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A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science in Information Technology.

BY: Lakew Tarekegn

Supervisor: Tesfa Tegegne (PhD), UNIVERSITY OF GONDAR.

May 17, 2019 E.C.









I, Lakew Tarekegn, hereby declare that the work being presented in this thesis shape and
texture based inter-specific hybrid fish species image recognition and identification using
image features in case of fishery and aquatic science field in Ethiopia based on image
processing which has been my original work and has not been presented for a master
degree in any other university.

Lakew Tarekegn Signature

Contact me with those addresses below:

Address and Location: Wollo University

From Kombolcha institute of technology Campus & Dessie.


First of all, I would like to thank the almighty GOD for his blessing and protection during in the
period of doing this thesis work. Secondly, I would like to thank my advisor Dr.TesfaTegegn for
his continuous valuable comments and suggestion in this thesis work. Beside this, I would like to
thank Dr Million Meshesha for their forward suggestion and recommedndation that remarks
what type of errors and mistaken to be corrected and adjusted in this thesis work. Thirdly, I
would like to thank my friends especially Mr Yeshiwas Getachew and Tadele Asitatikie for their
supports in peer review of my thesis work and I would thank my brother Bayu who providing his
effort and advice during my thesis work. Fourthly, I would like to thank staffs of central Gondar
agricultural research center and Bahir Dar Fishery research center and ARARI which is Amhara
Region Agricultural Research Institute for their collaboration in the data collection for this
research work. Fifthly I would like to thank my cousin son who works makesignt preparatory
school Mr Yeshegaw Tarekegn for his supports in speeling and grammar check review of this
thesis work. Finally, my thanks go to my family for their continuous support during my study.

Recently inter-specific hybridization is a common phenomenon in fresh water
fishes species. Natural hybridization is more common in fish than in other vertebrates,
and non-native fish species which have been introduced extensive in a worldwide those
are difficult to identify manually. However, inter specific hybridize among genetically
divergent fish are often fertile, and provide good product that results in creation of
survival fit species. In case of this nowadays a lot of works were done by depending on
the computer in order to processing time to be reduced when the experts pass a key
decision what type of fish speceies exist in under marine area as biologist and
agriculctral researcher. Due to this computer has been used for digital image recognition
which has been extremely found and studied for this role work to get fast response of
replied when it has been compared and contrast with human know how knowledge level
with recent machine level knowledge one which has been depending on computer and
provide more results which are accurate.
Even though due to hybridization the agricultural experts has been faced a
challenges and confusion to isolate and clearly tries to identify as well as recognize this
occurring species based on morphological shapes and texture of fish species images. So
that using these procedural techniques the researcher work provide attractive fish
recognition based on their types of species. The detection, recognition and classification
system is using the proposed procedural methods. Those procedural methods image
processing approaches such as noise removal, image enhacement, image restortation,
feature extraction, segmentation, filtering, histogram processing, countor tracking, edge
detection, graye scale processing, hsv color fish image based processing. Beside this, the
study used svm to classify and recognized those fish‘s species using the interspecific
values with acommon morphological fish image shape and texture that the fish
contained.This work scientifical contributed to recognize and classify that those complex
interbreed fish gene type using feature extraction based on their image‘s shape and
texture values.
In this work the detection system, which provides the fish characterization for
recognition purposes were proposed. Performance evaluation is possible done to achieve
satisfying detection accuracy 96.77424% for two used datasets which are training and
test data set those are performed based on their fish local data set images with five
species which are collected through techno w2 phone.
Generally in this research work there are a major challenges and future works which the
researcher recommended and suggested as future works are identify the most promising
fish classification/ detection algorithms that used CCTv camera rather than mobile
camera. As future the researcher ready to preparing public Ethiopia national fish data set
which used various algorithms like Bayesian classifier which used mean standard
average values.
KEYWORD:Preprocessing, feature extraction,feature vectors, colorcorrelate(cc),
colormoment(cm), edging.

Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... IV
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................V
LIST OF FIGURES .....................................................................................X
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................... XI
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ......................................XII
CHAPTER ONE....................................................................................... - 1 -
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... - 1 -
1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................... - 1 -
1.2. MOTIVATION ................................................................................................................................. - 3 -
1.3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ................................................................................................... - 4 -
1.4. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY .......................................................................................................... - 7 -
1.4.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................... - 7 -
1.4.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................ - 7 -
1.5. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY .................................................................................. - 8 -
1.5.1. SCOPE OF THE STUDY............................................................................................................... - 8 -
1.5.2. LIMITATLION OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................. - 9 -
1.6. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................... - 10 -
1.7.1. DATA SOURCE AND DATA SET PREPARATION ................................................................... - 11 -
1.7.2. APPROACHES AND TOOLS ..................................................................................................... - 13 -
1.7.3. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION PROCEDURE ...................................................................... - 14 -
1.8. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................. - 15 -
1.9. ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS................................................................................................ - 16 -

CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................... - 17 -

LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................... - 17 -
2.1. OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... - 17 -
2.2. IMAGE ANALSIS .......................................................................................................................... - 18 -
2.2.1. IMAGE PROCESSING ............................................................................................................... - 18 -
2.3. IMAGE ACQUISITION .................................................................................................................. - 21 -
2.3.1. IMAGE ACQUISITION PROCESS ............................................................................................. - 21 -

2.3.2. COLOR IMAGE CONVERSION ................................................................................................ - 22 -
2.4. IMAGE ENHANCEMENTS............................................................................................................ - 23 -
2.4.1. EDGE DETECTION ................................................................................................................... - 23 -
2.4.2. NOISE REMOVAL AND SMOOTHING .................................................................................... - 24 -
2.4.3. SEGMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... - 24 -
2.4.4. IMAGE NORMALIZATION....................................................................................................... - 25 -
2.4.5. FEATURE EXTRACTION ......................................................................................................... - 26 -
2.6. REVIEWED LITERATURE WORKS ............................................................................................. - 27 -
2.7. RELATED WORKS ........................................................................................................................ - 31 -
2.8. SUMMERY RELATED WORKS .................................................................................................... - 34 -

CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................... - 37 -

PROPOSED APPROACH ................................................................... - 37 -
3.2. METHODOLOGICAL OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... - 38 -
3.3. PROPOSED ARCHITETURE ......................................................................................................... - 39 -
3.4. IMAGE PREPROCESSING ............................................................................................................ - 41 -
3.5. IMAGE SEGMENTATION ............................................................................................................. - 42 -
3.6. FEATURE EXTRACTION.............................................................................................................. - 43 -
3.7. FEATURE SELECTION ................................................................................................................. - 43 -
3.8. CLASSIFICATION ......................................................................................................................... - 44 -
3.9. SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... - 44 -
3.10. FISH RECOGNITION AND CLASSIFICATION MODEL ............................................................. - 45 -
3.11. DESCRPTION OF MODEL ............................................................................................................ - 47 -
3.12. PROCEDURES AND ALGORITHM............................................................................................... - 47 -
3.13. FISH IMAGE CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM ........................................................................... - 47 -
3.13.1. SVM TO CLASSIFY AND RECOGNIZE FISH .......................................................................... - 48 -
3.14. ALGORITHM WITH WAVELET DECOMPOSITION OF FISH IMAGE ........................................ - 49 -
3.15. FISH COMPONENT SEGMENTATION......................................................................................... - 53 -
3.16. BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION.................................................................................................. - 54 -
3.17. FISH BOUNDARY EXTRACTION ................................................................................................ - 55 -
3.18. FISH BODY LINE TRACK AND SEGMENTATION...................................................................... - 56 -
3.19. COLOR HISTOGRAM.......................................................................................................................... - 57 -

3.20. IMAGE ENHANCEMENT.............................................................................................................. - 58 -
3.21. EDGE DETECTION BASED ON THRESHOLD VALUES ............................................................. - 59 -
3.22. EDGE DETECTION WITH GRAY IMAGE .................................................................................... - 60 -
3.23. IMAGE COMPARISON BY IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES .............................................. - 60 -
3.24. RGB TO HSV COLOR CONVERSION BASED IMAGE PROCESSING......................................... - 62 -
3.25. IMAGE RESTORATION ................................................................................................................ - 63 -
3.26. CONTOUR BASED SEGMENTATION AND DENOISE ............................................................... - 66 -
3.27. IMAGE PROCESSING RGB HISTOGRAM ................................................................................... - 67 -
3.28. FISH RECOGNITION PROTOTYPE DESIGN ............................................................................... - 70 -
3.29. PROPOSED HYBRID FISH IMAGE DESCRIPTION ..................................................................... - 71 -
3.30. HYBRID FISH IMAGE RECOGNITION ........................................................................................ - 72 -

CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................. - 73 -

4.1. DATA SET PREPARATION ........................................................................................................... - 73 -
4.2. DATA SET PREPARATION ........................................................................................................... - 73 -
4.3. EXPERIMENTAL DEMONSTRATION ......................................................................................... - 78 -
4.4. EXPERIMENT RESULT ONE BASED ON PROTOTYPE .............................................................. - 80 -
4.5. EXPERIMENT RESULT TWO BASED ON PROTOTYPE ............................................................. - 81 -
4.6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT WITH HSV IMAGE PROCESSNG ..................................................... - 82 -
4.7. RESULT ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... - 83 -
4.8. INTERPRETATION OF FEATURE VECTOR VALUES ................................................................ - 86 -
4.9. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR ABOVE EXPERIMENTS.................................................. - 87 -
4.10. FISH CLASSIFICATION PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT...................................................... - 90 -
4.11. CONFUSION MATRIX TO EVALUATE THE PERFORMANCE................................................... - 91 -
4.12. OVER ALL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ............................................................................... - 93 -
4.13. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULT..................................................................................................... - 95 -

CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................. - 101 -

CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS .......................................... - 101 -
5.1. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. - 101 -
5.2. FUTURE WORKS ........................................................................................................................ - 104 -

REFERENCES ..................................................................................... - 106 -

APPENDICES ...................................................................................... - 113 -

APPENDIX I:SAMPLE RECOGNITION AND DETECTION ................................................................................ - 113 -
APPENDIX II:SAMPLE IMAGE ENHANCEMENT FROM BACK GROUND IMAGE ............................................... - 115 -
APPENDIX IV:CONTOUR BASED IMAGE SEGMENTATION. .......................................................................... - 117 -
APPENDIX III:SAMPLE CONTOUR BASED IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND DENOISE ......................................... - 118 -
APPENDIX IIV:NORMALIZED FISH IMAGES. .............................................................................................. - 119 -

FIGURE 2.1: STAGES IN IMAGE PROCESSING TO BE CLASSIFIED AND RECOGNIZED ................................................................... - 20 -
FIGURE 2.2: COLLECTED FISH IMAGE. ......................................................................................................................... - 21 -
FIGURE 2.3: IMAGE BACKGROUND NOISE REMOVAL FROM NILE TILAPIA FISH [25]. ................................................................ - 29 -
FIGURE 2.4: GO FISH TO IDENTIFICATION [16]. ............................................................................................................ - 30 -
FIGURE 2.5 CROSS OVER BETWEEN RELEASED EGGS [32]. ................................................................................................ - 36 -
FIGURE 3.1: THE GENERAL ARCHITECTURE OF PROPOSED SYSTEM ...................................................................................... - 40 -
FIGURE 3.2: IMAGE ENHANCEMENT (A) ORIGINAL IMAGE AND (B) PREPROCESSED IMAGE ....................................................... - 41 -
FIGURE 3.3: FISH RECOGNITION AND CLASSIFICATION MODEL. .......................................................................................... - 46 -
FIGURE 3.4: SVM METHODS TO CLASSIFY TRAINED FISH’S IMAGE [81]. .............................................................................. - 48 -
FIGURE 3.5: FISH IMAGE RECOGNITION ....................................................................................................................... - 50 -
FIGURE 3.6: FISH IMAGES PROCESSED WITH VARIOUS COLOUR PIXELS. ................................................................................ - 53 -
FIGURE 3.7: FISH IMAGE BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION .................................................................................................... - 55 -
FIGURE 3.8: FISH IMAGE CONTOUR SEGMENTATION ..................................................................................................... - 56 -
FIGURE 3.9: COLOR HISTOGRAM .............................................................................................................................. - 57 -
FIGURE 3.10: PROCESSED IMAGE WITH ENHANCEMENT. ................................................................................................. - 58 -
FIGURE 3.11: PROCESSED IMAGE RESULT WITH EDGE. .................................................................................................... - 59 -
FIGURE 3.12: GRAY IMAGE DETECTION RESULT. ............................................................................................................ - 60 -
FIGURE 3.13: COMPARISON FOR IMAGE PROCESSING AND LOOK BY DETECTION RESULT. .......................................................... - 61 -
FIGURE 3.14: RGB TO HSV COLOR BASED IMAGE PROCESSING RESULT. ............................................................................. - 63 -
FIGURE 3.15: IMAGE RESTORATION RESULT WITH INVERSE FILTER...................................................................................... - 64 -
FIGURE 3.16: IMAGE RESTORATION RESULT WITH WIENER FILTER WITH PIXEL VALUES. ............................................................ - 64 -
FIGURE 3.17: IMAGE RESTORATION RESULT WITH LUCY RICHARDSON. ............................................................................... - 65 -
FIGURE 3.18: IMAGE RESTORATION RESULT WIENER FILTER. ............................................................................................ - 66 -
FIGURE 3.19: IMAGE RESTORATION RESULT. ................................................................................................................ - 67 -
FIGURE 3.20: RGB HISTOGRAM IMAGE PROCESSING RESULT. .......................................................................................... - 69 -
FIGURE 4.1: SAMPLE FISH GRAY IMAGE FROM LOCAL (RIGHT) AND PUBLIC DATA SET (LEFT) ...................................................... - 74 -
FIGURE 4.2: SEGMENTED FISH IMAGE TO DETECT EDGE. .................................................................................................. - 75 -
FIGURE 4:3: NORMALIZED FISH IMAGE........................................................................................................................ - 77 -
FIGURE 4.4: ACCURACY OF TILAPIA IMAGE A CLASSIFICATION RESULT WITH SVM CLASSIFIER...................................................... - 80 -
FIGURE 4.5: ACCURACY OF BARB IMAGE CLASSIFICATION RESULT USING SVM CLASSIFIER. ........................................................ - 81 -
FIGURE 4.6: HSV BASED SEGMENTED FISH IMAGE. ........................................................................................................ - 82 -
FIGURE 4.7: THE SYSTEM’S RECOGNITION ACCURACY. .................................................................................................... - 83 -


TABLE 4:1:DETAIL OF FISH DATA SET USED FOR THE STUDY ................................................................................ - 74 -
TABLE 4.2: FEATURE EXTRACTION BASED ON FISH IMAGES DATASET. .................................................................. - 79 -
TABLE 4.3: CALCULATED IMAGE FEATURE EXTRACTED EXPERIMENTAL RESULT................................................... - 85 -
TABLE 4.4: ACCURACY FISH RECOGNITION WITH LINEAR KERNEL VALUE ............................................................ - 88 -
TABLE 4.5: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR CLASSIFICATION BY FISH FAMILY ................................................... - 89 -
TABLE 4.6: CONFUSION MATRIX VALUE WITH FISH IMAGE DATA SET .................................................................... - 91 -
TABLE 4.8: COMPARISON VARIOUS RESEARCHERS............................................................................................... - 94 -
TABLE 4.9: SAMPLED FISH SPECIES USING SVM. .................................................................................... - 98 -
TABLE 4.10: SAMPLED FISH SPECIES CONFUSION MATRIX................................................................... - 99 -


BS Background subtraction
CC Color correlogram
CCH conventional color histogram
EFASA Ethiopian Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Association
EM Electromagnetic
F1 F1 score
FISA Fish image segmentation algorithm
FP False positive
FN False negative
GLCM Gray level co-occurrence matrix
HOG Histogram of oriented gradients
HSV Hue Saturated Value
JPEG Joint photographic expert group
LBP Local binary patterns
MPEG Moving picture expert group
P Precision
R Recall
RGB Red green blue
ROI Region of interest
SECM Scanning electromechanical microscopy
SURF Speeded up robust features
SVM Support Vector Machine
TN True Negative
TP True Positive




Digital image recognition has been extremely found and studied.Image processing is the
technique through which images are manipulated to get clear and enhanced image so as to
simplify the task of machine learning technology during recognition and classification. Various
approaches in image processing and pattern recognition have been developed by scientists and
engineers to solve this problem [1]. Recently interspecific hybridization is a common
phenomenon in fresh water fishes species. Natural hybridization is more common in fish than in
other vertebrates, and non-native fish species have been introduced extensively worldwide. In
addition, inter specific hybrids among genetically divergent salmonid fish are often fertile, and
hybridization frequently results in creation of hybrid [2-3].

