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Physical Self Describing yourself, try not to censor any

thoughts which come to your mind and description about to.
Intellectual Self An assessment of how well you reason and
solve problems.
Emotional Self Typical feelings you have.
Sensual Self Senses that you use most.
Interactional Self Description of your strengths and
Nutritional Self To nourish yourself what foods do you like
and dislike.
Contextual Self Descriptors could be in the areas of
maintenance of your living environment.
Spiritual Self Reactions about spiritual connections to
Self Concept It is conceived as collection of multiple,
context dependent selves.
Intellectual Adolescences Aspect Related to the mind.
Emotional and Intuitive Aspects Relate to the spirit.
Physical or Tangible Aspects Related to the body.
Mind Believes the body manifest or acts on, and the
emotions feel, or respond with.
Decisions Made under emotional stress and strain usually
impacts emotions negatively.
Negative Emotions Are not managed are stored and
Repression Is destructive to a content self since all feelings,
not only negative ones are stored away.
Accessing Feelings When they are needed now becomes
difficult, leaving the individual numb and hopeless.
Human Emotions Most feared aspects of the self, as
individuals are reluctant and unprepared of manage them.
Managing Feelings Trying to hold water in the palm of tour
Good Joy, peace, love, hope, generosity, truth, compassion,
and faith.
Paving Material (such as stone, star, or concrete) that is
used to form the hard surface of a road, driveway, etc.
Chatchai Sasakul The reigning World Boxing Council
(WBC) World Flyweight Champion at the time.
K2BU A series for teenagers, romance.
Blissfully Extremely or completely happy: full of or causing
Reckoned To think or suppose (something): to believe that
(something) is true or possible.
Ventured To go somewhere that is unknown, dangerous,
Glamour A very exciting and attractive quality.
Prestigious Archaic: of, relating to, or marked by illusion,
conjuring, or trickery.
Cherokee Indian Story That is enlightening and helpful.
Path A track that is made by people or animals walking over
the ground.
Pediatric Medical: of or relating to the medical care or
illnesses of children.
Predecessor A person who had a job or position before
someone else.
Residency The state or fact of living in a place.
Vividly A picture, memory, etc.: seeming like real life
because it is very clear, bright, or detailed.
Deceptive Intended to make someone believe something
that is not true.
Numb Numbers variants: or numb.
Physique The size and shape of a person’s body.
Unforeseen Not anticipated or expected: not foreseen:
Meager Very small or too small in amount.
Conceive To think of or create (something) in the mind
Simultaneously Happening at the same time.
Prominent Important and well-known: easily noticed or seen
Eagerness Very excited and interested: feeling a strong and
impatient desire to do something or for something.
Internship A student or recent graduate who works for a
period of time at a job in order to get experience.
Infectious Capable of being passed to someone else by
germs that enter the body.
Epitomizes To be a perfect example or representation of
(something): to be the epitome of (something).
Multivalent Represented more than twice in the somatic
chromosome number <multivalent chromosome>.
Soured Having the unpleasant taste or smell of food that is
no longer fresh.
PMA Philippine Medical Association.
Conferment To give (something, such as a degree, award,
title, right, etc.) to someone or something.
Jaundice Medical: a disease that causes a person’s skin to
turn yellow.
Immersion Complete involvement in some activity or
Coincidence A situation in which events happen at the
same time in a way that is not planned or expected.
Gratitude A feeling of appreciation or thanks.
Fitting A kind that is appropriate for the situation or purpose.
Resiliency The act of resiling, springing back, or
rebounding: as, the resilience of a ball or of the sound.
Tiring To become weary.
Humbling Given or said in a way that shows you do not
think you are better than other people.
Intimidating Causing feelings of fear, awe, or timidity <a
stern teacher with a very intimidating manner>.
RITM Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
Glorifying To make (something) seem much better or more
important than it really is.
SDMS Skills Development and Management Services
Distress Unhappiness or pain: suffering that affects the mind
or body.
Maladaptive Marked by poor or inadequate adaptation.
Craving A very strong desire for something.
Deceivingly To make (someone)believe something that is
not true.
