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Name ____________________ Date __________________

Class: VII Geography Worksheet


Q1. What are earthquakes?





Q2. Multiple Choice Questions. (choose the most suitable answer)

a) A focus is ______________________________________________________

(i) The point where the earthquake occurs

(ii) The point where the earthquake ends

(iii) None of the above

b) What is the epicentre?

(i) The place on the Earth’s surface directly below the focus

(ii) The place on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus

(iii) The point where the earthquake ends

c) What is calculated by the Richter Scale?

(i) Magnitude

(ii) Amount of energy

(iii) Both of these

Q3. Fill in the given table while referring to the description of a Richter Scale.

Richter Scale Effects on places where people live


6 Poorly built buildings may collapse.

Considerable damage.

8 to 10

Q4. (i) List the factors that determine the intensity of an earthquake.

a) ______________

b) ______________

c) ______________

d) ______________

e) ______________

(ii) Explain any two of them in your own words.

a) ______________




b) ______________




Q5. Read the ‘Tangshan Earthquake’ [4.5], in your book and make a fact-file
based on at with at least 7 – 9 headings.















Q6. Why do earthquakes occur?




Q7. How can earthquakes be caused by human activities?




Q8. How can we reduce the impact of earthquakes? Give at least four examples.

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