Recently, a lot of works such as image processing , feature extraction were done by depending
on the computer , in order to let the processing time to be reduced. In addition tothis, it is
possible to get fast response of replied when it has been compared and contrast with human
know how knowledge level with recent machine level knowledge one which is computer and
provide more results that are accurate as well as dependable on the variety type of data , such as
digital images, characters that we capture through those devices which is digital one that was
available on hand.

Even if this, digital devices are revolutionize technology starting from up to their mature daily
usage of devices those which are based on application due to that they enable to make breeding
industry, researchers try to identify, improve, and breed key traits to satisfy the rowing demands,
increase resistance to parasites and diseases, reduce environmental impact (less water, less
fertilizer), always striving for a more sustained agriculture. These can be satisfied if there is

precision farming. Looking at the scientific literature on precision farming, it seems that, most
efforts so far were focused on the development and deployment of sensor technologies rather
than on methods for data analysis tailored to agricultural measurements [4].

Fish phenotype as defined by shape and color-texture both give information on fish species.
Systematic description of differences in fish morphology dates back to the seminal work by
d‘Arcy Thompson [5].

Recognition and classification as a technique gained a lot of attention in the last years wherever
many scientists utilize these techniques in order to enhance the scientific fields. Fish recognition
and classification still active area in the agriculture domain and considered as a potential research
in utilizing the existing technology for encouraging and pushing the agriculture researches a
head. Advancements have been made in the areas of developing real time data collection and on
improving range resolutions [6].

Glasbey [7] demonstrate how a registration framework can be used to discriminate been the fish
species whiting and haddock. Modeling and automated registration of classes of biological
objects with respect to shape and texture is elegantly achieved by the active appearance models
[9] (AAM).

In connection with fishery, fishery biological research, and fishery independent stock assessment
there is a need for automated methods for determination of fish species in various types of
sampling systems. One technique to base such determination on is the use of automated image
analysis and classification [8].


In one of the previous scientific works we reviewed , there was an essential work that concerned
with hybridization of fish which name is go fish application when the various fish species were
released their eggs in under water. It was possibile to mix each other and provided a new species
which so called hybrid one. Standing from this concepts and theoretical frame work enforced and
interested us to do this research based on hybrid fish images.

What motived us to proceed with this work is to apply and recognize fish species individuate
which have completely different natural pattern and color by using our localize acquired fish
images from uncontrollably environment, i.e.having different lightning effects and image

Nowadays various types of fish species appear in evolution with various their own natural gift
color which is visualize by humans, but those humans do not understand what type of shape,
pattern, pixel size resolution, enhancements and border of shape that those species have.

There are various overarching issues that should be vital to fish biologists and other fisheries
professionals were also illuminated. These discussions focused on the biological importance of
hybridization and accurate identification of hybrids, resource management and conservation
concerns associated with hybrids and hybridization, and the continued legal or policy challenges
associated with hybrid fish gene flow which need more research study.


Hybrid fish species recognition based on shape and texture is the most challenging and complex
task using fish image based on the structure body parts and images feature value which are
necessary for fishery experts to do and achieved gene hybridization on scienitific work.

As far as possible there is an issues and complexity during hybrid fish species recognition,
detection to classify them on more related gene species type based on their image features.
Regarding with this those fish species images has a shape and texture on their body appearance
when their images are captured through digital devices.

Due to this reason there is no clear and exact way of method which used shape and texture based
hybrid fish species image recognition and detection. In fact upto now no any way which tried to
identify those species based on their own original images through image processing analysis
using real approach of procedure and techniques of methods.

In addition to this, the study provides to know which category those species can be categorized
especially for agricultural experts to perform a scientific work on those fish species. In this
proposed study the researcher tried to solve a complexity in species recognition which are a
challenge in agricultural work with agriculture expert that need to do a cooperate work with
computer expert.

Such a work enables to make a hybridization to get a good fish species types like nile tilapia, nile
perch, rainbow, common carp, and barbus. Based on the above problem description there is a
wide challenge and gap that still now difficult to identify and categorize the hybrid fish species
by using image‘s shape and texture of features with a known unique fish species types and
enable to category species type by name with image processing.

Recent studies the developed fish recognition systems that still have many limitations such as the
low ability in detection, recognition and classification of those inter-specific hybrid fish
species(kind) images and finally this thesis work classify and recognize them by their species
name based on similarity approach by their image‘s features was a difficult task.

Generally, it is very difficult even for people who work daily in the fishing researcher center to
recognize all hybrid fish species which exceed 2,700 species. For this reason, this study was
established to develop a computer system to identify hybrid fish species. The system aimed to
allow users to load an unknown fish picture into a shape - and texture - based fish image
recognition system (FIRS) which the system then attempts to identify and recognize to classify
them on more related fish gene type.

Fish recognition is a challenging and worthy task judging from its high demand for commercial
and agricultural purposes. Some of the challenges militating against accurate fish recognition
include distortion, noise, segmentation error, overlap and occlusion [10].

There was one previous research which has been conducted in matlab experts to predicate
heterogeneity of fish species with their released pair of eggs from one species with the
other.Those are both quietly different that has called bygofishapplication based on library which
was done by Trinh et al [16]. Accordingly ,Trinhet et al as researcher researched and tried to
explore how the fish species have done it hybridization during the fish realised eggs under water
which have been perfomed mating, but this researcher do not tries to find shape and texture
based hybrid fish species image based recognition and classification by their own images via
image processing techniques.

Recognition and classification as a technique gained a lot of attention in the last years wherever
many scientists utilize these techniques in order to enhance the scientific fields. Fish recognition
and classification still active area in the agriculture domain and considered as a potential research
in utilizing the existing technology for encouraging and pushing the agriculture researches a
head. Although advancement have been made in the areas of developing real time data collection
and on improving range resolutions [11].

In this regard, the intention on this research work used for agriculture work with a field of
aquaculture specifically within a shape and texture based on hybrid fish species recognition and
detection using image processing has proposed to solve an issues and problem. Previously there
was a great challenge in agriculture work and fields that has not been solved and desired to get
solution which has been discussed and mentioned.

To this end, the study attempts to explore and answer the following research questions:

 What are the criteria that enable to classify and categorized species based on their image
 How to classify fish species type under its own species clearly with query image and contrast
enhanced image with those features such as hsv histogram, correlogram, color moment,
wavelet moment and energy?
 How to prepare the fish image data set for image preprocessing?


It can be described both the goals and aims of the study.


 The general objective of this study is to develop detection and recognition of shape and
texture based inter-specific hybrid fish species image recognition.


 To identify each inter-specific hybrid fish species type using real approach and techniques
such as images color histogram, color masking, region of border that they have when their
images are processed.
 To recognize type of fish that based on the images feature components when it is
 To compare queries image with the contrast fish‘s images based on fish species features.
 To process the fish species images with support of green masking, red masking, and blue
masking with those natural colors.
 To clearly classify and recognize one hybrid fish whether it is hybrid species or not hybrid.
 To Identify and make similarity outlook among the fish species to recognize and classify.



In this research work the decribed problem and and issues are solved using the prepared fish data
sets.based on this prepared data set, the research work follow those techniques and method of
procedural approachs such as image preprocessing,image feature extraction,image feature
selection. According to those fish prepared fish data set the study can predict 96.7742% accuracy
rate value. In this research work there are various activities which are included as main
functional works.

In this research work we can perform feature extraction measurement through that appropriate
method of procedures included in this work are image feature extraction with histogram, color
correlogram, color wavelet, color moment, contour tracking for segmentation and edge detection.

In addition to , the above work there is also have a noise removal from fish images background,
detecting the fish edge structure from which have background image. Those methods of
procedueres attempt to solve shape and texture based interspecific hybrid fish image recognition
based on image processing by using feature extraction techniques. Based on this techniques and
procedures the system could take the fish image data from fish image database which has been
used as data set.

In this study, it is possible to use the proposed approach based on image processing techniques
such as enhacement, restoration, noise removal, image histogram processing, filtering,
background and foreground substraction, segementation, edge detection.


In this study there are lists of activities which are not included in this work which is despite the
variety of the proposed approaches and method of procedures, it is a challenging task to find a
robust and high performance method for hybrid fish species images detection and recognition
using image feature extraction. Some of the possible problem connected with the detection and
classification , recognition are listed below:-

The absence of volunteer individuals to provide fish image, using of standard fish scanning
device which name is cctv footage camera , sharing of knowledge with locked some sites to
access public fish datasets, sharing and free access of all matlab software versions and
installation due to authentication are the delimitation of this research work. However, after the
researcher is sharing of matlab software version 2015 and 2014 edition from peers and friends.
During those versions matlab installation there was an incompatibility error those are some of the
challenges in this proposed approach. Even the researcher takes another matlab 2011a version set
from peers and install on the laptop without incompatibility error and tried to do a research

Due to the above challenges that it is possible to used and share it with the other previous
researcher write it from other related literature study which have been discussed earlier as
deliminator factor. This thesis work those are not included and try to find out as issues as well as
practice to exclusive in this work.

The absence of volunteer individuals to provide fish image, lack of standard fish scanning
camera, locked some sites to access public fish datasets,matlab installation and incompatibility
error are some of the challenges in this proposed approach.

This research employs the approach of experimental research. According to [12], experimental
research is a collection of research designs which use manipulation and controlled testing to
understand entire processes of the species image-based recognition and classification system.
The main steps involved in experimental research include dataset preparation, implementation
and performance evaluation.

Methodology we defined research methodology is a collection of procedures, techniques, tools,

and documentation aids which will help the researcher to undertake and implement the research
work [83]. Specifically this study concerned to do shape and texture based hybrid fish species
identification as well as recognition and classification using image feature extraction based on
feature vector values. These feature vector values are hsv histogram, color cologram, color
moment, energy wavelet, mean amplitude, hsv based color segementation.

Those described procedures need wavelet decomposition, identification based on image‘s feature
extraction, edge detection, contour track segmentation and detection, background subtraction.Not
only this, but also the study can use those techniques of methods also are included such as
histogram based image processing, image restoration, image preprocessing with enhancement,
image features based query processing that focused on fish image data set which all are
procedural approaches to solve the problems and provide a real way of techniques and scientific
approaches to solve an issues regarding with the study.

This research work has the following methods and techniques which described under image
processing. Briefly, it is possible to have a good understanding of the problem based on different
research works which are reviewed as Journal articles, proceeding conference papers, manuals,
reports, books and the video tutorials on fish recognition domain are reviewed to achieve the
research objective and answer the research questions.

- 10 -

The data sources for this research are both primary and secondary. The primary source of this
study is individuals willing to participate in the study and directly captured fish image from
Gondar fisher product user house,central Gondar agricltural researcher center and bahir dar in
Amhara agriculitural instititute research center which is called ARIRA. The secondary sources
are public datasets[14] available on the web using this url path URL:https://www.bco.-
Those data source are used to achieve our research objective and answer research questions those
raised earlier. Thoroughly the pros and cons of different image processing techniques were
reviewed that related with fish image recognition and classification. However, the researcher was
collecting and capturing both those primary and secondary data source using techno w2 mobile
phone hand held device. So that each of the fish image is storing from mobile to laptop as stored
digital image which are need to be processed.
The images used for this classification system are prepared using a mobile camera due to the
absence of standard fish scanning device. It was possible to gathered and collected around 250
local trained fish data set with a 242 local tested fish data set which are the primary data those
are prepared by ourselves using smart techno mobile camera that the data gathered from
agricultural sectors which have fish type images. Those local data are gathered in Gondar city in
fish product user house,fisherman,and in Bahir dar city with Amhara agricultural research center
whose name is Arira which are ongoing trail to conduct a research on aquatic and fishing field
Correspondingly there should be using international data set those used within the same number
of fish images which have been taken previous from secondary data sources which are public
datasets prepared by standard and special purpose cameras designed for the purpose of fish
classification and recognition which were taken from Aquario2840i dataset that has been
taken.We collected and gathered those public dataset with different smart phones with a good
camera resolution to capture a fish images within it, and have a good positions of axis location,

- 11 -
at different places and different days. The fish data sets have a standard based international level
data set which is used by various researchers based on scientific method which is found in this
url path URL: which must include
under Aquario2840i based on SECM fish data set.

As summery, sample data were collected using techno w2 phone, laptop, desktop viewpoints
with 250 train fish local image data set with 242 local test data set of hybrid fish species type
which are collected from fisherman, from agriculture researcher, and from others agriculturalist
which are working in research center of agricultural aquatic living things research institute office
in central Gondar agriculture research institutes. This was captured using mobile and laptop
cameras which are performed as microscope. Those captured images have an image resultion
with the 1024 pixels × 603 pixels in joint photograph expert group (JPEG) format. In addition to
this, various images were collected from standard image database that provides real images
tailoring for the research purpose.

- 12 -

We follow the standard image processing approaches to process image acquisition, preprocessed,
segmentation, feature extraction and matching to provide decision. Our main work is focused on
to apply improved feature extraction , edge detection , contour track segmentation and detection ,
background image subtraction , histogram based image processing , image restoration , image
preprocessing with enhancement which all are procedural approaches are nesssary to solve the

Those techniques are effective in identifying true and false edges and wavelet based multi-
resolution feature extraction technique as it is easy to implement and reduces the computation
time and resources required [13].

We use the similarity look approach and a method for template matching to compare the
extractor binary representation of templates. The sample fish image taken was processed using a
personal computer with a specification of Intel 64 CPU of 2400MHz processor speed and
1,120MB (RAM), 500 GB hard disk capacity with Microsoft window 10x64 based pc system

Matlab software version R2011a computing environment has been used for
implementation.Matlabhave a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrated
computation,visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and
solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation[14].

It is also useful for presentiment the research demonstration and makes it easier to adjust
parameters,visualize your programs with this study[10]. Generally based on those tools, it could
be possible to implement the prototype of the system, E-draw max was used for designing the
system architecture and various diagrams, microsoft word 2007 to write documentation.

- 13 -
As summery, materials that used to support the research work are laptop, desktop, exercise
books, phones, documents both hardcopy and softcopy. So that the proposed system was
appropriate computer based experts to identified, recognized and classified the exact hybrid fish
image within a fishery field of work. These systems and study are designed to imitate the human
capabilities of understand and sensing to take fish images feature and images with rule based
algorithms and using mat lab as front end devices and fish image database as backend devices.
Identification, detection recognition and tried to categorized by name which are used in a hybrid
fish‘s image recognition using image‘s feature was based on their various characteristics
(features, attributes of an original image).


For the purpose of evaluated the proposed system or study in a fair and logical manner, sample
data which are collected from different sources were feed into the developed prototype.
Accordingly, the study system was evaluated by comparing its output against the manual
observed phenomena using sensitivity and specificity measures the evaluated performance
measure accuracy ,demonstrate the confusion matrix value depending on comparison and
contrast with other algorithm those were frequently used by previous researcher works.

