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Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Spatial targeting using queries in a 3-D GIS environment with

application to mineral exploration
Kevin Spraguea,, Eric de Kempa, Winston Wonga, John McGaugheyb,
Gervais Perronb, Tucker Barriec
Natural Resources Canada, Earth Sciences Sector, 615 Booth St. Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1A 0E9
Mira Geoscience Ltd., 310 Victoria Ave, Suite 309, Westmont, Qué., Canada H3Z 2M9
C.T. Barrie and Associates, Inc., 23 Euclid Avenue, Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1S 2W2

Received 18 October 2004; received in revised form 13 July 2005; accepted 13 July 2005


A query framework for spatial targeting within a 3-D geographic information system (GIS) software environment is
introduced. Input to a query consists of parameters relevant to the query type together with a set of Common Earth
Modelling objects represented as point sets, polygonal lines, surfaces, and grids or a region set (subset) thereof. The
result of a 3-D GIS query is a region within each of the input objects that consists of nodes or grid cells where the query
criteria was satisfied. We provide example scenarios, drawn from mineral exploration, where 3-D queries are used to
guide spatial targeting within a near-mine or regional map scale setting. Query types supported are: proximity query (to
a ‘‘probe’’ object), property query (numeric attribute), shell query (containment within a closed surface), meta-data
query, feature query (dome, depression, curvature), trend query (dip plane, vector) and intersection query (with a
‘‘probe’’ object). Queries can be specific for a given object type but in general transcend object types. Standard set
theoretical operations for a query results in newly defined regions and are supported within the Gocadr development
environment. This development focuses on queries relevant in the 3-D data integration and interpretation stages of
mature geological model development as well as early analysis, typically undertaken before a fully partitioned and
attributed 3-D topological model is available.
Crown Copyright r 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: 3-D; GIS; Spatial targeting; Query; Mining; Mineral exploration; Gocad

1. Introduction elemental trends characterize the ore distribution. In

addition, spatial information characterizing where sig-
Spatial targeting of some kind is a key objective for nificant environmental or geological hazards could
geographic information system (GIS) users. In particu- present themselves during mineral extraction, such as
lar, within the mining and mineral exploration commu- active seismic regions, waste containment and construc-
nities, major targeting objectives often include the tion, is vital to the optimization of the mining process.
determination of spatial locations where high-grade This kind of spatial knowledge is used to guide decision-
ore is likely to be found and what mineralogical and making processes, such as where to look for viable
targets, where to build a mine, and how best to
Corresponding author. Tel.: 613 995 5097; fax: 613 995 9273. implement engineering infrastructure. To optimally
E-mail address: (K. Sprague). support these activities, one requires an environment

0098-3004/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright r 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 397

Fig. 1. An example of a 3-D GIS spatial query for selecting geochemical data points proximal to an irregular geologic body (i.e.,
Quartz-porphyry (yellow contoured body)). A 3-D buffer (white transparent enveloping surface) is used to query proximal data points.
Closer inspection of high grade ore zones within host body and proximal geochemical values (red spheres) could yield important clues
for characterizing ore signatures and relationships between geology and ore.

where geologic data can be accurately registered, Data typically used in mines and near-mine regions
integrated, attributed, interpreted, visualized and quer- for exploration purposes includes drill core information,
ied in three full dimensions (3-D). In this article, we descriptive logs, lithologic classifications, metal assay
address spatial targeting via queries within a software values, whole rock and trace element geochemistry,
system capable of representing and interacting with 3-D surface maps, plan and section interpretations and a
data. As part of a collaborative project (Mira range of continuous geophysical data. Mine infrastruc-
Geoscience Ltd, 2004),1 we present a novel package of ture, topographic features and surface imagery are often
methods and software tools conducive to spatial required as a contextual reference to be incorporated
targeting as expressed by a cross-section of the Canadian into 3-D models. With all this varied data, it becomes
mining and mineral exploration community. The work desirable to look at spatial and property relationships
focuses on queries relevant in the early 3-D data across different data sets and to use these tools for a host
exploration stages of model development such as data of operations that would normally be cumbersome data
integration and interpretation, typically before a full 3- management tasks, and most importantly to get more
D topological model that partitions and attributes all value out of them through intense data exploration
space of interest has been constructed. Fig. 1 illustrates exercises.
the idea behind a typical spatial query where data The paper is structured as follows: after providing an
proximal to a surface is selected for inspection. overview of the GIS-3D plug-in (Section 2), we describe
the query tools developed in this project (Section 3) and
Ontario Mineral Technologies Exploration Program then a case study that utilizes them (Section 4). In
(OMET), the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), Mira Section 5, we discuss the utility of the plug-in with
Geoscience, Laurentian University, and several major Cana- reference to the case study and in general. Conclusions
dian Mining Companies. are drawn in Section 6.
398 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Fig. 2. (a) GIS-3D query interface within Gocadr and (b) editing and shell creation toolbars.

