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SCHOOL YEAR 2014/2015

Raudhatul Haura, Dewi Rosaria

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP
Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjary

Students’ participation plays a very important role in the active learning. This is why telling
them in teaching is less effective than finding a way to help them think their own way through a
problem. It has a great portion to achieve their successful learning, so the use of various techniques
will bring the material to encourage the students to participate optimally. As a result, it impacts the
teacher’s role to explore and use various techniques to encourage students participation, in other
words to be active. Thus, teachers’ techniques in encouraging students’ participation would be very
important things that must be taken into account. This research purposes to investigate the teacher’s
technique in encouraging students’ participation, and the problems encounter during using of the
This research uses qualitative method. The result was relied on the view of participants; asked
broad; general questions; collected data consisting largely of words of text from participants;
described and analyzed these words for themes. The data are collected by using observation,
interview and document.
There are thirteen strategies used by the observed teachers that gained students’ participation.
They are: asking questions, providing interesting teaching aids, mentioning students’ name, giving
commands, giving positive verbal reward, presenting interesting activity, point system as reward,
giving reinforcement, checking students’ understanding, modeling, reviewing, and creating teamwork.
Furthermore, there are some problems which were appeared during the use of those strategies, they
are: time allocation, students’ difficulties to understand english instruction, flexibility principle, and
providing other interesting activities.

Keywords: Teacher's technique, to encourage students' participation.