- 14 -
The outcome of the research brings a good opportunity and signifiance by simplifying the
challenge behind shape and texture based hybrid fish species detection and recognition process
as described below. This research provides the following advantages:-

 It saves both time and effort of agricultural experts to decide the type and kind of hybrid fish
by fastening and determining the right category.
 It brings better measurement of fish kind inside the body of hybrid image features contain as
proper recognition and classification system.
 It enables fisher man or agricultural analysts from false positive due to overload, confusion
and high concentration of long time manual observation; It might also save their vision rate
due to the refraction behavior of manual system which is based on paper what the expert
know and understand it.
 This thesis provide the human fishery experts and agricultural fields an advice to pass a
decision that enable them to category and recognize those unknown hereditary mixed inter-
specific gene fish species kind based on their images features. Finally, what a researcher
tried to address the issues as expert support by compare and contrast these interspecific fish
hybrid species image‘s features value. Based on this value the system enabling to categorize
into one which enable to pass decision by telling the greater contrast and compare the hybrid
fish image‘s features in a number calculated value, size, then after at the end it can say this
is from this fish species kind and species type.

- 15 -
Structure of thesis organization which has been described and explained below with those

Chapter One describes background study, statement of the problem,expainmotivation,mention

both general and specific objectiveness,significance,the methodology used to accomplish of the
study,scope and limitation of the study, data set preparation,approaches and tools to experiment.

Chapter Two provides extensive literature reading which are related to this study as an initial
idea to conduct study in addition to this finally it can explain literature survey that used as
similar works and explains standard image processing techniques and method of approaches.

Chapter Three describes the proposed approaches methods and procedural methodology for
image processing techniques,process,data collection methods how to use those data as an input.
Finally delivering the outcome of those processes which has been achieved based on the image
processing procedures. As the result, the execution of this study work describes the proposed
architecture and integrated techniques algorithmically and the design decisions made in the
research work by researcher.

Chapter Four experiment and resultsexplains the way how to design a new research model
based on user prototypes and frame work,discuss the experiment work and enable to provide
findingsand result based on performance evalution.In addition to this,those experimental results
determinesthe data take to conduct this research,which shows the final achievement with
accuracy and precision values. In this chapter we can evaluate the study effectiveness as well as
effort based scientific procedures and provide a response which has been initiated.

Chapter Five describes the conclusion for the conducted research based on science by taking
different measurement parameters, overall summery what has been done on the study, in addition
to this the researcher tries to show the future work which has not been not solved in this
study,but it included under future works as recommended to do.

- 16 -



A literature review is a body of text that aims to revise the critical points of current knowledge
including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a
particular topic [15].

According to this proposed study other researchers nowaday presents a multistage fish
classification system using biological measurement methods based on morphometry.There are
some other methods using various features performed in order to classify fishes. Mizuno et al.
[61] presented a new observation method for fish classification using high resolution acoustic
video camera and they used normalized cross correlation for classification of four fish species.
Huang et al. [19] presented a novel balance-enforced optimized tree with reject option for live
fish recognition. The purposed system recognizes the top 15 common species of fish and detects
new species in an unrestricted natural environment recorded by underwater.

Here we try to review some previous works on of fish recognition using different algorithms and
reviewing related works on species related recognition with different fish data set quality and
size as it will be more helpful and important to understand the fish identification i.e. the color
and structural difference of fish structure and shape that leads to be researched and to be more
area of focus for this work.

- 17 -

Image analysis methods extract information from an image by using automatic or semiautomatic
techniques termed: scene analysis, image description, image understanding, pattern recognition,
computer/machine vision etc. Image analysis differs from other types of image processing
methods, such as enhancement or restoration in that the final result of image analysis procedures
is a numerical output rather than a picture [54].


Image processing is the technique through which images are manipulated to get clear and
enhanced image so as to simplify the task of machine learning technology during recognition and
classification[33] which an image is nothing more than a two-dimensional signal. It is defined by
the mathematical function f (x, y) where x and y are the two co-ordinates horizontally and
vertically. The value of f (x, y) at any point gives the pixel value at that point of an image [34].
Image processing improves the visual appearance of images and simplifies the extraction of
useful information for further image analysis [35].

Any hybrid fish image recognition system has different stages such as; image acquisition, image
preprocessing,localization,normalization,feature extraction and matching. Image processing
starts by image acquisition using fish image scanning sensors. In preprocessing stage, the raw
image noise and distortion is reduced to refine the image and simplify for the next stage of
processing barriers.

After preprocess, objects of interest within the image are segmented. And then extraction of a set
of representative features should be done. Finally, based on the extracted image features decision
that has been made and each segmented object are compared to show decision based on a
predefined criterion[36]. The basic illustration of the process is shown as in Figure 2.2 in below.

It is customary to correct unwanted signals like noise due to lighting variability. Therefore, it
was necessary to have image preprocessing including conversion of RGB images into intensity
images for morphological features extraction, resizing to a fixed resolution (384×576) to reduce
- 18 -
the storage capacity and the computational burden and enhancement of images by contrast
adjustment techniques in this study.

Mushfieldt et al. study the foundations for an interactive system at an aquarium that can
recognize various fish species and display instant information to users [39]. They propose a
preprocessing procedure to first segment the fish. A support vector machine (SVM) enable used
to recognize 20 fish species based on shape and color information. Image preprocessing
technique is the preliminary steps for enhancing the quality of raw image [38]. Here in our case,
the preprocessing of fish image is essential for getting the required and Pornpanomchai et al.
report on a computer system they developed that is capable of recognizing some fish images;
their system is called FIRS [38].

Feature points since target fish images used in our research are primarily pictures taken in natural
conditions, the boundaries between the fish region and background is unclear, and it is difficult
to automatically extract the fish region. Our proposed method adopts a feature points-based
approach consisting of the following four points: mouth P1; dorsal fin P2; caudal fin P3; and anal
fin P4. Note that these points are manually provided by the user and are designed as
characteristic locations to avoid incorrect input by users.

- 19 -
Figure 2.1: Stages in image processing to be classified and recognized

Based on the above designed picture in Figure 2.1 it is possible to preprocess the fish
images using those techniques such as segmentation, detection, noise removal, localization.
With those preprocess it is possible to normalized the processed fish images and
perforemed feature extraction and matching to recognize and identify those fish types.
Finally the recognition and classification gets the key decision based on those procedures
using fish image shape and texture.

- 20 -

Before any video or image processing can commence an image must be captured by a camera
and converted into a manageable entity. This is the process known as image acquisition. The
image acquisition process consists of three steps; energy reflected from the object of interest, an
optical system which focuses the energy and finally a sensor which measures the amount of
energy. In fig. 2.2 The three steps are shown for the case of an ordinary camera with the sun as
the energy source. In this section each of these three steps are described in more detail [37].


Image acquisition is process with the sun as light source, a fish as object and a digital camera to
capture the image. In this work there is a mixed of nile tilapia which has red and white tilapia
fish image‘s color which has been presented and captured through this mobile hand held phone
device which is taking the pictures via a variety of illumination situation.

Consequently in this fish image acquisition process there are various image illumentaion we
captured hybrid fish species image which are expressed as: AXA, RXR, BXB and AXR, RXB,
AXB. Those letters A, R, and B shows how to the fish cross over hybrid fish species are appear
as reality.The letters A,R,B are decribed as well as mentioned under this figure 2.2 below fish
image picture which showed how interbreed happen.

Figure 2.2: collected fish image.

- 21 -

Color images increase the complexity of a process, so we want to apply an image preprocessing
tool using gray level images, as opposed to color, not because of the format of gray level images,
but because the inherent complexity of gray level images is lower than that of color images [43].

A color model is a method for specifying colors in some standard way. It generally consists of a
3D coordinate system and a subspace of that system in which each color is represented by a
single point. Each color is represented as 3 values R, G and B, indicating the amounts of red,
green and blue which make up the color. In gray scale each pixel is represented in the range of 0
(black) to 255 (white). This indicates that each pixel can be represented by eight bits, or exactly
one byte. There are different methods such as lightness, average and luminosity, supposed by
experts and researchers in the area of digital image processing [44].


It is a process of converting either a color image or a grayscale image in to a bi-level image

through which each pixel is categorized either as a foreground or a background pixel. The
binarization is usually performed either globally or locally. The global binarization methods use
one pre-calculated threshold value to distinguish image pixels into object and background
classes. Whereas the local binarization schemes may have many different adapted threshold
values selected according to the local area information. Hybrid methods use both global and
local information to decide the pixel label. In binarization, each pixel is converted into one bit
having 1 or 0 value depending upon the mean of all adjacent pixels for edge detection that finally
helps to easy segmentation of images [45] [46]. Thresholding is an indispensable step in
extracting pertinent information. A gray-scale image often contains only two level of significant
information: the foreground level constituting objects of interest and the background level
against which the foreground is discriminated [40]. Thresholding can be performed by using the
graythresh() and the im2bw()Mat lab function.

- 22 -

Enhancement by point processing that has simple intensity transformation, histogram processing,
spatial filtering, smoothing filters, sharpening filters, enhancement in the frequency domain,
pseudo-color image processing. The principal objective of image enhancement is to process a
given image so that the result is more suitable than the original image for a specific
application[47]. It accentuates or sharpens image features such as edges, boundaries, or contrast
to make a graphic display more helpful for display and analysis. The enhancement doesn't
increase the inherent information content of the data, but it also increases the dynamic range of
the chosen features so that they can be detected easily. Image enhancement raw images are not
suitable for recognition task and therefore needs to enhance quality. Image enhancement
operations typically return a modified version of the original image and are frequently used as a
preprocessing step to improve the results of image analysis techniques. One of the common
techniques for image enhancement is applying histogram equalization [47].


Edges define the boundaries between regions in an image, which helps with segmentation and
pattern recognition. Edge detection is the basic operation and fundamental tool in image
processing, machine learning and computer vision [48]. In the areas of feature detection and
feature extraction, this aims to identify points in a digital image at which the image brightness
changes sharply with discontinuities and has wide application in image processing research area.
Many edge detection algorithms have been studied such as Robert detector, Prewitt detector,
sobel and canny edge detector but due to its good performance Canny algorithm has been widely
used in the field of image processing [49].

- 23 -

One of the factors affecting digital image quality is image noise, which, if present in any
significant quantity, can noticeably degrade image quality [40]. The quality of digital images is
affected by many factors, including the conditions under which the image was captured, the
resolution of the optics used to capture the image and other physical characteristics of the image
capture system. Digital images may be affected by different types of noises. The most common
types of noises are gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise and speckle noise, salt and pepper noise
is caused by sharp, sudden disturbances in the image signal, it is randomly scattered white or
black (or both) pixels. It can be modeled by random values added to an image and gaussian noise
is an idealized form of white noise, which is caused by random fluctuations in the signal during
the image acquisition stage, whereas the speckle noise is a major problem in some radar
applications. It can be modeled by random values multiplied by pixel values. Noise
elimination/reduction process is called smoothing. In this proposed method , gaussian filter was
integrated as the first step of image smoothing in the canny edge detection algorithm [50].


In image processing, segmentation refers to the process of partitioning a digital image into
multiple segments (sets of pixels). The goal of segmentation is to simplify and/or change the
representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze. It is
typically used to locate objects and boundaries (circles, lines, curves) in images. More precisely,
image segmentation is the process of assigning a label to every pixel in an image such that pixels
with the same label share certain visual characteristics [51].

The result of image segmentation is a set of segments that collectively cover the entire image, or
a set of contours extracted from the image [51]. Each of the pixels in a region is similar with
respect to some characteristic of the computed property, such as color, intensity, or texture. In
fish recognition, image localization is basically used to separate the hybrid fish recognition and
classification based on boundary selection from the other section of the fish image.

- 24 -
Segmentation is one of the deepest problems in pattern recognition. The method involves
analysis of each picture to find the contours of the pattern. Dividing the fish into a certain
number of segments, measurements and characteristics (size, shape, colour, geometrical
parameter), and analyze the colour in each segment. The purpose of segmentation is identifying
the objects to be recognized into the raw data and storing them into database [54].


Normalization is the process which changes fish image to the standard rectangular strips using
the radial method. In this method all the pixels collected from the fish image portion and
converted into the rectangular form. The process will produce the fish regions, which has the
same dimensionality of the captured image of fish under the different lighting effect [54].

It is also used to reduce the segmented fish images to a regularized size for proper extraction of
featuresof fish images. Fish matching results can be influenced by these aspects. So, in order to
get accurate results, it is necessary to eliminate those factors. Therefore, once fish image is
located, it is needed to adjust each fish image to similar dimension though normalization. There
are many methods of normalization employed by researchers. These methods include: Few fish
were developed without normalization of segmented fish image. Because of the complexity
involved in other normalization methods, most of the systems developed so far use for
normalization method.

The aim of the registration step is to ensure that similar fish who differ in terms of pose appear
the same to the feature extraction methods to be applied to them. The process described below
attempts to convert the raw segmented fish images to images resampled to a standardised size
where the fish are orientated horizontally, facing the left, and thecorrect way up [59].

- 25 -

First of all we defined the size of K clusters. Based on the features extracted from the images
themselves,K-means allocates those into the nearest cluster. The algorithm calculates and
allocates until there is little variation in the movement of feature points in each cluster [62].
There are four modules in the main system architecture they are:- feature extraction
module,neighborhood concept module,activates/steps/tasks for image processing,color based
image preprocessing,feature extraction,classification or recognition

The choice of appropriate image features is one of the key issues in querying image databases by
similarity. Features extraction that captures visual content of images for the purpose of image
indexing and retrieval can be implemented by using global or local features. The global features
should be calculated over the entire image.

The advantage of global extraction is its high speed for both process of extracting features and
computing similarity. However, these global features cannot handle parts of the image that may
have various characteristics. Therefore, local features extraction of an image is necessary [63].

The main reason the necessity of local freature extraction was its particular parts selection of
image features which demand to be extracted.

- 26 -

The main objective of image restoration is to recover the original image from a degraded image
which is blurred by a degradation function, commonly by a Point Spread Function (PSF). Image
Restoration Techniques are divided into two categories on the basis of knowledge about Point
Spread Function (PSF) [78]:

1) Blind Image Restoration: This Technique allows the reconstruction of original images from
degraded images even when we have very little or no knowledge about PSF. Blind Image
Deconvolution (BID) is an algorithm of this type [78].

2) Non-Blind Restoration: This Technique helps in the reconstruction of original images from
degraded images when we know that how image was degraded i.e. we have a knowledge about
PSF. Deconvolution using Lucy Richardson Algorithm (DLR), Deconvolution using Weiner
Filter (DWF), Deconvolution using Regularized Filter (DRF) are Non Blind Algorithms [78].


The identification of fish species is not easy, even for humans. Nery et al. [17] reported that
fishes have, at least, 47 differing characteristics that can be used in this process. Using a
Bayesian classifier and attribute vectors encoding these 47 characteristics, they reached an
accuracy rate around 90 % for an identification task involving 6 different fish species.
Rova et al. [18] and Huang et al. [19] also reported accuracy rates around 90%, but in
experiments using 2 and 10 species, respectively. Rova used support vector machines on texture
and shape attributes and Huang proposed a hierarchical classifier working on 66 different
attributes based on color, shape and texture.
Rodrigues [21] combined Principal Component Analysis with SIFT features to shape appearance
and movement styles of species. As for machine learning, they experimented with algorithms
based on artificial immune systems, reaching an accuracy of 92% with 9 species of fish. They

- 27 -
used geometrical parameters and neural networks to select the most discriminative extractors and
decision trees for supervised learning.
Iscimen et al. [84] used centroid-contour distance method in order to classify fish species with
two dorsal fins. These distances were used as features and Nearest Neighbor algorithm was used
for classification. In this situation 15 species were classified with 95% general accuracy
achievement. Hu et al. [24] explained how those images analyzed were obtained through mobile
devices in a fish farm in China, and subsequently, texture and color information were extracted
from the images by a workstation.

Previously there were various literature which have many achievements and accomplishment of
excellent research study those that are focused on nature and surrounding environments. The
nature contained diversity of life living things like animals; aquatic life‘s which is vertebrate.