2. GIS-3D plug-in overview that is familiar to mining exploration and modelling

What constitutes a 3-D GIS for earth scientists? A In an effort to make the software environment
simple working definition might be: ‘‘query-friendly’’, a set of components identified by
project participants as crucial, convenient, or simply
3-D GIS is an interpretive environment in which 3-D expected were developed for the GIS-3D plug-in. They
spatial data can be queried, manipulated and are separated into the following main features:
represented in a meaningful manner, so as to provide
insight into geologic problems. (de Kemp, 2004)  Common query interface and engine—spatial and
attribute-based questions about where and/or what
With this in mind, we have developed a software
features exists in 3-D space (Fig. 2a).
extension to Gocadr2—the GIS-3D plug-in.3 It effec-
tively extends the 3-D GIS capabilities of Gocadr to
 Region legend—an interface to synchronize the
colour and symbology of regions across various
meet mining and mineral exploration needs by aiding
kinds of vector and raster objects.
spatial targeting through queries. In addition, it
supports the introduction of meta-data to Gocadr
 Sphere-swept proximal shells—a spatial selection tool
for buffering around irregular shaped objects.
objects and presents property data in a display format
 Meta-data editor—a method for queryable object
2 r level descriptive information to be implemented.
Gocad is an advanced 3-D earth modelling software
product of Earth Decision Sciences, Houston, TX, USA
 Tabular property editor—A spreadsheet-like viewer/
( Version 2.0.8, patch 1 was used as editor for managing numerical property values
part of our development platform. (Fig. 3).
For a copy, contact Mira Geoscience Ltd (www.mirageo  Single atom property editor—A simple point-by-point property display and editing tool
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 399

Fig. 3. Tabular property editor. Query results region in yellow.

Fig. 4. Example of a series of queries applied to Kidd Creek Mine whole rock data. Data has been kriged from drill core whole rock
samples to form a continuous Voxet grid. Results of two property queries for K2O42% and Na2Oo0.3% are combined with a
Boolean operator. Images provided by Dave Richardson, Falconbridge Exploration.

 Synchronization of the query engine with 3-D while others, notably the query interface/engine, provide
graphical plus numerical tabular display of query functionality not previously available.
results. Gocadr objects are capable of storing properties,
which are double precision values defined for each node
Some of the above features provide a convenient wrap in a vector object and grid point or cell for a grid object,
around or extension of existing Gocadr entities, such as and also named regions consisting of a subset of nodes
the region legend, property editors and proximal shells, or cells within the object. Both are central to our
400 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Fig. 5. Results (yellow) of a proximity query on drill core data near a chillipepper-shaped, copper-rich bornite zone (red).

methods of computation. For queries geared towards (see Fig. 1, red is ‘‘in’’ and blue is ‘‘out’’). To reiterate,
spatial targeting, it seems reasonable to use the region there is nothing built-in to distinguish that, for instance,
concept to represent the results of a query or series of ‘‘cell A satisfies the target criteria better than cell B’’
queries. This means that query results lie within the without further (independent) analysis of the query
spatial extent of the input objects, that is, the query does results and comparison of individual elements within the
not in-and-of-itself probe into areas where data are not results set.
present. One could conceivably construct queries that Input to a query is a set of Gocadr objects that
cover the relevant ‘‘data-empty’’ space utilizing back- characterize geologic objects and associated attributes
ground objects for computation and then dumping the (VSets, PLines, TSurfs, Voxets, SGrids—see Appendix
results into a new object. However, this does not fit with A) together with a specification of the query criteria. The
our intuitive notion that it is not the space we are input data can be limited to a specific region common to
querying here, but rather the objects that we have chosen all of the input objects. The output of the query is a
to represent relevant features within the space. What is results region that is defined within each object queried.
missing from the current query architecture is explicit The results region is composed of atoms or cells where
characterization of uncertainty or viability within the the query was true (Figs. 3, 4). It is directly analogous to
query results, i.e., the results of our spatial queries are the ‘‘selection set’’ in 2-D GIS. The query region could
Boolean in nature—each element is either ‘‘in’’ or ‘‘out’’ be empty, could comprise the entire object, or be
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 401

anything in-between. Set theoretical operations on combination to address elaborate exploration questions.
regions such as intersect, union, subtract and comple- Query types supported are as follows: proximity (to a
ment are supported in the interface. ‘‘probe’’ object), property, shell (containment within a
There are many different kinds of queries, both spatial closed surface), meta-data, feature (dome, depression,
and non-spatial, that can be used individually or in curvature), trend (dip plane, vector) and intersection
(with a ‘‘probe’’ object). Not all queries are possible, nor
make sense, with all object types. For example,
estimating the curvature of a point cloud is non-sensical
without defining some topological structure. Querying
for a curvature range of a map trace or stratigraphic
surface, on the other hand, is appropriate.
One of the most common characteristics of a GIS is
the separation of graphics representations of spatial
objects from their attached attribute information. GIS
technology capitalizes on this by providing the possibi-
lity of separate examination of attribute values and
spatial characteristics of features of interest. Through
the use of nested queries, a dense and deeply attributed
data set can be thoroughly interrogated and reclassified
by an expert with local knowledge of a deposit. This is
now possible in Gocadr through nested property and
proximity-based queries using GIS-3D. For example, a
complex procedure to compare gold values from several
stratigraphic horizons that are proximal to a fault
surface could be performed quite quickly. In addition, to
help facilitate this kind of interrogation, the separate or
Fig. 6. Cages (red) within a Voxet (black) proximal to a curve simultaneous display of properties (attributes) and 3-D
(blue). This is typical of an intermediate step of a proximity locations of the associated objects can be undertaken
query using octree approach. Red cages are found to be with the tabular (Fig. 3) and atomic property editors.
proximal to bounding cage of curve (not shown), not actual The tabular property editor shows point-by-point
curve. property records in a selected region of a point set,