Nurture The care and attention given to someone or
something that is growing or developing.
Opposing To disagree with or disapprove of (something or
Dominance The fact or state of being dominant.
Diminished Denoting or containing on interval that is one
semitone less than the corresponding minor or perfect
Potency The power to influence someone.
Acquired To get (something): to come to own (something):
to come to have (something).
Joyous Feeling, causing, or showing great happiness.
Censor A person who examines books, movies, letters, etc.,
and removes things that are considered to be offensive,
immoral, harmful to society, etc.
Seldom Not often: almost never
Metaphysical Of or characteristics of the metaphysical
Neutral A color that is not bright or strong: neutral color.
Self-esteem A feeling of having respect for yourself and
your abilities.
Self-evaluation Yourself or itself.
Manifests able to be seen: clearly shown or visible.
Enhancing To increase or improve (something).
Circumstances A condition or fact that affects a situation.
Prominent Important and well-known.
Serenity The quality or state of being serene.
Manner The way that something is done or happens.
Reluctant Feeling or showing doubt about doing something:
not willing or eager to do something.
Unprepared Not prepared they were woefully unprepared to
take on the responsibilities.
Stress A were state of mental tension and worry caused by
problems in your life, work, etc.
Strain Inherited or inherent character, quality, or disposition,
a strain of weaknesses in the family.
Evaluation To judge value or condition of (someone or
something) in a careful and thoughtful way.
Habits A usual way of behaving: something that a person
does often in a regular and repeated way.
Desperate Very sad and upset because of having little or no
Perseverance The quality that allows someone to continue
trying to do something even though it is difficult.
WBC World Boxing Council
Ablaze Glowing with light, color, or emotion.
EPI Expanded program of immunization
Fellowship A friendly relationship among people.
Despite The feeling or attitude of despising someone or
Citations An official order to appear before a court of law.
Hooked Very interested in and enthusiastic about
Civil Relating to citizenship or being a citizen.
Encouraged To make (someone) more determined, hopeful,
or confident.
Inspired Very good or clever.
Tragedy A very bad event that can very bad event that
causes great sadness and often involves someone’s death.
Accomplished Very successful: having done or achieved
many good or important things.
Demanding Requiring much time, attention, or effort.
Fulfilling Providing happiness or satisfaction.
Pleasant Causing a feeling of happiness or pleasure.
Unpleasant Not pleasanter enjoyable: causing discomfort or
Admiration A feeling of respect and approval.
Opportunities An amount of time or a situation in which
something can be done.
Success The fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or
Achieving To get or reach (something) by working hard.
Positivity The quality or state of being positive. Teamwork
The work done by people who work together as a team to do
Teamwork The work done by people who work together as
a team to do something.
Responsibility A duty or task that you are required or
expected to do.
Respect A feeling of admiring someone or something that is
good, valuable, important, etc.
Kindness The quality or state of being kind.
Enlightening Providing or tending to provide knowledge,
understanding, or insight.
Terrible Very shocking and upsetting
Envy The feeling of wanting to have what someone else
Sorrow The feeling of wanting to have what someone else
Regret To feel sad or sorry about (something that you did or
did not do).
Greed A selfish desire to have more of something
(especially money).
Arrogance An insulting way of thinking or behaving that
comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more
important than other people.
Self-pity A feeling of pity for yourself because you believe
you have suffered more than is fair or reasonable.
Guilt A bad feeling caused by knowing or thinking that you
have done something bad or wrong.
Resentment A feeling of anger or displeasure about
someone or something unfair.
Inferiority Of poor quality: low or lower in quality.
Lies To stay in hiding: strive to avoid notice.
Ego The opinion that you have about yourself.
Joy A feeling of great happiness.
Peace A state in which there is no war or fighting.
Love A feeling of strong or constant affection for a person.
Hope To want something to happen or be true and think that
it could happen or be true.
Humility The quality or state of not thinking you are better
than other people: the quality or state of being humble.
Benevolence Disposition to do good.
Empathy The feeling that you understand and share another
person’s experiences and emotions: the ability to share
someone else’s feelings.
