.

I looked blank at Guru-ji not knowing what was the implication of this.

Guru-ji: Let me just take your body temperature also and complete the vital signs. Put it in your left armpit.

Now this was a tricky situation for me. Usually at home during taking temperatures I used to put the thermometer
in my mouth, but here Guru-ji told me to put in my armpit, but I am wearing a sari-blouse now and I have to open at
least half blouse hooks to put it properly in my armpit.

Me: Can I put it in my mouth Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: No, no Anita. The thermometer is not clean and neither do I have dettol here. There is a chance of inviting

I realized I had no other option but to put the thermometer in my armpit.

Guru-ji: You just open a couple of buttons of your blouse and…

There was no need to complete his sentence, he also knew that and I readily sat up and taking the veil of my sari
pallu, I took my hands over my blouse and started to unhook. Guru-ji was standing beside the exam table only a foot
away and he could clearly see all my hand action below my pallu. I opened the top two hooks and took the
thermometer from Guru-ji to put it in my armpit.

Guru-ji: Open one more hook Anita, otherwise you cannot slide the thermometer inside properly and if it is not
placed properly I will not get the proper reading.

I was a bit shaken to hear such direct comments about opening my blouse hooks from another male apart from my
husband. My husband has an obsession of opening my blouse I noticed many times, but I wondered often how could
a container attract him more than the content. I could not refuse Guru-ji and placing the thermometer on the table
again took my hands below my pallu and as I looked down at my blouse I could clearly see my fair bulging cleavage
above my brassiere and the open blouse hooks through my pallu. I looked from the corner of my eye and noticed
Guru-ji also gulping my advertisement. I realized if I open the third hook I would surely let my bra visible through
my half open blouse, but I had no other option and had to open it.

Guru-ji: That’s better. Now insert the thermometer.

I raised my left arm slightly and slid the thermometer by the side of my half open blouse into my armpit. I tried to
adjust the pallu so that I expose my breasts to the minimum to the now glittering eyes of Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Wait for two minutes. I will keep an eye on the watch.
It was so very awkward for me to sit like that in my half-open blouse before a male. Specifically for these sorts of
reasons, I always avoided going to a male doctor for a checkup or for OB/GYN purposes. I was not feeling that
much of shame in front of Guru-ji though; more so due to the ‘experiences’ in the last 48 hours.

Guru-ji: Time is up. Okay bring it out Anita.

I took out the thermometer and handed it to him and started buttoning my blouse promptly knowing little that I
would have to soon open it again!

Guru-ji: The temperature is normal, but in this early morning you have sweated a lot.

Saying that he touched the bulb of the thermometer with his fingers and felt the sweat there. I blushed, but had
little to say. To my utter shock I saw Guru-ji took the thermometer tip to his nose and took the smell of my armpit
sweat. I had my eyebrows raised at this action fo Guru-ji, but he seemed to have an answer to everything.

Guru-ji: You must be surprised why I am taking the odour, but you know, a foul odour is an indication of improper
metabolism. And for successful copulation I need to check that too in a person.

I felt much relieved hearing this. Guru-ji kept aside the BP meter, thermometer etc. and started examining me by
the organs now. I was sitting on the exam table as he started further checkup. He first checked my eyes, ears and
throat. His warm fingers were giving me a very uncomfortable feel. More so, it was reminding me of Uday’s touches
just a few minutes ago on my intimate body parts. Guru-ji’s face was close to my face and at times I could feel his
breathing over my face, which was making me almost shiver. He then examined my neck and shoulders removing
partially my sari from those areas. It seemed to me that the incomplete job by Uday was as if triggered by Guru-ji.
I tried to remain as normal as possible though my heart was already drumming faster.

Guru-ji: Anita, you now lie down. Let me check the abdomen.

I again lied down on the examining table and this time Guru-ji without asking me removed the sari off my stomach
area. Out of natural resistance I took my hands to my sari and tried to keep it in place, but Guru-ji’s hands were
forceful enough and he simply uncovered my stomach and simultaneously the base of my boobs also got exposed due
to this action. The pallu remained aside and I was trying to see what he was about to do between my two blouse-
covered peaks. Guru-ji started feeling my abdomen firmly with his fingers and giving pressure with his palm also.
My tender skin was felt adequately by his warm hands and I was almost trembling at his touches. Guru-ji palpated
my liver, spleen and other internal organs thoroughly. Now suddenly he started fingering my navel, which gave me a
very ticklish sensation and I almost giggled and my legs crossed in my lying position.

Guru-ji: Don’t laugh Anita, I am examining and uncross your legs.

Me: I am very sensitive there Guru-ji.

I uncrossed my legs below my sari, but giggled again and constantly shifted my ass while lying, as he continued to
finger my navel.

Guru-ji: Okay, okay, done.

I was much relieved, but I already felt my vaginal fluids moistening my panty due to Guru-ji’s examination.

Guru-ji: Anita, now turn over and face the table.

It was so very awkward to turn upside down before a man - this only a woman knows. I turned over to lie on my
stomach. Now my sari-covered round fleshy pumpkin ass was in full display before Guru-ji and he could also see my
boobs from the sides sandwiched under my body weight. I looked at Guru-ji as he took the stethoscope again and
checked the sounds of my back over my blouse cover. He was holding the knob of the stetho in one hand while the
other free hand was casually resting on my posterior over my blouse. To tell the truth, I could feel unmistakably
that he was actually tracing my brassiere over the top of my blouse. It was so subtle, yet so obvious.

Guru-ji: Anita, take a deep long breath.

I followed his command and took a long breath, but immediately felt his fingers exactly on my bra hook and I could
not hold the breadth and I gasped.

Guru-ji: What happened?

Me: Err… nothing Guru-ji. I am trying again.

My heart was beating so hard that he was probably also able to hear it. I tried to recover myself and he also had
shifted his fingers from my bra and I took a long breath again.

After the completion of checkup with the stetho, I felt Guru-ji’s hands on my bare back on the area between my
blouse and my waist. I did not know what he was checking, but it seemed like as if he was massaging me there. I
almost was shaken up when I felt Guru-ji stretched his fingers on my back and even inserted part of his fingers
inside my blouse! His touches on my bare skin on my back and inside my blouse were enough to ignite me.

I was now anticipating the same action downwards also and I should feel Guru-ji’s fingers move inside my waistband
and how correct I was! Guru-ji rubbed and stretched his hands down my blouse along my midriff to my waist. And
not stopping at my sari cover on my waist, Guru-ji inserted his fingers through my sari and petticoat and reached
till my panty over my roundish buttocks.

Me: Aeeeiiiiiii….

I uttered a weird sound, which meant nothing but my vulnerable state in the hands of Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Sorry Anita. I should have asked you to open the sari first to do further checking.

He took off his hand off my back and told me to do one of the most bizarre things of my life.

Guru-ji: Anita, take off the sari. Let me get the lubricant, torch, and the spatula for your pelvic exam.

Guru-ji went off to the corner of the room leaving me to open my sari. I was in a dilemma about what to do – the
table was too high for me to get down and get out of my sari and of course I did not want further cupping on my
ass by Guru-ji as I would definitely need help to get up again. The other option was to remove my sari standing on
this table. I had to choose the latter.

Guru-ji: Anita, please do it quickly. After your checkup I have to arrange for a ‘jagya’ for a local family.

I stood up on the table. It was so odd standing way up from the floor. I started to pull off the sari from my body
and noticed Guru-ji was looking up to see the scene, which made me feel so ashamed. I had never done this in my
life and I feel hardly any woman had to undergo this– taking off her dress standing on a table! I could realize very
well that I was looking awfully vulgar as I now stood in my blouse and petticoat on the table.
Guru-ji: Fine Anita, but if you are wearing a panty, also take that off, as I need to check your vagina.

The word ‘vagina’ was so clearly pronounced by Guru-ji that I almost closed my eyes in shame. He also mentioned
that I could keep my petticoat on if I wished and just remove my panty from below it. My ears grew red as I
started lifting my petticoat standing on the table. I drew my hands below it and wriggled and struggled to get out
of my tight little panty. I could realize I must be looking like a ‘randi’ removing my panty with the petticoat on and
that too standing on a table. By that time Guru-ji was also back near my table with his exam apparatuses and he got
an awesome upskirt view of my panty removal. But I was helpless and had to do this standing on the table as per the

Guru-ji: Anita give me the sari and your panty. I will keep them there.

Saying that he gave me no chance to virtually say anything and took the sari, which was kept in a heap at the table
corner and snatched the panty lying below my feet. In a moment he was back and I now lied down on the table
again. Guru-ji this time was very forceful and confident in his behavior. He simply raised my petticoat to my waist
and gently spread my knees apart. He now lifted each of my well-formed feet onto the supports on the examination
table. Guru-ji then switched on the torch, which he had picked up from the other table and focussed between my
legs. I clinched my teeth in the lying position as I could realize that my inner thighs and the whole of the pubic
area were completely exposed to his eyes.

I was watching Guru-ji all along from my lying status helplessly. My teeth still clenched in shame and nervousness.
Guru-ji now spread my pussy lips gently apart with his fingers. I felt he was running his finger along the outer labia
and spread them open a little. Guru-ji then spread a drop of lubricant on his fingers and inserted his index finger
into my pussy gently. My pussy was already very wet with fluids, first due to Uday’s fondling and caressing and now
due to Guru-ji’s warm touches in the name of checkup. My pussy lips were moist and Guru-ji’s finger went very
easily deep inside my vagina.

Me: OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I gasped as he went inside and withdrew the finger.

Guru-ji: Anita, relax, this is just a checkup. Let me see the cervix.

I saw Guru-ji’s finger was completely moist with my vaginal discharge as he withdrew his finger out of my pussy. He
rolled one finger around my cervix and pressed it lightly against it. I almost squirmed and wriggle on the table in
excitement. Guru-ji continued his probe. I realized now he had inserted two fingers in my pussy.

Guru-ji: I need to check your uterus and ovaries also for any abnormalities.

Guru-ji had big hands and his fingers were fairly long and strong. It felt like a thick penis inside my pussy as he was
rhythmically moving the fingers. I clearly understood he was giving me the intercourse rhythm as if he is fucking
me with his fingers. I continued to wriggle in ecstasy and lying there on the table with my lower body completely
nude with my petticoat above my waist and displaying my honey pot to this aged Godman.

Me: Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh! Guru-ji!

I was feeling his fingers inside my pussy as he twisted and curved his fingers inside. With his fingers inside my
pussy, Guru-ji now with his free hand palpated down firmly my hairy pubic area and then got the spatula and
gradually inserted it in my vagina while holding my pussy lips apart with the other hand.

Me: Aaaaahhhhhhhh! Guru-ji please stop. I can’t take it.

I was shouting shamelessly. My nipples were rock hard and I was feeling the tightness within my bra. I winced
heavily when I felt the cold external material entering my honey pot. I spread my legs more and more apart on my
own in excitement and my pussy was now on full display held open by the spatula, so that Guru-ji could see deep
inside my hole. Guru-ji checked my cervix closely for a few minutes and then took a sample.

Guru-ji: Okay Anita, I am done, you can close your legs.

I was simply not in a position to do that. I remained in that position with my legs, thighs and pussy entirely bare in
front of this male. I oriented myself in some moments and covered my pussy first with my petticoat and tried to
look decent, but guru-ji did not allow that.

Guru-ji: Anita, don’t pull down the petticoat. I will have to next check your rectum.

I was simply not expecting this, but there was no chance for me to ask questions.

Guru-ji: Lie on your stomach. Please be quick.

Guru-ji’s eyes almost sparkled as he watched me turn over in a very seductive way on the table and readily raised
my petticoat to expose my big bottoms totally. It must be a stunning sight for Guru-ji to watch me like this, as I
knew my ass was ‘attractive’. Guru-ji now separated my legs a bit till my anal area and my pussy also must have been
clearly exposed. Guru-ji now went to the other table again leaving me in this embarrassing position. I noted he came
back with a pair of latex gloves on. He then squeezed out some lubricant and smeared some on his gloved index
finger. Guru-ji spread my butt cheeks apart with his left hand and inserted his index finger gently into my ass.
Me: Oooooooooooooooohhhhhh!

I was gasping and grabbed the edge of the table tightly.

Guru-ji: Just relax Anita, it will not hurt you.

He told me to relax though my thoughts had already taken me to the ass fuck I had yesterday in the hands of
Uday. I was cumming heavily now and more so as I was charged up due to Uday’s cuddling and now Guru-ji touching
me everywhere. I was enjoying now, but unfortunately this checkup was a very short one and Guru-ji probed his
finger only about a minute in my ass hole. He did not miss to squeeze my naked fleshy butts with his free hand as
he was probing. He wrapped up the rest of the exam in another few minutes. After he was done, he helped me to
get down from the table. I was feeling so excited I almost hugged Guru-ji while I descended from the table and
deliberately pressed my very erect boobs to his hands and chest. Unlike any other man, I was surprised to note
that he did not take the opportunity to hug me or squeeze my breasts, but simply glided me down. I realized he was
in a hurry, but his face advertised he was satisfied seeing my private parts.

Guru-ji: Anita, you dress up and go to your room. I will let you know the results of my checkup in the evening.

I nodded and he went away. I was standing half done. I was feeling so frustrated as both Uday and now Guru-ji
took me to my sexual peak and left me without fucking. Honestly I was dying to get fucked now. I was cursing Uday
why he came early in the morning and had that incomplete love session!

I went back to my room from the examination room and closing the door simply jumped on to the bed. My heart was
still beating fast and due to the incomplete orgasm I was feeling very restless. I hugged the pillow tight to my
breasts and pressed it thinking I was hugging Uday. Since it was not a long side-pillow, I was not getting proper
fulfillment of my desire and could not wrap my legs on to the pillow and I was getting more and more frustrated. I
was getting a terrible itching within my pussy as normally girls get for the desire to get fucked and quickly undid
my sari from my body. My nipples were tight today from the early morning and honestly they were paining now. I
also opened my blouse and unclasped my bra to relieve the pain. I was lying on the bed now in a topless condition
vigorously self massaging my full-grown boobs with one hand and scratching my pussy with the other over my
petticoat. I was feeling so horny!

I was restless and feeling so impatient that I decided now to be completely naked to douse my inner fire. I quickly
came out of my remaining clothes and dropped my wet panty to the floor and stood stark naked. I went to the
toilet in that condition and looked at myself in the life size bathroom mirror. I started playing to myself what Uday
did to me in the early morning, but I was amazed to note that a simultaneously thinking was coming to my mind
about how Guru-ji probed my vagina just a few minutes ago and I began to cum increasingly. I examined my erect
tits and grabbed my boobs with both my hands and started massaging them vigorously. It just was not enough I

I now went very close to the mirror and raised my hands and held the mirror and started to rub my naked breasts
against the mirror. I was gently rubbing my face and cheeks too on the flat surface of the mirror. I was simply out
of control. I was shamelessly gyrating my large bottoms also like a dancing vamp. I was soon completely wet. I now
grabbed the head of the tap and started rubbing my pussy against its nozzle from where water comes out. I was so
desperate that I tried to derive pleasure out of it. I was simply drooling by now. I massaged my inner thighs and
squeezed them hard and getting sufficiently heated again, I inserted my index finger into my wet pussy and
fingered it vigorously to get a full discharge and pinched my clit really hard to get to the peak and self-exhaustion.

I dragged myself out of the toilet, still not a thread on my body and fell on the bed. I fell asleep
after a while and went into a deep slumber, more so probably due to my early waking up today for Uday’s love
making session. I got up after I don’t know after how much time and felt really ashamed to be on the bed in the
nude status. I jumped out of bed and went to the toilet and washed myself thoroughly and got dressed. I was
thinking how very bold and shameless I have become in just 2-3 days. I was comfortably walking naked in my room
with my boobs jiggling openly and my butts advertising nudity! I could not think of this even a few days ago and
would always wrap my upper treasures or wear a panty at least even when only with my husband in my bedroom if I
alighted from bed for any purpose. What a change, I was bowled over by myself!

It was around 11:30 am then and I was just planning to take the bath, when there was a soft knock at the door.

Me: Who is it?

I went up to the door to open it and it was not the common voice replying. I was wondering whose voice it was
though I must have heard that. I opened the door and it was Rajkamal.

Rajkamal: Madam, I have come to guide you on the massage. Guru-ji must have briefed you.

I was puzzled for a split second, but remembered Guru-ji’s words.

Me: Oh! Yes, yes. Please come in.

Rajkamal: Thanks Madam.

Rajkamal was the youngest of the lot amongst the disciples. He seemed younger than me too, hardly 21-22 years.
His stature was thin and he looked pretty pale. Due to this fragile structure, he looked younger probably. He was
wearing the usual saffron ashram dress. I noticed that he was carrying a bag from which a mattress was poking its

Rajkamal: Are you willing to do the massage now?

I was a bit anxious. Does he mean he will do my massage? I was of the impression from Guru-ji’s words that he
would guide me and I would follow that.

Me: Will you not tell me how to do it?

Rajkamal: Madam, this is a full body massage with medicated oils. You cannot do it yourself unless I show you the
technique. Though in any case you have to take help.

I was still not getting convinced to get a massage from this young lad.

Me: By the way, how old are you and how long are you here in the ashram?

Rajkamal: Am 21 years Madam. Guru-ji picked me up and kept with him from my childhood.

My god! What I was thinking was correct. He is just 21 years and myself a 28-year-old married woman. He was just
about the age of my ‘devar’ (=brother-in-law)! How can I take a massage from him I wondered?

Rajkamal: Madam, I am trained by Guru-ji and you don’t worry, you will get full satisfaction through my massage.

I lowered my eyelids out of womanly virtue hearing him saying he would be massaging my matured body. I tried an
alternative avenue.

Me: Don’t you think I can get the massage from Meenakshi if you guide her?

Rajkamal: Madam, surely Meenakshi didi can do it or you can try it yourself, but Madam, the goal of the massage
will not be fulfilled. You will never get the desired stimulation if the massage is done by Meenakshi didi or you do a

Me: Yes that I agree.

Rajkamal: The medicated oils have their role to play and my expert hands have their role in the massage.

Me: Hmm. I understand.

I was rather convinced by Rajkamal’s explanation.

Me: How long will the whole thing take?

Rajkamal: Madam, generally half an hour if you cooperate.

My eyebrows rose instantly.

Me: ‘Cooperate’? What do you mean?

Rajkamal understanding my natural query explained at once.

Rajkamal: Madam, you know I have been doing this massage for the past one year. I have massaged several women
here in this ashram, but there were many who objected to the method and delayed it unnecessarily.

Me: I did not get you.

Rajkamal: Madam, you will probably laugh listening to these cases. There was a lady who asked me to massage her
back over her blouse. Just imagine.

He paused a little and was judging my reaction.

Rajkamal: For example only last month one madam told me to do massage at her back with the blouse on. How can
that be possible? Then there was another lady who refused to allow me to touch her feet for the massage. Again
there was another who would not apply the medicated oil to her hairs. Madam, convincing and explaining these
women took a lot of time. That’s why I said ‘to cooperate.’

I laughed a little, as if to prove that I was not like those ‘women’. Rajkamal looked at me and returned a smile as if
to say he knew that I would not pose such objection and unfolded the mattress on the floor before me. He now
turned back and closed the door and bolted it. I was a bit nervous now seeing the locked door and asked the most
foolish question.

Me: Why did you lock the door?

Rajkamal probably was even more surprised by my question and did not know for a moment what to answer back.

Rajkamal: Err… I mean for you Madam. You need to take off your dress, I mean…

I restored myself immediately.

Me: Okay, okay. I got it. Actually I have never taken a massage like this.

Rajkamal: Most women who come here say that Madam, but after the massage they say we never got such

He smiled meaningfully.

Me: Hmm.

I thought in my mind that this massage might give me some relaxation and mental calmness from my sexual urge
triggered by Uday and Guru-ji though the sleep had subsided much of its intensity.

Rajkamal: Guru-ji’s medical oils do wonders I tell you Madam.

I nodded and honestly hoped so.

Rajkamal: You come and sit on the mattress and I will get the oils ready.

One good thing was Rajkamal was not looking greedily at my figure at least and that made me quite comfortable,
but the very thought of this young lad would massage my body was making my nipples inside my bra taut again.
Rajkamal was not in a mood to waste further time and opened a bottle of scented oil and poured some onto his right

Rajkamal: Madam, I will start with your hair. Please open the knot and flow the hair over your back.

I was wearing the saffron cotton sari and blouse. Rajkamal sat just behind me and first loosened my long hair and
let it fall in a cascade. He started applying the hair oil onto my hair and definitely the scent was mesmerizing. I
took a couple of deep breaths and felt really good.

Rajkamal: The texture of your hair is quite good Madam.

I did not feel like replying to his praise. The whole room got filled up with the sweet fragrance of the hair oil. He
carefully applied the oil to my scalp and then put his fingers through the strands of my hair.

I was a bit nervous still, as I was somehow not getting entirely comfortable to this body massage by a male and
that too by someone younger than me, he looked just like the next-door lad! As he was massaging my scalp, I was
trying to imagine how would he massage my back? I have to open my blouse and I looked round that I have in fact
nothing to cover also. Even the towel was in the toilet. I should have been more careful. I almost shuddered as
Rajkamal’s knee touched the roundness of my hips while he was applying oil to my hair.

Even after having such extravagant sexual escapades recently, I had a strange mixture of nervousness, shyness,
and uneasiness to this massage process. My heart began to throb, as he was about to complete the massage with
hair oil.

Rajkamal: Madam, you must have noticed the way I was stretching your hair and massaging the scalp. Please follow
that when you do it yourself or get it done by someone else.

Me: Okay.

Rajkamal next applied the massage oil on his both palms and applied them on my forehead.

Rajkamal: Madam, a good massage should always start from the top of the body and go down in steps. And there
are separate oils for each region. This oil is for hairs and face.

I nodded and started enjoying the massage. Truly it was a nice feeling now. Rajkamal’s nimble fingers massaged my
forehead and then my soft cheeks. I blushed heavily as he pressed my cheeks with his fingers like we do it a little
chubby girl. I tried to relax and enjoy what he was doing. Rajkamal was rubbing my cheeks in a circular fashion for
a long time so that my cheeks were rosy already - I do not know in what percentage due to my blushing or due to
his rubbing!

Completing that part, his hands came close to my ears. He took out from his bag a small stick with a cotton ball at
its head carefully cleaned the interior of my ear and applied oil in every part of my external ear.

Me: Aaaaaaah………

I exhaled a sigh of satisfaction. It was so relaxing, so enjoyable. I thanked Guru-ji in my mind already for awarding
me this massage. I wanted him to continue with my face for some more time, but Rajkamal surely had more things
to do. He now took out another oil bottle and poured out some on his palm. Rajkamal's fingers now approached my
neck. He carefully massaged my throat and neck region making sure my blouse was not spoilt by oil.

Rajkamal: Madam, this oil is for neck and back. Its written on the bottle though.

Then he took my right palm in his hand and gently rubbed it with his palm. Getting a male touch on my palm, as if he
was holding my hand, made me attentive again from relaxation state. Rajkamal individually massaged each of my
tender fingers and repeated the same for my left palm. He was talking in between and which frankly made the
atmosphere easy. I was having pink nail polish on my nails. With the oil on the nail polish, my nails were looking very
impressive and almost gleaming.
The next item of massage I anticipated was surely my arms. And I was not wrong, Rajkamal started rubbing my fair
hands with force and sometimes pressing and kneading. I could certainly sense that my blood flow was increasing
and I was feeling somewhat hot even though the ceiling fan was revolving right above my head. The lad gathered
greater and greater strength and continued to massage my hands till the elbows, my saffron blouse covering rest
of my hands. When his fingers moved above my elbows, he softly whispered in my ears.

Rajkamal: Madam, your blouse…

I guessed because of his decency he did not complete the sentence, but I could clearly get the signal that I need
to remove my blouse from my body. Although I was apprehensive of this at the start of the massage, when the
moment came, I was so much engrossed in this lad’s massaging that I didn't hesitate much to remove it. I
unbuttoned my blouse from the front and Rajkamal helped me to take it out off my hands. This was probably the
first time I was allowing a 20-year-old boy to help me take off my blouse. I was breaking all my individual
shamelessness records!

I was wearing a white bra inside and I promptly covered the exposed parts of my back with my sari pallu.
Rajkamal’s fingers could now freely move above my elbows, right up to my shoulder joints and armpits.

Rajkamal: Madam, your skin is oily type, so I am applying less oil. You also remember that when you do a self-

Saying that he started massaging my full-length arms with greater strength and energy. I was now having amplified
blood circulation and wanted him to continue the massage in this manly way. Though Rajkamal looked fragile, he had
good massage technique I must admit. He now shifted to my shoulders and uncovered my pallu to the extent that
he could completely massage the upper area of my back.

Rajkamal: Madam, how do you feel? If it helping you to relax?

Me: Yes, it’s very comforting.

Rajkamal’s touches were simply magical and I really was revitalized now. I was so deeply engrossed that I didn't
even bother to protest, as Rajkamal's trembling fingers unhooked my bra strap at the back. I woke up after
actually it was unclasped.

O My god! I was never prepared for this. The youngster removed my bra in one swift action and frankly I was also
not very unwilling to do that, as I simply loved his massage technique. Now I had no other option but to protect my
big boobs with my sari. Rajkamal was sitting behind me and was able to freely massage all over my completely bare
back. He started gently with my spinal cord and the regions around it. As his fingers moved up and down my smooth
back at one stage I felt that his fingers were quite close to me freely hanging boobs. It was an extremely steamy
sequence for any lad of 20-21 years. At the same time I was wondering what would happen if his fingers
accidentally touch my ripe breasts. My ears were hot and my heart was beating faster on the thought.

Under no circumstance I would like to indulge in sexual activities with this boy at least, but I was unable to rule out
the arousal part also due to Rajkamal’s constant touches on my body. I was torn between embarrassment and
arousal. I could very well realize that from a state of relaxation I was going into a horny state. I couldn’t stop him
either as I was really enjoying it. I was confused, what to do? The face of my devar was again coming in my mind, as
if he was giving me a massage.

Oh No! I could never sit in such exposed condition before him! Am I forgetting all social norms? Am I still in my
senses? My face was getting red, my eyes were burning, I was biting my lips… I began to feel the ‘sexy sensation’
between my legs. As expected I was again getting aroused and I tried to live for the moment. I wanted Rajkamal’s
hard to squeeze my breasts. I was now desperately waiting for an accident to happen and wanted that by error his
hands touch my naked breasts, which are just covered by my thin sari pallu. But no! Nothing of that sort happened.
Rajkamal’s hands were still keeping a modest distance and doing my back massage.

After some moments, I was purely getting restless for his touch ‘there’. Seeing Rajkamal was still busy with my
back, I pretended as if my pallu slipped accidentally off my breasts. The two ripe apples were fully open and I was
rather reluctant to cover them quickly as I normal woman would do. I was sure Rajkamal was getting an eyeful of
my uncovered tits – the two perky nipples, the pinkish areolas and the flesh – I kept exposed all of my upper
treasures for at least 10 seconds. I could listen a gulping sound from Rajkamal and felt his hands on my back froze
for some moments. I smiled in my mind and wrapped my boobs again with my pallu.

From the corner of my eye I tried to look at Rajkamal’s pajamas. His swollen cock made it a tent and I could make
out that he was equally (s)excited. I was trying to visualize his young manhood inside his pajamas and felt that my
pussy tingling strangely. As expected, my trick worked instantly.

Rajkamal: Madam, back massage is complete. Now if you allow will start the, I mean, err… breast massage.

He stammered a bit. Natural. Rajkamal could not wait any longer and I saw he oiled his palm again with different oil
from another bottle.

Rajkamal: Madam, this is the breast massage oil.

Saying that he came in front of me. He squatted before me and waited for me to make open my breasts for him to
massage. It was a rather precarious situation for me – a young male crouching in my front and I have to uncover my
boobs for him to massage. I was feeling very uncomfortable and ashamed and had to suggest something slightly

Me: Rajkamal, can you do this, I mean, from my back.

He looked a bit puzzled and dumb. I had to be more elaborate.

Me: I mean if you massage my bre… err… breasts from my back, I will be comfortable.

He understood. Thank God! I kept my pallu of the sari as a pseudo cover on my breasts just to look decent and not
sit simply topless in front of Rajkamal.

Rajkamal: Okay, okay Madam. I got your point. But don’t feel ashamed in front of me. This is my job.

Rajkamal tried to look professional, but his lund under the pajamas was telling a different story.

A shiver went throughout my spine as he went to my back and cupped both my resting naked boobs with both palms.

Me: Oooooooooooooohhhhhh… Sssssssssssss……………

I writhed in excitement and squirmed.

"Squeeze it! Squeeze it more!" That's what I wanted to shout, but I had to apply brakes on my lips. Rajkamal was
initially touching my round naked breasts gently and cupping each of them and glistening them with oil, but once it
was done, I could very well realize it was the same squeezing that I had plenty from different males in the last
couple of days. He was now clearly feeling my hard nipples, circling them, twitching them, pressing them at his free
will and making me wild with excitement. He was massaging my breasts with both his palms, sometimes softly and
sometimes tightly giving me a different sensation at every moment.

Me: Uhhhhhhhhh! Sssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhh………

Who taught this young lad to be a lover like this? Guru-ji?

While Rajkamal was kneading my breasts, his hands were working under the pallu of my sari and I was still a bit shy
to expose my breasts fully in the open. Although my boobs were completely in his possession, I had a consolation
factor in my mind that my globes were out of his direct view, as he was sitting behind me. Now suddenly what he
did made me almost breathless. Rajkamal started bouncing my naked tits with his oily hands and pressing my taut
nipples with two fingers at times.

Me: Hey, what are you doing?

Rajkamal: Madam, don’t interrupt. This is a massage technique.

I remained silent, but was feeling unusually uncomfortable at this act and getting wet by the moment in my panty. I
could hear him breathe heavily near my ears at my back. I could understand he was also heavily excited getting the
opportunity to do such lewd acts with a married woman. He was virtually playing with my boobs, bouncing them,
holding and releasing them in rhythm making me excited and embarrassed simultaneously. Never ever in my life did
anyone dare to do such bouncing with my breasts while close to me – neither my husband nor anyone in the recent

After some moments Rajkamal stopped and I was s-o relieved. I was almost profusely sweating by this erotic act.
He was kind enough to give me a respite in between my boob massage and the next one now.

Rajkamal: Madam, now lie down on the mattress.

I was wearing the sari still at my waist and was holding the pallu before my boobs as a decency measure. I covered
the upper part of the body with the sari and was in a supine position on the mattress. I could very well realize my
erect nipples and glistening areolas of my taut tits were amply visible to Rajkamal through the semi transparent
sari. Without wasting a minute, Rajkamal was faithfully on to the next part of the massage. I immediately got a
tickling sensation when his index finger reached my navel. He took a different bottle and put some extra oil inside
my deep navel to make it look like a pool and began tapping there.

While he was attending my navel area, I was trying to imagine the next part of his massage. Where would it be?
Must have to be down my waist and lower belly, I could not imagine more closed my eyes. Time and again my devar’s
face was coming to my mind during this massage, I didn’t know why, probably due to his age similarity with
Rajkamal. I tried to imagine I am taking a massage from my devar like this lying on my bed in my bedroom and he is
almost sitting on my body and I am not wearing any bra or blouse... Oh No! Impossible, just next to impossible, but
then I was doing exactly the same with Rajkamal!

God! I couldn't imagine anything more. My sex-starved pussy was creaming with a fresh supply of my juices. It was
paining. I was unable to explain how a shy housewife like me, who was ever so faithful to husband, could become so
‘bold’ coming to Guru-ji’s ashram! Rajkamal’s words broke my thought level.

Rajkamal: Madam, now that your upper part is complete, I will do an outline massage from head to waist. So if you
could …

I could not get him. I was lying down, do I need to sit again.
Me: If I can what? Shall I sit again?

Rajkamal: No, no Madam. You be in this position. I will now stretch my hands from your head to waist, so…

He again left his words incomplete, but this time the suggestion was very apparent to me that he wanted me to
divulge my breasts completely off the sari cover. I had little to object to this, as he had already touched both my
tits. I reluctantly slide off the sari off my breasts and lay in front of Rajkamal in a topless condition. His eyes
almost bulge out of the sockets seeing the beauty of my naked ripe boobs, which were still warm and reddish with
the increased blood flow resulting from his massage. Every inch of my naked breast area was moist and glistened
with oil. Rajkamal hadn't missed a single spot and his fingers touched me everywhere. I couldn’t keep my eyes open
in this compromising condition that too in front of this lad, and had to close my eyes.

When he did not touch me after a few moments, I had to open my eyes again. I saw he was still rubbing some new
oil to his palms. From the corner of my eye, I noticed he was visibly a bit tensed seeing me in topless state and I
was tempted to look at his pajama. I saw his cock had formed a tent there though I could also find spots of
wetness in that region. Rajkamal’s precum. Frankly, I was losing control a little. My hands were now eager to touch
the strong manhood of this young lad, but the subtle feeling of hesitation remained somewhere in my mind though I
tried to get that off now, as my wet pussy was itching once more!

I wanted my lust to flourish under the disguise of massage. Now he stretched his hands from my head, pulling my
hairs gently and then squeezing my both cheeks and finally down my neck to my undulating boobs. His hands rested
on my eager breasts and he was very directly twisting and twirling my hard erect nipples, as my husband would do
while intercourse. I moaned loudly, expressing my passion, as he built up his strengths more and more. Rajkamal
started squeezing my breasts now, in the same manner as Mishra-ji and Pande-ji had already taken pleasures. I felt
my whole body getting baked in the heat of passion of Rajkamal’s massage.
Me: Oooooooooh! Do it more…

Rajkamal seemed very excited hearing my last words and he was squeezing and pressing my oily boobs with more
force and vigor and automatically my legs started to get parted within my sari and petticoat. He was till now sitting
my by side, but now his movements were getting bolder and I noticed he put one of his knees on my thighs to have a
better grip on my naked breasts. This continued for another few moments and probably he was unable to keep the
excitement and hence stopped it. I saw he was panting and quite similar was my condition too. He now wiped off the
oil off his palm using a clean cloth from his bag.

Rajkamal: Madam, now your lower half. Your sari Madam…

Me: Yes you please take that off. I cannot sit up now.

I really did not have the strength to get up now. My whole body was aching in sexual excitement and the young boy
seemed more than happy getting such an invitation of opening the sari of a married woman from her waist.

Rajkamal: Okay, okay Madam. You just relax.

He looked at my waist where the sari was tied and pallu was flowing on the mattress.

Rajkamal: Madam, can you please lower your abdomen a bit so that I can pull off the sari?

I nodded and did that. He whiffed off the folds of my sari underneath my petticoat.

Rajkamal: Madam, now can you just lift your err… buttocks a little so that I can drag your sari from your bottom.
I had no other alternative but to do that as I myself decided to remain lying. The scene was really vulgar I realized
-a housewife with a fleshy figure like me lifting her bottoms in a topless condition and a young boy taking off her
sari. I wriggled my plump hips and Rajkamal was smart enough to get my sari out completely in a flash. I thought he
must have done this before to other ladies also. Now my petticoat was the only garment that covered the lower
part of my body.

Rajkamal: Madam, now lie on your stomach.

Me: Okay.

I obeyed again to him, and in fact felt better to have at least my jiggling bare boobs under the cover of my body.
But Rajkamal obviously had other plans.

Rajkamal: Madam, I think its better I remove your petticoat also because it will get spoilt in oil.

My face was towards the mattress and my butts towards the ceiling. I felt comfortable to reply also in that

Me: I do not want to spoil my petticoat.

I kept my voice as calm as possible giving him the permission to open my petticoat in an indirect way.

Rajkamal: Right Madam. You just relax I will do the needful.

Saying that he took his hands below my body down my navel and obviously I had to accommodate his hands lifting
my abdomen slightly. Rajkamal's fingers reached the knot of my petticoat string. I aided him to unfasten it and he
did the rest. But I could never sense his plan that he would pull down both my panty and my petticoat
simultaneously. And before I could fully realize that he was pulling down both from my waist.

Me: Hey, eiii….. What are you doing?

Rajkamal pretended like an innocent boy.

Rajkamal: Why Madam, what happened? Did I do anything wrong?

I was having this conversation now with half of my ass crack being exposed and I remained in that state with
Rajkamal’s fingers still holding the elastic band of my panty.

Me: Why are you pulling my I mean…

I was losing out words in this awkward situation. Rajkamal was now truly acting the scoundrel.

Rajkamal: What Madam?

Me: My panty, you idiot.

I was a bit angry now.

Rajkamal: But Madam to get massage in your lower part, you have to be naked.

Me: Don’t you think you should have asked me?

Rajkamal: Sorry Madam, I thought…

He did not complete and this made me more irritated. But due to my compromised state, I could not just sit up on
the mattress.

Me: What did you think?

Rajkamal: Madam, I have seen most women feel shy to remove their brassiere and panty, so I thought not to
mention it separately. Sorry again Madam.

Me: Hmm.

I calmed a little by his apologetic tone.

Rajkamal: Madam, then what to do?

What a question I thought to be answered.

Me: Since you have dragged it halfway, do the rest.

I pretended to be strong in my voice. Rajkamal did not waste a second and started dragging my petticoat along with
the panty down my round buttocks, then down my well-formed thighs, then down my legs and finally down my heels -
and I was now completely naked lying before to be massaged before this 21-year-old boy.

Though I was conversing with this massage boy, my pussy was quivering for something more and I felt that all my
juices would now burst out of it. My mind just drove me wildly into a new state, where I rather enjoyed and was
excited by my own nudity in front of this young boy. It was the sense of my ever-growing excitement that took all
my shame away. I closed my eyes and completely surrendered myself to this young masseur. I could feel Rajkamal’s
hands reached my firm ass cheeks and as am I adequately fleshy down there, even a soft pressing of his fingers
could penetrate deep into my flesh. Rajkamal was using his both hands to knead my buttocks in a rhythmic manner.

Me: Ahhhhhhh... Mmmmmmmmmmmm..... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…

I was so very excited by Rajkamal’s oiling my bottoms that I was automatically making moans out of my mouth. He
was making all sorts of hand movements on my open buttocks. He was stroking it, rubbing it, squeezing it and what
not. Once he even started slapping my ass cheeks.

Me: Ouch! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah….

I was really enjoying this to the hilt. No male has ever dared to slap me there, but this young lad was doing it so
effortlessly in the name of massage. Rajkamal was gripping very tightly my fleshy round ass in both hands and was
squeezing in a way, which seemed to me as if was preparing the ‘maida’ for ‘kachauri’ as we see in a ‘halwai shop’.

Me: Do it nicely, everywhere.

I said that without clearly explaining the word "everywhere". As he pressed my buttocks more and more, I could
feel higher pressure in my pussy, more juices coming out now. Subconsciously I took my hands to my crotch area
and put my right middle finger inside my moist pussy hole. I didn't dare to look at Rajkamal's condition. I guessed
in my mind his erection would now be at its peak and he must be close to reaching his orgasm. He might be
desperately trying to close his floodgates and prevent any embarrassment in front of me. Rajkamal's oily palm
slowly went up slope into the crest of my ass cheek and then traveled down the slope throughout my ass crack.

Me: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………….

It was a wild feeling, so good. Half of his palm was securely buried inside my deep ass crack and I could understand
he was trying to locate my ass hole. After finding it he carefully oiled me there too. There was so much of an illicit
pleasure in it getting oiled in my ass hole from someone aged as my devar!

Slowly he proceeded with massaging the backside of my well-formed thighs. His fingers were working relentlessly
on my flesh. He seemed not tired at all, rather continued to grow in strength I felt through his expert touches. He
went further down onto my knees, my legs, my toes till my toenails. I just cannot describe how wonderfully he did
everything. One who has not taken a full body massage would never know the thrill. My entire body was shivering in
pleasure, something I had never experienced before. Direct lovemaking and Sexual arousal and this arousal through
massage were different, I bet.

Now honestly I was desperately waiting for a rock hard cock to penetrate me with a force. I had this feeling in the
early morning too when Uday did everything to me except fucking. I continued the similar feeling in Guru-ji’s hands
when he examined me on the exam table. After finishing my toes and the nails, Rajkamal paused. There was not a
single spot in my developed body left to be massaged!

Both of us were speechless.

There was an uneasy calmness and the only sound that could be heard was the moving ceiling fan. The only portion
of my body left to be touched was my dark hairy triangle and I was in no way prepared to leave that out. Perhaps
he too was eagerly waiting for a signal from me. Seeing no reaction from me, he started again rubbing his palm on
my nude back and hips, this time moving up and sideways. He was crouching down now, which I could see from the
corner of my eye from my lying position. A heard a whispering tone near my ears.

Rajkamal: Madam, the…

Rajkamal could not complete what he wanted to say, as there was a knock at the door. I was really stirred up by the
thumps on the door. I remembered how Uday left me half-done in the morning, and did not wanted that to be
repeated. I was feeling so relaxed that frankly I was not at all eager to rise from this state. But I had to do
something, but Rajkamal did the first query.

Rajkamal: Who is it?

Nirmal: Rajkamal, there is a visitor for Madam.

A visitor for me here? In this ashram? I was certainly puzzled. Even after hearing that I was still so enthralled by
Rajkamal’s massage, I could not react properly to Nirmal’s words from outside the door.

Nirmal: Is Madam’s massage over Rajkamal?

Rajkamal: Err… Yes.

Nirmal: Okay, send Madam, I have kept the visitor waiting.

Now I had to say something. I voiced in trembling tone.

Me: Who is it Nirmal? I mean a male or a female?

Nirmal: An aged male Madam. Come down, he is waiting. I am going.

Who could it be? I was thinking though not completely out of Rajkamal’s magical massage spell. I was still lying
naked on the mattress and now I had to alight, I realized. Rajkamal was looking like a dumb fool, because I could
see the eagerness in his eyes and his erect dick within his pajama was telling the story. I was confused what to do.
As I got up from my lying position, I could see the mattress having wet spots because of my vaginal fluids. Rajkamal
was looking at those spots also. I lowered my eyes in shame though was shamelessly sitting naked in front of him
without trying to cover my ‘jawani’ at all.

My body was aching in sexual desire and Rajkamal could read that very well. But we both were trying to maintain
some decency and not be crude. But I found that would not fulfill my want, and today from the morning this is the
third time I am being sexually aroused heavily without being fucked. Last two days, I was on drugs, and could not
actually felt my pussy longing for a lund. I tore apart all my shame, inhibition, and decency measures and shifted
close to Rajkamal.

Rajkamal: Madam, someone is waiting for…

Me: Just shut up and complete my massage. You cannot leave me in this state.

I was trying to take control now over this young lad.

Rajkamal: Madam, but your massage is complete, so…

Me: I told you to keep your mouth shut or I will seal your lips.

I was getting bolder and I did not know where from I derived courage to take control on this boy and was creating
new limits of shamelessness. I came very close to him in sitting position and hugged him sealing his lips with mine. I
started sucking his lips, but instantly realized Rajkamal was struggling to get rid of me. I was so surprised!

Rajkamal: Madam, this is not right. I cannot deviate from Guru-ji’s instructions.

I was getting so angry at this boy’s attitude that was unable to control myself.

Me: What did your Guru-ji teach you? Make a woman naked, massage her body, and then leave her in that state?

Rajkamal: Madam, please be patient.

Me: Then why this has grown up?

I straightway caught him by his hard lund and dragged it and he almost cried out in pain. He then jerked me off
and stood up. I was lying near his feet, still completely naked and my whole body was gleaming with the oily layer on
my skin. I was now pleading from my state of anger out of desperation.

Me: Please. Do not leave me in this state. Please.

Rajkamal: Come to the toilet.

I stood up on the mattress. My pussy was very wet though now not dripping any more. My bushy triangle was clearly
before his view. I walked in my nude state and as if was following him like a faithful dog.
Rajkamal: Madam, I can understand your need, but am helpless today. Moreover someone is waiting for you. I will
quickly give you some relief.

He came close to me and hugged me for the first time. His slender body was not fulfilling my desire. My soft boobs
pressed against his flat chest and in one swift action, he turned me and my ass was now pressing his crotch and I
could clearly feel his lund poke my broad ass area. Now he bent a little and took his right middle finger to my honey
pot and started fingering my wet pussy. Since I was a married woman my vaginal path was quite broad and
Rajkamal’s fingers being slender, he was able to push a couple of his fingers in my hole.

Me: Uhhhhhhh…………. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…………. More………… Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…

I was shamelessly moaning and shouting in ecstasy. Rajkamal’s other hand was gripping now my hanging boobs and
twitching my nipples. I very quickly reached my peak this time, as I had a number of arousals from the morning and
could not hold my ‘fluid’ any longer. Rajkamal’s fingers were all moistened with my juice and he was doing a ‘fucking
action’ with his fingers what he would have done with his lund. I was trying to quench my long thirst with this finger
fuck. My body jerked furiously within his arms as I discharged completely.

I was feeling so weak that I sat on the bathroom floor. My naked body looked marvelous, I myself appreciated, as
it glistened with oil and sweat. Rajkamal was quickly applying cold water to my body to refresh me. In some
moments I was also fully in my senses and realized my vulnerable state. I was the wife of someone, now sitting on
the floor of this ashram bathroom after a finger fuck, no thread on my body, my matured boobs fully exposed, my
hairy pussy, my big buttocks, my thunder thighs – all feasted by a young boy who is exactly the same age of my
devar. Oh! God! Get back my senses.

I was off of the bathroom floor in a flash and quickly covered myself with a towel. I noticed Rajkamal smiled a bit
seeing my action. He went out of the toilet and handed me my sari, petticoat, blouse, and bra and he himself closed
the toilet door before my face making me more ashamed. I was quick enough to wipe off the extra oil off my body
with the towel and get dressed rapidly. Now that my sexual thirst was somewhat met and I discharged fully, my
concern was who could it be who had come to see me in this ashram?

With an enigmatic mind, I slowly approached the guest room of the ashram. Rajkamal went off from my room
minutes ago arranging his oils, etc. in his bag. I was trying to speculate who could have come here to meet me, but
tried in vain, as I could not figure out anyone living near this place. I entered the room and was very surprised to
see ‘mama-ji’!

Me: Mama-ji! You! Here?

Mama-ji: Yes Bahurani.

Mama-ji was my mother-in-law’s brother. He was 50+ in age and remained unmarried throughout his life. Though he
came in our marriage and participated actively, I have not seen him in recent times coming to our place. How could
he know that I am here!

Mama-ji: Actually this place is not far away from my residence. It’s an hour’s drive from there and when your
mother-in-law called me up, I assured her that I would certainly pay a visit to you.

Now I understood the whole story. I went forward to him and bent forward to touch his feet as a gesture of
‘pranam’. He held me by my arms and put his hand on my head as a sign of ‘ashirwad.’

Mama-ji: So how are things here Bahurani?

Me: I have already taken diskha Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Wah! Good. I hope with Guru-ji’s blessings you get your much-awaited reward soon.

I could understand he was referring about my pregnancy. He smiled and as I looked at his face my heart started to
beat faster. I was now wondering how much Mama-ji knew about this place. Does he know what goes on here or
about the treatment processes? How did he know about Guru-ji? I smiled back and tried my best to look normal
and hide my concerns, but was rather getting curious to know what Mama-ji knows about this ashram.

Me: Mama-ji, how did you locate the ashram? Do you know this place?

Mama-ji was still holding to my arm and I was standing pretty close to him and after listening to what Mama-ji
replied I almost felt a tremor throughout my body.

Mama-ji: In fact I came here a couple of years ago. I have heard of Guru-ji long back, but never actually believed
in these things. At that time my maid was having some problems and she told me to take her to this place. This is
probably the third or fourth time I am coming here.

Me: O I see.

I tried to maintain my composure, but I could feel my hands and feet getting cold listening to Mama-ji. I tried to
inquire more.

Me: What problem was your maid having?

Mama-ji: Bahurani, you know these lower class people, they have all the nasty problems. Actually my maid’s husband
was having an affair with another girl to the extent of physical relation. My maid wanted him to get back on track.

Me: Was it solved?

Mama-ji: Yes Bahurani, but that’s a long story.

At that moment, Nirmal entered the room with a glass of orange juice and sweets. We sat on the sofa now and
Mama-ji had the juice and the sweets.

Mama-ji: By the way, your mother-in-law told me to ask if you need anything. I can bring that from the market.

Me: No, no Mama-ji. I have everything here.

We were sitting on the sofa and now that Nirmal was away with the plate and glass, we were alone again there in
that room.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, I last saw you when I visited your place for Pushpa’s marriage. Right?

I was getting relived slowly from my tensed condition seeing Mama-ji’s normal conversations. I hoped that he did
not know anything about the treatment process of Guru-ji.

Me: Yes Mama-ji, you are right. You have a good memory. Still its two years since I guess.

Mama-ji: Hmm… More than two years. But good to see that your mother-in-law is taking good care of you.
He laughed gently saying the above.

Me: Why do you say that Mama-ji?

I giggled and asked him.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, look at the mirror and you will know that. You have added weight.

Saying that he laughed again and lightly placed his palm on my thighs. I did not mind that and smiled and blushed. I
am now almost normal and the fear of him knowing about this ashram disappeared from my mind and was getting
engrossed in chatting.

Me: Mama-ji am I looking fat?

Mama-ji looked at me and chuckled, which triggered my natural womanly virtue of nagging.

Me: Tell naa. Mama-ji please. You can actually tell the truth, as you have not seen me for a long time.

I was almost pleading Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: No, no Bahurani, you don’t look fat. But…

Me: Mama-ji, this is not fair. You males are all the same. Rajesh also does like this. Saying half.

Thank god! I still remembered my husband’s name considering my sexual escapades in the last two and half days.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, just stand up once.

I alighted from the sofa and stood in front of him, he was still sitting on the sofa. Mama-ji now directly touched
my right ass cheek and commented.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, you certainly have added fat here. This certainly looks a bigger circumference than when I last
saw you.

I instantly remembered I was not wearing a panty. Rajkamal when handed me my clothes he did not give me the
panty and at the moment I was not that conscious about that. I clearly felt Mama-ji’s palm resting on my firm ass
cheek and obviously he could feel the roundness of my butts over the sari and petticoat cover.

Me: Yes Mama-ji, I know.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, you have developed a small tummy also, which is not a good sign.

I looked down at Mama-ji and looking at his eye level, I instantly realized my pallu had shifted giving him a grand
view of my whole belly area and the base of my blouse-covered boobs. More so, as he was sitting on the sofa and I
was standing in front of him sideways. I could not shift my position instantly as that might look rude and hence I
just reluctantly lowered my sari pallu to cover my bulging boobs fully.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, after childbirth you will obviously gather weight. So you should be careful from now on. What’s
Rajesh doing? He should make you exercise …

He put a small break in the sentence and added, almost whispered, “not on bed alone.”
He broke out in laughter and I blushed heavily now. And Mama-ji gently slapped on my sari-covered bottom in one
swift action and it looked so normal that I could hardly react. Mama-ji’s palm smacked me just over my ass crack
and myself being panty-less, my heart almost stopped for a second getting hit there.

Me: Mama-ji, you are very…

Mama-ji laughed loudly and held my arm and made me sit on the sofa. While holding my elbow region, he felt the oil
in his hand. Though I wiped it off by the towel before I got dressed, my skin was still oily.

Mama-ji: Why is your skin so sticky? Have you applied something?

Me: Yes Mama-ji, I have applied oil.

I consciously suppressed telling him about my massage session. But what Mama-ji told in reply was so stunning that
I was simply speechless.

Mama-ji: Oh! Guru-ji has not changed his treatment technique it seems in years. He gave some massage oils to my
maid also I remember for her to look youthful. Were you taking a massage?

My heart started pounding and I did not know what to say. Since he was such an elderly person I was feeling quite
embarrassed to tell her about my massage, more so simply because he was a relative of my husband’s side.

Me: No, err… yes. I mean I was applying the oil myself.

Mama-ji: Strange. I distinctly remember that when my maid came here Guru-ji told to use the oils not for self-
massage, and you know Bahurani, one day my maid even asked me to apply the oil to her body, as her sister was

He laughed on his own mind and I almost trembled hearing that. I was feeling so anxious that Mama-ji knew about
the massage! Simultaneously I was getting curious also out of my womanly virtue to know what Mama-ji did with her
maid. Did Mama-ji massage the whole body of the maid? How old was she? Must be above 18, as she was married.
What was she wearing when Mama-ji massaged her? Did she become naked in front of Mama-ji, as I did in front of
Rajkamal for the sake of massage? Did Mama-ji leave her without fucking? Oh! My god! I was getting increasingly
‘hot’ in my mind thinking in these lines. Its true that I never heard any scandalous incident regarding Mama-ji
though he did not marry.

Though momentarily I was thinking in that way, but I rebuked myself for taking my judgment in such lines about
this elderly and respected person.

Mama-ji: Anyway, Bahurani I think you should take a bath, as you have applied oils to your skin before it gets too

Me: Its okay Mama-ji. You sit naa, we have met after such long time.

Mama-ji got off the sofa and I realized he was about to leave now. I also ascended off the sofa.

Mama-ji: How long you will be here? Did Guru-ji say that?

Me: Yes Mama-ji, seven days, today is the third day.

Mama-ji: Wah! Then I will make another visit so that you also feel good and not feel bored in this ashram

I could not say “No” to that of course and greeted him with a smiling nod.

Mama-ji: Okay Bahurani, its time for me to go.

I went a couple of steps forward and bent in front of him to touch his feet as per custom. When first time I bent
down to for his ashirwad, he held me by my arms and lifted me, but this time he held me by my waist, and in fact
his fingers were partly grabbing my soft ass cheeks. Getting a touch there, by reflex, I quickly got up from my
bent position.

Mama-ji: Be happy my child. Bahurani, I will pray that you and Rajesh get a baby soon.

Saying that he held me close, his hands still in my waist area and I also got a bit emotional and he hugged me.
Believe me, it was not the first time an elderly relative hugged me, but I was feeling very uneasy. All females have
this sixth sense and we can differentiate between an affectionate hug of a male and a hug with a ‘different’
intention. Mama-ji initially lifted me holding my waist and now as I was almost clinging to his chest, I could feel
distinctly his fingers were creeping on my back, inch by inch as they progressed up. I was careful to cover my
boobs with my arms so that they do not touch him. He now held my head in both hands and kissed my forehead.

Apparently anyone seeing this would definitely believe in this elderly person’s affection towards me. But I was
unable to believe in his touches. After showing the gesture of love and care through the forehead kiss, he should
have left me, because there was nothing else to do. He had given his ashirwad and now had kissed my forehead, but
to my near disbelief Mama-ji smiled a bit and brought his hands down my head to my shoulder. He brushed his
fingers all along my neck.

Mama-ji: Keep faith in yourself and you can overcome your problem.

While saying that, I could clearly sense his right hand thumb was tracing my bra strap over my blouse on my
shoulder. And since he was still talking to me holding me close, I had to lower my arms to my sides. Previously I
could keep them crossed over my breasts as a protection, as he was hugging me. Now my protruding full boobs were
just inches away from his chest.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, don’t worry. If you need anything, do let me know. Still I will give my phone number to the
ashram so that if you need anything, they can call me.

While he was saying all this, he pressed my shoulder and gently pulled me towards him such that my pointed boob
tips now started brushing his flat chest. It was a very awkward feeling for me, for that matter any woman, to
stand like that with the edge of my bulging boobs touching another man’s chest, who is facing me. My boobs were
not pressing, but were rather grazing Mama-ji’s chest such was the position. Mama-ji securely held me in that
position and conversed.

Mama-ji: I have told your mother-in-law not to worry at all and keep faith on Guru-ji. You know how very anxious
she is.

I could realize my nipples getting harder and harder standing in that position. I tried to lean back subtly, so that it
did not look indecent, but Mama-ji’s grip on my shoulder did not allow me that. My 28-year-old heaving sari-covered
breasts continued to graze and brush my 50-year-old relative’s shirt-covered chest.

Mama-ji: I will call your home tonight and update them that your diksha is complete.
Me: Okay Mama-ji. You also take care.

I tried to finish off the conversation as I was at a height of uneasiness, but Mama-ji seemed uninterested.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, my dear, you also take care.

Saying that he took his right hand off my shoulder and in a playful manner pinched my left cheek flesh softly. I
was not at all prepared for such a behavior from him and stood there like a duffer. He was still holding my left
shoulder firmly making me touch my boobs to his upper body. Then he took off his hands off my body and just
casually patted my pumpkin-like bottoms.

Mama-ji: Especially here Bahurani.

Mama-ji’s slap on my bottom was surely not ultra-soft and the flesh of my buttocks wriggled under my sari to this
action. At the same time, I could feel Mama-ji deliberately hollowed his palm as he slapped my ass and I could
sense a semi-squeeze on my panty-less ass cheek. And finally when he left me I realized my nipples had grown to
their full size within my bra in excitement. Mama-ji had delayed his exit so much that I had no other option but to
adjust my bra in front of him, as I was feeling outrageously uncomfortable now. I took my both hands to the sides
of my breast and pushed my boobs up a little within my bra and then in one swift action I took my right hand under
my sari pallu and stretched gently my bra cup so that my taut flesh could accommodate better within my bra.

Mama-ji bid me good-bye saying that he would come over the weekend and I went back to my room with a puzzled
mind regarding Mama-ji’s attitude. I was definitely quite sure of his ‘touches’, especially the way he traced my bra
strap on my shoulder and patting my ass twice, but still was not able to relate it to this elderly person’s personality.
Due to the overdose of sexual activities, was I taking my thoughts just a bit too long? May be. Mama-ji calls me
‘Bahurani,’ and he is almost double my age, how could he lust for my body, but the ‘touches’ - I must be wrong

I went to the toilet and had a long bath, as it took significant time to wipe off the oil from my whole body,
especially from my back and my butts, as it was difficult for me to reach there. I had my lunch and was about to
take a nap, when Sanjeev came and interrupted.

Sanjeev: Madam, sorry to disturb you now, but Guru-ji wants to meet you once now.

I was a bit surprised hearing that as I distinctly remember Guru-ji told me after my exam that he would meet me
in the evening.

Me: But Guru-ji said he would let me know of my exam results in the evening.

Sanjeev: Yes Madam, but he needs to go to Mr. Yadav’s house in the town this evening. It is an unscheduled visit.
Mrs. Yadav actually wants to perform an urgent ‘yagya’ for her daughter.

Me: O, I see. Does Guru-ji go to others’ houses to perform yagya?

Sanjeev: Not normally, but Mr. Yadav is Guru-ji’s old disciple and unfortunately he is disabled also. So…

Me: Okay, okay I understand.

My thoughts and respect level for Guru-ji appended hearing this.

Me: By the way, what for will Guru-ji perform this yagya?

Sanjeev: Actually Mr. Yadav’s daughter failed in Class XII exam last year and this year also in the school test, she
passed by whiskers. So Mrs. Yadav wanted to perform a yagya before her final exams.

Me: Okay, but why in this urgent basis?

Sanjeev: Madam, Mr. Yadav will go for a checkup in Chennai for a fortnight, that’s why Mrs. Yadav wanted to do the
yagya on an urgent basis.

Me: O I see.

I did not waste any more time, as I was also anxious to know the exam results also and followed Sanjeev to Guru-
ji’s room. Guru-ji as usual was sitting before the image of Linga Maharaj in his usual saffron dress.

Guru-ji: Come Anita, come.

I offered him a ‘pranam’ and took my seat on the floor. Sanjeev kept standing by my side.

Guru-ji: Anita, actually I will be going to town in the evening.

Me: Yes Guru-ji, Sanjeev told me.

Guru-ji: Okay then you know. Actually I will stay tonight in Mr. Yadav’s house for the purpose of this yagya.
Sanjeev and Meenakshi will also accompany me.

He paused briefly and continued.

Guru-ji: So I wanted to let you know of your pelvic exam results and my further plans for you.

I looked visibly anxious, as my pelvic examination results were about to be unfolded.

Me: What did you find Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, can you bring my notebook? Anita, it’s not that exciting, but at the same time not a real doom
situation also.

My heart started pounding in fear. What was the problem that Guru-ji detected?

Me: Guru-ji…

I could not complete my words and a drop of tear almost rolled from my eyes.

Guru-ji: Anita, this is the problem with you females. You do not listen fully and jump to conclusion.

His words were firm. I controlled myself. Sanjeev handed him the notebook and Guru-ji opened a page and glanced
through it and looked up at me.

Guru-ji: See Anita, there is some block in your vaginal path and I also noticed a couple of hemorrhoids.

As I had little medical knowledge, I looked at Guru-ji with a confused face and realizing that he explained me.
Guru-ji: Look Anita, your do not have a major physical problem, which could hinder pregnancy. But the smaller
obstacles sometimes cause a bigger problem. Maha-yagya will help you get rid of the negative factors in your body,
as I told you before also. In fact, Maha-yagya will help you prepare both physically and spiritually for pregnancy
and make your vaginal path smooth and cure you of your problems.

A yagya will make my vaginal path smooth? I was a bit puzzled hearing that and wanted to know more.

Me: But Guru-ji how can a yagya cure me?

Guru-ji: Anita my dear, Maha-yagya is not just sitting in front of the fire, chant mantras, and worshipping. It’s
much more than that and you have to be fully involved in it. You just keep faith on me and leave the rest to Linga

I was much relieved hearing that.

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: But Guru-ji, you were saying something like ‘hemorrhoids’. What is that Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Yes, I noted some inflammation of blood vessel in your anus. I will apply herbal cream for that. You don’t
worry about that Anita.

I had to lower my eyes hearing the word ‘anus’ and automatically blushed a little. And listening about applying cream
there, I blushed further.

Guru-ji: Now go to your room and take rest. I have scheduled Maha-yagya for you tomorrow and the day after. In
the meantime, do take the medicines, as I have directed you.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

I was almost on my way out of Guru-ji’s room, when he asked me something.

Guru-ji: By the way, did you like Rajkamal’s body massage?

Sanjeev and Guru-ji were both looking at me and it was so humiliating for me to answer to that question, but I had
to reply.

Me: Yes, it was good.

Guru-ji: He has magical fingers. Anyway, remember if you take further massages from him, do not allow him to
massage your err … I mean gaand, as I noted inflammation there.

I could not even respond through a nod. Sanjeev now made me totally dumbstruck by his next comment.

Sanjeev: But Guru-ji, I beg to differ. I think Madam can take massage from Rajkamal on her gaand, but she just
needs to inform him not to apply oil in her asshole.

Guru-ji: Right, right. Anita, I feel Sanjeev is right. You can actually take an ass massage, but do not allow him to
touch your hole.

Guru-ji looked at me with a smiling face and I was as if dying out of shame hearing this piece of conversation
between two males about my ass massage. My ears were getting hot and I was completely bowled over.

Sanjeev: Guru-ji, I feel Madam will be safer if she does not pull off her panty during the massage.

Guru-ji and Sanjeev both were looking at me and I desperately wanted to push off from there. I could not meet
their eyes. I realized very well that they both knew that I had opened my undergarments in front of Rajkamal. I
was feeling awfully abashed.

Guru-ji: Very true Sanjeev. The panty would act as a shield. Anita, this would be a very good safety measure. In any
case, you can certainly ask Rajkamal to massage your flesh over your panty. Will that…

I had to cut Guru-ji short. I could not take it any more.

Me: Guru-ji… I understand…

Guru-ji probably realized my condition. Thank God!

Guru-ji: Okay, okay. Now go to your room Anita. I need to brief Meenakshi and Sanjeev regarding my evening visit.

I was more than relieved to get out of that room. I returned to my room with red ears and heavy breathing. It
seemed as if Guru-ji and Sanjeev’s little chat was still ringing in my ears. I felt so very humiliated. I rested for a
while sitting on my bed and then went for a nap, but several things were clubbing into my mind, especially the maha-
yagya topic. Guru-ji told that it was a yagya, which would extend to two days and through it my vaginal block and
discharge issues would be solved. But how? What would I have to do for two days? Why did he say it would be
‘strenuous’? There was no answer available with me!

The additional trouble issue in my mind was ‘Mama-ji’, as he said he would come again. To tell the truth, I was
unable to form an opinion regarding Mama-ji. I certainly felt his fingers not acting the normal way on my youthful
body. Mama-ji never behaved like this before though there was very little chance of me and him getting along
‘alone’. Still I was not convinced to consider such things about this 50+ man. Thinking on all these lines, I did not
know when I went into a deep slumber.

“Knock! Knock!”

“Madam! Madam! Please get up”.

I quickly alighted off the bed to this call and was about to approach the door, but noticed that I was not wearing
my sari. Actually before I went to bed I opened it to be comfortable on bed. I stopped and quickly wrapped the
sari around my upper part of the body and opened the door. I could recognize the voice. It was Nirmal. But why is
he shouting?

Me: What has happened?

Nirmal: Madam, Guru-ji is calling you urgent.

Me: Why? Anything serious?

Nirmal: I am not sure, but he asked me to call you.

Me: Okay. I am coming right now, you can go and tell that Guru-ji.

I noticed Nirmal’s eyes fully grazing my petticoat covered lower half of the body, as I was holding my sari with
both hands over my breast and abdomen. Nirmal went off and I closed the door and went to toilet to urinate, as I
was feeling the pressure, and then wore the sari properly, and combed my hair and went towards Guru-ji’s room
again. What could have happened? I was wondering, but not getting a clue.

Me: Guru-ji, were you calling me?

Guru-ji: Yes, yes Anita. I am in a bit of trouble and I need you help.

I was feeling rather uneasy that a man of Guru’s stature is asking for help from me.

Me: Please do not say it like that Guru-ji. Anything for you.

Guru-ji: Anita, as you know, I was scheduled to make a visit to Mr. Yadav’s residence and Sanjeev and Meenakshi
were supposed to accompany me, but from the noontime Meenakshi has been running a temperature and now the
fever is quite high.

Me: Oh! Really?

Guru-ji: Yes. I have given her medicines, but unfortunately she is not in a state to accompany me. But I need at
least one female to act as the medium for Mr. Yadav in the yagya. So, I mean…

Me: Yes Guru-ji?

It was very evident that Guru-ji was hesitating.

Guru-ji: I mean if you could go along with me.

Me: No problems Guru-ji. Why are you so hesitating Guru-ji? It will be my pleasure if I can be of any assistance to

Guru-ji: Thanks Anita. But we will have to stay there tonight, as it would late in the night to complete the yagya.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Sanjeev now added.

Sanjeev: Madam, Mr. Yadav’s apartment is very spacious with lots of rooms and generally we stay in the guest
rooms, which are very cozy. You wont have any problem.

Me: I see. Then when do you plan to start Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Now its 5:30. We will start at 7 o’clock. Anita, you do one thing, go to Meenakshi’s room and get a brief
idea about how a yagya is arranged, as you will have to help me to set that up at Mr. Yadav’s place.

Me: Right Guru-ji.

I went off from there to Meenakshi’s room. The room was dimly lit and Meenakshi was lying in bed and someone was
sitting near his head and applying a balm on her forehead. The illumination was not enough to make out clearly who
it was.

Me: How are you now Meenakshi?

Meenakshi: The fever is still there in spite of Guru-ji’s medicines.

As I came near the bed, I saw Rajkamal sitting near her head. I touched her neck and cheeks and they were very
warm and surely her temperature was well above 100 degrees.

Me: Hmm. It’s quite high still.

Rajkamal: Its 102 degrees Madam. I checked it minutes prior.

Meenakshi: Madam, did Guru-ji tell you to go to town with him?

Me: Yes. He told me just now.

Meenakshi: Sorry Madam for this trouble, but I am really helpless.

Me: Its absolutely okay. You just take rest.

When I entered from outside in the room, my eyes took some time to adjust. Now I noticed that Meenakshi was
lying on the bed in a very tempting way considering a male is present in the room. I was shocked to see that her
pallu had so much shifted off her big round boobs that half of her treasures were clearly visible above her blouse
and Rajkamal being seated near her head was getting a majestic view. As I looked more intently, as if a shock wave
went passed my spine, as I noticed Meenakshi was lying on bed on doubt, but her head was on not on the pillow, but
on Rajkamal’s lap! He was applying balm to her forehead and the way Meenakshi was breathing I smelt a rat.

Meenakshi: Madam, I have been to Mr. Yadav’s place prior also, you won’t have any problem there.

Me: Okay. But what will I have to do in regards to the yagya?

Meenakshi: Madam, there is nothing much to do, but to arrange the yagya materials like the logs, oil, other list of
yagya items, flowers, utensils etc., which Sanjeev will guide you and its more or less like the puja you perform at

I was much relieved hearing that, as I definitely was a little anxious.

Me: Guru-ji was saying something about ‘medium.’ What is that?

Meenakshi: Madam, in simple words, its like during the yagya a common man needs a medium through which he or
she can attain the goods of the yagya and Guru-ji says to get best effects the genders should be different.

Me: ‘Different’ meaning?

Meenakshi: A male should have a female medium and vice versa Madam.

Me: Okay, okay, I got it.

Meenakshi smiled very meaningfully as I said that and I could not comprehend the significance of that smile.
Meenakshi: I am feeling thirsty.

Rajkamal: One sec…

Meenakshi slightly raised her head and Rajkamal got his lap out and alighted from bed and brought a glass of
water. Meenakshi tried to get up, but Rajkamal forced her to stay back in her position and helped her to drink
water from the glass. As Meenakshi drank, some water dripped down her chin onto her upper chest and Rajkamal
openly touched her upper breast area to wipe it. I tried to take it in the normal spirits, but what he did next did
not allow me to get convinced.

Rajkamal kept the glass on the adjoining table and got back to his original position and Meenakshi also readily lifted
her head to his lap.

Rajkamal: Did water spill to your blouse?

Meenakshi: I don’t know. My body temperature is so high that I cannot feel that.

Rajkamal: Okay I will check, you relax.

Meenakshi: Madam, its better to take one set of clothing with you, as you will have to take a bath after the yagya.

Me: Yes, I also have thought so.

While we conversed, I noticed in the pretext of checking whether water had spilled onto Meenakshi’s blouse,
Rajkamal was virtually feeling every part of Meenakshi’s heaving globes. And most surprisingly Meenakshi was so
casual about that and did not even bother to cover her breasts with her pallu. My heart almost stopped when I saw
he was touching her cleavage, which was exposed over her blouse, with his fingers to see if it was wet!

Rajkamal: Madam, can you get me a cloth from the cupboard?

I was a bit surprised at Rajkamal’s words. Why does he need a cloth?

Me: What for?

Rajkamal: Actually her blouse is wet at parts and I just want to put a cloth inside so that she does not catch a cold
over her fever.

He wants to insert a cloth in the blouse of this fully matured 35-year-old plump woman lying on his lap! I got off
and got the cloth and tried to save Meenakshi from feeling embarrassed.

Me: Let me put it. Which part is wet Rajkamal?

Meenakshi: Madam, you please do not get worried. Rajkamal will do it.

I was spellbound by this lady’s attitude. She wants to have a male hand inside her blouse! I had no other option but
to hand the piece of cloth to Rajkamal.

Rajkamal: Thanks Madam.

He now shamelessly pulled and lifted Meenakshi’s blouse from the front off her skin and inserted the cloth onto
the top of her boobs. I could clearly see this lady’s very attractive sized tits going up and down within her bra.
Rajkamal inserted his fingers along with the cloth on her boobs within her blouse and planted the cloth there. I am
sure he got enough opportunity to feel and cup her matured boobs while offering this ‘help.’

Then Rajkamal was back with his fundamental job of massaging and I thought there was no point sitting here and
watching these shameless acts any more.

Me: Okay Meenakshi, take rest. I will go now.

Meenakshi: Okay Madam.

Rajkamal: Bye Madam.

I went back to my room and started preparing to go to this disabled man, Mr. Yadav’s house with Guru-ji.

I went to the toilet once and used the conveniences to be absolutely fresh. Since I had a tight sleep, I thought it
would not be a problem for me to keep awake till late night if the yagya takes longer period of time to complete. I
took a spare sari, blouse, and petticoat in a bag along with a set of bra and panty. Around 6:30 p.m., Nirmal came to
give a reminder to get ready, but I was ready by that time. I locked my room and went with him to Guru-ji’s room.
Guru-ji was also ready and Sanjeev and Uday were arranging the yagya materials in one place. Within another 15
minutes off we went from the ashram in a car, which Mr. Yadav had sent.

There was not much conversation in the way except Guru-ji and Sanjeev telling me not to be anxious, as they would
guide me what exactly to do. We reached within an hour to Mr. Yadav’s house. It was already dark as the clock said
it was nearly 8. The house was a two-storied building and we went straight upstairs and Mrs. Yadav greeted Guru-ji
very warmly. I noticed Mrs. Yadav was a matured lady, probably nearing 40, who had a proportionate figure for her
age though slightly on the plump side. She took us to the drawing room where Mr. Yadav was sitting on the sofa. He
was also an elderly man, 50+ surely, with specs and a thick beard on his face. He was wearing a white kurta and
pajama and his left leg was strapped in a wooden cast. He was holding to a walking stick and was clearly
handicapped I noticed, as when he tried to stand up, Mrs. Yadav had to support him.

Mr. Yadav also greeted Guru-ji with a warm welcome, but I could not find the girl for which Guru-ji had come to
perform the yagya. Guru-ji was addressing Mrs. Yadav as Nandini and Mr. Yadav as Kumar. After the initial chat,
Guru-ji introduced me to both Mr. and Mrs. Yadav and explained that Meenakshi was ill and could not come.

Guru-ji: Nandini, where is Shilpa? I am not seeing her.

Mrs. Yadav: Guru-ji, she is taking a bath, as I told her she needs to attain the yagya.

Guru-ji: Fine.

Mrs. Yadav: Guru-ji we both are very concerned about her studies. You know that she failed last year and this year

Guru-ji interrupted Mrs. Yadav.

Guru-ji: Nandini, have faith on Linga Maharaj. The yagya will take care of your child. Don’t worry.

All along Mrs. Yadav was standing by her husband and it seemed to me he takes a lot of care for her husband. Just
then a nice-looking, jolly girl entered the room. I could realize this was Shilpa. She looked quite matured for a class
XII girl I noticed, both inn her face and physically also. She was wearing a green top and a black long skirt and with
her hair tied up high and a smile on her face, she looked pretty attractive. Everybody’s focus was on her now,

Shilpa: Pranam Guru-ji.

Shilpa came forward and bent to take ashirwad from Guru-ji. I noticed that her boobs jiggled under her top, as she
approached the center of the room towards Guru-ji. She must be wearing a loose bra I thought, which we females
do wear sometimes at home. I noticed Sanjeev’s eyes were already fixed on this girl’s very youthful waggling

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beta, what’s happening to your studies?

Shilpa: Guru-ji, I am trying my best, but somehow I am unable to produce what I am learning at home.

Guru-ji: Hmm. Concentration problem. Don’t worry Beti, now that I have come, I will take care.

Shilpa: Guru-ji, I am very anxious. My marks have been very low.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, the yagya will make your mind blossom fully and you will have no problems in concentration
there on.

Shilpa along with her parents seemed very pleased with Guru-ji’s words. I could realize all this time while Guru-ji
and Shilpa conversed, Mr. Yadav was giving me stares through his specs. Mrs. Yadav was still standing very close to
him. Initially I didn’t notice that, but now I am quite sure that he was eyeing me. Out of natural womanly virtue, I
adjusted my sari over my boobs and hips though it was perfectly all right. I looked at Mrs. Yadav if she is noticing
her husband, but she seemed too engrossed with Guru-ji’s words.

Guru-ji: Okay then, Nandini lets move to the ‘puja ghar’.

Guru-ji and Sanjeev followed Mrs. Yadav and I had to trail them and was rather happy to get out of Mr. Yadav’s
eyesight. The ‘puja ghar’ seemed at the end of first floor, but I saw there were steps going above. Mrs. Yadav was
climbing the steps first followed by Guru-ji, then me, and last was Sanjeev. As I looked up, my eyes automatically
focussed on Mrs. Yadav’s huge undulating gaand, as she climbed the steps. Probably a blind man also would not miss
that. Mrs. Yadav, though looked nearing 40 age wise, I noticed her bottoms looked quite tight and firm as they
swayed behind her sari. Guru-ji was just behind her and his face was nearly touching her swinging gaand as he
followed her.

Alarm bells immediately rang in my ears, as I realized my moving ass would also be a feast for Sanjeev’s eyes, as he
was just behind me climbing the steps. I had no way to bypass the situation and had to climb the stairs just in
front of him. It must have been a grand view for Sanjeev, as by any means my bottom-line was pretty attractive
for a woman of 28. Thankfully there were only a handful of steps and we were there at the ‘puja ghar’, which was
located at one-and-half floor.

Guru-ji: Nandini, I notice you are panting. But you only climbed a small number of steps?

Mrs. Yadav: Ji Guru-ji, I have developed this problem recently.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, check her pulse once.

Sanjeev: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji and I walked past them into the puja-ghar, but as I glanced back I saw Sanjeev standing to Mrs. Yadav
alarmingly close, which sparked a curiosity in my mind. The puja-ghar was a rather small room with images of gods
and goddesses. Guru-ji was busy to unload the yagya items and asked me separate the flowers and garlands, but I
was rather interested to see what Sanjeev was doing. So I shifted my position such that I was quite close to the

Mrs. Yadav: I do not believe in these allopathy medicines Sanjeev. Dr. had given me some, but am not taking.

Sanjeev: But Nandini Madam, your problem will aggravate if you do not take the pills.

Mrs. Yadav: What more aggravation of problems are you talking about Sanjeev? You know Kumar. He is a drunkard.
Moreover, he is now handicapped for the past 5 years. Shilpa failed last year. Sanjeev, which way should I go?

I could not see them directly, but could hear them clearly and was getting an unknown thrill overhearing them like
this. I could clearly sense that Sanjeev has a good relation with Mrs. Yadav, as she was quite frank to him.

Sanjeev: But Nandini Madam, you cannot change your destiny. Still I tried to do my best within my limited capacity.

Now I shifted my position more towards the door. I looked from the corner of my eyes at Guru-ji and saw he was
quite occupied in arranging for the yagya. The pathway to the puja-ghar was adequately lit up and hence I could
clearly see Mrs. Yadav and Sanjeev. I noticed there was certainly a changed behavioral pattern in Mrs. Yadav - in
front of his husband and now in his absence. Sanjeev to my utter shock was almost hugging Mrs. Yadav!

I could not believe my eyes and my eyes almost popped out seeing this scene. Sanjeev’s one hand was roaming
around Mrs. Yadav’s waist and buttocks and she was also leaning on to Sanjeev in a way, which was very indicative. I
noticed she stood as if with a broken waist and her buttocks were looking very provocative, protruding outside, and
boobs were thrusting forward towards Sanjeev. As a woman I could readily understand Mrs. Yadav’s intention
seeing her pose.

Mrs. Yadav: I do not blame you Sanjeev, it’s my destiny. I have been suffering for 5 years.

Sanjeev remained silent. I could well understand that there was a relation among them, most likely physical,
because no married woman would allow another male to touch her the way Sanjeev was holding her. With a
handicapped husband, I could clearly see the missing desired sex life in Mrs. Yadav.

I could clearly see that Sanjeev’s right hand was now very evidently feeling Mrs. Yadav’s flesh of her wide ass
cheeks over her sari and she was also inclining more and more towards Sanjeev. I couldn’t see Sanjeev’s left hand
from my position. Was it on her boobs? I guess so because the way Mrs. Yadav is subtly moving her heavy ass in the
standing position, it was very suggestive. I was deriving immense pleasure, I don’t know why, overseeing them in
that compromising position.

Sanjeev: Nandini Madam lets go inside, otherwise Guru-ji might.

Mrs. Yadav: Yes, yes. Kumar can also silently come down the hallway here.

I realized they were parting and I pretended to be engaged in my work with flowers. Sanjeev came inside, followed
by Mrs. Yadav.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, did you find a faster pulse in Nandini?

Sanjeev: No Guru-ji, its normal.

Mrs. Yadav: Guru-ji, when shall I ask Shilpa to come here?

Guru-ji: I will need all three of you in the beginning. I will send Sanjeev to call you. Still it will at least take half an
hour to arrange everything.

Mrs. Yadav: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: As you know, in the yagya, all should sit in clean white clothes.

Mrs. Yadav: Yes Guru-ji, I remember that.

Then within half-an-hour all was ready for the yagya. The fire was created at the center of the room with the
image of Linga Maharaj just behind that. There were so many items neatly arranged by Guru-ji, me, and Sanjeev
that I appreciated the arrangement in my mind. Sanjeev closed the door and Guru-ji started the yagya. It started
at 9:00 p.m. With the fire flame, the scent of sandal incense sticks, and Guru-ji chanting mantras loudly the
atmosphere within the room instantly changed. Guru-ji sat in front of the fire and Sanjeev to his left and myself
to his right. Sanjeev had already called the Yadav family.

Mr. Yadav was wearing the white kurta and pajama, as he was wearing earlier when I met him in the drawing room.
As he came I noticed he was leaning on to his wife and trembling. What a change in Mrs. Yadav! She seemed to be
so devoted to her husband now, as I saw her bringing him to the puja-ghar. She has changed her sari and was
wearing a white cotton sari along with a white blouse, which was extremely transparent, I must quote. Anyone and
everyone could clearly see the position of her white bra inside and her fair skin through the transparent material.
Shilpa was wearing a nice tight-fitting embroidered white salwar suit and looked quite appealing, as she was not
using a chunri. They all sat opposite us in front of the fire.

Initial mantras and worship went on for around 20 minutes. I really had nothing much to do once the yagya started.
The atmosphere in the room was getting stuffy with the smoke and the heat of the yagya fire, more so as the room
was pretty small and there was no ventilation. I realized since I was sitting close to the fire, I was sweating and my
armpits and lower back were already wet.

Guru-ji: Now, I will do the individual ritual for Shilpa. Each of the parents must participate in it. Though the main
yagya will be involving Shilpa Beti alone, but this is also mandatory.

Mr. Yadav: Guru-ji, if you start with me it would be of help as…

Guru-ji: Yes Kumar, absolutely. I do not want to strain you unnecessarily. I will start with you and then release you.
You can take rest.

Mr. Yadav: Thanks Guru-ji.

Mrs. Yadav: Guru-ji, please call me when you are done with Kumar.

Guru-ji nodded and Mrs. Yadav and her daughter went off and Sanjeev again closed the door.

Mr. Yadav was again giving stares at me, but I was more concerned about sweating. My blouse was getting wet
already. I wiped of some of the sweat from my back and neck with my pallu. Just then Mr. Yadav talked to me for
the first time.

Mr. Yadav: Guru-ji, Anita is feeling hot I guess, can we not keep the door open?
I was shocked to see he was addressing me by my name straightway. I was quite irritated understanding that he
was watching me closely.

Guru-ji: No Kumar. That would deviate concentration.

Mr. Yadav: Right, right.

Guru-ji: Anita, you will now act as Kumar’s medium in this part of the yagya.

I looked dumb, as I was still not sure what exactly I have to do to be the ‘medium.’

Guru-ji: Kumar and Anita, come to my left side. Sanjeev you start preparing the ‘bhog.’

Sanjeev already was preparing for the ‘bhog’ I noticed sometime back and now I realized that there was no other
option but to go and help Mr. Yadav to stand. I had to do that. I alighted from my sitting position and had to
wriggle my ass a little in front of these three males as my petticoat and sari were sticking to my ass. I then went
to the opposite end to Mr. Yadav.

Me: Can you stand up alone Mr. Yadav?

Mr. Yadav: No Anita. I need your help.

I was getting increasingly irritated each time he was taking my name, but was helpless due to Guru-ji’s presence.
Before I could offer an assist, he grabbed my hand and with the other hand put pressure on his walking cane to
stand up. In turn, I held his hand and shoulder and helped him. He was very shaky as he walked and I felt bad for
the disabled condition of this man. I offered to hold my shoulder, as I saw Mrs. Yadav was doing, and he walked
better clinging to my blouse-covered shoulder.

Guru-ji: Anita, now hold this ‘thali’ and offer it to Agnidev first. Kumar, you hold her from behind and whisper
mantra in her ears, which I tell. And Anita as the medium you will utter that loudly to Agnidev. Okay?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

I took the thali from Guru-ji and stood in front of the fire. Now I was directly in front of Guru-ji, the yagya fire
separating us. I noticed Mr. Yadav slowly came and stood behind me with his walking stick.

Guru-ji: Leave the stick Kumar and hold this book in one hand.

As Mr. Yadav kept his stick aside, I instantly felt warm male fingers on my waist, partly above my sari cover and
partly on my bare abdomen. I understood being disabled and off of his walking stick, he had to hold on to something
support, but my whole body shivered at his warm touches. I was looking hopeless I knew, as my nipples started to
grow hard, and I looked questionably at Guru-ji. Thankfully Guru-ji understood what I meant to say.

Guru-ji: Kumar, hold Anita’s shoulder and start whispering the mantra from the book. It’s marked there.

Mr. Yadav: Yes Guru-ji.

He removed his hand off my waistline and held me by my shoulder like an obedient boy.

Guru-ji: Anita, you offer the mantra loudly to Agnidev and I will repeat that to Linga Maharaj. Both of you close
your eyes. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I closed my eyes and felt Mr. Yadav’s hot breaths on my shoulder. He was so close to me. He started whispering
mantras in my ears, which I uttered loudly and Guru-ji repeated that in turn very loudly. The first few minutes
were okay and then slowly I realized as Mr. Yadav was whispering he was moving closer. I ignored that thinking of
his disability. I felt his knees touching my thighs first over my sari and in no time his crotch was pushing me subtly
on my ass cheeks. I shifted a bit as I uttered the mantras, but that was not helping me, as being more close to the
fire was making me sweat profusely. Gradually I felt very deliberate efforts from Mr. Yadav to push his crotch
into my firm ass.

I cursed myself that moments ago I was showering sympathy in my mind for this disabled man and now I could
clearly feel his erect lund poking my butts. I was thinking what to do. Should I slap him and teach a lesson? But I
did not want to create a scene here. It’s a matter of prestige for Guru-ji also and hence I remained quiet and tried
to concentrate on the yagya. But that handicapped rascal did not stop. He was now touching my ears through his
lips while whispering mantras. I was feeling increasingly uncomfortable and getting excited now with Mr. Yadav’s
hard dick poking my pumpkin-ass constantly and his lips grazing my ears. Naturally, heat started generating in my
body and the heat of the fire in front of me was making things literally ‘hot’ for me.

Luckily in a few more minutes the mantra chanting part was over. I was relieved. Very temporarily though only to
find myself more entangled with Mr. Yadav.

Guru-ji: Thanks Anita. You did a nice job. Give the thali to me. Now hold this bowl and pour the oil very slowly on
the fire. Very slowly. Kumar you also hold the bowl.

Momentarily I forgot that Mr. Yadav was still holding onto my shoulder for support and bent forward to take the
bowl from Guru-ji. His hand slipped off my shoulder and he partially lost balance.

Guru-ji: Anita, Anita. Hold him.

Guru-ji almost shouted. I instantly turned back and realized my mistake. But before I could completely turn back
and seize him, he almost fell over my back. Though I managed the situation, but I realized I should have been more
careful as I previously did notice him to be trembling when he stood up or walked. Mr. Yadav stooped over my
youthful body and his face fell flat on my neck area, but he was quick enough to search for a support and almost
hugged me from my back.

Me: Ouch!

Automatically it came out of my mouth as Mr. Yadav fell on my back for an assist. Though apparently it looked like
he fell down and in the process held me from my back, but I could feel the actuals. I was already by then pretty
much aware of his stares and touches, but this time he crossed all limits. I could feel his nose poking my back and
his hot tongue and lips on the upper portion of my back, just above the U-cut of my blouse. He grabbed me for
support and embraced me, his right hand holding my hand, but his left hand grabbed me in my pelvic area directly
touching my pussy area over my sari. Though I recovered in a few seconds, but I felt his hand pressure on my panty
over my sari and his tongue licking my bare skin over my blouse.

Mr. Yadav: Sorry Anita. You suddenly bent and I lost balance.

I had to be apologetic though was quite irritated by his behavior. He is such an elderly person, moreover disabled,
what sort of behavior is this? I could not say anything due to Guru-ji’s presence otherwise certainly would have
slapped this pervert.
Guru-ji: Kumar, are you okay?

Mr. Yadav: Yes Guru-ji. I caught Anita in time.

Guru-ji: Okay, now lets settle down and Anita offer the oil as I narrate the mantra. The custom is to first worship
Agnidev and then we will worship Linga Maharaj for Shilpa’s academic future.

We nodded and again Mr. Yadav came very close to me and held the bowl from behind me. This time I felt his whole
body pressure was on me and his fingers touching my fingers too. Guru-ji started pronouncing the mantra very
clearly and loudly and I was pouring the oil slowly on the yagya fire. I could well realize that Mr. Yadav was feeling
every part of my body from the back without any hindrance now. I even felt he was gyrating his pelvis faintly onto
my firm buttocks. Frankly I was getting a bit excited now by all these acts of Mr. Yadav.

As I poured the oil, the yagya fire was gaining proportion and I had to shift a little backwards due to the intense
heat. I jolly well understood Mr. Yadav liked my approach, as my firm sari-covered ass pressed more into his crotch
and I felt his lund, which was hard enough to excite me, probing my posterior globes. He was also pressing me from
the sides with his elbows and I was almost cramped within his arms holding the bowl. This session seemed to be a
long one, as Guru-ji continued chanting mantras and I was pouring the oil very slowly on the yagya fire.

Seeing the opportunity probably Mr. Yadav now held my fingers on the bowl so firmly that I had to give him a stare
turning my head. He smiled wickedly and I was even more irritated by this though his ‘male touch’ was giving me a
pleasant arousal. I looked up at Guru-ji, but he was chanting the mantras while closing his eyes and Sanjeev had
already started cooking and none of them were noticing us. As I was looking around, I did not realize that Mr.
Yadav was also looking for further chances. Suddenly I felt a whisper in my ears.

Mr. Yadav: Anita, I am removing one hand from the bowl. I am having an itching.

I reluctantly gave a nod not understanding where he was having the itch. And believe me, that shameless old fox
was having an itch in his penis, which he referred to me! Guru-ji did not notice anything, as his eyes were closed,
and Mr. Yadav took his right hand off my fingers from the bowl and put it right away in his crotch and started
scratching. I did not have to turn back to see that, as I felt his hand between his pelvic area and my buttocks. He
continued it for some moments and just prior to taking it off from there, he started feeling and cupping my right
ass cheek.

My nipples immediately responded to Mr. Yadav’s squeezing my firm ass flesh and I felt my nipples becoming hard
and started pressing my bra cups. I felt a tightness in my blouse and with my both hands engaged with the bowl of
oil, I had to turn back to stop this lewd act. He immediately behaved himself getting his hands back on the bowl.
Within a minute or two, the oil-pouring episode ended. Now I was sweating very profusely, not only from the heat
of the yagya fire, but also from the subtle physical advancements from Mr. Yadav.

Guru-ji: Now that offering and worship to Agnidev is complete, we will satisfy Linga Maharaj. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Mr. Yadav and myself both said “Jai Linga Maharaj!” in chorus. Guru-ji started throwing all sorts of yagya items
into the fire chanting new mantras, which went on for another 5 minutes. Sanjeev was still busy with the cooking
and a nice scent was filling the room as he was preparing the ‘bhog.’

Guru-ji: Anita, I know this part would be a bit odd for you, but a medium has to take this pain. You have to worship
for Kumar now to Linga Maharaj.

Apparently I did not find anything “odd” in what Guru-ji stated and I looked dubiously to him as why did he mention
the word “pain?”
Guru-ji: As the medium, you will carry Kumar and offer a pranam to Linga Maharaj stretching yourself on the floor.
Your navel and knees should touch the floor Anita.

I nodded, still not understanding what it actually meant. I gave the walking stick to Mr. Yadav and helped him to
stand on his own. Guru-ji offered ‘Ganga jal’ to me to clean my hands and after that showed me the position from
where to offer the pranam. I went there and sat on my knees first on the floor and then stretched my body
completely on the floor with my macro-sized buttocks facing the roof.

Guru-ji: Stretch your hands forward for pranam. Is your navel touching the ground? Let me see.

Guru-ji did not give me an opportunity to react and he himself removed the sari off my abdomen and inserted his
finger below to see if my navel was touching the floor. I had to lift my bottoms up a bit so that he could check and
it was such a ticklish sensation as his middle finger touched my navel that I almost laughed, but controlled myself.

Guru-ji: Fine.

Saying that he took off his hand from below my belly and patted on my sari-covered ass cheek to get it down. I
obeyed Guru-ji and also extended my arms above my head. It was so very clumsy to be lying on the floor upside
down in front of two males. I noticed Guru-ji now helped Mr. Yadav to come near me.

Guru-ji: Anita now you will carry the worship of Kumar to Linga Maharaj.

Me: How Guru-ji?

I had to ask now, as I was still not sure what exactly I needed to do. I saw Guru-ji helping Mr. Yadav to sit beside

Guru-ji: I told you Anita. You will carry Kumar.

Guru-ji seemed a bit irritated having to say that again, but I was really puzzled now. What does he mean by
“carry”? Does he mean…. Oh No! That can’t be.

Guru-ji: Kumar, you stretch yourself on Anita’s back and whisper the mantras from this book, which are marked.

Mr. Yadav: Ji Guru-ji.

I had to say something now. Guru-ji was telling this man to lie on my back and whisper mantra in my ears! It was like
I was lying in bed with my bottoms facing the roof and my husband on top of me enjoying me!

Me: Guru-ji, but this…

Guru-ji: Anita, this is the custom of this yagya and the medium must abide to that.

Me: But Guru-ji, he is an unknown male…

Guru-ji: Anita. Do as I say.

I noticed an instant change in Guru-ji’s voice. It was an order and he sounded louder than normal and his voice was
cold as steel. I did not have the courage to utter another word and I silently allowed what was to happen.
Guru-ji: Kumar, what are you waiting for? Time is precious. Auspicious time for Shilpa ends at midnight.

I felt Mr. Yadav was riding on my back. I was feeling so very embarrassed. Guru-ji helped him to stretch his body
on my youthful body. What an embarrassment for me I thought. If my husband saw this scene, he must have
fainted. I clearly felt Mr. Yadav adjusting his penis to exactly fit in my ass crack. I felt his hands holding my
shoulder and his whole body weight was on my body. It must have been a grand feeling for him to ride like this on a
married woman.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! You can start Kumar. Anita you concentrate on the mantras and offer that loudly to
Linga Maharaj.

I could see Guru-ji from my lying position. He closed his eyes and Mr. Yadav started whispering the mantras in my
ears. I really was unable to concentrate. Can any woman concentrate in this position with a man lying on her back?
Mr. Yadav was no fool and began to take full advantage of my compromised state. He was now thrusting more
pressure on my soft buttocks and pressing his lund more into my crack. Thank god! I was wearing a panty today,
which was actually hindering his penis to probe deep in my ass crack.

Mr. Yadav’s voice was trembling as he narrated the mantras as I could pretty well realize he was slowly thumping
my gaand, as if he was fucking me. I tried to keep my voice as much steady as possible as I was chanting the
Sanskrit words aloud. Guru-ji had his eyes closed and Sanjeev’s back was towards us and so it was a free ride for
this disabled man. I could feel his wooden casted leg over my sari on my legs, but apart from that he seemed quite
able in this age too! His thumping speed was increasing and his hardness too.

Now I could clearly feel he was also tasting my ears and cheeks with his lips and tongue in between the pauses of
uttering the mantras. I knew I should not allow this, but the way Guru-ji reacted previously, I did not have the
courage to interrupt things interim. I was breathing heavily now and I could realize Mr. Yadav was panting almost.
It was ‘some’ pleasure surely for him at this age. Just at that juncture, he did something, which made my heart
miss a beat.

I was in a pranam posture, though lying on floor, with both my arms extended forward above my head. My blouse-
covered boobs pressed against the floor and were open from the sides. The rascal did not miss to spot that, and
seeing Guru-ji still had his eyes closed, he took off his hand off my shoulder and also kept the book from his hand
on the floor. Then he kept both his hands to my sides to support his body. I was a bit relieved in fact, as previously
the whole of his body pressure was on my back, but it was only momentarily. The next moment, he shifted his hands
to my sides and gently touched boobs over my blouse.

I closed my eyes in shame, anger, and excitement, but I could not explode thinking of Guru-ji’s presence.
Simultaneously since I was constantly being enticed by this man, I also by that time got a good arousal. Hence I did
not react to this outrageous act of Mr. Yadav and pretended I was engrossed in chanting the mantras. I could feel
initially he was only gently touching and pressing my breasts and now seeing I was still chanting the mantras loudly
what he whispered, he gained in confidence, which was natural also. Somewhere down my mind I wanted that
probably, as I was feeling horny.

Mr. Yadav now increased the pressure with both hands on my breasts, which were already smashed to the floor due
to his body weight on me. I realized he eased off his body pressure off my back a bit and the moment I also
loosened my body, he grabbed my ripe mangoes with both hands and felt the firmness and roundness of them. I
really at that moment was feeling that my husband was on top of me and squashing my youthful boobs. In fact at
home Rajesh often did that to me and I also enjoyed this sort of lovemaking. My husband used to insert both his
hands completely below my body and then grip both my boobs and playfully searched the nipples and twisted them
constantly till I was fully wet down my pussy.
Thankfully Mr. Yadav was not that courageous and showed some decency, probably myself being someone’s wife. But
he made sure that he got full pleasure cupping each of my boobs from the sides. Ow even my voice was thoroughly
trembling and I did not know what I was chanting.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji as if was awake from his slumber and Mr. Yadav was quick enough to remove his hands off my boobs. His
hot breaths were falling on my neck, shoulder and ears and making me feel more horny. I realized that Mr. Yadav
was complete with his mantras.

Guru-ji: Kumar, you be in that position and tell what you want for Shilpa in one sentence nine times in the ears of

Mr. Yadav: Guru-ji I just want her to pass this Class XII exam.

Guru-ji: Okay. Whisper that five times in her ears and Anita you rely the same to Linga Maharaj. After each vocal
pray, I will also pray for Shilpa and you wait till I finish and then narrate your next prayer. Clear?

Myself and Mr. Yadav both agreed to him.

Guru-ji: Everybody close your eyes and do the prayer.

I closed my eyes and before that noticed Guru-ji closed his.

Mr. Yadav: I just want my daughter to pass the Class XII exam Linga Maharaj.

He whispered in my ears ensuring that his lips touch my ears and neck and his pelvis exerting more pressure on my
soft and rotund buttocks, which was suggestive of he wanted something more. I very well knew what that ‘more’
was – he wanted to have my boobs. I was enough heated by that time and retracted my extended arms for pranam
and exerting a bit of pressure with my elbows created a little gap below my armpit so that Mr. Yadav could easily
put his hands there to grip my blouse covered treasures. I was loudly saying Mr. Yadav’s desire for his daughter to
Linga Maharaj and Guru-ji was adding mantras in Sanskrit.

I had my eyes closed, but could very well realize Mr. Yadav now headed for my succulent boobs and as he squeezed
both with both his hands, he was breathing quite heavily and was gyrating his pelvis as if he was fucking me. I was
getting thoroughly wet within my panty with each thump of his on my flaring ass. And I noticed Mr. Yadav was most
active with his hands on my sweaty blouse when Guru-ji was narrating mantras and we both were silent. I also was
responding to his touches and squeezes and moved my hips gently to feel his piston more on my sari-covered ass

I was soon over with my five times narration of Mr. Yadav’s message for Shilpa to Linga Maharaj and was honestly
wondering what next!

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj!

Mr. Yadav stopped fucking my ass and rested quietly just beside my body. I was feeling his prick very evidently on
my ass and in fact wanted to remove my panty now as I was not getting full enjoyment as it was obstructing his tool
onto my ass crack.

Guru-ji: Okay, now a little break and then the last part, which is meditation for Shilpa Beti.
Now I had to adjust my bra and blouse a little as Mr. Yadav had pressed and squeezed my boobs in such a manner
that I was feeling awful tight within my clothes. At the same time, I now desperately wanted to get out of my
panty to feel Mr. Yadav’s hard lund completely on my ass. Moreover, I wanted to urinate also to feel comfortable. I
instantly thought of a way out.

Me: Guru-ji, can I go to the toilet once?

Guru-ji smiled and nodded. The smile made me as if so exposed in front of these males. Everybody as if knew why I
was going to the toilet. I lowered my eyes and went out of the room, but I realized I did not know where the toilet

Me: Sanjeev, which way is the toilet?

At that very moment, Mr. Yadav also expressed the same thought to Guru-ji about using the conveniences.

Guru-ji: Kumar, you can show Anita the way to the toilet.

Guru-ji paused a little and then added.

Guru-ji: Oh! But you need someone to help you there. Anita can you help him?

I was not prepared for this and almost stammered to reply.

Me: Err… Ya. No problem Guru-ji.

I went back inside the room again and helped Mr. Yadav to get up from floor and this he held me like he was
clinging on to his wife. He was holding my blouse-covered back and of course his fingers inched very close towards
my sweaty armpit. With the other hand he was latching on to his walking stick.

Mr. Yadav: This way Anita.

He showed me the way indicating through his walking cane. We were now completely out of the puja-ghar and out of
view of both Guru-ji and Sanjeev. Mr. Yadav looked back down the stairs to see probably if someone was coming or
not. I also glanced back and saw the stairs and hallway was clear. Believe me, I was expecting some manly action
from this old man now, like taking hold of my boobs or squeezing my ass flesh and a tight hug may be. What more
could I expect from this disabled person! But to my utter frustration, after having walked a few steps down the
puja-ghar, Mr. Yadav did not do anything and walked dragging his feet towards the toilet. And in no time, we
reached the toilet.

What should I do? I was cursing this old man in my mind, as he was so active while he was lying on my back, but now
he seemed a real disabled creature. My whole body was almost aching for a tight male hug.

Me: You stand here; I will finish in a moment.

I said in an irritant voice.

Mr. Yadav: But Anita, I cannot stand alone. I will fall down.

Me: Then what to do?

I was speaking in a reluctant voice and still not aware of what he wanted actually.
Mr. Yadav: We have to go to the toilet together.

Me: What?

I looked angrily at him. What does this old man think? Yes, I have allowed him to touch my body for a while, but
that was due to the compromised position of the yagya.

Me: What do you mean?

Mr. Yadav: Anita, please don’t shout. You can see my disabled state. You please hold me while I am in the bathroom.

Me: Okay, that’s different. I thought…

Mr. Yadav did not ask me any more question and slowly progressed within the toilet and I accompanied him. As I
slowly pushed back the toilet door behind me, Mr. Yadav kept the walking stick on the bathroom wall hook. And
then in a flash he opened his pajama string and lowered his underwear to bring up his semi erect lund to my view. I
could not control myself and readily grabbed his tool, but pretended as if I tried to help him to urinate. We both
were trying to maintain some decency through our acts. He held the toilet wall with one hand and my shoulder with
the other for support. I could see his semierect penis was gaining in confidence as I held and stroked it.

I could realize Mr. Yadav’s right hand slowly making a progress from my shoulder over my blouse to my back and
under my armpit and finally grabbing my right breast within my blouse. He removed the pallu slightly so that he can
also view my deep cleavage and oozing flesh trying to break through my tight blouse. I continued to stroke his lund,
now with two hands, and I was surprised considering his age, it got rock hard in moments. I had a belief that males
take longer time to get erection with age, but this old fox got a full erection within a few seconds. The size of his
penis was almost similar to my husband’s and I quickly removed the foreskin off the penis head.

All along I was stooping a bit and was stroking Mr. Yadav’s khada lund and now he was a bit too much excited
probably for his age. Initially he was breathing heavily and was squeezing my tight right boob very hard. Now
suddenly he took off his hand from the wall and as well from my boob and dragged my head towards his face with
his both hands. Naturally he lost control, he leant onto my body and I almost fell, unable to keep his full body
weight. Somehow I held him and as soon as he was stable, he forcefully started kissing me. His thick beard was all
over my nose, lips, chin and cheeks. I was having an enormous tickling sensation. Honestly I was never kissed by any
bearded man and hence never knew the feeling.

I tried to get his wet lips out of my lips, which were already filled with his saliva. I noticed though Mr. Yadav was
disabled, he had great strength in his grip. Instead of getting his lips out of mine, he now started kissing me
harder and inserted his tongue within my mouth and held me by my hair so that I could not move my head at all. I
was still holding his lund with both hands, but what he did next forced me to stop caressing his hot tool. He was
kissing me and simultaneously holding my head to keep it steady with both hands, and now suddenly he removed one
hand from there and started pulling up my sari, petticoat and all from my waist.

What a pull! Before I could realize very well I could feel Mr. Yadav bunched up my sari off my round ass and with a
couple of jerks almost my panty was exposed! I immediately left his penis and tried to save my modesty. But as I
tried to drag my sari and petticoat over my bottoms, he was forcefully pulling them up and exposing my full gaand.
Mr. Yadav left my hair and now he engaged both his hands to expose my gaand and my struggle went feebler, as I
could sense this disabled man’s hand strength.

In a flash, he pulled both my sari and petticoat up above my waist. I was trying in vain to save my modesty. He was
still kissing and biting my lips and now seeing that he had exposed my lower portion, he hugged me very tight. I
remained in his arms with my flaring panty-covered ass clearly visible. He left my lips just for a moment and I could
utter only two words. I was gasping desperately.

Me: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease. Stop.

Very obviously that plea went to deaf ears and I realized the old man was more curious to expose me completely
now, as his hands were on the edge on my panty waistband now and he was pretty eager to pull that down. Though
no doubt I was pretty excited, but was not completely off my senses and to be naked in front of an unknown man,
that too fifty plus in age, was not acceptable to me. I thought the best way to get this old humbug off my body is
to jack him off. And I started to stroke and coax his hard lund with the goal to get him masturbated. But he was a
tough nut to crack.

I stroked and stroked his penis and it was throbbing to explode, but unfortunately by that time, Mr. Yadav’s
desires were fulfilled. He was able to pull my panty down off my waist down my buttocks. I could not even obstruct
him and stood with my panty stuck between my thighs and Mr. Yadav vigorously milking my plump ass cheeks. He
had tucked my sari and petticoat in my waist and was enjoying a free ride of my bottoms. Now he was naturally
eager to put his lund in my choot, but my thorough coaxing paid off at last and he jacked off vigorously right at
that moment. My hands were filled with his cum and Mr. Yadav looked quite displeased that he could not hold out
any more.

The toilet floor was filled with a pool of white fluid and without delay I dragged him to the toilet wall for support
and also put his walking stick in his hand and for the first time in a long time I was free from his clutches. He was
visibly not happy for natural reasons. I quickly tried to pull up my half-down panty, but soon realized that the way
Mr. Yadav had dragged it down in his hurry, it had rolled miserably. I had to take that off because I could not
stand with my sari and petticoat pulled up to my waist and try to straighten my panty down my thighs in front of a
male. I dropped my sari down and pulled my panty down to the floor and picked it up and kept it on a wall hook. I
adjusted my sari very quickly and tried to look decent. Mr. Yadav was all along watching me with lust being melting
from his eyes.

His penis looked so limp now and I pulled up his pajama and knotted the string. Even after ejaculation, he seemed to
have not lost all heat from body because as I was tying a knot to his pajama he grabbed both my boobs from the
front and started cupping them. I tolerated this indecent act of his and I could realize how vulgar it was looking. I
was tying a man’s pajama and he was openly pressing and gauging my boob size over my blouse! After I finished my
job, I was really feeling an urge now to urinate. With all these hugging and groping and exposing, I had to

Me: Can you stand here for a moment as you are standing now?

Mr. Yadav nodded. I readily went to the latrine, sat down, pulled up my sari and started urinating. The hissing sound
of my urination was clearly heard by Mr. Yadav due to so close proximity within this toilet. It was a long piss and I
shamelessly had to do it making this 50 year old hear every bit of it. After voiding fully, I was feeling so alleviated
that I could not express in words. I rose from my sitting position on the latrine and pulled my sari down and went
back to Mr. Yadav. Since I was not wearing a panty, droplets of urine tricked down my pussy to my inner thighs I
realized. I casually took my right hand on my thighs and pressed the sari there so that it gets soaked.

I was about to leave the toilet with Mr. Yadav that I noticed my panty hanging on the wall hook. I quickly took it
off the hook and the old fox obviously did not miss to comment.

Mr. Yadav: Where would you keep this? You cannot go to Guru-ji with it in your hand.

I knew that very well, still he had to tell it. The rascal.
Mr. Yadav: You can keep it to me if you don’t mind. I can keep that in my kurta pocket for the time being.

I thought at this moment to keep my panty concealed from others’ eyes, the only place I could keep it was within
my blouse, but that would be very uncomfortable for me.

Me: But…

Mr. Yadav: When the yagya is done you can take it from m. I will hand you over in such a way so that no one notices

I did not think much and agreed to him and handed him my semi soaked panty. Mr. Yadav took it and kept it in his
side pocket. We were both out of the toilet now, Mr. Yadav walking with his stick and my support.

Mr. Yadav: Anita, one thing I must confess. You have a very sexy body. Your husband is an extremely lucky man.

I smiled with a slightly surprised face.

Me: How do you know that I am married?

Mr. Yadav: My experienced eyes can figure out that.

We both smiled and walked slowly towards the puja-ghar.

Mr. Yadav: Married women would be envious of you about this.

Completing the words, his lips came very close to my face and brushed on my cheeks and he was looking down my
blouse. He quietly moved his right arm down from over my shoulder and cupped my right breast and gave it a very
tight squeeze. I almost trembled at this behavior in the open hallway. And at the same time, his thick beard tickled
me on my face.

Me: Please behave yourself.

Mr. Yadav: You are smiling and saying to stop me. How contradictory!

Me: That’s for your beard. It’s tickling me.

We were then at the turn in the hallway just before the puja-ghar and the place was a bit secured, not open at
least, and Mr. Yadav did not allow that opportunity to go abegging.

Mr. Yadav: Give me a chance dear. I want to tickle your naked body with my beard, which your hubby can never do.

He whispered in my ears, now getting alarmingly closer and his right hand slipped inside my blouse now. I did not
resist fully, but was still hesitating as we were still in the open. And Mr. Yadav probably could anticipate what was
going on through my mind.

Mr. Yadav: Anita, no one will come here. You just hold my stick.

Me: No, not again. Pleeeeease.

Mr. Yadav: Have some mercy on this handicapped man dear. You are an angel Anita.
I was really not unwilling to have more male touches on my body and frankly though this man looked aged and was
disabled, his grips were much stronger than my husband even. Yes, I cannot love him like Uday, but he was
acceptable, except for his beard. That was giving me a real hard tickle as he approached me closely. I finally took
his walking stick from his hand and held him otherwise he might fall.

Mr. Yadav was probably only waiting for me to take his walking aid and hugged me from the front as if he would
grind me within his arms. My matured boobs crushed on his chest and he made sure that I could not utter a sound
as he sealed my lips with his thick lips and started kissing me real hard. His thick beard was again giving tickling me
on my face and I was feeling very amused as well as uncomfortable. But Mr. Yadav did not allow me much to think on
his beard since he inserted his hands within my sari though my waist and started cupping my naked ass cheeks as I
had removed my panty while I was in the toilet with him. My petticoat knot was also not very securely tied, which in
a way helped him to do this lewd act.

I was instantly aroused to the full as I felt his warm and rough palms pressing on my bare flesh of my buttocks.
And within moments, he took out his hands and moved up to pair of juicy upper treasures and directly tried to open
my blouse buttons.

Me: Mmmmmmmm….

I struggled to speak, as all along his lips were sucking and biting my tender lips. I tried to nod my head vigorously
indicating a “No” to this act, but Mr. Yadav seemed determined to grab my boobs in the naked form. I could realize
he already opened a couple of my blouse hooks and was pressing my bulging flesh over it. I now started obstructing
him with more force with my hands, but just then, we were both froze hearing a voice!

Sanjeev: Madam! Madam!

Sanjeev was coming in search of us.

Me: O! My god!

Mr. Yadav: Just keep quiet Anita, I don’t think he can see us in this corner.

We both waited quietly for Sanjeev to pass that corner in the hallway and to proceed towards the toilet. We both
were breathing very heavily as we were very much aroused sexually, but still tried our best to be silent. Sanjeev
passed that area without seeing us and I immediately handed over the walking stick to Mr. Yadav and adjusted my
sari to decency. It had fallen from my waist and my petticoat was visible, which I at once covered and then hooked
up my blouse though much of my cleavage was visible due to Mr. Yadav’s heavy duty squeezing. In a few moments we
started walking ‘normally’ on the hallway back to the puja-ghar as if nothing happened and we knew very well
Sanjeev would be back soon not seeing us at the toilet.

Exactly that happened and we had not even completed ten steps that Sanjeev was back and he expressed his
surprise that he did not find us in the hallway, neither in the toilet. Mr. Yadav smartly managed the situation and
we were back into the puja-ghar.

Guru-ji: You took so much time that I was worried that…

Mr. Yadav: No, Guru-ji I did not fall, but took some extra time in the toilet.

Guru-ji: Okay. Now let us get back our concentration and finish off with you Kumar.
Mr. Yadav: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Now that we have offered our prayers to Agnidev and Linga Maharaj, now we will meditate for Shilpa Beti.

We both were standing in front of the yagya fire and Guru-ji was sitting opposite to us. I noticed Sanjeev was over
with the bhog preparation and he was also standing beside us.

Guru-ji: Anita, you get back to your previous position for the ‘pranam’ posture.

I obeyed Guru-ji’s words and sat on my knees first and tugging my pallu to my waist so that I make minimum
exposure lied on the floor with my plump buns facing the three males. I also extended my arms above my head for
the ‘pranam’. As I getting down of the floor, Sanjeev was holding Mr. Yadav.

Guru-ji: Kumar you also get back to your original position on your medium.

I felt Mr. Yadav’s body weight again on my body and his erect penis pricked me on my soft buttocks. Now that I
was not wearing a panty, the feel was more evident and the arousal was more certainly. It reminded me of the same
memories in my bedroom when my husband would ride my back wearing a lungi and I wore just a nightie and nothing
inside. I tried to control myself and tried to concentrate on Linga Maharaj, but of course in vain.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, take this bowl and keep beside Kumar.

I saw Sanjeev came with a small bowl of white fluid with a spoon in it and kept it near my head. There were some
small edibles floating in the fluid.

Guru-ji: You again pray for Shilpa Beti with full concentration and whisper that in Anita’s ears as before, but
addition will be you fed her with one spoonful of the yagya ras (=fluid extract of this yagya) after each prayer.
Okay Kumar?

Mr. Yadav: As you say Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Anita, this time there is a slight change for you.

Me: What Guru-ji?

I replied from my lying position turning my head towards Guru-ji and noticed that his eyes were fixed on my
hillock-like sari-covered ass, as I lay on the floor. As our eyes met I clearly realized Guru-ji shifted his attention
from my gaand.

Guru-ji: After Kumar feeds you the blessed ras, you relay the prayer to Linga Maharaj, this time in your mind, and
then turn upside down. Kumar will repeat the same and the cycle will continue for six times, 3 above and 3 down.

It took some time for me to realize and before I could comprehend fully, Sanjeev explained me in very crude words
what shamelessness I will have to exhibit now.

Sanjeev: Madam, its very simple. What Guru-ji meant was now you are lying upside down. Mr. Yadav will do his first
prayer in this position. Then you recline in the normal horizontal position as we normally lie down in bed. Mr. Yadav
will do his second prayer in that position. And like this a total of six prayers are to be performed. That’s all. Jai
Linga Maharaj!
Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Anita I know it’s a bit clumsy for any woman, but a yagya custom is a yagya custom. I
cannot bypass it.

I had nothing to say, but to nod and obey Guru-ji’s words. My ears turned red instantly thinking of the very scene.
I will be lying on the floor horizontally and Mr. Yadav would climb up my body for his second prayer. Prior also, he
was riding my body for prayers, but still it had some dignity for me, as I was facing the floor, but this time it is
like I am lying on bed and my husband would hug me getting on top of me. And to crown it, I would be watched doing
this shameless act by two males. I could not look up at all and just kept my head down with my hands extended in
the form of pranam.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, you stay near Kumar to help him get up and get down.

I realized Sanjeev came near me and sat beside me. Now Mr. Yadav was sitting on my left hand side and Sanjeev to
the right hand side and I was lying on the floor in between them.

Guru-ji: Okay, Kumar you may start your first prayer. Everyone concentrate. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I felt a hand resting on my left ass cheek and a leg crossing my thighs and could well realize Mr. Yadav was getting
on top of my back. Sanjeev must have helped him, but I was shocked the next moment, as I felt two different
hands on my body. One was Mr. Yadav and surely the other one had to be Sanjeev! Mr. Yadav had not yet rested his
body on my back fully and he was holding my blouse-covered back shoulder for support I could realize, but Sanjeev
instead of dragging Mr. Yadav’s disabled leg onto my legs, he was gripping and feeling my well formed inner thighs
over my sari! I was in such a clumsy position that I could not turn back, but fortunately in a few moments Mr. Yadav
was fully stretching his body on my back and Sanjeev had removed his hands off my legs.

I heard Mr. Yadav whisper his first prayer. I was feeling much amused that he could still pray for his daughter! I
evidently felt Mr. Yadav’s lund was growing harder within his pajama getting the touch of my alluring sari-covered
flesh. This time the feel was much more appealing for me and unrestricted, as I was not wearing my panty. Same
was the case with Mr. Yadav also, as I found in no time he was moving his pelvis in a subtle rhythmic fashion
pressing more and more on my buttocks.

Now he took a spoonful of the yagya ras and fed me. My lips were already open due to the activities on my back.
Sanjeev helped Mr. Yadav to feed me the fluid. It tasted really good and I wanted to gulp more, but Guru-ji’s order
was one spoonful at a time. I then closed my eyes and relayed his prayer to Linga Maharaj.

Sanjeev: Madam, I will get Mr. Yadav down and now you turn to face us.

My heart was almost pounding as Mr. Yadav descended off my body. Now I had to turn and face Sanjeev and Mr.
Yadav. As I turned I could very well realize I was looking rather tempting and noticed that both of them were
looking very lewdly at my youthful body. I looked up and noted that Guru-ji was also looking at me with a smiling

Guru-ji: Now Kumar, you do your second prayer. Anita, as the medium you accommodate him fully on your body. The
ritual says that the medium should be able to listen to the devotee’s heartbeat.

I was feeling so ashamed that I just nodded lying in front of these three males. Mr. Yadav was more than eager to
ride me and as he rose on my body, I simply shut my eyes out of utter humiliation of being watched. As I turned to
lie on the floor in normal posture, I did one change from my previous posture, mainly out of natural womanly
shyness and kept my hands folded on my bosom. But…

Sanjeev: Madam, please keep your hands above your head in the pranam stance.
Me: I am feeling very uncomfortable like that.

I had to say now, but later found it was better not to have raised the issue, as Guru-ji made me more humiliated by
his words.

Sanjeev: But Madam…

Guru-ji: Anita, we all know that you cannot remain comfortable if a male gets onto to your body. But my dear, every
activity that we perform has an objective. If you keep your arms crossed on your breasts, how can you feel the
heartbeats of Kumar? How would you feel the impulse of his prayer as a medium if your breasts do not meet his

He paused a little and there was absolute silence in the puja-ghar. All three males were looking at my folded hands
on my undulating blouse-covered full breasts.

Guru-ji: If it was a tantra yagya and you acted as the medium, I would have made you strip your clothes because
that’s the norm of that ritual.

I was feeling so very disgraced hearing all this in front of these males and was cursing myself why I raised the
issue at all. Wasting no more time, I raised my hands above my head from my lying position and naturally my pallu
shifted a bit off my twin mountains and my blouse stretched making my boobs look more appealing and tempting.

In no time, Mr. Yadav was on top of my body and as he did that I clenched my teeth in shyness. I almost had the
same feeling as if my husband was getting on top of my body and I am lying supine on bed. He would first kiss my
neck and shoulder and then kiss my lips and his one hand would surely cup my breasts over my nightie or blouse,
whatever I wore in the house, and would twist my nipples. Then he would definitely pull up my dress to expose my
legs and thighs even if it was not an intercourse session, but just a limited love making episode. At times he would
let me pass not pulling up my dress till my waist and hence not making me somewhat uneasy to expose my panty or
pussy. Likewise Mr. Yadav placed himself quite securely over my body touching me everywhere almost except my

Since my arms were extended above my head, he virtually had an unrestricted access to my upper part of the body
and as he adjusted himself on my top, he even pressed by right boob with his elbow at least twice and also even
touched my pussy over my sari as if adjusting his crotch. He positioned himself perfectly over me for fucking and I
was feeling so very dishonored lying like this with two other males looking at me. Mr. Yadav now whispered his
prayer at my ears and while doing that he licked and bite my ears too. Though my eyes were closed, I could very
well realize that Sanjeev, who was sitting so close to me, must have been seeing this old man’s acts.

Now Mr. Yadav fed me with the fluid and while doing that his right hand was resting completely on my left peak and
he was even openly pressing a particular portion of my bulging flesh, as he had traced my hard poking nipple
through my blouse and sari. Sanjeev again helped him with the bowl and spoon and now I relayed his prayer to Linga
Maharaj. I only knew what I said to Linga Maharaj, as I was again getting horny with this intimate cuddling by Mr.
Yadav in the name of prayers.

I had to repeat the procedure a total of three times for his six prayers and at the end I was not only sweating
profusely, but also having a very violent orgasm. As understandable during the later prayers, Mr. Yadav was more
aggressive in his hugs while he whispered prayers in my ears. Once he even touched and brushed his thick bearded
lips on my tender lips and tried to kiss me, but I was alert enough to avoid that. With later prayers he gyrated his
pelvis even more indicatively and felt my whole body. And with each time helping Mr. Yadav, Sanjeev made sure that
he touched every part of my lower part of the body. I felt him cupping my ass cheeks at least twice or thrice and
felt the shape of my thighs over my sari on all the occasions he tried to help Mr. Yadav.

As I was not wearing a panty, my vaginal discharge was now dripping down my pussy to my inner thighs making my
petticoat wet. I was then thinking that I wish I had my panty on. When this process was over with Guru-ji and
Sanjeev shouting “Jai Linga Maharaj” and Mr. Yadav finally leaving my body, Sanjeev nailed the final pin to my
humiliation crusade.

Sanjeev: The room has become very hot Guru-ji. We are all sweating. We should take a small break Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Yes, we can take a small break, but we must complete everything within auspicious time, which is by

I had got up from the floor by that time and realized that I immediately needed to adjust my bra, as Mr. Yadav
had almost got my left nipple out of my bra cup through his continuous pushing and pressing on my breast area. But
I simply could not do that in front of these males and was planning to go to the toilet in fact.

Sanjeev: Right Guru-ji. Mr. Yadav, can you give your hanky once. I am sweating too much.

Mr. Yadav looked visibly puzzled. I realized immediately what was Sanjeev referring to. It was not Mr. Yadav’s
handkerchief, but my panty kept in his pocket in a crushed form.

I was feeling so nervous and anxious and did not know how to manage the situation. Same seemed the case with Mr.

Mr. Yadav: I mean err… this is not my hanky.

Sanjeev: Is it someone else’s?

Mr. Yadav: No, no. I mean it’s not a handkerchief.

Sanjeev: O! But it resembles one surely. By the way, what is it?

Mr. Yadav was looking at me now and I really was frozen, as I saw no way out.

Sanjeev: Is there any problem? Am I asking anything too personal sir?

Mr. Yadav had to answer something now and he let the cat out of the bag.

Mr. Yadav: It’s nothing of that sort. I mean… err…

He paused just a little, glanced at me and reveled that the thing in his pocket was not a hanky, but my panty!

Mr. Yadav: Actually when we went to the toilet, I mean when Anita went to the toilet, she was feeling some
discomfort, so she decided to take off her panty. As she had no proper place to keep it, I kept it in my pocket.

Saying that Mr. Yadav pulled out my panty from his pocket and openly showed it to Sanjeev. I lowered my eyes in
extreme shame and felt like dying in front of these males. All three males were looking intently and attentively to
my scanty undergarment. Sanjeev again remarked a superfluous humiliating statement.

Sanjeev: Oh! Madam then you are panty-less now?

I did not reply to his question and tried to avoid the situation.

Me: Guru-ji, if you please excuse me I will go to the toilet once.

Guru-ji: Surely Anita. But be back within five minutes, as the next yagya custom will involve Nandini.

I got off from the floor and almost snatched my ‘displayed’ panty from Mr. Yadav’s hand and went out of the room
towards the toilet. I heard a soft laughter from Sanjeev and Mr. Yadav and felt so very offended and cursed
myself time and again about my mistake of putting my undergarment into his pocket. I went to the toilet and
washed my face and pulled up my sari and petticoat and washed my inner thighs too, which were sticky with my
vaginal discharges, and then wore my panty though it was slightly wet in the front. As usual almost the whole of my
round gaand remained exposed out of my panty line and I lowered my sari and tried to look normal and decent.

When I was back, I could not see Mr. Yadav, he must have left the puja-ghar and went to the drawing room, and
Mrs. Yadav was there instead.

Seeing Mrs. Yadav again, I smiled at her and she smiled back. I thought if she only knew what his husband was
doing with me all this time! Mrs. Yadav was in the complete white attire as before and now with more sweating, her
bra was even more visible through the flimsy material of her blouse. She and Sanjeev sat side by side before the
yagya fire opposite Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Nandini, all this time Kumar was praying for Shilpa Beti abiding the norms of this ritual. This yagya
demands for a medium, which would transfer your prayers to Agnidev and Linga Maharaj. For you, Sanjeev will act
as the medium.

Mrs. Yadav: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Anita, if you feel you can go and relax outside, as I would not require you right now.

For a moment I thought to agree to it, but remembered that Mr. Yadav would be around outside and he would
definitely lust for me again in his wife’s absence. At the same time, the smoke and the heat in the room was also
suffocating me somewhat.

Mrs. Yadav: You can spend sometime with my daughter. She must be feeling bored as I am here now.

I thought that was not a bad idea and that way I would also be avoiding Mr. Yadav and his forceful approaches.

Me: Okay. That would be better. Where is she?

Mrs. Yadav: You go down the hallway and stairs and instead of going straight to the drawing room, turn left. Shilpa
is in her room only.

Me: Fine. Guru-ji then…

Guru-ji: Sure Anita, you can chat with Shilpa Beti and I can finish off with Nandini by that time.

I nodded and went out of the puja-ghar. I was really curious to know how Mrs. Yadav would behave in front of
Guru-ji with Sanjeev. I wondered if the norms would remain the same for Mrs. Yadav as it was with me or would be
something different. I was again getting a feel of unnecessarily curiosity within me. But now that I was out from
that room, I had little option to see Sanjeev and Mrs. Yadav. I was thinking how could I steal a peep into the puja-
ghar, but as I was walking simultaneously, I reached the stairs and started descending towards the drawing room
pathway. I remembered Mrs. Yadav told to turn left for Shlipa’s room.

As I turned left I encountered a person, looked like the servant of the house and he looked at me questionably,
which was obvious too.

Me: Actually Mrs. Yadav told me to go to Shilpa’s room. Where is her room?

The servant indicated to a door and we were standing almost in front of that.

Me: Thanks.

The servant went away and I stepped ahead and knocked at the door. There was no response from inside the room.
The door was locked. I knocked again.

Shilpa: Who is it?

I could clearly make out from her voice that my knocking irritated her. I was wondering what I would reply to who
I was because surely she would not recognize me by my name. Fortunately I did not have to reply and Shilpa opened
the door. She peeped her face from the thick curtain on the door.

Shilpa: O! It’s you Aunty. I thought…

She did not complete the sentence and let open the door for me to get in.

Me: Your mom actually is busy in the yagya now. So I thought to spend some time with you.

Shilpa smiled and welcomed me to her room. As I entered the room, she locked the door behind me. The room was
quite spacious, well decorated and with lots of electronic gadgets. As I turned my eyes from the room furniture
towards Shilpa, I was a bit surprised to see that she was not wearing the pajama of her suit and was walking in
front of me only wearing the long white kurta. Though she looked decent as she was covered till her knees, I could
not find a proper reason for her at that time to be like that.

Shilpa: Aunty, you are with Guru-ji for how long?

Me: Actually I am with him for not so long, only recently.

As she talked she looked visibly uncomfortable and I noticed she was breathing heavily too. Her tight salwar was
making her boobs look more prominent as she breathed heavily.

Me: What problems are you having in your studies?

I sat on the couch as I asked the above. Shilpa stood in the middle of the room and was probably hesitating for
something and I looked questionably at her.

Shilpa: Aunty you sit for a minute. I will be back from the toilet. Actually I was going for it and hence had opened
my pajama also.

Me: Oh! Okay, okay. I will wait. You can just switch on the TV for me.

As I said that I noticed the video player kept below the television was already ON!
Me: Were you watching any movie?

Listening to my question, suddenly there was a change in Shilpa’s face I noticed. She looked visibly anxious.

Shilpa: How do you know that I mean…

Me: The video player is ON, that’s why I said.

Shilpa: Oh!

She said in such a tone, as if she missed it completely. I saw the TV was switched off and could well realize now
surely she was watching a movie and as soon as I knocked she switched the TV off, but forgot to switch off the
video player. The teenager looked evidently caught red handed and now tried to act smart.

Shilpa: Yes Aunty, but that’s actually a very boring movie. I will switch on the TV for you.

I was getting curious now out of my natural instinct and wanted to know what Shilpa was watching. I must know why
she had taken off her pajama though she said she was going to the toilet, but I was not convinced. As she
proceeded to switch on the TV, I could see she was wearing a pink panty through the long cut of her kurta.
Generally the salwar suits that I wear has the cut at the sides below my waistline, but I noticed in the kurta, which
Shilpa was wearing, it was much higher, in fact above waistline, and it was abundantly exposing her sides and part
of her petite butts even. I appreciated again in my mind her captivating figure.

Me: What’s the name of the movie?

Shilpa: It’s a dubbed film Aunty. Very slow, you wont like it watching from the middle.

I could well realize that she tried her best trying to refrain me from watching it, but I was now quite focussed to
check that out.

Me: Shilpa, its just time pass. In 10-15 minutes Guru-ji will call you. Lets watch that only.

I left no way out for Shilpa and she reluctantly switched on the television for the movie to continue. I noticed that
she was very quick enough to get inside the attached toilet with her white pajama in her hand. I concentrated on
the TV screen and after some blurring on the screen the movie started playing.

Me: Ooooooooooooooh!

The very first shot that I saw was a passionate kissing scene. The shot was taken from close quarters and then
camera slowly zoomed out. The male actor was hugging the actress tightly and sucking her lips. The actress was
also responding by scratching his back and pulling his hairs. They were in a room, but not on bed. Indeed the scene
was hot, as the actress was wearing very scanty clothes and the actor was touching her everywhere. The camera
panned from the back of the actress and rested at a side-view. The heroine was wearing something better than a
brassiere, which could not hold her big sized breasts with a very small skirt advertising her ample-sized bottoms. I
was shocked to see that the actress was not even wearing a bra. I must say she was looking extremely sexy in that
outfit. It was a long teasing scene and they both were kissing and fondling each other for an extended period of
time and throughout the camera panned on the heavy dose of skin exposure by the actress. The male actor was
doing everything that sometime ago Mr. Yadav was doing to me behind the closed door of the toilet.

I could very well realize now why Shilpa was breathing heavily and had opened her pajama and was probably at the
verge of masturbating when I knocked. It was a dubbed South Indian film and things were getting hotter on the
screen every moment, as I noticed the actress was made topless removing her bra-like top, which was in any case
quite nonexistent. Automatically and unknowingly my hands went to my breasts and felt my flesh and touched my
nipples over my blouse and bra. My ears were red and I was also breathing heavily now exactly like Shilpa. I am at
least 10 years elder than her, but the effect was probably the same.

I was really not used to see such movies though my husband did bring some porn VCDs after my initial days of
marriage, but they were all English. In fact I have rarely watched such desi masala video. In most of the English
porn VCDs that my husband brought everything was so very direct – the actress came to the screen almost naked,
the males simply waiting to drop their pants, and intercourse was like bread and butter. I admitted in my mind that
I liked this desi exposure and heating up process much more than what my hubby used to bring.

The actress was now only wearing a black panty and she was indeed a buxom lady flaunting her assets on the screen
shamelessly. The male actor was also stripped to his chaddi and his erect covered tool was making me feel so
restless. At that very moment, the door of the room opened and another lady appeared and from the dialogues I
could realize that the two females were sisters who both loved this man. In no time, the male actor dragged the
newcomer into the room and closed the door and in no time the newcomer girl was also stripped to her
undergarments. Now the man was hugged from the front by the newcomer girl clad in her bra and panty, and he was
hugged from behind by the original girl wearing only a panty. Both girls were pressing their ripe mangoes on the
male actor’s body.

Me: Oooooooooooooooooo! O! My god!

When this blow hot scene was going on, the toilet door opened and Shilpa entered the room. I saw her eyes were
stuck to the screen as well. In fact, any woman from 16-46 would have their nipples hardened seeing this sort of a
scene. Shilpa like me was no exception. But I had to react so that things looked normal and I could not simply sit
and watch this porn stuff with this teenager, though very honestly I wanted to see more.

Me: What’s this? You were watching this sort of a movie?

Shilpa was in the apologetic mode right away.

Shilpa: Aunty, believe me, I did not know it was like this. My brother gave it to me and said to watch privately.
Aunty, please do not tell my parents.

Me: Brother?!?

Shilpa: Actually he is my father’s elder brother’s son, he is in college now.

Shilpa was visibly nervous and came near and held my hands.

Me: Your parents are so very concerned about you and you are wasting time by watching these filthy things!

I tried to act like a strict elder and Shilpa now virtually broke in my arms. She started weeping almost hugging me.
Again in my mind I appreciated her developing figure. She was leaning on to me and my hands were touching her
taut boobs, and they were so tight over her dress that I was made to remember my school days. I also had a good
attractive figure in Class XII, but of course I didn’t have the sharpness of Shilpa and overall she looks prettier
than me.

Me: Shilpa do not try to act innocent. You are not a little girl by any means.

I tried to shrug her off my body. She was still leaning a bit and wiped her wet eyes. I noticed her young breasts
were protruding forward stretching her tight kurta fabric, as she breathed heavily due to sobbing. I do not know
what went past my mind and suddenly I started behaving like a very strict teacher who had as if caught a
misconduct of a pupil in class. Was I jealous of her very attractive developing figure, or her prettier face than
mine, or her compromised situation before me? I really could not comprehend why, but I started conducting myself
in the shoes of a ‘mistress.’

Me: Okay, enough. Stand properly.

I had paused the movie on the video player prior, as soon as I started conversing with Shilpa. She stood erect now
and was not getting courage to look into my eyes.

Me: Shilpa, tell me the truth and then I will not let your parents know anything, but truth. I only saw a part of it,
but you must have seen the whole movie?

Shilpa did not raise her eyes and nodded affirmatively.

Me: Tell me the story.

Shilpa: Aunty err… its mostly… I mean there is no...

She was stammering and I stepped in with a strong command.

Me: Whatever is the story just tell me.

Shilpa: Okay Aunty. Please don’t get angry. I am telling. Actually there is a girl who came for an outing at a sea
beach with her family. She has two more sisters and here they meet another group and become friendly with them.
The three sisters have an affair with the three boys of that group. Even the parents were shown to have affairs.
Aunty there is nothing in the story.

Shilpa told the entire thing looking at the floor and I was getting an eccentric feeling of supremacy over this sweet
teenager girl.

Me: Which part did you like the best Shilpa?

Shilpa: Aunty I told you its very boring, only full of those scenes. I didn’t like the film at all.

Me: Then why had you opened your pajama?

Shilpa: Aunty err… I actually… I told you I wanted to go to….

She was stammering and trying to voice a confident reply, but I did not give her any chance to do that.

Me: Am I to believe that each time you go to the bathroom, you remove the lower part of your dress?

Shilpa kept her head down and stood dumb.

Me: I want to know the truth.

Shilpa: Aunty actually, I mean, I was feeling very restless and hot seeing the scenes and so…

Me: How many times have you seen it?

Shilpa: This was the second time. I swear Aunty.

Me: When did you watch it first time?

She again kept dumb and was twitching her lips with her teeth. I was also feeling a circulatory boost within my
blood vessels, as I was as if interrogating this sexy chick.

Shilpa: Aunty, please don’t tell mom. She would beat me to death.

Me: I will not till the time you reply me.

I tried to sound very strict.

Shilpa: Last evening, mom went shopping and dad was in the study and then I watched it.

Me: Did you get the same feeling like today?

Shilpa: Yes Aunty.

Me: You opened your pajama yesterday also?

I knew I was going a bit too far and asking too many private questions to this teenager, but I felt great thrill in
cross-examining her. Shilpa’s face turned visibly red at this question and his hands automatically crossed in front
of her pussy. Shilpa nodded her head in negation.

Me: Tell the truth Shilpa.

Shilpa: Aunty I am telling the truth. Yesterday evening I was wearing a skirt, so…

Me: Okay, say that.

I realized she must have fingered and rubbed her pussy pulling up her skirt.

Me: Shilpa, do one thing. You just forward the movie to the portion, which you liked the most. Here is the remote.

I handed her the remote and she was obviously tentative about doing that, but I portrayed a very strict
appearance and commanding mode such that it looked very real. She took the remote, but was still thinking.

Me: What happened?

Shilpa: Aunty the film is full of those scenes.

Me: But you enjoyed them, isn’t it? I want to see which part you enjoyed the most. Don’t panic. I will not tell you
anything. Just fast forward to that scene.

Though Shilpa was hesitant, but did not have the courage probably to drag the conversation further. She started
fast forwarding the video and stopped after a while and pressed on the “play” button. The movie rolled on and both
of us were concentrating on the television screen. Shilpa stopped the movie at a place where a girl was walking on
the sea beach with a boy. Both were teenagers. It was not the same actress, whom I was watching when Shilpa was
in the toilet. She must be the sister of that girl, I presumed. She was walking uncomfortably on the beach as her
miniskirt was rising time and again due to the wind and exposing her legs. She was trying to cover her properly
when the boy suggested her to sit on the beach. The girl liked the idea, but as she sat on the sand, the stiff wind
raised her skirt so much that her panty-covered ass was flashed on the screen.

I looked at Shilpa from the corner of my eye and she was already breathing heavier and her hand on her pelvic
area. I concentrated back on the TV screen. The girl could not even sit properly that the boy jumped on her and
started pulling up her dress from everywhere. It looked so odd and it was clearly meant for male audience pleasure
I understood, as time and again the girl’s skirt was pulled up to her waist by the boy exposing her white panty.
Though the girl was trying to keep her skirt down, the effort was not enough. Within moments the girl’s top flew in
the wind on the beach and her upper part was only clad in a white brassiere. Though she appeared like a teenager, I
noted she had full boobs and they were abundantly groped and massaged by the boy on the open beach. The boy
was now kissing the girl and also cupping her ripe mangoes over her bra.

I again took my eyes off the television screen to look at Shilpa only to find that both of us were watching the
movie with our hands on our respective pussies. There was no difference in our approach - myself being married or
Shilpa being a virgin. The fire in me was still there because of what Shilpa’s father did to me some minutes prior
and seeing all these hot activities, I again started feeling the tightness within my blouse and the itching in my

The scene continued and I noticed Shilpa’s eyes wide open and glued to the screen. And why not? Even if I had the
opportunity to watch this sort of pron at my teenage, I would get the same thrill. The boy was off of his jeans and
T-shirt and was down to his shorts and the actress was almost naked except for her white inner wears. The boy
was already in the fucking position with the girl below him and gyrating his hips very provocatively on her pelvis and
squeezing her ample boobs with both hands. The camera was sometimes zooming on the girl’s face, boobs, and
within the gap of her legs being parted below the boy’s legs and she was uttering all kinds of sexual sounds.

Me: Decrease the sound.

Shilpa immediately controlled the volume so that sound did not go outside the room and she was so engrossed
watching this hot sequence that she did not even bother to look at me. In no time the television screen became a
sexual ground with the girl was stripped completely naked and the boy also threw off his shorts and took out his
lund. Seeing a male penis made me very excited again and the boy was all ready to penetrate her on the open beach.
I wondered where it was shot. The beach though looked empty, the girl and the boy were now absolutely naked. I
was really not ware that our desi actors and actresses have become so bold and hot scenes like these are shot in
the open! The camera was showing the girls’ pussy in close up, but I was dying to see the actor’s penis, but that was
rarely shown. Strangely the fucking scene did not continue for long and abruptly the next scene showed two girls
on bed chatting.

Shilpa: Aunty, the scene is over.

Me: I can see that.

I was a bit dejected for the short longevity of the fucking session, but there was more waiting for me. The two
girls chatting readily turned into a long and erotic lesbian scene and honestly for the first time in my life I was
seeing lesbianism and that too with desi girls like us! Both girls were wearing nighty, but of course very sexy types
exposing a lot of flesh. They came closer and started kissing each other and each one was squeezing each other’s
boobs simultaneously making things look extremely obscene. The kissing was so slow and teasing, each girl licking
and sucking the other girls’ lips, I was slowly getting wet within my panty now. A girl kissing a girl – I had never
seen this and I could realize my heart was beating faster and seeing this after the initial fucking scene on the
beach, unknowingly both my hands went to my heavy bosom and started tracing and twisting my nipples over my sari
and blouse. I could even hear my own heart beat!
I looked at Shilpa and she was no different. She also was breathing deeply and her boobs were now looking even
sexier in her tight kurta going up and down. I turned to the movie again. The two girls were crossing all limits now.
They had opened their nighties and were clad only in their panties now. They both had good-sized boobs and were
looking extremely appealing in topless condition on bed. Their naked and freely hanging boobs were swaying and
jerking at every movement and each girl in turn were pinching each others’ nipples. Things looked really hot and wild
when they started licking each other’s bare boobs and squeezed each other’s buttocks over their panties.

Right at that moment, a very weird idea struck me. Though for a moment I thought I should not proceed with it,
but considering the compromising position Shilpa was in, I thought to go ahead with it. Honestly, I wanted to
experience this new approach of excitement I was seeing on screen. The girls displayed heights of shamelessness
when they pulled each other’s panties down and started licking each other’s pussies. I must admit I was getting
excited by the moment seeing this desi lesbianism. I made up my mind.

Me: Shilpa.

I tried to speak in a strong cold voice, but my sexual thrill inside made my voice tremble. Shilpa was also not
prepared for a word from me right at the middle of this blow hot scene. So she was a bit startled and looked up at
me questionably.

Me: Come here.

Shilpa came forward and stood exactly in front of me.

Me: I have decided that I will divulge to your parents about your watching these dirty materials. It’s the question
of your studies, I cannot compro… .

Shilpa: Aunty, please. What happened? Did I do anything wrong now? Please do not do such a thing. My mom will kill
me. Aunty please.

Me: No, no. I cannot let you go.

Shilpa almost was begging me for a let off now. She held both my hands and was pleading me.

Shilpa: Aunty, please. Mom will make my life hell if she comes to know about this. I will do anything for you Aunty.
Please Aunty don’t tell…

Me: Okay, okay. I can let you go on one condition.

Shilpa: I will do it, but please aunty, don’t tell mom.

Me: Shilpa I want you to enact the scene here that’s going on in the movie.

Shilpa looked very puzzled. She was looking blank almost.

Shilpa: W-h-a-t?

I looked at her eyes and tried to look as firm as possible.

Me: You do what you see on TV.

Shilpa: Aunty, I did not get you fully. You mean…

Me: Yes Shilpa. If you are so interested in watching these, I feel you must be equally interested in doing so. Right?

Shilpa looked with a very surprised face at me. She could not expect this sort of an approach from me I could
realize very well. But for me the itching of my pussy is more important now than what this teenager thinks about

Shilpa: Aunty you mean I will do what the girls are doing in the movie?

Me: Yes and hurry up. Otherwise…

I did not have to complete my sentence as Shilpa agreed readily now.

Shilpa: Okay Aunty. I will do it. Will do it.

She was in a mixture of excitement, panic, and anxiousness regarding the whole subject.

Me: Get the video at the beginning of this scene.

Now I started to act quickly. I got up on the bed and indicated her to follow me. She started rewinding the video
to the end of the beach fucking scene and paused there. She then followed suit and got up on the bed. The bed was
a double bed and large sized. As she crawled on her knees on the bed to come near me, I saw her kurta’s neckline
hung low exposing her tight biggies.

Me: You have a nice figure.

Shilpa could not even speak anything now. Her face was clearly saying that she was so very apprehensive at my
approach. She just nodded.

I tried to guess her bra size, should be 30. I know pretty soon once she goes to college and with the introduction
of a boyfriend, her boobs would certainly grow to larger size.

Me: Turn on the video in slow motion and you do exactly what you see on screen. Okay Shilpa?

Shilpa: Okay Aunty.

Shilpa was still evidently hesitant and I had to take the command of the situation. The video started in slow motion
and the two girls were again seen lying in bed chatting among them. I pulled Shilpa close to my body with somewhat
trembling hands. My heart was thumping, as I was about to get into my first lesbian experience. Never ever in my
life did I think of this, but today due to the situational urge I dragged myself into it. I was not only feeling quite
nervous now, but also a bit shaky though Shilpa had lowered her eyes as I touched her. Her pretty face was turning
red and her palms were cold, I guess out of anxiousness. The sexual heat and drive within me took my mind’s
control and I in turn took Shilpa in my control.

In the movie, the girls were now close enough and started embracing each other. I hugged Shilpa and felt her
young perky boobs almost bounced off my matured heavy bosom. She was very hesitant to hold me and I forced her
to hold my blouse covered back and we started feeling each other’s bodies.

Shilpa: Aunty I am feeling very uncomfortable.

She almost whispered in my ears. I hugged her more close to my body and assured her.

Me: If you did not feel uncomfortable watching it, why are you feeling ashamed now? Just watch the movie and not
think of anything else.

Saying that I brushed my cheeks on hers. Her skin was extremely smooth, the fragrance of youth advertised on
every part of her body. The girls on the movie had already started kissing now, but I did not have the courage
somehow to kiss this teenager girl. Instead I cupped her tight breasts and tried to ignite her. Her boobs were not
very large, but they were full and very firm and Shilpa was blushing heavily as I traced my finger on her nipples
over her kurta and bra.

Me: Shilpa your skin is soooooo smoooooooooth!

Shilpa smiled and blushed again. I now took one hand off her conical breast and held her hand and put it
straightway on my blouse covered mammaries. She readily started feeling my full breasts over my blouse and then
gently started squeezing them. The action on the television screen made our activities more vivid and courageous.
As the girls in the movie hugged, kissed, and almost stripped to nakedness, I was also growing hornier. I dropped
my pallu on the bed and even pulled a part of my sari and petticoat above my legs till my knees. Simultaneously I
made sure that Shilpa’s kurta was also over her tight breasts exposing her bra.

Me: Shilpa, now open my hooks.

I whispered in her ears and pulled up her kurta almost to her head exposing her upper part. Shilpa almost shivered
at this action as she was shamelessly exposed now.

Shilpa: Aunty please, don’t do it.

I had no time to listen to her words and wanted the same sexual firepower to explode her too. I dragged her closer
and entered my left hand straight within her bra cup and caught her young firm breast within my palm. The feeling
of touch on her naked boobs made Shilpa go wild with excitement and my trick worked perfectly on her. She was
almost hissing in ecstasy and sexual excitement. Her boob size and vibrant flesh did remind me of my school days
again. Little did I knew then that I was unknowingly preparing her for Guru-ji, an incident I would never forget in
my life, as that’s the only time I saw a LIVE virginity loss session in front of my eyes.

I could well understand that my direct touching and cupping of her naked boobs over her bra had made her almost
mad with excitement and to add oil to the fire I deliberately twisted her nipples quite hard to turn her on quickly.
Shilpa by that time had unbuttoned my blouse fully and I also made her half exposed like me by pulling off her
kurta over her head. Now we both were in our bra along with our remaining clothes and fiercely hugging each other.
I had driven Shilpa go wild with excitement and she was delivering me the tightest hugs and squeezes at my
intimate body parts. Now to make things more exciting, I simply pulled off her pajama knot at one go and brought
my heavy body on hers and made her lie down on the bed below me.

Shilpa: Ouch!

Shilpa gasped as I did that. Our bra covered breasts were resisting and bouncing against each other and now
myself on top of her in a very advantageous position, I caught hold of her bra and pulled it up and exposed her very
firm tits completely for the first time. I touched and felt them and honestly they were so smooth, so soft yet so
firm that I was somewhat envious. I very well knew the teenage psychology and Shilpa also as if to reciprocate my
action, she hugged me tight with her both hands from her lying position and in no time unclasped my bra hook on my
back. Unlike my husband who has opened my bra hook the maximum number of times and to tell you the truth, he
still fumbles, Shilpa unclasped it in one smooth go and now we were both topless in each other’s arms.
There was practically no need to look at the TV screen now as we both were thoroughly charged. Frankly I was also
enjoying and getting excited by Shilpa’s touches and hugs though not exactly as it would have been has Shilpa been
a male, but still it was a new thrill, which felt extremely good. Since I was still on top of her, Shilpa was fondling,
pressing, and gripping my boobs from her lying position making me wild with excitement. I was already pretty wet
within my panty and I naturally wanted something to be done there.

Me: Shilpa, my dear, now deliver something more.

Shilpa: What do you want aunty?

Me: Open my panty and…

I did not have to complete the sentence as Shilpa smiled and blushed at the same time and gave the nod. I pulled
myself from her body and lied on the bed and she instantly got up and went towards my legs. Her naked boobs
sprung and moved very alluringly as there was no bra to hold them. She threw a pillow at me to rest my head and
pulled up my sari and petticoat a bit and inserted her hands within and went up towards my waist. A tremor passed
my spine as she touched my panty and kept her palm directly on my pussy. I lifted my heavy gaand a bit and
wriggled in that position so that Shilpa could pull my panty down easily.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I exclaimed as she slowly pulled my panty down till my mid thighs. Now she took her right back to my pelvic area
and rested it on my hairy choot. She was feeling my pubic hairs and teasingly pulling some of them with her fingers.

Shilpa: Aunty you seem to have a jungle there.

We both laughed at her words and she started massaging my pussy from the outside.

Me: Aaaaaaaaah! What a relief!

I again exclaimed and was feeling on top of the world. This is one exercise my husband also would like to do most
obediently, i.e. massaging my choot with his palm, rubbing my thick pubic hairs, tracing a finger down my pussy hole
to almost my ass hole and then fingering my hole. But his problem is he wants to do this making my lower half
completely naked, but the way Shilpa was doing it I was feeling more comfortable as my sari was still tucked at my
waist. Generally with my husband on bed, I wear a nighty mostly, though at the initial stage of my marriage on some
weekends he forced me to wear skirts on bed and enjoyed my shameless upskirt views. But whatever I wore, skirts
or nighties, he liked to do this massaging making me completely naked, which I did not appreciate at all, as most
times he was still wearing his vest and pajama or shorts and I felt rather uncomfortable lying like that and my
husband sitting down my legs.

Shilpa continued my choot massage and fingering for quite some time and I was rubbing my firm naked mammaries
on my own with my two hands and enjoyed the whole process thoroughly. I turned to the TV screen once to find
that the lesbian scene was over, but another sequence was going on where a lady, must be above 35, was wiping the
floor and giving a man huge cleavage views. I concentrated back on bed with Shilpa.

Me: Stop now and come to me.

Shilpa pulled out her hand from below my sari and crawled towards my face. Her boobs were hanging like two apples
and swinging vigorously as she moved. Any male would have voluntary masturbation seeing that scene I thought. At
the next moment I thought seeing me lying on bed in topless condition would not also be far behind in terms of
voluntary masturbation. I smiled within me reading my own thoughts.

Me: Do you want the same pleasure?

Shilpa: No, no aunty. I am okay.

I pulled her towards me and he fell on my body and I touched her cheeks with my lips and finally was able to kiss
her very tender lips. It was not a long one as we both were uncomfortable as we both were kissing a similar
gender’s lips for the first time in our lives. Shilpa was almost panting after the kiss and looked visibly nervous
again. I coaxed her and tried to wipe out the guilt from her mind. At the same time I was on the verge of a
discharge after my first lesbian experience and I was pretty much satisfied. Though I was not fucked on both
occasions, first by Shilpa’s disabled father and now this lesbo thing, still I was not feeling frustrated.

Me: Who will go to the toilet first?

Shilpa: Aunty if you don’t mind I would like to go first.

I smiled and nodded. Shilpa got out of the bed and walked topless to the toilet and admittedly she was looking
gorgeous. She picked up her bra and kurta off the bed and a fresh panty from the wardrobe for understandable
reasons and disappeared behind the toilet door. I was feeling a bit tired now having two orgasms in quick
succession. My semi dry panty was again wet almost fully with my vaginal discharge and I was still discharging in
slow jet. I just closed my eyes and rested for a while on Shilpa’s bed.

Shilpa: Aunty, you can go now.

Shilpa looked fresh and I noticed she had changed her hairstyle and was looking prettier. I was still lying on the
bed with my milk jugs gaping openly towards the roof and being in the semi-nude condition, my nipples remained
taut. I got out of the bed covering my upper treasures with my sari and picked up my blouse and bra and was about
to go to the toilet when Shilpa interrupted me.

Shilpa: Aunty the toilet floor is fully wet as I have splashed water there. It will be better if you leave your sari

Me: Right you are.

I whiffed off my sari to the floor and was standing now in my petticoat only and my freely hanging uncovered
mammaries jiggling with every movement. I noticed Shilpa was staring at my naked boobs in an appreciative manner
and I started feeling somewhat proud in my mind for my figure. Shilpa’s admiring looks actually made me more
inclined about displaying my full figure to her.

Me: It will be better to leave my petticoat also here.

Shilpa: As you please Aunty.

We both laughed a little. I untied my petticoat knot and it slid off my waist brushing my thighs to the floor. I was
now standing in front of this teenager wearing only a panty. Shilpa did not pronounce anything, but I could gather
the “Wow!” from her looks at my naked heavy figure.

Shilpa: Aunty, your panty is spoiled. It’s fully wet.

I blushed a little hearing this though from a female. I bent a little to note it and found a circular wet mark on the
front of my panty.

Me: I have to take it off. No other way.

Saying that I went to the toilet and closed the door though in fact there was no need as I was so shamelessly
displaying my assets. I cleaned myself getting out of my last clothing and was feeling much fresh. I took my time
and dried myself with the towel and got out of the toilet just casually wrapping the towel to my waist.

Me: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

That was what which went out of my mouth as soon as I stepped out of the toilet. I never ever in my wildest
dreams expected that there could be someone else present in the room aside for Shilpa. And so I was very relaxed
and did not bother to cover my mammaries at all and my towel wrapping on my waist was also very, very
inappropriate. In fact, my big ass cheeks were partly exposed as I draped just to cover my hairy pussy. As I
stepped out of the wet floor of the toilet with my panty in my hand, what do I see?

No Shilpa in the room, and a middle aged man standing with a bucket, whom I was seeing for the first time, looked
like a servant of the house, standing in front of me! I was so dumbstruck by the situation that I made a complete
mess of the whole situation. My first instant reaction getting out of the toilet in an almost naked condition was to
cover my big swaying breasts. I tried to do that with both hands struggling to cover my whole proud flesh,
ultimately covering only the central portion of my mammaries, i.e. my areolas and nipples, with my palms. This very
action made my towel instantly drop from my waist to the floor, as it was not tied and my hairy choot was clearly
displayed in front of the servant who was also absolutely astonished seeing me in such a horribly exposed condition.

Servant: Madam, any problem?

I was in no position to answer his question and never ever in my life I was in such a clumsy position. Now came the
worst part. I instantaneously bent down in an entirely naked posture to pick up the towel before that person, who
was standing right in front of me. When I was half the way up from my bent position picking up the towel and
trying to cover my open pussy again, in a hurry my panty, which I was holding in my right hand, slipped from my
fingers. I should have simply ignored that because by that time that guy had seen my body entirely nude and that
too in the bright illumination of the room. The light was so adequate that he could probably visually segregate even
my pussy hairs!

After picking up the towel from the floor, I held it in a bunched up fashion in front of my pussy as a cover for it,
but as I saw my panty slipping off my fingers, my reflexes prompted me to catch that while it was still in the air
and in trying to do that I made an absolute muddle of everything. Though all these were happening within the wink
of an eye, but to me it seemed to be never ending.

The awareness of my naked condition in the presence of a completely unknown man made me so panicky and tensed,
I tried to do things in great haste and jumbled up everything. As I tried to catch my panty before it could touch
the ground from a half stood up position, I lost my balance and my outstretched fingers in trying to grab it, hit the
panty further away from me to the legs that guy standing with the bucket. I was significantly unbalanced, more so
due to my heavily built lower half, and was down onto my knees on the floor. Naturally my left hand drifted off my
pussy and so was the towel cover, and again my pussy was fully disclosed to the eyes of this lower class man along
with my bubbling boobs.

I did not know what to do and before I could get up and ran into the toilet for a cover, that man who was till then
standing with a bucket and gaping at me came forward for my help. For the first time I concentrated for a split
second on him – he was a middle-aged man, very repulsive looking, dark complexioned but well built, wearing a blue
shirt and a dhoti and probably had come to clean the toilet.
Servant: “Madam, careful, careful.”

He moved in quickly and caught me by my naked shoulder. For a split second my position was awesome in that room –
I was unbalanced and standing on my knees on the floor, not a thread on my body, my jiggling vivacious boobs were
hanging like two ripe pomegranates and my pinkish red nipples fully erect on them as if inviting that male, and he
bent forward supporting me holding me by my shoulder!

I straightaway jerked his hand off my shoulder and covered my hanging boobs with the towel and stood up. I did
not waste a second’s time even and ran into the bathroom, which were three to four steps away and I had no other
option but to display my huge naked gaand in full proportion to this man till I closed the door. I closed the door and
was so, so relieved. I was significantly panting, as I was feeling so ashamed and tensed. I took some time to recover
and very soon I realized that I was only behind closed doors, but had simply nothing to wear! I had only the small
towel and my wet panty to be dressed with. I tried to make out leaning to the closed toilet door if I could hear
Shilpa outside, but there was no noise. Some moments passed and suddenly the servant spoke out almost shaking

Servant: Madam, I will clean the toilet, please dress up quickly. I have other things to do also.

Me: Wait, wait.

I was now slowly sweating a bit as I found myself in a tight spot regarding what to do. I looked around in the toilet
to look for any used clothes of Shilpa. I did not find any dress hanging on the wall hooks, but as I explored further
I found some dress material dumped in a bucket. I jumped into it and ran though it only to find a couple of colored
brassieres and panties along with a pleated skirt and a crushed top. I was still standing stark naked within the
toilet and as there was no other option I decided to wear whatever was available.

Servant: How long will I stand Madam?

The man was nagging me now and was getting over my nerves. I replied him with a stern voice.

Me: Either wait or call Shilpa once.

Servant: Madam, Shilpa didi has gone upstairs for some work of Seth-ji.

I could well understand that I was almost in a catch 22 situation. I could not get out of the toilet naked before a
male and simultaneously if I ask this servant to call Mr. Yadav, he would certainly not leave me without enjoying me
again when he would find me in this compromising state. The other option was to call Mrs. Yadav who would have
saved me, but again she was busy in the yagya. Then I thought if I ask this man to pass me over my sari and blouse,
but realized that could invite more trouble as he would knew that I have nothing to wear. So I dropped all ideas of
calling this man and concentrated about how to wear whatever was available.

First thing I did was to wear my own panty, which was available with me though semi wet, but I really had no other
alternatives. I bent a little and pulled up my right leg into the cut out hole of the panty and dragged it up till my
knees and then pulled up my left leg and inserted it into the other hole and drew it up my smooth thighs to my
plump buttocks. I took both my hands to my back and stretched the fabric of the panty on my wide curvy ass
cheeks and tried to cover them decently and then wriggled a bit to ensure the whole of my long ass crack was
properly covered by my panty.

Secondly, I picked up the couple of bra and could easily see that they were of same size and were of course of
Shilpa. The cups were much smaller compared to what I wear, but there was nothing else I inserted my arms into
the straps of the bra and tried to cover my mammaries. I knew it was not possible, but at least now my large
roundish areolas were covered along with my perky nipples. I was no longer looking vulgarly indecent. The bra hook
remained open at my back.

Thirdly, I kept aside the other bra and picked up the skirt. It was a nice pleated skirt and fortunately not very
short and as I wore it, it covered me pretty decently till my knees. But the problem was elsewhere as the waist
circumference was much smaller for me and I could not button it. Shilpa’s waist must be 28 or 30 and mine was 34
at least and with my bulging fleshy ass, the skirt fitted rather tight at my buttock area. I ignored it, as I knew
once I get out of here, the first thing I would do is to put on my sari.

The remaining thing to be done was to cover my breast area decently. I lifted up the crushed top from the bucket
and tried to smoothen it. Shilpa’s top was not getting smoothened at all as probably it was there in a crushed form
for a long time. Then when I tried to insert my arms into the sleeves, I realized it was too short and too tight for a
full-grown woman like me. I was a misfit from all angles for that modern short top. I dropped it into the bucket
again and instead took the towel and stretched it in a way so that my full round globes remain covered tolerably.

Servant: Madam, any problem? Are you okay? Shall I call Seth-ji?

Me: No, no. No need to call anyone. I am coming out.

I was thinking whether I should tell him or not, but decided to tell him.

Me: Can you do one thing? Lock the door once.

Servant: Why Madam?

Me: Actually, I mean.. err… I do not have my sari in the bathroom, so…

Servant: Yes, yes Madam. I can see your sari on the bed.

Me: Right. Close the door and let me know.

Servant: But Madam, the rest of the things must be belonging to you also, as I know very well these are not Shilpa
didi’s clothes.

I was thinking what to reply to this odd question by this man. He must have noticed my sari bunched up with my
used blouse, petticoat and bra, as they were kept at same place on the bed.

Servant: Madam all your clothes seem to be here only. What have you taken then in the bathroom?

Me: Actually I forgot to take them, but…

I could not even complete my words than he intervened. He seemed to be a very talkative person and I was not at
all amused by his words. It not only made irritated, but also was taking me to the height of embarrassment!

Servant: Oho! Now I realize that’s why you were not wearing anything when I saw you. But still Madam, you should
be careful. Always lock the door of the room. No one will know that you are… err… ‘bilkul nangi’.

He paused just a little and then started again.

Servant: But Madam let me tell you… Wait one second, let me come close to the door.
There was silence for a moment and then I heard his voice as if just beside my shoulder. I realized he was glued to
the toilet door and was also talking in a low husky voice.

Servant: Madam, I am telling you a secret. If my Seth-ji had seen you as what I saw, he would not let you go easily.
He does not have a good character. He might be disabled, but very cunning. Madam, please be careful.

He halted briefly.

Servant: Even Shilpa didi wears very little clothes in her room, but still not like you Madam. Aap to bilkul nangi nikli
bathroom se!

I had no words to reply and stood at the other side of the door with my lips half open to say something, but I could
not verbalize anything in shame.

Servant: Madam, you still tried to cover yourself seeing me, but Shilpa didi does not even care to cover her in front
of me! The girl is spoilt already. What more I can say being the servant of the house.

I gathered some courage and feebly expressed a couple of words. But how long will I continue like this standing
within the toilet I wondered.

Me: I see.

Servant: I am telling you Madam, but don’t tell anybody. Countless number of times I have seen Shilpa didi lying on
bed not wearing a dress.

Me: What?

Servant: I mean she was not wearing a salwar or a nighty, but she wore only a brassiere and a skirt Madam. I wipe
the floor and she remains on bed in that fashion. On same days, when I clean the toilet, she comes up to give me
instructions. You know wearing what Madam?

He paused and probably meant I should ask him. I was getting some encouragement hearing Shilpa’s stories, which
was surely only out of my womanly virtues, otherwise in this state it was rather impossible to concentrate on
anything else, but to save my dignity.

Me: What?

Servant: Madam, didi had on her body a short top and just a chaddi like thing, what the girls in the city wear below
their skirt. Time and again I forget the name. Madam you were also holding it in your hand. What is its name? I
cannot remember it at all.

Me: I can understand. You don’t have to name it.

Servant: No, no Madam. Tell me once. I forget its name particularly. Actually one day my wife also told me that she
wants to wear this below her ghagra, but I objected. These are all city styles. Madam? It starts with “P”, isn’t it?
Pa… pa… ?

I had to tell him and stop this pa… pa… It was so annoyingly embarrassing.

Me: Panty.
Servant: Yes, yes Madam. Panty. I cannot remember its name I do not know why.

I was thinking that now I should ask him again to close the door so that I can get out of the toilet comfortably, but
he was talking nonstop.

Servant: But Madam, it is such a small piece of dress that I wonder why you people at all wear it? You know Madam
my Sethani-ji also wears it. When she gives it for a wash, I cannot stop laughing.

Me: Why?

I was slowly starting to take pleasures out of this narration and almost out of reflex action asked “why”, which the
next moment I realized could have been avoided as the reply was very obvious.

Servant: You must have seen my Sethani-ji Madam. What a gaand she has! What would this little thing cover
Madam? You tell me - na gaand, na choot!

I was shocked to hear such slang terms so directly and casually spoken to me and stood behind closed door
speechless. I tried to console my mind by thinking he being a lower class man he must be used to talk such slang. I
tried to ignore it, though honestly hearing those words from a male mouth made me feel tight and unknowingly my
fingers reached skirt and rested over my ‘choot’!

But when I thought of the reality, I was feeling rather ashamed and irritated that I was tolerating such language
from an unknown man, that too a low class person, the servant of the house. In our residence when I came after my
marriage, there are fortunately no male servants, but before my marriage in my father’s house there was one, but
never ever did I hear such direct things from him in colloquial chats. Though his language was okay, but his attitude
was not. I distinctly remember he trying to grope my body when he used to bring me from my school in the hand-
pulled rickshaw. I was not a small girl then, I was in Class IX or X, and could very well sense what he was up to, but
could never gather the courage to protest as he was there in our house for a long time.

The servant class is like that only I thought and tried to ignore this man’s vulgar words, as I used to ignore my
parental servant’s groping when I was a teenager. Now I had to come out, but as I looked down upon me I was
looking disgracefully sexy in this combination of towel and skirt and if any member of the house sees me in this
state would certainly think very wrongly against me. So I again decided to ask him to close the door.

Me: Have you closed the door?

Servant: No Madam. I will close it right now.

I heard the noise of the room door closing and felt somewhat relieved.

Servant: Madam I have closed the door, but how would you come out? All your clothes are on the bed!

Me: That’s none of your concern.

Servant: Madam, will you come out in the same manner as you came out earlier? I must thank God.

Me: What rubbish! What do you mean?

I lost my patience at this nonsense question and opened the latch of the toilet door and came out. I for the first
time looked with proper concentration to this man. He was wearing a blue shirt and a white dhoti, dark
complexioned but well built, ageing nearing 40. He had the same servant-cutting looks in his face. I noticed the
man’s eyes as if lit up and he was not looking at my face but staring directly at my sexily clad matured figure. The
look was so hungry and shameless that I had to lower my eyelids in uneasiness. The skirt was rather tight on my
fleshy thighs and I could not walk properly, moreover I was holding with my left hand to the skirt at my waist, as
the button could not be closed due to my wide waistline.

Servant: Ya Maila! Madam you are looking like Mamta Kulkarni.

I ignored his words and walked towards the bed where my sari was resting. I was aware that my back was fully
naked and the loose bra strap was hanging there and so I tried to walk avoiding to display my back towards this
man. But the whole scene changed for me into a hell within the blink of an eye.

Servant: Where are you going Rani?

The man jumped in front of me hindering my way towards the bed. I was so taken by surprise at his approach that
my skirt almost slipped from my left hand and I lowered my eyes for a moment to gather it properly and the
bastard took that advantage and simply snatched the towel off my breasts making my boobs exposed again, though
this time being partly covered in Shilpa’s bra.

Me: What’s this nonsense? Give me the towel. I will shout.

Servant: You want to shout Rani? Okay. Okay.

As he spoke, in an unanticipated manner he gripped and twisted my left wrist in a one smooth action and my skirt
slipped from my fingers and dropped down near my feet on the floor.

