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Cohesive Devices: Underline the A.

Some families have closets that are

correct cohesive devices in the full of junks.
parenthesis to complete the paragraph.
B. Many families have a bad person
(13 points)
they don’t like to talk about.
Mary could not go with me (so / and) I
22-23. Hold your houses.
invited Anne instead. Anne was very
happy accept my invitation (therefore / A. Relax. Don’t rush into anything.
because) the film was very popular.
Anne and I had a good time (but / for) B. don’t let the horses go anywhere.
the next day Mary was very angry. “Do 24-25. Old man Jones is as blind as a
you love me (so / or) do you love bat.
Anne?” she asked me. “I like both you
(and / or) Anne,” I answered. “Look!” A. Bats are blind.
said Mary. “Either you go out with me B. Mr. Jones doesn’t see very well.
(or / yet) you go out with Anne. You
can’t love both me (nor / and) Anne at 26-27. Caled made his suggestions right
the same time.” “Why not?” I answered. out of the blue.
“(Because / However) it’s not fair.” I A. Nobody expected his suggestions.
asked Mary if she would go out with me
tonight (so / but) she said that she had a B. Caled was really blue when he made
new boyfriend (and / but) didn’t want to that suggestions.
see me again (because / despite) I 28-29. She should give him a taste of
didn’t really love her. I phoned Anne (but his own medicine.
/ or) she said she was busy (and / yet)
now I’m alone. A. She should go get his medicine for
Idiomatic Expressions: Underline the
correct/exact idioms in the in the B. She should to him what he did to her.
following sentences and choose the
30-31. Alright, who let the car out of the
letter which states their meaning. (14
A. Who told him big secret?
14-15. Ashley blacks out whenever she
sees blood. B. Who let the cat escape the bag?
A. She faints. 32-33. Alex is upset because he was cut
from the team.
B. She paints whatever she was working
on blacks. A. Alex upset the members of the team.
16-17. I’ve been feeling under the B. Alex got kicked off the team.
weather lately..
Propaganda Devices: Underline the
A. Sick/unwell correct answer.
B. I like to watch the weather channel 34. It is a propaganda strategy that
persuades consumers by telling them
18-19. The old farmer was the salt of the
that others are doing the same thing.
Emotional words / Bandwagon /
A. The farmer was a good, honest,
Testimonial / Transfer
dependable person.
35. When a product is sold by the name
B. The farmer was really irrational.
or picture of a famous person or thing
20-21. Many families have a skeleton in but no words from the said person or
the closet. thing.
Transfer / Repetition / Bandwagon /
illness / careless /
36. A famous person used to endorse movement / unwilling /
product or a candidate is knows as? irregular / cheerful /
Testimonial / Transfer / Emotional words
/ Bandwagon
pretest / disrespect /
37. Radio Advertisement: Drink Super
guitarist / semifinals /
Sport Beverage, the only drink of the underline / teacher
Fact vs Opinion: Identify whether the
Testimonial / Transfer / Emotional words following are fact or opinion.
/ Bandwagon
75. President Rodrigo Duterte is the 16th
38. The speaker in a TV commercial President of the Republic of the
criticizes another person or product with Philippines.
little reason or evidence.
76. I think the girl in pink shirt is more
Testimonial / Transfer / Emotional words attractive that the girl in blue shirt.
/ Name Calling
77. There are 8 parts of speech.
Adjectives: Underline the adjectives in
ny 78. English is a subject with lots of fun.

39. Juan handled the breakable glasses 79. Everyone must give their mother a
very careful. card during Mother’s Day.

40. Tanya is a graceful dancer. 80. Jose Rizal is the Philippine’s

National Hero.
41. The chubby baby clapped his hands
excitedly. 81. Using computers pollutes the minds
of the young.
42. Miranda walked with his little sister.
82. This year is the year of the rooster.
43. The children were happily painting
colorful pictures. 83. One should wear formal suits during
formal meetings.
44. Mathew came home from soccer
with a filthy uniform. 84. Students should greet the teachers
they meet in the corridor.
45. Emily loves her shaggy puppy
85. Mothers are better than fathers.
46. Their substitute teacher assigned a
lot of work. Types of sentence: Identify if the
following sentences are A. SIMPLE B.
47. Brittany was glad to finish a difficult COMPOUND C. COMPLEX D.
48. The children picked up autumn 86. This is a simple sentence.
leaves on their way to school.
87. I like playing basketball and my
49. The girl told scary stories at the brother likes playing tennis.
88. I’ll help you if you’ll help me.
50. Everyone taught that Marcus was a
lazy boy. 89. Her name is schiko and she comes
from Japan.
Affixes: Underline the Prefix or Suffix in
the following words and encircle its root 90. My mother cooked dinner while I
word. (51-74) was doing my homework.
91. While I was doing my homework, my
father cooked the dinner and my mother
was asleep in front of the television.
92. Do you want to go swimming
tomorrow, or would you prefer to play
93. I’ve brought my umbrella with me in
case it rains.
94. My family came to Germany when I
was in grade 5, but I never learned to
speak Germany very well.
95. I have not seen my grandmother
since I came to Saudi Arabia.
Faulty Parallelism: For each “non-
parallel” sentence, replace the
underline portion with the choice that
creates a parallel structure. If the
sentence is fine, write NO CHANGE.
96. Learning a new language as an
adult is more difficult than to learn one
as a child.
A. learning
B. to learning
97. Every morning I ran two miles, walk
one mile, and half a mile on a bike.
A. half a mile
B. bike half a mile
98. There are two ways to get a
promotion: working hard or make friends
in high places.
A. work hard
B. to working hard
99. The man walked down the street,
stopped at the shop window, and was
fixing his tie.
A. fixed his tie
B. to fix his tie
100. The bedroom was filled with old
newspaper and radios that don’t work.
A. broken radios break radios

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