Generosity The quality of being kind, understanding, and
not selfish: the quality of being generous; especially:
willingness to give money and other valuable things to
Truth The real facts about something: the things that are
Compassion A feeling of wanting to help someone who is
sick, hungry, in trouble, etc.
Faith Strong belief or trust in someone or something.
Accordance The act of granting something <the accordance
of a privilege>

Developmental Relating to the growth or development of

someone or something.
Influential Having a lot of influence on
Human Development Focuses on human growth and
changes across the lifespan, including physical, cognitive,
social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional
Adapt To change your behavior so that it is easier to live in
a particular place or situation.
Mature Having or showing the mental and emotional
qualities of an adult.
Pre-natal (Conception to birth) Age when hereditary
endowments and sex are fixed and all body features, both
external and internal are developed.
Infancy (Birth to 2 years) Foundation age when basic
behavior are organized and many ontogenetic maturation
skills are developed.
Early Childhood (2 to 6 years) Pre-gang age, exploratory,
and questioning. Language and Elementary reasoning are
acquired and initial socialization is experienced.
Late Childhood (6 to 12 years) Gang and creativity age
when self-help skills, social skills, school skills, and play are
Adolescence (puberty to 18 years) Transition age from
childhood to adulthood when sex maturation and rapid
physical development occur resulting to changes in ways of
feeling, thinking and acting.
Early Adulthood (18 to 40 years) Age of adjustment to new
patterns of life and roles such as spouse, parent and bread
Middle Age (40 years to retirement) Transition age when
adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are
Old Age (Retirement to death) Retirement age when
increasingly rapid physical and mental decline are
Essential Extremely important and necessary.
Humans Relating to, or affecting people, typical of people.
Human Being Is either in a state of growth or decline, but
either condition impacts change.
Aspects The way a person, place, or thing appears.
Dramatically Greatly affecting people’s emotions.
Understanding The knowledge and ability to judge a
particular situation or subject.
Respond An engaged pillar supporting an arch or closing a
colonnade or arcade.
Plan A set of actions that have been thought of as a way to
do or achieve something.
Effectively In a way that produces a desired result.
Hereditary Passed or able to be passed from parent to child
before birth.
Endowments A large amount of money that has been given
to a school, hospital, etc., and that is used to pay for its
creation and continuing support.
Developed Having many industries and relatively few poor
people who are unable to buy the things they need.
Foundation Something (such as an idea, principle, or a fact)
that provides support for something.
Behavior The way something (such as a machine or
substance) moves, functions, or reacts.
Ontogenetic Based on visible morphological characters.
Maturation The process of becoming mature: the process of
developing in the body or mind.
Skills The ability to do something that comes from training,
experience, or practice.
Organized Arranged or planned in a particular way.
Exploratory Done or created to find something or to learn
more about something.
Acquired To get (something): to come to own (something):
to come to have (something).
Socialization To talk to and do things with other people in a
friendly way.
Experienced Having skill or knowledge from doing
something: having experience.
Creativity The ability to make things or think of new ideas.
Social Skills Relating to or involving activities in which
people spend time talking to each other or doing enjoyable
things with each other.
Childhood The period of time when a person is a child.
Adulthood Mature and sensible: not childish.
Roles A part that someone or something has in a particular
activity or situation.
Spouse Someone who is married: a husband or wife.
Rapid Happening in a short amount of time: happening
Systematic Using a careful system or method: done
according to a system
Extensive Large in size or amount: very full or complete.
Development The act or process of creating something over
a period of time.
Successful Having the correct or desired result: ending in
Pride A feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be
respected by other people.
Satisfaction A happy or pleased feeling because of
something that you did or something that happened to you.
Consequently As a result: in view of the foregoing.
Subsequent Happening or coming after something else.
Succeeding To do what you are trying to do: to achieve the
correct or desired results.
Environment The conditions that surround someone or
Psychosocial relating to the interrelation of social factors
and individual thought and behavior.
Psychological Related to the mental and emotional state of
a person.
Psychology The scientific study of the human mind and its
functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given
Sociology The study of the development, structure, and
functioning of human society.
