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Revistas científicas de estudiantes de

medicina en Latinoamérica


nombre del grupo de Editores de revistas científicas estudiantiles de Latinoamérica.

Scientific journals of medical students in Latin-America

This article deals with the history and evolution of student’s scientific journals in Latin-
America, their beginnings, how many still exist and which is their future projection.
Relevant events show the growth of student’s scientific journals in LatinAmerica and how
are they working together to improve their quality. This article is addressed not only for
Latin American readers but also to worldwide readers. Latin American medical students
are consistently working together to publish scientific research, whose quality is
constantly improving. (Rev Med Chile 2010; 138: 1451-1455). Key words: Periodicals as
topic; Research.

During training students medicine developing their skills science is as important

as their clinical skills, and knowledge on the scientific method and research health
can be very useful in medical care. By Therefore, research and scientific
publication It is a very important point in the formation of a medicina student.
Medical schools They incorporate both modern scientific method as clinical
practice in basic education clinical / scientific. This is very important for the
training future doctors who can practice Based Medicine (EBM). The future of not
only MBE is based on knowledge of the scientific method but also It includes
active participation of doctors in the investigation. Extracurricular research It has
been largely driven schools medicine and it has been recognized as a
determinant important in the decision to continue later with research in the
postgrado. In addition, extracurricular research help improving scientific skills
students and graduate. Nevertheless, scientific production can be enhanced by
different stimuli. In this sense, a pragmatic point of view, we can say that for a
medical student it is very rewarding publish a manuscript. Unfortunately this is
not an easy process because there are many problems and obstacles that must
be overcome to achieve this goal, which can delay the process Research done
by students medicine. These include (not exclusively): lack of good teaching
counseling, lack of studies routine, lack of time for overload academic, scientific
skills deteriorating due to more time spent on activities clinics and inadequate
management methodology research projects. Another frequent problem which it
is always discussed by those who criticize undergraduate student research is that
the manuscripts that are published by students are rarely mentioned in
magazines important, limiting its usefulness and impacto
In response to these problems, groups medical students in Latin America, have
together to create their own journals and They have worked to improve the quality
of their research. Student scientific journals have long been recognized as an
opportunity for undergraduate students to express their research ideas. Despite
this, the impact of student scientific journals such as stimulating interest in
biomedical research not always been understood or adequately advised. The
student magazines are presented as a unique opportunity to engage early
students with a level staff and comprehensive research. Dice the fact that have
been created especially for meet the requirements of students medicine and
facilitate the research process and scientific publication, is recognized by many
students that the process of publishing an article science is difficult. Publishing
policies of student scientific journals provide special attention to the publication
of articles by Students who are embarking on his career research, welcoming
them, guiding and stimulating. Even if you do not have access to collect scientific
data to make an original research article, are given the opportunity to make other
items to contribute to biomedical knowledge, such issues as reviews, letters to
the editor, report case, among others, under the advisory a good teacher. Letters
critical appreciation can frequently demonstrate competence students in the use
of the method scientist, stimulating their interest in shed academic and scientific
medicine. So many students, including those in Latin America, They have
published their first articles in magazines student and have even achieved during
their undergraduate studies publish an article in high scientific journals impacto8
. What is happening in Latin America? It is important to discuss the state of the
magazines student scientists in the region of Latin rich. This is a geographic area
that shares many educational and cultural aspects most developing countries
considered, coming to work on interesting initiatives They have been generated
in the last twenty years, promoting
research and scientific publication.Unlike other regions of the world,where most
publications in magazines Student are comments or reviews,in Latin America
much of the magazines scientific student are focused on publishing research
papers made by students medicina8,9. The current work of the magazines
student scientists in Latin America must be considered today, very powerful, in
contrast with other regions of the world are published articles format of opinions,
points view and medical facts written by students of Medicine. Also broadcast
activities student certain institutions, but not publish original research
manuscripts. Among these magazines we can mention the British Student
Medical Journal ( UK, Vagus, the Journal of the Federation
International Student Associations Medicine
.com) and Trinity Student Medical Journal ( of Ireland. In Latin
America, medical students They have worked together to improve production
scientific, particularly by promoting the presentation of research papers scientific
conferences since 1986, when it was created the Latin American Federation of
Scientific Societies Medical Students (FELSOCEM). The main event is the
Congress FELSOCEM Scientific International (CCI), where students Latin
Americans of different cities and countries They meet annually to discuss the
results of their research and scientific production, It is supported not only by their
universities but also by local, regional or national calls Scientific Societies Medical
Students (SOCEM). Thus, since the publication scientific FICA final and most
important stage of the process Scientific research is that during the year 1998,
within the ICC was created a FELSOCE Mnew event called International Meeting
Scientific Journals Student Science Health (EIRCECS) to discuss many aspects
related to the methodology of the editorial process, of peer review, publication
and discussion of ethical issues, creating

What comes soon for magazines You student in Latin America?

Similarly as it has been expanded undergraduate research among students

medicine in Latin America, is expected to growth also occurs in the number
scientific journal of undergraduate students. Therefore, creating a becomes
necessary official association, supported by FELSOCEM, which together all the
editors of student scientific journals Latin America in order to improve scientific
quality, increase the rate of indexation of all the magazines and gather their
efforts to motivate medical students to publish their research. In addition, it is also
important creating a unique indexing system for magazines undergraduate
students, as SciELO, where they can have a place to give them the possibility to
be seen not only by the own students, so that articles published by students they
can be cited by the entire medical community in their research. Currently, there
is only one initiative with this idea since 2009, in the database IMBIOMED where
there a special section brings together the main scientific journals whose editorial
board is composed by undergraduate students.

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