Servant: Now shout. I want to see how much you can shout my Rani. Shout.

I was simply thunderstruck at these couple of events, which happened in not more than 30 seconds and stood there
speechless before this man. I was standing as if wearing a bikini, if I can term that because Shilpa’s bra was so
small that it was exhibiting the shape and size of my two matured breasts fully except for covering my areolas and
the nipples. I tried to cover my dignity with my arms.

Servant: What happened Madam? Shout. Let everybody come and see you and know what you have to offer.

I immediately felt a cold shiver running down my spine. I realized I was in a trap. I could not attract people here,
as I am standing in a very compromising posture almost stripped to nakedness. I could think anymore and was
totally blank and did not know what to do or how to come out of this situation. I stood there in front of this
servant of Mr. Yadav’s house clad very sexily in an unfastened bra and a semi-wet panty with my arms diagonally
kept to cover my bulging globes.

Servant: Shout? What happened? Saali randi.

I almost had tears in my eyes hearing this slang from the mouth of this servant and virtually died of dishonor.
Never in my life did someone refer me by that term. I was feeling so helpless being humiliated like this in the
hands of a low class man.

Servant: Do as I say. Otherwise I will shout and draw everyone out here. Do you understand?

His voice was very commanding and rough. I did not dare to speak and contradict him, but I thought of begging my
dignity from him.
Me: Please leave me. Don’t treat me like this. I am also the wife of someone.

Servant: Then roam naked in front of your husband. Why here?

Me: Believe me, I did not know that you were here in the room.

Servant: Shut up! Guru-ji keeps this sort of high-class randi with him?

I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth hearing this. I could not take it anymore. Tears burst out of my eyes
draining off my cheekbones. I was praying to God to save me now seeing no other way.

Servant: Don’t act and waste my time. Panty utar aur choot darshan kara sali.

Me: Please bhaiya. I am not that type woman. Please have mercy on me.

Servant: Address your husband by ‘bhaiya’. Open it.

Saying that he moved ahead one step and I was so frightened that I meekly surrendered to his command.

Me: Okay, okay. I am…

I hesitatingly removed my folded hands off my almost naked mammaries and I could very well realize that he
wanted to see me nude again, which he saw me when I came out of the toilet and realizing that it was a hopeless
situation for me I had to gratify him. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and I took my both hands to the
waistband of my panty and started dragging it down. I was looking at the floor in shame and that bastard was
standing with his hand on his lund within his dhoti. I wondered in my mind that in the last 3-4 days, rather till such
time I had come to the ashram, the innumerable times I had to pull down my panty for different reasons! At the
same time, I was trying to speculate the inevitable. Because surely next thing this man would force me to go to bed
and would surely try to fuck me. What should I do? Shall I shout? But when Mr. Yadav, Mrs. Yadav and even Guru-ji
would see me naked with this servant, what impression they would have of me?

Servant: What a choot Rani!

I was going through this dilemma and was unable to decide what to do to come out of this predicament when a
sudden jolt and thrust followed by a tight hug almost flew me onto the bed. Before I could comprehend fully, I felt
the body weight of this man on my body and my body was sandwiched between him and the cozy mattress of the

Me: You bastard! Leave me right...

I could not utter any more words as he had put a dirty handkerchief in my mouth between my open lips. The
pungent odor of his body was making me feel nauseous and the handkerchief almost choked me. My eyes were wide
open and my body struggling under his very strong body. With his right hand he inserted the handkerchief so much
deep in my mouth that I could hardly generate any sound from my vocal cord. Now he took off his right hand off
my mouth and with both hands controlled my fighting arms and lifted his body and sat right on my naked belly area
and had total control on me. I was throwing my naked legs in the air in vain and realized that was of no use. I was
also moving my head furiously and trying to stick my tongue out to get the hanky out of my mouth, but the bastard
had placed it so deep and securely that soon I realized I was struggling for no good reason.

Servant: Now Rani, what will you do?

I just avoided eye contact to this bastard from my lying position and he was simply on top of me and there was not
a thread on my body as he had thrown off my brassiere too to the corner of the room. I could not still believe that
I was molested to the ultimate by this servant class person. He now started feeling and touching my private parts
taking hold of my both struggling arms in one hand and it at once gave me memories of the days when I was groped
by this sort of a low class person in my teenage days. The feeling was almost the same in my mind and it was the
sense of abhorrence and revulsion. Previously also, and today even, this servant class people took advantage of my
sheer helpless condition.

The man became very excited touching my ample naked flesh unhindered, but since his one hand was blocked
controlling my hands, he could not exactly pivot himself to fondle and fuck me. I was also trying to kick his back
with my heavy thighs. Most of his time was wasted in controlling and holding my struggling hands and at last placed
himself comfortably to squeeze my ripe mangoes one at a time and twisted my taut nipples very hard. Then he
suddenly bent on my chest and started sucking and biting my nipples.

Me: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm….

I could not utter any more sound as my mouth was blocked by his hanky, but the feeling was obviously very
(s)exciting like any woman would feel when a male (known or unknown) sucks her nipples. My legs automatically got
parted and I was wriggling shamelessly on bed under his body. His full body weight was on my body and his erect
lund was now piercing his dhoti and knocking hard on my open choot. His foul body odour was suffocating me and as
I realized that he was almost of the verge of raping me now, I was intensely praying to God with tears rolling down
my cheeks to send a releaser.

Knock! Knock!

As if God heard my call. I was so happy! Immediately the man was very alert and almost got down from my curvy
figure and looked with a pale face at the door.

Knock! Knock!

Shilpa: Aunty. Aunty.

Servant: Madam, if you tell anything against me I will expose you in front of everyone. Mind you.

I indicated him through my eyes to take the handkerchief out of my mouth. He immediately released the hanky and
it seemed to me that I breathed normally after an age as if.


That was the first thing I did. It was the culmination of my anger and the feeling of abhorrence to this dirty low
class man. He simply digested my slap on his cheek and clenched his teeth. I ignored that and quickly draped my
sari that was on the bed on my naked body. It seemed as if I was being naked for ages and felt so soothing in the
cover of the sari!

Servant: Madam, you go to the toilet and I will say that you have gone to latrine and will pretend to clean the room.

Me: Say whatever you like. Now just turn back you rascal.

The man was looking so frustrated that he could not screw me and his jaws were hanging down. I wasted not a
second and again put on my panty and wore my bra.
Knock! Knock!

I pushed the man towards the door for a reply and quickly took my sari, blouse and petticoat and ran into the

Servant: Shilpa didi, one second, let me open the door.

The man opened the door and Shilpa did not inquire much, especially why the door was locked, and after some
moments I also came out of the bathroom and found that Shilpa was alone in the room and there was no trace of
that filthy person.

Shilpa: Aunty, how long will mom take to finish?

Me: I am not sure. Must be in the last stages. Soon you will be called.

She had brought some magazines, which she handed over to me and she switched on the TV and started watching a
film channel where movie songs were being played. I simply was unable to concentrate on the magazines and time
and again my experience with their servant was coming to my mind. I never thought that coming with Guru-ji to
help him out in Mr. Yadav’s house would turn out to be such a horrifying and dishonoring experience for me. It was
the same disgracing experience that I used to have when I returned from school in rickshaw with our servant.
Those days also when I was abundantly groped I had to keep dumb, and today also when I was almost raped I have
to keep dumb – such is the situation!

As Shilpa watched television and I turned the pages of the magazine with a blank look on my face after what I had,
I vividly remember those days when I returned from school in hand pulled rickshaws. Our servant who was middle
aged used to come to take me from school. Previously we used to walk the length from school to my house, but when
I was in Class IX or X, my mom arranged a rickshaw to take me and our servant would guard me. My mom’s logic was
I was grown up then and the locality was also not good as boys used to throw comments to passing girls and so it
was safer for me to ride the rickshaw. But little did she knew that the road romeos would only tease with
comments, but the arrangement she made would craft me more ‘grown up’!

Initially it all started okay, but as days went by and monsoon season came, things turned out of very uncomfortable
for me. As it rained during that part of the year, all the rickshaws in our locality used a polythene cover from the
hood on the passenger’s head till the footboard of the rickshaw so that when the passengers take the seat they
are fully covered at the front from rain though the sides remained open. No exception was there in the rickshaw,
which I took from school to my house and when the first day I sat in the rickshaw with rain falling I realized the
intimacy one might have under the covers. Our servant’s name was Natwar and on the first couple of days he was
sitting on the rickshaw seat almost glued to my body as raindrops were coming from the sides. I did not mind, as
that was quite natural I thought.

Usually I held my bag on my lap while I sat on the rickshaw, but soon I noticed Natwar was almost compelling me to
give the bag to him on the rickshaw giving various reasons, such as the heaviness of the bag, my relaxation, etc. I
did not agree to him not due to anything else, but for a pure womanly reason. It is our natural tendency that if we
are wearing anything which is not covering our legs fully, like a skirt or a mini ghagra, we tend to keep our bag on
our lap just as a safety feeling also ensuring a double cover at our most delicate region, otherwise we would have to
keep our hands on our thighs which would actually look somewhat indecent. But I found Natwar’s pleading was
getting more intense by the day and especially on Fridays!

Truthfully at that age it was not possible for me to guess his dirty intentions. Actually on Fridays we had PT
classes in school and I used to wear my PT dress, which was the same skirt and top, but the skirt length was very
short and almost half my regular day school skirt. Since ours was a girls’ school we did not have any problems in
school regarding upskirt and all, but still we had to be careful on road as the PT skirt material was very light and if
there was a strong wind many a times it raised and exposed our panties if we were unmindful. My mom always
alerted me on this on Fridays. I had friends in co-ed schools where they had the same short PT skirts, but with
have a split like a bermuda, but since ours was not a co-ed school, the authority probably did not pay much
attention to this aspect.

I was thus quite reluctant to hand over Natwar my schoolbag, as when I sat the skirt raised so much that it
exposed till the midway of my smooth hairless thighs. But my resistance had to fail one day in the monsoon season.
Till such time it was only sitting close, or very close, side-by-side in the rickshaw due to the rain, but that day he
first pawed me.

That Friday when I was getting out of the school it was already raining heavily. I was under the umbrella and as I
climbed the rickshaw, I had to hand over my bag to Natwar who was already sitting on the rickshaw seat. He took
my bag and gave his hand and lifted me up. The rickshaw puller immediately covered the front of us very securely
with the polythene cloth and today as the rain was very heavy Natwar told him to cover the sides also. Within
moments I was sitting with our male servant as if in a closed room as we were guarded by the polythene from the
front as well as from the sides. The incessant chattering sound of the rain falling on the cover could be heard.

Me: Natwar Bhaiya, you don’t take the trouble, I can carry my bag.

Natwar: No, no Baby. Today let me carry it. It has added weight as its wet.

He used to call me ‘Baby’ and I thought he was telling the truth, as my bag was already pretty wet.

Me: Okay Natwar Bhaiya, today you carry it.

I smiled and I noticed he had held the bag on his lap in a peculiar fashion and looked very much like Swami
Vivekanand with folded arms on his chest and my schoolbag within that. I laughed in my mind seeing his gesture.
Very soon the polythene at the two sides of the rickshaw gave way and raindrops were drenching both of us. I had
to shift to our servant’s side a bit more and he did the same too and as a result the tip of his folded arm was now
directly touching my small but erect boobs. Those days I had started wearing brassieres and my boobs were
growing into a nice round shape and with each jerk of the hand pulled rickshaw, I felt Natwar’s fingers were
brushing my left boob as he was sitting to my left. I honestly did not mind this act and thought it was a situational

As the rickshaw left the main road and took the alley, its speed dropped as the lane was not an asphalt road and
the jerking was more severe, more so as the lane was already water logged. I was holing the hood sticks of the
rickshaw with my right hand and kept my left hand as a cover to my exposed thigh and now due to the continuous
wobbling effect of the rickshaw I could feel Natwar’s folded hand constantly touching and brushing my left boob
over my top and bra. This went on for the whole journey and when I reached home, I realized that I was not
feeling ‘normal’. Though my mom was more concerned about how much I was wet, but I felt my nipples standing very
upright within my bra.

This was the beginning and on other rainy days this was the routine more or less, but Natwar behaved so normally
on sunny days, I dared to think anything negative about him. On another rainy day, he allowed me to carry my bag,
obviously that wasn’t a Friday, and as the rickshaw proceeded off my school rains started coming from the sides
and my top and skirt were getting wet. I had to shift closer to him and he today in turn kept his right hand at my
back on top of the rickshaw seat. It was such a normal thing that I did not even notice it, till on a sudden jerk I
leant on him and he almost embraced me with his right hand. I tried to readjust, but in vain.

As the rains were coming continuously from the sides, I had to get very close to Natwar’s body and in the course I
felt our servant’s hand first on my shoulder, then as the rickshaw jerked, it slipped to my arm, and then with
another sway it was near my waist and that day when I was getting down of the rickshaw, he actually pawed my ass
cheeks as if to help me get down. Till such time it was within my tolerance level and ignored most of it and did not
mind at all except for one or two deliberate touches. But as days proceeded I realized this low class uneducated
man was taking advantage of my helpless situation on the rickshaw. The last two days made me so disturbed and
disgraced that I had to quit the rickshaw drives back from school.

I distinctly remember it was a Thursday-Friday combination and it was raining quite heavily out of monsoon. On
Thursday we walked down to the rickshaw under umbrellas and our rickshaw puller had already applied the
polythene sheet and as usual he climbed the rickshaw first and then asked for my bag. I handed him over the bag.

Natwar: Eh! The seat is so wet.

Me: Natwar Bhaiya, take this hanky and wipe it.

Due to the rain, the seat was wet and Natwar took the hanky and dried the seat. I climbed up and was about to
take my seat beside him, when he commented something very odd.

Natwar: Baby, the seat is still wet. Do not sit on your skirt directly.

I looked at him questionably, as I did not get what he meant.

Natwar: You sit as you sit on the floor. That would save your skirt Baby.

Actually that was the usual practice we girls do when we sit on the floor or grass in the open, so that our legs are
mostly covered nicely. But doing that on the rickshaw would definitely be a bold thing, especially in front of a
sitting male. But due to the situational request, I could not find a proper reply to avoid that and had to reluctantly
commit myself to do that. I was standing on the rickshaw floor half bent and Natwar was sitting on the rickshaw
seat. I took both my hands to my skirt and raised the hem trying to keep decency level and sat on the seat. I could
not even comprehend how much exciting the scene would have been for a male to watch this from a sitting posture
while I did that from a standing position!

I stretched my skirt in the form of a circle almost and sat down on the rickshaw seat. I immediately felt wetness
in my inner thighs, as the seat was still wet and in no time felt that my panty was also getting wet from the water
on the seat. But I could not verbalize that to my servant out of shame and remained quiet. But Natwar had other

Natwar: Eh! The seat is still wet. My pant is getting wet.

Me: Yes, it’s slightly wet. It’s okay.

I tried to act normally and avoided to get involved into this conversation, but he dragged me into it.

Natwar: Baby, what are you saying? My undies are getting wet below my pant and you are saying it’s slightly wet.

The rickshaw had started moving and I was a bit puzzled how to react to this.

Natwar: Give your hanky. Let me wipe it again.

Me: But how can you do that when we both are sitting?
It came out spontaneously from my mouth and this low class man was exactly waiting for that to be asked.

Natwar: I will just lift my bottom a bit and you wipe it and likewise I will do that side.

Saying that in fact he slightly raised his bottom with my heavy schoolbag clung to his chest within his folded arms
and I had to turn sideways and insert my hand under his bottom and wipe the rickshaw seat. Time and again his
round bottom was touching my hand as the rickshaw was jerking and swaying and simultaneously as I had turned
towards him the fingers of his folded hand was touching my face. I did not mind as my servant’s fingers were
touching my cheek and ear, but when it started brushing my lips almost I was feeling rather uncomfortable and
quickly completed my wiping. My face turned immediately red as a male finger grazed an area so sensitive in my
body as my lips.

Me: Natwar Bhaiya, it’s done. You can sit.

He sat down and I handed over the hanky to him and now I had to lift my bottoms. I lifted my bottoms a bit from
the rickshaw seat and held the side framework for support. Natwar handed me over my bag and I noted that my
skirt was still covering the seat that my servant was about to wipe. Without even asking me for permission, he
simply raised my skirt to see the rickshaw seat and to wipe it. I almost froze in shame as my servant raised my
skirt much, much higher up than actually needed and exposed me almost till my bottoms. I was so helpless as my
hands were engaged carrying my own schoolbag. The rickshaw moved on and since there was the polythene cover in
our front and sides, no one on the road could see that a girl of 16 was half-standing on the rickshaw with her skirt
hiked up till her round bottoms.

My servant was wiping the seat so slowly that I had to intervene.

Me: Is it done?

Natwar was raising my skirt with one hand to see and wiping the seat dry with the other.

Natwar: No baby. It’s still wet. Actually the hanky is wet itself.

Me: Doesn’t matter. Let me sit.

And I lowered my bottoms a bit only to feel this dirty man’s hand on my panty covered buns.

Natwar: Eh! Baby, your pant is so wet. You do one thing. You sit on my lap and keep the bag on the side. Look the
rain is coming down heavier now. You will get wet from the sides also.

I was perplexed at this comment and blushed severely not knowing what to reply. Though I did not find the rain to
be heavier, but water was dripping from the sides of the polythene on the rickshaw was true. I tried to reject his
proposal, but his reasons were stronger and he being much older than me in age and no one was able to see me, I
agreed to sit on his lap till the rest of my rickshaw journey. I did not know how much enjoyment that dirty mind got
from me sitting on his legs, but I had a hard time controlling his hands. I kept reluctantly my schoolbag to our side
and stretched my skirt fully on my buttocks with my hands and sat on his thighs. I tried to exert minimum weight
on his legs, but since the hand pulled rickshaw was jerking so much, I slowly kept the full weight of my buttocks on
his thighs.

My young body was almost shivering sitting on the thighs of a grown up man and my heart likewise racing very fast.
In no time I felt his right hand on my right thigh area over my skirt and his left hand alarmingly embraced me
round my waist to keep support. I was holding the rickshaw framework above my head with my right hand and hence
I was rather unprotected and vulnerable on the right side from my perky breast down to my waist area. I
understood by then that it was a blunder for me to have agreed to Natwar’s suggestion and I could merely retract
now. I was so helpless and defenseless in the hands of this dirty-minded person. Of course, his hands were not
static and as the rickshaw was moving along, his hands were feeling my thigh, waist, and abdomen areas over my
school dress. On at least one occasion I had to virtually stop him by holding his hands from directly groping my
private parts.

Once as the rickshaw took a turn while moving, I almost slipped from his thighs probably due to the smoothness of
my skirt-covered round rear portion and to keep me in position on his lap, he pulled me by my waist more towards
his body. Then as if to keep the grip more secure on me, Natwar raised my skirt up halfway till my mid thighs and
firmly held my naked skin with both hands. I could not react as it was done in such a casual way that it really
appeared that he wanted to stop my further slipping.

Natwar: Baby, this way you won’t slip anymore.

To crown it, he verbalized what he did and I remained quiet, but was feeling so exposed and uncomfortable that I
had to stretch my skirt over his hands covering my thighs to save some dignity. But that action actually triggered
things for him! In some moments I felt his fingers were climbing up my smooth naked thighs below my skirt and it
was such an uncomfortable feel for me that I cannot describe. When his fingers were almost touching my panty
line, I thought that I must react. I simply caught his moving hand and he immediately stopped the nonsense.

That day was over as we soon reached home, but Natwar gathered all the courage from today’s incident. I was
feeling severely detested towards this maid servant that I did not even wanted to talk to him. Next day was a
Friday and unfortunately in the afternoon, it was again raining quite heavily. As it was a Friday I was wearing my PT
skirt and my mom, as she does on every Friday, gave her usual warning to me of not to loiter on road in this dress.
Since ours was a girls school it did not look odd in school, but for a girl of 16 and with a developing body like mine, I
definitely looked sexy in that small skirt.

Today unlike other days Natwar did not climb up the rickshaw first and instead I took my seat. It was raining, so
our umbrellas were open. I then noticed Natwar had a bag in his hand, which he was about to keep on the rickshaw
floor. The rickshaw puller was already on his seat and urging us to get up quickly as it was raining, but Natwar was
taking too much time to keep the bag at my feet and at the same time he was holding his umbrella on his head.
Initially I was not conscious, but suddenly I felt he was trying to peep inside my skirt, as he was standing on the
ground and I was sitting up on the rickshaw seat; furthermore he was keeping his bag right between my legs.

I tried to glance down, but the umbrella on his head hindered my view, but for a second got a peek and I almost
froze as I saw he was gaping openly inside my skirt. I quickly tried to close my legs, but as the bag was already
there could not do it fully. I was very sure that he must be having a very clear view of my red panty and my ears
were getting hotter. Even in school if I drop my pencil to the floor and I stoop down to gather it from under the
desk, I could very clearly see the panties of everyone sitting in the back benches, especially on Fridays due to our
PT skirts. Of course, not to speak of the scene in the PT class doing calisthenics where it was a compulsive show to
expose panties for all girls. But since only girls are present, no one really bothers about this, but here the case is
certainly different.

My face turned red and throat thirsty, as I tried to lower my schoolbag to hide my dignity, but Natwar was done
by that time, as he closed his umbrella and quickly climbed up the rickshaw. We were sitting side by side as usual
and getting closer due to the rain droplets racing in from the sides. I realized the force of the rain was increasing
and the surrounding was getting darker, which actually supplemented my servant’s further dirty actions.

Natwar: Let me hold the umbrella half open to your side. Baby, then you will not get wet.

I honestly liked the idea, as my right side was already pretty wet including my shirtsleeve due to the improper
covering of the hand pulled rickshaw at the sides. Natwar half opened his umbrella and took his right hand from
behind me and held the butt of the umbrella and he asked me to hold the spread umbrella end so that the whole of
my right side is covered.

Me: Natwar Bhaiya, you then hold my bag.

I simply had no other option, but to offer my bag to him to properly protect myself from getting wet, but in the
process giving him a grand view of my naked thighs in my PT skirt that I was wearing that day. As I was in a sitting
posture and my legs were somewhat spread due to Natwar’s bag being kept between my legs, my skirt had all the
more reasons to get higher up on my thighs making me look awfully sexy. I looked from the corner of my eyes down
towards my legs and was shocked to find that the exposure I was giving had surely crossed the decency level.
Actually since my schoolbag was on my lap, I was not that concerned about how much my skirt had hiked up in my
sitting position on the rickshaw seat, as the bag was comfortably covering my well formed thighs.

But now my position was definitely compromising. I did not react as I had no intention to make my servant aware
that I was uncomfortable regarding my skirt, but within my mind I was very conscious that one unmindful
movement could actually expose my panty. My mom would surely have a heart attack seeing me sitting like this in
front of a male. I noticed Natwar’s eyes were also hungrily lapping the beauty of my exposed legs. My breathing
was heavy, but I felt relieved to see Natwar behaving absolutely normally and was more concerned that the
umbrella was in the right place at my side so that I do not get drenched. Little was my relief period and before
long the man started his smutty moves.

Natwar: Oh! I am getting wet from this side completely.

Me: Why don’t they put proper cover during monsoon?

Natwar: Baby, you know these rickshaw pullers… Let me get out a polythene packet.

I was doubting if he would again ask me to sit on his lap so that we are both somewhat saved from the rain coming
from the sides of this hand pulled rickshaw. But, thankfully he didn’t quote that, but in any case I was determined
that I would not sit on his lap today. In the meantime, I saw Natwar took out a pouch from his trouser pocket and
at the time he was opening it, the rickshaw bumped on a pothole on the watery road. Due to that impact the packet
almost slipped from his hand and in order to gather it properly, the coins that were inside the pouch spilled all
over. Natwar did try to control things, but there were quite a few, which dropped out of his pouch. Though a bit
odd, but probably due to the jerk, the coins that spilled out of the pouch were all showered on my body!

Natwar: O! My God!

Me: Natwar Bhaiya, don’t panic, none has fall out of the rickshaw.

Natwar: Yes, that’s the only relief. Baby you then hold the pouch securely and let me gather the coins.

Now my both hands were engaged – with my right hand I was already holding the stretched umbrella cloth and now
my left hand got engaged in holding my servant’s pouch. At that very moment alarm bells rang in my mind - since I
was engaged in holding the umbrella and his pouch, he obviously would pick up the coins, but from where? Obviously
from all over my body and as I glanced down to note where the coins were, I saw them scattered all over on top of
my skirt including my exposed thighs, on the folds of my shirt on my frontal body area, and down my legs on the

Natwar: Baby, you don’t move and I will pick up the chillar.
‘Chillar’ is the term we use for coins. My thoughts were not even complete that Natwar started his lewd act. He
started obviously with the easier located coins on my skirt top. As he touched my thighs over my skirt for picking
up the coins, I almost quivered and tried to not to look at his act. I looked to my side where the umbrella was and
felt his hand on my abdomen over my shirt picking up a coin. I could even feel Natwar’s fingers brush my erect left
breast. Then he bent down and started picking the coins that were on the footboard. I tried to close my legs but
couldn’t due to the bag between my legs and I could convincingly understood that my servant was getting an eyeful
inside my short school skirt.

Natwar: Baby, please lift your legs a bit. I cannot see the full footboard.

I looked round to him weakly, but could not avoid the situation. I knew that was outrageously vulgar to raise my legs
wearing this sort of a tiny skirt before his eyes, but could not find a way out. I raised my legs slightly and was of
course expecting a request from Natwar.

Natwar: Baby, a little more up please. I need to look to your right side also.

I knew I had to lift my legs more and now as I did it I was feeling so cheated by this low class man taking
advantage fully of my position. As a result my PT skirt slid another couple of inches up above my thighs and the
insides of my smooth fair-colored thighs were advertised to the eyes of Natwar. My condition was simply
indescribable and dreadfully indecent. I was sitting in a moving rickshaw wearing a short skirt with my legs raised
and a man was bending down almost between my legs.

Natwar: Okay Baby, seems I have gathered all from down there.

He was counting the coins and I was so very relieved, but no sooner another dirty proposal came up!

Natwar: Seems some are still missing, which must be on the seat.

He looked directly to my crotch area and to my back.

Me: Is it? But seemed all spilled in the front.

Natwar: No Baby. Just see, here was one.

Saying that he took a coin out of his dhoti almost from the region of his manhood. He was pulling his dhoti up to see
if any coin was still left in it and I could see his very hairy dark legs. And believe me, I saw his blue-colored brief
for sometime as was still searching for the dropped coins in his dhoti. I shifted my gaze from his pelvic area and
tried to remain normal.

Natwar: Baby, can you just stand a little so that I can check the seat?

Me: Natwar Bhaiya, the rickshaw is moving and I am holding to the umbrella. How can I stand?

Natwar: Right, right. You cannot stand. You just shift a little bit forward and I will check the seat.

Me: Okay Bhaiya.

The next few moments I was severely groped by my servant and his dirty mind reflected on his act pretending to
search for his chillar. As I shifted a little bit to the front on the rickshaw seat, he immediately put his right arm
behind me, to be precise on the rickshaw seat and was searching for the coins. In the process, he touched and felt
the roundness and smoothness of my skirt-covered buns and to my utter shock he did not stop there! He was
inserting his fingers, as if he was looking for a spilled coin, under my ass. For a moment I clearly felt his finger into
my ass crack over my PT skirt and my panty. I could not stop but to utter a spontaneous reaction off my mouth.

Me: Ouch!

Natwar: What happened Baby?

He was immediately cautious and had removed his finger.

Me: Nothing. Have you got all your coins?

Natwar: Baby, am not getting a couple of 5-rupee coins.

I immediately wanted to end this process.

Me: Okay, I am raising my body once and you check the full seat.

In my hurry to finish off this irritating episode I made a further mess. I was not holding onto any support as both
my hands were engaged in holding the umbrella to cover me from the rains and my servant’s pouch, and as I raised
my buttocks off the rickshaw seat, the rickshaw took a turn and I got completely disbalanced. Natwar’s hand was
already by then on the seat under my bottoms and his other hand was supporting my schoolbag on his lap, but as I
got disbalanced, first thing that happened was that I sat with my full body weight on his stretched hand on the
seat. Next thing was due to the turning movement of the moving rickshaw, my left arm holding the pouch outspread
in the air, as I fell and my servant in trying to support me held me by my left boob. The situation was precarious
for any girl and by the time I could gather my composure I was thoroughly fondled by my servant.

That man got only a few seconds time and I was amazed that within that short span of time, his right hand cupped
my ass over my skirt and panty, and simultaneously I felt a couple of very tight squeezes on my developing left
breast over my school top and bra. I immediately tried to lift my body weight off his hand and raised my back again
and Natwar this time crossed all limits.

Natwar: Baby, Baby, don’t do this, you will fall.

Saying that as if protecting me, he also lifted his hand off the rickshaw seat, and to my utter shock, I felt he had
inserted his hand under my short skirt and was touching and pressing my panty-covered pussy with his fingers.
Though it lasted for a couple of seconds only and he instantly helped me sit on the seat holding my ass cheek. My
servant made sure that his right hand on my ass kept my tiny skirt uplifted and expose till my panty. I quickly sat
on the seat, but all along his dirty intention was going on as he held me very directly by my right ass cheek over my
panty as I sat.

His dirty plan was still ON for the upper part of my young developing figure. He initially grabbed me by my left
boob as my arm was outstretched in an off balanced position. But as soon as I felt his hand grabbing my boob, I
brought my arm down, but his foul play was helped by this act. Now his left hand on my breast was under my arm,
rather sandwiched in my left armpit. I was having a very sexy feeling and did not know how to get his hand out.
Getting the press of my underarm on his hand holding me, he seemed quite encouraged and before my eyes he
started cuddling my firm breast with his palm.
I had to jerk his hand off and as I regained my position on the seat, I did that. My face and ears were pretty red
in shame and due to the feeling of a male palm cupping my breast I was also feeling an unfamiliar sensation within
my panty.

Natwar: Baby, I still did not get the two coins.

I was so much annoyed and irritated by this low class man’s dirty objectives that I did not feel talking to him. His
touches were as if still lingering on my body. The way he touched my panty and clenched my ass cheek I was feeling
like slapping him. How dare he touch me there I was thinking! Then I realized these people were like that only, they
always look for opportunity and helpless conditions of girls and tries to take advantage of that. The servant class!

“Aunty! Aunty!”

I was as if called from my sleep. The magazine was still open on my lap, but my mind went back to my teenage days
relating the embarrassing moments I had in the hands of our house servant, which was very similar to the one I had
sometime back here in Mr. Yadav’s residence though today’s experience was awfully shameful myself being a
married woman of almost 30.

Shilpa is calling me.

Shilpa: Aunty! Aunty!

Me: Ya… err… Yes, what is it?

As if I woke up from a slumber and tried to look composed.

Shilpa: Guru-ji is calling us.

Me: Okay, okay. Lets go.

I kept the open magazine from my lap to the table and adjusted my sari and followed Shilpa. As she walked in front
of me, I did note the alluring way she was swaying her kundi. I was as if envying Shilpa for her tight figure though
I knew I should not, as she was at least 10-12 years younger than me. Her proportionate ass was dancing within her
dress as she walked briskly. I hurried along to keep pace with her. As we entered the puja ghar, I found there
everyone of the family - Mr. Yadav, Mrs. Yadav and their daughter who came along with me. Of course, Sanjeev and
Guru-ji were also there.

Guru-ji: Now we have arrived at the pinnacle of this yagya and Shilpa Beti has to now carry forward its epitome

Shilpa: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, distribute the bhog to Nandini and Kumar. The regulation is that the parents must complete
taking the bhog before their lass sits for her part in the yagya.

Sanjeev: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, your role in the yagya is also over. You can relax outside. Anita, you need to stay to help Shilpa
attain the spiritual goal.

Mrs. Yadav offered pranam to Guru-ji and helped his husband also for pranam and then they left the place. Sanjeev
also followed suit with a couple of bowls of bhog already cooked by him. Now we were only three in the puja ghar –
me, Anita, and Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Anita, can you make sure if Sanjeev has kept all the basic ingredients for the yagya? Check for bilva
leaves, china-rose flowers, milk, ghee, rose water, honey, sandalwood paste, and turmeric.
I nodded and sat down to check that. As I sat down I realized that my panty cloth was getting inside my ass crack
in the form of a rope slipping on my smooth skin. I could not stop or adjust in front of a male and allowed my panty
to roll inside my deep ass crack making my ass globes virtually bare within my petticoat. I remember I was hasty
while putting on my panty in front of that bastard house servant and hence this happened. Not focussing much on
that simply because I could not adjust my dress in front of Guru-ji, I started checking for the items Guru-ji

Guru-ji was expounding Shilpa on spiritual explanations of life, human goal, devotion, studies, etc. and Shilpa was
obediently listening to Guru-ji. Only if did he know that this schoolgirl do watch soft porn and sometime back was
expertly supporting me in an lesbian act even! I noted that Sanjeev had nicely sorted out everything on the floor
for the yagya to proceed, but only thing that was missing was milk. I waited patiently till Guru-ji finished his

Me: Guru-ji, all other things are there except the milk.

Guru-ji: Okay. Can you please get around a liter of milk from Nandini and get it boiled on the stove here? Also ask
Nandini that I asked for a new white sari, I am not seeing it here.

Me: Sure Guru-ji.

I went out of the puja ghar and as I passed the door outside I heard Guru-ji again getting back to explain spiritual
facts to Anita. The moment I went outside the vacant corridor towards the steps, I thought of adjusting my panty.
It was giving me a torrid time now, because as I walked its giving me a frictional feeling on both my pussy and ass
hole with its rolled edges. I have to get it straight, but this area was not at all safe, as I did not know if that
rascal servant was around anywhere. So I did not take any chance going to this toilet, as the passage was
completely empty.

I went down through the hallway towards the drawing room and could realize from a distance that someone was
sitting there. I looked intently and could well realize it was Mr. Yadav. He was sitting there with…

Me: My goodness!

He is drinking alcohol and that very servant who molested me was sitting near his feet. My feet were as if
cemented immediately and I knew if given a second chance they would surely strip me and tear off my choot with
their rods. I briskly went to the other side in the direction where Shilpa’s room was. I thought this was a rather
secure place away from everyone’s eyes and quickly started adjusting my panty. There was no other way but to pull
up my sari to my waist and adjust it. I briskly pulled out the edges of my panty from my ass crack and stretched it
over my ass flesh as far as possible and also fiddled the panty front over my hairy choot. There was no one,
thankfully, and I was so much relieved after adjusting from this continuos ‘sexual’ tickling offered by my

Suddenly I heard some light sound of bangles, as if a woman was moving her hands there. I stepped ahead, but
could not find anyone. Here the passage turns to the left and ends in a balcony and yes, the sound is coming from
the balcony, which could not be seen from here. I could have called Mrs. Yadav, but was curious to see who was
there, as I did not see Sanjeev with Mr. Yadav in the drawing room. I tried not to make any noise and peeped into
the balcony. The full moon was splashing on the balcony and I could see very, very clearly – Mrs. Yadav and Sanjeev.

But, but… What are they doing? Uuuuuuuuuuuu……………

I exclaimed within myself. As I said Mrs. Yadav was plump and though middle-aged was fleshy at the right places
and in the bright moonlight in the white sari draped tightly on her figure she was surely looking sexy. Sanjeev was
holding her hands and whispering something. My timing was just about right as soon I realized that Sanjeev was
trying to persuade Mrs. Yadav in lovemaking in that open balcony, but she was obviously hesitant as her husband,
though disabled, was very much present in the house. I could jolly well see that Sanjeev’s pleading to lovemaking
was getting more physical. His persuasion posture from holding Mrs. Yadav’s hands was now getting into a half
hugging scene, and certainly her objections were also melting. After some moments of inappropriate hugging by
Sanjeev, I heard an affirmation from Mrs. Yadav.

Mrs. Yadav: Okay Baba. Do what you want.

Sanjeev was as if only waiting for that nod, since the way he embraced her was exceptional, and envious too for any
woman! He now was feeling Mrs. Yadav’s back over her white blouse and extended his arms to touch the naked skin
of her midriff. Mrs. Yadav almost jerked to his touch and as she was facing me, I saw she closed her eyes in
ecstasy. I completely forgot that I came to Mrs. Yadav for milk and the white sari, but was completely absorbed in
watching this horny activity. I saw Mrs. Yadav had closed her eyes and why not? Getting passionate hugs from this
energetic male who had now started caressing her smooth and fair midriff with his palms and hugged her matured
figure at his free will. In no time Sanjeev turned Mrs. Yadav within his arms to face her away from him so that he
could massage her heavy jiggling tits abundantly.

I saw Sanjeev put his big-sized palms on Mrs. Yadav’s mammaries and cupped simultaneously both of her large,
round, firm and full boobs. Mrs. Yadav naturally started wriggling in elation, as any female would do. I noticed her
hands were scratching her own choot over her sari. Now suddenly Sanjeev stopped all motion and stood still, but
kept his palms just holding her globes over her blouse, but not fondling them. Mrs. Yadav was a bit surprised as if
someone had come, but I could well understood Sanjeev was relishing the feel of her very attractive sized boobs.

Mrs. Yadav: You naughty.

Saying that she turned again to face her, but Sanjeev was still cupping her blouse-covered breasts and it looked so
indecent! Sanjeev’s hands were now under her pallu and I knew what they were doing under that cover. Sanjeev for
the first time now placed his lips onto Mrs. Yadav’s lips and they were lip-locked for sometime. And like all men
Sanjeev also craftily pulled down her pallu displaying her blouse-covered bobbling breasts and now to my sheer
disbelief I saw he was whiffing off Mrs. Yadav’s sari from her waist also.

I was really shocked that Mrs. Yadav being a fully matured woman allowing such lewd acts by an outside male
standing in the balcony of her house. Though the road cannot be seen from the balcony, but anyone approaching the
house would surely notice her. Mrs. Yadav was clutching Sanjeev in such a way that it seemed to me as if she was a
teenager experiencing her first date. Sanjeev was doing his job quite swiftly and in virtually no time he unhooked
her white blouse and with both hands slid her white bra upwards to expose her rotund mammaries. Being the
mother of a 16-year-old girl, Mrs. Yadav had enviously large and firm breasts, which jumped out of the tight bra. I
saw the nipples were almost black in color and very erect for obvious reasons.

Sanjeev now encircled her waist with his arms and lifted up her chin towards him and propelled his tongue through
her lips and into her mouth. Mrs. Yadav was hugging Sanjeev and scratching her fingers on his broad back. By this
time, Mrs. Yadav’s sari was completely off her body and lying on floor. Her blouse was open and her bra uplifted
and her petticoat was saving her dignity. I noticed Sanjeev started pushing his crotch into her pussy over her
petticoat. The scene was extremely heating up and I stood there simply gulping every bit of this very hot

Sanjeev’s palms were now openly fondling Mrs. Yadav’s big boobs, while he had pulled her tongue into his mouth and
was sucking it.
Me: Uhhhhhhhhh………

It seemed I was more excited and thrilled seeing this scene. I remembered Uday’s kissing on the boat. I truly
cherished it. I was repenting if Uday was here, we could have had another steamy love session. The very next
moment I thought why did I not think of my husband? He also did kiss me like this at times though not on a regular
scale, as he is not a big believer in kissing. He is more into the direct act. But Uday’s kissing was so spontaneous and
he resembled very much like Sanjeev was kissing Mrs. Yadav. I saw Sanjeev’s arms now came down on the lady’s
gaand and he started caressing and squeezing her big buns. My right hand was automatically scratching my pussy
over my panty and my left hand self massaging my breasts and pinching my nipple over my blouse and bra.

Sanjeev then peeled off her blouse and bra completely from her body and threw on the balcony chair and Mrs.
Yadav, the mother of a 16-year-old girl, was now standing wearing only a petticoat in a full topless condition. I was
stunned to see the courage of this housewife - she was hugging a male in a topless condition in the balcony of the
house knowing that her husband was very much present in the house! I could never ever do that in my house. Even
when my husband was away at noontime and if even a salesman had come, I made sure that I do not attend him in a
nightie or without wearing my bra because in most cases it was the nap time for me and during that period I was
surely not properly draped. However, Mrs. Yadav here was crossing all limits!

Sanjeev made Mrs. Yadav raise her hands in air in order to lick her armpits and I noticed that she was having an
absolutely clean armpit. Sanjeev gurgled with pleasure and pushed his head to it. He started smelling and deeply
inhaling her armpits, which though looked extremely vulgar and then started licking them vigorously and Mrs. Yadav
was writhing in exhilaration. I was unable to take it anymore and was now wondering how to enter in this sweltering
scene to tell Mrs. Yadav to provide me milk and a white sari, which Guru-ji had ordered. It was also getting late I
realized and Guru-ji might just be angry. I apologized to Mrs. Yadav in my mind, as I had to now stop her blow hot
love episode.

I went back at least a dozen steps. I still was midway in the passage towards the balcony. I was also at a safe
distance from the drawing room where Mr. Yadav was having a drink and I started calling Mrs. Yadav.

Me: Mrs. Yadav. Mrs. Yadav.

I did not deliberately move a step ahead as I knew hearing my voice she would immediately try to wear her clothes
back and I need to give her that time. After a moment or two, I called again and took only a couple of steps. After
sometime, I heard a feeble reply.

Mrs. Yadav: Yes, I am here.

I walked very slowly towards the balcony. As I stepped on the balcony, I saw Sanjeev was sitting on the chair as if
enjoying the beauty of the moonlit night and Mrs. Yadav looked extremely sexy with the blouse on her body with all
the hooks open and the sari draped in a very lewd fashion. I knew I should have given her more time to recompose.

Me: Guru-ji asked for a bowl of milk and a white sari that he had already told you of.

Mrs. Yadav: Oh! Yes, yes Anita. I forgot about the sari. Why don’t you sit here in the balcony? I will get you both in
a minute.

I did not want to embarrass Mrs. Yadav. She was panting as she conversed and the sexual heat was showing on her
face. I nodded and took a chair. Mrs. Yadav hurriedly left the place and from the tingling of her chudi I could make
out she was probably dressing her standing in the passage. Sanjeev was absolutely normal and conversed with me
and within another five to seven minutes Mrs. Yadav was back with a bowl of milk and the sari. I thanked her and
left the place. As I walked down the passage towards the stairs I speculated whether Sanjeev and Mrs. Yadav
would again engage in passionate lovemaking in the open balcony or take me as an alert and go in some room to fulfill
their desires. But I could well apprehend that if this is the nature of Mrs. Yadav, I could not blame her daughter
much for watching porn CDs.

I knocked and entered the puja ghar. Guru-ji was still explaining something to her and she was listening intently
with folded arms. Guru-ji looked up and noted that I had got the things he ordered for.

Guru-ji: Anita, lock the door and get the milk boiled in the stove.

I nodded and handed him the sari and went up to the stove to get the milk boiled. As I handed Guru-ji the sari I
noted for the first time that it was a thin cotton sari, the type generally worn by widows. I could not understand
why that was needed in this yagya. I was about to ask that, but Guru-ji by that time was directing Shilpa for the
first worship.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, now we will do the first worship to Linga Maharaj. One needs a medium for this worship and as
your parents used your Sanjeev uncle and Anita aunty as their mediums, you will use me as your medium. Okay?

Shilpa: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Beti, the focus has to be worship and worship only. You must not deviate. If you deviate you will have to
undergo the ‘dosha khandan’ (=eradicate the error) process. So only concentrate on your worship for studies. Jai
Linga Maharaj!

Shilpa nodded and stood up. She did not know what to do and Guru-ji indicated through a gesture to me for the
start. I took her to the area where I lied on the floor and I told her to be on the floor in a prone position, i.e. her
bottoms facing the ceiling. Shilpa’s back was looking very attractive as she was lying on the floor wearing the tight
salwar kamiz. While giving her the puja flowers, I noticed her face was red in natural shame, as then she got the
hint that Guru-ji would get on top of her back. I handed her over the puja flowers and asked to stretch her hands
in the worship form.

Guru-ji: Thanks Anita. You can sit there and mind you no noise. Shilpa Beti, I will whisper in your ears the mantra
five times and you will chant that loudly to Linga Maharaj. Then in turn you will whisper me what exactly is your
wish and I will transfer that to Maharaj. Okay?

Shilpa: Okay Guru-ji.

I thought I should ask Guru-ji that previously the process was different because as the medium I was no floor and
Mr. Yadav enjoyed me from top, but did not gather the courage to ask Guru-ji. He roared forward to Shilpa’s body
chanting “Jai Linga Maharaj” time and again. Guru-ji’s gigantic figure was no match for this teenager and her body
was fully covered by Guru-ji’s mammoth stature as he placed himself on her.

Guru-ji: Don’t mind Beti, as this is the norm of this yagya. I will not place my body weight on you. You just

Guru-ji was now riding Shilpa’s body and I was watching from a distance of few feet. I noted that Guru-ji very
cleverly adjusted his body length, pretending to straighten his saffron garment, to place his pelvic area exactly on
Shilpa’s buttocks. He was not even finished whispering the first mantra in Shilpa’s ears that I saw the subtle
movement of Guru-ji’s pelvis on her gaand. I was shocked to see Guru-ji also deviating by Shilpa’s young flesh. As
the mantra chanting was getting to an end, I found Guru-ji’s pelvic movement was getting more obvious on Shilpa’s
Now Shilpa had to whisper her wish to Guru-ji and he would transfer that to Linga Maharaj. I saw Guru-ji took his
face very close to her face, his thick lips almost touching the girl’s cheeks. Guru-ji’s hands, which were till then on
the floor on both sides of Shilpa, now moved. He kept his right hand on Shilpa’s shoulder very casually as he
dropped his face near her lips. Soon that part was over too and Guru-ji alighted from her body. Believe me, I
clearly saw Guru-ji’s erect tool protruding like a pole his saffron dhoti. He quickly adjusted that before Shilpa
could raise her head from her lying position.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, did you concentrate fully during your worship?

Shilpa: Yes Guru-ji.

I noted that her voice was almost trembling, probably in excitement.

Guru-ji: Then why is your voice shaky? Why are you not confident?

She was breathing heavily like any woman if a man rides her back. But Guru-ji’s voice was stern and harsh.

Shilpa: Believe me Guru-ji, I was thinking only on my worship.

Guru-ji: Why are you telling a lie Beti?

There was pin drop silence in the room as the cozy atmosphere has changed. I was also a bit puzzled seeing the

Guru-ji: This is the reason for your failure. Your mind is not steady, it’s curious about things other than studies.
The same thing happened here, your mind was more inclined about my physical touch, and not on the worship.

Shilpa was still trying to save her face.

Shilpa: Guru-ji, believe me, I was praying only for passing the final exams.

Guru-ji: Beti, you are forcing me to prove my point and I will do that. Anita, just come here and check if her mind
was diverted or not.

I was baffled. How do I check that? Shilpa stood with her face down and I was sure she was telling a lie. Her
concentration definitely was focussed on the male touch.

Me: But Guru-ji, how? I mean err… how do I check?

Guru-ji: Its simple. You just check her nipples and you know that she was excited or not.

Myself and Shilpa both were rather appalled hearing that, especially from a male. But as I gathered back, I
thought that Guru-ji had hit the bull’s eye, because to catch a woman if she is sexually excited or not, the
appearance of her nipples is the best catch.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Shilpa: But Guru-ji…

Shilpa was red in shame and probably realized that she could not fool this Godman, as he was much more
experienced and wise.
Shilpa: I am sorry Guru-ji. You were right.

Guru-ji: Hmm. So you see Beti, there is no point in misleading people. Always tell the truth. Okay?

Shilpa simply nodded and I could well understand her position in front of this gigantic male character. I noticed
Guru-ji now took out a couple of replicas of Linga Maharaj from his bag. They looked exactly like the deity that was
there for worship here.

Guru-ji: Anita, please hand me over the milk, bilva leaves, rose water, and honey. Also pour some ghee in the yagya

I did as Guru-ji said and he started making a mixture out of them. He crushed the bilva leaves and mixed it with
honey. Then with the other ingredients, a thick fluid was prepared. Then Guru-ji started pouring the mixture on
one of the replica of Linga Maharaj. He massaged and stroked it slowly so that it was fully laminated with the fluid
mixture. Then he took the other replica and made it shudh (=purify) in the fire and then cleaned with rose water.
Lastly he performed some puja on both the models. Shilpa and myself were both watching him silently.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, come here and stand by the fire. Close your eyes and pray to Agnidev the mantras that I

The yagya fire had already flared up as I had poured ghee in it and the heat, the smoke along with Guru-ji’s loud
vocal narration of mantras made the atmosphere of the room very gripping. I saw Shilpa’s lips moving as she was
repeating the mantras. This went on for another three to five minutes.

Guru-ji: Beti, now this is a very important part of the yagya. You must dedicate your mind fully on this. These
models of our Linga Maharaj will now energize you. It is called the Jaagran Kriya (=wake up process). You will have
to gulp down holy fluid on it and concurrently I will guide the other model through your body to invigorate you.

Shilpa nodded her head with a question mark on her face and I was damn sure that she could not fully interpret
Guru-ji’s words, but she did not have the guts to ask him. I was also not fully sure what Guru-ji would do exactly.
Shilpa had closed her eyes with her hands folded for worship standing in front of the yagya fire and the fire had
supplemented a reddish tinge to her body hugging white salwar kamiz. Guru-ji was standing just beside her, very
close. I was on the opposite of the fire.

Guru-ji now was shouting mantras and held the fluid laminated Linga replica to Shilpa’s mouth. She opened her lips
initially just a little, but then realizing to accommodate the Linga diameter she had to open it wider, did that. Guru-
ji inserted the Linga model in her mouth and she started sucking it. The fluid must have tasted good as Shilpa was
licking it up fast. Guru-ji was slowly pushing it more and more into her mouth and now it looked so vulgar to me. It
looked more like an oral sex scene where the female takes the erect male cock in her mouth sucking and licking it.
Shilpa was exactly doing that.

Guru-ji: Hold the Linga with your hands and mind you throughout this ‘jaagran kriya’, you should have it in your

Shilpa followed the command. Her eyes were closed throughout as Guru-ji originally ordered. She held the Linga
structure in both hands and was sucking it. She was gulping it further, but she looked so crude that I had to lower
my eyes. Guru-ji was watching her closely and must have been enjoying the scene - a 16-year-old sexy teenage girl
standing in front of him with a structure, which very much resembled an erect lund, in her mouth. As Shilpa was
almost complete with sucking the tip part, she lifted her face and almost inverted the Linga over her mouth and
more fluid trickled in her mouth. She continued to sop up the fluid and inadvertently was producing a very sexy
sound, which reminded me of my married bedroom life.

I had done this oral thing for my husband only on one day and was not at all comfortable with it. The first day when
my husband offered me to do this, I quivered in shame and promptly refused. He requested me the same thing on
some other days too, but then not seeing my urge in this act did not poke me further. But one rainy evening, I was
feeling very horny reading a novel and when my husband returned after work, I was quite eager to have sex.
Apparently he was very tired and was not in the ‘mood’. That day deliberately I went for my bath late and made
sure that when I got out of the bathroom my husband was on bed. I went to the dressing table and purposefully
got out of my panty from under my nighty standing there, so that my hubby got a sexy view and myself also could
watch his reaction on the mirror. It worked as when I came near him on bed, I noted his semi-erect tool under his

But he was visibly tired and only after a couple of kisses he was planning to sleep. But I desperately wanted
lovemaking at that time. I started playing with his hair as he was lying on bed and also adjusted my nighty a bit so
that my big tight boobs remained half open over my nightdress near his face. In general I am somewhat
conservative on bed like most women, but that day in trying to ignite my husband was behaving shamelessly. I
noticed my husband was gearing up, but definitely slower than other days and he inserted his fingers within my
nighty to feel my private parts. I was myself so eager that I had already exposed my body by lifting up my nighty
to mid thigh and was giving him the feel of my naked plump thighs. He was responding to me, but I found his lund
was not getting erect to the same hardness that I would like. And by the time my husband switched off the lights
to make more intense lovemaking, I was stark naked on bed except for my ornaments. Today I was trying to stroke
and massage his cock more to get his full hardness, and probably realizing his physical tiredness he offered me to
suck his cock. I did not refuse and did this cock sucking for the first time. Honestly I did not like it at all, which I
also told my husband next day, but that day it worked for me as my husband was charged immediately and we had
an enjoyable intercourse.

Today as Shilpa was sucking the Linga model, that day I also sucked and licked my hubby’s hard cock and his precum
did make his lund slippery and the same sound was yielded through my lips, which Shilpa was producing now. Guru-ji
was already chanting mantras and now he started to guide the other Linga replica from his head downwards. It
appeared as if a magician doing some trick with his magic wand. Guru-ji was stopping at one place on Shilpa’s body
and verbalizing mantras and then was proceeding to the next stop. First on her head, then to her neck and now
further down brushing all over her back. Shilpa almost jerked as Guru-ji grazed past her full salwar kamiz covered
back with that Linga. Then Guru-ji did something, which would appear very offensive to any woman.

Guru-ji had positioned himself to Shilpa’s backside now and as he slid the Linga structure to Shilpa’s waist, he
pulled up the end of the freely flowing kamiz from Shilpa’s buttocks and exposed her pajama-covered round butts.
Shilpa naturally was shocked and stopped her sucking process and was probably going to take out the Linga from
her open mouth, but Guru-ji indicated her to continue.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, as I told you – you concentrate on what you do. And for your information, this energizing
process through Linga model allows for a maximum of two cloth covers on an organ. If there are more, one must
remove that. You are wearing your undergarment Beti, over that you have the pajama – a double cover already, so I
had to pull up the kamiz.

Saying that Guru-ji paused to see the teenage girl’s reaction and seeing she understood, looked at me.

Guru-ji: Anita, can you please pour in some more fluid on her Linga?

Me: Sure Guru-ji.

As I answered I noted that light was falling from the opposite side on Shilpa’s back and as Guru-ji had pulled up
her kamiz to her waist, Shilpa’s pantyline could clearly be seen over the thin material of her pajama. It is a fact
that we girls bother very nominally about the thinness of our pajamas that we wear in a salwar suit as our pelvic
and bottom areas remain covered securely with the kamiz flowing over them. But in this case, as Guru-ji had pulled
Shilpa’s kamiz up, I was shocked to see that I was able to see the exact position of her panty on her ass cheeks.
And Guru-ji as a male must have been enjoying her pantyline.

I picked up the bowl of fluid and went up to Shilpa and she also took out the structure off her mouth and was
virtually gasping. Her eyes were still closed and due to that everything what Guru-ji did seemed more erotic. I
transferred some fluid onto the replica in her hand.

Guru-ji: Hurry up girls! We are losing out on the auspicious time frame.

I went back to my position and Shilpa too inserted the Linga in her mouth and again began to lick the rod thereby
sucking the fluid. All this time Guru-ji stood behind Shilpa having pulled up her kamiz till her waist revealing
Shilpa’s pajama-covered full gaand. Now as she started to lick the Linga again, Guru-ji now rolled the Linga
structure onto his round hips. I adjusted my position a bit so that I could see Guru-ji’s activities. I noticed Guru-ji
now left the uplifted kamiz cloth and held the Linga in both hands beneath her salwar kamiz tip and was
articulating mantras. His hands beneath Shilpa’s dress were constantly moving and only Shilpa knew what they were
doing as I was unable to see that. The way Shilpa jerked and moved in her standing position I could guess Guru-ji
must be feeling and massaging her panty covered gaand over her thin pajama.

The process looked extremely vulgar till it stopped. Shilpa for the first time was visibly uncomfortable. Why not?
She is an unmarried grownup girl and if a male rolls a rod on her gaand with both hands and simultaneously she has
to suck another rod, even a married woman would feel horny. Guru-ji was constantly chanting mantras and continued
his energizing process. He had now come to Shilpa’s front and held the Linga model on her knees and slowly rolling
up over her pajama-covered thighs. I was having butterfly in my stomach, as now Guru-ji was approaching her love
spot. But unexpectedly Guru-ji called me.

Guru-ji: Anita, come here once.

I took a circular route to come down before the yagya fire near Shilpa.

Guru-ji: You hold her kamiz up and let me energize her yoni.

I was a bit taken aback hearing that word from Guru-ji’s mouth, but realized it’s a yagya process that had to be
followed. It was very humiliating for any woman to have her dress pulled up and a male touching her pubic area, but
it was ‘accepted’ due to Guru-ji’s presence. Shilpa also did not react much, more so probably due to my presence. I
gently pulled up her kamiz with one hand from the front till her waist, but Guru-ji asked me to pull it up properly
with two hands and further more. Hence I lifted Shilpa’s kamiz up a bit more exposing till her beautiful bellybutton
along with the waistband of her pajama and the knot. Again due to light falling from the opposite direction, Shilpa’s
panty position could clearly be assessed from the front.

Guru-ji started rolling the Linga rod with both hands on her pussy and now his mantra expressions were louder than
ever. I noticed due to touches to that very sensitive part, Shilpa’s face naturally turned red and her sucking
process was also ceased though she was still holding it in her mouth. As I turned my eyes to Shilpa’s pussy area
again I clearly saw that Guru-ji was probing his fingers over her pajama and panty on her pussy trying to trace the
slit and inserting his finger. I immediately got hardened nipples within my bra seeing that sight. With Guru-ji’s
fingers openly touching her pussy over her clothes, Shilpa started to almost moan now with her eyes closed.

Shilpa: Ummmmmmmm….
Guru-ji was now practically feeling and pressing Shilpa’s pussy area with his fingers and the role of the Linga was
negligible. He was kneeling before this sexy teen’s honey pot and doing this Jaagran Kriya. Shilpa was now
constantly moving from her standing position and I could very well understand her uncomfortableness. But she did
not have to wait long, as the process was over and Guru-ji stood up to proceed towards her another sensitive area,
her mammaries. I dropped her kamiz and she looked visibly comfortable.

Guru-ji: Pour some more mixture.

I took the bowl and poured the thickish fluid onto the Linga structure not even asking Shilpa to get it out of her
mouth. The fluid naturally overflowed the rod to her lips and chin and even glided down her slender neck into the
top of her dress. Guru-ji by that time had rolled the Linga model through her flat stomach and was approaching her
twin peaks. With a male hand groping Shilpa’s gaand and pussy area, she was now breathing very heavily and her
perky breasts looked more firm and jutting out within her salwar suit. Since I was standing pretty close to her, I
could clearly make out her left nipple impression above her dress and honestly she was now looking extremely
tempting. Since Shilpa was not even using a chunri, things were worse.

Shilpa was gulping down the fluid, which I poured and it seemed even Guru-ji was somewhat out of place after
groping every inch of this sexy 16-year-old girl because I noticed his jaws were hanging and he was himself
breathing heavily now and his manhood was alarmingly sticking out through his dhoti. As expected, Guru-ji lost some
composure and though he was narrating the mantras, the voice was lower, and as he placed the Linga rod on Shilpa’s
youthful boobs, his fingers were directly trying to touch her kamiz-covered jiggling flesh. I noticed Shilpa had
closed her eyes and Guru-ji was probably more charged by this and completely ignoring my presence, he took his
left hand off the Linga rod and directly grabbed Shilpa’s left boob.

Shilpa: Ummmmmmmmmmmm…

She could not utter much, as her mouth was blocked by the Linga rod and her eyes were also tightly closed,
probably in excitement. Guru-ji was now crossing the limit, I thought, groping this girl who was virtually her
daughter’s age. He was now feeling the roundness and firmness of Shilpa’s left breast with his palm from the front
and it looked so very indecent that I had to turn my eyes elsewhere. Guru-ji was taking undue advantage of the
situation and feeling the body of this rosebud. But it was short-lived as Guru-ji quickly recovered and was again
chanting the mantras loudly and held the Linga rod in both hands and rolled it on Shilpa’s breasts. To finish off this
ritual, he pressed Shilpa’s round boobs with the base of the Linga rod and his act appeared as if he stamped her
boobs with the Linga structure as we see post office workers do when they put stamp marks on the letters.

Guru-ji: Okay Shilpa Beti. Open your eyes. Your Jaagran Kriya is complete. Take the Linga out from your mouth

Shilpa: Uffffffffffffff……………..

Shilpa exhaled a sigh of relief. She was sweating profusely now I noticed standing close to the fire and also due to
the male touches on her private parts.

Guru-ji: I hope your full concentration was here. Otherwise you will face ‘amangal’ Beti and also will not succeed in
your exams.

Shilpa: No Guru-ji. I was concentrating.

Guru-ji: I hope so. Well, the first part of the yagya is complete, now for the next part. Anita, please get me the
sanctified rope from my bag.
As I went to the other side of the fire to get Guru-ji’s bag, I heard Guru-ji saying something very shocking for

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, if you are ready, we will get along with the next part and as per custom, the devotee needs to
wear her medium’s clothing.

I turned back and saw Shilpa was looking questionably at Guru-ji. Quite natural. I was also a bit surprised. Guru-ji

Guru-ji: As the medium I have put forward your plea to Linga Maharaj and now you have to authenticate that from
the materialistic angle by wearing my dress and perform the rest of the yagya together, i.e. now the medium and
the devotee are one and the same. Jai Linga Maharaj!

We both chanted “Jai Linga Maharaj!”, but I could clearly make out the lack of confidence in Shilpa’s voice as she
jolly well understood that she needs to take off her salwar kamiz now. Guru-ji did not give Shilpa much time to
think and took of his saffron cloth that he was wearing from the upper part of his body and forwarded it to Shilpa.
Guru-ji’s massive hairy body was half exposed now. He was only wearing a saffron dhoti. Seeing him in that
condition would make any girl frightened.

Guru-ji: Beti, don’t waste time. The auspicious time is running away.

Shilpa was standing like a dumbstruck. A grown up girl like her being asked to change her dress in front of a male
probably made her so astonished that she forgot to react even. At least she got back her voice.

Shilpa: But Guru-ji, I mean… How can I wear this? This is just a shawl like cloth!

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, you are not going now to attend a party so that you need to dress up properly. This is a yagya.
You need to abide by the norms. There are so many yagya you know where the devotee has to attend it fully naked.
One must devote in the purest form. There is no term called shame in front of Linga Maharaj? Silly girl.

Guru-ji’s voice was firm as steel. Shilpa did not have the courage to utter a single word after that.

Guru-ji: Anita, she need not open her undergarments. You wrap it on her waist like a lungi.

I looked at Shilpa and her eyes were telling the story. She drooped her head and quietly went to the corner of the
puja ghar and started opening her kamiz. She took it out over her head stretching her arms up in the air. Then she
untied her pajama and started pulling it down and as she bent to pull it down, her panty covered full gaand looked so
inviting that I noticed Guru-ji for a split second stroked his lund. Shilpa’s back was towards us and though she
quickly tried to drape her in the saffron cloth, Guru-ji had a clear view of her undergarment clad body from the
back. I stepped forward to her now and helped her cover her lower part of the body starting from her navel till
her knees with that saffron cloth and tied the knot securely below her navel. Honestly I thought she would look
less vulgar if she remained in her bra and panty only, but now she was looking extremely sexy, as her white
undergarment was so very prominent through this semi transparent cloth.

She now came in front of Guru-ji with her eyes to the floor in shame as she was so much exposed in front of a
male. Her boobs jiggled within her bra and young flesh was oozing out of her bra cups. In fact, seeing her limitless
exposure in front of a male I was myself feeling uncomfortable. Her 16-year-old bubbly body looked so very
fascinating that myself being a woman was getting green with envy. Her boobs looked so firm and erect within her
scanty bra and her flat abdomen dancing into the thin waist and further down into her curvaceous ass appeared so
I handed the rope to Guru-ji and he bent down to tie that to Shilpa’s waist. She was so shy that she was also
bending a bit towards Guru-ji to his touches at her waist. When the tying of the rope was over and as Guru-ji
ascended from his bent position, his head directly collided with Shilpa’s jiggling bra-covered boobs as she was
bending inwards. Guru-ji looked up and Shilpa’s pomegranate boobs were right in front of his lustful eyes. Naturally
she blushed heavily and though Guru-ji said “Sorry”, I could read a different story in his eyes.

Guru-ji: Beti, hold this rope for now. Anita, please forward me the sandalwood paste once.

I took the sandalwood paste dish and handed that over to Guru-ji. He now closed his eyes and started chanting
mantras. Shilpa was looking down at the floor; she must be feeling immensely ashamed to be standing only in her
bra and panty in front of a male. Though the saffron veil was hanging from her waist, but practically that was
nonexistent as her tiny white panty was visible like daylight. Guru-ji opened his eyes and came right in front of
Shilpa and placed a sandalwood tilak (=mark) on her forehead.

Guru-ji: Now repeat the mantras loudly as I say.

Narrating the mantra he now bent again to put a sandalwood tilak on Shilpa’s navel and then squatted in front of
her before her legs and pulled up the veil to make her thighs naked and then put tilak on her smooth thighs.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, now we will do havan together. Havan is the procedure of eradicating inner imperfections
prevalent in our being. If you are through with it, you will overcome your problem of studies.

Shilpa nodded and stepped towards the fire as Guru-ji was already there. I was standing at a distance now, not
directly facing them, but watching them from the side. Guru-ji now picked up the ghee pot.

Guru-ji: Beti, now hold this.

Now Guru-ji came to Shilpa’s back and positioned himself right behind her. Now he inserted his hands through the
underarms of Shilpa and he also held the ghee pot. I noticed as he did that Shilpa had to raise her both arms
slightly to accommodate Guru-ji’s inserted arms. I saw Guru-ji’s strong arms were now holding the ghee pot and
simultaneously pressing Shilpa’s bra-covered boobs from both sides. But the way Guru-ji adjusted his pelvis into
the buttocks of Shilpa, I was shocked and doubted his intentions. Now both held the ghee pot and slowly poured
ghee into the yagya fire and Guru-ji was chanting extensive mantras.

As I was viewing them from the side, I could see their every movement. Guru-ji was now very deliberately rubbing
his arms on the sides her upright boobs and the touch of young firm mangoes must have ignited the passion in him,
otherwise why would he start gyrating his pelvis on Shilpa’s panty-covered gaand. Shilpa also must be feeling the
heat – from the yagya fire as well as this man’s hot touches. She was looking like the goddess of Venus clad only in
a bikini like clothing in the arms of Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, now I will face you from the front and you put in your arms from my both sides to pour ghee in
the fire.

Shilpa: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji took out his arms from below Shilpa’s armpits and came to her front. Shilpa now extended her arms
through the underarms of Guru-ji and started pouring the ghee. I noticed Guru-ji adjusted his position so that
Shilpa’s boob tips were now touching his flat hairy chest. Naturally like any woman, Shilpa was also uncomfortable
as her boobs were touching a male’s chest and retracted from her position, but I saw Guru-ji drew her towards him
to get the proper posture. Shilpa was avoiding eye contact with Guru-ji and most times kept her eyes closed as she
was repeating the mantras chanted by Guru-ji. This probably gave Guru-ji a better chance to milk her. Guru-ji was
now moving his fingers up and down her tummy and to her bottoms over her panty. She was wriggling subtly as I
could comprehend that Shilpa was unwilling to make her reactions to the male touch very evident. This went on for
a minute and then suddenly Guru-ji stopped sounding the mantras and pulled back from Shilpa.

Guru-ji: Beti, what is this? I did warn you to concentrate on the mantra and worship only. But it seems you have not
taken any lesson!

Shilpa’s face was pale. She was dumb. Her nipple impressions could clearly be seen over her bra cups and that
proved certainly she was entertained by Guru-ji’s touches.

Guru-ji: You are not able to succeed in studies because you are more curious in other things, which are not a part
of your concern till you are a virgin. I am very annoyed with you.

Guru-ji seemed very upset and there was pin drop silence in the room.

Shilpa: Guru-ji, please forgive me.

Guru-ji: There is no question of forgiveness on my part. That means you have throughout this yagya concentrated
on your physical excitement rather than the worship. I need to tell this to your parents.

Shilpa hearing this reacted so vulnerably that she made a mess. She immediately held Guru-ji’s legs for a mercy
and started crying. But she did not know this posture made her look so enticing that I had to almost take my eyes
off her. Her whole back was naked except for the sheer bra strap and as she bent on the floor with folded legs,
her panty was stretched by her fleshy buttocks sliding it down marginally exposing the tip of her ass crack. I
figured out that the panty Shilpa was wearing must be an old one with a slackened elastic waistband. Any male
would get a hard on by that scene. Shilpa’s ass crack was unmistakably noticeable over her panty through the semi-
transparent saffron cloth that she was wearing at her waist.

Guru-ji: Beti, beti get up. Behave yourself.

I now had to step in and tried to get Shilpa up from Guru-ji’s feet. After much pleading she got up, but as she
ascended from her bent position, she displayed her deep cleavage, the insides of her breasts, and the exact shape
of her boobs, which would be enough to get a turn on for any male, any age.

Guru-ji: The only way out for completing this yagya is now the ‘dosha khandan’. Are you ready for that?

Shilpa: I will do whatever you say Guru-ji.

She was sobbing and with her exposed condition it seemed as if she was crying to get back her clothes. Guru-ji
quickly went towards the other side of the yagya fire and started preparing more sandalwood paste.

Me: Guru-ji, I can do it if you say.

Guru-ji: Thanks Anita, but I can manage. You take care of her and ask her to stop weeping. She is no more a child.

I went ahead to Shilpa. She was looking so helpless from all angles – physically and mentally too. I kept my hand on
her head and asked her to be quiet. I wiped her cheeks with my sari pallu and Shilpa started getting normal.

Guru-ji: Anita, is she okay now?

Me: Yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Fine. Now stretch on the floor here the white sari that Nandini had given you.

I nodded and obeyed him. Shilpa was standing quietly in her semi-clad condition. Guru-ji had prepared sandalwood
paste in a large bowl and I was wondering what would he do with so much sandalwood! Guru-ji now stood up and
suddenly opened his loin in front of us. As he did that I almost exclaimed seeing his large tool draped in the tiny
brief. Guru-ji himself was quite an enormous figure and now standing only wearing his undergarment looked rather
fearsome for any woman. I saw that his thick lund was stretching the cloth of his brief very awkwardly and we
both girls had our eyes glued on his manhood.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, don’t panic, as this is the custom for ‘dosha khandan’. When you are offering yourself to Linga
Maharaj, you must be in your purest form.

Saying that he stood in front of the fire on one leg, closed his eyes, and stretched his hands upwards in folded
form and started vocalizing mantras. The glowing fire was making him look quite dreadful. I looked at Shilpa and
she was still staring at Guru-ji’s underwear-covered thick lund. Following her, I also again directed my vision to the
same item, unmistakably any woman’s favorite thing, and confessed in my mind that all the male penis that I had
seen till that day, this was the most gorgeous, even within the underwear. Guru-ji completed the episode and
opened his eyes.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, since are no more a child and you have completed 16 years of age, what you are doing as hide
and seek from your parents and thereby hampering your studies, you should know like daylight.

Guru-ji was still in that one-legged position before the fire, and seeing that almost mechanically Shilpa folded her
arms in the form of worship and looked into his eyes.

Guru-ji: I can clearly see the natural astonishment in your eyes Beti, which I do not see in your Anita Aunty’s eyes.
You know the reason? That’s because she is married and had seen and felt the male sexual tool, which you have not.

My ears immediately got hot listening such words from Guru-ji and I simply could not look directly at him though he
was not talking to me at that moment.

Guru-ji: Every girl has this curiosity about male body, their touches and the excitement, which is the normal
behavior of this age, but getting diverted from you focus is a poor action and you must do a behavioral
modification. And this ‘dosha khandan’ will help you do that also.

He paused and then again continued.

Guru-ji: What inquisitiveness you have today, I also had the same at your age. We males are similarly interested in
female bodies, their touches, and the excitement. This is life.

The environment seemed to be getting a bit cozier now with Guru-ji explaining things.

Shilpa: You are right Guru-ji. I am unable to concentrate and all the time…

Guru-ji: I can understand that, but ought to have a talk with Nandini when you saw it was hampering your studies.
Isn’t it? But actually your psycho did not allow you to do that, as you believed your parents would come up with a
stick if you share such things with them.

Shilpa: You are absolutely right Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Come near me Beti.

Shilpa went up to Guru-ji and stood by the yagya fire with folded hands. Her almost naked body looked reddish in
the fire flame.

Guru-ji: Do not hide anything in front of Linga Maharaj. As your medium, I am also his part. Tell me do you have a

Shilpa blushed and was dumb for a minute. Guru-ji patiently waited for her to reply.

Shilpa: Yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Hmm. And I believe you are deviated from your studies mostly once you have met him.

Shilpa nodded affirmatively.

Guru-ji: How often do you meet? Is he in college?

Shilpa: Yes, he is in college Guru-ji. We meet twice or thrice a week.

Guru-ji: How long do you know him?

Shilpa: For about 3-4 months.

Guru-ji: And how far has your relation progressed?

Shilpa lowered her eyelids and kept looking at the floor. I was quite amused the way Guru-ji was craftily digging
out her personal details.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, you have not done a sin that you are feeling guilty. Tell me how far it has progressed?

That was a tricky question for a girl of 16 to answer, as she had to tell how far she had allowed her male partner
touching her body.

Shilpa: Guru-ji, we spend time together, I mean err… that’s all, nothing more.

Guru-ji: Have you kissed each other?

Guru-ji now started hitting directly the bulls’ eye. Shilpa after keeping silent for a while, replied.

Shilpa: I tried to protect me from doing such things, but Guru-ji believe me, the situations made me so weak that...

Guru-ji: Hmm. Where do you spend time generally?

Shilpa: In the Waterworld or in the Lumbini Park.

I was not much aware of these places, as I was not a resident of that area, but Guru-ji seemed to know the places.

Guru-ji: Lumbini Park! That’s a dirty place. Especially in the evening it becomes a den of crooks and unsocial
Shilpa: But Guru-ji, we never went there in the evening, we go there after school around 4 p.m.

Guru-ji: Now tell me how situations made you weak as you said. Do not hide anything Beti. Tell everything in front
of Linga Maharaj and feel free at heart.

Shilpa was now sweating and I could see beads of sweat on her naked upper half of the body. She was also
breathing a shade heavier making her ample boobs ooze a bit more over her bra.

Shilpa: Guru-ji, initially it was just chatting sitting on the park bench and holding each other’s hands while walking,
but as days went by I could feel the urge to get his touches. Then one day it was drizzling and we were walking
under an umbrella. The bench where we sat generally was occupied that day by a couple and we sat by their side.
That day I could not resist him, but it was not my fault completely.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, tell everything that happened. This is also a step towards your “dosha khandan”.

Shilpa: Guru-ji, as we sat beside that couple on the park bench, they were already quite close and soon started
touching each other’s lips and in no time the man made the woman almost lie on the park bench and was they kissing
feverishly. Guru-ji, they were just a foot away from us. The woman was almost Anita Aunty’s age and she was by
that time in a horribly disrobed condition in the open park to the extent that I had to stop my partner from seeing

Guru-ji: As I said Beti, tell me everything because from that actually you got close to your boyfriend. Right?

Shilpa: Yes Guru-ji. Just imagine in the open park they were kissing and the woman’s sari pallu was flowing on the
ground and one of her tits was flashing out from her open blouse and bra.

Me: In the park?

I could not stop myself asking that question.

Guru-ji: Anita, you do not know this place. Since one has to purchase tickets and go inside, there is no disturbance.
Moreover there is no security inside also. Okay Beti, then?

Shilpa: Guru-ji, we both were quite excited seeing such things at such close proximity and then when he embraced
me I could not resist. That was the first day, I mean I was kissed.

Guru-ji: Then?

Shilpa: We were both quite excited about our meetings and simultaneously I was getting distracted from my
studies. We met, chatted and had a nice time in the Park. I could realize his temptation was growing and the silence
of the Park added fuel. In the third or fourth meeting there, the kissing extended to his touches on my whole body
and inside my dress. Guru-ji, believe me, each day I made up my mind when I met him that today I would not indulge
in intent body contact, but…

Guru-ji: Hmm. Linga Maharaj wants to know Beti how far you have proceeded? Have you gone to bed…

Shilpa: Ssssssssssss. No, Guru-ji. Never.

There was pin drop silence in the room. Guru-ji still standing on one leg with his hands up in the air in folded form,
but the bulge within his brief had grown further and was looking so very odd. It looked like a thick pole covered by
a rag.
Shilpa: Guru-ji, believe me, we chat mostly, but most times there is a couple nearby in the Park doing spicy things
and we get influenced also. He has touched me over my dress, but not directly… err… I mean…

Shilpa paused a little and Guru-ji threw a very indecent question at her.

Guru-ji: Have you touched your boyfriend’s tool?

Saying that he indicated with his eyes to his lund and Shilpa immediately blushed, and blushed very heavily. I was
also feeling a hardening of my nipples within my blouse and bra and simultaneously felt an itching in my pussy.

Guru-ji: What happened Beti? You told your boyfriend has touched you on your breasts, but did you not touch his

Shilpa nodded, negatively.

Guru-ji: Tell the truth. You are in front of Linga Maharaj.

Shilpa was again silent for a while and was looking down at the floor. Then she let the cat out of the bag.

Shilpa: Guru-ji, you know everything. Yes, he touched me inside my inner wear and I also felt his manhood. While in
the Park everything was restricted to kissing and cuddling me over my dress, though at times he inserted his hand
within my top, but I always tried to avoid such situations. But when we started going to the Waterworld, we got
closer. As we started spending time in the pool, I could not resist when he came closer to me in the water. And
under the water, he touches me everywhere over my costume and Guru-ji, I also touched and felt his tool over his
brief under the water.

There was a slight pause as Shilpa took a long breath and then continued her confession.

Shilpa: Naturally I longed for his touches, but one day things went a bit too far and I immediately made
restrictions on his approaches and he also told sorry to me for what he did. In the Waterpark the costume
changing rooms for boys and girls are side by side and these are small rooms for individuals. On weekdays in any
case the crowd in the pool is very thin and that day due to heavy rains it was very sparse. The changing room area
was also very desolate and the guard was also not there probably due to rains. As I was half way done in the
changing room, I heard a knock and the voice of …

Shilpa avoided naming his boyfriend.

Shilpa: I opened the door slightly and he just pushed in. I was just clad in the same way as I am now. I was about to
wear the costume over my undergarments that he entered. He had already changed into his brief and he embraced
and started kissing me. Guru-ji, I tried to escape, but being almost I mean err… naked, each of his touches made
me so weak...

Shilpa was silent as she lowered her head.

Shilpa: Guru-ji, for the first time I got touches inside my undergarments, and so you can understand my condition.
The fear factor was also working and I literally threw him out seeing no one outside the changing room and
fortunately the episode was over.

Guru-ji: Did he not try to do anything more?

Shilpa: He almost tore off my, I mean…. my inner wears, but due to my strict resistance he could only pull it up

Guru-ji: And what about?

Guru-ji indicated through his eyes towards Shilpa’s panty. How outrageous! But little could this teenage girl do.

Shilpa: Yes, err… Guru-ji, I mean he pulled it down, but I quickly recovered before he could do anything more.

Guru-ji: Hmm. So he saw your choot? Did you see his lund?

I was struck by thunder listening to such direct words from Guru-ji’s mouth. Shilpa also was not prepared to reply
to such direct things. It was a very clumsy situation for her, I understood. In fact I was feeling heat in my ears
hearing to such a question. Shilpa could only reply after a while with a drooped face.

Shilpa: No Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: But you must have felt it with your hand in such a situation.

Shilpa: He forced me to touch his…

Guru-ji: Okay. Its good to know that you saved your virginity. But this conclusively proves Beti why you are
distracted from your studies. But you also must keep in mind that before your marriage a physical relation or even
a boy kissing you or touching your body are not within accepted norms of our culture and society. Right?

Shilpa: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: So, you better keep distance from your boyfriend, but do not spoil the relation if you really like him. And
as you have confessed your mind to me in the presence of Linga Maharaj, you are through with half of the “dosha
khandan” process.

Shilpa nodded and smiled for the first time after a gap, visibly much relieved.

Guru-ji: Okay then. Anita, can you please get my Beti ready for the rest of the yagya?

I nodded, but questionably looked at Guru-ji not knowing exactly what to do now. He read my face.

Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, now I shall alleviate you from your distraction. You were sidetracked in the mantra chanting
and worshipping sessions to Linga Maharaj and now offering yourself to him, you would get rid of your indulgences.

Shilpa, not understanding anything, nodded affirmatively.

Guru-ji: Anita, stretch the sari that Nandini had given you on the floor here and apply the sandalwood paste on her

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

I stretched the sari that Mrs. Yadav gave me on the floor where Guru-ji indicated and indicated Shilpa to come
and sit there.

Shilpa: But this is not my mother’s sari.

Guru-ji: Beti, I know. I asked Nandini to buy a white sari for yagya purpose.

Me: Yes, this looks more of a widow sari.

Shilpa lied down on the white sari. Her bra-covered boobs were appearing like two peaks. I took the big bowl in
which Guru-ji had prepared the sandalwood paste.

Guru-ji: Anita, now you can take that cloth off her waist.

Shilpa reluctantly lifted her buttocks and I pulled off the last decent clothing from her body. Though her white
panty could clearly be seen while she was draped in that cloth, still it must have been giving this 16-year-old girl
some comfort in front of Guru-ji. Now she was in an absolute two-piece – clad only in her bra and panty. She
immediately kept her right hand on her panty to save some honor. I took the sandalwood paste in my right hand and
started rubbing it on her forehead and cheeks. Then completing that I came down to her neck and her upper chest
area. The color of sandal and her wheat-colored breast area were as if complementing each other. I naughtily put
some sandalwood in between her bra cups in her cleavage. Shilpa was not even in a position to smile at this point.

Guru-ji was sitting now in front of the yagya fire and had his eyes closed. Seeing that Shilpa raised her head
slightly to tell me something.

Shilpa: Aunty, why am I being rubbed sandalwood on the whole body?

I nodded negatively to her whisper. Then she asked a very obvious question.

Shilpa: Aunty, shall I have to remove my… ?

Shilpa asked indicating towards her undergarments and I really had no reply to that because if the doctor ordered,
no way she could shun that. Shilpa probably understood what I meant from my facial expression and put her head
back on the floor. I had completed layering her abdomen with the paste and her body was filled with the sweet
fragrance of sandalwood. Now I started rubbing the paste on her naked thighs and I could feel she was shivering
to my touch on her bare skin. I noticed Guru-ji had opened his eyes and shouted “Jai Linga Maharaj!”

Me: Guru-ji, do I need to rub it on her back also?

Guru-ji: No, only on her frontal part. Thanks Anita. Now you can sit aside.

Guru-ji alighted from his sitting posture and his manhood was still very awkwardly poking out of his brief. His
gigantic naked hairy body was looking rather fearsome in the glow of the fire. He came and sat by Shilpa. I noticed
Shilpa had already closed her eyes. This time I noticed Guru-ji was proactive in his approach. Shilpa was lying in
front of her on the white sari wearing only her bare necessities. He threw some flower petals on her body and
chanted some mantras and went towards her feet.

Guru-ji: Beti, first I will wipe your “dosha” from your body surface. You remain in the same position as you are. I
will do the needful.

Shilpa remained silent and I was shocked to see Guru-ji now kneeling over her feet and started licking her and
giving her no chance to react or move, he gripped her naked legs firmly with both hands and was licking up the
sandalwood that I had massaged on her moments ago. His tongue was sticking way out and briskly moving on the
sexy teenage girl’s smooth skin. Naturally her body was mildly shaking with each stroke of Guru-ji’s wet tongue on
her legs. I could see her fisted hands and she was clenching her teeth to control her emotions. The male wet
tongue must have made her libido flow, which was just about very natural in any female.

I could very well understand Shilpa’s condition. She was an unmarried girl and myself being a married woman and
vividly experienced about sex still gets a shiver each time my husband did this act. Though not a very regular
feature in our conjugal life, but my hubby had given me this pleasure a number of times. One thing I don’t like
about my husband’s approach while licking my naked legs and thighs is that he wants to do this making me fully nude
on bed, but I prefer to enjoy this being in at least some kind of clothing. It’s probably my natural womanly shyness,
which compels me to think that way, because when am allowing a man to sniff my thighs, its most likely that I am
naked in his arms, but my problem is that when my husband skims his lips and nose on my legs, his hand constantly
rubs and pulls my pubic hair, which makes me very, very uncomfortable. Hence for me it is always a better
experience in this sort of love making if I am wearing a panty, but seldom could I do that.

Guru-ji was very eagerly licking the sandalwood off the well-formed legs of Shilpa. His hands were kept on both
sides of her legs to keep his body balance. I could see the prick within Guru-ji’s brief getting stiffer and more
prominent. Quite natural, I thought. He might be a god-man, but a human after all. Guru-ji was already up around
her knees and his tongue was gliding and sweeping her well-formed thighs. Her teenage skin was naturally very taut
and I thought Guru-ji surely was having a wonderful time. Guru-ji now gave a halt and chanted some mantras loudly
and then again became engaged in licking the naked legs of this sexy teenage girl lying on the floor in a bikini as if.
Shilpa remained stationary in her posture with her eyes tightly closed and a fully blushed face. As Guru-ji was
nearing her panty-covered crotch crossing her marble like thighs, he lifted his head to say something.

Guru-ji: Uncross your legs a bit Beti.

Shilpa opened her eyes with a question mark on her face. I was certain that she could realize that if she spreads
her legs, Guru-ji would surely put his head between her legs. She was naturally very hesitant.

Guru-ji: Beti I need to perform the act properly. You must unfold fully before me and not shy at all.

I was watching all along. Shilpa very reluctantly uncrossed her legs before Guru-ji’s eyes, but he was not fully
satisfied and Guru-ji somewhat forcefully parted Shilpa’s nude legs creating a triangular gap between her legs.
Before she could say anything, Guru-ji shouted “Jai Linga Maharaj” and placed his head near her love spot and
started licking the inner sides of her milky white thighs.

Shilpa: Uhhhhhhhhh! Guru-jiiiiii!

Guru-ji paused again and lifted his head.

Guru-ji: Beti, just keep recite this mantra in your mind and do not concentrate on your physical emotions.

Saying that he gave a six-word mantra to Shilpa and she started murmuring that while Guru-ji continued his sexy
act. I could see Guru-ji’s tongue lapping up the last bit of the sandalwood from Shilpa’s upper thighs. Guru-ji’s
mouth was now dangerously close to her panty and Shilpa was visibly very uncomfortable and was shifting and
moving on the floor. Guru-ji’s nose was poking her now at a position, which always remain covered by clothes – for
that matter not only for her, for any woman, for me also. Guru-ji’s tongue was now actually roaming on her upper
thighs, very up, just below her panty and even if a girl wears a miniskirt, this part of her body would surely remain
covered, and to have a male tongue and nose probe that area would surely make any woman go crazy in excitement.
Shilpa was no exceptional and she was giving out moans and screams loudly.

I noticed Guru-ji avoided touching Shilpa’s love spot, but made Shilpa more crazy, as he shifted his attention to
her sandalwood paste covered navel and belly. At the same time, now Guru-ji was almost over Shilpa’s body also and
the scene definitely would remind me my husband climbing my body on bed for a steamy intercourse session. I was
myself breathing very heavily now seeing all this in front of my eyes and I felt the same tightness slowly again
within my bra when I was enjoyed by Mr. Yadav an hour back. I would never forget the way he molested me in the
toilet and the way I jerked made him masturbate to save myself getting fucked.

Guru-ji was now almost complete with his licking the middle part of Shilpa’s body. Now as he proceeded further, he
was stretching his body on Shilpa’s tender body and things were really looking very hot. Though Guru-ji was
chanting mantras from time to time, but my focus was now fully physical. Shilpa was murmuring the mantra, which
Guru-ji gave her minutes ago, but how can a girl concentrate on anything else when a male is licking her body? He
now completed licking Shilpa’s neck and shoulder and was almost over her face. For the first time, I noticed Guru-ji
placed his body weight on Shilpa lying on the floor and he started licking gently her forehead. The sandalwood was
briskly vanishing as Guru-ji’s tongue was slurping her skin.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji uttered this and now did exactly as my husband would do on bed, i.e. placed his full body weight over
Shilpa’s body and with some slight adjustments made sure his lund was exactly over her panty-covered honey pot!
Guru-ji’s heavy flat chest was now crushing her bra clad budding boobs as his body lay over her. The way Shilpa was
uncrossing her legs I could easily realize that she was fully excited by this continuous male intrusion on her body. I
tilted my head a bit to see the whole scene and saw Guru-ji held Shilpa’s face with both hands. Shilpa’s eyes were
closed. And, then Guru-ji slowly proceeded to meet Shilpa’s lips! Guru-ji was kissing Shilpa. Initially like any woman,
Shilpa was a bit hesitant, but probably due to Guru-ji’s personality, she succumbed in fear and respect.

The kiss was slow, but long. I was sitting and watching all this with a dry throat, honestly wanting to be touched
again, but obviously not the way Mr. Yadav treated me. I could still feel his lips on mine when he was enjoying my
youthful body in the toilet. Seeing I am not watched I scratched and rubbed my pussy a bit over my sari and
adjusted my sitting position and parted my legs a bit. Guru-ji on the other hand was making very definite moves.
The kissing was complete and Guru-ji lifted his head off Shilpa’s wet lips. Shilpa was virtually gasping for a breath
after being kissed by a personality like Guru-ji. Her face though depicted she enjoyed the lip lock, but the fear and
astonishment was also telling on her face. Guru-ji now pulled his body off her body and sat beside him.

Guru-ji: Beti, now I will help you relieve from all distractions and “dosha” from your mind and body. I noticed you
were shivering while I was cleaning your lips. Why? What are you afraid of Beti?

Shilpa: Err, yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Why Beti, did you got afraid when your boyfriend kissed you? I must follow the “dosha khandan” norms of
the yagya, otherwise Linga Maharaj would be unhappy and not only you, I will suffer in life too. So, instead of being
afraid, you just relax Beti.

Shilpa just nodded her head. Guru-ji continued.

Guru-ji: For example, just see how long you have been in this two piece garment? You were feeling shy and afraid
initially, are you feeling that much shyness now? No. So, do not bend your mind on these aspects, just worship the
mantra that I gave you in your mind and let me do whatever is needed to clean your soul.

Shilpa looked visibly very shy again, as Guru-ji reminded her that’s she is only wearing her bra and panty and
nothing else and a pair of male eyes was watching her constantly. She could not answer anything.

Guru-ji: Yes, I know there is a ‘but’ in your mind and that’s why you are getting distracted each time. I want you to
attain that ultimate level so that your distraction ends.
Shilpa: How Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Just close your eyes, murmur the mantra, and respond to my actions. No ifs, no buts, no questions. Okay?

Shilpa nodded not knowing she actually signed the visa for Guru-ji to enjoy her sexy virgin body.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Beti, close your eyes and worship the mantra again and again till I say to stop. In “dosha
khandan” the next step is to wipe out the salt off your body. Anita, can you pass me that bowl please.

I was not prepared for any command from Guru-ji at this stage and was not expecting he would look at me also. I
fumbled a bit, as I was then feeling and pressing my nipples over my blouse with my right hand, actually quite
turned on seeing Guru-ji’s hot acts with Shilpa, but tried to quickly recover.

Me: Yee. Yes Guru-ji.

I alighted quickly and picked up the bowl of herbal water from beside the yagya fire and went in front of Guru-ji.
He took the bowl, but indicated with his eyes towards my gaand. I was heavily surprised at his gesture. I looked
with a question mark on my face at him and he without spending a word turned me slightly by holding my thigh area
towards my right side and with his hand pulled out my sari that was tucking in my ass crack. I virtually flushed, as I
was feeling so ashamed to be caught and corrected like that so openly by a male. Since I alighted quickly from my
sitting position I did not remember to straighten the sari over my hips and my sari remained tucked in my ass crack
as I walked before him. I very well knew I look pretty much indecent when this happens, more so since I possess a
rather heavy gaand. I turned red naturally in shyness like a newly married bride standing before this Godman and
my eyes automatically dropped towards the floor.

It was not the first time this has happened though I try to remain alert in most instances when I stand up from a
prolonged sitting posture, but there were occasions when I missed, like today. The other problem especially for me
as I mentioned before is my panties not fitting properly on my buttocks and slipping into my ass crack, which
fosters this. Once I remember I went to the market via a bus and got the window seat and when I alighted from
the bus I was unaware that my sari had tucked within my ass crack. That day also my panty must have slid into my
deep ass crack and I loitered the whole market like that and every male must have had a feast for their eyes with
my swinging heavy hips making the scene more alluring. I was made aware only when a female customer at a
cosmetics shop alerted me. But honestly, never ever in my life did a man have the courage to indicate me that my
sari was sticking in my ass - not even my husband. I believe my husband must have seen me doing daily household
chores many a times and once or twice when I was unmindful ‘this’ must have happened, but…

Wait! Wait!

Then did he purposefully not alert me and watched me walking in front of his eyes with my sari tucked in my ass
crack? ‘Rajesh! You naughty brute’, I murmured within myself.

I came back to my senses as Guru-ji started narrating mantras as he sprinkled the water on Shilpa’s body and
indicated me to get back to my position. In no time I noticed Shilpa’s body got wet and Guru-ji was cleaning the last
bit of sandalwood off her shinning naked skin. It seemed someone was buttering bread with a knife, as Guru-ji’s
right hand effortlessly worked on her almost naked body. Shilpa remained on the floor in the lying position with her
eyes closed, but was shaking just a little to the touches of Guru-ji on her thighs, navel, belly, and neck. I noted her
bra and panty were getting wet as Guru-ji was sprinkling ample water on her body. Now I could clearly see her
nipple impressions over her semi-wet white brassiere. She must be quite heated up through Guru-ji’s prolonged
licking. The watering episode was over.

Guru-ji now was watching Shilpa intently sitting just beside her on the white sari spread on the floor. I observed
Guru-ji looked down and feasted his eyes under Shilpa’s deep cleavage. Her fair and taut skin, being watered,
looked shinning and very, very inviting. Now Guru-ji was on his knees and balanced with his hands on the floor on
both sides of Shilpa’s body and bent down over her face. What would he do I wondered? He gently touched and
kissed both her ears. I saw Shilpa’s whole body trembled to his touch. Then his lips grazed down her cheeks and
moved to her neckline and kissed her all over my neck. Shilpa was gasping now and her legs getting gently parted. I
was pretty sure now what was in store for this teenage virgin girl.

I was no doubt enjoying this sort of a love scene. Guru-ji then kissed Shilpa’s hands. His lips grazed her whole
naked arms, one by one, up to her armpits. The kissing and touching was very slow. I could see Shilpa breathing very
heavily now because I feel this was for the first time she was touched by a male in her lying position wearing such
scanty dress. Guru-ji completed this process touching her navel, thighs, and knees. Then he sat down near her legs
and took Shilpa’s left leg in his lap. I saw Guru-ji’s lund was very erect by now within his mini brief and he
deliberately made Shilpa’s naked foot touch his lund!

He closed his eyes for sometime probably feeling her feet on her covered manhood and then lovingly did the same
to her right leg. Then what Guru-ji did would make any woman go wild with excitement. He simply lifted her feet
and started licking the sole of her feet!

Shilpa: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Guru-ji. Please.

Shilpa uttered in ecstasy, which was very natural. She was moving her hips on the floor forcefully with each of
Guru-ji’s tongue stroke on her foot sole and with her foot up in the air in Guru-ji’s hands and her hip gyrating, the
scene looked utterly vulgar. I had to drop my eyes for a moment, but action continued. Guru-ji did the same
process with her other foot and Shilpa must have been already wet within her panty. She had her eyes closed – I
was not sure what the exact reason was – may be in shame or in sexual delight or both.

I observed Guru-ji acted cleverly and did not give Shilpa even a moment to respite and made her stand up. Shilpa
could not meet my eyes and was looking at the floor. Guru-ji’s now positioned himself right behind her. Very clearly,
his erect manhood was poking Shilpa’s bulging ass cheeks. Guru-ji encircled her with his large muscular arms feeling
her upper belly region. I noticed Guru-ji was whispering something in her ear, which I was unable to hear. Shilpa
stood motionless with her eyes tightly closed and lips murmuring, probably the mantra Guru-ji told her to narrate
in her mind. Guru-ji’s fingers for the first time crawled on the most sensitive part of a female body, her love spot.
Guru-ji was slowly moving his fingers on Shilpa’s panty covered pussy. Shilpa leant back on Guru-ji’s body and seeing
the scene my nipples were then and there rock hard piercing the fabric of my bra. I subtly adjusted my blouse and
bra to be somewhat comfortable.

Guru-ji by that time had made Shilpa more uncomfortable by unhooking her bra, which resulted in a weak protest
from her.

Shilpa: Guru-ji please, I am feeling so …

Guru-ji: Beti, you must have the mental makeup to sacrifice physically to Linga Maharaj. And what is the shame in
front of me? I hope you are not feeling any discomfort due to your Anita’s presence?

Now as Shilpa made the slightest movement within Guru-ji’s arms, her open bra was accenting the jiggling of her
youthful mammaries.

Shilpa: No, no, am okay in front of aunty, but…

She was still leaning on Guru-ji’s body while speaking and Guru-ji was also replying while moving his fingers on her
lower belly region. That was the height, I thought.
Guru-ji: Beti, this is not the first time I am executing this “dosha khandan”. Isn’t it? What is your age? 16 or 17.
Women of your mother’s age during “dosha khandan” has to open their undergarments in front of me. That’s the
norm Beti. And if they don’t shy, why are you getting so withdrawn?

Shilpa: But…

Shilpa was still trying to put up an argument, when Guru-ji suddenly inserted his fingers within her panty and
started scratching her pussy area.

Shilpa: Ouch! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The scene was extremely hot and now Shilpa was virtually struggling and gasping with an open bra and a male hand
within her panty front. Guru-ji was executing each step very tactfully.

Guru-ji: Beti, if you really feel very shy, do one thing. Close your eyes and keep your arms crossed over your yoni.

I was amazed to see Guru-ji advising the girl with his hand inserted within her panty. Shilpa was still not convinced,
which was natural a girl for her age.

Shilpa: No, no Guru-ji, I can’t…

Saying that she did something, which was very unexpected. She turned towards Guru-ji and hugged him and buried
her face in his flat broad chest in shame. Guru-ji had to take out his hand off her panty and could not react for a
moment, but recovered quickly.

Guru-ji: Beti, don’t feel shy. See your aunty is smiling at you.

Definitely I was not smiling. But as Guru-ji and Shilpa both turned to me I had to smile and say something.

Me: Yes Shilpa…

I could not say anything more. In fact, what would I say? ‘Yes, go ahead, open your undergarments and become
naked.’ How can I say that to a female, being a woman myself? Though Shilpa was by then virtually naked with her
open bra through which all the beauty of her twin boobs were very evident and her panty just clinging somehow to
her trunk. Guru-ji completed my incomplete sentence.

Guru-ji: Now that your aunty also nodded, you should not feel shy anymore.

Saying that he distanced himself from Shilpa and honestly she looked hopeless. She stood with her head down,
fully open back with the bra strap and hook almost vanishing below her armpits, and arms crossed to cover some

Guru-ji: Beti, don’t waste time. Open your undergarments. Get naked.

Shilpa remained static and Guru-ji repeated his order with a stern voice.

Guru-ji: Nangi… I said.

Shilpa slowly started peeling off her open bra from her attractive breasts and when she dropped her bra to the
ground, her boobs looked like two fresh pomegranate bokey. Her boobs were very tight and they were handful in
size and looking very sexy with the standing pink nipples on them. I noticed Guru-ji was seemed enthralled by their
beauty – afterall, naked boobs of a 16-year-old girl and that too of a girl like Shilpa, who possessed a very
developed figure.

Then she bent a bit and started pulling down her panty from her waist. The scene was extremely alluring for any
male, I know, as when we women do this, our boobs hang like pendulum in the air. Personally I always try to avoid
this, even while changing in front of a female, as I look very awkward especially with my hanging mammaries. Shilpa
looked damn sexy in that posture and I saw Guru-ji’s lund was growing in strength within his brief and it was looking
absolutely like a tent. Ultimately she got out of her last clothing and stood stark naked in front of Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: That’s like a good girl. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Saying that he almost jumped to Shilpa’s naked flesh and hugged her. Shilpa’s naked body was shivering at his
touches, which was visually very evident. Guru-ji knelt down and buried his face deep in her belly. He was rubbing
his face there and Shilpa started to moan, naturally. Guru-ji was now getting excited with every move and
feverishly licking all her flat smooth stomach while his hands were caressing and squeezing Shilpa’s naked ass
cheeks. Shilpa also now slowly initiated responding to this Godman’s sexual desires. She gradually put her hands on
his head, for support I guess.

My eyes were popping out seeing this naked skin show. Guru-ji’s hairy and muscular body was already naked except
for his mini brief holding his erect penis and now this 16-year-old girl with a very developing figure had not a
thread on her body! I watched Guru-ji putting his tongue in her navel and was circling it making Shilpa go wild in
excitement. For me it was an unbelievable experience. I had never seen such lovemaking LIVE, if I could term it.
Guru-ji quickly was up again and now he focussed to the most obvious thing, Shilpa’s twin peaks. Her tight hooters
were in front on his eyes and very near his lips. Guru-ji’s mouth remained wide open for a while looking at her tight
boobies. He put his mouth to one of her boobs and straightway started sucking the nipple and with the other hand
did what men loves doing the most – squeezed her other boob.

Shilpa: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! My god! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!

Naturally Guru-ji’s heavy dose of squeezing and licking had made Shilpa, like any woman, go wild in stimulation.
Guru-ji virtually attacked Shilpa’s jiggling young naked boobs with his mouth, lips, tongue, and hands. This went on
for some minutes leaving Shilpa panting. Guru-ji was not at all giving a chance to Shilpa for a breather and was onto
his next act. Now his right hand moved to her round ass and continued squeezing them till they turned red! After
that he hugged her again and probably to give himself some breathing space. He hugged her tight and her boobs
were crushing against his chest. Shilpa also, I saw, wrapped her hands around his neck and Guru-ji’s both hands
were caressing her naked scratch-less back and firm buttocks.

Guru-ji pushed his pelvis against her pussy and pulled her closer to him. Clearly now Guru-ji lund was knocking on
her bare choot. Guru-ji now slowly made her lie down on the sari on the floor and he followed suit lying on top of
her. Guru-ji was now openly kissing Shilpa on the lips and was also licking her face, kissed her neck and of course
was cupping and crushing her twin mangoes at his free will. I was getting restless now, as Guru-ji was spending
plenty of time on this and my condition was getting torrid by the moment. I felt like uncrossing my leg widely and
scratch my pussy. My bra was getting tighter seeing the steamy action in my front, but I could not open it also to
make free my firm balls.

Shilpa: Aaaaaaah! Oiiiiiiiiii Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Guru-ji probably gave a hard bite on Shilpa’s boob and hence such a reaction from her. I thought in my mind, which
male would leave this opportunity when he has got such a sexy girl completely naked under him? Guru-ji was now
going down from her boobs and I saw that Shilpa’s both breasts were glistening with Guru-ji’s saliva and her nipples
were absolutely upright and taut. In fact, my position was also not far way from Shilpa in terms of nipple erection
if I open my blouse and bra now. They had also raised their heads fully within my tight bra. Guru-ji quickly was up
to his next subject and his tongue started probing the young girl’s pussy area.

Shilpa: Nooooooooo. Noooooooo. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease.

Shilpa’s request fell to deaf ears as Guru-ji held her both hands with his strong muscular hands and vehemently
licked her pussy area through her thin pubic hairs. He kept licking and licking and kept moving down inserting his
tongue into her pussy now. Shilpa practically went mad in excitement and was squirming left and right on the white
sari on the floor and kept moving her naked ass up and up. As Guru-ji’s head descended from her pussy towards her
milky thighs, I could see her pussy juices shinning on her inner thighs. Shilpa was moaning very loudly now and I
doubted the sound would go outside the room. But since the puja ghar was at a remote corner of the house, there
is little chance it would go to her parent’s ears. She was jerking more her ass in the upward motion in order to meet
more of Guru-ji’s tongue.

Now it was time for Guru-ji to show his erect and thick manhood to Shilpa and of course me who was the spectator
and my eyes almost popped out seeing the thickness of his lund.

Me: My god! What size!

I mumbled to myself. Shilpa must have fainted if she saw that. Alas! Guru-ji doesn’t have a wife, I thought; she
would surely feast on that proud manhood each night. Guru-ji became completely naked by throwing his brief to the
floor and it landed just inches away from me and I could see the orange brief was wet with stains of precum. I
could not take away my eyes off his lund, as it was so stout and looked like a polished rod. It must be at least 8-9
inches clean in length. Before coming to ashram, I had only seen my hubby’s erect prick, but after coming to ashram
I have seen and felt more than one male tools, but I am sure this looked the ‘best’. Shilpa was not in a position to
see Guru-ji’s open lund, as she still had her eyes closed. A virgin girl would not know actually what that lund meant
to me, a married woman, who has taken a male dick many a times. Involuntarily I was twisting my tongue on my lips
seeing Guru-ji’s open jiggling pole, but as soon as I realized that, I felt so shy about my shamelessness. I was
pretty sure that Guru-ji’s penis would tear Shilpa’s cunt apart.

I could sense that the lovemaking of Guru-ji and Shilpa was reaching the climax. With his hands he started
spreading her legs further and lifted them as well. Guru-ji now held her legs up and put them on his shoulders.
Shilpa had to open her eyes to this act. She looked at Guru-ji and instantly dropped her eyes in shame. Guru-ji
twisted and pinched her nipples once casually as if he was cuddling the cheeks of a baby! He brought his upright
dick near her choot, adjusted the tip onto the right hole and very slowly initiated to push it inside.

Shilpa: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Loud moans were coming out of Shilpa’s open mouth and she held Guru-ji’s hairs in ecstasy. Since Shilpa was a
virgin, Guru-ji naturally could not enter at the first attempt. He spread her cunt lips with one hand and holding his
penis with other hand, pushed it harder and this time and a very loud scream came out of Shilpa’s mouth. Guru-ji
quickly glanced at the closed door of the room and then quickly kept his mouth over Shilpa’s lips to shut her
screaming. I could realize it must have been a very painful experience for the teenage girl, more so due to this
mammoth piston trying to enter her hole. I am pretty sure that even matured experienced women would fumble
taking this tool within their holes. Guru-ji was careful enough not to hurt too much to Shilpa and was stroking very
gently and kissing her continuously and simultaneously twisting her nipples to get the maximum discharge off her

Shilpa: Ooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ufffffffffffffffffffffffffff!

Shilpa was struggling near Guru-ji’s heavy stature and writhing in pain. Their nude boides about to copulate looked
like heavenly bodies in the golden glow of the yagya fire. I was almost mesmerized by the scene. They both were
sweating profusely in the heat of the fire and their won body heat due to the sexual act. Guru-ji now was
increasing the thrust and while Shilpa constantly moaned and cried I noticed drops of blood on the white sari below
Shilpa’s bottom. I could well realize that her virginity was broken. Guru-ji did not stop for a moment at her
screaming and slowly pushed his dick into her vagina more and more. Shilpa was struggling as if like a chicken when
cut in a meat shop. I was feeling pity for her as I could very well realize the pain taking that huge tool into her
very tight pussy. After quite some time Shilpa seemed to be enjoying Guru-ji’s strokes and the white sari was red
with bright blood from Shilpa’s pussy. I was spellbound seeing the scene, the first time I saw an intercourse
session in front of my eyes. Guru-ji had also shifted his mouth off Shilpa’s lips, as she was feeling less pain and
screaming less. I saw Guru-ji’s huge palms were covering both her erect boobs and were being kneading heavily as
he pumped into her.

Guru-ji was now gasping for the first time and I realized he was loading off his semen into Shilpa’s honey pot.
Shilpa was again moaning in sheer ecstasy. I remembered my first sexual experience with my husband and that
night I also had a tremendous experience of fun, pain, tears, and excitement like Shilpa had today. But honestly I
missed Guru-ji’s stout piston, as my husband’s tool was just a normal 6-inch erect penis and certainly not as
‘healthy’ as Guru-ji’s. Both their bodies now came to a halt slowly – utterly exhausted – both were sweating
profusely in the heat of the yagya fire. Guru-ji’s body lay over Shilpa’s nude 16-year-old stationary body after the
long sexual act was complete and they both had their eyes closed.

My mind was again and again hovering around Guru-ji’s manhood, as I had never seen such a thing in my life! It was
not that I had not seen pron VCDs, which my husband used to bring, but the penises of the actors there were no
match to Guru-ji. Even in the desi CD, which I watched in Shilpa’s bedroom, when the camera zoomed on the male
actor’s genitals for some seconds, I noticed he possessed a mediocre sized penis like my husband. In its full form,
which I saw as he was about to pin Shilpa, his bare lund was so stout, firm, and bursting, and the penis bulb was so
broad – I could not obliterate that off my eyes! I was feeling so very hot and uncomfortable, as my panty was
soaked with my juices and my globes very taut and firm within my blouse.

Noting that both Guru-ji and Shilpa had their eyes closed, though Shilpa was still moaning in her lying position, I
quickly once scratched my pussy over my sari though I was simply feeling like fingering it. Then I lowered my sari
pallu for a moment and adjusted my bra to breathe a bit easy. A thought had already started to bug my mind
although I knew myself being a married woman, I should refrain from such taboo thoughts, but it kept hovering my
mind. My want was simple – to have Guru-ji’s healthy lund at least once in my choot.

I rebuked myself for thinking in such derogatory lines and only thinking about my physical pleasure rather than the
original motto of coming to the ashram of being treated for pregnancy. How could I be so dishonest to my husband
Rajesh who loves me so much? Whatever I had undergone in the ashram recently I believe was part of the
treatment. Yes, I agree during that process I behaved very shamelessly to undress in front of unknown male and I
was touched, groped, and fondled by more than one male. But that was treatment afterall as per Guru-ji’s
instructions, which I could not deviate from. One error I can accept is the affair with Uday crossing the limits of
normalcy and beyond Guru-ji’s directives, as I was rather carried away by Uday’s physique and personality. I
reorganized myself talking within me and tried to control my desire.

Guru-ji alighted from his lying position; he was still stark naked and even in the unexcited position I saw his lund
was hanging like a big banana. I was looking at that intently and suddenly as I raised my eyes, they meet Guru-ji’s
eyes and I immediately lowered my eyelids in shame. Didi Guru-ji caught my gazing at his bare manhood? He
alighted from his position and showing his naked ass to me performed a ‘pranam’ to Linga Maharaj and the yagya
fire. Shilpa was now trying to get up and I thought I should help her. She was lying naked on the white sari with
ample stains of bright red blood. I do not have words to describe her condition. Guru-ji’s semen was still flowing
out of her pussy and into her thighs. I took a white cloth and approached her.
Guru-ji: Shilpa Beti, now you are pure. “Dosha Khandan” is complete. I think you will not have the distractions you
were having prior now that you know what the secret is.

Shilpa was not in a position to answer anything, as she could not yet have recovered from the fact that she has lost
her virginity moments ago in the hands of Guru-ji! I wiped her body especially her boobs, lips, and her pelvic region.
Guru-ji handed me a bowl of hot water and I cleansed her pussy area in a minute, which was covered with blood,
Guru-ji’s semen, and her own juices. Then I washed her face, her swollen boobs, and thighs and I could realize she
felt refreshed. As I cleaned her, I was getting the same mixed odour from Shilpa’s vagina that I get from my
pussy after my husband completes fucking me on bed.

Guru-ji: Anita, first use this patch in her vagina and the pain will go and then give this pill.

Saying that Guru-ji handed me a tube, which was a gel to be applied in her vagina and a tablet for her to swallow.
Shilpa recovered remarkably from Guru-ji’s medications in some minutes and I helped her to stand erect on the
floor. Guru-ji was getting dressed and I quickly took a last peep at his banana before it was covered by his brief
and saffron dhoti. I could not stop transmitting a breath of shyness. Shilpa probably was used to nakedness now.
She was a 16-year-old girl with blooming assets, but was not much bothered about her completely bare body in our
presence. But I was feeling very awkward, as Guru-ji and myself were fully dressed. I picked up her undergarments
first to get her cover her private parts.

Shilpa: Aunty, please.

She seemed unwilling to wear her inner wear.

Me: But Shilpa, you must wear this. Other people will soon come here.

Saying that I pointed to her bra, but Shilpa nodded her head again. I could realize she was thoroughly exhausted.

Shilpa: Aunty, my whole body is aching. Ufff!

Me: But Shilpa, how can you go without a bra in front of others. What will you parents think?

Guru-ji: Beti, you aunty is speaking sense.

Shilpa had no other option but to agree to wear her bra. I put her white bra on her young jiggling boobs and then
helped her wear the salwar kamiz. Guru-ji removed the blood stained white sari from the floor and everything
looked so normal again!

Nothing much happened in Mr. Yadav’s house after that, though the landlord did not miss one last opportunity to
take hold of me before I left his house. But before that episode, we all had the ‘prasad’ together, which Sanjeev
had cooked. It was delicious. Mr. Yadav was drunk, but was not ‘out’. He thankfully did not misbehave. Mrs. Yadav
visibly looked pretty happy and why not? The way she was involved in lovemaking with Sanjeev, I wonder when I was
in the puja ghar during Shilpa’s fucking, what those two were doing!

I was having a difficult sleep throughout the night and was distracted time and again by the royal fucking that I
saw before my eyes. Oh! What a size! I recapped again in my dream about Guru-ji’s erect penis and I was calling
that in my dream with the name of “Lund Maharaj”! I got up early in the morning as Guru-ji had mentioned that we
would move off from Mr. Yadav’s place early. I went to toilet and got refreshed. Near about that time there was a
knock at the door and I heard Sanjeev’s voice. I opened the door slightly as I was wearing only my nightdress and
no undergarments beneath.
Sanjeev: Madam, we are ready. You come down to the dining hall.

He went away and I got dressed and went downstairs. I could see Mrs. And Mr. Yadav along with Shilpa and Guru-ji
there. All were present.

Mrs. Yadav: Good morning. Hope you had a nice sleep.

I nodded and took my cup of tea.

Guru-ji: Nandini, you were saying you wanted to place a Hanuman deity in the puja ghar. I think Sanjeev can guide
you where to place it and which way to face it. Sanjeev, if you can please…

Sanjeev: Most certainly Guru-ji.

Mrs. Yadav: Okay Guru-ji. We will be back in 5 minutes then.

Guru-ji: Sure.

I saw Mrs. Yadav and Sanjeev left the dining hall and Mrs. Yadav looked more than happy to get this chance to be
with Sanjeev one last time before he leaves. Everybody except Shilpa seemed to be looking at their departure
path, which was underlined by Mrs., Yadav’s swaying hips under her tightly worn sari. Shilpa appeared to be
unmindful, obviously still not out of her virginity loss episode and she must have hid that fact from her parents.

Guru-ji: Anita, you have not seen the small temple of their home-god, isn’t it?

I nodded negatively.

Guru-ji: It’s a wonderful small structure, worth seeing once. Kumar why don’t you show that to her by the time
Sanjeev is back from upstairs?

Mr. Yadav: Surely Guru-ji. My pleasure. Come Anita.

I noticed Mr. Yadav suddenly had a big smile on his face and greeted me to follow him. Honestly at that moment
the thought of Mr. Yadav’s dirty mind did not punch me at all. He walked slowly with his crutches and I followed
him. We left the dining space and were out in the lawn and going to the back of their house. Now that Sanjeev and
Mrs. Yadav were upstairs, Mr. Yadav and myself were going to the house-temple, I wondered what Guru-ji would
say to Shilpa, as she is all alone now with him.

In no time, I realized that rather than thinking about Shilpa and Guru-ji, I should protect myself. The template
was at the back of the house and I had to admit that it was a truly well crafted marble finished small structure
with complex designs on the walls. Hardly did I finish appreciating the work in my mind that I felt a hand on my
blouse-covered back as we were climbing the two to three steps into the mini temple. I looked at Mr. Yadav

Mr. Yadav: Just a little support Anita to climb the steps.

I had to allow that to this handicapped man, but he immediately started taking advantage of that. I could clearly
realize he was feeling with his warm fingers my bare below-the-neck portion just above the blouse. I tried to
redirect my mind off his touches and tried to concentrate on the temple carving. But as we entered the temple
floor from the steps, I felt Mr. Yadav’s palm slowly creeping down my back over the thin fabric of my blouse
tracing my right bra strap. I immediately turned at him and gave him a very firm look disapproving his moves. His
hand stopped crawling right away and remained stationary over my back, but still over my bra strap.

Mr. Yadav: Anita, have a look at the roof now.

Me: Wow!

That was a spontaneous reaction from my mouth seeing the beautiful painting on the arched roof of this small
room. As I looked up I realized his hand shifted down to the fold of my abdomen and rested there. Frankly I was
feeling so uncomfortable now with a male hand touching the naked skin of my abdomen that I had to react verbally.

Me: What’s this? Stop this nonsense and…

Even before I could finish, I felt a full body weight on me and a very tight hug. It happened so unexpectedly that I
could not even protect my boobs and they openly crushed and bumped in Mr. Yadav’s chest.

Mr. Yadav: Anita, my sexy darling.

Me: Ouch! You…

Mr. Yadav: Anita, I could not sleep yesterday the whole night thinking about you.

Me: Behave yourself. Aaaaaaaaaaaa! What are you doing?

I was struggling in Mr. Yadav’s arms and tried my best to move off his hands off my shoulder and waist. His face
was so close to mine that his spectacles were touching my nose and his thick beard was giving me a tickling
sensation, but his clutches seemed to be getting stronger by the moment and I vainly fought back within his arms.
Mr. Yadav was very openly feeling my copious blouse covered mammaries on his flat chest and pressed me more and
more towards him to enjoy the sensation of my firm heavy boobs on his upper body. He now stuck his lip out and
was grazing my cheeks, lips, and nose as I tussled in his control. Suddenly I felt something poking in my abdomen
and stinging me. I cried out.

Me: Ah! Take that out. Oh! It’s hurting me.

I soon realized Mr. Yadav’s wooden crutch was piercing my belly, as that rascal had to still hold to that for balance
while hugging me. He adjusted a whisker so that the crutch did not poke into my belly anymore and kept his control
on my body. We were in front of the deity within the mini temple and seeing no one was around, this disabled man
utilized the opportunity to the fullest. Mr. Yadav shifted his position a bit to have my struggling hands under his
complete control and was now embracing me in an extremely lewd manner. He was hugging me from the side, his
right hand was holding me by my right arm and his left hand gripped my left arm and was now pressing onto my
blouse. With his two legs, from the standing position, he pressed my left thigh and I was completely cramped.
After a minute or two of struggling I realized very well that it was of no use; simply I did not have the physical
strength to get rid of this animal.

Mr Yadav: Shhhhhhhhhhh! Anita, you are sooooooooooo sexy! Aaah!

If it was just an expression of his feeling, I would have still accepted that, but the old humbug simply released my
struggling right arm and openly pinched and cupped by bulging left boob over my blouse and then to my utter
disbelief kept on pressing it while kissing my cheek. He was trying to get to my lips, but I somehow prevented that.

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuu! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!

Mr. Yadav was gripping my left boob very firmly and his fingers hungrily feeling each inch of my young breast
within my blouse. Instantly I got a very huge turn on as his thumb was directly pressing on my nipple under the
cover of my bra. I almost sighed in ecstasy and momentarily closed my eyes in excitement. Mr. Yadav was an
experienced player and he instantly realized my condition and quickly retraced his thumb over my tight blouse and
the bastard started pressed exactly over my left nipple again and again.

Me: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Please stopppppppppppp. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

I was too late to stop him now and he almost ransacked my left breast by even inserting his fingers within my
blouse. I also got heated with such intrusions to my private parts and Shilpa’s fucking scenes still hovering in my
mind. But hardly did Mr. Yadav give me a chance to cooperate to his touches. He threw the crutches to the floor
and dragged me to the wall, which was about a couple of feet, balancing completely on my body. I felt the cold wall
on my back and soon realized that I was in a more compromising position now being pinned to the wall. Mr. Yadav
almost pounced upon me and I was virtually sandwiched between the wall and his body weight. Though he was
swaying a bit for balance as he had thrown his crutches to the corner of the room, he was intently feeling and
touching me all over.

The moves were more affirmative and he seemed pretty sure what he was doing. I could not gather enough
strength to protest against him and was surrendering slowly. He was cupping my ass cheeks over my sari very hard
with both hands and brushing his beard all over my face. Obviously his moves were not limited to squeezing and
cupping only, he was pulling up my sari from all corners exposing my legs vividly. Naturally I was quite heated by
this time and was feeling wetness within my panty due to this extensive groping. And the rascal made most of it by
enabling me to allow him to kiss on my lips. As he started kissing he immediately shifted his right hand off my
buttocks and placed that on my right boob and started tracing for my nipple. An electric shock went through my
body as if as I got a triple action on my body; Mr. Yadav’s lips on my wet lips, his one hand squeezing my right
buttock, and his other hand pressing my nipple.

I had my eyes closed and frankly I was enjoying his touches now. But suddenly there was the noise of footsteps.

“Gaata Rahe Mera Dil, Tu Hi Meri Manzil…”

Someone was coming towards the temple gumming that song. I saw Mr. Yadav also became alert at this new

Mr. Yadav: Shhhh. He is our gardener. But why is he coming to this side?

I quickly picked up the pallu and tried to adjust my sari, but Mr. Yadav had pulled my sari almost completely off my
waist and my petticoat was clearly visible. Moreover a couple of hooks of my blouse got open due to this heated
encounter, but I did not have time to fix that.

Me: Will he come here?

He immediately put his finger on my lips. We could still hear the song and it was not approaching, which meant the
man was doing something standing outside.

Mr. Yadav: Anita, talk very softly. If he comes here and sees us in this situation I will be in big soup. This gardener
is a pet of Nandini.

He almost whispered in my right ear.

Mr. Yadav: Anita, get my crutch quickly. If he sees that while passing, he would surely enter here.

Me: But how can I move like this. Can’t you see my sari is…

I spoke in a somewhat louder tone and immediately Mr. Yadav pinched my ass cheek over my petticoat and indicated
to speak softly. I felt rather ashamed at such a procedure to indicate me something and would surely have slapped
him otherwise, but my situation was such then that I had to digest that.

Mr. Yadav: Anita, try to understand. If he sees me here with you… You just get my crutch. Quickly.

I was still dillydallying with my sari and probably seeing that Mr. Yadav held my arms with one hand and unwrapped
my sari completely off my body with his other hand. I stood there in front of him clad in my petticoat and blouse.
My back was still touching the wall.

“Pyar Hua Ikraar Hua To Pyar Se Phir…”

We could hear a new tune and fortunately it was not approaching us. The gardener must be stationary now while

Mr. Yadav: Anita, for heaven’s sake. Get that crutch.

I was a bit taken aback the way my sari was taken off by him, but understanding the graveness of the situation did
not say anything. I made him stand holding the wall and went ahead to get his crutch. As I walked I quickly
fastened the two open hooks of my blouse and covered some exposed cleavage of mine. It was definitely an odd
feeling walking without my sari, more so as I knew Mr. Yadav was watching my every movement. I picked up the
crutch and looked outside through the temple door, but there was no one. I quickly ran back to him and handed him
the crutch. I immediately started wrapping my sari when I heard the song approaching us!

Mr. Yadav: Anita, not a word. He is coming this side.

He held the crutch in one hand and grabbed me with the other and immediately pulled me on him. My heavy jiggling
boobs again bounced directly on his chest as my face almost bumped on his specs. My heart was beating faster now
as I was also scared to be caught by someone in this very compromising state – being clad only in my blouse and
petticoat, my sari on floor, and being hugged by a man.

Mr. Yadav: He is probably on the door.

He whispered in my ear and I almost buried my face in his broad chest in anxiety. There was silence then for some
moments. The song started again.

“Gaata Rahe Mera Dil, Tu Hi Meri Manzil…”

And this time it was very close to us. Mr. Yadav hugged me very tight now probably out of nervousness. I also
cooperated and did not struggle at all. But his movements made me very confused. He was clearly feeling my twin
blouse-covered mangoes on his chest the way he was thrusting his chest on my firm round flesh. Mr. Yadav also
started pushing his pelvis into my crotch. I could very clearly feel his lund over the clothes poking my lower
abdomen or upper thighs. And with his free hands he was very slowly cupping my gaand over my thin petticoat
fabric. How could a man behave like this if he was nervous of being caught?

I controlled my reaction and took my hands backwards to shrug off his palms off my gaand. As I tried to catch his
hand, he slid his palm on my smooth buttock flesh and continued like that as if I was playing with him! The
scoundrel! He had kept the crutch balancing on the wall just beside him and playfully moving his palms on my gaand
and at the same time pressing me and making sure I stick to his body. As my hands were behind, my body bent more
towards Mr. Yadav and I could jolly well realize he was thoroughly enjoying the full pressure of my firm boobs on
his chest. I realized it was of no use trying to stop him that way, as he was playfully grazing my full ass cheeks as I
struggled to catch hold of his hands.

Me: Will you behave yourself?

I reacted in a rather loud voice, but instantly made a face by projecting my tongue out partially that I had made a
mistake by speaking aloud.

Mr. Yadav: Anita, my darling. He is gone!

Oh! That’s right! I could no longer hear the humming of the song anymore. The gardener must have been away.

Me: Ouch! Hey! Stop! Stoppppppppppp!

Before I could even get back my hands from my hips, that bastard simply pulled up my whole petticoat above my
waist and grabbed my naked plump thighs with both hands. I got back my senses and instantly tried to refrain him
from doing that, but by that time he had made my entire legs completely exposed. Before he could repeat the same
act as he did in the bathroom, I tried to regain my confidence to fight him back because I knew very well that next
he would surely try to pull down my panty.

Me: Listen, I will shout if you do not stop!

I was very firm in my voice this time. Mr. Yadav stopped for a moment; my petticoat still in his hand, lifted around
my waist, and my white panty clearly visible under my raised petticoat. Unfortunately he did not take me seriously
and tried to hug me again. But this time I did not show submissive attitude as I could well realize that this animal
would not leave me without inserting his lund in my choot. I raised my hand to slap him and right at that moment –

“Kumar! Kumar!”

It’s Mrs. Yadav’s voice. Probably she was calling from a distance. And the change in Mr. Yadav was worth watching.
He left me as if he was electrified, and snatched his crutches from the wall, straightened his clothes, and went
towards the temple door. His face was almost pale and he visibly looked very nervous hearing his wife’s voice. I
smiled within myself seeing his condition and realizing my sari-less condition was also not appreciable, quickly
draped the sari round me and adjusted my blouse, etc. to look decent.

The rest of the time I spent in Mr. Yadav’s house is not worth describing and we got back to ashram by the car in
another hour or so. In the car as we conversed I noticed Guru-ji behaved as if nothing happened yesterday night
and was not exhibiting the minimum slice of shame that I saw him completely naked fucking that 16-year-old girl.
Even Sanjeev, I caught him almost red-handed with Mrs. Yadav, but he was now behaving so casually! I was myself
feeling a bit ashamed to even have eye contact with Guru-ji thinking of last night’s incident, but he seemed pretty

Guru-ji: Anita, you have reached the climax of your treatment now. Take rest and mentally prepare yourself for
the ultimate, the Maha-yagya. Come down to me after lunch and I will share you the details.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

I went back to my room, had breakfast, took my medicines, took a long bath, and closed the door and rested on my
bed. Lying on my bed I was trying to figure out what’s in store for me now, as Guru-ji said I have reached the
‘climax’ and Maha-yagya was the ultimate treatment for me. I did not know when my eyelids closed thinking on that
line and woke up at the knock on the door. It was Nirmal. He had come with my lunch. I felt so very dejected, as I
was having a pleasant dream. My husband and I were out for a vacation at a nice unknown place and we were
throwing snow at each other and while doing that I fell and he quickly held me and then was kissing me. Right at
that moment this dwarf knocked in!

I was in fact feeling rather drowsy and asked him to keep my lunch on the table, as I intended to take it later. I
noticed Nirmal was looking at me, specifically not at my eyes, probably due to his short height, but in no time I
realized why he was staring at me. I was rather careless about my dress code, as I opened him the door, and his
attention was focussed on my nipple impressions on my nighty. I was wearing no undergarments at that time and
sensing that I virtually instructed him to move off, as I wanted to take rest for some more time. With an unhappy
face he left my room. I closed the door and went to the toilet to check myself in the mirror.

Oh! My God!

Both my nipples were swollen to their full size and their impressions were clearly perceptible through the fabric of
my nighty. I blushed seeing myself like that and understood that the reason for Nirmal’s staring and unhappy face.
I pulled my nighty over my breasts a little so as to conceal my nipples impressions, but as soon as the fabric
touched my globes, my erect nipples again showed up and definitely I looked quite sexy and alluring like that. It
must have been the effect of the dream. As I got out of the toilet, I was smiling within me thinking about my
husband’s hug and the time I spent with him in my dream. I went back to bed and grabbed the pillow between my
thighs and closed my eyes and tried to recap the dream. Alas! I could not reconstruct it properly and after some
time got up dejected and had my lunch.

Wearing a fresh set of sari, blouse, and petticoat with a fresh pair of undergarment, I was almost ready to meet
Guru-ji in his room when there was a knock again. I opened the door and Nirmal again stepped.

Nirmal: Guru-ji is calling if you are over with your lunch.

Me: Yes…

He did not allow me to complete.

Nirmal: Oh! You are already! Madam, Sanjeev asked if there is anything to give for washing.

Me: Yes, but…

I checked myself, as I knew I had my yesterday’s dress to be given for a wash, but honestly I did not want to hand
it over to this dwarf because not only my yesterday’s sari would go for a wash, but also my blouse, bra, and panty.

Nirmal: But what Madam?

He inquired innocently. The nitwit. I quickly thought of telling him a lie to avoid handing him over my dress.

Me: Oho! Actually in the morning I handed them already to Sanjeev.

Nirmal: But Madam, I checked the boiling herbal water and there was only Meenakshi’s few clothes, no other

I was in a fix now, what to reply?

Nirmal: Today actually Sanjeev has taken off and I am doing his duties.

I could very well understand that my lie was caught by Nirmal and hence I had to try an alibi.

Me: Oh! No. I mistook with yesterday. You are right. I did not hand over my laundry today.

Nirmal smiled and I also artificially smiled back.

Nirmal: Madam, if you tell where they are, I can pick it up. You don’t have to then touch yesterday’s items again.

I did not know what to say and agreed to him, as there was no logical way out now.

Me: Okay thanks. They are in the toilet, right corner.

Nirmal smiled again and went to my toilet. I followed him though there was no need to do that. The dress I wore
yesterday to Mr. Yadav’s house was lying in a heap at the toilet corner. I was feeling so clumsy in that situation.
Thankfully I was standing at his back. Nirmal readily started picking up my bunched sari from the floor along with
the petticoat. He kept my sari on his right shoulder and my petticoat on his left. I was watching him from the
toilet door. I was feeling so awkward and released a sigh, as now even a blind man could see my white brassiere and
panty resting on the toilet floor in an entangled form along with my blouse. Nirmal bent down and picked up the
whole lot and turned towards me. I was not prepared for that and was so, so irritated by his teeth coming out
seeing my inner wears. He faced me and was trying to take out my bra from its jumbled position with the blouse.

The crook! He had to do all that before me!

I could see my bra strap somehow got tangled with a blouse hook and not realizing that he was trying to pull my bra
off. I had to step in.

Me: Hey, what are you doing? This way you will break the hook.

Nirmal looked amusingly at me though I was least amazed. He probably realized the problem and then took out my
bra strap off the blouse hook and said something, which irritated me from my nose to toes.

Nirmal: Madam, actually I did not realize that your bra was struck in your blouse hook. You cautioned me timely
Madam, otherwise I would have unknowingly torn your blouse hook.

Saying that he held my bra in one hand and my blouse in the other as if showing me that he had safely separated
them from the tangle. Nirmal made things even worse for me because while he was separating my bra from my
blouse, the panty slipped from his left hand to the toilet floor.

Nirmal: Oh! Sorry Madam.

Out of reflex action I bent to pick that up and I was feeling so very clumsy handing him over my rolled up panty.
Before coming to this ashram, hardly had I came across such a situation where I have to hand over my
undergarment to a male. In my residence I always wash my own undergarments, which was one good habit grown in
me by my mom from my teenage years. So the question of handing over my inner wears to the dhobi never arose.
Even I never ask my husband to hand me over my undergarments from the wardrobe or even after sex on bed I
make sure that my used bra or panty are in the toilet first thing in the morning so that my husband do not get a
chance to inspect them. On the first day in the ashram I remember I had to hand over my washed undergarments
to Sanjeev for a herbal wash. That was still acceptable, but this dwarf’s behavior was irritating me to the limit.
Nirmal now looked at my panty closely. Actually it had rolled up like a twisted thick rope, which happens majority of
the time not only for me, but also for other females. And as it was due for a wash, I did not care to straighten it
after I had open it in the morning after coming back from Mr. Yadav’s place. Never in my wildest dream did I think
that Nirmal would pose things so awkward for me.

Nirmal: Oh! Madam. It’s all rolled up.

I had nothing to say to this deliberate indicative remark and simply lowered my eyelids and was biting my lips with
my teeth in shame.

Nirmal: Let me straighten it, otherwise it wont get properly cleaned. Madam, can you hold these for a moment?

I was simply dumbfounded and speechless. A man was asking me to hold my bra and blouse while he intends to
straighten my panty! I just involuntarily put forward my right arm and held my blouse and bra. Nirmal now with
both hands was getting my rolled up panty to its proper shape. Seeing that I felt like dying.

After some more embarassesing moments, Nirmal completed his noble task of straightening my used panty and was
at last out of the toilet.

Nirmal: You can go to Guru-ji now Madam. He has completed his lunch.

He departed the place with an equally irritating smile holding my undergarments in his hands. I also followed him
closing the door of my room to Guru-ji’s room.

Me: May I come in Guru-ji?

Guru-ji was sitting on a couch and Sanjeev was also there in the room.

Guru-ji: Come in Anita. I was actually waiting for you.

I came in and sat on the carpet where Sanjeev was also sitting. He was entering some figures in a notebook from
some chits. I performed a pranam to Guru-ji and he gave me the usual ashirvad saying “Jai Linga Maharaj”.

Guru-ji: Anita, since I have to attend a devotee meeting after some time, I will go to the subject right away. I do
not have much time now. As I told you Maha-yagya is the last step to attain salvation from your problem of not
getting pregnant. It is a tough process and you will be challenged from all angles to complete it. Only you devotion
can take you through. You should only aim at the gifted fruit, which you will bear in your womb after Maha-yagya.

I was almost mesmerized by his talks. Guru-ji’s loud, reverberating voice was making me confident too. I nodded.

Guru-ji: The Maha-yagya path is difficult for any woman to undergo, but eyeing the sweet reward at the end, you
should prepare yourself. There are a few steps in Maha-yagya and as you pass each phase, you are nearer to your
goal. It’s an acid test for your mind, body, and patience. If you have faith in me and in Linga Maharaj, you will surely
attain your destination.

Me: I will surely do that Guru-ji. At any cost, I want to…

My voice chocked in as the pain of being childless suddenly was engulfing me.

Guru-ji: I can understand your pain Anita. You have successfully come so far and with Linga Maharaj’s blessings you
will surely complete Maha-yagya successfully.

Guru-ji was silent for a moment.

Guru-ji: I know it is very difficult for a married woman like you to accept other males touching your body, but my
treatment process is such that you have to accept it. Child bearing is related to sexual organs, isn’t it Anita? So
how can I bypass them during the treatment? If I do not get a measure of your discharge, if I do not know if your
vaginal passage has any blocks or not, how can I assess the next steps of the treatment?

I nodded to Guru-ji like an obedient student. In my ignorance, I was actually giving the nod for my majestic fucking
in the ashram.

Guru-ji: That’s why on the very first day I asked you to shed off all inhibitions and shame. And today when you
have traversed half way, I would ask you to be bold enough to undergo the Maha-yagya.

Guru-ji again halted for a split second and then went on explaining and unfolding Maha-yagya before me.

Guru-ji: What I mean by ‘bold’ is not to do a courageous act Anita, but be mentally bold to accept any situation.
Though you have already proved that, but Maha-yagya might demand an extra yard of shamelessness from you.
Actually what is a shameless act to you is a regular act for us. For example, yesterday in Kumar’s house you must
have thought wrongly about me being naked and having sex with Shilpa, but that’s how tantra goes.

I avoided eye contact with Guru-ji out of natural shame. My ears were already getting hotter.

Guru-ji: When I took tantric diksha under my Guru, we were a total of five, out of which two were females and at
that time it was a must to remain naked throughout the process. So you can understand…

I again avoided direct eye contact with Guru-ji and was breathing a little heavier now. Guru-ji was looking at my
eyes while he continued talking.

Guru-ji: So, Anita, what I would again stress is – rather than focussing on your bodily condition, converge on the
process that’s going on. Then only you can achieve the eventual. Got it?

Me: Yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Now as I told you before Maha-yagya is a two-night affair, , which will start tonight from 10 p.m. You will
take rest tomorrow daytime and get ready for tomorrow night’s concluding part of the yagya. I will not get into the
detailed steps of the yagya right now, but will unfold to you as we proceed. Okay?

I nodded again.

Guru-ji: Fine. Sanjeev can you see if all the devotees have come or not? Then I can make a move.

Sanjeev: Sure Guru-ji.

Sanjeev closed his notebook and went outside the room. Now I was alone with Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: So Anita, as I mentioned, the Maha-yagya and the tantra philosophy are not formulated in recent times
and are age-old and tested and hence its modus operandi demands disciples to be in the purest form while
performing it. But keeping in mind that today men and women from cities and towns are also seeking its benefit, we
now-a-days allow the “Maha-yagya Paridhan” (Paridhan=dress code). Previously, let me make this very clear again, it
had to be done in the nude form, both the participant and the executor.

Guru-ji gave a pause probably to see my reaction. I was trying to guess what I would be allowed to wear and already
feeling thirsty vaguely speculating about the “Maha-yagya Paridhan”. I wanted to ask him what the ‘paridhan’ would
comprise of, but was searching for words to build up the question. Guru-ji as if read my mind!

Guru-ji: Anita, I agree the Maha-yagya Paridhan is not adequate for a matured woman, but little can I do about it.
But again, as I said a number of times, your focus should be on your goal and not on other things.

Me: But still Guru-ji…

Guru-ji: I know Anita you will be curious. But focus should be worshipping Linga Maharaj, that’s all. Rest all, leave it
on me.

Saying that he smiled and was about to ascend. Honestly I was by then pretty concerned regarding this “Maha-
yagya Paridhan”.

Guru-ji: I need to move off now. By the way, I hope you don’t have any reservations to give measurements to

Master-ji! Oh No. Not again! Instantly I remembered my humiliating episode at the hands of Master-ji and Ramlal
and I almost flushed.

Me: But Guru-ji, can I not wear…

Guru-ji: Anita, the “Maha-yagya Paridhan” is a very special attire made of exquisite cotton, which is not available in
the market that you go and just buy it. How can you ask such silly questions?

Guru-ji almost grudged. I did not want to annoy Guru-ji at any cost at this crucial juncture, as I knew he is my
savior to my pregnancy goal.

Me: Am sorry Guru-ji. I should have understood that.

Guru-ji: You will be surprised to note that Master-ji will stitch your dress today itself and within 10 p.m. You
prepare yourself mentally for the yagya and let him do his job. He will be there at your room at 2 p.m.

I nodded and had to alight from my place on the floor, as Guru-ji was all set to leave the room. Though still I had
the million-dollar question in my mind, but due to Guru-ji’s towering personality I was unable to voice it to him.

Guru-ji: You can leave now.

I had no other choice but to leave his room and went back to my room. My mind was intrigued by the curious
thought about what this “Maha-yagya Paridhan” would be, but Guru-ji did not give any clue. I tried to recap what
Guru-ji said regarding the dress, but the only statement I could recollect was ‘I agree the Maha-yagya Paridhan is
not adequate for a matured woman’. How could I assess about the dress from this remark? I could realize that it
will not be a full-fledged dress like a sari or a salwar kamiz, but something shorter than that surely.

Me: Eureka!

I said to myself. Suddenly a thought came to my mind and I was sure I could get a clue. I thought about asking
Meenakshi about it because I will certainly feel uncomfortable to ask about it to any of the males in the ashram,
but Meenakshi was a safer bet.

Me: Meenakshi! Meenakshi!

She was in her room and asked me to come in. She was sitting alone on the bed doing some stitching. I went ahead
and sat on the bed.

Meenakshi: So, how was your trip to Mr. Yadav’s place?

Me: It was okay. Actually I have come to ask you something.

She smiled and looked inquiringly at me.

Me: Actually as you must be knowing Guru-ji will perform Maha-yagya for me and…

Meenakshi: yes, yes I know.

Me: Yes, and he briefed me just now regarding that.

Meenakshi: Any problem?

Me: I mean, err… Actually Guru-ji was referring about the Maha-yagya Paridhan…

Meenakshi: So?

Me: No, actually I wanted to know what that dress is.

Meenakshi: Oh! But you seem to be pretty much anxious about it.

Me: Yes, as you can understand that I will have to remain in that dress throughout the yagya, so…

Meenakshi: True Anita. This is a problem with we females. Males can actually remain in just a brief throughout the
day, but we cannot.

I felt I got someone at last who could realize my shyness being a woman herself.

Meenakshi: Anita, I cannot provide you a very hopeful scenario, as Maha-yagya demands for total devotion and
purity of body.

Me: Yes, Guru-ji was also saying likewise.

Meenakshi: Still I can assure you that these two areas will remain covered.

Saying that she indicated with her right hand towards her breasts and pussy area over her sari and smiled
naughtily at me. Definitely I was a bit relieved hearing that and smiled back, but still I was visibly anxious. Seeing
that, she kept the cloth she was sewing, bent a little towards me, and twisted my right cheek forcefully with her

Meenakshi: Don’t worry my dear. Let the suspense remain about your dress.

She burst out in laughter and I also was chuckling at her behavior.
Meenakshi: Hey, how long you have been married?

Me: 3 years.

Meenakshi: Oh! God! Then your husband must have enjoyed you 300 times, isn’t it?

She was laughing incessantly and my ears were turning red at her direct verbal poking.

Meenakshi: You still have any shame left? Where do you keep that my dear?

We both guffawed on the bed at this.

Meenakshi: I am thinking to suggest Guru-ji, as per the norm of tantra, not to allow any clothing for married women
in Maha-yagya.

We were still laughing, as I pinched her on her hand at this remark, and frankly my anxiousness had diluted a lot.

Meenakshi: Jokes apart, you now simply relax Anita.

She paused a bit and we adjusted ourselves to sit properly on the bed again. Meenakshi’s pallu had almost fallen
over her boobs and I could see the huge cleavage being exposed. More so as the top hook of her blouse was also
open. I also pulled my pallu properly.

Meenakshi: Leave aside silly issues like this Anita and just worship to Linga Maharaj so that you get the desired

Me: You are right Meenakshi. I should only concentrate on that. Only I know how many nights I have only wept

We both were silent for a moment and then after some casual talks I left her room and went back to mine. Its
already 1:30 p.m., so I was approaching the time when Master-ji would come. I had a faint cloud of irritation again
in my mind thinking of facing Ramlal again. Honestly I did not digest the humiliation he did to me verbally and
physically. I still remember his very direct and vulgar commentary like
‘I have heard if proper sucking is done on the breasts, unmarried females can also produce milk.’
‘What a gaand you have Madam. It’s so smooth and firm.’
And how can I forget Ramlal’s naked erect dick before he masturbated! I was already feeling tightness in my
blouse and I quickly tried to concentrate elsewhere. But hardly did I get the time, as there was a knock on the

“Already!” I thought and opened the door. Master-ji was there with his ever-smiling face.

Master-ji: Madam, I am back again!

I smiled back to him and welcomed him to my room. There was an unknown face with him whom I had not seen

Master-ji: How are you Madam?

Me: Fine. Hope you are keeping fine too.

Master-ji: Madam, this age does not allow remaining in good health. Only a day before I had fever, now am fine

Me: O I see.

Master-ji: I hope Guru-ji has briefed you about my coming.

Me: Yes Master-ji. But who is he?

I pointed out to the boy accompanying Master-ji.

Master-ji: Actually I have stopped keeping Ramlal for measurement purpose, but have kept this boy who is learning
sewing and stitching and helping me in taking measurements.

I was so relieved hearing Ramlal will not be here while Master-ji takes my measurements that I uttered a “Bah!”
Master-ji looked inquiring to me and I quickly recovered the situation.

Me: I mean this boy can learn quickly from an expert like you.

Master-ji nodded while he kept his notebook and pencil on my bed. The boy was standing by the bedside with a
carry bag.

Master-ji: True. He is a keen learner and he questions a lot, which is a good trait of an apprentice.

Me: But what happened to Ramlal?

There was no need for me to ask this question, as it unnecessarily brought some talks that made me severely
uncomfortable with this 60-year-old man.

Master-ji: Madam, what would I say to you.

He paused a little and looked at the boy.

Master-ji: Deepak Beta, can you bring me a glass of water.

Deepak: Sure Master-ji.

He went out of the room to get the water and Master-ji came closer to me.

Master-ji: Madam, I did not want to tell this in front of this boy, after all Ramlal is my brother.

I was getting quite curious.

Me: But what happened?

Master-ji: Actually Madam, we have to go to town for orders and one of our distributors there last week referred
me to a rich customer of his shop who wanted to stitch some English type clothing and she specifically wanted an
aged tailor. So my distributor recommended me and I went there. Naturally my brother was also accompanying me.
When we met that Madam though she initially was hesitant to give measurements in front of Ramlal, but ultimately
agreed. But you know what that swine did?
I was looking inquisitively at Master-ji and I could realize my heart was beating just a shade faster, as I was
getting more and more curious as Master-ji was narrating. It seemed Master-ji was also quite encouraged seeing
my interested face, which I should have avoided, as this led to Master-ji giving more detailed portrayal of the

Master-ji: Madam, you know, she wanted a hip-hugging gown for a party and while taking measurement of her hip
circumference I was unable to get the exact assessment over her clothes and hence asked her the sari at least.
Initially she was not in agreement, but later reluctantly gave consent. I told that Madam not to open the whole sari,
but to lift it over her petticoat so that she was comfortable, but unfortunately she was unable to get her sari
properly picked up from the standing position, so I asked Ramlal to do that. He picked up her sari and stood exactly
behind her while I was taking the measurement over her petticoat. When I took my hands behind her hips for
measurement, Madam what should I say about this brute; he is my brother, he was in fact poking his lund into that
Madam’s gaand!

Me: What?

I controlled myself a bit.

Me: You mean he opened his pant and *@#%?!?!

Master-ji: No, no Madam, what are you saying! He just opened his pant-zip and took out his …

I nodded quickly to indicate that I know very well what a male can take out opening his pant zip and avoided
Master-ji to use the male manhood term in front of me. I was getting rather keen to know what happened next and
continued gulping Master-ji’s commentary.

Master-ji: Probably that Madam did not realize initially, as she might have thought since Ramlal was holding her
sari bunched up at her backside, his finger must have been touching her gaand. I was so shocked at Ramlal’s
behavior that my fingers were trembling. At that very moment that Madam suggested that she wanted the hip
measurement a little loose, as she would not be wearing the regular undergarment below her gown, but would wear
an under-pant and she also mentioned that if the gown was too tight, it would be very apparent. I agreed to her and
started re-measuring her hips, but was in much tension seeing my brother’s outrageous acts.

He paused a bit and looked at the door to see if Deepak was back, but he was not. I was now holding the bedside
and was dying to rub my pussy once hearing such a lewd event, but could not do so in front of this male.

Master-ji: Madam, I was really frustrated that day seeing his deeds. Is this the way to behave to customers!
Anyway, as I was saying, as I sat down in front of that Madam and took both my hands to remeasure her hips,
Ramlal pointed out that as the ceiling fan was revolving in full swing her petticoat was flying somewhat, he would
hold that also. That Madam did not see any problem to that, but that brute instead of just holding to the cloth of
the petticoat with two fingers so that it does not fly, he pressed it to her gaand and held it there with his palm.

Just a little pause again and this time I shamelessly scratched my pussy area for a second in the name of adjusting
my sari. Master-ji did note that and smiled. My ears were getting hotter.

Master-ji: And Madam, there was no escape. The moment Ramlal pressed his palm on her gaand to hold her
petticoat, she was looking visibly uncomfortable and within the next one minute I did not know exactly what
happened, but only heard a thrash.
She started howling with anger and more so seeing my brother’s open pant-zip. She threw both of us out
immediately. Thankfully his husband was not present in the house that day; otherwise we would have been beaten
up surely. Just imagine my condition - at this age, this sort of humiliation.

I shook my head in disapproval to Ramlal’s lewd act.

Master-ji: I did not talk to him for one whole day, and Madam, I decided not to allow that swine in any of my
measurement work any more. He will only do cutting and sewing.

Me: Very wise decision Master-ji. A beast.

Master-ji: I apologize to you Madam that I allowed him while I took your blouse measurements. But Madam,
everyone is not like him. Actually that’s the reason I have taken this new lad Deepak who…

Master-ji was interrupted as Deepak entered the room with a glass of water. Master-ji had the water, though I
was feeling thirstier! Master-ji handed over the empty glass to the lad and was getting ready to start with his
work as I saw him taking out the note book, pencil, thread, scissors, etc. from his bag.

Master-ji: One good thing has happened Madam.

Me: What?

Master-ji: Last time Madam you did refer to that problem, which I was unable to address at that time, but will
surely fix it this time.

I instantly remembered that I did mention to this aged tailor about my panty problem, which in most cases slides
into my ass crack after sometime of wearing it. Very frankly I did want to get to a solution for this prolonged
problem, which was more chronic after I gained some additional weight on my hips after marriage. It’s not that I
did not refer this problem to the local shopkeeper from whom I generally buy undergarments, but he only
suggested me to change the brand. I did that a number of times, but to very little effect. Since this was a very
personal matter and my local tailor did not stitch undergarments, I felt shy to express such a problem to him and
was adjusting like that only. Though honestly it was quite uncomfortable a feel for me, as in the crowded bus or in
the busy market, whenever I brushed against any male, his hand would directly feel the roundness of my ass globes
beneath my sari as if my panty was nonexistent! Moreover, my buttocks being heavy, they jiggled more without the
panty wrap on my broad ass cheeks.

I was seriously eager to solve this problem and Master-ji being an aged man and experienced tailor, I did not
hesitate to discuss about my problem. Though there was the presence of a third person, Deepak, but he was rather
young, looked hardly 12-13 years of age, and I sort of ignored him and was eager to get to a solution from Master-

Me: Yes, yes Master-ji, its bugging me now for a long time. And you know I feel so uneasy…

Master-ji: I can understand Madam. Since I stitch panties I know what is the root cause. Your main issue is that
your panty slips off your hips. Right Madam?

Me: Exactly.

Master-ji: Which brand do you use?

Me: Currently I am using ‘Daisy’.

Master-ji: Daisy Normal?

I nodded.

Me: Do they have any other variety?

I was amazed to see myself talking so frankly about my undergarments to a male, but frankly as Ramlal was not
there, I was very free today. I could not stand that rascal. Deepak was gulping the conversation between my tailor
and me.

Master-ji: Of course Madam. Daisy Normal, Daisy Teen, and Daisy Mega.

Me: But I thought they only have variety in prints, Normal and Floral.

Master-ji: Madam, you see, the shopkeeper will always push the brand in which he gets maximum commission, but
you must be selective which suits your need.

Me: But I never knew that. What’s the difference Master-ji?

Master-ji: Madam, as you can guess from the name, Daisy Normal is the normal size panty with the normal cuts,
which you use actually. Daisy Teen is…

I interrupted Master-ji and tried to act smart.

Me: … for the teenager girls. Okay, that way.

Master-ji: No, no Madam. You got it wrong. Daisy Teen is not for young girls, but the name refers to the size and
the cuts of the panty. This panty is smaller in size than the Daisy Normal and the cuts are also higher. You can also
wear Daisy Teen Madam, nothing to do with teenage.

Me: Oh! I see.

Master-ji: Actually when orders come to me Madam, I also have to stitch to the various demands, like Normal,
Teen, Mega, MIG, and so on. Each company has a different name to call their female customer’s demand.

MIG?!?! What was that? I thought to myself, but was quite pleased by Master-ji’s thorough knowledge regarding
his trade and was now more open while talking leaving aside my female shyness.

Me: And what’s the Mega one?

Master-ji: Madam, Daisy Mega would actually be appropriate for you as you have very fleshy hips. That product is
actually meant for women with large round buttocks, like you, badi gaand wali.

I lowered my eyelids and my ears were hot instantly getting such a direct remark from this aged man. Master-ji
was looking at my sari-covered bottoms from the side and I saw the apprentice boy Deepak was also looking at my
ass! In trying to deviate from the current topic, I asked something which was suspended at the back of my mind.

Me: Okay. But Master-ji, you referred something called MIG, what is that actually?

Master-ji: Madam, that’s another panty type of the Diana Company. Have you heard of Diana bra and panties?

I nodded negatively because I had not heard of that company.

Master-ji: Madam, MIG is a Diana product, which I cut and sew on a regular basis. It’s a modern panty and popular
among upper class in the cities.

Me: What does MIG mean?

Master-ji: MIG is actually a shortened form of “Meager” and hence as per its name Madam it’s a very skimpy item.
Prints are like floral, plain, and textured. The MIG panty rear is very small and the cuts are also very deep with
stretchable elastic bands. Additionally it has a nylon net in the front of the panty, which gives it a very appealing

Master-ji smiled indicatively and gave a pause. I was visibly uncomfortable by his description, especially with the
“nylon net in the front”. I could jolly well realize that the lady who wears this MIG panty has her pussy almost open
as the nylon net obviously would be exhibiting more rather covering and I could not stop myself exclaiming.

Me: Who buys such an item?!?

Master-ji: Madam, you might not be aware, but world has gone a long way! I have got a very positive feedback
regarding this MIG panty and salesman from Diana company say though buyers are mostly newly married girls, but
middle aged women also form a significant clientele.

I was really shocked to know such data from this tailor. I was already breathing heavily and my ears and face were
all hot, as if I was asked to wear that MIG panty! But little did I know that Guru-ji had kept surprises sexier than
this MIG panty.

Master-ji: Okay Madam, lets get back to the basic issue. So you use the Daisy Normal brand and your problem
persists with this also like the ones you have used earlier. Right? Madam, I think there are two areas, which if
corrected, you will not have this uneasiness any more.

I looked at him with inquiring and enthusiastic eyes.

Master-ji: Only two things Madam, firstly, your panty rear has to be stretched and secondly, your leg cuts need to
be tighter with good quality elastic bands – that’s all.

Me: O! It’s that simple!

I could not stop expressing my feelings and a sigh of relief.

Master-ji: Experience, Madam, experience.

Master-ji smiled and I felt pretty much assured that my panty problem would now surely get solved. But one point
I never anticipated that to correct my problem I have to virtually do a full ass-show in front of him!

Master-ji: Madam, I hope you will not mind if I address that issue a little later and start with my core job of
Maha-yagya Paridhan.

Me: Sure Master-ji.

Though I said that, but I was in complete darkness about my dress for the Maha-yagya and was honestly anxious
about it still, but did not reveal that expression on my face.
Master-ji: Deepak Beta, bring the notebook where the drawings are there. Madam, I know you Guru-ji must have
briefed you, but just have a look at the drawings once before I start taking actual measurements.

I was actually more than eager to see that and went ahead towards Deepak who had the notebook in his hand. He
opened a page and Master-ji stood to his left and I was to his right side and zoomed into the open page. I saw
there were four drawings in that page – a blouse, a skirt, a bra, and a panty. Honestly I felt quite relieved to see
the blouse and the skirt, as I was really unsure how much revealing the Maha-yagya paridhan would be. I clearly
remember Guru-ji’s words: “… I agree the Maha-yagya Paridhan is not adequate for a matured woman, but little can
I do about it…”

I sighed a breath of relief and was now quite comfortable to go ahead with the measurement part.

Master-ji: Madam, as you can see this Maha-yagya paridhan is a two-piece costume with undergarments and based
on that I have made the sketches like I do for regular blouse cuttings.

Me: Okay.

Wait, wait! The sketch of the bra on paper looks so very different from the one I am wearing right now under my
blouse! What’s that?

Master-ji: Madam, would you mind if I explain the clothing and the techniques of measurements to this lad while I
work? It will be immensely helpful for this apprentice, but I know it would be boring for you.

Me: No, no it’s okay.

I was actually quite encouraged by such a proposal by Master-ji. I thought instead of asking my tailor directly
about my bra, which would always be uncomfortable for me being a married matured woman, if he explains to his
apprentice, I can get my necessary information.

Master-ji: Thanks Madam. Deepak Beta, for the next half-an-hour pay all your attention on Madam and see how I
take the measurements. And as I always say, ask questions if you are in doubt of anything.

Deepak: Okay Master-ji. I will keep my focus on Madam.

I was a bit taken aback by this statement of Deepak and looked attentively at his face, probably for the first time.
He looks pretty young, hardly 12-13 years of age, and it seemed to me he remarked that innocently. The thing,
which I was most impressed about him, was that he was never staring at ‘wrong’ places of my body. So I thought to
ignore his comment.

Master-ji: Good. Now Deepak, see here. The first two drawings are Madam’s undergarments, but they are not the
common bra or panty that we daily sew.

Deepak: Yes, Master-ji. I noted that. The bra does not have any straps and has three hooks at the back. Normally
what we supply only has a couple of hooks.

Master-ji: Right. This is a strapless bra and to give additional support to the cups, there are three hooks at the

Oh! I thought to myself. It’s a strapless bra. Honestly I had heard of that, but never wore such a thing. Nor did I
see any of my friends to wear that. To tell the truth I was a bit excited about that, as by then I was feeling
reasonably relaxed seeing that the Maha-yagya paridhan comprises of a choli and a skirt. I can admit now that I
thought from Guru-ji’s words, as he said this yagya was to be performed naked, the clothing would be more scanty.

Master-ji: And also you must have noticed that the panty is partially double layered.

Deepak: Yes Master-ji, I have noted that in the drawing.

Master-ji: Actually the deviations are there because the dress is meant for the yagya. Madam, I must tell you that
I have little to adjust or modify in this dress, as I have to abide by Guru-ji’s directions about this Maha-yagya

Saying that he turned the page of the notebook and showed me some scribbling, which were actually instructions
about the Maha-yagya paridhan from ashram. It was not possible for me to read that illegible handwriting.

Me: Okay. I also cannot violate Guru-ji’s words. So whatever he has asked you to stitch, I have to wear it.

Master-ji smiled and swayed his head in agreement.

Master-ji: So Deepak, we will leave aside the undergarments for now. Since the choli is sleeveless, you subtract the
sleeve cloth at the very beginning when you cut from the roll. Madam’s size is 32 and so you take the normal 32-
size blouse sleeve to deduction.

Deepak: Okay Master-ji.

Both males looked at my breasts as if to assess my 32” boob size. I dropped my eyelids momentarily to avoid their

Master-ji: Madam, the cloth I will use is very special and costly. Guru-ji never compromises on quality. This is
almost like the famous Muslin cloth – milky white and very soft. Deepak, show the cloth to Madam once.

Deepak readily handed me a piece of white cloth and when I checked that I had to admit it was really, really soft.

Me: It’s truly very soft and light.

Master-ji: You will feel great wearing it, I can guarantee Madam.

I handed back the cloth to Deepak and he kept that in his bag. I suddenly noticed that his hand shape, the visible
arm veins, and wrist width were like a grown up teenager and definitely not a 13 year old boy’s! I was confused, as
his face looked so innocent.

Master-ji: Please stand here under the light.

As I took a couple of steps and stood at the most illuminated part in the room, I was wondering how to know
exactly how old is this Deepak. I tried to chat with Deepak trying to get

Me: Deepak, what do you do apart from this job?

Deepak: I work part-time in a bookshop in the evening and doing apprentice under Master-ji.

Me: Oh! I see. How many brothers and sisters are you?

I generated normal conversation and from that tried to reach my goal. As I knew that for measurement purpose I
had to do some exposing before Master-ji, but I wanted to be sure that I can ignore Deepak considering he is a
little boy.

Deepak: I have two sisters, both elder than me and married.

Me: So you now look after your parents.

Deepak: Yes Madam, but from next year my wife would also look after them.

I was simply stunned to hear that!

Me: What? Your wife?

Master-ji: Madam, in villages, they get married very early.

Me: But how old is he?

Master-ji: He is 18.

O! My God! He is 18 years old. That means he is as good as a Class XII boy and by no means a class XII boy can be
considered ‘innocent’. And he is going to get married next year! Master-ji noted my surprised looks for Deepak.

Master-ji: Madam, he looks young because of his absence of beard and mustaches.

He laughed aloud and Deepak was also smiling shyly. I was not at all amused and was rather uncomfortable knowing
that Deepak was an adult. The person who is going to get married next year can be a ‘lad’ in the eyes of Master-ji,
but in no way for me. The problem is, at this juncture I could not even tell Master-ji that am feeling shy to give
measurements in front of Deepak, so had to keep silent.

I saw Master-ji coming up near me with a measuring tape, which was missing last time when he took my blouse
measurement and it was so very embarrassing as he touched me directly with his fingers over my blouse on my
developed breasts.

Master-ji: Madam, you must be surprised to see the tape in my hand. True, as I told you before, I rely on my
fingers and the thread for measurement, but since this is a special dress, I have to abide by Guru-ji’s orders.

I giggled, but was definitely happy to see the tape.

Master-ji: Madam, if you could please remove your pallu…

I knew it was on the cards, but prior I was not that concerned because I was treating Deepak as a boy, but now the
situation was different. I had to reluctantly drop my sari pallu off my breast and I held it in my left arm. I tried to
ignore Deepak, but knowing that I was watched by a grown up boy, I was feeling very clumsy. I could see my butter-
coloured breasts oozing out on top of my blouse with at least an inch of creamy cleavage clearly visible to both
these males present in the room. I noticed Deepak’s eyes were riveted on my blouse covered ripe mangoes and as
he met my eyes he quickly turned to his notebook.

Observing that my breathing became heavier. I could only shuffle a bit, as Master-ji was standing too close to me
adjusting his tape. I was by then fairly conscious within myself, as I was about to get male touches on my body
during the measurement process. Honestly I was quite at ease in front of Master-ji, probably because he was aged
and had already seen my body more than desired. But the fact that an 18-year-old young man was studying my
matured figure started to give me itching within my panty.

When I go to my local tailor also I have the same consciousness, as he is not as aged as Master-ji, but a middle-
aged man. During measurement process he would surely touch and press my blouse-covered boobs with his fingers.
And also during trial sessions, the tailor would rub his fingers on my breast area on the pretext of analyzing the
tightness and smoothness of my blouse. I know it is part of his job and he does it to all his customers, but never
could I take that normally and each time when I get out from the tailoring shop, I would certainly have a semi-wet
panty under my sari or salwar.

Master-ji: Madam, since this is a sleeveless choli you will be discounted of at least one measurement, the sleeves.

Me: Thank God!

We both smiled and I additionally blushed as I noticed Master-ji swiped a quick glance at my firm mammaries,
which were becoming further evident over my blouse each time I was inhaling and exhaling air. Master-ji now took
the tape to my neck and measured for my neck and back neck widths. He mumbled some numbers to Deepak who
noted them down beside the diagram in his notebook. The touch of Master-ji’s cold fingers on my shoulder area
made me shiver momentarily.

Master-ji: Choli strap on shoulder half inch.

He was about to go for the next measurement when I interrupted, naturally, hearing the strap width.

Me: Master-ji, half inch is nothing! As it is there is no sleeve.

Master-ji: But Madam, why do you at all need a wider strap? Your bra will be strapless.

For the moment I was oblivious of that fact that I will be wearing a strapless bra within this choli. So Master-ji
had a point.

Me: But Master-ji, if the strap is so mall in width, the whole of my shoulder will remain exposed.

Master-ji: But that’s the design Madam.

Me: Please Master-ji. That would be too revealing.

Master-ji: No, no Madam, it wont be that much revealing. Yes, your shoulders will be exposed but your breasts will
be fully covered.

I understood that its no use arguing further because the conversation would become more and more uncomfortable
for me being a female and hence accepted the half-inch shoulder strap for my choli. Except for one honeymoon
nighty, which had spaghetti straps, that my husband had bought for me I could not recollect exposing my shoulders
fully wearing any dress, neither in my teens nor after marriage. I still remember that hardly did I wear that
honeymoon nighty for 3-4 days in front of Rajesh and rejected it as it exposed me so vulgarly. On one hand as it
had spaghetti straps, it exposed my bra straps openly and on the other hand it’s length was also short just touching
my knees. It was a bit too much for a conservative female like me. I know it was good fun and top excitement for
my husband to see my in that semi-exposed state in our bedroom, but considering my curvy and fleshy figure, I had
to force my hubby to resign from his idea of me wearing a spaghetti strap honeymoon nighty on bed.

I was slightly unmindful, but realized Master-ji had moved to my backside and was checking something, which I was
not able to see. Some moments passed. There was silence in the room and he was also not touching my blouse and
that made me in effect more uneasy. I wondered what was Master-ji doing! I looked at Deepak and as our eyes
met, he immediately turned his eyes, but I was fairly certain that he was staring at my big boobs, which were
indeed looking sexy only in the blouse cover.

I was in a doubt whether to look back to see what Master-ji was doing. I was standing in front of him with my legs
spread just a little. He must be having a clear view of my spotless back as there was no pallu obstruction. Suddenly
I felt Master-ji’s fingers touching my skin and gently stretching the back of my blouse. I nearly quivered at his
sudden touch. Master-ji clearly understood that.

Master-ji: What happened Madam?

Me: No, no. Nothing Master-ji.

I flushed as I was caught.

Master-ji: Madam, you must be comfortable with this fitting.

Me: Yes.

Master-ji: But Madam for this new choli, the fitting has to be much tighter.

Me: But why?

Almost out of reflex I asked this foolish question and as I heard the reply my face and ears turned red.

Master-ji: Madam, if your size was 28 or 30 I would not have said that. Since you have heavy breasts, the outer
dress has to be tight enough to support the inside. Madam, you know what the main problem is? When you wear the
bra and start moving and doing things, it tends to slide down due to the weight of your breasts. So I have to ensure
you a tight choli so that you do not have such issues after wearing it.

My breathing pace increased hearing such intimate female things from a male. I didn’t know what to say or reply.
Seeing my silence, Master-ji went on to explain more to me and I had to admit to a tighter choli, as he suggested,
without any more ado.

Master-ji: Actually Madam if I do not that alter the new choli and keep it with the same comfort fit of the blouse
you are presently wearing, you will soon find that the cups of your bra slipping off your breasts since it would not
get the necessary lateral support from the blouse. And if you would only sit quietly wearing that pair, I would not
intervene. But you will have to take part in the yagya and that’s laborious Madam. So if I leave you with a comfort
choli, you might end up with a slipping bra exposing your nipples inside your choli!

Master-ji just stopped for a split second.

Master-ji: Madam, don’t take it otherwise, but as I said at the start, if you were slim or your breast size was small
or medium, this fitting would do with a very a minor alteration, but your size is 32+. Moreover, Madam, you are
going to wear the strapless bra for the first time. So it becomes my duty as a tailor to alert you about the alter,
otherwise you might land up in an embarrassing situation later.

Me: O… O… Okay Master-ji. I got you. Thanks.

I stammered to deliver a simple reciprocation, as it seemed a heat wave was running through my ears listening to
this tailor.
Master-ji: Okay Madam. Give me a second to check the back.

Master-ji had inserted couple of fingers within the back of my blouse probably to check how much tighter it can be
made. In the process I was getting a ticklish sensation as he was rubbing my exposed back. I realized he pulled the
back of my blouse a little more with his fingers and I was pretty sure that if he peeped inside he surely could see
my bra strap and hooks. Master-ji was dragging this session long as he continued manipulating his fingers within my
blouse back, just on top of my bra strap. I was obviously uncomfortable and was feeling the itch within my panty
again and shambled slightly. Master-ji was standing so close to me and since he was looking down my blouse back
from a vertical angle, he in all probability could see my ass globes moving within my sari. I rebuked myself that I
should stop this shuffling time and again as if giving measurement to the tailor for the first time!