Infancy The state or period of early childhood or babyhood.
Modesty The quality or state of being unassuming or
moderate in the estimation of one's abilities.
Distinguish Recognize or treat (someone or something) as
Conscience An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a
guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.
Building A structure with a roof and walls, such as a house,
school, store, or factory.
Appropriate Suitable or proper in the circumstances.
Reading the action or skill of reading written or printed
matter silently or aloud.
Calculating acting in a scheming and ruthlessly determined
Concepts an abstract idea; a general notion.
Morality principles concerning the distinction between right
and wrong or good and bad behavior.
Scale An instrument or machine for weighing.
Writing the activity or skill of marking coherent words on
paper and composing text.
Achieving successfully bring about or reach (a desired
objective, level, or result) by effort, skill, or courage.
Independence the fact or state of being independent.
Acceptable able to be agreed on; suitable.
Sexes (chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity,
including specifically sexual intercourse.
Masculine having qualities or appearance traditionally
associated with men, especially strength and
Feminine having qualities or an appearance traditionally
associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness.
Physique the form, size, and development of a person's
Emotional relating to a person's emotions.
Marriage the legally or formally recognized union of two
people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and
in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and
a woman).
Family a group consisting of parents and children living
together in a household.
Career an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a
person's life and with opportunities for progress.
Acquiring learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality).
Ethical relating to moral principles or the branch of
knowledge dealing with these.
Guide a person who advises or shows the way to others.
Desiring strongly wish for or want (something).
Socially in a way that relates to society or its organization.
Teenage relating to or characteristic of teenagers.
Satisfactory fulfilling expectations or needs; acceptable,
though not outstanding or perfect.
Leisure opportunity afforded by free time to do something.
Activities the condition in which things are happening or
being done.
Middle Age the period between early adulthood and old
age, usually considered as the years from about 45 to 65.
Aging the process of growing old.
Strength the quality or state of being physically strong.
Retirement the action or fact of leaving one's job and
ceasing to work.
Reduced make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.
Obligations an act or course of action to which a person is
morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
Accomplished achieve or complete successfully.
Expected regarded as likely; anticipated.
Plan a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
Accountability the fact or condition of being accountable;
Mindful focusing one's awareness on the present moment,
especially as part of a therapeutic or meditative technique.
Helpful giving or ready to give help.
Kind a group of people or things having similar
Mindfulness the quality or state of being conscious or
aware of something.
Teen relating to teenagers.
Anxiety a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically
about an imminent event or something with an uncertain
Bragging excessively proud and boastful talk about one's
achievements or possessions.
Compliment a polite expression of praise or admiration.
Cheating act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an
advantage, especially in a game or examination.
Refine remove impurities or unwanted elements from (a
substance), typically as part of an industrial process.
Moment a very brief period of time.
Consistent acting or done in the same way over time,
especially so as to be fair or accurate.
Aware having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
Compassionate feeling or showing sympathy and concern
for others.
Fulfilling making someone satisfied or happy because of
fully developing their character or abilities.
Breath mindfully observing and opening your awareness to
your breath.
Listen Deeply It requires the temporary suspension of
judgment, and a willingness to receive new information –
whether pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral.
Cultivate insight the capacity to gain an accurate and deep
understanding about someone or something.
Practice Compassion as the feeling that arises when you
are confronted with another's suffering and feel motivated to
relieve that suffering.
Limit Reactivity is a phenomenon that occurs when
individuals alter their performance or behavior due to the
awareness that they are being observed. The change may
be positive or negative, and depends on the situation.
Express Gratitude means thanks and appreciation.
Nurture Mutual Respect as a proper regard for the dignity
of a person or position.
Build Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing
a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral
and ethical principles and values.
Be Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that
comes when there's no fighting or war, everything coexisting
in perfect harmony and freedom.

The Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescence

Challenges To say or show that (something) may not be
true, correct, or legal.
Adolescence The period of life when a child develops into
an adult.
Expectations A belief that something will happen or is likely
to happen.