A. BACKGROUND that students must be an active participant. They

advocates for active learning through games,
Students’ participation plays a very
practical and sensory experiences to promote
important role in the active learning as
complex intellectual constructs and abstract
proposed by Hutchinson (1986) related to
reasoning. In addition, Jean Piaget proposes
learning-centered approach. Throughout the
that students form ideas from their direct
centuries EYL educational philosophers such as
experiences in life. This is why telling them in
Dewey (1897), Montessori (1930), Erikson
teaching is less effective than finding a way to
(1950), Piaget (1951), Vigotsky (1960) believes
help them think their own way through a Lecturing: techniques in Increasing
problem. Lev Vygostsky also added they can Participation in Large Group Presentation
benefit the new concept and ideas from which held at Medicine Faculty of McGill
interaction with teachers, classmates and peers University in Canada found that there are some
(Mooney, 2000). It can be concluded that techniques which are considered as successful
students' participation has a great portion to ways to increase students’ participation. They
achieve their successful learning. Meanwhile, are breaking the class into smaller group,
Howard Gardner states about multiple questioning the audience, using audience
intelligence theory that not all students can learn responses, the use of written material,
in the same way in a classroom (Mooney: 2000), organizing debates, reaction panels, and guests,
so the use of various techniques will bring the using simulations and role plays, using film and
material to encourage the students to participate videotape, audiovisual aids, using effective
optimally. As a result, It impacts the teacher’s presentation skills. Another previous study by
role to explore and use various techniques to Tsou, W. in 2005 found that there are some
encourage students participation, in other words effective techniques which are regarded as good
to be active. Thus, teachers’ techniques in ways to improve students oral participation.
encouraging students’ participation would be They are giving verbal motivation, using small
very important things that must be taken into group discussion, giving instructions, using
account. videotape as audiovisual media, inviting guests,
using role play, asking questions to promote
Gaining students' participation is not an
easy part, especially students. There are some
challenges in teaching English to students This paper therefore aims at investigating
compared to adult students. The previous study the techniques performed by teachers to
by McKinney shows that Teachers constantly encourage their students' participation and how
face the challenges to find the most effective the teachers deal with the problems appeared
technique that can enhance students' activeness during the teaching process. The desired aim is
and match the diversity among the students. In achieved by getting a general description of how
addition, Pinter (2006) reveals that those certain techniques are used and what aspects
challenges are based on their different that must be anticipated.
characteristic compared to adult students which B. STATEMENTS OF THE PROBLEM
are considered as an easy part to deal with.
They are very unique, change quickly, and The issues to be discussed in this paper
develop new skills and abilities in spurts. can be summarized in the following research
Undoubtedly, the role of the classroom teacher questions:
is so critical since a teacher is the point of 1. What techniques do the teachers use in
contact between the educational system and the encouraging students' participation?
students (Cruickshank, Jenkins & Metcalf:
2006). 2. What problems do the teachers encounter
during the use of the techniques?
The impact of any educational program
or innovation on the students operates through C. THEORETICAL FOUNDATION
the students' teacher. Thus, maximizing teacher 1. Definition of Teaching Strategy
effectiveness to gain students' participation is a As teachers, we need strategies. It means
major goal of education There are many that we should have lots of backups to cope with
techniques that can be applied in encouraging any situations in teaching. We not only need to
students' participation. The previous study by be able to see what is happening in our
Steinert and Snell (1999) entitled Interactive classrooms, but also need to know what to do
about what we see. We need to be able to think and someone choose one – or several in
more clearly about the activity of teaching it self. sequence- for a given problem.
Regarding to the definition of strategy, The Regarding the clear definition of teaching
Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (2003) strategies Brown (2001) in his book “Teaching
defines the word ‘strategy’ into three kinds of by Principle” used the term ‘strategy’ in teaching
definition. First, it is a plan is intended to world separately with approach, method, and
achieve a particular purpose. Second, it is the technique. In order to give a comprehensive
process of planning something or carrying out a understanding, he gives certain specific
plan in a skillful way. Third, it is the skillful of definitions for each. An approach, according to
planning the movements of armies in a battle or Anthony (cited in Brown: 2001), is a set of
war. In essence, it can be defined as a plan, a assumption dealing with the nature of language,
method or series of maneuvers for obtaining a learning, and teaching. Method is described as
specific goal or result. an overall plan for systematic presentation of
Applied to teaching, especially to young language based upon a selected approach.
learners, the term "strategy" refers to a plan and Techniques are the specific activities manifested
a series of activities used to facilitate a particular in the classroom that are consistent with a
kind of learning (Davis: 1997). In line with method and therefore in a harmony with an
Davis (1997), Lincoln (2006) defines it as goals approach as well. In another part of the book,
directed and consciously controllable process he stresses that teaching strategy, in essence, is
that facilitates performance. Additionally, DC- teacher techniques for capitalizing on the
Education Working Group Draft Document principles of successful teaching and learning.
Teaching Methods/Strategies states that Based on the aforementioned definitions,
teaching strategy is ways of presenting
in short, it can be concluded that strategy is
instructional materials or conducting some means of organizing their efforts, some
instructional activities. Brown (2001) defines ways of conceptualizing the activity they initiate
teaching as a process of showing or helping any successful purpose, in this research
someone to learn how to do something, giving specifically in encouraging young learner’s
instructions, guiding in a study or something, participation.
providing with knowledge, causing to know or
understand. Teaching cannot be defined apart 2. Learners’ Participation
from learning because teaching is guiding and Harries states that the term “participation”
facilitating learning, enabling the learner to refers to a process where students are being
learn, setting the conditions for learning. That is actively involved in processes or activities. It is
why the teacher’s styles, approaches, methods, widely recognized that participation is a process
techniques and strategies would give a great rather than an event, and that it involves varying
impact to the success of the learning process. degrees of young learners’ involvement.
He assumed that someone’s theory of teaching According to Petress (2006), Class participation
is someone’s theory of learning According to is composed of both its quantity and its quality
Brown (2001), strategies mean specific method dimensions. Quantitatively, it is desirable that all
of approaching a problem or task, modes of students be given the opportunity to participate
operation for achieving particular end, planned by asking questions, offering examples when
designs for controlling and manipulating certain called for, and supply evidence of personal
information. They are contextualized “battle awareness of concepts to class discussion.
plans” that might vary from moment to moment. While quality class participation requires some
day to day, or year to year. Strategy is very intra interaction frequency, there are numerous well-
individually; each of us has a number of known classroom behaviors that detract from