Master-ji: Deepak, keep a note to shift the backstitch to half inch three threads to the middle.

Now Master-ji came to my front and I noticed, as he came, he was gently scratching his pelvic area. I giggled and
blushed slightly, but simultaneously felt a delight that my curves were fiery enough to arouse even this old man
nearing 60. He bent a little and his face was exactly in front of my firm boobs and he stretched the fabric of my
blouse base with his left hand and inserted two fingers of his right hand exactly over my sternum and tried to
create a gap between my skin and the blouse fabric. My blouse length was adequate and it reached at least two
inches down from where my boobs ended. Thus as I got Master-ji’s fingers touching me in such a portion of my
body, like any other matured woman, I trembled and closed my eyes for a moment.

Master-ji: Madam, take a long breath and deflate your stomach once.

I took a long breath and held the air within so that my stomach looked flatter. Master-ji obviously found it easier
now to insert his fingers into my blouse base. Previously his fingers were unable to move much due to the tightness
of my blouse, but now Master-ji was at least able to guide and move his middle and ring fingers up into my blouse. I
could feel he was touching my bra and the bottoms of my bra cups. I was definitely getting excited and had to
release the breath.

Master-ji: Oho Madam! You need to hold your breath for a little more time. Please do it again.

Undoubtedly my heart was beating fast as Master-ji’s fingers remained inside my blouse base touching my bra cups!
I again deflated my stomach as much as possible taking a long deep breath. And Master-ji was again moving his
fingers within my blouse touching my bra cup bottoms and gently pushing my firm tits from below. This went on for
few seconds and once when he poked his finger into my bra cup feeling the firmness of it, I had to resign.

Me: Ouch!

I released my breath and almost by natural reflex action held his hand trying to remove it from my blouse. Master-
ji looked at me with surprised eyes and I quickly controlled myself realizing that I have to allow this much during
the measurement process. I very softly whispered “Sorry” to him and lowered my eyes timidly. Master-ji realizing
my condition probably took out his fingers from my blouse bottom.

Master-ji: Deepak I will dictate Madam’s midriff, armhole, and choli length, you write it in that order.

Deepak: Okay Master-ji.

Master-ji took the tape from his neck and bent a little encircling the tape on my stomach. The cold tape almost
gave a shiver on my bare stomach. Now he slowly pushed it up to the base of my blouse and measured my midriff.
In the process, he again touched the base of my boobs making me very uncomfortable.
Master-ji: 24”.

Deepak: Midriff 24”.

Master-ji took the tape off my body and stood up from his slightly bent position.

Master-ji: Madam, please raise your left arm a bit.

I raised my arm in the air and Master-ji adjusted the elevation of my arm to the exact position, but I did not know
why his touch on my skin was making ripples in my mind. I tried to smoothen my mind by arguing about his age, but
felt my blood gushing rapidly through my vessels. Master-ji kept the tape on my shoulder and circled it into my
armpit. I was rather surprised to note that, as my local tailor does the other way round. I mean he keeps the
meeting point of the tape on my shoulder and the tape encircles my armpit. But Master-ji kept the meeting point of
the tape into my sweaty armpit and was taking the measurement. I was feeling so edgy and tight because each time
Master-ji adjusted the tape, he was touching with his fingers the damp spot on my blouse at my armpit.

I was getting rather anxious and apprehensive as I noted the tailor taking his face round the corner of my wet
armpit for noting the numbers on the tape. From that close proximity, anyone could even smell my armpit!

Me: Oh My God! What is this man doing?

I muttered to myself. My posture almost froze noting Master-ji was actually sniffing my armpit!

Me: No, no. I am not mistaken. There. There again!

From Master-ji’s uplifted chin and nose movement, I could clearly make out he was actually inhaling the odour of
moist armpit. Never in my life had I faced such an awkward situation that a male was directly sniffing my blouse-
covered armpit! What shame!

Master-ji: Okay Madam, you can drop down your arm. Deepak, 10.5”.

Deepak: Armhole 10.5”.

Thank God. The sniffing did not go any longer. Now he shifted the tape to the middle of my left shoulder and fixed
it there with his left hand exactly over my bra strap and dropped the lose end freely over my left breast. I was
giving a free show of my cleavage all along, as the front neck depth of my blouse was quite deep.

Master-ji: Deepak, what is the normal choli length?

Deepak: Master-ji, it’s 14”-16”.

Master-ji: Good. But Beta, you should always keep the client requirements in mind too.

Deepak: What’s that Master-ji?

Master-ji: For example, your customer might want a short choli and in case she is unable to give her measurement,
you should cut it to 12-13”. One inch is a big adjustment on female breasts, mind you. Again if the customer is
modern and from the metro city, she might want a mini choli also. Here the choli length would range from 10-12”
depending on her figure.
Deepak: Right Master-ji.

I was also a keen listener like Deepak to Master-ji’s class. Mini choli – that was a new term for me!

Master-ji: But Deepak, being a responsible tailor, your duty does not end only satisfying your customer.

Deepak: Then?

Master-ji: You should also alert her about the dress if the need is there. For example in the case of a mini choli, if
the lady wears a normal bra, it surely would slip below the base of her short choli at her back. So your duty is to
tell the lady that she should be careful to wear a close-fitting bra, tight enough such that it does not slip below
her blouse hemline at her back.

Deepak: Right, right Master-ji. That’s a very valid point.

Master-ji smiled in admiration and rapidly shifted back to me again.

The whole time I was standing with the tape hanging over my protruding left tit. Master-ji now stretched it just
my boob base. He did not even stretch the tape till the length of the blouse I am wearing right now.

Master-ji: 13”.

Deepak: Noted Master-ji.

I could well comprehend that 13” length would surely be a bit short for me considering my heavily sticking out
mammaries, but honestly I was nervous to raise the topic to Master-ji due to his shameless ‘direct’ language. I
ultimately settled in my mind that in any case I would not be allowed to wear a sari during Maha-yagya and the choli
will be the only piece of cloth on the upper part of my body, so even if I bargain and increase it by an inch, I would
not be covering much flesh of my exposed midriff. Hence I remained quiet.

Master-ji: Deepak, now Madam’s front and back neck depths.

He paused for a second and continued.

Master-ji: Madam, unlike your blouse, the new choli would be having a square neck.

Me: Meaning?

Master-ji: Generally for blouses, we have the U-neck, the square neck, or the boat neck as the customer prefers.
But Madam, as per the Maha-yagya guidelines, your choli will have a square neck.

I had never worn a square neck blouse, so was a bit anxious to know more about it. Master-ji as if read my mind.

Master-ji: Madam, don’t worry much on that, as the change will not be huge, except for your neckline to look

I was not fully satisfied by his answer and still looked at him inquiringly.

Master-ji: Madam, if you give permission, I can explain you the difference. Actually you might feel uncomfortable
as it’s related with your…
He did not mention the word “breasts”, but indicated that through his eyes. In fact, I was in no position to say
‘Okay don’t explain as its related to my boobs’ and hence I had to go ahead with the motion.

Me: It’s okay Master-ji. Talking to you I have learnt some helpful tips.

I had to coax him so that it looks normal especially in the presence of a third person, Deepak.

Master-ji: Actually Madam the basic variation is that the square neckline choli reveals more flesh of your breasts.
I will show it how.

Master-ji stepped forward right beside me and his right hand came over my breast area and rested over my

Master-ji: Now this is your current U-neckline (he started tracing the edge of my blouse neck and slowly came near
my cleavage). When the cut is like this way in the shape of a U, most of the upper part of your breasts are secured
and covered, but your cleavage will remain exposed.

My heart was as if drumming due to Master-ji’s demo acts. Deepak was staring at my pallu-less boobs and open
midriff drinking every drop of my jawani with his eyes. I was feeling severe itching in my pussy as I felt Master-ji’s
fingers gliding on my blouse.

Master-ji: Madam, now see what happens when you wear a square neck choli. (He took his hand back to my
shoulder). Now the cut is like this, it comes down almost perpendicular (he now began dropping his finger over my
right boob and stopped halfway down my breast). Now from around here, it goes to the right like a square (he
almost touched the areola of my right boob as he traced his finger over my firm jiggling flesh).

I very faintly whispered “P-l-e-a-s-e” with parted lips to Master-ji. I was careful enough so that Deepak could not
see my facial reaction. I was unable to restrict my left hand going over my sari on my pussy. Seeing my reaction
Master-ji loosened the tape slightly and my nipples could clearly feel the brush of his thumb and fingers as he
traced a straight line on the pretext of showing the square neckline. An obvious thrill ran down my body tingling
right down to my pussy and instinctively my legs opened just a little wider.

Master-ji: And then Madam, it goes up again like this (his knuckles were openly pressing my left boob feeling the
firmness and smoothness of my flesh). So you can very well realize that unlike your present blouse much of the
upper part of your breasts will remain exposed when you go for a square neckline. But Madam unfortunately that’s
the Maha-yagya prescription. I can hardly do anything about it.

I closed my eyes for a moment in excitement, as he removed his hand off my breasts and frankly I hardly was
hearing what he was saying, rather I was getting keen on the music that slowly was starting within my 28-year-old
fully matured body due to his close contacts.

Master-ji: Madam, I must obey Guru-ji’s orders. So…

I nodded and said, “Okay”.

Master-ji came up again on my breasts with his tape and measured for my square neckline and front neck depth and
murmured the numbers to Deepak. Now I was starting to heat up fully though I tried to be in command of my
emotions, but was certainly slipping. Master-ji also measured the back neck depth for my new choli. While doing
that Master-ji gave me very clear indication that he was not only taking measurements as a tailor, but also taking
chance on my jawani. He was at my back when he was taking the back neck depth measurement and he directly felt
my back with his palm and specifically pressed me on my bra strap and even on bra hook giving me very clear signals.
Obviously I knew that I should not encourage this man, but my emotions were paralyzing my mind to resist.

Master-ji: Madam, now please raise your hands up. I will take your bust measurement.

I lifted my hands up and kept them in the air. From the corner of my eyes I could see my sweaty armpits and there
were clear round wet spots in both armpits over my blouse. I noticed Deepak was looking at them, but I had little
to do, but to ignore that. I remained stationary with my hands help up in the air and Master-ji’s arms went round
my body as he wrapped the tape around my back over my breasts.

Master-ji: Deepak, come here.

Deepak came forward and stood near me. Now I was standing between the two males with my pallu on floor, hands
up in the air, and armpits shamelessly advertising big sweat spots!

Master-ji: Now Deepak Beta, when you take the bust measurement, it should always be taken around the fullest
part of the breasts. To get that you must ask the lady, whose measurement you are taking, to raise her hands up.
This actually gives two advantages. Can you tell me what are they?

Deepak: I can think of one.

Master-ji: What is that?

Deepak: In this state when I look at madam from the side I can easily get the fullest part of her breasts.

Master-ji: Right. So for bust measurement this posture is very helpful. Another advantage is when Madam is
standing like this you can see the fitting in a stretched condition, which is very important. You know Deepak, in my
initial days I stitched a blouse for a lady and as she wanted it skintight, I just did not leave any breathing space
while stitching and the very next day after delivery she came back with the blouse with a torn armpit. So you must
remember to give some freedom to the blouse fabric to skim over the bra. And you can assess that from this
posture as Madam is standing.

Deepak: Right, right Master-ji. I should have thought of that.

I was wondering when this tailoring class would end!

Master-ji: Now look at the blouse cups and what do you find?

Deepak now took his face a bit nearer to my blouse-covered tits and I could realize my nipples getting hard seeing
him trying to inspect my boobs!

Deepak: Master-ji, there is much looseness of cloth at the hooks and that can be corrected.

Master-ji: Good observation. Also some alteration can be done at the base, which I checked. Also this choli being
sleeveless you can adjust the armhole to make the blouse tighter to support the strapless bra.

Deepak nodded affirmatively with a smiling face.

Master-ji: O! Another very important thing Deepak. Madam, I hope you are not getting annoyed.

Master-ji turned and said the last few words to me with an ever-smiling face. That was a good one, I thought. You
two are openly passing comments about my breasts and being a 28-year-old married woman will I not feel annoyed!

Me: No, no. It’s okay Master-ji. But please if you can pace it up, as my hands would pain if I stay like this for some
more time.

Master-ji: No, no Madam, be rest assured. This is the only measurement where you have to raise your hands and I
will finish it soon.

Now he turned to Deepak.

Master-ji: As I was saying, when you take bust measurement, make sure that you obtain at least two more numbers,
one slightly up the cup and one below.

Deepak: Why Master-ji?

Master-ji: See Deepak, as you know female breasts are of various size and shapes. Every lady will not have as tight
and full a bustline as Madam’s, isn’t it? He he he…

He purposefully turned at me and expressed this laugh, which was infuriating that I cannot describe in words.

Master-ji: We measure so many women each day, but how many has such good shape even after marriage? So
remember to take at least two more measurements for ladies who have sagging bustlines, which you can easily
determine seeing their shapes over the blouse.

Deepak: Sure Master-ji.

I was simply amazed to hear such comments spoken so openly and normally in my front about my mammaries! Its not
that I was hearing remarks in relation to my figure for the first time from males. When I was in college when I
passed a particular turn on the way, comments were thrown at me by the Road Romeos, which I always ignored. I
still remember they passed filthy statements about my swaying ass and firm boobs. Ignoring was the only way out
to those comments. Then after marriage my husband flattered me on so many occasions praising my boobs before
intercourse or even when I was combing hair in front of the dressing table, etc., he passed comments regarding my
figure. Most of the time I enjoyed those though they were also not too decent. But what I am experiencing today
is unique! I obviously cannot enjoy these lewd talks and at the same time cannot simply ignore. A genuinely
precarious situation for me!

Master-ji: Okay, enough talks, lets go ahead with the work again.

Saying that Master-ji took his hands around me circling the tape round my boob circumference and as he did that
his chest pressed very gently on my breasts, though momentarily, I felt a real turn on by that. Actually unknowing
Master-ji’s chest touched precisely on my nipples under the cover of my blouse and bra. I could feel drops of
vaginal fluid getting soaked into my panty from my honeypot. My nipples also gained instant strength I realized and
poked more on my bra cup.

I immediately tried to divert my mind and counseled my mind how vulgarly Master-ji threw the smile at me when he
said, “Every lady will not have as tight and full a bustline as Madam’s…” and attempted to think negatively about
this tailor. But alas! I was losing self-control by the minute as Master-ji started taking my bust measurement
because my body was speaking in different terms than my mind.

Master-ji: Madam, you please remain still and not move your body while I take your numbers.
I nodded and he pulled the plastic tape over my firm boobs through the middle of my blouse cups. As the tap slide
and moved on my smooth round flesh, it gave me a very sexy feeling and concurrently I could feel Master-ji’s
fingers touching the core flesh of my mammaries. In front of my eyes in the pretext of smoothening the tape, he
openly was feeling the sides of my jiggling boobs clasped within the blouse. He was surely enjoying the tightness
and roundedness of my 28-year-old fully developed treasures and since I was childless till then, my boobs had not
sagged an inch.

Master-ji: Madam, I will slowly tighten the tape. Just let me know when you feel very tight.

Me: O… Okay.

I could hardly say that as Master-ji’s hands were still very much touching my ripe mangoes and naturally my nipples
started raising their heads in full resilience getting a male touch. Of course I also started breathing heavier and
probably my want for enjoyment was engulfing my mind gradually though I tried to convince myself internally that I
must not behave like this because if Master-ji gets a feel of my physical condition it would be very embarrassing
and awkward for me.

Master-ji now shifted the meeting point of the tape from where my blouse hooks were to my left breast and this
time he surely made me breathless. His fingers were now touching and pressing my left tit and I could feel the
meeting point of the tape over my left areola!

“Uuhhhhhh!” I whispered within myself.

Now he did the worst thing. To mark the position of the tape and the tightness, he pressed on the tape with his
thumb exactly over my nipple.

Master-ji: Madam, is this okay? This must not be too tight.

Me: Aaah. Ummm. I mean no.

I said somehow. My pussy seemed to be leaking now and since I was not wearing any pads, etc. below my sari, my
panty was getting soaked and I could feel the wetness now on my groins too.

Master-ji: 31.6 at tight comfort.

Deepak: Okay.

Master-ji: Madam, now keep your hands on my shoulder.

I was all along standing with my hands up in the air and was much relieved hearing that. I kept my hands on his
shoulders and he now removed his left hand off the meeting point of the tape and took it to my back to see if the
tape was properly place or not. In the process he not only brushed my right boob, but also felt my whole brassiere
on the right side. And left me gasping by again taking back his hand to the original position not before bumping on
my right boob and almost pushing it within my blouse cover.

As I had kept my hands on his shoulders, the sides of my protruding breasts were completely open and now he
shifted the meeting point of the tape to my right breast. He grazed his hands feeling every inch of my jawani.

Me: Shhh. Aaah!

I controlled myself to a whisper. My legs were automatically getting parted at my standing posture and my heart
was starting to miss a beat. He again marked the position with his thumb and this time I was very sure he was
trying to trace my nipple over the fabric of my blouse and bra. I could feel Master-ji was breathing faster and his
hands shaking marginally. The old man did not stop there and after he traced my nipple he was trying to grab my
right boob nipple, which was fully erect now, over my blouse with two fingers in the disguise of holding the tape
meeting point.

Honestly that was too much for me and I was unable to resist myself any more and gripped Master-ji’s shoulders
very firmly digging my nails into them. I knew that was a blunder to do. I was inviting trouble, as I was directly
indicating him that am getting excited by his moves. In all honestly, I could hardly control my sexual appeal. I also
knew very well that as long as I was suppressing my emotions and movements to him, things were within limits, but
once I had expressed my frailty, I was in effect opening the unknown floodgate.

I suddenly remembered that this very warning was also given to me by one of my friends once. Her name is Sunita,
whom I met after my marriage in our locality. She was married for five years and had two kids when I met her. Our
friendship probably triggered more due to our naming similarity, Sunita and Anita. She actually guided me to the
local tailor from whom I now sew my blouse, etc. We mixed well and had quite a bit of private sharing among us,
such as our sexual life, our husband’s sexual hunger, etc. etc. as is very common between young married women. One
day I went to her place in the afternoon and since her kids were off to school, we were having longer chats and
somehow the topic converged to our sexual feelings not originating from our husbands. I did mention to her about
my crowded bus experiences where male hands groped my ass globes or boobs, and on some occasions crossing the
decency limits, which I had to accept, as I did not want to create a scene in crowd and, truthfully, for some
harmless enjoyment. She then divulged her experience with her previous tailor.

Like me, she also got pretty excited by the tailor’s touches while taking her blouse measurements and one day when
the tailor was checking her fitting during a trial period, she got very excited by his touches. She even told me that
the other night she got a good fuck from her husband and was completely satisfied, but still strangely was
triggered by the tailor’s constant rubbing and pressing on her breasts during the trial. Thankfully she got back her
senses in time and the episode ended in squeezing and massaging only. But she did mention to me that it was
extremely difficult to get out such situations and if I can put that in Sunita’s words:

“…Anita, you won’t believe, it’s so very difficult to get out from such situations. The tailor by that time was fully
aware that his touches had made me weak and I was a pray. I was also so carried away by the momentary
excitement that I forgot that I am a mother of two and shamelessly allowed him to grope me amply over my blouse.
As he did not get a timely hindrance from me, he just went on and on and you know, how shameful it was, he even
inserted his hand into my backside within my petticoat! I had to stop and only I know how I controlled myself and
prevented him. I had to cook up a story and almost begged a release from his clutches. Otherwise the way things
were going, he surely would land up fucking me on the floor of the trial room. Just imagine! A small careless
enjoyment would make me feel guilty for whole life. Anita, if ever in your life you tend to slip by the influence of
any male other than Rajesh, mind you, DO NOT express your emotions to him. Once you do that you will only invite
troubled waters…”

Master-ji: Deepak, make it 31.2 tight. Madam, are you feeling too tight?

I as if got back to reality hearing Master-ji’s voice, but frankly it was not only the voice that awaked me, but also I
could now feel almost a grab on my right boob!

Me: It… It’s okay.

Though I was not at all ‘okay’ in the true sense, as the tape was pressing hard on my boobs now.

Master-ji now made the tape somewhat more short, increasing pressure on the nipple of my right breast.
Master-ji: Is this fine Madam? Or too tight?

Me: Uh! Ta… Tight.

My voice was a hoarse whisper. As the pressure of his fingers was increasing on my firm tits, my pussy was getting
flooded with the juices. I controlled myself somehow and stood still clutching on to Master-ji’s shoulder.

Master-ji: Okay, okay Madam, I will settle with the last number. Deepak 31.2 with negative 2-3 threads.

Deepak: Okay.

Master-ji: I will do one last check and then finalize it.

Deepak nodded. Master-ji seemed to have been adequately pumped up touching a full-grown woman’s breasts
unhindered. He also must have been encouraged by my silent affirmation to his moves when I dug my nails deeper
into his shoulder and also seeing my flushed face, which clearly portrayed my sexually aroused state.

Though apparently he was taking my measurement and telling the numbers to Deepak, I could clearly sense his
partial grip on my right mammary over my blouse and brassiere. I was almost shivering getting a direct feel of male
fingers trying to grab my boob flesh. I inquisitively glanced down to see what he was doing.

I smiled to myself seeing the slyness of old man tailor and his want to get sexually excited at this age even!
Practically I was his daughter’s age, but still he was feeling my jawani like my lover! Master-ji was no doubt holing
the meeting point of the tape with both hands over my right breast, but he had kept his right hand so craftily
under the guard of his left palm and in that disguise he was deriving all sorts of enjoyment from me. Seeing my
compromised condition, the old man indulged into all sorts of sexual pranks, including pressing my boob flesh with
his fingers from the front, poking the nipple with his thumb, gliding his fingers over my blouse assessing the
smoothness and firmness of my mammary, and trying to push it up by cupping it from below.

Through the corner of my eyes, I turned to Deepak, and thank god, as he was unable to see the right side of my
body directly and was unaware what his tailor-guru was doing with me. For the first time I also made a direct move
– I faintly thrust my boobs on Master-ji’s hands. I was very sure he could realize that because when my eyes met
his, he winked at me. Master-ji’s lewd actions were sexually tormenting me enormously and rising to simply
unbearable heights. I was dying for some very tight hugs and squeezes right away. Also very naturally my vaginal
discharge was amounting more and oozing out spontaneously now out of my honeypot. My breathing was heavier than
ever before, my lips parted, my legs getting weaker – everything imprinting my vulnerable state. Unconsciously I
had started swaying my hips also, as my excitement was speeding up, but once I realized it, I felt so ashamed and
was conscious instantly.

Master-ji: So Madam, I am finalizing your choli with this much tightness.

Saying that, he looked at my flushed face. I was simply not in a position to reply anything as this old tailor had
brought me to a boiling point very quickly with just a few deft touches and caresses. I could feel my panty-front
almost completely soaked and felt afraid that pretty soon there would be a wet spot on my petticoat. I was quite
aware that I was yet to be measured for the Maha-yagya skirt and surely Master-ji would not take the
measurements over my sari, but over my petticoat!

Master-ji: Now the last one, the shoulder-to-apex measurement and then you are done.

I was in fact unable to take any more of Master-ji’s touches. Physically as well as mentally I had gone too weak and
was virtually trembling with excitement. One more touch by master-ji, I didn’t know what I would do; I desperately
needed a tight squeeze at my boobs and some close hugs. But suddenly things changed rapidly and I will be a liar if
I do not admit that I simply loved the altered scenario.

Master-ji: Deepak, bring the notebook here once.

Deepak came near me and handed him the notebook. As Master-ji was glancing at the notes Deepak has taken, and
at that moment Deepak commented something that prompted swift transformation of the whole affair.

Deepak: Madam, you seem to tremble. Are you okay?

Before I could react and reply Master-ji took control of things.

Master-ji: Right, right. Madam, I also felt that you were somewhat shivering. Let me see.

He started checking my forehead.

Deepak: Madam, you are sweating a lot also.

I was fairly confused at their consecutive statements.

Master-ji: Your forehead is so cold! What’s happening Madam? Shall I hold you?

Though he asked the question, but without waiting for my consent, he held me by my elbow.

Me: It’s alr… Ouch!

I was about to say that I was ‘all right’, but suddenly I felt Master-ji’s pinch near my elbow and hence that sound
came out from my mouth.

Master-ji: What happened Madam? Deepak, bring a glass of water for her.

Me: But…

As Deepak turned away from me and Master-ji towards the corner of the room to get the water, Master-ji
grabbed my elbow very firmly and brought his mouth near my ear.

Master-ji: If you want more, just pretend as I say.

I looked at Master-ji with very inquisitive eyes at his whisper. But there was no time to think on his statement as
Deepak was coming with a glass of water. He did that rapidly as he must have thought that I was not feeling well in

Master-ji: Tell us Madam. What’s happening? Is your head spinning?

I could not generate within myself the ability to think more on this, as I could feel Master-ji was now holding my
elbow in such a manner that my fingers were brushing against his lungi-covered thigh. Deepak came and handed the
water to me and as I drank Master-ji was making my hand touch his erect lund under his lungi!

I gulped the water somehow and closed my eyes for a second, probably to tell the first lie.
Me: My head. It’s spinning…

I tried to pretend that I was ‘not feeling well’. Deepak seemed quite convinced!

Deepak: Master-ji, hold her well. Shall I get the chair Madam?

Master-ji was probably waiting for this opportunity and now that he knew I was pretending and Deepak was also
won over, there was no obstacle for him. Master-ji now held me with both hands at my both elbows from the front.

Master-ji: Madam, don’t worry. Just relax and take your time.

I nodded and closed my eyes and also swayed my head a little to make it look more real.

Deepak: Madam, do you get this head spinning often? Do you take any medication?

Master-ji saved me from answering those and craftily snatched the conversation in his own way.

Master-ji: Deepak, Deepak. She seems to be fainting. I can feel that. What to do? What to do? (he pinched me
again and this time on my both elbows so that I pretend to faint).

I had no other alternative, but to close my eyes and lean my head towards Master-ji’s body and pretend as if I was
having a “fainting spell”. Deepak was perfectly fooled.

Deepak: Master-ji, hold her tightly. I will also support you.

Saying that Deepak held me by my back touching me over my blouse back. And at last I got some relief from my
sexual aches when Master-ji embraced me tightly with his hands in the excuse of holding the fainting woman. My
heart was running very fast now as my eyes were closed and I was feeling Master-ji’s flat chest on my round
blouse-covered mammaries and his hands encircling me near my waist. Honestly, more than Master-ji, I myself was
squashing my firm protruding milk tanks into his chest.

Me: Aaaaaaaah!

I whispered to myself giving a sigh of ecstasy.

Deepak: Lets take her to the bed Master-ji.

Master-ji was taking the full feel of my young boobs in his upper body and obviously was reluctant to release me.

Master-ji: Wait, wait. Let me see for some moments if Madam gets back her senses. By that time you clean up the
bed at least.

Deepak: Okay.

Till such time, Deepak was supporting my back though actually there was no need as Master-ji was holding me like
an octopus. Now I realized he was away to my bedside and I felt it safe to open my eyes once. I found Master-ji
quite energetic though he was around 60 years in age. I looked for a split second towards my bed and saw Deepak
cleaning up my dresses, etc. from it, but could not concentrate there at all, as Master-ji was now holding and
pressing me as if he was hugging his wife! His mouth was sniffing my bare neck and blouse-covered shoulders and
taking full advantage of Deepak not seeing us, he pulled in his right hand within our bodies and started squeezing
my boobs. Only God knows how I controlled my moan not being aloud and enjoyed his squeezes on my ripe boobs

Deepak: Master-ji, it’s done. Has Madam got back her senses?

Master-ji was quick enough to behave properly and I also closed my eyes hearing his voice and leaned my head onto
Master-ji’s shoulder. A perfectly fainted lady!

Master-ji: No. We need to take her there. You give me a hand.

I did not see but realized Deepak came near. How would they take me to the bed I wondered? With Master-ji’s
figure and age he surely would not take me in his lap. Anyway, I was pretty thrilled and excited by this whole
pretending episode and shamelessness had gripped me firmly to continue this ‘harmless’ enjoyment.

Deepak: How would we carry her?

Master-ji: One second. You pull off her remaining sari first. It’s getting into my legs.

Me: Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh!

I babbled within myself. Deepak was very swift to pull off my sari knot from my waist. Why not? Master-ji was
saying he would get married next year, so he needs to know how to pull off her wife’s sari. As Deepak pulled it
completely off my waist I was having a peculiar feeling as never in my life had I been stripped off my sari with
closed eyes! Yes, on bed, in the initial days of my marriage many a times my husband pulled off my panty and during
that time I kept my eyes closed in shame getting fully naked. But later on when intercourse was regular, I did not
feel that much shame as my hubby pulled off my bra or panty from my body. But this was indeed very different.

Even Master-ji noticed his swift handiwork and made a dirty comment.

Master-ji: Deepak Beta, go slow. Why are you taking it off so fast?

I did not hear Deepak replying anything, probably he was hurrying because he wanted to get me on bed quickly
seeing my senseless state.

Master-ji: She is not your wife afterall… that you pull off her sari quickly and will get a chance to raise her
petticoat. Ha ha haa…

Deepak: Ha ha hah.

Master-ji: Keep Madam’s sari on the chair.

I was now standing in Master-ji’s arms clad in my blouse and petticoat only. And I could well realize even with my
closed eyes that Deepak showed his back to us to keep my sari, as Master-ji grabbed my ample ass cheeks over my
petticoat and started feeling them sufficiently. My panty was as usual nonexistent on my buttocks, as it was stuck
in my ass crack, and so Master-ji could grab and feel my ass flesh directly. Obviously the pleasure of getting
squeezed over my petticoat with my panty covering my ass cheeks was less than directly getting the feel of male
hands on my bottom. Hence I was simply elated getting Master-ji’s hands toying with my fleshy buttocks.

I opened my eyes for a split moment and realizing Deepak was coming back quickly closed it and Master-ji also
shifted his hands off my round hips to my waist. I kept my head on Master-ji’s shoulder and my jiggling boobs were
pressing constantly against his chest. My panty was now all soaked with my vaginal juices and I was getting
increasingly horny.
Deepak: Lets take Madam to the bed now.

Master-ji: Yes Deepak. You do one thing; hold her legs and I will hold her shoulders.

I felt Deepak touching my feet and in a moment held both my legs and pulled me up from floor. I had now no
contact with the ground with Master-ji holding my shoulder area. My back portion and hips were hanging in the air
and they slowly took me to the bed. Since Master-ji was just near my head in my hanging position, I could feel my
head pushing into his erect penis inside his lungi. Immediately there was goosebump on my whole body and I felt so
ashamed within myself to express my inner self to these males. Deepak was holding me directly on my legs below
my petticoat and he surely would have realized that I was having goosebump!

I was trying to keep my legs as straight as possible because when Deepak held my legs and raised them off the
ground, my petticoat skated up my legs and it was dangerously hanging in the air creating a gap between my legs
and its hem. I was honestly to a certain extent afraid and ashamed of a needless upskirt before this young guy.
Thankfully, since the bed was only a few feet from where I was standing, I did not get entangled in any further
humiliating situation and was laid on bed in supine position with my head resting on a pillow.

Master-ji: Deepak, what do we do now? I am really confused. Shall I call Guru-ji?

Deepak: Master-ji, I have seen a number of fainting cases of my mami in our native village. I think if we sprinkle
water on her mouth she might get up.

Master-ji: Bring some water then. But does you mami have this disease?

Deepak: Yes master-ji and she got injured a few times also. Madam’s case seems to be different.

I was listening to them with closed eyes and was expecting water on my face. Deepak probably brought the water
and I was unsure who was sprinkling it on my face, but I tried my best not to react to the cold water.

Deepak: Master-ji, seems it’s having no effect on her.

Master-ji: Right. You were telling your mami has this disease. What do her family members do when she fainted?

Deepak: Check her breathing once Master-ji.

I could feel Master-ji took his hand below my nostrils to check my breathing pace.

Master-ji: Deepak, it’s very, very faint.

Listening to that I also stopped my normal breathing in case Deepak double checks me. I was enjoying this small
pretending act and was getting a high dose of unexpected thrill from it!

Deepak: Master-ji, then you have to do the first preventive measure, which I had seen in case of my mami also at

Master-ji: And what’s that?

Deepak: Pump her chest and I will rub her soles.

Master-ji: Good idea. Lets do that. You rub Madam’s soles.

My heart stopped for a moment. ‘Good idea’ – I corrected in my mind that Master-ji should have said ‘wonderful
idea’! I desperately needed some long squeezes of my taut flesh within my blouse. So in the disguise of getting my
senses back, Master-ji could now ‘pump’ my chest! I already had hard nipples within my bra expecting his massage
on my taut flesh.

Master-ji did not waste a second and grabbed my conical peaks, which were covered in my blouse and brassiere, and
started pressing them. In no time, in excitement, Master-ji was virtually mauling my 28-year-old full-sized boobs
openly with both hands. Thank God! My eyes were closed. The way he held and crushed my firm breasts, it seemed
as if he was pressing two cycle-rickshaw horns with his both palms. I was now gasping for breath and obviously my
legs were getting separated and my hips also starting to move.

Never ever in my 28-year-old life, I got this sort of a pleasure where I am lying on bed with my eyes closed and
someone massaging my developed breasts freely and I was not making the slightest movement except for clenching
my lips. Honestly, my pretending act and Master-ji’s smart moves were filling my heart with a wild enjoyment,
adventure, and satisfaction.

Deepak: Master-ji, I think Madam is slowly responding. I can feel her legs moving.

Hearing that I was standstill like a stone again trying to conquer all my sexual tingling within my body. Master-ji
also realized that and loosened his grip on my mammaries.

Master-ji: Then, let me check her breathing again.

I could feel Master-ji’s finger below my nostrils again. I was obviously breathing heavier than last time, but
Master-ji’s reaction was the same to Deepak.

Master-ji: No Deepak, there is not much improvement there. Is her soles cold?

Deepak: Yes Master-ji, somewhat.

Master-ji: Then? What to do next?

Deepak: Once I had seen my mami was given a mouth-to-mouth sucking. You can do that Master-ji?

‘Mouth-to-mouth sucking’ - my God! Will my tailor do that to me? That’s nothing but lip-to-lip kissing in this case.
Should I allow him to kiss me? A mere tailor would kiss me! And considering his age, around 60, how would it feel to
be kissed by such an aged person?

My queries were answered by my inner self only!

Why not? What’s the harm? He has given me so much pleasure; why not allow him to suck the honey from my lips
too. He might be a tailor, but he has already hugged me like my husband and afterall a kiss won’t snatch my
womanhood. Why not take all the delights of this pretending escapade?

I mentally got prepared to be kissed by a person of my father’s age.

Master-ji: Certainly I can try and if that can bring back Madam’s senses nothing like it. What’s’ the process of
doing that?

With closed eyes I felt Master-ji shifting his position more towards my head. I was certainly progressing towards
a climax for sure.

Deepak: Master-ji, you open Madam’s mouth and then suck the air within her mouth and then pump in air from your
mouth. Okay?

Master-ji: Okay. Let me try.

Deepak: But continue the chest pumping while doing the mouth-to-mouth breathing. That’s what I remember was
done in my mami’s case also.

Master-ji: O… Okay.

It was like opening the floodgate for this 60-year-old man and in a moment I could sense Master-ji’s cold lips
brushing my lips. Certainly the man was trembling with excitement. I could almost hear his heartbeats. Master-ji
opened my mouth with his hands and started feeling my lower lip with his lips in the pretext of sucking and exhaling
air into my mouth. Then he actually started kissing me and I felt his warm tongue was probing my mouth. His saliva
was mixing with mine and I was also responding positively by thrusting by lips into his. I soon felt his right hand
cupping my right boob and he immediately started milking it. I was certain that this time my blouse hooks would
surely break due to the number of times my firm globes were squeezed in this short span of time. My hard and
perky nipple was clearly felt by Master-ji’s big palm. He was so sure of its position that even when he was kissing
my lips he was pressing it with his thumb every now and then alternating with a tight grab of my right mammary.

Everything at this point was going a bit too far and beyond my control. My whole body had heated up immensely and
my breathing accented that only. I was very sure that Deepak could clearly realize that he had to force my legs
together to keep them steady, as my natural reaction was making them parted. Did he get the hint from this that I
was pretending to be senseless? No, no. Then he would have commented something. I tried my best to be steady,
but Master-ji’s heavy breathing on my face, his teeth biting my lips, and his tongue roaming in my mouth were
making me feel at heaven. As I was lying on bed with a pillow below my head, I was getting more inclined to think as
if I was having a love session with my husband.

Deepak: Any sign of Madam getting back to senses Master-ji?

Master-ji: Aye. Yee… Yes, yes Deepak. She is responding faintly.

Deepak: I also feel her legs are coming to senses.

Master-ji: But she is not fully aware still.

As he talked his lips were brushing my lips and it was such a sexy feeling for me words cannot describe probably. I
realized with my eyes closed that Master-ji now lifted his body off my face and also removed his palm from my
blouse. I was now actually having pain in my breasts with so many times cupping by Master-ji with my bra fastened
on my tight flesh.

Deepak: Master-ji, let us then try now the odour technique.

Odour! What odour I wondered, but in no way could anticipate what Master-ji was up to!

Master-ji: Bah! That’s a cool idea Deepak; why did it not come to my mind?

I realized Deepak now stood up from his sitting position rubbing my soles of the feet.
Deepak: Yes Master-ji. In case of my mami also, I saw that when she was getting to slight senses, the odour
technique was applied.

Master-ji: What was your mami smelt when she was senseless?

Deepak: Anything with abnormally pungent odour. But I don’t see anything here of that sort.

Master-ji: Bring your sandals.

Eh! Chi! Chi!

That was obviously my initial internal reaction. I have to smell his sandals now? Should I get up now to avoid that,
but I did not get any clue from Master-ji to do so. Hence I had to continue pretending unconscious.

Master-ji: Lets try this first.

I could realize he brought in Deepak’s sandals to my nose. Thankfully did not touch it there, but I did not open my

Deepak: Master-ji, we need something, which has a repulsive odour.

Master-ji: I have something in mind, but that will not look decent.

Deepak: What?

Master-ji: Leave it.

Deepak: It’s no more a question of decency now. We need to get back Madam to her senses quickly.

Master-ji: Then wait.

I did not hear a sound and was getting quite curious about what was happening. But with my eyes closed I could
hardly guess what was going on. What was Master-ji bringing for me to smell?

Suddenly I heard Deepak laughing.

Deepak: That’s not a bad idea.

Master-ji: I have been wearing this banyan (=vest) for the last 2 days, so should be…

I could feel a repulsive smell already, as he neared the vest that he was wearing towards my nose. Definitely it had
a disgusting odour of sweat, but not so much to get me up from my ‘senseless’ state. But I made up my mind that
next whatever these two bring for me to smell, I would definitely get up and end this acting.

Deepak: Nope. No response.

Master-ji: Just check, if the door is locked or not?

Deepak: Why Master-ji?

Master-ji: Do as I say.
I was also wondering why was he saying that, but at the same time thought that it’s better for me only if the door
is locked, otherwise if someone comes and finds me like this – lying in bed only wearing my petticoat and blouse with
half of my globes out of my blouse (courtesy Master-ji) with closed eyes and that too in front of two males – surely
would be very awkward and bashful for myself.

Deepak: It’s locked.

Master-ji: Okay, this is the last straw then. But am sure Madam will get back her senses smelling this.

He laughed a little, but with my eyes closed I was unable to grasp why he laughed. I heard I heard Deepak laughing
too. I was getting immensely curious regarding what was Master-ji up to!

Deepak: Yes, this would surely get her back to life.

I could now smell something pungent, but could not make out what exactly it was, though the smell was not
absolutely unfamiliar.

Master-ji: Beta, every married woman knows the smell of this.

Deepak: How Master-ji?

Master-ji: When you will get married, you will also know once you can force your wife to suck it.

My goodness! What’s they talking about! I could now get a skin touch on my nose a hard thing and undoubtedly it
was a PENIS. The smell of Master-ji’s lund very near my nose made me feel very guilty initially, but since my body
was totally charged up by that time, I started to inhale deeply to get its welcome odour.

I could easily have opened my eyes right now, but I was hypnotized as if by the scent of his cock. I nose could feel
wetness from the drops of precum of the penis bulb.

Uhhhhhhhhh! I said to myself. The smell and the touch was enough to take me to a new height of excitement. It is
true that I did not get enough delights in sucking my husband’s cock, but in this case I was terribly provoked to
take Master-ji’s naked lund in my mouth probably because abruptly in my mind came the scene of Shilpa sucking
Guru-ji’s mammoth erect penis. Master-ji most likely read my mind and now he was pressing his erect tool on my
nose and cheeks. I was also nodding my head slowly and was responding to his actions. Still I had my eyes closed.

Deepak: Master-ji, you were absolutely correct. See how Madam is responding!

In all probability Master-ji was getting past his control and especially considering his age it was also virtually
impossible for him to hold his fluid after such extended foreplays. I felt Master-ji’s fingers parting my lips and
opening my mouth forcefully and he readily inserted his erect tool in my mouth. I could realize this was going
beyond all limits, but did not want to miss the opportunity to suck a male cock and as my eyes were closed for a
long time, honestly, I was not feeling much shyness too.

Master-ji: Aa! Aa! Aaah! Suck, suck, suck more you bitch.

Master-ji was doing the same action in my mouth, as my husband does while fucking me on bed. I took his whole
cock in my mouth and was sucking with full vitality. It was smaller in size and thinner too than my husband’s dick,
but was enough to take me reach my climax. I could realize that I was now very shamelessly lifting my heavy gaand
in rhythmic motion as if I was getting fucked. But honestly I cared a damn for decency at that time and wanted to
get the full enjoyment. I was cumming heavily and reached climax now and started moaning also. My panty was
soaked completely and I could feel my discharges were even flowing down my smooth thighs. My mouth fucking
continued for some moments in presence of Deepak and finally Master-ji flooded my mouth with his semen and
actually I was not very prepared for that condition and gulped some of his hot fluid, as if I was in water not
knowing swimming.

I could not take it any more and had to resist now; with my tongue I pushed Master-ji’s somewhat limp penis out of
my mouth and opened my eyes. Once I opened my eyes, I as if came back to senses in the true sense of it. I did not
know what to do or how to react. Master-ji was standing with his lungi on floor and his wet lund in his hand just
facing my mouth. I got up immediately from my lying position.

Deepak: Oh! Madam, you got back your senses. Master-ji, she is back to life again. Great!

I was looking absolutely dumbfounded sitting on bed before these two males. I looked down and saw my mangoes
were almost out of my blouse and had to adjust them before these males, who were shamelessly looking at me
adjusting my brassiere and blouse to hide my jawani. My face was still wet with Master-ji’s semen.

Deepak: You gave us a very hard time to get back to your senses and we were quite scared when you suddenly

Me: Hmm.

Master-ji: Deepak Beta, give Madam a hanky to wipe her face. I will also clean myself and be back from toilet in a

I also felt the need to go to toilet immediately and clean myself – my face, my pussy, and get rid of my wet panty

Me: Master-ji, can I go first?

Master-ji: You will need some time Madam. I will just urinate and be back in a flash.

I reluctantly agreed to him, but desperately needed to pee.

Deepak: I will also urinate.

Master-ji: Come with me. We can go together. Madam, excuse us for a moment.

Both males disappeared within the toilet and they did not even bother to close the door and I could unmistakably
hear the sound of their pissing. I could realize things had gone far beyond my control now and now trying to be
decent was no use. Before I could think any further, Master-jia and Deepak were both back!

Master-ji: Madam, now you can go.

By that time when they were in the toilet I had wiped the thick semen off my mouth and nose and tried to look
normal though still was having a racing heart beat and as I tried to get off from the bed, Deepak intervened.

Deepak: Madam, madam, what are you doing?

I was rather surprised at his voice and looked up at him.

Me: Why? What happened?

Deepak: You have just got back your senses Madam. Have you forgotten that for the last 15 to 20 minutes you had
been unconscious?

I had to stop as I momentarily forgot that I was pretending to have fainted so long and I could not just get up and
start walking normally.

Deepak: My mami also once tried to act smart and within moments fell down and cut her forehead. Surely you won’t
like a repeat show here.

Master-ji: Deepak is speaking sense Madam.

I looked at Master-ji with angry eyes, as he very well knew that I was pretending to have a fainting spell, but could
not express anything in front of Deepak.

Deepak: Madam, let me hold you and then you try to walk.

I had to agree to his proposal and he readily came forward and held me by my arm and waist. I also pretended that
I was feeling a bit dizzy still so that it appeared real to him. I could feel his touches on my waist and I could
realize as a female that it was not just helping, he was ‘feeling’ me. Frankly, I was feeling abnormally uncomfortable
with my completely soaked panty and my vaginal juice trickling down my thighs within my petticoat. Hence I
deliberately took small steps and walked towards the toilet.

Me: Wait, wait. I need to change my pan… I mean err. I need to take the tow… towel.

There was one towel inside the cupboard I knew and hence thought would take a fresh panty along with it so that it
does not look too indecent holding only the panty in my hand while going to the toilet. Deepak was constantly
holding my hand and waist as I walked or talked. I could now feel Deepak’s grip on my waist was getting firmer. I
thought I should not blame this young boy for that, as what he saw in front of his eyes was too erotic, of course,
courtesy Master-ji.

As I stooped to get my towel and panty from the cupboard, Deepak released my hand and instead put that also on
my waist. So, now both his hands were on my waist over my sari. I of course did not want to allow this man to touch
me freely. But the situation was such that I felt like a whore and now after Master-ji, it was this young man’s turn
to touch me! I took my things as quickly as possible and went ahead for the bathroom and wanted to get rid off

Me: Deepak, I think I am quite okay now. You can release me.

Deepak: No, no Madam. I still vividly remember my mami with a bleeding forehead. That day she also insisted that
she could do her things on her own, but resulted in a fall.

Who will make this idiot believe that I was not a patient who had frequent dizziness spells! I had to somewhat
surrender to him because afterall his concern for me was genuine, as he had seen his mami suffer, which he was
telling time and again.

Me: Okay. So what do you want?

Deepak: Madam, please do not take any chances. I will help you to sit on the floor and will close the door and you
call me once you finish your...
Naturally my eyelids lowered to his proposal, but I had no other choice. I just nodded my head in affirmation. As I
sat on the toilet floor Deepak held my arms and back and helped me to sit there. It was so awkward for me to sit
like that in front of a male and in that posture and the upper portion of my firm boobs were now on display for him.
I looked up at him from my squatting posture only to find his eyes looking deep down my blouse. Natural. Which
male would miss this chance, I thought!

Me: Thanks. Now you can close the door.

Deepak: Madam, please don’t try to get up on your own. Call me.

I must have been looking absolutely hopeless sitting like that before a man in the toilet without even my sari on my

Me: Okay, okay. Now go.

I was getting impatient and was almost on the verge of pissing too! Deepak left the toilet and closed the door
behind him. I looked back from my squatting position to see if he had closed the door properly or not.

Oh! My God! The door was half open, but I surely got the noise that he closed it behind him!

Deepak: Madam, this door has a problem. It’s not remaining closed without the bolt. What to do? Let it be like

Me: What? I mean… how can that be?

Deepak: I will not come inside till you call. You are safe Madam.

He was offering me to pee with the toilet door open!

Me: No way. Let me close the door.

Deepak pushed the door and was immediately within the toilet again.

Deepak: Madam, don’t get excited or try to get up on your own.

He gently held my shoulders to ensure that I remained in my crouching position and did not get up. As I looked up
again at him, I found his shinning eyes looking directly down my blouse and I noted my bra cups were also visible
from that vertical angle. I felt like being molested through his eyes.

Deepak: Okay Madam. Let me do one thing. I will hold on to the door in closed position and when you are done, just
call me in.

Me: Hmm. Okay, but…

Deepak: Madam, you keep an eye on the door, bas?

I smiled helplessly and Deepak went outside the toilet again closing the door and this time he went outside holding
the handle of the door and stood there so that it remained locked.

Deepak: You can go ahead Madam. I am holding the door so that it doesn’t get opened.
I reluctantly said “Okay”.

This was one of the most awkward situations that I had faced in my life. I had to urinate pulling up my dress when
I know a male was standing at my toilet door. I immediately got up from my squatting stance and tiptoed to the
toilet door to see whether it was properly closed or not. I felt secured when I found that it was properly blocked.
I went back to the drain hole and lifted up my petticoat to pull down my panty first. I had to struggle to get rid of
my panty, as it was completely wet, and it was getting stuck in my round thighs, but somehow I managed to remove
it and instantly sat down to urinate. The hissing sound started and I was feeling so relieved! I waited for the last
drops to trickle off my hole and then got up. I was still holding my petticoat bunched up at my waist and hence my
butt cheeks and love spot were open.

Me: Aaaaaaaah!

It felt so good. I closed my eyes for a moment. But then only remembering that Deepak was at the toilet door and
quickly took my fresh panty and started wearing it. I tried to be as silent as possible while wearing the panty so
that Deepak did not find anything fishy inside. I did not even water my urination in fear that Deepak might come in
thinking that I stood up on my own.

Deepak: Madam, are you through?

I quickly squatted back to my old position as if I was urinating and replied him positively. I heard the door opening
and Deepak entering into the toilet.

Deepak: Okay Madam, I am holding you. You stand up.

I pretended that I was somewhat weak still and stood up. Deepak craftily brushed the sides of my boobs with his
hands as he lifted me up. I could not stop him doing that due to my compromising state, but made sure that he did
not go beyond the limit. I washed my face and hands and Deepak was still holding me by my waist, and in spite of me
being cautious, I could feel his fingers sliding down my waist as I splashed my face with water. I had to cut short
my washings and was ready to walk out of the toilet. I wondered what Master-ji would have been doing all this time
while was in the toilet.

Deepak: Madam, this disease is very bad especially for grownup ladies.

I could not figure out why he was stating that and casually asked the reason. I was taking small steps so that the
continuity of my acting was there in front of Deepak.

Me: Why do you say that?

Deepak: Madam, today you were lucky that you got fainted in front of us, but imagine if you fainted in front of
unknown people. Did you ever faint in public?

I was ‘lucky’? I was tongue-tied hearing that! I got mouth fucked by my tailor and my boobs got hand pressed more
number of times than what my husband does in one love session and what does this guy say? ‘I was lucky’! I smiled
and sighed within myself.

Me: I do not get this fainting spell often. It’s very rare for me. Today was an exception.

Master-ji: Madam, we are getting late. I still have to take your other measurements.

Deepak: Master-ji, I think Madam needs a bit of rest and then you can start again.
“Start again”? What does that idiot mean? But I liked Deepak’s idea of giving me a respite, as honestly I needed

Master-ji: Okay then, you sit and take rest on bed, while I will do the necessary cuttings of your blouse piece.

Me: Thanks Master-ji.

Deepak was still supporting me and made me sit on the bed. I was still roaming about in the room in front of two
males virtually like a prostitute wearing only my petticoat and blouse. Honestly I was getting used to it!

Deepak: Madam, you are blessed that you do not have this acute disease. The women who have it suffer a lot.

Me: Not only women Deepak, anyone having these fainting spells are bound to suffer.

Deepak: True Madam, but after seeing my mami’s case, I am convinced that women experience greater trouble.

Me: Why? What happened to your mami?

Deepak: I will tell you. Master-ji, you have seen her. She came here in last Diwali. Very fair and on the bulkier side,
stammered a bit while…

Master-ji: Hmm. Hmm. I remember. She has two kids.

Deepak: Right you are. You will not find any abnormality in her Madam – perfectly all right. But God has cursed her
with this ominous disease.

Me: Very sad.

Deepak started narrating the story of his mami…

It happened four to five years ago when I went to our native place. I had just entered my teenage years. That day
after taking her bath mami told me to accompany me to her neighbor’s place to give them some sweet dishes. I was
carrying the sweets. I knew them, they were a Muslim family.

Mami: Aslam bhai, is Sakina there?

Aslam chacha: No bhabie. She has gone to her friend’s place. Even Salma is not here.

Salma was their daughter.

Mami: Oho! Actually I had prepared some sweets for you all.

Aslam chacha: Wah! So nice of you bhabie. You can keep that in the kitchen if you like.

Mami: Yes, that would be fine. Deepak come with me.

I accompanied mami to their kitchen. Aslam chacha escorted us. And all of a sudden mami started feeling dizzy.
Luckily she caught the kitchen door, but within moments was senseless. Fortunately Aslam chacha was very near
mami and he caught hold of her before she fell on the floor. Mami’s figure was heavy and bulky and it was rather
strenuous for Aslam chacha to hold her as she abruptly dropped to the ground.
Mami’s massive stature was lying on the floor and Aslam chacha and myself was speechless for a moment in that
situation. I also got a bit scared seeing mami in that condition. I was 2-3 years younger and also immature at that

Aslam chacha: I know that bhabie has this disease, but today I am seeing it for the first time. Where is Bansi?

Bansi was the name of my mama.

Me: He has gone to the town in the morning and will return in the afternoon.

Aslam chacha went near mami’s mouth and checked her breath there and also checked her pulses and I did not
know for what reason shook his head affirmatively.

Aslam chacha: How long does she faint generally? Do you know?

I was thoroughly surprised by this question. Instead of trying to get her back to senses, he was inquiring this!

Me: I had seen her twice to be fainted at home. She was brought back to senses in 15-20 minutes.

Aslam chacha: Hmm. I have little time then.

I was puzzled by his query and reactions and could not understand why was he not trying to get my mami back to

Me: Shall I apply some water on her face?

Aslam chacha: No, no! You brat! You want to spoil the opportunity Allah has provided me!

I was getting more puzzled by his response and probably seeing my face reaction he tried to explain me now.

Aslam chacha: Don’t worry lad. You mami will soon get up. But I will show you a better way to get her back to senses
without applying water, etc.

I was curious and anxious too.

Me: How chacha?

Aslam chacha: Then do one thing, close the door there first.

He pointed to the outside door and I promptly went to close it. Now we were only three persons in that house –
Aslam chacha, mami, and me. When I came back I was shocked to see that Aslam chacha had already opened his
shirt and lungi and was only wearing his underwear.

Aslam chacha: Why are you standing like a stupid? Open your shirt and pant like me.

I was a bit taken aback, but since he was an elderly person obeyed him. I opened my shirt quickly, but I had no
shorts under my half-pant and was hesitating to open it.

Aslam chacha: What happened now? Open your pant.

Me: But…

Aslam chacha: You idiot fellow! Don’t you know your mami needs to feel your penis to get up?

Me: Is it?

I was now fully naked and Aslam chacha came near me and held my small penis with his fingers.

Aslam chacha: But son, your mami will not get up if she feels such a small tool. Can you not get it bigger?

I now looked more puzzled and confused. It was not that I did not had a hard-on till then, but frankly was not fully
aware why my penis got hardened at times. I understood that female anatomy has to do something to it, but was
still not fully illuminated in this subject.

Aslam chacha: Okay, don’t worry. I will show you the way and you will soon see your mami getting back her senses.

I saw Aslam chacha was now removing the pallu off my mami’s breasts and started cupping her blouse-covered
conical hillocks.

Aslam chacha: Aaah! What firmness! Even after two kids! And my Sakina, her mammaries are already so soft and
sagging… I wish she was my wife re…

After a few squeezes, he started to open my mami’s blouse hooks. I was feeling very uncomfortable standing naked
and seeing all this and within a blink of the eye Aslam chacha opened all the hooks of mami’s blouse and stretched
the open end of her blouse to both sides making her papaya-like breasts visible to both of us.

Aslam chacha: Wow! What bombs she keeps under cover! Just see. See. Ripe apples for sale!

He readily started cupping and pressing my mami’s naked boobs and was passing remarks.

Aslam chacha: Uhhhhhhhh! So big, yet soooooo firm. Umm. Umm.

I myself was somewhat stunned seeing the size and beauty of my mami’s exposed breasts. In fact they looked more
like two coconuts in Aslam chacha’s hands rather than apples. There was a large dark brownish patch at the center
of each of her boobs and mami’s nipples were looking like two seasoned grapes.

Aslam chacha: Hey! Just look! Your mama has sucked her nipples so much that they have turned black! Lucky

Mami continued to lay on the floor motionless, but visibly she was breathing marginally heavy now as Aslam chacha
was enthusiastically squashing her twin peaks with both hands in every way one can think of.

Aslam chacha: You motherfucker! Why are you just standing like an idiot? Jump here. You will never get a chance
like this.

My immature mind was so baffled by the whole situation that I simply obeyed his orders and was unable to think
anything by myself. Aslam chacha took away his hand off mami’s left breast and indicated me to touch that. I was
initially having some hesitation to touch my own mami’s breasts, but he slapped me on my back and urged me to
touch and press mami’s boob. In fact he indicated how to press them even!

I gripped my mami’s exposed boob and it felt so good to touch it. In fact that was the first time I was touching
the breast of a grownup woman and as if electric shock passed when I pressed and cupped my mami’s very well
developed naked mammary. The texture was so smooth and the flesh was so firm that automatically my eyes got
closed. I could also feel the trivial skin dimpling on her areola portion and as mami’s nipple was touching the inside
of my palm, I could realize my penis was getting harder and harder and gaining in elongation. Though naturally I was
getting very excited overcoming my initial hesitancy, bit I was still having a reservation in my mind, as I was unable
to completely write off that she was my “mami”.

Aslam chacha: Pump her more! Pump her more!

It was an unbelievable scene! My mami who was nearly 40 years of age lying in the kitchen with her sari pallu
flowing on the ground, blouse hooks all open, her big coconut-like boobs completely exposed, and two males
crouching near her abdomen pressing and massaging her juicy tits. She was still unconscious.

Aslam chacha: Why! My son? Are you getting good fun?

I was so engrossed in feeling the roundness and firmness of my mami’s naked boob that I did not care to respond.

Aslam chacha: Abbe Saale! I am talking to you.

I looked up now to him. My skin was heated and my breathing was heavy and hot.

Aslam chacha: What’s your plan? Keep some residue for your mama… ha ha ha huh.

He now released mami’s breast and also indicated me to follow him. Though I was reluctant, I moved away my hand
off her round tits.

Aslam chacha: It’s how long that you have come to her place?

Me: Three days.

Aslam chacha: Have you seen what your mama and mami do at night?

Me: No.

Aslam chacha: I will show you now you motherfucker. I will show you.

Saying that, he practically pushed me off from my mami’s side and almost jumped over her bare breasts and
started sucking my mami’s dark nipples, one at a time. In the pretext of doing that Aslam chacha was over her
figure and was hugging her body with both hands in the lying position.

“Chuk! Chuk! Chuk! Chuk!”

Was the constant sound coming out of Aslam chacha’s mouth while he was sucking mami’s nipples very energetically.

Aslam chacha: You idiot! You will never realize now what fun I am getting sucking someone’s wife’s nipples.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! That too such a matured maal like your mami. Aha! What luck!

I was enjoying the show thoroughly, as my erect penis was nodding its head. I waited patiently for his next
command. This sucking and hugging went on for another 2-3 minutes uninterruptedly.

Aslam chacha: Oh! Sala! I am so much heated up that I will burst now.
Saying that he quickly opened his brief and got completely naked like me. His lund was looking like a slender erect
rod pointing at my mami’s body.

Aslam chacha: Okay. Now do a quick favor. Go there and lift up her legs and hold them in the air.

I could not apprehend what he wanted to do. As I tried to lift her legs, I could feel they were very stiff, probably
as she was still fainted.

Me: I can’t lift. They are too stiff!

Aslam chacha: Oho! Move off. Let me see.

Saying that he picked her legs with some effort.

Aslam chacha: Abbe! Why are you standing idle?

Me: What... I mean what to do you didn’t mention.

Aslam chacha: You duffer! Lift the sari to her waist. Are you satisfied only seeing the boobs, who will see her
choot? Your father?

He paused a moment slanging me.

Aslam chacha: What sort of rascal is this? Quick. Lift the sari. Uff! These legs are so heavy!

I quickly executed his order and started pulling up mami’s sari over her hairless legs, to her ankles. My hands were
trembling now because I was now approaching her big plump thighs and further up. I continued pulling her sari and
petticoat together across her very fair thighs and as Aslam chacha gave all his effort to raise her legs a little
more, I was able to pull up everything till her waist exposing every inch of her lower half till her choot.

What a sight!

Myself and Aslam chacha both had our mouths open seeing her absolutely naked smooth and well-formed legs and
thighs. What a beauty!

Aslam chacha: Oh! What a choot!

We both were looking intently at her bare choot, which was surrounded by a mini jungle of thick black curled pubic
hairs. Aslam chacha immediately dropped down mami’s legs and crouched before her choot. Her sari and petticoat
were bunched up on her stomach area thereby enabling an unrestricted view of her slit to both of us. This was the
first time I was seeing a matured married woman’s choot fully uncovered. Aslam chacha started feeling the curls of
her pubic hair with his fingers and was uttering all sorts of lewd sounds. Then he started feeling my mami’s entire
slit and also poked his finger in her honey pot.

Aslam chacha: Uff! Saali randi. What a slit she keeps under the sari!

I was getting restless to touch my mami’s 40-year-old naked body lying on the floor and that’s what the doctor
ordered, I mean Aslam chacha ordered.

Aslam chacha: You bastard! Do I need to tell you everything? Don’t you know if a woman is entertained here, she
also needs some there?

I was mature enough to understand that ‘here’ means mami’s pussy and ‘there’ means her boobs. I readily nodded
and jumped on my mami’s big bare tits and cupped her tight flesh in my palms and squeezed them at my free will. I
noted Aslam chacha was vigorously fingering my senseless mami’s choot while I enjoyed the chance of my lifetime
squashing the naked boobs of a 40-year old married woman. I felt mami’s body was very faintly responding to our
touches and trembled marginally. I got scared because if she finds me in this state I did not know what would be
my fate.

Me: Chacha, mami is moving faintly!

Aslam chacha: When? Where?

His face as if turned pale. He looked up at me with a question mark on his face.

Me: I felt she moved a bit when I was…

Aslam chacha: Hmm. She must have got heated and reacted. But is she getting back her senses?

Me: Bah! Thank God!

Aslam chacha: Come here once.

I took off my hand off mami’s firm globes and stood up and went to him. My hard penis was moving like a pendulum
as I walked.


I was stunned at his behavior of slapping me.

Aslam chacha: You bastard! Son of a bitch! Are you not enjoying your mami’s body? Then why are you praying that
she come back to senses?

Me: Oh! But that was just a normal reaction.

Aslam chacha: Hang your reaction! Just get lost. I have little time now.

Saying that he virtually shifted me two feet away from my mami’s body and pointed his lund towards mami’s choot
and tried to enter it in her hole. It was quite touch as mami’s body was lying motionless, but he managed to get his
tool inside somehow and positioned himself on her body to fuck her.

Aslam chacha: What a big choot yaar! She can take three like me at a time. Randi saali…

He now started sucking mami’s lifeless lips and hugged her completely while his hips continued to gyrate slowly on
her pubic region. I could realize he did not get much enjoyment in kissing mami’s lips as she was in the senseless
state and quickly turned his focus on her most prominent assets, her boobs. He was ruthlessly cupping and mauling
her naked globes and pinching and sucking her big blackish nipples. He was licking her areolas time and again making
them moistened with his saliva. His hip movement was gaining speed and very soon his gas seemed to dry up and he
lay on my mami’s body like another senseless object. I was a bit puzzled. What happened to him now?

Me: Chacha, chacha! Are you okay?

He lifted his head after almost a minute or two, but I waited, as I did not want to irritate him and get another

Aslam chacha: Inshallah! How can I be okay after tasting such a delicious fruit…

Me: Chacha! Mami is…

I almost shouted as I saw mami nodding her head slowly and uttering a slight moan.

Aslam chacha left her body like a flash and stood up. He indicated to immediately get dressed up and we were
hurriedly wearing our clothes. Mami was still unconscious, but was probably getting to semi-sense once or twice
abruptly. Aslam chacha quickly took a mop towel and cleaned up the thick fluid on the floor between her legs and
also the discharge that was coming out of her bare choot.

Aslam chacha: How can she discharge so much being senseless. Amazing woman! Hey you, hold the towel on her
choot, while I will hook up her blouse.

I saw, before buttoning all the hooks of my mami’s blouse, Aslam chacha pressed and squeezed her gorgeous boobs
one last time, and he also placed her sari pallu on her blouse so that she looks decent! Now he quickly turned to me
and indicated me to pull down her sari and cover her thighs and legs. But that was a very difficult job for me to do,
as I was unable to pull out the sari bunch that was below mami’s heavy buttocks.

Me: Chacha, p. pl… please help…

Aslam chacha again articulated his choicest adjectives for me and I quietly digested them.

Aslam chacha: Just keep your mouth shut. She is getting back her senses.

He quickly came near me and almost whispered to me.

Aslam chacha: Roll her upside down. That’s the only way. She is too heavy to be lifted.

He then straightened mami’s legs as far as possible, but unfortunately her body was so stiff that he could not get
that done.

Aslam chacha: Nah! Impossible. Just get her sari down on her legs from her waist.

I did that and with Aslam chacha also helping me, we were able to drag her sari and petticoat from below her huge
gaand also covered her thighs and legs so that she looked decent. Then he brought a bowl of water and sprinkled
that on her face and after some anxious moments mami got back her senses. As if Hammer was beating within my
heart because I was fearing if mami would smell a rat, but fortunately she did not realize anything, at least at that

I am not aware if she realized that she was actually fucked by her neighbor while she was in the senseless state. I
only noted that she spent some extra time in the toilet after getting back home that day. I am also not aware if an
extra marital relation evolved for my mami after that incident, but even today when I see my mami, her vivid
exploitation in Aslam chacha’s hands haunts my mind, as I was the only witness...

Deepak paused and there was almost pin drop silence in the room. My face, ears were all red and heated up
listening to such a provocative story, that too from a young man’s mouth. My nipples inside my blouse were again
getting hardened.

Master-ji: Enough of gossip and all. Let us now get along with the work Deepak. Madam, can we proceed?

Me: Yes Master-ji. Am ready.

Master-ji had finished cutting my blouse piece while doing markings on the cloth by that time and was again ready
with the tape. Deepak also gladly took the notebook to write down my dress measurement figures as will be
dictated by Master-ji. I stood up and walked to my previous position under the light.

Master-ji: Okay Madam, let's talk about your Maha-yagya skirt now.

Master-ji said the words so casually that my heart almost skipped a beat, as I very well realized that his hands
would now be tracing my thighs and legs. Moreover, the encounter I had in Mr. Yadav’s residence with their servant
wearing Shilpa’s skirt gave me an immediate internal alarm. I closed my eyes for a while, but thought that I was
much safer here being with the tailor, but that person in Mr. Yadav’s den was simply a beast trying to molest me.

Master-ji: Madam, as per Guru-ji’s specifications, your skirt will be a pleated skirt. I hope you know Madam whats
the difference between a pleated skirt and a plain skirt?

Me: Yes, yes. Pleasted means it will have folds throughout the circumference of the skirt.

Master-ji: Absolutely. I have to made the folds on the cloth by doubling the material upon itself and then stitching
it into place. Its only tiresome for me Madam.

He smiled and I also smiled back.

Master-ji: But Madam… I mean, you might not be very comfortable with the.. err…

I was a bit surprised seeing Master-ji stammering and honestly could not make out what he was trying to indicate
that I would not be comfortable with. I looked questionably at him.

Master-ji: I mean the skirt is not the normal length Madam. It’s a bit short.

I gulped. I thought in my mind - ‘short’? How short? Knee-length?

Me: How sh… I mean how short Master-ji?

Master-ji: Madam, its… its like a miniskirt.

Me: What?

Master-ji: I knew you would have problems with that. Actually that’s why I was hesitating to say.

Me: Miniskirt! At this age? Impossible.

I could not believe it. I was nearly 30 years of age. Married. And considering my developed figure, if I wear a
miniskirt I would look no better like a saucy girl!

Master-ji: Madam, don’t get so scared. It’s not that short as you are thinking.
Me: That’s what I am asking you Master-ji, how short?

Master-ji: The problem is I can’t say that like this. The specification for the length of the skirt is 12 inches. Now,
as you can understand, it would depend on the height and figure of the lady…

Me: Hmm. Hmm. I can understand. But… 12 inches – that’s nothing!

I almost screamed.

Master-ji: Madam, madam. We really have little to do in this regard. No one can overrule Guru-ji directives.

Me: Yes, that I also know. But…

I was simply stunned. What does this man say? I will wear a 12-inch-length skirt! With my 34”+ hips! I was

Master-ji: Madam, instead of wasting time on this topic, lets complete the measurement and I assure you that I
will get the skirt fitting for you as decent as possible.

I tried to recover from it and prepared my mind to be ready to wear that tiny thing.

Me: I know you are talking sense Master-ji, but please understand… I am a housewife and have never worn such
skirts in my whole life.

Master-ji: I can understand. Have faith on me and I will guide you so that you are somewhat comfortable with it.

Me: How Master-ji?

Master-ji: Madam, see, this skirt will not cover anything more than your intimate parts, but if you can remember
certain key things, you can still look reasonable.

Me: Like?

Master-ji: Madam, look the basic problem with miniskirt is the constant exposure, but if you are constantly wearing
it, you will no longer feel that shyness. Do you agree?

Me: Yes, mostly true.

Master-ji: Madam, its absolutely true! Just like now. You do not move about in your house like this, not wearing a
sari, isn’t it? But here you are in this state for quite some time now, and you do not feel the same shyness when you
first got out of your sari. Right Madam?

I nodded though lowered my eyes in natural shame, as Master-ji reminded me the fact that I was still standing in
front of two males clad only in my blouse and petticoat.

Master-ji: Madam, it’s the same for the skirt also. But the key point that you need to remember is to avoid
unwanted peeps inside your skirt from the people around you.

Me: Hmm.

I replied like a shameless creature.

Master-ji: Madam, sometimes miniskirts can lead to upskirt depending on the way you are sitting in front of others.
For exapmle, you have to be very careful if you are walking up the stairs, you must keep your body as straight as
possible so that the person following you do not easily get the view of your bottoms. But if you naturally stoop while
climbing the stairs he will be able to see everything.

I was till then listening to Master-ji with my eyes fixed on his face, but hearing the last sentence I had to move my
eyes elsewhere.

Me: Master-ji, I got your point.

I wanted to put a full stop on further explanation from this old man. I saw Deepak was slightly smiling, which
actually made me feel more ashamed.

Master-ji: Okay Madam, then shall I proceed with my work?

Me: Yes.

Master-ji now came very near me looking down to my waist and upper thigh region. Though I had an almost full
discharge minutes ago, I was again feeling the itch in my pussy anticipating Master-ji’s hands below my waist area.
I was really unsure if I could take any more of his teasing hands, especially on my waist, thighs, and legs!

He now knelt in front of me and with one end of the tape pressed on my waist just above my petticoat, his hand
moved down brushing the back of his fingers on my firm and marble-smooth thighs over my thin petticoat. I almost
groaned and closed my eyes for that moment. Master-ji looked at his tape and marked the 12” mark as per Guru-ji’s
specification for the Maha-yagya paridhan.

Master-ji: Madam, this much will be the length.

I could feel his fingers on my upper thigh region.

Me: Bas!

Automatically that word came out of my mouth, as I was so shocked to realize the length of my skirt.

Me: But Master-ji it’s… How can I wear such a thing?

Master-ji: But Madam, I told you it’s a miniskirt. You cannot expect that it will cover your full thighs, isn’t it

Me: Yes, that’s okay, but only this much? This is not even half of my thighs! It’s as well not wearing anything!

Master-ji: But Madam, what can I do? It has to be done as per the specs.

Deepak suddenly pulled out his voice. He was silent for sometime after completing his mami’s story.

Deepak: Master-ji, I think Madam has a point. If the length of her skirt is so up her thigh where your finger is,
imagine what will happen when she sits?

Master-ji: You know very well Deepak that I cannot alter the skirt length.
I felt very hopeless and helplessly looked at Deepak.

Deepak: There is a way Madam.

As if I sprang to life listening his words.

Me: What? Tell quickly boy.

Deepak now came forward to me. Master-ji was already touching me at my waist and upper thigh in a kneel-down
position in front of me. Deepak straightaway touched me at my belly button where my petticoat was tied.

Deepak: Madam, do you always tie your petticoat here?

Me: Yes, err… I mean not always, but most of the time. Why?

Deepak: Master-ji has taken the length from here, but Madam, if you tie your skirt well down your waist, I think
you can conceal a fair amount of your legs.

Master-ji: Hmm. Yes Madam, this can be done if you agree.

In fact there was no other way, but to agree to this assistant tailor’s proposal if I intended to save some dignity. I
thought if I wear the skirt some inches below my navel it would cover additional inches of my big round thighs,
which were so plump and fair that it would really be very uncomfortable for me to keep them constantly exposed,
especially in front of males.

Master-ji: Madam, then… I think you should do a trial right now so that you are absolutely sure where to tie your
skirt and how much it would cover you.

Deepak: Master-ji, also that way Madam can tell you if she needs any adjustment in the pleats so that she is

Master-ji: Right, right. Pleats can also be adjusted Madam so that your skirt hem does not flutter too much.

This time I was truly impressed by the tailor and his apprentice’s approach. It seemed they sincerely intended to
help me out in this embarrassing situation.

Me: Yes, this can be tried.

Master-ji: Deepak, then check my bag. I have brought a sample choli and skirt.

Deepak turned back and went ahead to search Master-ji’s bag.

Master-ji: Madam, I did not ask you to try the choli as it’s 28” size, which would never fit you. Actually it is a
sample Maha-yagya paridhan, which I stitched three years back to get it approved by Guru-ji.

Me: O, I see.

Deepak came back with the skirt. In all actuality it looked so “mini”, especially for my heavy buttocks and matured

Master-ji took it from Deepak’s hand and checked the waistband of the skirt. I did not know what he checked.
Master-ji: Hmm. It’s all right. You can go ahead with it Madam.

Me: What about the waist?

That was a silly question to ask as anyone could see that there was an elastic band at the waistline of the skirt.

Master-ji: It’s free size Madam. 15 to 45 – any woman can wear it. Elastic waistband.

Me: Right. Right. I have noted that.

Saying that I took the skirt from his hand and my throat was already getting dry! It was such a scanty piece of
cloth that I kept aside even the thought of covering 50% of my thighs and was seriously doubting whether my full
ass will be properly covered or not!

Deepak and Master-ji’s eyes were as if glittering seeing me with that miniskirt in my hand because surely it would
be some scene when I would actually wear it shedding my petticoat. I was about to proceed to the toilet, but
stopped at Master-ji’s remark.

Master-ji: Madam, if you don’t mind you can change here only. No need to go to the toilet.

Me: What do you mean?

Master-ji: Madam, don’t take me otherwise. If you see carefully there is a hook at the waist of the skirt, which you
can open. Then the skirt will become a one-piece cloth just like a towel. Then you can wrap it on your waist and
simply untie your petticoat from below it.

I looked at the skirt. He was right, but I realized that performing this exercise of wrapping the skirt to my waist
over my petticoat and then untying the latter from underneath the skirt would be somewhat tricky, especially in
front of two males staring at me.

Me: Master-ji, I will be comfortable if I change it in the toilet.

Master-ji: Okay Madam, as you wish.

I went towards the toilet but could realize two pairs of eyes riveted on my swaying haunches as I walked.

Deepak: Madam, please be extra careful. You just have had that senseless episode.

Me: Yes. Thanks.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and stood in front of the large mirror. My heart was now in the actual sense
racing. It was a peculiar and uncanny feeling I was experiencing, which was not fully of shyness, rather a thrill to
get exposed! I had never in my life worn such a short skirt. I distinctly remember the skirt that I had to wear
coming out of the toilet in front of that bastard in Mr. Yadav’s house was at least decently covering me till my
knees, but this one in no way will save my dignity. I started opening the knot of my petticoat and readily it slipped
down to my feet on the floor leaving my legs and thighs completely naked. I was breathing faster and my nipples
were getting stiff and pressing on my bra cups.

As I looked at my exposed banana trunk like fair thighs my unusual passion to wear that tiny piece of cloth was
rising! I checked the front of my panty in the mirror and fortunately there were no wet marks. I quickly opened
the hook of the skirt and wrapped it on my waist over my panty and hooked it again. Though there was the elastic
band, as I tied the hook, I felt rather tight at my waist. I looked up in the mirror to see how I was looking and was
simply shocked.

Me: Huhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

My mouth opened wide as I uttered that expression. Every skin pore of my fair, banana trunk like thighs could be
seen, which remain exposed below my skirt. I noticed the skirt ended only covering my upper thighs! It was so small
that I could not do much even by stretching it down. The whole of my midriff was also bare making me look very,
very sexy.

Surely this skirt was not meant to be worn in public, rather in front of any male. It was so short and teasing that it
could only be worn absolutely privately or in the bedroom behind closed doors. Though for me also I had to wear it
behind closed walls of the ashram, but in front of several males including Guru-ji. And in no way I could evade this
situation of Maha-yagya. Hence I tried my best to make up my mind to be absolutely shameless keeping my focus
intact on my actual goal. I thought if that’s achieved, I would not want anything from God ever. I tried to assure
myself by saying that my husband would never know what I experienced here and I would never meet these people
in my life once I am back to my residence.

I bent down and picked up my petticoat from the toilet floor and kept it on the hook and opened the latch to get
out of the toilet. My heart was beating like drums as I was about to appear in front of two males clad in an almost
nonexistent miniskirt. As I stepped back in the room I was greeted with a big “Wow” from young Deepak. I could
not meet their eyes and had to lower my eyelids in natural shame knowing very well their eyes were feasting on my
fair, marble-like smooth thighs.

Master-ji: Madam, you are looking like a goddess. You are looking very beautiful in this skirt.

I thought I should be grateful to Master-ji that he used the word “beautiful” for me instead of “sexy”! I smiled to
myself and tried to behave normally wearing that micro-mini! I noticed Deepak’s jaw was more or less hanging as he
stared lewdly at my naked banana-trunks. Master-ji’s eyes were pivoted to my broad pelvic area and thankfully the
skirt was just long enough to cover that much.

Me: It’s very tight here. Master-ji, can you please check this?

I indicated my waistline and without delay the old man came forward to attend me. He stood very near to me and
inserted his finger into the waistband of the skirt and started feeling how tight it was on my waist. Honestly my
state was starting to get volatile wearing such a revealing dress in front of two males and as I began to get direct
skin touches, my head began swimming again. Master-ji’s hand curved around the waistband of my skirt and he was
checking the tightness pulling the elastic off my body. In the process he was leaning to my body almost. As he
pulled the elastic waistband of the skirt off my skin, my heart immediately started beating like a drum again, as I
could sense very well that Master-ji was now peeping into my white panty through the gap created. My ears started
turning red automatically and my lips were drying up.

Master-ji: Yes Madam, you are right. The waist needs three quarter inch cloth extra to get a proper fitting. And I
will also shift the hook half inch. Deepak, just note that.

Deepak: Okay Master-ji. Three quarter inch…. half inch. Okay.

Master-ji: But Madam do you tie your sari here?

Me: Why?
Master-ji: Actually I think you have tied the skirt a bit too high up.

Me: But I usually tie my sari at my navel, but I have tied the skirt down here.

I pointed out to Master-ji that I had tied the skirt at least an inch and half below my navel.

Master-ji: No, no Madam, you have to tie it still lower. Shall I fix it?

I knew very well that if he had to adjust my skirt, he would have to open the hook at my waist and lower the skirt.
I swallowed my saliva at the very thought.

Me: O… Okay.

Master-ji’s fingers were swift enough to undo the skirt hook and as if almost my whole dignity lay in his hands as
that small piece of cloth hung from his fingers. My tailor was now alarmingly close to me encircling his hands at my
waist on the skirt and as was bending marginally, my big firm boobs brushed with his body once or twice making
things more sensuous. He slid my skirt slowly, down and down, and at one point I felt as if my panty was exposed
and I had to interrupt.

Me: Master-ji. Please. Not so down.

Master-ji: Madam, please don’t intervene in my work.

I could now feel Master-ji’s fingers rolling on my panty waistband as he adjusted the position of the skirt. At one
point, I could feel Master-ji inserted one of his fingers into my panty band onto my skin! The old fox did not miss
this opportunity to caress me again!

Me: Ouch! Ahhhhhh!

It naturally came out of my mouth as I gasped for breath.

Master-ji raised his head and looked up and his head directly bounced with my erect blouse-covered left boob. I
was standing with my eyes closed now, my heart thumping as I knew the skirt hook was still open. Probably seeing
my eyes closed, Master-ji continued to brush my lower waistline a little more time with both hands trying to asses
the right position to wear the skirt, and simultaneously he kept his head touching and pressing my left boob. It was
such an erotic feeling! Master-ji just continued to brush and press his forehead on my tight oozing left boob.

At last he closed the hook of my skirt! Thank God!

Master-ji: Aaa. Ah! This looks fine. Now check Madam.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath to suppress my excitement and then looked down.

Me: Eeeeeeeeek!

A sound of that sort came out of my mouth as I looked down at my navel region. My whole navel area including my
large belly button was exposed. I could realize my skirt waistband now almost coincided with my panty waistband!

Master-ji: Madam, look. Very frankly, I have stitched dresses for several women and I can tell you most women
would like to cover their thighs more than their lower abdomen if given a choice. So…
Me: That I also agree Master-ji, but…

Master-ji: Then? And moreover, gustakhi maaf Madam, your thighs are very beautiful and attractive. So I think
the more you can cover them in front of other people, the better for you.

As we conversed I tried to feel how much I was exposed at my back/hips. I could realize that the joint where the
midriff enters the waist, that juncture, remained exposed as the skirt was tied below that. I must have been
looking horribly sexy wearing the skirt so low down and as I looked at Deepak, his lustful eyes were portraying that

Me: Okay then, I will tie it here only.

Master-ji: Madam, please give me another minute to check the pleats etc. once so that I can finalize your skirt.

I nodded and the old man again sat before my naked legs in a squatting posture. His face was exactly in front of my

Master-ji: Pleats look quite okay on the outside Madam. Let me quickly check the insides.

Giving me no time to react, he straightaway inserted both of his hands below my skirt in the pretest of checking
the pleats and as the skirt was fairly tight fitting I could feel the back of his palms brushing against my naked
warm upper thighs. I obviously was not very prepared for this and naturally retracted back a little. Feeling a hand
near my panty within my skirt, out of reflex action I closed my legs as far as possible. Then I felt his hands
climbing up to alarming height almost to my groin below the skirt in the pretext of checking the pleats! I had to

Me: Hey… Master-ji. Stop this. What are you doing?

I clenched my lips and panted as I felt Master-ji’s hands moving in rhythmic fashion below my skirt - taking his
fingers from the hem of the skirt upwards along the pleats, and then again coming down to check the next one. I
could not take that action as my whole body had goose bumps by then. I grabbed Master-ji’s one hand below my
skirt and I could jolly well realize the scene looked awfully sexy. I was standing in front of a man and he was
crouching before me with his hands inserted below my skirt and now I was grabbing one of his hands over my skirt.

Master-ji: Wha… What happened Madam?

Me: I… I mean… please stoppppp.

Master-ji: But Madam, this is the way I check the inside pleats, otherwise I would have to pull up your skirt to
check the backside, which would be more…

Me: No, no. Take out your hands first. Please.

Master-ji looked pretty surprised, but he slowly took out his hands from beneath my skirt.

Me: Master-ji sorry, but I was having a… I mean having a ticklish feeling.

Master-ji: Oh! I thought… okay, okay. That might happen Madam, as you are giving measurements for a skirt for
the first time.
He laughed a little, and Deepak also joined him, and I also blushingly smiled back to make things look normal.

Deepak: Master-ji, we can do one thing. When Madam will change back to her sari, we can then check the inside
pleats of the skirt.

Master-ji: Deepak, everything has a logical reasoning in my measurement process. If that can be done what you
suggested, I would not have made Madam embarrassed like this. Isn’t it?

Deepak: Sorry Master-ji.

Master-ji: Deepak, if the inside pleats are not uniform, it would touch Madam’s thighs and give her an
uncomfortable feeling. That’s why I was checking while she was wearing it.

Now I was also clear. So the approach was noble as far as my tailor was concerned, but unfortunately I was having
goosebumps undergoing this sexy act.

Master-ji: Anyway, since Madam is not at ease, I will fix that later.

He paused just a little and continued. I was still standing like a whore in my miniskirt and blouse. No other covers
on my body.

Master-ji: Now Madam, if you want, I will do some further checks only to guard your dignity. But, if only YOU

Me: Master-ji, you seem to be displeased with me. But I was only…

Master-ji: No, no. It’s okay Madam. I am glad that you told me frankly that you were not at ease. But what I mean
to say now is – this has nothing to do with my measurements. Look Madam, since you are wearing a miniskirt for the
first time, you should crosscheck that you do not … I mean… you don’t flash your panty every now and then to
people around you.

I thought that was indeed one point, which was hovering in my mind, but frankly was not able to gauge how to
crosscheck that. Master-ji as if showed me a way!

Me: Hmm… Yes, err… I mean that’s needed, but I mean how do I check that?

Master-ji: Madam, you don’t have to do anything. I will guide you.

I felt cushioned by his statement and awaited further commands from this experienced old tailor.

Master-ji: Madam, now that you are wearing the skirt at the right position, I will do some basic checks regarding
your posture and will help you adjust and amend if I see any aberrations. Okay?

Me: Fine Master-ji.

Master-ji: The main problem of wearing a miniskirt, as you also can realize Madam, is the upskirt view, for which
you will have to be very cautious. If you abide by my guidelines, I think, you will certainly not look exhibit like a

I liked the way Master-ji was trying to help me and I nodded to him in agreement.
Master-ji: Deepak, can you tell what are the postures about which Madam should be alert while wearing the skirt?

Deepak: Certainly Master-ji. There are six main postures, namely standing, sitting, bending, squatting, lying, and

Master-ji: Good. See Madam, he has learnt quite a bit staying with me.

Master-ji and Deepak exchanged smiles and I stood in front of them like a sexy showpiece. Even I also appreciated
in my mind the coaching mode of Master-ji.

Master-ji: Okay then. Madam, let’s describe each situation so that you will have a clear idea about what to do and
what not to do.

Me: As you say Master-ji.

I was rather pleased with Master-ji now the way he was trying to guide me. Frankly, I thought he would discuss the
postures with me and guide me the do’s and don’ts. But soon I realized that it was rather a non-vegetarian session
and this time Deepak groped me amply in the name of executing master-ji’s guidelines!

Master-ji: Madam, when you wear this skirt for the Maha-yagya sitting, make sure to wear it where I have tied it
now, which should be approximately one finger above your panty waistband and also stretch the cloth to the hem
over the front and also the back like this.

Master-ji pretended as if he was wearing the skirt and imitated as if he was straightening the skirt at the front
and also at the back. It looked so very vulgar as he was moving his hand up and down over his lund and gaand. I
nodded to his gestures.

Master-ji: The first posture is the standing posture, which is by far the safest stance.

He smiled at me. Deepak also was smiling and his eyes were as if sparkling; probably anticipating the chance to
grope a 28-year old half-naked housewife! I looked dumb as if waiting to be exploited.

Master-ji: Deepak, is Madam standing correctly?

Deepak: No Master-ji.

I was a bit surprised because I was standing just normally as I always do, no matter what I am wearing, a sari or a
salwar kamiz.

Me: Why? What is the problem?

Master-ji: Deepak, can you…

Deepak: Surely Master-ji.

Deepak stepped forward and squatted in front of me before my bare legs. I was about to shuffle seeing him sitting
in that position so close to me, his face near my choot.

Deepak: Madam, you don’t move now till I correct you. Then you will also know where you were wrong.

Deepak directly touched my naked legs just above my knees and indicated me to close them further. I shivered
momentarily getting a warm male touch on my bare knees, but recovered swiftly and closed my legs at bit.

Me: Is it okay now?

Deepak: No Madam. I can still see a gap between your thighs. This should not be there.

Saying that he traced the thin gap between my two thighs with his finger. I felt like dying getting such treatment
from my tailor! The very next moment he cupped the back of my thighs with both hands and started feeling and
pressing them to close the thin gap. The whole act drove me so crazy that I started feeling jingle bells ringing in
my choot and instantly goosebumps covered the whole of my smooth thighs. I blushed and licked my drying up lips
to behave normally.

Me: O… Okay Deepak, I understood.

Master-ji: Fine Madam. So while standing you always remember to close your legs so that your thighs touch each
other. Actually since this is a western dress the difference has to be kept in mind Madam. When you are wearing a
sari or a salwar kamiz or even a nighty, your legs remain completely covered. So even if you stand with your legs
parted, it does not look very odd, but in this case…

Me: Hmm. True.

Deepak: Madam, really your legs are very shapely and beautiful. To tell you the truth Madam, each resemble a
banana tree.

I did not expect such a direct admiration from this young lad about my ‘legs’ and looked blank. I instantly
remembered when my husband on my initial marriage days compared my boobs with apples. Actually he pressed and
squeezed my naked boobs for a very long time that night and hence the blood flow was quite high due to my
excitement and constant touches by his hands, and they appeared almost reddish. Then he commented, “now your
boobs look like apples – round and red!”

Master-ji: Yes Madam. That you cannot deny!

Deepak now stood up from his bent position and I noted his eyes were as if licking my whole body. My boobs were
starting to go and up down at a faster pace and I could feel my globes exerting pressure on my bra cups inside my
blouse. I tried to make that up by itching my shoulder as if there was some irritation and thereby adjusting my
blouse to accommodate my heavier breathing.

Master-ji: Madam next comes sitting. There are two main positions, one, when you are sitting on a chair and two,
when you are sitting on the floor. Okay?

Me: Okay.

Master-ji: Bring that chair.

He signaled to Deepak and the latter brought the chair and placed in front of me.

Master-ji: Madam, being a woman you must be knowing that there are two ways to sit while wearing a skirt.

I looked at him questionably as I could not make out what he wanted to relate. Master-ji elaborated.

Master-ji: One way is straightening your skirt on your hips with both hands while sitting. And the other way is to
pull up your skirt slightly and flow it around and sitting on your err… I mean panty.

I was simply bowled over by the observation of this old man!

Master-ji: Madam, but in this case, as you can also understand Madam, the second option is out of question because
if you even slightly lift your skirt you will actually expose…

Deepak: Your big gaand Madam.

I was observing the increasing courage of this boy, Deepak! But I was only to blame for that for my overdose of
exposure and compromised state in front of my tailor.

Master-ji: Yes Madam. So only the first option remains.

I did not feel like answering anything.

Master-ji: Deepak, help Madam to…

Why do I need Deepak, I thought. I can do it myself only!

Me: I can manage it myself Master-ji.

Master-ji: I know Madam. But you need to know the exact way of doing it otherwise you will have to redo the
posture. That’s why I was asking Deepak to…

I thought he was talking sense and I had to allow Deepak to show me the precise approach.

Me: That’s also true. Okay Deepak…

I reluctantly indicated Deepak to guide me.

Deepak: Right Madam. First you sit on the chair, but please… slowly so that I can show you how and where to hold
your skirt and then only you will also know how to manage it exactly.

Deepak said it so very carelessly, however, I could well realize it would be very clumsy and knotty for me in
practice. I was now standing in front of the chair and Deepak behind it. In this position my skirt-covered big gaand
was facing him and certainly I was feeling uncomfortable standing like that. Master-ji was standing exactly
opposite to me.

Deepak: Madam, you have to hold the hem of the skirt by your thigh-sides, like this.

He held my skirt end from both sides and was touching me at my mid thigh area where the skirt ended. Though he
was gripping the hem of the skirt, the back of his fingers were constantly brushing and touching my naked firm

Deepak: Now slowly sit Madam.

As I bent my body to sit on the chair, my heavy buttocks pushed into my skirt thereby raising it significantly and
obviously Deepak’s fingers were also grazing up my thighs with the skirt moving up. When I finally sat my face
turned absolutely red, as there was nothing to hide, every inch of my legs and thighs were completely exposed. I
could sense that below my ass cheeks my skirt had raised midway up my gaand. I felt so much exposed that
Deepak’s fingers seemed to be touching me almost at my buttocks! His face was very close to my shoulder and I
could hear his heavy breathing on my neck. He removed his hands off my skirt and seemed to be annoyed!

Deepak: Madam, Madam, not so fast. I told you to sit slowly. I could not demonstrate you fully…

Master-ji: Just a minute Deepak. Madam, do you always sit like this?

I looked at my legs, all exposed. My fair marble-like thighs were looking extremely gorgeous. I was feeling so
ashamed that I could not even look at Master-ji.

Master-ji: If you sit like this, soon there will be a big crowd in front of you Madam!

Now I looked up at him. What did he mean? I could not exactly guess what exactly Master-ji was trying to indicate.
Yes, I could realize the sight of my exposed plump thighs was stunning, but was doubtful if Master-ji was
suggesting that.

Me: But…. But why Master-ji?

Master-ji: Madam, come on! If you sit like this with your legs parted so much, everyone opposite you, even standing,
can see your, I mean… your panty Madam.

Me: Oops! Ishhhhhhhh…

I exclaimed and closed my legs instantly. I felt very embarrassed to have flashed my panty to my tailor. I was
looking at the floor in sheer dishonor.

Master-ji: Madam, please don’t feel bad, because there is no one here, but you need to be watchful. Interestingly,
I have noted this tendency more common in married women to spread their legs while sitting. And you are also no
exception Madam.

Deepak: But Master-ji, any specific reason for this?

Master-ji: Ask Madam, she can tell you better.

Master-ji and Deepak both turned to me and I was simply not feeling like answering this absurd query and only
fumbled before them.

Me: Reason... I mean there is err… nothing in par…

Master-ji: Madam, I think the actual fact is - after marriage due to the regular conjugal life you have, you tend to
develop this habit to spread your legs while in leisure. But when you are at home wearing a sari there is nothing to
bother. Am I correct Madam?

What should I reply I was wondering and had to succumb by nodding my head in agreement.

Master-ji: Okay, enough talks. Lets redo the sitting posture.

I stood up from the chair and Deepak was as if waiting to hold my skirt end!

Deepak: Madam, this time sit very slowly.

Me: Okay.

Deepak: See, first you hold the sides of your skirt and then as you are about to sit you brush your hand on your
hips like this and then take the seat.

Saying that what he did was probably the worst sort of groping I ever encountered. He was first holding on to the
sides of my skirt and then moved his hands over my round buttocks and feeling the whole fullness and roundedness
of my gaand with his palm and fingers, he grazed his hands till my skirt ending.

Now was the nastiest part.

I thought he would certainly remove his hands off my skirt once his action was over. But I was mistaken! As I sat
on the chair, that scoundrel simply did not take away his hands off my butts and I landed my heavy bottoms on his
palms! I could feel my compact ass cheeks pressing against his palms and instantly I could feel his fingertips trying
to cup my ass flesh.

Me: Hey!

Naturally I jumped up.

Deepak: Sorry Madam. You did not give me the chance to take off my hands. Sorry again.

I felt very clearly that he cupped my skirt-covered round buttocks with both hands as I sat on his palms, but still I
did not want to make a scene out of it. I accepted his apologies and repeated the posture myself this time. Deepak
came to my front now from behind the chair, probably to provide me a more relaxed feel.

Master-ji: Bah! You did it perfectly Madam. And as I said, remember the golden rule to always keep your legs

Me: Okay master-ji.

Master-ji: Another sitting option would be to sit of the floor where the only choice to keep your panty under cover
is to sit like this.

Saying that Master-ji sat on his knees and rested his butts on his ankles.

Master-ji: I think you will have to be in this posture for the most part during the Maha-yagya. Try it once Madam.

I imitated Master-ji and bent forward to get my knees onto the floor first and then rested by body weight onto
the knees and placed my gaand on my ankles. In this posture I felt contended as the skirt did not hike up any more
and my exposure was quite limited.

Master-ji: Excellent. Okay, get up Madam.

As I tried to get up, I had to fold my leg and I realized that it would generate a clear upskirt view for Deepak, who
was standing more or less opposite to me. I tried to limit my movement while I raised my body off the floor, but my
skirt was so small that it climbed up my smooth naked thighs so much that I was sure Deepak got an unrestricted
view of my panty under my skirt!

Never in life did I do such deliberate vulgar exposures in front of any male. Not even my husband. No question. I
was feeling horrible and my face was all red in shame and shyness. The only good part was that Master-ji did not
allow any session to be unnecessary prolonged and hence my embarrassment was fortunately not lingering over me.

Master-ji: Next is the bending. This is especially important Madam.

Me: Why?

I thought all postures were equally important for me to save my dignity, if anything was left at all!

Master-ji: Because it’s a tricky one Madam as bending can refer to various angles and you must be aware to what
degree you should bend and when to stop.

I was looking uncertainly at him and he was experienced enough to catch that.

Master-ji: Madam, see. I will give you an example.

He dropped his measuring tape on the floor.

Master-ji: If I say Madam pick that up, what will you do? You will try to pick it up. But since you are wearing this
miniskirt, you have to modify the way you pick that up from floor. Got it Madam?

He continued to explain.

Master-ji: Imagine you are wearing a sari. Okay? I think then this would be the way you will pick up the tape…

Saying that he bent forward from his waist and stretched his right hand to pick up the measuring tape from the
floor and then looked up at me.

Me: Ye… yes, I would also do the same.

Master-ji: That’s the tricky part Madam! If you do that, can you imagine what extravagant view you would provide
to someone who is sitting or standing at your backside?

I caught his point immediately and realized what he meant.

Master-ji: Madam, you would be overgenerous if you do so. I am sure no woman would do that knowingly. So here,
what you need to do is you have to bend sidewise closing your legs and then fold your knees and pick up the tape,
like this.

Me: Right, right.

Master-ji demonstrated what he said.

I also followed Master-ji and demonstrated to pick up the tape from the floor. Honestly I was thanking Master-ji
in my mind, as I really did not think so much deep in this regard.

Master-ji: Fine Madam. But at the same time, you should also know how much you could bend from your waist
without showing anything… I mean, Madam you should be aware of that because you might need to actually bend
that way at any point of time during the yagya.

I thought that was again a noble thought from this old man who was now more of a counselor than a tailor. I
signaled in agreement.
Master-ji: Deepak, I will sit here and would guide you what to do. Okay?

Deepak: Okay Master-ji.

Saying that Master-ji positioned the chair and sat on it.

Master-ji: Madam, you stand from me at some distance, err… may be 4-5 feet. There.

He indicated to a spot and I stepped forward and positioned myself at that position nearer to the wall and 4-5 feet
away from where Master-ji was sitting. Deepak also followed me there. Master-ji was now talking to me from my

Master-ji: Madam, now spread your legs such that there is a gap of more than one feet between your legs.

I picked up my foot off the floor and placed it wider and nearly one foot wide. Deepak now stooped down to help
me out. He held my naked legs near my ankle and spread them further. I was having trouble believing myself. I
wondered what was in store for me now. As I stretched my legs apart I could feel my inner pantyline digging into
my groins. Also I was having an awkward feeling around my nipples as I spread my legs. Frankly I spread my legs on
purpose like this only when I am on bed with my husband; hence probably that sensation unconsciously was playing in
my mind. I quickly took my right hand to my boobs and tweaked each nipple gently over my blouse and also
cushioned my firm globes with my palm to feel comfortable. Deepak was unable to see that as he was stooping.

Deepak: Master-ji, okay?

Master-ji: Perfect! Madam, now slowly bend forward from your waist.

Me: What do you mean?

Master-ji: Madam, keep your legs straight and bend forward. I will let you know where to stop so that you will have
a clear idea how much to bend in front of people.

I had to turn back to Master-ji to talk.

Me: But Master-ji, this will look… I mean very err… very vulgar if I bend like this.

I must be looking utterly sexy as I saw Master-ji’s eyes fixed on my curvy figure, as I remained in that posture
with legs spread apart and my gaand facing him and I had only turned my face to converse.

Madam: What vulgar Madam? Who is seeing you here?

Me: No, but…

From Master-ji’s words, it seemed he and Deepak were non-existent! How could I simply ignore the two males
present in the room?

Master-ji: Madam, it will only aid you, otherwise you will keep on flashing your undergarment to everyone at every

I could not find words to fight against this argument because the fact remained that this piece of cloth I was
wearing at my waist was awfully short and I was really unsure how my pumpkin-buttocks looked as I moved or
stooped a bit.

Me: I will do as you say.

I reluctantly agreed and turned my face from Master-ji. I was now looking at the wall. Deepak now stood up and
was standing very near to me.

Master-ji: Then do as I was saying. Slowly bend your body from your waist towards the floor. Deepak, just hold
Madam’s feet so that she does not bend it by reflex action.

Deepak obediently nodded and readily crouched at my side and held my legs, this time he gripped me above my
ankles at my lower thigh region and I could jolly well feel he started feeling my exposed thighs with both hands.

I started bending my upper part of the body from my waist. Fortunately, there was no one in front of me because
my blouse began to create a gap exposing my deep cleavage over my brassiere. Simultaneously I could sense
Deepak’s fingers starting to clutch my thighs very firmly and enjoying the smoothness.

Master-ji: Madam, bend slowly till I ask you to stop. Okay?

Me: O… Okay.

I continued to bend slowly and could realize my skirt must be raising up my thighs exposing more of my intimate
parts. Now that my head was getting down, I could see Deepak and I almost froze seeing what that rascal was

Since he was squatting near my feet, his face was at the level of my thighs and as I was in a somewhat bent
posture, that rogue was taking full advantage of his position and was directly peeping under my skirt. He was so
desperate that I was shocked to notice that he was directly looking up turning his head upwards! Honestly his eyes
were just a foot away from my panty I gathered and he was getting an absolutely unrestricted view of my full

As soon as he saw me, he quickly turned down his face and gripped my thighs tighter. I felt like giving a tight slap
to this young ruffian, but restrained myself. I could realize I must have been looking horribly sexy in that pose. I
extended my vision to Master-ji and saw that he was openly scratching his loins with his both hands with his eyes
fixed on my protruding buttocks.

Master-ji: Madam, stop. I can see your panty now from this angle.

I could not think anymore the way things were progressing. A few seconds ago I saw the assistant tailor almost
poked his head in my skirt and was watching my panty and now the main tailor was declaring that he could see my
undergarment below my skirt!

Master-ji: Madam, in this position your gaand is looking exactly like an oval fry pan covered by the skirt!

I could not react to that as Deepak was already creeping his hands up my thighs and giving me a very sexy feeling.
He was feeling each inch of my naked thighs and his hands were now near the hem of my skirt!

Master-ji: Madam, hold on to that position. Deepak just help her so that she does not bend more.

I was purely perplexed at the sequence of events. Deepak now helping me to be fixed at that position brushed his
hands up along my thighs and under my skirt! I could feel his fingers on the lower half of my naked buttocks!
I heard Master-ji coming near me. I casually looked down at my breasts and was shocked to notice that most of
the flesh of my round milk tanks was splashing out of my blouse due to my somewhat inverted position.

Master-ji: Okay Madam, you can get straight now. I have noted the position.

Though Master-ji said that I was virtually trembling in excitement as Deepak’s fingers were now moving below my
skirt freely and squeezing once or twice my heavy butt flesh over my panty. I was gasping for breath when Master-
ji released me from this humiliating ‘awareness’ program.

Deepak had to stop now. He for the last time stretched his both palms fully under my skirt and cupped my full
gaand and felt its size and plumpness. I stood straight, but was feeling very uncomfortable, as Deepak had ignited
again new sexual desires in me by his acts. As a natural reflex action, I straightened my skirt over my gaand with
my right hand and also adjusted my blouse and bra so that my milk jugs look somewhat concealed.

One thing was playing in my mind after what I experienced just now and in fact I was scared about my rear upskirt
due to any stooping during the Maha-yagya.

Master-ji: Madam, the next posture is squatting, but there is no way you can accept that posture wearing this small
skirt. Do you agree?

Master-ji was smiling naughtily. I just nodded.

Deepak: Madam, if you really need to crouch in front of anyone, its better that you open your skirt and then sit on
your heels.

Master-ji and Deepak roared out in laughter sensing my humiliation. I stood dumb and continued to act shamelessly
as if trapped in that room.

Master-ji: Madam, same applies for climbing stairs also, as you can very well understand that if you walk up the
staircase wearing this skirt ahead of any person, without a doubt you are inviting him for a free show. I hope you…

Me: Yes Master-ji. I realize it. Hopefully I will not have to face it.

Deepak: Yes Madam, you know why?

I looked blankly at Deepak.

Deepak: Because… because there are no stairs at all in the ashram. Ha ha…

This time we all expressed amusement and laughed loudly. Honestly I was feeling a bit normalized also. My taut
blouse got a bit of relief as I breathed easy.

Master-ji: So the last one is the lying posture. Madam, now that you are quite aware and conscious, I want you to lie
on the bed on your own.

Me: O… Okay.

Master-ji: Madam, mind you, we will stand to that side.

They went towards the side of the couch where my legs would point once I lie on the bed. I sat on the bed and
instantly realized that the cold bed sheet was touching part of my naked ass outside my panty – the skirt was so
short! I kept my legs together, as straight as possible, and lifted them on bed. Master-ji and Deepak were looking
at my waistline and I was trying my best to save my dignity, but could realize that it was impossible to keep my
panty under cover. I could see my skirt mounting up my silky thighs almost to my groin and I quickly stretched it
with my right hand. But as I lied down on the bed, I had to fold my legs just to some extent and I was sure at that
time both the males who were standing down my legs got a good peep into my panty.

What a shame!

Myself being a housewife… What am I doing! Flashing time and again my panty to my tailors! My husband would
definitely get a heart attack if he saw me lying on bed like this wearing the tiniest of skirts with two males trying
to peep in my panty!

Master-ji: Great Madam! You are now quite prepared about how to go about the Maha-yagya wearing this dress!

I got up from bed and was thinking to get out of this skirt immediately and at last wear my sari, as I thought my
measurement session along with this extra thing must have been over, but...
I missed something, very important. In fact I was missing the only aspect benefitting me!

After along time goes

Master-ji: Madam, now that the main portion of your measurement is over, we are left with just a little before we
pack up.

Me: What else?

Knock! Knock!

There was a knock at the door and our conversation remained incomplete, as I was naturally busy to cover myself
up and get a sari over my scanty dress since there was someone at the door.

Master-ji: Don’t worry Madam I will see who is it.

He went to the door, opened it slightly and I could hear Nirmal’s voice saying “a phone call for Madam”.

Master-ji: Okay, I am sending her.

Nirmal went away saying “Okay” and I went inside the toilet with my petticoat and sari wondering who it could be
who has called here - from my residence? Mama-ji? As I was speculating, I got out of my skirt, tied the petticoat
at my waist, and wore the sari as quick as possible and went out.

I was adjusting my pallu as I walked down the passage to the ashram office where the telephone was. It was near
the guest room and as I entered I saw Nirmal standing there with the phone. The very sight of this dwarfish man
and his funny face made me grin.

Me: Who is it?

Nirmal: Your husband Madam.

Me: Oh!
I was overjoyed, pretty much surprised too, hearing that Rajesh had called. I picked up the telephone and went
ahead to talk with him.

Me: Hello.

Rajesh: Hello Nitu, it’s me!

Rajesh lovingly calls me ‘Nitu’, a short form from Anita.

Me: How are you? You remembered me after so many days!

I said with mock anger in my voice. Out of reflex action as if I was coiling my pallu in my free hand.

Rajesh: Come on Nitu! You knew that I went to Purangaon and came back only yesterday as per schedule. And from
where how could I call you? You know naa…

I remembered that Rajesh was scheduled to go to our native village, Purangaon.

Me: Hmm. Okay. Okay. Don’t create excuses.

Rajesh: Jaan, how are things progressing there?

My heart as if skipped a beat listening to that question and I gulped before replying.

Me: Things are… things are all okay here… I mean treatment is going on.

Rajesh: You must be consuming a lot of herbs as medication?

“Lots of herbs” or “lots of hands” I thought!

Me: Yes err... lots of herbal medicines along with puja, yagya, etc. in which you do not believe at all.

Rajesh: If there is a result, I will start believing, you know. But how are you? I hope no side effects to the

Me: No, no. I am… am fine dear…

“With so many hands groping and cuddling me here…” - I definitely could not verbalize that, but the fact played on
at the back of my mind, always.

Rajesh: That’s good to know. Here at home front all is okay, you don’t have to worry.

Me: That’s good to know. You know, Mama-ji came here to meet me!

Rajesh: Yes, yes. I heard that from mom. What did he say?

Me: Nothing in particular, just came here to ask my health and how are things here.

Rajesh: So kind of him.

Yes, very kind… the way he kissed my forehead, traced my bra over my shoulder, made me touch my boobs to his
chest, and the smack on my ass over my sari… I instantly remembered everything. Very ‘kind’ or very ‘cunning’!

Me: Hmm.

Rajesh: Hey Nitu. Is there anyone around?

I was a bit surprised at this question from Rajesh. I looked around and saw there was no one in the office room.
Nirmal had gone away giving me the telephone and at this hour there was also no visitor for Guru-ji also.

Me: No, I am all alone in the office room. But, why do you ask that?

Rajesh: Umm. Jaan, I am missing you… on bed.

There was a change in his voice instantaneously. He said the last two words almost in a whispering tone. In fact, I
have had the initial physical charge up from Deepak’s touches over my naked thighs and my bottoms a few minutes
ago and now with my husband’s loving tone, I started melting.

Me: Umm. Me too.

I could not curb my emotions.

Rajesh: Hey, kiss me once naa?

Me: This is ashram dear, you should not be…

Rajesh: Uff! Shut up! Just kiss me once. Don’t you miss my lips Nitu?

Me: Hmm. I miss you ssoooooooo very much!

Rajesh: By the way, are you wearing a sari now?

Me: Why do you ask that?

Rajesh: Actually then I have to open your blouse…

Me: You. You naughty.

Rajesh: Hey. Nitu…

Me: W-h-a-t?

I surely was getting very weak listening to Rajesh’s affectionate voice and honestly desired to get loved by him.

Rajesh: Open your lips.

I was so carried away by his emotions that I actually parted my lips in front of the phone receiver.

Rajesh: What happened? Open them please.

Me: Oho! I have parted them already… for you only.

Rajesh: If that is so how can you hold the receiver?

Me: Uff! I have opened my LIPS for you… dear! What has that to do with the receiver?

I whispered though stressed on the word ‘lips’ to his ears.

Rajesh: Nitu, my darling! I told to open the lips under your sari so that I can insert…

Me: YOU! YOU BRUT! I am disconnecting the line...

Though I thoroughly enjoyed his prank, but pretended to be quite angry.

Rajesh: No, no, please don’t. Okay, okay, let me kiss your lips.

I could hear Rajesh kissing me a number of times over the phone.

Rajesh: Nitu, the bed looks so empty…

I was getting pretty excited now listening to my husband’s inviting words. I was holding the phone in my right hand
and my left hand automatically went inside my sari pallu over my blouse and I started pressing and cupping my juicy

Rajesh: Close your eyes now. Let me squeeze my coconuts once… aah!

My eyes were in fact closed and I tried to feel as if my husband was holding and squeezing my “coconuts” clasped
inside my tight blouse.

Rajesh: Umm. Missing you jaan.

Me: Take me in your arms…

Rajesh: Umm. Nitu, kiss me once naa…

Me: No. I cannot do that from here.

Rajesh: Why? Don’t be ashamed. You told that there was no one… So?

Was there any shame still left in me, I wondered. But for my husband I was the same old shy and conservative

Rajesh: Hey… what happened?

Me: Hmm. O… Okay baba.

I was breathing faster and as a result my boobs were exerting pressure on my blouse and I felt tighter. I looked
around again and now loudly kissed my hubby over the phone. I myself was shocked to see my revelation.

Rajesh: You are a darling Nitu.

Me: Umm...
Rajesh: I just hope your ashram treatment gives us our much desired fruit.

Me: Umm.

Rajesh: Nitu?

I was still under the spell of my husband’s ‘love’.

Rajesh: When you will be back?

I tried to recover myself.

Me: Yes, by this weekend.

Rajesh: Okay, till such time I will call you each day.

Alarm bells rang in my mind, because Maha-yagya would start tonight and I was not sure exactly how long it would
extend, though Guru-ji mentioned ‘two days’.

Me: Hey. Listen naa. Don’t call here any more till I get back. Guru-ji doesn’t like interrupting phone calls in the
ashram from outside. So, please…

Rajesh: Hmm. I understand. It’s a divine place…

He paused just a little and then ended the call.

Rajesh: Okay. Then, bye jaan. If you need anything, do give me a call. Okay?

Me: Okay, you take care and pray to God that….

Rajesh: Yes, so that your treatment is successful. I will. Take care.

Me: Bye.

I was still holding the telephone as I heard Rajesh disconnected the phone and I put down the receiver. Poor
Rajesh! He could never imagine what I had to undergo here though it was part of my treatment and therapy. I still
had complete faith in Guru-ji and believed that he would certainly make me a ‘mother’ through his Maha-yagya. Yes,
I admit that I was a culprit in extracting enjoyment from some of the encounters, especially with Uday and some
with Master-ji, and also some other here and there. But I am also a human being, a matured married woman, nearly
30 years of age - how could I just evade the male touches on my body and still remain oblivious and not get incited?

As I was thinking all this, I was on my way back to my room where Master-ji and Deepak were waiting for me.

Master-ji: Who called you Madam?

Me: Rajesh. I mean… my husband.

I was a bit careless while walking back the alley and my pallu had shifted of my protruding right breast almost
completely and as soon as I met Deepak’s eyes I caught him enjoying the view. Immediately I adjusted my pallu and
wrapped my treasures properly and as I was breathing slightly faster than normal, my heavy boobs were stretching
my blouse.
Deepak: He must be missing you very much Madam.

Deepak indicatively smiled suggesting my husband must have been missing my appealing ‘flesh’.

Master-ji: Bah! Then you must be feeling refreshed talking to him?

Me: Yes, of course. It seemed it’s such a long time I had not conversed with Rajesh…

Master-ji: Madam, shall we continue?

Me: Yes, yes. What else is left?

I was still so much immersed with Rajesh’s thoughts that I was not paying heed to what I was talking to the tailor.
Honestly though Rajesh did not touch me, but due to the previous touches of Deepak and my husband’s passionate
talks, my whole body was heated up to a great extent. Master-ji was an experienced man and he probably caught
my emotions flowing and he quickly pushed me inside the main topic.

Master-ji: Madam, I need to stitch your undergarments too, as you cannot of course wear your regular ones in the

Me: Oho! Right, right.

I took this issue quite casually as my mind was as if gliding on my husband’s wings. I suddenly remembered

Me: And Master-ji, you must correct my longstanding problem, which I referred to you earlier… Do you remember?

Master-ji: Yes, yes Madam! Your panty problem. I will definitely fix that also. I will also stitch you some spare
panties, which you can use later going back home.

I smiled and nodded acknowledging a ‘thanks’.

Me: Honestly Master-ji, I will be very… I mean … very grateful to you if you can correct my problem. I am facing
the trouble for a long time now.

Master-ji: Madam, please don’t say ‘grateful’. If I am unable to fix my customers’ problems, then I am not an
efficient tailor. Isn’t it?

We smiled at each other. Actually my inner self felt quite relieved after talking to my husband and I experienced a
peculiar freeness in my approach!

Master-ji: If I can recall correctly your main problem is that - any panty you wear, after sometime, it tends to lose
the grip and squeeze into the center. Right Madam?

My state of mind was so blatant at that time that I did not feel even a tinge of shame discussing my panty with the

Me: Absolutely.

Master-ji: As I told you before Madam, the first correction that you need to do is not wear the ‘normal’ variety,
but wear the ‘mega’ variety of panty for your hip size.

I nodded shamelessly to this suggestion.

Master-ji: So Madam, next time when you go to shop for your panty, please ask for the Daisy Mega and do not get
into your shopkeeper’s words…

Me: No, no. I will buy that only.

Master-ji: Madam, if you can hand me over a spare one…

I did not gather what Master-ji wanted and asked a foolish question.

Me: Spare what?

Master-ji: A spare panty Madam…

Me: Oho! Yes, yes… just a minute.

I quickly tried to cover my foolishness and went to the cupboard and instantly pulled out one of my panties and
handed it to my tailor.

Master-ji: Thanks Madam.

Deepak now came closer to probably inspect my panty.

Master-ji: See Madam, the main reason for your problem – look at the back coverage.

Saying that Master-ji held the panty up, almost at my face height, and stretched its waistband and showed me its
back. Now I started feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

Master-ji: The cloth is so small here that in the first place it’s not covering your back properly and see Madam -
the elastic here also is poor and hence the grip is loose. That’s why it is slipping on your bottoms and gathering in
the middle.

Me: I see.

Though I said that, but the feeling of uneasiness was slowly digging its roots in me discussing my panty with my
tailor. Deepak was also intently looking at my panty, which appeared to be on display for everyone in Master-ji’s

Master-ji: Next see Madam, the waistband, it’s so lose!

Me: But Master-ji it was okay when I bought it; after a number of washes the elastic gets loosened.

Master-ji: But this lose…! No, no Madam. If the grip is not good at your waist, the panty will not stay in proper
place and you will face all these problems.

Me: O-k-ay. But any elastic will get lose due to washing Master-ji.

Master-ji: I agree Madam, but then you have to discard that panty and buy a new one.
Me: Then I have to marry an undergarment businessman if I have to keep discarding like that…

We all laughed at my words and the environment was lighter. My uneasiness also decreased to some extent. Now
Deepak joined the conversation.

Deepak: Master-ji, what’s the average durability of the elastic that we give? Customers must be washing it like
Madam does.

Master-ji: Yes Deepak, the elastic that we stitch in is certainly of good quality and if it’s always washed in
lukewarm water, it should stay good for nearly five to six months.

Deepak: I can bet Madam must be washing her panty in cold water.

I looked at Deepak with a dumb face. What a bet he played on a housewife!

I nodded in affirmation to Deepak.

Master-ji: That’s clearly another reason for your problem. You should certainly avoid cold water, for even your bra

Me: Okay, I will try, but it’s difficult…

Master-ji: Difficult, but not impossible Madam.

We smiled at each other, myself nodding my head.

Master-ji: Don’t worry Madam, even if you cannot do that, I will fix your problem.

Me: Fine.

Master-ji: Deepak, can you tell me what’s the ideal back coverage for any woman?

Deepak: Master-ji, it’s I think 50%.

Master-ji: Right you are. And for a big shape like Madam’s, it has to be on the higher side. What do you reckon of
this one?

Master-ji indicated to my panty hanging in his hands.

Deepak: Master-ji, this would hardly cover 20-25% even if the back is stretched fully. That too I am not sure…
Madam has such a full thing!

Master-ji: Only 20-25%?

Deepak: Am quite sure Master-ji.

Master-ji: How can that be Deepak? No, no…

Deepak: See the fabric Master-ji, it will not stretch much.

Master-ji: Yes, I agree it’s not a quality fabric, but still… Only 20-25%? This is not a thong after all?

Thong? What’s that I wondered, but could well assume that it has to be a very skimpy thing.

Deepak: Master-ji, your assessment is chasing your age… Is Madam that modern to wear it? She must be hearing it
for the first time. Ha ha ha…

Deepak’s laugh was so irritating that I almost sank my teeth into my lower lips though the fact remained that I was
unaware what a ‘thong’ was.

Master-ji: True. True. Madam does not live in a metro city. How would she know?

They were both smiling curiously at my ignorance.

Master-ji: Madam, since he said that your panty would only cover 20% of your buttocks, I referred to a thong. I
guess you do not know what a ‘thong’ is?

I stirred my head gently indicating “No”.

Master-ji: Madam, the thong is like a panty, but smaller than it; it has a front cover and a narrow strip of fabric in
the back, which forms a “V” as it tapers into your crotch. It’s a modern day women’s wear.

He paused and looked directly at my eyes.

Master-ji: Madam, if you wear a thong under your sari or salwar kamiz, it will keep your whole gaand under your
dress pretty much exposed. I think you will have almost the same feeling when your panty actually gathers in the

My face was turning red as Master-ji described things and I wanted to terminate it.

Me: O! I see.

Master-ji: Can you relate it now Madam why I said it?

Me: Yes, yes.

There was no other way but for me to grasp and understand everything.

Deepak: Still Master-ji, it would be a real scene if Madam decides to wear a thong.

Master-ji: Why?

Deepak: Just look at her gaand. She has such a super size. So fleshy, so round…

Master-ji: He he… That’s true. Madam, he is not completely wrong.

Me: Master-ji, can we get back to…

Master-ji: Right, right Madam. Unnecessarily we are drifting away.

Deepak: Master-ji, do one thing.

Master-ji: What?

Deepak: You hold Madam’s panty like this and then you will take my point.

Master-ji: Lets see.

I saw Master-ji holding the waistband of my panty with both hands before his face and Deepak stretching the
panty fabric with both hands to assess how much flesh it would cover of my big round ass!

My mouth was half open already. What are they doing? The discussion was so casual – they were discussing my
PANTY and that too in front of me – I was simply bewildered. I could well realize things were getting out of my
hand, but I was in no position to get out of it.

Deepak: Master-ji, just see. Only this much and look at Madam’s… big gaand.

I was perplexed at his comment and both males tried to look at my sari-covered hips, but since I was facing them
they were not able to see it fully!

Master-ji: Madam, can you just turn your back to us? That will enable us to assess how much more cloth needs to
be added to your panty so that it covers you properly as well as not repeat your problem i.e. gather in the middle.

I was so bemused at this sudden development that I could not evolve anything at all from my thought process, but
a mumble.

Me: I mean… mmm… err… but…

Master-ji: Madam, why are you hesitating? You don’t have to do anything. Just turn back. That’s all.

Before I could properly comprehend what they are up to, Master-ji bowled me with a googly!

Master-ji: Madam, are you wearing a panty right now?

Me: What?

Master-ji: I mean you went to the toilet, so in case you have opened it … that’s why I was asking...

I was obviously irritated and annoyed by such a question. I just looked down and nodded positively. I felt so much
shame in answering such a question to a male at this age that I felt like running away from the room.

Me: No, but…

Master-ji: No? Are you are not wearing anything below?

Me: Oh! No, no. Am wearing it.

Master-ji: Okay. You said ’no’… Anyway, that’s great!

He was looking at the hourglass of my hourglass figure as he commented. I looked at Master-ji with a surprised
look. What’s there to be so much excited if I was wearing my panty, I could not comprehend.
Master-ji: I can start the inspection right now. I assure you Madam you will definitely not have your problem again.
Now please turn back once.

I was somewhat puzzled now. What would he do? Though I knew what my tailor would check, but was unsure of the
way in which it would be done. My panty’s back coverage was under the microscope, I knew, but will Master-ji lift
my sari up to my waist to check my panty?

Oh No! My God!! Can’t be.

Will he insert his hands under my sari and check the needful? Goodness gracious! I already had dry lips and was
getting extremely anxious.

Fortunately nothing of that sort happened, but the initial good feeling of talking to my husband over phone and my
physical excitement were evaporating rapidly due to the fear of once again getting groped by my tailor.

Master-ji: Madam, are you right now feeling the problem that you were referring?

Me: No, no… it’s absolutely okay now.

I answered in a meek feeble voice.

Master-ji: Bah! So you mean to say that your panty is now fully stretched on your… on your gaand?

I was aghast to hear time and again that word – gaand from the tailor! But I could reckon they were low class
people and would use those sorts of words only.

Me: Y… yes. I feel okay…

Master-ji: But Madam, you only mentioned that you start to have the problem specifically after sometime of
wearing your panty – right?

Me: Yes, but… no…

I was practically mumbling at every step to such direct questions about my inner wear.

Deepak: Master-ji, I think Madam meant that after some time of wearing her panty, if she walks or works, she
starts feeling the problem. Am I right Madam?

As if I got words from Deepak and instantly picked them up.

Me: Yes, yes. That’s what I meant. Exactly.

Madam: O-k-a-y. So since you are rather stationary here in this room, you didn’t face the problem. By the way
Madam, does it fully get inside your slit… I mean ass crack?

I had to revolt now. I was unable to take any more.

Me: What do you mean? What sort of question is that?

Master-ji: Madam. Madam. Please don’t feel otherwise. I know these are very intimate questions and you will feel
shy to reply, but if you do not tell me the exact detail, how can I fix the problem?
Deepak: Madam, Master-ji is like your doctor. Your dress doctor.

There was a silence of some seconds with Deepak and Master-ji both looking at me, rather my youthful sari
covered body, and I was licking my dry lips to get back some confidence in front of these males.

Master-ji: Yes, yes. Do you not tell intimate things to the doctor or not Madam?

I had to give a nod.

Master-ji: So it’s like that only. Don’t hesitate Madam. Tell me does the whole panty slips off your flesh and gets
inside your ass cheeks? I mean the panty lines on both sides. Did you check that ever consciously?

I was turning red like a tomato. My ears were emitting heat and I was breathing profoundly in this verbal
humiliation. I felt completely trapped. I could have protested, but thought that it would unnecessarily invite a loud
argument and would definitely attract the ashram people. Certainly the whole episode would be divulged, especially
how I pretended to be senseless and encouraged Master-ji to enjoy my youthful body. So I considered it wise to
stay silent and gulp the humiliation because afterall whatever was happening would remain confined to the four
walls of this room only.

Me: No… I mean… err… the major part…. sneaks in.

Master-ji: But… am not clear. Look Madam, if you don’t specify modestly I cannot make the right choice also for
the fabric of your panty.

I realized that I had to be rather shameless verbally in order to get to the end of this.

Me: I mean the whole fabric at my back almost gather round the middle and slips into my… I mean…

Master-ji: Hmm. Hmm. You mean to say the fabric feels like a thick rope and gets stuck in your crack. Right?

I nodded.

Master-ji: Hmm. Madam, that means your gaand remains fully naked below your petticoat, no cover on them?

I was dumb. That was quite obvious that if my panty slipped into my ass crack, my buns would remain bare. What
did he want me to reply?

Though in my mind I was congruent with his words as that’s what exactly happened in most cases when I returned
from the market or even when I visited my relative’s house, because hardly within half-an-hour to one hour, my
panty would invariably slip within my ass crack.

Master-ji: Deepak, do you realize the problem?

Deepak: Yes, yes Master-ji. It’s more or less like the problem of Padma Madam.

Master-ji: Padma Madam? Which Padma?

Deepak: Master-ji, you won’t be knowing her. It was during my job in the city shop last year.

Master-ji: O-k-a-y. I have a customer named Padma, but she only stitches blouse from me.
I was all along listening to this conversation standing in between the two males.

Master-ji: So Madam, you see, it’s not your problem only! In any case, Deepak what was her problem?

Deepak: Master-ji, peculiarly she was having the right side of her panty slipping into the middle as she walked for a

Me: And how was that solved?

I felt keen for the first time.

Deepak: Master-ji, unlike Madam’s, she had a slight leg length discrepancy and then realizing that we adjusted the
stitching likewise and her problem was solved.

Master-ji: Madam, as I said earlier also, you firstly need a bigger back coverage for your panty. That’s the prime
change you need to make alongside a thicker fabric with good side elastic would surely enable you to overcome your

Me: Okay Master-ji.

Master-ji: Deepak, just keep a note that the twill cotton 150 to be used when I stitch the spare panties for

Deepak nodded and scribbled in his notebook.

Master-ji: Okay Madam, now please turn back and let me first prove Deepak wrong.

I completely forgot that there was an argument between Master-ji and Deepak regarding the back coverage of my
panty and that issue came up again just when I was getting adjusted to this verbal disgrace, the physical part
dropped in.

Master-ji: Madam, please don’t waste time.

I clenched my lips and slowly turned my back. My full back and of course my protruding round buttocks were
inviting Mastering and Deepak now. I felt like dying to stand like this in front of two males when I know their eyes
are riveted on my ripe pumpkin-like gaand.

Master-ji: Thank you Madam. Deepak, you now tell me where Madam’s panty line is right now.

Deepak: Sure Master-ji, let me check.

Panty line! My heart as if skipped a beat. But before I could think any further, I felt a couple of hands on my sari-
covered bottoms gripping my ass flesh firmly over my sari. Deepak immediately gave me a couple of light squeezes
on my firm ass cheeks and my lips automatically parted and I gasped for air and I tried my best to control my

Master-ji: Are you able to feel the panty from above her clothes?

Deepak: Yes, yes Master-ji.

Saying that he now poked his fingers on my heavy-duty buttocks and in no time he was able to trace my panty line
through the thin layers of my sari and petticoat and started to feel it with his fingers of his both hands. I could
sense Deepak had knelt down in front of my gaand and keeping his body balanced on his knees, he was tracing my
panty line with his hands. This would certainly excite any woman and I was also no exception.

I could feel his hands all over my big gaand and leaving my panty line now his fingers lethargically started tracing
the line of my crevice! It seemed Deepak liked the shape of my butt formed over my sari-cover as more and more
of its contour was getting exposed as his fingers tried to push my sari deeper into my ass crack over my panty.

Master-ji: What happened? You seem to like Madam’s gaand very much! Ha ha ha…

The laughter seemed to be echoing in the room signifying my mortified state in the hands this tailor-duo.

Deepak: Master-ji, whatever you say, Madam’s back is very special. It’s so firm, yet its butter smooth! What a

I started biting my lips with my teeth and tried my best to ignore such lewd remarks. Though I was trying to
ignore everything, my body was unable to do that!

I could feel clearly that Deepak was playing with my buttocks. I felt his thumb pressing deep on my left ass cheek
and the rest of the fingers caught the elastic of my panty line over my sari and he started digging the sari deeper
into the panty! My body was emitting so much heat already that I had to shuffle mildly. My annoyance was now
mixed with exhilaration of this sexy groping. Deepak was taking his time kneading my big round ass with both hands
over the cover of my sari and petticoat.

Honestly I was also beginning to get fairly excited from Deepak’s heavy fondling. He was pressing and kneading my
buttocks nonstop in the pretext of finding my panty line!

Deepak: Master-ji, found it! Here it is!

Saying that he traced his finger on my smooth butt skin over my sari along the edge of my panty. My excitement
was added to by every movement of Deepak’s crafty hands

and my whole body started releasing so much heat now that I felt like removing my sari and stand in my petticoat
and blouse only!

Master-ji: Where? Let me see.

I could sense Master-ji also congregating with Deepak near my gaand. He also bent down to have his face near my
flaring ass. As Deepak was continuously touching my butts, I had to mildly wriggle my ass to feel at ease. I knew
the scene would look utterly vulgar to wriggle my heavy buttocks under my sari in front of two pairs of hungry
eyes, but I could not control myself aside from doing that.

Now I clearly felt another hand touching my gaand!

Master-ji: Hmm. O-k-a-y. Madam, let me trace it fully, then I will know exactly how much it’s covering you.

There was practically no need to tell me anything as I had succumbed to this already. He removed Deepak’s hand
off my left ass cheek and directly touched and pressed me there. I could invariably feel that Master-ji’s hand was
bolder than his apprentice. He immediately pinched my ass as if signaling me that it was ‘his’ hand. Deepak’s fingers
were still resting on my panty line on my right buttock.
My sari and petticoat were not thick enough to give me adequate protection from these hungry hands. Thus
Master-ji also, like Deepak, could easily grip my panty elastic over with two to three fingers of his hand. Master-ji
started moving his fingers down my left buttock following my panty line. At this point I was trembling in sexual
stimulation as he continued to trace my panty line and moved down… and down… and down till he reached my ass
crack! I could not bear that sexy hot wave jerking my body and reacted.

Me: Aah! Ouch! What… what are you doing Master-ji?

Master-ji: Madam, madam just be patient for a moment. My checking is almost over.

I shuffled standing in the same position and felt like parting my legs in horniness and created a slight gap in
between my legs (honestly to accommodate his hand down my gaand). Though I got a momentary relief from this
sexy uneasiness, but Master-ji started a new ‘inspection’!

He removed his hand off my gaand tracing fully my panty line till my ass crack. I exhaled a sigh of relief only to
find myself left with a wide, open mouth as I felt Master-ji exposing his palm fully and giving me a very tight
squeeze on my left buttock. My nipples instantly reacted to it and were fully upright within my bra. Automatically
whatever little shame was left in me evaporated, and I brazenly began to massage my juicy boobs over my sari and
blouse and also outset swaying my heavy hips slowly in elation.

I didn’t know whether Master-ji and Deepak noticed me doing this very sexy act, but they extracted all honey out
of my full-grown ass with their hands.

This went on for some more moments and finally when he stopped my sari naturally got bunched up along his finger
into my deep ass crack between my thighs.

Master-ji: Okay done.

Deepak: So, Master-ji, was I right or wrong?

Master-ji: Yes Deepak, I was mistaken. You were right.

Saying that he again pinched my bottom and this time a prolonged one, as if he was squeezing the cheeks of a little
girl with two fingers! I was breathing heavily in ecstasy, but still tried to get back my composure.

Master-ji: Madam, I must say you are quite different from my other customers!

Though still there were two hands on my sari-covered gaand, fortunately for the moment they were mostly

Me: What… I mean how?

I asked in a husky voice.

Master-ji: Madam, have you ever checked your back in the mirror after wearing a panty?

What a noble question! Ignoring the irritation I wetted my lips and initiated to deliver replies blatantly!

Me: Hmm. Of course, but… but why?

I could instantly feel there was a stir in the hand positions of Master-ji and Deepak, both, as I replied. Though I
said ‘of course’, but very frankly I hardly get a chance to check myself in the mirror at home wearing only my
undergarments. Our bathroom mirror gives only a bust view and so I have to come to the bedroom to check my full
figure, and getting out of the bathroom only in my inner wears is out of question. And even if I do that, if Rajesh
was around, he would definitely not allow me to check myself in the mirror, rather I would end up in his strong
arms, and not to mention would certainly lose my undergarments also in a flash.

Master-ji: If that is so, you are an exception Madam, as none of my customers would allow so much exposure of
their globes beneath their sari.

I was bowled over again! What does this old man trying to indicate? Am I a saucy woman? I immediately tried to
improve my position in front of my tailor that ‘I am not like that’.

Me: No, no Master-ji, actually after I wear it, I make sure to stretch it properly over my back so that I look
decent… I mean … so that I feel decent under my sari.

Master-ji: But Madam, just see. Your panty line is here…

Saying that he traced my panty line again on left ass cheek and this time pressed his finger with force on my firm
ass flesh to show me the position.

Master-ji: Madam, its just four to five fingers from your crevice and the whole of your left bun is bare… I mean
not covered by your panty.

Me: It… it must have shifted while…

Master-ji: Okay. But still I think that you keep a lot of your gaand exposed outside your panty Madam.

Deepak: Master-ji, Madam has such a nice treasure, why should she keep it wholly under cover?

Master-ji: No, no. That’s okay. But I was only saying that my other customers…

I had to object to Deepak’s derogative remark.

Me: What do you mean? I do it deliberately?

Deepak: No, no Madam. I just said it casually. You told naa… after wearing it you stretch it max over your gaand…
What else can you do?

Master-ji: Right! If there is a defect in the panty itself, nothing can be done.

I felt better at this compromising tone of Deepak.

Deepak: So Master-ji, this is the core reason for Madam’s problem?

Master-ji: Obviously. Look at the open portion…

Saying that he created a gap between his thumb and middle finger and tried to show Deepak the distance over my
ass flesh, which was outside my panty cover.

Deepak: You cannot even cover it with your fingers!

My face was all red again and listening to that probably Master-ji tried even harder to cover my ass cheek with his
fully stretched fingers.

Me: Aaah!

I anxiously reacted as his whole palm with his fingers fully extended rested on the right side of my gaand. I was
also feeling wetness in my pussy and drops now began to trickle out of my honey pot into my panty. And as
expected, he cupped my very firm ass flesh with his whole palm giving me a forceful squeeze. He must have enjoyed
that to the hilt and Deepak also was all along feeling the smoothness of my round right globe under my sari. I
attempted to put a full stop to this ‘never-ending’ lewd encounter.

Me: Whatever Master-ji, you just stitch me the proper size.

Master-ji: Come on Madam! That’s the only reason I am checking. Deepak, just remember to put two inches of
additional back cover for Madam.

Deepak shifted his fingers on my right ass cheek slightly as if to check how much will be covered of my ass if that
additional cloth is appended to my panty.

Deepak: Will that be enough Master-ji? Have you checked this part, it’s so tight and bouncy! I fear the panty might
slip again.

Tight and bouncy? Deepak was referring to the middle portion of my ass cheek and poking his finger to check the
elasticity of my ass flesh! I felt like getting drowned in a glass of water in shame. These two were taking an exam
of all my womanly shame and self-respect.

Master-ji: Which portion? The middle? Hmm.

He paused and I felt Master-ji’s thumb poking into my left ass cheek very directly and the old fox obviously did
not miss the chance to again squeeze my big round flesh with his other fingers enjoying every bit of suppleness and
smoothness of my gorgeous ass. I was getting increasingly heated up and my buttocks were also emitting
substantial heat by now. I was sure both Master-ji and Deepak were clearly able to sense that over my loins.
Naturally I was all the more waggling my ass, as I was feeling increasingly uncomfortable and sexually excited.

Master-ji: Madam, I must compliment you. At your age and even after marriage you have such a tight gaand.

Deepak: Master-ji, also think of her husband, he s-o-o lucky.

Master-ji: Ha ha. Of course Beta.

Deepak: He can touch this g-a-a-n-d all day, all night…

Master-ji: Don’t talk like an idiot Deepak. He must be attending office or having a business. How can he touch her
all day? Ha ha ha.

Deepak also joined the laughter roar to this crude low-grade joke and almost simultaneously both gave me tight
squeezes on my gaand cupping my tight flesh from over my sari to make me pant like a traveler without water in the

I was amazed to see the courage of these two males. Petty tailors - commenting like that! Moreover, freely cupping
my hips at their will just because I was in a compromised state. If this was not the ashram, a tight slap would teach
this Deepak a lesson. How dare he remark “He can touch this gaand all day, all night…”!

Me: Ah! Ouch!

My excitement was getting over my irritation time and again. The way these two males were pressing me at that
very sensitive spot, I was behaving almost like a randi, pressing my boobs, shuffling, and also wriggling my heavy
gaand under my sari. Both males were now at random poking and digging their fingers deep into the middle of my
ass cheeks over my sari and petticoat to check the firmness of my buttocks. My lips were drying up every now and
then and my nipples were extremely taut now eagerly waiting to be freed and twisted.

I closed my eyes visualizing the vulgarity the scene was exhibiting – two males in almost squatting position
caressing my gaand over my sari and myself was swaying my ass and pressing my boobs and tracing my nipples over
my tight blouse under my sari pallu. This bawdy affair went on for a few more minutes till Master-ji remarked,
“Okay Madam, we are done”!

So kind of him, I thought.

Master-ji: Deepak, I think two and three quarter inch of additional fabric with elastic stitching on both edges will
solve Madam’s problem.

Deepak: As you feel right Master-ji.

Both males stood up and I immediately took a step forward to get rid of the two hands till then constantly cajoling
my ass flesh.

Master-ji: Okay Madam, at last we are finally done! I will be back with your dress and the undergarments by 09:00
p.m. here again. Since the Maha-yagya start time is around 11:00 p.m., we will have substantial time if you need any
further correction in your outfit.

Me: Uff! Okay Master-ji.

I took a deep breath and my whole body was aching now because I got the male touch concentrated on my bottoms
only for an extended period of time. I adjusted my pallu and straightened the sari over my buttock curve and tried
to look decent. Deepak was quick enough to gather the tailoring bits and pieces into his bag and they bid me ‘good
bye’ promising to get back by 9 at night.

Even after the tailor-duo disappeared from my room, I stood like a statue for some time trying to realize what I
underwent in the last one hour or so and what’s in store for me additionally. I went to the toilet and washed my
face, neck, and arms with cold water and tried my best to get out of my horny feelings. I did not even wipe my face
and was back in the room and jumped into the bed. I allowed my pussy to discharge some fluids in my panty and
then attempted to get myself out of these ‘hot’ feelings.

I was successful after sometime and then endeavored to be prepared mentally for the Maha-yagya. I closed my
eyes and concentrated on it though I found it very hard. At one point I started feeling very sleepy and decided to
sleep for a while. I just raised my waist from my lying position and inserted my hands inside my sari and petticoat
and got out of my panty, which was having some wet spots in the front. I threw it to the room corner and went for
the nap.

I did not know how long I slept, but my sleep was interrupted by knocks at the door. Nirmal was at the door.
Nirmal: Afternoon Madam. Sleeping at this hour?

I somehow resisted laughing looking at the face of this short-statured personality. I did not know why every time
his very look made me amused.

Me: No actually got late with Master-ji giving the measurements, so…

Nirmal: I see. Actually Guru-ji passed you this book. Madam, you get fresh and I will bring tea for you. Then you
can go through the book.

That was a good idea. I was still feeling somewhat sleepy and as I felt a slight itch around my pussy area, I
instantly remember that I was not wearing the panty. I looked from the corner of my eye to the room corner to
find it lying in a curled up fashion. Thank God! Nirmal had not noticed that. But certainly his eyes were roving along
my bust-line under my sari pallu, though the fact remained that his height was such that his eye level was at my

Nirmal: Madam, Guru-ji also told to inform you that you should be ready for the Maha-yagya by 11 p.m. Though
that’s a lot of time from now, I still made you aware.

Me: Okay, thanks.

He went away and I immediately almost sprinted to the corner of the room to pick up my panty and kept it in the
cupboard. I was feeling better without the panty and decided to remain pantyless, as I would be confined to my
room only. Nirmal was back in a couple of minutes and by that time I used the conveniences. After I finished tea, I
took the book and glanced through it. It had subjects like Linga Puja, Yoni Puja, Stree Puja and so on with their
vivid descriptions and narration.

I was glued to the book for fairly long time and was engrossed in the detailed yagya processes, and was curiously
reading the extracted verses from the Purana, like this excerpt, which I found pretty interesting:

Dialog between Parvati the great Goddess and Lord Shiva:

The Ten Mahavidyas, these are listed in the third patala of Yoni Tantra as Kali, Tara, Sodasi, Chinnamastaka,
Bhagalamukhi, Matangi, Bhuvaneshvari, Mahalakshmi and associated with the different parts of the yoni. This list
of the Mahavidyas differs from that in Todala Tantra.

One becomes Kalika’s son and renowned. Devi is at the base of the yoni and Naganandini is in the yoni. Kali and Tara
are in the yoni cakra and Chinnamastaka in the hair. Bagalamukhi and Matangi are on the rim of the yoni.
Mahalakshmi, Shodashi and Bhuvaneshvari are within the yoni. By worshipping the yoni one certainly worships Sakti.

The MahaVidya, mantra and preparation of the mantra do not bestow siddhi without worship of the yoni. One
should bow thrice before the yoni with a flower, Mahesvari, else the puja of a man is useless even in 1000 lifetimes.
Guru is clearly Siva and his partner is the true form of the goddess.

One should only couple with the yoni that bleeds.

Dearest, if by good fortune one is partner to a Brahmin girl, one should worship her yoni tattva. Otherwise, worship
other yonis. When we speak of Brahmin, her we speak about those who are Brahmin by birth based on Astrology,
and not because one is born in a Brahmin home.

Candali, Lady of Hosts, the foremost one, is the center of the yoni. By worshipping in this way, one becomes my
equal, most certainly. What use are meditations, reciting mantras, giving gifts or kula nectars? O Durga, without
yoni worship, all are fruitless.

Seated on the peak of Mount Kailasha, the god of gods,the guru of all creation, was questioned by Durga-of-the-
Smiling-Face, Naganandini. Lord, 64 tantras have been created. Tell me, Ocean of Compassion, about the chief of
these. Mahadeva said: Listen, dearest Parvati, to this great secret. You have asked to hear this 10 million times.
Beauteous One, it is because of your feminine nature that you continually ask me. You should conceal this by every
effort. Parvati, there is mantra pitha, yantra pitha and yoni pitha. Amongst these, the chief is certainly the yoni
pitha, revealed to you from affection. Naganandini, listen closely! Hari, Hara and Brahma---- the gods of creation,
maintenance and destruction----all originate in the yoni.

A person should not worship the yoni if he does not have the Sakti mantra. This initiation and mantra is the
deliverer from hell. I am Mityunjaya, beloved of your yoni. Surasundari, I always worship Durga in my heart lotus.
This liberates the mind from distinctions such as Divya and vira. O Lady Goddess! worshipping in this manner,
liberation is placed within a person’s reach.

A yoni worshipper should prepare the Sakti mantra. He gains wealth, poesy, wisdom and omniscience. He becomes
the four-faced Brahma for one hundred million eons.

What is the use of talking! To speak of this avails naught. If a person worships with menstrual flowers, he also has
power over fate. Doing much puja in this way, he may become liberated.

The fruit of doing puja to the great yoni, deliverer from the ocean of misery, is life and enhanced vitality. The yoni
which has bled is suitable for worship. Do not worship a yoni which has never bled. Worshipping a yoni which has
never bled causes loss of siddhi on every occasion

In the absence of the yoni of a maiden or a beautiful woman, worship the yoni of a sister or of a female pupil.
Worship the yoni daily, otherwise pronounce the mantra. Do not perform useless puja without yoni puja.

ParvatÌ said: Ocean of Compassion, by what method should the yoni, which is the essence of the cosmos, to be
worshipped? If you or a sadhaka should worship a yoni, how does it bestow grace? Speak of this to me! I want to
hear all of this because of my great curiosity.

Mahadeva said: A sadhaka wishing to worship a yoni, which is the form of the cosmos, should cause an erection and
insert it into that thing which is Sakti Herself. The vagina is Mahamaya and the penis is Sadasiva. Worshipping
them, one becomes liberated while still alive, there is no doubt of it. One should offer bali, flowers and so forth. If
incapable of this, worship with wine, O Durga. One should do pranayama and my six limbed puja in the yoni region.
After reciting the mantra 100 times at the base of the yoni, one should rub the linga and the yoni together.

I have thereby declared the manner of proceeding for all sadhakas. Devesi, never reveal this tantra! Do not give it
to the disciple of another or to the undevoted. Mahadevi, the Yoni Tantra is revealed from love for you.
If a person should gaze at a yoni while ritually bathing, his life becomes fruitful. There is no doubt of this. One
should look at one’s partner’s yoni, at another woman’s yoni, the yoni of a maiden----in the absence of a maiden’s
yoni one should gaze reverentially at the yoni of a pupil.

Liberation is achieved through enjoyment. Happiness is gained through enjoyment. Therefore, by every effort, a
sadhaka should become an enjoyer. The wise man should always avoid blame, disgust or shame of the yoni. Unless
the yoni is worshipped using the Kulachara method, even
one hundred thousand sadhanas are useless.

If one should lick the elixir at the edge of the yoni, evil in one’s body or dwelling place is certainly destroyed. What
point is there to bathing in the Ganges or in other tirthas? Dearest, in this matter relating to a powerful sadhaka
always worshipping the vagina, what use is there of many words?

Whosoever in this Kali Yuga recites mantra in a supremely devoted way specifically to the yoni, the core of the
universe, is within reach of liberation.

Listen, O one-dear-to-me-as-life, of the destruction of the mental predisposition of pashas. Worship a nubile yoni
in a highly ecstatic way.

Whosoever in this Kali Yuga recites mantra in a supremely devoted way specifically to the yoni, the core of the
universe, is within reach of liberation. Amongst thousands of sadhakas and tens of millions of worshippers,
fortunate are they who do Kali sadhana. Kali is the Mother of the Universe and of all Shastra, quite certainly.
Remembering Kali frees one from the fetters of a pasu. After reciting Kali’s great mantra, one becomes Kali’s son,
there is no doubt. This is true, true, true, true without question.

Just as for Kali, so also for the vidyas and rules of Tripura, Shodashi, Bhuvaneshvari, China-Tara, Mahalakshmi,
Matangi, Sundari, Bhairavi, Dakshina and Tarini. Success cannot be achieved save with the method of Chinachara.
Whatever mantra one is initiated into, this is the best method. Devoid of this sacred trust, one becomes
unsuccessful and therefore is reborn again.

That which is written in this Yoni Tantra all sadhakas should accomplish according to their own wills. Mahesani,
meditate as being absorbed in the yoni cakra, with yoni on the tongue, yoni in the mind, yoni in the ears and yoni in
the eyes. Mighty Lady, all sadhana is vain unless with the yoni. Therefore, reject other pujas and do Yoni Puja.
Mahesani, there is no siddhi without devotion to the Guru.


I did not notice how time went by and after going through the book, I was washing my face when Master-ji and
Deepak reappeared. It was quarter to 9.

Master-ji: Madam, we are back! All ready with your dress.

I dried up my face, combed my hair lightly, and then took the dress packet from Master-ji’s hand and sat on the
bed to see it. Master-ji also came forward and sat on my bed, Deepak was standing opposite to us. I was feeling
somewhat awkward within myself as I pantyless within my sari in front of two males though there was no chance of
them knowing that fact. I opened the packet and there was another small transparent packet, which I kept aside
initially. I took out the choli and the skirt; both looked glistening white and the fabric had a truly velvety
appearance and it felt real good to touch them. As expected both looked awfully small for my developed 28-year-
old figure and I would look outrageously sexy in that mini outfit. Then I opened the other small packet and
predictably it contained my undergarments. I was specifically interested in the bra, as it was a strapless variety,
which I had never worn before, but felt a bit shy to check that in front of them.

Master-ji: Madam, You better give a trial of everything. I think all should be okay the way I have taken

He said the last few words looking at my eyes. I quickly shifted my gaze in shame and hurried to the toilet. Since I
was pantyless, I could realize my heavy gaand was swaying more inside my sari as I tried to walk swiftly.

Me: Please wait Master-ji.

Master-ji: Sure Madam.

I closed the toilet door and immediately felt the same problem as I had faced on the very first day coming to
ashram with Sanjeev. That day also I had to give him my clothes and since there was no hook or rod in the
bathroom for keeping clothes, I had to keep them on the door top, which was probably made short from the door
frame for that purpose only!

Not again! I thought. But had to keep my new Maha-yagya dress on the door top as I started to open my sari first.
As the toilet floor was mostly wet I had to stand very close to the door. I kept the sari on the door top and could
well realize that Master-ji and Deepak must be watching the door top. They knew for sure now that I was only clad
in my blouse and petticoat inside the toilet. Next I started unbuttoning my blouse and then unhooked my brassiere.
My big, round, youthful boobs popped out of my bra and undulated a bit being free. Naturally my nipples started to
get hard, as my mammaries were completely bare now. I swallowed my breath, as I heaped my used bra and blouse
above my sari on the door top, while knowing rather well that both males would now knew that I was standing in the
toilet in a topless state now. Just then!

Master-ji: Madam, are they okay? Have you tried them?

I felt so irritated at this superfluous question because I knew perfectly that they were aware that I had not
taken any of the newly stitched fabric from the door top, so no question of trying them. I was silent for the
moment and I heard a second call, now Deepak!

Deepak: Madam, any problem?

I felt they wanted me to reply in my topless condition from inside the bathroom.

Me: Give me a minute please.

As I replied, out of reflex, my right hand went as a protective shield over my firm naked boobs.

Master-ji: Okay, okay Madam. Take your time. I am more anxious than you. Ha ha ha…

In my hurry to cover my boobs, I dragged the bra and the panty at one go off the door top. Though I was quite
safe within the toilet, still I felt tongue-tied talking in that state. I decided to hold the newly stitched panty in
between my teeth, as there was no place to keep it and started wearing the bra. The white colored bra looked
weird and scanty with no regular straps, and so looked I clad only in my petticoat with the panty hanging from my

I was initially unsure how to wear this strapless one, but realized that I have to fit the cups properly over my
breasts and then plug the hooks at the bottom. It took some time, but I managed at length to fit it properly over
my jiggling boobs and clasped the three hooks at the back. Though the whole of my upper chest and a lot of
cleavage were visible, but I was at least pleased to note that the cups covered my big round milk-pots adequately. I
also felt very comfortable with fabric of this bra, which was extremely smooth and soft.

I now quickly untied the knot at my waist of my petticoat and dropped it to the floor, and since I was not wearing a
panty below, became completely naked down my trunk. I quickly took the panty off my teeth and entered my legs
one by one into it. Just then, again!

Master-ji: Madam, sorry to interrupt, but could you manage the bra? Since it is a new variety for…

Me: Yes, yes. It’s perfectly okay.

Master-ji: Good, good. And have your tried the panty Madam?
I had to answer something to this irritating question.

Me: Yes.

Master-ji: Is it okay?

Me: Wait.

I had not yet completed wearing the panty when I replied and now dragging it up till my waist. The panty looked
bigger in size for sure and I appreciated the cuts as they fitted comfortably on my groins and certainly my big
bottoms looked more covered than ever. The panties that I had been using kept a fair amount of my ass flesh bare
under my sari or salwar-kamiz, but this panty was amply covering my gaand and I definitely felt better. The elastic
on the sides also looked nice and tightly fitted. I had to appreciate Master-ji’s tailoring skills wearing this newly
stitched panty. The feel was very comfortable and it fitted very adequately on my big spherical ass.

Me: It’s perfect Master-ji.

Master-ji: Fitting?

Me: Also Very good.

Probably for the first time my voice sounded joyous wearing this new panty. I was aware that I was not wearing
anything except my undies while I was answering Master-ji. So, I briskly snatched the skirt off the door top and
unsurprisingly it was very short and my marble-like fair thighs remained totally exposed.

Master-ji: How is the skirt fitting? Okay?

I was aware that he must have noticed that the skirt had vanished off the toilet door and he guessed I must have
been wearing the skirt now.

Me: Hmm.

Master-ji: You don’t sound too satisfied Madam. Any problem with the skirt in particular?

Me: No, no. The fitting is okay. I am still concerned about its… short length.

Master-ji: Oho! That’s there I know. But instead you should feel lucky Madam.

Me: Why?

I replied while I was about to wear the choli now over my strapless bra.

Master-ji: Madam, a few years back women participating in Maha-yagya had to be… bilkul nangi!

Deepak: Really Master-ji?

I heard Deepak poking his nose scenting the spice.

Master-ji: Deepak Beta, this is a sacred place and you must not see it from a different angle.
Deepak: Sorry Master-ji.

Master-ji: I am also of course not allowed in the Maha-yagya, but I saw one lady coming out of the holy tub last
year because I was around.

Deepak: Nangi?

Honestly I was feeling inquisitiveness within myself. What was in store for me I wondered!

Master-ji: Yes Deepak.

Deepak: You mean to say you saw a married woman like Madam coming out of that tub in the middle of the ashram –

Master-ji: I told you Deepak…

Deepak: No, no, I was just… curious Master-ji!

Master-ji: Madam, have you tried the choli?

I as if woke up and started wearing the choli and this time I was quite amazed the way my blouse kept half of my
boobs exposed. As I buttoning up I could see the square neckline of my blouse kept the upper parts of both my
oozing globes open and when I completed buttoning I was shocked to note that the neckline passed just above my
bra cup. Moreover, the topmost hook of my blouse was also not getting fixed, as the thread loop was so small. So
part of my white strapless brassiere also remained visible above my blouse along with a clear more than one-inch

Me: Master-ji…

I did not find enough words to express my problem.

Master-ji: Yes, Madam?

Me: Just a minute.

I decided to get out of the bathroom and then converse with Master-ji. Before doing that I stepped to the life
size mirror in the toilet and looked at me. I was looking horribly sexy in that outfit to tell the least. I tried to
adjust my blouse a bit, but failed, as it was absolutely fitting on my copious globes.

I opened the toilet door and got out. Deepak expectedly was ecstatic seeing me in that sexy dress.

Deepak: Ai la! Madam, you look great in this all white costume.

I ignored his comment and pointed the top hook of my blouse to Master-ji.

Me: Master-ji, I can’t fix this one.

Master-ji: Why? What happened Madam?

I took both my hands to the middle of my undulating chest area and tried to put the hook again into the loop, but
failed again, as the thread loop was very small. Master-ji came near me.
Master-ji: Madam, don’t try too hard, the thread will break.

I looked up. He was looking at my exposed cream-colored cleavage along with the sides of my boobs popping up
above my tight bra.

Master-ji: Let me try.

As I removed my hands of my blouse, Master-ji’s hands brushed my tight rotund mangoes encased in that short
blouse. Unlike me, Master-ji was able to put the hook into the loop and closed the top of my blouse.

Me: Thanks Master-ji.

I felt better as my bra was no longer visible now though my boob flesh was pretty much exposed at the top.

Master-ji: Madam, what about your bra fittings? Comfortable?

Me: Yes, yes okay.

Master-ji: You must be feeling a bit tighter? Since this blouse is devoid of straps, it would naturally be tighter on
you Madam.

He directly wanted to indicate me that I must be feeling tighter on my boobs wearing this bra.

Me: No, I mean… yes, but its okay.

Master-ji: Anyway, Deepak, give Madam her extra-covers.

I was somewhat taken aback. Extra-covers? What was that? I remembered I heard that term in cricket
commentary, but what has that to do here any way, I wondered.

I noticed Deepak taking out two small round pieces of red cloth from his pocket and handed over to me.

Me: What’s this?

Master-ji: Madam, see. Since the fabric of your choli as well as the bra is not very thick, this will act as additional
covers for your intimate parts.

I was sure by “intimate parts” he must be meaning my mammaries. But… I again looked at my hands. The size of the
two red cloths was quite small to be additional cup covers put inside my bra. Then? I was puzzled and tried to

Me: Master-ji… I mean… I guess these are meant to be put inside.

Master-ji: Obviously Madam.

Me: But… but don’t you think they are too small?

Master-ji: You need a bigger size?!

Master-ji visibly looked surprised.

Me: Yes.

I remarked quite emphatically.

Master-ji: But Madam, are you absolutely sure?

I could well realize now that some link must have been missing in our dialogue.

Me: Master-ji, tell clearly, what’s these meant for?

Master-ji: Madam, actually as I said, since your bra fabric is quite thin, I gave you those extra-covers to be used
to as nipple shields so that you do not look indecent at any point of time.

I was purely stunned listening to that. I felt so ashamed in the presence of two males gaping at me and myself
standing with the ‘nipple covers’ in my hand that I just kept dumb looking at the floor.

Master-ji: Madam, that’s why I was surprised when you said you needed a still bigger size. Ha ha ha …

I was red like a tomato instantly at my foolishness.

Deepak: Madam, here is the watery adhesive, which will keep the extra-covers in place.

Saying that he handed me a small glass homeopathy bottle, which contained a transparent fluid.

Master-ji: Madam, it’s not sticky, so you will not feel uncomfortable, but would hold stick to your nipples.

I could only murmur a weak “okay”.

Master-ji: Madam, so no problems with the skirt and your panty naa?

I nodded my head to indicate they are pretty fine.

Master-ji: We will make a move then Madam.

Me: Okay Master-ji.

Master-ji: Wish you a successful Maha-yagya Madam.

Me: Thanks.

Master-ji: I will send the additional panties that I will stitch for you via Deepak. Okay?

Me: Okay. Bye Master-ji.

Deepak and Master-ji went off and I stood in the room wearing that super-hot dress looking like the vamp of a
Hindi film. I locked the door and went back to the toilet as the mirror was there. As I looked at my exposed body,
I tried to make up my mind to stand like that in front of the ashram males. The fear of Maha-yagya was also
gripping on me, as the result of that would decide my fate. My mother-in-law, my husband, my other relatives - all
must be awaiting a positive result and so was I.
I checked my figure from all angles and I realized it was a futile exercise to cover myself properly with that
scanty dress. I went back to bedroom and was still trying hopelessly how I looked if I sit or stoop. I was only
advertising vulgarity and this Maha-yagya paridhan was oozing out sensuality with every movement of mine. I finally
got out of it and wore my sari again. I had my dinner and in the interim Nirmal did come and collect my Maha-yagya
dress (of course the bra and panty included) for sterilization when he also informed me about reporting to Guru-ji
at 10:30 p.m.

10:30 p.m. My heart was pounding already and naturally I was very, very anxious as I started to make a move to
Guru-ji’s room. I was clad in my usual ashram code sari as I entered Guru-ji’s room. As I opened the door of the
room, it was all smoky inside. I could see Guru-ji sitting in a meditation pose and there was no one else.

Guru-ji: Come Anita. The climax of your treatment has arrived.

His heavy voice was as if reverberating in the room. He was wearing a fully red outfit; honestly I was having a
sensation of frightfulness within me in that setting.

Guru-ji: Anita, have faith on Linga Maharaj and have self-confidence so that you are blessed with a child through
this Maha-yagya. I am just the medium beti; HE will do the needful for you. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj!

I uttered in a weak voice. Guru-ji probably noted that.

Guru-ji: Anita, why are so sounding so vulnerable? You have covered most of the path for your treatment
successfully. You should definitely sound more emphatic.

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Tell again, Jai Linga Maharaj!

I repeated that trying to leave aside all my anxiousness.

Guru-ji: That’s better Anita. Now, let me brief you about the Maha-yagya. The first thing for you of course is to
get a bath and be in the Maha-yagya paridhan. Then we will have the yagya started.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: After that there is the ‘Mantra Dan’, ‘Ashram Parikrama’ and then ‘Chandrama Aradhana’. Moon as you know
is the fertility god and hence the worship. And finally we will get into the Yoni Puja.

My heart started beating faster as I heard that term again “Yoni”. It was there in the book that I was reading
before coming here. Just then Sanjeev and Uday entered the room.

Guru-ji: Come, come. Anita, in the whole yagya process today Uday and Sanjeev would accompany you as necessary.
And I will of course be there for you.

I looked at them and they both smiled at me, but I did not like the way Guru-ji told the last couple of words - ‘for
you’. All three men were looking at me and I felt a bit embarrassed at that.

Sanjeev: Madam, here are your clothes.

I noticed earlier that Sanjeev was holding a packet in his hand; now I realized he was carrying my Maha-yagya

Guru-ji: Uday, can you call Meenakshi please?

Uday: Sure Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Anita, once Meenakshi comes you get in to take the bath.

I wondered why did Guru-ji call Meenakshi. What has that to do with my bath?

Meenakshi: Yes Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Take her for the bath.

Without wasting any more time, Meenakshi signaled through her eyes to follow her. I walked past Guru-ji with the
dress packet in my hand and entered the attached toilet behind Meenakshi. Even as a woman my eyes got attracted
to her swinging heavy buttocks within her sari as she walked only a few steps to the bathroom!

Then came the surprise for me. I saw Meenakshi closed the door with herself being inside the bathroom with me!

Me: Will you be…?

Meenakshi: Yes Madam. I will bathe and prepare you for the Maha-yagya.

I thanked my fortune that Guru-ji at least elected Meenakshi for this purpose and not any male. That would have
been really embarrassing for me, as I could not have protested Guru-‘s directive. The toilet was highly illuminated
with high power bulbs and everything looked so very bright inside. I noted there was a bucket full of rose water
and a big soap case beside it. A towel was already hanging from the hook of the door. Meenakshi took the packet
from my hand and pulled out the choli, skirt, and my undergarments and kept on the other hooks.

Meenakshi: Have you tried these?

Me: Yes, but they are so very exposing...

Meenakshi: True Madam, but you should agree that it’s better than performing the Maha-yagya fully naked, which
is the actual norm.

I could not hide my curiosity.

Me: Do you really mean it? Have you seen…

Meenakshi: Of course Madam, its only three to four years back that practice was there.

Me: But, that would be very… in front of so many males…

Meenakshi: Madam, the focus has to be constant. You should only look at your goal and not on the material aspects.
You might feel to be acting shamelessly, but when you achieve motherhood you will not repent I can bet.

Me: You sound so much like Guru-ji!

I nodded and exchanged smiles with her. While I was talking, I had already opened my sari and blouse and was
unfastening my brassiere. Meenakshi helped me to unclasp the hooks of my bra at the back and my two attractive
milk-jugs popped up being free. The bright lighting arrangement in the toilet was surely making me hesitant, as I
had never got naked in such an illuminated ambiance especially as a grownup. I remembered the time of diksha when
I took my bath in this same toilet, but then I was alone, but this time Meenakshi was with me. That probably was
making me more tentative. I also instantly remembered my honeymoon trip where in the hotel’s attached bathroom
Rajesh persuasively stripped me naked and we together had bath in the shower. There also I forcefully made sure
to switch off the light in the toilet while we took the bath. But this was too much, it was as if undressing in broad
daylight in front of another female.

I was fully nude by that time and I could read Meenakshi’s appreciating eyes roving on my bare hourglass figure
and she was giving a meaningful smile.

Meenakshi: Madam, first a little worship to the Linga Maharaj and then you need to wet your body fully…

Saying that she herself was in the praying pose and I followed suit. My only prayer was of course to get pregnant.

After that I saw her opening the soap case, which was definitely larger than any soap case I had seen. I noticed
there were three items in the case, viz. an odd looking elongated structure, which looked like a Linga replica, an oil
bottle, and a few litmus like small square shaped blue papers. As I poured water from the bucket on my body, I
nearly jumped up!

Me: Uuuuh! It’s so cold!

The water was extremely cold as if like ice.

Meenakshi: Madam, the herbs and the chemicals mixed with the water have made it so cold, but you derive other
values from it.

Me: Okay, but its icy cold. Uuuuh!

As I started pouring water on my body, I noted Meenakshi taking out the contents off the soap case.

Me: What are those Meenakshi?

Meenakshi: Madam, this is the soap, this the oil as you can see, and these are tags to be placed on your body.

Though I was not fully clear about the last item, but before I could inquire Meenakshi changed the topic.

Meenakshi: Madam, your hairs down there look so dense. You don’t shave your pussy, isn’t it?

She winked at my choot. I felt a bit awkward to this sudden direct question though we females do discuss these
issues quite openly amongst ourselves, but since Meenakshi was not a friend or relative of mine, I was feeling shy.

Me: No… I mean yes, I don’t shave.

Meenakshi: You don’t even trim?

Me: Yes, yes, though not regularly.

Meenakshi: Hmm, that’s why it looks so dense!

We both exchanged smiles.

Meenakshi: Madam, you soap your frontals and I will help you do the back.

I took the soap from her; it looked so very strange, just like an elongated penis with a bulb at the top! I started
soaping the anterior part of my body.

Meenakshi: Your boobs look so very firm Madam even after marriage.

I blushed a little while soaping my body as Meenakshi helped with some more water to have the lather easily. As I
made every movement my full sized mammaries jiggled and undulated being totally free. Within minutes I
completed soaping my neck, shoulders, boobs, abdomen, and genitals. I had to admit that the fragrance of this soap
was unique and very gripping.

Meenakshi: Let me do your legs Madam. You don’t have to stoop.

If I had to stoop and soap my legs, my big boobs would hung in the air in a very embarrassing manner and hence I
thanked her in my mind while handing the soap. She started rolling and rubbing the soap over my smooth, fair
thighs and the touch of another hand, though female, in my thigh area passed a ‘hot wave’ through my body. My
already hard nipples got stiff, as Meenakshi slid her hands in between my thighs. She completed lathering my
thighs, legs, and feet and then for reasons unknown to me she started rubbing the soap in my pussy area though it
was already done by me!

I giggled as she moved her fingers within my thick lathery pussy hairs, but of course enjoyed the touch just over
my G-spot. Meenakshi also seemed to be enjoying that and she was playfully parting my pussy hairs as if she was
playing a sitar!

Me: Eii! What are you doing?

Meenakshi giggled at my expression and stopped that and stood up laughing.

Meenakshi: Uh! Just see them!

She pointed to my pink nipples, which by that time grew to their full size, looking like two ripe g****s, and stood
upright off my round breast surface. I appeared all red in shyness being caught.

Meenakshi: Madam, now please turn back.

I turned my naked back to her and she applied some water and started soaping my back. I noticed the soap was
quickly getting smaller and resembled as if an erect penis getting limp while it was slowly ejaculating!

Meenakshi: Madam, the motto is to completely drain out the soap.

Me: I see. It’s lathering out quite easily and heavily too.

Meenakshi: The material is such… one piece is meant for a single person’s bath.