Fig. 7. Kidd Creek mine location map (Falconbridge, 2004).

402 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Fig. 8. Detailed at-surface geology of Kidd Creek mine. From Hannington and Barrie (1999).

curve or surface (vector objects) and is graphically ment within), meta-data, feature, trend and intersection.
synchronized with the 3-D viewer and query engine (e.g., Here we outline the role and function of each query
click on an atom in the viewer to see its properties in the type.
table, or click on a table row to see where it lies within
the viewer). Complex queries can be examined in a 3.1. Property
tabular format with access to a range of statistical
reporting tools for comparing those results. Recall that a property of an object is represented as a
To organize the display characteristics of regions double precision value attached to every cell of a grid
across multiple objects, a region legend has been object or node of a vector object. One of the most
provided. The region interface allows one to manipulate important and simplest to implement, property queries
display settings (graphic symbol and size, colour can be performed on any object that supports numeric
selection, visibility), name changes, and region deletion properties. The query is characterized as an expression
for all selected objects. with a Boolean outcome that typically addresses a
question concerning property value ranges or cutoffs.
For example, one might ask, ‘‘Show me all data points
3. GIS-3D queries where K2O42% and Na2Oo0.3%.’’, where K2O and
Na2O are properties describing the percent concentra-
The following query types are supported within the tions of potassium oxide or ‘‘potash’’ (K2O) and sodium
GIS-3D plug-in: property, proximity, shell (i.e., contain- oxide or ‘‘soda’’ (Na2O), respectively within analysed
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 403

samples. In the property query interface, the question

simply appears as ‘‘K2O42.0 && Na2O40.3’’, and the
results region represents the ‘‘answer’’. See Fig. 4 for an
example of a series of property queries shown first
separately and then as a single, combined query (from
Kidd Creek Mine4).

3.2. Proximity

Proximity is measured with respect to a selected

‘‘probe’’ object. The user indicates a range (minimum to
maximum distance) and a collection of objects to test
against. If a node or cell of a queried object is found to
be within the specified distance range to the probe
object, or region thereof, then it is included within the
results region.
A typical proximity query addresses questions such as
‘‘Where is all the drill data within 300 m of the high-grade
ore?’’ (Fig. 5).
The optimal implementation algorithm for a proxi-
mity query depends on the size5 (number of nodes or
cells) of the probe, the size of the objects queried, the
topology of objects, the region (if any) and the selected
distance range. A mixture of three methods of proximity
query is utilized within the GIS-3D plug-in: brute force
Fig. 9. Composite stratigraphy of Kidd Creek mine. From
for light objects, sphere-swept containers or ‘‘shells’’,
Hannington and Barrie (1999).
and an octree (Foley et al., 1992) approach for grids that
employs a method similar to the V-Clip algorithm
(Mirtich, 1998) for distance computations. Obviously,
coupling large probe and/or queried objects requires compute a minimally sized cage bounding the probe. By
more sophisticated techniques than brute force. For computing the distance between each of the eight cage
such couplings we implemented the latter two methods, boundaries and the probe cage boundary, we seek to
‘‘shell’’6 and ‘‘octree’’.7 eliminate overly distal or proximal cages of the queried
The octree method incorporates a divide and conquer object and all cells within it. If any of the eight cages
strategy to proximity queries involving Voxet grids. belonging to the queried object are in range, they too are
Consider a proximity query where the probe consists of divided and the process repeats until a termination
a few points and at least one of the queried objects criteria is reached (e.g., a target ‘‘cells per cage’’ is
involved is a Voxet with a large number of cells of equal attained, or the cage exactly bounds a cell). See Fig. 6.
dimension. Computing the distance between the probe Better still, it is desirable to also divide the probe cage
points and the distance to every cell is a wasteful way to into smaller cages for proximity testing.
determine which cells belong to the results region. The V-Clip algorithm is utilized to compute cage-to-
Remember, we do not need to know the exact distance cage and point-to-cage distances within the procedure.
of each cell to the probe points, but rather whether it is Cages can be of any relative orientation. Computing the
in-range or out-of-range. With this in mind, we instead distance relies on finding the pair of nearest features
divide the Voxet cube into eight smaller cages, and (e.g., vertex, edge, or face) between the two cages and
then calculating the minimum distance between these
Kidd Creek Mine is a large base metal mine in Ontario, features. To find this nearest feature pair, it is sufficient
Canada (see Section 4). to find the two features which lie within each others’
In what follows, small in this context means ‘‘light’’ with
voronoi region. The algorithm iterates over feature pairs,
respect to the computational limitations of the computer being
updating features to reduce inter-feature distance, and
used, and large refers to ‘‘heavy’’ or overly dense objects with
respect to the same.
guarantees convergence to an appropriate solution.
Some of these are based on existing Gocadr property Penetration cases are also handled. Algorithm efficiency
isoshell creation methods. is reported in Mirtich (1998) to compare well against
The octree algorithm was not implemented in initial version predecessors such as the Lin-Canny algorithm (Lin,
of the GIS-3D plug-in. 1993) (on which it is based) and the Enhanced GJK
404 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Fig. 10. Vertical view looking north of Kidd Creek massive sulphide body (red surfaces) with infrastructure (blue) and 100 m contours
(white lines). Inset diagram from Hannington and Barrie (1999).

