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Art Appreciation

“Science educates our minds and the humanities educate our feelings and sensitiveness so that we may
use our minds that we are forgetting that we are human beings”

Introduction to Humanities

Humanities - is the study of humans. Art serves as an expression of the human experience.

What is art?

-defined as an expression of one’s thoughts and emotions in a transmittable form.

A work of art

-is a record of a particular artist’s view.

Similarities and Differences of Art Works

Verbal Art

-Poetry, Prose, Drama and Musical Compositions

Visual Arts

-Painting, Sculpture and architecture.

The Artist in the World of Art

The Visual Artist include the painter, the and the sculpture.

Artist for Music and Arts (Art of Movement) are the musician, dancer, singers, composers, performer,
instrumentalist, bandmaster and etc.

The Literary Artist are known as poets, novelist, writers, authors, playwrights and dramatists.

Why Artist have so many names?

The artists are called by so many names because of their varied expertise in the use of different media or

Grouping the Arts

The Arts are generally grouped into major and minor arts.

Major arts include painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music and dance. They are called Major
arts because they appeal to the senses of sight, hearing and feeling.

Minor arts include the decorative arts, the popular arts, the graphic arts, the plastic arts, and industrial
arts. The aesthetic factor in the minor art lies in the “styling”. They are addressed primarily to the sense
of sight and their usefulness

01 Handout (Art Appreciation)

The arts may also be grouped into the following:

1. Visual Arts - these artworks are perceived by eyes which may be classified into graphic arts and plastic
arts. 1.1 Graphic arts- they have flat- two-dimensional surface such as painting, drawing, photography and
other products of the printing industry.

1.2 Plastic Arts - These have three- dimensional forms. Under this are: architectural designs and
construction of buildings. Structures, landscapes, interior designs, jewelry's, ceramics, and clothing

2. Performing Arts - These include the theater play, dance, and music. They involved movement, speaking
and gestures.

3. Literary Arts - These includes the short stories, novels, poetry and dramas.

4. Popular Arts - These includes the film, newspaper, magazine, radio and television. This characterized
as gay or lively.

5. Gustatory Art of the Cuisine - This involves skill in food preparation.

6. Decorative Arts - They are produced for beatifying houses, offices, cars, and other structures. They are
also called as applied arts.

Values and Reasons for Art

For variety of reasons, the arts are valuable in our lives.

•We create things to serve our practical purposes.

•We make things that are pleasing to the eye or ear.

•Art works are also valuable sources of inspiration and aesthetic experience.

•We commemorate certain occasions with paintings, songs, dances and dramatic plays to remind the
importance of such events to keep them memorable and pleasurable.

Some Basic Assumption About the Arts

Our attitude towards the arts may be influenced by these assumptions:

1. Art has been created by the various people, at all places and time. Art exists because it is liked and
enjoyed. Art does not grow old.

2. Art is something to be seen, or heard.

3. Art is the product of man’s imagination, good taste and skill in doing things.

4. Nature is artful. Its beauty and artistry could be enhanced.

01 Handout (Art Appreciation)

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