Aspiration A strong desire to achieve something high or
great <an aspiration to become famous> — usually plural.
Demands A forceful statement in which you say that
something must be done or given to you.
Feelings An awareness by your body of something in it or
on it.
Affirmations the act of affirming <nodded his head in
Lovable Easy to love: having attractive or appealing
Capable Able to do something: having the qualities or
abilities that are needed to do something.
Attractiveness Having a pleasing appearance; especially:
having a pleasing appearance that causes romantic or
sexual feelings in someone.
Independently Not dependent: such as a: not subject to
control by others: self-governing.
Physical Relating to the body of a person instead of the
Emotional Likely to show or express emotion.
Intimacy Something of a personal or private nature.
Relationships The way in which two or more people,
groups, countries, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with
each other.
Intimate To say or suggest (something) in an indirect way.
Partnerships The state of being partners.
Physical Development Have completed the physical
changes related to puberty by age 15.
Emotional Development In self involved (may have high
expectations and low self concepts).
Social Development More aware of social behaviors.
Mental Development Starts to develop moral ideals.
Dependency The quality of being dependent.
Subordinations In a position of less power or authority than
someone else.
Behaviors The way a person or animal acts or behaves.
Beliefs A feeling of being sure that someone or something
exists or that something is true.
Values Usefulness or importance
Interest A feeling of wanting to learn more about something
or to be involved in something.
Intellectual Of or relating to the ability to think in a logical
Romantic Relating to, or involving love between two people.
Sexual Relating to males and females.
Peers A person who belongs to the same age group or
social group as someone else.
Risky Involving the possibility of something bad or
unpleasant happening.
Understanding A knowledge and ability to judge a particular
situation or subject.
Encouragement The act of making something more
appealing or more likely to happen.
Improving To make (something) better.
Lack To not have (something): to not have enough of
Conflict Strong disagreement between people, groups, etc.,
that results in often angry argument.
Misbehavior badly: wrongly bad: proof: opposite or lack of
Hardiness Able to live through difficult conditions (such as a
cold winter or a drought).
Spiritual Relating to religion or religious beliefs.
Connotation An idea or quality that a word makes you think
about in addition to its meaning.
Psychological Relating to the study of the mind.
Psychiatrist A branch of medicine that deals with mental or
emotional disorders.
Relatively When compared to others.
Psychologist The science or study of the mind and
Utilized To use (something) for a particular purpose.
Valuable Very useful or helpful.
Mistakenly To understand (something or someone)
Technique A way of doing something by using special
knowledge or skill.
Praise To say or write good things about (someone or
something): to express approval of (someone or something).
Effort Work done by the mind or body: energy used to do
Discouraging To make (someone) less determined,
hopeful, or confident.
Misbehave Badly: wrongly <misjudge>
Recognizing To know and remember (someone or
something) because of previous knowledge or experience.
Improvements The act of improving something: the act or
process of making something better.
Mistakes To make a wrong judgment about (something).
Decision Making A choice that you make about something
after thinking about it: the result of deciding.
Isolate To put or keep (someone or something) in a place or
situation that is separate from others.
Discouragers To try to make people not want to do
Bribe Something valuable (such as money) that is given in
order to get someone to do something.
Fails To not succeed: to end without success.
Punish To make (someone) suffer for a crime or for bad
Criticize Using or involving careful judgment about the good
and bad parts of something.
Nag annoy or irritate (a person) with persistent fault-finding
or continuous urging.
Threaten To say that you will harm someone or do
something unpleasant or unwanted especially in order to
make someone do what you want.
Interrogate To ask (someone) questions in a thorough and
often forceful way.
Emotionally Likely to show or express emotion: easily
upset, excited, etc.
Bolstered A long bag of cloth completely filled with soft
material: a long pillow or cushion.
Withdraw To take (something) back so that it is no longer
Tension A feeling of nervousness that makes you unable to
Ambitious Having ambition: having a desire to be
successful, powerful, or famous.
Motivate To give (someone) a reason for doing something.
Improve To make (something) better.