algorithm (Gilbert et al., 1998; Cameron, 1997) (a within a container shell. The shell can be constructed
simplex-based algorithm). using a variety of supplied tools (Fig. 2b). Of particular
Ideally, it would be advantageous to employ a similar interest for proximity queries are the surface boundaries
approach for vector objects such as using an octree of sphere-swept volumes (SSV) (Larsen et al., 1999) that
method with respect to the object’s bounding cage or by we refer to as proximal shells, the boundary of which are
utilizing a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) (Ehmann equidistant from the ‘‘probe’’ object.
and Lin, 2001; Larsen et al., 1999 and references Once a closed shell has been created, Gocadr has
therein). The former is planned for future development built-in methods to compute containment that are quite
since it fits better with our current scheme. fast even for heavy objects. For lighter objects,
proximity is best tested using the methods mentioned
3.3. Shell above because of the time taken to create a shell on-the-
fly and possible accuracy considerations stemming from
By a shell we mean a container represented as a closed the resolution of the algorithm used to compute the
surface. The shell query simply aims to find all points shell. The method of proximal shell creation is hidden
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 405

Fig. 11. 3-D semi-variogram plots of Cu assay values. Variogram model shown as a red line on all plots is used in subsequent kriging
and simulation experiments.

from the user and depends on the type of base (probe) meta-data editor. The user may opt to fill a set of
object. One method creates a Voxet in the background predefined fields or add custom fields. Meta-data can
and computes a rough distance map from the probe. The also be queried through a separate interface in the query
sphere-swept surface is estimated using the isoshell at the tool. Since meta-data is attached through the object-
range r specified by the user. This method can actually level style interface, the results region must either
be applied to any of the supported objects; however, compose the entire object, or be null.8 An example
more efficient methods exist for some. For example, with question that a meta-data query could answer might be,
polygonal lines (PLines) we create a tube by connecting ‘‘Show me all of the assay data from Lab A’’. The result
circles of radius r at each point, and then cap the ends would be a display of all objects containing the meta-
with hemispheres of radius r. For many surfaces, we can data field ‘‘Lab’’ set as ‘‘A’’.
employ an SGrid instead of a Voxet to compute the
isoshell since SGrids closely follow the shape of the 3.5. Feature
surface and hence less space, and consequently compu-
tation time, is wasted (on average) on isoshell creation. Features in this context refer to shapes or shape
Fig. 1 illustrates a typical shell query around a surface. attributes that might be significant when analysing or
interpreting the structural geometry of geological
3.4. Meta-data objects. Three kinds of feature query are supported:
dome, depression and curvature. The selection criterion
Meta-data is essentially summary information de- for examining undulating surfaces for domes and
scribing aggregate features of a data set. For example, depressions was introduced as an aid to exploration
Author, Date Created and Company Name could for structurally controlled mineralization. This could be
potentially represent meta-data fields of a data object used for targeting of local paleo-depocentres in magma
(e.g., point set of structural measurements). Meta-data
consisting of string field-value pairs can be added to 8
At the time of writing, Gocadr object parts and nodes do
Gocadr objects using the GIS-3D plug-in through the not support a style interface.
406 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Fig. 12. Best fit 3-D variogram (white spheroid) not surprisingly fits with a down plunge distribution to reconstructed ore zone (red
contoured surface).

chambers, sedimentary basins, local isochemical depres- level (curves or surfaces). The result is a region defining
sions or culminations, synformal or antiformal struc- the selected range in absolute curvature. The application
tures, isolated depressions or prominences of domain is similar to that of the above dome and
unconformity surfaces and paleo-topographic features. depression queries, but could more easily be suited for
The dome/depression query tool acts as a simple targeting fold hinges and high deformation zones.
morphology identifier with some basic parameters for
deciding ‘‘way up’’ direction and the resolution of the 3.6. Trend
feature. The results set is a region where domes or
depressions were detected within the queried surfaces. The trend query examines planar and linear trends of
The curvature query identifies regions of high or low objects. The natural coordinate system of the object is
curvature through an examination of local spatial utilized to judge ‘‘direction’’ based on the main
derivatives using a percentile-based method at the object directional axis alone (vector) or the main and
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 407