After finishing my entire back and midriff, Meenakshi reached my waist and started rubbing the soap lower. Her
slippery hands moved all over my round naked ass cheeks. I was getting increasingly stimulated with the feel of a
pair hands moving in circular fashion over my round naked buttocks. At one time I had to squeeze my boobs and
nipples once as the act was generating extreme stimulus for me.

Since I was within the toilet and with a female, I did not feel any hesitation to openly press and cuddle my boobs
and nipples with my hands to feel relaxed. I could sense Meenakshi’s hands going down my ass crevice to my anus
while she was frothing my butts.

Me: Isshhh…

I exclaimed in sheer excitement of her touch.

Meenakshi: Madam, just a minute… Yes, you are now done.

She placed herself just at a distance and I started pouring water on my naked figure and started washing the foam
off my body. Within a minute or two my bath was over and she handed me the towel. The towel also seemed to be
emitting a nice odor and I took a deep breath as I dried myself up. The whole toilet was filled with the nice scent
emitted by the soap and I felt rather refreshed and seemed to have refurbished my energy level at that hour of
the night (11 p.m.) inhaling that pleasant fragrance.

I was about to pull my bra and panty off the door hook when Meenakshi interrupted.

Meenakshi: Madam, please wait. I need to oil your body.

The oil was completely off my mind and though I said “okay” to her I was feeling quite shy now to stand absolutely
naked in that bright light for some more minutes. Meenakshi opened the oil bottle and I noticed the oil was green
in color, must be some herbal extract I thought.

Me: Meenakshi, I can manage that…

Meenakshi: Madam, why would you take the trouble when I am present?

Meenakshi started rubbing the oil on my well-formed shoulders and long arms. Though it was not a massage, but
after that cold water bath it was a welcome feel and it definitely soothed my body.

Me: I hope I don’t catch a cold having had the bath at this hour and that too with such cold water.

She smiled a bit and took some oil from the bottle and splashed it in both her palms and came near me. Meenakshi
probably realized the shyness I was feeling to stand naked, more so as she was completely dressed.

Meenakshi: Madam, do one thing, you close your eyes while I apply the oil. You will feel better that way I suppose.

Me: Hmm. But do it fast please.

Meenakshi nodded and I closed my eyes. Meenakshi started with my shoulders and then proceeded to my long arms.
It was not a massage of course, but then her touch was a welcome present for me after my bath with that icy
water. My whole body shivered and jerked as her oily hands cupped and rubbed each of my bouncy boobs and
glistened them with oil. Though my eyes were closed I could feel her hands cupping my boob flesh and then she
held my nipples with two fingers and slowly twisted them and naturally they were fully erect within the wink of an
eye. She rolled and pressed my nipples with her oily fingers and I felt exactly as if my husband’s tongue was playing
with them! I tried to shift my attention.

Me: Meenakshi, will this oil not spoil my bra?

Meenakshi: Madam, this is an absolute non-greasy mixture prepared by Guru-ji himself. So, don’t worry.

Me: Okay.
Meenakshi then went down to my belly and completed that and went down to my legs. I was feeling a sense of
tickling also as she was moving her hands all over my thighs and legs. Once done I thought she would come to my
backside to do the rest, but…

Meenakshi: Madam, please turn back.

Me: Why don’t you come to this side?

Meenakshi: No, no Madam. It will be easier for me to do like this only.

Although I was slightly surprised at her not coming to this side, but I did not think on that too much and turned my
back to her. Little did I know that the camera was on this side and all along I was till then facing the camera, which
was taping my fully nude frontal portion. Now as I turned my ass to Meenakshi, I was actually showing my big naked
gaand to the camera!

Meenakshi continued to rub oil on my back, midriff, two ass cheeks, and the back of my plump thighs and completed
the process in another two to three minutes. It seemed to me as if I was standing naked in the bathroom eternally.

Meenakshi: Madam, just a few more seconds, let me place the tags.

Me: Oh yes! I was about to ask you but forgot, what are these tags for?

Meenakshi: Madam, these tags will be on your body and will necessitate during the Maha-yagya.

I opened my eyes and noted that Meenakshi took the blue papers. She came near me and pasted straight on my left
nipple and another on my right nipple.

Meenakshi: Madam, there are six orgasm points in our body and I will stuck these litmus papers there only.

Me: But Meenakshi… I mean… what’s the purpose?

After my nipples, she proceeded to my navel and pasted one there. She squatted in front of my pussy to paste one
there also! Meenakshi cleaned the small bits of hair and pasted the paper on the left just adjacent to my pussy

Meenakshi: Madam, you need to be a little patient. Everything in Maha-yagya has a purpose of course, but let the
right time come, you will know it yourself. Simply don’t worry about these silly things.

“Silly”! She calls it silly! She pasted small papers on my nipples and pussy – how could I just ignore that completely?

She pasted the last two litmus papers on my upper thighs and thus completed the six orgasm points – nipples (2),
navel, pussy, and thighs (2).

Meenakshi: Madam, now you wear the Maha-yagya paridhan.

I immediately took my panty off the door hook and started wearing it. Since it looked very odd wearing my
undergarments facing her, I just moved a shade away to get dressed.
Meenakshi: Madam, Madam, don’t move away. Please face this side.

My eyebrows rose seeing her persistence about facing that side! She quickly recovered herself. For the first time,
I seemed like smelling a rat. I looked at the wall that side; but could not find anything suspicious except the
glowing high power bulbs and a lowly placed ventilator. I was still holding my panty in my right hand and my whole
body was naked.

Meenakshi: Madam, actually the norm is to face the east side while bathing for the Maha-yagya, that’s why I was
just suggesting…

I was more or less convinced by her words and though looking at the ventilator (as there was nothing else to look at
on that side) I wore my panty. It seemed to me that there was something in the dark quarters of the ventilator
placed quite deep into it, but I did not pay much heed to that and was busy stretching my panty edges over my
round ass cheeks and also wore the bra at a brisk pace. My priority was more to cover my intimate parts first and
fast too to feel secured.

“Secured” – how oblivious I was! At that moment had I been more curious about the low-level ventilator or pay a
little more attention as to why Meenakshi was stressing me to face that wall, I could easily have caught this filthy
act. Instead I bathed in front of the camera without a thread on my 28-year-old body and now to wear the panty I
bent down slightly and my firm bare milk tanks swung freely in the air, then lifted my legs to get inside the panty –
all facing the camera and shot from very close proximity!

Meenakshi: Madam, your extra-covers…

She handed me the small circular red cloth pieces with the adhesive bottle. I glued the small round covers with the
adhesive and placed them within my bra just over my two erect nipples.

Me: This bra material though is very comfortable to wear, but rather thin.

Meenakshi: Yes Madam and for that only these extra-covers actually quite handy. I use them often as my nipples
are very much swollen.

She smiled shyly while saying that. Meenakshi was a plump matured woman and that she would have cherry-sized
swollen nipples was more than obvious, I thought.

Me: But if you wear the normal bra why would you need those?

Meenakshi: Madam, you are a housewife, you can wear a regular bra all the time, but in the ashram there are
several pujas, havans, etc. happening where I have to wear only the blouse.

Me: Oh! That’s very embarrassing then.

Meenakshi: Yes, that was the feeling in my initial days, now am habituated because as Guru-ji always says the focus
has to be above these petty things.

She paused a bit. I was almost fully dressed now with the choli and the skirt on my body.

Meenakshi: But still Madam, I cannot write off all my womanly shyness. So I use these, which actually prevents my
nipple impressions over the blouse to others present around me. You will also find it useful during the yagya.
Me: Okay. S you can see, I really need some protection for my intimate parts.

Meenakshi: Madam, you are looking very sexy as your figure is well accented by this dress.

We exchanged smiles as we got out of the toilet. Guru-ji’s room seemed to be more smoky that before. I took small
steps as I was wearing the short skirt and I also tried my best to stretch the choli upwards to cover my deep
exposed cleavage. The whole room was adorned with a variety of items, which I must say was a gala affair. As I
looked carefully through the smoke I noticed the whole room was almost covered with several bowls and small pots
containing flowers for puja offerings, kumkum, sandalwood powder, a kalash and a coconut on top of it, ghee, rice,
and kheer on small plates, betel nuts, small pieces of wood, etc. Additionally, there were the ‘agni’ at the center of
the room before the Linga Maharaj deity and it was glowing full steam with four deepaks (light lamps) placed round
it. Moreover, several scented agarbattis (incense sticks) were filling the room with an intoxicating smell. Guru-ji
was chanting mantras at a loud pitch and everything contributed comprehensively to make the atmosphere
‘spiritualistic’ in the literal sense of the term.

Anyone standing there would automatically plunge into this mesmeric world, such was the ambiance!

Guru-ji: Anita. You look so very divine in the Maha-yagya attire!

Guru-ji’s eyes roved from my face to toenail of my accented figure in this mini dress. Meenakshi left the room
doing a pranam to Guru-ji and I was left all alone with the three males, viz. Uday, Sanjeev, and Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Beti, first a deep prayer to Linga Maharaj! I want all your concentration here.

He handed over some flowers to me and indicated me to have folded hands as in a prayer. Uday put some ghee to
the ‘agni’ and as I closed my eyes Guru-ji started chanting mantras very loudly. My only prayer to Linga Maharaj
was the success of this yagya so that I reach my goal of motherhood. The prayer went on for almost two minutes
and then I opened my eyes as Guru-ji stopped the mantra.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Come and stand here Anita, before my eyes.

I took some hesitant steps to go right in front of Guru-ji as my fair well-formed thighs were all exposed through
the miniskirt I was wearing. Guru-ji was sitting on the floor, which made me more uncomfortable due to the angle
from which he was looking at me. Uday and Sanjeev were standing behind me.

Guru-ji: Anita, I still see dithering in you wearing this paridhan! Why is it that?

Me: Yes… I mean no Guru-ji, it’s… its okay now.

Guru-ji: I hope so. Why are you standing like that then? Relax Anita. Your mind has to be absolutely careless to
achieve your objective.

I was standing with my legs glued in together and my hands crossed over the front of my short skirt. I quickly
tried to recover from that state by removing my hands off my skirt-front.

Guru-ji: That’s better. Ha ha…

Guru-ji laughed mildly looking directly at my skirt-covered pelvic area. I also moved my legs a bit to stand in a
relaxed way. Guru-ji was looking intently at my exposed flesh below my micro-mini skirt.

Guru-ji: Okay. Now you will take the ‘diksha’ to attain a successful Maha-yagya. You wait here while I complete the
initial puja.

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji started the diksha process by initiating the puja and was chanting mantras and throwing flowers to the
feet of Linga Maharaj. Uday and Sanjeev were aiding him with the necessities. I was standing with folded arms as
if doing a prayer. Within minutes the puja ended.

Guru-ji: Now sit here, in this ‘asana’ (embroidered cloth meant for sitting).

My heartbeat was getting faster at the very thought of sitting on the floor on that ‘asana’. In fact when Master-ji
and Deepak went off giving me the dress, I tried several postures wearing that dress and one was of course sitting
on the floor. And there was no way I could hide my panty from being flashed to people around me if I had to fold
my legs and sit on the floor wearing that horrible skirt.

I went ahead beside Guru-ji and stood on the ‘asana’ and sat on my knees. I knew that would not suffice, but still
took a chance.

Guru-ji: What happened Anita? Why did you stop half way?

I was expecting that only.

Me: No, actually…

Seeing my expressions Guru-ji realized my problem, but the way he openly verbalized that made me feel like
drowning in shame.

Guru-ji: Okay, I think you are suspicious about your skirt hiking up and showing everything, is it so Anita?

I was all red now. I just looked at the floor and nodded my head. Sanjeev and Uday made my situation worse.

Guru-ji: But… but you must be wearing a panty! Sanjeev, did you not give her the full sterilized set?

Sanjeev: Surely Guru-ji. And Meenakshi was there. She must have ensured that Madam is wearing her panty.

Guru-ji: Right, right. So… Anita?

Beads of perspiration came up on my forehead thinking what to reply. Guru-ji along with Uday and Sanjeev - all the
three males were all looking at me. My lips only parted, but I could not express a reply. I was still half-seated on
my knees and now had to raise my buttocks off my knees and was about to fold my legs.

Guru-ji: Uday, give her your uttariya (loose upper body cloth like a shawl) to Anita. She can keep that on her lap.

I felt relieved to have covered my plump naked thighs with Uday’s saffron cloth and folded my legs and sat on the
asana. Uday’s upper part now was bare and his physique was so attractive and well maintained that my eyes were
getting attracted to him time and again. I had my initial crush for Uday also for this reason only, but now I tried to
concentrate on the yagya. But it was difficult for me as I could also clearly sense that by sitting that way my
miniskirt hiked halfway up my round ass and I will have to be rather cautious while I ascend from this position.

Guru-ji: Okay, now keep your hands stretched on your knees and repeat the mantras loudly as I say.
He began with the mantras and I stretched my arms to my folded knees thereby bending somewhat. I was
repeating the mantras as said by Guru-ji. This time I had my eyes open, but soon my sixth sense alerted me that
Sanjeev was eyeing me. Initially I was focussing on Guru-ji, but seeing his eyes half closed, I looked from the
corner of my eye at Sanjeev. And I was so right! I stole a glance down my blouse to find my cleavage and boob
flesh oozing over my blouse as I was marginally bent. In any case due to the square neck of my blouse, the upper
part of my boob flesh was constantly visible, but I never expected it would look so appealing and prominent me
being slightly bent. I immediately corrected my posture.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Take the ‘tilak’ Anita.

I took the red tilak on my forehead and I noticed Sanjeev was observing me throughout. My naked thighs were well
covered now with the uttariya of Uday, but there was no way I could hide my exposed cleavage.

Guru-ji: Anita, now that your diksha is complete and you have submitted your prayer to Linga Maharaj, you need to
undergo the “mantra dan” now.

Me: What’s that Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: There are three secret mantras to get success in this Maha-yagya. Those cannot be verbalized loudly as
they are forbidden in our tantra. Each one of us will give you one mantra.

Me: All right Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Anita, by this time you must have realized that attaining your goal needs your libido going.

You come and stand here near the ‘agni’. Uday, you give her the first mantra.

I ascended from my sitting position straightening my skirt over my gaand quickly. Thank God! The uttariya was
there on my lap, which prevented me from an awful upskirt in front of these males. I left the uttariya on the asana
and went near the agni and stood there.

Guru-ji: Anita, Uday will recite the mantra five times consecutively in your ears and you now forget about
everything else and listen to the mantra very carefully. The sixth time you have to mumble the mantra on your own
to his ears. Okay?

I nodded and my heart started thumping, as I have to learn that mantra by heart in such a quick time. I really
doubted if I fail what would happen.

Guru-ji: Anita Beti, your face says you are worried! Why? The mantra is a very small one and has only 5-6 Sanskrit
words. I think…

Me: O! Then its manageable Guru-ji.

Uday was near me by that time.

Guru-ji: Fine. Anita, another thing, you must have noticed that in Mr. Yadav’s place yagya processes were quite
intimate. The art of Tantra underlines involvement. And I need the same involvement that I have been getting from
you throughout your ashram stay.

I nodded my head to Guru-ji indicating, “You will get that.”

Even as I nodded in affirmation, I was a bit anxious because the way I acted as the ‘medium’ in Mr. Yadav’s place
and he took full advantage of my youthful body; I frankly did not want a repeat show. It was a real shame for me,
especially being married, to be groped like that in the puja ghar of an unknown person’s house.

Guru-ji: I know Anita it was not a pleasant experience because being married, your first reaction to a touch from
any male other than your husband is negative. And Mr. Yadav was a complete stranger to you.

Did Guru-ji realize what was going in my mind? I dropped my head in shyness.

Guru-ji: But Beti, you must also realize that the core essence of the yagya and the process to gratify Linga
Maharaj has to be followed. No one is over and above the norms. Isn’t it?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

I was again maintaining eye contact with Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Our goal is to get you to your goal. So allow Uday to present you with the first secret mantra of the Maha-
yagya. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Uday was already standing adjacent to me.

Guru-ji: Since this is a secret mantra you get close with Uday so that he can whisper it in your ear. Anita, you turn
and face Uday, close your eyes, and fold your arms in the form of prayer.

Uday: Madam, come closer.

How close? I was almost standing by his side. Definitely if it were somewhere else, I would love to get close to my
adorable man, but here Sanjeev and Guru-ji were watching us from close quarters, so I was feeling very hesitant.
Uday gently pulled my elbows and positioned me in front of him. He was a tall man and he could clearly peep into my
bulging flesh exposed over my tight choli. I folded my hands in front of him and closed my eyes. I could feel he
took his mouth to my right ear and his hands holding me on my naked waist and midriff area. I was wearing this
skirt quite low to cover more of my thighs and hence my midriff was fully bare. I shivered to feel a male hand on
my naked flesh.

Uday was whispering the mantra in my ear very slowly and I picked that up at the very first go! I was definitely
stiff being in the arms of Uday in front of Sanjeev and Guru-ji. Though he was not exactly hugging me, but the feel
was almost like that with his hot breaths on my neck, his lips touching my right ear, and his fingers holding me
around my waistline just over my miniskirt started making me feel edgy.

As he repeated the mantras in my ears I could feel he was breathing heavier probably getting the feel of a female
body within his arms. I thanked Guru-ji in my mind to ask me to stand with folded hands before Uday because if my
hands were at my sides, my protruding boobs would definitely press against his flat broad chest and certainly I
could not have stopped my libido flowing.

As Uday completed giving me the mantra, it was my turn to whisper him back. He bent a little as my height would
not match his so that I could reach his ears and I murmured him back the mantra.

Guru-ji: Thanks Uday. Anita, I hope there was no issues understanding and verbalizing the secret mantra #1.

Me: No, no it was all right Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Fine. Sanjeev, now its your turn to give the #2.

Out of habit, my hands were going down my skirt to straighten it though I knew it could not be stretched further
down. Sanjeev must have been feasting his eyes on my marble like naked thighs, as he was sitting just a few feet
away from me. Hardly will any male get an opportunity to see a housewife wearing such a micromini and exposing
everything in front of a male other than his husband - so he must be quite excited seeing it. And I got a very clear
hint when he was giving me the secret mantra!

Uday got back to his place and I continued to stand beside the fire waiting for Sanjeev. The glow of the fire must
have been making me look sexier in that meager outfit.

Guru-ji: Okay Sanjeev. You may proceed. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Sanjeev came very close to me and he held me by my elbows and pulled me close to his body. I could clearly feel the
difference in the touch of Uday and Sanjeev. The latter was much more forceful. As he took his mouth near my
right ear, I could feel he was trying to hug me with both hands. Since Guru-ji was sitting there was no question of
protesting verbally and my physical objection was also weak as my hands were folded as in prayer. I could jolly well
understand Sanjeev took that advantage fully and as he started to whisper the mantra in my right ear, he
embraced me with both hands quite closely. It seemed like my hubby was hugging me in my bedroom before going to
bed – such was his approach! The only difference being I was not holding Sanjeev in my arms.

Frankly I did not hear anything what Sanjeev muttered in my ear at the first go because I was so very conscious of
his moves, but concentrated the subsequent times when he repeated the mantra. Unlike Uday, his hands were
constantly moving in the area just below where my choli ended. Even with closed eyes I could clearly sense that he
was feeling my back with his both hands.

I could finally grasp the mantra at the fourth attempt, but by that time I was breathing heavier than normal as he
had already aroused me with his lewd moves. With closed eyes I could feel his hands descending down my naked
back onto my skirt. Sanjeev had an advantage that Guru-ji and Uday were behind him and they could in no way see
what his hands were doing on my back. I was getting more and more stiff as he was verbalizing the mantra very
slowly in my ear the fourth time and his hands steadily crawling down my skirt-covered round ass.

When Sanjeev started mumbling the mantra the last time in my right ear, I could feel he was clearly cupping my
ass flesh with two hands over my miniskirt. I could not revolt and meekly accepted his groping. I almost had a wet
pussy the way he was pressing and kneading my tight ass cheeks in that short period of time. I was rather quick to
whisper the mantra in his ear and sighed relief getting out of his clutches. As most of the males do as a habit
before releasing any woman from an organ-specific activity, Sanjeev also gave me a very tight squeeze on my ass
before releasing me.

Guru-ji: So Anita, you are through with two of the secret mantras. Great! Now I will give you the last one.

I nodded as I wetted my lips with my tongue to get back my composure. I saw Sanjeev evidently stroked his penis
within his dhoti as he went back to his old position. Guru-ji ascended and came near me. My heart was beating again
thinking guru-ji would now give me the mantra.

Guru-ji: Anita, are you ready?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

He came near me, very near and gently held my shoulders and turned to his side. He was a tall man and hence he
had to bend somewhat to reach my ears. Unlike both Sanjeev and Uday, he held me by my shoulders. His fingers
though were not stationary I was breathing much easier. Undoubtedly he could feel my skin through the thin fabric
of the blouse, more so as there was no strap on my shoulders because I was wearing a strapless brassiere. He
started murmuring the mantra and I tried to concentrate with closed eyes and folded arms.

Nothing much happened with Guru-ji except for his lips touching my right ear time and again. He could have easily
held me by my waist like Sanjeev or Uday, but he was different and definitely a towering personality. My respect
for him increased in my mind from this small incident.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Now that ‘Mantra Dan’ is complete, Anita you need to do the Ashram Parikrama.

I was not sure what that exactly meant though I could guess I have to walk around the ashram, still was not
absolutely sure.

Me: I have to…?

Guru-ji: Right. You have to cover the circumference of the ashram and providing prayer flowers to the four
replicas carved on the ashram wall.

Me: But I did not notice any replicas on the wall Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Yes the common eye would not catch that.

Me: How would I locate then?

Guru-ji: Patience Anita. I will brief everything.

He paused a little. Sanjeev and Uday were also standing now beside Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Look Anita, you will have to carry this ‘thali’ on your head and walk the circumference of the ashram. You
will have to offer the flowers to the four Linga replicas on the wall representing the four directions, viz. North,
South, East, and West. Since there will be darkness outside Uday will precede you with a lamp and will also help you
locate the replicas carved on the wall. Okay?

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: But… I …

He seemed to hesitating to say something.

Guru-ji: Uday, shall I send Sanjeev also with you? But…

Uday was silent. Guru-ji seemed to be worried on some aspect. I was pretty surprised.

Me: Guru-ji, is there anything wrong?

Guru-ji: No, no Beti. It’s okay, but…

I was not getting that. Why was Guru-ji hesitating and looking at Uday's and Sanjeev's faces!

Me: Please tell me Guru-ji, what is bothering you?

Uday: Actually Madam…

Guru-ji: I think we should not hide it from Anita. Beti, last to last year there was a mishap during a Maha-yagya in
the ashram. Actually it was during this very Ashram Parikrama.

Me: What was that?

Guru-ji: That lady was from New Delhi and she was very bold. Her name was Bindiya. That night though was
sparklingly moonlit, I advised her to take one of my disciples along with her, but she was unwilling and told that she
could manage alone.

Guru-ji paused and I was looking keenly at his face to learn more about what happened.

Guru-ji: You know these villages are not very safe especially for women. Unfortunately, when she went past the
door of the ashram to the backside, two rowdy drunk villagers caught sight of her and attacked her. Bindiya was
also dressed like you and those drunkards probably got more attracted seeing her like that.

Me: O! My god!

Guru-ji: Yes, it was truly torrid experience for Bindiya, more so being from the city. And we also realized it rather
late when she was not returning after completing the parikrama.

Me: Was she… I mean?

I could not express my concern and anxiety in front of three males, as I wanted to ask if she was raped or not.

Guru-ji: Bindiya was fortunate as we reached in the nick of time.

I was eager to know in what state did they found her, but could not ask that shamelessly. Although Guru-ji
quenched my thirst, but describing in a bit too much detail, which in fact made me uncomfortable to a certain
extent in front of those males.

Guru-ji: When we reached there, those two scoundrels had floored Bindiya on grass and both were trying to ride on
her. Just imagine!

What would I imagine? Two guys on top of a woman – that’s what Guru-ji was asking me to think! Guru-ji looked at
my face. Uday and Sanjeev were also looking at me. I avoided the eye contact.

Guru-ji: You know Anita, Bindiya was not as pretty as you that people will get attracted to her… Poor lass! It was a
very frustrating status for her and I felt so bad especially because she was under my supervision.

Guru-ji paused and it appeared he truly felt pain for the incident.

Guru-ji: I never thought this could happen to any of my disciples. You know, as we arrived at the scene, we
immediately pulled off those men off Bindiya and found that she was lying on the grass half unconscious. She was
probably hit by something on her head. Naturally, as you can also imagine, her upper portion was completely naked
and her skirt was tattered. Fortunately before those rogues could reach their peak, we got there and saved her.
She only had her panty on her body and believe me Anita, I was so very relieved seeing that.

What a way to get relieved I exclaimed within myself! I was as usual started breathing heavier exposing my deep
cleavage more and more over my blouse.
Guru-ji: Luckily they did not get the time for a **** and we rescued Bindiya. As we brought her back to the
ashram, she was still semi-conscious. She had deep scratches and bite marks on her boobs and face. She also got
hurt on her buttocks, which I realized when I removed her panty; probably when she fell on the ground, her hips
must have hit a pointed stone, etc. All in all, it was a pathetic scene.

I was somewhat shocked to hear Guru-ji removing the married lady’s panty, but on second thoughts, after her
molestation when these males reached there, they already saw her virtually naked lying on the ground. Hence I did
not pay much heed to that.

Sanjeev: But Guru-ji, you should also appreciate that Bindiya Madam was bold enough to again undergo the Maha-
yagya and she is today a proud mother.

Guru-ji: Yes, yes. That’s true. Even after that molestation episode, she was courageous enough to continue.

Me: O-k-a-y.

Guru-ji: Now do you understand why I was hesitating?

Me: But then, what to do?

Uday: Guru-ji, I am good enough as Madam’s security.

Guru-ji: Anita, do you agree?

Me: I have faith in him Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Fine. Sanjeev, give her the thali. Anita, you carry that over your head and rest Uday will guide you. But
most importantly, Anita, you cannot talk while you do the Ashram Parikrama; more precisely as you put your first
step outside ashram. Okay?

I nodded.

Guru-ji: Second thing is as you offer flowers and small prayers to each of the four Linga replicas and each time you
sprinkle this holy waters like this. And lastly you must complete the Ashram Parikrama within 1200 seconds.

I looked questionably as I was miserable in arithmetic.

Guru-ji: Meaning you need to get back within ashram premises within 20 minutes

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

I took the thali from Sanjeev. It was a big round plate full of flowers, kumkum, Ganges water, betel leaves, etc. I
felt the thali was heavy too as it was made of brass. I took it over my head and followed Uday out of the room.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj!

We all repeated that in chorus. As I stretched my arms above my head to hold the thali, my blouse started getting
strained more against my big tight boobs. Actually I was having a very cumbersome feeling as my brassiere also
slipped down a bit when I lifted my arms and now the bra stitches were pressing directly on my areolas very close
to my nipples. I somehow managed to get out of Guru-ji’s room with my nipples inside my bra already semi-erect.
Me: Uday, can you hold the thali for a moment?

I immediately told Uday as we were out of Guru-ji’s room.

Uday: Sure Madam. Any problem?

Me: No, nothing.

I handed over the thali and turned away from him and quickly adjusted my blouse and bra and turned back to him.

Me: Thanks.

I took the thali from him again and raised it over my head. My boob flesh was getting shamefully exposed each
time I lifted my hands over my head, but the darkness of the night gave me some cover.

Uday had a lighted torch in his hand and he was going alongside me. Honestly I was feeling very comfortable with
Uday. My crush was still living inside my mind and body. The pleasure I got from him on the moving boat – I would
never forget in my life. Though he did not fuck me that night, but I didn’t know how I extracted more pleasure out
of it!

Honestly there was no fear in me even after hearing the molestation story of Bindiya from Guru-ji. Today I was a
bit reserved with Uday because I knew I had to successfully undergo the Maha-yagya, that’s my greatest priority.

Uday: Madam, I did not get the opportunity to tell you Madam. You look ravishing in this dress.

We were still within the premises of the ashram, so I replied.

Me: Hmm. I know, but its very embarrassing to wear such small clothes at my age.

Uday: Age! What do you say Madam! You will surely get admission to any college – you look so young!

Me: Uday, don’t flatter me.

Uday: Kasam se! Madam. You do not know how sexy you are looking!

Me: Shut up!

Uday: Madam, if you don’t mind, can I tell something?

Me: What?

Uday: Madam, you did not say anything to Sanjeev while he was giving you the secret mantra?

My heart missed a beat. Did Uday saw what Sanjeev was doing? But how could that be? He was in front of me. I
immediately tried to prove my innocence in front of my ‘lover’.

Me: What for? What did he do? He gave the mantra in my ear like you and Guru-ji!

Uday: Madam, don’t tell a lie. I saw his hand position from where I was sitting. The opportunist!
I clearly smelt an odor of envy from Uday’s voice and instigated him more.

Me: You held me by my waist and he held me by my hips. That’s all.

I tried to keep my voice very casual and normal while saying it so that Uday becomes more envious.

Uday: Huh! Madam, you are innocent. You did not realize his moves.

Me: May be, but I did not feel anything unusual.

While conversing we reached the gate. The outside looked darker than within the ashram premises. It was around
midnight. And now for the first time I felt a wave of unknown fear in me going out in this sexy dress.

Me: Uday, I am safe outside naa? I mean after hearing that case…

Uday: Madam, that was a stray incident, which had never happened in ashram’s history. You just relax.

Me: I will depend on you Uday. Please walk close to me.

Uday: Not to worry Madam. You just remember not to talk otherwise the curse of Linga Maharaj will take effect
on you.

Me: No, no. I will keep my mouth shut.

I stepped out of the ashram and Uday was walking beside me. My arms were lifted up as I was holding the heavy
thali over my head. As I was walking in that fashion, I could well judge that my fleshy gaand was moving in a very
sexy way, swaying up and down, right and left. Thank God! There was no one watching me from behind. I must have
been looking awfully raunchy, especially in this micromini.

It was so very quiet outside with grasshoppers and cricket playing the constant music. Clouds were shadowing the
moon at times thereby increasing the intensity of the darkness surrounding us. I could hear my own breathing; the
adjoining was so silent and still! Thankfully the path going round the circumference of the ashram was sufficiently
wide for two persons to walk side by side and relatively clean also though there were occasional shrubs and bushes
growing on the trail itself. Uday was lighting up the way for me and we were walking slowly and carefully.

The night was so quiet outside the ashram in this village that a sense of deserted was gripping my mind though
Uday was there. A feeling of fright and panic was getting riveted on me rapidly and honestly, if I suddenly see a
man coming up this grassy trail, I would surely die out of fear. My throat was getting drier and hands also getting
colder thinking of Guru-ji’s description of Bindiya being harassed.

Uday: Madam, the night is so beautiful. It’s like the night we met on boat, isn’t it?

I almost trembled hearing the voice of Uday all of a sudden.

Uday: What happened? Are you afraid Madam?

He looked at my face and got the hint.

Uday: Ha ha ha…

He laughed loudly teasing me. I felt so irritated at that juncture that I just made a face to him showing my
annoyance. My annoyance was aggravated by the number of flying mosquitoes around me! Inside the ashram, I did
not feel it because they must be using some kind of repellant, but here in the open field along the circumference of
the ashram in the nighttime, it was like fleets of mosquitoes flocking at us. I was constantly shaking my legs as I
walked to avoid those bloodsuckers.

Uday: Oh! We have reached the first replica. See there.

I looked in the direction where Uday pointed, but could not see anything, as there was darkness. He stepped out of
the road in the shrubs and lighted the spot. It was deep down the wall almost near the ground where I picked up
the Linga replica illuminated by his torch. I followed the footmarks of Uday and stepped out of the meandering
path, but since I was barefooted, I was very watchful regarding the shrubs.

Uday: Madam, just be careful. There are thorns here and there.

Uday helped me by taking the thali from my hands and I positioned myself among the bushes to offer the flowers
to the replica.

I noticed that I had to bend down to offer flowers and the prayer - such was the position of the replica. I realized
it would be very difficult to stand there for a moment, as it was a mosquito den. Also, I was attacked by the
mosquitos more than Uday simply because all of my legs was uncovered because of that miniskirt.

Uday: Madam, you offer the flowers. I will try to keep away the mosquitoes from your legs.

Saying that he held the thali in his left hand and started waving his right hand very briskly near my legs. Seeing
that it was not enough he started brushing and sweeping his right hand all along my naked legs. Even in that position
I instantly got a turn on getting a male hand touching me around my knees. I tried my best to quickly finish off the

Suddenly I noted the torch illumination going off from the Linga replica in front of me! I was puzzled and turned
back, but it came back just then.

Uday: Madam, I was checking if there were any mosquitoes under your skirt or not. Ha ha ha…

I was simply stunned to hear that. I was bending a lot to offer the flowers to the Linga replica and my short skirt
must have hiked up significantly giving Uday a good upskirt view. And hence this prank – but… but, still it was too
much. He was throwing light inside my skirt!

Uday: Madam, I hope you did not mind. He he he…

He laughed in the most irritating way possible. I immediately was up from my bent posture and gave a very hard
look at Uday. Alas! I could not speak. I sprinkled the Ganges waters as Guru-ji had demonstrated and we again
started walking and I was holding the thali above my head. I was not looking at him and was trying to make him
understand that I did not like that lewd prank.

Uday: Sorry Madam.

He tried to console me.

Uday: Madam, look! The moon has again come out.

We had now reached the backside of the ashram. There was a big tree with a large shade here and the place
appeared so very dark. Hardly anything could be seen here.

Bhow bhow bhouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…

I almost shrieked and the thali nearly slipped from my hands. I was so scared at the sudden barking of a dog. I
jumped absolutely close to Uday.

Uday: Madam, madam. Relax. It’s just a dog passing by. Not to worry.

My face was pale, palms cold, and lips totally dry. My heart was beating rapidly as I was enormously baffled by that
all of a sudden sound. Uday read my face and this time stood by me seriously leaving out the pranks.

Uday: Madam, why do you feel so nervous? I am here naa. I will protect you from everything.

He was saying those words very slowly trying to win my confidence. While saying he wrapped his left hand around
my waist. I was already breathing heavily, of course not in excitement, but in anxiety. Uday looked down at my
heaving boobs - since both my arms were lifted up holding the thali, more than half of my firm milk-tanks were
popping out of my blouse and were appearing like free offers to him.

Uday: Madam, this is the best possible way to ward off fear and nervousness.

I could feel his left hand brushing up my torso from my waist till my milk-tanks and readily grabbed and squeezed
my juicy right boob.

Me: Uhuuuuuu….

Since my hands were engaged up my head holding the thali, I shook my head in disapproval of his act. I did not want
to divert my mind on to anything else, but the Maha-yagya.

Uday: Madam, your boobs look so inviting in this choli.

Now he briskly shifted his position to my back and hugged me from behind and cupped my mammaries with both his
palms. I struggled in his arms feeling his hard prick poking my soft gaand through his dhoti. I could not leave the
thali and I had to keep my hands up above my head and Uday took full advantage of that. He was constantly
squeezing my boobs and obviously was feeling and caressing my hard nipples over my blouse and brassiere.

Uday: Madam, I know it’s not appropriate to do this, but I cannot resist myself. You are looking so damn sexy…

I could feel his right hand sliding quickly from my right boob down my belly and navel and rested over my pussy. His
hand was roaming over my pubic are over my skirt. I tried to stop him by jerking my body, but in the pretext my big
gaand pressed more on his erect dick giving him more pleasure only.

I was not allowed to speak, so I tried to request him through my facial expressions, but he was getting excited by
the moment. I suddenly felt that Uday was pulling up my miniskirt. My mouth gaped wide as I knew very well that
my intimate parts would get exposed if my skirt hikes up just a few inches. But I felt so helpless as my hands were
nonfunctional. And as I expected, Uday lifted my skirt up from the front and inserted his fingers under it and
started feeling my upper thighs and even touched my panty!

This was too much! I realized that I must stop him, as I was equally getting sexually keyed up. I just kicked him on
his feet and jerked my body violently to get out of his clutches. Uday probably comprehended that I was angry
now. He left me and stood there speechless. I was shaking my head in displeasure that I did not expect this from

Uday: Madam… I mean… Madam, I am really ashamed. I should not have done this.

I was a bit surprised by the abrupt change in Uday, but hoped that he understood that the prime target for me
was to undergo that yagya successfully, and nothing else.

Uday: Madam, am sorry. I did that in the heat of the moment. Please forgive me.

I denoted that it was okay and we started walking again. Honestly I was feeling the libido had started flowing in me
by Uday’s touches to my intimate parts. I closed my eyes for a while as I walked and tried to focus hard.

My next two Linga replicas’ offerings were uneventful. The night was pitch dark with the moon still playing hide and
seek with the clouds. Honestly after Uday hugged me I was, in fact, not feeling the nervousness or the fear of the
dark! I smiled to myself at my irregular behavior.

Uday: Madam, we are almost complete; now the last replica.

The place where the last replica was seemed to be the remotest, as the shrubs and bushes were the maximum at
that place. Though I was very careful regarding placing my steps, but unfortunately I kept my footstep on a thorny
bush. I immediately felt pain of the piercing on my left sole, but somehow controlled myself not to scream.

Uday: What happened Madam? You seem to be in pain!

Uday promptly realized what might have happened.

Uday: Madam, I think you first complete the procedure and then I will see take care of it.

I also felt likewise and stooped to offer the flowers. The mosquitos were having a feast on my uncovered legs. I
constantly shook my legs to avoid those bloodsuckers as much as possible. Uday this time was standing directly
behind me; though I was aware, I had little option. I had to lean forward once and he must have had a great view of
my big round ass covered in that miniskirt. I quickly rose up and offered the prayer and came limping to the
pathway. The thorn pricked me on my left foot.

Uday: Let me check.

Saying that he sat near my feet and took my left foot on his lap. In the process I had to fold my leg from my knee
and I could perceive jolly well that if he looks up now, he can directly see inside my skirt. My heart was again
starting to drum.

Uday: Madam, its just a thorn, give me a minute and I will get that out.

I was bleeding, of course not in profuse amount.

Uday: Madam, raise your feet a bit, I can’t see the spot clearly.

Rise my feet more? My God! That way I would look so vulgarly inviting! But there was no alternative – I stood on one
leg and raised my left foot indecently high so that Uday could see the sole of my foot. My skirt was slipping
upwards towards my waist and my full left leg remained exposed. I was just counting the seconds when he would
look up at me saying, ‘the thorn is out’ and just then…
Uday: Madam, its out!

He looked up and got an ample upskirt view of mine from the front. I was sure he could see my panty clearly this
time. I even forgot to get embarrassed!

He tore apart a portion of cloth from his dhoti and tied it on my feet.

Uday: Will get the medicine getting back to the ashram.

I nodded and instantly got my foot back on ground from his lap. But surprisingly I was having pain as I kept it on
ground. I tried to ignore it and took a step forward, but it was pinching me inside. Even with that stopgap bandage
I was feeling the pain, as I was exerting pressure on my left leg for walking, hence I continued to limp.

Uday: Madam, are you still in pain?

I nodded to indicate ‘yes’. He seemingly was a bit astonished.

Uday: I thought I cleared the thorn, but…

I was getting increasing pain now in my sole with every step and was unable to walk at all. I was getting off balance
because of my hands being raised up for holding the thali. My face was exhibiting the pain I was having. Uday saw

Uday: Madam, how will you walk like this? Shall I check it again?

I readily nodded against his wish; I was not in the mood then to be naughty and hence was not ready to exhibit my
panty abundantly to him.

Uday: But then, how can you walk like this?

It seemed to be a bigger and painful issue than I thought. I was sure multiple thorns must have entered my sole
and Uday was able to trace only one. My pain was increasing and such was the position of the cut on my sole that I
was unable to place my foot properly on ground. Each time I exerted pressure on my left sole, it was acutely paining
and blood seemed to ooze out of the cut wetting the bandage.

I could not check the injury myself also in front of Uday wearing this skimpy outfit.

Uday: Madam, shall I give you a hand?

He was careful this time probably thinking of my reaction last time when he hugged me and touched me adequately.
I was unsure what to do, but could realize it was getting increasingly difficult and impossible to walk like this –
either the thali has to be taken care of by Uday so that I could hold his shoulder and walk, otherwise I have to
walk on one leg.

Uday: Madam, we should not waste much time as we are running short of time also. If we do not get back in 1200
seconds, Madam, you will have to repeat the whole thing!

I could realize that I need to decide fast what to do. I tried to think of the alternatives. The thali could not be
handed over amidst the Parikrama except for offering flowers to the replica or sprinkling the Ganges water. So,
that’s out of question.
I will wait and Uday will get Guru-ji here will also eat of the remaining time left of 1200 seconds. So, that’s also
ruled out.

Holding the thali on my head, it would be impossible for me to limp on one leg through the remaining distance
because I would surely get off balance and fall on the ground.

I certainly did not realize that this small incident would become such a constraint for me! I had ceased walking due
to my pain and so was Uday.

Uday: You must complete the Parikrama Madam. You have just the last part to cover.

I was biting my lips and wondering what to do. I was feeling pretty down and just then Uday came up with a weird,
out-of-the-world idea!

Uday: Madam, there is only one way, but…

I looked at him questionably and raised my eyebrows to know what it was.

Uday: No Madam, leave it. You will get aggravated. I do not want to annoy you further.

I limped forward to him somehow on one leg and as I did that my big boobs jiggled within my blouse heavily; Uday
held me by my belly region so that I can stand at ease. I pointed to him to tell me what was in his mind.

Uday: Madam, since you are unable to walk and your hands are not free, but at the same time you need to complete
the Parikrama, and since no one is watching you here, we can do one thing.

“Oho! What is it”” I mumbled in my mind. My facial expression did say that to Uday.

Uday: Madam, I mean I can take you… I mean in my lap and walk till the ashram if you agree.

I was simply astounded to hear such a bizarre proposal! I did not know how to react.

Uday: Madam, please do not take it in the other sense that I want to touch you, so am giving this suggestion. Please.
No, not like that. See Madam, you can also understand that with the thali on your head, you cannot walk with that
injured leg. So…

I turned my face away from him. It was true that I adored Uday and I had made love to him, but currently I was
amidst a yagya process. How could I allow this now?

And I am not a little girl that he will carry me in his lap!

Am nearly 30 years old! A fully matured woman and married too!

Moreover, with my plump figure and this sexy dress - to be in the lap of a man, who was not even my husband was a
too much of an idea. But was there a way out for me? The pain is so pinpoint and acute that I was unable to take
steps now at all.

After some conflicts in my mind and more pleading and logic by Uday, I finally agreed. Agreed to what? To get onto
Uday’s lap and he would carry me the rest of the path to the ashram gate!

I tried to figure out when was it last when my husband took me in his lap and walked. It was in my honeymoon.
During our stay at the hotel, he picked me up a few times from the room balcony and carried me through the
passage to the bed. It was enjoyable no doubt, but Rajesh was very naughty – he always lifted me up in his arms
from the balcony and in the process of picking me up in his lap he invariably pulled up my nighty till my thighs and
walked to the bed. The worst part was my landing as my husband made sure that when he drop me on bed from his
lap, I land up on my gaand and my legs are in the air, thereby ensuring my full panty view for him.

The very thoughts of those days began to play as if a guitar in my mind. I tried my best to control my mind being

Uday: Madam, let us not waste any more time…

I tried to remember if ever my husband took me in his lap in the outdoor. Hmm… once, no no, twice I was fortunate
to enjoy that. It was during an outing just back to back to my honeymoon. We went to some forest. It was a short
two-day trip. There was a small stream on the pathway for our walks and a couple of times when we crossed that,
since the place was absolutely desolate, Rajesh picked me up in his lap and crossed the stream so that my sari did
not get wet. My figure at that time obviously was also not as plump as I am now, I added significant weight on my
hips after my marriage and overall of course I have grown rounder and heavier. It was fun then, but today to get
up in Uday’s lap was making me sweat.

I indicated to Uday to pick me up. Should I close my eyes? I did not know what to do as Uday bent slightly to grip
me around my naked thighs. He embraced me with both hands just below the area where my skirt ended and in the
process his face buried in my navel. I almost shrieked in excitement and embarrassment. But before I could do
that, in one smooth jerk Uday picked me up in his lap and started walking!

Honestly, it felt incredible to be in a man’s lap after such a long time after my honeymoon and at this age. I was
quite heavy, but still Uday seemed to pick me up like a feather! I again admired in my mind the great physique he
possessed. As he walked my whole body was swaying, more so as my hands were still lifted up above my head holding
the thali there. Uday’s hands encircled me at my mid-thighs and his head was just near my waist. In a peculiar
fashion, he was also holding the lighted torch in his left hand. He was walking trying to walk at a brisk pace and my
big boobs were jiggling very sexily within my blouse as he traversed along the meandering path.

I could realize that I was slipping from his arms as we traveled and though initially he was holding me around my
mid-thigh region, now I had slid down considerably and he was actually embracing me by my gaand. The more
disturbing thing for me was that my big boobs were hanging just above his face. The situation was emerging out to
be hotter now than I expected. I could feel Uday’s hands holding me very tightly once he felt his hands were on my
firm ass flesh. And time and again I noticed he was moving his head to touch my taut blouse-covered boobs.

“Aaeeiiiiiiiiiiii!”, I mumbled within myself.

Actually I had slid down so much within his arms that he gave a jerk and lifted me up within his lap. In the process
I clearly realized my skirt getting rolled up and his stretched arm getting inside my skirt, as I did not ascend much
in his lap even after his jerk probably due to my heavy structure. The resultant was my short skirt flowed over his
embracing hands. I was naturally stiff and did not know what to do. Shall I indicate him to stop once and straighten
my skirt? But I was running short of time already.

I noticed Uday was breathing very heavily now and his head was almost constantly touching the sides of my joggling
boobs. I was trying to figure out why Uday was panting – due to my body weight or due to touching my panty under
my skirt? I quickly made up my mind that before I get carried away by his touches, I must stop him.

I indicated hammering my right elbow a couple of times on his head to stop walking and he reluctantly halted. I
could appreciably comprehend that he was pretty much excited the way he dropped me to the ground from his lap.
It was a very sluggish process and he clearly felt my panty-covered ass with his hand as he descended me down.
Since my hands were uplifted all the time it was all the more easier for him to brush his face on my boobs and it
was a clear intimate hug feeling my big boobs on his chest before he released me finally.

Though my body was definitely responding to his hot movements, I made it a point in my mind not to get distracted.

Uday: Madam, what is it? I am not tired, which you might be thinking.

I just pointed to his forehead where beads of sweat had started to appear.

Uday: Oh! This is certainly not for your weight. You are not too heavy. It’s due to…

I smiled mildly when he said, “you are not too heavy”, though my husband’s complaint for the last few months had
been that I was overweight, but at the same time he prefers and fancies my big round ass and more than handful
sized tight boobs!

Uday: …it’s due to the thali’s weight probably.

He laughed aloud breaking the deep silence of the night.

Uday: Madam, we are almost there. So we should not waste a second. We must reach by 1200 seconds as Guru-ji

I almost forgot the time-frame clause and was quickly was back to reality. I shamelessly stepped forward limping
so that he can again take me up in his lap. I closed my eyes as he lifted me again in his lap and this time Uday was
rather indecent in his approach. The first time he was cautious and held me quite high in his lap, but this time he
seemed more interested in laying a hand on my intimate parts. I could not protest to his picking me up from ground
and holding me right over skirt-covered buttocks. This time he held me in such an angle that his face was directly
pressing on my left boob as he walked. I could not open my eyes to see my compromised state. If my husband would
have seen me in this condition, he must have committed suicide!

My ‘misery’ ended in another couple of minutes as we reached the ashram gate. I was so overjoyed to see the gate,
but my joyful emotion was short-lived. As Uday entered the ashram gate with me clinging to his body rather sexily,
I found Guru-ji standing there. I was simply shocked. I never realized that he would be at the gate.

Guru-ji: Hey Anita, what happened? Are you all right? What happened Beti? Uday what’s the matter?

Guru-ji was quite concerned. Uday quickly dropped me down from his lap and I also straightened my skirt and
adjusted my blouse to look somewhat decent.

Uday: Guru-ji, actually when Madam was offering flowers to a Linga replica she stepped on some thorns. I removed
one, but she was unable to walk due to…

Guru-ji: Oho! Poor lass! Give me the thali.

Ah! I was so relieved to have descended my arms to the sides of my body after such a prolonged time holding that
thali up my head!

Guru-ji: I was getting concerned that whether you will be able to make the Parikrama within 1200 seconds, but you
just made it even after this injury. Congrats.
Me: You should give that compliment to Uday. He carried me quite a distance.

Guru-ji: Good job Uday.

Me: Guru-ji, the main problem was my hands were engaged…

Guru-ji: Yes, yes, I can understand that. Can you walk now taking my help?

Me: Surely Guru-ji.

Though it was paining once more as I stepped forward, but it was manageable holding onto Guru-ji’s outstretched
right hand. We reached the yagya room where I found Sanjeev waiting. Uday did not come with us and I
anticipated he must have gone to the toilet, as the way he was pressing me in his lap with his body the second time,
he must have got a full erection.

Sanjeev and Guru-ji both were showing extra care for me about the wound. It always a good feeling when I see
people concerned about me.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, bring a chair.

Sanjeev promptly brought a chair where I seated. I was conscious to keep my knees and thighs closed so that I do
not flash my panty. All of my thighs and legs remained exposed in front of both males.

Guru-ji: Let me check.

Saying that Guru-ji sat near my feet. I was naturally feeling shy because a personality of Guru-ji’s stature sitting
there made me very uncomfortable. He gently took my left foot and opened the bandage, which Uday had placed,
and was checking the cut mark. He pressed the surrounding area to look for any abnormality. I kept my hands on my
lap so that my miniskirt did not move up to much for a free show. I turned to Sanjeev and found he was staring at
my glistening smooth naked legs.

Guru-ji: Bring the scalpel. Also bring the Betadine, some cotton, and a bandage. Seems another barb is there

Within a minute Sanjeev handed over the items Guru-ji needed and after some more probing on the wound with the
scalpel, Guru-ji was able to bring out the other thorn and dressed the area. I felt much better and thanked Guru-

But that Sanjeev seemed to be more pleased than me! I knew the reason. He was getting ample upskirt views of
mine as I was sitting on the chair while Guru-ji was taking the thorn out of my sole. Even with my best efforts I
probably could not resist him from getting to see my panty peek.

Guru-ji: Now you are okay Beti. Don’t worry much on that injury. It will heal up in a couple of days. I have done the

Me: Thanks Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Did you do the Ashram Parikrama rituals properly?

Me: Ji Guru-ji. I offered flowers and prayers to the four Linga replicas and also sprinkled water as you directed.
Guru-ji: Good. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji went back to his original place indicating me to sit on the asana.

Guru-ji: Now concentrate back and repeat the mantras that I say.

I sat on the asana on my knees and closed my eyes and concentrated on the core job, the Maha-yagya. Guru-ji was
conversing the mantras very slowly and I had no problems repeating them.

Guru-ji: Now Anita, we will do the Chandrama Aradhana and follow that up with Doodh Sarovar snan (=bathing in a
milk pond). Chrandrama, i.e. Moon is the Fertility God. Did you know that?

I signaled affirmatively.

Guru-ji: So this worship is extremely important and you need to follow what I say absolutely diligently. After the
worship to attain the divine goal you will need to distil your body with milk. White stands for the symbol of purity,
you must be knowing that.

Me: Yes, yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: In fact Anita, in a way this is a warm-up process to the ultimate Yoni Puja.

Me: O! I see.

Just then Meenakshi entered the room.

Guru-ji: Have you brought …

Meenakshi: Ji Guru-ji.

She interrupted him showing two round red flimsy papers in her hand. I felt extremely curious as I noticed that
she was holding those round papers with forceps!

Guru-ji: Fine. Then we will proceed to the lawn and you bring her there quickly not wasting much time.

Saying that Guru-ji and Sanjeev left the room leaving myself in the room with Meenakshi.

Me: What are those Meenakshi?

Meenakshi: These are more tags for you Madam.

Me: More tags? What for?

Meenakshi: Madam, as you also heard, Guru-ji told not to waste time; if we are late he will scold me.

Me: No, no that’s okay, but you can talk while you…

Meenakshi: Right Madam. Will I do it here or you want to go the toilet?

Me: Meaning?
I was rather astonished by her suggestion of going to the toilet.

Meenakshi: Madam, as I had put tags previously on your body, two more are left, which I would fix now.

Me: But you already have put tags on my… I mean on my breasts and… I mean…

I was not that shameless to verbalize the word ‘pussy’ in the presence of another person, may it be a female.

Meenakshi: Right Madam, but these two are for your ass. You can see the size of the papers. These are much
larger in comparison to the previous ones.

I was just dumb hearing that – Meenakshi is going to paste those two papers on my gaand, more precisely on my
both ass cheeks!

Me: But… but why did you not put these after my bath?

Meenakshi: Madam, I told you every action has a reason and you will know it in time.

I was rather confused.

Me: But… But Meenakshi why are you holding that with that forceps?

Meenakshi smiled at me naughtily.

Me: What happened? Why are you smiling?

Meenakshi: You will know yourself as I stick that to your bottom.

She smiled again. I was still not getting why she was holding those two papers in forceps.

Meenakshi: Madam, if you can lift your skirt up would help as my once hand is engaged.

I turned my back to her and gently pulled up my skirt from behind. It was so awkward, but thank god I had to do
that in front of a female.

Meenakshi: Fine Madam, go ahead.

Me: What else do I need to do? I have lifted my skirt naa?

Meenakshi: Your panty Madam.

Me: Oops! I completely forgot.

I just lost the fact that have to pull down my panty so that she could stick those papers on my ass cheeks.
Realizing that I quickly pulled my panty down and exposed my gaand to her. Now the sensation had changed from
awkward to sensuous. I was standing with my panty half way down my legs in the room and moreover, was holding up
my skirt at my waist level. The door of the room was not even locked!

I could feel Meenakshi’s free hand feeling the smoothness and roundedness of my gorgeous buttocks.

Me: Hey what are you doing?

Frankly I already started having goosebump, as I felt her hand on my naked butt skin.

Meenakshi: Honestly Madam, you have such a lovely ass. Its so round, so fleshy, so tight. I wish… I wish I had been
a male.

Me: Dhat!

She giggled and I flushed listening to her direct praising.

Me: Ouch!

I almost screeched out as I felt something very hot touching my butt skin. I turned back immediately. I almost lost
my balance as I forgot my panty was half way down and clinging to my upper thighs.

Me: My goodness! What did you do?

Meenakshi: Nothing Madam. I just touched this paper to your bottom. I hope now you realize why I am using the

Me: But… but how could the paper be so hot?

Meenakshi: Its specially heated for your Chandrama Aradhana.

She paused just to take a breath.

Meenakshi: Okay Madam, let us do it in a different way Madam.

Me: How? But in any case the paper is scorching hot.

Meenakshi: Madam, pull up your panty and I will first press the paper on your ass cheek over your panty.

I felt that would definitely help me. I quickly pulled up my panty to cover my buttocks and used my both hands to
stretch it over my faring butt skin. I could then feel Meenakshi pressing the paper on my gaand over my panty and
the heat was of course tolerable. She kept the forceps on a tray and pressed the papers with her palms on my
round buttocks. It was an unique experience I must admit.

Some seconds passed and I silently was taking the “umm” feeling on my gaand, which the warm papers were
dissipating through my panty.

Meenakshi: Madam, now you can pull down your panty and I can put the papers within.

Honestly, this was the most awkward exercise I had ever done. In such a small span of time I had to pull up and
down my panties multiple times. Hardly do I remember a case where I did such a naughty exercise. With my
husband it has always been the downward journey for my panty, i.e. if it slides slightly off my gaand, no way it could
go up, it only could land up to my knees.

Before Meenakshi stuck the round red-colored papers on my buttocks, she applied some fluid on my naked ass
cheeks and the papers readily got fixed under my panty. I was literally feeling the heat on my ass now emitted by
those red papers. I immediately dropped my lifted skirt to cover my huge gaand. The feeling was almost identical
to as if a pair of warm male hands touching my naked ass flesh within my undergarment!
I adjusted my panty slightly over those papers stuck on my ass to feel comfortable and followed Meenakshi out of
the room. She went to the courtyard of the ashram where Guru-ji, Sanjeev, and Uday were all waiting for us. I was
now quite adjusted to exposing in front of these males. My miniskirt was providing my legs and thighs fully exposed
to all and my square necked blouse was displaying generously my deep cleavage and oozing boob flesh.

Guru-ji greeted me with a smile stealing a glance of by skirt-covered ass. He must be pretty much aware that I had
those roasted papers inside my panty.

Guru-ji: I hope you are not uncomfortable Anita?

I thought there was no need to ask that in front of everyone. I shyly nodded as all three males were staring at my
curvy figure.

Guru-ji: Okay then. We will first proceed for Chandrama Aradhana and then follow it up with Doodh Sarovar Snan.

I was wondering where the ‘sarovar’ (=pond) was in the ashram!

I noticed Uday and Sanjeev bringing up a significantly large bathtub and placed it in the center of the courtyard
and through a pipeline filled it with water. They adjusted the tub suitably so that there was clear reflection of the
moon in the waters within. Though there was cloud in the sky at that moment the moon could be clearly seen.

Guru-ji: Anita, you are lucky that the moon can be clearly seen right now. It means probably the moon is also happy
with your prayers!

He smiled at me and I also smiled back.

The moon’s reflection in the crystal clear water of the tub appeared marvelous.

Guru-ji: Anita, like you have seen previously this is also a medium-oriented worship. I will myself act as the medium
for this very important prayer.

Me: Thanks Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Now fully focus on this worship and your only prayer to Chandrama should be to make you fertile. Nothing
less, nothing more.

Guru-ji and myself both turned ourselves to the reflection of the moon and folded our arms for the prayer. There
was absolute pin drop silence within the ashram, which was quite natural at that hour of the night.

I suddenly heard water splashing and looked up to see Guru-ji had stepped inside the tub.

Guru-ji: Step in Anita.

I noticed the edges of the tub were quite high and it would be rather difficult for me to get in. Guru-ji probably
realized my problem.

Guru-ji: Uday, give her a hand.

Uday came near me and helped me get inside the tub by lifting me holding my waist. I somehow managed to get
inside the tub giving a huge upskirt view to Guru-ji as he was standing within the tub.
Me: Aah!

I mumbled silently. The cold water in the tub gave such a soothing feeling to my naked legs. The water level within
the tub was fortunately pretty low and it was not even reaching my knees.

Guru-ji: Anita, you stand here facing the moon like this.

Saying that Guru-ji adjusted my position and he was standing so close to me that my round protruding bottom was
touching him time and again.

Guru-ji: Fold your arms in the form of prayer and verbalize what I say.

He was so close to me behind that I could feel Guru-ji’s breathing on my neck. For a woman, it is always very odd to
have a male right behind your back, especially when your eyes are closed. Though it was a prayer and I knew I need
to concentrate hard, but somehow my mind was getting diverted each time I was sensing Guru-ji’s warm breath on
my neck and his folded hands very mildly brushing my blouse-covered back. I was stiff of course as I knew if I
moved my gaand just a bit, it would surely hit Guru-ji’s pelvic area.

Frankly it was almost the same kind of situation as I experience while commuting in public vehicles. Most grownup
women who have to travel in crowded bus during rush hours feel likewise. Invariably I would find a male to be
standing at my back even though I am standing in front of the ladies seats. And taking the full advantage of the
hustle and jostle of the crowd within the bus, that male would either feel my ass with his crotch or use his hand to
touch and press my butts over my dress. My situation here definitely was not like that and I could not think even in
my dream about Guru-ji being like that, but it was my honest first-hand feeling.

The prayer was a long one and slowly I was building my concentration over it.

Guru-ji: Jai Chandrama! Linga Maharaj!

He ended the prayer. He was still standing at my back. Uday and Sanjeev were standing at some distance to my left

Guru-ji: Offer waters to Chandrama Anita.

I nodded and tried to bend down to take water in my palm from within the tub and immediately I felt a hard rod
poking my gaand and I straightened myself.

Me: Sorry Guru-ji.

As Guru-ji was right behind me, as I bent my full ass pushed into his dhoti-covered crotch and I clearly felt his
hard lund on my gaand! I stepped forward and bent down to take water. I knew it would look very inviting to bend
like that in front of a male who was just behind me, but there was no other option for me. Guru-ji must have got a
grand view of my miniskirt-covered flaring ass. I quickly ascended and offered the waters to Chandrama.

Guru-ji: Do it thrice Beti.

So I had to again bend my round bottoms in front of Guru-ji and provided him with some awful upskirt views as
well. Thankfully though it was a moonlit night, the illumination was not bright enough, otherwise surely as I bent my
panty would have been clearly visible from where Guru-ji was standing. I somehow completed this exercise.
Guru-ji: Fine. Now that you have offered Ganges water to Chandrama you have authenticated your prayer.

Right then I noticed Sanjeev had lighted up some dry coconut shells with some chemicals on two pots and smoke
started to fill up the whole place. The scent of the smoke was typical of the odor we get within a temple – a mixed
bag type of smell.

Guru-ji: Okay Beti. Now stand facing me. I am your medium for this prayer. Come close.

I stepped forward within the waters in the tub near Guru-ji. My full rounded boobs were looking like searchlights
on my figure in this moonlit atmosphere. He held me by my shoulders.

Guru-ji: Anita, now that you have prayed for fertility, you need to actually make your organs fertile by offering
them to Chandrama.

Me: How Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Yes, I will tell you. Chandrama’s power can only enter into a female organ via a medium through this Maha-
yagya. I will help you attain that power.

Guru-ji raised his chin up towards the moon and with folded arms started a prayer in Sanskrit. I was unable to
understand much from it. It ended within a couple of minutes.

Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama! This poor girl needs your help. Please bestow your choicest blessings on her. Please
empower her sex organs so that she can taste motherhood. Jai Chandrama!

The whole ambiance was so spiritualist – the midnight timing, the moonlit mystic courtyard, cold waters kissing my
legs in the tub, the thick coiling smoke, the unique scent of the smoke, Guru-ji’s colossal physical stature, and his
spine chilling reverberating voice… I was getting spellbound.

Guru-ji: Since you have come to this stage successfully Anita, I don’t think you will feel shy attaining this power.
Will you?

His voice was piercing the silence of the night and it was so commanding!

I nodded, but Guru-ji seemed not satisfied.

Guru-ji: Speak aloud Anita. You are not replying to me. You are actually replying to Chandrama.

I quickly folded my arms as if in prayer. Guru-ji repeated his question.

Guru-ji: Will you feel shy achieving this divine strength?

Me: No… I mean I will not feel shy.

Guru-ji: Good. Do you have the tags placed on your body?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

I noticed Uday was putting in more dry coconut shells and chemicals into the pots making the smoke thicker.

Guru-ji: Where are the tags on your body?

My throat was getting dry. The tags were placed by Meenakshi on my intimate body parts and I was definitely
hesitant now to tell that aloud in front of three grownup males. Guru-ji was getting impatient seeing my silence.

Guru-ji: Anita, don’t waste the time. The clouds might hide the moon again and then all our efforts would be a

It was true that the sky had cleared up somewhat and we could see the moon continuously for sometime now not
being covered up by any cloud. I tried to rebuild my confidence and leaving apart my shyness answered to that

Me: The tags… I mean… the tags are on my thighs, navel, and err… hips, and…

I swallowed my sputum and licked my lips to continue. It was somewhat easier for me to pronounce ‘thighs’, ‘navel’,
and ‘hips, but to verbalize ‘breasts’ and ‘pussy’ in front of three males was a tough call for me.

Me: And on my breasts and pu… pussy.

Guru-ji: Right! Hey Chandrama! Look at this woman. She is grownup! She is fully matured! She is married! To get
your blessing she has placed the consecrated tags on her sexual organs. Help her. Jai Chandrama!

Sanjeev and Uday repeated in chorus and Guru-ji seemed to be gaining in momentum in his voice.

Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama! Your power is infinite. You have helped the infertile with your fertility sanctification.
Empower her with your celestial energy. Jai Chandrama!

I was all along pretty much charged up by this whole act, but the next few words spoken by Guru-ji made me blush
heavily and I never heard such sexually explicit words about myself from any male apart from my husband; that too
when we were at a conjugal peak on our bed. Honestly, my husband does hardly speak such smutty terms even when
at full peak during intercourse. But I was shocked to hear such language about me from a towering personality like

Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama! Look at this poor girl and have mercy. She has everything, yet has a vacant lap. She has a
loving husband, yet love is not getting bloomed.

Each time Guru-ji was addressing me as a ‘girl’ I was blushing. Surely by no means at this age and with such a
developed figure, I could be called a ‘girl’ but probably to this Godman, we are all like his children!

Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama! Restore the resurgence of sexual power in her body and help her attain completeness.

Guru-ji lowered his voice suddenly.

Guru-ji: Anita, keep your hands by your sides, hold up your chin, and take deep breaths.

I followed his instruction in toto.

Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama! She has the desire. She has the will power. She just needs the little help to borne the
fruit in her womb. Her key to happiness is in your hand. Through your sacred light bless her Chandrama! Bless her.

Though apparently it seemed ridiculous praying to the moon, but the setting was such I also started believing that
the moon’s sacred light will enlighten my sexual power!
Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama! Look at her boobs – they are so bubbly, firm, and attractive!

Guru-ji directly pointed his finger to my boobs! I simply could not react.

Guru-ji: Look at her navel – it is so deep that any male can hide his tongue in that! Hey Chandrama! Look at her
thighs – they are so well developed that even Rambha would feel reserved, and her bottoms – any male would be
provoked to call it gaand! Hey Chandrama! How can you be so cruel to have deprived her of motherhood who has
such an attractive jawani?

My ears were already red and I started to breathe faster listening to such lewd things being spoken off so very
openly and directly in front of me!

Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama! Pierce your power through her tags and make her sexually potent. Give her unlimited
sexual craving! Make her organs active and fertile superlatively. Jai Chandrama!

Uday and Sanjeev echoed in chorus and I thought that this would end now, but I was wrong! Guru-ji now went
further to my body detail making me perspire in shame.

Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama! Rip through the tags on her boobs and make her nipples supersensitive! Hey Chandrama!
Rip through the tag on her pussy and make it full with fertile honey! Hey Chandrama! Rip through the tags on her
gaand and make them more round and fleshy. Hey Chandrama! Make her a sex goddess.

The intensity with which Guru-ji was praying right now and waving his hands up towards the sky I was feeling
somewhat frightened. His tall structure, voice clarity, moonlit night, and the mystic smoke all around were certainly
adding up to it.

Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama! Now bless her with your power. Bless her.

There was a momentary pause and all was so quiet. Guru-ji went out of the tub.

Guru-ji: Anita, now you will actually gain the power from Chandrama! Listen very carefully what you have to do.

I somehow managed to utter “Ji Guru-ji” with my eyes lowered down in natural womanly shame after hearing such
things so loud and clear.

Guru-ji: You first wait till the waters in the tub come to a standstill so that you can clearly see Chandrama’s
reflection in it. Then get direct moonlight for 10 seconds on each of the places where you have the tags on your
body. First you will press your organ with your hand for 10 seconds and then release it to empower it with
Chandrama’s influence for the next 10 seconds. And throughout the process only chant “Jai Chandrama” loudly and
clearly. Okay?

I was a bit confused and stammered to ask the silliest question.

Me: But Guru-ji, to get… I mean direct light… err… I have to open… I mean…

Guru-ji: Anita, what needs to be done, needs to be done. Yes, of course to get the direct moonlight on your body
you have to open your choli if needed. Which is more important to you? Tell me clearly.

He almost howled and I got pretty much afraid.

Me: No, no Guru-ji. I did not mean that.

Guru-ji: Then what?

Me: It’s okay Guru-ji. I am doing it.

I said meekly accepting that I would open my choli in front of three males, not to mention about my skirt!

Guru-ji: That’s better. Here you are obliging the Fertility God and not doing any striptease that you will feel

I was stunned to hear such things from Guru-ji and felt so very ashamed especially in the presence Uday and
Sanjeev. I was already half striped in this micromini dress in front of these male eyes and now probably I have to
do a full striptease!

Guru-ji’s tone had changed dramatically and it was so commanding that I was having a faster heartbeat.

The water in the tub had subsided and was quite still now. The full moon was also clearly visible in the water.

Me: Guru-ji, shall I proceed?

Guru-ji stepped forward just to check whether the water in the tub was absolutely still or not and being satisfied
gave me the nod.

Guru-ji: Do not open the tags. Chandrama’s power will pierce through those holy strips of papers.

Me: Okay.

Guru-ji: I will instruct you and you need to just obey that, but remember not stop your chant.

I nodded and noticed Sanjeev and Uday were standing pretty close, which means they would have a very clear view
of my stripping act. I turned my focus towards Sanjeev and he was undoubtedly giving impatient looks, as he knew a
plump woman like me would open her choli in front of him in a minute!

I started to chant “Jai Chandrama!” in a continuos manner.

Guru-ji: Anita, start with your navel. That’s the equilibrium point of your body. First press your navel tag with your
right hand index finger.

I obeyed him -ji and listening to Guru-ji’s call again released my finger after 10 seconds.

Guru-ji: Now your thigh tags. Do the same thing with both your hands.

I stopped a little to do that and my boobs almost jumped out of my short choli making my deep cleavage
prominently visible to all the males. My heart was racing fast as I knew the next tag has to be either my nipple tag,
or my pussy tag, or my ass tags.

Guru-ji: Fine. Anita, now the tags on your buttocks. You don’t have to pull down your panty. You just raise your skirt
with one hand so that your gaand gets the full moonlight.

I was of course very hesitant to pull up my skirt in front of three grownup males, but by that time convinced my
mind that I had to do that shameless act. I consoled my mind by saying to my mind that my family members or my
hubby would never know anything about this and I am doing this to please the God abiding by the norms.

Guru-ji: Anita, don’t waste time. Lift up your skit and show Chandrama your lovely gaand.

I closed my eyes and with my right hand gathered my skirt, pulled it up till my waist, and I could as if feel the
three males looking up my bottoms! The panty I was wearing was by no means enough to protect any dignity of my
large fleshy ass. In fact, a panty never covers the buttocks of a matured woman properly, but we women do not
care about it because a sari, salwar-kamiz, or a skirt covers us amply. But here the situation was so very different.
I did not even get a chance to at least stretch my panty on my ass cheeks before it was exposed to these males. I
pressed the paper tag under my panty with my left hand for 10 seconds and then released it and stood like a statue
in shame for another 10 seconds.

The short time frame was the only reassuring factor for me I thought.

Guru-ji: Okay, now change your hand and repeat the same process.

I was continuously chanting loudly, which actually made me feel more embarrassed.

I repeated the same process exchanging my hands. What a scene I thought for those males to watch! A housewife
of around 30 standing in front of them lifting her skirt to her waist and showing them her panty-covered ass. My
nipples were already so hard and piercing my bra fabric. I could not open my eyes for a moment even in utter
humiliation. I remembered in school in higher classes we had a PT teacher who was a pervert and used to make girls
pull up their skirts giving lame reasoning and I also could not avoid being victimized by him once or twice. But then
it was school and I was a teenager. But here what I was doing was no less that a striptease!

Thankfully it was over and I pulled down my skirt over my panty-covered big buns, only to get ready to unbutton my

Guru-ji: Good job Anita. Now your nipple tags. You don’t have to pull the choli off your body, just open the buttons.

I opened my eyes once and looked so very timidly towards Guru-ji and others. From within the tub and even in that
smoky environment, I did not miss to notice the huge erection of Guru-ji under his dhoti, which appeared like a tent
now. Sanjeev almost gave me a shock as I noticed him scratching and pressing his penis over his dhoti very openly.
Uday seemed relatively calm!

I tried to concentrate on the mantra and started unbuttoning my choli. As I opened the last button, my bra-
covered heavy boobs along with a massive cleavage were on display to my male audience. In that moonlit setting and
smoky ambiance I could well realize I was in reality looking like a sex goddess! As I looked from the corner of my
eyes there was definitely a ‘wow’ appreciation in Sanjeev’s eyes, Guru-ji though was an exception.

Guru-ji: Anita, now feel and locate the tags under your bra and press them with your index fingers of both hands.

There was nothing to locate actually because my nipples already had risen their heads under my brassiere and their
impressions were quite clear on my bra fabric. I crossed my hands and pressed my nipples as the tags were placed
on them.

Guru-ji: Now allow Chandrama to give celestial power to your boobs so that they remain tight and firm in the days
to come such that your husband can extract maximum pleasure out of them. And let your nipples be blessed with
supersensitiveness and rosiness so that whenever your husband touches you, even if its just holding the hand, your
nipples grow up to their full resilient structure. Jai Chandrama!
Standing with my choli buttons open in front of three males was making me perspire already and now listening to
such very direct sexy comments, I was getting seriously (s)excited.

Guru-ji: Great! Now the last and the most crucial one Anita.

I was getting short of breath constantly uttering the mantra, but as per Guru-ji’s instruction I did not stop.

Guru-ji: First button your choli and then proceed.

As I was quickly buttoning my choli, Guru-ji ordered further.

Guru-ji: Now like you did previously raise your skirt and do the same thing. Mind you, keep your index finger just on
your hole, the tag is just to the left side of your slit I suppose.

I was dying in shame hearing this instruction, but knew that I had to do it. I raised my skirt and all the three males
standing my side got a clear frontal view of my panty and I kept my finger on my honey hot. I had closed my eyes
and clenched my teeth – it was so, so humiliating and disgraceful. For the first time in my life I realized that even
ten seconds is a l-o-n-g time!

Guru-ji: Its done Anita. You can pull down your skirt.

Before Guru-ji could even complete, I quickly took my hand off my pussy and dropped my skirt to cover my panty. I
was almost dyspneic having continuously chanting the mantra and was virtually trembling in shame and excitement
as a result of this Chandrama Aradhana. Guru-ji seemed to be summing up the whole episode.

Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama! I believe that you are happy with her worship and would liven up her sex organs adequately
so that they harvest fertility. Let her boobs, navel, pussy, gaand, and thighs become the epitome of sexuality and
they help drive her full steam during copulating. Jai Chandrama!

We all echoed “Jai Chandrama!”

By this time the smoke was clearing out as Uday and Sanjeev were not putting in further dry coconut shells or
chemicals and at last getting some opportunity I swiftly adjusted my bra and choli as well as stretched my skirt to
feel somewhat decent.

Guru-ji: Anita, since you have done a well-mannered prayer, I believe you will not be deprived of the celestial
powers of Chandrama.

He smiled at me and I felt much assured that I had carried out this part of the Maha-yagya properly though it was
rather shameful for any matured woman to execute in front of males.

Guru-ji: Now we will proceed to the Doodh Sarovar snan, which is basically a sterilization process of the body and
soul. The color white as you know is the symbol of purity and there is no better alternative than milk for attaining
cleanliness. Are you getting me?

Me: Yes, yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Till such time Sanjeev and Uday make the arrangements let us take a walk.

Saying that Guru-ji started walking down the courtyard while Sanjeev and Uday went off within the ashram. I had
to follow Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Anita, it seems you are still in some sort of tension with the result of the Maha-yagya. Am I right?

Me: True Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: But why? If I am with you, Linga Maharaj blesses you, why should you worry? Remember to attain true
sexual pleasure whereby you can attain a healthy pregnancy, the mind has to be absolutely free and not burdened
by any thought.

Me: I know Guru-ji. All the doctors I visited, they all stress very much on this point.

Guru-ji: So, you see? Don’t be anxious and leave everything on me.

We now have walked down the courtyard and almost reached the ashram gate. My mind was constantly skeptical
about where the ‘sarovar’ was for the Doodh Sarovar snan and will I have to take bath in front of everyone!

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

I paused a little.

Me: Guru-ji, I mean I was wondering about the ‘sarovar’. I have not noticed a pond or something of that sort within
the ashram.

Guru-ji laughed mildly listening to my question.

Guru-ji: Anita, your observation is correct. There is no such sarovar within my ashram. But do not take things on
the literal implication. Yes, initially when the term was coined for this Maha-yagya there has to be a pond filled
with milk, which is quite impractical today.

Me: Right Guru-ji.

Guru-ji suddenly changed the topic and asked such a question that left me almost speechless!

Guru-ji: By the way, I think Master-ji faltered on your brassiere fitting. Your boobs are jiggling so much while you
are walking! This should not happen.

He was looking directly at my boobs and I felt so ashamed that I could not even utter a word and looked down at
the grass on ground.

Guru-ji: Anita, there is nothing to be ashamed of! If Master-ji has done a mistake you should have told him.

Me: Y… ye… yes. Err…

Guru-ji: I can see your breasts are heavy and would naturally joggle more than average women, he should have been
more careful.

I knew I needed to reply something and I tried to gather the courage to do that. Guru-ji had stopped walking and
so did I and we were conversing standing at the ashram gate. I noticed he adjusted his dhoti and I was shocked to
see he openly stroked his lund.
Me: I mean… Guru-ji, I think… err. since I am not wearing a sari, it is happening.

Guru-ji: No, no. If your brassiere is not tight enough, this would happen invariably. It must fit properly and tightly
on them.

Saying that he just made his palms look like two cups indicating how my bra would fit on my boobs! It was so very
embarrassing that I clenched my lower lip with my teeth.

Guru-ji: By all means you should know it better than me Anita. Yes, if you were wearing the sari, this would not have
been so prominent, but the fact remains that….

Me: Guru-ji, I err… I will talk to Master-ji about it.

I had to mark an end to this humiliating conversation.

Guru-ji: Okay, getting back to where we were Anita, Doodh Sarovar snan need not be executed in a pond full of
milk. What we will do, we will create an artificial setting where the disciple can do the bathing and purify her body
for the Yoni Puja.

Me: O! I see.

Guru-ji: I think they should be ready by now. Lets get back.

As we walked back I started taking small steps, as now I was so very conscious about the undulating movement of
my big boobs within my choli.

When I reached the old spot in the courtyard I noticed the bathtub was there, but with new attachments! Uday
and Sanjeev were also present. The tub was empty and now had transparent light blue sidewalls all round almost 5-6
feet high and there was a pipeline going out from the bathtub into a big drum fitted with a small motor. Though I
was not an expert in these but could well realize that milk from the drum would go into the tub where I would take
the bath. There was another pipeline and drum, but the connection of the pipe was unplugged. My heart started to
beat faster thinking of my drenched condition in this mini dress!

Guru-ji: Bah! Good. So Anita, the setting is ready. As you can see, the purification process will undergo within the
covered tub and milk will continuously flow into it from that drum.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. But if this dress is wet…

Guru-ji: Your spare Maha-yagya paridhan is with Sanjeev. So, don’t worry on that. And you see the other drum that
holds water, which would clean up the stickiness of milk from your body after your Doodh Sarovar snan.

I turned towards Sanjeev and saw that he was standing with one packet, which assumably holds my choli, miniskirt,
and undergarments. Uday was standing with a towel. So all was set for my milky bathing!

Guru-ji: As you have observed in all steps of the Maha-yagya, here also you will get purified through my medium.
Jai Linga Maharaj! Jai Linga Maharaj!

Saying that Guru-ji readily stepped inside the empty tub through one of the side attachments, which was open. I
also followed his footsteps. The entry step was a bit too high and Uday came forward to give me hand so that I
could climb that. I could clearly feel Uday’s hand cupping my firm ass over my skirt as he pushed me up to reach
the step when Guru-ji’s warm hand pulled me inside the tub. Then Uday closed and locked the last side attachment
with myself and Guru-ji standing within the tub, covered on all sides till 4-5 feet, and the top was of course open.
The moon was beaming through the light blue sidewalls making the backdrop very appealing.

Guru-ji: First I will do a prayer to Linga Maharaj. You will repeat what I chant. Okay?

He was facing me with his hands folded and started the prayer. Though I was following the mantra aloud, my mind
was getting nomadic in this unfamiliar setting. The ambiance was such that honestly I felt like standing in the
shower as if with my hubby. The bathtub though empty, Guru-ji standing in front of me, and with the walls
surrounding me aided for my senses to prevail additionally. Though such happenings have vanished from my life
presently, but definitely during my initial marriage days when we used to go out for a vacation, my hubby did force
me to have bath with him occasionally. Not always was I that shameless to take bath with my hubby in complete
naked state, but I did succumbed a few times. Those memories certainly are very vivid and enjoyable for me.

Rest of the times it ended in some long kisses and hugs within the closed walls of the attached bath. Yes, Rajesh
always was very eager to strip me of my sari or salwar-kamiz whatever I was wearing, but myself being rather
conservative resisted firmly and the end result was myself getting partially disrobed only.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Uday, start pouring in the milk. It will take some time to fill in.

I was shaken up by Guru-ji’s words and felt lukewarm milk covering the floor of the bathtub. Milk was gushing in
through the pipeline into the bathtub, but since the hole was small it would understandably take some time to fill
in. But most importantly, the whole process was really giving me the feel that I was standing on the bank of a pond
with ripples of water kissing my feet!

Guru-ji: Anita, hold my hand, otherwise you might be off balance, as the flow is fairly swift.

Just as Guru-ji held my hand in the setting of warm milk covering my feet and the ripples formed within the
bathtub mildly hitting my legs, I instantly harked back to my visit to the Waltair seaside an year ago. Though the
initial feeling in my mind entering this tub was standing by the pond probably because of the term ‘Doodh Sarovar
snan’, but now as if the exact clue sparked in my mind. I at once recalled our Waltair trip where alongside me and
my husband, Manohar Uncle, Sunita Bhabie, and Ritesh accompanied us. There also warm seawater was slowly
kissing our feet, which is very much similar to the warm milk here; I was holding Ritesh’s hand there and here also
Guru-ji is holding my hand; in both cases my husband was not present at the scene!

The awful coincidence was a very similar event that happened in Waltair actually ensued here in the next 15-20

Since we stay in UP, there is hardly any chance to visit a seaside easily and so when Rajesh proposed this tour, I
was very much excited. I had only visited a seaside in Maharastra– that too with my parents when I was very young.
Ritesh was my hubby’s close pal and Manohar Uncle and Sunita Bhabie were our neighbors. Before marriage Rajesh
had toured a couple of places with them along with his parents. So the bonding was quite strong and as Ritesh used
to visit our house occasionally I was also pretty comfortable. Ritesh was my husband’s age, around 32-33, bachelor.
Manohar Uncle and Sunita Bhabie was an elderly couple, their daughter was married only the previous year and lived
in Delhi.

We were having a nice time from the onset of the journey. Manohar Uncle though nearing retirement was very
active and agile and cracked jokes every now and then keeping everyone in a joyous mood. His physique was also
very well maintained for his age. Photography was his hobby. There was some age difference between Manohar
Uncle and Sunita Bhabie as it used to be in the past and she was nearing her forties. Bhabie also was very
cooperative and was like a friend to me. Like most housewife of that age, she had a plump body structure, but
considering she had a 20-year old daughter, she was not disproportionate or flabby. Unlike a woman of forty, she
was also very energetic and cheerful like her husband. We formed a very good team.

It was a short trip of three days only and so we decided to do the sightseeing on the first day and spend the rest
two days on the beach. Since Manohar Uncle was busy with his photography subjects, Rajesh, me, Sunita Bhabie
and Ritesh were spending time together most of the time when we were out. Honestly I did not notice anything
abnormal or any special inclination of Ritesh towards Sunita Bhabie or vice versa, but noticed it for the first time
the day after.

It was a sunny day and sun was beating in full flow on the beach. It was hot day. Since I was going for the bath in
the sea I selected a dark colored salwar-kamiz so that it does not reveal much when I would be wet. We were all
going together to the beach walking on the hot sand. Manohar Uncle and Rajesh both were wearing swimming trunks
while Ritesh was wearing a bermuda. I was wearing a red kamiz with white pajamas while Sunita Bhabie was wearing
a light blue cotton printed sari with matching blouse.

Manohar Uncle: Sunita you should have borrowed and wear a salwar-kamiz from Anita. That’s much more
comfortable rather than the sari.

Me: Yes Uncle, even I told Bhabie before coming out.

Sunita Bhabie: I am okay in the sari baba!

Manohar Uncle: Okay, as you wish. I just told you.

Ritesh: Uncle I am coming in minute. My cigarette stock is finished!

Ritesh went back and we came almost there where waters were coming and receding on the shore. The Waltair
beach was rocky and definitely not a very suitable place to take bath. Sunita Bhabie, though was very energetic
initially, seemed to be rather frightful from the waves. She recoiled to her shell more than me. She was holding
Manohar Uncle’s arm very firmly and was very unwilling to go any deep. Rajesh was holding my hand and we were
taking a few steps forward.

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, be careful. The sea seems to be rough today. Hold Rajesh’s hand properly

She was giving me all sorts of advices and though I was also not very courageous, but being with my hubby we went
a few steps ahead. Water here was almost till my knees and since I was getting off balanced time and again with
the waves hitting me, Rajesh held me by my waist.

Me: Hey! Bhabie and Uncle are there. What are you doing?

Rajesh: They will shift their eyes if they see us like this or else Manohar Uncle will follow suit. Ha ha hah…

We laughed and I was having a real good time in Rajesh’s arms. But soon my hubby seemed restless and was
tempted by the roaring sea and was eager to go deep. I soon found Manohar Uncle also keen to show us how deep
he could go. They both were good swimmers and had previous experience of going deep into the sea. Ritesh seemed
not that adventurous and was happy to stay on the shore. In spite of me and Bhabie advocating our husbands not to
go deep, they were pretty inclined to enjoy the sea.

Sunita Bhabie: Okay then, lets fix a time that after that you will be back and we will enjoy together. Mind you we
both would be in tension till you…
Manohar Uncle: Okay baba! We will be back within 20 minutes. Happy? Rajesh what do you say?

Rajesh: Sure uncle. You people would never realize what fun can be had if you go to that place!

Saying that he pointed to the area beyond where waters were breaking on the beach with steamy white foams.

Me: Rajesh, please take care and don’t be too adventurous.

Rajesh: Okay jaan.

I kept watching as Rajesh was going deep into the sea climbing the waves and using his swimming skills. Manohar
Uncle was also equal to the task even at his age!

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, lets get back a few steps. The force seemed to have increased.

It was true that the current in the seawater had increased somewhat.

Ritesh: Bhabie, its tide time, hence you feeling the current.

Me: Ritesh then should we get back a few steps?

Ritesh: Yes, yes. But just wait till this wave recedes.

The water went back and we both hurried back a few steps.

Ritesh: Bhabie, you stay in the middle. You will feel secure.

As we got back, Ritesh made Sunita Bhabie stay in between us, I was holding her right hand and Ritesh was holding
her left hand. Probably from this point I noticed that Ritesh was getting a bit too caring for her and trying to get
close to her ‘physically’ and very surprisingly Bhabie also allowed him a free entry!

The sea was getting rough and the waves were of unequal heights. In spite of us getting a few steps back, one or
two waves were high enough to drench us almost till our waist. And I could already feel my pajama slipping down off
my waist an inch or two under my kamiz, as it was getting heavier due to soaking water. I was time and again trying
to loosen my kamiz over my large buttocks, as it was getting stuck being wet. And that way surely I would look
rather vulgar as my ass crack would visible over my wet salwar-kamiz. Fortunately, the beach was very sparsely
populated today and except for a few bathing at a distance we were not being watched by anyone.

Bhabie naturally was facing more problems than me as she was wearing the sari. Her condition was pretty worse,
but unexpectedly she was fairly oblivious, and was more keen to scream like a teenage girl when a wave was
approaching us. Like myself her lower half of the body was also completely soaked and her sari had tangled up
revealing her white petticoat. Moreover, her pallu was getting disoriented over and over again due to the stiff
breeze and her blouse-covered big firm breasts kept peeping out.

Ritesh: Look out!

There was a loud scream from Ritesh and before I could react properly a big wave pushed us back a few feet and I
could realize my panty got wet for the first time now. Sunita Bhabie almost lopsided due to the force of the wave,
but fortunately since myself and Ritesh were holding her hands, she did not fall in the water, but she was now all
wet and honestly she looked horribly indecent especially being in a public place. She was wet till her shoulders, her
pallu was out of place, her wet heavy sari slipped down her waist exposing her petticoat knot, and her completely
soaked blouse looked awfully flimsy. On top of this she was laughing away and more or less clinging to Ritesh though
was also holding my hand.

Me: Bhabie, you better recompose yourself once. Your sari is…

Ritesh: Why Anita? Who is watching us? Lets enjoy. Hey another biggie is coming, take a few strides forward.

Sunita Bhabie: R-i-t-e-s-h… No, no…

Bhabie could not complete her words the way Ritesh snatched her forward and a big wave immediately subsided us
well over our waist. I lost my grip on Bhabie’s hand and almost fell down in the water, but somehow managed to
maintain my balance. But what I saw in the next 30 seconds or so in front of me was purely unbelievable to me!

As I lost Bhabie’s hand, I saw Bhabie being pulled forward by Ritesh a couple of steps, but the force of the ensuing
wave made them both off balance and they clung to each other as they floated for some moments among
effervescent white foam. I saw Ritesh was hugging Sunita Bhabie very closely and she was also latching on to him.
After the initial jolt as the wave receded I was amazed to see Ritesh was still embracing her very closely and she
was shamelessly enjoying that! I could clearly see Ritesh’s face near her shoulder and Bhabie’s boobs remained
tightly pressed on his chest. And as Ritesh reluctantly released her from his arms, Sunita Bhabie looked appalling -
her sari was totally disoriented, her white brassiere inside her wet flimsy blouse was completely visible, and her
petticoat being fully wet slipped down so much from her waist that her red panty was peeping out! Ritesh was
helping her gather the sari as I advanced towards them and of course he was enjoying Bhabie’s exposed beauty
from such close proximity.

Anita: Bhabie are you okay? That came real fast!

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, I would have sunk had Ritesh not been there today. I was floating you know!

I helped her to wrap the sari and put the pallu in place. Bhabie’s full figure could clearly be made out as the sari
was so wet was almost nonexistent.

Ritesh: But Bhabie tell frankly are you getting fun or not?

Sunita Bhabie: Oh! Surely. I am enjoying after such a long time!

I said in my mind – why not? At your age of forty, you are getting the hugs and touches of a matured robust
bachelor like Ritesh, why would you not enjoy! I tried to look for Rajesh, but he was not visible, as both he and
Manohar Uncle went far off amidst the sea. Ritesh seemed rather confident after that hug and this time when we
prepared for succeeding waves, he casually encircled Bhabie’s waist with his right hand! Bhabie’s big boobs looked
so prominent through her wet semi-transparent sari and I was quite surprised to see how firmly they stood within
her bra at her age! Of course, Ritesh was time and again eyeing them as we continued playing with the waves.

Ritesh: Hey Anita, lets sit on the beach and enjoy the waters now. You will surely find fun in it and of course it’s
more relaxing.

Me: Okay Ritesh. Bhabie what do you say?

Sunita Bhabie: No issues, but we cannot sit here in water, we need to get back there.

Saying that she pointed to our back from where the waves were receding. We walked to the backside on the shore
and selected a suitable place to sit and enjoy the sunshine as well as the saline water. The waves were coming and
receding on the sands relentlessly.

Ritesh: Bhabie, let me sit at your backside so that I can cover you both if there is a bigger wave.

Sunita Bhabie: You better protect us properly else our hubbies would not spare you!

We were all laughing as we sat on the sands. It was good fun to have waves on our laps – the froth, the sand-mixed
saline water with the approaching and retreating effects were making things very enjoyable. Each time a wave
surrounded us, we were getting slightly backwards in our sitting position over the sand and when the water
retreated, it seemed the wave was taking us forward along with it! So, all in all we were having a real good time on
the beach.

Just then a family arrived and stood almost adjacent to us; two girls and their parents. The elder girl looked quite
attractive especially with her skintight jeans and top. Her round boobs were appearing very prominent through her
body-hugging top. Immediately Bhabie and me started teasing Ritesh in a soft voice. I did note that Ritesh had
shifted significantly from me to a position almost behind Bhabie and had stretched his legs in the form of a “V”
from his sitting posture. Initially I did not got his plan, but soon was clear as a comparatively bigger wave broke in
front of us.

Sunita Bhabie shrieked as usual and I also gulped some salty water in the process, as the wave was pretty forceful.
Though I quickly recovered but what I saw in front of my eyes was an unbelievable sight! The force of the wave
had pulled Bhabie backwards and as Ritesh had positioned him with his stretched legs just at her back, she landed
perfectly in his “V”. Ritesh promptly grabbed her and I clearly saw Ritesh was cupping her big wet boobs over her
blouse with both hands. If it were only a boob grabbing sequence I would still have digested the sequence, but
Sunita Bhabie was in a complete mess!

She probably was caught totally unaware by the flash wave and was entirely off balanced. Her hands and legs were
in the air and she was pushed backward and landed in Ritesh’s lap who must have been more than obliged! The
current of the wave pulled her sari up to her waist almost and her very plump and fair legs were entirely exposed.
From my position I could even see her red panty! Bhabie was almost half floating in water and Ritesh was trying to
assist her in the most erotic way by grabbing her boobs from below her armpits. She was screaming as usual and
just then the water started moving back and Bhabie again lost balance and this time Ritesh also lost some grip over
Bhabie. The wave started pulling Bhabie towards the sea and she started screaming at the top of her voice.

Ritesh was smart enough to get control over the situation and quickly held Bhabie very firmly by her hands so that
she could not slip away. I noticed he had great strength and dragged Sunita Bhabie’s 40-year-old plump figure
towards his body as the sandy waters drew away. As the episode was over I thought Bhabie should immediately
recompose herself, as she was too much exposed to be in like this in a public place. I noticed that the father of the
two girls bathing nearby was having an eyeful on Bhabie’s exposed thighs and legs, as her sari was still rolled up
near her waist and luckily now her panty was not visible though it was very evident just a few moments ago. Frankly,
I did not want to interrupt, as I wanted to see how far Ritesh would go!

God seemed to be rather kind to Ritesh as the very next moment there was another wave. This one was normal and
it just filled our laps with sandy water. Even if Bhabie had thought to recompose herself and separate her from
Ritesh, especially as she was aware that I was watching her from very close quarters, the wave did not give her
that opportunity. The water helped her to push more into Ritesh’s body and this time it was a very apparent hug
from Ritesh and she ended up sitting on his lap with waters surrounding them. I noted Bhabie’s eyes were closed – I
could not comprehend why:
-in shame as I was present?
-in exhaustion fighting the waves?
-in the loving touches of Ritesh?

Now what Ritesh did was absolutely unexpected. He winked at me with Sunita Bhabie in his lap, his arms
surrounding her matured breasts! I was so very astonished! He wanted to indicate me that he was taking advantage
of this elderly lady physically and I should comply with it! Just then Bhabie probably realized that she was going a
bit too far and opened her eyes, immediately separated herself from Ritesh’s close hug, and tried her best to save
the situation by trying to explain me how the wave had almost carried her away. She immediately pulled her sari
down and covered her thighs and legs properly. She adjusted her pallu to the right place, as more than half of her
ripe mature boobs were visible over her wet blouse. She stood up and struggled to look decent. Ritesh also warned
her in his own way.

Ritesh: Anita, the time is up. Isn’t it? They should come back now. Can you see them?

I did not reply to that as Bhabie herself looked at the sea to find his husband was coming or not. I was bewildered
by the shamelessness of her and this sudden affinity towards Ritesh! As Bhabie was standing just in front of me,
her huge round gaand was very prominent through her wet sari; even her ass crack was so evidently noticeable! Her
panty-line also was so very clear on her ass! I noticed the father of those two girls was peeping frequently at
Sunita Bhabie avoiding his wife’s eyes. Bhabie was desperately trying to hide her ample and fleshy figure in her wet

Rajesh and Manohar Uncle came back after some minutes and then mainly due to Sunita Bhabie’s unwillingness to
bathe any more, we all went back to our hotel. I could not forget what I saw between Bhabie and Ritesh on the
beach and out of feminine curiosity was watching them if I could find out more of the unthinkable relation that had
suddenly developed. Ritesh and Sunita Bhabie were most normal when in group and frankly I was rather frustrated
not seeing them segregated or suddenly catching them off guard. But little did I know that my wish would be
fulfilled the day after!

We were all gossiping at the sea beach in the evening enjoying the cool breeze from the sea mixed with water

Sunita Bhabie: Today it was rather hot when we came for bathing, lets come earlier tomorrow.

Me: Why so early Bhabie? I want to sleep a little longer.

Manohar Uncle: I agree with Anita though in any case I have to go to the market once in the morning. I will go to
the sea at noon. Rajesh?

Rajesh: Yes uncle. Will accompany you. Ritesh, my brother, please take them for a bath if they wish.

Ritesh: I will not awake before noon tomorrow. Ha ha haa…

Rajesh: O yes! You have that jumbo bottle to finish up! Ha ha haa…

Sunita Bhabie: Oh! Anita! See the shine on their faces!

Me: Huh! Can’t you all enjoy without that?

Rajesh: Jaan, just a little as you know. We are on a vacation yaar!

Me: W-h-y? Lets chat and sing till late night and then we all can participate!
Manohar Uncle: Please Anita. You know that none of us are drunkards. And who says you cannot participate? You
and your Bhabie will also sip a little? Why have different outputs when we all are in the same boat?

Rajesh: Right uncle. We will have good fun. Ritesh will sing songs. A-h-a…

Me: Huh!

Sunita Bhabie: Okay, we will not spoil your enjoyment. But mind you, consume within your limits.

Ritesh: Done Bhabie, done. What do you say Rajesh?

Rajesh: Absolutely!

We chatted for some more time and then went to the hotel. Ultimately it was decided that since Manohar Uncle
and my husband would go to the market in the morning; Bhabie and me would go on our own and if Ritesh gets up
early, he will accompany us. In the noon when everybody would be available, we will have a bath together.

Manohar Uncle was the main lead in arranging the drinks table. There were vodka with lime cordial and whiskey with
soda. Bhabie and me consumed vodka and the males took whiskey. We were chatting, laughing, and Ritesh who had a
nice voice was singing old songs. On the whole it was a rather enjoyable late evening party. Naturally I had never
ever consumed alcohol before marriage and it was fully due to my hubby’s persuasion and request that I agreed to
sip. And today was hardly the third or fourth time I was drinking alcohol.

I remembered the first time I gulped alcohol was in our own residence when my mother-in-law and father-in-law
were away to their native village and Rajesh and me were alone in the house. Once I was able to clear the initial
inhibition about alcohol, frankly with such tasty accessories like grilled chicken, cashew nuts, and vinegar soaked
onion, it didn’t taste that bad! Of course, the odor was repulsive. We had the drinks in the comforts of our
bedroom watching an English porn CD, which Rajesh had brought. Unlike the few porn CDs that I had watched
courtesy my husband, this was a slightly better one. The heroine fortunately was not in a hurry to get naked and be
on bed. Rajesh and I had a good time together sipping the drink and watching the sex scenes on bed and ultimately
most expectedly before the movie could end my husband started fucking me!

Rajesh was in a feverish mood and that day I really liked my intoxicated husband the way he forcefully was hugging
and cuddling me, speaking vulgar things, and was trying to force his hard erect lund into my pussy and slipping time
and again. I was also having a nice tipsy feeling and being completely nude on my soft bed in his arms was a heavenly
feeling. I do not remember many days I had intercourse with lights on in the room – that day in our intoxicated hex
we forgot to switch off the lights!

Sunita Bhabie and I had completed our first round of drinks and we thought to go to the room balcony. Bhabie
stumbled while passing by the cupboard and I could well realize the vodka had started taking its toll on her. I was
also feeling tipsy already! When we were alone on the balcony, Bhabie suddenly held my hands and her eyes were
watery. I was somewhat bowled over by this development.

Me: Bhabie, what happened? What’s the matter?

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, I know you must be thinking poorly about me!

Me: About you? But why Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, I am so frustrated…

She started sobbing. I looked around to check if anyone was coming, but noted that the males were busy with their
drinks and chatting. I put my hand on Bhabie’s back and tried to soothe her.

Sunita Bhabie: Tell me honestly, you did not mind anything in the morning while bathing in the sea?

Me: No err… actually I mean its okay Bhabie. The wave came so suddenly…

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, you don’t need to camouflage things. I know what happened and what you saw.

Me: Bhabie, it was very apparent actually.

Sunita Bhabie: I know you must be thinking that at this age Bhabie is flirting with a bachelor! And that too being
the mother of a daughter who just recently got married! Shame on me! Isn’t it Anita?

Me: I mean… err… I never meant anything like that.

Sunita Bhabie: Everything need not be spelt out Anita. But don’t think I am a … I am so upset and frustrated

Me: Bhabie, Bhabie. Don’t cry. Please tell me your problem and you will feel better. I might not be finding you a
solution, but sharing will definitely help you Bhabie.

Her pallu was down and her deep cleavage was visible and I quickly wrapped the pallu at the proper place and made
her sit on the chair in the balcony. I offered her the jug of water and she seemed to recompose quickly.

Me: Wait Bhabie, I will bring a drink for you.

I asked her to wait and was keen to know what was the issue of her frustration and how she got attracted to
Ritesh with her huge age difference. I naturally got huge welcome words from Rajesh and Manohar Uncle as I took
the drinks for us to the balcony.

We both sat comfortably in the balcony and Bhabie started sharing her problem with me. I was pretty sure that it
was the result of her intoxication as well as what I saw today on the beach while bathing. She must have been
feeling guilty later on and now wanted to clear up her position. I also was not her friend that she would share her
personal life to me. Bhabie was near about 15 years elder than me!

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, you know what menopause is?

Me: Hmm. Of course Bhabie.

Sunita Bhabie: Do you know the exact consequences of it when it happens?

Me: Not actually, but the menses would stop.

Sunita Bhabie: Yes that’s the bottom line, but there are so many associated symptoms…

Me: Are you at that juncture?

Sunita Bhabie: Yes Anita, though my periods have not stopped, but have become very irregular. Not only that I am
having a lot of trouble as if there has been a change in my womanhood. Mentally and physically I am so disoriented
for the last six months. And in fact, you know, I gave the nod for this trip to feel better only!
Me: But I think Uncle can form a good support for you in this stage.

Sunita Bhabie made such a face hearing Manohar Uncle’s name that I was rather surprised. They apparently seem
to gel very well!

Sunita Bhabie: Okay, tell me Anita how do you see your uncle?

Me: Meaning?

Sunita Bhabie: I mean how do you rate him as a person?

Me: O! Absolutely great! Manohar Uncle is so energetic and joyful! The way he cracks jokes and makes us laugh
every time… he is the symbol of life Bhabie. You must be very happy living with such a spirited person.

Bhabie sipped her vodka and replied me.

Sunita Bhabie: True. He is great. He is joyful. I am blessed to have such a person as my husband. Agreed. But is
that all? Does he not have a responsibility to support my age and my necessities?

Me: I did not get you Bhabie.

Sunita Bhabie: I feel so ashamed to tell you all this… You are so young in comparison to me!

Me: Bhabie you still seem to have a barrier in your mind regarding me. You do not consider me…

Sunita Bhabie: No, no Anita. I adore you very much and that’s why I am sharing with you.

She again took a sip of vodka, but I was more keen in digging out Bhabie’s personal life. My drink remained

Sunita Bhabie: Actually as I am approaching menopause, instead of taking care of me, your Manohar Uncle had just
turned his face away regarding this matter. As you can see we have an age difference between us and if I can
understand his age, why can’t he be conscious of my needs?

Me: If he is aware that you understand his age, then he should also…

Bhabie snatched my words to reply. She seemed very dejected from the core of her heart.

Sunita Bhabie: Aware! I had not requested for anything physical this past one year, because I know he no longer
has it in him. But does that mean he will not even touch me Anita? Does that mean he will ignore me physically?

Me: Certainly not!

I could well realize Bhabie was getting carried away by the intoxication of the vodka.

Sunita Bhabie: But your uncle has been doing exactly that for the past few months. Anita, I do not know what you
are thinking about me, but believe me, I am not demanding… what should I say… I mean err… I am not demanding
sex, but I want a little love and care in my menopausal state. That’s all.

Bhabie again started sobbing

Me: Hmm, why don’t you talk to uncle regarding this matter?

Sunita Bhabie: Talk? Do you think I did not try, but in his philosophy desiring these at this age is a crime! He will
simply make a fun out of me if I show the urge to discuss on this topic with him. I know this man for 25 years

Me: I sympathize with you Bhabie. But…

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, forget about the inner bodily pains or the mental irritation due to this menopausal state, but
the gross ones also needs his help. You know, my pussy itches so much at times, but strangely there is no secretion!
It’s such a torrid state how would I explain you! My breasts and thighs seem to be so cramped at times that it
feels like having a good massage to lessen my pain. But…

Me: But what Bhabie?

She paused a bit to gulp another part of her drink.

Sunita Bhabie: But your uncle. One night I requested him to massage my breasts as it was aching and tightening
significantly. Forget about a massage, he did not even keep his palm on my breast! Another night I was having
cramps in my thighs and hence had raised my nighty till my waist to apply an ointment to my inner thighs. He
entered the room from toilet and seeing me in that posture slammed me saying what not…

Me: That’s sad Bhabie!

Sunita Bhabie: I do not believe this is the same man… And that’s not all Anita. How should I tell you? It’s so

Me: Finish your drink and tell me Bhabie.

She finished her glass bottoms up and shook her head. Now she was above the tipsy state I could realize from her

Sunita Bhabie: Your uncle has the habit of getting up early and does some reading in his study. That night I was
having a terrible itching in my pussy and I had lifted my nighty and tried to coax me with my own finger and I did
not know when I got asleep. When your uncle got out of the bed he must have noted that my nighty was pretty
much disoriented, but he silently went to the study! Minutes later our servant Gajodhar came.

Me: Gajodhar meaning Gayathri’s husband?

Sunita Bhabie: Yes, yes. He is the husband of your maid. Actually Gayathri was on leave for some days and Gajodhar
was doing her chores.

Me: O I see. Then?

Sunita Bhabie: Your uncle knew that it was not Gayathri. There were many a days that I was lying on bed when
Gayathri had come to mop the floor. But when he knew that a male had come, he should have waked me up or at
least straighten my nighty. Isn’t it?

Me: Surely.
Sunita Bhabie: But your uncle remained dumb knowing that Gajodhar would mop the floor and I was sleeping on bed
with my nighty…

Bhabie paused for a second bending down her head and then continued.

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, you know, not only that, your uncle also was aware that I was not even wearing a panty. Still
can you imagine - he did not even bother to wake me up, but simply allowed that rascal Gajodhar to mop the floor of
our bedroom!

I was eager to know what exactly Gayathri’s husband saw of Bhabie, but was unsure of how to put it. Bhabie herself
made it easy as she narrated every detail in the charm of the vodka!

Sunita Bhabie: Your uncle ignored me like anything! What dignity was left of me in front of my servant? Just tell
me Anita? Shame on me… I am sleeping in my bed with my nighty bunched up at my waist and that Gajodhar was
mopping the floor and my beloved husband was sitting in his study! Huh!

Me: Did Gayathri’s husband…?

Sunita Bhabie: I am damn sure that bastard saw everything that day. We do not even use a mosquito net over our
bed, so the view was crystal clear…

Me: What are you saying Bhabie! Did he see your… I mean err. choot also? I mean when you got up did you find him
in the room?

Sunita Bhabie: What else I am telling then? Anita, when I got up I saw with my sleepy eyes that Gajodhar was
mopping the floor and I remembered that Gayathri was on leave. Then realizing my exposed state, I immediately
pulled down my nighty to cover me. But surely by that time he must have seen my uncovered hairy choot. As I got
up I still looked horrible, as you can understand Anita, I was not wearing any undergarments. I quickly went inside
the toilet to get cover, but the big smile on that bastard’s face told the story.

Me: Sounds very weird Bhabie! Why would Manohar Uncle behave like that?

Sunita Bhabie: I don’t know what sin I had committed. And believe me, when I went to him with the morning tea,
your uncle was as normal as ever! He has been indifferent to me during those days and I suffered so much
mentally. The physical pains and aches only complemented to it.

Me: Bhabie, shall I bring another drink?

Sunita Bhabie: Are we consuming too much?

Me: No, no Bhabie, we had two small there with them and one here in the balcony. If you feel otherwise, then…

Sunita Bhabie: No, no, on the contrary I am really enjoying the drink.

Me: Great Bhabie. Then I will proceed for another one.

I ascended from my chair and immediately felt a spin due to my intoxication, but managed myself and went to the
room where my husband, Ritesh, and Manohar Uncle were having a gala time with hard drinks. They were pretty
surprised that we wanted another drink and prepared a couple of miniature Patialas for us.

I was getting an uncanny urge within myself to know more about this lady’s private life and I knew if I could make
her guzzle down some more vodka, she would reveal all her spicy secrets. As I sat in my chair beside Sunita Bhabie,
I threw my next question so that she could not deviate from the topic.

Me: Bhabie, then how did you manage this issue?

Sunita Bhabie: Initially I thought it might be a one-day ignorance on your uncle’s part, but when it started
happening day in and day out, I was really getting irritated and dejected. Another day, you know Anita, I was again
overlooked by him and that day was even worse than this one.

She sipped her vodka and I wondered what could be “even wore” than her middle-aged servant seeing her choot!

Sunita Bhabie: It also happened during the time Gajodhar was working in our home in place of Gayathri. We were
going somewhere I do not remember exactly and there were some heavy luggage with us and so we decided to take
Gajodhar with us. Unfortunately, there were some trains canceled that day and the station was thronged with
people anticipating the train.

Me: Oh! Trains canceled means a pathetic situation….

Sunita Bhabie: Yes exactly. Seeing the situation I could foresee that the ensuing train would be packed and my
condition would be quite vulnerable amidst so many males hustling and bustling around to get inside the
compartment. So I just requested him to give me some protection while I get inside the compartment. Anita, tell
me, did I ask for anything wrong?

Me: Certainly not. I know very well what those filthy males do taking advantage of the crowd.

Sunita Bhabie: Exactly so… Arre, they will do all sorts of dirty activities and you cannot even protest and create a
scene in the crowd naa?

Me: True. True. They know that very well.

Sunita Bhabie: That’s why I said to your uncle to be behind me and protect my breasts from the sides and as he
would be behind me my backside would automatically be protected. But… who would listen to that? He started
giving me ‘gyan’ that at this age I was still unable to take care of myself, what would our daughter do if this was my
condition etc. etc. – all rubbish!

Me: Did he not realize the practical problem?

Sunita Bhabie: Not at all and he even said… at my age no one would be interested to do those things with me, I was
no longer a teenager, and so on and so forth. I saw the train had already entered the station and there was no point
arguing with your uncle. He decided that Gajodhar would not be able to go upfront as he had the luggage, so he
himself would escort us and fight the crowd and he asked me to remain in the middle.

Me: That’s somewhat better though those males act from behind mostly.

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, I have seen 40 springs in my life; I know exactly what happens where. That was the reason I
requested your uncle… But he was more interested in taunting my age!

Me: Then?

Sunita Bhabie: How can I say these things to you? I feel so ashamed!
Me: Come on Bhabie. What shame etc. you are talking about! We are friends now. If you keep things to yourself,
you will suffer more Bhabie. Tell me naa. Please.

Sunita Bhabie: Okay, if you insist. I entered the compartment somehow pushing and hustling behind your uncle, but
realized the situation inside was jam-packed. There were people on both sides of the alley and we were trying to
make way through them. Though I kept my handbag close to my boobs I clearly felt a few elbowing to my…

She sipped a little vodka from the glass.

Sunita Bhabie: As your uncle settled at a place, I noticed Gajodhar was able to shift the luggage to an upper berth.
I was virtually pressed against your uncle and frankly I was feeling a bit joyous getting his smell and touch after a

I smiled at her.

Sunita Bhabie: I will not hide from you Anita… I moved my handbag off my boobs and pressed them on your uncle
back. Even at this age his touch was giving me goosebump. But unfortunately he remained quite unmoved not even
bothering to give me a glance! Just then I felt a forceful push on my buttocks. The insides of the compartment was
not semi-dark and the way people were standing close to each other I could figure out who did it, but very soon it
started bothering me as I felt he had kept his palm on my sari-covered butt.

Me: Oh! The old syndrome! These dirty males…

Sunita Bhabie: I looked from the corner of my eyes if it was Gajodhar, though he won’t have that much courage I
knew, but still checked once. I found that both his arms were raised up to hold the handle for balance. Then it has
to be someone from my left or right side, but it was impossible for to make out, as there was not an inch to move.

Me: Bhabie, what did you do then? Did he proceed further?

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, see, he must have noticed that I was somewhat deliberately pressing my boobs on your uncle’s
back though the train was of course overcrowded and he took that advantage. Frankly I was also enjoying your
uncle’s body smell and…

Me: I can understand Bhabie… that’s very natural also especially considering that you were devoid of even a normal
hug also!

Sunita Bhabie: True Anita, absolutely. But that rouge was bolder than the normal ones we face in buses or trains.

Me: Why? What did he do?

Sunita Bhabie: Arre, he in no time was able to trace my panty line within my sari and started outlining my panty
with his finger on my ass! It was such a ticklish and weird feeling as he skimmed my whole round ass along the hem
of my panty! I tried to stand erect within that sandwiched position, but had little effect on that guy. That bastard
had now stretched all his fingers on my gaand and was feeling the full roundness of my ass with his whole palm! I
could not allow more. It was outrageous!

Me: How did you combat that Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: I obviously could not tell your uncle, as he would surely have made a mockery of me in front of all, so
I decided to tell Gajodhar.
Me: Gajodhar?!?

Sunita Bhabie: I was also a bit hesitant initially Anita, but tell me where was the alternative? Otherwise I had to
create a scene there.

Me: Hmm. That’s true. But… but what did you tell him Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: Yes I was also tentative, but since that man was gaining in confidence and had already started to
mildly pull my panty from over my sari with his fingers, I had to act fast.

Me: My goodness! What courage!

Sunita Bhabie: Yes, if you keep dumb and allow them, these dirty males might end up doing anything taking
advantage of the crowd Anita!

Me: I know!

We smiled at each other meaningfully.

Sunita Bhabie: I indicated Gajodhar to come nearer and as soon as I did that I felt that man immediately removed
his hand off my gaand. I had to gulp down my shame and though I stammered but whispered to Gajodhar that
someone from the crowd was misbehaving on my gaand, but I did not want any scene there. Gajodhar seemed more
than glad that I had referred the matter to him and not to my husband and readily replied that he would take care
of it.

Me: Then?

Sunita Bhabie: Gajodhar told softly in my ears that I should not press my body on your uncle’s back and stand

Me: Were you still pressing on Manohar uncle?

Sunita Bhabie: Yes, err… frankly Anita, I was enjoying very much the way I remained pressed on his back. It was
after such a long time…

Me: Hmm.

Sunita Bhabie: But as soon as I stood properly the gap behind me narrowed and Gajodhar further narrowed it by
coming very close to me. Now actually I could sense his breathing on my neck. Both his arms were raised above my
head to catch the handle for balance. Within moments I could feel something getting hard and protruding out and
knocking my firm ass flesh.

Me: Gajodhar’s…?

Sunita Bhabie: Or what? That bastard took the advantage of my vulnerable state and instead of keeping an eye, he
himself was using the opportunity to exploit me!

Me: But Bhabie… was that not expected? He is after all from the servant class…

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, I know that. That’s why I was mentally prepared to allow that much.
Me: Then what happened?

Sunita Bhabie: Arre, he was just too much! In order to finish off the gap behind me so that no one can insert his
hand from the sides, he pressed on my back. And these people… I do not know what underwear they wear… Anita,
take my word, I could clearly feel his lund getting bigger as he continued pressing it on my gaand.

Me: My God!

Sunita Bhabie: For the moment I got carried away. Due to my advancing menopausal stage I was deprived of such
things for a long time and honestly got thrilled to have a growing lund pressed on my gaand. Automatically my sari-
covered back also pressed Gajodhar on his crotch. The scoundrel got more courage at my behavior. I felt a warm
hand on my waist. Instantaneously I turned my head, as I thought he was holding the handle with both his hands,
and I found he had taken off one hand off the handle, which was on my waist fold.

Me: Gayathri’s husband seems to be quite courageous!

I smiled naughtily at Bhabie and she also smiled back with a tinge of redness on her face.

Sunita Bhabie: You think of my condition. Your uncle was standing just by me, don’t forget that dear!

Me: Right, right.

Sunita Bhabie: My heart was then pounding and I could hear that overcoming the chattering sound of the running

Bhabie and I both sipped vodka from our glasses and this time I had also brought some cashew nuts and potato
chips with me in a plate, which we were also sharing.

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, I really did not remember when your uncle last loved me. Again I am not talking of sex, but
doing the simple things like hugging or a little foreplay… And when Gajodhar was doing those lewd things very
directly in the moving train, instead of stopping him, I just succumbed more and more…

Bhabie was looking at the floor momentarily. Was she feeling ashamed?

Sunita Bhabie: I could not resist him. I was so thirsty of touches at that time. Gajodhar was now gyrating his
crotch on my round ass and I was also shamelessly moving my hips subtly to support him.

Bhabie was shaking her head. There was silence for the moment.

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, you must be thinking how far down your Bhabie went that she was enjoying with her servant…

Me: Bhabie, if you think like this, then please don’t share. I stand by you completely Bhabie that you have done no

Sunita Bhabie: Really Anita? I knew you would understand.

I shifted within my chair bringing my ass to the edge of the chair and extended my arm to her. She held my palm
firmly and nodded her head.

Me: Bhabie, by no means I am thinking that you have slipped from your path.
Sunita Bhabie: Thanks Anita… Err… Coming back to that incident… While Gajodhar was almost humping my back, all
this time your uncle did not even bother to look back once and ask if I was okay or not. After 10 minutes or so a
station came. By that time of course that scoundrel had shifted his hand from my waist and had felt every inch of
my gaand over my sari. There were more passengers coming board and none alighted! So, you can easily understand
the situation.

Me: Hmm.

Sunita Bhabie: With more passengers trying to push through the passage Gajodhar was pressed more on my body.
Now the pressure was such that I had to raise both my hands and got hold of your uncle’s back for support. I
handed over my handbag to your uncle. But then…

Me: What did he do Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: He is a pakka harami…

Me: Bhabie! What language?

Sunita Bhabie: A-n-i-t-a! You know what he did? I could not even handed my bag to Manohar fully that he put his
hand under my armpit to…

Me: Oh!

I started laughing and Bhabie also was amused.

Sunita Bhabie: Arre, wait for the moment….

Me: Its tough to resist seeing those Bhabie. At your age they look very, very firm.

I indicated her boobs through my eyes. Bhabie blushed slightly like any woman and adjusted her pallu over her well-
formed boobs as if out of natural reflex.

Sunita Bhabie: I had to lower my arm, as I was pretty sure the person standing to my side could see Gajodhar’s
naughty acts if I keep my arm raised. But that idiot did not even shift his hand off my armpit and Gajodhar’s hand
remained stuck within my armpit under my arm.

Me: Wow Bhabie! How was the feeling? Must be very…

Sunita Bhabie: Yes, very sexy, but my heart was then in my mouth as your uncle turned towards me.

Me: My goodness!

Sunita Bhabie: It was just momentary though I did not know the reason, rather I was not in a position to think on
that also, as Gajodhar’s fingers were crawling over the round cup of my blouse. I quickly looked round to see if
anyone was noticing, but fortunately enough everybody was concerned about the crowd. Realizing that I loosened
my armpit a bit so that I could enjoy his touches fully. He was cupping and feeling my full mammaries, taking one at
a time in his large palm, grabbing and pressing them. The semi darkness setting within the overcrowded
compartment obviously helped a lot. You know Anita, it seemed as if after ages someone was touching my boobs! All
my menopausal booby aches seemed to resolve on every squeeze that rascal was giving to my tight flesh.

Me: It must have been a true rejuvenation!

Sunita Bhabie: Absolutely! After so many days my vaginal path secreted juices, as due to my age probably I was
unable to self-excite myself any more. Gajodhar felt my both breasts amply over my blouse and I felt secured as
his arm was hidden under my pallu. But, you know Anita, throughout that incident I felt as if it was not Gajodhar
touching me, but it was your uncle making love to me!

Me: Hmm. I can understand that Bhabie.

Sunita Bhabie: The whole thing went on for some more time before the next station came. I could realize Gajodhar
was discontented, as he was trying his best to push his lund into my ass crack fully, but expectedly I was wearing a
panty under my sari and so he was getting hindrance there.

Me: Little could you do about that!

I smiled and sipped my vodka.

Sunita Bhabie: True, but frankly Anita, at that moment I was regretting! Had I not worn a panty that day certainly
would have given me greater pleasure. It all ended at the next station when your uncle managed a seat for me and I
got seated there.

Me: Did Gayathri’s husband not try anything else later after that incident on that day?

Sunita Bhabie: No. Fortunately not and I also made it a point not to be alone with him under any circumstances at
least on that day and I behaved absolutely normally with him giving him no opportunity to take a further step.
Luckily Gayathri was also back to work the day after and so everything was normal again.

Me: You are very lucky Bhabie that way…

Sunita Bhabie: Yes, I know. These males are dangerous, if they scent blood, they will go for the kill. Gajodhar might
have also thought that he would get a sure shot chance to lay me on bed, but I made sure that there arose no such
opportunity for him.

Me: That’s really great on your part! But tell me Bhabie did you sleep properly that night? I am asking this since
you had a male interaction after such a long tome!

Sunita Bhabie: Oh! That night. I was only wriggling on bed, as your uncle was as cold as ever to me that night also. A
warm hug would have eased out everything off my mind, but… yes, definitely my waist and thigh aches were lesser
that night and even my boobs were not that taut. And since after a long time my vaginal path got wet, I felt much,
much better though that night I really wished to be….

Me: I can understand Bhabie.

Sunita Bhabie: Yes, even at 40 years+ that night I aspired to be in Manohar’s arms and craved for an intercourse

Me: … which was quite natural also.

There were some moments of silence and then Bhabie again continued.

Sunita Bhabie: But Anita… I probably stepped on the beehive that day because the itching, which started after
that day in my pussy drove me almost crazy. All my menopausal symptoms seemed to have aggravated so much! I
was so very restless the whole of the week that followed. I cannot describe in words to you Anita - my boobs
always remained taut and aching, my nipples were discharging fluid, and my pussy was itching all the time but my
vaginal path was as dry as a bone. I was getting wilder as Manohar was not responding at all to my symptoms and
bypassing things by just saying, “Go to the doctor”.

Me: A very tough situation for any woman….

Sunita Bhabie: Yes Anita… And ultimately the inevitable happened. I was so desperate those days that I lost my
conscience and clung to the nearest available opportunity!

My eyes as if sparkled listening to that anticipating some more revealing facts from this elderly woman.

Me: Meaning?

Sunita Bhabie: No, no! Not the ultimate of course…

We both smiled meaningfully.

Me: Oh! Okay!

Sunita Bhabie: As I was saying that whole week after that episode with Gajodhar, my body developed more aches
than before! Anita, you won’t imagine that these remained so taut that I had to start remain bra-less in my house
during the day.

Bhabie pointed to her globes under her sari pallu. We both again sipped our vodka and I was enjoying quite a bit of
tipsy feeling now and Bhabie also must have been having the same alcoholic spell.

Sunita Bhabie: And not only that, I was simultaneously getting vaginal and inner thigh cramps and was in a very
messy situation. Just during that time my sister called up from Delhi and told of sending Nandu in vacation to our
place, which was not a very uncommon phenomenon though. Nandu did come previously also to our house and stayed
for a week or so during his vacations in school.

Me: okay. Nandu is your sister’s son?

Sunita Bhabie: Right, he is my elder sister’s son. Actually she is the one who got the matrimonial tip for my

Me: I see.

Sunita Bhabie: Nandu will give ISC this year, but during that time he was in Class XI. Believe me Anita, as soon as I
saw him when he arrived at our place, my mind started working dirty and I…

Bhabie looked towards the floor and she was shaking her head and I could understand she must have been feeling
guilty for something.

Me: Bhabie… please don’t break off.

Sunita Bhabie: Yes… Actually Anita I somehow omitted my scruples and did such lousy things that… I am like his
mother you know Anita… Nandu respects me like that only, but I exploited him… I tasted the taboo! Huh! But you
know Anita, towards the end he was also… I could feel that, but I have to be blamed because…
Me: Bhabie. Bhabie. Calm down first. Tell me everything in a proper fashion.

It seemed Bhabie was starting to be greatly influenced by the vodka now and I gave her some time to recompose so
that she could tell me every detail of her sexy encounter.

Sunita Bhabie: I need to go to toilet once. My bladder seems to be overflowing.

I smiled and accompanied her. We went to the attached bathroom of Bhabie’s room as the males were taking their
drinks in our room. Bhabie was wearing a sari and it was easier for her to quickly lift the sari and pulled down her
panty and sat on the floor. I noted her heavy round naked gaand was looking very sexy in the blue light of the
toilet. As I was feeling tipsy I was unable to open the knot of my pajama quickly and by the time I could finally
open it and sit down, Bhabie was almost complete.

Sunita Bhabie: Aah! Arre, what happened?

Me: Its okay Bhabie. The knot got stuck…

Sunita Bhabie: Oh! You know Anita, this is one area your uncle has always been a novice! May it be opening the
mosquito net from the wall or be it my petticoat, he was sure to fumble.

We both laughed out and after emptying my bladder and Bhabie watering the toilet floor, we were again out in the
balcony, back to our vodka.

Me: Bhabie, you were telling your experience with your sister’s son… what’s his name?

Sunita Bhabie: Yes. Nandu. But Anita these are so personal things that I am feeling so very ashamed to tell you.

Me: Bhabie, you started with that again. Tell me naa…

Sunita Bhabie: Actually I was passing through such hollowness in my mind and body that I got wild in my thoughts
also. In fact I still feel that emptiness grasping me at times.

Me: It is indeed a very tough phase of your life.

Sunita Bhabie: More so because I am finding my husband crippled. Otherwise what I did with Nandu is a crime…

Me: Don’t think it that way Bhabie. It is God who provides us the options that we sometimes clutch to.

Sunita Bhabie: Right Anita. That’s how I think it now a days!

There was a brief pause and then Bhabie continued sharing her experience to me uncensored.

Sunita Bhabie: You know Anita, the moment I saw Nandu when he entered with your uncle, my mind started to
evolve devilish thoughts. I immediately decided that the healing approach that I am missing from your uncle I
would replenish from Nandu!

Me: But how Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: Yes, I knew it was difficulty as I was his ‘mausi’, but then… I had just no options but to… Actually
Anita, things turned out to be so exciting that there was no stoppage from my end! It was like an addiction for me
teasing this teenage boy.
She took her time, sipped a little vodka, exhaled a long breath, and continued.

Sunita Bhabie: As your uncle entered with Nandu and I went forward and greeted him normally. He took my
ashirwad touching my feet and I gave him a normal light hug. But Anita, believe me, I was experiencing a racing
heartbeat. It had never happened earlier the innumerable times I have hugged Nandu, who is just like my son! But
that day everything seemed different. He was in XI then and he is almost as tall as me. I took his head in my hands
and kissed his forehead in the most normal way, but something was happening in me. His teenage look, faint
moustache, and well-built body were clouding my focus. I then just casually hugged him patting his back
emphasizing the fact that he has got taller, but could realize very clearly that as soon as my boob contours pressed
on his flat chest, my nipples were getting harder. Strangely the same uneasiness was crippling me when Gajodhar
was enjoying me in the moving train.

Me: The physical change that’s taking place in you probably made you think that way.

Sunita Bhabie: Exactly Anita. My menopausal state, not being attended properly by Manohar, and Gajodhar’s
passionate pressing and squeezing that day had worsened my mental state further and I was trying to extract
pleasures from the unthinkable.

Me: Taboo!

Sunita Bhabie: I quickly disassociated myself from Nandu’s body and asked him to go to his room and get fresh.
Your uncle had already moved inside the house to keep his luggage etc. I went to the kitchen to prepare tea and
evening snacks for Nandu, but my mind was somewhere else. There was a fight going on in my mind that why it
happened? Nandu is just 17-18 years of age and I am just like his mom, but today a simple embrace for some
seconds made me feel hot inside! As I cooked I did not find a suitable answer, instead I found my mind more
inclined to use this opportunity of one week that Nandu would stay here to fulfill my desires!

Me: And you did that?

Sunita Bhabie: Yes, my heartbeats were still high and in the kitchen itself I made up my mind to utilize Nandu’s
stay to my joy. Here also the hindrance was your uncle who used to stay most of the time at home. He used to go at
a photography circle from 10:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m. - that too not all days.

Me: Then how did you manage Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: I told you I was thinking devilish that time and was able to create situations easily for Nandu to
become intimate to me. That evening nothing happened, but when Nandu was about to go to bed, I started having an
outlandish feeling in my mind to attract him towards me. Just imagine Anita to what extent I was frustrated! I am
40+ and I was so keen to go to this 18-year-old boy who was my sister’s son!

Bhabie dipped her head in shame, I guess.

Me: Hmm Bhabie. Very interesting!

Sunita Bhabie: I noted cautiously that your uncle was watching TV and since we all had dinner there was little
chance that he would look for me. So, for me, the coast was clear. I had already changed to my nightwear and
thought it was the best opportunity to stir this teenage boy. So I went ahead to go to his room.

Me: Bhabie… no inner?

Sunita Bhabie: No, no. I was wearing a bra inside. To tell you honestly Anita its not that the idea of removing my
bra had not come to my mind, because you know even at this age my boobs are reasonably firm and tight than what
I see in women of my age. I am not boasting Anita, but yes, its true that my muscles have slackened, but still I
don’t have sagged breasts like most ladies of my age. Moreover, since I was having that acute tautness in my
breasts during that time and I used to remain bra-less in the morning hours, I was rather conscious about it. So
though I was sure I would not look vulgar in a bra-less condition, I did not want to overdo things at the very first
opportunity with Nandu.

Bhabie sounded quite confident about her boob strength and tightness. Automatically my eyes also went to her
mammaries and indeed they appeared full, round, and erect under her blouse, but generally women of her age tend
to wear tighter bras to look modest, but my intoxicated mind was thinking naughty!

Me: Oh! At 40 if you have tight boobs, then I have to say Manohar uncle was not up to the task…

Ha ha huh….

We rolled out in laughter and Bhabie corrected me.

Sunita Bhabie: Not at all Anita. During my good days he used to attack like a beast and was very fond of playing
with my tits and I enjoyed every bit of it. But probably once he realized he lost his erection, he coiled into his self
and you know, he does not even want to talk at all on these issues.

Me: Bhabie…. Nandu!

Sunita Bhabie: Oh yes! So after checking that your uncle was watching some sports channel, I went to Nandu’s

#### <<Narration is in Sunita Bhabie’s words henceforth>>

Me: Is everything okay beta?

Nandu: Yes mausi. Its hotter here than in Delhi.

Me: Yes Nandu, everything is hot here.

Nandu laughed not comprehending my double meaning phrase. He was too innocent to catch my prank. I checked his
bed though his bed was already made. As I stretched the already stretched bedcover, I deliberately bent down in
front of him so that my cleavage was visible over the U-neck of my nighty. I noticed Nandu noted that for a
second, but looked elsewhere. Afterall I was his mausi.

Me: Have you not brought any shorts? How can you sleep in these pajamas Nandu? It’s so hot.

Nandu stammered as I could well realize he had not brought shorts along with him.

Nandu: I can manage mausi.

Me: No, no. How can that be? Have you not brought any Bermudas also?

Nandu: No. Actually mom told to take pajamas because she said I would look indecent in those Bermudas if someone
comes at your place.
Me: Oh! This Tulsi naa! Anyway, I will look for an old Bermuda of your mausa-ji.

I intentionally adjusted my bra inside my nighty thrusting my heavy boobs in front of Nandu’s face who was sitting
on the bed. I could see that he had the eagerness to look at me, but probably due to our relationship he was
avoiding eye contact.

Me: But if I do not get a shorts, please don’t do what your mausa-ji used to do. Oh! Horrible!

Nandu: What mausi?

Me: I can tell you, but then don’t tell your mausa-ji that I have shared it with you.

Nandu: No, no mausi.

I tried my best to make things hotter for Nandu so that he starts taking interest in me. Nandu’s eyes were
inquisitive to know what his mausa-ji would do.

Me: Arre! What to say Nandu! Suppose he is on bed with me and is wearing a pajama and the weather is hot like
today’s, after sometime I will surely find him with his pajama down to his knees and he is sleeping. Just imagine!

I tried to keep my voice as sweet as possible with a meaningful smile on my lips to catch Nandu’s full attention.
Naturally Nandu could not react properly to my comment and was feeling rather tight, which depicted through his
foolish smile.

Me: Nandu, just wait. I will bring you a Bermuda.

Saying that I went to my bedroom and took out an old shorts of Manohar from the wardrobe and handed over to

Nandu: Thanks mausi.

I was planning to hug him once before I bid him good night. My pussy was itching already! My heart had started to
beat faster!

Me: Nandu, come here once. Have you gone past me?

Nandu: Yes mausi. Am taller than you now.

Saying that he came down from the bed and stood near me.

Me: Oh! You were just this much small when you used to play in our house and now you have gone past me! How
quickly days go by…

I pretended that I was really surprised seeing him taller than me.

Me: I wish you all the success in life Nandu… May God bless you with his choicest blessings.

While saying that I stood very closely to him and put my right hand on his head.

Me: Do not ever give pain to your parents and always take care of them.
Now I descended my right hand from his head down his neck to his shoulder and stood closer so that my protruding
boobs started brushing his arm and chest.

Me: Be good towards all and always be truthful. Okay my dear?

I could realize my nipples under my nighty were getting harder and my body trembled a bit as I put my left arm
also on his shoulder.

Nandu: Y… yes mausi.

Me: Good boy. I sincerely wish that you grew to a true human in life.

Saying those emotional words, I very normally held his face with both hands and pulled his head towards me and
kissed his forehead. When I met him in the evening I did exactly the same thing, but this time I wanted more. I
forgot my relation with him and that he was just a teenager and a class XI boy and myself being 40+ and mother of
a married daughter!

Me: Nandu, don’t forget your mausi when you become a big man... Will you forget me?

His head was already on my shoulder and his body was somewhat bending back and away from me. I now embraced
him ensuring that his body presses on me. Though it was a motherly hug, but Nandu was a bit hesitant and
uncomfortable and so I continued to stroke his head and back very normally as an elderly person would do so that
he did not feel awkward.

Nandu: No, mausi, how can I forget you all?

Me: Hmm. Keep that in mind.

I gently pushed my boobs into his flat chest to give the young boy the feeling of my big bra-covered boobs and I
was certain that Nandu was aware of the fullness of my breasts pressing on his body. I wanted him to hold me by
my waist, but of course that never happened and he kept his hands at his sides out of sheer vacillation. I tried to
extract as much pleasure as possible from that ‘motherly hug’ and continued pressing my tight mammaries on his
chest. Though I felt like embracing him very tightly, but I had to control my emotions keeping in mind that Nandu
might act erratically seeing my bold behavior. Moreover, the last thing I wanted was to make Manohar
unnecessarily suspicious. The whole week was still left for me.

I bid him good night and came to my room. Manohar was still watching the television and I called him to come to
bed. I found he came almost instantaneously, which was surprising to me, as on most days I call him, wait and then
finally go to bed, but he still continues to watch those rubbish sports programs. I was burning within me getting
the slightest feel of Nandu’s body and honestly wished my husband to make love.

But… alas!

He want to the toilet and I was about to open my bra to go to bed, but thought to wait and open it in front of him
to ignite some fire in him. I knew it would be a futile effort because at this age this activity hardly would yield any
attention from Manohar, as he had seen me innumerable times changing my dress in front of him. But since I was
excited within me I thought to give it a try.

Manohar came out of the toilet.

Manohar: Has Nandu gone to sleep?

My heart as if missed a beat hearing Nandu’s name. It was the most normal question, but as I had the guilty feeling
in my mind I almost stammered.

Me: Nan… Nandu… Y… yes.

Manohar switched off the tube-light and put on the night lamp and got onto bed. I also ascended on bed and as I
was about to lie down I pretended as if I forgot to open my bra.

Me: Oho. E ji, can you please open it? I forgot to open it…

Manohar with a reluctant face got up and inserted his hands inside the nighty on my back to open my bra. He was
able to unclasp my bra in a moment and I took it out from within my nighty in the sexiest way possible only to find
that he was getting ready to sleep!

Me: E ji, I think there is a problem here. Just see naa.

I tried to keep my voice as sexy as possible and pointed towards my breasts and now I had pulled down my nighty’s
front portion significantly so that my big jiggling mammaries almost popped out.

Manohar: Why? What has happened? I am telling you Sunita for so many days to consult the doctor…

He still did not seem to be much interested even though my boobs were hanging naked in front of his face almost
out of my nighty.

Me: See I am getting discharges here.

If he was alert, he could have easily noted that my nipples were standing quite erect and swollen, which could only
happen if I am sexually aroused. He now came closer and tried to inspect my breasts.

Manohar: One sec, let me switch on the tube.

I was so very disappointed by this action that I almost expressed it. He was not getting the hint at all.

The light was on and I shamelessly sat on the bed with my matured boobs popping out of my nighty. He inspected
my black round areolas, which were glistening with the white discharge.

Manohar: In the first appearance it looks like milk, but it’s not milk… a slippery discharge, the odor is also not

I eagerly wanted him to hold, press, and cup my boobs, but he was too serious.

Me: I am feeling something here. Check naa…

I pushed both my boobs out of my nighty for my husband and pointed an area just above the areola of my left

Manohar: Where?

Saying that he touched my left boob and it felt so great that I cannot express in words. The full illumination of the
tube-light in the room was definitely making me uncomfortable to sit with my both boobs exposed, but still I
continued in the hope that my husband’s sexual desire would be kindled.

Manohar: No I can’t feel anything, but, you must go to the doctor soon. Now go to sleep.

I was just left alone as he switched off the light and…

I sat for a while in that posture with my both boobs out of my nighty, but then and there decided that I would
extract pleasures from Nandu and I started not to feel guilty anymore and was building logic in my mind that it was
rather justified due to Manohar’s continued ignorance towards me!

Day #1
I awoke at the call of Gayathri, our maidservant. I went to the toilet and changed to a sari and after giving her
instructions regarding cooking and sipping a cup of tea, thought of calling Nandu. I took a cup of tea and went to
his room. The door of the room was closed, but not locked from inside. I gently pushed the door and went inside. I
saw Nandu was sleeping in the shorts that I had given him last night and since he was in a supine position how could
I miss the nice little bulge within his pant? I was also attracted by his naked upper body, which was nicely built and
quite expectedly without a trace of fat anywhere.

Me: Nandu! Nandu!

I called him twice and then pushed him lightly, but he was still having a sound sleep. Was he dreaming? Who knows!
A naughty thought came to my mind! I kept the cup of tea for him at bedside and quickly closed the door. Now I
was pretty safe and went near him and gently touched his lund from over his shorts. My heart was pounding and I
could hear it beating, as this was probably the first time I was touching the penis of another male apart from my
husband and that too so consciously and openly. The thrill I extracted simply by touching it made me feel like a 25
or 30 year-old married woman! It was nothing new – I had held my husband’s penis so many times, had stroked it,
licked it and even sucked it ‘n’ number of times in my long married life, but still Nandu’s shorts-covered small dick
was attracting me like anything!

I was now trying to feel his penis with my fingers and was pressing on his shorts. I could feel the meat! I even
could feel the angled form of his lund within his shorts. It was in a semi-erect state. Was he dreaming about me?
No, no can’t be.


I was ecstatic with my activity, but my delight was short-lived as I noticed Nandu was beginning to wake up. I
instantly got off from the bed and again took the cup from bedside and started calling him to get up. Within
moments Nandu got up and I noted he almost blushed in front of me being in that tiny shorts only. Did he realize
that I was touching his semi-erect penis seconds ago? Didn’t seem from his face. I acted normally and told him to
have the tea and come to the breakfast table fast.

During this time of the day, from around 9 to 10 a.m., I used to have maximum tautness in my breasts, which was
one of the symptoms of my ensuing menopause, and hence remained without my bra to feel somewhat comfortable.
Today for a moment I was hesitant due to Nandu’s presence, but decided to go ahead in spite of this young man’s
presence. Like I did on other days, I was wearing my sari, blouse, and petticoat, but no innerwears. I looked rather
eye-catching as my mature milk jugs were undulating appreciably inside my blouse as I moved about inside the
house. I did notice Nandu was eyeing my freely swinging mammaries under my sari pallu. In fact, I was getting
rather excited thinking that he was gazing at me.

I was eagerly waiting for Manohar to leave, but unfortunately he decided to spend time with Nandu, which
obviously was quite normal also, he being his mausa-ji. They were sitting and chatting on various topics and were
watching TV. Seeing no opportunity, I went for my bath, as it was noon already. When I came out of the toilet, I
noticed Manohar was going to the local shop to buy some medicines. I thought I must take this opportunity and do
something to keep Nandu’s focus on me.

I tried the old and tested formula.

I heard the main door being closed by my husband as he went out. I was in our bedroom and Nandu was about to go
for bath. I quickly set up the stage for him to come closer to me. That time I had only my petticoat and towel
wrapped on my body as I came out of the toilet. I quickly tied the petticoat at my waist and took a fresh brassiere
from the wardrobe and put the cups in place. I deliberately left the bra hook open on my back.

Me: Nandu… N-a-n-d-u….! Can you come down once beta?

I got an instant reply.

Nandu: Yes, mausi, coming…

The door of the room was closed, but not bolted. I was standing in front of the mirror in my bra and petticoat. By
no means I was looking decent - the whole of my back remained exposed from by shoulder to my waist. Only the
strap of my bra was hanging behind. I could see in the mirror that my round and fleshy buttocks was also
protruding out of my petticoat making me look more sexy, if I could say that even at 40!

I heard Nandu’s footsteps and soon there was the knock at the door. My heart was beating very fast and my lips
drying up, as I was doing this sort of a deliberate exhibition for the first time in my life. Yes, I had changed my
dress many a times in front of Manohar, but this was very different!

Me: Come in Nandu.

He opened the door and came inside my bedroom. I could see him in the mirror and instantly his gaze was fixed on
my naked back.

Nandu: What is it mausi?

Me: See naa, I cannot put on this hook. Can you help me please?

He came closer to me and now he can clearly see my big-sized boobs clasped in the bra with a lot of flesh oozing
out over my undergarment. I was definitely looking very seductive in that pose. The only cover hindering Nandu to
see my boobs and nipples were the two thin bra cups!

Nandu: I have never fixed it, but still I will try mausi.

Nandu related an honest confession I could understand, as it was quite impossible for a class XI boy to have fixed
a bra unless he is quite advanced for his age and definitely Nandu was not that type.

For the first time in my life I had kept open my whole back in front of another male apart from my husband and
standing shamelessly wearing the bra. Nandu must have been eyeing the two big moles on my smooth back. They
generally remain covered within my blouse back, but now they were exposed completely. I remembered the two
moles being kissed and sucked innumerable times by my husband during foreplay and he always found those two
very sexy on my very fair and smooth back.

Nandu took the bra straps in both hands and the very feel of his warm fingers on my cold naked back made me
shiver! I could clearly feel a stir within my pussy, more so as I was not wearing a panty below my petticoat. I closed
my legs as much as possible so that my excitement is not very apparent to Nandu. He tried to stretch the straps
and make the ends meet, but was unable to do so. I was really enjoying the whole thing and was nicely getting

Nandu: Uff mausi, it’s too tight! Am unable to meet these ends.

Me: But I wear it everyday Nandu. You pull it with more force, it will definitely meet and you can then fix the hook.

Nandu: O… Okay. Will try again.

He now pulled my bra straps at my back with some additional strength and in the process my mammaries got
pressed within the bra cups giving me more excitement.

Me: Aah! Its hurting me Nandu.

Nandu: Sorry mausi, but…

Me: Wait, wait. Let me see if I can help you. Leave the straps.

Nandu released the loose straps of my bra and remained in his position just behind me. I now offered him a super
sexy posture so that he gets an instant erection and of course I also wheedled out great stimulation out of it.

Me: You come to this side. Then I think it will be easier.

Nandu like an obedient dog came forward to face me. He was like my son’s age (if I had one). I was standing in
front of him with an open bra. My butter-colored big tits were so much exposed! The whole valley in between my
breasts along with the upper portions of my globes was clearly visible to this teenager. And, as my bra was not
fastened at the back, my boobs were bouncing and undulating with each movement of mine making me look like a
seductress. I could see he could not meet my eyes and time and again was eyeing my open treasures, which was
quite natural also.

Me: Okay. Nandu, now take your hands from below my armpits and try meeting the straps. This should work.

Nandu advanced his hands towards the sides of my breasts and I shamelessly raised my arms to help him hold the
straps. Initially I raised my arms a bit only so that his hands brush the sides of my boobs as he would stretch it
over my back, but I soon was eager to entice him my moist armpits. There was not a tinge of hair in my armpits as I
cleaned it at regular intervals. I noticed Nandu was stealing glances of my glistening armpits and his face came very
near to my body as he extended his arms to my back to fix the hook. I felt like embracing him tightly, but somehow
checked myself thinking of our relation.

This time he was able to fix the bra hook and I could see his eyes were greedily lapping my partly exposed body.

Me: Thanks Nandu. Thanks a lot.

Nandu: My ple… err. I mean its okay mausi.

Me: Actually you know at other times your mausa-ji helps me if I get stuck…

Nandu nodded and continued to peep at my firm globes now encased in my bra. I was delaying to wear my blouse on
purpose so that Nandu could continue to enjoy the view.
Me: The heat is such… it’s hard to keep clothes on my body. Just see, I had my bath minutes ago and I am already

Nandu: True mausi. I am also perspiring. Here the heat is just too much.

“You are perspiring for different reason my dear”, I smiled and murmured in my mind.

Me: But you males are so lucky Nandu… you can just wear a pajama or a bermuda and move about in the house, but
we ladies cannot do that naa.

Nandu: Ha ha… that’s quite true mausi.

Me: Your mausa-ji though says sometimes to take off the sari, but tell me Nandu will that not look very odd?

I was trying my best to tangle this young lad into a sexy conversation after the bra hook episode so that he keeps
recapitulating on these, which in effect would aid me to pin him down easily. I picked up my blouse and was about to
wear it now.

Nandu: Who is seeing you in the house mausi?

Me: It’s not the question of anyone seeing me Nandu, actually…

Nandu: But mausi, to avoid the heat what else can you do?

Me: Off Ho! You males all think alike! You are underlining only what your mausa-ji suggested! Tell me, tomorrow if
the weather turns hotter, then? What will I do? Eh? Take off my petticoat and blouse also I suppose? Eh?

I tried to be as naughty as possible so that Nandu too soaks himself in the heat of the dialogues.

Nandu: Mausi but err. I … I never meant that.

Me: Then what did you mean? Tell me. Tell me.

As I spoke I buttoned up my blouse and since I was facing he was able to constantly view my ripe mangoes.

Nandu: Well mausi, I mean… For example you can take a couple of more baths to keep the heat away.

I knew I was just dragging the conversation, but I was doing that pretty willfully.

Me: Hmm. Okay but Nandu, I already take two baths a day, one now and one in the evening, and yes, rarely I take a
third shower before going to bed if the weather is exceeding humid.

Nandu: O! Then mausi, it’s absolutely okay. What more can you do?

Me: So you also seem to give a nod to your mausa-ji’s suggestion?

Nandu: Which suggestion?

He seemed to have lost it because he obviously was more curious to gaze at my 40-year-old fully mature semi-
exposed tight figure.
Me: Com’ on! He advised me to take off…

I stooped down to pick up my sari from the floor and provided Nandu a great view of my big round boobs popping
out of my blouse as I bent.

Me: … my sari if the heat is unbearable.

I completed the sentence as I stood up again. I could see Nandu’s eyes firmly pivoted on my mammaries enjoying
fully my bending posture from such close proximity.

Me: You know your mausa-ji Nandu, does he think before speaking? He just told me a solution… Tell me Nandu how
can I move around in the house wearing knickers? Your didi at times could do that, but I cannot do what your didi
could do, isn’t it?

Nandu: Rachna didi in knickers only? He he… That must be long back mausi!

I could well understand what Nandu was trying to hint and I did not disappoint him.

Me: Long back? What are you saying Nandu! Don’t you know your didi’s allergy towards hot weather?

Nandu: Hmm. True! I remember once Rachna didi developed a heat rash when she was at our place and had to
terminate her stay and come back. Remember mausi?

Me: Aaa… Oh Yes! Right Nandu. But that was not specifically due to heat as I can recollect, but whatever one thing
is true - both my daughter and myself cannot tolerate too much heat. Ha ha ha…

Nandu was also smiling at my double meaning discourse.

Nandu: But… Then mausi what was it due to?

Me: Actually that was some reaction from her undergarments that she had.

Nandu: O! I see.

Me: Yes, we also initially thought that it was heat rash, but when I took her to the doctor he concluded that it was
an eruption from the fabric of her inner wear.

Nandu: Right, right! That’s why didi’s rash was localized to specific areas only on her body.

Me: Anyway, but the fact remains that I had to spend sleepless afternoons Nandu due to your didi in those summer
months and for your information I am not talking of her childhood, but during her grownup age.

Nandu: But…

Me: Actually she never grew up till her marriage! I remember those days Nandu… I had to be so cautious during
those summer afternoons if there was a visitor. Oh! So disgusting!

Nandu: But… but why mausi?

He asked me with such an innocent face! The naughty boy! I was pretty sure that he knew what I meant. I was
trying to generate stimulation in him in every possible way, even with my daughter’s example! I was so desperate!

Me: Nandu, sometimes you talk like a kid! Arre, due to the high temperature during that time of the year, your didi
used to be in very little clothing at home and I always had to be on my toes if the doorbell rang because if someone
comes and sees her like that …

Nandu: He or she would think badly about didi.

Me: Absolutely!

By this time I had wrapped my sari fully on my body and looked decently covered. I could realize Nandu’s eyes were
licking my figure throughout and now as I was talking to him I was putting together my wardrobe so that Nandu
does not feel odd talking to me. Honestly, I also felt better that way.

Nandu: But Rachna didi visited our place in the summer a few times, but I never found her…

Me: Beta Nandu! You are such a goody-goody boy when you come here, but at home are you the same? No naa?
Similarly your didi also remained well mannered elsewhere, but here… Uff!

Nandu: No, no mausi, I cannot take that. Rachna Didi is very obedient to you. You must be exaggerating…

I could clearly realize that Nandu was trying to probe me to tell more about my daughter and I also exactly wanted
that – to keep him hooked to me by hook or by crook.

Me: Oho! Am exaggerating? Huh! If you had seen your didi then… Anyway, you are too young to discuss on this!

I deliberately taunted Nandu saying “too young” and I knew he would pounce back.

Nandu: Mausi, I am grown up now.

I looked at his crotch and tried to figure out his lund, which was already raising his head below his pant. In the
morning I had already felt that with my fingers and I was already desirous to suck that young vibrant dick…

Me: Hmm. That time will say.

I smiled mysteriously and Nandu certainly did not grasp what I meant and looked blank.

Me: Anyway, your didi is now far away happily serving your jija-ji. Am more concerned about what I should do to
avoid this sultry heat.

Nandu: Mausi, tell me naa what you wanted to share, but restrained saying that I am young.

Me: Okay, if you remain a good boy and do what I say I will tell you, but not now.

Nandu: Done mausi. I will do whatever you say.

He seemed pretty energized and I dragged him back to my original problem.

Me: You have not solved my original problem?

Nandu: What? Oh! This sultry heat? Honestly mausi, there is no other way to solve your problem, but to agree to

He was smiling and at the same time shying from me! I really liked that as I could realize he was slowly becoming
free in front of me! He was actually suggesting his mausi to remain sari-less within the house if she feels too

Me: Hmm. So, see - I told you – you men all think alike. But my dear Nandu, that will still leave me with a problem.

Nandu: What mausi?

Me: Say if I agree to your mausa-ji’s words and after taking lunch I remain only in my blouse and petticoat without
a sari. The trouble is I get the maximum sweating on my legs. So am really not sure that would help. Are you getting
what I am saying?

Nandu: Yes, yes mausi. Hmm, I can understand.

I was just toying with him. Nandu, the innocent victim of a 40+ vixen!

He was nodding like an expert, but I wanted him to put into words.

Me: Tell me what have you understood? Let me see whether you have surpassed your young age or not?

Nandu: I mean mausi… err… As you said your legs sweat the most, you feel that even if you are without the sari…

Me: Hmm. Hmm.

Nandu: …you will still feel the heat, as err… you will have the petticoat on your body.

Me: Bah! You are quite grownup now it seems! So? What to do?

I had finished doing the wardrobe and now came and sat on the bed and continued this crude conversation, which
was pleasuring me like anything!

Me: The simple solution is I can just pull up my petticoat to some length and lie in the bed or floor. Isn’t it?

Nandu: Y… yes. You can do that ma… mausi!

I paused to take a deep breath. I was definitely getting excited now

Me: You are much like your mausa-ji, you do not think what you are saying.

Nandu: Why mausi?

Me: Okay, good point, tell me - do you always wear a brief below your shorts or pajama when at home?

I looked at Nandu’s pelvic area to see if there was a stir or not! Naturally, he seemed slightly taken aback by such
a direct question.

Nandu: Err… Mausi… I mean… of course, yes, except going to bed.

Me: So there goes problem #2. You know what? I hardly wear anything below... err… I mean below my petticoat
when at home.

My voice nearly stumbled to express this to Nandu and he naturally looked quite dumbfounded listening to this
from his own mausi’s mouth.

Me: So what you can easily do Nandu, I cannot do. Since you wear a brief most of the time as you said, you can
easily shed your bermuda or pajama whatever you are wearing and feel comfortable in the heat, but think of me!
Even if I do not wear the sari, I cannot remove my petticoat Nandu, as I do not wear anything below it.

There was pin drop silence in the room for a few moments as Nandu must have been quite amazed to hear his own
mausi’s very frank statements. But what he told breaking the silence simply shocked me and left me with an open

Nandu: I mean… mausi don’t you feel awkward? Actually I feel absolutely tight if am not wearing my brief and
moving around in the house, even if only mom is present. I don’t know why… probably it’s a habit mom had grew in
me. Don’t you, I mean, feel likewise mausi?

Me: Nandu… err… Well, it’s like that… I mean we females are different than you males. I mean, how should I put it?

I was searching for words to answer Nandu and he appeared quite amused seeing my embarrassed state.

Me: Yes Nandu, its true that I also feel likewise, but you know since there are two covers on my body in the form
of sari and the petticoat, I often skip wearing… I mean… my panty.

My voice had turned husky while saying the last few words and I was feeling my tongue getting dried up quickly! I
could realize my nipples were getting swollen under my brassiere due to my lewd talking.

Nandu: But mausi… I don’t know… may be you think differently, but I thought you should have felt the need even
more, as mausa-ji stays in the house, your servants are coming and going, and also the odd salesman pops up every
now and then…

I was getting rather cornered by Nandu now and I was unable to furnish a good reason why I do not wear panties at
home and I had to cook up something to save my dignity.

Me: Actually Nandu, as I told you, that my legs sweat very much and in fact this whole area sweats so much…

I indicated my upper thigh and waist area with my right hand.

Me: …that… that my inner wear gets spoiled very quickly. That’s the only reason I mean…

Nandu: Okay, okay mausi. You should have told that beforehand.

He was smiling and I also gave a very foolish smile knowing that I was almost trapped playing ‘hot’ with words in
front of this young teenager. I tried to act smart and change the topic.

Me: But now that you are here…. I will give you one duty.

Nandu: What duty mausi?

Me: All this afternoon the sales people annoy me. Since you are at home, you will attend them.
Nandu: Oh! No. When I am at home, mom also gives me this duty!

Me: Oh! That’s good. So you already have the habit of being interrupted… But remember it will be a mandatory duty
for you here, as I will be handicapped!

Nandu: I didn’t get you mausi…

Me: You have such a weak memory Nandu!

Nandu: Why?

Me: Arre, you idiot! How can I go in front of a salesman without wearing a sari?

Nandu: Oh! So, you agreed to that?

Me: Where’s the way out? You also could not give me any suggestion…

Nandu: Oh! Okay mausi. I will take care of the visitors.

Me: I could have shared the duty with you, but it’s not at all practical that every time one rings the doorbell, I will
wrap my sari each time. Isn’t it?

Nandu: Right, right. That’s not possible.

Just at that moment…

“Ding Dong!” The doorbell rang and I realized it must be my husband.

Me: Oh! We have wasted enough time. Go for your bath. Quick! Quick! I will open the door.

As expected, it was Manohar. That day my hubby spent the whole afternoon with Nandu and I dozed off after a
full appetite lunch. He went out with Nandu for an evening stroll also. Finally at around 8 p.m. he went out to his
friend’s place to play cards. Though this was not a regular habit of his, but sometimes he did go there to play some
rounds of bridge. I again got some opportunity to come ‘closer’ to Nandu, but this time our maidservant Gayathri
was present in the house cooking in the kitchen. So I had to plan watchfully.

Man proposes, God disposes! I had planned something, but that went for a toss! I had planned to share the
honeymoon pics of my daughter, which would have enabled me to have Nandu on my bed. The reason behind
selecting that was there were some revealing and intimate pics of my daughter with my son-in-law in that set and I
thought it would be a good opportunity for me to see Nandu’s reaction to that and utilize the proximity. But…

I gave complete instructions to Gayathri regarding cooking so that she does not come and disturb me in the interim
and then proceeded towards Nandu. He was lying lazily on the sofa watching television.

Me: Nandu, have you seen your didi’s wedding pics?

Nandu: Yes, of course mausi. You had sent the albums to mom. Did I miss any?

Me: No, then you must have seen those, but surely you have not seen the Goa pics.

Nandu: Goa.. Goa…?

Me: Aree Nandu, you forgot that they went to Goa for honeymoon?

Nandu: Oho! Right, right! It went out of my mind. They went to Goa… I have not seen those pics.

Me: Then switch off the TV and come to my room.

Nandu readily switched off the television and followed me. Knowing that he was just behind me I walked slowly and
was swaying my hips considerably to attract him. This was also a new activity that I was doing at 40! My pussy was
starting to itch, as I knew Nandu was surely watching my sari-covered gaand and since my hips are round, sizable,
and fairly protruding, I thought I must have been looking fairly sexy from behind.

Me: Sit there and I will get the album for you.

I loosely closed the door just to make the environment secure and watched Nandu climb the bed. My maid Gayathri
was in the kitchen and so there was little chance of any disturbance. But as I opened the cupboard to get the
albums, there was a blackout!

Me: Oops!

Nandu: Oh no!

There was a power cut! For the moment I was so dejected and irritated that my plan to spend some time sitting on
the bed with Nandu went for a toss!

Gayathri: Biwi-ji, I have got the matches and lighting up the candle here.

I could hear my maidservant screaming from the kitchen.

Me: Okay Gayathri. I will arrange here.

All of a sudden a weird thought struck my mind and at once I thanked God for that disruption in power!

Me: Nandu, can you get the matchbox for me. It’s on the stool just beside the bed.

Nandu: Oh! It’s pitch dark mausi. I will try to figure it out, one sec.

Me: No hurry, just get down slowly.

Nandu: O… Okay mausi.

I never wanted Nandu to get to the matchbox as then the room could easily be lighted through a candle and hence
straight away I did proceed on my bizarre objective.

Me: Ouch! Eeeeeeee! My goodness! Uhhhhhhhhhhh…

Nandu must have been very startled.

Nandu: Wh… wh… what happened mausi? What is it?

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuu… Nandu…. Here’s a cockroach on my body. Ufff! Come quickly! Get it off… iiiiiiiiiiiiiii… get it off my

I tried my best to keep my voice under control as I in no way wanted to attract my maidservant’s attention.

Nandu: Oho! Cockroach… I was quite scared the way you… Don’t panic mausi. Just slap it off your body.

Me: Nandu… Oi maaaaaaaaa! It’s walking on my body. Am very scared of cockroaches. You do whatever needs to be
done. Pleeeeeeeease….

Nandu: Okay, okay mausi… Don’t be frightened. Just stand like a statue. I am coming. It’s so dark…

I could sense he jumped out of the bed and I briskly stepped forward a couple of steps to make things easier for
him. I tried to make most of it and quickly dropped my sari pallu to the floor. Nandu could not see that in the
darkness of the room.

Nandu: Mausi! Where are you? Near the cupboard?

Me: No, no here. Near you.

He took a step forward and almost collided with me. Nandu was so close to me now that I immediately held onto his
arm to prove to him that I was too scared.

Me: Uhuuuuuuuu… Nandu, please get this thing off my body. It’s such an eerie feeling!

Nandu: But mausi, its so dark! How can I know where the cockroach is?

I could feel his body odor he was so close.

Nandu: Oh! What’s this? On the floor?

Me: It’s my sari baba! In order to get the cockroach out, it has fallen off. Uiiiiiii…. It’s moving again N-a-n-d-u!

Nandu: Where mausi? Where is it?

Me: Uuuuuuuuuu… its… its on my blouse now.

As I said the word “blouse” I as if could hear my own heart thumping. I was inviting a Class XI boy, who was my
sister’s son, to get off a cockroach off my boobs. I could not see Nandu’s face in the dark, but he was expectedly

Me: I canno open my eyes… Am so scared. Eiiiiiii… You do whatever, but get me out of this situation.

Nandu: But mausi… err … I mean… then I have to feel you and see where that cockroach is! I cannot see a thing in
this darkness.

Me: Who has stopped you from touching me… Aaaaaaaaa… it’s moving again! Nandu quick! P-l-e-a-s-e!

Nandu: Err… mausi? Which side? I mean left or right?

He was still not taking his hands towards my boobs and I was getting rather desperate seeing the dillydally
approach of this lad.
Me: You are really a hopeless!

I forcefully took both his hands and put them straight on my firm, round boobs.

Me: Now find it! Is it on my left breast or my right breast?

Nandu retracted his palms immediately touching my tight boob flesh, but seeing my open invitation, he also started
to feel my blouse-covered conical juicy boobs with both hands in search of the cockroach!

Nandu: Where is it mausi? I can’t find it?

Me: Aaahhhhh! How can you catch it like that? That insect is moving constantly, you idiot! You start from my
shoulder and then come down…

Nandu was in fact very close to me now. I had raised my arms in the air since I pretended to be very frightened.
He now took his hands to my shoulder and was coming down quickly. I could clearly hear his breathing, which was
indeed faster than before. I could also feel his hands trembling a bit! I thought it was only natural for a Class XI
lad to have his hands unsteady getting this opportunity to openly touch and feel the fully developed mammaries of a
matured lady.

Me: Yes, that’s better.

Nandu’s palms felt my upper breasts, the portion of my boobs which remains uncovered just above my blouse. His
fingers could feel my deep cleavage. Inside my pussy there was a big stirring already - as if a river, which was dry
for many years, suddenly got some rainwater. Now he moved further down, his fingers were grazing the fabric of
my blouse and feeling the taut flesh of my full boobs. His hand slid down further and now he was actually cupping
my full mammaries from the front with his both palms enjoying the roundedness and smoothness of my tight boob
flesh. I was getting so ecstatic that I closed my fists in the air.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I was releasing expressions of elation, but Nandu thought otherwise!

Nandu: Mausi, please have some patience! I am trying to trace it. If you at least tell me which breast, then it would
have been easier for me!

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Just shut up and do what you are doing!

I could not see Nandu’s reaction to my words, as I was more interested in extracting the maximum satisfaction
from this. Nandu’s fingers were sliding down further and now the tip of his fingers were on my nipples on both
breasts and I was pretty sure that even Nandu could easily feel my erect and swollen nipples rising their heads
under the tight fabric of my blouse and bra.

Me: Wait… wait there Nandu! The cockroach was exactly there, where your finger is, moments ago.

Nandu: Okay mausi. I will not move my hands.

Me: Just press there so that your hands do not slip down. May be it will come back there. I could not trace where
is it now!
Nandu now pressed his fingers just above my nipples very consciously and he already seemed to be enough
stimulated by touching and feeling my full breasts as I could clearly feel he was at this time grabbing my boobs like
a matured male and even slowly squeezing them! His palms were not big enough to cover my heavy breasts and he
was trying to a great extent to cover my boob circumference. I felt most excited when I found him nudging my
hard nipples under my blouse with his middle finger of both hands!

Nandu: Can you now feel where the cockroach is mausi?

Me: Nope!

Nandu was breathing very heavily now, so was I. It was a blessing that we could not see each other’s face due to
the darkness. Long live the power cut, I thought!

Nandu: Shall I keep my... err… I mean, shall I continue to hold you there mausi?

Me: Yessssssssssss…

Nandu: Hey mausi! I felt something!

Me: What?

Nandu: I don’t know… seemed it brushed my right hand…

Me: May be the cockroach! Oh No!

Nandu: Why are you panicking mausi! It’s just a small insect!

Me: May be… whatever you say, am very much afraid of it! Can you not feel my heartbeat?

Nandu: No?

Me: You idiot! Not in your ears! Can you not feel it in your… palms?

His palms were amply covering my tight boobs from the front and he surely must have been having an erect dick
getting the opportunity to grab his mausi’s matured tits.

Nandu: Oh! I thought…

Me: Do one thing, press harder and then only you can feel my heartbeat. Press my breasts harder N-a-n-d-u…

Nandu: O… Okay mausi.

Nandu this time shed all inhibitions that he had and gave my boobs a very tight squeeze standing from the front
and now he was of course bolder than before and like a matured man continued squeezing and cupping my matured
fleshy boobs. I also shamelessly stood with my hands up in the air and enjoyed his pressings on my tits.

Nandu: Yes, mausi, now I can feel the vibration on my hands… I… I think the cockroach has left your body or what?

Me: I don’t know…. Aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiii!

Nandu: What happened? Did you feel it again?

Me: Yes, yes Nandu! It’s… its on my navel. Aaaaaaaa…. Sssssssssssssssssss….

andu quickly took off his hands off my boobs and tried to figure out where the cockroach was on my belly. As his
cold hands touched my abdominal area, it felt so good. It was after so many days that a male hand was touching me
there! Nandu grazed my whole bare abdomen with both hands, but was of course unable to trace the cockroach.
Things were really turning hot for me. I could feel my vaginal muscles voluntarily getting cramped as his fingers
descended on my belly.

Nandu: Mausi, we must get a light, otherwise its impossible to pin down this cockroach.

Me: You are hopeless! You can’t even find a cockroach on my body!

I teased him so that he feels stimulated to touch me more.

Nandu: But mausi, how can I find it in this darkness? Tell me exactly where it is now?

Me: I don’t know. I can’t feel it now Nandu! Why don’t you check… I mean check my whole body from top to
bottom? Then surely you will find it and then you can slap it away.

Nandu: Okay mausi, as you say.

My heart was beating like a drum in anticipation of Nandu again taking hold of my milk tanks and as expected he
started to graze and brush with his both palms from the shoulder and slowly came down. He touched my oozing
boob flesh over my U-neck blouse and this time as he touched and cupped by boobs I thrusted them more towards
him so that he gets a better grip on my tight flesh. He grabbed and pressed my manges with his fingers feeling the
tightness and then came down towards my abdomen though I felt like having his hands eternally on my round
mammaries. My belly was bare as I had long back dropped my sari pallu to the floor and he brushed and felt my
naked abdomen including my navel.

Nandu: No trace of it mausi! What to do?

Me: Sear… search down….

I could feel Nandu getting bent in the darkness and as he was about to touch my most private zone there was an

Gayathri: Biwi-ji, did you get the matches to light up the candle?

My maidservant was calling from the dining hall probably. I immediately got back my senses because if she comes
and opens the door with a lighted candle she would get the shock of his life with me standing with my pallu on the
floor and Nandu skimming my body with both hands.

Me: Nandu, I think you are right! Let me get out of the room and get a candle.

Nandu: I told you that prior only!

I quickly pushed him off my body and picked up my sari pallu and placed it on my shoulder covering my heaving

Me: Gayathri, its okay, I can manage, you continue with the cooking.
Though I was extremely excited, I tried to keep my voice normal.

Gayathri: Okay biwi-ji.

I quickly got out of the room to see where Gayathri was and seeing that she was going towards the kitchen, I
quickly picked up the matchbox and lighted a candle and gave it to Nandu in the room.