Automated recognition and classification of fish,other organisms are beneficial to efforts of

counting fish for population assessments, for describing associations between fish as well as
habitats, or monitoring ecosystems.

In this work, it has been summarized current efforts to automate the process of fish detection and
recognition from an image or still camera source using computer image feature extraction
algorithms,edge detection ,segmentation. In order to recognize a fish from image source, there
are two steps involved. First the fish detection process, in which the fish has been detected and
separated from background. The detected fish image from previous stage is then passed to a
recognition algorithm to identify the species of the fish which has been described in Fig 2.3. The
latter is known as the recognition or identification stage [25].

So that stand from this articles idea and concepts, theoretical beliefs and ideology which has a
related work which can take removal the fish species images from the background image. if
there is a background noise in the fish image based on image color enhancement.

- 28 -
Figure 2.3: Image background noise removal from Nile tilapia fish [25].

Various image processing and pattern recognition has been developed by the scientist[26]. So no
more expert systems have also wide application in agriculture sector which include the area of
fishery. Fish expert system provides support for agricultural extension agents to identify the
species of fish easily as well as the system also allows the experts to decide which type of which
features it has [26]. Stand from the above expression it is possible to deducted and summarized
the point of views and cited ideas which is related what it has been done and tries to identify the
species of fish easily as well as the study also allows to advice and enable to know, predicate
what type of inter-specific hybrid fish species we may have in breeding if there is a two various
fish species presence to see at the same time.

In such a case, there is situation to happen that mix of both various fish type when they released
eggs within the two fish species kind, gene type heredity when they releases to mate and provide
inter-specific hybrid fish species which is difficult to identify. Recogntion and categorization one
specie into one species via a contact of human pair of fish which has based on vision, but is
going to address to clearly and exactly to classify in one based on the idea as well as the concepts
of compare and contrast techniques that both fish kind images feature that they catch as well as
contained in it.

- 29 -
Figure 2.4: Go fish to identification [16].

An interesting things that to do and achieve this work has start from researcher internal felling
and assessments of some previous literature article work such as fish heterogeneity identification
and recognition during mating when they released their eggs in underwater. Using the above
application which is called go fish application to exactly identify what type of situation and
actions performed during reproduction process.

Where as in this Msc project research, numbers of properties were explored to represent fish
images and feature selection procedures were applied in order to achieve a good classification
results. The data used in this project was a set of fish tracking video, which consisted of the
movements of 4 fish species. Other than the tracking image, the coordinates of detected fish and
binary masks of detected fish were also provided. Ground truth information of fish species was
manually labeled [27].

After adjusting all fish into the common orientation, different feature properties were generated.
Color features were extracted using histograms which represented the general color information
of fish. Texture features were co-occurrence matrices of each two different color channels. Shape
features were extracted using fourier boundary descriptors and complex moments. Altogether, a
total of 6 features were extracted for each fish image such as hsv histogram, auto colorrologram,
moments, wavelet, energy and mean amplitude.

- 30 -

In this section there were a more related works which were demanding to be reviewed and tried
to observe a research project which is more similar with this study is discussing under both shape
and texture features were used. The classifications of fish species were derived from an active
appearance model [66].

The research in this project was conducted on the fish species classification. According to
Charles and Itsuo, et al [66] applied an active appearance model (AAM) with principla
component analysis (PCA) on a smart phone to identify fish species. The system was tested on
15 fish species—Chromis atripectoralis, Premnasbiaculeatus, Pseudanthias bicolor, Amphiprion
clarkii, Pomacentrus coelestis, Chrysiptera cyanea, Zebrasoma flavescens, Amphiprion frenatus,
Sphaeramia nematoptera, Amphiprion perideraion, Amphiprion sandaracinos, Gnathanodon
speciosus, Pseudanthias squamipinnis, Microcanthinae strigatus and Abudefduf vaigiensis. The
precision of the system was 94%.

Chomtip et al. there was it is very difficult even for people who work daily in the fishing
industry to recognize all Thai fish species, which exceed 2,700 species [67] was then applied to
these two features sets which were then weighted by their variances.

Predictions were made by comparing principal component scores with a pair wise fisher
discriminate analysis [68]. Selecting suitable variables is a critical step for a successful
implementation of image classification. Many potential variables may be used in image
classification such as shapes and texture and it can be done by the feature extraction process. The
purpose of feature extraction is to determine the most relevant and the least amount of data
representation of the image characteristics in order to minimize the within-class pattern
variability, whilst, enhancing the between-class pattern variability. There are two categories of
features: Statistic features and structural features. Feature extraction from an image is a major
process in image analysis. An image feature is an attribute of an image. Image features can be
classified into two types: natural and artificial ones. The natural features are defined by the visual

- 31 -
appearance of an image such as luminance of a region [69] where as artificial features which are
created by humans that concerned and concentrated with image.

The landmarks used in active appearance model were manually annotated, which included fish
eye, spine and general boundary. By training on these annotated fish images, active appearance
model would be enabling to locate landmarks automatically for new fish.

The detected fish from previous stage is then passed to a recognition algorithm to identify the
species of the inter-specific hybrid fish species types. The latter is known as the recognition or
identification stage. In addition to this, recognition and classification of fish and other organisms
is beneficial to efforts of counting fish for population assessments, for describing associations
between fish and habitats, or monitoring ecosystems.

While capturing images for freely-swimming fish, there is a high uncertainty in many of the data
due to low image quality, non-lateral fish views or curved body shapes. This seriously degrades
the recognition performance since some critical information may be lost. Even without
uncertainty, fish share a strong visual correlation among species. One strategy to handle this fact
is partial classification, i.e., allowing in decision made by the classifier in certain regions in the
data space [71].

Large values of these parameters increase the capability of algorithm in global search, while
small values improve the local search ability of the algorithm. In this paper, we empirically study
the performance of the Artificial fish Swarm Algorithm(AFSA) and different approaches to
balance between local and global exploration have been tested based on the adaptive
modification of visual and step during algorithm execution. The proposed approaches have been
evaluated based on the four well-known benchmark functions. Experimental results show
considerable positive impact on the performance of AFSA [72].

Therefore, for fish not sorted to species, a method capable to determine the fish species is a
necessity. Because the same fish fed into the system may produce different numbers, a solution
should be robust enough to tackle this problem. Strachan et al[73] during 1990 describe various

- 32 -
methods used to determine species. Shape analysis appears to be the most promising one,
classifying a correct fraction of 90% of the fish seems possible. However, building a database
with shape descriptors is a complex job, while matching an observed pattern with all those
present in the database takes up a lot of computing time[73].

Now a day the oceans aquarium is a popular tourist attraction. It hosts many visitors annually
and displays a large number of fish in its high-quality exhibits. Although these exhibits are
interesting, information about a particular fish species can only be obtained either by asking an
expert, or by scanning through the documentation in the aquarium. Thus, information may not be
readily available at times. Therefore, the educational experience is not as interactive as it could
be [74].

It is desirable to create a system that allows the user to interactively select a fish on display. The
selected fish is segmented within the image and then recognized. Information about the
recognized fish is then sent back to the user. One implementation of such a system could be a
phone based application that allows the user to take a picture of a fish [74]. The user taps on the
panel to select a desired fish. The location of the tap and fish‘s image are combined to segment
and classify the fish. The result is displayed to the user on the panel. The current research lays
the foundation for such a novel system by focusing on segmenting a selected fish from an image
and recognizing it. This work has premises that this section describes the assumptions that were
made with regards to the problem.

1. The fish being recognized will assume an approximately horizontal orientation. As a fish
swims it regularly changes direction. Depending on its direction, it can assume numerous
orientations with respect to the camera, all of which appear as different shapes. This
research only considers orientations of fish that are approximately horizontal.
2. The fish being recognized is assumed not to overlap with other fish. The overlapping of
fish may be taken as one larger fish that is a combination of both, which will assume a
different shape and colour distribution. This is not considered in this research.

- 33 -

In this section, we briefly summarize research related to our work which related with a research,
all of which is further described below. Storbeck and Daan propose an image based fish species
recognition method [73]. Their vision system measures a number of fish features, as seen by a
camera perpendicular to a conveyor belt. The specific features here are the widths and heights at
various locations along the fish, which are then used as input values to a neural network. The
number of species considered here is only six.

Chambah et al. propose an automatic color equalization model based on a color correction
method [52]; they apply their method to an underwater fish image to segment fish regions. Their
project focuses on developing an information system for aquariums. They calculate various
features, including geometric, color, texture, and motion features.

A feature reduction process is also applied to eliminate useless or redundant features. Further, a
quadratic Bayes classifier is used to classify selected fish into one of the learned species. In their
experiments, they collected 12 fish species and 1,346 samples.

Alsmadi et al. propose a system for recognizing isolated patterns of fish [21]. In their method, the
given input fish image is first cropped to remove the ventral part of the pattern of interest, and
then, a color histogram is calculated. From this histogram, three features (i.e., standard deviation,
homogeneity, and energy) are extracted from the gray-level co- occurrence matrix (GLCM);
further, two features of median and variance values are directly calculated. The multilayer feed
forward neural network model with a back-propagation classifier is then employed for the
classification task. The number of species in their research is 20.

Huang et al. propose a hierarchical classification method for live fish recognition in an
unrestricted natural environment recorded by underwater cameras [19]. In this method, the
Grabcut algorithm is first employed to segment fish from the background. Next, their method
extracts 66 features, which consist of a combination of color, shape, and texture features from
different parts of the fish. Their method also reduces the number of feature dimensions via forward

- 34 -
sequential feature selection. The number of species in their research is ten, with 3,179 fish images.

Mushfieldt et al. study the foundations for an interactive sys- tem at an aquarium that can
recognize various fish species and display instant information to users [39]. They propose a
preprocessing procedure to first segment the fish. A support vector machine (SVM) is used to
recognize 20 fish species based on shape and color information.

Pornpanomchai et al. report on a computer system they developed that is capable of recognizing
some fish images; their system is called FIRS [38]. In their research, each fish image is taken
against a white plastic plate with fluorescent bulbs below. Next, a thresholding method is applied
to extract the fish region. Eight features are defined, and an artificial neural network is used for the
recognition process. They conducted their research on 30 fish species.

Spampinato et al. present a large dataset for the fine-grained recognition problem of identifying
fish species from images and videos [79]. Selecting suitable variables is a critical step for a
successful implementation of image classification. Many potential variables may be used in
image classification such as shapes and texture and it can be done by the feature extraction
process. The purpose of feature extraction is to determine the most relevant and the least amount
of data representation of the image characteristics in order to minimize the within-class pattern
variability, whilst, enhancing the between-class pattern variability. There are two categories of
features: Statistic features and structural features. Feature extraction from an image is a major
process in image analysis. An image feature is an attribute of an image. Image features can be
classified into two types: natural and artificial ones. The natural features are defined by the visual
appearance of an image such as luminance of a region [69].

The ability and propensity of taxonomically distinct fishes to interbreed and produce viable
hybrid offspring are now firmly established by researcher Schwartz et al. [32] reported that
complied of a total of 3,759 references. Based on this researcher fish are done a cross over
determination with parents based on their realsed eggs are simulated as follows in this figure 2.5.

- 35 -
Figure 2.5 cross over between released eggs [32].

On the above figure 2.5 showed how to do a croass over between the fish species which are
performing interbreed between similar gene type and the have different species types. Those
previous researcher tried to do recognition of fish which is the process of identifying fish species
based on the targets of similarity fish images of representative specimens (testing sets of images
of know species). Following is a brief description of PCA (principal component analysis) and
SIFT (shift invariant feature transform) algorithms used for the recognition process [17]. The
identification of fish species is not easy, even for humans. Nery et al. [17] reported that fishes
have, at least, 47 differing characteristics that can be used in this process. Using a Bayesian
classifier and attribute vectors encoding these 47 characteristics, they reached an accuracy rate
around 90 % for an identification task involving 6 different fish species.

- 36 -




In the proposed approach shape and texture based inter-specific hybrid fish species recognition
and classification demonstrated on the five species families based on 6,874 international trained
and 6,552 international test set fish image data which are public data. In our study the collected
250 local trained data set with 242 local data test set which are used as research primary data.

According to collected and prepared fish image data set the researcher doing various image
processing approaches and procedures. Those approaches are our methods to solve the problem.

The approach that manipulated in this work is image preprocessing, feature extraction,
segementation, smoothing is the main part of this thesis work. In fact, those approaches this work
tried to bring a real recongtion and classification.

The identification of fish species is not easy, even for humans. Nery et al. [17] reported that
fishes have, at least, 47 differing characteristics that can be used in this process. Using a support
vector classifier and attribute vectors encoding these 47 characteristics, they reached an accuracy
rate around 90% for an identification task involving 6 different fish species.

Rova et al. [18] and Huang et al. [9] also reported accuracy rates around 90%, but in experiments
using 2 and 10 species, respectively. Rova used support vector machines on texture and shape
attributes and Huang proposed a hierarchical classifier working on 66 different attributes based
on color, shape and texture.

- 37 -

Research methodology is the way in which research problems are solved systematically [80]. It
is a science of studying how research is conducted scientifically. Under it, the researcher
acquaints himself or herself with the various steps generally adopted to study a research
problem, along with the underlying logic behind them. Hence, it is not only important for the
researcher to know the research techniques/ methods, but also the need to know about scientific
approach called methodology [80].

This section introduced method of techniques and how to follow approaches to solve the problem
within a proposed study based on quantitative ways are described. It also involves in the
measurement of quantity or amount. Those fish species images have quantity and numerical
values which are supported the research work to conduct an experiment and demonstration.

Thus methodology is usually and sometimes depending on techniques, data collection, research
design, designed research models, process, step by step procedures and algorithms. The
researcher defined methodology is the process that how to organize the research work and what
type of algorithms apply to solve the stated problem. Methodology also describes the research
design and its methodological process to design a new research model which is an artifact that
coming with truth fish recognition and classification results.

Based on the prepared fish species image data set the researcher tried to do proposed research
design which is decribed as follow. In this study our research design architecture take those input
fish images based on the fish image feature which are used to identify and detect the species
when we preprocess the single interspecific hybrid fish species image.

- 38 -

In this section, the proposed system architecture for shape and texture based inter speific hybrid
fish species recognition and classification system is illustrated in figure 3.1. The general concept
framework for any image recognition using algorithm is nearly the same.The main reason for
this is framework is an abstract how to do and coming to genenerliaztion one in one proposed

However, shape and texture based inter speific hybrid fish species recognition and classification
system acquiring digital input fish images done first. In order to remove noises that occur during
the image acquisition step, then after researcher have applied an image processing techniques
like smoothing, enhancement and segmentation.

Then, features that are best suited to represent the image are extracted from the image using an
image analysis technique. The system architecture consists of five major components namely;
image preprocessing, image segmentation, feature extraction, feature selection and classification.
The preprocessing component does the job of removing noise and suppression false regions. The
output of the preprocessing component is fed into segmentation component. The segmentation
component is responsible for isolating foreground object from background in order to the fish
edges are retained in the fish species image. The third component, feature extraction is, therefore,
a type of dimensionality reduction that efficiently represents interesting parts of an image as a
compact feature vector. Before the feature extraction task is done, the features of the object need
to be first detected. And the feature extraction is for feature matching. The fourth component,
feature selection needs to be performed in order to select the optimal subset of features from each
region of interset. The fifth component, classification is grouping of the region of interest as
masses or non-masses through machine learning approaches. Finally, appropriate machine
learning pattern identifier is selected to classify a digital fish image into its class. After image
enhancement, region of interest should be detected. Feature extraction and selection are the steps.
Finally those steps are used for supervised fish image classification algorithm with SVM based
on selected features that provides detection of the fish.