Fig. 13. Kidd Creek high-probability isosurfaces (90% probable) of simulated 3% Cu distribution (yellow surfaces) extracted from
SGS model. Reasonable probability (75% probable) of simulated 3% Cu distribution (red points), ore body outline (light grey lines) at
mine levels and mine infrastructure (blue) (see Fig. 10 for reference). Simulation probability results from 20 iterations. Inset (red
outlined box) indicates present-day known massive sulphide envelope, grey surface and high-probability regions (red points) for 3%
Cu. Both images are paleo-stratigraphic plan views.

secondary axes (dip plane or medium plane). It is example application of the intersection query would be
supported at the object, part, node (see Appendix A) or the identification of all faults that are pierced by a
region level for an atomic, and region level only for a specific drill core path. Another would be to display all
grid. The result of this query is a region of points lithologic boundaries that cross an ore zone or a
corresponding to the given planar or vector trend. The geochemical envelope.
application of the trend query is in detecting regions that
correspond to features of interest with known orienta-
tions. For example, a productive sulphide stringer zone 4. Case study: Kidd Creek mine
with a mapped linear trend or a productive zone along a
specific dip-slope. It could also be used to classify a data 4.1. Background
set into various orientation classes, which could then be
examined separately for correlation to other important The Kidd Creek deposit is located in the south-
properties. It answers questions such as ‘‘Show me, western part of the Abitibi greenstone belt and is hosted
within 10 degrees tolerance, objects with strike 135 in an Archean suite of metavolcanic rocks known as the
degrees and dip 45 degrees’’. Kidd Volcanic Complex. Kidd Creek, located in Tim-
mins, Ontario, Canada (Fig. 7), produces copper, zinc,
3.7. Intersection indium, cadmium, silver and sulphuric acid. The deposit
lies near the top of an overturned, steeply dipping
The intersection query examines objects for collisions rhyolitic volcaniclastic pile (Fig. 8). Simplified stratigra-
between a specified ‘‘probe’’ object and one or more phy includes basal ultramafic rocks, overlain in turn by a
‘‘data’’ objects. It produces a region that may consist of thickened pile of felsic flows and breccias, which are in
objects, object parts, or nodes, depending on the turn overlain by a relatively thick sequence of mafic
context. The intersection query is implemented for flows and volcaniclastic rocks (Fig. 9). The massive
curves and surfaces only and it takes advantage of sulphides are positioned within the felsic volcanics, near
existing Gocadr commands for computation. An their upper contact. Mafic sills and dikes have intruded
408 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Fig. 14. Detailed results of single grid slice of sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS with 20 iterations), with areas of predicted 43%
Cu as red grid cells. These red squares indicate a favourable (90% probability) target area. Grid coloured proportional to probability
for this class. Cluster of yellow balls indicates results of a proximity query 20 m from simulation slice of 43% Cu as indicated from
assays of drill core samples. Red surfaces are 3-D isoshells extracted from entire simulated model (same as yellow isoshells in Fig. 13).
Known ore envelope shown as yellow curves.

the entire volcanic pile. Structural deformation has had was to gain new knowledge about geological relation-
a profound influence on the deposit. A minimum of ships that impact on exploration criteria and ultimately
three phases of folding and significant brittle fault in targeting new ore. This secondary application takes
structures has considerably affected the distribution of on a more complex set of queries, as there is no single
the sulphide lenses (Falconbridge, 2004; Gibson et al., recipe for acquiring insight of this kind. Ultimately,
2003; Hannington and Barrie, 1999). the exploration team needs to be fully engaged in
The deposit is oriented as a linear body trending deciding which exploration model to test and if a specific
north–northeast and plunging approximately 751 and query stream will actually produce insight into ore
extends for roughly 3.5 km down plunge (Fig. 10). distribution.
Stratigraphically, the deposit is younging to the west and The majority of techniques used in investigating the
a paleo-geographic plan view would best be seen by a Kidd data set focused on the characterization of
vertical section looking roughly to the east. Several of relationships, spatial and otherwise, between the strati-
the perspective views of the Kidd model that follow are graphic thickness of the rhyolite, geochemistry and
taken with this in mind and are views looking up or copper metal values. As a precursor to any targeting
down section. exercise, it is of utmost importance to characterize the
spatial continuity of the data set. With this in mind,
4.2. Focus of queries we spent considerable time using geostatistical ana-
lysis techniques to inspect, characterize and simulate
The purpose of applying 3-D queries to the Kidd features of the Kidd ore zone and then subsequent-
Creek deposit was twofold. The first was to assess the ly apply GIS-3D query functions to visually compare
ease by which routine methods of spatial investigation known and modelled elements. The new query appa-
and data management can be accomplished in compar- ratus presented here complements these property
ison with 2-D, non-GIS or manual methods. The second modelling tools. Combining geostatistical and query
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 409