Nandu: Mausi, did you find the cockroach?

Me: What cockr…? Oh! That cockroach! Yes, yes, I slapped it off when I lighted the candle.

Nandu: Where was it?

Me: It was… err… I mean it was on the sari… here.

I showed him my legs and went towards the kitchen. Seeing all was normal at the kitchen I went to the toilet. I was
sweating very profoundly now with the heat being dissipated off my body. Immediately as I closed the toilet door,
I leaned against the wall and lifted my sari to my waist. I at once put my right hand middle finger into my choot,
but to my utter surprise I found my vaginal path quite dry! I thought that I would masturbate heavily getting this
opportunity after such a long time and take the pleasure of it.

I was rather disappointed. I could realize it was certainly due to my menopausal state, but I badly wanted my
vagina to be wet and slippery so that I could insert my finger in it for satisfaction. The secretion within my pussy
was minimal and I suddenly felt wet within my brassiere. I quickly dropped my sari to my knees and started opening
my blouse to check what the matter was. Was I getting the same discharge that I was having for the last few
weeks from my nipples?

Me: Ish…

I muttered to myself as I opened my brassiere. My nipples were discharging that sticky fluid appreciably and the
odor was definitely not great! I held my boobs in both hands and pressed on the areolas to squeeze out the
discharge, but it was coming out spontaneously in its own rhythm. I wiped my naked boobs, especially around my
swollen nipples, with the towel and waited for the flow to get over. Honestly I required to void also and sat down on
the toilet floor lifting my sari, but my boobs were hanging freely as there was no cover on them; both my blouse
buttons and bra hook were open. I just covered them with one hand, as I looked awfully shameless in that
condition. After peeing I kept sitting on the floor for a minute or so as I was experiencing some vaginal spasms
also. I was having a feeling of ‘incompleteness’ as I did not have a discharge, which was very frustrating for me.

Nothing much happened further. Power was back in another 15-20 minutes and Manohar was also back premature,
as their game was also spoiled due to this power cut.

Day #2
I noticed that Nandu was quite a quick learner and tasting my milk tanks with his hands yesterday in the dark
during the cockroach episode, he was all the more keen to be close to me physically. Frankly I also wanted that and
began to explore opportunities to get close to him.

Me: Nandu, ishhhhhhh! What is this? Don’t you soap properly while bathing?

Nandu was lying on the sofa wearing a pajama only. Manohar was also there reading the newspaper. The upper half
of his body was uncovered. I pointed towards his neck and shoulder and marked dirt there.
Nandu: What Bhabie?

Me: Ishh! There’s so much dirt accumulated here. Don’t you soap properly?

Nandu: Of course mausi…

My husband now looked up hearing our conversation.

Manohar: Oh! You females naa…

Me: Don’t give indulgence! Just look at the back of his neck! So many dark patches!

Manohar now seriously take a look towards Nandu’s neck.

Manohar: Hmm, but I can’t see any…

Me: Huh! How can you see? Put on your specs!

Manohar: Oho…. Ha ha ha…

Me: Nandu, I don’t want to hear any thing. Just call me when you go for the bath today. Will rub it clean.

Manohar: No ifs and buts Nandu, otherwise you will lose your neck … ho ho hoh…

Nandu and Manohar were both laughing and I just left the place showing a mock anger. I noticed from the kitchen
that Manohar again plunged into reading the newspaper.

I was glad that my husband did not find my proposal ‘odd’ and hence the ‘stage’ was all set!

I was eagerly waiting for the ‘climax’. Nandu was about to go to the toilet. I noticed he took a fresh set of vest,
pajama, and brief from his suitcase.

Me: I will do the rubbing first and then you can continue with your bath.

Nandu: Okay, as you say mausi.

I noted that Manohar was busy playing “Patience” with cards on the divan. I felt safe and proceeded towards the
bathroom. Nandu was already in. I knocked at the toilet door and Nandu instantly opened it as if he was waiting for
me to come inside! He welcomed me with a big smile and already I could hear my heart beating faster. Our
bathroom was a pretty smallish one and we cramped for space.

Me: Oh! You have not yet started? What were you doing?

Nandu: Err… Nothing mausi. I was filling the bucket.

I could already see a bulge under his pant!

Me: Okay, okay. Don’t waste my time. I have still a lot to do in the kitchen. Wet your body.

Nandu: One sec mausi, let me wear the towel.

Me: No, no, do not wet the full towel?

Nandu: Then?

Me: Are you not wearing a brief below?

Nandu: Yes…

Me: Then just wear that. I will wash that along with your other clothes.

Nandu: O… okay.

Nandu got off his vest and pants briskly and stood in front of me only in his brief. I was virtually licking his young
tender body with my lusty aged eyes – his flat chest, his tiny reddish-brown nipples, his V-shaped fat-less upper
body structure and, and of course, his crotch. Nandu tried to adjust his brief to hide his very evident bulge, but
was unable to do so. I felt quite amused at his act and added more oil to the fire by dropping my pallu once
completely off my shoulders to reveal my big boobs to him in the pretext of adjusting the pallu.

Me: Wet your body.

Nandu: But… but mausi, you will get wet.

Me: Why?

Nandu: There’s no room for me to space out from you. The commode is so close.

Me: Hmm… you are right Nandu.

Nandu: Your sari will get wet.

I was already feeling a gush of blood in my vessels and easily was so very willing to be shameless in front of this

Me: Okay, just wait. Let me just unwrap the sari…

I started to open my sari standing opposite Nandu. Naturally he was enjoying my exposure and I could see the
growth in the bulge under his tiny brief. While I undid my sari, I just turned back to him so that he could also
assess my full tight protruding ass. I tucked the sari at the door hook and faced Nandu clad only in my blouse and

Me: Okay, now my sari is safe. You can start…

Nandu nodded and started pouring water on his body with the mug. He was in such close proximity from me within
our small toilet that sprinkles of water were wetting my body even though Nandu tried to keep distance from me.
He poured 3-4 mugs of water and then turned to me.

Nandu: Mausi, now you can soap me.

I was starting to get stimulated more seeing his wet body. His brief was now partially wet revealing his semi-erect
lund inside. I was more than eager to catch hold of that lively meat.
Me: What’s this Nandu? I see dirt on your legs also! Don’t you soap at all!

Nandu: But mausi… I do soap… if the dirt does not go, what can I do?

Me: That means you rub the soap like that only. Huh!

I stepped ahead now with the soap towards Nandu.

Me: Turn back.

Nandu’s back was now in front of me. I watered the soap and started to rub his shoulders. As soon as I touched his
naked skin, a tremor as if passed through my body. I was feeling as if I was in close proximity with my husband. I
was as if riding the cursed horse who had already entered the world of taboo. I was breathing heavily and my whole
body was getting warmer.

Me: Ish! There’s so much dirt on your body Nandu… Let me do a full cleaning today.

Nandu: Okay mausi.

I completed rubbing his shoulders with soapy water and then descended slowly onto his back. I could feel his young
vibrant muscles under his skin. My warm, soft hands must have aroused him as I could feel he was time and again
shrugging and moving his body.

Me: Now, turn towards me.

Nandu could not maintain eye contact with me. I was looking rather obscene since I was bending for rubbing his
body and lot of my cleavage was exposed over my blouse. I placed my hands on his chest.

Me: Aaah….

I murmur within myself. Nandu’s chest felt so good! It was smooth and flat with thin very thin lining of hair
growth. I could feel his heartbeats clearly on my palms, which was clearly telling that he was definitely excited by
my touch. Overall, indeed it was a wonderful feeling! Once I glanced at his face and as our eyes met, my face
flushed in shyness. Nandu also shifted his eyes off my face immediately. To make things hornier, I rubbed his
chest with emphasis on his tiny hard nipples. I twisted his nipples very softly to kindle Nandu’s hidden desires.

Nandu: Aaahhhhh mausi! What are you…

Me: What happened? Did I hurt you?

I deliberately pressed my fingers on his hardened nipples while talking.

Nandu: No, I mean I am getting a ticklish feeling mausi.

Me: Huh! What’s new in that Nandu? I also feel the same when your mausa-ji presses me in that region.

I looked directly into his eyes while twisting his stiff nipples, but he turned out to be more mischievous than I

Nandu: O! Then mausi, you also do not soap properly and mausa-ji has to soap you!
Nandu was now looking at my blouse-covered big boobs directly ignoring my eye contact. He obviously was eyeing my
boob flesh and oozing cleavage show. I was a bit confused what to reply.

Me: No, you idiot! I don’t need anyone’s help to clean my body.

Nandu: But … but you said it just now!

I could not understand whether Nandu was asking this innocently or he was trying to embarrass me. His face and
eyes were so innocent that it was hard for me to believe that he was playing with me!

Me: No… I mean yes…

Nandu: I did not get you mausi.

Me: No… actually sometimes… Arre… as you helped me yesterday with wearing my inner wear, likewise your mausa-ji
also helps me out and sometimes while doing that… I mean…

I tried to keep my voice as normal as possible, but it was trembling in excitement while saying all these to my
sister’s son!

Me: Sometimes your mausa-ji grabs my breast and then only… I mean his fingers might touch my nip… I mean …

Nandu: But… but… Aaaiiiiii! Does mausa-ji does this to you? You are err… tickling me mausi!

Me: Nandu beta! What can I do? Those are so small that I am unable to get hold of them! Your mausa-ji never
faces this problem naa!

Nandu: Why?

Me: What sort of stupid question is that?

Nandu: I mean… you said that mausa-ji doesn’t face this problem, but… but how can that be? Nipples are nipples,
yours or mine – they cannot be as big as mangoes!

I was really getting carried away by this ‘ticklish’ conversation. My hands were still rubbing his chest and I was now
too close to him and certainly if Nandu wanted he could easily hug me and press my ripe boobs to his chest. But
nothing of that sort took place.

Me: What rubbish! I know very well that nipples cannot be that big, but not like these… like tiny nuts!

Nandu: Eh! The way you are saying mausi seems as if yours’ are like grapes!

Me: Err… I mean of course.

Nandu: Huh! No way. I don’t believe that!

Me: What? You don’t believe what?

Nandu: That your nipples are like the size of grapes.

Me: Arre… What sort of idiot is this! Don’t you know females possess larger nipples than you males?

Nandu: Yes, that I know, but a grape is like this….

Saying that he indicated the size of a grape through his right hand fingers and showed it to me.

Nandu: Mausi, am I to believe that girls have this big a nipple!

Me: Arre… not all girls…

Nandu: Don’t fool me mausi.

Me: Oho! How can I make you understand! You are so young!

Nandu: Don’t just avoid saying I am young. Tell me mausi…

I was really wondering what to say to this boy.

Nandu: If you don’t tell my mom, I can… I can tell you a secret mausi.

Me: What secret?

Nandu: That’s why I am all the more certain that you are not saying a right thing!

Me: What secret?

Nandu: I can confess to you, but don’t tell this to…

Me: … your mom. Okay baba. Take my word and go ahead.

Nandu: Mausi, we had a maid servant some months ago, now she has left our job, but she was… I mean mausi… how
shall I put it? Err… she was very, very shameless.

Me: Why?

Nandu: Mausi, she used to change her clothes in front of me.

Me: What’s the big deal in that? Yesterday only you clasped my bra. From that angle I was also changing my clothes
in front of you.

Nandu: Uhu! Not like that mausi. She always did that. I mean… how can I tell you... you are so much elder…

Me: Oho! You don’t have to say anything. Just answer my questions. What did she do? She opened her blouse in
front of you while changing her clothes?

Nandu: No, no. She is not as old as you.

Me: Hmm… she is unmarried then?

Nandu: Yes.
Me: What did she wear?

Nandu: Choli-ghagra and you know mausi, whenever mom was asleep in the afternoon, she used to change her
clothes in front of me though at other times she used the toilet.

Me: Hmm... and you watched her?

Nandu: What should I do if she…

Me: Great! Did she wear any inner wear?

Nandu: Yes, only in lower portion.

Me: You saw her breasts? Fully unclothed?

Nandu: Ye… yes mausi, She used to show them openly to me while changing her choli, but as I was saying, her
nipples were just slightly bigger than me.

Me: Hmm… Now I understand why you were so adamant at that time to agree to my words?

Nandu smiled mildly.

Me: But my dear Nandu. There is a difference between married and unmarried girls. You won’t understand that.

Nandu: Tell me naa, I want to know mausi.

Me: Hmm… but… Okay.

Suddenly an idea struck me!

Me: But for that I must know that you are ‘big’ enough so that I can share you these secrets!

Nandu: Mausi, I am grown up now. Tell me naa…

Me: I agree to you, but I must see to believe!

Nandu: What do you want to see mausi?

My throat was getting dried up now, but I had gone so far into this that I did not want to look back. I shed my
remaining tinge of verbal shame!

Me: I want to see your whole body so that I know you are grown up now.

Nandu: Mausi… but I am quite grownup now. I will feel very ashamed in front of you.

Me: Why? What will happen if I see you without your brief?

Nandu: No, not that anything will happen. But… but mausi, I am no longer that little boy that I used to be!

Me: Nandu, that’s what I want to see! How big you have grown? That I can know only by seeing that organ beta!
Nandu: Oh! Is it like that mausi? Then I am opening my brief.

Nandu, though was hesitant, ultimately decided to drop his brief to the floor and his tool simply jumped out from
its confined state and I was so pleased to see it! It was not very long, but stout and erect and was freely dangling
its head in the air. It was of course no comparison to my husband’s lund, but I was excited seeing its youthful size
and the pink head.

Nandu: Mausi…

Me: Telling baba! Hmm. Let me see it first properly. The little boy has grown up so much! Wah!

My pussy was now vastly itching and I could sense a little wetness also seeing this marvelous site, which is a very
welcome site for any married woman. I was intently looking at his young lund and narrated what definitely was the
least desirable for a class XI student – that too from his mausi’s mouth!

Me: Nandu, these are very secret facts and you should never divulge them to anyone. You should know that there
are some basic changes that happen to a girl’s body after marriage. How should I put it? Okay, I am telling you with
my example, it will be easier for you to comprehend.

Nandu: Right mausi.

Me: Before my marriage my boobs and nipples appeared probably like that, as you told you have seen your
maidservant’s tits while she was changing her dress in front of you. After marriage actually when the male and the
female starts living together, they share a close relation physically. Likewise after my marriage also when I shared
the bed with your mausa-ji, he used to… you know do the general things… like give me a hug or adore me. Are you
getting me?

Nandu: Yes mausi.

Me: Good. Now tell me when you go to buy a tennis ball in the shop, how do you decide the best one?

Nandu: Easy! I check the ball’s hardness, its surface for grip, and its bounce.

Me: Absolutely. Likewise a married man checks his wife’s balls. Every night your mausa-ji also checked my
mammaries, but here the mode was slightly different. He squeezed and cupped them to feel its roundedness and
firmness. He could not bounce them of course like your tennis ball!

Nandu: Ha ha hah…

Me: So when I started getting regular touching and squeezing on my breasts, they started growing bigger. This is a
special phenomenon of the female breasts.

Nandu: I see.

Me: When you will marry, you will also do the same to your wife, that’s human nature, but it does not remain
restricted to squeezing only. When your mausa-ji made love with me on bed, he hugged me, he kissed me, he
squeezed my breasts, he pinched my buttocks, and he even took me in his lap. So, all these are called foreplays and
when a man and a woman do this they feel excited.

My voice was getting husky and I licked my dry lips with my tongue to maintain composure.
Nandu: Then?

Me: Then in that excitement your mausa-ji used to lick my breasts…

Nandu: Over your blouse?

Me: Uff! What sort of idiot is this! Of course not!

Nandu: Sorry mausi. Okay.

Me: While your mausa-ji kissed and embraced me initially, he removed my dress. Then he licked my breasts and
nipples. And everyday when he started doing that, my nipples also started to grow. And then your didi was born I
used to breast-feed her and that process made my nipples even bigger in size.

Nandu: Oho! Now I get your point.

Me: It’s about time also you duffer!

Nandu: Now just stand still and let me complete the cleaning.

I started to soap his body again and obviously my focus was on his lund, which was hanging freely in the air.
Listening to my lusty descriptions, it has grown bigger and looked more attractive now. I honestly felt like sucking

My hands reached his navel and then going further down touched his pubic hairs. Nandu was evidently very
uncomfortable as now my hands were approaching his erect dick.

S-u-n-i-t-a! S-u-n-i-t-a!

As if someone slapped me! I was immediately back on the grounds of reality. I immediately responded realizing my
husband needed me for some reason. I quickly wrapped my sari around my body and looked desperately one last
time at Nandu’s dangling dick before getting out of the toilet. I cursed Manohar the whole day as he deprived me
of the golden opportunity to enjoy Nandu’s young tight lund. It was so frustrating – neither my husband would do
anything physically/sexually with me nor would he allow me to go my own way – that whole day I repented
innumerable times regarding Manohar’s interruption at the pinnacle.

Nothing much happened further that day, but I was on the right track of slow poisoning Nandu sensually!

The morning greeted me with the good news that Manohar would be out for some work and would return by lunch.
Though my maidservant would be there working in the house till 10 a.m., I would surely extract time for Nandu
exclusively after that. I quickly had my plan chalked out in my mind so that it looks absolutely normal to him as well
as it serves my purpose. At about the time when my maidservant Gayathri was about to leave, I started cleaning
the house. Nandu was going through some storybook that his mausa-ji had gifted him yesterday.

As soon as Manohar went out, I changed my sari. I deliberately selected a somewhat flimsy sari so that Nandu’s
eyes keeps glued to my body. As I checked myself in the mirror I noticed my sari revealed my blouse and petticoat
adequately through it. In any case, due to the feeling of tautness in my breasts I was not wearing an undergarment
inside my blouse during the morning hours; so I was looking rather sexy in this transparent sari with my freely
swaying boobs. I was wearing a panty because actually I was wearing it from last night. In fact, last night we all
went out for a dinner and coming back I was feeling so sleepy that I just changed to a nighty and went to bed and
did not feel like removing the panty.

It was about time for Gayathri to leave and I called Nandu and involved him also for cleaning up the bookshelf.
After 10-15 minutes Gayathri left and I closed the front door. Now there was only Nandu and me in the house. My
heart started to race faster and an uncanny feeling was wrapping me. I closed my eyes and tried to take control
over my nerves before coming to the dining hall where Nandu was. I started to work according to my plan. I went to
the bathroom to pick up the mopper and went back to the dining hall. As I passed Nandu, who was crouching in
front of the bookshelf, I noticed he took a peep through my sari and got a gala view of my fleshy deep navel from a
low angle. I had of course tied my sari below my navel. Already I could feel that I was driving my hormones crazy.

I yawned in front of Nandu raising my both hands in the air to give him a very sexy view of my body and then
tucked my sari to my waist, a bit more than usual, just above my knees and also lowered my sari a bit more off my
waist to expose my hips. I secured the pallu in position and was about to clean with the mopper.

Me: Nandu, leave the bookshelf and sit there.

I just started wiping with the mopper without waiting for his reply. I could notice that Nandu wasn't wasting any
chance whatsoever and was eyeing at my exposed legs very clumsily as he sat on the chair beside the bookshelf. I
was quite aware of his peeking glances all over my body. Honestly, this was turning me on too quite a bit. I mopped
the floor as slowly as possible giving him ample leg and cleavage show in my semi-parent sari.

Me: Okay, so that it.

I was done with mopping the hall and was taking the mopper back to the bathroom. Nandu looked somewhat
disappointed, which was apparent also, as he must have been thinking that my show had come to an end. Hence I
quickly assured him with a passing comment.

Me: Get ready Nandu, you will need to help me when I come back.

Nandu: Ji mausi.

I came back to the hall with a dirty cloth and a stool.

Me: Nandu, I will clean the fan. Just see how much dirt it has gathered!

Nandu: Oh! Okay mausi. Tell me what I need to do?

Me: Place this stool right below the fan.

The stool was moderately high with two steps at its sides to climb up. Nandu readily positioned the stool
underneath our ceiling fan in the dining space. This time I portrayed a very alluring observation for him as I
climbed up the stool.

Me: Oho! Fetch me that cloth.

I pretended as if I forgot to pick up that dirty wet cloth before mounting on the stool.

Nandu: Sure mausi. Here it is.

He eagerly fetched me the wet cloth and stood by my side grinning as if he was waiting for my next command! “This
boy is learning fast!” I said to myself and told him what he was waiting to hear probably.
Me: Nandu, can you just hold the stool?

Nandu: Yes, yes, why not? Mausi, please be careful regarding your balance while standing on the stool.

Me: Since the floor is wet you better hold it appropriately!

I saw he bent down a bit and held the edges of the stool. Everything was falling in place as I had planned. I lifted
my arms to clean the fan while Nandu kept holding the stool. I had left my pallu free flowing over my shoulder on
purpose, so within a few seconds my pallu gave way and moved quite a bit in the midrib section exposing my bare
tummy completely. I continued cleaning in that position and looked down to only find Nandu enjoying a great view of
my navel and boobs from that angle.

Me: Nandu, hold it properly beta, if I fall I will surely break a bone!

Nandu: Mausi, you just don’t worry.

Nandu was sufficiently tall and I saw from the corner of my eyes that his face was actually only inches away from
my waistline and I could feel the hot air from his breath brush the base of my belly. In fact, I reacted to it and
tucked my belly inwards a bit and really enjoyed doing that! At this very matured age of 40, the slut inside me was
getting released by this class XI boy!

As I began cleaning the first wing of the fan, I had to stretch my arm wider, away from my body, and also had to
part my legs significantly wide to reach till the tip.

Me: Oops!

I said to myself as I instantly realized that my sari was tucked up and already half of my legs were exposed and
now as I parted my legs my situation was rather vulnerable. And within moments what Nandu did simply made my
whole face red like a cherry!

Nandu: Mausi, one sec.

Me: What happened?

Nandu: A coin slipped off my pocket.

Me: Oh! Okay, pick that up.

It did not miss my eyes that Nandu purposefully dropped the coin from his side-pocket and left the hold of the
stool briefly so that he could pick up the coin. He bent down and as he was picking up the coin I noticed his head
was still up looking at me and in fact was peeping underneath my sari! Suddenly I was very conscious of my nudity
underneath my sari excepting the scanty cover of my panty and before I could even react, I could make out he was
getting an unhindered view of my panty as he straightaway lifted his head up from that awkward position below.

Nandu seemed mesmerized for a few seconds, which actually seemed for a lifetime to me. I shifted uncomfortably
and tried to close my thighs together.

Nandu: Okay mausi. Am back! You continue the cleaning.

Nandu held the stool with his hands, but all this while his eyes remained riveted inside my sari until he was up
beyond that point and stood at my waist level. I continued with cleaning the blades of the fan. As I was wiping the
blades with my arms raised, my left breast got completely off the sari pallu and my sweaty blouse could hardly
contain my fully erect nipple. Nandu must have been more than obliged to view my bra-less juggling breasts from
that angle.

Now I went ahead to the next move of my plan.

Me: What happened Nandu? Why is the stool moving? Are you not holding it properly?

My reaction was sudden enough to catch Nandu on the wrong foot.

Nandu: No, no mausi. I am holding it correctly.

Me: Then why did it move?

Nandu: Where? It’s absolutely okay mausi. Don’t worry.

Me: Uhuh! I think the base of the stool is not that firm. O… Okay… Do one thing!

I paused just for a second.

Me: You… You just hold me along with the stool to be on the safer side.

Listening to this, Nandu’s face turned more cheerful as if that was his hidden desire!

Nandu: Sure mausi. And that way you will be much safer.

I could feel his left hand immediately on my foot. The room seemed to be charged up with an air of sexual feelings
and I closed my eyes as I was feeling Nandu’s hands on my naked legs just below my knee. Nandu was still looking up
at the fan (=me) to see how it was cleaned. I was trying to concentrate on my job and was about to clean the last
wing of the fan. Just within seconds, I could clearly feel his hand creep up a bit unmistakably. This movement of
Nandu easily sent shivers all through my body. I felt his left hand creep up on my bare leg and rested on my knee. I
was also made up of flesh and blood and was unable to ignore this lad’s moves.

Me: Nandu… err… I am feeling a bit awkward as you are holding to only one leg. It’s better if you could hold me with
both hands. I will feel… I mean will feel secure then.

Nandu: Sure mausi. Sure. Why not?

Warning bells started ringing in my head as I could feel Nandu holding my bare knees just below my tucked up sari
with both hands.

The one side of my mind was screaming to stop such alluring things to this young innocent class XI boy as I was
entering the 'point of no return' at that very moment. However, the other half of my mind was already lulled and
taken control by my basic sexual need and hidden desire. In this brief conflict, the needs overtook the reason and
I continued to clean the blade of the fan while I was thoroughly enjoying the touches of his hand on my bare legs.

I could easily comprehend that Nandu was also getting the courage at this juncture and his hands was very slowly
creeping up my knees. His palms were soft, but firm and they tiptoed up my legs centimeter by centimeter. I
looked down for a moment and realized his hands were about to enter within my sari and behaved that I was totally
ignorant of his moves. I also noticed that the young lad was also sweating, not just because the fan was switched
off, but also for his bold moves on his mausi!

As I wiped the last blade eternally I felt Nandu’s hands were for the first time inside my sari and petticoat and
touching the base of my well formed smooth thighs and resting squarely there. I made a hissing sound by which
actually I tried to control my emotions. Nandu was maturing by the minute! His index finger was very subtly
drawing some circles on my warm bare thighs and pressing the flesh with his other fingers. And he was doing all
these while his face was innocently looking at the fan. This truly was a very very diverse sensation and I had never
felt likewise even with Manohar ever before! Nandu was clearly arousing me sexually but we both behaved that we
are ignorant to each other – this surely was a totally new experience for me!

Naturally with this sort of hot action, my pussy itched vigorously and I had to scratch it once in order to even
stand properly. I looked at my hands - both were wet with dirty water and I was holding the mopping cloth also.
Moreover, Nandu was standing so close to my body. I wondered how could I at all scratch my pussy to overcome the
itch! I waited some moments. Nandu’s hands never halted! He must have been enjoying the heat that my thighs
were already generating and seemed pretty engrossed in it.

But I was desperate!

Me: Nan… Nandu…

He immediately stopped his hand movement on my legs.

Nandu: Ye… yes mausi?

Me: I mean… can you help… I mean help me a bit?

Nandu: What?

Me: Actually I am having… Well… actually as you can see my hands are all wet with this dirty water, can you do me a

Nandu: Surely.

Me: I am… I mean… I am having a vigorous itch. Uff! I can’t stand it.

Nandu: Where? Tell me naa mausi, I will rub the area.

Me: Yes, that’s what I was saying… actually its there… below my waist.

How could I say directly that I was having an itch in my pussy? I tried to be as modest as possible.

Nandu: Below your waist… at the back?

Me: No, no. In the… err… in the front. Here…

I indicated my sari-covered genital area to Nandu.

Nandu: Oho! Okay. Okay.

He had already taken out his hands from under my sari and now he took his right hand right to my panty-covered
pussy and touched me right over my honey pot!
Nandu: Here mausi?

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaah! Yes, yes.

He placed his “killer” right hand palm just over my pussy and pressed there! I closed my eyes and sighed out aloud.
Nandu started rubbing my crotch over my sari and it was such a vulgar scene yet I felt so relaxed as he did that.
He was rubbing me directly on my love spot over my sari, petticoat, and panty and must have felt my curled, dense
bush of pubic hair. I even shamelessly directed him to be at the right spot!

Me: Yes, f-i-n-e…. Now a little below. Ahhhhhhhh. Uhhhhhhhhh.

Nandu: Okay mausi.

Me: Yes, yes. Right. Ahhhhhhhhh! But don’t just rub you idiot! Scratch hard!

Nandu: As you say mausi.

Nandu was now almost grabbing my pussy over my sari with his right hand as he rubbed and scratched my crotch
vigorously. Though I was not getting 100% comfort from my vaginal itch as I felt like inserting a finger in my slit,
but this was undoubtedly a hair-raising sensual experience for me. I could well realize that I was dying to get
naked now in front of this class XI guy and get fucked by him. But some good senses probably still prevailed inside
me and I somehow was able to press the ‘stop’ button.

Me: Ahhhhhhhh! O…. Okay. Tha… Thanks Nandu. Am feeling err… better.

Nandu: Okay mausi.

He was still very obedient to me unlike any other male to whom if given this sort of tempting indulgence, he surely
would have made me naked by this time and fucked me hard without a miss. But since I was his own blood-related
mausi and an elderly lady at her 40s, he probably could not gather that courage in him to pin me down. My condition
was indescribable. I obviously had stopped cleaning the fan and gasped for breath standing on the stool with my
legs wide apart. I was wondering how to get him in the groove to pin me down, but right at that moment just as a
buffalo enters a pool of lotus, the doorbell rang and smashed my whole build-up to smithereens!

It was my brother! Nandu’s mama! He got the news earlier that Nandu had come to stay in the vacation with us and
as he got an early off today from his office (=school) due to the death of a founder-member, he came to meet him!
I was fully puzzled what to do and felt like, if nothing else, get fucked by my brother! I pretended that I had to do
much cleanup and left the place as quickly as possible and behind closed doors I tried to masturbate, but
unfortunately could not have a full discharge due to my menopausal problems. Like the previous day, I was left with
a feeling of incompleteness with my boobs aching and discharging wetting my bra, but where I wanted the
discharge – my vaginal path – remained semi-dry!

Yesterday the whole afternoon I writhed in body aches and restlessness and somehow managed till my brother was
there in the house. As he left I immediately decided to go to the doctor. Manohar was also back by that time and
he accompanied me to the doctor. I used to visit Dr. Mrs. Kothari whose chamber was nearby and who in fact
delivered my only issue also. She examined me and declared that I was on the verge of menopause and hence I was
getting such erratic symptoms. She prescribed me a lubricant cream to apply at my vagina twice and an ointment
for my boobs to be applied once a day. She told me that since the latter was to be applied only once a day, I could
take help of my husband and apply that at night before sleep. She also gave me some sleeping pills to have longer
sleeps and for soothing my nerves. She advised me to refrain from any sexual acts or sexual thoughts for the next
3-4 days before she checks me again.

But that night time even after taking the pills time and again that scene was coming to my mind where Nandu was
rubbing my pussy over my sari while I was standing on the stool for cleaning the ceiling fan. I was visualizing the
way I was gyrating my hips as his fingers rubbed and pressed over my love spot! He could clearly feel my curly
pubic hairs and slit inside my panty – how shameful! Issss… how could I do that! Nandu must be masturbating hard
tonight thinking of me.

The next morning I was in fact feeling much better. Thanks to my GYN doctor! My usual morning breast aches,
especially around my nipples, was minimal and since I had a long tight sleep, I was feeling very refreshed too! Of
course, I ignored my doctor’s advice to refrain from sexual acts and thoughts and indulged myself into Nandu again!

As I served the breakfast today I did not miss to make good use of my big firm milk tanks because as I moved to
give the food from the side to Nandu who was sitting on the table, I deliberately brushed and pressed my globes
on his head and face a number of times. And it was all the more easier for me as Manohar was still shaving and I
capitalized the opportunity to magnetize Nandu again. I must say this class XI boy was having a gala time enjoying
his vacation with my heavy teasing. As I moved back to the kitchen I walked slowly and swung my wide fleshy
buttocks appreciably so that Nandu did not miss that. I was sure he was getting a full and unrestricted view of my
sari-covered pumpkin ass.

I was just waiting for my hubby to leave so that I could get this young lad into the right groove again. Manohar
took his time and went off at around 10:30 and I released my maidservant Gayathri a bit early to ensure the coast
was clear and safe.

Me: Nandu! Nandu! Can you come to my room once beta?

Nandu almost came running as if he was anticipating that I would call him, as his mausa-ji was not at home! He was
clever enough to realize that by this time. I was already on bed waiting like a cunning lioness for the innocent lamb!

Me: Yesterday, you know, the doctor gave me an ointment for relief.

Nandu: I see. Are you better now mausi?

Me: Yes, definitely. But I have a problem now…

Nandu: What mausi?

Me: Actually the doctor told me to apply the ointment twice a day. Your mausa-ji applied them yesterday night and
will again apply them tonight, but I need to apply it now.

Nandu: When will mausa-ji return?

Me: If it can be done through him, why should I call you at all! He will have lunch coming back.

Nandu: No, I mean you can get it done by him when he returns.

Me: Nandu, the doctor told me to apply it once around 12 before going to bath.

Nandu: O! I see. Sorry. Then how can I help you mausi?

He was coming to the right track now.

Me: Actually I was a bit confused whom to ask for help as its…

Nandu waited for me to complete the sentence though I fumbled.

Me: I mean actually its meant for my breasts.

Nandu looked at my breasts, but as soon as our eyes met, he shifted his gaze elsewhere quickly.

I indicated him to bring in the medication tubes that were on the cot-side table. He brought the ointment-bottle
and the cream.

Me: This is not required for now…

I indicated to my vaginal cream and he kept it back on the table.

Me: But Nandu, one thing, you must give word that you will not tell anybody that you are helping me with… with… I
mean with this massage.

Nandu seemed surprised. Or was he pretending?

Nandu: But… but why mausi? What’s the harm?

Me: Uff! Do you always need to act like that? Tell me, why I went to the doctor yesterday?

Nandu: You… you were having some problems, that’s why.

Me: Right, but where?

Nandu: Umm… Err… that I don’t know exactly mausi.

Me: Then? Just see. That’s why I am telling you naa… If I am saying you not to tell others, definitely there is some
logic behind that. Isn’t it?

Nandu frowned at me and I could realize he was still not sure what I meant.

Me: See, yesterday actually I went to the doctor since I was having some pains in my breasts and also in my… err…
what should I say… there.

I shamelessly indicated towards my sari-covered pussy area to him with right hand.

Me: How can I share this to everybody? Can I?

Nandu: Oho! Now I got you.

Me: Huh!

I pretended to be offended about Nandu.

Nandu: Sorry about that mausi.

Me: It’s okay. Don’t waste any more time. Let me lie down first.

Nandu opened the ointment bottle and started opening its cap. Did I hear a faster heartbeat within me?

Me: How much to take mausi?

Me: O-h-o! What are you doing? Wait…

Nandu: Why? What happened now?

Me: O God! What sort of buffoon is this! Will you apply the ointment over my blouse, you dupe!

Nandu’s eyes as if glittered getting the direct hint from his 40-year-old mausi to open her blouse!

Nandu: Oho! Sure mausi. Just a second!

He quickly kept the bottle on bed and advanced towards my pillow. I looked up from my lying position – the door of
the room was open, but since there was no one in the house, I was pretty safe. Still, probably out of my womanly
shyness, I asked him to close the door as I was mentally quite geared up to do a shameless exposition in front of
this young lad. He followed my command like an obedient dog and came back to the bed again.

Me: Okay, now open…

I had already removed the pallu off my mammaries and soon felt Nandu’s cold nimble fingers on my blouse opening
each hook, one by one from the top. I felt his fingers were surprisingly steady for this act! I closed my eyes and
had naturally started breathing heavily. I could feel his fingers touching my naked cleavage and the bulge of both
boobs over my brassiere. After all the hooks were open, I rolled over and rasied my arms in the air so that he could
pull off the blouse completely off my body.

Me: Fine. Now, pull the one too.

I gave him the command lying on my stomach on the bed. I must have been looking ravishingly sexy with my whole
back fully nude except for the bra strap. Nandu’s cock must have gotten hard seeing me in this position.

Nandu: Y… yes m… mausi.

I heard the stammer in his mouth. I almost quivered as I felt his tender fingers working with my bra hook. He was
able to open my brassiere after three to four tries. “Good job”, I thought considering him to be a class XI kid. I
still remember my early married days when my husband always fumbled at opening my bra hook and most times he
used to just drag my bra up over my breasts during our intimate love sessions.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! It feels so good to be out of it.

Nandu: Yes mausi, it was so close fitting!

I rolled over again to lie on my back and automatically out of reflex my hands came to cover the beauty of my
naked globes. For the first time probably I felt shy to be absolutely topless in front of my sister’s son. Nandu was
about to pull my brassiere off my breasts when I stopped him.

Me: Can you… I mean… Nandu, can you please close the windows. I am… I am feeling very shy.
Nandu: But… but curtains are already there mausi! How could anyone peep?

Me: Nandu, just do what I am telling you to do!

Nandu reluctantly got off the bed again and closed the two windows and suddenly there was some dearth of light in
the room as the door and the windows were both closed; however, we could see each other pretty evidently.

Me: Now, its better.

Nandu was back near my head and now I myself pulled off my bra from my boobs making them completely exposed.
I could well realize Nandu was thunderstruck for a while seeing the gorgeousness of my matured, round, firm

Me: What are you looking at?

Nandu: No… no nothing.

He quickly took the ointment bottle and avoided my eye contact.

Me: Do they look good?

I directly asked him shedding all my inhibitions.

Nandu: Ye… yes…. Surely mausi!

I smiled seeing his uncomfortable and hopeless condition. Now I was also eager to know how hard his lund was
seeing my naked upper treasures, but wondered how to know that!

Me: Don’t just sit idle, start your work.

Nandu: Oh! Right mausi!

Nandu opened the ointment bottle and took some liquid on his palm and started rubbing it with both hands.

Me: But yesterday, you know Nandu, the doctor told another thing.

Nandu: What?

Me: He said whoever massages your boobs, you also need to massage him in return.

Nandu: Irk! That’s something I am hearing for the first time!

Nandu seemed quite amused hearing that.

Me: Yes, because this is not a normal massage naa…

Nandu: Hmm. That’s true.

Me: So yesterday night when your mausa-ji massaged me, I also massaged him.

Nandu: But if I don’t have a pain, why should you massage me?
Me: That’s the trick beta! You will develop the pain as you start massaging.

Nandu: Really. Lets see!

Nandu had mixed and rubbed the oil well on his both palms and now grabbed my both boobs and started massaging.
I as if got the shock of my life! I simply shivered and just closed my eyes as I felt his oily hands on my naked boob
flesh. And naturally my exposed nipples also instantly got erect getting the touch of Nandu directly on them. Both
my nipples were rock hard and fully erect instantly! I was gasping for breath as he continued to softly massage my
big naked boobs.

Me: Aaaaaaahhhh! Uiiiiiiiii reeee! Uff! It feels so g-o-o-d….

Nandu was also gaining in confidence and courage. The gentle rubbing and massaging was converting into tighter
squeezes of my taut boob flesh. Obviously I was greatly enjoying his massage and squeezing and was writhing in
excitement as he continued to feel the roundedness and tightness of my warm mammaries in both hands.

Me: Aaah! Nandu… Press them h-a-r-d!

Nandu readily increased the force with which he was grabbing my boobs and gave me such a very tight squeeze
with his right hand just like a matured male that I was confused whether I was with a class XI boy or Manohar! I
looked at his face and it clearly depicted a ‘if you demand more, I can deliver more’ type of attitude!

Me: Now, I will also massage you, my dear!

Nandu was kneading and massaging my firm tits with both hands as if squashing flour with water to make a ‘roti’!

Me: N-a-n-d-u, are you feeling any pain?

Nandu: Ye… I mean no!

I could not wait any longer and simply grabbed his lund inside his pajama.

Me: Wow!

That was my instant reaction feeling the hardness of his lund inside his pajama.

Nandu: Oh! Mausi… what are you doing?

I did not listen to him and started caressing and pressing his young erect lund and tried to grasp it in my hand, but
was unable to do that as he was wearing a brief under his pajama.

Nandu: Mausi, p-l-e-a-s-e! What… Eii…. what are you doing?

I was more eager now to take his lund out of his pajama and instantly worked in my mind what to do next to fulfill
my desire!

Me: What…. What’s this? Stop. Stop massaging!

All of a sudden I pretended to be angry about something.

Nandu: M… mausi, what’s up?

Me: I say stop massaging…. Shame on you Nandu!

Nandu looked very confused and somewhat pale at my sudden change of mood, but he was still holding to my naked

Nandu: Ma… mausi… what happened? Did I do anything wrong?

Me: Wrong? What’s this? Why is it so hard?

I kept holding and pressing his erect lund inside his pajama.

Nandu: Err… I… I don’t know mausi.

Me: Am I a fool that I would not understand? Your mausi asked you for some help and you are enjoying her
helplessness! Shame on you Nandu!

Nandu: Mausi, please don’t be angry… but I did not do anything… believe me…

Me: Then?

He quickly removed his hands now off my bare tits and his head drooped before me. I was thoroughly enjoying this
innocent boy’s messy condition.

Me: Speak up! Tell me how did it become so hard?

Nandu: Mausi… I mean err… as soon as I started opening your blouse for the massage, I was… I was feeling…
feeling something in my body… and then only it got… hard.

Me: So that means you enjoyed opening my blouse and seeing my naked breasts. Huh! It’s a disgrace… you are like
my son Nandu….

Nandu: Mausi, I did not have any such intention, believe me mausi…

Me: Then? What is this?

I indicated and stroked his penis over his pajama.

Nandu: Mausi… I got carried away. I have never opened a girl’s blouse like this!

Me: That’s all right! But you are applying a medicine to me? Isn’t it? That’s why I have opened my blouse in front of
you. Will I go to anyone and open my blouse for a massage! What do you think of me?

Nandu: No, no mausi. I… I…

All this time I was sitting on the bed, still in a complete topless condition, conversing with this Class XI boy.

Me: I never expected this from you Nandu! Even yesterday night when your mausa-ji was massaging me, I in turn
massaged his… but he was not as hard as you!
Nandu remained silent with his head drooping and naturally seemed quite anxious and confused.

Me: Speak up!

Nandu: Mausi… I had never touched a girl’s breast and… and your breasts are so beautiful and big. I… I got carried

Me: Hmm. Let me see how much you are “carried away”! Open your pajama once.

Nandu looked at me with a “question mark” on his face.

Me: Open it. Open it. Let me see. Stand up and open it.

Nandu realized that he has to be in a “pants down” position and hence stood up on bed and started opening the
thread of his pajama. He pulled it down slowly and his brief expectedly looked like a tent. He now pulled his brief
down top his knees and in front of my face was a naked young erect dick! I noticed Nandu’s lund was now fully erect
and the pink head showed up through his foreskin. My lower jaws hung down seeing this very inviting scene.

Me: Hmm. So this is the way you are helping me for a massage! Just see! How big it has grown!

Before Nandu could say anything I grabbed his naked penis in my right hand and inspected it.

Me: Ouuuuuuuuuu! Shhhhhhhhhhh……….

It was such a heavenly feeling to grab this young hot lund and that too after such a gap! I have honestly forgotten
when I last grabbed and played with my husband’s dick because the last few times we had intercourse it was such
an irritating routine phenomenon! Manohar just kept hugging me on bed and pushed his head inside my dense boobs,
then somehow lifted my nighty till my waist first and then up to my shoulder and played with my naked tits and
that’s all! Then he inserts his lund into my hole as if performing a routine task and pumps out his juice and then?

Dozes off!

Thus my excitement was definitely in excess of normal to see, feel, and groping Nandu’s naked lund. Nandu’s
condition was pathetic. He was fully excited, his penis was rock hard, his balls were throbbing, but he could not
jack off! I was enjoying the whole thing to the hilt and probably even more than a direct fuck!

Me: So Nandu? This is how you planned to massage my breasts!

I played with his rod nodding my head. Though it was limp, but the stiffness was excellent.

Nandu stood like bamboozle not knowing what to reply to me and get out of this situation.

Me: Nandu you said you got carried away touching my breasts… right?

Nandu: Ji… ji mausi.

Me: Okay, now you are not touching my boobs? So lets see whether it comes to normal size or not. If yes, then it’s
fine, otherwise I will presume that your outlook is dubious.

I almost sounded like a school teacher threatening her student.

Nandu: But… but… okay.

I was still holding and stroking his lund and there was simply no way his lund could get back to normal position.

Me: Do I need to hide them?

Saying that I indicated to my hanging naked tits.

Nandu: No… no, no.

He was in a real mess and state of embarrassment. He was utterly confused how to normalize his erect penis. I was
having a gala time playing and stroking his young stiff lund.

Nandu: Mausi… I mean… I don’t know why I am unable to… err…

Me: Hmm… so that means your…

Nandu: No, no mausi. Believe me! My outlook towards you is clean. I swear!

Me: Hmm, I take your word.

Nandu: Th… thanks!

Me: Okay, okay. But let me try to bring it back to normal.

Nandu: But… but how will you do that mausi?

Me: You just wait and see.

Nandu was still standing on my bed with his hanging naked dick and I was sitting near his legs absolutely topless.

Me: Come near me and put your rod in my mouth.

Nandu: What… what are you saying!

I gave him a strong look and he immediately followed my order.

Nandu: O… okay mausi, as you say.

Nandu came one step ahead and his dangling lund was almost touching the smooth skin of my face. He was waiting
that I would take his lund in my mouth, but I wanted him to put it in my mouth. Seeing I was not taking any action,
he held his dick with his right hand and made it touch my lips. That was all that I needed!

I embraced his lund with my warm thick lips and was going up and down grazing the whole stiff shaft. This made
him more excited and he was now releasing groans being sexually excited. Then I started licking Nandu’s lund and
this was the first time I was taking any male’s penis in my mouth apart from Manohar’s. The feeling was
inexpressible and my whole body was shaking in excitement. I now started sucking Nandu’s lund making him go mad
in excitement. My pace was slow at the beginning, but I myself got so much excited sucking this young cock that
within moments I was feverishly sucking his lund. This time I held his cock with both my hands and did the sucking
with occasional licking and probing of the pink head of his tight rod. I rolled over my tongue again and again on the
tight skin simultaneously squeezing his balls to make things worse for him.
Though I should have realized that this action was a bit too much for this young lad and very expectedly within
minutes Nandu exploded right in my mouth. And as I released his cock from my mouth, his sperms spew out all over
my face. Nandu looked hopeless and I could not react properly to this also! A drop or two of his sperm was on my
lips and I shamelessly licked it with my mouth.

Me: Ooh! It tastes soooooooooooooooooooooooooo g-o-o-d!

Nandu seemed to be eternally discharging as though his cock appeared limp now it was still releasing hot fluid! I
could not resist myself and again took his lund in my mouth and started sucking it and this time was gulping his
discharge very eagerly.

Nandu: M-a-u-s-i… Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Nandu must have been enjoying this oral service thoroughly and so was I. After sucking his last drop I released him
off my clutches.

Nandu: Mausi, you… I mean you err… swallowed that?

Me: Why? Do you want it back?

Nandu: He he… how can I get that back? You have already…

Me: Yes, I have gulped that, but I can recreate that if you want!

Nandu seemed curious. I was wiping the sperms dotted on my face with my blouse, as it was due for a wash, so I
thought why not use it as a napkin.

Nandu: Yes mausi!

Me: Come here. First let me clean you once.

I wiped off his pubic hairs, which also was soaked with fluid and cleaned his dick with my blouse.

Me: Now don’t stand any more like a pillar. Get out of the bed.

Nandu jumped off the bed like an obedient dog. I was all along talking and sitting before him in my topless
condition giving him a very erotic show with my big naked juggling tits.

Me: Now I will recreate in you what I have swallowed!

Nandu: No clue how will you do that mausi!

I smiled at his foolish remark and nodded my head like an experienced campaigner. Nandu was standing by the cot
and I also joined him there.

Me: Now hug me as your mausa-ji does.

Nandu looked confused, obviously.

Nandu: But mausi…

Me: What happened? Can’t you give me a hug? You don’t have to be like your mausa-ji, okay? Just hug me idiot!

Nandu: Yes… but…

Nandu was still hesitating.

Me: Oh no! What would I do with this duffer!

Saying that I pulled him towards my body and pressed him tightly with both hands on my body.

Me: Okay? Now you do that to me.

Nandu: O… Okay.

Nandu was clearly hesitant but somehow managed to hug me, but that was also a very cautious approach if I say the
least. My bare tits were pressing on his chest and that must have started increasing his blood pressure.

Me: Now let me share your mausa-ji’s secret of hugging. But for heavens sake, please don’t apply that to anybody!

Nandu just nodded. He was probably more interested to get the feel of my big boobs on his chest.

Me: Just see where have you kept your hands?

Nandu: On your… err. back and shoulder.

Me: Right! And that’s the difference between you and your mausa-ji.

Nandu: Where does mausa-ji.. err.. keep his hands?

Me: Here.

Saying that I took his right hand off my shoulder and placed it directly on my sari-covered ass.

Me: Whenever your mausa-ji hugs me, he feels me here… he does not keep his hand stationary, but feels my whole

That was enough for Nandu to get charged once again. I could feel his limp lund was again gaining strength as his
palm felt the tight flesh of my round ass. His left hand also was there on my ass in a flash and not only was he
feeling my ass smoothness, but also giving me gentle squeezes there over my sari.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh… yes, do it with both hands…

Nandu: Y… yes m-a-u-s-i.

Now he was gripping my tight ass flesh amply within both palms and squeezing it at his free will. I took my hand
quickly to his lund and was astonished to gather how quickly it was getting revitalized!

Immediately the scene of my husband came to my mind. I do not even remember when he fucked me twice in a row
in last one to two years! And to get him refreshed for another session was a cumbersome task. He confessed to me
that he did not get excited any more seeing me naked once he has ejaculated, neither does he get the stimulation
by squeezing my boobs. I tried to charge him up by stroking his limp lund, which also was ineffective. Then we
worked out that after one intercourse session if we were interested in another, which was a very rare case though,
I had to do some activities so that he gets charged up again. But, honestly the process was so arduous for me in
that state that I did not bother him for a second fuck. I had to do a series of exhibitionism for him to get his lund
tighter again, which at times seemed very disgraceful for me. After cleaning up the mess of our first intercourse I
had to wear my undergarments again and then go to the toilet. Manohar admitted he felt excited seeing me in that
fashion. Then if I drink water or comb my hair or speed up the fan, etc., I had to move about in the room in that
scanty outfit. Though no one was seeing me except Manohar, I felt very ashamed moving about like that. He would
then lit up a cigarette invariably and till he finished that I had to be in my sheer undergarments, which was a
significant period of time and if he felt like he would caress my butts over my panty and squeeze my boobs from
over my bra. Lastly when he was stimulated again, I had to once again open my undergarments and engage in the

Seeing Nandu’s rate, at which his lund was getting hard and erect, I was vastly excited.

Me: Do you like that Nandu?

I almost whispered in his ears. Nandu’s hands were strongly caressing my tight ass flesh.

Nandu: Y… yes mausi. Very much!

Me: Hmm. I am also enjoying it very much dear! It’s so long that someone has done this to me….

Nevertheless I was feeling so wholly energized after such a long gap! It was such a sensational feeling that I let
him have a little reward.

Me: One sec Nandu… let me just pull this up!

Saying that I just pulled up my remaining sari still on my body and my petticoat to my waist so that Nandu could
now get his hands on my panty-covered butt cheeks.

Me: Now do your massage!

Nandu was as if given the path to heaven and he started mauling my big, round ass with added vigor and with zero
resistance from my end his fingers began to hover over my panty as I held my sari up at my waist! Nandu in his
excitement leaned closer and closer to me and massaged my pumpkin ass with both hands. I was completely
drenched in a feeling of amazement and strong fervor. I could well realize that the all-too-familiar tingling
sensation was nicely building up in between my thighs once again. The more his fingers worked on my panty-covered
buttocks, the more the itchy sense grew inside me.

Me: Aaaaaaah! Uuuuuuiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaa! Uffffffffffff! Aaaaaaaaaaaffffffff!

I openly sighed all sorts groans and moans very shamelessly as I was getting massaged by this class XI boy on my

Me: Aaah! Nandu, stop… stop beta… I can’t take it any more.

Nandu: Oh! O… okay m… mausi!

Me: Aaah! They must be all red by now!

Nandu: What mausi?

Me: My gaand! You rascal! The way you have squeezed them…. Uffff….

I dropped my sari to my feet, but tucked it off my sari from my waist. So I was standing now in front of Nandu
only in my petticoat with my both big boobs already fully uncovered. I got up to the bed and invited him there.

Me: Full marks to you for your massage… but let me see how do you massage my back? Doodh and gaand massages
were superb my darling!

Nandu: Thanks mausi. I am glad that you liked my massage.

I lied on my stomach on the bed and indicated him to do the needful.

Me: Take some ointment. The cold feeling adds up the fire….

Nandu took some ointment on both palms and started massaging my smooth bare back. There was not even my bra
strap to create any hindrance, as the upper part of my body was completely naked. After some minutes when I was
really enjoying his tender nimble hands on my bare back, I could realize Nandu was eyeing my boobs. As he
massaged the sides on my back, he could see my boobs tightly pressed on bed below my body. He must have felt
very much aroused seeing that inviting prospect. He even touched me there a couple of times, but was not bold
enough to grip my boobs from that position. I smiled within myself and enjoyed the whole thing and closed my eyes
to see what he does.

Suddenly he exerted full force with his fingers from both sides while I was a bit distracted with closed eyes
enjoying his feel on my naked back, and as a reflex action I just lifted myself a little reacting to his force. That
little room I created was big enough like an airport runway for him and both his hands dived in from both sides of
my body and the next thing I knew was both my nipples were invaded. I could only gasp in surprise as his fingers
tweaked and pressed my big perky black nipples. I was astounded by his boldness and could not even react verbally!

I was about to turn my head towards him when I heard something in my left ear.

Nandu: Mausi p-l-e-a-s-e! Don’t get angry… I really like to play with those…

Saying that he emphatically twisted both my nipples with his fingers and his hands were now tightly pressed in
between my boobs and the bed. I was feeling very uncomfortable and had had to lift my body a little up from the
bed and tried to pivot on my elbows. That actually paved way for Nandu to encase my huge left tit in his left hand
while his other hand was furiously twisting and pressing with my fully erect right nipple.

Me: Ouch! Eiiiiiii…. Shhhhhhhhhh…… Uiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

As I grunted ecstasies of emotions Nandu now placed himself on my back and now had a much better grip of my
naked tits. I let out a loud squeal as he continued to cup my breasts under my body weight. After some more
moments of enjoyment, I was feeling a pain on my elbows and decided to lay supine. As I placed my head on the
pillow, my naked mammaries looked awesome in their full resilient size and my black nipples appeared very swollen
and erect. Honestly I was so much aroused after a very long period of time. I myself do not remember when I had
last seen my boobs grow so much!

Nandu: Shall I do some more massage there?

I was of course more than willing to get those male hands on my naked tits again.
Me: Sure my dear!

Since I had placed the pillow awkwardly and was lying on bed in a slanted position, there was not much space left
for Nandu to sit on my left side, so he shifted his position towards my head and grabbed my boobs from that
position and started gently cupping and feeling them again. I could well realize that he was initially feeling the
tightness of his 40-year-old mausi’s bursting boobies and slowly was exerting pressure with his fingers and cupping
each of my globes feeling the hard erect nipples on his stretched out palms. I was so much elated that I closed my
eyes again and was releasing joyful grunts as if in seventh heaven!

With closed eyes I felt as if my husband was playing with my boobs although Nandu’s palm size was much smaller in
comparison to Manohar’s. After some moments I sensed something brush my face! It could not be his hands… I
thought! I had to open my eyes. I opened my eyes just a little and was initially shocked to see a brown thing just
over my eyes, but immediately realized that since Nandu was near my head, his erect lund was now almost touching
my face!

I smiled within myself and again closed my eyes, now extracting the delight out of this very ‘special’ touch. Nandu’s
lund was now dangling my right cheek. Nandu continued to massage my breasts, seemingly oblivious of this brushing.
I now opened my eyes slightly and enjoyed the little “brushes” on my cheek. Nandu’s lund was attaining to full size
again getting my touches and though his dick was not a monster one, but it was adequately long and stiff.

Nandu shifted a tad inclining more towards my luscious boobs thereby creating a very tempting position for me. My
lips were just millimeters away from his balls. I could not control myself and parted my lips slightly and touched his
hanging balls. I was in a complete daze when I found Nandu adjusted his body to drop his balls more into my mouth
so that I could suck them! The boy had grown bigger in rather quick time than I imagined!

This action of Nandu as if turned my switch onto the top gear! The tingling inside me was so high now that I felt I
would literally explode any moment.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiii. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…. What pleasure!

I groaned as I sucked his balls and he was in turn pressing and squeezing my milk tanks. His fingers must have been
very tired the way he was continuously massaging my big boobs. But just then I felt as if I was letting out
something off my breasts. It was the discharge, about which I was bothered for some days now, for which I went
to the doctor also.

Nandu: Mausi, what’s this?

He was quite surprised, of course, and was looking at his fingers covered with that white fluid.

Me: Don’t you know what’s that? It’s milk.

Nandu: Milk? But mausi… it’s so sticky and has an odor too!

Saying that he brought his finger near my nose.

Nandu: See!

Me: Initially when it comes out, its like that only. Suck it properly and you will get the right taste.

Nandu: Su… suck! You mean… err… you want me to suck your breasts, but… but mausi am grown up now to do that!
Me: What do you think? Only babies suck mom’s milk? Big boys also do that.

Nandu: Really! I thought…

Me: Hang your thoughts and do as I say!

He was seriously irritating me by delaying through this chat.

Nandu: O… okay mausi. But for this I will have to… I mean ride on you.

Me: Do that. For so long your mausa-ji had taken a ride, today you ride me! Just lie down completely on me.

Nandu: As you say mausi.

Nandu got on top of me and lay down over me such that his mouth was near my boobs and I could feel his dangling
erect lund was now pressing on my panty over my petticoat. I was feeling hysterical and wanted to explode as he
started to suck my swollen left nipple. His free hand began to massage my right breast and I couldn’t take it any
longer and shamelessly gave a very loud moan. His lips and tongue were now treading on an uncharted territory, a
very personal zone for any woman.

Nandu’s right hand was just about doing everything with my free right boob – he was kneading, pinching, and
pressing it at his free will while his tongue was probing my left breast feverishly. I was burning in excitemnt and
was parting and closing my thunder thighs inside my petticoat and letting out squeals. But within moments Nandu
pulled off his lips off my nipple!

Nandu: Mausi, it… it does not taste good at all!

I was swithing in sexual agony and was letting out moans.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Okay, okay.

Nandu: Let me wipe it clean.

Saying that he took my blouse, which was lying on the bedside, and wiped my juggling naked breasts clean and also
cleaned my perky black nipples. I was totally engrossed and was mentally ready to get fucked by this class XI boy!

Me: Uhhhh! I can’t take it any more… Oh!

Nandu: Are you in pain mausi?

Me: Yes, my whole body is aching… open that…

I indicated with my eyes to Nandu to open my petticoat. Nandu of course was more than eager to do that. He
quickly opened the knot of my petticoat and as I lifted my buttocks and thighs off the bed, he quickly dragged it
from under my gaand down to my ankles. I was fully nude now except that my pussy was covered with my panty.
Nandu seemed mesmerized seeing my huge body clad only in that meager panty.

Me: How do I look Nandu?

Nandu: Very beautiful mausi… very beautiful.

Me: Aaaaaaaaah! Do whatever you want to do with me….

I shemalessly gave him the license to fuck me. Nandu went down towards my ankles.

Nandu: Wow! Such big thighs and soooo smooth! Mausi, your legs are also very nice.

He now slowly climbed up my legs inspecting them from close quarters. He was now behaving like a mature male! He
touched my legs and slowly moved up to my knees and began massaging my knees. He was feeling the smoothness of
my legs with both hands. I parted my legs to give him way to reach my lovespot. Nandu readily accepted that and
worked his way up to my inner thighs. He gripped the tatut flesh of my exposed thighs and rubbed them with a lot
of force, which made me squirm in excitement. Nandu was changing gears like an experienced fucker. He started
caressing my smooth naked thighs forming circles at my inner thigh working his way up! This was simply driving me

Me: Urrrrrrrrrre! Uuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! N—a—a—n—d—u!

I lost my control as his left hand pushing up reached very near to my panty and his right hand moved sideways down
to my buttocks. I involuntarily parted my thighs wider and gasped for breath as his fingers barely touched my
pussy over my undergarment. I was feeling my cramps and my vaginal path was surely getting wet, but very

Me: Hey, what are you waiting for? Open my panty, you nitwit! Plunder me!

Immediately I could feel my last ‘lajja vastra’ being pulled below my hips as I arched my heavy hips involuntarily to
assist the forceful pulling and off it went past my thighs, the knees, the ankles and down to my feet. Nandu tossed
it at the corner of the bed making me absolutely unclothed. I was lying stark naked with my sister’s son!

For the first time a quiver went down through my body making me shy and I remained motionless on bed with my
eyes tightly shut. Nandu was on me now, taking control for the first time, hugging me very tightly. His erect dick
was pressing me exactly on my naked pussy and his flat chest pressing on my tight boobs. His deep breaths
showered on my face, shoulder, and neck and Nandu was making me go wild and craving.

After some moments of tight hugging and cuddling, I was feeling the urge to suck his lund again.

Me: Nandu, once again…

He questioned me through his eyes “What” and I replied through my eyes. I got up and sat on the edge of the bed.
As I did that I looked at the mirror and I looked horribly sexy sitting like that in bed being fully naked. Nandu
quickly got off the bed with his dangling manhood and came around holding his rod to my mouth. I grasped it with
both hands and brushed it all over my face and then wasting no time licked it wildly as if I had never seen one
before! I let my hungry tongue dart in and out licking the tip of his penis while I caressed his amazingly tight balls.
I gently squeezed them and Nandu was simply groaning aloud like a pig. I took his tool into my open lips and let it
slide in within my lips like a stick icecream slowly, inch by inch, finally starting to suck him wildly.

When his tool was inside my mouth fully, I felt it reached the base of my throat and I began sucking the long pole
in and out in varying speed. Nandu moaned and groaned so loudly that I was afraid that he would attract the
attention of my neighbor!

Nandu: No, mausi, no… Not any more… p-l-e-a-s-e…

I did not listen to him and continued to suck him sitting at the edge of my bed. And then suddenly what happened
made me purely flabbergasted. Nandu just stopped me abruptly by pushing my face off his penis, but seeing that I
was not in the mood to release his dick, he forcefully dragged me off holding my long hair. Simultaneoulsy with his
left hand he pressed and twisted my right nipple with two fingers very tightly and the action was so hard both on
my hair and my nipple that I cried out in pain.

Nandu: Uff! Just leave me!

He was still holding onto my hairs as he rebuked me.

Nandu: Don’t you understand that I will explode if you do like this!

As I gathered my senses, tears came to my eyes as I felt extreme pain in my right nipple. I lost control and
straightaway slapped him.

Me: Uff! You bastard! Just see what have you done!

I looked down at my right boob and could see the nipple was swollen already and I was having intense pain there and
I could see a drop of blood, which his sharp nail had made. Nandu was immediately in an apologetic mood and left my

Me: How dare you hold me by my hair! Your mausa-ji in his whole life did not ever dare to control me like that and
you… a young nitwit… hold me by my hairs! What do you think? Since I have opened my sari before you, you can do
whatever you like!

Nandu: Sorry mausi…. I am really sorry. I did not mean to hurt you, but… Please forgive me mausi.

Saying that Nandu quickly brought some ointment from my breast massage ointment bottle and applied that to my
right nipple. As he caressed my nipple with the ointment I held his ear tightly and commanded:

Fuck me. Right now. Do you get me!

Nandu: But mausi… I have… I mean… err…

Me: What are you mumbling, you rascal?

Nandu: Mausi, I mean I have never fucked any girl…!

What an honest confession!

Before he could even react properly, I hugged him and almost carried to bed making him lie down over my body. For
the first time I tool his lips inside mine and kissed him deep. Nandu also kissed me in return, but of course, they
were still childish. I sucked his lips time and again and probed my tongue inside his mouth and sucked his tongue
also. With my husband I really do not get this opportunity as when he kisses me he takes the lead role and most
times I get crippled as he simultaneously either squeezes my boob or grabs my gaand. But here Nandu being a
novice I was able to kiss him for long and really enjoyed that. Then I picked his erect tool and guided it in my
lovespot. I could feel his rod thrust deep in me in one quick motion. Though my vaginal path was not as wet as it
should be for any other normal woman, Nandu’s stiff lund was able to pop through my hole. And once it was in, he
started to conquer me. His dick went half way through my slippery pussy and in the next forceful bang it made its
way through fully. Nandu held both my tits and squeezed them and tweaked my nipples in turn while he moved his
tool in and out in rhythmic fashion.
I unabashedly screamed louder and louder with pleasure as I was screwed deeper and deeper by this class XI
young lad. He thrust his tool in and out, faster and slower, faster and slower, while his hands were not still even for
a moment, either playing with my tits, or squeezing them, or tweaking my taut nipples, or fingering my navel. I was
shouting at the top of my voice. Tears of pleasure were rolling in from my cheek as I felt the mounting great
orgasm inside me – after so many days – after such ignornce from my husband!

Me: Aaaa… Aaaa… Aaaaa…. Please don’t stop Nandu…. Just don’t stop!

I continued to scream loudly as he thrusted inside me each time. My vaginal muscles were trying to cramp his cock,
but unfortunately my path was much wider for his slim-sized cock. Since I was married for so long and having
intercourse over years with Manohar, my vaginal path had grew wider and muscles there have slackened; so surely I
was not getting that tight feeling with Nandu’s young cock, but still it was a very engrossing experience. Nandu also
did not feel that pain, which he would normally get fucking a virgin girl. Still his face depicted that he was
absorbed in his activity. I felt my whole body go rigid for a moment and I shuddered very violently following that.
Looking right into Nandu’s face I continued to shudder and climaxed wildly with a scream.

Me: Ahhhhhhhh…… hhhhhhhhhh……Uuuuuuuuuuuiiiiii!

It was not possible for this young lad to take in any more and he let out a loud groan and within the next couple of
thrusts his body arched in a bow-like-shape and he exploded inside me and my whole pussy was filled with his warm

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

It was so satisfying! There was no alternative to satisfy oneself other than a fuck for any married woman. I could
feel Nandu’s cock getting out of my pussy losing its resilient status. Nandu now lay on top of my body totally
exhausted. I closed my eyes and tried to cherish these very satisfying moments, though the uncomfortable part
also remained for me, as I did not get the adequate discharge, which made me feel incomplete from the inside.

I do not know how long I was lying like that with closed eyes. Nandu got off me and went to the toilet and cleaned
himself. I was still lying on my bed with my legs widely apart in a complete naked state. My pussy lips and pussy hair
displayed shamelessly with Nandu’s juices still coming out of my pussy hole.

Nandu: Mausi, mausi! Get up and… err I mean wear something!

Me: Huh! Oh! Y-e-s.

Nandu: I mean if mausa-ji comes back…

I regained my senses immediately hearing the word “mausa-ji” from his mouth and involuntarily my right hand
covered my bare tits. I got up though my pussy was aching significantly now. I remembered my doctor’s advice not
to engage in sex for the next few days, which I violated today. Nandu was standing close to me and must be
enjoying my stripped condition. I don’t know why I suddenly started to feel ashamed; probably my natural instincts
were taking up control. I covered my freely hanging boobs with both hands and stood up. I looked at the mirror,
which was at the bedside and blushed vigorously seeing me in that state. Nandu probably could even see my skin
pores! I walked naked towards the toilet shamelessly and Nandu obviously was gaping at me. My boobs were swaying
sexily with each step and I was rather undecided what to cover – my pussy, or my huge gaand, or my twin peaks!

Day #5 & Day #6

I took my time to regroup myself after that shameless session with Nandu, who was almost like my son. I was
unable to make eye contact with Nandu and it seemed every time he was looking at me, he could see me nude
through my clothes. I was unable to forget my shameless acts and that he had seen me in a completely stripped
condition for a significant period of time. Fortunately, now-a-days I do not ‘meet’ with my husband on bed at all,
otherwise would have had a very tough time explaining him how I got that nail mark on my right nipple. Manohar
never got a clue what was happening behind his back! Indeed I was feeling very guilty every time I was looking at
my husband’s eyes. Nandu also seemed to have been coiled in within himself after experiencing the joy of his first

Day #7
Today evening Nandu would leave for his home and I wanted to bid him goodbye in my own way. I was not getting
the chance as Manohar was at home, but I got the opportunity later in the day when he was out for a short while
for some reason. Nandu was in his room and I went there.

Me: Nandu!

Nandu: Y… yes mausi?

I collected all my strength and looked straight at his eyes. Nandu could not face that and lowered his eyes.

Me: Beta, whatever happened that day must remain strictly confidential. Keep that in mind. Under no circumstances
you would discuss or share that with anybody. Promise?

Nandu: I know that mausi. You can trust me.

Me: Good. Before you leave…

Nandu: Can I come… I mean mausi, can I come close to you once?

Me: One minute. Nandu you must also promise that this would be the last time and henceforth we will again share
our old relationship...

Nandu: Okay mausi, I promise. This will be the last time.

I looked at his eyes and indicated him to come near me. Frankly I was also desirous to hug him once before he
leaves for his home. The next few minutes we were in each other’s arms and Nandu felt every inch of my
curvaceous body with his hands and I also kissed him vehemently. As Nandu’s hands pressed and squeezed my
blouse-covered boobs, my lips were taking the taste of his lips; while his hands were feeling the size of my ample
hips, I was pressing my big boobs on his flat chest; while his hands rested squarely on my fleshy hips feeling its
roundedness, my hands searched for his cock under his pajama and stroked it. Unfortunately, things were heating
up again. Nandu probably realized as he was cupping my ass over my sari that I was not wearing a panty below and
his next action rang alarm bells in my mind.

Nandu was slowly pulling my sari and petticoat up my legs and I could clearly figure out his desire to caress my
naked buttocks. Though honestly I would also love to be touched that way, but I had to draw the line.

Me: Nandu! No. Don’t do that. Please.

Nandu: Mausi… please. One last time! I will not bother you from tomorrow!

Me: Nandu, I know that, but... Hey! No, no… S-t-o-p!

Before I could react properly in one swift action he was able to bunch up my sari and petticoat way up exposing till
my thighs. As his cold hands touched my naked warm thighs I realized I was getting weak.

Me: Nandu, don’t do it. Please! Your… your mausa-ji will be back any moment.

By the time I could complete the sentence I could feel my huge gaand was fully uncovered by this boy. He hiked up
my sari well over my waist and started squeezing my tight ass. I also shamelessly succumbed to his moves and
hugged him tight to my body. Nandu now left my sari and it dropped retrieving some respect for me though his
hands remained on my naked ass underneath my sari. He was pinching my ass, pressing and squashing my tight butt
cheeks with both hands. This went on for some more moments and after he was fully satisfied with my gaand
pressing, he took out his hands from my buttocks. Nandu was quite stimulated by that time as I could feel his hard
lund under his pajama.

Nandu then hugged and started kissing my cheeks with a rejuvenated effort and he was pushing me so hard that I
could not keep my balance and had to step back and almost fall on his bed. Nandu virtually pushed me on to his bed
and as I sat on it he threw off my pallu off my shoulders. I tried to caution him, but it was too late.

Me: Nandu, behave yourself!

He was like a man-eater now, who had tasted blood once. He jumped on my twin boobs and grabbed them with both
hands over my blouse and bra. I could clearly perceive the extra force in his moves and his actions today was so
very definitive! I apprehended that he would definitely strip me now and I tried to stop him by holding his hands,
but he seemed to be determined to disrobe me.

Me: Stop! Please…

My resistance was too feeble and he was trying to pull up my blouse and bra over my tight boobs.

Me: Nandu… Nandu, this way you will… you will tear my blouse!

But hardly did my reactions reached him and seeing that he was unable to open my blouse hooks quickly, the rascal
simply put his hand right inside my blouse and grabbed my luscious mango. His facial expressions had changed and
he looked very rough and compulsive. Though I was struggling hard to get myself free from his clutches he
managed to pull out my left boob from my blouse! As soon I got the feel of his hand on my naked breast, my
struggle lost some mileage and he took full advantage of that and in no time was able to pull out my right breast
also over my blouse. I simply looked like a slut sitting like that on the edge of the bed!

Once he succeeded in making both my mammaries exposed over my dress, he took a respite and gaped very
offensively at my twin peaks. In spite of being stimulated by his touches, I was feeling very dishonored and could
not digest this rapist-like behavior from Nandu and slapped him hard.

Me: What do you think you are doing? You numbskull!

As I slapped and rebuked him, I tried to cover my boobs with my hands, but to my utter surprise Nandu just
forcefully held my arms and pushed me to lie down on the bed against my will. In the span of a couple of days
Nandu seemed to be a changed person! To my sheer disbelief, he just ignored my slap and was trying to pin me
down! The innocence from his face had entirely disappeared!

Me: Nandu, you are crossing the limit! What sort of behavior is this?
Nandu did not care to reply to me and neither did he stop his lewd aggression. He held my arms firmly and was
sniffing my chest area and was trying to lick my exposed nipples as I struggled to save my dignity.

Me: Nandu, don’t do this! Please! I am your mausi afterall!

Nandu: Just once mausi… one last time!

Me: What one last time?

Nandu: I want to… want to fuck you mausi! You are so sexy!

I could not believe my ears what I was hearing! My head was as if spinning. Was he the same innocent obedient
Nandu whom I had toyed with last few days? I could not digest the fact that a young boy like Nandu was trying to
take control over me! Before I could regain my composure he held my outstretched arms in one hand and took his
free hand towards my waist and started pulling up my sari from over my legs. My feeling at that time was a very
strange mixed one – it was a jumble up of my sexual desire and saving my self-respect. It was like getting molested
in my own house!

Me: Nandu… please don’t! No… no… Stop it!

I exclaimed but to no effect! I was struggling to get up because my position was very vulnerable and Nandu was in
full control as he was right on top of me. Nandu released my hands and thrusted my head back on the bed and tried
to kiss my lips. I was trying my best to evade him now, but he suddenly twisted my stiff swollen right nipple so hard
that I screamed out and he was smart enough to utilize the opportunity and sunk his teeth deep into my lower lips.
He made me rather horny by this double action and with his other hand when he grabbed my left boob, it was
difficult to maintain the struggle that I had been doing.

Me: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I was groaning sighs of ecstasy though I still very offended by Nandu’s rough behavior.

Nandu: O mausi… you are so s-w-e-e-t! Aaah!

Realizing that I had started to response feebly to his lewd touches, he began to massage by naked tits more
aggressively twisting my black nipples time and again with his fingers. Simultaneously he was pressing his erect tool
on my pussy over my sari.

Nandu: Sorry mausi, but I was unable to keep myself in check seeing you. You are the most sexy woman of the
world mausi… Are you still angry with me?

He kissed my thick cheek and looked straight in my eyes. I was a bit soft now hearing his “sorry” and started
enjoying his loving touches.

Nandu: Just see… he cannot wait any long!

Saying that he pressed my pussy area with his crotch making me feel his hard lund there.

Me: Huh!

I tried to show that I was still angry, but then the very next moment what he did made me succumb to his doing.
Nandu suddenly released me and got off my body and in one swift action he opened his pajama string and took out
his hot dick and placed it right in front of my mouth. Like any married woman, I could not resist myself seeing his
heard, erect tool and readily grabbed it forgetting everything!

Me: Ulssssssss…. Ulssssssss…. Chhhhhhhhh…. Ummmm…..

I was creating all sorts of sexy sounds as I sucked his dick lying on the bed. Nandu also was enjoying thoroughly as
he had closed his eyes.


“Ding Dong!” “Ding Dong!”

The doorbell was ringing. Was Manohar back? But that was unlikely because he should at least take half an hour to
45 minutes. Or it was someone else? We both quickly got up and tried to look decent. I pulled down my sari to cover
my legs and mammaries and Nandu was busy tying his pajama. Nandu hurriedly went to the window and tried to see
from the side who it was.

Nandu: Mausi, its mausa-ji!

Me: O my God! What to do?

Nandu: Don’t panic mausi! I will open the door and you go to the toilet and dress up.

Me: Right.

I almost ran to my room and got inside the toilet as my boobs were still out of my blouse and bra. I heard Nandu
open the door. Manohar had some good reasons to get back early and that was indeed a narrow escape. Nandu
departed in the evening and I did hug him very normally (as my husband was present there) before he left in the
auto-rickshaw for station with Manohar. That was the end of my sexy escapades with my sister’s son, Nandu.

Sunita Bhabie was looking blankly at the ceiling. I could comprehend her mental state and gently held her arm. She
smiled dryly at me and ended her drink with a deep sigh. I could hear the boys coming to the balcony and alerted
Bhabie. In a moment, Manohar Uncle, Rajesh, and Ritesh appeared in the hotel verandah with their respective

Rajesh: What are you two doing here for so long? Eh? Are you not d… done y… yet? But it was great fun y-a-a-r!
You… you missed it.

I noticed that Rajesh had a pretty unsteady gait and so was Manohar Uncle. They seemed to be drunk to the brim.
Ritesh was holding on to Manohar Uncle so that he did not fall!

Me: Thank God that you are over and done with! Lets order for dinner then.

Rajesh: O… Okay.

Manohar Uncle: Sure An… Anita!

None of the males except Ritesh was in a decent state. I ordered to room service and we completed dinner
somehow as Manohar Uncle was totally ‘out’ and Rajesh was also heavily drunk.

Rajesh: O-k-a-y! Good night e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y! Where is my darling wife? Eh?

Rajesh was simply not in his senses. He hugged me in front of all and started brushing his face on my face and I
felt so awkward.

Me: Oh! Come on! Behave properly!

But he continued to embrace me tightly and was about to walk. I felt so ashamed in that position especially in front
of Sunita Bhabie and Manohar Uncle that I turned red instantly.

Manohar Uncle: Wah Be… Beta! Where is my b-u-l-b-u-l?

Saying that he turned towards Bhabie, but his condition was so miserable that he stumbled and almost fall hitting
the table. Ritesh was close enough to take care of him, otherwise Uncle surely would have hurt him.

Sunita Bhabie: Stop this rubbish and go to bed.

Ritesh: Bhabie, you go and prepare the bed. Will take care of Uncle.

Sunita Bhabie: Okay. And Rajesh, you also keep your mouth shut and go to bed. Anita, just come over once when you
are done with.

Saying that she went towards her room and Rajesh and myself followed suit. As we walked Rajesh gave his full body
weight onto me due to his drunken state and I had a tough time guiding him through the corridor. He was singing
some weird tune and at intervals speaking slang. As we entered our room, he was eager to drop down to bed. As he
fell on bed, Rajesh pulled me alongside and I fell on his chest. He hugged me and started caressing and squeezing
my tight round butts. Honestly I was already quite charged up listening to Bhabie’s personal life narratives and
immediately started responding to his moves. But unfortunately Rajesh was rather heavily drunk and soon he began
to merely fumble on the curves of my body.

Me: Oho! What are you doing dear! Hold me properly.

Rajesh: Hu…Huh! Ya….

He was trying to kiss me, but the odor coming from his mouth was so repulsive that I avoided the kiss. He did not
have the strength to force me and his lips were sagging and I could realize his grip on me was also slipping. Though
I felt hot inside, but seeing his condition I allowed him to doze off. I got up from the bed and adjusted my clothes
and went to the toilet. I voided, washed my face, and changed to my nighty. I needed to go to Bhabie’s room once,
as she had called me, hence just wrapped the housecoat over my nighty so that I looked decent.

As I was about to enter Sunita Bhabie’ room, I could hear Ritesh’s voice inside. I was instantly curious.

Ritesh: Okay, then I have done my duty Bhabie, now you take care of your treasure! Ha ha ha…

Sunita Bhabie: My sleeping beauty!

Now I carefully peeped inside the room through the curtain and could see Manohar Uncle lying flat on the bed,
snoring, and Bhabie was talking to Ritesh standing on one side of the bed while Ritesh stood on the other.

Sunita Bhabie: By the way, how many pegs did he consume?

Ritesh: Six plus Bhabie!

Sunita Bhabie: My goodness!

Ritesh: Uncle is a true barrel! Ha ha ha…

Sunita Bhabie: Huh!

Ritesh: Oho! One thing Bhabie, can I just have a quick shower here? Actually the tap in my toilet….

Sunita Bhabie: Why? What’s the problem?

Ritesh: I don’t know, but I found water is only trickling out of the tap of the shower at the top.

Sunita Bhabie: Oh! Okay, no issues! You can go for a bath right away if you like.

Ritesh: Thanks Bhabie. I will not take long.

Sunita Bhabie: I also need to change. Its pretty hot today, isn’t it?

Ritesh: I think you must be feeling the heat of the vodka you have consumed. Ha ha…

I was still standing at the edge of the door behind the curtain, but was getting tensed because if any of the
passing housekeeping staffs sees me, it would be very odd. But at the same time I was also not very keen to go
inside immediately, as I was rather eager to uncover the chemistry between Ritesh and Sunita Bhabie. So I took
my chances and continued to eavesdrop them.

Sunita Bhabie: Will you wait a second Ritesh? Then I can change…

Ritesh: Sure Bhabie.

I saw Sunita Bhabie went to one corner of the room, opened the wardrobe, and took a blue nighty and went inside
the toilet to change. The scene was itself suggestive for any male, who was already drunk, to see a plump matured
woman going to the toilet with a nighty in her hand to change while her hubby was snoring. Ritesh sat on the bed
and was looking at the closed door of the toilet while he lit up a cigarette. Then he looked for a moment towards
the door where I was standing. My heartbeat as if stopped. But thankfully he did not concentrate there and of
course could not locate me as I was behind the curtains.

He then stood up and very crudely adjusted his dick within his undies over his pant and just laid back on the bed
with Manohar Uncle sleeping just inches away. My heart was beating fast and I had begun to perspire in unknown
excitement. I quickly checked the corridor; there was no one.

Sunita Bhabie: Ritesh, you can go now.

Bhabie came out of the toilet. She was dressed in her nighty, but to my utter surprise she was wearing one of
those sleeveless ones, but without the housecoat! These nighties cannot be worn in front of outsiders as the whole
hands along with a lot of upper breast area remains exposed. I was surprised to see Sunita Bhabie coming out in
front of him just wearing that; the intoxication must have taken its effect on Bhabie. As she came near the bed
and stood under the light, I could clearly see her bra and panty lines also through the thin blue fabric of her
nighty. I noticed Ritesh was ogling Bhabie from his lying position.

Sunita Bhabie: What happened? Go for your bath?

Ritesh: Aaah! I feel like sleeping here…

Sunita Bhabie: Great! So you sleep with your uncle here and if you wake up in the interim, just open your bottle
again… Huh! I can then have a peaceful sleep in your room!

Ritesh: Ha ha ha… And if in the middle of the night uncle starts hugging me thinking that it is you, who will take
care of me? Ha ha ha…

Sunita Bhabie: He he he… very funny! Just shut up and go for the bath… come on… come on… get up!

She now went near the bed and tried to pull Ritesh up. As Sunita Bhabie bent she was presenting quite a sexy
outlook of herself. A lot of her cleavage and boob flesh became evident over the nighty and Ritesh must have been
thoroughly enjoying that from such close quarters, but what he did the next moment left me with a gaping mouth!

Bhabie was pulling him by his hand and Ritesh just ascended slightly from his lying position and then gave a jerk and
Bhabie could not keep her balance and was all over him!

Sunita Bhabie: Eiiii….

She exclaimed as she fell on his body. Undoubtedly, the scene was a memorable one. Manohar Uncle was sleeping
and right beside him his wife was lying on another male on the same bed!

Under normal circumstances surely Bhabie would have immediately dismounted herself from Ritesh’s body, but
since both were intoxicated the course of events was slightly different. I saw Ritesh was smart enough to quickly
embrace Bhabie with both hands and naturally Bhabie must have gotten instantly excited in this sexy posture with
both her boobs pressing directly on his Ritesh’s flat chest.

Ritesh: Ooi maa! Someone s-a-v-e me!

Sunita Bhabie: You… you mischief! Am I so overweighed?

Ritesh: U-n-c-l-e, please get up and take care of your….

Sunita Bhabie: You… you naughty!

Ritesh: Hats off to you uncle! Hats off! Taking this load everyday… Ha ha ha…

They giggled aloud and I noticed all along Sunita Bhabie remained laid over him! She never tried to get up at all and
her boobs remained tightly pressed on his chest all along and her fleshy sari-covered thighs on his legs. I myself
started feeling hot and sweated merely seeing the scene!

Sunita Bhabie: Eii… Ritesh… I need to get up! I can’t remain like this!

Ritesh: Why? What’s the problem?

Sunita Bhabie: What?

Ritesh: Oh yes! Someone is definitely seeing you!

Sunita Bhabie: Wh… I mean who?

Bhabie was quite surprised, which also reflected in her voice and so was I. Did Ritesh notice me behind the

Ritesh: Arre! Uncle yaar! Your pujya pati-dev! He must be seeing you now in his dreams … Ho ho ho ho…

Sunita Bhabie: You… you… Just get up! Get up I say.

At last Bhabie disjointed herself from Ritesh and got up and was mockingly beating Ritesh and he also, as if
fleeing, got out of the bed and ran towards the toilet. Sunita Bhabie looked incredibly sexy in that blue nighty
chasing Ritesh with such a plump figure.

I waited for a while and decided to enter the room.

Bhabie was slightly taken aback seeing me right at that moment, but recovered very quickly and handed me over Rs.
600/- that she owed me. She was more that eager to send me back to my room and I also did not want to disturb
her little naughty run with Ritesh. I bid her good night and went away. Though I took some steps through the
corridor towards my room, so that Sunita Bhabie was absolutely sure that I was away, I turned back and again
returned to her room in a minute’s time.

My luck!

The door was still open though the curtain was securely placed. I was extracting a queer excitement out of all what
I was doing and I waited for a moment before I peeped in again. I could clearly hear my heartbeat doing this risky
act. I peeped in, once more.

Sunita Bhabie: Are you d-o-n-e?

Ritesh: Yes Bhabie. Coming out in a second.

The very next moment I saw Ritesh coming out of the toilet wearing just a brief! I noticed Sunita Bhabie also was
caught napping seeing him in that attire. Ritesh displayed what he wanted to show Bhabie probably in the best
possible way. The bright red color of his brief made things more striking as his erect tool remained standing with
its head up! Naturally Sunita Bhabie could not overlook that and she also got attracted towards it. In fact, I was
also attentively watching his stiff rod sticking out inside his underwear.

Ritesh: I hope you don’t mind Bhabie… me coming out like this… but can’t help it! My pant fall from the hook into
the bucket.

Sunita Bhabie: No, no… it… its okay… what can you do…

I could see Bhabie’s lusty eyes roving around his brief. I saw her quickly adjusting her bra; she must be breathing
heavily seeing Ritesh’s matured erect dick inside his undies.

Ritesh: I heard Anita’s voice… did she come here?

Sunita Bhabie: Ya… I mean yes, few moments back, I owe some money to her.

Ritesh: Oh! Then I better leave, if she comes back, it would look very odd… especially me standing like this.

Sunita Bhabie: No, no. She is gone. She won’t….

Sunita Bhabie could not complete her words as Manohar Uncle turned from one side to the other in his sleep.
Ritesh and Bhabie as if froze seeing the movement of uncle on bed and obviously they were scared. Bhabie signaled
Ritesh without making a noise to leave immediately and Ritesh also tiptoed towards the door placing his finger on
his lips. Manohar Uncle was back to his original state and was snoring again.

Ritesh: Good night Bhabie.

Ritesh almost whispered.

Sunita Bhabie: Ei… one minute.

Bhabie crept towards Ritesh though constantly keeping an eye on his sleeping husband. I also realized that I had to
make a move now.

But just then…

Sunita Bhabie came very close to Ritesh and to my utter disbelief she directly caught hold of his stiff cock poking
inside his brief and whispered something in his ears. I was simply stunned at this very bold act from Bhabie. Ritesh
also probably did not expect that as was evident from his body language and looked for a moment as if marooned.
By the time he recovered and tried to grab Bhabie, she started pushing her towards the door. I had to depart
from the scene otherwise would surely be caught now as Ritesh was very close to the door due to Bhabie’s pushing.

I quickly disappeared from the spot and hurriedly got into my room and shut the door. I was still wondering if
Rajesh agreed to go to his room for sleep after this ‘hot’ action or did Sunita Bhabie accompanied him to his room!
I did not have the courage to again peep into their rooms and hence that remained uncovered to me.

Rajesh was sleeping deeply. I took some time to normalize as I was panting doing this ‘peep act’ and was honestly
still unable to deem my own eyes what I saw last! I went to bed undoing my inner wears and did not know how long I
thought about Ritesh and Bhabie before I was dead to the world.

Next morning naturally we all arose late and of course started with recaps and laughs from last night at the
breakfast table. Manohar Uncle and Rajesh were eager to visit the market once as next morning we would leave the
pace. Sunita Bhabie and myself prepared to go to the beach with Ritesh. Today we decided that we would carry a
set of dry clothes so that we don’t have to remain in our wet clothes for long after the bath. Yesterday we saw
that there were changing rooms at the beach.

As we had come early to the beach, the beach crowd was sparse. The day was also not too hot as a pleasant cold
wind was there. We had coconuts from the beach side and strolled for a while on the sand.

Ritesh: Anita, today we will not take a bath in this part of the beach. There is a more beautiful spot just at a
stone’s throw. Yesterday I discovered it.

Me: Really? Where is it?

Ritesh: We can go via rickshaw. Will hardly take 15-20 minutes.

Sunita Bhabie: That’s great to know.

Me: Lets push off then. The more delay we do here, the sun will beat down more strongly.
Ritesh: Right!

Ritesh went to the rickshaw stand and got one cycle-rickshaw for us and we sat on the main seat and Ritesh shared
the puller’s seat. We reached the spot in about half an hour. Hence it was not that near as Ritesh initially told.
Actually the beach had taken an inward turn and though this part of the beach was quite rugged the setting was

Sunita Bhabie: Wow! The place looks so beautiful, especially with a hill at the backdrop.

Ritesh: I told you. It’s a very nice spot.

I also noted that rather strikingly the place was absolutely desolate. There was no one except the two rickshaw
pullers and us. Moreover the beach was indeed rocky.

Me: But… but the beach seems to be too rocky. How can one bathe here?

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, people do bathe here. So many foreigners come here everyday. Just wait for a while, they
will start coming after 11.

Ritesh: Go and have a look! I will finalize the rate for waiting with him.

We proceeded towards the beach while Ritesh talked to the rickshaw-puller. The scene was really nice with dark
blue waters lapping the golden sand and the hill at the background was truly picturesque.

Ritesh: Lets go to the sea then.

We both turned back as Ritesh was there already and we saw the rickshaw-puller also following him with our carry

Ritesh: He will wait till we finish bathing and will look after our clothes, camera, and sandals.

Sunita Bhabie: Bah! Great!

Me: But in any case there is one here. Who will steal those?

Ritesh: Still Anita, its better to be safeguarded. This is an unknown place for us. Isn’t it?

Sunita Bhabie: No, no Ritesh. You did the right thing. Good to have someone at guard.

We had to be careful while walking as there were so many pebbles and small pointed rocks mixed with sand on the
beach. We almost reached the waters now and here the beach was comparatively clean and devoid of rocks. The
rickshaw-puller also was there, standing just a little behind carrying the bag, which contained one salwar-kamiz of
mine and a sari, petticoat, and blouse of Bhabie. We had taken an undergarment set also and the bag contained the
camera too. Ritesh had not brought anything, as he believed he would get dry easily in the hot sun.

I took my chunri off my bust and handed it to Ritesh so that he could keep it in the packet. My tight boobs looked
more evident now inside my kamiz without the chunri. Since the rickshaw-puller was standing pretty close, I felt a
bit awkward. Ritesh also started stripping to his shorts, which he was wearing under his trousers.

Ritesh: Okay, you just wait here. Just keep a safe distance from water as the dry clothes are there in that packet.
Rickshaw-puller: Don’t worry Sahib. I will take care of your packet. But… but I think…

Ritesh: Do you mean to say anything?

Rickshaw-puller: Yes Sahib! For Madam.

Saying that he indicated Bhabie.

Ritesh: What?

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, the current is too high as the sea bends here. It’s a big risk to wear a sari while going to
the sea.

Sunita Bhabie: We will not go deep. Will be there by the side only.

Rickshaw-puller: Still Madam you might lose balance due to the current. You are new here, you don’t know the

Bhabie and me looked at each other. We were slightly concerned hearing about the water current.

Ritesh: Bhabie, what to do?

Sunita Bhabie: What do you suggest?

Ritesh: See Bhabie, afterall he is a local and knows the sea much better than us.

Sunita Bhabie: But… but I have not brought a salwar-kamiz with me.

Ritesh: Bhabie, lets not get too verbatim on what he says…

Bhabie looked questionably at Ritesh.

Ritesh: You don’t have to change to a salwar-kamiz. Yes it will be difficult to manage the sari in the current. You
can just leave the sari here.

Sunita Bhabie: Meaning? You mean… err… I will go in my petticoat and blouse?

Ritesh: Yes.

Sunita Bhabie: But… but how can I…

Ritesh: Bhabie… this is a very safe place. Even if you try very hard, you will not find a single person here.

Sunita Bhabie: That’s okay, but…

Rickshaw-puller: This is not a well known spot to the tourists. No one comes here Madam except the foreigners.
They also come at around noontime.

The situation was getting rather clumsy. Two males were encouraging a married 40+ woman to take off her sari and
go for the bath assuring no one would see her here!
Rickshaw-puller: Madam anything clinging to the feet can create trouble in that current.

Ritesh: Right you are. Bhabie lets not take chances here. Leave your sari with him.

Sunita Bhabie: O… okay, as you say.

Saying that Bhabie just turned away from us and started opening her sari. It looked extremely odd for a woman as
plump as Sunita Bhabie undoing her sari standing in broad daylight and that too in front of two males simply ogling
at her, especially the rickshaw-puller. His eyes as if popped out seeing Bhabie’s curvaceous back and her huge
gaand. As she turned towards us she looked rather appealing, as her tight round boobs were very prominent
encased in her blouse. Bhabie’s butter-colored cleavage was also visible, which gave her a hot look. Bhabie handed
over her sari to the rickshaw-puller who took it with a smiling face.

Ritesh: Bhabie you look great!

Sunita Bhabie: Just shut up!

Bhabie was trying to adjust her blouse to cover her exposed cleavage, but it was an impossible task. Just then I
glanced at her waist and was shocked. Before signaling anything to Bhabie I looked at the rickshaw-puller from the
corner of my eyes to see if he had noticed that. And to my utter shock I saw he was seeing that only! I could
clearly make out the dirty stare from this low class person.

What I was seeing, the rickshaw-puller was also eyeing that!

Actually Bhabie had rotated the knot tying spot of her petticoat to her right left side. We women who wears sari
on a regular basis often follow this practice just to feel at ease, because sometimes when we are not wearing a
panty and had opened our sari, the petticoat slit actually exposes our pussy and the pubic hairs. Hence if we just
turn the petticoat and tie the knot to a side, the feeling is more secure. Sunita Bhabie also had done that, but now
her red-colored panty was clearly visible from the side through her petticoat slit! Bhabie was of course unaware of
that and was offering a very sexy view to that low class rickshaw-puller.

We all started walking towards the waters and I elbowed Bhabie and indicated about her petticoat slit. She
adjusted it quickly as we walked and looked decent.

Ritesh: This area is clear is more or less clear of rocks and pebbles. What do you say Anita?

Me: Yes… seems okay.

As we entered the water, we could easily perceive the current. We held each other tightly as the sea started
sluicing our feet. Though the sea appeared calm, but there was a rapid undercurrent. Sunita Bhabie was in the
middle amongst us and already I could sense they were inclining towards each other in the literal sense of the

Bhabie and myself were making all sorts of screeches, yells, and squeals as Ritesh pulled us more and more into the
sea. Ritesh appeared to be a cool customer handling both of us. Ritesh suddenly left our hands and started
sprinkling waters from the sea on us. And it was not a casual approach, but he seriously started to drench our
upper parts. Till such time I was wet till my thighs, but now Ritesh soaked my upper part. Naturally my boobs
looked more evident over my dress and the cold waters immediately made my nipples hard. I stretched my kamiz in
the front to look decent. Bhabie was giggling aloud and encouraging Ritesh to wet me more!

Me: Hey… Ritesh, stop this.

Ritesh was laughing away and probably due to Bhabie’s encouragement was now throwing water heavily on me and in
no time my front side was all wet. My boobs looked like two ripe guavas shinning in the sun. I was quite charged up
now and reciprocated the same to Ritesh first and then turned my attention to Bhabie.

Me: Bhabie, you were enjoying a lot… eh… when he was applying water on me… now see how it feels.

I was really quite annoyed over Bhabie the way she egged on Ritesh to wet me. Ritesh and myself both attacked
Bhabie and in a flash she was all soaked. Her blouse was sopping wet and her white brassiere was very much evident

Me: Now, how does it feel? You sl…!

I somehow controlled myself from saying the word “slut”. Bhabie was looking extremely sexy now in wet condition
especially without the sari.

Ritesh: Bhabie, l-o-o-k a vulture!

Along with Bhabie I also looked up and Ritesh took that opportunity and pushed Bhabie into the waters, as she was
totally unguarded for that moment. I felt really good to see Bhabie in that helpless state and Ritesh and myself
both had a good laugh. Though Ritesh quickly got hold of her, otherwise the current would have pulled her more
into the sea. But by that time Sunita Bhabie was totally exposed to her waist. As she fell and was completely off
balanced in water, her petticoat swirled up to her waist exposing her fleshy thighs and flashing red panty for quite
a while before she could cover it. Bhabie also gulped some water and was coughing and took a minute to recover.

Ritesh: Are you okay now? Hope you are not hurt?

Sunita Bhabie: No, no I am okay. Good fun.

She was still giggling though coughing again.

Ritesh: You seem to have gulped up saline water!

Sunita Bhabie: Yes, quite a bit.

Ritesh: Then I need to take that out?

Sunita Bhabie: But how?

Ritesh: Simple! Anita, close your eyes once?

Me: Why?

Ritesh: I need to pump out the water.

Me: Is there any shame left the way you have wetted us?

Sunita Bhabie: True Anita…

Ritesh: I am starting to pump then?

Sunita Bhabie: But… but how?

Ritesh: Simple! Like this… the more you pump, more water will come out…

Saying that he suddenly grabbed Bhabie’s boobs and squeezed them simultaneously. Naturally Sunita Bhabie never
expected such an act from him and was caught napping and had to digest the boob squeeze.

Sunita Bhabie: You… you mischief! You rogue!

Ritesh did it in such a casual and playful mode that we all were laughing. I was trying to relate this act with last
night’s drama in Bhabie’s room and I was eager to provide them more space to enjoy.

Ritesh: A-h-o-y… hey…. Come here!

He signaled to the rickshaw-puller who was standing back at the shore watching us.

Sunita Bhabie: Why are you calling him? I’m all wet…

Me: Yes, why are you calling him here?

Ritesh: Oho! You people are so anxious! I have full plans to enjoy today. He is bringing beer. It will be great fun, I

Sunita Bhabie: But…

I could realize now that it was a planned thing. He had already given money to that man to get the beer bottles. I
turned back and saw that the man had twirled up his lungi till his waist almost and was approaching us.

Ritesh: Bhabie, but what? He will see you in wet condition… Are you ashamed? My dear Bhabie, do you know when I
came with him yesterday what did we saw here?

Sunita Bhabie: What?

Ritesh: Bhabie you are concerned that you do not look decent in this wet outfit. Right? But yesterday we saw two
foreigner middle-aged ladies coming out of the sea completely topless – they were only wearing panties! He he…
that too very non-existent type… From that angle Bhabie, you are so much covered… he he…

Sunita Bhabie was about to say something, but the rickshaw-puller had arrived with two bottles of beer in his hand
and a big smile in his face.

Ritesh: Thanks yaar!

He stood there and was now ogling at both of us. My boobs looked very prominent in my wet kamiz and the lower
part of my dress was also sticking to my thighs and ass and caused my contours to be very much unmistakable.
Bhabie was in a real messy state and both males could clearly see her nipple impressions over her thin blouse. Her
bra position inside the blouse – the bra strap, the cups, the hook, and the elastic band were so very discernible!

Ritesh had opened one bottle using his teeth as the bottle-opener and the rickshaw-puller also was equal to the
task of opening the other. Ritesh handed the bottle to Sunita Bhabie and took the other one from him and started
guzzling it. Half the bottle was empty at one go and then he handed the bottle to the rickshaw-puller.
Ritesh: You also take a sip!

Rickshaw-puller: He… he…. Sure Sahib!

Within the wink of an eye the beer bottle was empty and he threw it in water and started adjusting his lungi. He
had his lungi already twirled up awfully high and now it seemed to me he would surely flash his undies to us the way
he pulled up his lungi. Bhabie and myself were sharing the other beer bottle. It was local made and it was strong.
Though it did not taste the best, the ambiance created a great mood in all of us. The only air of uncomfortableness
for me was the presence of that low class rickshaw-puller among us.

I could realize the water was rising below my feet and I was about to tell that to Ritesh, but suddenly there was a
big wave and the water level increased significantly and covered us till our waist. I could realize my panty inside my
dress getting fully wet due to this wave. Bhabie appeared to be in a more messy state as the wave had completely
soaked her lower portion and her wet petticoat had slid down alarmingly revealing her curvy bottom. By the time
she was alert both the males could easily make out the upper edge of her red panty.

Rickshaw-puller: Shall I get back to the shore or stay here? Mind you, this is tide time.

Me: Arre! You get back to the shore; our clothes are there. Also the cam...

Ritesh: But Anita… Have you not noticed the way current has increased here! It’s wise to have him around.

Sunita Bhabie: Yes Anita! I think Ritesh is right. In any case the beach is absolutely desolate. Just see! There’s no
one to be seen anywhere. The camera is safe that way.

I turned back and the beach was vacant, as ever.

Me: Okay, let him be here.

Ritesh then cracked a joke and we all had a pretty good laugh and with undulating seawater soaking me till my navel
along with the lovely breeze, I started feeling continuously giggly. I could sense that the beer was taking its effect
on me. Ritesh started making our mood merry and playful and he was continuously talking and was trying to make us
laugh. I realized the more I laughed, the more I started feeling weak and was getting off balanced in water; same
was the case with Bhabie. The local made beer certainly was a bit too strong for we ladies.

Ritesh started doing some sort of acrobatics in the water and he was plunging very close to Bhabie. And expectedly
he caught hold of Sunita Bhabie’s hand and tried to involve her in his playful activities and while doing so he was
openly touching Bhabie at intimate parts. Bhabie was laughing away and seemingly enjoying the whole thing. Ritesh
was getting bolder and was touching Bhabie on her shoulder, belly, waist, and twice I noticed he even cupped her
big buns humorously. Needless to say, there was no protest or barrier from Sunita Bhabie.

As I turned towards the rickshaw-puller, he was naturally enjoying the scene and was evidently getting close to
them! The very next moment there was a swift tall wave and we all were caught unguarded. The wave almost
submerged us and we could barely keep our heads above the water level. Ritesh was quick enough to grab Bhabie
and me by our hands and fortunately the wave receded very quickly and fortunately there was no successive wave
and hence we hurriedly pushed back a little towards the shore and reorganized ourselves.

This time Sunita Bhabie and myself were completely doused, literally to the skin. I could feel my bra getting totally
soaked and the cold water instantaneously making my nipples swollen and hard inside my bra. As I momentarily
looked down on my tits, I was shocked to notice my nipple impressions clearly visible over my kamiz! The sudden
wave had made us come very close and now Ritesh, Sunita Bhabie, the rickshaw-puller, and myself were standing
pretty close in water. As I looked up, my eyes met directly with that low class man and he was unmistakably gaping
at my big round mammaries, which were looking extremely sexy with the nipple marks visible on my wet kamiz.

Ritesh: Lets go ahead Bhabie! The real thrill is jumping on the wave… and not here.

Rickshaw-puller: But Sahib its tide-time now, do not go much further. Even good swimmers are unable to tackle the

Ritesh: No, no we will just stroll a few strides. Come on Bhabie! Anita?

Me: No, no Ritesh. I am comfortable here. You take Bhabie.

Ritesh: Okay as you wish. Bhabie, come.

Without even waiting for Sunita Bhabie’s approval, Ritesh started pulling her by her hand and proceeded more into
the sea. Bhabie though protested, but that was too meek to stop Ritesh.

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, shall I go with you in case you are…

Ritesh: Of course, you are an expert. Stay near us.

So the divide was created. I remained at my position at knee to thigh high water and Bhabie, Ritesh, and that man
went ahead. As Bhabie walked past me, I noticed her big swaying gaand was amply visible through her petticoat,
even the ass crack. The petticoat had slid down considerably at the back revealing her red panty top also! She was
totally unaware of that and walked with the two men.

Ritesh at last getting the much-awaited opportunity was already holding Bhabie by her waist. My heart started
beating faster as I anticipated viewing something hot and I readily took a step or two forward so that I do not
miss a jiffy. Soon a wave was approaching them and Ritesh simply did not wait for it to even come on them and
hugged Sunita Bhabie and water was all over their glued bodies. As the wave receded though they quickly
separated, but Ritesh’s right arm was still encircling Bhabie’s back and it went underneath her armpit and was
surely cupping her right boob. I was unable to view that as their backs were to us. I saw the rickshaw puller
standing in close proximity to Bhabie and watching everything.

I was a bit dazed to see Bhabie’s shamelessness in front of an unknown man! Okay, I jolly well understand that you
are not getting proper physical attention from your husband and hence you are seeking that and this bachelor guy
comes to you as an opening, but have some decency! That low class unknown man was standing only a few feet away
only from you and you are allowing Ritesh to cup and squeeze your tits so openly!

Sunita Bhabie was laughing away as the waves were ceaselessly drenching them and now he was also holding closely
to Ritesh just like lovers. I noticed Ritesh was time and again taking his left hand towards Bhabie’s frontal area and
I wonder what he was doing - must be squeezing and pressing the other breast, which I was unable to see.

They progressed further and I also had to take a step ahead to remain in vicinity to pick up every action. Now
there were a couple of huge waves, which came simultaneously, and I could only see their heads such was the height
of those waves. I heard Bhabie blaring and Ritesh hugging her tightly as they floated in the wave.

Sunita Bhabie: Eiii……… Isssssssss………. H-e-y…….. .R-i-t-e-s-h…….. Eiiii… …

Honestly I could not realize what was Sunita Bhabie’s problem at that point of time. She was in Ritesh’s arms and
was not off balanced also. Ritesh was now very openly cupping Bhabie’s wet blouse breasts from the sides.
Ritesh: Hey, what happened?

Sunita Bhabie: Oiiiiiiiii maaaaaaa! What to do? Eiii…………

Suddenly I noticed something floating in the water at a distance.

It was Sunita Bhabie’s petticoat!

The waves were so forceful that Bhabie must have been dislodged off the sand bed where she was standing and
the petticoat being thoroughly wet got heavy plus the knot must have loosened, and it had slipped off her legs
while she was off balanced in Ritesh’s arms. Now she was standing in front of two males in her blouse and panty
only! Luckily the water was covering till her waist. As she turned in her standing posture, my eyes automatically was
attracted towards her coconut-like tits and no one could miss her full sized swollen nipples so evident through her
blouse, which was virtually nonexistent being so wet.

Ritesh: Oho! Your petticoat…. Bhabie, your petticoat is gone! Ha haa ha… Ho ho…ho ho…

I could make out from my position even that Bhabie’s face turned red in shame and she looked at the water
realizing her exposed state in front of two males.

Rickshaw-puller: I warned you Madam about the current. Just wait Madam, let me collect it before it is washed

He floated through the water and picked up Bhabie’s petticoat, which had already traversed some distance on
water in such little time. He came back and handed it to Bhabie with all teeth out.

Ritesh: How would you wear it Bhabie standing in water? Impossible.

Sunita Bhabie: But… but Ritesh I cannot keep standing like this in the open?

Ritesh: Don’t worry Bhabie! Let me check… uhu! Nothing can be seen … He he… the water is hiding you adequately.
Ha ha…

Sunita Bhabie: Just shut up! Do something.

Ritesh: Okay, okay. Let me hold you and then you try to wear it.

Since I was standing a little back they ignored my presence, but I could hear and see everything. Ritesh held
Sunita Bhabie from the back and Bhabie pulled up one leg and tried to insert that in the hole of the petticoat. I
could see Ritesh extracting full ‘masti’ out of Bhabie and was pushing his crotch into her round gaand and cupping
her full tits with both hands in the name of support. Bhabie was so keen to wear the petticoat and save her dignity
that she did not notice that the water level was getting raised due to the tide.

A flash wave swept them and Bhabie slipped of Ritesh’s grip and floated for some moments freely in water. She
was thoroughly exposed now with her fair naked thighs and panty visible to everybody. She was drifting away from
Ritesh who was fumbling in water and just then the rickshaw-puller came into her rescue. He positioned himself
swiftly and grasped Bhabie from drifting away. He quickly pulled her back and embraced Bhabie so that she did not
fall. In the process I could jolly well distinguish that he also fared his chances and grabbed Bhabie’s matured
breasts and also cupped her heavy buttocks a number of times. The man had pitch-black skin color and his dark
hands were all the more evident on Sunita Bhabie’s fair body.
Ritesh was in a poor state also and was struggling to recover from the incessant waves. The rickshaw-puller must
have noticed that and realizing Bhabie was exhausted and puffing too having gulped a lot of saline water, he also
did not let go this plump sexy housewife without being mauled. I did spot that he was now directly embracing
Bhabie from the front as if supporting her and was holding her by her hips. Bhabie was still struggling to stand
properly and she was holding his arms and I saw he was pressing her from the front enjoying her juicy boobs being
pressed on his chest area.

Ritesh had recovered at last and picked up Bhabie’s petticoat, which was floating on the sea, and came near her.

Ritesh: Bhabie, my mistake. I should have taken his help. Are you okay now?

Bhabie just nodded and the rickshaw-puller handed her to Ritesh. I noticed Bhabie’s boobs almost spilled out of her
blouse. Her blouse and bra being fully wet had slid down considerably and her big boobs were almost half exposed
to both men.

Ritesh: Here’s your prized petticoat! It slipped out again. Seems very naughty… Ha ha ha…

Rickshaw-puller: Give it to me Sahib, I will take care of it; Madam cannot wear this in water.

Ritesh: Right. Bhabie lets go again. It was real fun, what do you say?

Sunita Bhabie: No, no… you go. I can’t take this any more!

I saw that low class man folded Bhabie’s wet petticoat and inserted in his waits inside his lungi! The inner wear of a
housewife going inside the lungi of a rickshaw-puller!

Ritesh: Oho! Bhabie. This time, there will be no mishaps. He will also be there. Come on… come on…

Saying that he did not give Bhabie a scope to resist and pulled her by her hand into the sea deeper. I could see
Bhabie was unwilling and hesitant, but could not stop Ritesh.

Ritesh: Hey you, why don’t you hold her other hand? That way Bhabie you will be absolutely safe.

The rickshaw-puller was more than eager to hold Bhabie’s hand and in front of my eyes the two men hemmed Sunita
Bhabie a few more strides into the sea. My heart was drumming seeing the sight and I took a couple of steps
forward so that I could see the action clearly.

Ritesh: B-h-a-b-i-e… you better be watchful… A big wave is coming.

Saying that he just hugged Bhabie tightly as if they are lovers! I noticed Bhabie also clutched to him helplessly, as
she had still not recovered fully from the last incident.

Ritesh: Hey you! Why are you standing just idle? Hold her from behind.

Now I saw the most incredible scene of my life when that low class man hugged Bhabie from behind. Two men were
embracing Bhabie as the wave splashed on them. I was so keen to see what was going on that I took two more steps

My goodness! Ritesh was now kissing Bhabie on her lips and the rickshaw-puller to my utter disbelief had his both
hands under Bhabie’s armpits and was obvious what he was doing. The most sticking part was that even after the
wave had subsided and receded, still both men remained glued to Sunita Bhabie’s body, one from the front and the
other from the back. As the next wave approached I saw Ritesh was kissing Bhabie on her shoulders and neck and
his hands slipped from her back towards her heavy buttocks. The rickshaw-puller made space so that Ritesh could
accommodate his hands on Bhabie’s fleshy ass. I wondered what Bhabie’s mental condition was being groped by two
men simultaneously, but she must have been thoroughly enjoying the physical part.

As the wave receded, I noticed Ritesh immediately left Bhabie and started opening his shorts! What’s his plan? As
the water was too high there, I could not make out if he was naked or not! He handed his shorts to the rickshaw-
puller and he inserted it where he had kept Bhabie’s petticoat. Ritesh again hugged Bhabie, but this time Bhabie
seemed to be protesting, but it was very short-lived as the next wave washed out her objection. The way Ritesh
was cuddling Bhabie and the posture he was into I was sure Ritesh was naked and he was trying to press his lund on
Bhabie’s pussy. The rickshaw-puller was also thrusting his crotch in Bhabie’s huge gaand.

Immediately after the wave retreated, Ritesh pushed Bhabie back a few steps where the water level was slightly
lower and indicated the rickshaw-puller to leave her. Bhabie must have been very (s)excited being fully wet and felt
around continuously by two matured males. Ritesh just pulled her towards him and openly started kissing her again
very passionately. Moments later I realized his plan. His hand slid down to Bhabie’s waist and he was directly
attempting to pull down her panty! I was shocked and wondered what Bhabie would do. Will she be so bold to get
naked in the open to quench her hunger for sex?

Bhabie was very alert at this action and clearly struggled against it. Ritesh pushed her back some more steps while
continuously sucking her thick lips and now Bhabie’s waits was above the water level and her red panty could be
seen distinctly.

Me: Eii…… Shhh……

I almost shrieked seeing the most horrible scene. Ritesh was stark naked and his lund was sticking out like a big
ripe banana. His thick jungle of pubic hairs was so very evident. He was trying to evade Bhabie’s arms and slid down
the panty off her big buns. No woman, whether married or unmarried, would like to get naked in the open, even with
her husband, and Bhabie was also no exception.

Ritesh: Bhabie, come on… please cooperate. There’s no one here.

Sunita Bhabie: No, no…. are you mad or what?

Ritesh: Bhabie please…. See I am also opened my brief… Feel it.

Saying that he took Bhabie’s right arm and guided it over his naked lund. As Bhabie was momentarily mesmerized by
the feel of his stiff manhood, Ritesh yanked her panty halfway down her buttocks.

Sunita Bhabie: Eiiii…! Nooooooo…. S-t-o-p!

Bhabie immediately tried to pull up her panty to her waist to cover her ass, but Ritesh was now applying force and a
struggle was on the cards. Bhabie was tussling with Ritesh while her butter-colored big round ass remained half
exposed. Bhabie literally looked like a ‘randi’ with more than half of her boob flesh exposed over her wet blouse
and her panty being pulled down halfway down her large round hips. The rickshaw-puller was eyeing that naturally
and I was shocked to see he was openly stroking his lund inside his lungi!

Ritesh: Bhabie, please…

Sunita Bhabie: Ritesh, no… p-l-e-a-s-e…

Ritesh: Hey you? Watching the fun eh? Hold her hands.

That man was as if waiting for the opportunity again and promptly jumped on Bhabie and held her struggling hands

Sunita Bhabie: Ritesh… No, no… please don’t do this…. I am a married woman… please…

Bhabie’s pleas fell to deaf ears and Ritesh bent down easily pulled down her panty off her waist, down her round
buttocks, fair thighs, and finally out of her feet. Then what he did was more amazing! He just coiled up the panty
and threw it far away in the sea. Bhabie remained stranded in the rickshaw-puller’s hands without a thread on her
lower portion of the body. Now we all could see glimpses of her bunch of silky blackish brown pubic hairs just above
her pussy, which was fortunately under water.

Sunita Bhabie: Ei… what… have you gone mad or what?

Ritesh: What are you so worried? I will buy you a panty from the local market. Happy?

The rickshaw puller was now into action again and realizing that he no longer needs to hold Bhabie’s hands, he
started cupping from behind her big juicy mammaries over her blouse. Naturally Bhabie already was quite irritated
by Ritesh’s current behavior and when she felt that the rickshaw-puller’s hands on her boobs, she exploded. In one
smooth go she turned back and slapped that man very tightly.

Sunita Bhabie: I have been tolerating you for quite some time now. How dare you touch me like that?

That low class man was never expecting such a reaction because Bhabie had given him much indulge while bathing
and seemed absolutely bewildered.

Ritesh: Bhabie, Bhabie. Cool down. Why are you dumping your anger on him?

Sunita Bhabie: Ask your man to behave properly.

Ritesh: Don’t forget Bhabie that he saved you when I was lost in that wave.

Sunita Bhabie: Huh! Give back my petticoat you rascal!

Ritesh: Bhabie, cool down. Please. What’s this? We have come her for fun! Come on Bhabie!

Saying that he lovingly hugged her. He whispered something in her ears also. I was stunned to see the way Ritesh
was embracing and touching her; it was so normal as if he was her husband! Bhabie cooled down probably getting
the touch of Ritesh’s erect lund on her pussy. I could see glimpses of Ritesh and Bhabie’s naked buttocks over the
seawater. Ritesh slowly took her in his arms again towards the deep sea and he signaled the rickshaw-puller to
follow them.

In about a minute or two everything seemed normalized! Bhabie was again laughing and was in Ritesh’s loving

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, do whatever you want to do quickly as people might come after sometime.

Sunita Bhabie: My God! Lets get back then. Ritesh… please… I am completely… I cannot go like this in front of
Rickshaw-puller: Madam is right Sahib! Though I have seen many foreigner ladies coming out of water bilkul nangi…
yesterday I showed you some glances Sahib… but Madam cannot do that.

Ritesh: Hmm. But Bhabie, you are not much behind, if you take off your blouse you can also compete with the
foreigner counterparts! Ha ha…

Sunita Bhabie: You… you naughty!

Sunita Bhabie: What fleeting looks did you see yesterday, let me also know.

Ritesh: Nothing special. Of course nothing grand than this…

Saying that he pushed his right hand more into Bhabie’s pussy and though it could not be seen as the water level
was sufficient, but one could easily identify the caress Bhabie was getting on her pussy by Ritesh’s hand movement.
Her body immediately bent and coiled like an arch and he continued to caress her on her love spot in front of that
low class man. Bhabie was giggling away very shamelessly and seeing that I simply exclaimed within myself and
thought that if Manohar Uncle would have seen this behavior of his wife, he would surely have had a cardiac arrest
on the spot.

Sunita Bhabie: Eiii… stop… He is seeing. Tell me naaa…

Bhabie behaved as if she was a teenager and Ritesh was her lover.

Ritesh: Okay… okay. Actually yesterday when we were leaving this place we picked up one foreigner lady coming out
of water who was strikingly different from others. She was not wearing a bra, but was absolutely naked below! All
other foreigner ladies we saw yesterday was either wearing a bikini or at least a panty. But this middle-aged woman
was exhibiting her choot to all though there was no one except the foreigners on the beach. We actually peeped
from the bushes.

Sunita Bhabie: But she was a child in comparison to you Bhabie… I mean choot-wise though I have not tasted

Ritesh: You… you mugger! I will kill you…

A mock fight started between Bhabie and Ritesh and while doing that Ritesh touched Sunita Bhabie almost
everywhere starting from hugging her from both front and back, cupping and feeling her buttocks, pressing her
boobs, and also caressing her thighs and what not.

Then abruptly I heard a scream! Unambiguously it was Bhabie’s voice!

I saw Sunita Bhabie pushed Ritesh off her body and she was almost dancing on one leg in water and screaming.

Ritesh: What happened Bhabie? What happened?

Rickshaw-puller: Madam? What’s up?

Bhabie: Something is biting me… Oh! In my leg! Ooooooooooo…. It’s piercing my big toe Ritesh… Ahh… Help!

Rickshaw-puller: My god! I hope it’s not a crab. Get Madam to shallow water Sahib! Quick.
Ritesh: Okay, you give me a hand.

Ritesh and the rickshaw-puller held Bhabie and quickly got back to shallow waters. They were very near to me and I
also intervened.

Me: What happened to Bhabie?

Ritesh: Something had bitten her… I don’t know exactly.

Sunita Bhabie: It’s still there…. Uhhhhhhhhhh! Maaaaaaaa. It’s clinging onto my toe.

Bhabie was struggling in pain and Ritesh was holding her hands while the rickshaw-puller was clutching her legs. As
they shifted back briskly, the water level was getting lower and immediately Bhabie got very conscious about her
nakedness down her waist.

Sunita Bhabie: Eii… Stop! Stop! Don’t go further back… please.

Me: Why? The water is still high here. It would be easier to see your foot over there.

I pointed to the shore and deliberately asked this question, as if I was ignorant that she was not wearing her
petticoat and panty.

Sunita Bhabie: No, no… I mean… actually…

Ritesh: Actually Anita, you know, the waves are so forceful up there that somehow Bhabie’s petticoat was swept
away and hence she is feeling ashamed. But it was the same for me also… I also lost my shorts too. What to do?
The waves are just too commanding and violent there.

Me: O! I see.

I replied very innocently and normally so that they do not feel uncomfortable.

Me: Don’t feel ashamed Bhabie. It’s us only! No one else is here.

The rickshaw-puller and Ritesh was quickly carrying Bhabie towards the shore and I followed them. As they
approached the shore, the water level was significantly down here and Bhabie’s naked ass, choot, and legs were
fully exposed to all of us in clear daylight. She was totally naked below her waist hanging in air being held by hands
and legs by two men.

The scene was just awesome! Seeing a matured married woman like that was just unbelievable! I noticed that
Bhabie had closed her eyes, in shame probably. Now we could locate a small red crab clinging to her big toe of left
foot and a blood clot in that region.

Rickshaw-puller: As I expected Sahib, it’s a crab. They are very dangerous.

Ritesh: But we don’t have any medicine here! Blood is coming out.

Rickshaw-puller: Relax Sahib! I will take care.

As they kept Bhabie on the sands at the shore, the two men seemed mesmerized getting an unhindered view of
Bhabie’s hairy choot. The slit was very long and dense silky pubic hairs ran throughout both flanks of her choot.
Anyone could recognize that Bhabie’s choot was an overused one and she definitely has had a happy married life as
the pussy lips had hung open without any external effort.

Sunita Bhabie: Anita, give me something…. Please… I can’t remain like this forever.

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, first let me get that thing out of your feet, otherwise you might get badly poisoned.

Ritesh: Absolutely. Bhabie just keep quiet and be patient. Let him get that crab out first.

Ritesh must have been enjoying the sight of a 40-year-old woman’s open pussy and he wanted her to remain in that
state in the open for some more time. He himself was naked and his lund was dangling in the air so awkwardly. He
was time and again scratching and tickling his dick seeing Bhabie’s matured choot. I was definitely feeling very odd
as naturally my eyes time and again was directed towards his lund as it swayed in the air. I sat near Bhabie’s head
and was consoling her.

The rickshaw-puller seemed an expert at this job and quickly got the crab out of Bhabie’s toe and there was
profuse bleeding from the injured spot. I was surprised to see that he did not throw away the crab to the sea, but
prisoned it in a handkerchief.

Me: Arre! Why are you keeping the crab?

Rickshaw-puller: I do not know how much poison it has injected in Madam’s body, I may need this crab later to take
out the poison.

Ritesh: Is it possible? Really?

Rickshaw-puller: Yes Sahib! You city people won’t know these village tricks, but I hope we don’t need that.

Ritesh: Thanks yaar. Good to have you, otherwise we would have been in trouble. Uff! Anita, you know, I got pretty
scared when Bhabie first screamed. How do you feel now Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: It’s paining more… the crab being removed!

Ritesh: Eh? How can that be?

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, as I said these crabs have poison in their claws and it has injected that in your body. I
need to get the venom out. Sahib, some more work left.

Ritesh: Okay, but how to do that?

Rickshaw-puller: I will suck that out. Will take some time, but Madam will be fully okay.

Sunita Bhabie: Ritesh, please… take me to a cover… I am feeling very uncomfortable to lie in the open like this.
Anita… you can feel naa…

Ritesh: Okay, okay. But where to find a cover in this beach?

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, here is your shorts and Madam’s petticoat. Lets take her to the temple.

Ritesh: Temple? Where on earth did you get a temple here?

Rickshaw-puller: Just behind that bush. It’s an abandoned temple. No one uses it.

Ritesh: Okay. Anita, help Bhabie to wear this.

Ritesh quickly got into his shorts and I wrapped Bhabie’s lower half with that wet petticoat. She looked
extraordinarily decent as I did that after reaming without any cover on her pussy and ass for such a long time!

Rickshaw-puller: Quick Sahib! If we are late, the poison will spread.

Ritesh: Right, right.

They again held Bhabie like they had taken her out of the water and this time I aided in holding her head. None of
us noticed that broken structure behind the bush prior. It was a temple, but that has to be very long back; only
some remains of the original structure represented its entity. Bhabie was laid on the floor of the temple and she
was actually reporting some acute pain in her left leg now.

Rickshaw-puller: Don’t worry Madam, it will be okay in some minutes if you are patient. Sahib, come here once.

The two men whispered amongst each other and Bhabie looked very anxious.

Ritesh: Anita, can you do us a favor?

Me: What?

Ritesh: He says that since this is a temple and if any local person sees him here, that would be lead to a big chaos
and turmoil, as he is belongs to low caste.

Me: These things still remain here?

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, though we work in the city for our livelihood, we basically are from the village and these
things are very stringent here.

Me: Okay, I can understand. What do you want me to do?

Ritesh: You just stand outside and keep your eyes open. If you see any local person coming towards this place, just
alert us. That’s all.

I agreed and went outside the temple, but after some moments only my sixth sense was knocking me to keep an eye
on the two males. I was pretty sure that Ritesh would not leave Bhabie today without fucking, but this crab-
incident seemed to have put an obstacle in his way. I immediately shifted my position from the front of the temple
to its backside and I made my way through the shrubs and bushes and tried to be as silent as possible. Soon I
discovered an opening in the wall from where I could view the spot where Bhabie was lying. I felt like patting my
back myself!

I could hear Ritesh and that man’s voice very clearly.

Ritesh: He is an expert in this Bhabie. If you do not agree to what he says the poison will spread to your body. Why
don’t you understand? Would you like to go to the hospital then?

Sunita Bhabie: No, but… Ritesh… how can I…. I am a woman afterall.
Ritesh: Bhabie! Please. Which is more important, you decide yourself – this poison proliferating in your body or your

Sunita Bhabie: That’s okay, but still… Err… he is an outsider…

Ritesh: Bhabie, will you ever get a crab bite in your life? No naaa… so…

Sunita Bhabie: Hmm… okay…but please ask him to do it fast.

Ritesh: Sure Bhabie.

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, there is no other way. As I said, I will first taste the blood from your toe and then will
taste blood from the cut I have just made. If there is a difference in taste, then you are saved, otherwise…

Sunita Bhabie: O God!

Ritesh: Don’t waste time. Proceed.

Rickshaw-puller: Okay Sahib!

The rickshaw-puller sat near Bhabie’s feet and first took her left foot and raised it significantly to his mouth level.
Automatically Bhabie’s petticoat hiked up and a sexy upskirt was in offer. I noted Ritesh was ogling at that. The
man started sucking her toe and she was visibly very uncomfortable at this action. Bhabie must be getting some
stimulation as she felt the hot tongue on her toe. Then he raised his mouth and came over Bhabie’s body on her fair
thighs. He directly raised her petticoat up her legs exposing Bhabie’s smooth plump thighs. Again her legs were
almost fully uncovered and they looked like two banana trees. The rickshaw-puller took his mouth on her left thigh
and started sucking the cut mark there. That cut mark must have been made while I was outside the room. Bhabie
now looked very sexy with just a bra and her raised petticoat and that man’s tongue licking the cut area on her

Sunita Bhabie: Oooooo….. Usssssssssh!

I could well realize that Bhabie was unable to control her expressions and like any matured woman she was starting
to moan getting a suck in her mid thighs. I noticed Ritesh was watching the whole process and was openly
scratching his stiff lund inside his shorts sitting by Bhabie’s side. It looked so very vulgar that way he was doing
the scratching through his wet shorts.

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, hard luck! The taste is the same! The poison has already reached till this part of Madam’s

Ritesh: Oh! Anyway, go ahead. What needs to be done has to be done. Bhabie please cooperate and hopefully
everything will be all right. But oh! This time I will surely catch a cold if I continue to wear this wet thing.

Rickshaw-puller: Yes Sahib, get rid of that.

Ritesh immediately got up and opened his shorts very casually and got naked in front of Bhabie and that man.
Surely Bhabie was having a “tough” time – had the crab bite, lost her petticoat in the water current, Ritesh
snatched off her panty, and time and again seeing an elder male fully naked. I noticed Ritesh was standing just near
her head and Bhabie surely was getting a great view of his erect lund and his balls.

Ritesh: Bhabie you will also catch a cold if you continue to wear that wet blouse!
Sunita Bhabie: Y… yes? No, no, I am okay.

Bhabie stammered as she was attentively watching his stiff naked penis.

Ritesh: What okay? Do you want to additionally catch a fever in getting cured from this crab bite?

Saying that he sat down on the floor on his naked ass and attempted to open Bhabie’s blouse.

Sunita Bhabie: Eiiii… What are you doing? Please don’t.

Ritesh: Oho Bhabie! Everything can be seen through this… No use wearing this wet rag, I tell you.

Sunita Bhabie: May be… but still…. Ritesh, don’t open it. Please.

Ritesh: See… it’s sopping wet, you will catch a cold my dear. Be a good girl!

In trying to gauge how much wet her blouse was, Ritesh was actually playfully caressing her big round tits directly.
When he saw Bhabie was reluctant to take off her blouse, he openly grabbed her both boobs with his tow hands
and started squeezing them while Bhabie remained lied on the floor. I could well understand that Bhabie was in a
hopeless position and within minutes Ritesh was able to persuade her and stripped her off her blouse in front of
that rickshaw-puller. Bhabie now lay in her wet white brassiere and petticoat, the latter had already climbed up
alarmingly over her plump thighs.

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib shall I proceed?

I wondered what the plan was and anxiously remained glued to this very erotic setting.

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, as I said, I shall take saliva from your mouth and spread it there…

I was shocked to notice the man indicating to Bhabie’s gaand!

Rickshaw-puller: …and then use the crab to extract the venom from your body. Don’t worry Madam, have faith on
me. Actually this is a belief that goes with us. If the poison spreads into one’s body from a crab bite, the crab is
allowed to bite that person once again and we believe when the crab tastes the same blood, it in fact sucks the
poison back.

Ritesh: Hmm… seems logical!

Sunita Bhabie: But… I am really uncomfortable with that part…

Ritesh: Oho Bhabie, we just had a talk on this. You only told that you don’t want to reveal this incident to Uncle and
that’s why I suggested you just tell you cut your toe on a shell on the shore…

Sunita Bhabie: No, no, that’s all right, but…

Ritesh: But what? You want to hide the second bite from Uncle and surely if its on your hand, leg, or abdomen,
Uncle might easily spot it! I thought his suggestion was brilliant! If the cut is made on your gaand, it would be the
safest bet. That part always remains covered with your sari, salwar-kamiz, or nighty - whatever you wear.

Sunita Bhabie: I agree, but still Ritesh…

Ritesh: Arre! Again but! Then as a precaution just make sure that for the next few days you always wear a panty
below your sari so that Uncle can’t see the cut mark.

Sunita Bhabie: Uff! Will you teach me on that? I agree on that, but… can you not take my saliva?

Ritesh: Hmm. Hey you? What do you say?

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, if Madam feels she is comfortable giving her saliva to you, certainly you can pick it up.

Ritesh: Bah! Fine. Are you satisfied now? Uff! Bhabie… The way you are behaving naa….

Saying that he openly pinched Bhabie’s juicy boob from above her brassiere in front of the rickshaw-puller. Bhabie
seemed to be quite immune to this sort of shamelessness by now!

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, you fill your fingers with Madam’s saliva and then rub it on her gaand. Madam, you need to
take off your pe… I mean your petticoat.

Sunita Bhabie: Huh!

Bhabie looked elsewhere and Ritesh readily crawled forward to do that noble task. I could see his naked black ass
directly pointing towards me from where I was peeping. I could even see his ass crack hairs as he crawled! He
pulled down Bhabie’s petticoat as she lifted her big gaand slightly. It seemed to me as if Bhabie was his personal
property! Her lower half was again completely bare, but by this time she probably was used to it.

Sunita Bhabie: I can’t take this. O God! What am I doing! Sssssssss…

She closed her eyes and seemed to have given up! Ritesh inserted two fingers of his right hand into Bhabie’s mouth
and she started lapping and sucking them.

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, three fingers…

Ritesh inserted another finger and Bhabie was having a tough time accommodating all in her mouth. The way it
looked instantly made me recall as if Rajesh had inserted his cock in my mouth. She gasped for breath as she
continued to lick and suck the fingers. This went on for some moments.

Rickshaw-puller: Done. Now Madam you turn back.

Ritesh took out his fingers from Bhabie’s mouth and they were glistening with her saliva. She turned back and
rested on her stomach. Ritesh then rubbed and massaged his fingers over Bhabie’s smooth round buttocks. She
looked simply awesome in that posture with her stripped pumpkin ass facing the ceiling!

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, put inside her crack also.

My goodness! Ritesh like an obedient boy inserted his fingers in Bhabie’s deep ass crack and of course there were
loud barefaced moans from Bhabie indicating that she was getting thoroughly excited. I could see a spring in
Ritesh’s lund – natural - and it was now dead erect.

Ritesh: By the way, why do you need her saliva here?

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib this acts as an antiseptic and hence it has to be the same person’s saliva.
Ritesh: I see. Whatever… Bhabie you have a wonderful gaand! If I were your husband naaa, I would never allow you
to wear anything on this beautiful gaand. I swear! What a shape! Ahaaa…..

Ritesh now started feeling every part of Bhabie’s very fleshy but tight buttocks and was pressing and examining
her ass cheeks to check their elasticity!

Ritesh: Oh! That motherchod is so very lucky!

Sunita Bhabie: Who?

Ritesh: Your husband, who else? If your gaand is so tight at this age, what was it like when you were 20 Bhabie?

Bhabie had already started passing rowdy grunts, but the rickshaw-puller intervened at this point.

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib if you allow me…

He pulled out the crab out of his handkerchief and that little red thing sprung out on the floor. In a very skilled
way, he caught that and held by its claws in his hand!

Ritesh: Be careful!

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, I am now letting it go on your body. Please don’t move your gaand please.

I saw the rickshaw-puller gently putting the crab on Bhabie’s naked ass. It looked incredibly beautiful observing
that little creature on Bhabie’s naked butter-colored buttocks. The crab definitely was surprised initially to be on
a woman’s ass cheek, but then started crawling slowly. Bhabie’s pumpkin ass was definitely very smooth and round,
but it was not porous like the sand. The crab most likely was expecting that. After going a few strides here and
there, it noticed the deep crevice, which was actually Bhabie’s ass crack. It hastened towards her crack and Bhabie
was producing all sorts of sounds feeling the movement of the little crab on her gaand. The next moment Bhabie let
out a very loud shriek as the crab inserted its claws inside her ass crevice. What a sight it was!

Ritesh: Oye! Oye! Don’t go there. Arre…. Don’t go there mere baap!

Did the crab hear Ritesh’s advice? God knows; but it did not stay long in Bhabie’s ass crack and came out on her
broad ass cheek again.

Ritesh: Probably it did not like the smell there… ha ha ha…

Sunita Bhabie: Eeeeeeiiiiiiiiiii……….. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… Oiiiiiiiiiii….

Bhabie was ejecting all sorts of weird sounds in excitement and anxiety. The rickshaw-puller now snubbed the crab
with his finger and it immediately dug its claws into Bhabie’s gaand and drops of blood came out of her left ass
cheek. The drops of blood looked like two bindis on her wide left ass cheek. The crab had its claws prodded in her
ass flesh and Bhabie’s body jerked and moved in pain. It seemed the crab must have liked Bhabie’s flesh and the
sting was indeed a long one. The crab again roamed on the round naked surface of Bhabie’s huge gaand and this time
it crawled slowly downwards diagonally. It seemed it was tracing the panty line on Bhabie’s buttocks! The crab now
quickly was onto Bhabie’s right ass cheek.

Ritesh: It must be a male crab… He is enjoying your gaand very much Bhabie! He he he…
Sunita Bhabie: You idiot! Please get that creature out of my gaand!

Rickshaw-puller: Patience Madam. Its done.

The red little thing continued to stroll around the circumference of her right ass cheek and was again coming back
to the crack. This time the rickshaw-puller craftily picked it up and threw it out of the window.

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, now you are safe!

Ritesh: Great! Lets celebrate!

Saying that he started patting Bhabie’s naked ass and in fact slapped her on her bouncy flesh a couple of times!

Sunita Bhabie: Ritesh! What’s this… stop!

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, wait. Let me check once.

Saying that he took his face very close to Bhabie’s bare buttocks and started licking the cut mark on her left ass
cheek. Of course, he kept his right hand for support on her right ass cheek and was feeling the tightness of
Bhabie’s gaand on his palm. This simultaneous working of licking with his tongue and pressing with his hand went on
for at least a minute or two which actually made Bhabie to writhe in excitement. I could see her legs getting
separated automatically as she lay on the floor.

Rickshaw-puller: Hooray Madam! You are safe now. The crab has taken back its venom!

Ritesh: Wow Bhabie! Do you hear that? Get up! Get up!

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, but I need to dress the wounds. The pain would still be there.

Ritesh: Abe… you do that a little later!

Rickshaw-puller: But Sahib…

Ritesh pulled up Bhabie from her lying position and as she faced him he directly put his right hand into her naked
hairy choot and started caressing the area and locked his lips in Bhabie’s soft lips so that she could not protest to
the act. Bhabie also forgetting about the presence of another man held his hanging lund and started stroking it. It
seemed to me as if they were on bed! The rickshaw-puller was looking at the shameless open acts of his Sahib and

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib… Sahib… Madam’s cut marks are open and the floor is dirty also…. There is a chance of an
infection Sahib…

Ritesh: Hang your infection…

Ritesh was now fingering Bhabie’s cunt with his right hand and she was virtually dancing in exhilaration and thrill.
She was gyrating her hips very lewdly to accommodate his finger in her cunt. The scene looked so very obscene!

Sunita Bhabie: Eiiii…. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh….. Ritesh… stop rrrrrreeeeeeeee!

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib…
Ritesh: Oho! Bhabie just wait till this rascal gets his work done. Okay?

Sunita Bhabie: Aaiiiiiiiii…. Maaaaaaaaa….

Ritesh: Oh! Bhabie… What a choot you have! So deep, so spacious! But why is it so dry? But then who can guess that
you have such a ‘jhakas’ choot under your sari?

Sunita Bhabie: Dhat! You naughty!

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, I will use these leaves for the dressing.

When we were entering this temple, that man did collect some leaves of some shrubs and had kept it within his

Ritesh: Hey you! This is not fair man!

Rickshaw-puller: What Sahib?

Ritesh: See I am fully naked. Look at your Madam! How dare you wear that lungi? Open it… open it.

O My God! What’s he up to I wondered, but surely something very steamy.

Sunita Bhabie: Ritesh! What’s this? Have you gone out of your head?

Ritesh: Why Bhabie? If you can show your choot to us, why will he not show up his lund? Are you not interested

The rickshaw-puller apparently looked puzzled.

Sunita Bhabie: What? Shut up! You have gone mad!

Ritesh: Abbe! What are you waiting for? Open your lungi or else I will just snatch it!

Rickshaw-puller: O… okay Sahib! I am ta… taking it off.

The man dropped his lungi off his waist and he was wearing a very scanty underwear and one can easily make out
that he had an enormous dick inside that - it looked so thick and full!

Ritesh: Sala harami! Who will open that chaddi?

The man now dragged his underwear also and became fully naked and stood in front of them.

Ritesh: Wow! What a lund you have man! Bhabie, just see - surely this is Andhra Special!

I also swallowed a breath standing in the hideout. I had never seen such a stout penis in my life! The man might be
a rickshaw-puller by profession and average built in appearance, but his lund seemed to be well nourished!

Rickshaw-puller: He he….

I noticed Bhabie’s eyes almost popped out of her sockets. She must be amply horny by now the way Ritesh had
caressed her (from the sea right down here in this temple) and also the way this man had sucked and licked her
gaand just moments ago and hence expectedly she looked at his stout erect dick without a wink of her eyelids!

Sunita Bhabie: Re… R-e-a-l-l-y! Monster size!

It was so very odd for me to look on with these two elderly males standing fully naked with their pubic bushes and
erect cocks so much evident to my eyes! Automatically my hand went to my breasts and I started squeezing them
softly as I myself was also pretty excited at this sight. I also adjusted my panty slightly to rub my choot in a
better way to feel comfortable.

Ritesh: My friend, all women would die for you if you piston them with this! Am I wrong Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: Absolutely not! Your wife is so lucky!

Rickshaw-puller: He he…

Ritesh: Bhabie, then why would be left behind? We three should have the same attire when we are in the same

Sunita Bhabie: Meaning?

Ritesh: What’s the use of wearing that bra? If we have seen your choot, show us your doodh also darling!

Sunita Bhabie: Umm… What a desire!

Ritesh: Come on Bhabie! P-l-e-a-s-e!

Sunita Bhabie: O… Okay, I also feel like doing that…. but close your eyes…

Ritesh: Okay Bhabie, I am closing my eyes and holding my rod. You open your bra. Hey you! Close your eyes and hold
your monster!

Sunita Bhabie: He he… you are simply a rogue!

Bhabie was peaking to the height of shamelessness. She took her hands back and opened the hook of her brassiere
and casually removed the straps off her shoulder and pulled out the cups off her two mammaries.

Ritesh: Done?

Sunita Bhabie: Yes!

Ritesh: Wow! What a sight! I can’t wait to fuck you Bhabie!

Bhabie looked down at the floor and her face reddened like a tomato. Was there any shame still left in her? I was
rather astonished.

Rickshaw-puller: Can I do the dressing first Sahib!

Ritesh: I want to dress her choot yaar! Huh! Anyway, do it fast.

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, I will first dress your toe, but… err… the problem is it would not be advisable for you to
sit on the floor with your cut on your gaand.
Sunita Bhabie: Then? But if I do not sit, how would you dress my toe?

Rickshaw-puller: Yes Madam, that’s what I am thinking.

Ritesh: Abe motherchod! Allow her to sit on my lap.

Rickshaw-puller: Yes, yes. That way Madam, your gaand would remain safe from this dirt!

Bhabie was smiling probably anticipating the fun she would get by sitting on the lap of a man who was not wearing a
thread! Ritesh sat on the floor and Bhabie stepped forward slowly towards him. She was looking like a sex goddess
- fully nude - her bra-less free big, round milk-pots jiggling as she walked, her pussy inviting Ritesh perfectly, and
her heavy butts swaying with each step. She stooped down a bit before sitting on his lap and her boobs looked so
very sexy hanging freely in the air.

Ritesh: Aao… aao meri jaan! My darling!

Bhabie exhaled out a lovingly screech when she felt Ritesh’s stiff poking lund on her hips as she put her full body
weight on his lap.

Ritesh: Oooooooooo Laaaaaaa laaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! What soft buttocks you have Bhabie! So smooth and
round yet so tight yaar!

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, I will use these leaf extracts for your dressing, but simultaneously I will need two things
from you also.

Sunita Bhabie: Aaaahh! Press them more…. Aaahhh… yes, what do you wa…. want from me?

Rickshaw-puller: First I need your saliva Madam.

Sunita Bhabie: O… okay…. Uff! Ritesh… you are hurting me. Don’t pinch like that! Ye… yes, how will I give the saliva?

Concurrently two developments were taking place – Bhabie was made horny by Ritesh by his erotic moves while that
low class man was making his moves for the dressing of the wound.

Rickshaw-puller: You don’t have to give it Madam. You can relax in Sahib’s lap. This time I will take your saliva.

The man started crushing the leaves that he had collected early and some transparent fluid was coming out of the
leaf stalk, which he rubbed on his finger and then chafed it on his lips! I was rather surprised to see that though
Bhabie appeared nonchalant, as she was very boldly busy with Ritesh enjoying the togetherness thoroughly, as his
hands caressed and pressed her on her absolutely intimate body parts. Ritesh made Bhabie to split her legs wide
and inserted his finger in his cunt again and this time, he took out the finger and smelt it!

Ritesh: O Bhabie, you smell great there! What a choot you have!

Sunita Bhabie: You dirty rot! Stop smelling that!

Ritesh: Aaaaaahhhhhh! I have fucked so many girls in my life, but your choot smells exceptional Bhabie!

Saying that he again inserted his tongue into Bhabie’s choot and started to move his finger in a circular fashion
making Bhabie go wild.
Sunita Bhabie: Ouch! S-t-o-p…

Ritesh: What a deep choot yaar! How many times did Manohar uncle fuck you… Sali randi?

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib… Sahib… I mean… err… if you please allow Madam to sit still for a moment would be helpful.

Ritesh: Uhhhhhhh! What fun yaar! Bhabie I will carry you in my lap my whole life! Oiiiii maaaaaaaa…

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib…

Ritesh: Oh! Sala harami, wait for a while naa…

Sunita Bhabie: Ritesh… stop now. Listen to him.

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, yes… okay. Now I can take the saliva from Madam’s mouth. Madam just part your lips a

Ritesh: Sure, sure! I will hold her still… Ha ha ha…

Saying that he cupped Bhabie’s big coconuts with both palms and tried to grab them fully in both hands, but
Bhabie’s boobs were rather big-sized and oozed out though his palms.

My goodness! A rickshaw-puller would kiss Manohar Uncle’s wife. Incredible! Though Bhabie seemed to be willing at
the beginning to donate saliva, but now as she realized that low class man would actually kiss her to take the saliva,
she got scared probably.

Sunita Bhabie: But, but… what are you up to? How will you take this? By kissing?

Ritesh: Naturally Bhabie, how can he collect otherwise? Cooperate with him.

Sunita Bhabie: Arre… stop! What the… I cannot allow any Tom, Dick, Harry to kiss me… Am I a…

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, please help me.

Ritesh: Bhabie, don’t be silly! I have kissed you at least 50 times today, what’s the harm if he touches your lips

Sunita Bhabie: Meaning?

Ritesh: Oho Bhabie! Take it easy… He has seen every inch of your body and he wants to help you only by preparing
the dressing… isn’t it?

Bhabie seemed to be at last consoled by this logic. She reluctantly waited to be kissed by this roadside man! Ritesh
got hold of Sunita Bhabie’s head and the rickshaw-puller held Bhabie by her shoulders and touched her lips. Of
course, the initial reaction was utterly repulsive from Bhabie seeing those dirty blackish lips getting closer to her
mouth, but as he slowly tasted his lips, she was somewhat calmed down. The rickshaw-puller now started sucking
her lower lips. The man took support by placing his hands on the floor and the scene was so very pornographic - two
naked males and one naked elderly woman – the woman sitting on the lap of one and the other sucking away her lips.

Ritesh was holding her head tightly so that her repulsion was not very evident though Bhabie was still throwing her
legs in the air. That low class man was probably having the kiss of his life and he went on and on sucking her thick
rosy lips. At last he released his lips off Bhabie’s and they were looking in each other’s eyes for a moment! Bhabie
took a very long and deep breath after the kiss and she apparently looked not very dissatisfied.

The rickshaw-puller spewed out the saliva he had collected in his mouth on the leaf extract and started mixing it
with some more torn leaves.

Ritesh: So? Complete! You were so scared as if he would eat you up!

I found Bhabie literally was gasping after the kiss episode was complete. Her face was all red and she was still
recovering from this kiss of this roadside man.

Ritesh: How different was it Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: Different? Err… from what?

Ritesh: From my kisses or for that matter your Manohar Uncle’s kisses?

Sunita Bhabie: Hmm… It was different!

Ritesh: How much? Tell ma naa…

Sunita Bhabie: How to explain that… I don’t know… everyone kisses in a different way!

Ritesh waited for Bhabie to elucidate while the rickshaw-puller was busy preparing a paste like thing with the

Sunita Bhabie: Like… how could I spell out… it’s such a personal feeling… Your uncle is always interested to put his
tongue inside my mouth and explore my mouth area, but not to suck my lower lips… you are more into sucking my
lower lips and I indeed like that… this man was again different… he touched my lower lips, but very gently, and he
was holding back his breath while his mouth was on mine…

Ritesh: O Bhabie… you explain in such a nice way! You ought to be a teacher… a sex teacher… ha ha ha….

Bhabie was also giggling.

Rickshaw-puller: Thanks Madam. Now I need the second thing to complete this.

Sunita Bhabie: What else?

Rickshaw-puller: I need some milk…

Sunita Bhabie: What milk?

Ritesh: Obviously your milk Bhabie!

Sunita Bhabie: Meaning? I really don’t get this.

Rickshaw-puller: Actually Madam… err… to finalize this healing paste I need your breast milk.

Sunita Bhabie: W-h-a-t? What bullshit is this?

Bhabie simply yelled at this request. Naturally. How can a 40-year-old woman produce breast milk without a
pregnancy/child birth! Her voice reflected a mixture of anger, shame, and bewilderment.

Ritesh: Why are you getting angry on that poor chap Bhabie? This must be the composition of that antidote!

Rickshaw-puller: Yes Sahib. I am not telling a lie. You can confirm from our village doctor.

Ritesh: No, no, I believe in you!

Sunita Bhabie: But Ritesh… it’s impossible!

Ritesh: What is impossible? I mean which part?

Sunita Bhabie: What rubbish are you talking about? You know my age. Do I look like a young mother that I shall
have milk in my…

Ritesh: But Bhabie, your tits do look like… see how tight they are…. Ha ha ha… Okay, jokes apart… you mean to say
you don’t produce milk any more?

Sunita Bhabie: Obviously! Come on Ritesh! I am 40 now! I did my last breast-feeding probably… probably 16-17
years ago!

Ritesh: Hmm but…

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, if you allow me to say something. I know as much I have heard from our village doctor.

Bhabie was still sitting on Ritesh’s lap, completely naked. The rickshaw-puller was sitting just in front of her and
Bhabie’s choot and doodh were fully visible to him all the time. He must have been relishing this lifetime view award
to the fullest.

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, what Madam says is true. She is an elderly woman and had her child many years ago and
obviously her breasts are not used to breast-feeding last many years. But Sahib, according to our village doctor,
even if Madam is not actively breast-feeding a child, she can have milk in her breasts.

Ritesh and Sunita Bhabie (simultaneously): How?

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, its expected that Madam’s child is grownup now and do not sleep on the same bed and if
Madam is staying with her husband, they must be meeting on bed.

Ritesh: Okay, carry on.

Rickshaw-puller: Our village doctor says that even when an elderly couple meet on bed they caress each other, even
if they do not… err… I mean fuck. So I hope Madam your husband also…

Sunita Bhabie: Ye… yes, though rather irregular.

Rickshaw-puller: May it be on an irregular basis, but your husband must be… I mean play with your…

Bhabie’s cheeks were glowing like never before and eyes dipping down to answer this obscene question.
Ritesh: Bhabie? Yes or No?

Sunita Bhabie: Yes, but… but so what?

Rickshaw-puller: Then the problem is solved Madam! If your reply is ‘yes’, then your breasts will surely produce milk
if you are rightly stimulated I tell you!

Sunita Bhabie looked dumb and continued to look with disbelief and skeptically at that man.

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, juts tell me one thing – do you get a good sucking on your breasts when you meet with your
husband on bed?

Sunita Bhabie: What sort of… I mean… no… err… at times…

Ritesh: Bhabie, tell properly. Be open! Tell him clearly…. But… but one thing Bhabie, the way your nipples are getting
swollen by my touch, Uncle must be sucking them regularly … ha ha ha…

Sunita Bhabie: Actually… err… I mean not always.

Ritesh: You mean to say on some days Uncle opens your blouse and sucks your tits, but on other days he just lifts
your sari and fucks you?

Sunita Bhabie: Uff Ritesh, you are incorrigible! You should know that I do not wear a sari on bed of course
especially when…

Ritesh: Oho! Got it… got it! You must be wearing a nighty! But… I mean back to the core question of him: Do you get
a regular sucking there?

Sunita Bhabie: No, I mean he does… err… press and squeeze them, but not always does he suck them.

Ritesh: Okay… so did you get what you wanted to know?

Rickshaw-puller: Certainly Sahib, but since Madam is saying her husband do not suck them always when she meets
her, I might have a trying time getting out the milk.

Sunita Bhabie: Do you mean to say women of my age who gets a regular sucking on their breasts will have milk?

Rickshaw-puller: I do not know Madam, but I have seen our village doctor getting milk from breasts elderly women
who were bitten by crabs at sea. Even he squeezed out milk of a woman who had a son of 20 years!

Sunita Bhabie was stunned to hear that and looked utterly confused.

Ritesh: Okay Bhabie, lets not believe in his words. He needs that milk to complete the cure for you and lets see if
he can do that.

Rickshaw-puller: Sure Sahib!

Ritesh: And what do you want to do for that?

Rickshaw-puller: One second Sahib…

Saying that he separated 3-4 big leaves, which were definitely of different variety from what he collected from
outside and had used in the paste he had prepared. Then stretched out his lungi on the floor. His monstrous cock
was hanging in the air and moving to and fro attracting Bhabie’s attention and of course mine too.

Ritesh: One sec… let me wipe this off with it.

Bhabie had stood up from Ritesh’s lap and she was slightly limping as the wound was on her toe. Her gorgeous round
ass showed a red bruise, which that rickshaw-puller was licking moments ago. Ritesh now took the lungi and quickly
wiped off the drops of precum that accumulated at his penis head. Bhabie stood naked as shameless as ever and
watched that.

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, can you check and tell if your nipples have become soft or not?

Sunita Bhabie: What? I mean why?

Rickshaw-puller: That’s a precondition Madam.

Ritesh: Ha ha… But my dear, since Bhabie was sitting on my lap for sooooooooo long, how can those be soft so

Sunita Bhabie looked down at her bare tits to check her nipples and both males were also directly looking at her
exposed globes.

Sunita Bhabie: Err… I mean… Hard.

Rickshaw-puller: O… okay Madam… but I need to apply this leaf stalk on them… Sahib, what to do then?

Ritesh: Simple yaar! Bhabie, you just imagine that you are not with me. Do not look at us and visualize that you are
alone at home; then obviously your excitement will come down. But… but keep your eyes off our lunds… ha ha ha…

Sunita Bhabie: Aha… ‘visualize that you are alone at home…’

She imitated Ritesh.

Sunita Bhabie: What about this?

She openly indicated at her nakedness to the two males.

Sunita Bhabie: Do I remain like this at home? Rubbish!

Ritesh: Oho! That’s a point! But I wish you always remained like this Bhabie… all the time… Bilkul nangi! Ha ha ha…
Anyway, you start and don’t waste further time.

Rickshaw-puller: Okay Sahib, as you say. Madam, come and sit on my lungi like this.

Saying that he himself demonstrated what Bhabie needed to do. He crouched on the lungi and knelt down on his
knees and then placed his body weight on his hands. It reminded me of mama-ji when he used to play with me in my
childhood. He knelt and moved about in the room on his knees being a horse and I used to ride him. I was shocked
to see that posture being demonstrated to Bhabie. For any matured woman this pose was rather susceptible and
obscene, as all of her intimate parts would remain awfully exposed. Moreover, Bhabie being completely naked, I
presumed that she would look alluringly inviting in that posture.
Rickshaw-puller: Is it okay Madam?

Sunita Bhabie: My God! That’s the last thing I wanted to do…

Ritesh: But yaar why this specific pose?

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, if Madam stays like this her breasts will be hanging in the air and this will actually help
accumulate milk at the tip of the nipple.

Ritesh: Hmm… I see. But Bhabie must be familiar to this pose… why Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: How come I could be familiar with that pose?

Ritesh: You mean to say Uncle never asked you to be like this on bed? Bhabie, come on!

Sunita Bhabie: No, I swear!

Ritesh: Don’t tell a lie! Come on! Not even a single day in your married life you have been like this on bed!?!

Sunita Bhabie: No! I am telling you naa..

Ritesh: Is Uncle a man or a ‘mamu’? Ha ha haa…

Sunita Bhabie: Meaning?

Ritesh: Arre Bhabie! Let me explain. Suppose you meet uncle on bed. He is making love to you. Okay?

Sunita Bhabie : Hmm.. Hmm…

Ritesh: You both are naked. Right?

Sunita Bhabie: That’s quite obvious Ritesh… anyway continue!

Ritesh: Now instead of routinely going through the same fucking style, one day he could easily have asked you to be
like this. Arre! If not for anything else, at least for foreplay pleasures! I am surprised that he never told you.

Sunita Bhabie appeared visibly frustrated at his husband’s efforts regarding sex.

Ritesh: Arre! Husbands having plump wives do use this menthol more for simple viewing pleasure. Bhabie, this way
your gaand would look more prominent and attractive and since you have heavy boobs, they would look all the more
beautiful this way. I wonder why Uncle never…

Sunita Bhabie: Huh! Anyway… no use talking about your Uncle!

Bhabie stepped forward on the lungi and folded her legs to sit on her knees. Then she bent forward and kept her
body weight on her hands and positioned herself perfectly for a doggie style fucking! She looked so sexy and
inviting I wondered how those two males controlled themselves seeing this ‘hot’ piece of meat waiting for them! I
noticed they simultaneously scratched and stroked their cocks as Bhabie was getting into that pose. I was shocked
to see the rickshaw-puller openly massaging his monstrous cock taking his hand throughout the shaft of his stiff
rod as if he was ready for pistoning!
And in the next half an hour what happened was the hottest thing I ever saw.

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, please be standstill in that pose. Sahib, to make things happen quickly if you help me a

Ritesh: Sure! Anything for my dear Bhabie… Ha ha ha!

Rickshaw-puller: Nothing much! If you can help her getting stimulated quickly; actually the more quickly she gets
kindled, the quickly the milk will flow from her breasts.

Ritesh: Ha ha… I want to drink Bhabie’s milk surely!

Sunita Bhabie: Can you just finish it fast… please?

Rickshaw-puller: Sure Madam sure.

The two men quickly positioned themselves round Bhabie’s plump naked figure. The Rickshaw-puller placed himself
near Bhabie’s belly area and Ritesh went towards her legs patting her round smooth butt cheeks. The rickshaw-
puller then rubbed some leaf extract on his both palms and directly cupped her hanging coconuts!

Sunita Bhabie: Ouch!

The rough hands of this low class man suddenly cupping her bare tits must have given Bhabie a wholesome shudder
creating a very much appreciable quiver as that man kneaded her big swaying globes.

Rickshaw-puller: This I have learnt from our village doctor. He says – just do it as if you are milking a cow – once
squeeze the cow’s udder softly, then squeeze it tightly. I am just doing that…

Sunita Bhabie: Aaaaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaah!

Ritesh: C-o-o-l beta! Bhabie, are you listening? He is treating you like a cow. Ha ha ha… Let me act out the buffalo
then… Ha ha ha…

Saying that Ritesh crouched at Bhabie’s rear and held her two butt cheeks in his hands and started smelling her
asshole. He was poking his nose so wickedly in her asshole that Bhabie had to virtually wag her huge ass vigorously
to feel comfortable!

Sunita Bhabie: Ei Ritesh…. Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiii… stop… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

In no time I noticed Ritesh was furiously groping her big round ass with both hands and also fingering her pussy
and asshole in turn. Both holes were widely open and visible due to her clumsy posture. Ritesh took full advantage
of it and seemed all geared up to fuck Bhabie in the doggie style! He was stroking his lund time and again now and
checking its tightness. The rickshaw-puller naturally looked exceedingly excited cuddling and squashing Bhabie’s
dense pendulous boobs with both hands.

Ritesh: Uffff Bhabie! W-h-a-t a gaand you keep under your sari dear! Ohhhhhhhhhh! Any male would die for it!

Ritesh’s hand now went to her robust thighs and he started caressing them very firmly while the rickshaw-puller
was getting relatively proactive. He was not confined to massaging Bhabie’s juicy boobs only, but had taken his head
very near to Bhabie’s mouth and obviously was looking for an opportunity to kiss her.
Sunita Bhabie: Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! What am I doing! Oh Godddddddd! Such fun…..

As Bhabie gasped for air, the rickshaw-puller touched his lips on Bhabie’s and started sucking her lower lips. Bhabie
had no control over her and even though anticipating this, did not protest at all and was more than eager to get
kissed by this roadside dirty man. I am sure he must have been having some pungent odor in his mouth and I noted
that reflected also momentarily on Bhabie’s face, but she was so much sexually stirred up that she just carried on
the way things went. Needless to say that man was extremely keyed up and energized seeing Bhabie responding to
his moves without any inhibition. He was so much thrilled and motivated that he took Bhabie’s left arm and made
her hold his erect thick cock! Bhabie somehow balanced on one hand in that doggie pose.

I could realize the scene was heating up very crudely and both men definitely had plans to fuck this plump ‘meat’.
Ritesh on the other hand was rubbing Bhabie’s well-formed thighs with both hands and feeling the tight flesh. The
rickshaw-puller was openly kissing Bhabie’s face and also occasionally moving to her earlobes making her to moan
constantly. Ritesh was moving up from Bhabie’s thighs towards her hips and further upwards towards her hanging
melons. In no time he grabbed Bhabie’s tits cupping them and squeezing them. Bhabie got rather stirred up at this
move and the rickshaw-puller readily sensing that started kissing her, biting and sucking her lips and they were
soon lip-locked!

I was amazed to see Bhabie responding so passionately to this dirty low class man! It seemed as though she was
being kissed by Uncle only in her bedroom!

Bhabie was by now totally involved in the caressing of Ritesh on one side and that rickshaw-puller on the other and
was giving open encouragement to both of them to fondle her simultaneously. Ritesh got his grip very firm now on
Bhabie’s big tight tits and was now kneading her breasts very, very firmly twisting her nipples with his thumb and
middle finger. The next moment rickshaw-puller too joined hands with him and took Bhabie’s breast directly in his
hand, while Ritesh groped the other one. That man also squeezed her tight flesh and started pinching and pressing
her nipple making her go wild with exhilaration.

I could well realize that it was impossible for Bhabie to stand this double dose of love, especially at this age, and
she was gasping for breath already. Ritesh now went to her front side and took her lips in his mouth and began
sucking them. The rickshaw-puller now caught hold of Bhabie’s both boobs and was giving her some very tight
squeezes there. I noticed that his palms were significantly large and Bhabie’s big round tits got nicely
accommodated in his palms. Simultaneously he was thrusting his very long cock into Bhabie’s ass crack making her
whole body jerk with every thrust. Bhabie’s nipples were protruding out from her boobs like two large round grapes
willing to be sucked and juiced out.

Obviously by this time both men had full erections and wanted Bhabie to suck their pricks. Both males came to
stand in front of Bhabie now and she remained in her kneel down position thereby making the scene perfect with
the two dangling cocks right in front of her lips. Bhabie started stroking Ritesh and the rickshaw-puller using both
her hands very effectively. Bhabie literally looked like a perfect randi serving her customers!

Sunita Bhabie: Ummmmmmmm…. Uuuuuullllllllssssssssssssss!

Bhabie was creating all sorts of weird sounds as she sucked and stroked the two erect dicks.

Ritesh: Suck, suck… suck more… Sali!

Ritesh now bent a little and cupped Bhabie’s naked boobs again and the rickshaw-puller was enjoying the whole
thing as he held Bhabie’s head so that it was fixed on his cock only.
Ritesh: O-k-ay… Bhabie. Enough sucking, lets us suck you for a change now.

Saying that he pushed Bhabie down on the floor and as she landed on her ass, she cried out probably due to the cut
mark on her ass made by the crab. None of the males paid heed to that and jumped on her like two hungry lions on
a helpless goat. They both started licking and biting her boobs. Two hot tongues met Bhabie’s already very erect
nipples and as Ritesh hungrily sucked one, the rickshaw-puller rolled his tongue on the other making Bhabie squirm
aloud and made her more restless for the fuck.

Ritesh glided down her bouncy globes and began probing his tongue deep into her navel. As Ritesh descended for
navel kissing, I noted that the rickshaw-puller again attacked Bhabie’s lips. He must have liked Bhabie’s soft juicy
lips immensely! His wife must not be having such rosy and luscious lips like Bhabie’s. Ritesh in the meantime went
further down and reached Bhabie’s hairy choot and spread her legs wider to open her vagina for as if a public view.
He took his mouth in front of her choot and was observing it for some time! Then there was no looking back and he
began licking the outermost wall first and then was approaching the clitoris, which was already swollen like a small
bulb! I could see every detail from my position the way Bhabie was vulgarly exhibiting her treasures. Ritesh was
literally chewing the clitoris and sucking her and bringing her hot juices, though I noted the flow of her juices was
definitely pretty diminished in amount.

On the other hand, that low class man was having a real gala time kissing Bhabie lip-to-lip and fondling her handful
tits while twisting her swollen nipples time and again. Now he left her lips and stood up and again brought his
massive dick to her mouth. I had never seen Bhabie so energetic throughout this trip! She willingly opened her
mouth wide welcoming the monstrous size. The rickshaw-puller inserted his stick inside her open mouth without
wasting a second and Bhabie started sucking his dick making loud noises. Literally it was a very steamy affair and I
was surprised to note that Bhabie was handling this twosome affair pretty expertly like any high priced call girl!

Both the rickshaw-puller and Ritesh were now openly churning out all sorts of noise of sexual exuberance. That
man’s large dick was pushing Bhabie till her throat and she was visibly unable to accommodate it fully, but was
trying her best to do so. Ritesh’s licking had reached its maximum slurp as he was milking out Bhabie’s choot with
his crafty tongue. Ritesh probably had reached the limit of his control over his lund and now simply wanted to fuck
Bhabie with his erect prick.

Ritesh spread Bhabie’s legs wide and he pushed them as wide as he could opening her choot fully. Ritesh quickly
positioned himself for the fuck and held her lund and inserted it in the right spot. He held Bhabie’s naked thighs
and started ramming his prick deep inside her pussy. Bhabie’s whole body was jerking like anything and the room
was filled with wild ecstasies produced by Ritesh and Bhabie. I was still in a state of shock to see the condition of
this housewife, who was till yesterday so decent and sharing time with his husband.

The rickshaw-puller was as if fucking Bhabie’s mouth now as he saw his “Sahib” going for the kill. He gyrated his
hips and pushed his thick lund in and out of Bhabie’s mouth like a piston. Bhabie was now truly looking like an English
porno movie actress as I had seen in VCDs doing a twosome with so much ease! Both Ritesh and that man had
increased their pace considerably and Bhabie was now perspiring profusely in so much excitement. Her big round
boobs were dancing and jiggling with each stroke of Ritesh in her pussy and she was out of breath trying to
accommodate that monstrous cock of the rickshaw-puller’s in her mouth.

Sunita Bhabie: Aaaaaaaaa Aaaaa Aaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaa….

Bhabie was yielding such a rhythmic hum with each thump from Ritesh. Bhabie was so much stirred up and
stimulated that she cummed very soon and Ritesh also exploded his cum within her pussy. Ritesh emptied his balls
inside her choot filling her with his thick cum.
Ritesh: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

The energy level of Ritesh seemed to have been sucked by Bhabie’s choot and he was clinging to Bhabie’s big naked
gaand exhausted. Bhabie also was pretty exhausted and fell on the floor and rested there.

Ritesh: Uuuuuuuh! Bhabie, what a body you have! It felt so great fucking you! Aaaaaaaaaaah! I feel like taking you
to my home.

Bhabie was silent; naturally was too much worn out by this twosome affair. Ritesh kept his head on Bhabie’s naked
buttocks and rested for a while.

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib! What about…

Ritesh: Oh! Sure! Go ahead! Now its your turn…

Ritesh made way to the rickshaw-puller and he was all charged up to fuck Bhabie.

Sunita Bhabie: Aaah! Please wait…

The rickshaw-puller was by that time fully energized to push his dick inside Bhabie’s pussy and so expectedly her
meek request went unheard.

Sunita Bhabie: Please, please I cannot take that…

Bhabie seemed to be a bit frightened and indicated to the man’s huge-sized cock.

Ritesh: Oho Bhabie! Your pathway is so broad that you can even accommodate two cocks… Lucky Uncle! He has
rammed you so many times… Aha!

Sunita Bhabie: Ei… give me some time to…

Ritesh: Bhabie, time is precious. You just enjoy what you are getting!