- 39 -
Figure 3.1: The general architecture of proposed system

- 40 -

The aim of preprocessing in the proposed architecture is to improve the quality of digital fish
images by suppressing unnecessary parts or by enhancing major image features that are
important for further processes. Major image features such as fish fin, tail, head, mouth, eye parts
and other all parts of fish image component. Preprocessing used to analysis of image-to-image
transformation that is used for image enhancement - to selectively increase contrasts, for image
restoration - to correct for geometrical distortions and non-uniform lighting in the image
acquisition and for feature extraction. Median filter is a nonlinear filter used to suppress noisy
images and improve the contrast of the image. The processed fish image is inputted to ROI
detection module in order to extract one or more ROIs from background image. These ROIs are
regions which likely contain a massive scratch. Each detected ROIs is then labeled at true
positive ROI (TP ROI) or false positive ROI (FP ROI).

Figure 3.2: Image enhancement (A) original image and (B) preprocessed image

- 41 -

Segmentation is the division of the input image into non-overlapping regions. Typically, it
corresponds to the extraction of fish parts from the background image. The segmentation can be
done in order to find locations of suspicious areas to assist agriculturalist for recognition or to
classify the fish as hybrid species by name whether it is tilapia or perch, rainbow, and barb
species of fish. Segmentation used to separate the suspicious regions that may contain masses
from the background fish image, i.e., to partition the fish component parts into several none
overlapping regions, then extract regions of interests (ROIs), and locate the suspicious mass
candidates from ROIs.

The suspicious area is an area that is brighter than its surroundings, has almost uniform density,
has a regular shape with varying size, and has fuzzy boundaries. In this research global
thresholding technique is used based on the global information, such as the histogram. Since the
masses are brighter than the surrounding body of fish, the segmentation with throushold value
used for specific location of each fish body part and structural values. The regions with noise
impose the extra peaks on histogram while an enhanced region has only a single peak. After
noise suppression and artifact suppression, image segmentation identifies suspicious areas
(ROIs) in the fish image. Segmentation used to obtain ROIs containing all fish noisy images
from the hybrid species and locate suspicious processed values from the ROIs. Hybrid fish noisy
image such as hybrid are extremely difficult to identify because of their image shape and
morphological characteristics resemble those of normal fish species image.

Therefore, segmentation is the process of dividing an image into different homogeneous regions
such that the pixels in each partitioned region possess an identical set of properties or attributes.
The result of segmentation is a number of homogeneous regions, each having a unique label. In
this research thresholding and region based segmentation used to isolate region of interest from

- 42 -
the background noise and wavelet transform is used to extract high level details from digital fish
specie‘s images.


Feature extraction techniques applied to digital mammography for the purpose of detection of
fish species. The features can be calculated from the ROI characteristics such as the size, shape,
density, and smoothness of borders, texture etc. The feature space is very large and complex due
to the wide diversity of the normal tissues and the variety of the abnormalities. In feature
extraction step, the features are calculated from the features of the region of interest. Throughout
feature extraction, features are computed from the characteristics of the segmented ROIs.


Feature selection is the process of selecting an optimum subset of features from the enormous
potential features available in a given problem domain after the image segmentation as well as
after fish image is extracted. The feature space can be divided into three sub-spaces: intensity
features, geometric features, and texture features. In the feature extraction step the features are
calculated from the characteristics of the region of interest where as in feature selection the best
set of features are selected for eliminating false positives and for classifying scratch types.
Feature selection used for selecting a smaller feature subset that leads to the largest value of
classifier performance function.

Finally, on the basis of selected features the false positive reduction and scratch classification are
performed in the classification step. As a result, feature extraction and selection processes for
mass detection developed based on wavelets transform. The presence of species cluster is one of
the vital symptoms for classification of hybrid fish species appears as rough bright spot in the
resolution. These spots can be identified by using wavelet based approaches that helps

- 43 -
agriculturalist in the diagnosis of fish species. Wavelets are used in fish image processing for
making the compression, transmission and analysis of fish images in an easier manner.

Wavelet transform is used to construct time-frequency representation of a certain dataset. Fourier

transform gives only frequency content but cannot localize objects of certain frequency in the
image. Wavelet transform is therefore superior because it gives both frequency content and exact
position of the object in the image. Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is commonly used in
image processing. The dynamic wavelet transform decomposes the original image into sub-
images using the desired wavelet function called "mother wavelet" that is scaled to get so called
"daughter wavelets" and translated through the image [47].


Once the features related to masses are extracted and selected, the features are input into a
classifier to classify the detected suspicious areas into benign masses, or recognized fish species.
In this research support vector machine (SVM) is features and classification methods have been
directly designed to detect and classify the interspecific species as fish image recognized or not
fish image recognized based on the above figure 3.1.


In this chapter, the design of fish species detection system is discussed in detail. The components
that constitute the system, the relationship among these components, and the responsibility of
each component are presented. The design is composed preprocessing, enhancement,
segmentation, feature extraction, feature selection and classification components.

In the above research design diagram has those activities of work when we are taking fish image
pre-processing. In this design the researcher uses various fish Image preprocessing which
describes the methods used to prepare images for further analysis, including interest point and

- 44 -
feature extraction, image restoration , fish image filtering , fish image segmentation, fish image
histogram processing, fish image edge detection, fish image noise removal. Some of these
methods are also useful for global and local feature description, particularly the metrics derived
from transforms and basis spaces. The focus is on image pre-processing for computer vision; the
researcher tries to take demonstration with the entire range of image processing applied to areas
such as computational photography and photo enhancements.

In this design the researcher tries to identify and recognize the fish using those image processing
techniques and procedural approaches which are expressed and described above figure 3.1. In the
next chapter the experimentation and its procedure will be presented in chapter four.


This new proposed study used to fill and identify the fish with their category and classify them
based on their feature that they have on their images features value such as shape ,size and
texture. The system used to give an understanding and awareness to specify of fish using
machines. So the experts and any user of the system have a simple ease of identification of the
fishes species kind.

In addition to this ,it shows what research work look likes and what it doesn‘t. In this research
work the model could be based on quantitative data that enabling to do experiments based on the
fish species image the study the demonstration follow fish image resoration and extration
model based on the image restoration and extraction techniques which are performed on our
research work.

The knowledge elicited from this research work should have to be structured and modeled to
create new knowledge with few features for identification that bring comparative better
performance rates value with a proporationate preprocessed fish image data set. In this study, the
fish domain image extracted from taxonomists and technicians is modeled in hierarchical
knowledge modeling technique.

- 45 -
Our model can express the process in the deisgn diagram Figure 3.1 with clear and understanble
steps: - we design this architecture for image processing based on the fish species images type
under this Figure 3.3. In this research model, there were fish images with classification stages
that containing various fish species name parts which is used for structural and shape based on
identification to classify those fish.

Figure 3.3: Fish recognition and classification model.

Procedual step under figure 3.3

Take one instance fish image  Preprocess the upload query based image  Extract the
fish image feature to identify and classify within their fish species type and name. And
finally exactly and correctely classify based on recognition approaches.

- 46 -

This new research model should have an appropriate procedural fish species image processing
techniques. In fact those techniques which are applied within the fish image are:-

 Preprocess single input fish image instance.

 Extract feature after preprocess the fish image to select the best feature within the fish
image and try to category the preprocessed and extracted single fish instance image
 Identify and classify the fish by exact species name by using the image similarity
template match and try to exactly predicate to what species the unknown fish species
should categorized and classified it which is explained on the above Figure 3.3.


An algorithm is a representation of a solution to a problem. If a problem can be defined as a

difference between a desired situation and the current situation. In this study a problem solution
is a procedure, or method, for transforming the current situation to the desired one.

In this algorithm it uses the concept of multi-threading so that as sample hybrid fish can be at a
time compared with several other fishes if the mismatch is detected at that junction the thread
stops otherwise the thread continues its execution. The thread can be started or stopped at any
time which gives an advantage in finding the identical hybrid fish species.


In this study the researcher tried to use two classification approaches which are discussed below
in order. Beside this classification algorithm is used for identification through procedural way
and technique of methods.

- 47 -

The system uses the support vector machine (SVM) process to analyze and then classify fish
species according to their features or characteristics by constructing an N-dimensional hyper-
plane that optimally separates fish species into categories. The hyper-plane is based on a
predictor variable and a vector of predictor values (which is the set of values assigned to the
different fields in the dataset) is formed. Most importantly, SVM modeling is used to find the
optimal hyper-plane that separates clusters of vector in such a way that cases with one category
of the target variable (classified as the training subset) are on one side of the plane and cases with
the other category (classified as testing set) are on the other side [81].

For this research, the training set is a collection of the features of the fish and it is used to
discover the predictive relationship among the fish species while the testing set consists of the
features actually extracted from the fish species and is used to access the strength of the SVM
algorithm for correct classification. The SVM algorithm comprises of the following components
in this diagram below shown in Figure 3.4 which have input fish image and input space that used
for directing classification and recognition based on fish input image feature space. Desipt those
both input space and extracted feature space leads or directs to classify fish.

Figure 3.4: SVM methods to classify trained fish‘s image [81].

- 48 -

Step 1. Wavelet decomposition of image for level k, and assign count c = k. simultaneously check
for the pattern in each decomposition concurrently using the concept of multi-threading.
Step 2. Single level wavelet decomposition of LL(c-1) I and apply thresholding on obtained three
sub bands HL, HH, LH. Find significant coefficient (after thresholding on three sub bands) and
apply VQ using MFOCPN [46] for coding.
Step 3. Cosine Interpolate the reconstructed LLc to the size (M/2c-1) x (N/2c-1) to get LL(c-1) I.
Step 4. Decode HL, HH, and LH using MFOCPN decoder [47].
Step 5. Take LLc and HL, HH, LH from Step 3 and apply inverse wavelet transform (IDWT) with
these four sub bands and obtain image I of size (M/2c-1) x (N/2c-1).
Step 6. Change c = k-1 and LLc = I (from Step 5) and if c = 0 go to Step 6 else go to Step 3.
Step 7. Stop.
After process the fish input images pass through those code of algorithm and instructional
execution to deliver the below Figure 3.5 GUI based output to predicate the fish species type by
name which is the classification determined by its input upload fish image‘s feature vector values
that calculated during processing.

- 49 -

Figure 3.5: fish image recognition

Based on the above algorithm it is possible to evaluate the fish type based image retrieval
for fish identification based on features vector value that the prototype showed in Figure 3.5
contains those method of techniques hsv histogram, auto correlogram, color moments,
mean amplitude, energy, wavelet moments as well as hsv color space based process that
contain the images in the database. Those feature vector values which observed in fish
image provide a good recognition and classification result of those fish.

Whereas, colour based processing based on hsv enables and stands for the hue, saturation
and value that provides the perception representation according with human visual feature.
Hue is more specifically described by the dominant wavelength and is the first item we
refer to (i.e. ―yellow‖) when adding in the three components of a color.

- 50 -
Hue is also a term which describes a dimension of color we readily experience when we look at
color, or its purest form; it essentially refers to a color having full saturation, as follows: Value
refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. It indicates the quantity of light reflected. Light
values with white pigment added are called ―tints‖ of the hue name. The quantization of the
number of colors into several tasks were done in order to decrease the number of colors used in
image retrieval, J.R. Smith[3] designs the scheme to quantize the color space into 166 colors. Li
design the non-uniform scheme to quantize into 72 colors. We propose the scheme to produce 15
non- uniform colors. Those are formula which used hsv color based processing.
cos −1 [ 𝑅−𝐺 +(𝑅−𝐵)]
H= ------------------------------------------------------------------eq.(3.0) [3]
(𝑅−𝐺)𝑥 2 + 𝑅−𝐵 (𝐺−𝐵)

S=1 - 𝑅+𝐺+𝐵 (min 𝑅, 𝐺, 𝐵 )------------------------------------------------------------- eq.(3.1) [3]

V=3(R+G+B) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- eq.(3.2) [3]

The formula that transfers from RGB to HSV is defined as below: The R, G, and B represent red,
green and blue components respectively with value between 0-255. In order to obtain the value
of H from 0 to 360, the value of S and V from 0 to 1, we do execute the following formula: H=
((H/255*360) mod 360 V= V/255 S= S/255.


The conventional color histogram (CCH) of an image indicates the frequency of occurrence of
every color in the image. From a probabilistic perspective, it refers to the probability mass
function of the fish image intensities. It captures the joint probabilities of the intensities of the
color channels. The CCH can be represented as; h A, B, C (a, b, c) = N. Probability (A=a, B=b,
C=c) Where A, B and C are the three color channels and N is the number of pixels in the image
[3]. Computationally, it is constructed by counting the number of pixels of each color (in the
quantized color space).

- 51 -
The color correlogram (CC) expresses how the spatial correlation of pairs of colors changes with
distance. A CC for an image is defined as a table indexed by color pairs, where the d th entry at
location (i, j) is computed by counting number of pixels of color j at a distance d from a pixel of
color i in the image, divided by the total number of pixels in the image [19].


The color images frames used as input in our method are 24-bit RGB color. Using the color
histograms to model scenes can be expensive if the full 24-bit representation of pixel is used.
Interest of building a fast and reliable systems, we apply a color depth reduction formula to
transfer 24-bit color to 12-bit color. Given an(r, g and b) triple obtain a twelve bit representation
C using:
r g 𝑏
c = 256 16 + 16 16 +16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------eq. (3.3)

There are many reasons why it is preferable to use a 12 bit color representation over the original
24-bit color pixel values. When using inexpensive camera that capture hc , hb (background

𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑐 𝑖 ,ℎ𝑏 𝑖
f (hc, hb) = ------------------------------------------------------------------eq. (3.4)

The above formula (see equ.3.4) computes the chi-squared measure of similarity X2(hb, hc)
for histogram hc and hb.

( ℎ𝑐 𝑖 −ℎ𝑏 𝑖 )2
X2(hb, hc) =2 𝑖 ℎ𝑐 𝑖 +ℎ𝑏(𝑖) -----------------------------------------------------------------eq. (3.5)

Applying these two formula to the histogram in the figure yields f=0.92, X2=61 for the
histograms on the left f=0.22, x2=828 for the histogram on the right. We have to used thresholds
Tf=0.6, and Tx2=500 to distinguish similar and different histograms.

- 52 -

This section with image processing techniques and algorithms used in the fish component
segmentation stage. The algorithms are mainly focused on tail segmentation. As discussed
before, ideally after extracting the body contour, the fish should be segmented into 4 parts,
namely head, tail, upper body with dorsal fin and lower body with ventral fin. Below is an
example of the ideal fish component segmentation. This algorithm is real example for this below
figures under figure 3.6 based on fish‘s images as below:-


Figure 3.6: Fish images processed with various colour pixels.

Step by step segmentation procedural step

Step 1.Choose image file for segmentation using Load Image File button (some test images are supplied in the Images data base
library). Choose noise model parameters in Noise Model panel.

Step 2.Choose the rgb image and convert into based hsv segmentation filer parameters (N, sigma) in Blur (denoise) panel (default
values are N=14, sigma=0).

Step 3.Choose the Color space and color dimension in Color space panel (default choice is YCbCr and Y).

Step 4.Choose the contour based segmentation algorithm to apply-using the Applied Algorithm panel.

Step 5.Set desired algorithm parameters- using the Alg. parameters panel.

Step 6.Choose your display settings using the Display Menu panel. And Step 7.Choose refresh rate of displayed images and save
rate of saved images - using the appropriate edit button in the I/O panel.

- 53 -

To detect fish in a within a background which have various background colour, firstly, all
moving objects must be separated from the background. For solving this task, a BS approach was
chosen as the most appropriate one. It is relatively simple, fast and able to cope with the most
possible challenges.

A background subtraction algorithm takes a raw image photos, processes it and returns a set of
binary maps, where "0" represent background pixel and "1" refers to the foreground which has
been explained under figure 3.7. This process may be arranged in real time, when each frame is
analyzed instantly after reading it. In this case, first few frames are used only for building the
model, while in all other frames the motion can be detected.

Algorithm 3.1: Background Subtraction [66].