Fig. 15. Sequential Gaussian simulation reconstruction of Kidd Creek rhyolite using lithology classification from drill core alone.
Yellow volume is result of a query selecting greater than 80% probability for occurrence of Kidd rhyolite. Single lithology probability
maps can be combined with threshold queries to make a composite lithology probability map for deposit based on lithologic
information from logged drill core.

functionality in the same environment proved a power- drops off just outside the ore body to produce a strong
ful means for data inspection and characterization of density peak at the ore envelope. Much of the traditional
georelationships. geochemical analysis has been conducted with little or
The Kidd Creek deposit, as with most mature mines, no attention paid to this fact. It is also important to note
is spatially biased in that a high concentration of data is that the Kidd Creek rhyolite is the host rock to most of
located where there is known ore. Data density rapidly the ore. This fact needs to be taken into consideration
410 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Fig. 16. Reconstructed upper surface of Kidd Creek rhyolite using SPARSE plug-in (de Kemp and Sprague, 2003). Colour based on
modelled stratigraphic thickness of Kidd Creek rhyolite (red ¼ thick, blue ¼ thin).

when interpolating geochemical property values which phically lower surface of that lithology shell. Alterna-
need to be treated with this spatial and lithologic bias in tively, the top of the ultramafic pile, which is the
mind. interpreted rhyolite–ultramafic volcanic interface repre-
senting the base of the deposit, could have been used
4.3. Use of queries: methods, results and speculations as a stratigraphic datum to estimate thickness. Compar-
ison and cross-validation of the simulated thickness
We performed 3-D variogram analysis and detailed to the interpreted result would be a beneficial exercise
kriging of properties proximal to the ore zone, along to aid in characterizing the uncertainty of the ore
with simulation experiments of copper grades above 3% model. Unfortunately, the interpreted geologic surfaces
(Fig. 11–14) and a lithological prediction of the Kidd do not extend to the deeper parts of the model and
rhyolite distribution (Fig. 15) to estimate stratigraphic contain numerous geological inconsistencies such as
thickness, using sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) self-intersections and older units crossing into younger
(Deutsch and Journel, 1992) (Fig. 16). bodies.
By simulating the distribution of the ore-bearing There is a general relationship between distance to
rhyolite (Fig. 15), it was possible to make a crude known ore and rhyolite thickness along the top horizon
estimation of the stratigraphic thickness of the unit of the Kidd Creek rhyolite (Fig. 17). This simple inverse
(Figs. 16, 18). This can also be accomplished by direct relationship could be used to define favourable targets
kriging or other interpolation means. As we were on the thicker parts of the rhyolite top surface which is
interested in obtaining more potential targets for ore, proximal to simulated ore (Fig. 18). This is a straight-
to spatially identify where the Kidd Creek rhyolite might forward property query for a threshold of high ratio
reside, we employed a simulation approach that has a values of these properties (Fig. 19). Alternatively, the
random component for increasing local variance, simulated ore zones can act as targets directly or
whereas a smoother interpolator would tend to just validated with known ore, but in this example a more
confirm existing ore occurrences. We constructed a shell detailed target could be defined as well, assuming that
around the simulated rhyolite and then measured the the rhyolite surface represents a favourable element in
closest distance from the top horizon to the stratigra- the exploration model.
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 411

Fig. 17. XY plot of properties mapped on stratigraphic top of Kidd Creek rhyolite horizon. Thickness of rhyolite plotted on vertical
axis and 3-D distance to known ore on horizontal axis. Distance for both in metres and plotted at same scale.

The same target result could be generated more Creek deposit, and many questions persist: Was it
directly from a query defining rhyolite surface intersec- worth the effort to construct this structural model?
tions with the simulated ore (Fig. 20). Drill hole pierce What more can be done to ensure that important
points at the horizon could also be examined for copper geological information is used to capitalize on the
and other geochemical properties and queried in detail new query tools ability to discern relationships in 3-D?
(Fig. 21). Geometric characteristics of the stratigraphic These are questions best answered by the explora-
surface such as specific strike/dip ranges or linear trends tion staff. The most obvious question for application
of ridges and basins could be compared with 3-D of the 3-D tools would be: What is the relationship
geochemical or ore trend maps along the same or of the coarse geology to ore distribution? Clearly,
proximal structures (Figs. 22, 23). the model confirms the primary exploration criteria
that the Kidd Creek rhyolite is controlling the ore
distribution. There are, however, many other rhyolite
5. Discussion occurrences that do not have ore-grade metal distribu-
tions. Furthermore, a wide range of metal values
5.1. Query assessment throughout the Kidd Creek rhyolite have yet to be
explained. For instance, determining what controls the
Much effort has been undertaken to construct a high-grade Cu distribution (i.e., the bornite zone). Other
detailed structural geological model for the Kidd factors must be at work that contribute significantly to
412 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Fig. 18. Paleo-stratigraphic plan view of top of Kidd rhyolite horizon. Upper image depicting colour contoured (metres) distance to
simulated 43% Cu ore and lower image of same horizon colour contoured for stratigraphic thickness. Contour interval is 25 m in both