The rickshaw-puller was waiting for his Sahib to give the nod.

Ritesh: You motherchod! What are you waiting for! Fuck that randi… Sali, you just wait… I will take another shot.

I noted signs of fright on Bhabie’s face for the first time. She could well understand now that these two males
would not leave her easily especially after the way she had been liberally exposing in front of them for such long

Sunita Bhabie: Slowly… slowly please…

The rickshaw-puller had already positioned his erect cock with his right hand into Bhabie’s sticky choot and started
entering her with full force.

Sunita Bhabie: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……. Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…. P-l-e-a-s-e…. slowly, s-l-o-w-l-y…

He just started banging Bhabie with his big stiff organ and it looked like a hot iron rod inside her hairy choot. The
insertion of this mega dick was making her squirm very loudly. The size of his cock was visibly making her
uncomfortable and she was violently twitching and turning on the floor. Her 40-year-old very matured choot was
tested to the maximum by this rickshaw-puller’s lund. Manohar Uncle’s cock must be of moderate size and Bhabie
must be very much used to that size and today when she was fucked by Ritesh moments ago, she again experienced
an average-sized cock, but this one was… Gosh!
A truly thick rod and very much well nourished.

The rickshaw-puller was more charged up by Bhabie’s shrieks and yells. He inserted his full dick inside her and was
thumping her choot with his all his might. Ritesh was also watching this hardcore erotic display with an open mouth.
I could clearly see Bhabie had run out of her steam and getting this very hard ramming in her pussy she was
virtually knocked out. The action on the floor was reaching new heights as the rickshaw-puller lifted Bhabie’s legs
in the air and spread it fully.

Sunita Bhabie: Aaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaa…. Aaaaaaaaaaa…. Ohhhhhhhh…… Ohhhhhhh….

Bhabie continued to utter joys of ecstasy, but clearly there was a pain componenet associated with each shout. It
seemed to me that this man would tear her apart the way he was fucking her. Within moments the rickshaw-puller
was on the verge of orgasm and Bhabie was also approaching her second!

Rickshaw-puller: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Ooooooooo……

Ritesh: Come on Bhabie! Come on!

Ritesh was cheering up Bhabie to match the fast paced rhythm of that man. Sunita Bhabie now jolted herself - her
body throwing upward and she came violently along with that man pumping his seeds inside her. Bhabie seemed to
have collapsed taking this fuck and remained almost motionless. On the other hand, the rickshaw puller also looked
thoroughly exhausted and his body remained still over Bhabie’s naked body.

Ritesh: My friend, what a fuck you had! Oh!

Bhabie’s choot looked all wet and her pubic hairs stuck together with the cum of these males and her thighs and
belly also had stains of cum. After some time, the rickshaw-puller lifted himself up from her body and Ritesh also
looked recharged by this time. Bhabie still was unable to recover from simultaneous fucks and was still resting on
the floor.

Ritesh: What happened Bhabie? Get up!

I could clearly sense that Sunita Bhabie was in no position to get up at that point of time, but Ritesh seemed quite

Ritesh: Bhabie…. Bhabie!

Sunita Bhabie: Please… give me some time… please…Aaaah!

Ritesh: What’s your problem? Any pain there?

Saying that he indicated to her choot. Bhabie nodded.

Ritesh: Okay, don’t worry! I will balance that.

Saying that, he pushed Bhabie to roll over on the floor.

Sunita Bhabie: What… what are you doing Ritesh? Leave me alone… please. I am having so much pain… Aaaah!
Bhabie’s plea fell to deaf ears and Ritesh readily made her to lie on her stomach and he rode her on the back.
Though Bhabie was trying to protest, she was rather weak after the double dose of fucking and Ritesh could easily
stretch himself on Bhabie’s back and started rubbing his limp cock on her butts. He adjusted his cock right inside
her deep ass crack and started thumping her. Bhabie already had ran out of steam mostly due to the intense fuck
by the rickshaw-puller ramming his monstrous cock in her vagina and now with this action, she was virtually ripped
apart. Ritesh had got back the energy level that he had lost after fucking Bhabie and now was vigorously slamming
his lund into Bhabie’s ass crack. He pushed her hands off her sides and revealed her boobs again under her body
and inserted his hands again squeezing them tightly.

Sunita Bhabie: Ritesh, p-l-e-a-s-e… Leave me, I can’t take any m-o-r-e…

Ritesh: Shut up you bitch! Aaah…. Aaaah! What a gaand this randi has! Ohhhhhhhhooo!

Ritesh’s waist was literally dancing over Bhabie’s wide naked ass and she was puffing at each whack! Ritesh probably
enjoyed this “ass fuck” action a bit too much humping Bhabie’s naked fleshy gaand and he ejaculated pretty soon.
He designed Bhabie’s big butt cheeks with his cum and seemed to be enjoying every moment of this lewd action.

Rickshaw-puller: Sahib, I mean… will I not get a second chance?

Ritesh: Sure yaar! Come on! She is free stuff! Fuck her ass, who cares!

He got down off Bhabie’s back and before Bhabie could even react to get straight, the rickshaw-puller rode her
and tried to insert his large erect dick in her ass hole. Unlike Ritesh, he separated Bhabie’s ass cheeks and
broadened her ass crack with both hands and tried to locate the hole exactly and then tried to insert his rod

Sunita Bhabie: Please, leave me… have mercy on me. I… I really had a very tough time taking you. P-l-e-a-s-e… have
mercy on me! Ritesh, please…

Ritesh: What mercy! Tear her ass hole!

The rickshaw-puller did not waste a second and started exerting pressure on Bhabie’s tender asshole and she was
yelling in pain. I could well understand that his thick cock was just too much for her and Bhabie was now crying in
anguish as he was knocking hard on her asshole with his lund and was kneading her fleshy ass cheeks with both
hands. Seeing her boobs free, Ritesh jumped on them like a hungry lion. He grabbed both boobs and gave them
tight squeezes and then started kissing the nipples making Bhabie writhe on the floor in excitement, though it was
very, very short-lived as the pain she was experiencing overshadowed everything.

Sunita Bhabie: I b-e-g of you …. Ooooooooooo! Please leave me. I am having a lot of pain… Uuuuuuuuu………….

Bhabie for the first time was crying now and I could well realize she was having a lot of pain in her asshole and
choot. Consecutive fucks must have given her great pleasure, but since her discharge was very minimal, she must
have undergone a lot of pain in her choot especially taking that man’s big lund and now consecutive attacks on her
gaand had brought tears in her eyes.

Ritesh: Hey you! Do it slowly!

Some good sense still prevailed in Ritesh as he warned that low class man, but he seemed to be in the mood of
tearing Bhabie’s asshole the way he was thrashing her gaand.
Sunita Bhabie: Aaaaaaaaaa… Uuuuuuuuu…. Ooooooooooooh! P-l-e-a-s-e….. I will die if this continues… R-i-t-e-s-h… s-
a-v-e m-e….

Ritesh: I can ask him to stop, but on one condition Bhabie.

Ritesh indicated to the rickshaw-puller and he momentarily stopped his rhythmic action.

Sunita Bhabie: Uuuuuuuuu…. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh…

Ritesh: You have to allow me to fuck you when we are back from this vacation.

Sunita Bhabie: Uuuu… but… but my husband will be there!

Ritesh: So what?

Sunita Bhabie: What do you mean? Uuuuuooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…. Uff!

Ritesh: That’s your headache Sali… You will send him out of the house while I will raise your sari. Got it?

Sunita Bhabie was unable to reply anything to this indecent proposal.

Ritesh: Otherwise you will come down to my place in the evening when I am back from office and spend the evening
with me. Do you agree or not?

Sunita Bhabie: O… okay. But please leave me now. Aaaah!

Ritesh: Okay. Leave that randi… she had enough for a day!

Ritesh handed over the lungi of that rickshaw-puller to Bhabie.

Ritesh: Clean yourself with that.

He got up and got into his shorts and the rickshaw-puller also was up from his seated position. He was still standing
stark naked. After Bhabie was complete with her wiping on her gaand and choot, she handed over the lungi to that
man who took it with a smiling face. Sunita Bhabie was still sitting on the floor fully naked and now she was trying
to get up with Ritesh’s help. I saw the rickshaw-puller took the crushed leaves and mixed his saliva in it.

Rickshaw-puller: Madam, before you stand, please lift your gaand once! Since you did not produce the breast milk, I
had to use saliva to make the paste. He he...

Sunita Bhabie: Aaaah! Ohhhh! I can’t… let me stand.

Bhabie stood with Ritesh’s help and the rickshaw-puller sat behind him with his face at sniffing distance from
Bhabie’s naked haunches. He applied the paste on her ass on the cut mark created by the crab and also on her foot.
Finally as he ascended from his crouching position, he slapped Bhabie's gaand once.

Rickshaw-puller: Perfect Madam! Don’t worry about the wound now, should be dry in a couple of days.

Now that everything was almost over, I wondered these males might search for me and I realized that I needed to
make my entry back to the temple. I quickly got out of my hidden place and walked briskly to the temple door.
Strikingly the place was still desolate though I could figure out a couple of foreigners bathing in the sea at a
distance. I waited for a while and got back into the temple and pretended to be very concerned about the injury
Bhabie sustained from the crab-bite.

Me: Are you done? Did the antidote work?

I noticed the rickshaw-puller had worn his lungi by that time and Bhabie also was able to wear her brassiere. I
noted that she trembled a bit realizing her almost naked state in front of me especially in the presence of two
males. She tried her best to cover herself quickly, but Ritesh was still playing shameless pranks with Bhabie.

Ritesh: Oho Bhabie! It’s Anita only! She is no outsider. Take your time. Yes, Anita. It worked perfectly.

Bhabie actually was trying to wrap her petticoat on her waist, but Ritesh quickly picked that up.

Ritesh: Ishh! It’s still wet! Hey you… get it dried in the air.

Bhabie was a bit confused what to do and stood with her blouse in her hand. Her legs and thighs remained bare and
her naked choot was still glistening even after wiping!

Me: Bhabie, are you feeling okay now?

Sunita Bhabie: Y… yes. But the pain is still… Ufffff!

Bhabie replied as she wore her blouse. She was simply looking awesome standing in that room just clad in her blouse
and bra!

Sunita Bhabie: But… I need to wear the sari… ask him to give me the petticoat.

Ritesh: Oho Bhabie! Wait a minute naaa… he has gone out to dry it.

Sunita Bhabie did not argue and stood like that. Ritesh and myself were both looking at her exposed long hairy
choot. She really looked ravishingly sexy like that!

Sunita Bhabie: Let me wear the sari and then will slid the petticoat underneath.

Ritesh: As you wish. But… but Bhabie… I thought you were wearing a panty when you went to the sea!

I noticed Sunita Bhabie’s face reddened; she was of course not expecting that sort of an intimate question in my
presence from Ritesh. I also was quite stimulated inside seeing the whole hardcore action some moments ago and
took this opportunity to add spice to the air.

Me: But Ritesh, how would you know that?

Ritesh: Arre Anita… When I was holding Bhabie in water I could feel her panty inside the sari… ha ha ha…

Me: Bhabie…. See this naughty boy!

Sunita Bhabie: Huh!

Ritesh: But where did that go?

Me: Hmm… Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: I… I….

Ritesh: Oho Bhabie … Lets not hide from Anita!

Me: Tell me naaa Ritesh… Tell me naaaa…

I pleased Ritesh as if it was the most important piece of information for me to know. Sunita Bhabie’s panty!

Ritesh: Actually Anita, you know what happened…. Well, when we went into deep waters, we were bathing and having
a great time, I heard a mild shout from Bhabie…

I looked at Sunita Bhabie once. Her face was a poster of annoyance. Naturally.

Ritesh: Initially I could not understand a thing and then when waters receded a bit Bhabie said there is something
inside her panty!

Me: What?

Ritesh: A small fish somehow got inside Bhabie’s panty due to the water spurting at that spot!

Me: My god!

Ritesh: What a place the fish had chosen. Ha ha ha….

Me: Then?

Ritesh: Bhabie was so scared that she was only jumping in water and was unable to check the fish out there. So I
had to do the noble duty!

Ritesh smiled wickedly at Bhabie.

Ritesh: I lifted her sari and petticoat and tried to get the fish out of her panty, but the water was so forceful
that ultimately I had to pull down Bhabie’s panty to get the fish out.

Me: Oho…

Ritesh: Then actually we were almost washed out in a wave and her panty slipped from my hand in the water.

Me: Bhabie, did you not search for that?

Sunita Bhabie: I… I mean… no actually I could not see it any more in the water.

Ritesh: A fish must have swallowed it… such good taste…. Ha ha ha….

In the meantime, the rickshaw-puller was back with the petticoat.

Me: Shall I help you Bhabie?

Sunita Bhabie: Please…

I helped her wear the sari and she looked decent after a ‘very long’ time. Bhabie was experiencing a good amount of
pain as she walked and was unable to take steps properly. Though she explained to me that it was due to the crab-
bite, but I knew it was the effect of the bulldozer double fucks she had with Ritesh and the rickshaw-puller.

Nothing much happened thereafter as we started our journey back to home from Waltair that very evening.
Neither Manohar Uncle nor Rajesh was unable to get the least hint of what happened during our morning bath.
Coming back to where I was presently, I felt like standing almost in a similar situation - the only changes being
Sunita Bhabie was replaced by me and Ritesh was replaced by Guru-ji! The bathtub was a closed area and standing
there with a male with milk covering the floor of the tub was making me rather uneasy, probably more so because
the thoughts of Bhabie and Ritesh were still playing vividly on my mind.

I looked at Guru-ji. He was the same calm towering personality with his huge stature depicting as if eternal
serenity. Since I had spent significant time with him, though the fear in me was gone, but still I always remained
coiled in a shell in front of him.

Guru-ji: Close your eyes Beti and pray to Linga Maharaj so that your “snan” is successful and you are absolutely
pure before the “Yoni Puja”. .

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Also close your eyes and do not open them till this milk covers you till your thighs…. till this area you

Saying that he gently touched my naked smooth right thigh pointing a spot. His fingers were warm and unknowingly
my whole body trembled for a second. Guru-ji prolonged his touch on my bare thigh as he gave some additional

Guru-ji: Anita, this time keep your hands above your head for the prayer…

Me: O… okay Guru-ji.

He removed his hand off my naked leg and I followed in toto. I closed my eyes and folded my arms and raised them
above my head. I could realize my strapless bra getting tighter on my globes inside my choli giving me a giggly
feeling. The water level was also rising now covering half of my legs. With my eyes closed, I could sense Guru-ji
getting to my backside and a mild brush of his hand on my skirt-covered hips confirmed that. I could hear Guru-ji
chanting some Sanskrit mantras right behind me while I continued to pray to Linga Maharaj regarding my purity
through this bath.

Within a minute I could feel that the milk level was crossing my knees and my thighs were getting soaked. I was
getting very conscious as the level was rising and approaching that area. Since my thighs always remain covered by
the sari, I was having an eerie feel as I felt milk was gushing up in that part of my body. I waited patiently to open
my eyes till the milk reached the spot, which Guru-ji had indicated on my thigh.

Guru-ji: Has it reached the spot that I…

Me: Yes, Guru-ji. IO was about to tell you.

He looked at my naked legs half covered now with milk.

Guru-ji: Great!
He indicated through his hand to Sanjeev to stop the milk flow into the tub and Sanjeev also readily stopped the

Guru-ji: Anita, now that you are bearing Chandrama’s sacred power in your body parts encased in those tags, you
must cleanse your body for the ultimate goal. I will act as the medium to help you in this purification process, as
you have seen in my other approaches also.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: I will chant this mantra and you also need to chant this simultaneously with me throughout the cleansing
process. Okay?

I nodded in agreement.

Guru-ji: Before going into the mantra, let me warn you that you are not allowed to speak anything in between till
the Doodh Sarovar Snan is over. As the medium I will help you to get purified. I will also help you gain full strength
and potential in all your sex organs that you have attained through Chandrama by releasing the tags.

I was till such time looking at his eyes while he was talking to me, but now listening to the last few words
automatically my eyes got lowered in natural shame. Several questions started to cripple my mind, as the tags were
located on my thighs and navel, boobs and buttocks, and one was there on my pussy!
-How will Guru-ji take off the tags?
-Will he insert his hand inside my blouse to get the tags off my nipples?!?
-Will Guru-ji lift my skirt from the backside to get the tags off my ass cheeks?!?
-Will Guru-ji pull down my panty and see my pussy to get the tag out of it?!?

I got a spin in my head. I looked helplessly and blankly at this Godman. Guru-ji looked composed as ever.

Guru-ji: I know Anita what’s going on in your mind!

Me: No… err… I mean…

I quickly lowered my face again to hide my shame. My face was all red and I blushed feverishly.

Guru-ji: I know Beti… its natural. You being a female and more so a married lady.

Me: Err… actually yes Gu… Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: What did I say Anita? “I will help you”… I never said I will take off the tags from your body, but as a
medium my effort will be restricted in aiding you accomplishing the full potency for “Yoni Puja”. Don’t worry about
that at all; I will explain from time to time what to do; you just concentrate on the mantra that I give you now.

Me: Ye… yes Guru-ji.

I was feeling much relieved hearing that and I noticed he indicated Sanjeev to restart the motor and within
seconds milk started to flow inside the tub again. I noted that this time the ripples were quite forceful inside the
tub and I had some difficulty to maintain my balance as the milk kept gushing out in full flow into the bathtub.

Me: Ouch! Uuuuu….

That reaction came out naturally off my mouth as milk had already entered inside my skirt!

Me: Err… sorry Guru-ji!

Guru-ji: What happened Beti?

It was rather difficult for me to explain why I exclaimed. I wondered what to say.

Guru-ji: What happened?

As he repeated his question, I had to reply something. More so, as he asks with such authority that there is hardly
a way to avoid him.

Me: Actually… actually the level had risen quite significantly err... that’s why… Aaaoooo…

I could not hide my expressions as the gushing milk soaked my panty completely and I felt the lukewarm milk
covering my pussy and ass.

Guru-ji: What happened now?

He was smiling and I knew that I was caught. The milk level was gradually approaching my waist now!

Guru-ji: So you got scared feeling the milk below your skirt? Ha ha ha…

Guru-ji’s laugh reverberated in the small tub and I nodded shyly not raising my head in shame.

Guru-ji indicated Sanjeev to stop the motor. It was a rather tricky situation for me as the fluid level was covering
me halfway about my ass - half of my buttocks were above the milk in the tub. Moreover, as I was wearing a very
short skirt, I found myself in a fiddly state. Due to the ripples inside the tub, naturally my miniskirt started to
float making my butt cheeks and frontals exposed time and again. I tried to keep the skirt intact on my legs with
my hands, but failed to do so properly. I looked outside for a second and noted that both Sanjeev and Uday were
enjoying the scene with my skirt floating in water exposing my panty.

Guru-ji: Beti, I am starting the mantra! Please concentrate here. I will give you instructions in between, but as I
warned you earlier, do not speak anything other than the mantra, no questions, nothing; otherwise you will face the
wrath of Chandrama! Okay?

Guru-ji: Jia Linga Maharaj!

Instantly I was fully alert to grasp the mantra with my hands folded in front of my bosom. I closed and my eyes
and tried to concentrate ignoring about my skirt. Guru-ji began to chant the mantra standing behind me.

Guru-ji: Om Mani Padme Hum… Om Mani Padme Hum… Om Mani Padme Hum…

I repeated.

Me: Om Mani Padme Hum… Om Mani Padme Hum… Om Mani Padme Hum…

Guru-ji: Anita, you just stick to this mantra…

Saying that he continued to chant other mantras loudly and his voice resounded on the tub walls building up a
meditation ambiance. I did not know how the milk inside the tub was constantly undulating, which was giving me
some imbalance. I somehow kept my mind focussed on the mantra and paid no attention to my skirt condition as it
was floating very awkwardly exposing my panty-covered big ass. The hymning of the mantra went on for a couple of
minutes after which Guru-ji talked, but I continued on repeating the mantra.

Guru-ji: Beti, you just carry on with the mantra and don’t stop. Now to empower yourself with the fullest celestial
power, you need to transfer the tags off your body to your medium.

Guru-ji looked at my almond eyes and paused for a second.

Guru-ji: Beti, let me explain so that it’s easier for you to grasp. Do not think those tags as just pieces of papers –
they are divine and specially mantra-chanted and worked upon with through yagya. Now that you have Chandrama’s
power, you need to transfer those tags to your medium and in turn the medium will dedicate them to Linga Maharaj.
Remember, each tag change has to undergo within the purifying medium.

Guru-ji held my shoulders from behind very casually while talking.

Guru-ji: I am your medium and hence you need to transfer them to me. Your mind should only concentrate on the
mantra while your body will follow my instructions. Just relax and do as I say. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Om Mani Padme Hum… Om Mani Padme Hum… Om Mani Padme Hum…

Guru-ji: Since your legs are fully covered with water, I shall start with your thigh-tags. You take off the tag off
your skin, turn towards me and put it on my thigh. One tag at a time. Okay? I will guide you to paste it on the right
place. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I extended my hands down to peel off my thigh-tag and as I did that naturally my gaand protruded out and Gosh!
Guru-ji was standing right behind me and I clearly felt a hard rod on my smooth rear globe, which was nothing but
Guru-ji’s erect lund inside his dhoti! I quickly tried to reposition, but I could feel a clear thump on my butts, as
Guru-ji’s lund poked my buttocks!

Guru-ji: Oh! It’s very difficult to stand still here. Anyway, have you picked it up Beti?

I turned towards Guru-ji with the tag in my hand. He held my hand and guided me towards his left thigh. Our hands
were under the milk and his grip was so firm on my hand. He raised his dhoti almost to his waist and steered my
hand on his thigh. I felt his warm hairy thigh. I was waiting for him to say to stick the tag there, but to my utter
disbelief he made me feel his thigh with my hand! What was he doing? If this is what I have to do on his thigh,
what about my pussy tag! Oh my God!

Guru-ji: Beti, please don’t mind… as I need to pick the right spot before I ask you to paste the tag. Yeh! Here…
paste it here.

I pasted the tag and was relieved. Same thing happened while sticking my right thigh-tag onto his body. I felt so
embarrassed as he made me feel his entire naked right thigh!

Guru-ji: Om Mani Padme Hum… Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Om Mani Padme Hum… Om Mani Padme Hum… Om Mani Padme Hum…

I was relentlessly chanting the mantra that he had given me.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev start the motor… Now, Beti, the tags on your hips.

Milk again started pouring into the bathtub in full flow through the pipeline. I swallowed a breath, as I knew it
would be highly discomfiting.

Guru-ji: We will wait just a minute before the milk entirely covers your…

I was so thankful to him that he did not use the word “gaand”. While transferring the thigh-tags I had faced Guru-
ji and I was still standing like that with my big boobs looking like two searchlights pointing towards this Godman.
Guru-ji now held my shoulders and back and made me turn away from him. He was standing very close to me and my
whole body brushed his tall 6’ stature. My whole body trembled as the milk level had risen almost to my navel now.

Guru-ji: Now, it’s okay. Take off the tags, one by one.

I took my hand to my back. Thank God! The lower part of my body was under the fluid level, which in fact made me
much less shy to complete this act. My small skirt had already coiled up near my waist and my whole ass and my
pussy were totally exposed under the milk except for my tiny soaked panty. Guru-ji must have been watching me as
I guided my hand on my ass, as he was right behind me. How very shameful! I quickly inserted my fingers inside my
panty and took out the tag and turned to face him.

Guru-ji: Good!

Saying that he grabbed my hand and guided it towards his buttocks! Since I had to reach Guru-ji’s hip region, I had
to virtually compromise to a hugging posture and my big, tight breasts naturally got pressed on his body. I tried to
maintain a decent posture, but the ripples created inside the tub due to the milk gushing in and Guru-ji holding my
hand made me lopsided and my entire body weight was on his body, not to mention that my round sizable boobs
pressed and rubbed on his chest for a few seconds.

Guru-ji: Beti, just a second, till I get the right spot.

He made my hand go inside his dhoti and traveled on his naked gaand. I closed my eyes as I was chattering the
mantra and felt incredibly shy. He was an elderly man, almost like my father, and my fingers were traversing on his
naked hips – I couldn’t believe that I was doing such a brazen thing!

Guru-ji: Now the other one Beti…

Milk had now covered me almost till my breasts and I was really finding it difficult to stand properly and what
happened in the next couple of minutes turned my face literally red till my ears!

I quickly got out the other tag from my bottoms and as Guru-ji held my hand with his right hand and dragged me
gently towards him, I lost my balance and almost slipped. Guru-ji held me in the nick of time and embraced me with
his left hand. I also grabbed his waist for support and in the process I was so close to him that my both boobs got
fully pressed on his body. I did not know how I was still babbling on the mantra as I clearly felt that he dragged me
more close to his body so that my rubber-tight mammaries kept tightly pressed on his chest. He guided my hand
towards his hips and my face buried in his shoulder/upper chest due to the fluid pressure inside this smallish tub.

Guru-ji: Let me hold your waist, otherwise you might slip…

He was making my hand feel every bit of his naked ass cheek and I even felt for a second his ass crack! His right
hand was holding on to my hand while his left hand, which was initially on my back, now slid straight onto my
buttocks. I did not know in which dictionary “the area he was holding to” is called “waist”!
My skirt was already up and floating in the milk around my waist and Guru-ji directly touched me on my ass. I could
feel his fingers feeling and tracing my wet panty and then placed his full palm on my wide right ass cheek! His right
hand was guiding my hand over his own gaand and his left hand was feeling the tightness of my gaand!

I gasped for air as I still continued with the mantra. His body had a very strange aroma, which was making me
weaker and as a result my firm and upturned tits were getting pushed more onto his chest. I could feel my nipples
growing hard within my soaked blouse.

Guru-ji: Okay, paste it here.

At last he ordered and I was able to somewhat ease out.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Sanjeev, stop the flow.

Now I was standing in the tub with milk rippling near bust line. My blouse was completely soaked along with my
strapless bra inside. Thank God! The tow males outside could not see me in this state as milk was comfortably
covering me.

Guru-ji: Now your breast-tags Beti.

I inserted my fingers within my blouse in front of Guru-ji as I prattled the mantra. It was a rather difficult task
though I managed to get the tags off my nipples in the sexiest way possible with Guru-ji watching me constantly. I
was still unable to stand properly on the tub floor as the ripples were continuously created within it. Guru-ji held
me by my waist with one hand while his other hand guided me to stick the tags on his nipples.

Guru-ji: Now the last one… the most important one also!

He indicated my pussy-tag and instantly my face was red in natural shame. My throat was getting drier, not only for
constantly gibbering this mantra, but also in anxiousness. I took both my hands to my panty and stretching the
waistband of my panty with one hand I inserted my other hand inside it and took out the tag.

Guru-ji: Hmm… Sanjeev start the motor.

I was rather shocked to hear this command from Guru-ji because already the milk level was significantly high
covering till my bosom and if further fluid gets in I will be submerged! But there was no way that I could question
him due to his prior warning. This time I noticed that the milk was filling the tub in double volume and within the
wink of an eye, my shoulders were almost covered. Guru-ji being a tall man was still comfortably standing.

What happened in the next few minutes was no less than what I saw of Sunita Bhabie while bathing in the Waltair

Guru-ji: Give your hand Anita.

As the milk was still rising and the ripples created thus were more forceful I had to take help of Guru-ji to stand
properly. I myself held his body and stood very close to him. He held my right hand, which was holding my pussy-
tag, and took it down towards his crotch! With his other hand he embraced me and this time the embrace was so
natural and compelling that I could not but accept it. I touched his lund, yes, his naked lund, which was dangling in
milk outside his dhoti, and he made me feel the whole length of huge thick cock. He had embraced me tightly now
to his body and my boobs were pressing fully on his flat chest. Automatically my body also bent towards him though
I had closed my eyes in shame, excitement, and anxiousness.
Guru-ji was making me feel every inch of his naked lund inside the milk cover and honestly I really enjoyed touching
such a well-nourished cock! I was much astonished to see the stiffness of his cock considering his elderly age. It
was very firm and upright and its length would more than impress any married woman.

Ignoring his guidance I myself gripped Guru-ji’s ‘khada lund’ it in my own way to feel it completely. Naturally I was
pressing more onto his body and Guru-ji was an experienced man and realizing that I had somewhat succumbed to
this action, he quickly changed his posture. Guru-ji stepped back one step and leant onto the bathtub wall and
gently pulled me towards him. I was more than eager to get close to him and his right hand steered me again on his
thick erect cock, but his left hand was no longer on my back, but he placed it to my right side just below my

Guru-ji was virtually making me stroke his cock and as soon as I embraced him tightly with my free hand in
excitement, I felt his hand, which was just below my ribcage now progressing towards my twin globes. Though he
behaved as if he was trying to provide me support by holding me, but within seconds I felt his palm on my right
breast. Guru-ji practically was supporting my bent body by grabbing my mammary!

The minute I felt a grab on my breast, automatically my grip on his lund tightened and my pussy was getting wet
also. I was trembling in excitement though I still was whispering the mantra! Guru-ji now pushed my hand down to
his balls and I went completely out of my head and started caressing his balls! My face was buried on his upper
chest and I was rubbing my wet lips there. Guru-ji could well realize that I was pretty much excited sexually and
he was taking control on me.

Everything was going on in that ‘milky’ environment with Sanjeev and Uday watching us from outside!

Guru-ji: Anita… Beti… Hey, Anita! Paste that tag on my lund…. here!

I was as if hypnotized and followed his instruction, but still was holding onto his proud masculinity. I saw him raise
his hand once above his head and suddenly there was an eerie sound! I looked up in astonishment, but Guru-ji
calmed me.

Guru-ji: Don’t worry about that Anita, just continue with the mantra in your mind. It must not stop at any cost. This
is a test for you. If you stop, the vengeance of Chandrama will be on you then and you will not be able to achieve
your goal.

Hearing that I tried to recompose myself, but I was so very excited inside that I was longing for more.
Interestingly, as Guru-ji spoke his left hand was still feeling my boob flesh and his long stiff dick was almost
poking my crotch!

I could realize that milk had stopped gushing into the tub now, but surely something was getting in as the milk
inside the tub started to turmoil. As I result, I was submerged till my neck and had Guru-ji not been holding me, I
surely would have slipped in this fluid undulation. I did not know what was happening, but the milk got very much
turbulent inside the tub with that eerie noise and I had a rather tough time to keep my head above the milk. I
started nodding my head violently indicating it was impossible to continue like that with milk entering my nose,
mouth, and ears.

Guru-ji: Om Mani Padme Hum… I will take care of you Beti so that you can continue with the mantra.

Then what Guru-ji did was so unexpected and awkward that I was left speechless and astounded. Guru-ji being a
tall man was not having any trouble with the milk gushing up and he just effortlessly lifted me up so that I do not
feel milk on my face!
Guru-ji: Beti, don’t feel ashamed. I am your medium and I must ensure that you complete each step of this “Doodh
Sarovar Snan” successfully. You navel tag is still left and then to complete your purification you need to dip six
times in his holy milk. Jai Linga Maharaj!

It was a bit too much of a compromising situation for me. I was practically sitting on his hands in my lifted posture
and my legs were encircling his waist. I was very much aware that my miniskirt was virtually nonexistent now and
Guru-ji was directly feeling my wet panty-covered ass flesh on his muscular arms. His face was inches away from
my toppling breasts and my choli being fully wet had slid down considerably and I was displaying almost down to my
nipples shamelessly.

Guru-ji: Peel off the tag from your navel and paste it on mine.

I followed his instruction while being in my lifted position. It felt so awkward to be like that hanging in the lap of
an elderly person, myself being a matured married woman. I did stick to my task of whispering the mantra in my
mind, but was definitely getting weak by the minute. Though I knew I should not think in this way, but surely Guru-
ji must have been enjoying every bit of it lifting up a plump woman like me that too in complete wet condition.
Afterall he was also a human! I looked down at his face to see his reaction, but he was as calm and composed as

Guru-ji: Anita, now the last part. The final purification. Don’t worry about this turmoil in the milk, I am here and I
will help you to take the dips so that your snan is perfect and complete.

I was much relieved as Guru-ji dropped me partially off his arms towards the floor, but did not release me fully of
his embrace and now just my head and neck were out of the milk. My legs did hang in the air (actually in the milk),
as he gripped me close to his body, but unfortunately my condition was more miserable, as Guru-ji was in fact
hugging me by grabbing my ass with his hands and holding me so that I remain in a somewhat raised condition too! I
was very much aware of his fingers digging into my panty and tight ass flesh. I had to hold his shoulders to keep
balance and now my tits were constantly brushing his face.

Guru-ji: Do continue the mantra Beti…

My mind was going very wayward in this erotic posture. Guru-ji dipped my head gently into the milk while I was in
that embraced state. I could feel Guru-ji palms gripping my buttocks very firmly and simultaneously he was making
me press my boobs more onto his flat chest as I took the first dip. His face was almost touching my face and I was
unable to control myself anymore. My heart was beating like a drum as I was getting a full frontal hug from Guru-ji
as I completed the first dip. My whole body from head to toes was now wet with milk. The whole setting was so
sensuous and provoking that my mind simply stopped working. Honestly, till such time I was responding to Guru-ji’s
touches, but in a somewhat controlled manner, but this time I shed all of my self-consciousness and hugged Guru-ji
equally tight. It was as if I was hugging my husband and I closed my eyes to take the full ‘masti’ out of this “Doodh
Sarovar snan”!

Guru-ji being an experienced campaigner easily realized my sexually charged up condition; instead of coiling up
within myself due to such lewd closeness to an unknown adult male, I was actually exhibiting clear predilection to
this action! Any other male would surely end up fucking me in that milk tub, but Guru-ji was truly a man made of
different steel! If any other normal man would get a fully developed woman, moreover married, wearing this sort of
a tiny skirt and choli, fully submerged in milk, what would he wait for? One delicate snatch would tear off my choli
– it was so sopping wet and my skirt had been floating around my waist for a long time now – so there was
practically no cover underneath also on my starving choot except for my near nonexistent wet panty!

Guru-ji’s face surprisingly was portraying the same embodiment of calmness and patience though his hands were
taking full measures of my big round gaand. He could have easily slipped his fingers inside my panty or in fact pull it
down as well since I had completely surrendered to him. I was already much enthralled feeling his cock’s strength
and thickness and now when I was intimately hugged by him for dipping my head into the milk, I felt like as if he
was my dream man of whom I used to fantasize before my marriage! His big statue, well built body, his arm
strength, his broad hairy chest, his firm grips, his body odor, everything seemed s-o-o-o inviting. Moreover, this
locale was so inciting and rousing that I was bound to think in that way only!

Guru-ji completed the six dips that I needed for my purification and all along I remained glued to his manly body.
He must have enjoyed the weight of my heavy breasts on his chest throughout and honestly during the last two
dips I was so stimulated that I was licking and biting his neck and shoulder as I felt his cock pressing on my panty
when he was dipping my head in the milk.

Finally Guru-ji broke the silence. I did not notice that the eerie noise had stopped and the milk also had ceased to
be turbulent any more. He now descended me to the bathtub floor, but I had to raise my neck so that my mouth
remained above the milk.

Guru-ji: Well done Anita! You have successfully completed the snan. You can stop the mantra now. Jai Chandrama!
Jai Linga Maharaj! Jai ho!

I was in no position to stand properly as my whole body was too much sexually stimulated. I could clearly feel drops
of honey leaking out of my pussy and it itched vigorously to get inside a manly tool. I somehow managed to hold
Guru-ji’s hands and stand properly. As I breathed heavy, I tried to reorganize myself, but my body seemed not in
my control any more! I already got almost mad by his touches on my intimate body parts and naturally now the urge
was clearly from my side to get physical.

Guru-ji: Anita… Beti, do you feel better like this?

Guru-ji did not even complete the sentence as I realized Guru-ji’s stout hands came up to my breasts and directly
grabbed them inside the milk cover! I was naturally overjoyed by this action in my already stimulated state and
embraced him shyly. Guru-ji felt my boobs unhindered from the front with his hands and massaged them copiously.
Then he pulled me close to his body and hugged me. He embraced me with one hand and his other hand went inside
my skirt straightaway. My face turned red as he touched my panty front directly on my c-h-o-o-t! I realized Guru-
ji was inserting his finger inside my pussy through my panty! I did not know how to react but was thrilled so much
by the whole action that my whole body was covered with goosebump.

Guru-ji: Anita, surely this will make you feel better.

Saying that Guru-ji started finger fucking me and as if my pussy’s floodgate was open! My whole body jerked and I
embraced Guru-ji very tightly. My big juicy boobs were pressing very tightly on his chest as I embraced him.

Me: Uuuuuuuuuu… Ooooooooo…. Oiiiiiiiiiiiii…. Maaaaaaaaaaaa…. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

This went on for a few seconds till I started discharging. I continue to tremble in excitement though Guru-ji
looked rock solid.

Guru-ji: Anita… Anita… Calm down. Behave yourself!

Me: I can’t Guru-ji… I can’t. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu…. I want to ….

Guru-ji: Anita, you are on a holy mission. Do not spoil it by your emotions. Okay, if you feel comfortable this way,
let me do it a little longer.
He fucked my choot with his finger feeling my vaginal walls and simultaneously supporting me with his other hand
scanning my whole back and time and again sturdily cupping my butt cheeks over my panty. I was moaning and
desperately biting his broad shoulder and scratching his whole naked back with my fingers.

Guru-ji: Beti! Pacify… Pacify yourself!

Guru-ji stopped his finger fucking after a minute and I continued to writhe in his arms. He waited for another
minute probably and also gave me some time to enjoy the togetherness.

Guru-ji: Anita, don’t forget, you have come here for a purpose.

Me: Uhh…. Uiiiiiii Ummmmm! I can’t control myself Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Okay, I will let you a few more minutes till you complete an orgasm.

Saying that he somewhat forcefully detached himself from my body though I was trying my best to cling to him.
Surprisingly he behaved in a very calm and composed manner though I could feel he had a fully erect dick under his
dhoti getting intimate touches of my matured female body. Guru-ji positioned himself slightly differently so that I
was not directly in front of him, but to his side. I closed my eyes as I was feeling hot juice was coming out of my
choot and I was literally shaking in extreme exhilaration.

Just then I felt Guru-ji’s palms on my mammaries and he openly and very directly started massaging my tight round
tits effortlessly over my blouse.

Guru-ji: Beti, I know its very difficult for any woman to ignore her sexual feelings at this stage, but you have to do

While talking to me Guru-ji with his hands was thoroughly feeling my firm globes, which were now almost fully out
of my scanty choli. I could feel his fingers crawling on every inch of my big breasts.

Guru-ji: Hold me tight, but Anita also try to have control on your mind. Okay?

I was in fact for the first time trying to control myself now after I have had some adequate discharge. I was
trying to think of Rajesh, but frankly my husband was getting overshadowed in my mind by Guru-ji’s very lively
physical presence.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev… Sanjeev, we are almost done.

When he called Sanjeev even, he was still pressing and cupping my boobs and as my boobs again got directly
pressed like that, my eyes automatically got closed in contentment and I began to take heavier breaths while I
pushed my mammaries shamelessly more into his palms.

Me: Ouuuuuuu….Eiiiiiiiiiiiii……..

I was shocked to see what Guru-ji was up to! On one hand he was calling his disciple and now had almost inserted
his hand inside my blouse. Being a tall man that he was easy, it was quite easy for him to push his hand through into
my creamy flesh from a higher angle. Now he was eager feeling my upper breast area and the bulge my boobs were
creating due to the presence of my bra. He traced my cleavage with one hand and also felt my cheeks! I was again
staring to lose control at this sudden erotic behavior by Guru-ji. What he was advising me moments ago and what
he was doing now were totally contradictory!
I again tried to embrace him and was feverishly biting his chest and shoulder area and rubbing my face on his hairy
chest. I could hear Sanjeev knocking at the bathtub door though I was in no position to face him.

Guru-ji: Wait a minute Sanjeev.

He said loudly and then lowered his voice and whispered in my ears.

Guru-ji: Beti…. Anita! Now that you are absolutely purified, our duty becomes to thank Chandrama and Linga

Me: Guru-ji… I…

My condition was pathetic. I tried my best to reorganize myself.

Guru-ji: See, this water will take off all the stickiness of milk from our bodies.

I opened my eyes and was surprised that there was virtually no milk any more within the tub and clear water had
replaced it! I was so engrossed in my encounter with Guru-ji that I did not realize it at all! Clear water was gushing
in through another slit and in no time I was cleaned of milk and the stickiness!

Guru-ji: You just stay still and do as I direct.

Guru-ji went to my backside and then made me fold my arms in front of my bosom while he immediately poked his
enormous manhood into my firm round ass. He pressed me from behind in such a way that my full gaand pressed on
his crotch and his face was touching my face and shoulder. He positioned his arms in the form of prayer below my
hands and placed his arms skillfully through my armpits. It was an awful posture and of course very much
compromising for any woman, but at that moment I was too much euphoric to think about those!

Though Guru-ji murmured some mantra, I was only interested in his hands, which expectedly came over my fully
developed mammaries and pressed them adequately from the sides with a simultaneous poke on my large gaand with
his “khada lund”. Slowly I felt his fingers crawling off my hands, which were held in the form for a prayer and were
retracting to rest on my boobs! As Guru-ji was embracing me from my back and his arms were passing below my
armpits, he was of course in a very advantageous position to exploit me more. As he whispered the mantra, I felt
he was again cupping my boobs and nudging my taut flesh with both hands. Till such time I was trying to hide my
emotions, but this time I was knocked out.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Orrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


I had to push my arms a bit, as I felt Guru-ji trying to move up my boobs and I realized he had plans to insert his
fingers once again into my choli! My wet choli and bra were virtually nonexistent and within the wink of an eye
Guru-ji’s fingers could explore directly to my nipples! For the first time Guru-ji skin-touched my nipples inside by
blouse and my condition was just “Oooooh Laaaa laaaa!”

Automatically I was pretty much charged up and was protruding my large enough ass hard on his erect dick. I could
feel some little humps also from Guru-ji to make things more exciting for me! He held both my nipples and twisted
and pinched them gently, which made me go absolutely wild. I could feel Guru-ji was pushing more of his palms into
my choli and I doubted his hand pressure would tore off my choli! I could clearly realize that he was pushing up my
wet bra off my boobs to feel my naked “doodh” in a better way.
My eyes were closed; my nipples rock hard; my pussy was leaking like anything and my whole body was jerking in
sexual jubilation. It seemed I was in a dream state being thoroughly groped and felt by Guru-ji in this special
bathtub when suddenly there was an interruption! I heard Sanjeev calling loudly and trying to say something to

Oh no! What a reckless end to this wonderful buildup!

Guru-ji quickly got out his hands off my choli and looked outside. I also was somewhat alerted though still in a
“comma-state”. I noticed that the tub was now completely empty! No water! No milk! I did not even notice when the
water was driven out of it! My whole body was expectedly sopping wet and naturally my wet clothes were just not
enough to salvage my dignity.

Guru-ji: Yes… yes, what’s it Sanjeev?

Sanjeev: Guru-ji, I notice clouds are covering up the moon. We will have difficulty then performing the Yoni Puja.

Guru-ji: Oh no! I did not notice that. We must hurry up! Thanks for making me aware.

How could he notice? He was so absorbed with my inviting 27-year-old “jawani”!

Guru-ji: Beti, you are half way through and we must have the moon at the end of the yagya. But if rains come,
things will be difficult for you only! So, let’s hurry up and go for the Yoni Puja.

Honestly at that moment I was not at all in any frame of mind to think about the moon or the Maha-yagya, but was
only keen to get physical. But to my absolute amazement, Guru-ji was preparing to leave me and was about to get
out of the bathtub!

How can a normal man do this? I clearly felt his rock-hard lund on my body many times during the snan and the way
he cupped and pressed my boobs clearly signified that he was also sexually stimulated! But… But he just left me so
nonchalantly…. knowing very well that I would not have objected even if he had striped and fucked me right inside
the bathtub! Am I not attractive enough to gather Guru-ji’s full attention? My mind was wandering in blind lanes as
I saw that six feet tall structure getting out of the tub!

Me: Guru-ji… p-l-e-a-s-e…

I moaned softly; Guru-ji looked back once at my eyes and gave me a strong stare with crooked eyebrows and got
out of the tub.

I looked on as I noticed he said something to Uday and Sanjeev. They nodded. Then Uday handed him over a fresh
dhoti and to my complete disbelief Guru-ji simply opened his wet dhoti in front of us all to wear the dry one. I had
never seen a man changing his clothes like this! He was completely naked with his thick lund hanging like a big ripe
banana in the air! Guru-ji stroked his naked erect cock with his right hand, looked up at me once, and then wrapped
the dhoti quickly at his waist. He could have easily used a towel, but he did the whole thing so casually that it
seemed there was no one there!

Sanjeev: Madam, come down.

I was still visualizing Guru-ji’s mega-size lund in my mind.

Sanjeev: Madam, come down.

Though I was fully steamed and geared up for a fuck and badly needed some tight meat in my choot, I had to
respond to Sanjeev’s call. I slowly stepped out of the tub. The grass was wet due to the nighttime dewdrops. It
felt so good under my bare feet. But suddenly as I noticed the long hungry stares of both the males standing in
front of me made me aware that I was heavily exposed in my scanty wet outfit.

When I glanced down I saw my strapless bra could be seen out of my choli as Guru-ji had dislodged it while
caressing it and I had to shamelessly put it in place facing the two males. I somehow pushed my firm boobs into the
cups of the brassiere from outside and adjusted the choli to look decent to some extent. I soon realized that my
wet skirt had coiled up over my buttocks and my panty was totally exposed from behind! I briskly restored that to
cover my butts fully.

Uday: I will make a move Madam, as I need to get things arranged for your Yoni Puja. Nirmal should be coming any
moment to accompany you and Sanjeev.

Uday left the place and I stood alone with Sanjeev in the open. I noted that the moon was hidden by thick black
clouds. A rain was probably on the cards as a cold breeze was also blowing.

Sanjeev: Madam, will you change here or go to the room?

Me: What?

Sanjeev: I mean…

Nirmal: Madam, how are you? How was your snan Madam?

The “one and only” dwarf had arrived! And his unnecessary use of “Madam” before and after every sentence he
spoke irritated me the most at that time. My boobs were rather taut under my wet bra and blouse with my pussy
dripping adequately in my panty. I was in position to talk, especially to a matured male! I noticed he was ogling at my
exposed body and seemed as if would eat me up with his greedy eyes.

Me: Snan was o… okay. How are you?

Sanjeev: Madam, will you change here?

Sanjeev repeated his question.

Me: Here… in the open?!?

Sanjeev: Don’t shy from us Madam. We are all disciples of Linga Maharaj now.

Me: But…

Sanjeev: Did you not see Guru-ji change in front of us?

Me: Ye… yes, but…. (How can I forget that? His Maha-lund! Ufff! Awesome meat!)

Nirmal: Most women after this snan change here only Madam because if you go the room you will have to undergo
certain rituals again.

Sanjeev: Nirmal is right Madam. The directive is to go to the Yoni Puja directly from Doodh Sarovar Snan. If you
go to a room for changing or for using conveniences, you will have to undergo the “Sodhan Parva”.
Honestly I was in no mood to undergo anything further and was least interested to know what that “Sodhan Parva”

Me: No, no. I don’t want to get into anything more right now.

Sanjeev: Wise decision Madam.

Nirmal: Madam, you should not stay any longer in these wet clothes; you better get out of them quickly. You are not
accustomed to the village cold.

Sanjeev: Right. Right. Madam, take this towel and cover yourself and get rid of your wet clothes.

Me: But… but I need to…

Sanjeev: You want to go to toilet once… right?

Me: Yes, yes… but how did…

Sanjeev: How did I know? Madam, I have attended so many Doodh Sarovar snan sessions… ha ha ha… I know very
well what you women need after the snan.

He smiled wickedly looking at me and felt so very exposed in front of him.

Nirmal: Madam, first change your dress. Don’t stand any more wearing those wet things.

Nirmal seemed too much eager to see me change my dress in front of him. I looked around timidly for a proper
cover, but none was there.

Sanjeev: Madam, don’t feel shy… I am telling you.

I thought it was useless to waste any more time on that and turned away from them and placed the towel on my
chest are and took my hands below it to unhook my blouse. Both males were standing right behind me and they must
have been feasting on my completely bare back as I got rid of my brassiere too.

I was wondering where to keep my wet bra and choli and Nirmal was ready to help!

Nirmal: Give those to me Madam.

As I handed over my wet upper garments to Nirmal he was very much aware that I was standing topless with just a
towel cover on my big tight boobs. Just then a mild breeze started to swipe and my nipples got very much hardened
getting its feel. I was feeling so tight on my boobs that I took my hands once again under the towel cover to
squeeze my assets once to breathe easy. Then I quickly dried off neck, shoulder, and tits saving my dignity as much
as possible.

Sanjeev: Here is the fresh set Madam.

Saying that he handed me my brassiere. I took that without turning my body and quickly got into it and felt much
comforted. Then as I just completed wearing my choli, Nirmal was there with his trademark comment again!

Nirmal: Madam, you can turn towards us… It is very odd to stand like this. He he….
I was so irritated as I was still trying hard to pull up the neck of the choli to cover my amply exhibited cleavage.

Me: I am not done yet.

I said strongly as I pulled off the towel from my tits and wrapped it around my waist.

Nirmal: O… okay Madam. As you wish.

Sanjeev: Madam, what to give first? The skirt or the panty?

The question was so offensive and spoken so reluctantly that my ears got red instantly. I was also confused for the
moment as I was not at all habituated wearing skirts.

Me: I mean… the skirt of course… no… err give my the pan… I mean…

Sanjeev: Ha ha… you seem o be confused Madam. Do one thing - open both your skirt and panty and then wear one
by one.

Nirmal: Ha ha ha…

My whole face turned red in shame and I felt so irritated and humiliated being a married female standing like that
in front of two adult males.

Me: Give the skirt…

Sanjeev readily handed me the skirt and I opened the knot of my towel at my waist and unfastened the hook of my
skirt and had to wriggle my ass significantly to get it to my feet as it was sopping wet and sticking to my body. It
must be a pretty energetic show to those males as I waggled my big gaand under the towel to drop down the skirt
to my feet. I only knew how difficult it was to wear a panty while two men were breathing at my neck! I sighed a
relief when I was fully dressed (fully!) and started wiping my thighs dry with the towel.

Nirmal and Sanjeev had come to the other side and now facing me.

Sanjeev: Now Madam, use this to wipe off your face, you will definitely feel better.

He handed me a scented handkerchief and as I mopped my face and hands, it felt very refreshing. I needed to
urinate and had to tell that to these males.

Me: Sanjeev, I need to.. err I mean go to the toilet…

Sanjeev: You have to do it in the open as I said Madam…. You can go to that corner and do it.

Nirmal: Don’t worry Madam, we will stay here… Ha ha ha…

Sanjeev: He he he….

I did not know what made me smile and I did that very foolishly in front of the two and I hurried away from the
spot as I was rather keenly interested to poke and scratch my vagina as it was itching to the limit! I was sure
Sanjeev and Nirmal were looking at my swaying round hips inside the miniskirt, which must be looking rather sexy. I
casually dragged the hem of my skirt as I walked, but to no effect as the fabric of the skirt was not stretchable
at all.

As I walked down to the corner I was thinking that this was the second time that I had to sit in the open to
urinate in the last few days coming to the ashram and on both occasions someone was inspecting me! I cannot think
of such instances in my life at the city/town. In general I try to avoid pissing when I am out and if emergently
required I still try to avoid the ladies toilets available in the markets or public places because I feel very awkward
to piss in front of other girls even. The scene inside is also rather offending as each one coming and pulling up their
saris shamelessly and sitting down emitting all sorts of hissing sounds. I feel very shy and uncomfortable out there
in that setting. But this setting also, in the open, was equally offending, as I had to void before male eyes!

But there was no way out and my whole body was almost aching now to piss. Walking to the remotest corner
possible, I raised my skirt like a schoolgirl and dragged my panty down to my knees and sat down on the grass. The
hissing sound of my pissing was flouting the silence of the night and I was sure Nirmal and Sanjeev was able to
hear my peeing - very, very clearly! I was feeling s-o-o-o-o-o-o, s-o-o-o-o-o-o ashamed till the last drop trickled off
and I raised my panty up again.

We proceeded now to the ashram building again and reached the Puja-ghar. The Puja-ghar was illuminated by a big
“yagya agni” and much heat was also emitted by it. Guru-ji was sitting right in front of that. His face and upper
body glowed in the orange-yellow light of the fire; he was chanting mantras and throwing flowers etc. into the fire,
and his large body habitus honestly looked rather ominous in that setting. I noticed that Uday and Rajkamal were
already present in the puja-ghar and now Nirmal and Sanjeev also joined with me.

Guru-ji: Welcome Anita! By the gace of Linga Maharaj and Chandrama you have reached the pinnacle of your yatra
in the ashram. Jai Linga Maharaj!

There were “asana” placed just beside where Guru-ji was sitting. He indicated to take my seat there. All the other
four males kept standing facing us. I sat on my knees so that I did not make an unnecessary upskirt show to the
men who were standing just opposite to me.

Guru-ji: Beti, I require paramount concentration from you in this session and you have to be absolutely inhibition-
free while attending it, otherwise the whole effort will go as a waste. Okay? And do respond from time to time so
that I can understand you can grasp what I say. Okay?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: I will discuss the aspects of this Yoni Puja and will interact with you as needed so that you can grasp the
whole idea and every bit of the dialogue is effective for your future pregnancy.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Fine. Let me proceed then. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I tried to concentrate hard on Guru-ji and in fact the milieu was such that my entire focus was in fact on the

Guru-ji: You know Anita, Yoni Puja has been practiced from long ago, mainly as a part of “tantra”. I have acquired
this skill from my Guru. He is no longer alive today. I will pass on this special skill to one of them who in turn will
carry on.

Guru-ji looked at his disciples. Sanjeev, Nirmal, Rajkamal, and Uday – all were listening to him with great
Guru-ji: Yoni Puja… the basic idea is rather than worshipping the 'Yoni' in the symbolical form, using for example a
statue or a painting, we do a "live" worship. This is also called "stri puja" which indicates that worship is directed to
a living Yoni of a real woman. Getting what I mean to say?

Me: Yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Good. And today YOU are the goddess whose Yoni will be worshipped so that your womb is blessed with a

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: You must remember that the whole process of Yoni Puja is a secret process and that’s why I could not call
any of your family members in this. Moreover, the effect and preparations for this ritual include means of
heightening mental and physical responsiveness to erotic stimulation, some of which you have already passed
through and of course you would not have been comfortable doing all that in front of your family members or
husband. Isn’t it Beti?

Me: Yes Guru-ji. Absolutely.

Guru-ji: Even this Maha-yagya dress would not look decent to them… isn’t it? That’s why it’s done secretly and

Guru-ji paused for a while only and then continued again.

Guru-ji: Beti, you know, in “tantra” Yoni is the symbol of love and worship. That’s why in order to plunge deep into
the Yoni Puja, you must be aware of the love tips and tricks as you are a married woman.

He paused again but only for 2-3 seconds.

Guru-ji: Do you agree that a marital relationship broadly rests on the physical relation between the husband and

Me: Yes.

Guru-ji: Then do you agree that you must know the proper ways to execute love making with your husband?

Me: Ye… yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Good. Anita, you might find the questions that I put forward now a bit offending or a bit too personal, but
if you do not share you will not be able to know the right keys to your love making success. Okay?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: The first and foremost thing is the venue? You must be having sex in your bedroom Anita?

I was a bit taken aback by the question. It was too straight. Especially considering that I was answering in front of
four other males!

I nodded.
Guru-ji: Can you briefly describe your bedroom?

Me: Yes… I mean… it’s just like any other bedroom, nothing special Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: You did not get me. I want to know the position of the bed, how many windows and doors are there in the
room, fans and lighting arrangements, toilet is attached or not…

Me: O! I see. Okay Guru-ji. In my bedroom there are two windows and one door. There…

Guru-ji interrupted.

Guru-ji: When you meet your husband do you keep the windows open?

Me: Ye… err… I mean mostly yes. They are of course curtained.

Guru-ji: Ha ha ha… That’s expected Anita. No need to mention that.

I smiled shyly. And there was a slight roar of laughter from the audience – Sanjeev, Rajkamal, Nirmal, and Uday.

Guru-ji: Anyway, continue.

Me: The bed is in the center of the room and the fan is also just above it. A small toilet is attached to my bedroom
though it’s newly constructed.

Guru-ji: Okay so it seems that you have a cozy and convenient environment while meeting your husband on bed.

Me: Yes, mostly.

Guru-ji: And the attached toilet is a positive step towards lovemaking. What about the lighting arrangements?

Me: You mean…?

Guru-ji: Yes, when you are on bed with your husband how much illumination the room has?

Me: Err… the night lamp…. I mean the night lamp is only switched on.

Guru-ji: Beti, I asked you how much illuminated the room remains?

I started feeling nervous as I was unable to figure out what exactly he wanted to know.

Me: Err… its…

Guru-ji: Anita! Are you not getting me? I want to know are you able to see your husband very clearly?

Me: O! No Guru-ji. Of course not with the night lamp.

Guru-ji: Hmm… Okay. Whatever information I gathered from you it seems other things are pretty okay except for
the light. Let me brief you on this.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: The bed position seems okay, just below the fan, the windows must also remain open while you are engaged
in sex. Attached toilet is a plus as I said. Regarding illumination it is important to have proper lighting for
passionate and interesting lovemaking. You of course don’t want to make it a routine job, isn’t it Anita?

Me: Of course not Guru-ji, but its getting to that end only.

Guru-ji: That’s why I am elaborating on these things! Use something brighter than the night lamp if you want to
excite your husband.

I was keenly listening now as there has been some ebb in our lovemaking in recent times.

Me: But Guru-ji…

Guru-ji: I know what you will say. You will feel shy to be naked in more light. Right?

Me: Ye… yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: I am not asking you to be naked under the tube-lights of your room Anita! Use an amber tint if possible and
it would be best if you can put it in a bedside lampshade.

Me: O-k-a-y!

Guru-ji: That will help you both to see each other clearer and the light effect will surely heat up the session.

I nodded.

Guru-ji: And another point to note for you - spread only yellow or cream-colored bed sheets so that the light
reflects off your bed giving an exciting effect.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I will remember that.

Guru-ji: These points might sound simple enough, but it actually helps you to open up to more love. Love demands
shamelessness after marriage. If you are bold and creative, your husband automatically will remain glued to you.
And when I discuss other techniques, you will yourself know that once your husband feels that love, he will be more
open to you sexually and will want to make love more often.

I was mesmerized to his explanations. I loved the way he explained and was surely getting keen to know more.

Guru-ji: Additionally occasionally if you can keep flowers in the room, it also will add to the effect, but mind you
Beti, do not try too many things at a time, it will make the setting artificial and uncomfortable for your husband.
Can you tell why?

I fumbled, as I was not prepared for a question.

Me: Err… I think… err… I mean… Guru-ji I think…

Guru-ji: Let me explain though you should have been able to reply this Beti being married for three years and well
experienced in sex life.

I blushed and lowered my face.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev can you tell?

Sanjeev: Yes Guru-ji. Madam’s husband is habituated to have sex with Madam in a specific setting of their bedroom
since they are married for some years now. Suddenly if Madam tries to decorate the room on the days when she
meets her husband, he might be apprehensive and uneasy. If Madam was a newly married lady, she could have tried
these alterations.

Guru-ji: Good Sanjeev. Anita, did you get it?

Me: Sure Guru-ji.

I nodded as an obedient student of this sexual awareness class! Myself being nearly 30 years of age and married
for 3 years was getting education about how to create an exciting atmosphere for my fuck!

Guru-ji: Next is the second most important thing after the ambiance.

Me: What is that Guru-ji?

I asked hurriedly in my keenness to know more and simply looked like a fool in front of these males when Guru-ji

Guru-ji: Obviously your dress code Anita. What you should wear and what not when you go for sex with your

Me: Oh!

I swallowed a breath and immediately felt my exposed state in my current Maha-yagya dress code. I was giving a
hefty cleavage show and my rotund legs and thighs were also shamelessly exposed. The very next question made me
coil like a snail within myself.

Guru-ji: First let me hear Beti from you what you wear on days when you have sex with your husband?

Me: I mean Guru-ji… normal… I mean nighty.

Guru-ji: Okay, so nothing special on weekends etc.? You always wear nighty while going to bed.

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Okay and what about your inner wears?

I could feel my palms had started sweating as I was replying to these intimate questions. I licked my lips once so
that I could remain composed.

Me: Err… nothing… I mean like all women while going to bed …

Guru-ji: Okay Beti, I got it.

I just nodded. I felt very uneasy to share these facts in front of so many people. If it was Guru-ji alone, I would
not have probably felt so odd, but the presence of that clumsy dwarf Nirmal and teenage Rajkamal were making me
feel rather shy.
Guru-ji: This is another aspect where you need to correct yourself Anita. Since you are only wearing a nighty, you
are actually depriving your husband from a longer foreplay. Do you realize that?

I did not quite get what Guru-ji meant. How was I depriving Rajesh if I was wearing nighty on bed without my

Me: Err… no Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, can you explain why to Anita?

I looked up to Sanjeev again, as he seemed to be the most literate among the four disciples of Guru-ji.

Sanjeev: Sure Guru-ji.

He paused a little and then started replying to me.

Sanjeev: Madam see, if you come to bed only wearing a nighty without your undergarments, when your husband
starts making love, he very easily can make you naked… as you know just pulling up your nighty will make you naked.
But if you are wearing at least your undergarments below it, you can easily drag this encounter longer making your
husband feel more excited.

I had to lower my eyes as he explained such thing to me in so very direct language. Guru-ji took the baton now from

Guru-ji: Exactly so. Your husband would love to see you naked Anita, but if the process were longer, his fun would
be lengthened. Do you get it now?

I nodded not being able to meet Guru-ji’s eyes in natural womanly shyness. I noted from the corner of my eyes that
both Rajkamal and Nirmal were openly scratching their dicks over their dhoti!

Guru-ji: O-k-a—y, so you agree that if you wear your inner wears under your nighty you can ensure better

I again nodded with an almost dry throat because now I was clearly feeling the heat in my ears listening to such
things in so much detail.

Guru-ji: Similarly I recommend you to avoid wearing a nighty at least on days when you plan to have a fuck.

Guru-ji looked at my eyes and I was knocked for six to hear the word “fuck” from his mouth directly.

Guru-ji: You start building the habit of wearing a blouse and a petticoat while sleeping. This will help you in two
ways. One, you can ride up your bed quickly – just remove your sari and get near your husband. Two, you will look
more attractive to your husband in that state.

Me: But Guru-ji after the whole day I also need to relax while on bed. If I wear the blouse…

Guru-ji: Yes I agree because you will feel tightness on your breasts while lying down too.

Me: Yes.

Guru-ji: But you can always open your blouse and bra on bed in front of your husband. Who stops you?
Me: No, no… how can I do that everyday?

Guru-ji: Do what Beti?

Me: No… I mean… actually…

Guru-ji: Don’t shy from me Anita, as I told you at the very beginning. Tell what’s in your mind. Open up.

I gathered courage and said my most intimate things to Guru-ji.

Me: Guru-ji firstly I mean… How can I sleep in absolute topless condition every night? And secondly on many
occasions he reads books, magazines till late night and the light is switched on. I cannot just open my … in that

Guru-ji: Oh! Okay Beti. For your first problem you can simply always carry a spare blouse while going to bed and
change into it without your bra on days when you do not meet your husband. Do you agree to that? If you are not
wearing the bra, you will of course not feel the tightness.

Me: Hmm… Okay.

Guru-ji: And your second problem can actually act as a tool to attract your husband more towards you because
when you will request him to switch off the light to open your blouse, he might be interested to give you a hug as
well! Do you agree?

That was not a bad idea I thought. Rajesh definitely will get some stimulation from that.

Me: Ji guru-ji.

Guru-ji: So Anita, no nighty at night from now on once you get back home. Next comes color.

Me: Color?

Guru-ji: Yes, Beti. Color. Another important aspect when on bed.

I was surprised to know that and was obviously keener to know more.

Me: How?

Guru-ji: Beti, you have to be careful about the color of you blouse and petticoat that you wear when you are going
to bed. You have to avoid all shades of red, green, and blue in regard to your blouse. Black, white, and yellow are
the preferred ones for your blouse and obviously you need to wear matching colored brassieres.

Me: Okay. I never knew that!

Guru-ji: And same stands for your petticoat also Beti. Blank, white and yellow are the preferred colors. Well, you
will be surprised to know that even your panty color can add a certain percentage of attraction or repulsion for
your husband!

Me: What?
I almost shouted. I could not stop me reacting like that and immediately felt so withdrawn because the topic was
my panty color! Panty color of mine! A married woman nearing 30! By whom? The person who was unknown 4-5 days
back! Moreover, four other unknown males listening to this juicy topic! My God!

Guru-ji: Ha ha ha… yes Beti. Don’t be so surprised! From now on when you go to buy a panty for yourself, do
concentrate on the color too. Only three are preferred colors - black, white, and red.

He paused a little and asked me a dreadful question.

Guru-ji: By the way, what color do you usually wear Beti?

On one hand he was calling me “Beti”, but on the other hand he was forwarding to me the most indecent question!
Immediately my “keenness” to know more from Guru-ji vaporized and I felt so very ashamed and honestly felt like
diving in the yagya fire!

I fumbled to give any reply and Guru-ji simply made fun out of me taking me to the height of verbal

Guru-ji: Just a minute Beti, you just keep mum and let me check my disciples’ observation skills.

Guru-ji turned his face towards the four standing males.

Guru-ji: You folks have been watching Anita for a few days now. You have known her character, nature, and liking to
some extent. Nirmal, can you predict what panty color she would prefer in general?

I was simply astounded, wordless, and remained like an inanimate object with my eyes down towards the floor.

Nirmal: Guru-ji, I think Madam wears mostly red panties.

Guru-ji: Why do you say that Nirmal?

Nirmal: When I talked to Madam, it seemed she got aggravated quickly and red is the symbol of quick temper.

Guru-ji: Okay. Sanjeev?

Sanjeev: I think she prefers blue.

Guru-ji: Why do you say so Sanjeev?

Sanjeev: Guru-ji, when she came to the ashram she had brought one white and one blue panty with her. She must
have brought her favorite and most comfortable inner wears here, as this is an unknown place for her. White being
a pretty common color, I think she prefers to wear blue panties.

Guru-ji: Hmm… Beti, you must be amused. See, every individual has his own calculations! Okay, Uday?

Uday: I think Madam is romantic in nature and pink is the color of romance. So…

Guru-ji: So, you feel that Anita must be mostly choosing a pink panty under her sari. Okay. That’s not a bad
observation. Rajkamal?
Rajkamal: Yes Guru-ji. I don’t think Madam wears a panty on a regular basis. Why am I saying so because when I
was massaging her I did not find a prominent waistband line on her waist, which a panty invariably creates for a
regular user. So I feel Madam don’t have any specific color choice for her panty.

Guru-ji: O-k-a-y. So, Anita – all are interesting replies and now you need to tell us who is correct.

“Stunned” was a lesser word for any reaction from me. I was simply lip-locked listening to all these and could not
even look up in shame.

Guru-ji: Beti, there is nothing to feel shy about. Come on!

I could well realize that I have to reply to this. I licked my lips again and cleared my throat once to gain in

Me: Ye… I mean… err… Guru-ji…

Guru-ji: Yes Beti, tell us… we are all eagerly waiting.

Me: Actually what Rajkamal said is partly right…

Guru-ji: That you do not wear a panty on a regular basis.

Me: Yes, I mean I don’t wear it at… I mean when I am at home.

I felt so exposed as I shared that fact with these 5 males!

Guru-ji: Oh! That’s bad! Your husband must consider himself unlucky!

Me: Why?

I almost instantly said that to Guru-ji’s comment not realizing fully what he actually meant.

Guru-ji: Beti, you only said that you remain panty-less at home, so when you meet your husband on bed, you never
allowed him to get the thrill of pulling down a woman’s panty before a fuck!

Me: Err..

Guru-ji: Tell me, am I right or wrong?

Me: Ye… er… yes Guru-ji, right.

Guru-ji: So Beti, along with the other alternatives that I have suggested, you also include the habit of wearing a
panty at home. I know most married women living in town do not wear it, but you have to do it for your own good.
Got it?

I nodded shyly.

Guru-ji: And what about the color?

Me: I like to wear pink….

Guru-ji: Okay, so Uday hit the bull’s eye. Congrats Uday. Ha ha ha…

Uday: Thanks Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: But from now on when you go to the market, only ask for a black, white, or a red one because these three
panty-colors attract males most. Also note that light blue, light green, and maroon are the most offending panty-

Me: Ji… ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Okay that’s all about your dress code and there are a few other things that if you keep in mind Anita, you
can liven up your love making with your husband. One is you should not tie up your hair while going to bed. They
should flow normally on your shoulder. Next is, if possible, you should use nail polish on your fingers while
presenting yourself to your husband. Okay?

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I do that at times.

Guru-ji: Good, but try to get into a habit. Next are your armpits. If you raise your hands you will see you have quite
a bush there. You must clean that, if not fully, at least partially.

Me: Yes, I trim at times, but they grow so fast…

Guru-ji was smiling and I smiled back foolishly.

Guru-ji: Same stands for your pubic hairs Anita. When I examined you on the table I do recall that you have a
heavy bush, which is not acceptable again. How often do you trim?

The question was so direct and straight that I was bowled over. Getting such comments from a matured adult male
was like getting verbally fucked each time!

Me: Err… Not… I mean… I do not…

I stammered horribly in shame.

Guru-ji: While examining I do recall that you had thick coils of pubic hair over your choot. Isn’t it Beti?

The word “choot” almost gave me a stagger.

Me: Ha-es... (I uttered a combination of “haa” and “yes”).

Guru-ji: But that’s not a good idea Beti. Why do you allow such an overgrown bush there? Does you husband
encourage you for that?

I felt like dying to reply such questions, but was helpless and had to answer. Guru-ji was too forceful to get replies
out of me.

Guru-ji: Don’t keep mum Beti. If your husband likes it, then its okay, but if not, you need to trim it at times so
when you become naked before your husband you look attractive down there.

I had never experienced such direct dealings with my personal life. In fact this was one of the core reasons that I
avoided male gynecologists (along with getting exposed in front of them) when I started feeling the problem of not
getting pregnant. They would invariably ask me when do I have my periods, are they regular or not, how is the flow,
how may times do we copulate, and all sorts of personal questions which are always very difficult to be answered by
any woman to a male.

Me: No actually….

Guru-ji: Open up! Open up! I do not accept such replies.

Guru-ji’s voice was stern and cold as steel. I could realize there was no escape for me and had to shamelessly
reveal all my personal secrets.

Me: Actually Guru-ji, my husband had never said err… anything regarding….

Guru-ji: Regarding what?

Me: I mean… (I gulped down saliva) regarding my pubic err….pubic hairs and so I never thought to… but Guru-ji… I
mean its not that I do not trim, I do trim it from time to time.

Guru-ji: When did you last trim?

Me: Err… a month… no probably two to three months back.

Guru-ji: So see, that’s the reason you have such a bush now! You are a married woman Beti and you know this better
than anyone else that how important your choot is to your husband! Don’t you feel like keeping it clean and

I licked my lips. It was getting dry time and again listening to such direct things from this Godman. I just nodded.
What else could I do?

Guru-ji: You have such a nice figure, why not take care of it! Before you take a bath, may be once a month you just
trim it… that’s all! But Anita, you need to give your husband a surprise at times. Do you agree?

I again nodded and Guru-ji continued his lewd talks.

Guru-ji: Tell me how?

I was again caught on the wrong foot.

Me: By... I mean… err… probably trimming them.

Guru-ji: N-o B-e-t-i… How can you surprise him? Think! Think!

Nothing came to my mind and I looked blank.

Guru-ji: So? No guesses? Okay, let me try to get it from you only!

Guru-ji looked quite amused!

Guru-ji: You said that you trim your choot hairs once in 3-4 months… Right? Now tell me where do you do it usually?

Me: Toilet, where else?

I almost instantaneously replied though I was surprised by such an absurd question, but Guru-ji surprised me even
more with his answer!

Guru-ji: Beti, you may think that toilet is the only place, but women who had come to me for Yoni Puja did reveal
more interesting places!

Me: Meaning?

I could not stop reacting.

Guru-ji: Why Nirmal? Last year there was that Gujju lady… what was her name?

Nirmal: Mrs. Patel.

Guru-ji: Right, right. Patel. Deepshikha Patel.

Nirmal: Her story is interesting. He he…

Nirmal laughed the way, which irritates me the most.

Guru-ji: You know Beti Deepshikha wanted to have a child after seven years, but was having problems and hence
came to me. She had a 6-7 year old son. Like you she also used to trim her pubic hairs in her toilet, but one day her
son followed her to the bathroom and found those small hairs on wet floor. She felt very embarrassed and decided
to change the venue.

Guru-ji paused just a little to take a deep breath.

Guru-ji: Mrs. Patel did not get a decent place at her home to do this work and lastly as she told me she decided to
it in her school where she was a teacher! She used the school toilet! Can you imagine Anita?

Me: My goodness!

I reacted so spontaneously!

Guru-ji: There were a couple of women who said they prefer to cut their choot hairs in their bedroom in the
afternoon hours when their husband was away as they did not have a proper mirror in their toilets.

Me: Hmm. That’s acceptable!

I was myself surprised as to how was I responding to such a lewd and offending topic for any woman.

Nirmal: Guru-ji, tell Madam about Mrs. Khurana’s confession.

Guru-ji: O yes! That’s also out of the ordinary for sure and comical too!

I was not much keen to revolve on this topic due to my natural shyness and was getting rather restless due to the
awkwardness of the topic, but there was hardly anything I could do.

Guru-ji: Rina… that’s her name. She had a similar problem like you, but she is elderly at least compared to you, 35-
36 years, and came to me almost as a last resort. She was childless for about 10 years after marriage. She
confessed to me that she used to trim her choot hairs at her friend’s place, who was almost her age and a long-
time friend, and they used to do it together. Rina had this practice for several years and they used to trim each
other’s hairs. One day she came to know that her friend was shifting to a new place as her husband got a new job

One thing I had to admit in my mind, despite this gauche subject, Guru-ji was delivering it so casually that it
sounded like just another story!

Guru-ji: You know Anita, initially she did not think of this problem, but of course realized after a month or so. Rina
tried to do it on her own, but was unable to manage it. Then she decided to take her maidservant into confidence
and made her involved in this work. She told me that she used to call her maidservant in her bedroom in the
afternoon hours when all was quiet. She stretched out on bed and raised her sari up to her waist and her
maidservant did the trimming. The problem started then.

Me: Why?

The question came out of my mouth spontaneously!

Guru-ji: Ha ha ha… Beti, actually the maidservant was not at all habituated with scissors, which is understandable
also, and she fumbled in most cases and this went on for one or two occasions. Rina was a bit upset but had no other
option also. Now, this maidservant’s husband was a barber and in order to win over her mistress, one afternoon she
came with her husband. Rina had already told her of trimming her hairs that day. Just imagine!

Sanjeev, Uday, Nirmal, Sanjeev, and Rajkamal all echoed light laughs and I also smiled shamelessly!

Guru-ji: Rina was obviously surprised when she saw a male accompanying her maidservant, but when she knew his
identity, she allowed him to come in, but was not keen to know why he had come. She thought they would leave
together and hence the man would wait for his wife. Rina usually stripped her sari and petticoat and then called her
maidservant in her bedroom. That day was no exception. She was lying on bed half naked and the maidservant
entered the room with his husband.

Me: Oh no!

Guru-ji: I don’t think I need to go on any longer. Ha ha ha… Till the time Rina realized the whole thing from her
maid, it was an extremely embarrassing situation for her and funny too! Ha ha ha…

Guru-ji was nodding his head as he continued to chuckle.

Guru-ji: Anyway, getting back to the root the issue - how to surprise your husband through your pubic hairs. The
solution is simple Beti. Once in blue moon if you shave your choot hairs completely that would surely excite any
male, of course including your husband! Ha ha ha…

Me: What?

Guru-ji: Why not!

Me: C-o-m-p-l-e-t-e-l-y!

I could not help myself but to react like that. Honestly I could never think in my wildest imagination to have a clean
shaven pussy! My God! What was he saying?
Guru-ji: Why not! You need to come out of these inhibitions.

Me: Ishhh… No, no Guru-ji… What would he say…. I mean…

Guru-ji: Take my word. Your husband will only love you more. Since you are born and brought up in a town, you got
scared at this very thought.

Me: But… but… No no…

Guru-ji: Beti, yes, for the initial 2-3 days, you will feel very sensitive there as that bush will not be there, but then
you will also become habituated. Since your marriage is now 3-4 years old, you surely would get electrifying benefit
if you shave your…

He did not complete the sentence, but looked indicatively at my skirt-covered crotch and the look was rather
disgusting. I quickly tried to change the topic.

Me: O… okay Guru-ji, I will keep that in mind.

Though I said that, undoubtedly I was shocked by such an idea and my face and ears were all red and emitting
heat. My pussy was again getting fully moist listening to all these provocative talks and erotic suggestions and I was
starting to feel rather tight.

Guru-ji: Well Anita, that’s more or less a synopsis regarding the secrets of long-lasting marital lovemaking. Will add
later as and when necessary. Jai Linga Maharaj!

The four males standing beside me echoed the same and I also meekly followed with “Jai Linga Maharaj!”

Guru-ji: Anita, go and stand there for a minute. Get the “asana” ready” for the puja.

The second sentence was directed to his disciples. I noticed Rajkamal and Nirmal went to the corner of the room
and brought a small “gaddi” (=mattress). I didn’t notice it as the glow of the fire was illuminating the center of the
room where Guru-ji was sitting. Uday brought a couple of milky while sheets and covered them quickly. Sanjeev in
the meantime brought a couple of nice looking fluffy pillows. Uday brought a mini table fan and placed it beside the
mattress and switched it on! He made sure that the air did not reach the yagya fire. I honestly wondered what
Guru-ji is up to! Was he getting ready for the Puja or a nap?

The whole white mattress was quickly and very neatly decorated by different colored flowers by Rajkamal and then
the four males again took their old position. I was frankly quite anxious to know why that sort of arrangement was
made! I had never seen in my life anything similar to this for any Puja at least!

Guru-ji: Thanks. Anita, come and stand on this mattress. This will be your “asana” for the entire Yoni Puja.

It was for me! Wow! I thought.

Frankly I was glad to have that table fan placed beside the mattress as the Puja-ghar was by then amply heated by
the yagya fire. I stepped on to the mattress. The bed sheet felt cold on my soles as I stood on it. I resembled as
if I was an actress standing on the platform while shooting and others were watching me from all sides. I saw such
situations in television serials, movies, etc. I remembered. In fact my dress was also very apt and revealing to make
me think like that. I felt the cold air of the table fan on my naked legs and to my thighs even. I shifted my position
marginally as I realized that going too close to the fan was not a great idea, as the skirt would surely fly then. And
there are four pairs of male eyes waiting to ogle me! I was cautious.
Guru-ji: Beti, let me clear a few things at the very first go. As I said earlier also I want your best concentration
and complete unquestioned cooperation in this Puja. This Yoni Puja might look odd, awkward, or offending to you,
but this only will lead you to your most wanted goal of having a child. So, you are very near to it, but a momentary
lapse could cost you everything. Do exactly as I say. Do you agree?

Me: Ji Guru-ji. I will do as per your guidance.

Guru-ji: Good. Now let me reveal to you that there are five parts in this Yoni Puja –
a) Mantra Daan (=sharing the mantra),
b) The Puja (=worshipping the Yoni),
c) Yoni Massage (=massaging the Yoni),
d) Yoni Sugam (=vindicating the massage), and
e) Yoni Jan Darshan (=showing Yoni to the world)

My lips automatically parted listening to the divisions of the Yoni Puja! Frankly, till the first two it was okay to me,
but “Yoni massage”, “Yoni Sugam”, and “Yoni Jan Darshan” sounded pretty upsetting and offending as well!

Me: Guru-ji…

Guru-ji: Anita, I just said I want “unquestioned cooperation” from you during Yoni Puja.

Me: I agree, but if you could ex… I mean explain a bit….

Guru-ji: Be patient Anita. I am coming to each!

Me: O..okay. Sorry Guru-ji...

Guru-ji: The first and second parts are interrelated and will go hand in hand, i.e. the “Yoni Worship” and “Mantra
Daan” will follow simultaneously. Once the worship is over and you have the mantra, we will switch to the next
section – “Yoni Massage” and “Yoni Sugam” - don’t be scared from the names! It’s just like the examination, which I
performed on you. Do you remember? Was that too tough?

I had to nod and nod negatively!

Guru-ji: So! Just like that! Relax Beti! Have faith on me. But yes, this time the difference will be that I have to
make sure that there are no obstructions in your vaginal passage. Why? Because I have to ensure that your ova
meet your husband’s sperms without hindrance. Then only you can get the child. Getting me?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

I never realized how craftily Guru-ji paved the way and sowed the seeds to fuck me with such casual and laid back
manner! On the contrary, I was nodding and appreciating his structured thinking in my mind!

Guru-ji: The last part is the Yoni Jan Darshan, which actually is acknowledging the Almighty’s blessings. You need to
show your Yoni to all four directions Beti, north, south, east, and west - so that all Gods and Goddesses are
satisfied and bless you adequately to help achieve your desired dream. Am I clear now?

Me: Ji… ji Guru-ji. Thanks.

Guru-ji: Silly girl! You tend to be scared so early! Ha ha ha…

I smiled back to him cutely not knowing what degree of humiliation was in the offing for me!

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Okay Beti, now you need to stand still at your position and I will direct them what
exactly to do to get you “ready” for the worship.

I was a bit puzzled – what more was left to be done? I already had the snan and was wearing a fresh set of Maha-
yagya paridhan!

Guru-ji probably read my face. He truly was an “antaryami”!

Guru-ji: Anita since this is Yoni Puja, the whole concentration will be on the lower half of your body. I hope you can
guess that.

Me: Ye… yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Good.

I stood like a statue on the mattress as the four males approached me and stood at four corners of the mattress!
It looked so very sensuous and tempting as all the males had bare chests with a dhoti wrapped around their waists
and I stood exactly in the middle of them in that revealing mini dress!

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, take this sweet Almond oil and apply it on Anita’s left leg and Uday this is for you to apply on her
right leg – this is Jojoba oil.

Sanjeev and Uday went forward to collect their oil pots.

Guru-ji: Nirmal, Rajkamal, you just wait till they finish.

Rajkamal: Sure Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Beti, you must be patient till they finish applying the oil on your legs fully. Okay?

I nodded with an anxious face and a drumming heart anticipating vivid male touches on my bare legs and thighs.
Uday and Sanjeev sat near my feet on the mattress and took oil from the pots and started to rub on my feet. It
was a queer and peculiar feeling at the same time because two males simultaneously rubbing my bare legs was a
very rare situation indeed for any woman!

Guru-ji: You know Beti this sweet Almond oil and Jojoba oil are so easily absorbable and serves as a great emollient
as it balances the moisture in the body. As you will see soon that it makes a great lubricant, which will help keep
you fresh and fit from muscle aches or sprains as you are stretching yourself beyond midnight today.

Guru-ji’s words hardly were reaching my ears as the male hands were creeping and climbing slowly up my naked legs.
Though the feeling of the oil was very stimulating and energizing, but it was overridden by the warm touches of
Sanjeev and Uday. They both were feeling every inch of my well-developed legs while applying the oil.

Guru-ji: You might be wondering why two different oils are being used. This is primarily because both oils have
some exclusive goods to deliver and I want them all to get inside your body so that you can get max effect from
Yoni Puja.

My heart started missing a beat now as I realized both Sanjeev and Uday were rubbing the oil now above the
decency level. They were rubbing their oily hands on my thighs, just inches below my skirt hem. I dared to look
down, as I was sure if they look up they would surely be able to see my panty below my miniskirt as both were
sitting near my feet very close to my body. I had to shuffle subtly so as to remain somewhat comfy. I could feel
Sanjeev’s fingers clearly pressing more on my naked rotund left thigh, which was making me very, very
uncomfortable. All women are very sensitive around their thighs and if two males simultaneously knead that area, it
was undoubtedly an awesome experience!

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, Uday rub the oil till her thighs only…. Hence may be just a couple of inches inside Anita’s skirt.

Sanjeev: Ji Guru-ji.

And readily I could feel Sanjeev’s fingers getting inside my skirt!

Me: Eieeiiiiiiiiiieeeeeei…. Please….

Guru-ji: B-e-t-i, be patient!

In no time I could feel Uday’s fingers also getting inside my skirt and rubbing the oil amply on my upper thighs. I
just glanced at the other two males - Rajkamal and Nirmal were expectedly lapping up this very sensuous scene.

Me: Shhhhhhhhhhhhh………. Uhhhhhhhhh………..

I could not stop myself expressing that sigh as I felt both males caressing the back of my thighs just below my
buttocks. Their oily fingers and palms felt the whole of the back of my plump naked thighs providing the required
stimulant. My face had turned red in shyness and I was biting my lips and praying when it would end! Then

Me: O-u-c-h! Eiiiii!?!

Guru-ji: What… what happened Beti?

I could clearly feel a sudden and straightforward poke into my pussy over my panty – must have been either
Sanjeev or Uday.

Sanjeev: Any problem there Madam?

I felt so shy seeing five males staring at me that I could not even utter a word! I was unable to reveal anything to
Guru-ji and had to gobble up my words. But by that time Sanjeev did an unbelievable thing! He just rose up my skirt
from the front to see if there was any problem inside!

Me: H-e-y… what… what are you doing? S-t-o-p!

Before I could cover my panty and pull down my miniskirt, for that 3-4 seconds Sanjeev made my panty visible to
everybody present in the Puja-ghar, as he was holing my skirt up in a lifted position! My whole face turned scarlet
instantly and my voice choked in shame suffering that sudden humiliation.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, you should not have done that!

Sanjeev: But Guru-ji Madam seemed to be in some discomfort …

Guru-ji: Yes, that’s okay. There must have been something about which Anita was uncomfortable and you tried to
investigate that. Understandable. But Beta, you should also keep in mind that Anita is a matured woman and
married too. She lives in the normal society and thus bounded by the norms of pride and shame, restriction, etc.
Though she has been in the ashram for a few days, she is still not able to cast off her natural coyness and timidity.
Sanjeev, you being an experienced disciple of mine should always keep that in mind.

Sanjeev: I understand Guru-ji. Am sorry for my act.

Guru-ji: Say that to Anita also.

Sanjeev: Madam, I am really sorry. I will be careful next time. Sorry Madam.

I was still not able to recover from it, but had to nod as Guru-ji was looking forward to that from me.

Me: It’s… its okay.

Guru-ji: Anyway, are you over with the oil part?

Uday: Yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Great!

Sanjeev and Uday went back to their respective positions at the corner of the mattress and returned the oil pots
to Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Now, let’s proceed further. Beti, now Rajkamal would decorate you with flowers and make you ready for
the actual Puja.

I still was breathing heavily, but was slowly getting back to my normal composure. I noticed Rajkamal quickly and
craftily prepared small garlands with different flowers. He fastened my both ankles with small garland braces and
the same was applied for my knees. I was wondering that within the span of 5-10 minutes already three different
males had touched my naked legs! This sort of experience was certainly the first time in my life. Though I was
rather irritated by Sanjeev’s lewd act, my pussy was already moist and I could easily sense that my nipples inside
my bra had grown hard.

Rajkamal: Madam, now garlands for your waist and both wrists.

Saying that he fastened a garland at my waist just over my skirt waistband and two small ones on my wrists. Now
he sat near my feet and started building a crown with flowers on a wire framework. I appreciated in my mind his
proficiency and skill. In no time the crown was ready and he put that up on my head. I surely looked attractive
being decorated like that with a crown and with garlands.

Guru-ji: Thanks Rajkamal. You did an excellent job! Beti, you are looking very nice. Unfortunately I don’t have a
mirror here. Ha ha ha…

Uday: Yes Madam, very beautiful.

I smiled and dropped my eyes towards the floor, and waited for Guru-ji’s next instruction.

Guru-ji: Nirmal, give her the Linga and the “charanamrit”.

Nirmal handed me a Linga replica, but unlike the previous one that I had seen during my “diksha”, this looked very
odd resembling very much like a male penis! It was probably made of wax and I was rather shocked to note its color
resembled skin color and in fact there were veins around its length and hence the feel was more like the penis!

O! My God! It also had something at the top, which resembled the foreskin!

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj!

All the four disciples echoed “Jai Linga Maharaj!” and I also followed suit, but felt very odd standing with
something that was clearly depicting a “lund”!

Nirmal: Give that to Guru-ji, Madam.

Guru-ji took the Linga replica and touched it on my head, lips, breasts, waist, and my thighs before placing that on a
throne-like structure well decorated with flowers. He ushered some Sanskrit mantra and performed a small Puja to
place it there. We all waited with our hands folded in the form of prayer as it was done.

Guru-ji: Beti, Linga Maharaj has been placed. The whole Yoni Puja is meant to satisfy him. So devote all your
prayers and acts towards him. If you can satisfy him, he will surely gift you with your much cherished desire. Jai
Linga Maharaj! Jai ho!

We all echoed “Jai Linga Maharaj!” and I prayed in my mind to Linga Maharaj “I will do my best to satisfy you and
would not want anything ever, but a child. Please…”

After my prayer was complete, Nirmal handed a bowl, which had the “charanamrit”.

Guru-ji: Beti, this charanamrit is very special and sanctified for you specially. Gulp it down at one go!

It was not that I was seeing charanamrit for the first time in my life, as I do go regularly to the temple in our
locality and drink it when offered. But the major difference was always it’s just a handful at the temples, but here
a whole bowl of cream-colored charanamrit was offered to me!

Me: Guru-ji… fully?

Guru-ji: Yes Beti. It’s made for you only! It’s an extract of my “tantra” works and will surely empower you towards
your cherished goal.

I was glad to know that and took the bowl from Nirmal and started gulping it down. The taste was unquestionably
poles apart from the normal charanamrit! This was very, very tasty and comprised of fruits cut in very small pieces
– guava, apple, banana, grapes, cherry, etc. I swallowed the tasty sacred liquid at one go and emptied the bowl.

Unfortunately, unknown to me, the “charanamrit” I was so gladly drinking was adulterated with soluble agents,
which catalyze sexual feelings in a female.

Guru-ji: Great Beti! Now we will enter into the main Puja. Fold your hands for a prayer. Concentrate. Rajkamal will
tie your eyes and don’t jump on me right now to know why… I will of course explain you in a minute, but first the
prayer. Okay?

I just nodded as Guru-ji threw something in the fire and the fire started burning more aggressively. There was pin
drop silence. With higher illumination the yagya fire was now providing a peculiar glow to the whole room and on
each one’s face. In that blush, every person whom I was seeing for the last few days in the ashram looked so very

Guru-ji’s big stature along with that bright orange-red glow on his face made him look more frightful! Rajkamal
stepped behind me with a black handkerchief and tied my eyes. The setting was created in such a way that my
heart started to beat a shade faster and my fingers were gradually turning cold.

Guru-ji: Hey Linga Maharaj, please accept this final prayer and grant this girl what she desires! Jai Linga Maharaj!
Beti, just repeat what I say from now on.

There was silence again for some moments. As my eyes were tied up, I was a bit shaky and was unnecessarily
sensing an unknown fear.

Guru-ji: Hey Linga Maharaj!

Me: Hey Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji: I offer myself to you…

Me: I offer myself to you…

Guru-ji: My mind, my body, my Yoni… everything to you….

Me: My mind, my body, my Yo… Yoni… everything to you…

Guru-ji: Please accept this Yoni Puja and make me fertile and bless my womb with a child…

Me: Please accept this Yoni Puja and make me fertile and bless my womb with a child…

Guru-ji: I, Anita Singh, wife of Rajesh Singh thus surrendering myself to you for your sacred blessing. Please do
not disappoint me. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: I, Anita Singh, wife of Rajesh Singh - thus surrendering myself to you for your sacred blessing. Please do not
disappoint me. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji: Good. Beti, now that you have conveyed your objective to Linga Maharaj, you can go ahead with the rest of
the Yoni Puja with an open mind. And myself as the primary medium will definitely aid you in achieving your goal and
my disciples will also actively participate as the secondary medium to facilitate things for you to complete this very
special journey.

I honestly started having butterflies in my stomach listening to Guru-ji. What actually was in store for me I
wondered! How could all those four males help me during the Puja? Why are my eyes tied up? How will Guru-ji do
the Puja actually? Will I have to expose my Yoni, i.e. choot in front of him? My God!

Guru-ji: Beti, you must be wondering why your eyes are tied up. I will explain you now, but for that I have to refer
to the ***** mythology. As you also know as per ***** tradition after marriage, a woman is NOT expected to have
a physical relation other than her husband. Right?

Me: Hmm.

Guru-ji: By no means ***** mythology allows a married woman to forgo this norm, but I believe in order to treat
infertility cases, I must make a woman properly stimulated and then see where the deficiency lies. Hence though it
must have been very odd and weird for you as a housewife to undergo such sensuous moments, I made you do so
during your stay in the ashram for the last 4-5 days. Reason?

He paused a bit and then continued again.

Guru-ji: I need to assess your problem properly and at the same time sexually trigger you again and again to know
exactly where the problem lies. But, here in Yoni Puja, the situation is slightly different. Ask why?

Me: Wh… why Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: During your treatment phase, I did not deviate from ***** mythology, as accidental touching and
stimulation do happen in our life - both males and females. But in Yoni Puja, the very first phase is lovemaking with

Me: H-u-s-b-a-n-d!

I almost shrieked out!

Guru-ji: Let me finish! You react so quickly! Mantra Daan is basically sharing the mantra of lovemaking and as per
***** mythology to whom can a married woman make love to? Husband, of course! So I never asked you previously
to put a band on your eyes… are you getting me Beti?

Now things were getting clearer to me. Since on all other occasions previously during my treatment, it was
situational sexual urge for me, Guru-ji never asked me to cover my eyes, but since Mantra Daan comprises of direct
lovemaking, my eyes were tied.

Me: Hmm. I can understand now!

Nice logical way to bypass ***** mythology I thought! But I was yet keen to get an explanation of the word
“lovemaking”. As I said earlier also, Guru-ji was “antaryami”!

Guru-ji: Well Anita, so now with your eyes tied up, you will not do any “paap” even if you willingly kiss someone who
is not your husband! Anyway, you must be thinking why lovemaking is a part Yoni Puja? The answer is simple enough!
Because you must satisfy Linga Maharaj that you are an apt and sprightly woman when it comes to lovemaking.
That’s the first step Beti towards a successful pregnancy! I think you will agree that you would like to have a
healthy baby rather than having a baby who is weak and surrounded with problems.

Me: Of course, a healthy baby!

I replied spontaneously.

Guru-ji: Right! But for that you need to prove yourself too!

Me: O… Okay Guru-ji. I will. I will do anything for my…

My voice automatically choked in emotion.

Guru-ji: I know Beti. Don’t be emotional. You must make up your mind ONLY to satisfy Linga Maharaj.

I controlled my tears.
Guru-ji: That’s why I always encourage you to enjoy whatever you do here and not entangled in the webs of
inhibitions, “paap”, etc.

I was in fact now quite assured and was mentally prepared to execute whatever Guru-ji wanted me to do!

Guru-ji: Beti, Mantra Daan will comprise of lovemaking postures and in order to execute them effectively, you must
prepare your mind as if your husband is here…

Me: But…

Guru-ji: I know it’s not easy at all. But the way to success is always covered with thorns and not roses Beti. If you
are not able to think in that way, you won’t get the spontaneous emotions in your act. Isn’t it?

Me: But Guru-ji, it is very difficult…

Guru-ji: Your eyes are tied up… this will definitely give you comfort rather than shyness. I am sure you can do it.
Believe me Beti, I have seen so many married women undergo this successfully in front of me.

Me: But… err… I mean… Guru-ji, do I have to do everything that I do with my husband?

Guru-ji: Of course Beti. You can just think in this way that this is another “Suhaag Raat” for you, but surely in a
different way!

Me: Suhaag Raat!!!!!!!!!!

I almost screeched at Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Calm down Beti. What happens in a Suhaag Raat? A virgin girl gets to know to throw inhibitions and share
the lessons of lovemaking with his partner. That’s what generally happens. Right or wrong?

Me: Ye… yes. But still Guru-ji what has that to do with this Puja?

Guru-ji: Beti, it has nothing to do with this Puja. I just gave you an analogy so that you can prepare yourself, as
here also like your Suhaag Raat, you will encounter a new partner.

Me: Oho… okay… I thought…

Guru-ji: What did you think? I will ask you to have a ‘Suhaag Raat’ with Nirmal? Ha ha ha… Anita, you are just too
much… Ha ha ha…

Everybody was laughing and I also smiled at my foolish thought.

Guru-ji: Can we proceed?

Me: O… Okay Guru-ji. I… I am ready.

Guru-ji: Great! Everybody say once with me… “Jai Linga Maharaj!”

I subtly adjusted my choli and skirt out of normal reflex before the proceedings started.

Guru-ji: Beti, Mantra Daan is the sharing of lovemaking mantra and expectedly it has several steps. I will guide you
through each. Keep faith on Ling Maharaj! You will surely succeed.

I closed my eyes and prayed for one last time.

Guru-ji: Hey Linga Maharaj! Anita being a married woman is an expert in the art of lovemaking and she will perform
the steps of this art to satisfy you. Please accept it Maharaj!

My heart was beating fast now anticipating the unknown. My hands and feet were getting colder (though I was
standing by the yagya fire) and naturally feeling rather tight.

Guru-ji: Uday, come forward. Beti, imagine Uday is your husband and you need to execute the first step, which is
the simplest, a loving hug.

He paused to see my reactions probably. I was biting my lips in anxiousness.

Guru-ji: Do respond to me as I instruct you from time to time. And most importantly Beti, repeat the mantra in
your mind, which I say after each step. That’s the Mantra Daan!

I was a glad to hear Uday’s name, as I would certainly be more apprehensive about others, but was rather
comfortable with him, as I already had had a very steamy experience with him on the boat. He was my personal
favorite also as a person in the ashram.

Me: Okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Hold Anita’s waist Uday and Anita, you just give him an embrace.

Since my eyes were tied, I could only feel things. I felt a pair of warm hands touching my waist just above my skirt
and could clearly feel Uday’s breaths very near me. As he touched me, I also embraced him lightly. Though initially
I was very hesitant as I was aware that I was being watched, but since it was “Uday” it was much easier for me to
do such an act in front of Guru-ji.

My choli-covered tits got moderately pressed on his bare chest and as soon as that happened I could clearly feel
more warmth in the hug from Uday also.

Guru-ji: Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha! Remain in that posture for a minute till I ask you to move.

I repeated the mantra in my mind. There was pin drop silence as I remained in that posture with my arms
embracing Uday’s back and my heavy mammaries rubbing his chest. Uday’s hands were amply feeling the smooth
skin of my waist and up along my midriff. Obviously standing in this posture was making me very uncomfortable and
due to the stimulation I was pressing my boobs more and more onto his body.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Good job Beti. So just see Anita, it’s not that difficult. Is it?

Sanjeev: Madam, you did very well. Keep it up! You will surely succeed!

Was I feeling confident getting such encouraging comments? But within myself, shedding all shyness, I was getting
charged up for more already!

Guru-ji: Okay, now Beti, hug Uday as you do to your husband on bed, i.e. hug him tighter.

Me: O… okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Uday, you also hold Anita in your arms as if she is your wife.

Before I could do anything, I felt Uday pressing on my body closely and hugging me tight. Automatically my
embrace on him also got tighter resulting a full frontal pressing of my body on his. I felt very, very uncomfortable
like that because I was habituated to such hugs from Rajesh behind closed doors of my bedroom, but here I was
very much aware that people were watching me; so my movements got rather limited.

Guru-ji: Uday, come on! Give her the feel that you are her husband.

Uday now started to brush his face on my neck and into my silky hairs. I could feel his nose and lips brushing my
shoulder while his arms got tighter on my body circumference. My boobs got tightly pressed now on Uday’s body
and certainly I was feeling the “heat” of his embrace, though I was still rather tentative to go all out due to
natural shyness. Uday’s left hand slide to my ass now and roamed on my fleshy ass. My skirt was slightly getting up
due to his hand movement and I tried to stop that by holding Uday’s hand.

Guru-ji: Beti, what’s this? Are you still undecided? Treat Uday as your husband…

He noted my movement and alerted me! He was truly an “antaryami”! I quickly removed my hand off his hand and
pushed my body more into his body to show that I was not undecided. Uday continued to enjoye my almost naked
back (except for my choli) and my skirt-covered round buttocks amply.

Guru-ji: Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha! As per the protocol, you both remain in this posture for a

I repeated the mantra though my mind was already getting wayward due to this physical stimulation. Uday also
must have been stimulated quite a bit through this hug– honestly any male would enjoy hugging my plumpness! Uday
naturally had started breathing heavier and was now strongly rubbing his face on my shoulder and neck. Also I
could feel his rigid cock through his dhoti now! I somehow controlled my emotions to his very intimate hug, as I was
getting vivid recaps in my mind of that boat escapade!

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Great! Beti, the first two steps completed and now are you ready for the next stage?

I somehow nodded as my whole body was as if “heating up” in this Mantra Daan phenomenon.

Guru-ji: O-k-a-y Beti! Get ready for the next segment - the kiss.

My God! What was he saying! I will be kissed in front of all! Guru-ji probably deliberately paused to see my reaction
and I tried my best to maintain my composure before Guru-ji, but honestly I was skipping a beat inside!

Guru-ji: Beti, as in real life, here also the male would kiss first and then the female would reply. So Uday will kiss
you first and then you will get your turn Beti. Okay?

Me: Ohokay… I mean okay.

My voice was hoarse in excitement! After I became adult, I was never I kissed in front of another person. This was
virtually a public kissing affair, as four other persons were present when I would be kissed on my lips! I do
remember that while we were on our honeymoon, Rajesh did occasionally hug and brush his lips on my face in public,
but never like this!

Guru-ji: Uday, as you kiss, your hands should be on Anita’s hips… I mean on the globes of her hips. I hope you are
getting me? I think they are broad enough and you can rest them there. Ha ha ha… And Anita, for this step your
job is to just tightly embrace him – that’s all!

For the first time in my life, I was getting instructions regarding lovemaking! It sounded so very jarring and
bizarre! Thank God! My eyes were tied otherwise I would have died in shame doing this in front of five adult males!

Guru-ji: Uday, you can go ahead.

Uday hardly gave me any time to react and simply jumped on my lips. He took my lips in his mouth and started
sucking them and carried me to a wild height instantly.

Me: Uuuuuuummmm…. Ummmmm…..

That’s all I could utter as his lips grounded strongly on my tender pink lips. He put my tongue into my mouth and
was kissing as if my husband was kissing me! Simultaneously since he was pressing and squeezing my gaand with both
hands, I was getting more excited and I could clearly feel his palms stretched out on my butt cheeks measuring
every inch of it! I was unable to control myself and my legs were getting parted out of natural sexual stimulation.
As he continued to suck my lips and probe his tongue deep into my mouth, he pressed me close to his body making
my firm round tits push hard on his flat chest.

Guru-ji: Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha! Uday, do not leave her lips for another sixty seconds!

I repeated the mantra in my mind and was practically gasping for breath, as I had never experienced such a long
intense kiss in recent times! Its not that I had not experienced long kisses in my married life, but in recent times
my husband was more keen to just fuck rather than a long romantic kiss.

Uday on the other hand was focussed on the kiss only and he was now intensely hugging me in my standing posture.
I was naturally responding to him greatly though was still somewhat hesitant due to the presence of Guru-ji and
others in the Puja-ghar. My whole body arched as Uday pressed on me and I was unquestionably succumbing slowly
to this hot act.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Excellent. Anita, did you enjoy that? If you do not enjoy, you cannot deliver your best in
front of Linga Maharaj!

Though the kiss was over, I was unable to get out of that. Very rarely in my real life Rajesh leaves me like this
after a kiss. He surely would either go for my blouse or lift my sari to my head by now! But nothing of that sort
happened here.

Me: Ye… hes… I mean yes.

Guru-ji: Did Uday match your husband?

I could not stop smiling at this question and my face was obviously all red in shyness.

Guru-ji: Good. Your smile says that you are enjoying this Mantra Daan episode. Next is the opposite sex kiss, i.e.
Beti, you will have to kiss Uday now. Okay? And mind you it should be a full fledged kisss as you do to your husband
on bed.

I meekly nodded.

Guru-ji: Uday, you will just hold Anita’s waist and this time she would do the rest.
Uday: Okay Guru-ji.

Uday held my waist and was standing in front of me as I approached his lips. Though my eyes were tied, I could
easily figure out where his lips were and took them gently in my lips. I realized he was trying to pull me more
towards him by my waist and in no time my whole body weight was on him. This action made me hornier also and I
held his face in my palms and started kissing him passionately. The best part was I felt like kissing him and that
made my task easier, otherwise it would really have been a very shameful affair to kiss an unknown male like this.

I was feeling very tight inside my brassiere now as my boobs had grown more in obvious excitement. I could feel
Uday had begun to gyrate his hips so that I could feel his erect lund. I was getting so… so thrilled and energized
that I started shedding my inhibitions totally and started probing my tongue deep into his mouth tasting his saliva.

And then suddenly….

There was a round of claps! I was so surprised that I stopped for a moment.

Guru-ji: Don’t stop Beti! That clap was to encourage you as you are doing a very good job. Carry on… just carry on!
Linga Maharaj would be very satisfied. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I was so stranded by that sudden applaud that my mind was unable to think anything and I just followed Guru-ji’s
instruction. I pressed my lips again on Uday’s.

Myself a housewife – 30 years of age - coming to the ashram for treatment – now kissing an this man whom I did
not know a week ago and getting a standing applause for that from other people! Simply unthinkable! How was I
doing this I myself was puzzled to understand.

Uday was triggering me by pinching and pressing my waist constantly so that I kiss him more vehemently. He was
also rolling his tongue inside my mouth and it was indeed a great feeling for me!

Guru-ji: Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha! Last few seconds Anita…

I repeated the mantra in my mind and simultaneously wondered when did I last kiss my husband in standing posture!
I hardly remember because every time we met in the past few months it was always on bed. Always. I wish I would
have kissed him more often standing or at least invited him to kiss me standing more often because it was
generating a great deal of sexual feelings in me!

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Good job Beti. Thanks Uday!

I was a bit surprised hearing “Thanks Uday” from Guru-ji, but soon realized its significance.

Guru-ji: Beti as I said earlier that Mantra Daan and Yoni Puja will go hand in hand and now that the first part of
Mantra Daan is complete, I will start the Yoni Puja.

Me: O… Okay Guru-ji.

I could hardly utter that as I was panting heavily. I was reluctant to adjust my choli as it revealed much of my
boobs now due to my heavy breathing. Guru-ji immediately started some Sanskrit mantra and I could feel he was
throwing flowers at my feet. This went on for a minute or so and then he came very near to me. I realized that as I
heard the mantras from very near me, in fact, from near my feet! It was indeed an awkward situation as my eyes
were tied and I shuffled a bit over the mattress.
Guru-ji: Beti, do not move. Stand still.

I was sure now that Guru-ji had come by the edge of the mattress for sure. He was continuing with his mantras and
throwing flowers at my feet, to be precise now the flowers were striking my thighs and knees!

Guru-ji: Beti, remain in this posture as you will get the “lotus touch” now.

Me: What… what is that Guru-ji?

I barely could ask, still trying to get out of my “hot” encounter with Uday.

Guru-ji: Beti, Lotus is regarded as the symbol of divine austerity and of celestial beauty. And you must be knowing
that Lotus is also the seat of Brahma. So the touch of Lotus would certainly lead you to your desired direction.

Saying that he started to move and roll the lotus flower on my feet and slowly pushed it upwards along my smooth
naked legs.

Me: He he he…. Ish… It’s… it’s tickling me… Guru-ji.

I could not stop giggling in a loud way getting the subtle touch of the lotus on my legs.

Guru-ji: Beti, don’t act like a child! You are matured enough! Sanjeev, hold her hands so that she does not shuffle
on the mattress.

Immediately I felt Sanjeev’s strong hands on my arms and he almost stood glued to my body pressing his crotch on
my large protruding bottoms. I stood there like a statue as I clearly felt Sanjeev’s lund touching my round ass.

Guru-ji: Getting Sanjeev’s feel will do good to you Beti, as he would act as your husband in the next session of
Mantra Daan. You can know your new husband beforehand! Ha ha ha…

As I heard the other males also laughing my head almost spun hearing that. After Uday, I would now have to act
hot and intimate with another male?!?

My God! I never had a clue regarding this!

Guru-ji very cleverly did not give me a chance to ponder and react on that, as I instantly became very conscious
when I felt the Lotus flower approaching the hem of my miniskirt. Though I was not able to see, Guru-ji must be
crouching just in front of my skirt-front!

Guru-ji: Now this Lotus will touch the actual Lotus, i.e. your Yoni, Beti.

The lotus was now brushing my upper thigh area inside my skirt! Guru-ji must have pushed his hand inside my
miniskirt to do that!


I closed my eyes in utter shame (though my eyes were already tied up).

Now Guru-ji made the Lotus flower brush my entire upper thigh (both legs). As he did that his hand brushed my
warm naked thighs abundantly making me hiss like a snake in exhilaration! Guru-ji pressed the lotus flower on my
pussy over my panty and chanted some Sanskrit mantra. It was s-u-c-h an odd feeling inside my skirt!

Guru-ji: Beti, as you can understand, the flower must touch your Yoni in actual and the Yoni Puja must be directed
to your uncovered Yoni.

I got the signal very clearly; Guru-ji wanted me to remove my panty!

Guru-ji: If you agree I can pull it down, otherwise you can also open your panty if you are comfortable doing that

Me: I… I mean… I…

I fumbled miserably and felt very anxious in front of all these males. My lips had dried up and my heart was
beating very fast. I just wondered how could I open my panty in front of five males!

Guru-ji: Beti, don’t panic! I am not asking you to open your skirt; you just need to pull out your panty from beneath
it. The skirt will cover you still. So, don’t worry!

Me: Ye… yes I can understand… but… but Guru-ji…

Guru-ji: Do one thing, you go to the corner of the room and open it. I think that way you will be comfortable.
Sanjeev, take her there.

Guru-ji’s voice was cold as steel and there was no way I could protest to that.

Me: O… okay. Thanks Guru-ji.

Sanjeev was already holding my hands and was constantly pushing his crotch on my round ass and he now took me to
one of the corners of the room.

Sanjeev: Madam, you can open it here. You are facing the wall too, so…

My mind was not working any more! It was a hopeless situation for me. My lower extremities seemed to have frozen
as I tried to pull my panty down from under my skirt. I tried to keep the skirt in place and tried to pull my panty
down. But since I was standing near the fire for so long, I had sweated a lot and my panty stuck on my large ass
cheeks. I had to waggle my hips significantly to get it down and all the five males must have been enjoying my
panty-removal scene to the hilt. I stooped down to pull my panty down to my ankles and then came out of it.

Guru-ji: That’s great Anita! You did that quite fast! I have seen many women here who took a hell lot of time
removing their panties out of shyness. Sheer shyness! But you will be surprised to note that – not many years ago –
women had to attend this Maha-yagya absolutely naked. Bilkul Nangi!

Guru-ji gave a mild pause.

Guru-ji: You know Anita, the good thing about married ladies is that if they remain naked for sometime, they get
habituated and later don’t feel shy at all. So it has always been smooth for me to conduct Yoni Puja with married
women, but virgin girls pose a lot of problems. They resist to everything you ask for… isn’t it Sanjeev?

Sanjeev: Yes Guru-ji. We have had 4-5 cases and for all of them, you know Madam, we had a very tough time. They
refuse to go along with any revelation - whether it’s about opening their choli, or ghagra, or their undergarments.
Even they look so strongly if we touch them during the Puja as if they will vaporize you! Ha ha ha…
Guru-ji: Yes, but you cannot blame them Sanjeev for that! They are not exposed to that life which married ladies
like Anita are. Isn’t it? What do you say Anita?

I was only able to nod as I was virtually shattered mentally the way I was exposed and humiliated in this puja-ghar!

Guru-ji: Actually I cannot understand one thing - when a married woman agrees for Yoni Puja, she must be aware
that the Puja is directed towards her Yoni and then how can she keep it covered wearing a panty all the time! Isn’t

As I listened to him, I blushed more and more. My face drooped, as I could not shed the thought that Guru-ji,
along with his four disciples viewed my panty-removal scene from such close proximity!

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, please bring her back here.

There was no need to help me and I walked down myself to the mattress again shamelessly - pantyless - and
everyone very much aware of it!

Guru-ji: Let me finish the Lotus Touch and then we would proceed with Mantra Daan again.

Saying that Guru-ji just casually put his hand again inside my miniskirt and made the Lotus flower touch my choot. I
felt so very bare inside and was utterly conscious this time. He brushed the lotus flower on my fully naked choot
methodically and for a pretty long time, making me breathless, while he chanted Sanskrit mantras!

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Okay Beti, done! With the divine touch of the Lotus you will blossom more. As I told you
Beti, Uday’s role as your husband is over, and Sanjeev will take his place.

Sanjeev now positioned me to face him by holding my arms and waist. He was standing rather close to me as I could
feel his breathing already!

Guru-ji: Beti, in lovemaking hugging is a very essential part and we will start this session with that again.

Hardly could Guru-ji complete his words, Sanjeev put his arms around my back and pulled me towards him. Naturally
I was rather hesitant and stiff to get intimate this time. It was hardly 10 minutes that a different male hugged
and kissed me! How could I adjust so quickly? I was not a randi afterall!

But Sanjeev tried to make the best of this opportunity and embraced me tightly and immediately I could feel his
hands sliding down my midriff towards my fleshy pumpkin ass. He was very intelligent and he knew as I was not
wearing a panty inside my skirt now and he could easily feel the contours of my bottoms very evidently over my
skirt. He began to feel my completely bare buttocks with both hands amply over the thin fabric of my skirt.
Honestly as the rubbing, pressing, and cupping went on for some seconds, I was also unable to hold my resistance
for long. Guru-ji also was acting as the catalyst for Sanjeev!

Guru-ji: Anita, what’s this! Do you remain like this when your husband loves you? Be open! Why are you trying to
protect your breasts?

I felt so ashamed hearing that comment, as I in fact was trying to protect my boobs from getting directly pressed
on Sanjeev’s chest, and I immediately removed my arms from there and embraced him. Sanjeev also welcomed this
with a kiss on my neck as my both boobs now pressed openly on his chest. Sanjeev was making me aroused very
quickly as he was constantly cupping my firm butt flesh with his hands over my skirt. I was feeling very, very
uncomfortable as I was pantyless and constantly shuffled on the mattress.
Me: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…… Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….

I shamelessly shouted and moaned as Sanjeev gave a series of squeezes on my gaand as if he was blowing the cycle-
rickshaw horn!

Guru-ji: Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha! One more minute.

Though I was heavily charged up, I did not miss to repeat the mantra. Unlike Uday, Sanjeev was very much forceful
and he was hugging me more tightly and the way he was continuously caressing my ass cheeks, surely my buttocks
have gotten red by this time! I was well greased up sexually and surprisingly was feeling an urge from within to get
more! Certainly I was not having this feeling initially when Uday was cuddling me, but definitely something was
happening within me - I could clearly realize.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Good work Anita and Sanjeev! Now Anita you will undergo the most common part in
lovemaking, which has been missing so far. Can you guess that?

I looked blank because I was more concerned of my increasing heartbeat, boosted blood flow, and the
overwhelming feeling that was generating within myself for intimacy!

Guru-ji: Anita, you being a married woman definitely should have answered it. Anyway, it’s the very integral part of
lovemaking and till now you have not experienced that- your breasts are still untouched! Sanjeev…

Before Guru-ji could complete his words fully, he simply hugged me from the front and this time his right hand
directly grabbed my left boob. I felt as if something was exploding inside me; definitely it was not due to my boob

I was unable to figure out that it was the soluble sex-enhancing drug that I had gulped along with the charanamrit!

I hugged Sanjeev in a way as if I had never hugged a male! I seemed to be rejuvenated with high energy and was
bubbling to have more. Sanjeev openly kneaded my left mammary and was feeling my boob’s tightness with his
fingers and palm. Four other males were enjoying my shameless act with him! I was feeling so hot that I myself
adjusted my body very evidently so that he could squeeze my boob more comfortably and within the wink of an eye
Sanjeev’s hand was almost inside my choli!

Immediately there was another round of applause from Nirmal, Rajkamal, and Uday! Astonishingly instead of
getting a blush out of shyness, I felt more inspired by the clap! For the first time, I myself tried to trace
Sanjeev’s lips to get a kiss.

Guru-ji: Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha!

I did not know how I was still able to repeat the mantra in my mind! Sanjeev realizing that there was only about one
minute left of this part of Mantra Daan, he was making love to me more vehemently. He was knocking hard on my
pussy with his erect dick. Since I was pantyless, the effect was very prolific, and I was thoroughly enjoying it.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Excellent job Anita! You will surely please Linga Maharaj! Now the next part. Beti, as
you experience with your husband on bed, its exactly the same here too. When lovemaking heats up, you have to be
more physical, and the barrier of clothes slowly gets to minimum. The good thing is that you have already opened
your panty yourself and so just enjoy….

Sanjeev: Guru-ji, shall I open Madam’s choli now?

Guru-ji: Yes, but first I want Anita to kiss her new husband, because Sanjeev seems to be having dry lips! Ha ha

Sanjeev again pulled me onto his body and this time I grabbed his waist pressing my juicy boobs blatantly onto his
chest. I touched his thick lips on mine and started sucking them.

Guru-ji: Open her choli now Sanjeev….

I was in no position to react or protest, as I was fully engrossed in my own overdosed sexy feelings. I could feel
two hands grabbing my ripe boobs and hastily trying to open the hooks of my choli. Sanjeev was not a skillful
worker and tore two hooks of my choli before he could open all the hooks. He forced out his lips off my mouth so
that he could compel me out of my choli.

Guru-ji: Terrific! Throw that in the sacred agni! Jai Linga Maharaj! Jai ho!

Sanjeev threw my choli in the yagya fire and I stood in front of everyone just clad in my strapless bra, which was
so small that it was just hiding my boob areolas and nipples and exposing more than 50% of my flesh over it! The
strangest part was that I was not feeling a tinge of shame and was enjoying the whole thing now!

Guru-ji: Anita, if he has opened your choli, you should take away his dhoti! Ha ha ha…

I was unable to see him as my eyes were tied and so Sanjeev himself helped me take away his dhoti from his waist.
He took my hand onto his hard naked dick and made me feel that.

And there was another round of applause as I stroked his bare cock! Sanjeev again hugged me very tight and this
time his erect cock was poking me very offensively over my skirt. He locked his lips into mine initiating another
passionate kiss.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, show her bare ass to every one!

What? For a moment I could not believe what I heard, but honestly my mind was just not working! I just continued
to respond to Sanjeev’s lip-to-lip kiss while he pulled up my miniskirt to reveal my macro-sized bare pumpkin ass to
Guru-ji and his disciples. The way they roared and encourage Sanjeev made me feel for a moment that they were in
fact treating me like a randi!

Guru-ji: Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha! One more minute!

Was there any significance of the mantra any more? I somehow managed to repeat it as Sanjeev sucked my lips
while he continuously cupped and squeezed my large ass cheeks with both hands pulling up my miniskirt to my waist.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Mind blowing Anita! You are doing very well Beti! Tell me one thing, are you wet down
there fully?

I was so dazed by the question that I could not reply anything at the first go.

Guru-ji: Beti, I am asking that after this lovemaking dose from Uday and Sanjeev, are you not wet there?

Me: Ye… ye… yes Guru-ji… ve… very much.

Guru-ji: Good. That’s what I want. Now Mantra Daan will provide you a unique experience.
He paused, probably wanted me to ask about that. I was somewhat out of breath as my blood was gushing through
the veins, and I was feeling e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y excited.

Me: What is that Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: While your husband makes love with you, he is the only male who caresses your body, but now in this part
of Mantra Daan, you will have two males giving you pleasures.

Me: What?

Guru-ji: Yes Beti. I can bet – you will love it. You can just it imagine this way that you have two partners who want
to make love with you! Ha ha ha… Rajkamal will join you and Sanjeev.

What an indecent proposal! I stood there with my mouth half open still not realizing fully what I was hearing!

Rajkamal: Jai Linga Maharaj!

Sanjeev: Jai Linga Maharaj!

Before I could even react properly to this proposal, I felt two grownup males hugging me – one from the front and
the other from behind. It was an awesome feeling as four hands grabbed and hugged me and I lovingly melted
within those!

Guru-ji: Rajkamal, what is this? Open your dhoti! My Beti must be able to feel two lunds!

Rajkamal who was hugging me from the front opened his dhoti off his waist and readily pressed his crotch on my
pussy area, while Sanjeev’s already erect dick was poking my ass crack pretty vigorously. Sanjeev was hugging me
from the back tightly and his hands forced my hands to go up and encircle Rajkamal’s neck so that the sides of my
boobs remained unprotected and he made the most of it.

Guru-ji: Arre Beta Rajkamal, kiss your wife! You have every right to taste her lips being her new husband… Ha ha

I was myself dazed at my performance with two males! Rajkamal as if was waiting for that instruction only and
quickly sneaked his tongue onto my soft lips and started tasting them. Then he took my lips into his and started
kissing me.

It was just too much! I was going mad – this was the third male who was kissing me in a span of just 20-25 minutes!
I myself failed to understand how was I tolerating all this! The situation was trending towards a point where
anyone could do anything with me in this yagya room!

While Rajkamal was kissing and biting my tender lips, I could feel his young lund was getting hard in excitement and
was now banging on my pussy door pushing my skirt. It was an impossibly c-r-a-z-y situation with two completely
naked males groping me heavily. Naturally my pussy was very wet as my body was getting the feel of two erect
dicks on my body!

Guru-ji: Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha!

By now everyone was aware that once Guru-ji utters the mantra there was one minute left of that session. I was
virtually sandwiched by the two males as they heard the warning bell and I repeated the mantra in my mind.
Me: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….. Uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii……… Oucccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhh…

I was emitting all sorts of vulgar sounds as Rajkamal and Sanjeev were piercing my youthful flesh. Without any
hesitation they were touching me at my intimate parts and four hands practically raped me in my standing posture
without actually fucking me! Sanjeev was the more desperate of the two and he pushed out his hands from below
my armpits and now inserted them straight into my bra! He could easily feel my naked globes clasped in my bra and
invaded them with great vigor. At one point it seemed to me that it was not my bra, which was holding my big
boobs, but it was his palms doing the job!

Me: Uiiiiiiiiiiiiii……….. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…….. Urreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee………

Rajkamal was not far behind as he licked, sucked, and bite my lips time and again while his free hands were roaming
on my body with his young erect dick was poking me very impolitely on my wet pussy.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! What a great performance Anita!

The two males left me and I was looking “horrible” as they left me. I could realize that my left boob was almost
completely out of my brassiere and exposed to everyone. My skirt at my back was also bunched up at the
waistband, which Sanjeev must have done while fucking my gaand with his lund all this time. Thus my whole round
gaand and my left breast was totally exposed to all the males present there. My entire body was aching so much
with sexual desires that I was reluctant to even cover me up properly! I had not lost all senses (I wondered how)
and hence tried to gather my composure back and pulled down my skirt and also pushed my left tit inside my bra.
But the most peculiar thing was I was continuously getting stimulated – not only by the touches of these males but
also due to my awareness of my exposure to multiple adults!

Guru-ji: Were you able to repeat the mantra Beti?

Quite a natural question, I thought!

Me: Ahhhh…. Ye… yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Good! That’s very important. Anyway, by now if you were in bed, your husband must have drilled your choot!
Ha ha ha...

Sanjeev: Guru-ji, any male finding Madam in this state could not have resisted but to fuck her. She is a sex bomb!
What do you all say?

Uday and Rajkamal chorused “Sure! Sure!”

A round of laughter followed that and honestly my head was spinning listening to such vulgar talks from the Godman
and his disciples.

Guru-ji: Anyway, jokes apart, Anita, I am sure you enjoyed that twosome affair thoroughly.

I had no control on what I was doing and I smiled shamelessly and nodded.

Guru-ji: Okay, now you have another new husband! Nirmal. Thank to God Beti that you don’t have so many husbands
in real life, otherwise in one week your choot would have become a canal…. Ha ha ha…

I was standing like a statue only, not even reacting. What was Guru-ji up to? After this, will he ask the whole
village to come and kiss me?!!?

Nirmal: But Guru-ji…

Guru-ji: Yes, I know Nirmal. Anita, I will have to make a special provision for your new husband for his short height.
He will use a stool to show his love to you.

Me: What?

I could not stop laughing now.

Guru-ji: Beti, unfortunately, he is not blessed with tallness and I request you to be a little sympathetic to him.

I smiled again forgetting my compromised state completely. It must have been some sight - a man climbing up a
stool to make love to me! Thankfully I missed the scene as my eyes were still tied.

Guru-ji: Rajkamal, you now to go Anita’s backside.

Suddenly I felt a new pair of hands on my body. That dwarf! Nirmal. That clumsy fool! He got the opportunity to
caress me! I felt his rough lips touching my lips straightway and he held me by my arms and his fingers immediately
started pressing my half-exposed mammaries! Nirmal took his time and slowly exerted pressure on my lips as he
began to suck them. Rajkamal was not idle of course! Immediately he lifted my skirt from my back and exposed my
ass cheeks and started tracing my ass crack with his lund! Simultaneously the rouge was cupping my ass cheeks with
both hands.

It seemed to me that I was breaking all records of randi-giri in this Puja-ghar! I was being kissed by the fourth
man in hardly half an hour’s time! Nirmal felt my firm tits with his hands while his tongue went deep inside my
mouth licking the insides of my whole mouth. He then moved his lips all over my face and went down to my neck and

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…….. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……… Oh! Orrrrreeeeeeee………I can’t take it… P-l-e-a-s-e!

Nirmal easily traced my nipples, which had already grown to their maximum resilient size, and he started twisting
them thoroughly from over the fabric of my brassiere. I was almost pushed to the brink and was so excited getting
further male touches that I held Rajkamal’s erect dick and tried to push it in my choot!

Guru-ji: Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha! Last few seconds…

I could barely repeat the mantra, as my head seemed to be just “blank”. Nirmal and Rajkamal used their free
willpower to invade my jawani and left not an inch of my almost naked body unexplored.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Fantastic Anita! She deserves a big round of applause from all of you for being so

I was warmly greeted by claps from Guru-ji’s four disciples.

Guru-ji: Beti, you have successfully completed the Mantra Daan and now I will complete the Yoni Puja. Rajkamal, do
me a favor, open her eyes now!

Me: Guru-ji… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh…. Please have mercy on me….

I was so desperate that I was virtually begging for a fuck now!

I felt a pair of hands opening my cloth strip from over my eyes. For a moment everything looked so blurred, but as
some time passed, I was able to see everything clearly. Automatically my eyelids dropped as my eyes met each of
Guru-ji’s disciples. I did not even know any of them just a week ago and today they all had kissed me and caressed
my most intimate body parts, which only a female can share to his husband.

As I was able to see everything loud and clear, I felt so very ashamed!

Momentarily the sexual urge in me got beaten by my rational senses, though it was pretty much short-lived. Briefly
I visualized the images of my home, my family, my husband, my neighborhood – all blinked up before my eyes. The
daily illustrations of myself giving tea to my father-in-law in veiled state, carrying out Puja with my mother-in-law,
decently covered up attire when I go to neighbor’s house, the love of Rajesh…. everything as if flashed upon my

And, when I see myself here in the Puja-ghar – I distrusted myself sensing the stunning contradiction that I have
undergone! I am standing in front of five males in an almost nude state – pantyless, choli-less and groped, kissed,
and caressed heavily by all of them! How could I allow this? Have I gone out of my head?

In spite of my initial very strong thoughts I was slowly overtaken by my stimulated physical condition. The sexual
urge within me (due to my drugged state, unknown to me) was slowly overshadowing all my positive thoughts.

I as if woke up by Guru-ji’s loud reverberating voice.

Guru-ji: Beti, don’t feel shy. Every woman who undergoes this Yoni Puja has to go through this. I have seen so many
married ladies shedding their last clothes themselves in sheer excitement during Mantra Daan. In fact, being a
young housewife, you have done much better than them!

I was still unable to meet eyes with any of the males present there including Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Beti, come near me. Let me complete your Yoni Puja!

Guru-ji was holding some flowers in his hands and now he started chanting mantras in Sanskrit as I stepped
forward to him. I was still standing on the white mattress while Guru-ji was sitting by the side of it. He now did
something very surprising! He took the platform on which the Linga replica was placed and indicated me to stand on

Me: I will stand… on that?!

Guru-ji: Yes Beti, as now you will be the goddess whom I will worship! That’s the norm of Yoni Puja and this is a
transformation phase from Mantra Daan to Yoni Puja.

Me: But… but…

I was thoroughly confused.

Guru-ji: Stand on it Beti. You will now take the place of Lord Linga. He is satisfied by your Mantra Daan

I was not able to think deep into it and followed Guru-ji’s command. I stepped on the wooden ornamented platform
where some moments ago Lord Linga was residing!
Guru-ji threw the flowers that he had in his hand on my feet. Then he took “kumkum” (=red liquid used to decorate
our feet) in his palm and mixed it with flowers from the tray.

Me: O-u-c-h!

I could not stop emitting that exclamation (though very mildly) because as I was standing on the pedestal, the
table fan that was running near my feet made my skirt fly up and exposed my choot and gaand very sexily. My
reaction was very natural and spontaneous and it was such an awkward situation that I had to virtually press my
skirt to my thighs so that it did not fly.

Guru-ji: Hold these flowers in your hand Beti till I finish the Puja.

Now I had to give both hands towards Guru-ji to take the flowers and immediately as I did that my miniskirt
started flying exposing my naked bottoms and pussy. It was indeed a sexy upskirt scene and everyone must have
been enjoying it. I took the flowers and kept my hands right away over my skirt, but Guru-ji’s next command proved
my efforts to be futile.

Guru-ji: Beti, hold the flowers in your hands in the form of prayer.

As I folded my arms for a prayer, the table fan made my miniskirt fly freely and my juicy choot was exposed right
in front of Guru-ji’s face.

Guru-ji: All of you sit down around the mattress and hum this mantra: Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche

O my God! If all four males sit on the mattress, they would be clearly able to see my big naked ass and pussy below
my flying skirt! I looked around anxiously, but could do not anything. I was cursing the table fan, but never realized
that it was pre-planned and placed there exactly to get this effect when the woman undergoing Yoni Puja stands on
the platform. I looked down for a moment to assess my condition and was shocked to note that since I was standing
at a height (though less that a foot from the mattress) on that platform, Guru-ji and his disciples were getting an
incredible view of my naked lower half of the body with my skirt fluttering very naughtily. I immediately closed my
eyes and was not looking down in utter shame, but could realize that I was again succumbing to my sexual urge,
which I somehow kept in check for some minutes with my mental strength.

Guru-ji also made me more inclined towards my urge, as he began to rub the kumkum on my naked legs and thighs.
His hands were freely moving on my naked plump thighs exploring the insides and the back too. I was clenching my
lips with my teeth and almost shaking in ecstasy. Guru-ji had lighted agarbattis in his other hand and was moving
them in a bunch in front of my choot as if worshipping it! This went on for a few minutes. I again started peaking as
his fingers and palms brushed my upper thighs now touching my choot!

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuu….. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Guru-ji was exploring my pussy area slowly feeling every bit of it while he was continuously chanting mantras
supplemented by his disciples’ humming “Om Eim Hrim Klim Chamundayei Vicche Namaha!”

Guru-ji: Beti, can you just part your legs a bit…. Yeah!…. Yeah! Fine.

Guru-ji checked the distance between my parted legs by inserting his fingers touching my asshole! I was trembling
in excitement and my juices were flowing off my choot. Guru-ji unmistakably could see that and I was starting to
go wild when he actually inserted his finger into my choot! Guru-ji’s finger was strong, rock steady, and long enough
to reach deep into my pussy hole. He was slowly moving his erect finger in my choot feeling my tight vaginal walls
and was pushing it more and more inside my juicy love spot. I was going crazy and was self pressing my tight
mammaries with my folded arms as I moaned aloud very shamelessly. I never ever had experienced this sort of a
long teasing in a standing posture and honestly Guru-ji had a magical finger – it remained straight, it was filling up
my choot very well, and its subtle circular motion inside took me out of this world.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaah… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh… Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

Guru-ji was increasing the frequency of his finger moving in and out of my choot. His finger naturally was filled
with my hot vaginal juices and I noticed his face was so close to my choot now that he can actually kiss it!

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu……… Oooooooooooooooo………. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…

I simply could not hold it any more (probably because of the prolonged groping by different men during Mantra
Daan) and started cumming. My whole body jerked and ached as my vaginal muscles cramped on Guru-ji’s inserted

Me: Oooohhhhhh….. Aaaaaaaahhhh… Eeeeeeeeiiiiii…. Uuuuuuuuhhhh…

I was splashing his finger with my juice and my legs getting wider and wider. My whole body bent in my standing
posture and the table-fan now virtually made my skirt nonexistent by making it fly to my waist! It must have been a
grand view for all of Guru-ji’s disciples and extremely teasing too! Guru-ji realizing that I have had an orgasm
slowly took out his finger from my vagina. I desperately wanted to lie down on the mattress and fortunately for me
that’s what the doctor ordered!

Guru-ji: Beti, you can lie down and relax. Sanjeev, give some more charanamrit. She must be thirsty!

Before I lied down on the mattress, I eagerly gulped down some more charanamrit, as I was feeling rather thirsty,
not knowing at all that it would only hasten up my sexual urge. Sanjeev came near me and held my skirt up with one
hand and wiped my thighs with a cloth, as they got sticky with my vaginal juices. He did it with such a casual
approach that I was stunned as I gasped for breath after the thorough finger fuck. I felt exactly like my little
childhood days when I was in junior school in Class I or II and have urinated in my school uniform and the fourth
class staff was cleaning me pulling up my skirt!

Sanjeev also wiped off drops of juices from my choot hairs! I was depicting the biggest ad for shamelessness
because here I was a full-bodied woman, married, 30+ and was lying on the mattress with my hairy choot completely

Guru-ji: Thanks Sanjeev.

Guru-ji gave me some time to recompose myself from the orgasm I had just now and then started again. Till such
time I lied on the mattress with my exposed pussy, my fully bare thighs and legs, my miniskirt twirling under my
round hips, and my boobs almost toppling off my strapless tiny brassiere. Guru-ji was performing some “archana”
while all his four disciples continuously gaped at my juicy jawani!

Guru-ji: Beti, are you in a condition to listen to me?

I was feeling much calm and relaxed now as my juices have flowed out.

Me: Ye… yes Guru-ji.

I replied from my supine position.

Guru-ji: Beti, do not allow the goal of your Yoni Puja to wipe off your head. That will help you to keep focussed. As
I said, you must enjoy the sexual torment that you gather in course of it. Okay?

Me: O… okay Guru-ji.

I meekly replied.

Guru-ji: Now I will guide you through the Yoni massage and Yoni Sugam, which are not only unique but also very
exciting. I think you will like it the most – this I am telling from my years of experience with married ladies
undergoing Yoni Puja. As I have seen previously that most ladies want to be fully naked during this time, but that’s
not a compulsory condition for this stage.

What’s left for me to be naked, I wondered! The whole of my lower body was bare and in fact the most private
region of any female, her choot, was exposed – what more did he want?

Guru-ji: The goal of Yoni massage is not orgasm Beti. Orgasm is often a pleasant and a very welcome side effect,
which most females desire also, but Beti the goal is to pleasure massage the Yoni for removing all hindrances in it.
Getting me?

I nodded from my lying posture.

Guru-ji: I hope the Yoni massage will build greater intimacy and trust among us and will surely expand your sexual
horizons Beti so that you would be in a better position to satisfy your husband on bed once you get back to home.

Again home? Oh No! Guru-ji again reminded me that I have a family life, which did not resemble in any way what I
was doing now. The way I was seductively resting on the mattress with a heavy dose of exposure in front of these
males would have been a total shock to any of my family members.

Me: Guru-ji… please… don’t remind me of my home… now…

Guru-ji: Oho. I can understand, but still you should not think negative about your present state, as this is only a
part of the Maha-yagya for which your mother-in-law herself agreed when she came over here. Isn’t it?

Me: Hmm… true, but…

Guru-ji: Anyway, lets forget that and concentrate on the massage.

Me: Better Guru-ji.

Guru-ji now became active with the procedure of Yoni Massage. He came near me and made me lie on my back on
the mattress with a couple of pillows under my head.

Guru-ji: Beti, I hope you would not mind if I remove your skirt now because as it is…

Yes, “as it is” it was exposed. My 30-year-old, matured, used, hairy choot was visible to all!

Me: Ummss… (I tried to say “yes”)

Guru-ji instantly opened my skirt button and threw it to a corner and made my lower half of the body fully

Guru-ji: Anita, can you see your choot from your position? That’s important in Yoni massage.

I looked down at my pussy and yes I was able to see the thick tuft of my choot hairs and my slit. I nodded.

Guru-ji: Good. Now Beti, just lift your gaand a bit. I will place this there for your comfort.

As I lifted my heavy buttocks off the mattress, Guru-ji placed a pillow covered with a towel there. Then he spread
my legs apart with the knees slightly bent (Guru-ji placed cushions under my knees ass well) and this whole action
readily made my genitals clearly exposed and evident in front of his face.

Guru-ji: Beti, if you allow I will sit between your legs.

I parted my legs more so that he could sit in between my legs. Guru-ji sat in a cross-legged fashion on a pillow.
Everything seemed to be planned and arranged so neatly!

Guru-ji: Actually Beti, you know, this is the best position as it will enable me to gain full access to your Yoni and
also to other parts of your body. Now I will start. Just close your eyes once and do a prayer to Linga Maharaj so
that your Yoni massage is successful and Yoni Sugam is smooth.

Before Guru-ji made body contact with me, I did the prayer with an anxious mind and a throbbing heart.

Guru-ji: Now take a deep breath. Pause. Release. And then take another. And, throughout this process you should
take deep breaths Anita, but do not hyperventilate. Okay?

I followed Guru-ji’s instruction and he himself was also demonstrating what he said to me. He gently started
massaging my naked legs, thighs, and abdomen as if in a preparation to touch my Yoni! Except for my tits, the whole
of my body was lying nude and my wheat-colored body was looking was as if glowing like molten gold in the light of
yagya fire. I had closed my eyes and enjoying his touch on my body and I could clearly feel an additional urge from
within myself to get more physical with Guru-ji!

Guru-ji: Uday, hand me over the oil.

Guru-ji now poured a small quantity of the oil on the mound of my Yoni. It was just enough to drip down the outer
lips and the oil quickly covered the outside of my pussy. Guru-ji now started to gently massage the mound and outer
lips of my Yoni. Instantly I was feeling rays of shocks traveling all over my body. No one ever had massaged my
pussy like this before. Yes, I did receive brief periods of pussy massages from my husband during foreplay on
different days when we met on bed, but those were very short-lived as he was always more eager to dig his pole in
my hole rather than devote time to this. Naturally.

Guru-ji was very slow but emphatic and he was digging out the real woman out of me! I already started to moan and
moan quite loudly! His strong fingers played with my pussy and I really enjoyed that to the brim. Guru-ji was
tenderly squeezing the outer lips of my pussy between his thumb and index finger and was sliding up and down the
entire length of each lip.

Me: Orreeeeeeeeeeee… Oooooooooooooooooo….

It was so, so enjoyable that I felt it was better than a long boob squeeze even! Now Guru-ji repeated the same for
the inner lips of my vagina. I was getting so thoroughly excited that automatically my left hand got folded and
moved over my firm boobs. I moved the fabric of my bra so that I could get skin touch my nipples and started
twisting them. I momentarily forgot that there were other four males present in room watching me and was doing
this self-stimulation act blatantly in front of all!

Guru-ji was proceeding further! He was now softly stroking my clitoris with clockwise and counter-clockwise circles
and squeezing it between his thumb and index fingers and of course I was very much aroused.

Me: Oooooooooooo………Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu…. Issssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhh…

Guru-ji: Beti, try to take deep breaths and relax as much as possible.

Me: R-el-a-x! Guru-ji… Oooooooooooo…. Immediately I need a good….

Guru-ji: Okay, okay… don’t talk much… just enjoy.

Guru-ji now slowly inserted his right hand middle finger into my pussy, which was already dripping with my hot
juices. He started exploring and massaging the insides of my vagina with his finger. I lifted my hips more and more
in pleasure and was making loud moans. Guru-ji was remarkably slow and was very gentle as he felt the insides of my
pussy - up, down, and sideways. I wondered how could he say “relax” as he was fingering my choot – which was
rather thirsty now as coming to the ashram I was aroused a number of times without being fucked and this time I
was more than desperate. In fact my condition was so hopeless that I was ready to lie down with any of the males
in the room if Guru-ji continued to act the Godman!

With Guru-ji’s palm facing up and the middle finger inside my Yoni, he started moving his middle finger in a "come
here" gesture and honestly that made me go wild with excitement.

Me: Orrrrrrrrreeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiii……… Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…… Uuuuuuuuuuu…… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…..

Guru-ji: Shout Beti… Shout and enjoy… I am actually touching your G-spot now! According to Tanta, this is the most
sacred spot! Aaaaaaahhhh….

For the first time Guru-ji also seemed pretty excited! He was constantly varying the pressure, speed, and pattern
of his finger movement. Guru-ji waited for a while at that posture as I continued to enjoy his touch beyond my
pubic bone.

Guru-ji: Beti, since your choot is pretty much used…

Me: What? Used?

Guru-ji: I mean Beti your husband has fucked you so many times after your marriage… actually I wanted to use the
word “used” in that context… Ha ha ha… Got it?

Me: Oh….

Guru-ji: So, I want to try the double-fold massage. I will insert a second finger in your Yoni. If you feel pain, do let
me know immediately. Okay Beti?

Me: W-h-at? My God! O… okay Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Don’t worry Beti. Your vaginal path is quite broad like any married woman who is used to regular fucks. He
He he…
Guru-ji slowly inserted his finger that's between his middle finger and pinky finger. It was an awesome feeling! Two
fingers exploring my choot did not hurt me at all, but now my vaginal path felt so full that the feeling was of a
thick tight cock inside my choot!

Me: W-o-w! G-r-e-a-t! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

I was certainly enjoying thoroughly and was now openly shaking my hips as if I was actually fucked. This action
bowled me over and the increased stimulation I was getting from two fingers was just i-n-c-r-e-d-I-b-l-e!

Now Guru-ji did something, which actually opened all gates for me, and I totally surrendered to him. The little veil
that was there among all these lewd acts swept off like a dry leaf in the storm. Guru-ji casually, without even
informing me, slowly pushed his pinky finger of his right hand into my ass hole! My initial reaction was I simply was
tongue-tied. Guru-ji’s right hand was doing wonders - two fingers of that hand were in my choot while the pinky
finger of the same hand was in my gaand hole!

I sprang up in excitement and was heavily gyrating my big gaand with shouts of loud grunts as I advanced towards a
wild orgasm. I enjoyed this double-finger fuck for a couple of minutes more and honestly, by then I was eagerly
wishing to have Guru-ji’s whole body on mine and not just his fingers inside my cunt! I wanted to be pressed,
crushed, squeezed, and loved by him. Guru-ji was “antaryami”! He slowly pulled out his fingers from my cunt hole
and wiped it on my naked marble-like thighs. I was writhing in ecstasy and naturally was longing for more. I was
anxiously holding back my juices for a hotter climax.

Guru-ji: Beti, your Yoni massage is complete and I must complement you for the tightness you have in your choot!

I smiled again but continuously shuffled on the mattress among the pillows with my nakedness very much evident to
everybody since I was feeling rather uncomfortable in this highly stimulated state (both drug effect and Guru-ji’s

Guru-ji: No… actually I mentioned that more because you are married for 3 years plus, but still your vaginal path is
pretty tight Beti. And in fact I can say that confidently as I do this finger exercise in every Yoni Puja. In most
cases due to excessive use by their husband, the vaginas of most married women are pretty “loose”. From that
angle, your husband is a lucky chap! Ha ha ha…

I again smiled in return and surely looked like a classy randi lying naked (except for my boobs) on the white
mattress in front of my “customers”.

Me: Guru-ji… please. I … I cannot remain… I mean Guru-ji I cannot remain like this any longer… Ahhhh…

I could not stop myself, but to plead Guru-ji shamelessly, such was my condition.

Guru-ji: Yes Beti, I will quench your thirst!

For the first time in my whole ashram treatment process Guru-ji gave me a positive signal towards intimacy! He
slowly toddled towards me as I was lying on the mattress among the pillows and just then the whole room was
illuminated by powerful lights. Uday actually switched on the all lights and to my surprise the lights were not like
the ones that we use in our rooms, but resembled like bulbs I saw in a photo studio. I naturally coiled up a bit as I
was aware of my nakedness.

Me: Why… Why so much light Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Beti, its only a part of the Maha-yagya where Linga Maharaj actually sees your Yoni Sugam process. Don’t
bother about those and concentrate on the pleasure that you are extracting.

Saying that he playfully touched my belly button while his body was nearly fully over me. I was certainly not in a
condition to think deep on any subject because my mind was only focussed on more physical pleasures! If I were a
little conscious I could have easily understood that so much illumination in a room is only needed for photography
and from that point of time everything I did was filmed on tape! My whole affair with Guru-ji on the mattress in
front of four other males was fully recorded!

Guru-ji was instantly up to his task! He directly caught the top of my brassiere and pulled it up to reveal my full-
sized matured breasts. Honestly I felt very comfortable as he freed my flesh off my bra. My mammaries naturally
had become very taut and firm during the course of Yoni Massage. Guru-ji ran his palms very lightly over my
exposed tits and I just shuddered in implausible pleasure. He took his face near my boobs and looked at them
closely while slowly cupping each and feeling the warmth and firmness. He could feel the hard nipples jutting out of
my boob surface on his palms, which signified that I was tremendously aroused.

Me: Ahhhhhhhhh… Please…. Do something…., Guru-ji…. Don’t tease any more…..

I was unable to control myself and hugged him in a half-lying state. I sensed his hands moved towards my back and
unhooked my bra.

I was completely naked now. What a relief! That was my initial reaction when Guru-ji threw my bra towards his
disciples. There was a big round of clap. My 30-year-old wheat-colored gorgeous breasts were fully exposed now to
everyone. Guru-ji avoided my hug and looked at my naked breasts intently.

Guru-ji: Anita, you have lovely breasts. They are so dense and fleshy…

He was checking my boobs with his hands and commenting.

Guru-ji: Yet so very firm and tight! Anyone would be inclined to think that your husband does not milk you properly!
He he he… Really! Even after three years of marriage such tightness…. Unbelievable!

Guru-ji rolled his hands on my naked mangoes and often twisting my large, darkish nipples, which were protruding
out of my tits very evidently. He continued cupping and fondling my breasts very slowly and I was finding it very
difficult to control myself. I tried to hug him tight and my lips were licking and biting Guru-ji’s very broad
shoulders. I noticed immediately Guru-ji bent down over my tits and took one of my nipples into his mouth and
started sucking upon it.

Me: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…. Ooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiii….

I was as if taken to seventh heaven the way Guru-ji was sucking my swollen nipple. He was not only sucking the
nipple as my husband would normally do on bed when he fucks me, but in fact Guru-ji took the whole of the areola
of my right breast in his mouth and was sucking that while his tongue was playing with my nipple inside his mouth! It
was just a superlative sexual feeling! My pussy had naturally started to ooze out juices and my whole body was
squirming in extreme excitement.

Guru-ji took each of my naked breasts in turn in his mouth and sucked them adequately before making me lie fully
on my back on the mattress and placed him right over my jawani.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, take away my dhoti.

I saw Sanjeev came from behind and unwrapped Guru-ji’s dhoti from his waist making him fully “nanga”.
The most striking part was that by now all the males present in room were all completely naked! The four disciples
of Guru-ji were standing with their hanging wonders and Guru-ji was poking his into my choot hairs!

The scene was just too awesome and obviously very much frightening for any matured lady with so many naked
males around.

Guru-ji now craftily slowed down the process as he started straightening my hairs on my head and kept his palm
lovingly on my forehead. My eyes automatically closed as he stroked my forehead. My big firm breasts were getting
squashed on his broad chest as his full body weight was more or less on me.

Guru-ji: Beti… close your eyes and relax. You must learn how to lengthen your orgasm.

Me: Guru-ji, I can’t… I am…. I am so much excited… Please do….. do it quickly….

I whispered back shamelessly.

Guru-ji: Take my tip. Hold back your breath for some moments and it will definitely help you lessen your intense
excitement - that way you can easily satisfy a male for a longer period of time!

I obeyed Guru-ji’s instruction and held my breath back a couple of times and it really helped! Amazing!

Me: It works Guru-ji! It works!

I reacted like a child!

Guru-ji: I know Beti. It has to work! I have dealt with so many women throughout these years. Ha ha ha…

As my excitement lessened a bit, the normal things started to bug me. The high illumination in the room seemed to
reveal even my skin pores!

Me: Guru-ji, the lights… it’s so bright…

Guru-ji: Anita, I told you a tip to lengthen your orgasm, bit did not ask you to defocus! Why are you focussing on
lights? Though I can understand… Nangi ho na is liye! (=as you are naked that’s why)

I blushed and smiled shyly acknowledging what he was saying was accurate. Guru-ji now turned me to one side and
began cupping my large ass cheeks with his right hand.
Guru-ji: Hmm. Very nice! Very firm!

It exactly seemed as if he was testing vegetables at the market and commenting before buying as he groped and
inspected my gaand. I was again getting too much excited as he began rubbing his swollen cock on her fleshy
bottoms. I tried to lay still allowing Guru-ji to fondle my tender body as per his wish. He also parted my ass cheeks
and tried to figure out the depth of my ass crack and there were words of encouragement from his disciples as he
did that! I noticed that Uday, Sanjeev, Rajkamal, and Nirmal were now on the mattress and very close to us.

It appeared to me as if I was making love in public! Had I not been drugged, I surely could not have gone to this
limit of shamelessness. I was compromised to such a state now that even if one by one fucks me now I could not
object to that! Thankfully I was drugged and hence was not able to think deep and rational.

I kept my eyes closed as Guru-ji was making his advances very emphatically and I started to part my thighs more
and more!

Guru-ji: Kya gaand payi hai Sali! (=What a pair of buttocks this bitch has!)

Guru-ji’s hands dropped down now rubbing and feeling the smoothness of my silky thighs and legs. Guru-ji started
kissing and massaging my very well formed fair thighs. Guru-ji now again turned me supine and started kneading the
fleshy mound of my thick hairy choot.

Guru-ji: Anita, you know, very few women whom I have fucked all these years has this sort of a hairy choot. In fact
I do not like clean shaved choot, but that’s probably because most of the time I get the opportunity to fuck
conservative housewives only. Ha ha ha…

I was only groaning and shuffling in excitement in utter sexual thirst not realizing the mask of Guru-ji was slowly
falling through the crack as he preparing to screw me hard.

Guru-ji ran his fingers all along my slit manipulating my labial swelling and teasing my clitoris.

Me: Uuuuiiiiiiiiiiii…… Oooooooooorrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee……. Maaaaaaaaaaaaa…….. Oooooooooooooooooo……….


That’s all I was left with and Guru-ji along with his disciples was thoroughly enjoying my extremely stimulated
state. I just went on widening my thighs and offered my choot fully for his access, and that too very willingly!

Guru-ji: Anita, let me see whether you are fully ready for the climax or not. Folks, lets see how much Anita is eager
to have my lund!

Guru-ji addressed the last few words for his disciples and immediately pushed his middle finger very strongly into
the slushiness of my vagina.

Me: Ooooooooooooooooooooo……… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………

I was simply on cloud nine! O! What a feeling! I never got such a tease from Rajesh!

I very eagerly lifted my large buttocks and accommodated Guru-ji’s finger better in my choot reflecting my
eagerness and fervor - very, very shamelessly. And immediately there was a round of applause by clapping from
Uday, Sanjeev, Rajkamal, and Nirmal.

A literal dumfounded ambiance! I continued to act immorally in my delirium.

Guru-ji now smelled my choot like a street dog! I could feel his hot breath of my choot and adjacent areas and soon
he just started rubbing his face on my thick tuft of pubic hairs.

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii… ………………

I was left in the seventh heaven as I felt Guru-ji’s pointed nose on my choot, choot hairs, and my “lips”. When the
tip of his tongue probed into my engorged vaginal lips, a shiver of extreme pleasure ran down the length of my
body. I was discharging and was surely peaking for a huge orgasm as I tossed my head on the pillow from side to
side, moaning and groaning, and gyrating my fleshy buttocks rhythmically.

Guru-ji: Beti, I will do the Yoni Sugam check now. Jai Linga Maharaj!
Guru-ji told in a hoarse voice and quickly spread my naked thighs wide apart and also pushed up both my knees to
touch on either of my shoulders. I could well realized I was getting positioned for the fuck and honestly I needed
that badly. My whole body was aching like anything. Guru-ji placed a pillow below my hips and pushed up my hairy
choot on top. I looked round to note that four pair of thirsty eyes were gaping at my spread out pussy. I must be
looking utterly vulgar and cheap lying like that on the mattress, but yet so exciting for those males!

Guru-ji did not waste a second and placed his enormous throbbing cock at my vaginal opening and began to push the
cock-head into my hole. I was so, so excited in anticipation to have that large, thick, nourished cock in my pussy
that I just kissed Guru-ji on his cheek.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Sssssssssssssssssssssss………

I cried out in ecstasy as he slowly pushed his erect monstrous dick into my choot. This was the first time I was
getting fucked by another man apart from my husband! It was a “paap” I knew, but neither my mind nor my body
was in a position to debate on that. I eagerly lifted my hips to accommodate more and more of that enormous meat.
As Guru-ji’s cock began to gradually slide into my choot, the upper part of his body came over my bare jiggling tits
and his face was right over mine. His lips slowly came down on me and whispering “Jai Linga Maharaj” in my ears he
started kissing me. His warm thick lips took control of my lips and he started sucking the honey out of my full lips.

It was indeed different! The whole feeling – having the Godman on my body, his calm and composed lovemaking, his
thick warm lips, his strong shoulders, his stout legs, and of course his monstrous cock. The feeling was so “full”,
which actually every woman desires for!

Guru-ji was stroking slowly at the beginning while he continued to kiss my lips and his whole body was balanced on
his right hand as his left arm started pressing and squeezing my firm boobs. There was no big rush (unlike my
husband) and the pleasure was so long lasting!

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Moooooooorrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee! G-u-r-u-j-i…. Mooooooorrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee…….

Guru-ji was enjoying my fully blossomed jawani spread on the mattress with deep long strokes. I was as if melting
under his body. I was very evidently and shamelessly thrusting my hips to have the whole of his thick meat inside
my cunt. Honestly I was feeling a very much “filled up” sensation inside my choot. My walls were stretched to
maximum to accommodate Guru-ji’s thick erect lund. I was in fact raising my buttocks voluntarily and fucking
myself back and could realize his cock inching inside my wet choot!

Guru-ji: How are you feeling Anita? You must enjoy fully and do not think that you are ditching your husband in any

Me: Ummmmmmmmmmm…. G-r-e-a-t f-e-e-l-i-n-g G-u-r-u-j-i…

Guru-ji: Just enjoy… Jai Linga Maharaj! Jai Linga Maharaj!

Saying that Guru-ji pushed apart my thighs still further so that my legs were pushed up over my head! Guru-ji kept
thrusting his lund into my tight choot with speed and force. I was heaving up and down on the mattress as my choot
received his forceful thrusts. I was naturally sweating heavily as Guru-ji continued to pump his cock furiously (now)
into my hairy cunt.

Guru-ji: Anita, what a choot you have dear! So tight! Wow!

My body was being thrown up and down with his thrusts I was loudly moaning and biting my own lips hard. I was
surely getting to the discharge of my orgasm. Seeing that Guru-ji now started slamming his cock with full force and
vigor into my choot.

Me: Ooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiii……… Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh……..

Guru-ji slammed into me still more deeply and I could feel the whole cock inside my choot. Apparently I had a doubt
at the back of my mind that whether I could take Guru-ji’s monstrous lund fully in my choot, but I was surprised
and overjoyed that I could take that fully into my pussy without much difficulty!

Now I wrapped my arms and thighs tight around him and I started to fuck my vagina upwards onto Guru-ji’s penis,
with such force and pressure. I knew I could not hold it any more as I was heavily cumming. My whole body jerked
as my vaginal muscles gripped Guru-ji’s penis and I had a wide burst of my orgasm.

Me: Oooooooooooooooooo…………. Mmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……….. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu………… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………


I moaned deeply and very, very loudly as my vagina began to release my juices in full force. My nails dug deep into
Guru-ji’s back and my thighs wrapped tighter and tighter around his torso. My orgasm lasted for more than a
minute and I kept moaning throughout. And finally I collapsed breathless dead tired.

Guru-ji: Beti, now it’s my turn to fill your barrel.

Guru-ji now was drilling me with much force tasting my womanhood fully with his strong and enormous manhood and
my vaginal muscles gripped his cock and started pressing it to deliver the semen. The rhythmic thrusting by Guru-ji
was making my big boobs jiggle continuously and I surely felt as if in heaven. Guru-ji was indeed a special male as I
was pretty sure that no normal male could hold back his fluid even after drilling his cock for so long in my tight
choot, but Guru-ji was extraordinary. Unlike my husband, whose longivity is at most 2-3 minutes in my choot (once
we both are totally charged up), Guru-ji dragged this beatutiful experience to almost 10 minutes and still he was
prepared to milk me more! He was still grinding my slippery choot with his erect tool at the same pace at which he
started, yet not ejaculated for once!

But finally Guru-ji let his own orgasm burst and he slammed his cock deep into mine making me feel seventh heaven.
I was shouting in excitement as I felt my choot was getting filled with his ejaculation. Unlike my husband, the
unloading of his semen was also unique as it was a long process (my husband is just eager to offload his load into my
hole and then starts snoring!) and the thrust at which Guru-ji’s cum was hitting my vaginal walls was just making me
drool like anything. My whole body shivered and I wrapped my arms very tight around Guru-ji and hugged him.

Guru-ji: (whispered in my ears): Beti, are you happy now?

Me: Ummmmmmmmm…….

I could not react anything more.

Guru-ji: My seeds will help you get pregnant Anita. Don’t worry!

My eyes got closed in satisfaction and exhaustion.

Guru-ji: Anita, you are just wonderful. Even after marriage you are very tight and sexy. Your husband should roam
like a dog around you all day. What a fantastic choot you have! Ah! I was very much satisfied after a gap. It sucked
out my cock like a vacuum cleaner. Ha ha ha…
I smiled as I was listening to him with eyes closed. I was feeling so very relieved as I was feeling unrest within me
(due to the drug effect from the charanamrit).

I was still relishing the effects of the grand fuck by Guru-ji and was wondering when was I last so must satisfied
after an intercourse? Hardly there were days in my married life that I extracted so much “prolonged” stimulation
and thrill from having sex. I thanked Guru-ji in my mind for giving me that pleasure. I still had not recovered fully
from my “slurry” state and was lying absolutely naked on the white mattress in front of Guru-ji and his four
disciples with my eyes closed.

Guru-ji: Beti, was this the first time getting fucked by a second person other than your husband?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Okay… which means you do religiously stick to the social norms. You know Beti, most married women who
come here for Yoni Puja revealed to me that they had copulated once or twice with another male apart from their
husbands. But Beti, do not hold an ill notion about them because actually most of them did that when they were
utterly frustrated not getting a child may be 5-7 years after marriage.

Me: Hmm… okay… understandable.

I was replying to Guru-ji with my eyes closed. It felt so good to lie like that on the mattress in Guru-ji’s strong

Guru-ji: And from my vast experience I have seen that it does work in cases where the husband’s sperm are weak
and mostly non-motile. It does work in cases where a matured 35-year-old woman gets a fuck within her fertile
period by a younger male and also vice versa as in your case. I am pretty sure the way you have undergone all the
Puja and treatment, you will surely reap the benefit.

Me: I must… Guru-ji… I will die if I do not….

Guru-ji: I know Beti and since you have been so well behaved and committed in the ashram that I am very glad… and
I will ensure your gift… I mean pregnancy.

I opened my eyes, smiled and nodded to express my gratitude. Guru-ji also in return and smiled at me and then
gently brought down his face on me and kissed my lips. My lips had tasted so much of male saliva by this time that I
almost forgot how my saliva tastes! Guru-ji’s thick lips sucked whatever juice was remaining in my lips, though there
was hardly any due to the invasion by so many males in such a short time!

Guru-ji: You know Beti, most of the women who came to me for Maha-yagya got pregnant after getting back home
and surely you would be no exception. Yes, I need to check for certain other things later and I feel you won’t mind

Me: Of course not Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Okay. Now that Mantra Daan, the Puja, Yoni Massage and Yoni Sugam are complete and with satisfactory
results, we will wrap up with the Jan Darshan. Take a little rest and then we will do that. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Guru-ji alighted from the mattress kissing me on my forehead, as I lay there on the mattress in bright yellow light
in front of his disciples.

Guru-ji: Sanjeev give her the medication and Beti you just relax while I will be back in five minutes.
Sanjeev handed me a cup in which he had poured a green colored medicine.

The taste of the fluid was great and as it passed through my throat it gave me a very satisfying feeling along with
a cool effect. Since I was still not 100% out of the effect of that drug (mixed in charanamrit) as well as the very
impressive fucking that I just enjoyed with Guru-ji, I preferred to close my eyes and rest for a while on the
mattress. Honestly I was eagerly recapping Guru-ji’s wonderful calm and lengthy style of fucking.

Sanjeev: Lets move to this side so that Madam doesn’t feel disturbed.

I could sense without opening my eyes that Sanjeev and others moved towards the door of the puja-ghar. I was
feeling sleepy though was quite conscious. I was still stark naked – my choot, thighs, belly, navel, tits everything
was exposed in the bright light of the room. It’s not that I was not aware of that, but the effect of Guru-ji’s fuck
was so mesmerizing that I forgot about my nakedness and preferred to rest and revisit the enjoyable moments.

Sanjeev, Uday, Nirmal, and Rajkamal were gossiping amongst themselves in a low tone and all parts of their
conversation was not reaching me also. In fact initially I did not pay any attention to what they were saying, but as
I heard some phrases, I automatically got inclined to listen to them.

Nirmal: What do you think? This Madam looks so beautiful, how can she have a problem?

Sanjeev: It’s not Madam who has the problem probably. Her husband seems to be having problems with his ability.

Uday: Surely, she has the tightness of a teenager!

Sanjeev: Kya re! Which teenager did u taste my dear in recent times?

Uday: Ha ha… No, I am just saying… true! It’s been so long that I have not fucked a sweet sixteen!

Sanjeev: See his desire! Sala… Sweet sixteen! Dhoondte reh jaoge!

Rajkamal: Why? Have you all forgotten Asha?

Sanjeev: Oh! How can I forget her! Kya maal thi yaar! Alas! None of us could fuck her!

Rajkamal: True! But I still visualize her small hairy choot and tight apples and masturbate.

Nirmal: I wish Asha comes here in the future for any problem… He he…

Uday: Still! We should be happy that we were able to see that sexy maal fully naked.

Rajkamal: Uuuuuh! Kya doodh thi!

Uday: Pio glass full! Ha ha ha…

Rajkamal: I wish I could fuck her and definitely she would prefer me due to my age.

Sanjeev: Huh! Drink your age and be happy! Sala!

Nirmal: But friends, this Madam is also very attractive considering she is matured and married too.
Sanjeev: Uh! Yes, that I admit! Even after so many fucks, I am amazed to see the tightness of Sali’s tits!

Nirmal: Uuuuh! Yes, she has rubber-tight breasts did you notice her nipples! Uhh… Always in attention pose! Ha ha

Sanjeev: If I were her husband, I would have sucked them all night!

Rajkamal: With your height, you can only daydream of that Nimal bhaiya!

Ha ha ha… There was a roar of laughter.

Nirmal: Shut up! Why? Did Priya Madam not told in front of everyone that she loved me…

Sanjeev: Nati Priay’s love for…

Nirmal: Don’t call her “nati”!

Ha ha ha… Again there was a roar of laughter.

Uday: But yaar Sanjeev, whatever you say, Priya Madam gave our Nirmal a lot of indulgence.

Sanjeev: Indulgence! This motherchod took bath one day with her!

Uday: Sala! Have you forgotten her husband! A pure Undertaker! If he knows that our Nirmal washed his biwi’s
peeth while bathing…

Rajkamal: He will simply swallow our Nirmal bhaiya! Ha ha ha..

Nirmal: Chop salo! That’s my credit to enter with her in the toilet!

Sanjeev: Credit! U-u-h! Seems he has forgotten the slap of that bitch… what… what was her name…?

Rajkamal: Sandhya Madam! Sandhya Madam!

Sanjeev: Yes, yes. Why? Mr. Nirmal? Have you forgotten that?

Nirmal: Huh! That was just an accident.

Rajkamal: Oho! Accident! I still remember it. The setting was almost like this. Guru-ji had just completed fucking
that bitch. Then there was some problem and so the Jan Darshan was scheduled next day. We all bid her good
night, but this chodu…

Uday: Hey… wait naa… E Nirmal, tell us once more … what happened that day.

Nirmal: Huh! But that was not my fault…

Sanjeev: Okay, okay, it was not your fault. But come again.

Nirmal: You all were waiting for me when I went inside her room. Right? When I entered there I saw Sandhya
Madam was standing in front of the mirror. I thought she was combing her hair, but soon found that she was
checking something in her choot by lifting her petticoat in front of the mirror. As she saw me she dropped her
petticoat and turned towards me. As I conversed that bitch was constantly scratching her choot openly in front of
me. I thought she was giving me a signal. She asked me to make the bed and as I was doing that she went to the
toilet. I noticed she left the toilet door half-open and as I peeped in I saw she was again inspecting her choot
lifting her petticoat. I could not resist myself and went inside the toilet….

Sanjeev: And then we all heard the intensity of that slap!

Ha ha ha… Again, there was a roar of laughter.

Rajkamal: But whatever you say, this Madam is quite special. She possesses such a tight figure that will spin any

Nirmal: O yes, this Madam is very special! Oh! What a large sexy gaand she has!

Sanjeev: Haa yaar! She is a bomb! We all must attempt to fuck her once.

Rajkamal: Hey… slowly… she might hear us.

Nirmal: Yes, yes. Softly… softly.

All the good feelings that I was having during and after the fuck was gradually evaporating listening to these talks
of Guru-ji’s disciples! It seemed that they had no respect for any female! Unfortunately, Guru-ji was still not back
and there was more left for me to hear!

Sanjeev: This bitch reminds me of Chithra Madam!

Uday: Oh! Sanjeev! You hit the bulls’ eye!

Rajkamal: Yes, yes. She should get the best bitch of the ashram award!

Nirmal: But honestly yaar, would anyone like to have such a wife?

Uday: No way!

Sanjeev: Whenever you go to her room you will always find that randi in her knickers. I doubt even at home she
hardly dresses up properly. All neighborhood boys and uncles must have fucked her once! Ha ha ha…

Rajkamal: Arre on a couple of days I even caught her with a cucumber in her hand when she opened the door!

Uday: But boss, she satisfied us all.

Sanjeev: O yes, o yes! After her Yoni Puja she was free for all.

Uday: Sali… took two males a day! What a bitch!

Uday: Yes, after lunch Rajkamal shared her bed and after dinner Sanjeev, it was your turn. And next day after
lunch it was me and after dinner it the turn of this chodu!

Nirmal: She was 35 or 36! Was it?

Sanjeev: Yes, matured and very much experienced. Her figure though was a bit flabby!
Nirmal: How can it remain tight if she is so hungry!

Uday: But still she was childless!