Compliance The act or process of doing what you have
been asked or ordered to do: the act or process of
Conveys To take or carry (someone or something) from one
place to another.
Adequacy The quality or state of being adequate.
Instances An example of a particular type of action or
situation: an occasion of something happening.
Recover To return to a normal state after a period of
Unite To join together to do or achieve something.
Tendency A quality that makes something likely to happen
or that makes someone likely to think or behave in a
particular way.
Accomplish To succeed in doing (something).
Effective Producing a result that is wanted: having an
intended effect.
Distinguish To notice or recognize a difference between
people or things.
Declarations The act of making an official statement about
something: the act of declaring something.
Imperative Very important grammar: having the form that
expresses a command rather than a statement or a
Achieve To become successful: to reach a goal.
Boldly Not afraid of danger or difficult situations.
Wellness The quality or state of being healthy.
Joy A feeling of great happiness.
Losses The experience of having something taken from you
or destroyed.
Mercy Kind or forgiving treatment of someone who could be
treated harshly.
Actualization To make actual: realize Unwanted Not wanted
or needed.
Occurrence Something that happens.
Counteract Act against (something): to cause (something)
to have less of an effect or to have no effect at all.
Destructive Causing a very large amount of damage:
causing destruction or harm.
Consciously Awake and able to understand what is
happening around you.
Addiction A strong and harmful need to regularly have
something (such as a drug) or do something (such as
Survive To remain alive: to continue to live
Mind The part of a person that thinks, reasons, feels, and
Body A person's or animal's whole physical self.
Emotions A strong feeling (such as love, anger, joy, hate, or
Goals Something that you are trying to do or achieve.
Loving Feeling or showing love Capacity The ability to hold
or contain people or things.
God A spirit or being that has great power, strength,
knowledge, etc., and that can affect nature and the lives of
people: one of various spirits or beings.
Privileges A right or benefit that is given to some people
and not to others.
Welfare A government program for poor or unemployed
people that helps pay for their food, housing, medical costs,
Goodness The quality or state of being good.
Succumb To stop trying to resist something.
Growth A stage in the process of growing: size: full growth
Declarations The act of making an official statement about
Positive Thinking about the good qualities of someone or
Accepting Able or willing to accept something or someone.
Crowding To fill (something) so that there is little or no room
for anyone or anything else.
Stronghold An area where most people have the same
beliefs, values, etc.
Persist To continue to do something or to try to do
something even though it is difficult or other people want you
to stop.
Concrete Relating to or involving specific people, things, or
actions rather than general ideas or qualities.
Anxious Afraid or nervous Irritated Subjected to irritation;
Enterprise A project or activity that involves many people
and that is often difficult.
Decadence Behavior that shows low morals and a great
love of pleasure, money, fame, etc.
Happy Feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life,
situation, etc.
Fatigue The state of being very tired: extreme weariness
Disappointments The state or feeling of being
Strengths The quality or state of being physically strong.
Forgiveness The act of forgiving someone or something.
Hope To want something to happen.
Fear To be afraid and worried.
Disagreements Failure to agree
Treasure Something that is very special, important, or
Smile To show or express (something, such as approval,
encouragement, etc.) by a smile.
Sadness Causing or associated with grief or unhappiness.
Commemorating To exist or be done in order to remind
people of (an important event or person from the past).
Applause To express approval of or support for (something
or someone).
Anonymity The quality or state of being unknown to most
Misunderstanding A failure to understand something.
Crises A difficult or dangerous situations that needs serious
Inevitable Sure to happen.
Fate The things that will happen to a person or thing.
Oasis A pleasant place that is surrounded by something
Recesses A usually brief period of time during which regular
activity in a court of law or in a government stops.
Criticism A remark or comment that expresses disapproval
of someone or something.
Pamper To treat (someone or something) very well: to give
(someone or something) a lot of attention and care.
Audacity A confident and daring quality that is often seen as
shocking or rude: an audacious quality.
Passionate Having, showing, or expressing strong emotions
or beliefs.
Tolerance Willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs
that are different from your own.
Serenity The quality or state of being serene.
Obstacles Something that’s makes it difficult to do

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