Read the first frame.
For all pixels x in frame do.
 Background initialization
Randomly choose N pixels from the neighborhood of x.
Store these values v1…..vN in the pixel model M(x).
end for
for all remaining frames do.
for all pixels x do
 Foreground detection
Compare current pixel value v(x) to the background model M(x).
Find the number num of close samples in the model.
If num > #min then % Classify pixel as a background.
 Background update%Get random sample from pixel model and update it with the current pixel value.
Randomly choose one neighbor and update its model.
Classify pixel as a foreground.

- 54 -
It can be applied the above technique and procedure with a fish image. It is possible to get this
result which has no any image within its own background image.

Figure 3.7: fish image background subtraction


The first step of component segmentation is the boundary extraction, which extracts and
smooth‘s the contour of the fish and make it ready to compute curvatures along the fish contour

Step by step edge detection with boundary detection

Step 1. Choose image file for edge using Load Image File button (some test images are supplied in the Images data base library).
And choose noise model parameters in Noise Model panel.

Step 2. Choose the Gaussian blur filer parameters (N, sigma) in Blur (denoise) panel (default values are N=16, sigma=0).

Step 3. Choose the Color space and color dimension in Color space panel (default choice is YCbCr and Y).

Step 4. Choose the contour based segmentation algorithm to apply-using the Applied Algorithm panel.

Step 5. Set desired algorithm parameters- using the Alg. parameters panel.

Step 6. Choose your display settings using the Display Menu panel. And Step 7.Choose refresh rate of displayed images and save
rate of saved images - using the appropriate edit button in the I/O panel.

- 55 -
Figure 3.8: Fish Image Contour Segmentation


In this techniques at the time image processing there is the ability that track the fish body parts
separately with out the background image. During this segmentation process the original image
is taken as in put and process into histogram green level image processing to deliver and get the
segmented fish‘s image. And finally the query image process activity has been trying to separate
fish body parts from the background framework image as it is below in Figure 3.9 below the
algorithm code:-

Step by step segmentation from background image

Step 1. Choose image file from fish database using Load Image File button (some test images are supplied in the Images data
base library).Choose noise model parameters in histogram green color Model panel.

Step 2. Choose the histogram based line track (N, histogram) in background (line track) panel (default values are N=16,

Step 3. Choose the Color space and color dimension in Color space panel (default choice is YCbCr and Y).

Step 4. Choose the segmentation based on line track algorithm to apply-using the Applied Algorithm panel.

- 56 -
Step 5. Set desired algorithm parameters- using the Alg. parameters panel.

Step 6. Choose your display settings using the Display Menu panel.

Step 7. Choose refresh rate of displayed images and save rate of saved images - using the appropriate edit button in the I/O panel.

Step 8. Choose output path for saved images during algorithm application (default - current directory).

3.19. Color Histogram

Color histogram is an image rotation,translation and scale invarient [87]. In the study it is used
for analysis of fish image using line track.

Figure 3.9: Color Histogram

- 57 -

Enhancement by point processing that has simple intensity transformation, histogram processing,
spatial filtering, smoothing filters, sharpening filters, enhancement in the frequency domain,
Pseudo-color image processing. The principal objective of image enhancement is to process a
given image so that the result is more suitable than the original image for a specific application.

 It accentuates or sharpens image features such as edges, boundaries, or contrast to make a

graphic display more helpful for display and analysis.
 The enhancement doesn't increase the inherent information content of the data, but it
increases the dynamic range of the chosen features so that they can be detected easily.

Image Enhancement raw images are not suitable for recognition task and therefore needs to
enhance quality. Image enhancement operations typically return a modified version of the
original image and are frequently used as a preprocessing step to improve the results of image
analysis techniques. One of the common techniques for image enhancement is applying
histogram equalization [64] that has shown in Figure:3.10.

Figure 3.10: processed image with enhancement.

- 58 -

Edge-detection algorithm is required to provide solutions with minimal error levels. Such
algorithm should be adaptable to the different image noise levels. This could help in determining
the valid image noise produced contents that has shown under demonstration in Figure 3.11.

Step by step edge detection based on threshold values

Step 1. Choose image file from fish database using Load Image File button (some test images are supplied in the Images data
base library). Choose gray image threshold to get image edge parameters in image panel.

Step 2. Choose the method of threshold method based line of edge (k, threshold) in background (line track) panel (default values
are k=0-120, threshold =0).

Step 3. Choose the Color space and color dimension in Color space panel (default choice is from rgb and black gray threshold).

Step 4. Choose the method based on threshold value and apply-using the Applied Algorithm panel.

Step 5. Set desired algorithm parameters- using the Alg. parameters panel. Step 6.Choose your display settings using the Display
Menu panel. And Step 6.Choose refresh rate of displayed images and save rate of saved images - using the appropriate edit
button in the I/O panel.

Edge detection based on threshold

Figure 3.11: processed image result with edge.

- 59 -

The images evaluation showed that canny, LoG, Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts‘s are exhibited better
performance, under the noise conditions respectively. There are many methodologies of using
edge detection techniques. Alsmadi et al., in[21], recognized a fish object in the fish images
using the combination between the effective extracted features from the measurements of color
texture that has shown under demonstration in Figure 3.12.

Figure 3.12: gray image detection result.


This technique and image processing approach is used to determine where one fish image is
similar or different when it has been processing in the given image a data base by taking real
measurements and parameter evaluation with feature extraction on an image that has shown
under demonstration in Figure 3.13.

- 60 -
Algorithm 3.2: Edge Detection Algorithm

List FEListNA = FoundEdgeList;

PairList = Empty;
While (IEListNA! = Empty) AND (FEListNA! = Empty)
Foreach edge i in IEListNA
Foreach edge j in FEListNA
If (ABS(Pos(i)-Pos(j) < Min)
IdealPair = i;
FoundPair = j;
Min = ABS(Pos(i)-Pos(j));

Figure 3.13: comparison for image processing and look by detection result.

- 61 -

each color pixels intensities described by a triple color, Red, Green and Blue, the mapping of
each true color to a reduced representation of gray level is vital to reduce the computational
complexity and minimize storage overload of systems. There are different methods such as
lightness, average and luminosity, supposed by experts and researchers in the area of digital
image processing [63].

The first is lightness method which averages the most prominent and least prominent colors as
(max (R, G, B) + min (R, G, B)) / 2 and the other called average method simply takes average
values as (R + G + B) / 3. The luminosity method is a more sophisticated version of the average
method. It also averages the values, but it forms a weighted average to account for human
perception. We‘re more sensitive to green than other colors, so green is weighted most heavily
[63]. This third algorithm plays off the fact that cone density in the human eye is not uniform
across colors. Humans perceive green more strongly than red and red more strongly than blue.

This makes sense from an evolutionary biology standpoint as humans do not perceive all colors
equally, the average method of grayscale conversion is inaccurate and it results in a more
dynamic grayscale image. Instead of treating red, green, and blue light equally, a good grayscale
conversion will weight each color based on how the human eye perceives it. A common
mathematical formula for gray scale conversion in digital image processing is done according to
formula 3.1, using a MATLAB function rgb2gray () [64].

Gray = Red*0.3 + Green*0.59 + Blue*0.11 …………………………..………………….eq (3.6)

Below the demonstration that has shown under demonstration in Figure 3.14.

- 62 -
Figure 3.14: RGB TO HSV color based image processing result.


A process which aims to invert known degradation operations applied to images. In addition to
this, here in image restoration there was the process that tries to solve issues in image
degradation which has been coming due to the motion blur. So that to restore the fish image with
this activity is possible to use those algorithms such as inverse filter, wiener filter, Lucy

In image restoration it is possible to remove effects of sensing environment and used to take
experiment based on mathematical, model dependent quantitative measures that has shown under
demonstration in Figure 3.15.

- 63 -
Figure 3.15: Image restoration result with inverse filter.

Figure 3.16: Image restoration result with wiener filter with pixel values.

- 64 -
Figure 3.17: Image restoration result with Lucy Richardson.

Those restore techniques used for filtering and enhance the fish species image to produce the
best image quality without blurring. It used for decreasing the degradation within a fish image to
produce fish original image. Wiener filter removes the additive noise and inverts the blurring
simultaneously within the fish species image which done Figure 3.17.

- 65 -
Figure 3.18: Image restoration result wiener filter.


Image segmentation consists of partitioning an image into homogeneous regions that share some
common proprieties. There are two main approaches in image segmentation: edge and region-
based. Edge-based segmentation looks for discontinuities in the intensity of an image. Region-
based segmentation looks for uniformity within a sub-region, based on a desired property, e.g.
ntensity, color, and texture [65].

These techniques can be used for segmentation of a given image to denoise noise model
parameters which has been choosing Gaussian blue filter with support of sigma values and used
to detect the image color spaces to provide into color space panel that has shown under
demonstration in Figure 3.28.

- 66 -
Contour Based Segmentation And Denoise

Figure 3.19: Image restoration result.


Histogram search characterizes an image by its color distribution, or histogram but the drawback
of a global histogram representation is that information about object location, shape, and texture
is discarded. Thus this project showed that images retrieved by using the global color histogram
may not be semantically related even though they share similar color distribution in some results.

An image retrieval demo system was built to make it easy to test the retrieval performance and
to expedite further algorithm investigation. And six histogram-based image retrieval methods in
two color spaces were exhaustively compared by providing precision vs. recall graphs for each
image class and for all test images that has shown under demonstration in Figure 3.21.

- 67 -
Step by step Image Processing RGB Histogram
Step 1. Choose and select an image file from fish database using Load Image File button (some test images are supplied in the
Images data base library). And choose and select to make data base with original image process for noise model image.

Step 2. Choose those method gray, grayscale, median sharp method of techniques based on original type (L, threshold) from
background (edge based filters and color space on image) panel (default values are L=N, threshold =0).

Step 3. Choose the Color space and color dimension in Color space panel (default choice is from rgb and black gray threshold).

Step 4. Choose the method based on among value and apply-using the Applied Algorithm panel.

Step 5. Set desired algorithm parameters- using the Alg. parameters panel.

Step 6. Choose your display settings using the Display Menu panel.

Step 7. Choose refresh rate of displayed images and save rate of saved images - using the appropriate edit button in the I/O panel.

Step 8. Choose output path for saved images during algorithm application (default - current directory).

- 68 -
RGB Histogram Image Processing Result

Figure 3.20: RGB histogram Image processing result.

Here in this experimental work RGB color model (RGB: Red, Green, Blue) has been mostly
used color model for computer graphics. It is an additive color model: the lights red, green, and
blue are combined to create other colors. In other words, this means that the measure of the
variation perceived by a human is different from the mathematical distance.

- 69 -

We define a prototype as a concrete representation of part or all of an interactive system. A

prototype is a tangible artifact, not an abstract description that requires interpretation. Designers,
as well as managers, developers, customers and end users, can use these artifacts to envision and
reflect upon the final system. Note that prototypes may be defined differently in other fields [75].

As discussed in the data collection method we can have some initial framework how to do the
proposed study activities in terms of conceptual diagram. Initial framework we call user
prototype which is the blue print for the research work, it is possible to see one of the procedures
followed to identify fish species images are using identification key.

A prototype is a rudimentary working model of desired results, usually built for demonstration
purposes or as part of the development process. In the systems development life cycle a
prototyping model, a basic part of the system that is built, tested, and then reworked as necessary
until an acceptable prototype is finally achieved from which the complete system or product can
now be developed to apply within the study.

Figure 3.21: User Interface GUI Prototype Image Recognition

- 70 -

It is fact that one object image has a different shape and texture with the other object image too
in a nature, since there is presence of variety in shape with that object image, so the hybrid fish
image has various shapes and texture, pattern in their images. Besides this above principle of
thought there is an author who describes this below concepts and believes which provide grant to
recognize, detect and classify an objects image based on images feature[58].

Fish classification is performed by combining two types of features: 1] Texture features

extracted by using statistical moments of the gray-level histogram, spatial Gabor filtering and
properties of the co-occurrence matrix and 2] Shape Features extracted by using the Curvature
Scale space transform and the histogram of fourier descriptors of boundaries. An affine
transformation is also applied to the acquired images to represent fish in 3D by multiple views
for the feature extraction [58]. Due to this,in hybrid fish image the recognition, detection and
classification by name are performed based on the input fish original image the processed in to
query image which contained histogram hsv(hue, saturated, value color), auto correlogram, color
moments, mean amplitude, image energy, wavelet moments.

Finally the detections process is based on color based experiment which have original image
color, processed image with hue color, processed image with hue color, processed image with
saturation color, processed image with value color which are finding to process the image with
natural color red , green , blue and purple too. This detection used to produce mask processed
fish image, show border of an images and at the end show the region of filled. However there is
also a step of component segmentation is the boundary extraction , which extracts and smooth‘s
the contour of the fish and make it ready to compute curvatures.

- 71 -

In this work it is possible to take the fish images into a query image processing to recognition,
detection and classification by name are performed based on the input fish original image the
processed in to query image which contained color histogram hue, saturated value color, auto
correlogram, color moments, mean amplitude, image energy, wavelet moments, image
restoration. Based on that parameter , it is possible to determine assign the species image name.

Object detection algorithms have various applications. For instance, computer vision
techniques provide a great opportunity to make animal monitoring more accurate, less
time consuming and fully automated. In particular, different approaches and methods
of moving object detection have been used for the task of fish detection, which is the
fundamental step in building a fish observation system. Palazzo et al. [79] proposed an approach
for object detection that implies explicit modeling both the background and the foreground for
each frame. This allows avoiding misdetections when the background is not stationary or when
target objects have the same color as the background. The latter problem is also solved by
introducing texture information in models as well as the color. The algorithm was evaluated on
real underwater videos and showed high and stable performance.

- 72 -

In this study an attempt is made to design an approach for fish recogntion based on hybrid fish
species images using digital image processing Techniques. Detail implementation procedure,
data set preparation, experimental results and challenges are presented in chapter four sections.


For comparative analysis, the datasets for this work are prepared from two sources having
various number of samples for both the local and aquario2840i dataset. We take 492 hybrid fish
images gathered from Gondar agricultural research institute center and Arari office in Bahr dar
with dimension of 256X256 with bit map format captured in uncontrolled environment using
techno w2 model smart phone device. While the second testing images are taken from
aquario2840i [14] public fish datasets available on the web captured using special purpose
CCTV camera which a fish captured sensor for 13,426 images are taken from each species.

A total of 13,918 images (7124 fish image classes) are used to experiment the recognition and
classification SVM algorithm to analyze and discuss to what extend quality of images affect
performance of the general model. The details of fish datasets used in our experimentation are
summarized in table 4.1 below.

- 73 -
Table 4:1:Detail of fish data set used for the study

Image Description

Aquario2840i Both trained and test local data Total images take
Fish image set
Public data set

Number of fish images

13,426 492

Image format Joint photographic image Joint photographic image

Image resolution 256*256 128*128

13,918 images

Imaging technology Specialized camera(cctv) stereo camera Techno- w2


Table 4:1:Detail of fish dataset used for this study

Figure 4.1: Sample fish gray image from local (right) and public data set (left)

- 74 -

The aim of preprocessing in the proposed study is used to improve the quality of digital fish
images by removing unnecessary parts or by enhancing major image features that are important
for further processes. Preprocessing used to analysis of image-to-image transformation that is
used for image enhancement - to selectively increase contrasts, for image restoration - to correct
for geometrical distortions and non-uniform lighting in the image acquisition and for feature

The fish images have been pre-processed so that the positions of fish are standardized. Fish are
always at the centre of images and are placed horizontally left to right. Other than the RGB
images, the segmented binary fish images are also provided. In Figure 4.2 fish‘s images list are
the corresponding binary fish images that collected through mobile hand held techno phone
device with model –techno-w2 with its embedded camera. After take place binary image
segmentation with fish original image. It can be provided under this below segmented output
image after performening the experimental demonstration which decribed under Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2: Segmented fish image to detect edge.