Fig. 19. Up-section view through simulated ore (43% Cu) red surfaces and top of Kidd Creek rhyolite. Rhyolite surface is contoured
by stratigraphic thickness with 25 m contour interval. Property query of ratio of rhyolite stratigraphic thickness over distance to
simulated copper ore (Thickness/Distance). Query results for high value ratios are shown as coloured cubes.
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 413

Fig. 20. Example of an intersection query; intersection of favourable strata (top of Kidd rhyolite) with modelled VMS systems,
alteration envelopes or in this case simulated ore zones (red isoshells).

ore genesis and should be included into the exploration tional data sets. For example, very little structural
model. information other than that incorporated into plan and
The simple example presented above using the top of section interpretations of the ore zones was used in
the rhyolite body is meant as a demonstration of how building the Kidd Creek case data set. It is clear from
GIS-3D queries can be applied to practical scenarios. detailed previous work that local complex early folding
Hopefully, other more important features such as can repeat and invert stratigraphy (see Fig. 25), which
favourable volcanic facies, alteration zones or miner- could dramatically alter methodology required to
alogical distributions can also be used in the ore reconstruct present day geometries or depositional
vectoring processes. For example, they could be used paleogeography.
in creating detailed isopachs and 3-D volumetric models Special projects to re-attribute the drill logs at a
of rhyolite flows and gabbro sills in an effort to reasonable data density could be helpful in discerning
reconstruct the paleo-environment of deposition for metal-depositional environment relationships. Detailed
the Kidd Creek deposit. If it can be determined what three dimensional metal zonation maps could lead to
parts of the stratigraphy were at shallower water depths, new discoveries of fluid pathways related to precious
this may have an influence on the degree of precious metal enrichment in the ore bodies or in the surrounding
metal enrichment; precious metals are preferentially strata that may not have been exploited to date.
associated with shallower seafloor hydrothermal sys- Finally, as mentioned earlier, most information is
tems. The reconstruction could also entail a 3-D spatially biased around the ore body, which hinders
restoration of clast/fragment sizes and compositions in near-mine or regional model development. Attention
the rhyolite lapillistone and fragmental units (Fig. 24) could be paid to assessing the benefits of drilling beyond
that are host to much of the ore (Hannington and the ore zone for non-resource-based validation and
Barrie, 1999). model estimation purposes.
A great deal of the query potential available in the 3- The goal of the case study was to generate possible ore
D tools is circumvented by the fact that specific targets through a combination of interpretive modelling,
geological knowledge was not encoded in the observa- property modelling and GIS queries. In general, GIS
414 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Fig. 21. Intersection query (yellow cubes) of pierce points of a horizon (colour contoured surface) with drill paths (red lines).

Fig. 22. Shell constructor used to outline a zone of interest around main simulated ore (red surfaces) trend line (blue curve). Actual ore
outlined as yellow curves. Deposit gets deeper to lower right of image.
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 415

Fig. 23. Trend query (yellow cubes) indicating areas on Kidd Rhyolite surface that have dip direction 31 and dip 801. Simulated 3% Cu
as red isoshells and general simulated trend depicted as blue curve.

Fig. 24. Tightly folded fragmental rhyolite and copper ore from bornite zone, South Ore Body, Kidd Creek mine (Bleeker, 1999). Field
of view approximately 1 m wide and perpendicular to fold axes and strong lineation. Photo provided courtesy of Wouter Bleeker,
Geological Survey of Canada.
416 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

Fig. 25. Second generation isoclinal folds in copper stringer ore and host rhyolite from 4600 Level, in ‘‘back’’ of 46–104 Fringe Drive,
Central Ore Body, Kidd Creek mine (Bleeker, 1999). Dashed line highlights trace of folded foliation in rhyolitic host rock. Square
metal rock bolt plates are approximately 10 cm wide. Photo provided courtesy of Wouter Bleeker, Geological Survey of Canada.