Rajkamal: And do you remember when his husband came to take her, he was thanking us like anything!

Sanjeev: Ha ha ha… He did not even know his wife was acting Draupadi here.

The roar of laughter was now giving me goosebump all over my body, not out of enjoyment, but out of fear!

Sanjeev: But I will always repent for Preeti… that Marwari housewife.

Uday: Yes, I always wonder how you missed her! She was so close to you!

Sanjeev: Yes yaar! From the very beginning as this Anita is fond of you, Preeti was also fond of me. But I could not

Rajkamal: You should take lessons from Uday Bhaiya! See, he has already pinned this Madam except for a fuck in
her choot, which I guess would be a cakewalk for him considering the fuck Madam got today…

Ha ha ha… There was again a big roar of laughter and a cold wave was as if trickled down my spine. Uday - he also
treated me just like a mere sex object and nothing else!

Uday: Sure friends! I promise to fuck hard this super sexy bitch after the yagya. Guru-ji was saying her choot is
still very tight… Her husband must be a big chodu! Sala…

Sanjeev: I hope this Anita does not turn out to be another Priya! Somehow she was not ready to compromise again!
Arre.. after she was fucked by Guru-ji, the very next day I took her to the nearby Ramshila hillock for a walk. The
place remains desolate and I thought it would be a safe place to fuck her there.

Uday: But there was some inspection going on…

Sanjeev: Right! Sala… They did not have any other day to do their measurements. As we sat there and I was trying
my best to heat her up, those men showed up to do some measurements there for a factory!

Uday: Ahaaaaaaaa…. So sad!

Sanjeev: You bastard! I wish you also get into a similar situation with this Anita!

Nirmal: Okay, okay, carry on!

Sanjeev: After failing at Ramshila, I thought immediately after lunch I would take my chance, but… You know these
villagers… From 02:00 p.m. this fucking lot would start flocking around the ashram for Guru-ji’s darshan. The time
was so short that I was not able to convince her for the fuck, but indeed she was a tough nut boss!

Uday: You missed the bus and that’s history now!

Sanjeev: Priya was different yaar! You won’t believe that at one time I had opened all the hooks of her blouse and
my hand was inside her brassiere, but still she was mentally strong enough to refuse me for the fuck! Just imagine!
And somehow I could not exert force on her…
Rajkamal: Oye! How can a woman refuse to lie down after she allowed you to open her blouse!

Sanjeev: Huh! These housewives… They are great nakhrewalis Raj!

Sanjeev: Pseudo-conservativeness! In front of Guru-ji they can do anything in the name of Puja, but with us in the
leisure they will come up with reservations in the name of social norms, morality, cheating, etc.

True! True! They all chorused.

Nirmal: Whatever friends! It’s a great pleasure to see these shy housewives getting shameless coming here to the

Uday: A few years back the setting was more open and we surely used to extract more pleasure, isn’t it Nirmal!

Nirmal: O yes! Raj missed that!

Rajkamal: Yes I know, but I am satisfied with what I am getting now.

Uday: Still Beta. Previously any woman coming for Maha-yagya had to be naked throughout… Ahhaa…

Sanjeev: Abbe… not only that! Tell something about the bathing! Raj will bounce his head on the wall.

Uday: O yes! Raj previously any woman who underwent Maha-yagya had to bathe in a small artificial pond in the
ashram. The depth of the tub was such that if anyone does not basic swimming rules would not be able to float

Nirmal: Though most women coming from the rural side knew swimming – still seeing a naked woman swim is some

Sanjeev: Not only that… there were few housewives who came from the towns and did not know swimming and we
used to teach them swimming. Ha ha ha…

Nirmal: Yes, yes… And I instantly remember one and only Alka Madam?

Uday: Oho! That Madam who complained to Guru-ji that Nirmal was holding her breasts during swim classes and
that she could not concentrate on learning! Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha… There was a roar of laughter again. I was wondering where had I come! Ashram or Harem!

Rajkamal: Then what happened?

Sanjeev: Alka Madam’s swim teacher was changed Uday Saab was appointed!

Nirmal: He he… His first prescription was Alka Madam’s sari.

Rajkamal: Meaning?

Uday: Abe she was a hot maal, but she pretended not to reveal that. On the first day while showing her how to
remain floated, I abundantly pressed and squeezed her tits over her blouse and I could make out of her face that
she was enjoying. At the end of that day I asked her that next day she needs to go inside water without her sari to
reduce weight.

Sanjeev: And our Uday Saab completed the swimming class when Alka Madam went inside water in her blouse and
petticoat, but got out after the swimming class in her bra only!

Rajkamal: Only bra! My goodness! Uday bhai! Jai ho!

Uday: Ha ha ha… Actually Alka Madam did not use to wear anything under her petticoat and moreover during those
days wearing a panty was not in vogue that much among married women.

Nirmal: Ei ei ei… Sssh… Sssssssssshhhh…. Guru-ji is coming back.

Though I was not fully in my senses by still listening to all these from Guru-ji’s disciples I was quite shocked and
startled. It seemed they have no respect for any female and considers all housewives who come in the ashram for
treatment as “cheap”! I had developed a lot of affection for Uday, but listening to the chat he was having with
others, I felt so distressed!

I could hear footsteps of Guru-ji and opened my eyes. The strangest thing however was whenever Guru-ji came into
view every thread of my thinking got jumbled and then whatever HE said seemed to be the right path – such was
the magic of his presence!

Guru-ji: Sanjeev, give Anita a towel to cover herself.

Sanjeev came up with a towel, which could cover only one part of my body – either my boobs or my pussy. I
preferred to cover my pussy and thighs and sat in front of Guru-ji in a topless condition. Sanjeev, Uday, Nirmal,
and Rajkamal were all staring at my big firm undulating breasts – naturally!

Guru-ji: Beti, before you start reaching conclusions and start feeling cheated and anxious in your mind, I want to
clear up the mess so that you are transparent to your inner self. Okay?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Look Anita, after the initial thrill of what you had minutes before are over, you will start feeling
depressed as subconsciously you will sense an urge to feel “cheated” or a sentiment like “you have cheated your
husband” or “you have gone so much down” etc. and so on and so forth. Just put a period there.

Guru-ji’s voice was strong and loud and it was so powerful that my brain stopped working as he weaved his logic
even though I was quite conscious by then.

Guru-ji: Neither you have cheated your husband, nor I have cheated you, nor you have gone down morally. You are
here for a treatment and it was my realization that with medications alone you could not achieve your goal. There
was some blockade in your vaginal path, which hopefully will be cleared now. But if it remains, the male seeds cannot
meet yours properly. Getting me Beti?

Me: Ji… Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: So the fact that you have enjoyed sex was a part of your treatment only. You might argue that why was it
needed as you meet your husband on bed regularly. Isn’t it?

Yes, right! Since I am fucked by my husband already, why was this fuck needed! I nodded and looked eagerly at
Guru-ji: Beti, did you not notice a difference in the style in which your husband fucks you and the way I fucked

My ears started to warm up and become red listening to such lewd things discussed so openly!

Guru-ji: Beti, you have seen my lund…

Saying that he smiled at me very suggestively. It seemed he knew very well that his enormous dick would be a
welcome site for any matured female, especially married. I gently nodded my head, but was feeling immensely
ashamed to reply such questions.

Guru-ji: …and you must have noticed that I fucked you in a different mood. But why? Just to ensure that I dig my
pole deep enough inside your choot so that even if there are any subtle obstacles they are cleared.

He again smiled and I had to avoid eye contact with him in shyness.

Guru-ji: So Beti, don’t think that since you have lied down with me, you have done a big sin or something like that.
It was just a part of my treatment. Tomorrow before concluding the Maha-yagya I will examine your choot again
and do any needful further should that be a requisite. Am I clear?

Me: Ji Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Are you clear in my mind?

Me: Ye… yes Guru-ji… but… I mean… as you can understand…

Guru-ji: I can understand that. You are surely not familiar to lie down with any male, but you are very loyal to your
husband and that’s what is expected from you Beti. Your conservativeness is your strength Beti… I encounter
several married women here. There are a few like you - well mannered, well cultured, and devoted to her family, but
yes, definitely there are exceptions too, who only are in search of new enjoinment! But ultimately they fail to
achieve their desired goal Beti, but you will not! Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj!

Honestly whatever I heard from that chat diluted a lot in my mind already!

Guru-ji: Now the last part of your Yoni Puja – the Yoni Jan Darshan. So lets move forward for that.

Guru-ji got up from his seat and was about to leave the room. I was a bit confused – where to go? And how can I go
outside the room like this? Without wearing anything?!? I stood up holding the small towel in front of my pussy,
though it was really of no use because all of the people present in that room had seen my naked pussy for a
prolonged period of time. But still I was standing with my hands in front of my choot holding the towel!

Sanjeev: Guru-ji… err I mean…. you have not briefed Madam regarding Jan Darshan.

Guru-ji: Oho! Sorry. Anita, you come down with me and we will assemble in the courtyard for your Yoni Jan Darshan.
Unfortunately as per the norm you have to come completely naked outside. There you will clean your Yoni with
“Ganga jal” and then do the Jan Darshan to four persons who would actually signify the four directions, i.e. East,
West, North, and South. Okay? Uday, Rajkamal, you two come with me. Hurry up!
Saying that he hurriedly left the puja-ghar along with Uday and Rajkamal. I stood there like a statue!

I was left stranded – going out in naked condition and showing up my choot to “four persons”…. Four persons? Who
are they? Nirmal, Sanjeev, Uday and Rajkamal? If that was the case, then why did Guru-ji not say ‘that’; why did he
mention “four people”?

What to do? My thought process started jumbling up! I experienced almost a virtual blackout. Guru-ji had already
vanished through the door outside. I was utterly confused and perplexed and the joys of the fuck were starting to
quickly drying up in this new situation.

Forgetting everything about the “chat” that I heard when I was lying with my eyes closed on the mattress after
my fuck, I immediately sought help from Sanjeev only!

Me: Sanjeev…. I mean… How can I… How can I go out like this?

Sanjeev: Madam, all ladies who undergo Yoni Puja go to the courtyard for Jan Darshan like this… I mean without
wearing anything.

Sanjeev was cool as cucumber.

Me: But… please understand! Its… its… Okay, okay! Tell me what did Guru-ji mean by “four people”?

Sanjeev: Which four?

Me: He said to me naa… ‘…do the Jan Darshan to four persons who would actually signify the four directions…’

Sanjeev: Oh! Madam, you seem to be too anxious! Yes, since we four are involved in your Puja, we cannot stand as
directions indicators, so it has to be…

Me: Another four men?

I almost screamed!

Sanjeev: Yes! Of course! But Madam, relax…

I was already having dry lips and cold fingers in apprehension and nervousness and now seeing the inevitable I
straightaway held Sanjeev’s hand and begged for help.

Me: Sanjeev… please understand… I am an adult woman … how can I go and stand like this before four more
unknown males! It’s absurd… please…

Sanjeev: Oh! Madam, you are jumping into conclusions too fast!

Nirmal: Yes Madam. Why are you so anxious?

Me: You just shut up!

Sanjeev: Madam, listen to me first!

Saying that Sanjeev held me by my shoulders and gave a jerk to grab my attention. As I looked up into his eyes I
could sense my big tits jiggled and swayed very sexily. I rarely had this sort of an experience that someone was
holding on to my shoulder to talk to me while my boobs are hanging naked! Yes, I do have conversations with my
husband in a topless condition, but that’s naturally on bed in an intimate state.

I could feel Sanjeev was feeling my naked shoulders with his fingers as he gripped me there. I was standing pretty
close to him and my firm protruding tits were inches away from his chest.

Sanjeev: Madam, calm down. No one is unknown to you! No one.

Me: But… but who are they? Sanjeev… please tell me!

Sanjeev: Madam, you are a disciple to Linga Maharaj! You have taken diksha and have undergone the Yoni Puja! Still
you are so shy! I am surprised!

Me: Sanjeev please… tell me who are they?

Sanjeev: Pande-ji, Mishra-ji, Chotu and Master-ji.

Nirmal: No one is an outsider Madam, so why are you so worried!

My lips parted wide in exclamation and I almost froze as I listened to the names.

Sanjeev: Madam, I thought you should be comfortable, as you know each of them pretty well.

Me: But… but… how can I…

My throat choked and in fact trickles of tears came to my eyes imagining my compromised state.

Sanjeev: Madam, I can understand your state of mind, but since this Yoni Jan Darshan is an integral part of the
Puja, Guru-ji cannot exclude it by any means. Yes, he might change the four persons who would represent

Nirmal: But Sanjeev, would Madam be more comfortable to Ramlal and all?

Me: No! No!

My reaction was instantaneous listening to Ramlal’s name. It was still better to go naked in front of these people,
but not to the likes of Ramlal-type males.

Sanjeev: Madam, so you can yourself understand… Moreover, why are you so worried? Mishra-ji and Master-ji are
elderly persons, you should not shy in front of them.

Nirmal: And Madam, surely you can ignore Chotu as he is too small to assess your beauty. He he…

Sanjeev: Very correct! Yes, I agree that you will find a bit hesitant in front of Pande-ji as he is a middle aged
married person.

I was amazed to see the assessments done by these two males for me! I could well realize there was no escape and
I had to do it. Sanjeev in the meantime seeing my undecided state was trying to take advantage of my naked

The brute…
He was holding me by my shoulders and now in the process of convincing me he came so close that my swollen and
pointed nipples started touching his chest. I immediately retracted and maintained a decent distance. I closed my
eyes and thought for a while. Honestly I hardly have walked naked in my own house and here I need to walk down
the ashram to the courtyard outside! And there I have to stand in front of four other males…. Oh No! How could I
do it?

Nirmal: Madam, we are getting late…

Sanjeev: Yes Madam, we cannot wait here forever.

Seeing no way out, I had to agree to move ahead.

Me: Okay then, lets go…

I said reluctantly.

Sanjeev: Sure Madam, but you need drop that towel…

Me: Oh! Ye… yes…

I dropped the towel off my waist to the floor and stood completely nude in front of Sanjeev and Nirmal. They both
naturally were ogling at my sensual beauty – my 30-year-old fully blossomed unclothed figure! I remembered right
at that moment that just before my marriage my aunt came to our house and stayed till my marriage and she
helped me one day with my bathing using a herbal body shampoo. That day I got fully naked in front of her in the
toilet, but afterall she was a female, but still… After attaining maturity that was probably the only time I was
completely naked in front of another person.

Sanjeev guided me through the door of the Puja-ghar outside to the corridor.

I wondered when I had last stepped outside the room in this fashion. Yes, I had been naked a number of times with
my husband on bed in our house or in hotels when we used to go for a trip, but never ever had I walked in the house
like this – in a completely stripped condition – probably not even once after marriage!

I walked very slowly through the corridor of the ashram – almost dying in shame with each step – my barefoot
feeling the cold floor, my big round boobs jerking and undulating as I placed my feet on the floor, my fleshy
buttocks swaying as sexily as ever as they always do under my sari, but today they were fully exposed! Nirmal was
walking behind me and he must be enjoying that view to the maximum.

Naturally I was walking with my head down and suddenly I collided with Sanjeev because he stopped abruptly.
Naturally my firm mammaries momentarily pressed against his body as I collided with him.

Me: What… what happened?

Sanjeev: Uff! These mosquitoes… are they not biting you? Madam, be very cautious! As you are not wearing
anything, you are most prone to their bites.

There was no need to remind me of my stripped state and as I looked down at my firm naked boobs I only could let
out a sigh. Sanjeev slapped his own foot twice or thrice and then started walking again. I walked past the corridor
as it meandered through the ashram towards the courtyard.

Me: Ouch! Hey! What’s this? Uffff…

Nirmal: Those blood suckers! Killed them both! See…

My ears got red instantly and my face flushed as I turned back and looked into Nirmal’s palms to see a couple of
dead mosquitoes. He actually slapped my bare right ass cheek to smash the mosquitoes! It was so unexpected that
I could not even react properly to this utterly outrageous behavior. Slapping a woman on her ass and getting away
with that – almost unimaginable under normal circumstances, but here my crippled condition helped Nirmal to get
away with that.

Nirmal: Sorry Madam about that, but hope I did not slap you too hard there?

I gave him a strong look and tried to convey the message through my eyes that I did not like his approach at all,
but was not in a position to teach the bastard a lesson. My right ass cheek was in fact paining as he slapped very
tightly on my firm round flesh.

Sanjeev: Madam I hope he did not slap you too hard because … I mean Madam your buttocks look very much fair…
err… and if there is a red spot due to his slap, it would look rather odd in front of everybody.

I was simply baffled at such a comment and swallowed my annoyance somehow; I looked downwards to the floor
biting my lips.

Nirmal: Sanjeev, it’s too dark here. I can’t see Madam’s bottoms properly.

Sanjeev: Why don’t you take this torch and check! If Guru-ji notices it can lead to a problem.

Saying that he instantly handed over a pencil torch to Nirmal.

Nirmal: Yes, yes… I still remember that Priyambada Devi case. Uhh!

Me: What nonsense is this!

Sanjeev: Madam, just a minute. Be patient! Madam, you yourself will be in an embarrassing state if Guru-ji detects
any spot on your naked gaand.

Me: What? But… why?

By that time that bastard Nirmal had switched on the torch and was focussing on my large naked ass. I felt so very
dishonored, as if more that being in my state of nakedness!

Me: Stop this! What’s going on? Switch off the torch you brute!

But Nirmal did not listen to me and focussed the light on my round butter-colored buttocks. Sanjeev also came to
my back to check my ass!

Sanjeev: Madam, don’t be silly. Tell me what you would tell Guru-ji if he detects a spot there?

Saying that he pointed towards my gaand. I stopped for a moment. I never thought on that line. I was still feeling
the pain of Nirmal’s slap on the tender flesh of my right buttock. I actually now touched the area with my hand

My God! The skin felt quite hot already due to the slap!

Sanjeev: Madam, you cannot go like this! Just see… No one would miss this spot!

Nirmal: Madam, if Guru-ji asks you, how did you develop that you will be feeling embarrassed… that’s why we were
trying to help you so that you do not encounter a clumsy situation.

Me: Huh! It’s all because of you… you rascal!

Nirmal: Sorry Madam, but believe me it was not intentional… Sanjeev, do something yaar!

Sanjeev: Abbe sale! That’s what I am thinking only… I do not want Madam to get into a sticky situation like
Priyambada Devi!

I naturally got a bit curious (even at that situation) hearing a female name twice from their mouths.

Me: What’s the relation with what you said… what Devi? Pri…

Nirmal: Priyambada Devi! Priyambada Devi!

Me: What happened to her?

Sanjeev: Madam actually Priyambada Devi came to our ashram a couple years ago for a similar problem like yours,
but she was quite elderly by the time she came here. She was nearing 40. Actually Madam, how to tell you… err…

Me: Sanjeev… I am not in the mood to…

Sanjeev: Yes, yes Madam I know. Actually what happened in her case was - even after undergoing Yoni Sugam with
Guru-ji, Priyambada Devi was in the hunt for more! Probably the heat inside her body had not precipitated and
while she was walking down this corridor like you for Yoni Jan Darshan, she tried to… she tried to…

Me: Tried what? (I was naturally impatient out of my womanly virtues)

Sanjeev: Madam, she tried to influence me to… I mean… she wanted another round of… err… you can understand

Me: My God!

All along I was standing fully naked in front of Sanjeev and having the conversation! Never ever in my life had I
done this, not even with my husband - whenever I had been without clothes with my husband, it was of course on
bed, and bed only. The only comforting factor for me here was the semi-darkness of the corridor, which did not
reveal my whole body too evidently to the two disciples standing near me.

Sanjeev: Just imagine! I tried to convince her that she had come here for a cause and she must complete that
appropriately. You know Madam even I went to this extent and told her that if she wants, I will… err…. fuck her
after the Maha-yagya, but she was…

I didn’t know why I was getting so curious to know the end of this “bullshit”, but unexplainably continued to probe
Sanjeev to do so ignoring my stripped condition and forgetting about the slap that I just had from Nirmal on my
butts directly.

Me: Then what happened?

I asked with curly eyebrows as if investigating a detective case!

Sanjeev: Madam, she was nearly 40; she was begging me in a completely naked state; she had a large body habitus
with full heavy breasts and a big ass… err… more flaring than yours! She was… I mean Madam… so persuasive and
nagging that I had to agree to her, but no sex of course till the yagya was complete.

Me: What has that to do with me? I am still not getting a relation…

Sanjeev: Listen to it naa… We started hugging and kissing each other standing on this corridor and believe me
Madam, the way she was making love to me made me feel that as if she was not touched by her husband for ages!

I shifted eye contact from Sanjeev, but was still keen to know further.

Sanjeev: Madam… err… Priyambada Devi soon forced my mouth to be on her… I mean… breasts and she made me
suck her nipples. In fact, she even confessed this before in a chat to Guru-ji that she loved the most being sucked
on her boobs.

I was visibly feeling uncomfortable to this detail description. I started breathing heavily and my firm naked
breasts started moving up and down at a slightly faster pace making me look more indecent of course!
Automatically out of reflex my left hand went over my choot and realizing that Sanjeev was following my hand, I
quickly shifted it off my nangi choot. Sanjeev was smart enough to realize that I was feeling uncomfortable and
added more doze of description.

Sanjeev: Madam, there is nothing to hide in front of you… Priyambada Devi was married for around 10 years and I
don’t know how many times her husband had sucked her boobs – her nipples were this big Madam! (he indicated with
his fingers) I have seen the naked breasts of so many married women, but never ever did I notice such large
protruding nipples! They were just like the feeding bottle nips, that big! Obviously Madam, you can well understand,
I got very much excited being seeing the opportunity to suck such juicy things. Madam… whose wife, who was
sucking… Huh!!

I swallowed once and clenched my teeth mildly as I was more uncomfortable now - as if I could visualize Sanjeev
sucking the breasts of a naked woman standing in this corridor!

Sanjeev: Madam I made the mistake there! I went so wild getting the taste of her elongated nipples and the way
she was thrusting her big breasts on my face that I started bite her flesh and also my nails dug deep onto her
naked breasts. It was a very heated session and she forced me to finger fuck her choot to release her heat before
she calmed down. But by that time the damage was done.

Me: What… what damage?

Sanjeev: Madam as per norms no woman should indulge in additional sexual or heating up sessions within the time
period of the Yoni Puja, but Priyambada Devi violated that to satisfy her own extended sexual thirst.

Me: Hmm… Then?

Sanjeev: Madam, if Guru-ji had not noticed those marks on her tits, she still could have had a let away, but the
marks made by my teeth and fingernails were so prominent that she was caught and as a punishment had to undergo
her Yoni Puja once again the next day!

Me: My God!

Sanjeev: Madam, that’s why we are so concerned! For you! Not for us! Madam, almost once a month we get to see a
naked married woman, so you will be very wrong if you feel that Nirmal slapped you on purpose to touch your nangi

The dwarf was smiling, as wickedly as ever! I turned my focus again to Sanjeev.

Sanjeev: Madam, we do not want you to be in a similar situation. Because Madam your gaand is so fair in color, Guru-
ji cannot miss that red spot…

Nirmal: And moreover even if we try to authenticate the true incident he won’t believe you as Guru-ji will surely
conclude that you were involved with us… In fact more so after that Priyambada Devi case and he might just get
very upset. All your good work would spoil…

I was instantly convinced the way Nirmal placed the things.

Sanjeev: Madam, Nirmal is absolutely right. Guru-ji won’t believe you. Actually unlike males, after a fuck a woman
often still desires more and Guru-ji surely would conclude that you were involved in lovemaking with us and we have
squeezed your gaand so hard that it’s looking red like that!

Nirmal again switched on the torch and checked my naked buttocks.

Nirmal: Ish… I should not have slapped so hard! Am again sorry Madam.

Sanjeev: No use crying over spilled milk. Madam, you decide what to do. Will you go like this or…

I hardly have a choice and had to succumb to their plan!

Me: ye.. yes… I mean no, obviously not. I cannot redo this Yoni Puja… Oh! No!

Sanjeev: Then we have only one way out!

Me: What’s that?

Sanjeev: Madam since the right side of your gaand is looking reddish, we can do one thing – we can try to get the
same red tinge on the left side too!

Me: What?

Sanjeev and Nirmal both looked amusingly at me.

Me: You mean you will slap me again there?!?!

Sanjeev: Is there any other way you have in your mind?

Me: But… but…

I was trying to think very hard about an alternative, but was not getting a clue when Nirmal placed the solution.
Nirmal: Madam, one thing I have noticed in most fair-colored woman that if you squeeze and rub an area of their
body for sometime it gets red instantly.

At that very moment I also remembered my husband saying once or twice that my buttocks turned red when he
pinched/massaged it vigorously.

Me: Right, right! You are right!

I almost cried out like a child. They both looked at me in some disbelief – I seemed to be too eager to get an ass
pinch! Instantly I realized that I could not verbalize what I was thinking.

Me: I mean err… okay, but by no means I would redo this Yoni Puja.

Sanjeev: Don’t worry Madam, you just stand still, we will do the rest.

Nirmal: Both your ass cheeks will look equally red and Guru-ji won’t be able to pick it up! Come to this side Madam.

Nirmal and Sanjeev almost dragged me to a dark corner, but here there was a railing.

Sanjeev: Madam, hold that railing with both hands and just bend your body from your waist. Like this.

He demonstrated it for me. He held the railing, stretched his hands, and then bent his body from the waist so that
his hips protruded out. Though the pose was rather vulgar, but I was too eager to avoid a “redo” Yoni Puja

As I stood like that I felt a pair of hands (of course Sanjeev’s) starting to touch, feel, massage, and rub my
smooth left ass cheek. As his fingers touched my naked left buttock, naturally my whole body shivered but I had
to control myself as the main aim was to get the reddish tinge on my left ass also.

Nirmal: Madam, since we don’t have much, I think if I gently massage your other ass the red spot will likely lose the

Me: O… okay.

I thought it was logical, as I myself was thinking to massage my right ass, as it was still paining. My whole focus was
to avoid a Priyambada Devi incident.

Instantly I felt another set of hand on my other ass cheek. Both were fondling and rubbing my firm bottoms at
their free will.

Sanjeev: Switch on the torch once…

Nirmal switched on the torch on my naked ass again.

Sanjeev: Madam, its not turning red. Shall I apply a little more force?

Me: Sss…. sure.

Sanjeev now started openly cupping and caressing my smooth pumpkin like ass with both hands. He was kneading my
ass flesh and digging his fingers deep on my ass skin. He was also pinching my ass at times while Nirmal was more
gentle in his approach as he rubbed and felt the smoothness of my whole right ass.

Me: Is it regarding… red now?

I had to ask shamelessly as I reaching the limits because of heated condition due to this very erotic action by two

Sanjeev: Hold on for some more moments. It has started to get red Madam. Nirmal don’t just rub that area where
you slapped, you try to make Madam’s whole ass red. Then it will look even.

I was dumbfounded by that statement as I felt Nirmal started to knead my right ass cheek strongly with his dwarf
hands. Sanjeev also started massaging and squeezing my left ass cheek more forcefully. I was already sweating
with two males continuously playing with my macro-sized pumpkin ass. My nipples had got erect and hard and my
grip over the railing was also getting tighter with each squeeze on my butts from Sanjeev and Nirmal.

I could not keep the control on me and started to give out mild moans as I began to like it quite a bit. Hearing my
soft moans probably both males started to squeeze my ass more vigorously and I could feel one of them had
started tracing my deep ass crack and forwarding his finger towards my anus!

I was producing slightly louder moans now as I had started to enjoy the male hands on my full buttocks and the two
males as if instantly judged it and I soon realized their bodies closing on me. Sanjeev and Nirmal’s hands were now
not restricted to the periphery of my hips and had begun to touch and feel my smooth bare back and the rear-
sides of my naked upper thighs.

This went on for some more moments as I shamelessly enjoyed the duet groping.

Sanjeev: Madam, it’s not getting… I mean equally red… I mean your full gaand.

I could not stop smiling listening to that and simultaneously blushed abundantly. The libido inside me had subsided
after I was fucked by Guru-ji, but these two males had cleverly heated me up again.

Me: Then do some… I mean… err… do this for some more time.

Sanjeev: Madam, I think a few mild slaps would be needed to get it red… err… I mean Madam only pressing your
gaand is not yielding the desired result.

Me: (irritated) Err… then do that!

I was myself surprised that I so easily agreed for a spanking session!

Sanjeev: Okay Yes Madam I know very well that you don’t want to redo the Yoni Puja… Nirmal, you just massage
Madam’s right side and I will gently spank Madam’s left gaand.

Saying that immediately Sanjeev started smacking my left buttock lightly and in no time increased the intensity
with which he was slapping my bare ass. My gaand being very and firm, the flesh started to jiggle and vibrate as
Sanjeev slapped there one after another. Nirmal was squeezing my other ass cheek judiciously as if as compliments
to his slaps.

Fhat! Fhat! Fhat!

Strange sounds were emitted as his palm stroked my smooth round ass. The intensity was also increasing and at one
time I cried out!

Me: Ouch! Ssssssss…. S-l-o-w-l-y!

Sanjeev: Madam, if I do not slap you with force how will your gaand get red?

I digested at least a dozen to fifteen tight slaps on my naked ass till it ended.

Sanjeev: Madam, now your whole gaand looks equally red. He he…

My ass skin was as if burning and much heat being emitted by it. I touched my bare gaand with my right hand and it
felt so “hot” after my first spanking experience! My pussy was wet again and as I turned towards Sanjeev, I noted
that he was looking at my swollen erect nipples.

Sanjeev: Madam, now you are safe, but…

Me: Again but… ?!?

Sanjeev smiled and I also returned a smile because honestly I did thoroughly enjoy the spanking that he gave me on
my ass.

Sanjeev: Madam, just a little patch up would make you absolutely safe before Guru-ji.

Me: What else?

Nirmal: Madam, if you could see yourself, you could have said that yourself.

The dwarf was smiling wickedly. I looked down my curvy torso, but was unable to detect anything unusual.

Me: I am not able to…

Sanjeev: Madam, your gaand looks so reddish, but no other place of your body looks like that. Is that not unusual?

It surely did not strike me and I was again confused because under no circumstances I was ready to compromise
regarding the Yoni Puja.

Nirmal: Madam, since your rear portion looks rosy, if your front looks likewise Guru-ji will surely not raise any

Sanjeev: Yes Madam, it will not take time at all.

Nirmal: 2-minute Maggi!

Me: What?

Sanjeev: Madam, he meant that to prepare Maggi, it takes only two minutes, similarly to get you red in your frontal
body, it will take only two minutes.

Me: Okay, but… where… I mean where do I… err.. in which portion do I need to look red?

Sanjeev: Com’ on Madam! Don’t act that innocent! He he…

I was really not sure though could guess from their gazes on my twin upper globes. Do they plan to squeeze my
breasts to make them look red to match my gaand! My goodness!

Sanjeev: If you agree, we will proceed, otherwise you can go like this only!

I was in a dilemma and was fearful that if Guru-ji interrogated me I surely would not be able to tell a lie properly in
front of his personality. So there was no other way out!

Me: O….Okay, proceed.

I was still not sure what they were up to, but could definitely anticipate it.

Sanjeev: Madam, just stand as you were standing when I was slapping your gaand. I will do the needful.

I saw Nirmal remained idle and as I stood in the same posture as before, Sanjeev immediately brought his arms
through my armpits and grabbed my naked hanging breasts.

Me: Ouch! Uuu…

I could only react that much as I felt his palms gripped my boob flesh very tightly and started squeezing them.
Sanjeev’s palms being quite large and spacious, he was able to arrest my fully developed mammaries adequately and
pressing and kneading them at his free will.

I was already very much excited and as I got male touch directly on my naked tits I was getting very much charged
up. I could feel Sanjeev’s body pressing on me from my back as he started playing with my hard nipples – twisting
and turning them with his fingers. My whole body arched into Sanjeev’s body and I was losing control on myself. He
squeezed my boobs with both hands and realizing I was also indicating positive moves, he took his mouth near my
cheeks and started rubbing his lips on them.

Me: Aaaaaaa… Aaaaa… Aaaa…

I was shamelessly emitting moans in the hands of a male other than my husband who was enjoying me in my naked
state and squashing my twin boobs. In my excitement I did not notice that Nirmal had opened Sanjeev’s dhoti and
he was stark naked now. I realized it when I felt a big push near my pussy hole and felt his bare manhood poking
there. Though my sexually excited condition was urging me to take his lund inside me immediately and enjoy
another fuck, but my mind started ringing alarm bells.

Me: Sanjeev…no… please… don’t…

Sanjeev: (thrusting his thick erect cock more between my two legs) What don’t Madam?

Me: Don’t… enter it… please…

Sanjeev: (kissing my cheeks and the sides of my lips) Why Madam? Are you not enjoying this?

Me: No… err.. Aaaaa… yes…. but… Guru-ji…

Sanjeev: Guru-ji will never know anything. I will wipe off everything…

Saying that he took my lower lips in his and started kissing me. I could realize that I was getting cornered and if I
showed the slightest positive move, I will get my second fuck by a different male!

Me: Ummm… uh! (I separated my lips off his) No Sanjeev… No…

Sanjeev: Why Madam? I will give you full satisfaction. See my cock!

Me: No… no. I can’t do that. I must… must abide by Guru-ji.

I now started struggling to get out of his clutches. His hands were still on my breasts and his lips roving on the
sides of my face.

Sanjeev: But Madam, I cannot leave you in this state. I am fully excited.

Me: Sanjeev, please…

Sanjeev: See Madam I have nothing to lose. If you falter you will not achieve your desired goal.

Me: Sanjeev!

I could realize I was trapped and this man was taking full advantage of my compromised state.

Sanjeev: How can one leave you after enjoying your doodh and gaand! No way! You are such a sexy bitch!

Sanjeev now shifted one hand off my breasts and started playing with my thick choot hairs. I was struggling to get
myself free, but in the process was actually pressing my big round butt in his crotch making things worse for me. I
could clearly feel Sanjeev’s tight cock was pushing on my pussy hole!

Me: Sanjeev… please… have mercy on me… I have come here for… you know…

I started begging my “izzat” from him and after much persuasion, I could free myself, but again through a

Sanjeev: Okay then Madam, your primary concern is over, as your doodh now looks equally red as your gaand. And
you have promised that after the Maha-yagya is over and before your family comes to take you, we will meet once.

I just nodded.

Sanjeev: If you deviate later Madam, I will not hesitate to apply force. Let me tell you and if you try to take Guru-
ji in confidence you will face the consequence!

I noticed that a sudden disappearance of politeness from Sanjeev’s speech and his facial expressions and he simply
appeared like a “beast”.

Sanjeev: Listen Sali! If you utter anything about this to Guru-ji, I will make you walk the whole village like this –
bilkul nangi and then gang **** you! Randi chinal Sali!

Saying that he slapped my naked ass one last time and I was almost on the verge of sobbing.

Nirmal: Lets move on. Madam, I think you look pretty safe. Your breasts are now showing up a reddish tinge, as is
your buttocks. Guru-ji will not be able to detect anything unusual.
Thankfully it was over at last! I wiped my eyes and started walking towards the end of the corridor and tried my
very best to look as normal as possible. I could still feel a slight burning in my ass and my firm boobs were taut due
to the heavy doze of squeezing from Sanjeev.

Within moments we reached the end of the corridor and I could see the courtyard. As I descended the steps to
the courtyard, my heavy breasts jiggled and swayed very indecently attracting the attention of both the males
present with me. As I felt the wet grass below my feet, it was honestly an incredible experience.

Never ever in my life had I undergone such an experience - walking naked on the grass in the open at midnight!

Guru-ji made me do that and honestly it was a splendid experience. Had there not been the males present, it
obviously would have been a bigger thrill.

Guru-ji: Welcome Anita to the last part of today’s Maha-yagya, i.e. the Yoni Jan Darshan. I hope I do not need to
introduce these people to you again?

I prayed a lot in my mind so that Guru-ji did not notice the reddish tinge on my body at my intimate areas. And
fortunately he did not interrogated me regarding the prominent redness reflected on my gaand.

Guru-ji indicated to Master-ji, Pande-ji, Chotu, and Mishra-ji. I could not meet their eyes in this absolute exposed
condition. There was no need to look at their eyes as they must have been lapping my physical beauty – some had
their eyes on my “doodh” and others obviously eyeing my “choot”.

Mishra-ji: Beti, I will not ask “how are you” to you, as I can clearly see how fit your body is!

He was of course present with his subtle sense of humor.

Master-ji: Madam, I wish I could measure you in this condition. Then you would not have a single complaint about
your dress!

Pande-ji: Madam, you look beautiful…Believe me I am not exaggerating!

Chotu: Madam, so its tit for tat! That day you saw me naked while I took my bath, today you are naked to
compensate that.

Guru-ji: Ha ha ha… Okay, okay. Lets not waste further time. Take your positions please. Beti, fold your arms and
chant the mantra that I verbalize now.

I stood in the position for a prayer – still fully nude – the cold air was making my nipples hard and erect and
goosebump all over my bare thighs. Guru-ji articulated a mantra and I repeated that with folded hands. Now at
least my big round boobs were somewhat covered as my arms wrapped them during this prayer. Master-ji, Pande-ji,
Chotu, and Mishra-ji had taken positions quite far from me – at least 15-20 feet away - at four corners.

Guru-ji: Uday, give her the water. Beti, this is Ganga jal and you need to wash your Yoni with it.

Uday handed me a bowl of water and I shamelessly sprinkled it on my choot in front of E-I-G-H-T adult males (even
if I ignore Chotu)! I rubbed my choot with the water and then looked up to Guru-ji if he was satisfied.

Guru-ji: Wash your choot hairs also Beti.

Everybody’s focus was naturally on me as I got that “vulgar” command from Guru-ji. I was feeling so, so ashamed,
but hardly could do anything about it. I clenched my teeth and obeyed Guru-ji’s instruction and started washing my
thick choot hairs with the Ganga jal. I handed over the bowl to Sanjeev and indeed it was an incredible scene –
myself standing naked in the open with waters dripping off my choot! I closed my eyes momentarily and gathered
all my mental strength to combat this ultimate humiliating state.

Fortunately the moon was shinning dimly as there were clouds in the sky and that was the only cover that I had for
my body!

Guru-ji: Okay Anita. Now you need to show your choot to four directions, i.e. East, West, North, and South. You will
get one person representing each direction to whom you need to show up your choot. Actually these four directions
signify that you are spreading your prayer to all the Gods and Goddesses and not confining it to Linga Maharaj

I nodded. I was really eager now to finish off and get under cover. It was getting increasingly painful to stand
naked in front of so many males.

Guru-ji: Hey Chandrama, Hey Linga Maharaj! Hey Agni! …

Honestly I was listening to Guru-ji for the first time as I was so very conscious about my nakedness and was keenly
waiting for the end of this episode.

Guru-ji: Beti, first you must seek approval from Master, who actually typifies East, which also is regarded as the
source of power as it’s the origin point of the Sun.

I hurried my steps as much as I could towards Master-ji who was standing at a far corner, at least 20 feet away
from where I was standing. I was wondering what else was I supposed to do to show my choot to him! I was already
‘bilkul nangi’!

Guru-ji: Anita, now stand still in front of him and Master, you know what to do.

My heart was pounding to stand like that in front of my tailor! Master-ji looked at my glistening bare body, my
attractive undulations, and then gently sat on the grass and closed his eyes. I was rather surprised at that
behavior and before I could turn towards Guru-ji, he gave the next instruction.

Guru-ji: Beti, now adjust yourself in such a way so that your Yoni must be in the level of your Master-ji’s eyes so
that once I finish chanting the mantra, he will open his eyes, and should be able to see your Yoni only. Am I clear?

Me: Ji… Ji Guru-ji.

I parted and bent my legs in the form of two inverted “L’s so that my choot was at exactly at Master-ji’s eye level.
I looked horribly vulgar in that posture and wondered how could I do such lewd things unhesitatingly! Guru-ji was
chanting mantras from the back and as he stopped Master-ji slowly opened his eyes.

I was so close to him that he could only view my bare hairy choot placed inches away from his face! I bet he could
even smell my choot from that close proximity! Guru-ji again was verbalizing mantras at a very loud pitch and I had
to stand in that most uncomfortable posture for another 30-34 seconds.

Guru-ji: Done Beti, you can stand straight.

I was so very relieved to hear that.

Guru-ji: Master, now with the Linga Maharaj replica I gave you gently tap Anita’s sex organs as a token of
appreciation from Gods and Goddesses residing in the East direction.

Me: What? (I controlled my reaction as far as possible)

“Tap my sex organs!” What rubbish!

My initial anger and irritation subsided; I thought for a while and concluded, what else?

Guru-ji: Anita, I hope you remember the definition that I gave you for sex organs. Do you remember that?

Me: Ye… yes Guru-ji.

I had to raise my voice as he was standing at a distance (at least 20-25 feet).

Guru-ji: Good, let me hear that from you once before Master proceeds.

I swallowed and felt utterly thirsty. How could I shout to tell my own sex organs!

Guru-ji: Anita, don’t waste time. Do you remember or shall I explain again?

Me: N… no Guru-ji. I… reme… I mean remember it…

Guru-ji: Then vomit it in front of us! What are your sex organs?

Immediately his voice changed shade and was cold as steel and I replied with trembling lips.

Me: Err. I mean… Breasts, nip… nipples, hips, va… vagina, thighs, and… err… lips.

I shook my head in shame as I completed the list.

Guru-ji: Excellent Anita! Master, now you may proceed. As per the norm of Yoni Jan Darshan, you need to first tap
on Anita’s choot, then down to her thighs and hips, then go up to her tits, and end on her lips. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Master-ji took out a Linga replica from his pocket and with a smiling face started his action. He looked down
towards my choot and tapped there with the Linga replica.

Master-ji (in a whispering voice): Madam, right from the time of measuring you, I noticed that you have a very nice
body. And now seeing you without clothes is creating an urge inside me to marry again (He continued to smile).

Should I smile back? What was that tailor expecting?

I kept mum as his hand slide onto my smooth naked thighs. Of course not only was the Linga replica touching my
skin, but also Master-ji’s fingers brushing my firm thighs. Naturally I was again getting excited sexually getting
male touches on my intimate parts, more so myself being in a completely stripped state, plus the cold air outside
was making my nipples go harder, which in turn was making me look more sexy with swollen upright nipples on

Master-ji was no different. Though his hand was moving on my thighs and hips tapping my flesh, his eyes were
riveted on my sexy standing nipples. As Master-ji was tapping my sex organs, of course, his fingers at the same
time were brushing and feeling my tight flesh. I could not protest and had to compromise on that. It was such an
utterly and uglily shameful situation that words are probably not enough to describe it adequately.

It was a painfully long process – this Yoni Jan Darshan.

After Master-ji, I walked down to Pande-ji who stood at the West corner, then to Mishra-ji who was at the South
corner, and lastly to Chotu who was at the North corner – fully naked all through – and as per Guru-ji’s direction
offered my Yoni just in front of their faces.

Honestly at times I was feeling more derogated that a prostitute. Except for the fact that I did not experience a
gang ****, it was like getting raped by each person each moment!

At one time I controlled my tears somehow as different males were touching my intimate parts so openly and
casually! I could not forget the glitter that I saw in Pande-ji’s eyes seeing my choot; the subtle touches of Mishra-
ji’s fingers on my boobs and ass in the name of tapping the replica on my body; and how could I forget Chotu’s
impatience to watch every part of my voluptuous naked body from close quarters! This was definitely one episode
during the whole Maha-yagya, which I would not be very keen to remember for long.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Anita, I am very glad the way you cooperated and successfully finished the Yoni Puja.

I offered Guru-ji a “pranam” and he gave me “ashirwad” placing his arm on my head. I felt immensely awkward as I
bent for the “pranam” in front of Guru-ji and my big round boobs hung freely in the air. All the males must have
been lapping that scene with great hunger.

Guru-ji: I know Beti how difficult it is for a woman of your age to undergo this, but as the old saying goes pains do
produce gains in the end, you will surely reap benefits. Don’t worry.

Me: I also hope so Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: Beti, tomorrow we will conclude the Maha-yagya, which will again start at around midnight. Now let us all
sing a hymn for Linga Maharaj and conclude today’s proceedings!

Naturally I was too desperate to get under a cover, but unfortunately I had to stand naked for a few minutes more
and all the males got another prolonged opportunity to view my “nangi jawani” glistening in the silvery moonlight!

Generally while humming this sort of a song, we have our eyes closed, but here I noted all the males except Guru-ji
had their eyes wide open and of course their eyes were riveted on the sexy contours of my body presented in front
of them in birthday suit!

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj! Beti, you were remarkably disciplined throughout the Maha-yagya and I hope to get the
same cooperation from you tomorrow. You can surely get back to your room and have a tight sleep. Your concerns
are now my concerns, so you can just relax! Okay?

Me: Ji Guru-ji!

Guru-ji: Remember one thing Beti, if you focus on those details only where you felt uncomfortable throughout this
Maha-yagya, you will ONLY feel the ebb, but if you recap the good things, the pleasures that you got from this
process, you will surely feel refreshed. The choice is yours. Be merry and jovial and try to enjoy life! Always have
faith on Linga Maharaj and you will of course succeed! Are you getting me?

Me: Yes Guru-ji.

Guru-ji: No one would disturb you till you get up. Good night Beti. Jai Linga Maharaj!

At last, yes at l-a-s-t, my humiliation journey ended and Guru-ji asked me to go inside the ashram. I almost ran
inside the ashram with my big tight mangoes swaying intensely as I hurried past the males standing and watching
me. I was almost breathless as I stumbled over the steps to get inside the ashram.

Aah! Eventually some cover for me!

I slammed the door of my room and…. … and started sobbing.

I was feeling so disgraced; a feeling of hatred towards myself was engulfing me. Being someone’s wife, I was so
cheaply displaying my naked body to any Tom, Dick and Harry! I felt thoroughly exploited today, but… but the thin
silver lining of hope to bear a child urged me to carry on. But now I was feeling utterly frustrated and browbeaten
and tried to release my anger, my wretchedness by sobbing and sobbing only. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I
sat on the floor lamenting.

I did not know how long I was sitting like that. After sometime I pulled myself up and then as I switched on the
light I noticed two glasses of juice kept on the table. I honestly was rather thirsty – out of exertion, out of
shyness, out of anxiousness and what not! I gulped down the juice from one glass and reluctantly picked up my
nighty from the bedside and wore it. I washed myself and went to bed and was trying to focus on what Guru-ji
stressed in the end. Obviously the fuck I had today was the best so far in my life and the very thinking about it
immediately turned my nipples hard inside my nighty. I blushed to myself and shuffled nervously rubbing my ass on
the bed.

Since I had sobbed for a prolonged period of time, I was actually feeling much carefree now and when I tried to
rethink on Guru-ji’s words, the most pleasurable moment that came to my mind was of course Guru-ji fucking me.

I had a long tight sleep and when I awakened next morning, it was certainly quite late. But since there was no
activity today, I was lazy to leave the bed. I looked at the clock and it was 09:30 a.m. I stretched out my body to
get the hangover out - I felt very refreshed – actually the uninterrupted long sleep and the sexual intercourse
that I had last night made me feel at very high spirits.

Soon I realized that I was hungry and of course it was quite late in the morning. I left the bed, combed and
bunched up my hair, and went to the toilet. As I emptied my bladder, I felt more relaxed and revitalized. I changed
my nighty and was in the usual attire of the saffron sari and blouse. I opened the door to look for my breakfast.

Nirmal: Madam, breakfast is ready. Shall I serve it?

I was rather surprised at that service. Nirmal was sitting by the door of my room in a stool and as soon as I
sneaked my head out, he was ready with the offer!

Me: Err… I mean… yes, of course.

I was pretty much pleased.

Nirmal: Guru-ji instructed me to wait here and to see no one knocks at your door and to serve you breakfast as
soon as you get up.

Me: Oh! (smiling) So nice of him!

Nirmal went off to get the breakfast and I thanked Guru-ji in my mind. The broad daylight outside as if wiped off
all concerns and humiliations from my mind and I felt very “light”, both mentally and physically. In fact I was
experiencing the same “feel good” thing that I generally have on a Sunday morning when I woke up (as my husband
fucks me mostly on Saturday nights, Saturday being a low day in his business activities) and throughout the day I
have “additional” energy.

Nirmal was swift enough to serve me the breakfast and since I was having a robust appetite I completed the
breakfast in record time! During my breakfast, when I was taking the banana peel off, I smiled to myself as the
curved full-sized banana that I ate resembled very much Guru-ji’s lund size!

I was about to wash my hands when Nirmal tapped on the door.

Nirmal: Madam, there is a visitor for you.

Me: Visitor! For me?

Nirmal: He came once earlier this week.

Me: Oho… then it must be Mama-ji! Have you…?

Nirmal: Yes, yes Madam. He is waiting at the reception.

I was naturally quite happy to know Mama-ji had come again. Though he did say when he visited me a few days back
that he would come again, but honestly I didn’t count on that. My mother-in-law had requested him and he visited
me once since he lived in the nearby town – I thought the formality ended there, but knowing that he had come
again made me feel very high about Mama-ji. He was 50+ and that he took the pain to pay a visit again made me feel
very warm at heart and my regards for Mama-ji escalated immensely.

I hurried to the reception of the ashram where Mama-ji was waiting for me.

Mama-ji: Aah! Bahurani! Good to see you again.

I offered a pranam to him touching his feet.

Mama-ji (holding my arms): Its okay, its okay… So how are you?

Me: Fine Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, today you are looking very lively! Did Rajesh call you up or what? Ha ha ha…

I laughed and blushed a shade and said in my mind “any woman getting such a grand fuck at night would look
sparkling next morning.”

Mama-ji: I already had a talk with Guru-ji and he has given the permission.

Me: Permission for what Mama-ji? (I was visibly surprised).

Mama-ji: Arre Bahurani, you have come so near to my place, how can I just leave you to go back like that!

Me: O! So nice of you! (I was honestly very overjoyed getting the opportunity to get out of the ashram) But… but
will Guru-ji…
Mama-ji: I have taken care of that aspect Bahurani. Guru-ji said that you are undergoing Maha-yagya and the
closing will be done tonight, but you are free till 7 p.m. today and by that time you can easily visit my place and
come back.

Me: O! Really! (I almost screamed like a child)

Mama-ji: Yes Bahurani! It will take just an hour to reach my place and I will surely drop you back here by 6 p.m.

Me: Bah! Will be a good outing for me. Honestly I was feeling somewhat choked within the periphery of the ashram

Mama-ji: Yes, should be a good outing for you.

Me: You know Mama-ji, I had told Rajesh many a times to take me to your place, but unfortunately that never
happened. I have heard about your library from him.

Mama-ji: Then let us not waste any more time. You take Guru-ji’s permission and come down. I will wait here.

I was quite thrilled and rushed to have a word with Guru-ji who readily granted me the permission to go with
Mama-ji, but with the warning to get back by 7 in the evening. I got back to my room - quickly washed my face,
combed and tied my hair neatly, adjusted my sari and blouse tying my petticoat more securely, wore a bindi, and
was ready to move out. I took a carry bag where I took a spare sari-blouse and a spare set of undergarments.

Me: Mama-ji, am ready!

Mama-ji: Wow! Generally you ladies take so much time… He he he…

We moved out of the ashram and proceeded towards his car.

Mama-ji: What’s in that bag Bahurani?

Me: Mama-ji, actually I am not allowed to wear anything else apart from what’s given from the ashram, so just
carrying a spare sari and blouse.

Mama-ji: Oho! Good! Good! I completely forgot that I do not have anything for you to wear there. Since I live alone,
only my clothes are there…Ha ha ha…

Me: That’s understandable Mama-ji.

We reached his car. Mama-ji took the driver’s seta and I sat beside him in the front seat.

Mama-ji: My sister would be very glad if he knows that I have taken you to my place.

Me: Yes surely. Mom talks of you so very often!

Mama-ji: Hmm… Would you mind Bahurani if I switch on some music?

Me: No, no. Not at all.

Mama-ji was holding the steering with his right hand and started pulling the cover of the shelf (where the
cassettes were there), which was just in front of me. I tried to pull away a bit towards the window as his left
elbow was hanging very awkwardly before by mammaries as he was trying to open the shelf cover.

Mama-ji: Confounded thing! Why does it not open up!

Mama-ji was pulling the knob of the cover very hard and was simultaneously keeping an eye on the road. The cover
was stuck and was not opening up and Mama-ji continued to exert more and more pressure.

Me: Oooo! Ouch!

Mama-ji’s angled arm directly hit my right boob from the front as the shelf cover did open at last!

Mama-ji: So… Sorry Beti… it was stuck so hard…

It was a precarious situation. I knew it was totally unintentional on Mama-ji’s part, but his arm hit directly on my
breast and pressed my proud flesh very openly, which made me gasp like anything! Mama-ji also appeared very
tentative, as he also probably did not expect such a situation. He was an elderly person and of course respected so
much by me, and he suddenly hitting and pressing my breast created a very embarrassing situation. I tried to save
the situation by adjusting my pallu, but knew very well that the back of Mama-ji’s palm clearly measured the
firmness and tightness of my 30-year-old matured breasts.

Naturally I blushed very heavily and tried to look outside the window. I again pulled my pallu more securely over my
breasts in trying to be normal.

Mama-ji: Hope it didn’t hurt you Bahurani.

I turned my head towards him and noticed that Mama-ji was directly looking at my ripe proud mammaries and I felt
so very ashamed that I had to turn my head again towards the window. I could sense very well that Mama-ji got a
clear hint of my boob firmness through this incident and he was in fact stealing glances of my round tits under my
sari pallu as he drove the car. I was really not sure whether it was my mind thinking too much on the matter or was
he really peeping at my protruding boobs!

After sometime mama-ji took out a cassette from the shelf and put it on the player. I already was breathing a
shade heavier and could sense that my nipples were raising their heads slowly within my brassiere.

Mama-ji: So what is Guru-ji saying? Is he happy with your treatment process?

Me: Ye… yes Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: He was saying that you just completed the first half of the Maha-yagya yesterday night…

A tremor as if passed through my whole body. How much has Guru-ji revealed to Mama-ji? My Goodness! It would
be very, very shameful for me if Mama-ji happens to know what were the steps in the Yoni Puja, which I had to
undertake. Would Guru-ji reveal ashram secrets to outsiders? Probably not, but still I was having a dry throat in
my anxiousness.

Me: Ye… yes. I am also hopeful that my wish would… would come true after...

Mama-ji: By the way Bahurani, what’s actually this Maha-yagya? How different is it from other yagyas?

Seems Mama-ji was not aware of everything that goes on behind the closed doors of the ashram. I breathed easy.
Me: Nothing… not much difference Mama-ji… It’s all about… about rituals, off… err… offering etc. but in great

Mama-ji: Guru-ji was saying it’s very strenuous …

Me: Yes… yes…. Very tiring… actually you need to sit for very long hours. L-o-n-g prayers also.

I tried my best to cut discussions regarding ashram short - firstly because he was a male, moreover quite elderly,
and most importantly he was a relative of mine from my husband’s side. So, if by any chance he gets to know of my
“acts” in the ashram, I would stand nowhere in my “sasural”. Hence very consciously I deviated the topic.

Me: Mama-ji, one thing I must admit… you look pretty fit even at this age… What’s the secret? (I asked smiling

Mama-ji (immediately happiness flushed on his face) He he… I do exercise regularly Bahurani and you know also
sticks to a restricted diet.

Me: O! That’s really good to know. You should give some tips to Rajesh… He’s so lazy…

Mama-ji: Ha ha ha… Lazy? Even when you are around? Ha ha ha….

He started laughing very loudly at his own double-meaning comment and I also pretended to have felt very shy.

As I lifted my chin up and looked through the windscreen suddenly I noted that there were a few boys and girls
standing at some distance on the road and waving their hands to us! I was obviously curious and as I turned towards
Mama-ji and he also had noticed them.

Mama-ji: Must be in trouble. Seems their car has a flat tyre!

Within moments we reached where the boys and girls were standing and Mama-ji stopped the car.

Mama-ji: What’s up?

One of the boys came near and briefed that their car had a flat tyre and they did not have a spare one and he
requested for a lift to some place called “Shekhapura”. I noted that there were individuals (two boys and three
girls), all appeared to be college students, and very evidently city-based (from their modern outfits).

Mama-ji agreed to provide them the “lift” and I also gave the nod as I thought how long would they remain
stranded like that on this road!

Mama-ji: One of you come to the front and rest can sit at the back…

Girl-1: Sure Sir, no problems at all. Pinky, you sit in the front.

The girl named Pinky came and sat beside me. She was slightly overweight and since she was wearing a fairly tight
skirt and top, her breasts and hips looked very prominent. The other two girls were wearing jeans and short kurti.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, do one thing, you keep one leg on each side of the gear… then you both can sit comfortably…

Mama-ji remarked seeing that neither that girl nor myself was unable to sit properly due to our macro-sized

Me: O… okay!

I shifted towards Mama-ji and guided my right leg to the other side of the gear. Now the gear was exactly
between my legs and I could jolly well feel that it was a “suicidal” idea for any female to sit like that in a moving
car, but there was hardly anything I could also!

I had shifted significantly towards Mama-ji in accommodating that girl Pinky. She had a significantly large and
round ass for her age and now the right side of my body was touching Mama-ji’s body.

Mama-ji: Okay, can we start?

The boys and girls from the back chorused: Sure sir!

Mama-ji started a casual chat with the crowd in the car, but I was very conscious of my condition due to the
dangling gear in between my thighs! As Mama-ji was changing the gear, each time his left hand brushed my thighs
and not only that as and when he was lowering the gear it was aiming almost my choot!

My whole body got stiff each time there was a change in gear position.

The new thing that added to my misery was with each turn on the road towards left, as Mama-ji turned the
steering wheel, I felt his elbow nudging and pressing on my firm right breast. I could not even use my arm to
protect my boobs because that would look very rude.

The girl beside me (Pinky) was talking to me (just formality chat) and I was replying to her, but I was very
conscious as Mama-ji was frequently changing the gear. I was trying to manage somehow, but as I looked towards
that girl from her right side, I noticed that her breasts protruded so very prominently through her tight top that
anyone could make out the size and shape of her twin peaks! I wondered how could a grown up girl wear such a
thing! Was she not aware that everybody would look at her tits, as they were so very evident through her dress?
Not only that, the fabric of the top she was wearing was also not very thick and decent, and hence if anyone sees a
bit minutely could easily trace her bra position inside her tight top! How shameless these city girls are!

Just then there was a sharp U-turn and I had no other option but to clench my fist and close my eyes because as
Mama-ji rotated the steering wheel, I immediately felt his elbow digging deep in my firm boob flesh and when he
kept the wheel in one constant position for the turn, he was actually poking my right boob in a very offending
manner. Mama-ji’s left elbow remained tightly pressed on my breast and it was indeed a tongue-tied situation for
me in the literal sense.

I looked from the corner of my eye towards Mama-ji, but he seemed very attentive towards driving though his
elbow was constantly pushing my breast! Was Mama-ji so ignorant? Couldn’t be! I was a bit puzzled. Since I was
wearing one of those brassieres, which fitted very tightly on my tits, the firmness and sponginess was of course
more today. I was not a teenager that he could just ignore, I was a matured lady… How could Mama-ji totally ignore

Could it not be that he treated me like his daughter and hence it was just a situational occurrence? I rebuked
myself and was sure that Mama-ji did not do that on purpose and it was purely coincidental. Hence I slowly started
accepting Mama-ji’s elbowing in a more free mind. I tried to concentrate on the scenery outside, but unfortunately
this road had so many turns that it became quite impossible for me to remain just nonchalant.
As time passed I could feel Mama-ji’s elbow digging in deeper and with time more decisively into my boob as he
turned the steering wheel. I was definitely feeling wet inside my pussy and my boob flesh started getting hugely
taut. Mama-ji was absolutely ignorant, but my face had turned crimson, as the process was quite regular
supplemented by the gear action in between my sari-covered thighs.

The initial chat etc. had stopped and everybody was silent as the car raced on at a decent speed. The girl next to
me was already in a semi-slumber, there was no sound from the back seat also, and Mama-ji as usual was all
focussed on driving. Just then I happened to raise my eyes and looked through the viewfinder just above my head
inside the car.

My mouth simply opened wide! From my angle I could see only one girl and one boy on the back seat. I saw that the
girl was sitting with her head on the boy’s shoulder and the boy had one of his hands encircling her over her
shoulder. This much was okay, but I did notice that the upper two buttons on the girl’s top was open and the boy’s
hand was freely moving on her chest area!

I was already somewhat aroused by Mama-ji’s “driving” and gulping that scene my heart started racing faster
immediately. For the moment Mama-ji’s touched remained obscured from my mind and I was keen to watch more.
The boy was also lightly kissing the girl’s cheeks and hairs and once I saw he cupped the girl’s perky breast fully
with his hand coming from above her shoulder. He gave it a long, tight squeeze and naturally the girl had her eyes
closed and was enjoying the whole thing.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, am having hindrance to guide the gear… if you can just keep your legs a bit more spaced out…

Me: Uuuh? Oh! Okay Mama-ji…

I was so keen watching the viewfinder that I readily agreed to what Mama-ji said, but unfortunately since on one
side Pinky was sleeping with very much parted legs and Mama-ji sitting on the other side, there was not much space
for me to spread my thighs.

Mama-ji: (Seeing that I was unable to do it properly): Let me help you…

Mama-ji now himself grabbed my right thigh over my sari and pulled it towards him trying to create space for the
gear to move freely. No way did I expect that, but seeing Mama-ji’s expression I realized it was an honest effort
from the elderly person.

Mama-ji: Now it’s okay. I hope you are not uncomfortable Bahurani?

Me: No… no.

In the process my right thigh was pressed more tightly on Mama-ji’s leg and he must be feeling the smoothness and
silkiness of my plump sari-covered thigh. I was eager to look up at the viewfinder again and the scene there had of
course heated up! I saw the boy had glided his hand through the open buttons of the girl’s top and was massaging
her breasts inside her brassiere! The girl now was sitting more close to him, almost on his lap!

Suddenly I felt a pinch on my firm thigh flesh and looked very surprisingly at Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: He was saying that you just completed the first half of the Maha-yagya yesterday night…

A tremor as if passed through my whole body. How much has Guru-ji revealed to Mama-ji? My Goodness! It would
be very, very shameful for me if Mama-ji happens to know what were the steps in the Yoni Puja, which I had to
undertake. Would Guru-ji reveal ashram secrets to outsiders? Probably not, but still I was having a dry throat in
my anxiousness.

Me: Ye… yes. I am also hopeful that my wish would… would come true after...

Mama-ji: By the way Bahurani, what’s actually this Maha-yagya? How different is it from other yagyas?

Seems Mama-ji was not aware of everything that goes on behind the closed doors of the ashram. I breathed easy.

Me: Nothing… not much difference Mama-ji… It’s all about… about rituals, off… err… offering etc. but in great

Mama-ji: Guru-ji was saying it’s very strenuous …

Me: Yes… yes…. Very tiring… actually you need to sit for very long hours. L-o-n-g prayers also.

I tried my best to cut discussions regarding ashram short - firstly because he was a male, moreover quite elderly,
and most importantly he was a relative of mine from my husband’s side. So, if by any chance he gets to know of my
“acts” in the ashram, I would stand nowhere in my “sasural”. Hence very consciously I deviated the topic.

Me: Mama-ji, one thing I must admit… you look pretty fit even at this age… What’s the secret? (I asked smiling

Mama-ji (immediately happiness flushed on his face) He he… I do exercise regularly Bahurani and you know also
sticks to a restricted diet.

Me: O! That’s really good to know. You should give some tips to Rajesh… He’s so lazy…

Mama-ji: Ha ha ha… Lazy? Even when you are around? Ha ha ha….

He started laughing very loudly at his own double-meaning comment and I also pretended to have felt very shy.

As I lifted my chin up and looked through the windscreen suddenly I noted that there were a few boys and girls
standing at some distance on the road and waving their hands to us! I was obviously curious and as I turned towards
Mama-ji and he also had noticed them.

Mama-ji: Must be in trouble. Seems their car has a flat tyre!

Within moments we reached where the boys and girls were standing and Mama-ji stopped the car.

Mama-ji: What’s up?

One of the boys came near and briefed that their car had a flat tyre and they did not have a spare one and he
requested for a lift to some place called “Shekhapura”. I noted that there were individuals (two boys and three
girls), all appeared to be college students, and very evidently city-based (from their modern outfits).

Mama-ji agreed to provide them the “lift” and I also gave the nod as I thought how long would they remain
stranded like that on this road!

Mama-ji: One of you come to the front and rest can sit at the back…

Girl-1: Sure Sir, no problems at all. Pinky, you sit in the front.
The girl named Pinky came and sat beside me. She was slightly overweight and since she was wearing a fairly tight
skirt and top, her breasts and hips looked very prominent. The other two girls were wearing jeans and short kurti.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, do one thing, you keep one leg on each side of the gear… then you both can sit comfortably…

Mama-ji remarked seeing that neither that girl nor myself was unable to sit properly due to our macro-sized

Me: O… okay!

I shifted towards Mama-ji and guided my right leg to the other side of the gear. Now the gear was exactly
between my legs and I could jolly well feel that it was a “suicidal” idea for any female to sit like that in a moving
car, but there was hardly anything I could also!

I had shifted significantly towards Mama-ji in accommodating that girl Pinky. She had a significantly large and
round ass for her age and now the right side of my body was touching Mama-ji’s body.

Mama-ji: Okay, can we start?

The boys and girls from the back chorused: Sure sir!

Mama-ji started a casual chat with the crowd in the car, but I was very conscious of my condition due to the
dangling gear in between my thighs! As Mama-ji was changing the gear, each time his left hand brushed my thighs
and not only that as and when he was lowering the gear it was aiming almost my choot!

My whole body got stiff each time there was a change in gear position.

The new thing that added to my misery was with each turn on the road towards left, as Mama-ji turned the
steering wheel, I felt his elbow nudging and pressing on my firm right breast. I could not even use my arm to
protect my boobs because that would look very rude.

The girl beside me (Pinky) was talking to me (just formality chat) and I was replying to her, but I was very
conscious as Mama-ji was frequently changing the gear. I was trying to manage somehow, but as I looked towards
that girl from her right side, I noticed that her breasts protruded so very prominently through her tight top that
anyone could make out the size and shape of her twin peaks! I wondered how could a grown up girl wear such a
thing! Was she not aware that everybody would look at her tits, as they were so very evident through her dress?
Not only that, the fabric of the top she was wearing was also not very thick and decent, and hence if anyone sees a
bit minutely could easily trace her bra position inside her tight top! How shameless these city girls are!

Just then there was a sharp U-turn and I had no other option but to clench my fist and close my eyes because as
Mama-ji rotated the steering wheel, I immediately felt his elbow digging deep in my firm boob flesh and when he
kept the wheel in one constant position for the turn, he was actually poking my right boob in a very offending
manner. Mama-ji’s left elbow remained tightly pressed on my breast and it was indeed a tongue-tied situation for
me in the literal sense.

I looked from the corner of my eye towards Mama-ji, but he seemed very attentive towards driving though his
elbow was constantly pushing my breast! Was Mama-ji so ignorant? Couldn’t be! I was a bit puzzled. Since I was
wearing one of those brassieres, which fitted very tightly on my tits, the firmness and sponginess was of course
more today. I was not a teenager that he could just ignore, I was a matured lady… How could Mama-ji totally ignore

Could it not be that he treated me like his daughter and hence it was just a situational occurrence? I rebuked
myself and was sure that Mama-ji did not do that on purpose and it was purely coincidental. Hence I slowly started
accepting Mama-ji’s elbowing in a more free mind. I tried to concentrate on the scenery outside, but unfortunately
this road had so many turns that it became quite impossible for me to remain just nonchalant.

As time passed I could feel Mama-ji’s elbow digging in deeper and with time more decisively into my boob as he
turned the steering wheel. I was definitely feeling wet inside my pussy and my boob flesh started getting hugely
taut. Mama-ji was absolutely ignorant, but my face had turned crimson, as the process was quite regular
supplemented by the gear action in between my sari-covered thighs.

The initial chat etc. had stopped and everybody was silent as the car raced on at a decent speed. The girl next to
me was already in a semi-slumber, there was no sound from the back seat also, and Mama-ji as usual was all
focussed on driving. Just then I happened to raise my eyes and looked through the viewfinder just above my head
inside the car.

My mouth simply opened wide! From my angle I could see only one girl and one boy on the back seat. I saw that the
girl was sitting with her head on the boy’s shoulder and the boy had one of his hands encircling her over her
shoulder. This much was okay, but I did notice that the upper two buttons on the girl’s top was open and the boy’s
hand was freely moving on her chest area!

I was already somewhat aroused by Mama-ji’s “driving” and gulping that scene my heart started racing faster
immediately. For the moment Mama-ji’s touched remained obscured from my mind and I was keen to watch more.
The boy was also lightly kissing the girl’s cheeks and hairs and once I saw he cupped the girl’s perky breast fully
with his hand coming from above her shoulder. He gave it a long, tight squeeze and naturally the girl had her eyes
closed and was enjoying the whole thing.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, am having hindrance to guide the gear… if you can just keep your legs a bit more spaced out…

Me: Uuuh? Oh! Okay Mama-ji…

I was so keen watching the viewfinder that I readily agreed to what Mama-ji said, but unfortunately since on one
side Pinky was sleeping with very much parted legs and Mama-ji sitting on the other side, there was not much space
for me to spread my thighs.

Mama-ji: (Seeing that I was unable to do it properly): Let me help you…

Mama-ji now himself grabbed my right thigh over my sari and pulled it towards him trying to create space for the
gear to move freely. No way did I expect that, but seeing Mama-ji’s expression I realized it was an honest effort
from the elderly person.

Mama-ji: Now it’s okay. I hope you are not uncomfortable Bahurani?

Me: No… no.

In the process my right thigh was pressed more tightly on Mama-ji’s leg and he must be feeling the smoothness and
silkiness of my plump sari-covered thigh. I was eager to look up at the viewfinder again and the scene there had of
course heated up! I saw the boy had glided his hand through the open buttons of the girl’s top and was massaging
her breasts inside her brassiere! The girl now was sitting more close to him, almost on his lap!
Suddenly I felt a pinch on my firm thigh flesh and looked very surprisingly at Mama-ji.

Mama-ji drove the car into the portico of the house and garaged it beside the garden. It was a nice small one
storied bungalow type house, quite well maintained.

Mama-ji: I do all this gardening and landscaping myself.

Me: Very nice Mama-ji.

We entered the house and honestly I was feeling a bit odd being alone only with Mama-ji in the house. There was
no other person present. Even the maid was missing as she was on leave. Mama-ji showed me the interiors, which
comprised of one bedroom, a dining space, a library, a kitchen, a toilet, and a verandah. I kept my carry bag in
Mama-ji’s bedroom and used the conveniences.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, garma garam chaye!

Mama-ji placed the tray on the center table. He had brought some cakes and sweets also.

Me: How could you prepare so quickly? (I was visibly surprised)

Mama-ji: Ha ha… I had prepared before I left and kept it in the thermos.

Me: Oh!

The couches that were there in the dining space looked rather odd to me and as I sat on one of them I realized the
problem. It was okay for relaxing but for any female to sit like that was pretty odd. The cushion of the couch was
unusually soft and spongy and naturally for a heavy bottomed woman like me, I just dug deeper and deeper into the
couch. I grabbed the hand-rests of the couch for balance, but my hips descended so much inside that I looked
horrible in that posture!

Mama-ji: Uhu! Not like that Bahurani. Sit in a relaxed manner! Like this… These are imported settees. Very
comfortable, but you must release your body fully on the backrest. Aaah!

Seeing Mama-ji, I gently released my body weight to the backrest and yes, definitely I felt at ease, but the sitting
position was honestly rather awkward for any female, especially in front of any male. It was okay that Mama-ji was
my relative, but still…

My heavy ass dug so deep into the seat that it made my legs lose grip off the floor and they hung in the air and my
head rested back. Generally we females tend to sit with our legs closed or crossed when we are in an unfamiliar
environment, but this couch was made in such a way that it was extremely difficult to keep legs together just
because the hip was going so deep down. My legs also remained parted (must have been looking rather indecent as
Mama-ji was sitting directly opposite to me) as I leaned back significantly due to the backrest.

It was okay for any male to sit like that as Mama-ji was relaxing and sipping the tea, but for a woman to sit like
that was cumbersome. Mama-ji probably read my mind.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, you have just traveled some good kilometers, so just relax now and have the tea. I know when
one first sits on this couch, he or she remains a bit stiff, but if you enjoy the sitting, you will surely like it.

Me: Ye… yes Mama-ji, but it is quite…

Mama-ji: Yes, I know Beti… But unless you slacken your muscles a bit, you will not feel the… .

Me: O… Okay….

I obeyed Mama-ji and loosened my muscles and as a result my sari-covered round fleshy bottom dug an inch or tow
more into the cushion and my knees separated (which I had been keeping together) as I supported my head on the
backrest. I was slowly getting accustomed and after a while as I sipped the tea my legs spread apart inside my sari
as I relaxed on that unique couch.

Mama-ji: How’s the tea Beti?

Me: Very nice Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Ha ha… Good. You know it feels so good if someone comes here, like today you have come…. But alas! All of
my blood relations have scattered out… and there is hardly any time for this old man…

Me: Don’t say like that Mama-ji… Actually since you leave alone, you sense that a shade more.

Mama-ji: Hmm… may be! I pass my days now with two or three friends here who are almost my age and also by
giving tuition to the boys and girls of our locality.

Me: In which subject do you give tuition Mama-ji?

Mama-ji: Why? Will you take my tuition? Ha ha ha…

We both were smiling.

Mama-ji: Mainly mathematics, but not lower classes, I don’t have the patience now… so I restrict to only classes XI
and XII.

Me: I see.

I was feeling slightly uncomfortable now as my panty borders had shifted a bit and were cutting marginally on my
groins. Though it was not an intolerable situation, but since I had been sitting in the car in a stiff posture for a
prolonged period of time, it must have happened. Mama-ji was right in front of me, so obviously there was no
question of me trying to adjust my panty. I continued like that though could clearly feel that the edges of my panty
were pressing on my groin.

Mama-ji: Anyway, tell me how’s Rajesh’s business going? I hope all is well?

Me: Yes Mama-ji, his business is going okay, but he has to spend a lot of time in it.

Mama-ji: Ha ha … Shall I consider it as a complain?

Me: (blushing) No, no.

Mama-ji: Still I got the message the way you said it. Ha ha… Anyway, he is staying at night with you naa… Ha ha

I smiled, blushing again.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, whatever you say, you are looking extremely odd in this saffron sari within the house. Seems
like some Sanyasini has come …. Ha ha ha..

Me: Yes Mama-ji I know, but I should not break the ashram code.

Mama-ji: But unlike the ashram no one is vigilant on you here!

Me: That’s true. But…

Mama-ji: Okay, but tell me do you always wear this outfit there? I mean even while sleeping also?

Me: No, no Mama-ji. I wear a nighty, but that too is given by the ashram.

Mama-ji: O! I see. But anyway Bahurani you saved me from getting into an awkward situation… (he was smilingly

Me: (amused) How?

Mama-ji: If you wished to change your sari, I am not in a position to give you a spare one. Obviously there are no
female garments in my house. Ha ha ha… I only have shirts and trousers to offer you. At most I can give you a vest
and a pajama to wear…. Ha ha ha…

I smiled back to him with a crimson shade on my face.

Mama-ji: Though there are some saris etc. of my maidservant kept here for emergency purpose, but obviously I can
never offer that to my Bahurani.

I smiled again and sipped the tea. Just then Mama-ji stood up from the couch. He has finished his tea. He came
near me. I was definitely feeling a bit uncomfortable as he came very near to me and looked down at me while
talking. I was sitting in a clumsy fashion in that couch - both my legs were spread and since my buttocks had sunk
deep my sari stretched on my thighs making them more prominent and my twin tits appeared like two small hillocks
on display as my upper body leaned back on the backrest of the couch.

Fortunately I was wearing a sari; had I been wearing a salwar-kamiz and sitting in this couch, surely it would look
rather obscene because from the opposite low angle Mama-ji certainly would have been able to peep into my kamiz
from below due to my parted legs. Simultaneously the thought of myself wearing the Maha-yagya paridhan and
sitting on this couch came to my mind and I instantly blushed and smiled within myself thinking of the outrageous
upskirt view I would have provided to Mama-ji sitting opposite to me!

Mama-ji: Bahurani, I will just take a break for 15-20 minutes, as I have to attend some urgent garden work. Till
such time you can have a look at the house and also go to the roof if you like. Otherwise you can just relax here
also … okay?

Me: Ji… ji Mama-ji.

I completed the tea and took a couple of sweets, which tasted really nice. As Mama-ji went outside to the garden,
I stretched myself and tried to feel more relaxed and automatically now my legs got parted even more (I wondered
what would happen to a girl if she sits in this couch wearing a knee-length skirt!)

However, as I continued to relax on that couch, I had to admit in my mind that it was extremely comfortable
because once I released my full body weight onto it and was not stiff any longer, it really was a great feeling! At
the same time I concluded that this sort of couch should not be kept in the dining, but rather in a private place
(like bedroom or a somewhat closed verandah) so that females could also use it effectively. The backrest was so
awkwardly deep that when I released my body fully to lean and rest on it, my big boobs looked like two floating
balloons under my sari! By no means it could be termed decent for a matured woman to sit and relax on this sort of
a couch (especially in front of any male).

After a while, I got up and thought of taking a walk within the house. Mama-ji was outside working in the garden. I
started with the kitchen, which was substantially big and spacious. All the utensils, plates, cups, spice bottles, etc.
were kept very neatly and I appreciated Mama-ji’s maid’s work in my mind.

Me: Surely Mama-ji! (I relied with a smiling face alighting from the stool on which I was sitting)

Radheshyam Uncle: Actually Beti I can walk with the help of this cane, but in the toilet I need help. Hope you would
not mind helping this old man… Ha ha ha…

Me: No, no. Not at all.

Mama-ji went to the bedroom to change and Radheshyam Uncle took baby steps towards the bathroom. I also
accompanied him walking side by side.

I opened the bathroom door for him. Radheshyam Uncle slowly stepped inside and put his cane on the bathroom
hook. As soon as he was without the cane, he visibly had an unstable gait. I quickly held him by his hand and

Radheshyam Uncle: Beti, can you please hold my shirt like this…

He indicated to lift up his shirt at his waist so that he could open the zip of his trouser. I did as he instructed. I
should have tugged my pallu in my waist as it was slipping off my breasts as I had bent marginally.

Radheshyam Uncle: Oh! These zips… they never would come down smooth! (he was trying to pull down his zip with
two hands)

I was feeling a bit tongue-tied as the position I was in I could not miss the sight of his penis; though he was pretty
elderly and semi-disabled, my heart was beating a shade faster in anticipation of “lund darshan”.

Radheshyam Uncle: Ah! Got it! (he looked up at me)

My pallu was sliding down slowly and now almost my full blouse-covered left breast was visible. There was no way I
could adjust it and I cursed myself for not being attentive about it. Radheshyam Uncle now took out his cock out of
his chaddi…

My God! It was such a well-nourished, stiff dick, almost unbelievable for a man of his age! He smiled at me and
started urinating. The smile was so suggestive…. I never expected such a gesture from an elderly man like him! In
front of my eyes Radheshyam Uncle was peeing and I could clearly see the reddish bulb of his stout penis.
Automatically I felt very awkward because though he looked significantly old, his lund was quite stout and stiff!
Even though Radheshyam Uncle’s cock was not very long, but definitely it was pretty portly, which would attract
any mature woman.

I tried my best to look elsewhere but the attraction of well-nourished penis is such for a married woman that time
and again my eyes were coming down on his open fly. The stream was weak and Uncle urinated for a longer time
than normal. I was so engrossed to watch his naked dick that had not noticed my pallu had almost slipped
completely off my conical blouse covered peaks revealing my treasures.

The position was such that I could not shift any of the hands – I was supporting Radheshyam Uncle with one hand
while with the other I was holding his lifted shirt. I noticed that Uncle was eyeing my big pomegranate breasts and
looking at my exposed cleavage. It was so irritating, but there was nothing to do till he finished urination.

Radheshyam Uncle: Thanks Bahurani… please be kind enough to hold my shirt up for a little while more.

Me: O…okay uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle jerked his penis for unusually long time giving me a prolonged opportunity to view his naked
penis. I wondered in the last few days how many male penises I had seen!

Radheshyam Uncle: Okay done.

Uncle angled his arm to pull down his shirt and his elbow straightaway hit my tight breasts and I immediately coiled

Radheshyam Uncle: Sorry Beti… actually… you can now hold me by my shoulders.

I tried to adjust my pallu first with one hand and held him with the other, but he was so unsteady that he was
almost falling to one side during this act.

Radheshyam Uncle: B-a-h-u-r-a-n-i, do not take away your hand like that.

I reacted immediately and had to be extremely proactive to prevent his fall, but in the process was almost hugging
him from the back. My full breasts pressed against his back as he was regained his standing posture.

Me: Oh! You scared me Uncle!

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani that’s my only problem, my gait. I really have no control on that.

Me: I can understand… (all this while my firm boobs remained tightly pressed on his back and Uncle must have
enjoyed the fullness of my tits thoroughly on his back).

I myself was also feeling “hot” now – first being a spectator in that lewd chat, then seeing Uncle’s lund, and now
pressing my breasts on his body – the effect was of course more as I was pantyless inside my sari.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, you come to my front and hold me so that I can get the cane.

Me: Okay…

I slowly came face to face with Radheshyam Uncle, being very cautious so that he did not get off balance, but in
the process rubbed my big tight breasts on his body’s upper part as I finally came to his front. I did not know
whether it was enough to charge up a 50+ man semi-disabled man like him or not, but I myself was indeed feeling a
strong itch inside my choot.

Radheshyam Uncle: Now you hold me Bahurani so that I can…

Me: Yes, surely.

I held his waist as he raised his right arm to get the cane, but unfortunately the positioning was not right and he
had to lean forward to reach the cane hung on the wall hook. His body weight started leaning towards me and
though Radheshyam Uncle was not very bulky, it was a rather tight situation for me to keep his body weight holding
on to his waist only. I had to shift my hands off his waist to hold him properly and more securely, but as I did that
I noticed his whole body undulated like a free particle and I immediately grabbed him tightly to avoid a fall

Radheshyam Uncle: B-a-h-u-r-a-n-i…

Me: Sorry Uncle. I forgot momentarily…

Now I was compelled to hold him by his body circumference, but the result was simply disastrous for me. It was
almost like a full frontal hug for Uncle and with his one arm extended out for the cane, his unbalanced undulating
body slipped into my embrace. As he bent further to reach for the cane, I was unable to bear his weight with my
hands and though I tried my best to avoid that clumsy situation, it was inevitable. I was virtually hugging him from
the front!

Things were worse since he had one arm folded near his chest (while his other arm was stretched out for the
cane), he was in fact directly touching and pressing my big mammaries over my sari pallu and blouse with that hand!
I could feel his pelvic area also pressing and pushing into my crotch! I never expected such a thing to happen in the
toilet, but as soon as I got direct touches on my boob by a male hand, I started getting very excited. The sight of
Uncle’s stiff and nourished cock (which I saw moments ago during his urination) also crept up in my mind. I could
clearly sense the flow of libido in me and was getting excited by the touch of this near 60 man!

Uiiiaaahhhh…. (I murmured within myself)

My face pressed against his shoulder and armpit and the scent of male body odor made me more passionate! I
completely forgot his age and the respect that existed between our relationship and embraced him more tightly
with both hands (as if trying to hold him so that he could keep his balance). I was pretty sure Radheshyam Uncle
could not miss that gesture of mine as my fingers dug deep into his skin and within moments I realized that he was
also eager to use the opportunity! I felt that his bend arm had started working! Initially it was pressing on my
breasts, but now I could clearly feel that his fingers pressed on my firm boob flesh and trying to cup my big-sized
developed tit.

Radheshyam Uncle: Ohh! Bahurani… I am feeling a bit lightheaded… Aah! Can you… can you please hold me for some
more time?

Me: Of course Uncle. Please be stationary till you feel better.

Radheshyam Uncle: Oh… Okay… Thanks.

Was he really feeling lightheaded? God knows! Though his facial expressions were pretty convincing for me that he
was feeling uneasy, but his body movements were certainly depicting a different story! His head suddenly drooped
and rested on my shoulder.

Me: Uncle, are you okay?

Radheshyam Uncle: Umm… (sniffing my neck and hair) It happ… happens to me… will be okay soon.

Me: Okay, okay. You just reeee… (I almost gasped as his nose touched my neck) … relax. No… No problem.
I tried my best to appear normal to the aged man, but his movements were making me rather horny! As his head
continued to lie on my shoulder and he was inhaling my hair aroma, his folded arm remained pressed on my breast
directly. Additionally as he felt lightheaded he dropped his extended arm (which he had raised for the cane on the
wall hook) behind my body and it landed on my round protruding ass. This time I was really feeling very
uncomfortable, as I was not keen to advertise to Radheshyam Uncle that I was not wearing a panty under my sari.
But as his body dropped and bent a bit due to his lightheadedness, his palm was right over my sari-covered left ass
cheek. I was compelled to wriggle my ass and tried to shift a bit in my standing posture as I was feeling very
uneasy and getting increasingly excited that way with a man embracing me with his left hand on my doodh and his
right hand on my gaand!

It was not that I was not enjoying Uncle’s touches on my body, but he was making me rather crazy with his posture.
Afterall I did not want to cross the decency level and go wild here in Mama-ji’s residence.

Radheshyam Uncle was continuously emitting sounds of different sorts (uff… aaafff… ohhh…) and simultaneously
exerting more pressure on me. He kept his body weight almost fully on me and now though his head was somewhat
stationary (not breathing in too much my hair aroma), his hands were making me gasp. I could feel Radheshyam
Uncle was trying to stretch his fingers of his left hand, which was pressed between our bodies right over my
mammaries, and in the process was actually squeezing and cupping my firm boob flesh. I just went mad – my nipples
were fully erect by then and I was sure he could feel the poke of my stiff nipples on his fingers over the fabric of
my blouse and brassiere. Naturally my lips began to part and I closed my eyes in elation and my fingers digging in
more deep on Uncle’s back.

The next moment Radheshyam Uncle made me rather embarrassed as I could clearly make out that he was trying
to be sure whether I was wearing anything under my sari. The way he was moving his palm on my whole ass and
pressing certain areas made me very much convinced that he was trying to trace whether I was wearing a panty or
not. When the old man was sure that I had nothing underneath my sari he gave me a very tight squeeze on my
bottom. My whole face turned red being caught in a pantyless condition in the hands of this near 60 man. I realized
that I had to resist now otherwise I might not stop Radheshyam Uncle from molesting me.

Me: Uncle, are you better now? I am really finding it difficult to hold you weight….

Radheshyam Uncle: Ahh… Yes, yes Bahurani. Sorry for that…

Uncle tried to stand straight and I also loosened my hug and he now finally took out his folded arm off my
mammaries. Due to his groping my pallu had moved dangerously and I was exposing my cleavage along with the whole
of my butter-colored upper breast area. As I was breathing heavily due to my excited state, the bulge of my boobs
over my blouse was also very evident. Since I could not remove my hands off Uncle’s body, I could not adjust my
sari pallu and thus shamelessly stood in that sexy condition. Radheshyam Uncle was of course eyeing my fully
developed tits as he extended his arm again to reach the cane. This time he picked that up cleanly and at last he
released me!

I immediately placed my pallu over my exposed boobs and wrapped my sari neatly on my body so that Mama-ji did
not suspect anything.

Radheshyam Uncle: Sorry again Bahurani for the trouble.

Me (smiling) No, no, its okay.

I walked ahead of Uncle through the toilet door and as I looked back momentarily I did not miss his gaze over my
full-sized butts. I dropped my eyelids in natural shame, as I was very much aware that he had the knowledge that I
was wearing nothing under my sari. Our walk through the corridor was of course silent till we reached Mama-ji.
Mama-ji: Oh! You took a long time!

Me: Actually Radheshyam Uncle was not feeling well….

Mama-ji: Oh! What’s is Radhe?

Radheshyam Uncle: Arre… don’t worry Arjun. Its my lightheadedness, which comes and goes throughout the day.

Mama-ji: O! I see. Bahurani, that’s an old friend of his… Ha ha ha...

Mama-ji distributed some candies, which tasted really good.

Radheshyam Uncle: Let me sit for a while to be fully fit again.

Mama-ji: Yes, take some rest. You know Bahurani, Radhe is just my age, but see how old he appears. That’s why I
always say to exercise, but this lazy old fox won’t listen!

I said within myself that how much old Radheshyam Uncle might appear, his cock looked very strong and well
nourished! I smiled. I was about to sit on the chair when…

Mama-ji: Arree! Bahurani! Wait… one sec.

I was about to sit and remained in that state hearing Mama-ji’s words and my big sari-covered bottom jutted out
as I stood in that “about to sit posture”. I must have been looking horribly indecent as both Radheshyam Uncle and
Mama-ji were staring keenly at my rear portion.

Mama-ji: (still looking towards my ass) What’s that patch?

Me: Where?

Mama-ji: There… on your… (he pointed towards my ass)

I immediately was alert and stood straight.

Mama-ji: Eh! A distinct black spot there… how did you get that?

I was visibly surprised as I was sure that I did not lean on anything so that I might catch any stain. I took my right
hand to my backside (to be precise on my hips) and tried to trace that.

Me: Where? (I tried to see it by stretching my sari)

Mama-ji: Oho, let me show you. You cannot see it like that.

Mama-ji came near me and without even asking for a permission touched my firm ass cheek and pointed out the
area on my sari where the stain was.

Me: Oho… okay… okay… but how did I….(In my mind I was cursing me like anything for taking off the panty; after
Radheshyam Uncle, now Mama-ji also felt my ass!)

Mama-ji: Did you sit on anything in the toilet?

Me: Out of question Mama-ji. Ask Radheshyam Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: No, no. Bhahurani was helping me all along.

Mama-ji: Then, did you press your… I mean bottom on the wall etc.?

Me: No, no!

Mama-ji: Then how did such a big black spot come there? It was definitely not there when you went with Radhe,
otherwise I would have told you then.

Me: That’s true also.

Now suddenly a point stroke me! Was it Radheshyam Uncle’s handiwork? I was pretty sure that I did not press my
buttocks on anything, but he felt and pressed my ass with his hand for a fairly long time. Right, right! Uncle washed
his hands after he took the cane from the wall hook! The rascal!

Mama-ji: Do one thing. Go and check in the mirror in my bedroom.

Me: Okay.

I was also keen to see the stain properly. I walked past both the buddhas and my sixth sense alerted me that they
both were gaping at my large round swaying ass inside my sari as I entered Mama-ji’s bedroom. I checked in the
mirror and it was surely looking very odd – a blackish stain on the saffron sari - right in the middle of ass. I rubbed
it with my finger and tried to wipe it and then suddenly I heard footsteps inside the bedroom!

I was not only surprised, but also shocked seeing both men coming inside the room while I was virtually rubbing my
ass in front of the mirror.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, do you have a spare sari with you?

I tried my best to hide my “taken aback” state and tried to act normally. Radheshyam Uncle took small steps and
walked towards the bed and sat there! This irritated me even more.

Me: Yes Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Okay, but Bahurani, I think you would feel the best to wear a fresh set after your bath. Isn’t it?

Me: Yes, but…

Radheshyam Uncle: But Arjun, then how can Bahurani go out for marketing like this?

Mama-ji: But we need to make a move soon otherwise we will proceed to the market now only, otherwise will get
late for lunch.

Me: But Mama-ji…

Mama-ji: Oho… Bahurani! There’s one simple way to get rid of this problem.

Radheshyam Uncle and myself both looked questionable at him.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, I have a washing machine and you won’t believe it dries things in minutes. I will just get that
cleaned (again pointing towards my ass) and get it dried in the machine. Will take just about 15 minutes or so.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bah! That’s really good to know. What do you say Bahurani?

I was literally handicapped to put forward my view (though I tried), as they were just too elderly to me for a

Me: But Mama-ji… err… You don’t take all that pain. I mean I can manage to my spare sari. (Though I was really not
keen to change to the fresh sari without a bath as I had sweated a lot and gathered a lot of dust traveling)

Mama-ji: Bahurani… (there was certainly a change in Mama-ji’s voice).. I told you it’s just a matter of 15 minutes (it
was more of an order).

Radheshyam Uncle: Yes Bahurani, when your mama-ji is saying, you just don’t worry.

I had very little choice after that and moreover I was a guest in Mama-ji’s residence, so could not also object

Me: O… Okay Mama-ji, as you say, but definitely you don’t have to wash the stain, I will do it myself…

Mama-ji: Oho… this girl is just too much… Just do as I say Bahurani! (the output definitely was very affirmative)

Me: (giving up) Ji… ji Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: Okay then, give me the sari.

That was the shock of my life! How could I just take off my sari in front of him and Radheshyam Uncle? I looked
up at him with an extremely frowned face.

Mama-ji seemed cool as if he asked me to do something very normal!

Mama-ji: What happened Bahurani?

Me: No, I mean… err…

Radheshyam Uncle: Arre Arjun, seems Bahurani is shying from us!

Mama-ji: Oooohhh! Ha ha ha…

I stood like an idiot in between the two elderly males who both started laughing loudly.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, really?

Radheshyam Uncle: This is the height Arjun! Ha ha ha…

I really did not understand what was so funny in that - I was hesitating to open my sari in front of two males – was
that very peculiar? I was indeed feeling rather shy and reserved now with the simultaneous laughs from both
Mama-ji: (stopping his laugh suddenly) Do you want us to leave the room?

The question was so unexpectedly placed before me that I could not react and fumbled and made a mess of

Me: No… err…. I mean…

Mama-ji: Radhe… come along. Lets wait outside… Bahurani is shying from us… He bhagwan…

Before I could react Radheshyam Uncle added something more.

Radheshyam Uncle: Arre Bitiya-rani, your husband had played naked in his lap. And you are shying from him? So
many times your mama-ji had dressed up even your mother-in-law… and you are shying from him! That’s not
expected! Anyway, we are going out of the room….

Saying that he was about to get up from the bed where he was sitting. He visibly seemed to be in pain as he was
about to lift his body. I could well realize things were taking a different shape and quickly tried to resurrect the

Me: No, no Mama-ji, I didn’t mean that. Please… I did not want to hurt you.

Mama-ji: No, no Bahurani, you were quite clear…

Me: Mama-ji… Mama-ji, am sorry. I know that you have seen Rajesh from his childhood and Radheshyam Uncle you
were a childhood friend of my mother-in-law. (I was trying my best to butter them up) Actually I… I thought the
other way round…

Radheshyam Uncle: What Bahurani?

Me: I… I thought you might feel offended if I open my sari in front of you. Afterall I am your family’s Bahu…

Mama-ji: Ohhh! Come on! Why should we feel upset?

Radheshyam Uncle: Ha ha ha… just see… we were taking you in a totally different way.

I smiled and was much relieved that I could save the situation.

Mama-ji: Anyway, lets not waste further time because we will get late then for shopping.

Radheshyam Uncle: Right, right! Bahurani, give your sari to Arjun.

Though I was very hesitant, but I did not want to exhibit that to them. Both males were staring at me as I dropped
my sari off my breasts and started unwrapping it off my waist. Within moments I was standing in front of these
elderly males clad in my blouse and petticoat.

Me: Here… here it is. (My eyes were towards the floor as I was indeed feeling rather shy standing like that in
front of two men, almost my father’s age)

As I handed over my sari to Mama-ji and I noted he and Radheshyam Uncle both were eyeing my gorgeous toppling
mammaries clasped in my blouse. My breasts appeared all the more prominent and erect as I was wearing a very
tight bra that day.
Mama-ji: okay Beti, just wait for a while, I will get this stain cleaned.

Radheshyam Uncle: Come quickly Arjun.

Mama-ji: Yes surely.

I felt very awkward standing like that in the room in front of Radheshyam Uncle who was sitting on the bed.

Radheshyam Uncle: You resemble so much like your mother-in-law Bahurani!

I looked at him and saw clearly that he was openly stroking his lund with his hand inside his trousers! My goodness!

Radheshyam Uncle: Tulsi, I mean your mother-in-law also had a great body like you… (he seemed to be licking my
whole body with his eyes!)

I was shocked by the boldness of Radheshyam Uncle and really did not know what to say.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, come and sit here… on the bed.

I had little alternative and stepped slowly towards the bed. Radheshyam Uncle patted the bed to indicate the
position to sit. I felt very ashamed the way things were going, especially about my half-stripped state.

Radheshyam Uncle: You know Beti, when I am looking at you, it reminds me of my Tulsi…

“My Tulsi”? What did he mean?

I could not look straight into Uncle’s eyes, as I was aware that my cleavage was visible to him over my blouse. The
fabric of my petticoat was also not very thick and as I sat on the bed, the outlines of my well-formed rotund
thighs were traceable through my petticoat.

Still I looked questionably at him.

Radheshyam Uncle: You are surprised, isn’t it? But you know Bahurani, Tulsi was supposed to marry me, but…

Me: Marry you?

I was shocked to hear such a comment from Radheshyam Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: Yes Bahurani, but there was an unfortunate sudden clash between our parents, which did not
allow that to happen. But we married each other in our minds. Ahh…

Me: Really! (Though I was pretty surprised to know this fact, I was in fact getting out of my shyness shell slowly)

Radheshyam Uncle: Yes Beti and now each time I am looking at you… it seems Tulsi is sitting in front of me! You
resemble her so much bodily!

Uncle then paused for a moment before he exploded a “bomb”!

Radheshyam Uncle: You know Bahurani, Tulsi and I spent so many quiet afternoons in our house attic - just like you
and me are sitting like this… just like you – clad only in her petticoat and blouse… Actually during that time talks of
her marriage was going on and she used to dress up in sari all the time. We used to meet secretly you know…

Radheshyam Uncle paused very briefly and looking at my face continued.

Radheshyam Uncle: We used to meet in our house attic you know Bahurani and as soon as we were within closed
doors we were in others arms… Ahhh… We then used to chat just like you and me are sitting here and most of the
time Tulsi lost her sari in our hugs. Ha ha ha…

I was a bit staggered to hear such things about my mother-in-law and honestly did not know how to react.
Radheshyam Uncle seemed to be relishing quite a bit as he narrated his private life with my mother-in-law!

Radheshyam Uncle: B-a-h-u-r-a-n-i… you are really making me nostalgic… your body, the way you are looking right
now, your blouse (looking at my twin peaks), your petticoat (looking at my legs)… you definitely bear a strong
resemblance to my Tulsi…

I smiled just a shade. What else could I do? I was praying for Mama-ji to come back so that I could break out of
Radheshyam Uncle’s “nostalgia”. But unfortunately that was not the case and this man continued to relate personal
details of my mother-in-law, which started making me significantly uncomfortable.

Radheshyam Uncle: As I was saying then also Bahurani, the fashion of wearing underpants has only evolved
recently. I never saw Tulsi to wear one… Even you know Beti, at that time, women hardly wear a bra at home, unlike
today, when I find my bahu always wearing one whether at home or going outside! The changing time… Huh!

What did he mean? How could he say that? Did he use to check lifting my mother-in-law’s skirt or sari? I was
simply stunned listening to what he mentioned about his bahu!

Just then Mama-ji was back.

Oh! What a relief!

Mama-ji: Its done Bahurani, its absolutely clean now. I have kept it in the drier and should be dry in 5-10 minutes.

Me: O… okay… err… Thanks Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: The stain was oily type, where did you get it from?

Me: No clue!

Mama-ji: Have you checked Bahurani whether it had seep into your petticoat or not? Actually the fabric of your
ashram sari is quite thin, so I was just…

Me: Ye… yes.. err… no.

Mama-ji: What yes/no? Stand up, let me see.

Again it was a compromising state for me, as I had to display my ass to my elderly relative. I did not argue and
stood up, turned back and faced Radheshyam Uncle who was sitting on bed so that my round petticoat-covered
buttocks faced Mama-ji. I could sense Mama-ji coming near to inspect my gaand from a closer proximity. Instantly
my heart was beating faster as I was very much aware that I was not wearing a panty below my petticoat and my
fleshy ass cheeks must have been visibly prominent through the sheer fabric of my petticoat.
Mama-ji: Thank God. You are safe Bahurani. It did not seep in.

Me: (I was so much relieved as I faced Mama-ji) Oh! Good to know that.

Mama-ji: So Bahurani? How much bore did this old man make you during this time? Ha ha ha…

Me: No… no, it was okay.

Mama-ji: Radhe, what were you chattering?

Radheshyam Uncle: Nothing, I was just telling her how much she resembles Tulsi.

Mama-ji: Ohh… Okay. But yaar, let bygones be bygones. You had an affair with my sister and it was our misfortune
that it did not materialize at that time… that’s all.

Radheshyam Uncle: Agreed. But tell me Arjun does she not extraordinarily resemble Tulsi?

This again created an opportunity for the two “buddhas” to inspect my ripe jawani. I was surely looking rather sexy
in that outfit and both males must have had a gala time feasting their eyes once again directly on my matured

Mama-ji: Hmm… Bahurani, that’s true. Your physical appearance does remind me of my sister during her young

I did not know what to do and tried to remain normal though automatically me ears and face had turned red. But I
was confused since if Mama-ji was comparing me with her sister at her young age, how could she have such a plump
figure at that age!

“I am almost 30 now and my mother-in-law must have got married at 16 or 17! Then how…” I babbled in my mind.

Mama-ji: Anyway Bahurani…. Seems your uncle is quite charged up seeing you… Ha ha ha… Radhe, don’t just confuse
her with Tulsi and do anything… Bahurani, just be careful… Ha ha ha…

I smiled and blushed as I was very much aware what he meant by his statement. I was quite astonished to see that
an elderly man like mama-ji had no respect for her sister and was openly discussing her premarital affair like this!

Radheshyam Uncle: Ha ha ha… That’s well said.

Mama-ji: Let me check if the sari has dried up or not.

Mama-ji left the room and Radheshyam Uncle also stood up and was about to leave the room. He took baby steps
and had reached the doorstep when Mama-ji was back with my sari.

Mama-ji: Here it is Bahurani… you get ready and then we will go straight to the Parineeta Store, a very famous
ladies garment shop in this area.

I sighed a big relief as I was alone in the room. I closed the door and quickly pulled out my panty from the carry
bag. I was cursing myself why I had stripped off it! I briskly wore my panty and adjusted my blouse and petticoat
once before getting out of the house and finally wrapping the sari on my body to look decent. I combed my hair and
was ready in a minute to accompany Mama-ji and Uncle to the market.
We boarded the car and Mama-ji drove us through the busy roads to our destination. I was sitting on the back seat
while Radheshyam Uncle was in the front seat along with Mama-ji. Within 15-20 minutes we reached the Parineeta
Store, which seemed to be a decent looking shop.

Mama-ji: The sari section is on the upstairs.

As the gatekeeper opened the door I noticed he was looking at my firm tits and I quickly looked down and wrapped
my sari pallu more securely, but actually in the process I unknowingly revealed the contours of my big breasts more
as I tightly wrapped my pallu over my blouse.

The shop was spacious and I noticed the store had all sorts of ladies garments starting from salwar suits, kurta-
pajamas, tops-skirts, lehenga-choli, ghagras and even shirts and ladies trousers which were decently displayed in
the ground floor. As we walked past the cash counter to the stairs I could well realize everybody was watching me
probably due to my unusual saffron sari. Radheshyam Uncle was obviously walking slowly due to his handicapped
state and I was walking with him while Mama-ji climbed up the stairs ahead of us.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, you go up, I will take time to climb up the stairs.

Me: Its okay Uncle. There is no hurry… (Afterall he was going to buy me the sari, how could I just leave him on the
stairs and walk up!)

Radheshyam Uncle: He he… Okay, okay… as you wish. Then do one thing… since the stair is narrow you climb up a
couple of steps and then wait for me and then probably I can catch up!

Though apparently there was no problem in that he said, but as the stair to the first floor of the shop was fairly
steep and it was narrow too, I realized that I would present a very indecent view of my hips for Uncle. But there
was nothing I could do about it and I climed up two steps and waited for him. I tried to move sideways as much as I
could as I waited for Uncle, but surely presented a rather luscious view of my sari-covered plump and round ass for
him as he was looking up at me. Thankfully the flight of stairs ended shortly and we reached the first floor of the

Like the ground floor, this area was also spacious and various saris were displayed at all corners of this big hall-
type room with a wooden waist height counter running almost throughout the room. As I looked around I was
extremely surprised that in that whole floor there was not even a single salesman at the counter though there
were plenty downstairs! Mama-ji was talking to a “seth-ji type” person, very fat and round, and we approached

Mama-ji: Ahh… Pyaremohan Sahab, here is my Bahurani. She has come all the way from Delhi! Bahurani, meet the
owner of this Parineeta Store, Mr. Pyaremohan Goyel.

It was difficult for me to hide a smile looking at this sort of a human structure – though he appeared middle aged,
but due to his short height, spherical body shape, and with a significantly protruding belly, he presented more like
a cartoon figure.

Pyaremohan: Welcome Madam to my small store.

Me: (Folding hands and suppressing my smile) Namaste! You say this s-m-a-l-l!

Pyaremohan: He he he… No, no Madam, it looks big, but not that big (he glanced very briefly at my tits)!

Did he mean? Oh No!

Me: Certainly this is a very large and beautiful shop. Very nice Pyaremohan-ji.

Pyaremohan: Thanks Madam. All due to customer’s grace. Madam, please come. Both Radheshyam Sahab and Arjun
Sahab are very old customers of my shop.

Me: I see.

Pyaremohan: Radheshyam Sahab’s Bahu also buys everything from us only.

Me: O! I see.

Mama-ji: Arre… Bahurani… What should I say! Pyaremohan Sahab released all his salesmen from here and said he
himself would show you his Parineeta Store showcase!

Me: Ohh… (smiling and surprised as well) I am really… I mean honored.

Was that not a bit too much? May be he had great respect for his customers, Mama-ji and Radheshyam Uncle, but
this definitely seemed to me a bit too odd.

Pyaremohan: Come Madam, come.

We now approached the counter and Mr. Pyaremohan went to the other side of it.

Pyaremohan: Madam, tell me first what sort of sari would you like to see and after that I will show you the
exclusives of Parineeta Store. He he…

Me: I mean err… actually I do not have a concrete plan to buy any…

Mama-ji: Actually Pyaremohan Sahab we would like to gift Bahurani with something decent and which suits her
choice too!

Pyaremohan: O I see. Then just relax and see our range.

As Mr. Pyaremohan was talking to us I could clearly feel his eyes were roving on my body. This is a sixth sense all
women have by virtue of which we could judge a person’s intention easily. It was surely the last thing that I
expected from his middle-aged obese shopkeeper. I saw his moving eyeballs halted for seconds on my obtruding
boobs and then slipped on to the lower half of my body. Though this gaping was only momentary and hence I tried
to ignore it and concentrate on the range of saris.

I sat on one of the stools that were kept at the counter and Mama-ji and Radhyshyam Uncle stood by my two

Pyaremohan: Madam, I will start with our silk range, Mysore and Kota, and then switch to Gadwal and Bandhni.

I nodded.

Though Mr. Pyaremohan appeared rather obese, he seemed to be quite swift in getting the sari bundles off the
shelf! He unfolded and presented before me one sari after another and I had to admit in my mind that the
collection was quite impressive. Simultaneously I was having a feeling of great satisfaction getting this VIP
treatment where the owner himself was engaged in showing me the sari range of his shop! I honestly got occupied
in browsing the saris very early and in the constant chatter Mr. Pyaremohan was doing for me describing each sari.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani (keeping his hand on my shoulder), whatever you like in this set just keep aside so that
when you finish browsing, you can decide on the sorted ones.

Me: Yes Uncle.

Surprisingly Radheshyam Uncle did not remove his hand off my shoulder and I could feel his fingers were clearly
feeling my blouse and bra strap there. So I repeated my reply.

Me: Okay Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: Fine Beti. Carry on.

I thought Uncle probably held me so that he could get better support while standing and hence I again immersed
myself viewing the super silk, Badhni, and Gadwal collection Mr. Pyaremohan was offering. But that old fox surely
had other plans!

Within moments I was alert and my attention wandered from the saris spread in front of me to Radheshyam
Uncle’s finger movements on my shoulder. I could not turn my face or eyes to my shoulder obviously because that
would look outrageously indecent, but I could well realize now that Uncle’s fingers were tracing my bra strap on my
shoulder under my blouse and he even started tracing my bra strap on my smooth back!

I of course was very, very astonished at this action, but had to be silent such was the situation. Though I continued
to glance through the saris, but I was getting defocussed because I could clearly sense Uncle shifting his hand
from my shoulder towards my back. He placed his palm over my bare skin (the area of the U-cut of my blouse on my
back). I had tucked my hair when we were coming to the market and hence it was all the more easy pickings for
him. The warm feel of a male hand immediately made my senses as if ready to act! It was certainly not an elderly
touch for support; the elderly man was clearly feeling my bare skin!

Within moments, I could feel his palm sliding down more and more towards my blouse covered back. If I say that I
was not getting thrilled by his hand movement on my body, I would be lying and when his hand started tracing my
bra strap and moved down, I could clearly feel my nipples raising their heads within my bra!


It was a precarious situation! I tried my best to resist emotions coming to my face and my lips naturally parted as I
experienced the snake-like movement of uncle’s fingers crawling at my blouse-covered back. I looked at Mr.
Pyaremohan. Did he realize anything? No perhaps. He must have felt that I was extremely impressed seeing the
sari collection of his shop.

Radheshyam Uncle continued to feel my smooth scratch-less back over the fabric of my tightly stretched blouse
and finally stopped just over my bra hook! I immediately had goosebump all over my body!

The sly fox…

Simultaneously within my bra also there was turmoil, as I could clearly sense my nipples becoming harder and
pressing more on my bra cups probably in anticipation of something “more”! Fortunately, till then, Radheshyam
Uncle’s fingers were only resting on my bra clip! I felt very timid and tongue-tied in that unfamiliar environment of
the shop and was extremely stiff.
It was not that I thought of protesting, but I was confused as to whom to ask help from, as my own associates
were groping me in a public place! Moreover, what exactly would I say as to object? I could not just start accusing
such an elderly person who happened to be the best friend of Mama-ji too! The respect that I saw in the eyes of
the shopkeeper also refrained me to create a scene here. I indeed felt “helpless” and had to succumb to this

I could well make out that Radheshyam Uncle was a typical example of “frustuu” whom we females meet in crowded
buses or trains whose sole aim remains to extract perverted pleasure touching our bodies. I did taste some of his
perverts when I was with him in the toilet at Mama-ji’s residence. He must have been thoroughly enticed seeing a
voluptuous woman like me!

Mama-ji: Oh! Let me sit and see the saris. It’s painful to stand like this for so long.

Pyaremohan: Sure sure! Take a stool. (Now looking at Uncle) Sir, you can also…

Radheshyam Uncle: No, no. I am perfectly okay. You know I have that leg problem, so it’s better for me to stand.
Ha ha ha…

Pyaremohan: Okay, okay. As you please… Madam, next you see this Gadwal. It’s a unique print, no other color
combination for this. Let me unfold it for you…

As Mama-ji sat beside me, he positioned himself sideways and as if to keep balance he placed his elbow on the
counter table where the saris were displayed while he placed his other hand on the backside of my stool.

Mama-ji: Bahurani, don’t think that you can buy just one sari. Radheshyam is afterall not so ‘kanjoos’! Ha ha ha… I
feel you choose the ones you like and then in the end we can decide how many to buy. Okay?

Me: O… Okay Mama-ji. (I almost whispered)

Though I was somewhat baffled by Radheshyam Uncle’s actions, I indeed was glad to get this opportunity to add a
few quality saris to my collection. I tried my best to shrug off Radheshyam Uncle’s moves by considering it as a
frustration of his old age and tried to simply ignore it. I tried to concentrate again on browsing the saris.

But within a short period I realized that in my sitting posture my ass was touching something “new” on the stool. I
became very conscious that that it was Mama-ji’s hand! I was in no position to look back and inspect because Mr.
Pyaremohan was right in front of me. But now with each second, I could figure out that slowly and steadily Mama-
ji’s fingers were touching and pressing on my ass flesh! I was naturally alert, but soon realized that I was thinking a
bit too much because I was influenced by Uncle’s moves. Mama-ji’s hand just rested on the edge of my stool and it
was stationary and surely had no foul intentions. So I just concentrated on the saris though Mama-ji’s fingers were
touching the roundedness of my buttocks adequatley.

In the meantime Radheshyam Uncle had almost crossed all limits of decency as he was tracing my whole bra on my
back with his busy fingers. I was getting a very mixed sort of a feeling – I was definitely getting aroused, but
there was also my conscious effort to hide my expressions from the shopkeeper. Since Mama-ji was looking at the
saris along with me no one could see Uncle’s “harkat”! I cursed my mother-in-law in my mind for having an affair
with this sort of a “dirty” man!

All along I was hanging a smile on my lips before Mr. Pyaremohan who was right in front of me unfolding one sari
after another and constantly babbling about how good the saris were. My lips were marginally clenching my teeth as
I browsed the saris being very much aware of this groping in a public place.
Uncle was now awkwardly pressing near my bra hook with his fingers and I was honestly getting concerned that if
somehow the hook opens up! I closed my eyes momentarily and tried to remain cool, but unfortunately could not
demonstrate any protest to this action. This actually was making the situation even worse for me. I probably should
have altered my posture or at least do something to make obvious that I disapprove these lewd moves, but since I
decided to remain silent and behaved as if I did not realize his intentions, Uncle surely was pumped up!

“O…O My God! What was he doing?”, I blathered to myself.

I was absolutely convinced now that Radheshyam Uncle was trying to open my bra hook under my blouse!

What audacity!

His hand movements obviously signaled trouble for me and he was tactfully pressing my bra strap just adjacent to
both sides of the hook!

Radhyshyam Uncle: Arre Pyaremohan Sahab, I think light green would suit Bahurani more, not this green.

Pyaremohan: Right Sahab, let me see if I get that exact color…

I was just a-m-a-z-e-d to see the normalcy of Uncle! He knew very well what he was up to, but he behaved as if… !!!

Mama-ji: Bahurani, just see that sari once more….

Me: Which… which one? (I had to behave normally, had no other way!)

Mama-ji: That one, there at the corner.

Me: O… okay.

Mr. Pyaremohan was untying a fresh bunch of saris and so I had to get the sari, which Mama-ji wanted to re-see,
but it was in the far corner and I had to stretch myself to get that.


And as soon as I stretched myself to get that sari, two things happened simultaneously and I was absolutely
dumbstruck! As I reached out for that sari, I had to lift my body off the stool just a shade and right at that
moment Radheshyam Uncle, who had his hand on my bra strap for quite sometime now, suddenly pressed the hook in
such a way that it simply popped open!

I honestly felt as if tranquilized by this! Automatically my lips parted wide and I almost uttered a shriek! I was
stiff as a board and I was simply t-h-u-n-d-e-r-s-t-r-u-c-k!

Now that I had picked up the sari, I landed my base on the stool again only to find Mama-ji’s hand! I sat completely
on his outstretched palm.

Me: Ouch!

Mama-ji: Uuuuuuiii… reee..!

Mama-ji as if cried out in pain!

Me: Oh! Sorry Mama-ji!

I immediately lifted my ass off the seat so that Mama-ji could take out his hand though he must have felt the
tightness and roundedness of my gorgeous butts for a few seconds. I instantly realized that I should have been
more careful about my movements as my heavy milk-jugs shrugged very noticeably inside my blouse and Mr.
Pyaremohan was right in front of me!

Mama-ji: Uhhhuu… (inspecting his fingers) Oh! Bahurani, you have such a massive… Uff… you almost smashed my

At once my face was as scarlet as a cherry. Mama-ji’s comment (though incomplete) very evidently indicated about
my gaand, and that to in front of this totally unknown shopkeeper!

Radheshyam Uncle: He he… Everyone has one, but Bahurani has a big one! Ha ha ha…

Mr. Pyaremohan now joined the laughter and I was feeling so very ashamed sitting amongst these males who were
laughing on my gaand.

Mama-ji: Actually I was taking out this small piece of paper (he indicated to the floor where I saw the paper bit
was lying)… actually it was under your… I mean on the seat where you were sitting….

Me: O I see. Err… am sorry Mama-ji.

Mama-ji: It’s okay Bahurani (still shrugging his fingers).

Pyaremohan: But Arjun Sahab, how could you err… I mean get hurt? Its only flesh after all and not hard as a rock!

The shopkeeper (though standing right in front of me) was trying to look and assess my hips!

Mama-ji: No, no. That’s okay and for your information Pyaremohan Sahab, I might not have a wife, but I have some
knowledge about female gaand! Ha ha ha…

A big round of laughter welcomed Mama-ji’s statement and I felt like a fish out of water sitting asmidst three
“uncles”. My ears had turned crimson and emitting heat though already my condition was rather tight sitting with
an open bra within my blouse!

Mama-ji: But in this case my hand was in an odd position…

Radheshyam Uncle: Had it been my Bahu you probably would not get hurt.

Mr. Pyaremohan: Why?

Mama-ji: Arre Pyaremohan Sahab! His Bahu is much thinner than my Bahurani…. You have seen her naa?

Mr. Pyaremohan: O! Radheshyam Sahab’s B-a-h-u… y-e-s, y-e-s, I remember! She buys S/5. Right! She is much,
much slender than Madam.

Mama-ji: Anyway, it’s okay (still shrugging his fingers).

Radhyshyam Uncle: But… what’s that “S/5” that my Bahu buys?

Mr. Pyaremohan: O! That’s our shop code.

Radhyshyam Uncle:: But what’s that?

Mama-ji was also looking questionably at the shopkeeper.

Mr. Pyaremohan: Ye… err… but we do not disclose customer secrets to others Sir!

Mama-ji: Come on Pyaremohan Sahab! We will not spoil your business!

Mr. Pyaremohan: Hmm… True! Actually its nothing… err. S/5 is the panty size.

Mama-ji and Radheshyam Uncle both frowned at the shopkeeper. I was also taken aback when Mr. Pyaremohan
shared such a private piece of info!

Mr. Pyaremohan: See Arjun Sahab, customers are like gods to me and I remember most of my steady customers by
these codes, obviously not always panty size, but may be bra or blouse size or a specific type of sari etc. I
remember Radheshyam Sahab’s Bahu’s size because very few married customers who come to my shop buys S size

I was absolutely tongue-tied to such an explanation. I could not even look into the eyes of Mr. Pyaremohan.

Mama-ji: Okay… S stands for small I guess?

Mr. Pyaremohan: Yes Sahab. It’s meant for women with comparatively small buttocks (He even showed the size to
Mama-ji with his both hands; his palms curving to form the contours).

Radheshyam Uncle: Ummm…. But that’s a very naughty way to remember your ladies customers. Ha ha ha…

Mr. Pyaremohan: Anyway, Arjun Sahab, if you want, you can apply some cold water to your fingers …

Mama-ji: Nehi, nehi! It’s okay. My fingers did not get under a steamroller afterall… Ha ha ha…

I was looking blankly at the counter table in utter dishonor. I was feeling completely out of sorts as the laughter
echoed in the vacant hall of the shop.

Mama-ji: Lets get back to business. So Pyaremohan Sahab, are you complete with your…

Pyaremohan: Sahab, just a few more so that Madam can choose from the entire range.

Mama-ji: Okay, okay.

As I started looking into the various saris again, I started feeling a bit better though very much conscious of my
open bra inside my blouse. Mr. Pyaremohan unfolded a beautiful Gadwal, which had a stunning color combination, but
as I was concentrating on it, I noticed the shopkeeper was enthusiastically looking at my breasts. Did he get the
hint that my bra hook had opened? I tried to remain as stationary as possible. I knew very well that with the
slightest movement my tits would juggle now and being a heavy-breasted woman it would be extremely tricky for
me to restrain the movements of my bountiful boobs within my blouse.
Radheshyam Uncle: Pyaremohan Sahab, your shop has the best collection in this area… we all must admit. What do
you say Arjun?

Mama-ji: Of course Radhe, that’s why naa… we brought Bahurani here only!

Pyaremohan: He he he…

As they conversed I could once again feel Radheshyam Uncle’s hand playing on my back. Now obviously the effect
was more pronounced on me because since the tight embrace of the bra was not there on my breasts, I was getting
more excited with Uncle’s warm touches on my back. Each time his fingers were touching my bare skin outside the
periphery of my blouse, my nipples were responding energetically within my blouse. I was trying my best to look
“normal” hanging a smile on my face, but undeniably was getting ignited inside. I could feel my trademark dryness
on the lips, which I always experience at the advent of sensual feelings and I also started getting my familiar itch
in the choot with this continuous groping. Though the shop was adequately aired by several fans, I had started
sweating also. Every now and then I was adjusting my sari pallu and moving my butts on the stool so as to remain
somewhat calm!

Pyaremohan: This is the last of the lot…. So Madam, you have picked for final selection?

Me: These…

Pyaremohan: Okay Madam. So…. (counting the saris) Six in all. Fine.

Me: I…err I will not take all this….I mean will choose from…

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes Madam. That’s perfectly okay.

Radheshyam Uncle: Good Bahurani (finally removing his “dirty” hand off my back). You are at least better than my
Bahu. When I came with her once here, she picked around 15 saris to select from!

Mama-ji: (smiling) Pyaremohan Sahab, do you have anything else, something exclusive in your sari section other than

Pyaremohan: Sure Sahab! Let me just clean this area. Madam, when you take a look at our designer collection, you
would want to take all. He he he…

Mr. Pyaremohan now kept aside the unfolded saris and took out a small bundle. I sat quietly and was thinking how
could I fix my bra hook. It was impossible to do that in front of these males. But as I thought deeper, I came out
with a solution. Being a garment shop, there had to be a trial room here. I looked around and immediately
discovered that! I thought that this should be easy - as I would say to Mr. Pyaremohan that I would like to try one
of the saris – then would go inside the trial room and fasten my bra. I indeed felt at ease appreciating my own plan
in my mind.

Pyaremohan: Madam, these are mainly printed chiffon, jorget, and crape designer collection. These are perfect
party wears.

Being somewhat comfortable mentally having the ‘trial room plan’ in my mind, I was eager to have a look on this set,
especially because I did not have any jorget or chiffon in my collection. But as Mr. Pyaremohan unfolded the first
sari I immediately felt slightly hesitant. The reason was simple – the sari was just too transparent! It was not that
I was not aware jorget and chiffon saris are diaphanous and thin, but this one seemed to be a bit too much! I
obviously could not wear such a thing in front of my in-laws, but I thought Rajesh would surely love it. I smiled to

In the meantime Mr. Pyaremohan unfolded a few more and I was immensely impressed by the wonderful prints and
decided to take one in spite of the revealing trait of these saris. I knew we hardly get a chance to go to a party
where I could wear such an item, but what was the harm in keeping one in my collection and when someone else is
paying! I again smiled to myself.

Pyaremohan: Madam (unfolding a very gorgeous jorget), this sea green would match your complexion very much.
Just see…

Mama-ji: Wow! This is indeed very beautiful!

Pyaremohan: Madam, just feel the fabric, its so light and smooth, you will hardly feel that you are wearing

Me: Hmm… (Though I simply loved the print, but I was visibly feeling tight inspecting this sheer fabric in front of
these “uncle-like” males)

Radheshyam Uncle: (inspecting the sari with his fingers) Very nice… very nice. I am just asking one question, though
I am very novice about these things… whatever I hear from my Bahu… The few times I went for shopping with her
I always see my Bahu is very particular about a matching blouse… so are you giving that too with this?

Mama-ji: Bahurani, see, Radhe is doing half your job! Ha ha ha…

I also could not stop smiling hearing that exclusive feminine question from this elderly male!

Pyaremohan: (also smiling) Madam, you must have thought of that also.

Me: Ye… yes. What about that?

Pyaremohan: Madam, see for all designer saris that I showed you, I have the matching blouse pieces.

He did not even completed his words fully that he quickly pulled out a small bunch and briskly scanned and took out
the matching blouse piece for this sea-green jorget!

Pyaremohan: Here it is Madam.

He spread the blouse piece out in front of me and I was shocked seeing its transparency! I wondered how could a
woman wear such a thin material because… because everyting would be visible through it! Mr. Pyaremohan probably
read my mind!

Pyaremohan: Madam, I know very well why you are frowning, but don’t worry. Madam, we provide appropriate inners
(=inner cloth inside the blouse to make the fabric opaque) with the blouse piece.

Since my thoughts were caught red handed by this shopkeeper I blushed and looked down though smiling.

Me: O…okay. Then its fine.

Pyaremohan: In fact all these designer collection blouse pieces have inners, otherwise how can you wear them
Madam? Everything will remain visible. He he he…
He made the last comment looking at my ripe breasts and I was thoroughly irritated by that vulgar indication.

Mama-ji: My God! So many things are emerging everyday! I never came across such a thing during our time. Inner!
Have you Radhe?

Radheshyam Uncle: No way! In our times, a woman used to wear a blouse and a bra, that’s all. No inners… outers…
Ha ha ha…

Pyaremohan: Sir-ji, time has changed. He he he… Today’s women are more inclined to wear new designs, new
concepts… By the way, Madam, have you used inners before?

Me: Nye…ye… err I mean no.

I fumbled miserably because I was not at all at ease to chat on this topic in the presence of Mama-ji and
Radheshyam Uncle, but the shopkeeper dragged me into it.

Pyaremohan: O! I see. Then Madam, I must tell you that you should remember to tell your tailor to add 2-3
millimeters to the measures when he takes it for your blouse, otherwise what these tailors generally do is to just
sew the inner without altering any measure. That way Madam you might feel… I mean tight here (he pointed
towards his chest) He he he…

The laugh was so disgusting because I knew exactly what he meant.

Pyaremohan: Let me show you how it would look… actually I have a stitched jorget blouse as sample… just a

He quickly leaned downwards to get the sample and I was rather impressed to see his fitness even with that large
body habitus!

Pyaremohan: Here it is Madam.

As he kept the sample blouse of the table I saw Mama-ji and Uncle almost jumped on it and immediately started
inspecting the fabric of the blouse! The blouse was stretched on the counter table and Mama-ji and Radheshyam
Uncle both had their hands right over the cups of that blouse in the pretext of inspecting it! I simply felt
miserable in that setting!

Pyaremohan: Madam, see how the inner is stitched… the sleeves are normal, but the back, the sides, and the cups
have that thing stitched like this…

Saying that he inserted his fingers into the insides of the blouse cup and showed me how the inner was stitched
within the blouse. And not to mention that he was time and again eyeing my full-sized tits as he conversed with me.
I felt so embarrassed and felt as if the shopkeeper was tracing his fingers within my blouse! I tried to remain
normal, but felt an irresistible itch within my panty and had to scratch once there over my sari to remain
composed. It was so, so discomfitting to do that in front of mama-ji, Uncle, and the shopkeeper as they all looked
at my right hand fingers as I scratched my crotch over my sari!

Mama-ji: Pyaremohan Sahab, don’t you stitch blouses? I thought you do that….

Pyaremohan: Oh yes Sahab! And that was what I was exactly planning to suggest Madam.

Me: What?
Pyaremohan: Madam, it would be the best if you sew the matching blouse of this jorget here. We have the most
efficient tailors. Arjun Sahab was saying that you have some more marketing to do and when you return home just
pick up the blouse from here…

Mama-ji: Wow! You take so less time?

Pyaremohan: Sahab see, we need to supply to big merchant houses and at those places turnaround is a key factor.
My tailors are very swift and accurate. Madam, how did you like my plan?

I was now virtually having butterflies in my stomach. I was already sitting in a shop with two elderly males and a
shopkeeper with an open bra inside my blouse and if I need to give measures for my blouse in this status, I would
surely due out of shame! I had to do something, and do something - fast.

Me: Ye… I mean… that’s .. err… really good to know, but err… let us not hurry on that and let me finalize the sari

Pyaremohan: Sure Madam. No hurry. I just wanted to tell you that we have that service, that’s all.

Radheshyam Uncle: So Bahurani, do you plan to take this sari or you have chosen something else from the designer

Me: Umm… err… Yes, I will take this one.

As I said that I noted that Uncle was looking down my throat! I quickly lowered my eyelids to find that my sari
pallu had shifted somewhat in the front and a gap was created between my pallu and my body and the old humbug
was peeing inside my blouse from his standing posture.

Pyaremohan: Fine Madam, I will get the blouse piece and inner for this and keep them aside.

My butter-colored deep cleavage along with my heaving flesh held inside the cups of my blouse was very clearly
visible to Uncle from that angle and I immediately wrapped my pallu properly so as to stop this lewd peeping! Uncle
smiled wickedly at my gesture, which made me all the more irritated.

Pyaremohan: Madam. Now come with me.

Saying that he was about to get out of the counter and instantly alarm bells started ringing in my mind, as I was
very much aware of my “condition”.

Me: But… but where?

Pyaremohan: There…. Madam. You see that mirror. You can see yourself in a better way there and decide on the

Me: I mean… errr… can we… err…

I was naturally fumbling very awkwardly because I certainly wanted to avoid this situation of walking in front of
these males with my virtual bra-less condition. There was no way now to go to the trial room first because Mr.
Pyaremohan had already offered me the mirror view, which was just a few feet away right in the middle of that
Within the flash of a second I realized that right then there was only one way to save my dignity.


As I was about to propose “I would like to go to the toilet once”… Uncle…

Radheshyam Uncle: Pyaremohan Sahab, can I go to the toilet once. Is there a one upstairs or I need to go down?

Pyarehoman: There is one upstairs, but…. Err… I mean…

Radheshyam Uncle: Why are you hesitating? Any problem?

Pyarehoman: No, no. Actually it’s a ladies toilet, but anyway there are no customers upstairs, so you can use that

Radheshyam Uncle: Oho… Okay! Okay!

I was only twisting and pressing my lips cursing Uncle that he virtually took away the little hope that I had to avoid
this appalling situation.


God was not so unkind to me!

Mama-ji: But Radhe you need someone to assist you…

Without a second’s delay, I eagerly snatched the words from Mama-ji’s mouth.

Me: Mama-ji, you just relax! I am here naa… I will take Uncle to the toilet. No problems.

Mama-ji: Okay. Okay… and since you already have aided him once, it won’t be very difficult. He he…

Me: (with more vigor) Exactly!

Radheshyam Uncle: Thanks a lot Bahurani. He he he… By the way, which way is the toilet Pyaremohan Sahab?

Pyaremohan: This way Sahab… there!

He pointed to a far corner and I could easily notice the door engraved with a female face. Uncle started striding in
baby steps with his cane and I followed him. At that instance it was a big advantage walking with Uncle, as I also
desperately needed “baby steps” to restrict my freely hanging boobs to jerk. Till such time I was sitting my bra
ends were resting at the sides, but as I began to walk, though very slowly, I could realize the two open bra strap
endings started sliding more and more towards the front of my body inside my blouse. Moreover due to the natural
weight of my heavy round breasts, the cups of my bra were also simultaneously slipping off my smooth spheroid tits
very sexily inside my blouse. Overall the feeling was e-x-c-e-p-t-i-o-n-a-l-l-y weird.


In spite of all my efforts my round mammaries undulated noticeably under my pallu as I walked and I could well
realize that I was appearing extremely sexy. The shopkeeper in the pretext of showing the toilet walked a few
steps with Uncle and now he was ogling at my freely swaying boobs as I walked past him. I felt so very embarrassed
the way he was staring at me!

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, I am giving you so much trouble…

Me: Its… it’s okay Uncle. Please don’t tell me like that.

Radheshyam Uncle: I am so handicapped… I feel very frustrated at times…

As I walked almost in line with Uncle I noticed he was time and again eyeing at my undulating tits in spite of my
best efforts to walk very slowly so as to have minimum jerking of my “bra-less” boobs. We almost reached the
toilet door and Uncle was about to enter it when I had to intervene.

Me: Uncle… I mean… err… would you mind if I go in first?

Radheshyam Uncle: Oho! You also Bahurani? He he… But… but did you not go at Arjun’s residence?

That was indeed an embarrassing redundant query and I thought it was outrageously indecent to ask such a
question to any adult woman, but since it was my “need” I had to reply with a smiling face.

Me: No Uncle. I didn’t go there.

Radheshyam Uncle: Right right. You only accompanied me. He he… Okay, you go first and I will wait.

Me: Thanks.

I quickly went inside the toilet and as I closed the door sighed relief. The toilet was very comparatively small than
other toilets I have seen in shops and there was hardly space for two ladies to sit and urinate at a time. I faced
the wall and pulled off my sari pallu off my breasts and started unbuttoning my blouse. I did not know why I felt
extremely excited and anxious as I unfastened all the hooks of my blouse, probably because I could feel
Radheshyam Uncle’s breathing only at a 10 mm door’s separation! I removed my bra for a while to check my nipples
only to find a couple of perky hard nuts as if fully charged up! I blushed to myself and quickly hide my treasures
inside my bra and fastened the clip quickly and then buttoned my blouse.

Though initially I did not have a plan to empty my bladder, but coming to the toilet I decided to do so. I lifted my
sari and petticoat and pulled my panty down to my knees and sat on the floor, but before that I made sure to open
the tap so that the sound of water falling in the empty bucket subsided the hissing sound flow of my peeing. I was
very much conscious that Uncle was standing just outside the toilet door and could easily hear everything going on
in the toilet.

Me: Uncle, you can come now…

I opened the door of the toilet and asked Radheshyam Uncle to come inside. I held his arm because I had watered
the toilet floor and I thought he might lose his balance wearing shoes.

Radheshyam Uncle: Surprisingly Bahurani, you did not take long at all! Had it been my wife… ohhh! She takes
painfully long in toilet… even for simple pissing you know!

I was stunned to hear such a “direct” statement! I marginally smiled and simply like a fool. Uncle closed the toilet
door and kept his cane on a door hook.

Radheshyam Uncle: At times Bahurani, am not exaggerating, I am compelled to think that she must be stripping
fully to urinate… Huh! And when I ask her, she just says females take longer time than males. Arre! Cite a logic at

Uncle looked questionably at me as if I were to cite the logic for her wife that why she takes additional time in the
toilet even for simple urination! Disgusting!

Radheshyam Uncle: Why would a female take longer time in the toilet than a male? I am not convinced! Okay… if
you are changing your pads etc.… I can understand, but normally… No clue!

I was shocked by his words and immediately my whole face turned crimson and I looked at the floor.

Radheshyam Uncle: Arre Bahurani, aap to sharmane lagi! There’s nothing to be ashamed of… it’s a natural thing!

I nodded, but still could not meet his eyes. I noticed he was opening his fly to let out his penis for urination! My
heart started to race in anticipation of “lund darshan” and almost immediately I could see the stout piece of meat
elevating its head out of Uncle’s underwear. He held his penis in one hand and asked me the weirdest question.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, err… I should have apologized earlier, but didn’t get the chance!

Me: (my eyebrows up!) A-p-o-l-o-g-y…?

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, I mean… I never meant to open your... err... in the presence of all… but actually…

I remained silent.

Radheshyam Uncle: Beti, you must be thinking very wrongly about me… but… believe me, from the time I had seen
you I am time and again assuming you to be… Tulsi. Once again, sorry for my behavior, Bahurani…

Me: (had to smile) It’s f… fine Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: Actually I could not resist myself seeing your attractive back Bahurani. It looked so similar to…
err… this was one of the favorite pranks that your mother-in-law enjoyed very much, but… but obviously not in a
public place…

I was much shocked to note that my mother-in-law in her young age wanted her boyfriend to press open her bra
hook and wondered what followed after that!

Radheshyam Uncle: I am glad Beti that you did not mind much… By the way, err… where should I… I mean where
should I piss?

Me: (My mind still roaming on this special “prank” that Radheshyam Uncle used to play with my mother-in-law)

Radheshyam Uncle: I mean Bahurani neither there is a urinal, nor there is a latrine system!

Me: Uncle, how can you expect a urinal in the ladies toilet! (I was visibly annoyed)

Radheshyam Uncle: Oho! Very true! I missed out… He he… Then?

Me: Then… I mean… do there! (I indicated towards the wall and naturally was quite irritated by this old man’s
Radheshyam Uncle: There? But Bahurani, that area … err… seems to be quite slippery!

Me: (I was even more irritated now) Slippery? No way! I just did… err… I mean… err…

I had to check myself out of natural shyness and fumbled miserably. But hardly could I complete my words that
the old fox trapped me on the wrong foot!

Radheshyam Uncle: You sat there Bahurani? (Pointing towards the area near the wall where the outlet was there to
take the toilet water out.)

It was such a pathetic situation for me! Being a matured married female I had to tell this old man where I sat for
peeing in this toilet! Moreover, this man was standing with his stout penis in his hand and was naturally drawing my
attention every moment! Though I tried my best not to look at that, but….

Me: (Looking at the floor and biting my lips) Err… Uncle… yes… I mean…

Radheshyam Uncle: I can’t take a chance there! No way Beti! Just see those light green patches… you are a “jawan
aurat”… you can go and sit there…

Uncle stressed on the words “jawan aurat” and quickly glanced at my curvaceous figure. I tried to convince him.

Me: Why… err… why are you so panicky? I will hold you properly Uncle… err… don’t worry.

Radheshyam Uncle: Uuuummm… okay, if you assure me. But Bahurani, please be very careful. Actually I already had
a fall in the bathroom last year… so.

Me: O! Now I got it…. Why are you so scary!

A smile on my lips, at last! Uncle also was smiling at me.

Radheshyam Uncle: Oh! I can’t hold my u… any more…

I looked at his naked lund in his hand raising his head out of his trouser zip and honestly was getting excited each
time I looked at that stout meat. He must also be feeling excited to be standing with his penis in his hand in front
of a married 30-year-old woman.

Me: (Holding his hand from the side) Take each step carefully Uncle.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, last time when I fell in the watery floor of my home toilet, actually my wife was also
holding me exactly like this…

Me: O! (I smiled foolishly not realizing what he wanted)

Radheshyam Uncle: I think Bahurani if you hold my waist, then I would get more support.

Me: O… okay.

I could realize that this would indeed get me in a compromised posture, but there was hardly much I could do. I
extended my right arm and circled his waist and immediately felt the side of his body torso touching my body
including my ripe breasts. To my surprise, I did not disliked the touch as my right boob got slightly pressed on
Uncle’s body as I held him from the side – probably because I was already unconsciously excited seeing his well-
nourished naked cock dangling in front of my eyes.

Radheshaym Uncle: would you mind Bahurani if I hold you for support? I know its not required since you are already
holding me, but since I had that fall incident…

Me: O… okay Uncle… Ho… hold me. (my voice getting croaky anticipating his direct touch on my body)

Though moments ago I was disliking the way he was talking and making me embarrassed, I did not feel that same
repulsion as I held him by his waist! Uncle was quite elderly in comparison to my age, but I did not know why I
suddenly began to get tantalized by this effort! I felt Radheshyam Uncle’s left hand going to the backside of me
and touched me in the uncovered area of my back below my blouse.

Radheshaym Uncle: Thanks Beti, I am much secured now.

He took 6-7 baby steps to the front towards the wall and reached the outlet mouth and he started to urinate and
I had nothing else to do but to watch that. My right breast got more pressed on his body as he leant more towards
me. The feeling of my tight round coconut-like mammaries must have been quite erotic for Uncle (especially at this
age) because I could feel his fingers digging firmly on my back just above my petticoat waistband.

Radheshyam Uncle: A-a-a-a-h-h-h…

With the physical closeness to this man and the sight of his thick naked cock began to generate goosebump all over
my body and I was feeling pretty thrilled and exhilarated. And suddenly, I did not know how/why, the memories of
last night flashed upon my mind! The moment I thought about Guru-ji’s massive cock, my whole body ached and
responded sexually. The thoughts of Guru-ji’s masculine figure, his tight embraces, his firm squeezes on my
breasts and ass, and his massive cock plundering my choot made me wet!

Me: Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

I exclaimed within myself as my eyes automatically got closed with my lips slightly parted in virtual elation. As if by
reflex action the grip of my fingers on Uncle’s waist tightened and I almost embraced him in my delight. In fact I
got completely lost in my sexy thoughts and was as if floating in Guru-ji’s muscular arms!

I could never apprehend what effect this could have on this elderly man who was urinating at that moment. And I
really did not know how long I was in that reverie, but as I gathered back my senses, I instantly realized that I was
in Radheshyam Uncle’s clutches!

As I opened my eyes
- I found my right hand embracing Uncle’s waist and my left hand on his naked semi-erect dick!
- I found my right breast pressing adequately on to the left side of Uncle’s body!
- I found his left hand gripping and squeezing my sari-covered gaand very firmly while his other hand guiding my
hand over the length of his lund!
- And last but not the least, I found his thick rough lips smooching my smooth fleshy cheeks!

I simply froze and took time to realize what was going on! As Uncle noticed that I had opened my eyes he was more
aggressive in his movements and made me hold his penis more decisively and I could feel it was growing to full size
within my hand! The touch of his “stiff meat” and the jerky skin covering it made me extremely excited though I
tried my best to control myself. And before I could utter a word I could feel Uncle was pressing and massaging my
round buttocks like anything over my sari with his hand, which obviously supplemented my excitement. He was
rubbing his nose over my face and before I myself broke lose, I realized I needed to do something! I gathered all
my resistance power and could hardly utter…

U-n-c-l-e !

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, p-l-e-a-s-e!

He immediately was more intense in his approach and turning slightly more towards me he brushed my lips with his
lips and this time taking his arm off my hand (on his penis), he embraced me. Though I was undoubtedly enjoying
the touches of this elderly man, but I had not gone out of my mind and my good senses still prevailed!

Me: But… what… what are you doing? (I whispered)

Radheshyam Uncle: (this time almost kissing me!) Bahurani… please don’t interrupt me (he cupped my ass flesh very
crudely over my sari and squashed it).

Me: Ouch! Aahhhhhh…

Radheshyam Uncle: Beti, will you not have just a little bit mercy on this old man? (Pushing his hard dick more into
my palm as it was sufficiently hard now to impress any woman)

Me: I… I don’t understand what… err… what are you saying?

Though I tried to remove my hand off his naked cock, but honestly did not feel like as its size and stiffness was
very adorable.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani…. I have already told you that you have reminded me vividly of my teenage love….
Tulsi… your mother-in-law.

Me: But…

Radheshyam Uncle: Oho…(pinching my firm ass as if much irritated why I interrupted!) Listen to me first Beti!

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, you yourself don’t know how you have revived me! (Uncle now started tracing my panty
line over my sari and petticoat with his fingers as he talked to me!) Tulsi was my life…. and today after so many
days I am feeling like I am back to my golden days!

Me: But… Uncle…

Radheshyam Uncle: I know Bahurani, this is not correct, but for the sake of this old man… just to kindle his life for
some moments… will you not cooperate with me? Please… Bahurani… please…

I was really not expecting this. After all, he was much elder than me and the way he was beseeching me made me
very feel very clumsy.

Me: Uncle… you are…

Uncle now had turned his body more towards me and he was planning for a full-fledged frontal hug and now my both
breasts started pressing his flat chest, which obviously made me feel sufficiently weak and uneasy. Though my
mind warned me that I should not allow this, but the alert got feebler as I continued to enjoy the feel of his well-
nourished lund; it felt so good to hold it; slightly uneven, but rock-solid!
Radheshyam Uncle: I know this is wrong. You are like my Bahu, but… but believe me, I am getting so susceptible
coming to your contact that I could not control myself… I feel like touching my Tulsi! Ohhh….

Giving me no chance to react, Uncle got so emotional that he rested his head on my shoulder and was moving his
head to and fro. I was confused what to do. What did he want? Did he just want to touch me? A tight hug, that’s
all, so that he could revisit his love? But… But the way he was squeezing my ass and tracing my panty, he surely
wanted to excite me as well. At the same time, I was feeling rather shameless to be standing like that with my sari
pallu on the floor and Uncle almost hugging me! Moreover, the position at which Uncle’s head was, he surely could
see the insides of my breasts within my blouse.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, will you not help out this old man? Have some mercy… please!

“Old”?!? By no measures I was getting the feel that an “old” man was holding me! Uncle’s throbbing naked cock was
as if jumping in excitement in my palm and I was amazed to see its tightness at this age! It must have entered
innumerable times in his wife’s choot, and who knows, may be in my mother-in-law’s choot as well!

Me: O… okay!

I was unable to deject his plea. I myself was heated up adequately by this time getting uninterrupted male touches
on my body.

Me: But… Uncle… what.. I mean err… what do you want from me?

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani… your jawani… you resemble my Tulsi so much. I just want to love you once as I used
to love Tulsi… that’s all… nothing more. I beg of you Bahurani… I know this is incorrect and immoral, but I am…
helpless… Bahurani, if you just think you are aiding this unfortunate man…. who lost his love years ago…. may be…
may be you can justify yourself…

I saw Uncle becoming rather emotional and buried his face on my shoulder! I was a bit confused what to do and he
continued pleading.

Radheshaym Uncle: Beti, I beg of you…

Right at this juncture Uncle did something, which made me extremely weak and I almost succumbed to him. He
buried his face on my shoulder and started pressing his lips and tongue on the exposed part of my shoulder (out of
my blouse) and the effect naturally was electrifying for me. And in a quick move, Uncle also turned his body more
towards me now getting the “full” feel of my firm round breasts on his chest. His right hand, which was
continuously resting on my buttocks, now started to cup my ass flesh very openly and definitely just like…. just like
a cycle-rickshaw-puller blows his horn.

Uncle finally pinned me with his left hand (which was free at that time) by bringing them up to the side of my right
breast and started pressing me there. I evidently was getting bowled out because my own body was by now
intensely charged up by his constant touches.

Radheshaym Uncle (lifting his face slightly): Bahurani, will you be so cruel to me? Are you that miser to share a
simple hug with this old poor man?

“A simple hug”! I gulped down my own saliva and was virtually trembling in excitement and could only utter an
“Umm…” as a license for him to proceed. I was really not sure what this elderly man wanted, but could realize that
Uncle wanted to touch me and concluded that it had to be out of old age frustration. At that moment since I
myself was sexually ignited from inside, I frankly did not want to miss this “warm up” session. It was indeed a great
feeling to hold his naked manhood in my hand, which though was not excitingly long, but sufficiently stout to grip.
Hence I just wanted to continue on that trail and extract some fun for some more time.

Radheshyam Uncle: Thanks Bahurani… May God bless you!

Hardly did he complete his words, he turned his body fully towards me and gave me a tight hug and this time his
left hand, which was just to the side of my right boob, quickly slid inside more into my body and cupped my firm tit
and gave it a tight squeeze. Immediatley my whole body was covered with goosebump. Surprisingly I was not feeling
any shame or guilt that I was allowing a father-like person, who was also like a relative of mine, to hug and caress
my matured body. Instead I was extracting thrills and joy out of it and wanted to see how far this old man could

Since I had captured his “nanga khada lund” in my hand and was already feeling drops of precum on my palm, I was
pretty much confident that I could squeeze out his “milk” anytime. I was more self-assured because of Uncle’s
elderly age and was pretty sure that he could not hold his semen for a long time hugging a voluptuous woman like
me. A feeling of compassion started to fill my mind as I saw that old man fumbling over the curves of my body. He
was pressing his chest more and more onto my bouncy boobs and was trying to squeeze my big round ass very hard.
It was indeed a hot feeling for me, but the way he was trying to do it made me humorous!

I was not releasing his lund not even for a second from my grip though Uncle tried very hard to push it towards my
sari-covered choot. Honestly I was in no mood to get fucked by this man and that too in this toilet. But surely I
could realize one thing that had developed within myself that my stay in the ashram had made me rather confident
about getting physical with males!

Within moments I realized that Uncle was planning to strip me. Obvioulsy he longed to see a matured married
woman like me fully naked, as I doubt he had seen one in many years. If I go by his looks he must be 55 at least and
his wife should be around 40-45. So his eagerness to hug and caress me and to strip my ripe fully-developed figure
was but obvious. Uncle started pulling my sari and petticoat up my legs and within momenst I was exposed till the
middle of my thighs. I could feel his fingers briskly and abruptly touching my marble-like smooth thighs through my
uplifted sari. I closed my eyes and was enjoying the feel.

Uncle was getting desperate by the second and once he jerked and pulled up the whole bunch almost till my waist
and touched my panty! I could feel his fingers scraping and scuffing my panty and my exposed bare butts outisde
the cover of my panty. Once he even tried to pull down my panty off my waist, but my panty was very tightly
stretched over my fleshy buttocks and it was too tight to be dragged down with one hand. Though I was extracting
great enjoyment out of the whole thing, but I was conscious enough to curb it in time before it got out of my hand.

Me: Uncle… please… don’t do this. You promised a hug only…

Radheshyam Uncle: (He was panting already!) Bahurani, you have such a shapely figure… ohhh… I am feeling as if I
am having my Tulsi in my hands.

I could feel the front of my panty getting slightly wet with my juices in excitement and my mood was getting very
“playful”. This time I tried to be somewhat flippant with Uncle!

Me: That I can understand Uncle!

Radheshyam Uncle: He he he…

Me: Uncle, is your hugs always like this for her also?
Radheshyam Uncle: He he he… Not always, but definitely if we were in the garden or in my attic.

Uncle took his lips very close to my ears and started whispering.

Radheshyam Uncle: You know Bahurani, in the garden there was a pond. The place used to remain very desolate and
your mother-in-law and me took bath together there…

Uncle embraced me so hard to his body that he surely could listen to my heartbeat! My juicy round boobs got
pressed very tight onto his body and I started feeling very, very excited!

Radheshyam Uncle: I used to take bath fully naked (though Uncle was whispering, he stressed on that word) and
Tulsi used to wear her knickers only. Once she was inside water she always kept her boobs free. Aaaahhh…

Uncle cupped my right breast with his full palm and gave it a long, tight squeeze.

Me: Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh….

Radheshyam Uncle: Just like the way you are holding my lund, Tulsi also held me like that inside the water!

Uncle just paused a little so that he could take a deep breath, but he was actually making me breathless with his
movements and sudeenly he inserted 2-3 fingers into my panty’s side elastic very firmly and was actually pulling it

Me: Eeeeeiiiiiiii… Uncle… Stop!

I immediately gyrated my hips vigorously, just like a vamp in a hindi movie, so that Uncle lost his grip on my panty
and thankfully I was able to succeed. I quickly took my hand off his erect cock to my backside and pulled my panty
up to my waist as far as possible because Uncle’s last movement had partly exposed my deep ass crevice! I also
pressed my lips on his cheeks and the sides of his lips so that he remained defocussed from stripping me.

Radheshyam Uncle: Ahhh… You know Bahurani inside the water I held Tulsi just like this way (saying that he
created a small gap between our bodies and quickly brought forward his both hands over my chest area and gripped
my milk-jugs!)

The action was so swift and sudden that I could hardly make a move! He looked at my eyes and I was instantly all
red! Actually all along I never looked at his eyes directly but this time it was direct eye contact and that too from
such close proximity. I felt so embarrassed – looking at Uncle’s eyes while his hands held my protruding breasts
from the front over my blouse! I dropped my eyes instantaneously and in fact if someone at that moment pulled
down my panty off my gaand, he would certainly found my ass also to be red in shame! I was so much abashed!

I quickly held his thick cock again so that the control button remained in my grip!

Radheshyam Uncle: He he he… (now releasing my tits and hugging me again) And you know Bahurani, one day I
secretly put Tulsi’s dry clothes out of her sight and after bathing when she got up on the bank she got very
concerned not finding her clothes.

As Uncle whispered in my ears I realized that he was getting uncontainable now! I could feel one of his hand sliding
inside my sari and petticoat from my waist area and in fact he inserted his fingers into my panty waistband to
touch my well formed naked ass cheeks!

Radheshyam Uncle: I was also doing a mock search and was watching her. It was such a wonderful sight Bahurani.
She was fully nude except for her wet knickers… Uff! She looked so sexxxxxxxy! Her twin breasts swaying freely…
Aha… her grape-like nipples clearly visible… Oho… her deep navel …. Haiiii…. Her shapely smooth thighs… Ufffffff!

I could hear alarm bells ringing. Uncle was panting hard now on my shoulder and he almost managed to insert his
whole palm inside my panty! I could feel his warm hand on the round contour of my firm ass cheek! If I did not stop
him now, Uncle would surely end up molesting me fully. I immediately started pressing his lund in a special way so
that it became hard for him to hold his juices within. I squashed his balls and started peeling off the foreskin off
his penis and continued to press it very suggestively.

Radheshyam Uncle: Aaahhhhhh! Uiiii maaaa…. Bahurani… Sali, what are you doing? I will jack off that way! Stop!

I did not listen to him and continued my act and started pressing and rubbing my rubber-tight breasts on his chest
very sexily. Uncle’s face had become red in excitement and he had to shift his attention from my ass to my
breasts. He grabbed my both breasts again and started squeezing them tightly. My firm boob flesh revolted within
my tight blouse and I invited him by opening the top two hooks of my blouse with one hand.

Uncle could not believe his eyes that a 30-year-old married woman inviting him like that and I could clearly make
out the hunger in his eyes. Though I was also much excited, but I knew exactly what I was doing. As the top two
hooks of my blouse were open now I was indeed looking very sexy and the insides of my juicy mammaries were
amply visible along with my white brassiere. Uncle was fumbling miserably with my blouse, as he was thoroughly
excited. I was having a hard time to control his dangling naked cock. When he saw that he was unable to open the
hooks he inserted his right hand within my firm flesh and began to press my boobs in a very vulgar fashion. I
quickly placed his free left hand directly over my round ass. Uncle was so amazed to see my participation that he
even forgot to even caress my fleshy buttocks for a second!

I was adequately heated up though I wished a few more long squeezes on my breasts, but the way Uncle was
behaving if I did not stop him right now he would certainly make me naked and pin me down. I twisted my fingers
very craftily on his erect meat and Uncle proved no match for that and yelled out!

Radheshyam Uncle: Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh… Oh! Shit! You randi! Stop! Oooouuuuu…..

I continued to do the “evil” act upon Uncle and he was feverishly squeezing and caressing my plump figure and also
trying his best to kiss me, but I was able to avoid that though by that time almost my whole face was covered by
his saliva oozing through his wet lips. Uncle was now gyrating his hips very rhythmically and was thrusting his waist
as if he was fucking me. I was having a trying time controlling his thick erect lund as it was naturally more than
eager to reach my choot. Fortunatley I could keep my sari securely at my waist area and Uncle ultimately was
fucking my palm! I was not that cruel and hollowed my palm so that it flet as if he was enetering a hole!

As was expected Uncle could not hold his juice for long and within moments his whole body bent towards me like an
arch and as he squashed my tits inserting his hand almost inside my blouse, I could feel the known shudder and jerk
and realized Uncle was going to ejaculate. Though Uncle made one last valiant effort to pull down my panty, but it
was impossible for him to execute that with one hand and not to mention my sari and petticoat were still tucked at
my waist!

Radheshyam Uncle: Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh… Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh…

With a big yell Radheshyam Uncle filled my palm with his thick white discharge and honestly I utterly enjoyed the
hot fluid gushing out of his manhood. The content however was not adequate (probably due to age) and he looked
utterly exhausted. His face was red as he realized that I did that purposefully to save myself. He looked at his
limp small cock and his face looked so amusing! He was nodding his head in great discontentment. I smiled to myself
seeing his condition.

We both took some time to reorganize ourselves. My panty was quite wet now. Actually after yesterday’s fuck with
Guru-ji, it seemed that my choot had become more sensitive than prior! I was also secreting more juices! Under
normal circumstances I surely would need a panty change, but since in a shop I did not have the luxury to do that.
Uncle was silent and seemed very ashamed because of this premature ejaculation. His lund had become so small
after releasing its heat that it could no longer be seen outside his open trouser zip!

Radheshyam Uncle: Had my age not been…

Me: Uncle, can we close here? See… Uncle… I mean… I kept my word for what you requested.

Radheshyam Uncle: That’s okay! But I wanted to prove …

Me: Uncle! (I said very firmly)

Radheshyam Uncle: Huh! Still I would remain…

Me: Please Uncle. No thanksgiving.

I washed my hand first off Uncle’s discharges and then buttoned my blouse though I seriously needed my bra
adjusted. I could easily have done that in front of Uncle, as there was no need to feel shy from him after all this!
But very strangely as soon as we got detached physically, I felt the same inhibition in our relationship! I left my
bra as it was and tucked the hooks of my blouse and started wrapping my sari properly on my body.

Radheshyam Uncle: One thing Beti, please do not disclose anything about this encounter to Arjun. Please…. He
trusts me as a friend and if he comes to know about this he would not take it in right spirits!

I smiled within myself. How could a woman share such things to her relative, that too from her husband’s side!

Me: This would remain as a nightmare to me, which I would like to erase off my memory very soon.

Radheshyam Uncle: It may be a nightmare for you Bahurani, but this encounter will remain as a treasure for me at
this age. From now, each time I think about Tulsi, I will surely remember you as well Bahurani.

Uncle took his stick and slowly got out of the toilet and I followed him.

I was surprised to note that there was no one in the hall – neither Mama-ji nor Mr. Pyaremohan! But soon they
appeared coming up the stairs.

Mama-ji: O! Sorry Bahurani. How long you have been waiting? Actually I went downstairs to have a cup of coffee
with Pyaremohan Sahab.

Me: (smiling) It’s okay…

I could still feel the “heat” generating adequately off my body. My nipples were still erect and my panty half-
soaked. Honestly the gala fuck I had in the hands of Guru-ji yesterday night seemed to have renewed the horny
feelings in me in a rather heavy dose; otherwise how could I convince myself to be touched by this aged “uncle”
whom I did not even know a few hours ago! In fact I wished I could have Guru-ji around and got fucked in his hands
again; my choot was itching like anything for that, but unfortunately there was no Guru-ji here in this Parineeta
Store! Since I did not have a full discharge with Radheshyam Uncle, I was feeling rather uneasy and my thighs,
buttocks, and cheeks were aching and emitting heat adequately. I could also feel my choot was still leaking drops of
fluid into my panty.

Pyaremohan: Madam, please come with your selected ones here so that you can finalize which ones to buy.

Me: Okay.

I tried to concentrate on the saris again. I picked up the saris and went towards the mirror at the center of the
shop. Obviously as I was “charged up” physically, like all matured women, as I walked towards the center of the
hall, my heavy bottoms inside my sari swayed more than normal and it must have been a pretty alluring site for
Mama-ji who was right behind me!

Pyaremohan: Madam, you stand here and see yourself in the mirror. Please keep your body straight for the best
angle. I will do the needful. Okay?

I nodded with a smile and definitely felt great continuing to get this VIP treatment from the shopkeeper. As I
stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself I could easily detect my horny looks. My eyes appeared thirsty,
the bend of my waist was sharper than normal, and I was naturally shuffling more due to uneasiness –my whole
posture looked rather appealing. I was still breathing at a faster pace and thus my firm breasts were going up and
down rhythmically inside my blouse and the movement was fairly evident over my sari pallu.

Pyaremohan: Arjun Sahab, why don’t you help Madam to take a decision?

Mama-ji: O sure!

Mr. Pyaremohan came near me, took one of the selected saris, and unfolded it partly placing it over my shoulder
and dropped it till my legs. As soon as the shopkeeper touched my shoulder, a “shiver” ran throughout my body. I
tried my best to hide my expressions.

Mama-ji: Bah! It looks nice on you Bahurani. What do you say?

Me: Umm? Hmm… Yes… err… very nice… what… what’s the price of it?

Pyaremohan: O Madam! Don’t bother about the pricing. I will not take a penny more. Your Uncle and Mama-ji are
very old customers of mine. He he he…

Me: Okay, let me check that silk once.

Pyaremohan: Sure, sure!

He took this sari off my shoulder and placed the other one, but in the process what he did made me froze for a
second. He placed the sari on my shoulder and dropped it till my mid thighs, but while he straightened out the sari
on my body, he clearly brushed his hand on my conical left breast! Though the touch was momentary, I clearly felt
his palm on my firm tit. My condition was truly becoming pathetic!

By natural reflex action, I looked at Mama-ji and Uncle who were standing very near to me to check if they had
noticed that or not. But before I could gather that, Mr. Pyaremohan bent in front of me and started straightening
the sari just over my thighs! I clearly felt his hand brushing and pressing the front side of my smooth thighs. I
immediately coiled back half a step out of my normal feminine shyness and my heart had already started
Pyaremohan: Oho Madam! Please stand still! Otherwise you will not be able to see the effect of the sari on your
body properly.

Me: Ye… yes. Err… sorry.

Pyaremohan: Huu… D-o-n-e. Now see Madam how do you look?

Mr. Pyaremohan’s light and subtle touches were making my blood gush through the vessels!

Me: Hmmm… seems okay.

Pyaremohan: Madam, your complexion is so beautiful that any sari would look good on you. He he…

Mama-ji: Huh Huh! Whose Bahurani she is after all? Eh? Beti, I think you should take this one for sure!

Me: Hmm.

Pyaremohan: Madam, shall I go to the next one?

I nodded. He took the sari and placed a Gadwal on my shoulder and this time too as Mr. Pyaremohan straightened
the sari on my body, his fingers felt the firmness of my left breast. This time his fingers brushed my breast for
longer period of time; in fact he almost palpated it! I shuffled and moved my hips again so as to remain normal.
Thank God! There was no one standing right behind me to see my very evident gaand movements!

Was Mr. Pyaremohan doing this on purpose? Did he have an ill intention? Or was he just doing his job religiously and
it was me who was thinking a bit too much? Obviously I was sensing it “more”, as I was enormously stimulated. I
tried my best to ignore it convincing my mind that he was only doing his job properly.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My face looked a tinge red, but I had to admit in my mind this Gadwal was a super

Mama-ji: Bahurani, what’s your take?

Me: (smiling) This is indeed an exclusive piece. Mama-ji, I will take this one.

Pyaremohan: Excellent choice Madam.

The shopkeeper displayed the rest of the saris (keeping each one of them on my body) and I inspected them in the
mirror and every time without a miss he touched/brushed my tight mammaries from over my sari in the pretext of
unfolding/straightening the sari. I continued to struggle to look normal in front of the shopkeeper, Uncle, and

Pyaremohan: So you have taken these t-w-o (he separated the two saris from the lot) and you will take this
designer piece. Right Madam?

Me: Ye.. yes!

I obviously looked at Uncle who was going to pay for my saris. He also gave me the nod assuring me that he was
okay with my choice.

Pyaremohan: Madam, I think you should see this one too. It’s absolutely the same color combination, but it’s a
special floral print and when you wear it you will look very beautiful.

Me: Which one?

Pyaremohan: Just a second Madam.

The shopkeeper took out a chiffon sari from a separate lot and started unfolding it in front of me.

Mama-ji: What specialty does it have Pyaremohan Sahab?

Pyaremohan: Arjun Sahab, please hold the other end of the sari and I will show you.

Mama-ji and the shopkeeper stretched the sari in front of me and I noticed that there was only one big bluish-
white flower and two smaller flowers printed on it very non-symmetrically. It definitely did not look very
impressive at all to me.

Pyaremohan: Madam, actually I am showing this one to you only because you have a very nice err… I mean a very
nice and bulky structure.

I smiled foolishly and soon realized what he exactly meant!

Pyaremohan: Madam, what I intend to say is this sari would not flourish that great on a women with a thin

Mama-ji: Interesting! Why?

Pyaremohan: Yes, I will explain that. See this big flower on the sari. Actually it’s designed in such a way that when
Madam wears it, the flower will show exactly on her.. err… I mean on her rear side.

Mama-ji: Rear side?

Pyaremohan: I mean it will show on Madam’s gaa… err… buttocks. As you can see, the size of this single floral print
is sufficiently large so that it will fully cover Madam’s rear portion.

Me: O! My God! Do they design prints on saris in this way too! (I said to myself)

Mama-ji: O-k-a-y! Now I got your point Pyare Sahab! If the buttocks are not large enough, the flower will not be
viewed properly. That’s what you meant, right?

Pyaremohan: Exactly Sahab! (now turning towards me) That’s why I showed it to you Madam. Since you have a big
and round bottom (this time he did not fumble at all!), you will surely look very attractive when you wear this.

Of course he ended his words with a big smile and I had no place to hide my shyness and looked absolutely red!

Pyaremohan: And Madam, these two smaller flowers will show on your err… (he indicated with his eyes towards my
tits) …breasts.. I mean they will remain on your breast area in the pallu.

Mama-ji: Wow! This is a unique designer collection, I must say! What do you say Bahurani?

I was in no way interested in such a sari where a big flower will be displayed on my gaand and another two on my
Me: Hmm… okay, but Mama-ji I didn’t like the… (I shrugged)

Pyaremohan: Okay Madam, no issues, I just showed this one to you because it was a new concept. He he he…

Mama-ji: Still Bahurani… this is something very unique… you should give a second thought. Radhe, what’s your

Radheshyam Uncle was mostly silent all along during this time; probably he was recapitulating the way he fondled
my body in the toilet and may be still repenting on his premature ejaculation!

Radheshyam Uncle: Arjun, frankly this is a brilliant idea and Bahurani, you should not miss this one because you
have such a nice round rear portion. This print will only accentuate it further and definitely you will look very

I was really in a fix – three elderly males requesting me to decide on this sari, but surely I was not agreeable to
take this due to its “sensuous” print. I wondered how would I look wearing this sari with a big flower printed on my
ass! Will that not attract unnecessarily more male eyes towards my huge ass?

Me: No Mama-ji, I will not go for this one.

Mama-ji: (smiling) Are you not taking it out of shyness Bahurani?

Mama-ji almost nailed me in the coffin.

Me: (giggling) Not… not really I mean…

Mama-ji: Bahurani, as Radhe said, you are blessed with a very fleshy rear portion. Not all women have such a round
and plump GAAND!

I was shocked to hear such language from my relative and looked at the floor in natural shyness! I felt immensely
uncomfortable standing like that amongst three males!

Pyaremohan: Madam, your Mama-ji is absolutely right! Madam, when you will walk wearing this sari, take my word,
you will look very, very sec… I mean gorgeous.

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, I also feel you should take this sari. This is indeed very exclusive!

Pyaremohan: Madam, shall I pack it for you?

The way Mama-ji, Uncle and the shopkeeper were pressing me, I honestly did not gather the strength to resist
them because I feared more open and direct praises for my buttocks from them if I tried to argue!

Me: O… Okay, as you all say, will take this one.

Mama-ji: Great!

Pyaremohan: Right decision Madam. So… finally these three saris…

Me: (looking at the selected three) Yesssss.

Pyaremohan: I will keep them aside for packing. And… here is the matching blouse piece Madam for this designer

Me: (I nodded and as I took it from the shopkeeper was slightly upset seeing the sheer gossamer fabric of the
blouse piece) O... Okay!

Pyaremohan: Madam, now I would like to request you to pay a visit once to the imported section of my Parineeta

Me: No, no. I will not buy anything more…

Naturally I felt hesitant as Radheshyam Uncle was paying for whatever I was selecting.

Pyaremohan: Madam, am I forcing you to buy anything? You choose something to buy if it really attracts you,
otherwise not. Simple!

Me: That’s true, but…

Pyaremohan: Madam, tell me one thing… when you go to the market to buy a sari and if you happen to pass by a
cheap but good looking nighty, will you not take it?

Me (smiling) Hmm… yes, that’s true… but…

Pyaremohan: Then? (smiling widely) Madam, you just glance through once, you will surely repent Madam if you do
not see it.

Radheshyam Uncle: Really! Bahurani, what’s the harm in taking a look since Pyaremohan Sahab is boasting so much
about it! If you find something really interesting, I will buy it for you. And for God’s sake, please don’t worry about
the pricing. You know very well how very special you are to me…

Mama-ji: Bahurani is very special to me also Radhe! Ha ha ha…

Radheshyam Uncle: Obviously Arjun!

Pyaremohan: Arre Madam! They love you so much and you are hesitating! If I were you, I would go about buying the
whole shop! Ha ha ha…

Mama-ji and Radheshyam Uncle readily joined the laughter and I also felt a bit relieved mentally and was smiling to
the shopkeeper’s words.