- 75 -
According to table 4.1 each of those fish images have different resolution values due to their
image has various colour pixel values when captured using mobile devices. Despite this those
fish have a variety of image measuring sizes, morphological structure, various images color etc.


The proposed fish recognition and classification system works on grey scale images; as a result,
we convert the true color image of digitized fish image into grayscale. For implementation, we
use the default, MATLAB image Processing toolbox, image type conversion function called
rgb2gray (I). The function rgb2gray (I) converts RGB image I to grayscale by eliminating the
hue and saturation information while retaining the luminance using a weighted sum of the R, G,
and B components. The sample image with RGB format and its equivalent gray level image
which are prepared for subsequent processes are shown Figure 4.2.

Code 4.2: Implementation of RGB to Grayscale Conversion

function grayImage = imGrayScale (colorImage)
Apply rgb2gray () for converting RGB image to gray
scale grayImage = rgb2gray (colorImage);
%Display image converted to gray imshow(grayImage); title ('Gray Image');

- 76 -
The preprocessing steps to normalize the data were very successful, yielding the correct result
96.7742% of the time and showing a considerable improvement in performance as reported
earlier (~43% to ~55%). Furthermore, the SVM detection process generally selects the errors in
normalization meaning that the final training data have good quality for learning.

Figure 4:3: normalized fish image

Although using svm detection to simply remove unwanted samples from the training set is
effective, there may also be scope to use this information to correct the errors as opposed to
discarding the samples. With a larger dataset it may also be possible to create a mixture model
where svm from the norm are classified using different parameters, however the small amount of
data available here means this was not possible.

- 77 -

The research demonstration work was carried out based on the above this interface Figure 4.4
and Figure 4.5. This demonstrated processed fish frames used to perform right recognition and
classification. The experiment work needs to take the fish data that collected from various data
source,due to that the study intended to collect information regarding with fish‘s species that
used to understand and get any awareness about variety of species are identified with their
image‘s feature and image extractions.

Depend up on the parametric collected data set which is gathered through the local environments
with our surrounding environments. The researcher tries to be achieved those experimental data
set with those quantified samples data which are shown below in table 4.2:

- 78 -

Train Test data Classification Accuracy

Collected and Feature extraction with their calculated values
data set set Algorithm Values
prepared data set

HSV Auto Color Mean Energy Wavelet Train set Test set 242 SVM Calculated
Histogram Colorologra Moments Amplitude Moment 250 Accuracy
m Values
Local data set both test
data set and training 0.031 0.73 79.43 98.56 0.022 5.5181 250 242 SVM 83.871%
data set is 492 fish
species image data set. 0.031 0.070 113.328 51.5093 0.0185 7.119 250 242 SVM 82.2581%

0.031 0.630 62.205 19.4011 0.0114 3.164 250 242 SVM 91.9355%

0.031 0.74 129.24 62.53 0.018 8.01 250 242 SVM 96.7742%

Table 4.2: feature extraction based on fish images dataset.

- 79 -

Figure 4.4: Accuracy of tilapia image a classification result with svm classifier.

According to table 4.2 and Figure 4.4 the researcher found the classification result of Nile tilapia
with corresponding feature parametric values such as hsv his =0.03125, auto
correlogram=0.0630, color moment=107.63, mean amplitude=59.582, energy=0.017, wavelet
moments=7.52 algorithm=SVM, recognition and classification result=Nile tilapia, accuracy

Whereas, the experimental result two in Figure 4.5 showed that the classification and recognition
result=barb, hsv his=0.03125, auto correlogram=0.0691, colormoment=83.394, mean
amplitude=44.242, energy=0.0137, wavelet moments=3.75 algorithm=SVM, accuracy
=96.7742%. All of those are calculated based on feature vector values and those features
determine each of single fish image instance values.

- 80 -

Figure 4.5: Accuracy of barb image classification result using svm classifier.

- 81 -

Figure 4.6: HSV based segmented fish Image.

HSV-based (hue, saturation, value) color model since it greatly decreases the size of color and
grey-scale information of an image. This thesis uses HSV-based (hue, saturation, value) color
model since it greatly decreases the size of color and grey-scale information of an image. A set
of isolated points are clustered into those hybrid fish image objects by color extraction. Hue
filtering is used to segment the specified color.

- 82 -

From this study the researcher tries to find a solution how those fish species are possible to
identify and recognize the fish species images based on their images shape and texture that the
fish image feature processing using various methods of techniques and procedural
demonstration. It can be possibly to recognize the test data from the train image data which
clearly, exactly tries to classify under one species by call images name with its feature values.
This study could possibly provide a method of approach how to get fish species based on their
shape as well as texture when there were an image processing with various techniques and that
used in chapter 3.

The recognized results of the research work which are summarized in Figure:4.8.

Figure 4.7: The system‘s recognition accuracy.

The system achieved an overall recognition accuracy of 96.7742% across all fish. These results
are very better than when we compare other researcher do.Where as other researchers analyzing
the accuracies of the individual fish, it is observed that 85% of all the fish tested registered high
accuracies of 70% and above. Of these, 65% achieved a recognition accuracy of 100%.

- 83 -
Only fish 8, registered accuracy lower than 50%. Analyzing those fish species type, it was found
that the colour of this particular fish blends well into its background. Therefore, the system
struggles to obtain an accurate shape representation of this particular fish after segmentation.
However, this fish species is known to have abilities that permit it to change its colour depending
on its mood and its surroundings [58].

After demonstration conducted and it was a possible to get final results. it is a must to do an
analysis which is turning of data into information. So it is ready to recollect data fish type and
refine and interpret what was provided on the findings that focus on their original images and
query processing images based on numbers using features using electronic devices such as
mobile phone hand held devices and laptop, desktop.

The researcher took these above tools as a material and follow based on its own systematic way
of style as well as approach to do this activity: as it was known that data analysis the way how to
analysis and understand what we gathered and collected during study work. Based on the
collected data the researcher has done an iteration based segmentation to remove noise on images
and background image color removal from fish image and tries to use image restoration if there
is blurred on fish image that they contained which described below in Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8: fish image process with iteration segmentation.

Result of final hybrid fish species with segmentation which has been based on original images
with feature that has calculated with 700 values with iteration based image processing under this
study when segmentation has been performed.

- 84 -
Table 4.3


Calculated feature type value for those hybrid fish’s species recognition

Using their single instance image.

Fish species name

Hsv histogram Auto correlogram Color movement Mean Energy Wavelet movement

1 Nile Tilapia 0.03125 0.0708085 113.328 51.5093 0.0185067 7.11961

2 Common Crap 0.03125 0.0691368 57.4235 27.9097 0.0118926 2.40758

3 Barbus 0.03125 0.0636992 84.4798 46.8124 0.0164834 5.22228

4 Rain Bow 0.03125 0.049912 78.9314 43.3081 0.0163299 3.29485

5 Nile Perch 0.03125 0.0575954 97.778 61.1694 0.0197605 5.65039

Table 4.3: calculated image feature extracted experimental result

- 85 -
According to table 4.4 for each single instance fish image the recognition and classification
stages are taking various and different fish species images within the fish‘s image stored
databases. After upload this single fish instance image and the system tired to calculate the input
fish image feature vector values which are appropriate and suitable for a classification and
recognition of result. During the beginning of fish image processing, there are two steps which
lead by procedural follow up:

1. Upload query fish image as an input.

2. Input image processed enhanced contrasted fish image based on the image feature vectors
calculated values by, hsv histogram, auto correlogram, color moment, mean amplitude,
energy, wavelet moments, algorithm, and accuracy.

Finally those calculated feature vector values are providing and determining the exact fish
species recognition as well as classification by name with those species which are mentioned in
table 4.3.

- 86 -

Image’s attributes based accuracy of Linear Kernel

performance value with svm algorithm to classify and
Processing Operation Feature median for scale
Size recognize fish by species type.
Iteration with fish train data and tested data set

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 87.0968%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 79.0323%

Processing orientation 1 1×190 SVM Taking Median for ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 90.3226%
scale 1/6
ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 88.7097%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 79.0323%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 82.2581%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 80.6452%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 85.4839%

Processing orientation 2 1×190 SVM Taking Median for ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 85.4839%
scale 2/6
ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 88.7097%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 88.7097%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 80.6452%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 91.9355%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 83.871%

1×190 SVM Taking Median for ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 88.7097%
Processing orientation 3
scale 3/6

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 87.0968%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 85.4839%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 83.871%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 88.7097%

- 87 -
ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 80.6452%

Processing orientation 4 1×190 SVM Taking Median for

scale 4/6

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 75.8065%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 82.2581%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 87.0968%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 77.4194%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 88.7097%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 88.7097%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 90.3226%

Processing orientation 5 1×190 SVM Taking Median for ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 90.3226%
scale 5/6
ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 90.3226%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 91.9355%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 90.3226%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 91.9355%

1×190 SVM Taking Median for ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 83.871%
Processing orientation 6
scale 6/6
ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 74.1935%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 90.3226%

ans =Accuracy of Linear Kernel Is: 96.7742%

Up to Processing 1x190 SVM Overall Performance Value

Orientation –N Ans =Accuracy with Iterations a dataset to

evaluate performance is: 96.7742%

Table 4.4: Accuracy fish recognition with linear kernel value

- 88 -

Table 4.5
Performance for classification and recognition of fish species families

shape Family Name Recall Precision Specificity

Melanot aeniidae 100% 100% 100%

Haemulidae 97.97% 96.67% 99.41%
One dorsal Eochromis 96.64% 95.44% 96.7742%
Niloticus or

Nile barbs 95.6% 94.7% 96.7742%

Cyprinids carpio 96.7% 96.7% 96.7742%
Two dorsal
fins Lates niloticus 96.7% 96.7% 96.7742%
Drums or croakers 97.14% 100% 100%

Table 4.5: Performance evaluation for classification by fish family

R𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 = TP +FN x 100% and 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = TP +FP 𝑥 100%
The recall value shows the general fish classification and recognition given by the proposed study
within the possible correct answers and reply. Where as precision once again shows the general
classification and recognition correction by the proposed study divided by the correct classification
given answers or replies.

- 89 -

SVM algorithm used for detection and recognition, classification in this study. In this method, an
unclassified sample of data is compared with all classified and recognized samples applying the
Euclidian Distance, kernel linear distance value method on their features. The nearest distance to
unclassified as well as unrecognized sample is calculated and the nearest neighbor‘s class is
selected as the class of the unclassified sample.

Based on table 4.5 the researcher uses five-fold cross validation schema was used for
performance measurement. In 5-fold cross validation, the data set was randomly divided in 5
disjoint sets and four sets are used for training purposes and the remaining was used for testing.
The main reason to divide in five fold cross validation schema was the fish species name and
their image category to be identified and recognized.

This procedure is repeated until each set was used for testing. Performances of classification
tasks are given in terms of recall (2), precision (3) and specificity (4) of each class and also
average accuracy (5). These terms were calculated according to confusion matrix and are
formulated as:
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 𝑥 100% − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − 𝑒𝑞. (4.0)

𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑥 100% − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −𝑒𝑞 . (4.1)

𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = TN +FP
𝑥 100% − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −𝑒𝑞. (4.2)

𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = TP+TN +FP +FN
𝑥 100% − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − 𝑒𝑞. (4.3)

Where TP is the number of true positives, TN is the number of true negatives, FP is the number
of false positives, and FN is the number of false negatives. The terms positive and negative refer
to the classifier‘s prediction, and the terms true and false refer to whether that prediction
corresponds to the real class of samples.

- 90 -

In classifications where only colors are used to describe the images, the results are satisfactory,
with F-Score values of 0.80, 0.75, 0.79 and 0.90 for nile tilapia,nile perch,barb respectively. The
images used in this work have been improved (clippings were made around the fish) to be better
described. As decribed here F-Score is test accuracy within the proposed study.
In images obtained without treatment (cropping, lighting adjustments) the amount of noise
increases, as well as variations in illumination, damaging the classification using only features.
Besides that we also have a satisfactory result compared to the related papers presented, since
this work performs the fish species classification with a larger dataset than those presented.
In table 4.7, we can see that both species have similar features to be classified in those
recognized fish type. The other misclassified images are from species with similar colors or they
became similar due to the influence of local lighting.

Classification from ground truth Basic Metrics

Nile Nile perch Barb common Rainbo TP FP FN TN
tilapia Carp w

Nile 85 12 0 15 13 85 27 15 273

Nile 12 75 4 9 10 75 25 25 275
Classification and
recognition based on
developed Barb 10 2 95 13 9 95 15 5 285
Software common 14 11 15 96 18 70 8 30 150

Rainbow 1 5 3 7 76 85 75 85 175

Table 4.6: confusion matrix value with fish image data set

- 91 -

Fish Name Percision Recall or TP Rate FP Rate Fp/(Fp+Tn) Accuracy (Tp+Tn)/All F1Score 2TP/(2TP+FP+FN)
Tp/(Tp+Fp) Tp/(Tp+Fn)

Nile tilapia

0.76 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.80

Nile perch 0.75 0.75 0.88 0.85 0.75

Barb 0.86 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.90

Common 0.90 0.70 0.91 0.91 0.79


Rainbow 0.53 0.95 0.78 0.87 0.96

Table 4.7: Advanced matrix values with confusion matrix value based on fish image.

Accourding to table 4.6 the Nile tilapia scored= 85%, Nile perch scored=75%, barb scored=
96%, rainbow scored= 76% accuracy rate values.
Where as in our table 4.7 those fish species which are Nile tilapia precision=0.76, recall=0.85,
Fp rate=0.90 accuracy=0.90 F1score=0.80. Nile perch precision=0.75, recall=0.75, Fp rate=0.88
accuracy=0.85 F1score=0.75. Barb precision=0.86, recall=0.95, Fp rate=0.95 accuracy=0.95
F1score=0.90. Common carp precision=0.90, recall=0.70, Fp rate=0.91 accuracy=0.91
F1score=0.79. Rain bow precision=0.53, recall=0.95, Fp rate=0.78 accuracy=0.87 F1score=0.96.
According to the matrix values all species are scored above 0.60 and less than 0.99. So that
scored result showed in the study are a good and best to peridcate the species classification.

- 92 -

This study has been conducted based on scientific way and techniques, approaches that used to
do experiments, design models and algorithms to explore the final research findings. In one of
the earliest papers there is a field of experimental work alongside other expressions such as
‗experiment‘ and ‗simulation‘.

Most often, these activities fall under the label of 6,874 RGB fish images with concering of five
species in the data set that quantified in number which is public data set that used as trained data
set and 6,552 test data set. Despite this, the research also used 250 and 242 data sets another
local fish data set images which used as trained and tested data set which are gathered and
collected in locally in Gondar agricultural research center, as well as Gondar fish product user
house and bahir dar Arari office. The main reason to collect local 250 and 242 data sets those
used for both train and test set was the fish data which are available on hand. Behind this reason
the researcher used to divide those 492 fish data in to two set which are local train and test set
which are determined the research accuracy values. In this study accoriding to the experimental
results, the fish species are employed with the exact and correctly way of techniques to recognize
those fish image with precision rates of 0.968 and 96.7742%, respectively. Here for the below
formulas i and ii the researcher take those research variables a and b as fish paramateric values.
Let represent the variable a used as fish set of images which used as base for request. And let

represent the variable b used as fish set of returned images which used as result for query. Let a
be the set of images in the base which are appropriate to the image request q, and B the set of
returned images as result for that query which are used in during demonstration. Sets a, b, c and
d are given and can be defined as follows:-
|𝑎 |
i. Recall=|𝑎 +𝑏|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------eq.(4.4)
|𝑎 |
ii. Precision=|𝑎 +𝑐|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------eq.(4.5)
In this study the demonstration result that has been conducted, it has a value recall=80% and
precision=87.00%, Accuracy=96.7742%.