tools are particularly valuable for extracting spatial unknown regimes. There are cumbersome work-arounds
information from exploration data sets, e.g. proximity to these types of queries that generally involve object
measures, specific geological contacts, lineaments se- partitioning, redundant attribution and some writing of
lected by orientation, in addition to more conventional new spatial functions. With these types of queries,
tools for geophysical data processing and spatial spatial and topological queries in particular, we believe
interpolation by geo-statistical methods. Statistical and it will be much simpler to encode and more efficiently
expert system modelling tools are increasingly being interrogate a complete geological model for detailed
embedded in GIS, e.g. Arc-WofE, Arc-SDM, GeoDAS geologic content. For example, queries isolating the
systems (Bonham-Carter and de Kemp, 2003). In the average metal content and its distribution within a
Kidd Creek case study, advanced property modelling, specific formation block in a complexly folded and
coupled with the 3-D GIS query tools, provided faulted stratiform-hosted ore.
predictions or ‘‘targets’’ of ore body extensions and
specific properties within complex structures. Mine 5.2. Next steps
personnel are left with the task of generating their own
spatial targets and conducting the much needed ranking Clearly, there is much work to be done in the area of
and cross-validation from other data sources with their 3-D spatial targeting. Obvious is the ongoing need for
own up-to-date exploration models. integration smoothing necessary to make multi-type
Many other kinds of queries useful for spatial data modelling less arduous. At present, it is not unusual
targeting were discussed over the course of the GIS-3D to spend 90% of a spatial targeting exercise in data
plug-in development project, but were not implemented conversion, levelling, model construction and quality
for various reasons: topological queries (how objects checking.
connect, adjacency), surface ‘‘side’’ queries (partitioning A natural extension of the presented query framework
a set of points into two classes, on class per side of a is integration with decision-making systems and/or
surface), embedded node, cell or feature attribute advanced search techniques appropriate for spatial
queries, and speculative queries that involved the targeting in the face of uncertain data and/or unknown
automated extension and analysis of existing data into parameters. For example, when magnetic and structural
K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418 417

data conflict at a point, how does one proceed to define Acknowledgements

appropriate property values or interpolate them to
neighbouring points (Jessell and de Kemp, 2003)? We are grateful to Marcus Apel (Apel 2001) for
Optimized search algorithms such as genetic program- discussions concerning 3-D GIS at the onset of this
ming (GP) (Banzhaf et al., 1998) could address questions project, Earth Decision Sciences for software support,
like ‘‘What multi-property query will reproduce, as a Don Desnoyers for managerial support, and the
high-confidence results region, the locations where high- Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) for logistical and
grade metal was ALREADY found?’’—the solution to technical support through the Northern Development
which could be applied to similar data to speculate on Program. Damien Duff of Falconbridge provided
the spatial locations of regions with good high-grade managerial support for use of the 3-D Kidd data set.
prospects. This kind of query is conceptualized to Dave Richardson of Falconbridge Exploration Group
operate in a framework where search operators manip- worked extensively on the Kidd model and he along
ulate a spatial query language so as to evolve a with Lisa Gibson, Inco Technical Services are both
population of candidate solutions closer to the max- thanked for their ongoing input into the development of
imization of high confidence (the fitness function) within the 3-D GIS tool kit. We would also like to thank Robin
the selected spatial extent. McLeod, Chrissy Williston, and others involved in
software scoping, evaluation, packaging and/or testing.
Furthermore, we acknowledge internal and external
reviewers of this manuscript. This work was made
6. Conclusion possible through funding by the Ontario Mineral
Exploration Technologies Program (OMET) project
In summary, we have demonstrated the utility of a 23, 3D Data Integration Methodology and Tools for In-
software extension to Gocadr, the GIS-3D plug-in, that mine and Near-mine Exploration in collaboration with
effectively extends the 3-D GIS capabilities of Gocadr Mira Geoscience Ltd., Natural Resources Canada,
to meet mining and mineral exploration needs by aiding Laurentian University, Queen’s University, and several
spatial targeting through queries and ease of attribute leading Canadian mining companies. ESS contribution
representation and analysis. Although the query tools number 2004163.
have general utility, they seem to be most useful for 3-D
modelling tasks common in data integration and
interpretation stages, prior to the creation of a full 3-D Appendix A
model. Combining the capabilities of property model-
ling with queries has proven to be a powerful aid for The terminology used throughout this manuscript is
cross-validation, understanding the data and quality- largely borrowed from the Gocad 2.0 User’s Manual
checking interpretations. (EDS, 2003) and is summarized in Table A1.

Table A1
Glossary of terms

Atom (vertex) Atoms are points in space defined by their (X,Y,Z) coordinates.
Node For vector objects, synonymous with ‘atom’. For grid objects, a voxel is reference point (centre or corner) in
(X,Y,Z) coordinates.
Object One of following Gocadr objects: VSet, PLine, TSurf, Voxet, SGrid.
Part Many Gocadr objects can be divided into parts. For example, a TSurf is composed of a list of separate surfaces.
Each surface is a part.
PLine A PLine is a set of atoms connected by segments to form polygonal lines. An atom cannot belong to more than
two segments.
Query In context of this paper, a query is a spatial or attribute-based question posed to a data set that results in
creation of a region (see below).
Region In context of this paper, region is a subset selection resulting from a query. In general, it is any subset of a
supported object (PLine, VSet, TSurf, SGrid, Voxet). A region may span multiple objects and may consist of
atoms, voxels, or both depending on data types of queried objects.
SGrid An SGrid, or ‘stratigraphic grid’, is a grid object for modelling volumes that are non-rectangular in shape.
TSurf A TSurf is made of connected (and/or disconnected) triangles that form surfaces. Each triangle is composed of 3
Voxel (cell) A voxel is basic 3-D volumetric element of a grid.
Voxet A voxet is a 3-D regular grid composed of voxels.
VSet A VSet is a set of atoms that are not connected in any way.
418 K. Sprague et al. / Computers & Geosciences 32 (2006) 396–418

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