Pyaremohan: (Keeping the saris aside) Sahab, this way… please come Madam.

The shopkeeper steered us to the imported section. We approached a door, which was to the left of the toilet and
entered a smallish room. As soon as I entered the room I noticed pictures of women all around in scanty clothing,
mainly wearing lingerie and undergarments. I saw both Mama-ji and Uncle gulping those pictures of the women
exposing generously.

Pyaremohan: Welcome Madam to the imported zone. This is my exclusive lingerie and undergarment store.

Obviously I was feeling very tentative and had absolutely no plans to buy any undergarments at that point of time,
especially with Mama-ji accompanying me. I never in fact take even my husband to buy my undies and rarely if he
happened to be with me, he stands outside the shop while I buy it. But here, I had to shamelessly entering the
undergarments section of this shop with two elderly males!

But did I have a control on this situation? No… I tried to convince myself!

Me: Err… See Pyaremohan-ji I do not…

Pyaremohan: Madam, I know what you will say. You do not require anything right now. No issues… but see the
variety I have Madam - not only in bra and panty, you will surely admire my nighty collection.

Me: No, actually am not…

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, I think there’s no harm in taking a look at his stock, may be you will find something
new! Who knows!

How could I make them understand! I was feeling absolutely awkward to browse through undergarments or
nightwear in the presence of these two elderly males. It’s not that when I buy my nighty or inner wears, the
shopkeeper is a female, but I was feeling rather shy in front of Mama-ji especially, he being a direct relative of
mine. But this shopkeeper did not provide me any further opportunity to avoid the situation and dragged me into
browsing undergarments, lingerie, inner-wears, night dresses and what not!

Pyaremohan: Madam, I will start with nighty…

Mama-ji, Uncle and myself were standing at the other side of the counter while he brought down a bunch of
colorful nighties from the shelf. Unlike a bunch of nighties that I get to see in a common shop, I noticed here all
the nighties were nicely packed in separate box packs. Just above the shopkeeper’s head was the picture of a
videsi girl in a rather scanty bra displaying her big bosom; I could feel the warm breaths of Mama-ji and Uncle
from my sides; both were eagerly bending onto the counter table to have a look at the female intimate wears –
naturally the situation was becoming e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y cumbersome for me.

Pyaremohan: Madam, have a look at this one! (He took out a nighty from the packet and displayed it for me) It’s
created from imported synthetic fabric, which will give you a better feeling than the cotton nighties that you wear.
And just see the milky white color Madam… you will hardly get this color in local nighties!

Mama-ji: Wah! Very nice.

Pyaremohan: Additionally Madam, you have this very attractive front net pattern of embroidery work covering your
breasts. (He paused and looked very directly at my big tits) …And if you look at the back Madam (he turned the
nighty) you will find this beautiful cross-design pattern and stretchable elastic for support. Isn’t it nice Madam?

Me: Hmm… (Evidently I was still not very comfortable)

Mama-ji: Bahurani, you will surely look like an angel in this ultra white thing!

I smiled at Mama-ji appreciating his praise. The shopkeeper was by that time busy unfolding the next one.

Pyaremohan: Madam, this is very elegant and as you can see it’s made of chiffon with an inner lining throughout so
that it does not appear flimsy. You also have broad embroidery frills at the shoulder straps, which makes it look
more stylish. The red color also adds to the attractiveness of this nighty.

This second nighty was indeed very impressive, but as I checked the fabric I found it to be too flimsy in spite of
the inner lining. Surely if I wear it, my undergarments would remain visible to anyone through it. As I visualized
myself wearing such a dress automatically my ears turned red and I started breathing deeper. I could feel a drop
of my viscous juice coming out of my choot and moistening my panty below my sari. Though my mind was getting
wayward, I tried hard to remain calm and normal and concentrate on what was shown to me.

In spite of his obese body, the shopkeeper was quite swift and he switched to the next nighty within a flash.

Pyaremohan: Madam, next one is a bit different. You cannot term it as a nighty probably, but it’s a special
nightwear for sure. All these, as I told you, are imported items Madam. You won’t find it in any other store. This
one is called a Babydoll.

Mama-ji: Babydoll! It reminds me of singer Alisha Chinoy… Ha ha ha… I hope it has nothing to do with her.

Radheshyam Uncle: But… but why? Why such a name?

Pyaremohan: (smiling) I am not sure Sahab, but may be due to the shortened size of this nighty.

The shopkeeper unfolded the nighty from the packet and displayed it in front of me. As if robotically my lips
parted wide seeing its truncated length. As I looked through the sides of my eye, I noted both Mama-ji and Uncle
were looking “hungrily” at that mini-nighty. I was naturally very, very uncomfortable now - shuffling - and adjusting
my sari pallu unnecessarily. It looked decently decorated with lace and ribbons except for its length.

Mama-ji: But Pyaremohan Sahab, how can Bahurani wear such a small thing in the house? It would… it would hardly
cover till her thighs!

I felt so ashamed at this statement that I could not even look at the shopkeeper and did not know how to react! I
was not a schoolgirl that Mama-ji could just make such a remark to the shopkeeper in front of me!

Pyaremohan: Arjun Sahab, I told you this is not a nighty in the true sense. You cannot expect a woman to wear this
and move about in the house. Err… this actually is a sleep wear and this Madam can only put on when she is alone or
err.. I mean with her husband.

Mama-ji: Ahhh! Yes, that’s better.

Radheshyam Uncle: But Pyaremohan Sahab, tell me one thing, is it sellable? I mean am I to believe that housewives
buy this from you?

Mama-ji: A very valid point Radheshyam!

Pyaremohan: Arre Sahab, if there was no demand, am I fool to keep these in my stock blocking money?

Mama-ji: That’s true too!

Pyaremohan: I showed this to Madam specifically because young married women like her request for this the most.
Umm… err… you know only day before yesterday Reshma Madam took one piece.

Mama-ji: You mean our Reshma? Kulkarni’s bahu?

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes, one who lives next to...

Mama-ji: Really! But she appears so conservative from outside! (shrugging) Am.. am quite amazed to know this! Huh!
Radheshyam Uncle: Arjun, yaar, just imagine how odd Reshma would look wearing this because as it is she is taller
than average girls and this dress would hardly cover her ass only!

Mama-ji: H-m-m--m. (Mama-ji sighed as if he was visualizing that girl wearing this short nightdress!)

The situation was getting worse for me – in fact it would have been the same for any matured woman to stand and
listen to this sort of conversation! Already my twin peaks inside my blouse were pushing my bra in a very awkward
fashion, as I continued to breathe faster and deeper. I could not even think of adjusting my bra in front of these
males. Moreover, the front side of my panty was getting increasingly wet and I could clearly feel that! I shuffled
again, adjusted my pallu, and subtly moved my buttocks in a circular fashion to remain somewhat comfortable.

Pyaremohan: Madam, please don’t mind (was there still anything left to mind? I wondered), but it’s a fact that
women of your age who are married for 3-5 years are keen to buy these items probably… probably to impress their
husbands (He spoke in a whispering tone). He he he…

Radheshyam Uncle: Who knows! May be my bahu also wears this sort of mini-dresses inside her bedroom! Huh!

I remained absolutely tongue-tied throughout this conversation and naturally was feeling immensely tight. My ears
were emitting heat and I started feeling beads of sweat on my forehead and my heavy breasts began to go up and
down more frequently under my sari pallu.

Me: Can you please… I mean… go to the next item!

Pyaremohan: Sure, sure Madam! Now I will show you something very latest and unique.

He pulled out a bigger box and opened it.

Pyaremohan: Madam, have you heard of a 3-piece nighty?

I frowned and nodded. From my teenage till marriage, I have always worn single-piece nighty. Neither had I seen
my mother to wear anything different nor had I seen anything like that in our local market.

Pyaremohan: This is very special Madam and it is made from finest imported crush fabric. Just touch it… (I
checked the fabric of the dress) …very soft and lightweight. Isn’t it Madam?

Me: Yes.

Pyaremohan: As you can see it comes with a short bra-top, a skirt, and a robe. The getup is very decent and when
you wear it Madam, believe me, you will just feel great.

The design was of course very impressive though the top was very revealing. The front cutting was such that it
resembled more like a bra though the back coverage was adequate. Though the skirt was knee-length, the
encouraging part was the robe, which would cover me like a normal nighty.

Radheshyam Uncle: This is really very impressive. Looks good to the eyes also unlike the previous one.

Mama-ji: Yes, that was too shameless. Isn’t it Bahurani?

I nodded shyly.
Pyaremohan: Sahab, this 3-piece nighty is actually a blend of Babydoll and a normal nighty.

Me: How?

Pyaremohan: Madam, it’s very simple! In this 3-piece set, when you wear the robe over your top and skirt, you look
decent and normal, but imagine if you do not wear the robe and only wear the top and the skirt, it’s almost like the
Babydoll nighty… in fact more bold! Because… as you can see Madam, this top would not cover much of your breasts
(Mr. Pyaremohan’s eyes quickly skimmed over my big-sized tits) …I mean due to its cutting Madam… due to its

The shopkeeper paused very briefly but keeping his gaze constantly on my face.

Pyaremohan: And Madam… and this skirt, though obviously much better than the Babydoll, I mean lengthwise, still
would invariably keep your legs and knees exposed. So… that’s why I said that if you buy this set, you would have
the choice for the blend of decency and boldness.

I was simply stunned the way the shopkeeper explained! He was so direct in choosing his words that I was bowled
over and had to be extremely shameless to still stand in front of him! Never ever did I encounter such
“explanations” in a shop while buying my garment!

Mama-ji: Hmm. Bahurani, I think he is talking sense. If you buy this you will actually have both options.

Radheshyam Uncle: Right Bahurani. I think this would be worth buying.

I looked pathetic; absolutely clueless about what to say or do!

Pyaremohan: And for your information Madam this sells like hot cakes among married women. He he he…

Oh! The smile was so very irritating! I wetted my lips with my tongue to remain somewhat normal, but I felt so
embarrassed that I was exhaling deep warm breaths!

Mama-ji: (turning towards me) Bahurani, are you okay? I mean you are looking flushed and suddenly breathing

The shopkeeper and Radheshyam Uncle both looked at my firm breasts in the pretext to check my heavy breathing!
I felt miserable and so humiliated!

Me: Am… am absolutely okay Mama-ji. Nothing!

All the three males were now gaping at my large tits under my sari pallu. Mr. Pyaremohan readily offered me a glass
of cold water, which I consumed and definitely felt better.

Mama-ji: Pyaremohan Sahab, pack this one then.

Pyaremohan: Arre Sahab! Don’t conclude so fast. I can spring some more surprises out from my stock! Ha ha ha…

Mama-ji: O! Really!

Pyaremohan: Madam, next I will show you a unique thing. A 5-piece nighty! A pure imported delight!

Me: What? F-i-v-e piece! (I could not restrain my astonishment.)

Pyaremohan: Yes Madam. Here it is. Baby pink embroidered designer piece.

He started taking out each piece from the box packet.

Pyaremohan: Actually Madam, in the last set you missed the bra and the panty; here actually they have covered
that. Let me show you one by one… Here is the bra… (the shopkeeper took out the bra and stretched it in front of
me – the scene was so odd and abnormal that I immediately dropped my eyes) … and this is the panty Madam… (It
looked so vulgar when he stretched the waistband of the panty to show me its elasticity) … then comes the top…
isn’t it cute? … and then the capri pants, very special, and finally the full overlap.

Mama-ji: Wow! This is awesome! I never thought that a nighty could be designed like this! A-m-a-z-i-n-g!

Pyaremohan: Yes Sir! Madam, these are exactly the same you see heroines wear in films.

Saying that he picked up the pant and showed it to me.

Pyaremohan: You must have seen Madam that heroines in films wear these skintight pants below their ghagras or
other short dresses while dancing. These are the same capri pants Madam.

Before I could inspect Mama-ji seemed more keen to scrutinize!

Mama-ji: Oho! So these are those pants h-e-r-o-i-n-e-s wear! Let me see once…

He virtually snatched the pant from the shopkeeper and keeping it on the counter table, spread his palm
throughout the length of that ladies pant very crudely - as if he was trying to feel the intimate organs of the

Pyaremohan: Madam, what’s your opinion about this set?

Me: (I had to admit that I had never seen such a thing before) Umm… Very im… err… I mean impressive.

Pyaremohan: Thanks Madam. Though there have been some complaints from some of my customers, otherwise this
is a smooth selling product.

Mama-ji & Radheshyam Uncle: (in chorus) Complaints? What complaints?

Pyaremohan: No, no. Nothing serious Sahab. Actually since these dresses are imported, the cuts do not always
please my customers. And you know every woman is habituated to a particular bra or a panty cut and fitting and
whenever there is even a slight modification they start complaining.

The shopkeeper took out the panty again from the dress set.

Pyaremohan: Madam, do you see a problem in this? (He handed me over the panty)

The situation was getting even worse for me. Now I had to check a panty in front of three pairs of male eyes! It
was just getting too much bumbling! But… but there was no way out also!

I took the panty from the shopkeeper and tried to inspect it as Mama-ji and Uncle watched me do that. Apparently
it seemed okay though the size was smaller than what I usually wear.
Me: I mean err… its appears to okay to me… but may be…

Pyaremohan: Thanks Madam. I knew it was okay. Yes, as I was saying, some customers did complain to me that when
they tried it at home they felt that the back coverage of this panty was inadequate. But these are imported
materials and made to average size… Madam, you tell me, is it my fault if some customers possess bigger asses! He
he he…

I felt terribly tight the way things were shaping up. I could feel my nipples rising their heads inside my bra and
getting perky.
Pyaremohan: What I feel is one should not reason on that line because this is a designer nightwear basically to look
more appealing and attractive and since you will stay within the periphery of the house, one should not be so
critical. Isn’t it Madam?

Me: Umm? Hmm. Tro… err. true! But… but cuts are also important you know.

Pyaremohan: I agree Madam, but I cannot do anything about these sets as these are imported and come in fixed
packets. I cannot exchange any piece from it.

Me: Right.

I nodded like an expert!

Radheshyam Uncle: Bahurani, I am really confused which one to choose for you! The 3-piece or the 5-piece?

Pyaremohan: Sahab, let me show you a few more exclusive items and then you finally decide.

Radheshyam Uncle: Oh! You have more?

The shopkeeper quickly stacked the items and moved on to the next one. I was quite anxious because it was getting
increasingly uneasy for me to check out intimate wears in front of three adult males.

Pyaremohan: Madam, let me show you now some very special bras. I bet you have not seen these types before.

I had no choice but to go through this exercise. As a reflex action, I stretched my pallu over my heavy breasts and
shuffled moving my large sari-covered ass sexily.

Pyaremohan: Madam, first see this one. This is called a demi bra.

Saying that he unfolded the bra in front of us and handed it over to me.

Mama-ji and Uncle both almost stooped over my hand to see the bra in detail.

Mama-ji: What’s so special about it?

Pyaremohan: See the cut here at the center Sahab… between the two cups… its deeper so that it will enhance err…
I mean you know… the cleavage. Actually you will not find much difference by seeing, but when Madam wears it, she
would be able to realize the special cut.

Mama-ji & Radheshyam Uncle: (in chorus) Hmm.

I stood shamelessly holding the bra in my hand surrounded by Uncle and Mama-ji.
Pyaremohan: Next in line is the air bra. Have a look at this!

Saying that he unfolded another bra from a fresh packet.

I looked at the shopkeeper for an explanation and he was as ready as ever!

Pyaremohan: Madam, this is err… actually not meant for you, but still have a look. Actually look here…. (he pointed
inside the cups of the bra) it contains air-filled pads for a fuller, natural shape. He he…

I was really surprised to see that. I had heard of padded bras, but this was the first time I saw one! I noticed
that the tiny air bags were made in such a way so that they filled the bra cups and obviously when a girl would wear
it, her breasts would look very full due to the air bags pressing on her breasts within the bra.

Mama-ji: Surely Bahurani won’t need it! Ha ha ha…

Naturally I flushed heavily at this comment from my relative. In fact, I started to grow goosebump all over my
body as Mama-ji looked at my eyes.

Pyaremohan: Madam, you are blessed with everything! He he he…

As I turned my face to him, he was licking my whole sari-covered figure through his dirty eyes before going to the
next item.

Pyaremohan: Madam, you can also check these very colorful panties (saying that he pulled up a stack). They are all
cotton made and have very good elasticity. The cuts are also attractive.

Within the wink of an eye the shopkeeper released the lace off the stack and spread the panties on the counter
table. I was shocked to see panties with so varied and bright colors! Not only colors, I noted the cuts of these
panties were also very high and deep thereby leaving no coverage practically on the sides.

Pyaremohan: I bet you have not seen so vibrant colors in panties Madam. This is a special stock which came only last
month and has been very popular among ladies here.

The eye-catching colors were irritating me the most and I was feeling completely out of water with so many
panties spread in front of me and Mama-ji and Uncle were scrabbling through this female undergarment!

Pyaremohan: Madam, you must have always bought dull colors… actually the fact remains that the local
manufacturers never ventured into such exciting colors! Madam, even if you spend time browsing, you will invariably
land up buying a white, or a dull red, or a maroon, or a blue, or max to max a dark green panty. Am I wrong Madam?

I was dying in shame the way this shopkeeper was revealing female secrets and that too in front of Mama-ji and
Uncle. I was compelled to nod very shamelessly and in a way confirmed to the shopkeeper that I do wear panties of
such dull colors!

Mama-ji: Why Bahurani? You are not old like us! You are so young! (Glancing at my protruding boobs) Why do you
wear such gloomy colors?

I was so astonished by such a weird question that I even forget to react! Mama-ji was commenting on my panty
color and was suggesting me to wear more bright colors!
Radheshyam Uncle: But Arjun, if Bahurani prefer darker gloomier shades, how can you influence her choice?

Mama-ji: No, no, I never meant that. I just wanted to say that she is young and should go for brighter colors in
whatever she wears…. be it her sari or her pan… I mean undergarments.

Pyaremohan: But Sir, where would Madam get a panty like this? I mean this sort of colors… (he lifted a fluorescent
green colored panty and waved it in the air)

I was almost fade up and was so irritated that I looked elsewhere. But… but the whole counter table was flooded
with those colorful panties! It was genuinely too much of an embarrassment!

Pyaremohan: Sahab, see the variety… fluorescent red, green, orange… bright yellow, shinny black, silver, indigo
blue… purely exclusive!

Mama-ji: Bahurani, why are you silent? Say something?

Me: (with a crimson face, breathing deeply) Ha… yes. I have… I mean never seen such colors, but… but the colors
are painful for the eyes. (I tried to be polite)

Mama-ji: Painful! No, no. They are very attractive. Pyare Sahab, pack a dozen of these for my Bahurani!

Me: What?!?

Naturally I exclaimed very loudly.

Mama-ji: Arre Beti, if you take a dozen, you can wear them all the year round… Ha ha ha…

Radheshyam Uncle: Ha ha ha… That’s a brilliant suggestion Arjun! I agree with him and in any case how long would
these tiny pieces of fabric sustain? Bahurani take a dozen… Take a dozen.

Suddenly I felt as if like a “randi” standing in front of “customers” who were continuously abusing me verbally! The
fact that I was a housewife and came from a decent conservative family apparently was lost in this very prolonged
erotic conversation!

Me: No, no. I will take… I mean only a couple at most.

Pyaremohan: Okay, okay Madam. You fight on this issue later with them. Let me finish my job first. He he he…

Clearing the mess from the counter table, the obese shopkeeper was ready in a flash with his next item! I also
tried to recompose myself though was already feeling quite exhausted mentally.

Pyaremohan: Madam, now I will show you the item, which had the highest sale in the last 3 months. (He took out a
stack and unfolded it on the counter table)

Mama-ji: O! What’s it?

Pyaremohan: Sahab, it’s the ladies hot pant!

Saying that he took out one.

Pyaremohan: Madam, just see this thing. This is specially meant for women who have a heavy figure.
Mama-ji: Why? It seems quite okay for any woman to wear!

Pyaremohan: No, no Sahab, what I meant was many customers complain to me that her panty back coverage is too
small or her panty rides up or slides in… you know… you can understand… and typically that happens to women who
have a heavy gaand. Madam? You must be facing the same problem?

As it is the topic was too personal to discuss, moreover, I was totally unprepared for any question at that moment.
I noticed Mama-ji and Uncle both were looking at me with eagerness to what I reply.

Me: Ye… err… I mean… not exactly… I mean NO.

Pyaremohan: Okay, may be you don’t face it Madam, but several customers do say that their panty rides up over
their bottom while they walk for a long time or the panty cuts deep into the groin, etc. etc. Madam, this item
actually takes care of many such complaints.

Mama-ji: How?

The old man was making things increasingly worse for me as he probed more and more into every aspect!

Pyaremohan: As I said, this hot pant is very secure and it sits tightly on the ass and unlike a panty does not ride up
or move to one side. Moreover, the back coverage is full and obviously much more than a panty, which is a common
demand of most of my customers.

I was time and again getting shocked the way this shopkeeper was explaining female secrets!

Mama-ji: O-k-a-y! Now I got it!

Pyaremohan: Madam, what’s your opinion? Afterall you the best person to judge! He he…

Me: Err… well… Looks good but…

Pyaremohan: Madam, I bet, you will also FEEL good when you wear it.

Me: O… okay, but I think…

Pyaremohan: Madam, don’t think, just grab it! It’s a brilliant alternative to your panty, I guarantee.

Mama-ji intervened again!

Mama-ji: Pyaremohan Sahab, since you are saying this is an alternative to a panty, I think Bahurani needs to try it
once before giving you the nod. Am I right Bahurani?

Before I could put forward my statement, the shopkeeper was ready with a reply!

Pyaremohan: But Sahab, we do not allow trials in lingerie and undergarments. Had it been a local made product, a
trial (he shrugged) was okay. But… but once I buy these imported stocks from my merchant, I have no provision to
return a single piece. So if by any chance during the trial an item gets spoiled or crushed… it’s a straight liability
for me.

Mama-ji: O-k-a-y… But what if an item is defective or…

Pyaremohan: That never happened till date! Actually these items pass the quality check during manufacturing. So…

Mama-ji: I see.

At last it seemed I traced a way out from this humiliating experience and I readily tried to grab it.

Me: But how can I buy… in fact any of these items before a trial. I had never worn such things before!

Pyaremohan: But Madam, no shop will allow a trial on these items. Are you not getting my point?

Me: Yes am getting it. But you need to look from my angle also!

Mama-ji: I think Bahurani is correct. Since these are imported items, obviously she had never worn such things
before and if she buys one and finds it uncomfortable, what to do?

Pyaremohan: But our policy is not that Sahab. You check well before you buy any item, especially from this section,
but goods once sold cannot be returned.

Mama-ji: Come on Pyaremohan Sahab!

Radheshyam Uncle: Arre Sahab! Bahurani does not even stay here, she stays far off, so at least on that point you
should consider this case.

I honestly never expected Mama-ji and Uncle to plead so much to the shopkeeper for the trial and such was my
misfortune that the shopkeeper agreed in the end after some more persuasive efforts from both the “buddhas”!

Pyaremohan: Okay Madam, I walk outside my shop policy… but only four YOU… and (shrugged) will allow you to take
trials on my imported stocks… but again… just for YOU and please be absolutely careful not to crush them.

“Who told you to be so kind on me?”, I said in my mind, but was at least cheered up thinking that the verbal
embarrassment had come to an end for me.

Me: (smiling cutely) So nice of you!

I tried to be myself and absolutely normal.

Pyaremohan: Madam, tell me your size… then I will give you these 3 and 5 piece nighties from that lot.

Me: Si … I mean… size… what?

I fumbled miserably and as if asked for more embarrassment.

Pyaremohan: Madam, your bra size… then only I will be able to give items from the proper lot.

Mama-ji and Uncle were both looking at me and I felt like penetrating inside the floor, rather than tell my breast
size in front of them!

Me: Thirty… err… (I wetted my lips with my tongue)

Pyaremohan: 30! You must be kidding Madam. They look so big! (This time directly winking at my round tits)
I had to ingest this very offensive gesture from the shopkeeper. I controlled myself somehow!

Me: Not 30, allow me to complete! 34.

Pyaremohan: O-k-a-y… (He again looked very directly at my full breasts and I had to shift my gaze off him) I will
get the 34 size for you Madam. Just give me some time.

Very strangely I saw Mama-ji and Uncle were getting impatient! I did not know why they behaved like that! Were
they getting bored? But only a little while ago I noted Mama-ji was pretty keen to know the secrets of ladies inner
wears! I failed to understand why they were getting so restless suddenly!

Pyaremohan: Here Madam. I have everything for you. Here is the first one that I showed you… that embroidery
one, and this is the Babydoll and here are the 3-piece and the 5-piece nighty sets. Okay Madam?

Saying that he handed me all the sets and showed me the trial room that was just adjacent to that small room.

Pyaremohan: We have two trail rooms Madam. One outside in the hallway and this one. Though this appears
comparatively small, but it has mirrors on three sides for a better look Madam. I hope you won’t find any problem
using this.

Me: Okay thanks.

I quickly picked up the dresses and opened the door to enter the trial room.

Oh! What a relief! I said to myself as I closed the door behind me.

I kept my eyes closed for a while and sighed deeply. Then as I opened my eyes and looked around I noted that the
trial room was no better than a just covered passage - a very rectangular looking stretched out piece of area
closed on all sides. Full wall mirrors were there on both walls and at the back of the door. I was surprised to note
that the farthest wall, which did not have the mirror, was painted jet black and honestly I could not remember any
wooden wall painted with that color in any shop!

The lighting was also pretty bit odd as the bulb over my head only illuminated properly an area near the door and
the farthest corner remained somewhat ill illuminated. What I was unaware was as soon as I entered the trial
room, the shopkeeper along with Mama-ji and Uncle hurried to the backside of this room and positioned themselves
behind that “black” wall. I never thought in my wildest dreams that there were netted holes made on that wall to
peep through! The black surface of the wall, the thick net, and the improper illumination at the farthest corner
made it almost impossible for me to trace out.

My innocence and ignorance were entirely capitalized by the three opportunist elderly males and they quietly
enjoyed the strip show of a married 30-year-old female!

Being alone in that trial room I openly started scratching my choot over my sari - not knowing at all that I was
being watched! I even squeezed my breasts once with my hands to feel at ease. I pressed my sari-covered ass
tightly on the wall and closed my eyes to release the heat out of me!

Feeling somewhat better, I started to undress. I unpinned my pallu and started opening my sari. Then I started
unbuttoning my blouse and taking it out of my sleeves, I took my hands to my waist to untie my petticoat. I dropped
my petticoat to the floor and stepped out of it. It felt so better. I was only clad in my bra and panty. The whole of
my body was emitting heat and I took some deep breaths to feel normal.
I was totally unaware of the extreme thrill Mama-ji, Uncle, and the shopkeeper extracted as they continued to
peep at my innocent strip show in the trial room. I checked myself in the mirror and noticing that the backside of
my panty had hiked up and exposing my round buttock flesh, I quickly stretched the back my panty on my wide ass
cheeks with my hands. I noticed the front of my panty was almost fully wet with my juices and I looked very, very
obscene standing like that! I checked the front of my panty with my right hand to see how wet it was and it indeed
was awfully wet. I could not resist myself from poking my finger inside my wet choot!

The shopkeeper, Uncle, and Mama-ji were having a feast for their eyes seeing me exposing like that only in my
undergarments. Moreover, the “actions” that I was doing were exclusively feminine and a woman would ONLY do it
when alone. Mama-ji, Uncle and Mr. Pyaremohan probably watched the shot of their life with a voluptuous woman
like me wearing only undergarments inserting a finger inside her choot stretching the panty waistband to the

Feeling a little bit more comfortable after that fingering, I decided to start trying the dresses. First I took the
Babydoll from the wall hook and wore that and laughed on my own seeing the coverage it was giving to my figure. My
big breasts were jutting out of that mini dress and it reached hardly till my upper thighs leaving me whole legs
completely exposed. I reached the back of the dress to see how much it was covering there and was shocked to
note that it just about covered my round buttocks only!

“No way I could wear this even in front of Rajesh!”, I said to myself.

How could they design such a dress for any woman? I was naturally irritated and immediately got out of that mini
nightdress though I was already breathing heavily watching me dressed in such a sexy costume. Next I tried the
embroidery designed one and this was really elegant. I walked and checked myself well in the mirrors and was
pretty much satisfied with that dress and decided to buy it. I disrobed again and stood only in my undies before
trying the next one.

The “eye feast” was of course going on about which I was totally unaware. All three males must have been licking
my greasy jawani with their eyes and stroking their erect dicks in excitement. Now I was left with the 3-piece and
the 5-piece nighties. I decided to try the 5-piece nighty first. For that I had to open my bra and panty because
that set had a pair of undergarments with it. Though initially feeling a bit shy, but since I was quite secured within
the trial room, I decided to shed my undergarments for trying that one. In fact a big reason for opening my
undergarments was also my semi-wet panty. I quickly dragged my panty down my knees to the floor and also
unfastened my bra. A wave of tremor passed my whole body as I was standing fully nude within the walls of in the
trail room.

It must have been an unbelievable sight for Mama-ji, Uncle, and the shopkeeper who were peeping at me – seeing a
married woman stripping under illumination! I wore the panty and the bra from the 5-piece nighty. The panty was
awfully tight – I had a pretty hard time to pull it till my waist. I did a mistake in not wearing the bra first and all
the time that I tried to pull my panty up my thighs, my full boobs jiggled and swayed very awkwardly. Finally I was
able to wear the panty, but it was just too small and was not even covering half of my full-sized bottoms.

The bra also had smaller cups and as a result my breasts heaved up very sexily when I clasped the hook of my bra
at my back. The worst part was the fabric was not thick enough and as I checked myself in the mirror, the
contours of my swollen nipples were clearly visible through that bra! I was thoroughly dissatisfied with the
material being directly able to see my nipple impressions through the bra. I dropped the idea of trying the capri
pant and the top and quickly wore the overlap as if someone was watching me!

Last to try was the 3-piece nighty. I quickly got out of this new bra and panty and wore my original bra. I decided
not to wear the panty because it was still quite wet in the front. I wore the skirt and the top. The skirt was decent
and covered me till my knees but the top was awfully tiny and also had a very deep neckline thereby revealing my
whole cleavage bursting above my bra; the robe though was extremely comfortable and had a cool velvety touch and
not to mention that it covered my whole body very decently!

Actually I was feeling somewhat unwilling to wear that wet thing and I indeed needed to wipe my pussy as it was
still discharging drops of my vaginal fluids. But since I had no handkerchief I was confused regarding how to do it.
Then suddenly an idea stuck my mind - why not use one of these new dresses to wipe my choot? Obviously the
shopkeeper would be busy finalizing my selected dresses and surely would not pay any attention to these.

I quickly removed the robe and dropped my skirt off my waist to the floor and since I was already pantyless, I
started wiping my choot with that dress. I looked at my uncovered choot in the mirror and wiped it not even
knowing that three adult males were watching me doing this very personal and lewd act. I wiped even my thick
choot hairs, which also got somewhat sticky with my juices. I inserted my finger deep in my choot to get some more
discharge and felt very relaxed after completing this act. My breathing had also normalized and my nipples were
starting to ease out inside my bra.

Though I had wiped my pussy, my panty was still wet and I used the skirt of the 3-piece nighty to rub it dry.
Obviously I was unable to make it dry by rubbing the skirt on it, but the dampness was at least soaked to some
extent by the dry fabric. Now I got dressed in my original attire of sari, petticoat, and blouse. Seeing the mirror
and using both my hands, I adjusted my heavy tits to set properly inside my bra and blouse and felt very

I decided to buy only the embroidered nighty among the four that I tried. I opened the latch of the door and was
very surprised to see none present outside the trial room though pretty soon Mr. Pyaremohan almost came running!

Pyaremohan: Oh! Madam, you are done! Actually I had taken your Mama-ji and Uncle for a walk down the hallway.
(he was clearly panting)

In no time I saw Mama-ji and Uncle appearing and they both had drooping jaws and both had their hands in their
crotch! What was going on? I was a bit puzzled.

Me: Are you okay Mama-ji?

Mama-ji: Ye… yes… okay! Just took a wa…walk…He he!

Me: I see.

I was surely not convinced.

Pyaremohan: So Madam, are you planning to take all?

Me: No way! I will only take this one.

Saying that I forwarded the embroidered nighty to the shopkeeper.

Pyaremohan: Only one! Why? Was the fitting not okay?

Me: No, no. They were all okay, but I liked this one only.

Radheshyam Uncle: Are you sure Bahurani? Not the 3-piece or the 5-piece nighty?

Me: No, thanks Uncle. (this time emphatically) Will take this one only Uncle.
Pyaremohan: Ok-kay! As you wish Madam.

Mama-ji: Good Bahurani! You saved some money of Radhe… Ha ha ha…

Mama-ji tried to lighten the environment, but I noticed his right hand was still subtly stroking his cock from over
his trouser! As I looked from the corner of my eyes, I noticed an awesome bulge in Mama-ji’s pant and surely there
was something fishy. The shopkeeper was no different! He was also coaxing his lund and that too quite openly – not
even bothering that an adult woman was standing in front of him! Though I could smell a rat, but unfortunately was
not able to trace out exactly what had happened when I was in the trial room. Radheshyam Uncle also appeared
exhausted just as he looked when he had that premature ejaculation with me!

Pyaremohan: So, this is the final tally Madam – three saris and one nighty. Right?

Me: Right.

Pyaremohan: Sahab, you both can sit and relax downstairs. Madam, you just wait for a second for your blouse

Mama-ji: Fine. Bahurani, come down when you are done.

Me: Okay Mama-ji.

Mama-ji and Uncle turned and walked towards the staircase while the shopkeeper probably went for the tailor.
Suddenly I heard the shopkeeper calling me from inside and the voice was quite stern, which actually surprised me.
I hurriedly went into the room again, but he was in the trial room!

Pyaremohan: Madam, here!

Me: Yes?

Pyaremohan: Madam, see that’s why I was objecting to this idea of trials!

My heart started pounding in anxiousness. What did he mean? I noticed that he was checking the dresses I tried. I
surely would be caught! What an embarrassment! Had he discovered my naughty act of wiping with those new
dresses? O God!

Pyaremohan: Madam, these stains were surely not there when I unpacked the dresses for you?

Me: I … I… I mean how would I know? (I tried to remain as cool as possible)

Mr. Pyaremohan was checking the stains on the babydoll nighty very closely. He was trying to figure out what it was
and in the process started sniffing it just like a dog! What a shame! The shopkeeper was in effect sniffing my
vaginal juices on that fabric.

Pyaremohan: Uhu! Madam! Surely these are fresh… I find the same stain on this panty also! This you… I mean… you
just tried this Madam!

He for once looked directly at my sari-covered choot and then looked up at me questionably obviously trying to
suggest that the stains were my pussy juices and nothing else! Naturally I had to protest, but was feeling terribly
awkward inside.
Me: No, no. How can that be? Let me see!

The shopkeeper handed me the panty (a part of the 5-piece nighty set) I just tried.

What a scene!

I was inspecting my own panty and it was visibly spotted with my vaginal juices.

Pyaremohan: Madam, I am sorry to say… but these are your… I mean err… you probably was not fully aware that you
were WET…

Me: Err… what? I mean…

My face started getting in shame – afterall he was just a shopkeeper and was a complete stranger to me. I felt like
a stupid asshole standing in front of him caught red handed still trying to inspect the panty!

Pyaremohan: Madam, let me be very clear. You saw that I had reservations about the trial, but you and your
relatives insisted and hence I agreed. I cannot sell these used products. I mean… You… you have to buy the whole

He uttered the last few words very discreetly and in a steel cold voice. My heart was pounding and my hands and
feet were already cold like an ice cube!

Pyaremohan: Madam, you will have to take this Babydoll nighty along with this 5-piece set and just see… the skirt
of this 3-piece nighty also have those stains… the marks are so fresh! (He sniffed again) You have to take all these
3 sets Madam.

I got so nervous that I was not even getting the strength to talk with the shopkeeper. First and foremost thing
was I had no money with me. If I were to buy these, I had to take help of either Mama-ji or Radheshyam Uncle.
And then, of course I would have to confess to those males that while I was trying these dresses my pussy juice
spoilt the fabric.

How could I tell that! Issssssh! What a shame!

Moreover, I was pretty much certain that the episode would not stop there - the inquisitiveness that I had seen in
Mama-ji - he would surely question me thoroughly about how the skirt and the babydoll nighty got those stains even
if he gets convinced with the panty part!

I could realize then and there that it would be a very cumbersome and embarrassing experience for me to reply
Mama-ji; hence immediately I dropped that idea of informing him for buying these nightdresses.

But… then what was the alternative?

I had no clue! Beads of perspiration were already crowning my forehead and my palms also started to sweat. I was
having my usual dry lips, but this time purely due to nervousness.

Pyaremohan: Madam, shall I pack them all and inform your…

Me: No, no. You need not inform them.

Pyaremohan: You will then pay separately Madam?

Me: Err… I mean…

Pyaremohan: It will amount to umm… the Baby doll is 450/-, the 3-piece is 650/-, and the 5-piece is 900/-…. umm…
totalling to 2000/- Madam.

Me: What? T-w-o t-h-o-u-s-a-n-d!

Pyaremohan: Come on Madam! Afterall these are imported items directly coming from foreign countries!

Me: But… but that’s… that’s too expensive!

Pyaremohan: But Madam you have to take them… I can’t keep these “stained” items in my stock!

I saw that there was no other way but to tell the truth to this man.

Me: Pyaremohan Sahab, I mean… err… actually I do not have money with me and … and its not that I can pay later
because I do not stay here. Please consider my case!

Pyaremohan: Madam how can I consider Rs. 2000? Yes if it was a 100-200 rupees I definitely would have
considered because afterall you are my customer, but 2000/-… No way I can consider Madam!

I was literally in a catch 22 situation and felt so helpless! I requested again.

Me: Please Pyaremohan Sahab! I am like your sister. Can you not con….

Pyaremohan: Madam, no sentimental strings here! I am a businessman. I cannot sell these. (again he lifted the panty
to show me the stain) Either you or your relative must pay.

Me: But I have nothing with me and I cannot tell them. P-l-e-a-s-e try to understand my condition. I… I can do one
thing… I will money order you as soon as I get back home.
Pyaremohan: He he Madam… no such cock and bull story will do. You need to pay here. Don’t waste my time. (His
voice was very stern this time)

I tried to persuade him for some more time, but in vain as he was quite adamant on his point and finally I

Pyaremohan: Madam, look, this is not a restaurant that if you cannot pay the bill, you can clean and wash crockery
and repay me. I need reimbursement for my Rs. 2000/-.

The situation was going towards a hopeless end and to plead to like that to a shopkeeper was even more awkward
for me and therefore I desperately wanted to get out of it.

Me: I told you already… I mean I have nothing with me. Then… I mean tell me if I can … I mean if I can do any
favor for you so that this money is compensated.

Pyaremohan: What favor?

Me: Tell me straight what you want me to do to pay damages for that 2000/-. I have never been in such a clumsy
situation in any shop ever!

Pyaremohan: Madam see that’s not my problem and I don’t want to hear what you have done in other shops. (He was
evidently getting rude to me) You have spoiled these and you have to pay.

Me: Okay, okay. Tell me naa what you want from me?

I was trying to get straight to the shopkeeper.

Pyaremohan: Umm… let me think… Okay! Yeah! There is .. there is one way… but… you don’t … Ummm! Can you do it?

Me: (my face as if glowed up seeing a ray of hope) What? Sure! I can do it! Tell me!

Pyaremohan: See Madam I am telling you frankly… we had planned a couple of ads for our products on cable TV and
had fixed a model for Rs. 5000/- to act in that. Now… if you can do it, I will surely save 2500/-... actually I have
booked her for two ads. But… …umm…

Not knowing any details I just jumped on the proposal as that Rs. 2000/ was playing heavily on my mind.

Me: Err… No problem Pyaremohan Sahab. I will do it.

Pyaremohan: That’s okay, but…

Naturally I was getting impatient.

Me: What’s the problem now?

Pyaremohan: Madam, see there are two problems. Since this was planned for next week, I do not have the male
model right now and… umm…

Me: And what?

Pyaremohan: Well Madam, the director is … I mean very ill tempered and rude… so…err… I was thinking whether
you would be… I mean whether you would be able to tolerate him or...

Me: In recent times I am tolerating many strange things, which I never dreamt of tolerating! So, you better not
think on that.

Pyaremohan: (smiling) Okay, okay. Err… Then Madam I think you should not waste time as your Mama-ji and Uncle
would be waiting.

Me: You need to hurry up. You are still sitting with those nighties!

Pyaremohan: Oh! Sure Madam! Give me just a minute’s time so that I can inform the director to arrange for a

Me: Okay.

Mr. Pyaremohan disappeared in a flash and in fact was back also within a couple of minutes.

Pyaremohan: Madam, with much effort I have persuaded Mr. Mangeskar. He is the director. As I told you he is
pretty ill tempered and does not speak a decent language. So please...

Me: Okay, okay.

At that point of time I was honestly in a hurry to get into the midst of action rather than thinking about any other

Pyaremohan: Come along! And just remember to say that you have acted previously, otherwise Mr. Mangeskar will
pack up immediately.

I nodded and followed the shopkeeper. As I followed him through the hallway I quickly draped my pallu once again
properly since I was going in front of an unknown male. We reached the end of the corridor behind the toilet where
there was a room whose door was open.

Pyaremohan: Come Madam. Mr. Mangeskar, she is the one I was talking about.

The room was fairly big, but Mr. Mangeskar did not look impressive at all – very thin, middle-aged person with
prominent rough beard on his face who was wearing a red T-shirt and three quarter pants covering till his knees.

Mr. Mangeskar looked directly at me for some moments and I felt so very odd standing like while he inspected my
figure - very openly.

Mr. Mangeskar: Hmm… What’s your name?

Me: Anee…I mean Anita.

Mr. Mangeskar: Age?

I had never encountered such a clumsy situation (at least at grownup age) with a totally stranger asking me my age
as the very second question!

Me: Twenty… I mean. 28.

Mr. Mangeskar: And what are your stats? (He asked me looking at my taut sari-covered breasts)

Me: Err… what?

I could not get him at first go.

Mr. Mangeskar: What sort of actress is this Mr. Pyaremohan?

His voice was cold and stern and clearly reflected that he was irritated by my fumbling.

Pyaremohan: Arre she has traveled some distance… give her some time to breathe! Madam, tell him your vital
statistics? I have her breast size… its 34.

My ears immediately started to get heated and I could well realize that my throat was drying up! I lowered my
eyelids by reflex action in natural feminine shame.

Mr. Mangeskar: Come one! What’s your name….. O! Anita!

Me: Twenty… I mean .. err… 28 and… and 36. I mean 34-28-36. (I had to gather all my mental strength to tell

Mr. Mangeskar: Hmm… you look pretty full! Now listen I needed a younger model for this ad, but since Pyaremohan-
ji requested, I will go ahead with you. Where else have you acted?

Me: Umm… in drum… I mean in dramas.

Mr. Mangeskar: Dramas! That means on stage only?

Pyaremohan: No, no. She acted in a few small ads also. She is quite familiar with this type. Tell him Madam. Tell

The shopkeeper was trying his best to cover me up.

Me: Yes, yes. I acted in err… 2-3 ads.

Mr. Mangeskar: What product?

I was puzzled and looked blankly to Mr. Pyaremohan who was again ready to “save” me!

Pyaremohan: Soaps… soaps you know and….

Mr. Mangeskar: And?

Pyaremohan: And… umm… undergarments…. undergarments!

My lips automatically parted to protest, but I had to control myself as per the demand of the situation. That nitwit
shopkeeper! Could he not say anything else other than that!

U-n-d-e-r-g-a-r-m-e-n-t-s! Hai daiya!

Mr. Mangeskar: (now looking at my eyes) Okay that’s good to know. What did you have to do in the soap ad?

This question was indeed directed to me and I had to reply something.

Me: I… I acted in that… I mean I soaped my body.

I was really getting very nervous replying to this man. His voice was cold as steel and questions too direct for a
housewife like me!

Mr. Mangeskar: Hmm. Hmm. Whole body or only your hands and shoulders?

I licked my lips once because I could realize I was getting cornered. My face was all red and my body very stiff.

Me: Haa… haa… I mean hands and sho… sho… shoulders only.

Mr. Mangeskar: No showers?

Me: (I was trying to remember the soap ads that I see on TV and construct my replies) Yes, yes… shower was
Mr. Mangeskar: Okay, so you soaped yourself standing under the shower and they canned you? Right?

Me: Yes, yes. (I replied without much thinking trying to end the conversation)

Mr. Mangeskar: That’s good, because you have a similar situation here also! By the way, are you aware of what you
need to do here?

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes, Madam is aware, but actually I did not get the time to detail her.

Mr. Mangeskar: Huh! You seem to be always so busy Pyaremohan-ji! Anyway, I will brief you Anita. See, as you know
this is a chaddi- baniyan ad, the presentation has to be spicy. We must create an urge in male customers to buy this
Parineeta Store brand and for that the ad has to be designed and presented in a titillating way, you know!

I was already on the “low” hearing that it was a chaddi-baniyan (=vest and brief) ad. I thanked my fortune and
smiled to myself that it was not a female undergarment ad!

Pyaremohan: If you can do it a bit quickly… her…

Mr. Mangeskar: (looking at the shopkeeper very strongly) Then hire someone else and leave me! Sala kaha kaha se
chale aate hain! I have my own pace and you both must abide by that! Clear?

I tried to rescue the shopkeeper who was in fact saying to speed up only for me knowing that Mama-ji and Uncle
were waiting downstairs.

Me: Okay, okay. Please don’t be angry…

Mr. Mangeskar: Hmm.. Yes, as I was saying, what I plan for is a **** sequence where you are the heroine and you
are being harassed. The hero comes and rescues you. The hero will be dressed in chaddi and baniyan, which would
signify he-man-ship and advertise for this brand. Clear?

I nodded, but was wondering what the director actually meant by “rape sequence” though I was somewhat assured
when he used the word “harassed”. I thought I dare not ask a question and get a scolding and decided to follow the
instructions of the director to get over this episode as quickly as possible.

Mr. Mangeskar: You wear this and get ready quickly.

Saying that he handed over a lungi to Mr. Pyaremohan and then turned towards me.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, let me detail you the scene – you are a housewife and he is a servant. Okay?

He? Mr. Pyaremohan? A servant with such an obese figure? I could not just control a smile hearing this.

Mr. Mangeskar: I chose him as the servant because his body will amuse most people you know.

Me: True. (I was still smiling)

Mr. Mangeskar: You will be taking a bath in that toilet (he indicated to the attached bath) and your servant would
act like a peeing Tom. Okay?

I nodded though naturally was getting apprehensive about the “bath”.

Mr. Mangeskar: He naturally gets excited seeing you and ultimately breaks inside the toilet and attacks you. Okay?
You flee to this room and some hustle and bustle between you and Pyaremohan-ji would take place on that sofa.
Okay? Then the hero enters the scene fights the bad man and rescues you with a happy ending. That’s all? Clear?

Me: Ye… yes, but who is the hero?

Mr. Mangeskar: (with a shy smile) Me of course!

Me: W-h-a-t?

Mr. Mangeskar: That would create the humorous part naaa… He is so fat and I am so thin… apart from that comical
angle, the message would also be delivered that even a frail man like me turns a He-man if he wears this brand of
chaddi and baniyan.

Me: Hmm…

I appreciated the whole idea of this director in my mind though was extremely nervous about what I actually need
to deliver.

Mr. Mangeskar: Here goes your costume Anita! (he handed me over a white petticoat and a white blouse).

Pyaremohan: You can change in the toilet Madam.

Me: No sa… I mean no sari?

Mr. Mangeskar: Come on! Are you new to acting? How can you wear a sari while taking a bath?

I did not argue any more and hurried inside the toilet, but several questions started to bother me now as I closed
the toilet door.
- this blouse looks so transparent and also white in color, what would happen to it when it gets wet?
- what will happen when Mr. Pyaremohan breaks into the toilet? What he will try to do to me?
- what “hustle and bustle” did the director mean that would take place on the sofa?

Instead of bothering too much on that, I thought that I had to be very cautious not to unnecessarily expose or
allow too much of touching and grabbing during the shoot.

After I got into my shooting costume, I got out of the toilet. I was clad in a white blouse and petticoat only. No
sari. Though I felt hesitant, but thankfully the blouse was adequately covering my breasts though naturally my
mammaries remained protruded quite indecently converging male attentions

Mr. Mangeskar: Bah! You look perfect Anita.

The director was looking at my jutting out fully developed tits, which looked quite handsomely appealing not being
covered by a sari.

Mr. Mangeskar: You have a good eye Pyaremohan-ji, he he he! She has an excellent figure even after marriage.

Pyaremohan: Thanks Mr. Mangeskar!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, I hope you are wearing your inners…

Even a blind man could see that I was wearing a bra, such was the transparency of that white blouse and obviously I
was wearing a panty!

I just nodded.

Mr. Mangeskar: And under your petticoat?

Me: Yes obviously!

I obviously sounded extremely shameless!

Mr. Mangeskar: Fine. Let me clear this to you both that I want absolutely natural expressions on your faces when
you act. So forget all other things and concentrate only on the shoot. Okay?

The director was ready with a movie camera! Mr. Pyaremohan looked horrible clad only in the lungi. His bare chest
and belly looked so odd!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, I will position myself within the toilet. You will open the shower and stand below it. Okay?

I nodded and followed him into the bathroom. I stood under the shower and the director was very close to me with
his camera. Mr. Pyaremohan closed the door and remained outside of the toilet. Naturally I was feeling rather
tight with this unknown male in this small toilet.

Mr. Mangeskar: Don’t be stiff Anita! Relax… Imagine that you are alone – as if you are in your home toilet. Ignore
my presence….

I tried to relax, but obviously was unsuccessful.

Mr. Mangeskar: Let me tell you what you need to do after opening the shower. You start washing your face first,
then rinse your hands and then come to your breasts. Okay Anita?

Me: O… okay.

Mr. Mangeskar: Open the shower.

I switched on the shower and water started falling on my body. Thankfully the water flow was not very heavy, but
the coldness of the water made me shiver and I felt so, so odd getting wet with a man standing on my nose! I
started wiping my face first.

Mr. Mangeskar: Do it gently so that I can take a good view of your face.

Though I washed my face, I could jolly well feel that the water trickled through my hands and elbows onto my
breasts and were soaking my blouse and bra.

Mr. Mangeskar: Great….now your hands….slowly!

I followed his instruction and now as I stretched my hands water was pouring directly on my mammaries and I was
getting fully wet now. As I was looking down I could see my white brassiere getting very prominent through the
blouse and I quickly tried to cover myself by angling my elbow.
Mr. Mangeskar: Okay, Anita, now rub your breasts slowly with both hands.

As I took my hands to my tight boob flesh, my face was getting flushed in embarrassment. I started rubbing my
own breasts as the shower water continued to soak me. My cleavage was now prominently visible to the director, as
my blouse had slipped down a bit being wet and heavy. Thank God! I could not see his eyes as he was looking into the
camera, otherwise it would have been very, very embarrassing for me.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, now do one thing… just to make things look hot… squeeze your breasts gently…

Honestly I was getting excited doing this action. I kept my both palms right over my conical breasts and started
squeezing them!

Mr. Mangeskar: No, no… not like that! Do it from below… I mean cup your breasts from below and then squeeze…
Just like a male does it, are you getting me?

I nodded while taking the shower. I took my palms below my breasts and then cupped my flesh and started
squeezing my big balls. I immediately could feel my nipples getting very hard and were standing up as they sensed
my fingers on them. The shower obviously was helping me do this shameless and bold act quite easily! My lips
started getting parted and I slowly was gyrating my hips to complete the whole action.

Mr. Mangeskar: Good Anita… Now a little more variation... since you are not using a soap... just squeeze and release
your breasts for cleaning… I know that's not the process but you need to make the servant attracted too!
So...squeeze and release... squeeze and release...

Honestly this continuously flowing water on my body was doing miracles! I was so quickly getting excited and was
slowly getting horny doing this squeeze! I obeyed the director and gripped my both boobs with my outstretched
palms and was releasing them after a full crush. My blood had already started boiling inside me and I had started
enjoying my shower with closed eyes.

By this time, I was almost fully wet and water had adequately sipped inside my petticoat also making my ass and
thighs fully wet.

Mr. Mangeskar: Wow! Your facial expressions are just too good! Very well done Anita! Now get into the next move…
circle your finger on your navel. This is just the warmup for your peeping servant you know! Ha ha ha…

With my eyes closed, I dropped my hands from my tits to my navel area. I started poking my belly button with the
middle finger of my right hand. This went on for some more moments and since I did not get further instruction
from the director, I opened my eyes. He was busy capping me and as I looked down my body I noticed my petticoat
clinging to my well formed thighs very indecently and the shape and size of my thighs were clearly exposed and
naturally I tried to adjust my petticoat with my free hand.

Mr. Mangeskar: Hey! What are you doing? (I immediately took away my hand off my petticoat) You are on camera
Anita… Maintain your position as I say and do not do anything extra.

I nodded and was compelled to alarmingly expose my well-formed thighs through my wet petticoat.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, your servant is watching you. So you must do something sexy to excite him… May be…you
just bend a bit and rub your thighs over your petticoat.

With my wet blouse and petticoat clinging to my skin, I thought I was exposing enough. My white blouse being fully
soaked was practically nonexistent and the exact position of my brassiere inside was completely visible. Did I need
to do more?

I obviously did not have the guts to question the director and hence bent a bit and started rubbing my thighs with
both hands and in the process my cleavage appeared very prominently over my wet blouse and also exposing the
upper portions of my bulging boobs.

Mr. Mangeskar: Bend a bit more Anita… camera is unable to get a full view.

I had to bend further – now practically a couple of inches of my deep cleavage were visible to the director and as I
momentarily looked down my breasts, my fleshy wet milk tanks looked awesomely exposed in that posture. I
clenched my teeth in shame and waited for the director to call “Cut”.

Mr. Mangeskar: okay… okay! Cut!

My body was instantaneously upright.

Mr. Mangeskar: Very nice work Anita!

I smiled foolishly. I quickly moved out of the shower, but since I had been standing below that shower for so long,
I was virtually soaked to the skin. Water was trickling down my face, throat and whole body.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, now we will go ahead with the next sequence, after which your servant will get inside. Okay?

I nodded.

As Mr. Mangeskar took out his eyes from the camera viewfinder, I noted that his eyes were roaming openly on my
juicy body curves – it was indeed a gala sight - a voluptuous woman like me standing within two feet of him in a
completely awash state clad in a white blouse and petticoat.

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, I mean the servant, will try to embrace you and you have to act as if you are trying
to escape, but make sure that you both stay under the shower for some time struggling so as to make the scene a
bit tempting. Am I clear?

I nodded. Though my skin was wet and cold, my inside was as if ignited in this shower water and the self boob
squeeze that I just did!

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, are you ready?

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes!

Mr. Mangeskar: Fine. Lets do the last sequence of your bath Anita. I want to capture your rear portion in camera.
So just turn slowly away from me so that your back faces the camera. Okay?

I nodded again taking a deep breath. I could feel the familiar itch inside my panty! I moved below the shower again
and the director shouted indicating camera was rolling. I turned slowly under the shower so that my backside was
towards Mr. Mangeskar and took my hands behind and begun rubbing my very prominent ass.

Mr. Mangeskar: Place your hands on your ass globes Anita…. One on each… Y-e-s… like that… slowly… You have a
gorgeous gaand yaar! Carry on!

I ignored the slang as I could realize he was also pretty excited filming me. I moved my palms in circular motion on
my buttocks and could clearly make out that my panty was pretty evident through my wet petticoat.

Was my panty visible to the director? Hai daiya! As I pressed my ass with my hands, I could clearly trace the
outline of my panty! My God!

Mr. Mangeskar: Good! Now jiggle and sway your ass a bit Anita! Actually this will act as the climax for your
servant’s entry inside. When Pyaremohan-ji enters you must cry out loudly and very naturally… okay?

As per the director’s instruction, I started to sway and jiggle my heavy ass very shamelessly. Automatically my
eyes got closed in utter shyness and nervousness with the very thought that I was doing all this in front of a male!
It must have been some sight for the director to see a well-developed woman like me swaying her big tight ass in
front of him.

Just then…

Just then Mr. Pyaremohan broke inside the bathroom! I was still swinging my heavy buttocks and he almost crashed
on me! I immediately cried out, which was of course very spontaneous rather than acting! He was clad only in his
lungi and held my right arm and dragged me towards him. I bumped on his body and naturally tried to guard my
breasts from pressing on him with my elbows.

Mr. Mangeskar: Cut! Cut! (We separated from each other) Anita… Anita, you must look surprised and frightened – it
must look normal – someone has entered your bathroom, but you seem to… I want that staggered look in your eyes.
You behave as if you forget to react and stand like a statue. Okay? Your servant would take that advantage and
embrace you. Am I clear?

I nodded along with Mr. Pyaremohan who again went back to the toilet door from where the retake would take
place. Mr. Mangeskar looked into the camera and said “Action”.

Mr. Pyaremohan entered again towards me in one brisk action and I tried to express what the director told me with
my eyes widely open and a loud scream. Mr. Pyaremohan took hold my right hand and dragged me towards him. I
tried to behave that I was very surprised and “forgot to react.” Mr. Pyaremohan used that opportunity fully to
quickly pull me onto him and straightway embraced me. My whole wet body pressed on his fat half naked figure.

Firecrackers seemed to burst inside my body as I touched Mr.

Pyaremohan. My blood started gushing inside my vessels as I felt his long arms embracing my soaked back. His
warm palms felt so good on my wet blouse-covered midriff!

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, you now try to kiss her and Anita, you now come to your senses and try to retaliate.

No sooner had the director completed his words, I felt Mr. Pyaremohan trying to kiss me directly on my lips!

The scoundrel! What audacity!

I felt his wet lips on my cheeks and nose and once on my lips too! Naturally by reflex action, I exhibited a very
strong repulsive blow and tried to get him out of my body, but he was much stronger than me and embraced me
more tightly. All this time I had been protecting my big breasts from touching his chest with my elbows, but the
way he was trying to touch my lips, I had to use my hands to protect me. And…

And as soon as I lifted my hands to stop his face from touching mine, he hugged me more closely and my big firm
breasts got pressed very directly to his chest.
I shrieked out!

Mr. Pyaremohan was obviously much excited getting the full feel of my well-developed mammaries and embraced me
more tightly. I was naturally getting into a hopeless situation. Being unable to kiss me directly, he began to lick my
wet cheeks and honestly the feel of his hot tongue on my slippery cheeks started making me significantly weak.

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, now you drag Anita under the shower and then do what is natural… like try to grab
her breast and ass… Anita, you continue to struggle but make sure that you do not go out of the shower. That’s the
laxman-rekha for you in this shot. Clear?

“…do what is natural…” – these words as if unlocked the flood gate for Mr. Pyaremohan and he really started
behaving as if he was in the mood to molest me! He dragged me under the shower and I again started getting wet
and taking the advantage of this very hot situation, he hugged me very tightly and forcibly moved my elbows off my
breasts and pressed me to his body. I was getting weaker naturally as my breasts directly got pressed onto his
chest and he was also scuffing and scratching my waist with his fingers; moreover, the shower water falling on my
body made the whole situation more complex for me.

Mr. Mangeskar: That’s great Pyaremohan-ji! Carry on!

There was no need for any encouragement for this man and he was now more or less hugging me like my husband!
My big boobs getting pressed fully on his chest and his flabby abdomen pushing my belly area. His hands had
started measuring every part of my body and I felt his palms rested on my pumpkin ass. I could hardly struggle to
get free because he was constantly keeping his lips very close to my face brushing every now and then my cheeks,
nose, chin, and my lips too! Mr. Pyaremohan grabbed my ass very tightly, which made me gasp for air! And as I
parted my lips, that man, like an eagle, invaded my tender lips.

Me: Aaaaaaaah!

Though I quickly moved my lips, but he was able to suck my lower lips for a couple of seconds. As I looked at him,
he was smiling very wickedly as if trying to say “how long will you avoid me?”

Mr. Pyaremohan was giving me ass squeezes in a very different way, as in recent times I have had a number of
these while in the ashram. This man was grabbing my ass flesh very firmly and was not releasing the flesh from
under his palms for quite some time! This in effect was making me almost breathless the way he was extending the
hold on my buttock flesh. His fingers dug in deep into my spongy ass cheeks penetrating my wet petticoat and
panty. Surely I was extremely excited delivering this shot.

Mr. Mangeskar: Cut! Good job Pyaremohan-ji and Anita… I have taken good close ups of… of Anita’s gaand under
siege! He he… Well, next I will take a few close up shots of your faces only! Anita you will just move your head to
and fro avoiding Pyaremohan-ji’s lips, who is trying to kiss you. I will get this later in slow motion and will definitely
be a great shot with the shower water falling on your face. Clear?

I was breathing very heavily now and my wet blouse had slid down significantly down my breasts and had exposed
me very indecently. I had to stand in that outrageously sexy outfit in front of Mr. Pyaremohan. Mr. Pyaremohan
moved his hands from my buttocks in the upward direction and held me at my waist for this shot. As he converged
his face on mine, I started moving my head back and forth and he was obviously trying his best to smooch my lips! I
could feel his deep warm breaths on my wet face and I was indeed getting weaker and weaker now due to this
constant fondling! This went on for few seconds till the director shouted, “Cut”!

Mr. Mangeskar: Very well done! Okay… now let me explain what is to be done next. Anita, you will give one big jerk
and Pyaremohan-ji, you will fall on the floor. Anita, you flee to the adjacent room and put the towel kept on the
sofa as a cover for your breasts. Clear? I will also move out following you Anita with the camera.

I obeyed as was instructed and ran to the room and took the towel there and covered my breasts.

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, this shot is fully yours. You will now hasten through the toilet, bouncing the toilet
door, and will try to catch Anita. In the process you will stumble and your lungi will fall open. You quickly restore it
and come near this sofa and stop. Simple?

Mr. Pyaremohan nodded.

The shock of my lifetime was waiting for me as the shot started. Mr. Pyaremohan bounced the toilet door loudly
and while running out tripped and fell on the floor and as he got up, his lungi fall open.

Me: Heiiiiiiiiiii!

I could not control my exclamation as I saw Mr. Pyaremohan was stark naked inside – as his lungi fall on the floor he
stood absolutely naked in front of us! Most astonishingly, he was not wearing any underwear or brief!

My eyes obviously got attracted towards his erect lund and the thick black hairy bush above it. Mr. Pyaremohan’s
lund was dangling in the air very awkwardly and he quickly stroked his lund once before wrapping it inside his lungi!
I noticed his lund was already quite erect – obviously the effect of fondling me for so long.

Mr. Mangeskar: Good Pyaremohan-ji… this will produce a very good humor. Ha ha ha…

How could they show such male nudity in the ad? I could not resist myself from asking.

Me: But Mr. Mangeskar… I mean.. err… how can you show that in the ad?

Mr. Mangeskar: Show what?

Me: I mean.. he was err… he was not wearing anything beneath….

Mr. Mangeskar: Arre Anita, have you gone out of your head or what? Obviously I will camouflage that part where
his lund is exposed.

Me: (still surprised) O!

Mr. Mangeskar: Well, the advancement of technology will help me do that! He he… Anyway, lets get along with our
next shot. Anita, as Pyaremohan-ji approaches you, you start running round this sofa and he will chase you. You cry
“Help! Help!” and run for three rounds and then Pyaremohan-ji grabs you and pushes you onto the sofa. Am I clear
about the shot?

We both nodded. I was feeling rather at ease standing with the towel on my wet blouse in front of these two
males; I at least remained somewhat covered!

But, not for long!

I started running as soon as the director said “Action” and Mr. Pyaremohan keeping a distance followed me. My
heavy boobs started juggling very sexily below the towel as I ran and I tried to cover that with my hands. I
completed the three laps continuously crying for help and finally Mr. Pyaremohan grabbed my hand and pushed me
forcefully onto the sofa. The sofa was wide enough to accommodate my whole body and as I fall on the sofa there
was a deep vibration due to my body weight.

Mr. Mangeskar: Cut! Very nice! Anita, you need to get down from the sofa once and give an exclusive shot. Actually
I want to capture your rear from close up when you are running. I noticed that you were looking very attractive as
you ran and I just want to capture that in frame. Okay?

I did not know what to say or how to react? Should I feel proud to such a comment?

Mr. Mangeskar: So what you do is you do not go in a circular fashion, but just come down running towards me from a
point I tell you and then turn back and run back to that point. Hope that’s not a big ask?

Me: No…

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji… if you can.

Mr. Pyaremohan quickly went towards a door, which led to another room, which was also fairly big.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, can you see that furniture down that corner?

Me: Yes.

Mr. Mangeskar: Okay, you go there and come running down to me. Since the distance is substantial you can freely
run here.

I tried to estimate the distance and it was not less that 30-35 feet. The adjacent room too was unusually large. I
nodded and started walking towards the farthest in the other room. Though I was feeling quite odd to run in this
wet outfit in front of two males, but the whole shooting sequence was exciting me somewhat.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, keep the towel aside as I want your natural running posture, otherwise you will have to
continuously hold the towel while running. That will actually kill the essence of this scene.

Me: O… okay.

I hesitatingly kept the towel on an adjacent chair.

Mr. Mangeskar: Action!

I started running and as I increased my pacing, I immediately realized that my big and heavy breasts were jumping
up and down very awkwardly inside my wet blouse and honestly there was nothing I could do to stop it. My full-sized
mammaries were swaying sideways as well as vertically as I ran towards the director. The director was standing
midway and as I started running was pacing himself backwards with his camera.

As I reached the end point in the room, he indicated me to turn back and run to the other room again. I did that
and this time he was capturing close shots of my swaying gaand inside my wet petticoat as I ran away from him.

Mr. Mangeskar: Great! Do this once more!

I again started my run towards the director and this time I realized I was getting short of breath. I hardly do an
exercise now-a-days and was not finding it very hard to run like this. I was breathing heavily and my firm breasts
were swaying very, very sexily as I sprinted towards Mr. Mangeskar.
Mr. Mangeskar: Okay! Great Anita! Great!

Me: Uffff! (Puff! Puff!))

As I stood in front of him, I was panting significantly. I was a bit surprised when I noticed that that the director
still had his eyes on the camera lens!

Me: What more are you filming now? I am here!

Mr. Mangeskar: He he… Anita… continuity… If I suddenly stop the shot after your run is over and in the next scene
you are seen absolutely normal, will that not look very odd? That’s why I am recording shots of your breasts when
you are out of breath. Do you understand baby?

Me: Oh!

I tried to hide my breasts with my arms.

Mr. Mangeskar: Come on Anita! Its over… Anyway, I must say that you looked awesome when you were running! Very
sec… I mean very striking!

I smiled shamelessly not realizing exactly what he meant.

Mr. Mangeskar: O-k-a-y! Now we are heading towards the actual **** attempt and here Anita you have a big role to
play. I want absolute natural expressions. Okay? Ummm… By the way, have you … I mean have you ever been raped?

Me: What? (I almost yelled at him)

Mr. Mangeskar: Oho… I mean were you ever teased or harassed by any male?

Me: NO. Never.

I replied very strongly as I went towards the sofa to lie down there for the next shot.

Mr. Mangeskar: Okay, okay. What I mean is I want the same fearful expressions as well as expressions of
excitement as your servant touches your body closely. Getting me naaa?

I lowered my eyes and nodded. Some shame still persisted in me!

Mr. Mangeskar: Fine. Pyaremohan-ji, you are a servant and you have got the malkin of the house in a compromised
position. So I want that expression on your face. You are in a commanding position now. Okay? At the same time I
want dialogues now. Anita, you will be talking to stop him, pleading, commanding, whatever you like and Pyaremohan-
ji, you should be replying with rude language being the servant. Clear?

Pyaremohan: Okay… Well, what will I… I mean what will I do now?

Mr. Mangeskar: Lo karlo baat! Ye bhi kya bolna padega! Have you not scene any **** scene in movies?

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes!

Mr. Mangeskar: Then? Do that… … Bas! Anita, get that towel on your breasts… continuity… you now!
My heart started beating louder hearing this. What did the director plan for? But before I could ask anything, he
made the camera rolling and Mr. Pyaremohan was over my body in a flash. He attacked me from one side and
grabbed my shoulder and kept me pinned on the soft surface of the sofa. Though he was quite obese, but he was
remarkably swift! He threw off the towel from my breasts and looked hungrily at them.

Pyaremohan: Uff! Kya maal hai!

Me: Just shut and leave me! You brute!

We started delivering dialogues as if he was the servant and I was the malkin, but honestly I started feeling
rather uncomfortable being fully aware that this man was wearing nothing under his lungi. He already had given me
the feel of his erect pole inside his lungi brushing it once or twice over my smooth thighs. I cried out “help” “help”
and he was trying to peel off my blouse!

Me: Eiii, what are doing? Stop!

Pyaremohan: Chop Sali! Ajj mauka mila hai! Will not stop till I fuck you!

Mr. Pyaremohan for the first time now touched my mammaries. He grabbed my left boob forcefully and kneaded it
firmly. I cried out in pain and excitement and tried to stop him, but he caught my arms with his other hand. He
repeated the action and this time he kneaded my breast a bit softly and also tried to cover my whole left breast
with his palm so that I also enjoy that action. Of course I was not influenced and continued to struggle and tried to
free my hands. But he turned out to be cleverer!

He held my arms more tightly and immediately started feeling my naked breast area above my blouse. Getting the
feel of his warm hand directly over my naked upper breasts indeed made my life very difficult. I clenched my lips
tightly and tried to evade the feeling, but that bastard within a flash moved his hand off my upper breast and
twisted my left nipple. Since my blouse and bra were both soaking wet, it must have been very easy for him to
trace my nipple impression. Automatically my eyes got closed and I cried out in pain and happiness!

Me: AAAAaaaa…..aaaaaa…. Uhhhhhh……

Sensing that it was the appropriate opportunity, Mr. Pyaremohan released my hands and without a second’s delay,
pulled my blouse very strongly off my body as a result of which my wet blouse tore off in two parts near the area
of the hooks.

I could not believe my own eyes!

At once my brassiere was exposed to him and as I looked down I was shocked to note that my breasts were almost
50% out of my tiny wet bra and could be clearly seen like daylight!

Mr. Mangeskar: Cut! Cut! But don’t move! Anita! Just be in your position. Bilkul hilna mat!

I remained stiff, but was very much eager to cover my breasts first. I saw the director coming near me and he
positioned the camera right on top of my head and was recording. Since initially I was too eager to pay off that two
thousand rupees, the fact did not strike me much that I would be filmed, but now seeing the way this director was
canning my exposed body with a movie camera, I was a bit alert. Still I was not really shaken by this fact probably
because I was ONLY habituated with a camera that “clicks”, but this one was surely different and hence it did not
honestly bother me much!
After adequately recording my half-exposed tits, he took his head out of the viewfinder of the camera.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, I can read what you want to say from the way you are frowning. Tell me how many times you
have seen a villain tearing apart heroine’s blouse in films?

Me: That… that’s okay… but no more… I mean…

Mr. Mangeskar: Arre! Come on Anita! Don’t I know where to stop? You leave that to me naaa.

Me: No.. no… please… I can’t be … I mean … I can’t be in my bra like this… (I covered my breasts with my arms

I had to be extremely shameless verbally to make the director understand. Mr. Pyaremohan was siting silently by
my side.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, my dear, tell me how can you shoot a **** scene with the heroine draped fully? Na na…. …
tell me!

Me: But how can I be like this in front of … you people… !!!

Mr. Mangeskar: Who told you to think like that? Just imagine you are all alone in this room and a ghost is trying to
**** you! Ha ha ha…

Me: I am not joking Mr. Mangeskar… I mean how do people act like this? I am feeling… feeling awful!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita! You are behaving like a newcomer. Okay, I agree that you have not acted in such a sequel,
but you are familiar with the rules naa! Even after knowing that this is an attempted **** scene, if you say that I
want to remain fully dressed … then I (shrugging heavily) really have nothing to say!

I really got heated up by this comment!

Me: What do you mean? Have I not taken off my sari? Have I not got fully wet in the shower? I even ran that
distance in wet clothes for… I don’t know what for! What more do you want?

Mr. Mangeskar: But my dear you should also consider that I did not take any screen tests of you and straightway
got you into the acting zone– just on Pyaremohan-ji’s recommendations! That does not happen anywhere!

Me: What has that to do with what I am saying?

Mr. Mangeskar: Arre…what sort of duffer is this! Had I taken your screen test, I would have stripped you to your
knickers to assess your figure… that’s the standard practice in this line and you know that very well! A-n-i-t-a, you
are behaving… as if you are acting for the first time! Huh!

Me: But… but then how long would I have to be like this… I mean…
I was still covering my twin globes with my folded arms.

Mr. Mangeskar: Hey Pyaremohan-ji… I cannot shoot like this! If she has a problem, lets quit! Sala! Waqt barbaad
karne chale aate hain!

Pyaremohan: Arre… please don’t get upset Mr. Mangeskar… I think… I mean Madam seems to be a bit
uncomfortable err… wearing only the bra on her upper portion… but… but she never said she will not act… I mean..
Madam… am I right?

The shopkeeper again was trying to guard me and I myself could also well realize that my whole effort till such
time would be a sheer waste if I stay stubborn and argued further. Hence I had to change my gear spoke in a
softer tone.

Me: Yes.. err.. I mean that’s what I meant… I just wanted to convey my… I mean I just wanted to convey you my
discomfort while acting in this condition.

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes Madam. I can understand. Mr. Mangeskar, if you treat this case a bit compassionately. She is
not very professional you know.

Mr. Mangeskar: Hmm. Okay, but it’s not an uncommon syndrome you know. Only last month I had such a case while
shooting with a newcomer girl. Uff! She was such a nakhrewali! There was a shot where she was sad as the hero was
outstation and she was walking on the beach alone. She was wearing a top and a miniskirt you know and naturally as
the wind remains stiff on the beach, her skirt was time and again flying up and she started objecting that her
panty was visible.

The director paused for a second and noted our reactions.

Mr. Mangeskar: But the whole objective of the scene was different! I wanted to show that she was so sad and
engrossed in her lover’s thoughts that she was unaware of what was happening as she walked. So there are so many
angles and food for thought when a scene is captured… but these newcomers have only once track mind!

Pyaremohan: Then?

Mr. Mangeskar: Aur kya? I explained her the demand of that scene and she understood, but by that time we lost
significant time. The funniest part is that – that same girl within a week’s time gave shots for me bathing in the
waterfall without wearing an inner… just as Mandakini did in Ram Teri Ganga Maili. Ha ha ha…

Pyaremohan: Really!

Mr. Mangeskar: Yes… so you know Anita, it’s all in the mind. Mind game you know! If you concentrate on the acting
part ONLY, you will really not notice how many people are present in the set or how much your clothes are covering
you etc. etc. You should only have the objective to deliver 100%. Isn’t it?

I had no other option but to nod my head after this explanation.

Mr. Mangeskar: Yes, if it was a full-fledged bed scene then I could understand your hesitations as there you need
to treat the male actor just like your husband or boyfriend may be because there the male actor will kiss you for
prolonged period of time and will touch your body intimately and not only that in bed scenes now-a-days we prefer
to have the heroine in western outfits… can you… tell you tell why Anita?

Me: Uhu… (I nodded negatively)

Mr. Mangeskar: Actually the flavor is lost… I intend to show love on screen, but what I end up with is something
different! If the actress is wearing a sari, the whole concentration is on pulling off the sari, opening the hooks of
the blouse, untying the petticoat knot… you know. So you know in reality the lovemaking part gets delayed.

He paused for a second again and was in the mood to explain things!
Mr. Mangeskar: But on the contrary if my heroine is wearing a skirt and a top, she looks smarter and I can maker
her look hot also by varying the length of her skirt or the tightness of her top. Much simpler you know and most
importantly its more comfortable for the heroine also!

Me: How? (I almost reacted very spontaneously as I was listening to him quite attentively)

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, just imagine you are the heroine and you are doing a steamy bed scene for me.

I was not at all prepared for a reply and immediately swallowed my own breath and looked down.

Mr. Mangeskar: Suppose in the first case you are wearing a traditional dress and the hero while making love to you
first drops your pallu off your breasts, then unwraps your sari off your waist and you have to also adjust your body
significantly so that he can unwrap the sari completely, then he comes back and starts opening your blouse hooks,
and then he again goes down to open the knot of your petticoat… don’t you feel the whole effort would make you
more embarrassed and discomfit for a prolonged period of time? And… and the lovemaking also takes a back seat
all this time?

He paused a little taking a deep breath.

Mr. Mangeskar: But had you been wearing a western outfit, the whole concentration could easily be kept on
lovemaking simply because your outfit would just act as a second skin! As the hero would kiss you, he could just pull
up your top near the hem and caress your belly. Again he only has to slid his hand downwards just a little to pull up
your skirt to caress your legs. So everything goes in one smooth motion.

Pyaremohan: Hmm.. you have a point!

Mr. Mangeskar: I have a lot of points…. Just imagine how odd it would look if in that love scene the hero presses
your breasts over your blouse… but if you are wearing a top, the hero can easily slid his hand inside your top from
below and produce a better effect. Do you agree Anita?

I nodded with a blushed face. The way the director was vividly explaining things, I could realize a stir within me
and my nipples were responding to his “hot” talks adequately and were almost fully up inside my brassiere!

Mr. Mangeskar: Good! But Anita, once and for all, get this nailed into your head that the demand of the scene must
be fulfilled. Am I clear enough?

I obviously did not want to irritate the director any more and promptly agreed.

Me: Yes, yes.

Mr. Mangeskar: Okay then guys, lets get back to business. Now for some intense action as the servant naturally is
keen to touch his malkin. Anita, Anita, you will continue to be in your lying posture and exhibit resistance, and
Pyaremohan-ji you will now ride Anita’s body. Okay? You balance yourself by placing your knees to her sides and sit
near Anita’s belly. Clear?

Pyaremohan: Yes.

Mr. Mangeskar: Fine. Now you both will get involved in some hugging and struggling… as it happens in a **** –
Pyaremohan-ji will try to grab your breasts, try to kiss you, and hug you… I mean the things which are natural… and
Anita, you just falsely struggle.
Me: O… okay, but please ask him to be… I mean… err… a bit decent.

Mr. Mangeskar: What rubbish! How can a **** be decent?

Me: No, no I am not saying that… I am only … I mean I only have the bra now… err… that’s why…

Mr. Mangeskar: Oh! Okay! Not to worry on that Anita, as you jolly well know that even if I want I cannot portray
actual things that happens in a ****. I cannot show a full strip, which actually happens in a rape… isn’t it? So…. so,
don’t worry on those. Yes, some things do happen at times… which are by no means unnatural… for example in the
struggle Anita, your bra clip pops open or say by chance your nipples get exposed out of your bra... these sort of
things do happen in shooting, its not that only in **** scenes, but in other bed scenes also, but… but YOU should
not worry on those because that surely gets edited.

I was pretty much scared listening to him and was shocked to note the normalcy of his voice saying all these! My
God! I decided to be very much careful about Mr. Pyaremohan’s moves and was of course not at all keen to expose

Mr. Mangeskar: Enough bla-bla… lets get back to work! Action!

Mr. Pyaremohan was as usual prompt in his actions! He quickly rode my body by placing his legs to my two sides and
I readily realized that he was in a very commanding position now and could practically do anything from this
posture! I was quite anxious and my heart started to race seeing him in that posture right over my figure. It was
just like having my husband on me though he never sits on my body like this! The first thing he did was to held my
hands and raised them above my head.

Me: Hey! Stop! What… what…

I could not even complete my words as I saw him bent fully over my body. His arms were also stretched above my
head (pinning my hands) and his naked chest was now pressing on my upturned breasts. Simultaneously I could feel
his erect cock brushing in my waist area and without ado I realized a sexual jerk within me. He quickly took his
mouth right over me and this time without a miss locked my tender lips within his thick lips. As per the director’s
instruction, I tried to protest by throwing my legs in the air so that it looked real. But as Mr. Pyaremohan
continued to kiss me more deeply, I was getting weaker and weaker and was rather confused what to do.

Though it was acting, as I got his “touches” directly on my body and as he planted the kiss deep in my lips, I was
surely getting heated up and I was almost hugging him instead of a protest! My wet body added to the whole
setting and I was undoubtedly getting enormously excited as he moved his tongue deep inside my mouth while he
rhythmically pushed my pelvic area with his khada lund. Mr. Pyaremohan had a decent erection, which I could feel
from the pokes he was accomplishing on the lower half of my body.

Me: Uuuuuuuu… Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…

I demonstrated the joy of his kissing! With each moment, he was gaining in confidence and I was losing out. Mr.
Pyaremohan was now in total control of my lips sucking my saliva very energetically. Concurrently, I could realize he
was gradually sliding down positioning his crotch right over my choot! I was certainly getting feebler, both mentally
and physically. Still I remembered the director’s instructions and continued to throw my legs in the air to show I
was protesting. My petticoat being thoroughly wet was clinging to my feet and I was finding it rather difficult to
throw my legs like that.

In the meantime, Mr. Pyaremohan nailed the final pin on me when he took one of his hands from above my head to
my mammaries and gave me a tight squeeze. Though my hands were free now, my lips were not, and he continued to
suck the last drop of juice from them while caressing my firm bra-covered breasts. I could feel the warmth of his
fingers on my exposed boob flesh outside my bra and as if a shiver ran down my spine as I felt a male hand in my
intimate body portion!

At last Mr. Pyaremohan released my lips! It seemed he was kissing me for ages and the director also did not
interfere anywhere. My condition was pathetic and I was literally panting after such a marathon kiss. Rarely had I
been kissed so long even by my husband! But this middle-aged man had more energy than I imagined! He did not give
me a second’s respite and raised his body slightly off my body and shifted mildly to his left side and in a flash
inserted his hand right inside my bra!

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuu… NO…………. Eiii… what’s this? What are you doing? Aaaaaaaahhhh!

Before I could even protest properly to his action, he slid his palm well inside my bra and cupped my warm tight
flesh. Instantaneously an electric stimulation as if passed through my whole body and I writhed in excitement.

Me: Stop… I say stop… pppppllllleeeeeeaaaaassssssseeeeee! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh….. Uuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiii!

I shrieked very sexily and openly and spontaneously held his hair and pulled his face towards mine. His lips were
again grazing my lips! I think any adult woman would have reacted the same if a male inserted his hand right inside
her bra in such a lying posture. He felt my naked breast with his palm and in sheer excitement there were
goosebump all over my body.

Pyaremohan: Aaaaaah! Kya mast mamme hai yaar! Uhhh!

Mr. Mangeskar: Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Great going! Anita, struggle… struggle… shout for help!

Me: But… but….

Mr. Mangeskar: Don’t spoil the scene Anita! Do as I say.

The director’s voice was cold and stern. I did not have the courage to protest and succumbed to this molestation.

Me: He… help! Help! Som…. Som….someone save me! Aaaaah!

Mr. Pyaremohan was naturally in full flow by that time – getting a chance to abuse a young and voluptuous housewife
like me! He continued to keep his hand inside my bra and enjoyed my warm boob flesh as he again started kissing
me! His lund seemed to be more stiff now and was pushing my love gate very emphatically over my petticoat. After
kissing me for a while and squeezing my breast, he took out his hand from inside my bra and honestly I was much
relived because I was getting very weak and was actually losing control over myself in absolute sexual pleasures. My
pussy was dripping profoundly now and my already wet panty was getting wetter!

Hardly could I exhaled a deep breath, Mr. Pyaremohan was again on me like an eagle converging on a rabbit. He
again invaded my bra and this time made me absolutely speechless as he inserted his hand from below the hem of
the bra peeling it completely off my left breast. My left breast was suddenly fully exposed in front of this man and
I obviously looked utterly sexy.

Me: Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! You… you swine! How dare you do that? You…!

I lost words getting into that bizarre situation with one breast exposed in front of two adult males. Mr.
Pyaremohan’s eyes as if popped out of his socket as he ogled at my big naked breast. Without wasting any time, he
readily grabbed my naked left mammary and started stroking my exposed nipple and areola with his fingers. I tried
to stop him with my hands, but he was much stronger than me and quickly got hold of the situation.

My condition was simply awful! My left breast was now first covered by this man’s palm and then by my bra! I got so
annoyed and agitated that my whole body twisted and angled in anger.

Pyaremohan: What will you do now sundari! No one can save you today from my clutches! Ha ha ha… (saying that he
gave me a very tight squeeze on my tit)

Me: Arre! Eiiii… Stop! You rascal! Mr… Mr. Mangeskar… stop this brute! Stop him! I can’t aaa… act like this!

Mr. Mangeskar: Cut! Cut! Arre! What happened Anita? Isssh! It was such a superb shot in the making! It looked so
real! You both were … simply outstanding!

Mr. Pyaremohan slightly lifted his body off mine so that I could talk properly; his right hand was still grabbing my
left breast!

Me: What’s this? You idiot! How dare you do that!

Naturally I was boiling in anger.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita… Anita… calm down first! (I was still breathing deeply and seeing my angry reaction Mr.
Pyaremohan removed his hand off my breast) The build-up is so nice… don’t spoil it! Tell me what’s exactly the

Me: This brut! He just… I mean… you can see for yourself… he… my bra…

My face was red in anger and shyness too!

Mr. Mangeskar: Yes, your bra. What happened to it?

Me: This ugly creature … What nonsense is this! He just pulled it… as you can…

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita! Did I not tell you that these things do happen while shooting a **** scene and you don’t have
to worry because I will make sure they are edited. Did I inform this or not?

The director’s voice was again stern and commanding.

Me: Ye… yes… But… that does not mean…

I was trying to cover my big bouncy breasts with my folded arms, but it was a tough preposition as I was lying
posture on the sofa.

Mr. Mangeskar: Are you deaf or what? Why is it not going into your head that if you are not stripped in reality how
would you give the expressions while acting? Unless Pyaremohan-ji did this thing to you, how could you bring that
anger and hatred in your face, which I was able to record in camera? That sort of expressions will only liven up the
whole thing!

Pyaremohan: Sorry Madam. But believe me I had no ill intentions, I only tried to make whole thing look real as it
happens in a real ****. No other…

Mr. Mangeskar: Absolutely! I am very happy the way things were going Anita till you reacted. The shot appeared so
real! Umm… Err… You know the other day I was shooting for a film in Delhi. It was a kissing scene to be taken on
the bench of a park. But somehow the heroine was unable to deliver proper facial expressions though the hero was
kissing her quite normally. At least 10 retakes were made, i.e. the hero kissed her 10 times, but still that sensual
expression was not coming on her face. Do you know what I did?

Pyaremohan: What?

Mr. Mangeskar: The heroine was sitting on the park bench. I placed the camera angle in such a way that the
heroine’s legs and waist area do not appear in the frame. I asked the heroine to sit with her legs apart and
instructed the spot boy to sit between her legs and caress her pussy over her panty. It was not a problem as the
heroine was wearing a skirt and you know immediately in the next shot as the hero kissed her lips, I got the
desired expressions!

The director shrugged proudly and continued.

Mr. Mangeskar: Just like that Anita, till such time Pyaremohan-ji pulled off your bra, you did not express that
annoyance, which is very essential in this sequence. Okay? So lets not lose the tempo and let’s continue the work.

I was feeling so blank! I could realize well that I could not back out anymore now especially arguing with this
director. My heart was beating fast – I was nervous – I was irritated - honestly I was keyed up too!

Me: But… you should allow me to… I mean… I must wear … I mean you should allow me to at least wear my bra

Mr. Mangeskar: Okay, okay! Oh! You are just too much Anita! You should not have come to acting! Huh! Anyway… to
keep the continuity… err… do one thing. Pyaremohan-ji, you take a brief respite looking at the ceiling and wiping off
your forehead and clenching your lips with your teeth while Anita, you draw your bra on your breast to cover it. Is
that okay?

Me: Hu… (I nodded)

Mr. Mangeskar: Fine when that’s done, we go into a rolling and hugging scene…. Very common in **** shots, you both
have seen it many times in cinema. Pyaremohan-ji-, you will start rolling on the sofa hugging Anita to have a better
grip on her, but make sure that you do only two full rolls, otherwise you both might fall off the sofa and hurt
yourselves. The height is quite odd.

Pyaremohan: Yes. Okay.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, you just need to provide the proper support to him, but make sure that you scream and move
your head to and fro reflecting resistance. Am I clear?

Me: Hmm.

I was feeling so very clumsy to be again caressed by this man who moments ago forcibly pulled off my brassiere!
Mr. Pyaremohan was back to exactly where he was – sitting on my waist and I still remained lied on the sofa clad in
my bra and petticoat. As I heard “Action” from the director, I noticed Mr. Pyaremohan taking off his hands off my
body and looking up at the ceiling clenching his lips. I was more than glad to see that and craftily put my popped out
breast in my bra again. Though I realized that the scene was outrageously sexy and indecent, I had to do it to save
some dignity. Hardly had I finished my job, Mr. Pyaremohan again “attacked” me. He quickly bent and straightened
his fat body over mine and in one action pulled my back slightly off the sofa to have his hands under me. He hugged
me tightly and I felt his standing cock poking very indecently exactly over my panty now!
My condition was naturally beyond description – my mind was trying to resist this dirty man’s moves, but my body
had got extremely excited sniffing the presence of an erect male dick so close! This man seemed to be prompt as a
cheetah and in a flash started rolling over the soft with my body locked under his arms. My tight round breasts
pressed entirely on his naked chest and I was almost breathless when his whole body weight was on me when we
rolled on the sofa. That idiot must have been enjoying this to the hilt – my fleshy curves getting fully pressed
under his body. As he was about to roll with my body a second time on the sofa, the director intervened!

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, just pause till I say to move when you are on the bottom and Anita is on top. Okay?

Pyaremohan: Oh… okay.

My condition was getting pathetic being in this body hugging posture for a prolonged period of time. I was emitting
hot breaths and my firm breasts being continuously pressed to him made me rather elated. Moreover, his stiff
manhood under his lungi was poking my love spot so awkwardly that it made me gasp every now and then. He now
took a half roll so that I was on top on his body in that hugged posture.

Mr. Mangeskar: Just hold there… hold there. Anita, your back looks fabulous! Let me quickly take a few shots.

I knew there was only my bra strap covering my whole back till my waist as I was already stripped off my blouse
during this **** scene.

Mr. Mangeskar: You have a very attractive ass Anita… Just remain still… let me pan on your lovely g-a-a-n-d…

Thank God! I was still wearing the petticoat as I could feel the director coming near and taking close-ups of my
ass. Little did I know that the outlines of my panty was clearly visible through my wet petticoat clinging to my huge
bottom and Mr. Mangeskar was recording my sexily exposed condition.

Mr. Mangeskar: Great! Now carry on! And Pyaremohan-ji, when you land on Anita’s top, start rubbing your face on
her breasts as if you are very excited and approaching climax. Okay? … Action!

Mr. Pyaremohan tugged me down in one smooth action and rolled again till I was again under his body. We were at
the edge of the sofa and all along this rolling and hugging his thick wet lips were continuously brushing my cheeks
and the sides of my lips. Thankfully that scoundrel did not try to kiss me any further. Now he slowly slid down to
have his face right over my half-open mammaries and started rubbing his face vigorously on my taut flesh.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaahhh! Oooooooouuuuuuuhhh! Oooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiii! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahh!

Mr. Pyaremohan was poking his nose deep into my visible cleavage and also started licking my exposed boob flesh
out of my bra. His hot breath on my tits and his fingers pinching the sides of my belly made me go wild! This whole
action made me so weak and clueless that I was now succumbing to him pretty fast. I could feel automatically my
legs were getting parted under my petticoat as a positive response to his sensuous moves.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaahhh! Stop! Oooooooouuuuuuuhhh! Stop! Oooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiii! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahh!

I was trying to resist, but it was so feeble that it seemed like a hay straw in front of a roaring river. Mr.
Pyaremohan must have realized I was pretty much excited now as I was embracing him tightly on my own. He was
pressing and steering his erect lund on my upper thighs and was forcibly moving and rubbing his face on my breasts
pushing me to the edge of my control. In fact, once it really seemed to me that my mammaries would pop out
completely off my bra the way he was thrusting my flesh with his face. I was indeed feeling quite horny within
myself when the director intervened.
Mr. Mangeskar: What’s this Pyaremohan-ji? Are you caressing your wife? Where is the roughness? Bullshit! And
where is your hand? On Anita’s belly… playing there? This is a **** yaar!

The director was almost shouting, seemed pretty upset with Mr. Pyaremohan!

My condition was unspeakable. My choot was wet and my whole body was aching in sexual pain and it really seemed
as if I had no residual strength left and decided to keep my eyes shut and listened to what the director had to say
to Mr. Pyaremohan.

Pyaremohan: Sorry! Actually I got a bit excited…. Actually Madam is so sexy…

Mr. Pyaremohan was conversing from his pose where he was – he was still hugging me. His upright dick under his
lungi was still poking my upper thigh area!

Mr. Mangeskar: You are here for acting and not appreciating my heroine! Got it? Anita is not your wife that you
would playfully rub your face on her breasts! Huh! Rubbish!

Pyaremohan: O... okay. I got your point.

Mr. Mangeskar: Hmm. Lets retake this. Action!

Mr. Pyaremohan again started rubbing his face on my breasts and this time unquestionably with more force and his
hands held my bare shoulder. He again was more interested in licking the sides of my breasts coming out of my bra
and dipped his nose deep inside my naked cleavage. Simultaneously he was pressing his fully erect cock on my well-
developed thighs; he was of course trying his best to press my choot with his lund, but was unable to do so properly
as he had slid down significantly to fondle my breasts.

Mr. Mangeskar: Arre yaar! What are you doing! Just stop! You are blotting the whole buildup!

Pyaremohan-ji and myself - we both were startled by this sudden reaction of the director. I thought he was doing
it quite okay, especially the second time. He was exerting quite a bit of force.

Mr. Mangeskar: Just see the expression on Anita’s face! Its getting to normal! Pyaremohan-ji you are not doing
anything so that the rage stays on her face. Seems you are not getting my point! You are molesting a woman… so
that harsh thing needs to play most of the time! Hopeless!

I looked at Mr. Pyaremohan. He looked a bit confused, but at the same time he was breathing heavily and obviously
was very much excited caressing me for such a long time.

Pyaremohan: But… I mean… I… I was doing…the second time I think… but…

Mr. Mangeskar: What but… but…. Stop babbling! Get out of the sofa and I will show you how to do it.

What did he mean? Alarm bells started ringing immediately in my mind, but I was amidst such excitement that I
could not gather the strength to get up and resist. Mr. Pyaremohan got out of the bed in a very vulgar manner; he
was openly holding his lund over his lungi as he got off the sofa. Even before I could take a mouthful of air, the
director jumped on the bed and readily rode my body!

Me: Eiii… what are you…. I mean… please…

I fumbled miserably due to my sexually stimulated state and the director took the fullest advantage of that!

Mr. Mangeskar: Relax Anita! No need to panic! I will just do a demo for him. He is unable to grasp what I want from
him. You just respond to my actions – that’s all! Pyaremohan-ji, you just follow my actions and see how I strip her
more so that it imitates a real intercourse!

Pyaremohan: Sure!

I was shocked listening to the last part – “strip her more” – what did he mean? I was already clad only in my bra as
my upper cover and stripping more… did he want me to act topless or what? I exclaimed within myself and
automatically my lips parted thinking of such a situation. But unfortunately there was hardly any time for me to
ponder or protest to that because a new man was there on my body already!

The director, Mr. Mangeskar, jumped upon the sofa and bent over my body keeping his hands on my sides for
balance. He was rather quick to straighten himself on my body – it seemed as if… as if I was a randi lying on bed
and customers were in queue to taste my juicy figure! I could instantly trace his bulge inside his three quarter
pants pressing me over my pelvic area. I was so uncomfortable that I had to move my heavy gaand a little and
adjust my body to accommodate him! Mr. Mangeskar hugged me tightly feeling my full breasts on his flat chest and
then turned towards Mr. Pyaremohan!

Mr. Mangeskar: See Pyaremohan-ji, you should curb Anita’s legs like this and her hands like this. Okay? Afterall you
must look like taming her!

Uff! It was so, so irritating – this “teacher-like” attitude of this man, but it was only expected of a director to
have the capacity to explain and demonstrate scenes. Mr. Mangeskar locked my legs with his long hairy legs and
simultaneously held my arms and stretched them up above my head quite forcefully.

Me: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah……!

It was painful and this action also made my breasts heave up significantly within my bra and I felt very tight
because by that time my mammaries had grown to their fullest resilient size due to this continuous fondling and
squeezing I was experiencing in the name of acting.

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, this is imprtotant… see how I rub my face on Anita’s breasts?

Hardly did he finish his words that he was rubbing his face very hard on my bra-covered tits. I was shuffling, I was
moving my head to and fro, I was swaying and rubbing my big ass on the sofa – I was utterly uncomfortable and was
naturally getting horribly excited as his stiff beard abraded on my boob flesh. It was indeed an eerie sensation
making my nipples go rock hard and my vaginal walls contracting heavily in extreme thrill!

Me: Ohhhhhhh… Aaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuu! Your be… be…. beard!

The director paid no heed to my cries and continued pressing his face on my fully developed breasts. He was moving
his head and pushing his nose in such a way that it seemed he was sniffing my whole breast area like a hungry dog!

Suddenly he stooped his movement and looked at Mr. Pyaremohan again.

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, I thought you should have done this while you were with Anita. (The director lifted
his upper part of his body off my body lying on the sofa) As you can see Anita’s nipples are quite clearly visible
through her bra and camera had capped that adequately… and any male seeing this should get amply stimulated to
bite or pinch such lovely swollen nips and more so in a **** scene! Isn’t it?
Pyaremohan: Yes, yes. I noticed them… but… I thought…

Mr. Mangeskar: Don’t think! That’s my job! You just do it!

What a conversation! I almost died in shame hearing that. My ears were all red, but I was in such an elated state
with a leaking pussy that I had to digest all these humiliating talks! The director was instantly back in action and
positioned his face right over my right breast and his lips just in front of my nipple and…

Me: AAAAAAAAAAAAA………… Plllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssseeeeeeeeee sssssttttooooooopppppppp!


He held my right breast nipple over my brassiere in between his teeth! I could not even protest his movements as
my hands were already tightly held by him!

Me: Eeeeeeeeeeee…….SSSSSSssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh h!

I gasped for breath as the director continued to bite my swollen nipple! He was not ignorant to my left breast and
started alternating with my nipples! I virtually went wild in excitement during this action and was shrieking most
shamelessly. I was throwing my legs very indecently in the air such that my wet petticoat hiked up exposing my legs

Me: UUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH!!!! Stpppppppppppp! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

The last bite was so strong that it almost brought tears to my eyes! The bastard! Even my husband had never bite
my nipples like that when he fucks me! The right nipple was aching and the nipple was so taut and standing! Uh! I
was literally gasping for a proper breath when the director again started his confounded teaching to my co-actor.

Mr. Mangeskar: So have you followed that Pyaremohan-ji? You need to bite in such a way that Anita must cry out…
like I did… see there’s tears on her eyes… afterall you are raping her man! So bring that zeal in your action!

Pyaremohan: (with a very jolly face) Yes, yes. I would love to do that!

Mr. Mangeskar: Good!

Me: Please… I can’t take it anymore… Ahhhhhh!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita! I told you to just respond to my actions so that Pyaremohan-ji gets the chance to grasp the
whole thing and perform in a better way! So just keep your mouth shut!

He said the last few words pointing his finger on his lips.

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, concentrate. Now observe how I strip her off the petticoat. Always remember that
when you try to strip a woman of any of her clothes the best route is via a kiss. So in our ad also the servant takes
that path and compels his malkin for a kiss and smoothens the path. Just see!

Me: No… no, please don’t open that… Hai daiya!

I was feeling really hopeless and virtually staggered the way things were shaping up! My whole body was trembling
in sexual thrill while my pussy was discharging juices in trickles into my panty and my legs were getting indecently
apart quite involuntarily! As I looked down at my boobs, I could clearly see my swollen nipples very much prominent
over my brassiere. I closed my eyes in shame or may be in anxiousness or may be… may be in anticipation!

Mr. Mangeskar was holding my hands above my head and now he quickly brought his face right over my face and his
lips touched mine.

Me: Naa… p-l-e-a-s-e…

I tried to avoid, but my body heat betrayed me and the director easily locked my juicy lips into his. Honestly I was
slowly started liking the sensation of his stiff beard! It was a completely different feeling (though initially was
indeed irritating), but now as I was getting further and further hyper, I was in fact enjoying it! He started tasting
my lower lips and then licked and sucked my upper lips. I could inhale a nice breath freshener scent in his mouth,
which definitely made me feel good too!

Me: Uuuummmm… Mmmmm….

Mr. Mangeskar realizing quickly that I was an easy prey, slowly probed his tongue deep inside my mouth tasting my
mouth and lips fully. He seemed a pretty decent kisser and played my tongue for quite some time with good care
giving me awesome pleasure. He was indeed pressing my body hard and my full sized boobs were getting crushed
under his chest. He must have been thoroughly enjoying the feel of my big round tits on his chest. My whole figure
was bending in utmost elation and I responded very positively to his actions and kissed him back embracing him

Me: Aaaaaaaaaah…. Ummmmmm….. Oooooooooohhh!

He returned me with an even deeper kiss and this time he freed my arms, which were held above my head and
moved his hands down over my firm breasts and stared massaging my flesh gently. I was gasping for breath and
immediately held his body with my arms

also was so excited that I hugged his body with my arms. relieved and was trembling in delight getting the feel of a
second male hand on my full-sized globes in so short a time period! Mr. Mangeskar obviously did not stop there and
slid his hand over my navel to my waist and within a flash he very skillfully unfastened the knot of my petticoat and
I was unquestionably heading towards nudity. I honestly was not in a position at all to resist anymore as I had
started to “boil” by that time.

I was surely not within myself anymore because being the wife of someone else I was lying here with some totally
unknown male and another man was watching my shameless act with greedy eyes! The director was fully utilizing
the situation to amply taste my firm milk jugs with one hand, tasting my saliva adequately with his tongue and lips,
while his other hand descended down to caress my uncovered navel and waist. I could very well realize that it was
only a matter of seconds that I would lose my bra completely and would become topless in front of this man as Mr.
Mangeskar had pulled down the straps of my bra off my shoulders and the bra cups were getting displaced off my
mammaries very awkwardly.

Me: Ummmmmmmmm…. Oooohhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!

I was emitting moans of all sorts and was starting to vividly remember my last night’s fuck in the hands of Guru-ji.
It was such a pleasurable night! With those thoughts in mind, I was enjoying thoroughly Mr. Mangeskar’s advances
on my jawani. I could feel he was pressing his erect manhood on my choot harder and harder, which in effect was
making me more vulnerable.

Now slowly but steadily, I could clearly feel he was trying to push my loose petticoat off my waist down to my
thighs with one hand while he was squeezing my breasts with his other hand. I could sense nudity below my waist as
he continued to slide down my petticoat more and more!

Me: Eiiiiii….. Noooooo…. Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh… Plllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssseee!

My shriek was stronger then my actual resistance and the writing was on the wall. The director adjusted his body
slightly to make room for him to drag my petticoat down my thighs while he locked my lips so that he could take full
control on me. As he kissed, his hand continued to work down my waist and ultimately I had to lift my ass up a little
in order to enable him to pull down my petticoat down my thighs!

He released my lips and pulled his body slightly up from me and looked at me. I looked extremely sexy with my bra
straps down and my breasts almost fully toppling out of my disorganized bra and my panty fully revealed for him.
My petticoat remained bunched up at my knees exposing my very fair and rotund thighs.

Mr. Mangeskar: You are too good Anita! Uh! I really enjoyed your… I mean I enjoyed acting with you. He he…

He exhaled deeply and though I was extremely excited felt very much ashamed in my almost naked state in front
of two adult males. Now he provided an opportunity for the man who was waiting in the queue – Mr. Pyaremohan!

Mr. Mangeskar: Okay then… Pyaremohan-ji… have you watched me closely! You need to follow me… not too harsh
and not too soft… you need to strike a balance. Getting me?

I looked towards Mr. Pyaremohan who had been watching me all along. He was smiling.

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes… Madam, you should come to this line… you have such a great figure… Very nice…. I wish my
wife were like you… He he he…

I was in no position to talk as I was still breathing very, very deeply and even forgot to cover my exposed body and
looked at him with blank eyes!

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, stop daydreaming and finish your pending work first!

Pyaremohan: Right, right!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, I think you are fully charged up and you will surely deliver your best now for this ad!

The director now got up and I was left completely stranded on the sofa! I lay there with my bra loosely coiled up on
my big-sized firm mammaries and my petticoat stripped down to my knees exposing my wet white panty! I was
indeed looking like a sex goddess as if only waiting for the ultimate pinning!

I started getting back some senses as the director got up from my body and looked down to fix my bra, but found
it impossible to cover my big jiggling tits from my lying posture. I had to get up. Though it was rather difficult for
me in this extremely keyed up condition, but still I sat up. I noticed Mr. Pyaremohan and the director had their
eyes riveted on my waggling boobs as I sat up from my lying posture. It was such a cumbersome state!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita! Hold it! Hold it! Don’t try to wear your bra now! I have a brilliant idea! Let us do it like this…
this **** sequence will then become hotter than hell!

My mind was not working and I just held back my movements. Since previously I was lying under a man, I was not
feeling that much of a shame regarding my exposed state, and on the contrary I was thoroughly enjoying the whole
thing, but now being seated on the sofa alone, I started feeling very, very shy with two men gazing endlessly at my
stripped figure. I crossed my arms across my breasts to save some dignity, but my panty remained exposed!

Mr. Mangeskar stepped up and stood right by my side.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, your face now depicts a perfect shadow - the mix of shame, excitement, and annoyance –
exactly what I wanted on a woman being raped. Try to hold this emotion…

I had to look up as he was addressing me.

Mr. Mangeskar: Very good Anita… very good!

I smiled very foolishly. As my bra got almost completely displaced, the pinkish-red circular areolas of my breasts
were partly visible through my crossed elbows and indeed I was looking outrageously provocative.

Mr. Mangeskar: Okay… we left the shooting where Pyaremohan-ji, you were rubbing your face on Anita’s mamme –

I felt more embarrassed as Mr. Mangeskar used the term “mamme” – it was such a direct and intimate term for any
woman and to hear that aloud made my face and ears go fully red instantly!

Mr. Mangeskar (looking at Mr. Pyaremohan): … and next you will strip her petticoat as I showed you. Right? But….
Ummmmm…. Let me think… I have something new in my mind that could make the scene more appealing. Right! Well,
lets do it slightly differently!

Pyaremohan: How?

Mr. Mangeskar: Lets incorporate a small chase… that’s on the sofa and the stripping will go hand in hand. Umm… let
me explain… Anita naturally is seen struggling under your body and suddenly she kicks you and you fall aside. She
tries to get out of your clutches and distances herself moving on her hands and feet. You again jump back and grab
her from behind – can you visualize Pyaremohan-ji? Anita you also listen carefully.

We both nodded.

Mr. Pyaremohan: Anita, you are trying to to escape balancing yourself on your hands and feet just as a monkey
walks. Okay? Pyaremohan-ji you try to attack her from behind and basically you can only see her gaand and the
back of her legs… right? You land up on her gaand and try to get your control… Okay? And there is a small tussle
Anita and eventually Pyaremohan-ji snatches your bra and pulls off your petticoat. That’s the sequence…. Am I

Me: Ehhh! What… what are you saying!!!!

Though the director did almost exactly what he said in the rehearsal just completed, I could not believe my ears
what I was hearing! I reacted spontaneously! Though I was immensely charged up sexually and honestly wanted
“more”, the director’s words as if kindled some alarm in my mind.

Me: How can I… I mean… No… no!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, Anita… come on! What’s this? You are reacting as if I am asking you to be totally naked?

Me: But… but… If I am stripped of my… I mean… what will re… re…. err. remain on my body? (I suddenly got so
anxious that my voice started trembling!)
The director came near me and pressed my naked shoulder. His warm hand felt so good on my cold shoulder. I
looked up at him.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, I appreciate your concern, but at the same time I don’t want to take away the good work
that you have been doing to make this **** scene look so real!

Me: But… I cannot …. I mean I cannot do this… please…

He now sat on the sofa and looked straight into my eyes. I obviously felt somewhat “weak” again. He held me
strongly and he closed my eyes with one hand and kept his finger on my lips and started feeling my lips by brushing
his finger around my soft lips.

Mr. Mangeskar: (whispering) Listen to me carefully Anita. You need to do only one thing – just enjoy the sequences.
That’s all. What’s your position now? Are you not exposed enough? Can I not see your breasts? Then? Just think
that you are acting out a scene and to make it real you are placing your efforts. How can I end a **** scene where
you are still wearing your bra and petticoat. You tell me…

He paused a little. I was listening to him and was eagerly feeling his finger on my soft lips. He now slowly pressed
his finger in between my lips and honestly that’s what I wanted! I readily grabbed his finger and started sucking it
deeply pressing it tightly with my lips. I surely looked like a top-rated whore sitting on the couch sucking his finger
while my big tits remained almost fully exposed out of my bra! He continued to whisper!

Mr. Mangeskar: So, just follow my instructions and enjoy! Enjoyment is the true epitome of acting. This is a ****
scene for me, but you should enjoy it naa… Allow me to take you to newer heights of pleasure. If you quite, how can
you enjoy the real thing? Umm? You are not doing a crime… you are just acting Anita. Moreover, when you know
100% that I cannot show your exposed body in the ad and will have to camouflage it, why bother at all? And, you
also know that natural expressions can only reflect on your face when you are made excited naturally. Isn’t it? And
for that if you shed your clothes, there’s no harm my dear. Okay?

I did not know how I got convinced, but I felt convinced after his long whisper message!

Mr. Mangeskar now took out his finger from my mouth and showed that to me. His finger was naturally glistening
with my warm saliva! He now started licking his own finger and was tasting my saliva smeared on it. He was smiling
and I also smiled back shamelessly.

My whorish behavior was superseding my conservative manners!

He held both my arms, which were crossed on my bosom, and he slowly parted them exposing my breasts. My right
breast was almost fully out of my open bra and in fact my right nipple was peeing its head out of the cup! His face
came very to my chin and… yes… yes, I was definitely anticipating a kiss from him and was longing to have the feel
of his beard again!

My senses had ceased to function and it seemed as if I had completely forgotten who I was, where I was, and with
whom I was such was the power of his “whisper” and my want of sexual desire at that point of time. I moved my
face closer to taste his lips and the director easily trapped me!

He gave me a direct lip-to-lip kiss, which in effect made me hornier towards sexual desires and probably that’s
what the director wanted! When he left me and stood up, I could clearly make out the bulge under his pants.

Mr. Mangeskar: Okay, Pyaremohan-ji, you take your old position. Anita, you just lie down on the sofa as you
previously were.

I involuntarily scratched my choot in front of both males before lying down on the sofa again. The director
adjusted my bra and tied my petticoat knot and made me ready for the shot.

Mr. Mangeskar (without wasting a second’s time): Action!

Again a new man was touching me; obviously I got a tremor immediately as Mr. Pyaremohan touched me. He sat on
my waist and directly placed his hands on my upright mammaries and began to knead them! Now there was
absolutely no hesitation of both males touching my intimate parts!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, try stopping him with your hands.

I was feeling so pathetic and feeble that I had to gather some strength to obey the director’s order.

Mr. Mangeskar: Come on Anita! Do it properly!

I tried my best to stop his hands, but was so carried away by my severely elated state that I simply could not
deliver properly. Mr. Pyaremohan already had his hands inside my bra and was pressing and tapping my warm nipples
with his fingers. The director naturally was getting impatient and repeating his instruction one more time, he got
pretty irritated!

Mr. Mangeskar: Huh! Do one thing! Pyaremohan-ji… Just… just slap the bitch! That will bring her to senses!

Before I could realize anything, I felt a very tight slap on my left cheek. I cried out in agony and felt so blank at
the suddenness of the slap. I could not react for a few seconds and lay there motionless under Mr. Pyaremohan’s

Me: What’s this? What the…

I tried to lift my body off the sofa as a protest, but could not do so as Mr. Pyaremohan pushed me back on the
sofa and slapped me again!


I was shocked! How dare he slap me like that! Was I her kept or what?

I was instantly very angry and tried to hit him back. Though he was obese, but he was pretty swift and he avoided
my waving arm. Since I was still lying on the sofa and practically below his body, it was rather difficult for me to
hit him back.

Me: You swine! How dare you do that?

Exchanges were getting hotter and this whole episode was definitely not planned! The director also did not
intervene and was capping everything.

Pyaremohan: Just lie down you randi and keep your dirty mouth shut, otherwise I will put my lund there … Kutriya

He now practically attacked me and was all over my body. I tried my best to retaliate, but failed to overcome his
immense strength. His body pressed on me and he grabbed my hands with one hand and snatched and pulled my bra
so strongly that the hook broke and it came completely in his hands making me absolutely topless in front of him.
Mr. Pyaremohan was motionless for a moment seeing the beauty of my 34 size throbbing wheat-colored exposed
tits with my pinkish-red nipples standing up very proudly depicting my totally elated state.

Pyaremohan: Wow! Kya scene hai…..! Oho!

He looked on and on at my exposed tits and was passing all sorts of suggestive remarks while I struggled to make
my arms free from his strong clutches.

Me: You idiot… leave me! Leave me I tell you…Aaaah!

He threw my bra to the corner of the room and bent over my body. He released my arms and openly grabbed and
started pressing my big firm naked breasts with both hands. I tried to hit him with my arms, but that was too
feeble an approach to get rid of him.

Me: Uuuuuuuuuioiiiiiiii…. Uuuuuuuuuuuu…. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! Maaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Though I struggled to be free, since my breasts got completely uncovered and I was getting a thorough massage
there, I did not see myself going anywhere from there but to tamely succumb! I began to emit all sorts of sounds
and my body demonstrated sexy postures responding to the tight squeezes of Mr. Pyaremohan. I was certainly
behaving much like whore.

The momentary anger in me was quickly getting overtaken by my sexual spur. Though my cheeks were still burning
due to the slaps, the way he was rhythmically squeezing my tight boob flesh virtually acted like a balm for the
slaps! Mr. Pyaremohan was naughtily twisting my nipples and even opened his lungi off his waste and got fully naked
probably to excite me more and more! As moments elapsed, my anger diluted, and I closed my eyes and was
enjoying this sexy massage on my breasts.

I did not know how long it went on till I heard the director calling me!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita… Anita… get up… get up now!

As I looked towards the director, I found Mr. Pyaremohan getting down from my body.

Mr. Mangeskar: Come on … get up… get up… Anita… you are doing a brilliant job! I want the chase now!

Me: But… but he slapped me like that!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita… if he did not do that how could the natural reaction come out of you… it was a great piece
of acting… very real! Too good baby!

Mr. Pyaremohan: Madam, am sorry, but I had to do that for the sake of this scene… please pardon me…

I was so surprised to note the change in his attitude in matter of minutes!

Me: Huh!

I looked aside as I still was unable to gulp down his slaps on my cheeks.

Mr. Mangeskar: Can we proceed please… Anita, now fold your legs and kick Pyaremohan-ji and try to escape by
walking on your hands and feet. Okay? Don’t get down of the sofa, okay?
Me: (I of course was very conscious of my complete topless condition) But… but… like this?

Mr. Mangeskar: This is a very brief shot because soon you will be under Pyaremohan-ji’s body again for the climax
shot. So throw off your shyness and get involved with the shot. Get that weird expression on your face! This man is
trying to **** you… are you getting me? Come on! Come on!

The director was hurrying on me and I could well realize that I had to act out the scene as he wanted.

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji… get ready. Anita will kick you and you will readily fall off the sofa. Then quickly get
back and jump on her. Okay?

Mr. Pyaremohan readily nodded his head and the director again cried out “Action!”

I was feeling very tight to be in a topless condition in front of these males and my big naked breasts were waggling
very sexily and attractively and were making me more shy. I somehow gathered all strength and kicked Mr.
Pyaremohan who was on my body by folding my legs and he rolled and fell off the sofa. Surely my kick was not that
strong to get that obese man off my body so easily, but he acted in such a way that it looked exactly like that. I
got up and turned to the four-legged walking as the director suggested.

O! My God! How could I do that!

Since my breasts had no cover, as I stooped for that monkey walking posture, my big globes hung loose in the air
and started swaying very seductively and I looked awesome. I was at a loss how to control the movement of my
freely hanging breasts!

Mr. Mangeskar: Great pose Anita! Now start walking on your hands. Move in a circular fashion so that you don’t go
out of the sofa… Fine… fine.

I breathed very heavily and was getting very anxious as I could well realize how indecent and appealing I must have
been looking to those males! I balanced myself on my hands and feet and continued my crab walking By this time,
Mr. Pyaremohan was also up from the floor and he again jumped on me and held my legs and started pulling me
towards him.

Me. Mangeskar: Cry for help Anita… throw your legs… just make it realistic!

I obeyed the director as much as possible and tried to portray as if I was really harassed by Mr. Pyaremohan.

Pyaremohan: Chop Sali! Ab dekhta hu kaun bachata hai tujhe!

Saying that he left my legs and embraced me from behind in that posture. My whole body was still balanced on my
hand and feet and the way he embraced me it was perfect “doggie” pose for a fuck! In no time I felt Mr.
Pyaremohan’s warm palms on my hanging mammaries and immediately tasted some of his tight squeezes on my firm
swaying flesh.

Mr. Mangeskar: Good job Pyaremohan-ji! Now press her as if you are a milkman trying to extract milk from your

What did he mean?

Before I could even react to that, I found Mr. Pyaremohan positioning himself in such a way that he pressed his
crotch tightly on my gaand and bent his upper part of the body on my back and now from the sides he grabbed my
hanging milk pots more securely and started squeezing them and simultaneously pulling them downwards as if he
was compressing the udders of a cow to extract milk! I was not only shocked by his hand movement but also
immediately got extremely excited by the whole posture as he was virtually drilling my ass crack with his erect

Me: Aaah! What the… Eiiii… Aahaaaaaaaaaahhh… Uuuuurrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee…..

Mr. Pyaremohan cleverly adjusted the squeezing pattern and simultaneously started twisting my hard swollen
nipples, which made me absolutely thrilled. The feel of his thick lund on my ass crack over my petticoat and panty
was also making me gasp like anything. I saw the director coming to my front and positioned his camera in different
angles to record that sequence.

Mr. Pyaremohan seemed very loyal to the director and he now alternately wetted his fingers with his own saliva and
was pressing and pulling my hanging breasts. My big-sized round naked tits were bouncing and swaying with his hand
movement and in no time my whole boob surface was made slippery by his saliva lapped on his fingers! Now his hands
were moving faster on my relatively wet breasts and the whole scene appeared more close to depict milking a cow!

Naturally I was gasping and shrieking with this continuous boob fondling and even though I was very much
rehearsed with boob pressing and squeezing (being married), I was finding it rather difficult to control myself. The
whole process was so erotic and thrilling that it made me mentally ready to expose my love spot for Mr.

Mr. Mangeskar: Wow! Very nice… very nice… Anita, your breasts are glistening! Wow!

Mr. Pyaremohan naturally was equally excited as he was pushing his manhood more and more into my butt crack, but
was unable to move ahead much, as I was still wearing my petticoat and panty. He was now virtually slapping my
hanging breasts as he alternately squeezed them and twisted and tapped my swollen nipples.

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji, enough is enough! Very well done! Now let Anita go a little distance. Quick… quick!

Though my condition was immensely pathetic, I tried to move away from Mr. Pyaremohan, as he released me. As I
moved a couple of lazy steps on my hand and feet being utterly exhausted, I tuned back to look and noted that Mr.
Pyaremohan was stroking his erect cock with his hands, probably taming it from exploding!

In no time I found Mr. Pyaremohan jumped on me again and this time his concentration was of course on my waist
and within the blink of an eye I could feel his fingers working below my navel to unfasten my petticoat.

Me: Eeiiiiiiii…. Noooooo…. Aaaaaaaaaahhhh…. Pllleeeeeeeaaaaassseeee…

I cried out in natural feminine shyness though honestly was quite willing now to get naked! In one smooth whiff, Mr.
Pyaremohan pulled down my loose petticoat and my panty off my waist to my mid thighs. My gaand and choot were
exposed for the first time and Mr. Pyaremohan seemed mesmerized for some seconds seeing that sight. As he
gathered his senses back, he was more than eager to peel off the last bit of my clothes from my juicy 28-year-old
body. He straightened my legs and dragged down my panty to my ankles and pulled out my petticoat making me
absolutely naked.

Me: Eiiiiiiiiiiiii…….. NNNAAAAAAAAAAA….

My whole body quivered and bent in shame – after all I was a matured lady, that too married and was getting naked
in front of two “unknown” persons – and I covered my face with both hands in utter shame and shyness. I could feel
the cold surface of the sofa touching my bare ass flesh and my open choot looked so gorgeous with my thick tuft
of pubic hair!

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita… what are you doing! You are not with your husband that you will show shyness… you should
run for your honor… your dignity… isn’t it? It’s a **** yaar!

I looked blankly at the director. My body was so intensely charged up that I was unable to think even a bit and just
wanted to get laid for a long fuck. Honestly!

Mr. Mangeskar: Come on! You bitch! Run for your life! Don’t just sit! Come on!

The director was howling on me and I had to react. I somehow got down off the sofa – fully naked – my choot was
exposed to these males now – quite clearly – my hairy bush, my slit, my long butt crack, my pumpkin-like globes…

Mr. Mangeskar: You randi! Will you run or not! Come on!

Never ever in my life did I run like that to “save” my honor – in a completely topless condition with my big round
breasts jumping up and down very, very sexily. Mr. Pyaremohan ran after me keeping a distance. The scene was so
vulgar… A fat middle aged man running fully naked with his erect cock swinging in the air behind a naked voluptuous
woman in the room and another man recording the whole scene with a camera!

This was an entirely new experience for me – to run in an elated and thrilled state. I could realize that drops of
juice trickled off my pussy down to my thighs as I ran and my big round breasts were bouncing so very awkwardly!
After I completed a couple of circles round the sofa, Mr. Pyaremohan grabbed me from behind. In fact that was a
big relief for me!

As he embraced me, I found myself responding very eagerly and voluntarily pushed my big gaand on his crotch very
indicatively. He initially embraced me around my belly, but he did not miss the opportunity to hug me from behind
by holding my twin breasts and simultaneously pressing his erect dick into my fleshy ass. He slowly turned me to
face him and started kissing my lips. This time he injected more stimulation in me by holding my naked ass cheeks
in his hands and squeezing them firmly while his lips remained busy sucking the last bit of juice off my soft lips.

I could feel Mr. Pyaremohan’s cock getting extremely hard and pushing me like anything - obviously “he” did not
want to dangle any more in thin air. I too embraced him tightly and we were feeling each other’s naked body
entangled as if in a steamy love scene! I encircled my arms round his neck to get a more secure grip and pushed my
soft lips into his. Mr. Pyaremohan also greeted me with a wet kiss grabbing and squashing my large ass cheeks in his
palms. The whole affair was really heating up when suddenly there was a break!

Of course it was the director!

Mr. Mangeskar: Hello! Hello! What’s this going on? Eh?

I was so engrossed in enjoying the heat of Mr. Pyaremohan’s naked body that I did not even feel like moving my
head up.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, have you gone mad or what? You are so willingly embracing him and… and that too not even on
the sofa! And Pyaremohan-ji, what’s your plan? Uh?

Pyaremohan: Err… I mean… I thought… I was actually about to take her to bed… I mean to the sofa…

Mr. Mangeskar: Aree yaar! She is not your wife that you have started caressing her so tenderly and lovingly!
Where’s that hard brutal approach?

Pyaremohan: (smiling shamelessly) Sorry... Actually… err…Madam’s body is so soft and charming… dil nehi kar raha
hai ke shakti se pes aau!

Mr. Mangeskar: I don’t fully disagree… Anita, you really possess a very tempting figure, which I could not assess
when you were clad in your sari… ab jab nangi ho gayi ho, I can realize actually… Anita tum to malai ho malai!

Both males were praising my youthful “jawani” in a very crude form and were lapping my exposed beauty with their
lusty eyes. I stood there shamelessly like a fool in my birthday suit.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anyway, Pyaremohan-ji, we need to put it together properly… right?

Mr. Pyaremohan nodded in agreement.

Mr. Mangeskar: See Anita, let me explain briefly again. In a **** scene initially you had expressions of hatred and
anger, which you already depicted very aptly, but as the sequence progresses and the male slowly pins you down,
you also get excited, which is natural of course! There has to be a change in your look.. I mean your facial
expressions… getting me?

I looked at him blankly.

Mr. Mangeskar: The hugging and caressing will be more intimate now, but you cannot just succumb to Pyaremohan-
ji. The struggle will have to be there and exhibited. Am I getting myself clear?

I was still trying to cover my body and had my arms folded on my breasts though my choot was entirely exposed in
front of these males. I was breathing very heavily and was bursting from inside in (s)excitement and was looking
shyly at the floor as I listened to the director.

Mr. Mangeskar: Okay? So get ready for the real action now! We are into the climax shot! Pyaremohan-ji, you drag
Anita to the sofa and get her laid there. Chalo… Action!

The director started rolling the camera and we were back into our last pose – Mr. Pyaremohan hugging me. This
time there was a distinct change in his approach and he treated me roughly as he hugged me. He squeezed my ass
cheeks brusquely and started pushing me towards the sofa. I had to hold him for balance and within a flash he did
something very weird!

Mr. Pyaremohan suddenly picked me up from floor and held me tightly just below my ass on my upper thighs and
stood very balanced!

Me: Eiiiii… what are you doing! AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….

Mr. Mangeskar: Great job Pyaremohan-ji! Kya baat! Just held her a bit long so that I can take some good caps.

Though initially startled, but I started enjoying this whole approach; for that matter any married woman would love
to be held up in the air in his husband’s arms during lovemaking. The only difference was the man who was
embracing me in his arms was not my husband! My big firm breasts were pressing almost on his face and my hairy
choot was rubbing against his belly. I naturally was shrieking and was throwing my legs in the air.

I hardly had experienced this sort of a behavior from Rajesh except on a very few occasions on outstation trips
during my early days of marriage. I love this approach like any other married woman, but unfortunately had not had
experienced this on too many occasions. Moreover, most times it was very short-lived and my husband quickly
dropped me to the floor or onto the bed directly. But here today, Mr. Pyaremohan was holding me for a significant
period of time in the air and seemed pretty okay with my heavy figure! I did not look frail from any angle and had
quite a weighty structure for that matter with large fleshy buttocks and well-shaped solid legs. But I noticed Mr.
Pyaremohan was holding me in his lap in the air quite securely and his face did not portrayed that he was taxed at

Naturally I was absolutely thrilled in Mr. Pyaremohan’s arms and what he did next made me even more horny! He
was holding me in such a way that my proud boob flesh was pressing deeply on his face, to be precise on his nose,
cheeks, and lips and in no time I found him licking and biting my grape-like taut nipples!

Me: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee……… Uuuuuuuuuuuuu…. Sttttopppppp! Uuuuuurrrrriiiii!

My eyes got closed in utter joyousness and my muscles were starting to lighten up in this new adventure. I was
throwing my legs in the air and embraced Mr. Pyaremohan’s neck in sheer delight and bliss. It really seemed to me
that though he was aged and obese, but Mr. Pyaremohan knew perfectly what to do to please a young housewife!
The director also remarked very positively regarding the whole scene and encouraged us to continue for some more
time and Mr. Pyaremohan was obviously very much obliged to carry me in his lap further. He was making me gasp for
air as he was biting and sucking my nipples very hard as I could realize he was himself very much excited doing that
exercise with a woman of my proportions. I continued to groan and grunt in the most shameless way possible
responding very positively to his acts.

Mr. Pyaremohan at last proceeded towards the sofa and I was simply impressed with this man’s muscle power as he
held me in the air for s-o-o-o-o-o long! It was indeed about time too and I was very adequately charged up for the
final show!

I was back to my lying posture on the sofa and Mr. Pyaremohan directly rode on me and quickly stretching his naked
obese body on mine pressing his erect cock directly over my choot now. My pussy was so wet by this time I was
pretty sure that even if he pushes his cock gently on my slit, it would readily enter inside my lovespot! His chest
closed on my free juggling breasts and his face was right over mine and he tried to lock my lips. I also started
getting slowly baked in his body heat. I must admit that this time Mr. Pyaremohan had held me in a very powerful
embrace and his body was tightly pressing against mine and I couldn't help noticing how well my big mammaries
fitted against him! I instantly began to feel horny as my naked tits rubbed all over his massive chest. The feel of
his khada lund grazing my choot area made me have a rush of sexual excitement and I immediately developed
goosebump all over my body!

I could well realize that I was getting cornered to a position of no return and he had almost effectively placed
himself for fucking me now.

It no longer would remain the shooting of an attempted **** and steadily turning out to be an “agreeable rape”!

Mr. Pyaremohan’s strong grip made me gasp a lot and my whole body got tensed as he slowly approached my warm
lips. I opened my lips willingly and he started kissing me. The way things were progressing I indeed felt like my
husband riding my fully naked body and enjoying me! Mr. Pyaremohan pushed his tongue deep into my mouth and
tasted my saliva. I could feel the intended “push” of his pelvis on my crotch area.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, great going! Very good, but just offer some resistance from time to time!

Naturally this sort continuous of foreplay by a male on my body for so long had made me very weak, but could not
just ignore the director’s order also. I tried to push Mr. Pyaremohan off my body, but seeing that Mr. Pyaremohan
immediately was embracing me more tightly feeling my bare smooth back with both hands below my body and
passionately pushed his tongue back onto mine and again started kissing me deeply. I just lost my will to resist!
Honestly! I just loved what he was doing to me and I could not carry out the director’s instruction.

Pyaremohan: Sali kya figure banayi hai! So sexxxxxxxxxxxyyy! (he was struggling to push his erect cock into the
right hole!)

Me: Ooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuu….. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh!

Mr. Mangeskar: Cut! Cut!

Mr. Pyaremohan stopped kissing me and looked up to listen to the director. Mr. Mangeskar was standing just by the
sofa and watching us through his camera from a very close angle.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita! What’s this? I am time and again saying this is a **** scene… this is a **** scene… Aap to
isko pura love scene mei convert kar diye!

As I looked towards the director, Mr. Pyaremohan slid slightly off my body and gently placed his right hand over
my naked breasts and was enjoying the warmth and firmness of my globes. With his other hand he was stroking his
erect lund, which was standing up for a long time now!

Me: I… I tried… but…

Mr. Mangeskar: But what?

Me: I mean… Aaah…. I do not have the strength… I mean to … err…

Mr. Mangeskar: Come on Anita! You are an actress; you should not get carried away so much… isn’t it? Umm… okay…
let me check this out…

Before I could realize and understand anything, I noticed he kept the camera aside and suddenly jumped on the
sofa! Both Mr. Pyaremohan and myself were a bit astonished at this approach and he pushed Mr. Pyaremohan off
my body and virtually took his position! And… and he held my face and tried to kiss me! I was so surprised that I
forgot to even react for a few seconds, but immediately got back to my senses and retaliated. I felt his lips
pressing on my wet lips and was forcing his way to open my lower lip. I was not ready for this sort of a forced
approach and tried to knock back by pushing his mouth off my lips using both hands. There was a very brief
struggle and I was eventually successful.

Me: (rather angrily) What sort of behavior is this?

Mr. Mangeskar: Ha ha ha…

I was pretty much surprised by this laugh and looked blankly at the director.

Mr. Mangeskar: Huh! Just see Anita! This is what is expected from you in this scene. When someone forces you for
a kiss, you hit back, and that’s exactly what the doctor orders here. Getting me? Not just enjoying as if
Pyaremohan-ji is your husband and making love to you!

Me: Oh! (My face was somewhat crimson as I realized what he meant)

I was smiling also – it must have been a scene – I was lying naked on the sofa, not even a thread on my body - my
hairy choot and big mamme – all exposed to these males… how could I smile so brazenly!
Mr. Mangeskar: Good that you readily realized… so keep that in mind and continue! Pyaremohan-ji, are you… ai baap!

Pyaremohan: What happened?

Mr. Mangeskar: Arre yaar! Your lund is looking like the Eiffel Tower! Anita, have you noticed it? Uhhh!

I smiled shyly again.

Pyaremohan: He he he… Madam is very sexy… her lips are very sweet … each time I am kissing her I am getting so
excited… He he he…

Mr. Mangeskar: Umm… tell me how is it different from your wife?

Pyaremohan: No… not only that… it’s the overall effect I mean… he he he… Madam’s dono mamme… they are so big
and firm… Madam’s legs are so tight and solid…

Mr. Mangeskar: Hmm… You really have a very good sex appeal Anita!

I did not know what to do and smiled like a whore, but definitely enjoyed those praises though said in a very crude

Pyaremohan (looking at the director): I wonder how tight her choot would be… He he he…

My smile obviously vanished off my face listening to such a comment and I lowered my eyes.

Mr. Mangeskar: He he he… That Anita’s husband can tell, what do you say Anita? What’s his opinion baby?

I continued to breathe heavily and tried to look elsewhere and did not find it necessary to reply.

Mr. Mangeskar: Why are you worrying Pyaremohan-ji… you will soon be able to say how tight or loose Anita’s choot
is…. Anita, am I right? Ha ha ha…

Both males started laughing loudly looking vulgarly at my bare curvy figure and I found no place to hide my face
from those two adult males!

Mr. Mangeskar: But Pyaremohan-ji, be careful! Do make sure your Eiffel Tower don’t explode prematurely! Anita
will surely not like that, am I correct Anita? Ha ha ha…

Naturally my face was all red and I did not know how my eyes went towards Mr. Pyaremohan’s rock-hard dangling
lund and sighed deeply.

Mr. Mangeskar: O-k-a-y, enough! Lets get back to business. Pyaremohan-ji, this time you obviously go for the
ultimate kill and Anita, I want to see the same intensity in your struggle as you showed when I tried to kiss you. Am
I clear?

We both nodded like obedient students and the director again picked up his camera.

Mr. Mangeskar: This time I will take more close up shots of Anita. So Pyaremohan-ji you just make sure that you
don’t come in the way of the camera.
Pyaremohan: I mean… how do I do that?

Mr. Mangeskar: See, when I pan on Anita’s face, you kiss her from the side… so that your face does not guard her
face and Anita, you also don’t show your resistance at that time. Okay?

Me: You…. I mean when… err… when you take close ups?

Mr. Mangeskar: Exactly. And Pyaremohan-ji when I take close ups of her breasts, you need to press them from the
side so that your hand does not guard the camera. Got it?

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes.

Mr. Mangeskar: And this time I want you to kiss her breasts and suck her nipples more than anything else because
that will actually trigger more vivid expressions in Anita. Okay? … Can we start? … Action!

Mr. Pyaremohan as usual was fast as a cheetah! He immediately placed himself upon me and embraced me tightly.
As soon as his completely naked body touched mine, my heartbeat was racing and though I was feeling extremely
weak I feebly pushed my arms onto his body to exhibit some resistance. This time instead of my lips, he started
licking and sucking my prominent fleshy cheeks and in no time both my cheeks were absolutely wet with his warm
saliva. I was really surprised the amount of enjoyment I derived the way his thick wet tongue painted my smooth
cheeks with his saliva! In fact, never ever Rajesh did such a thing while making love to me on bed. Yes, he kissed me
once or twice on my cheeks or even bite me there enjoying the fleshiness of my cheeks, but never this sort of
prolonged licking! Mr. Pyaremohan did not stop there and readily moved down!

He quickly made me raise my left arm and pushed his face right into my armpit!

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…. AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaah!

The bastard was licking my armpit feverishly!

He virtually made me breathless and my whole body was as if jumping on the sofa in excitement. He was stroking
his tongue forward and backward in quick succession on my armpit skin, which was actually taking me to the seventh
heaven – such was the feeling! I had a small tuft of thin hairs in my armpit and he was licking everything! His nose
was rubbing deep inside my armpit and the feeling was just awesome! And his hot tongue was doing the grazing
work so efficiently that it was indeed creating sexual tingling all over my body.

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Sssssssssssssstttttttttooooooooppppppppp!

Though I was married for more than 3 years and very well acquainted with the art of adult lovemaking, still this
was like a fresh breeze for me! My husband had never done this to me on bed, but this middle-aged “unknown” man
opened my eyes towards a completely new horizon of sexual pleasure! I was simply exhilarated and enjoyed it very
thoroughly with loud moans.

Mr. Mangeskar: Great job Pyaremohan-ji! You extracted very real expressions from Anita! Keep up!

At last Mr. Pyaremohan stopped his sweet invasion into my armpits and pushed his head up and rubbed his face on
my cheeks. I could clearly feel his manhood knocking very closely to the love hole of my choot! As I opened my
eyes, I saw the director coming very near to us with his camera and I noticed he aimed at my big open breasts! Mr.
Pyaremohan immediately shifted his position on my body so that my big round breasts were clearly visible to the
camera and not remain hindered by his large body habitus.
I was so used to being naked and the presence of camera that I simply did not bother about it! I was still of the
opinion that the director already emphasized many a times: ‘I cannot show this sort of nudity in an ad and surely
has to edit them”. I was pretty much assured by his words. Such was my foolishness and innocence!

The director gave an eye blink to Mr. Pyaremohan and he started pressing and tapping my full ripe breasts. He
twisted my exposed nipples gently with his fingers so as to arouse me more! Now I saw the director nodding to Mr.
Pyaremohan and the latter of course got some hint and now for the first time in my lying posture Mr. Pyaremohan
plunged his face directly into my exposed tits and readily started rubbing his nose and face over my firm upper

Me: AAAAAaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Oooooouuuuuuuiiiiii! Maaaaaaaaaaaaa! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh!

I could realize that I was reaching towards my climax and was unable to take any more of these sexy foreplays. I
was shrieking wildly and was shamelessly throwing my legs in the air in ecstasy. After licking my succulent breasts
for sometime, Mr. Pyaremohan naturally shifted his gaze to my swollen nipples and began sucking them hard and
fast driving me to the hilt of craziness. This time I was getting wilder as he grabbed one of my breasts with one
hand and attacked the other free nipple with his tongue and was moving his tongue very swiftly on my hardened
nipple. I was letting out loud screams and listening to that that man was as if accelerating his sucking speed! He
alternated his action and moved onto my other nipple and began tonguing it while his free hand tweaked my just-
sucked nipple!

Me: Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Maaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr

ddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee!

I was almost beyond control in ecstasy and threw back my head on the sofa in pleasure moaning out loudly and
holding him tightly and ultimately pulling his head more into my firm juicy boob flesh. Mr. Pyaremohan was truly an
experienced campaigner and I thought his wife must be a very happy woman because the patience with which he
was extending each type of foreplay was beyond my imagination! He was very different from my husband and unlike
Rajesh who is always keener to get into the main “chudia” part, this middle-aged shopkeeper was lengthening the
prelude with innovation and that too uncomplainingly!

I was greatly impressed!

Mr. Pyaremohan now was descending further down to my belly and onto my navel and poked his tongue deep inside

Me: Oooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

I was virtually jumping in excitement as he kissed and licked my navel while fondling my juggling boobs with his free
hands. He then traced his way back to my naked boobs again licking my whole belly as he came up to my tits. He
gave a slight break and took one of my inflated nipples into his mouth and his warm tongue licked across my swollen
nipple. Naturally my legs got parted even more in stimulation and while he continued to suck one of my puffy brown
nipples, he began to caress and rub the other one with his hand sending me absolutely into a state of sexual
commitment and complete submission.

I got dragged to the point of NO RETURN.

My succulent breasts looked huge in proportion since by now they were of course fully-grown and the way Mr.
Pyaremohan was licking them up and down, I surely was going to explode with my cunt becoming very, very wet as he
sucked my tits as if they were his lifelines!
He was panting quite a bit now and was evidently getting out of breath caressing me so intently.

Mr. Mangeskar: Wow! Pyaremohan-ji, your wife should see this! Even at this age and with that figure, you rock! He
he he….

I also appreciated in my mind the way this man was pleasuring me even at his advanced age and with such obesity!

Mr. Mangeskar: Now the pinch…. pinch!

What pinch – I wondered in my mind! I saw Mr. Pyaremohan nodded and then…


It was so, so painful! What happened was suddenly Mr. Pyaremohan held my left nipple with two of his fingers and
started pinching and twisting it! It was not the normal loving pinch, but a very forceful and vigorous twisting and
pressing on my nipple. It was so twinging that I could not help but to scream! As the pain reflected on my face that
brut increased the intensity of twisting the nipple and held my head with his other hand.

Me: OOOOOOOOOOOO………….. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…… Leave me! UUUUHHH!

It was so painful that I was throwing my naked legs in the air and tears started rolling down my cheeks. My whole
pleasure experience turned bleak with a moment! I was screaming in high volume throwing my head like an wounded
animal. But that bastard continued to rudely twist my nipple and at one time I really felt that he would pluck off
my nipple from my breast! Such was the brutality of this action!

The entire scene had changed within the blink of an eye!

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuu! You… you SWINE! Leave me! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

I tried to get up from my lying posture and slapped his body desperately with both my hands to get out of this very
painful pinch, but was unable to do so as I was very weak due to my extended sexual pleasures.

Pyaremohan: Huh! Kiyu re randi! Kaisa laga?

Saying that he at last released my left nipple and pushed me very violently back to my lying posture. My whole left
breast was aching like anything and tears continued to roll down my cheeks as it was paining very heavily. I was so
astonished by this sudden change of attitude that I was simply dumbstruck. Mr. Pyaremohan seemed to be a totally
different man!

He did not give me a moment’s respite and quickly focussed his gaze down my body below my waist. He quickly
turned his body and attacked me there and grabbed my thick bush of choot hairs and started pulling them off my


It seemed equally painful to me as he was rudely pulling my pubic hairs off my body and in fact in this pulling some
of my silky pubic hairs actually got plucked off my skin!

Me: Heyyyyyy! What are you trying to do? Sssssssssssssttttttoooooopppp!

Already my left nipple was burning like anything and my whole left breast was achy and now that bastard was
scratching and pulling my choot hairs. It was an absolute hopeless situation!

Me: Leave me! Just leave me you swine!

Pyaremohan: Shut up you whore! Let me check your choot now!

The scene had changed so dramatically within moments that I could not believe it! Was it the same man? Mr.
Pyaremohan now held my hands with one hand and started feeling my whole choot area with his palm. He combed his
fingers through my silky pubic hairs and felt my whole choot area with his fingers and palm. Thank God! This
approach was at least somewhat gentle, but honestly it felt awesome to be groped like that! Though I was trying
my best to get out his clutches, but was unsuccessful. I was writhing on the sofa with a dripping pussy, which was
actually made “dripping” by this man only!

Mr. Mangeskar: Super Pyaremohan-ji! Super! Just ram this slut!

I was so shocked to hear such tone in the director’s voice and Mr. Pyaremohan seemed to be even more encouraged
by the words of the director.

Pyaremohan: What a choot yaar! Din mei kitna bar marta hoga tera pati? Motherchod sala!

I was shocked and ashamed to hear such comments and started sobbing.

Mr. Mangeskar: Let me switch on some more lights! Tab aayega asli maza!

Before I could realize anything, I noticed he switched on two more lights and the whole room was very brightly
illuminated and my naked body looked more striking and appealing in that largely illuminated environment.

Me: Please…. Please… Switch off the lights… I am feeling….

Pyaremohan: Wow! Great! With this extra light I will be able to see the insides of her choot! Arre kitni bar meri
biwi se kehta hoon, mujhe tumhe nangi dekhna hai ujale mei… par kaun sune meri baat! Ab pura hoga sapna! Aha! Kya
lag rahi hai Sali!

I virtually died in shame the way things were progressing! It was so shameful and humiliating! I still could not
believe my eyes that I was lying fully naked in such brilliant illumination. Even my husband did not dare to humiliate
me like that even in a loving mode. I must have been looking incredibly sexy under these bright lights in my state of
complete nakedness. Both the director and Mr. Pyaremohan had their eyeballs popping out of their sockets
appreciating my physical beauty!

Mr. Mangeskar and Mr. Pyaremohan gazed at my big round breasts with my nipples standing out very, very
prominently… they gazed at my deep navel shamelessly smiling at them… they gazed at my magnificent hairy
choot…. and they gazed at my very well formed fair thighs. Words are probably not enough to describe those
flagrant stares! Their hungry eyes were licking every exposed skin pore of mine.

Mr Mangeskar: Hold her legs Pyaremohan-ji!

Before I could even react, I found my legs tightly arrested by Mr. Pyaremohan and the director quickly dropping
his camera on the sofa and grabbed my arms! None of the men gave me a second’s time to respond and resist.

Me: Eii… what… what are you doing?

The director took control of my stretched arms with one hand and inserted his hand inside his pocket. I tried to
struggle, but was squarely captured by the two males. He took out a rope and started tying my hands to the end of
the sofa!

Me: Mr. Mangeskarrr… what are you up to? Leave me! You… What nonsense is this?

My cries fell into deaf ears and within seconds I found my hands tied up with that rope above my head and the
free end of the rope getting fixed with the headrest of the sofa!

Mr. Mangeskar: Yah! Now we have got the bitch to fuck properly!

Pyaremohan: Kya baat! Sali randi ko aisi chudai padegi ke nani yaad aa jayegi! Ha ha ha…

Mr. Pyaremohan slipped his hand down my choot and started caressing my inner thighs feeling the silkiness of my
smooth thighs. It was a very intimate area and whenever I get caressed in that area, I get extremely excited. This
time though the situation was unfavorable, the feeling was so ticklish and exciting that I could not totally ignore it!
His hands pushed my legs further apart and the feel of his strong hands were driving me crazy sending chills up my

Me: Aaaa… Nooo… please…. Leave me! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Uuuuuhhhhhhhhh…..

As my arms were stretched upwards above my head and tied obviously my well developed mammaries looked very
open and exposed and they seemed to waggle all the more!

Mr. Mangeskar: Wow! What a scene!

The director had picked up the camera and started capping me again focussing on my heavy jiggling breasts while
Mr. Pyaremohan continued to trigger my passions caressing my inner thighs. I could realize Mr. Pyaremohan was
also getting to a point he could not hold it anymore and was surely converging to fuck me as he forcefully parted my
legs and sat between them! I just felt horrible in such a situation. It was definitely the most clumsy situation I had
ever encountered – I was lying unclothed, a man was sitting between my legs, several lights were ON in the room
with a man standing right over me head with a camera!

Seeing no other way out, I tried one last sentimental route to please them.

Me: Listen… Please have some mercy on me… please… Mr. Pyaremohan, you are a married man…. you should
understand… How can you do this to me? I have a family…… PLEASE… leave me!

Pyaremohan: I will add to your family… may be after 9 months you will be the mother of my child… Ha ha ha…

Me: I beg of you… I did exactly as you said… I have shed all clothes for this shooting… you told this is an
attempted **** scene… but you are now… please allow me to go … don’t do this to me!

Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

Pyaremohan: There is no breach of trust my dear! The attempt to **** is not yet complete! I will conclude that
handsomely! Ho ho ho….

My throat was getting dry and my fingers colder as I could realize I was in troubled waters. The profound
excitement and elation that I extracted during the shooting had vaporized completely and I was engulfed now with
the fear of a true ****! I could well realize that it was a big foolishness on my part to believe this shopkeeper and
to agree to shoot for an attempted **** scene. The way I had exposed and allowed these males to touch my body
was surely acting like a boomerang. The writing was clear on the wall. It was now very apparent and evident to me
that the shooting story was just cooked up to strip me and Mr. Pyaremohan had definite plans to fuck me!

Pyaremohan: Ahaaaaaaa! Uh! Kya choot hai re! I bet it will be s-w-e-e-t!

He bent forward and moved his mouth down my stomach until he brushed his lips over my clit and then gently
kissed my pussy!

Me: Noooooooooooooo….. Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!

Mr. Pyaremohan was sniffing my choot now! He was kissing me there! He was licking the sidewalls of my slit! The
touch was so electrifying that I could not keep control on myself and voluntarily bucked my pubic area against his

Mr. Mangeskar: Wow! What a shot! Great going! (He panned the camera exactly over my choot) Let me help you

Saying that he started unbuttoning his three quarter pant! I was so shocked seeing this. What was his plan? Will
they fuck me together? Oh No! What to do? The director dropped his pants to the floor. He was wearing a white
brief through which his stiff cock was very prominently. Without wasting a second, he dragged his brief down and
showed very vulgarly his already erect manhood to me. Now there were two males with erect dangling cock around
my nangi jawani!

Mr. Mangeskar: Taste this Anita… you will be filled with more energy! Ha ha ha…

Since my hands were tied above my head, I could not resist to this very lewd act and the director held his stiff
dick in one hand and came very near to my face. He first touched and pressed his warm meat on my cheeks and the
feeling was s-o-o-o-o-o, s-o-o-o-o erotic! Though shocked by this development, I could not ignore his naked cock
touching my cheeks. I also got immensely keyed up and momentarily forgot my “captured” state!

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

The director was now naughtily pressing his cock on my nose and lips and though I tried to avoid it by jerking my
head, he was forcefully doing it. The scent his cock seemed to be very familiar to me - exactly like my husband’s!
How could that be? Did all male cocks smelt like that? I could well realize that I was getting weak again and was
unable to protest much due to this double dose of sexual stimulation from Mr. Pyaremohan and Mr. Mangeskar.

In the meantime, Mr. Pyaremohan had ceased sniffing my pussy and had inserted a finger in my wet lovespot! I
could not take it any further and started emitting all sorts of moans now climaxing easily towards the peak with
this dual attack. My legs automatically were spreading wide to keep myself comfortable and I was now completely
open to him and at his mercy.

The director was also waiting for this moment probably and seeing the opportunity he pushed his lund straight
inside my mouth! I was so charged up sexually that I hardly could resist anymore and grabbed it willingly in my
mouth. Mr. Mangeskar started imitating the fucking posture moving his hips to and fro so that it became easier for
me to suck his erect cock.

Me: Oooooooo… Ooooooo… Oooooo…. Aaaaa…. Aaaaa…. Aaaaaaa…

I was rhythmically moaning as he fucked my mouth with his tall manhood. I was sucking it like a lollypop and surely
portrayed a truly whorish look with one man fingering my pussy and another having inserted his cock inside my
mouth. This was indeed a very new sort of experience, but I surely did not dislike it! The pleasure was just too
much! Naturally I was breathing rapidly and my big tits were moving up and down as I writhed in ecstasy in this
unbelievable sexual setting.

The funniest thing was the director was still holding the camera on his shoulder with one hand while he mouth-
fucked me! Mr. Pyaremohan was definitely advancing towards his goal. He now stopped fingering me and had
stretched his hands up and grabbed my big breasts and placed his body for the climax. He pressed my breasts with
such a force as if he was kneading the dough for roti-making. His brut force felt so good and strangely made me
feel wilder! He started caressing my swollen nipples, but this time making sure that he was very gentle especially to
my left nipple! Though my left nipple was indeed painful, but his warm little touches made me feel better!

Me: AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

All along I was sucking the cock of Mr. Mangeskar and he at last withdrew it from my mouth probably getting too
much excited. The reddish head of his lund was clearly visible as it dangled in the air in front of my face, as Mr.
Mangeskar was eagerly stroking it probably to ensure his "control".

I could sense a very, very strong orgasm building up inside me and I was all in flames. Naturally the climax was
building up by the second in me and sensing this from the more urgent gasps and sounds I made, Mr. Pyaremohan
very quickly positioned himself for the kill. He parted my legs appropriately so that he could comfortably “enter”
me. I was moaning loudly and was writhing in excitement.

Me: Uuuuuuuuuu… Please open my hands…. I can't take it like this….PLEASE!

I surrendered to them, for the first time, unconditionally.

Mr. Mangeskar: What do you want us to do?

Me: Open my hands… AAAAAAaahhhhhh! Please…. I want to hold him…

Mr. Mangeskar: O! Surely Anita! With pleasure!

The director quickly untied my hands and as soon as my arms were free, I hugged Mr. Pyaremohan very tightly. It
felt so good to hold him as I could realize he was about to enter his lund in my choot.

Me: P-l-e-a-s-e… for God’s sake…don’t keep me waiting any more! (I whispered in his ears)

I virtually had reached the endpoint of my control over sexual emotions. In fact, I was dying for a fuck now!

Mr. Pyaremohan was equally eager to enter me having caressed and fondled my naked body for so long! He started
kissing me intensely and simultaneously positioned his manhood appropriately to “enter” me. Within seconds I could
feel his penis head poking my lovespot and as he mounted pressure it was getting inserted slowly in my extremely
wet choot. And then with one strong jolt, he moved his erect tool well inside me!

Me: AAAAAAAAaaaiiiii! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Aaaah! It was so exciting and comforting for me to have his erect manhood pushing its way inside my choot. As he
pushed forward his cock inch by inch inside me, he kissed me harder and my mammaries got tightly pressed under
his chest.
Me: AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Oooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiii!

Mr. Pyaremohan’s lund was thick enough to give me heavenly pleasure and his strokes were pretty hard and
forceful, which made me gasp for air. I appreciated the strength in his waist and his energy level even at this age!
I was simply thrilled! Within a few forceful strokes, he pushed his whole lund inside my choot taking me to newer
heights of sexual pleasure!

O! What a feeling!

He held my wide hips with his hands for the grip and started rocking back and forth slowly. He kissed me
feverishly and I was feeling on top of the world! His hands slowly crawled inside our bodies to play with my firm
mammaries and I also started gyrating my hips in tandem for the full pleasure. After a few minutes of moving his
cock in and out, he increased the tempo.

Me: Ooooo… Aaaaa…. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa…. Ooooooooo….. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh….

Shedding off all shyness and hesitance, I was now enjoying fully with this man – as if he was my husband! I was
groaning and shrieking with full vigor as Mr. Pyaremohan was doing it faster now..

and faster…

and faster…

I could feel his cock brushing against my pussy walls as it moved inside. The feeling was simply mind-blowing! I was
really impressed that even at this age he was fucking me like a well-greased machine. My heavy mammaries were
juggling very sexily now as he had increased speed. He cupped them with both hands and controlled their movement
and smiled at me. Obviously I could not stop smiling back gripping his wavy hair on his head.

He now bent further down and held my breasts softly and started sucking them, one at a time. In response I
embraced him tightly and moved my hips along with his to a high degree of accuracy. I started giving very positive
responses to his fuck. I brought my hands and ran along his flat chest and caressed his small hard nipples. They
felt so "cool" to pinch!

Mr. Pyaremohan: Aaaaaaaaaaah! Aaaaaaagggggggggggrrrrrrrrr!

I even caressed his back and felt his tight butts and slapped and kneaded the muscles in that area. My husband
loves being slapped on his butts while he fucks me. Initially I felt very shy doing that, but later enjoyed doing this
a lot. I imitated exactly what I do to my husband and Mr. Pyaremohan greeted it with loud shouts.

Me: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…

Pyaremohan: AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I moaned the loudest and longest as I was exploding and I could feel Mr. Pyaremohan was also getting stiff to
ejaculate. After a few more strokes he let out a very loud


and I could feel him cumming all the way inside me. I was already leaking heavily and now I sprinkled all my juices
onto his meat inside me climaxing very heavily. He was moving his hips to and fro at a very rapid pace as I could
feel his warm semen sprinkling on my vaginal walls. My whole body bent back and I was trembling as I also
discharged heavily. Both of us were breathing extremely fast and were clinging to each other.


Pyaremohan: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Mr. Pyaremohan remained motionless lying on me as he completely evacuated his load of semen inside my pussy and
I also had completely drained out. I was so, so satisfied! I closed my eyes and was enjoying the moment!

I did not know how long I had been lying there when I felt the first movements of Mr. Pyaremohan as he tried to
pull his body off me.

Pyaremohan: (whispering) Madam, you are a beauty! I am so satisfied… Your choot is so tight!

I opened my eyes slightly and smiled. I was feeling so contented!

Pyaremohan: And your mamme… Uh! So firm and dense! I wish my wife had those…

I smiled again lowering my eyelids.

Pyaremohan: Madam…. your sexy lips…Ooohhhhh…

He closed his face on me gently taking my lower lip in his thick lips and began to suck it very, very gently.

Mr. Mangeskar: Pyaremohan-ji… Pyaremohan-ji! Please get up… its already late!

Pyaremohan: (unlocking my lips) Oh! Yes, yes!

I had completely forgotten the presence of the director in the room while Mr. Pyaremohan was fucking me. I was
immediately conscious. Mr. Pyaremohan slowly raised his body off the sofa, visibly exhausted, and finally got out of
it. I was feeling so nice that I did not even care to move my arms to hide my nudity and continued to rest on the
sofa fully unclothed with my big firm boobs pointing towards the ceiling and my legs placed widely apart making my
choot visible to both males present in the room. Moreover, my hairy pussy and thighs were stained with Mr.
Pyaremohan's viscous semen and I immediately needed a thorough cleaning there.

Pyaremohan: But… but we must complete the sequence… at least the ad needs to be ended properly.

I was getting back to senses and what Mr. Pyaremohan was referring was indeed a bit surprising for me! I was quite
sure that this whole episode was a planned thing to exploit me fully, but since he reverted back to the shooting
even after fucking me, I was in doubt.

Mr. Mangeskar: Of course! But for that… (he indicated towards me)

Pyaremohan: Sure! Sure! (he came closer to me) Madam, thanks for all your cooperation. If you extend a little more
assistance, our ad will be complete.

Naturally both males were looking at my nangi jawani and I immediately raised my head and looked for some cover.

It seemed I had been naked for ages!

The director readily forwarded my petticoat to me and I immediately placed it over my waggling breasts and my
pubic area as I sat up on the sofa.

Me: Is there anything still left? I mean…

Pyaremohan: Madam, the last part of the ad is not…

The director took over from him.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, see I will have to edit the actual intercourse for obvious reasons… and by no means I can
show you naked… so a major part will have to be deleted from the reel… but to complete the ad I definitely need
the climax where the hero makes the entry wearing our brand of undies rescuing you.

Me: Oh! I completely forgot that…

Mr. Mangeskar: Quite natural!

We all smiled and naturally I had a tinge of redness covering my face. Though I was quite exhausted, but since I
was pretty much satisfied by the fuck my mind was very joyous and so I readily agreed to shoot the last part to
conclude the ad.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, would you like to wash first?

Me: Ye… yes… of course!

Mr. Mangeskar: Please use the toilet then, but quickly.

Mr. Pyaremohan: Yes Madam, your Mama-ji and Uncle would be waiting.

Me: Oooooh yes! My God! Mama-ji….!

I had completely forgotten about Mama-ji and Uncle in the joy of getting fucked! I readily got off the sofa and
holding my loose petticoat over the frontals of my nude figure, I ran towards the toilet.

Mr. Mangeskar: Anita, Anita…

I peeped out of the toilet door.

Mr. Mangeskar: Arre! Take your costume for this shot so that we do not lose continuity.

Saying that he handed me a fresh brassiere and panty. Both were red in color unlike the ones I was wearing, which
were both white.

Me: Bas! That’s all? I mean…

Since the fuck was over, like all adult women, I was also not at all keen to remain nude or semi-nude anymore and
wanted to be properly clothed.

Mr. Mangeskar: You are nearly raped and then the hero comes to save you… so obviously you need to wear your bare
essentials. Isn’t it?

I got his point and did not prolong the conversation and closed the door. I washed my choot area along with my
sticky upper thighs. I washed my face and hands and wore those undergarments and got out of the toilet. I was
now in real hurry as I was very much conscious that Mama-ji and Uncle were waiting for me downstairs.

Mr. Mangeskar: Okay, both of you take your previous positions. Pyaremohan-ji, you lie down over Anita and I will
now come and kick you out of the sofa. Fine? Your role is over. You err… just make sure that you do not come in the
way of the camera… (He placed the camera in auto mode on a stool) okay?

The director looked towards me now.

Mr. Mangeskar: And Anita, since this man who comes to rescue you is actually your husband, you need to exhibit
that eagerness when you see me…. Getting my point?

Me: Yes, yes. How long will it take?

I was really very keen now to wrap up and end this chapter.

Mr. Mangeskar: Not much… hardly 5-10 minutes.

Me: Okay! Please see that I do not have to spend any more time here. I am already very late.

Mr. Mangeskar: It’s just a small sequel I told you… you are rescued and you get back to the arms of your husband…
a little hugging and caressing… That’s all!

Mr. Mangeskar: I have placed the camera in Auto mode…

Pyaremohan-ji and myself were back to our original positions - I was lying on the sofa and Pyaremohan-ji was right
on top of my body. I felt rather comfortable wearing the bra and the panty now though I was mentally quite used
to being naked in front of these two men since the shooting was such a prolonged step-by-step process!

Pyaremohan-ji: We are ready….

Mr. Mangeskar: (changing into a white baniyan (=vest) and a white chaddi (=brief) in amazing mobility) Great!

Mr. Pyaremohan again bent over me and realizing that we had reached the end of his role in this shooting and he
would surely not get a chance to touch me anymore, he grabbed my bra-covered tight breasts and started feeling
them by squeezing them gently. By this time naturally my nipples had retracted to their original smaller sizes,
though remained somewhat swollen as I was only clad in my undies and most of my body was uncovered. Hardly
could Mr. Pyaremohan’s fingers pressed on my mammaries, I could realize my nipples were getting hard and inflated

Barely was I able to concentrate on that when I found Mr. Mangeskar jumped on the sofa and started kicking and
pushing Mr. Pyaremohan off my body. He pretended to resist for a while, but ultimately rolled off the sofa like a
pumpkin and Mr. Mangeskar followed him and pretended to punch him in such a way that Mr. Pyaremohan fell out of
the range of the camera.

Mr. Mangeskar immediately got back to me and stood on the sofa and I also rose up from my lying position and
stood up portraying an enormously sexy scene with my heavy figure only covered by a small bra and a scanty panty!
The director seemed more than eager to get near me and hugged my sexy figure very tightly.

Afterall he was my husband who saved me from a ruffian trying to molest me!
Mr. Mangeskar was feeling my smooth bare back with his two hands and as he hugged me my firm breasts pressed
tightly on his very flat chest. Immediately a stream of current as if passed through my whole body making every
skin pore of mine alert! But frankly I was in no mood to get excited again because I was rather satisfied with the
way Mr. Pyaremohan just fucked me. Additionally the cock-sucking episode was also very timely and appropriate,
which had actually triggered my passion to converge for an exploding climax. Though this fuck was not as great and
mind-blowing as Guru-ji’s, but it was surely more passionate than what I usually get from my husband now-a-days. I
really was not sure of the reason - whether it was due to the combined effect of this weird situation and the cock
sucking of a different male who was not fucking me!

Unfortunately, Mr. Mangeskar seemed to have other plans! I could feel the poking of his very erect dick through
his chaddi on my panty and his warm breath all over my face. I had already sucked his lund for a prolonged period
of time when Mr. Pyaremohan was on my body and I was well conversed with its dimensions. To keep balance
standing on the soft surface of the sofa I had to embrace Mr. Mangeskar and he probably took that as a positive
response from my end and I soon found him removing his hands off my bare backside and he now held my face up in
his hands. Even before I could properly look into his eyes, he touched my lips and took my lower lips between his

Sssss…..! I probably still had Mr. Pyaremohan’s saliva drying up on my lips and now I was being kissed by another
man! I tried my best not to get excited again and consoled my mind by saying that this surely should be the end
because he had already kicked the naughty servant out and had rescued me, but….

…but the scene continued!

While Mr. Mangeskar kissed my lips his hands came down from my face to my shoulders and further down to my
mammaries! I was really not interested in any more sexual stimulation, but was rather keen to get back to Mama-ji
and Uncle. But I noted that Mr. Mangeskar had already grasped my milk tanks from over my bra in a firm manner
and had started massaging them. I attempted to get my lips out of his mouth, but was unable to do so as he was
kissing me rather tightly. I was starting to get a great load of excitement again being so closely kissed and fondled
at my intimate organs. It was indeed getting stretched a bit too much for me and my unwillingness to have any
further sexual elation right at that point of time started to slowly dissolve!

Oh! No! Not again!

I was leaning back as Mr. Mangeskar increased his body pressure on me as he was fondling my breasts very directly
and I was naturally feeling weak at my knees. Moreover, I did not even get a 10-minute rest after getting fucked
by Mr. Pyaremohan. But… but… what was happening?

I could feel Mr. Mangeskar’s body getting very stiff and I knew jolly well when a male undergoes this. I felt very
annoyed at this and was fully aware what he was up to? He must have been extremely excited seeing me getting
fucked in front of his eyes and my cock-sucking must have given him enormous pleasure and now hugging me from
the front must have kindled him to the hilt and he was in no position to hold back his semen!

He leant onto me significantly and his full body pressure was practically on me! Mr. Mangeskar was squeezing my
boobs very hard and biting my lips so feverishly that I felt I would surely bleed. My knees felt significantly weak
and since the sofa surface was rather soft and uneven, I lost my control and collapsed on the sofa and Mr.
Mangeskar naturally followed suit. As soon as we landed on the horizontal surface of the sofa, that brut
desperately was trying to pull down my panty from my waist and expose my choot. He was already trembling in
excitement! I could jolly well comprehend his intentions at that time.

Naturally I was very upset about what was happening now and I simply could not control myself any more. How could
I allow a second man now just to satisfy his sexual desire! No way! Was I that cheap? Did I not have any self-
respect? Previously when I compromised there was a definite reasoning - I did not have that Rs. 2000/- to pay
back, but now? I culminated all my emotions and had a burst out.

Me: Ei… eii! What’s’ this? What do you take me for? Eh? A prostitute or what?

I almost howled at Mr. Mangeskar. He was naturally taken aback.

Me: Get off my body! You dirty creature!

I in fact kicked him out of my body; this obviously would not have been possible had it been Mr. Pyaremohan, but
the director had a pretty fragile body and I was able to get rid of him rather easily.

Me: (looking at Mr. Pyaremohan) What do you two take me for Mr. Pyaremohan? I agreed to YOU and who is this
man? I agreed for this part thinking on good terms and now this man is trying to strip…. Chi! (I pulled up my panty
to properly cover my choot as it was already down my upper thighs!) Just because I had no money and agreed for
the shooting, you made a mockery of the whole thing! If I go to the police and charge you of an actual ****, what
would you do? Eh? Spend the rest of your life in jail? Eh? Answer me? Huh!

I was shouting like anything – my big round mammaries jerking violently as I yelled even clasped in my bra! Mr.
Pyaremohan definitely appeared a bit shaken and looked at the floor and the director was probably in the clumsiest
position of his life – he could not control any more and had an ejaculation while I shouted and was guarding his brief
with his hands trying to hide that. But I could clearly see his white brief was getting wetter and wetter by the
moment, as his juice was trickling out of his cock. It was just too much of a scene!

Me: Just look at him! Issssh! You dirty swine! Mr. Pyaremohan, just get me out of this dirty world… do you hear me?
Get me out! Uff!

Pyaremohan: Ye… err… yes Madam.

As he took the director to the toilet I noticed he was walking and ejaculating simultaneously as his body bent and
ached as he strolled. It was indeed an incredible scene!

Then Mr. Pyaremohan gathered my clothes – my bra, my panty, my petticoat, my blouse, and my sari.

Pyaremohan: Madam, please forgive me if possible. I have nothing more to say…

He was looking at the floor.

Pyaremohan: Madam, give me 2 minutes, I will get your sari, petticoat, and blouse dried through the drier. I will
give you a carry bag to pack your wet undergarments. You please dress up and then we will go downstairs to your

Me: For heaven’s sake. Do it fast! Do you hear me?

Pyaremohan: Yes, yes Madam.

I took a deep, long breath and slowly clothed myself. What a relief after such a long period of time! As time was
passing and I was coming fully to my senses I was feeling more and more ashamed realizing how shameless and bold
I had been during the shooting though I could not deny the fact that I did comprehensively enjoy the shopkeeper
fucking me.



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