- 93 -
Table 4.8

Author list by Name: Features Classifier Number of Accuracy

Samples and classes

1. Ogunlana et al.[55] Body and five fin Support Vector Machine 150 images 78.59%ACC
(anal, caudal, dorsal, pelvic and pectoral)
(76 for training, 74for testing) 2fish species

2. Iscimen et al.
[84] Centroid-contour distance K-nearest neighbor
427 images15 fish species 95 %ACC

3. Iscimen et al.
[84] Biometric distance measure Naive bayes
420 images7 fish families15 fish species 93.1% (7

75.7 % (15 species)

4. Hu et al. [24] Color and texture features Multi-class support vector machine.
540 images6 fish species. 95.92 %ACC

5. Alsmadi et al.
[21] Size and shape measurements
Artificial neuralnetworks
500 images (350 for training,
150 for testing) 20 fish families
86% ACC

6. Alsmadi et al.
[31]Color texture measurements Artificial neuralnetworks
610 images (500 for training,110 for testing)
20 fish families 84 %ACC
7. Cabreira et al.
[86] Energetic, morphometric, andbathymetric school
Descriptorsfrom echo-record Artificial neuralnetworks
6400 records6 species/stocks.
96% ACC

Table 4.8: comparison various researchers

- 94 -

The goal of this work was to build a system, which is able to detect and recognized hybrid fish
using images and extract fish characteristics that are useful for recognition purposes. The
proposed system detects and recognizes species type to classify using the SVM approach
distinguish fish from other species and characterize a fish in terms of its size and texture. The
system was tested on two datasets and evaluated by the detection and recognition accuracy.

Considering the obtained results, it can be concluded, that the proposed approach can be
successfully applied for the fish detection and recognition that used for classification based on
identification using the fish image shape and texture values. Selection of a suitable SVM method
should be based on the type of the images. Based on experimental demonstration, it is possible to
take input fish images data sets which all are supporting the proposed study that provides a
recognition, detection and classification of those hybrid fish.

BS method shows better resistance for noise and ability to adapt for illumination changes and background
movements. Adaptive segmentation method is capable to detect structure shape of fish even when the
color of foreground is close to the background, but its results may contain a lot of noise. Linear kernel
shows acceptable results on different images, but may be less effective on the used data sets than the other
methods. As a conclusion, it can be said that Adaptive segementation is the most structure outlined-
sensitive algorithm; BS and smoothing are the most noise-resistant, while segementation shows an
average between detection and noise resistance.

In addition to, this it has processing and demonstration of study activity based on the entering
input value that taken as input and processing an output, which is particularly focus on hybrid
recogntion. Also this work enable to provide a better as well as enhanced based recognition and
detection of those hybridfish species, even if when we come to the recognition and detection of
those inter-specific hybrid fish based on their is an appropriate to use feature
extraction. This chapter discusses and explains several performance evaluation methods, such as
precision, recall, precision-recall and average precision. Note that we use the term images in the
descriptions because most of these methods were originally designed for evaluating image based

- 95 -
search to recognize and classify fish species based on recognition and identification of their
images depend up on their image features, but in evaluating the performance of hybrid fish
species based image retrieval systems, which have call those fish by ‗A name for fish‘ can be
directly translated to ‗images‘. So this work has way when it is compared from previous work of
‗feature points based fish image recognition‘ which has been done by those researchers [31].

Because here in this study the researcher collected 250 local trained fish species images under
various photographic pictures that has conditions and applied our proposed method to those
images with a proportionate 242 local test fish species images. On the other hand, when we can
use 6,874 international trained fish images data set with a proportionate international fish images
tested data set of 6,552 fish species image that quantified in number which has been take from
Aquario28e40i dataset. When we are take the average between these two data sets which are
local and international fish data we can get 0.97742 values which has been calculated with this
Local data set performance value P1:
P1=250 =0.97742----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------eq.(4.6)

International data set performance value P2:

P2=250 =0.97742---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------eq.(4.7)

Average data set performance value Pa:

Pa = =0.97742------------------------------------------------------------------------------------eq.(4.8)

- 96 -
During the demonstration the results score 96.7742% accuracy rate values which are good and
approached to overall 97.7% accuracy rate values, but due to the various challenges the study do
not score 99% up to 100% accuracy rate values.
Those challenges are listed and decribed below in order:-
 Dynamic background:- Often the background is not a stable scene and the algorithm should
distinguish moving objects of interest from those that can be regarded as background.
 Occlusion:- Object of interest cannot be fully seen and detected on some frames if it is
occluded by other objects.
Illumination changes:- During the fish image capturing the illumination may change
gradually (e.g. Intensity of the sun changes throughout the day) or suddenly (e.g. the lamp has
been turned off), so the background model must take the light into account.
 Clutter:- It hinders the process of background modeling and complicates the segmentation.
 Camouflage:- Target objects may have the similar color and pattern as a background, which
makes them hardly distinguished even by the human.
 Camera motions:- If the camera is unstable it may affect the quality of the captured image.
 Image Noise: - Variety of image may contain noise which also affects the results.
 Algorithm: - donot know the various arts of algorithms for fish detection/recognition which
is much nessary and appropriate.
 Environmental issues: - The quality of water, underwater garbage, presence of moving
things under water. May also hamper the fish detection and recognition process. But from the
previous researcher [54] describe they use of over 100 trained fish images with 75 tested fish
image species datasets which are collected data images that consist of 7 different fish families
with 96.4 % accuracy values.
This study is better than the previous research which has been done and conducted previously
because the data set used to conduct demonstration by previous researcher is less than our
research used. It has a wide gap in image instance that we used to conduct the demonstration
when we compare and contrast with previous work since the researcher in this work gathered
492 fish image for demonstration purposes.

- 97 -
Moreover we can take those formulas under in the table 4.10, to apply in this work based on a
confusion matrix which is shown below, which shows the various values and related equations
that are described. Few of these equations are very relevant for performance analysis.
The real application of the SVM algorithm used to identify hybrid fish species which is
presented below in table 4.10. Based on summarizes results it is possible to take six different test
cases in detecting hybrid fish species using fish image feature extraction. The first three test
cases use 1,000 positive images and 3,000 negative images as the training set and the second
three test cases use 2,689 positive images and 3,000 negative images.
Here in this table 4.9 SVM algorithm used for fish detection based on demonstrational results.
P/N indicates positive and negative image ratio in the training set. TS indicate test set size. Hits
indicate the number of and percentage of correctly detected fishes. Missed indicates the number
missed fishes. The ―False‖ column indicates false positives.




#Test P/N TS Hits Missed False #Stages #Weak Classifiers and #Strong Classifiers
recognizer and recognizer

1 3100/3000 1272 245 (19%) 916 138 3 3 - - --


2 3800/3000 272 615 (49%) 546 196 6 11 - - --


3 250/242 242R 492 452 8 4 - - -- 483,871


4 6,552/ 6,874 484LR 13,426 914 9 5 - - -- 5000


Table 4.9: classifier

- 98 -

Test P/N TS Hits Missed False

1 242R 94(83%) 18 23

2 242/250
242LR 68(60)% 44 48

3 484LR 162(72%) 62 71

4 242R 101(90%) 11 16

5 6,552 / 6,874
242L 91(81%) 21 19

484LR 192(85%) 32 35

Table 4.10

Description of the above table 4.1 which are using test image set of known fish which targets for
validation consisting of 112 right side, 112 left side, 224 left and right side fish images, our study
got those percentage values 83%, 60%, 72%, 96.7742% hit rates for first three test cases and
90%, 81%, 85% hit rates for the second three test cases. The results show that larger training
image sets result in higher hit rates. This analysis was repeated on images of hybrid fish species.
The first test consisted of a training set of 3,100 positive images and 3,000 negative images
(table 4.9).

Interspecific hybrid fishes were less successfully detected and recognized with a 19% hit rate
for a test set which contains 1,272 left and right side images. In the second test the positive
images were increased to 3,800, improving the hit rate to 49%. To sum up an idea, in the third
and four test positive images were increased to 250 local trained fish image data set with 6,874
international trained fish positive image data sets, which is improving the hit rate to 96.7742%.

- 99 -
As summery, the researcher used a total of 7,124 fish image data which is used for training set
and served as fish positive images. Whereas, for test set our study uses 6,794 fish images within
a five species name and with more than six fish species family names.

- 100 -



Nowadays inter specific hybrid and crosss over fish identification through their images shape
and texture based on their image feature vector values were a very difficult task for people who
work daily in the fishing researcher center. Due to this, reason and purposes the researcher tries
to solve this problem. As our understanding all fish species have unique body image structural
shape and texture. However, all hybrid species have a common intersect and union
morphological structure and shape with their parental gene type.

The fish detection process consists of identifying fish locations in an image frame (i.e., its x, y
pixel coordinates), fish extent (width, height), followed by a clear segmentation of fish from
background. The outcome is an image that only contains fish targets, with the background
masked out, and individual non-overlapping fish targets separately labeled. The Viola and Jones
(VJ) object detection algorithm based on haar-like features [82] was evaluated for identifying
First, a training image set was assembled consisting of positive (with fish) and negative images
(without fish). Then this training set was used to identify test sets of images to determine the
effectiveness of the method. The detection of two fish species, the Nile perch fish (nilo litcous)
and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus or cichlid) from images was tested using this approach.

This study contributes the determination and classification of fish families and species. The
number of the samples (fish families/species) in the proposed database is total of 13,918 fish
image data set which is including morphologically different shaped fish‘s image data sets which
are both local and international fish data set. The feature extraction method based on biological
measurements was used in the previous study for classification purposes [84].

- 101 -
However, the classification and recognition has various hybrid fish images and preprocessing
procedure steps used to segment the required fish to get a detail shape and boundary, region of
interest within the fish‘s object images. Above all techniques enable recognition and
classification which has been trying to call the fish image by name approved based on the query
image features values such as histogram hsv, auto correlogram, color moments, mean amplitude,
image energy, and wavelet moments.

An SVM algorithm used to recognize and classify both local and international trained and test
fish image data set based on shape and texture information that fish image contained. Based on
those fish which are collected using both hand held techno mobile w2 and public aquario2840i
fish data set showed that system was able to score 96.7742%.

The main goal of the shape and texture based detection of mixed fish species are used to find
images which are similar to the query image visually without using any textual descriptions for
the image. Feature based detection is the field and collection of technology that used various
algorithms, whose detail study enable the user to query image databases by using image content
such as color, texture, shape and their geometries not by using textual attributes such as image

Above all techniques provide the recognition and classification is enabling to call the fish image
by name which is approved based on the query image features vector values such as histogram
hsv, auto correlogram, color moments, mean amplitude, image energy, and wavelet moments.
Despite this, during experimental work which has an original upload fish image from a database
processed into contrasted enhaced fish image which used to detect and recognize the fish, finally
at the end classify it the fish correctly.

Where as, during upload fish image processing into contrsted enhanced image the demonstration
have color based fish image segementation which used hsv color values. Those are hue color,
processed image with hue color, saturated color, processed image with saturation color, value
color, processed image with value color.

- 102 -
As summery, the researcher tries to address, solve and get an overall accuracy of 96.7742% was
achieved with a those dicussed procedural approaches and method of techniques. This research
produced and delivered good results and a better solution when it is compare with the above all
researchers. Moreever, the researcher explored a set of features that could be used to represent
fish specie type by their appropriate name which are related with fish character traits.

In this study, there are further research activities those need to enhnce and make a better to select
a good classifier algorithm to recognize and detect those fish species which is appropriate and
fast to forecast and predicate the species name.

- 103 -

Based on the investigation and findings of the study, the following recommendations are
forwarded for future and further research works: We tested different detection and recognition
algorithms in this project. Our main conclusion is that with a larger training set, we obtain better
results. In order to evaluate existing SVM based fish detection and recognition algorithms, we
need more robust training data set. In the future, first we will move towards preparing a
standardized training and testing database, which will allows us to make a direct comparison
between different algorithms for fish detection and identification.

Based on the investigation and findings of the study, the following recommendations are
forwared for future and further research works which are recommended:

 To identify the most promising fish classification/ detection algorithms.

 Use this CCTV Camera rather than mobile camera.
 Preparing public Ethiopian national fish data set.
 Use various better algorithms for fish detection/recognition such as Bayesian
classifirer Alogrithm.

And advance the state of the art in fish detection and identification. In addition, we plan to test
emerging fish detection and recognition algorithms with standardized data set. For example, we
will test combining computer vision with human effort for fish recognition following a method
introduced by Branson et al [85].

Those forward future works have a major challenge and issues because of those reasons which
are explained below: - To identify those fish species based on various algorithm should ask a
skill to adapt and know how to apply during experimentation. This algorithm adaptation again
desires to use much amount time of duration simulation process.

Even to choose the best algorithm among those algorithms, it should nessary to know the
function of each applied algorithm on fish species recognition and classification.Those algorithm

- 104 -
also should required a variety of fish species image with different image pixel resolution which
are a challenging task in this study are recommend to wrttien as future works.

Generally in this study it is possible to categorize those inter-specific hybrid fish sepceis using
their shape and texture of those fish images. To classify, recognize and identify those five types
of species using svm algorithm based on several procedures. These fish types are tilapia, perch,
rainbow, carp and barb too. Beside this those procedures are used for
segmentation,smoothing,edge detection,contour track segmentation, RGB histogram processing
comparison for image processing,image restoration, and enhancement.

Finally the study has 96.7742% accuracy values. In this study the accuracy value is not 100%
because the rest 3.3% has various problems such as distoration of some pixel within an image
when processed, lighting effect of an image, resolution and disorder.

- 105 -
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Appendix I:Sample recognition and detection

Figure I (a): Graphical User Interface Template And Feature Vector Creation

1. load('TrainFeat_Fish.mat')
2. test = handles.ImgData3;
3. result = multisvm(TrainFeat,Train_Label,test);
4. disp(result);
5. if result == 1
6. A1 = ' Nile Tilapia';
7. %1 Nile Tilapia
8. set(handles.edit1,'string',A1);
9. helpdlg(' Nile Tilapia ');
10. disp('Nile Tilapia ');
11. elseif result == 2
12. A2 = ' Nile Perch';
13. helpdlg('Barb ');
14. disp('Barb ');
- 113 -
15. elseif result == 4
16. A4 = 'Bass';
17. set(handles.edit1,'string',A4);
18. helpdlg('Bass ');
Figure I (b): sample graphical user interface to display template and feature vector creation

- 114 -
Appendix II:sample image enhancement from back ground image

Figure II(A):sample image enhancement

- 115 -
Appendix IV:Sample Image Edge Detection

Figure II (B): Gray image detection.

dx=0.5; dy=-0.1;
'Name','Lo-Fi Image WS',...
'Color',[0.8314 0.8157 0.7843]);
%%%%% defining push buttons %%%%%
% Browse Button
- 116 -
'Position',[0.05 0.925 0.9 0.045],...
'ForegroundColor',[1 1 1]*0.3,...
Appendix Iv:Contour Based Image Segmentation.

Figure II (C): countor track image segmentation

fprintf('%s \n\n\n',['Run started at: ',datestr(clock)]);
set(hObject,'String','Busy');% change the string on the button
set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[1,0,0,]);%change button color
set(hObject,'ForegroundColor',[0,0,0,]); %change text color
set(hObject,'Enable','off'); %disable button
length_file_str=length (file_str);
cell_array_length=ceil (length_file_str/text_line_length);
if cell_array_length > 1
for ind=1:cell_array_length-1

- 117 -
Appendix III:sample contour based image segmentation and denoise

Figure III (A): Sample image segmentation based denoises.

dx=0.5; dy=-0.1;
'Name','Lo-Fi Image WS',...
'Color',[0.8314 0.8157 0.7843]);
%%%%% defining push buttons %%%%%
% Browse Button
'Position',[0.05 0.925 0.9 0.045],...
'ForegroundColor',[1 1 1]*0.3,...
- 118 -
% save image
Appendix IIV:Normalized Fish Images.

Figure III (B):Normalized fish images.

- 119 -

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