possible ways to solve a particular problem, effective classroom management and student
learning. It means that we can identify children’s and collaborate it to accomplish certain
participation through their interactions. Moore purposes.
(1989) proposed students participation into In interaction, students can use all they
three types of learning interaction as follows: possess of the language, all they have learned in
a. Learner-Content Interaction the real life. Even at elementary stage, they learn
in this way to exploit the elasticity of language.
The first type of interaction is interaction
Many forms of active learning have been used
between the learner and the content or subject
in settings for decades, and most experienced
of study. It is the process of intellectually
and effective teachers will find that they are
interacting with content that results in changes
already using variations on this concept through
in the learner's understanding, the learner's
the point how to make their students to be
perspective, or the cognitive structures of the
active participant in learning (Mooney, 2000).
learner's mind. Moore (1989) stresses there will
These beliefs were underpinning the emergence
be no education without this interaction since it
of the Communicative Language Teaching
is intellectually interacting process that can
(CLT) approach (Brown, 2001) through
change learners understanding. This type of
interactive learning method which requires
interaction can be identified when learners talk
students’ active participation. According to the
to themselves about th information or ideas
aforementioned theories elated to the
they encounter from a text, television program,
importance of learners’ participation, it can be
lecture, or elsewhere.
concluded that learners’ participation is very
b. Learner-Teacher Interaction important to be taken into teachers’ account.
The second type of interaction-regarded 3. An Overview of Teacher Strategies in
as essential by many educators, and as highly Encouraging Learner’s Participation
desirable by many learners is interaction
Regarding strategies in promoting
between the learner and the expert or teacher
students participation through interaction,
who prepared the subject material, or some
Brown (2001) states that there are so many
other expert acting as instructor. In this
strategies that can be used to encourage learners’
interaction, what instructors or teachers do is
participation. However, he stresses on the
important as an attempt to achieve aims.
teacher questioning strategies. He states that the
c. Learner-Learner Interaction most important key to creating an interactive
It is the third form of interaction. This is language classroom is the initiation of
inter-learner interaction, between one learner interaction by the teacher. The teacher is the
and other learners, alone or in group settings, one who should provide the stimuli for
with or without the real-time presence of an continued interaction. Appropriate questioning
instructor. Moore (1989) also believes that this in an interactive classroom can fulfill a number
type of interaction is valuable and essential since of different functions. First, teacher questions
this would be a great chance for learners to give students the opportunity to produce
function their knowledge. In line with Moore language comfortably without having to risk
(1989), brown (2001) also defined learners initiating language themselves. Second, they also
participation through interaction as a critical can serve to initiate a chain reaction of students’
part. He states that interaction is an important interaction among themselves. Third, they also
word for the language teachers. Interaction is can give the instructor immediate feedback
the heart of communication; it is what about the students comprehension. Last,
communication is all about. It happened when teacher questions provide students with
someone send message, receive message, opportunities to find out what they think by
interpret them in a context, negotiate meaning, hearing what they say.
Brophy (1998) cited in Cruickshank, in encouraging young learners’ participation are
Jenkins & Metcalf (2006) also reviewed some strategies which are successful to gain learners’
strategies in encouraging students’ participation participation in terms of their interactions.
that cover establishing a classroom environment Additionally, there are 10 common
that is conducive to learning, maximizing the characteristics of strategies in encouraging young
likelihood that learners will make an effort to learners’ participation are summarized as
learn, making special efforts on behalf of follows: 1. Strategies are motivating and
students who lack confidence and those are encouraging dealing with feeling 2. Strategies are
reluctant to engage in learning, making special supportive dealing with presentation 3.
efforts with students who have low expectations Strategies are interactive dealing the use
for themselves and readily accept failure, students ideas 4. Strategies put children actively
making special efforts with apathetic and to construct meaning 5. Strategies provide space
disengaged students, using both extrinsic and for children language growth 6. Strategies carry
intrinsic reward as suitable, engaging learners in cues or media to show meaning 7. Strategies
tasks that permit them to accomplish maximize social interactions 8. Strategies put
curriculum goals and at the same time satisfy students to learn what they experience. 9.
their own personal and social goals, encouraging Strategies are helpful to create interactive
students to value learning. learning 10. Several recommended strategies
are asking questions, providing variety of activity,
In details, Brown (2001) also mentions
encouraging, complimenting, using role-play,
some characteristics of strategies which are
giving rewards, providing conducive
regarded as good ways to encourage young
environment, making special efforts to certain
learners’ participation. First, strategies deal with
feelings covers non threatening way, accepting,
discussing, referring to, or communicating D. METHOD OF THE STUDY
understanding of past, present, or future This research employed qualitative
feelings of students. Dealing with encourages or method that used case study approach
praises, they cover praising, complimenting, and suggested by Creswell (2008) since the study was
telling students why what they have said or done aimed at understanding a phenomenon in
is valued. Encouraging students to continue, depth. The result was relied on the view of
trying to give them confidence, confirming that participants; asked broad; general questions;
answers are correct. Dealing with uses ideas of collected data consisting largely of words of text
students, they cover clarifying, using, from participants; described and analyzed these
interpreting, summarizing the ideas of students. words for themes. It attempted to understand
The ideas must be rephrased by the teacher but and investigate strategies used by teachers in
still be recognized as being student encouraging the learners’ participation as well as
encountered problem and follow up strategies
contributions. Dealing with presentation, they
applied by the teachers.
cover asking questions, giving information,
giving direction, criticizing students’ behavior or 1. Site and Participants
responses. This study involved 2 teachers of English
To sum up the principles of teacher for the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Rantau.
strategies in encouraging learners participation They are Mrs. A and Mrs. B. The selection of
the sample in this study was based on the
proposed by Brown (2001), Cameron (2001)
recommendation and willingness of the teachers
and Brophy (1998), effective teacher strategies to be observed.
2. Data Collection images in order to form answers to our research
questions. In this study, I applied six steps
This study used two methods as follows:
involved in analyzing and interpreting qualitative
a. Observation data suggested by Creswell (2008), they are: 1.
This study also adapted several steps Preparing and organizing data; 2. Exploring and
suggested by Creswell (1998). First, I selected a coding the database; 3. Describing findings and
site to be observed, Then, I identified who or forming themes; 4. Representing and reporting
what to observe (the teachers and their findings; 5. Interpreting the meaning of the
activities). In order to observe and investigate findings; 6. Validating the accuracy of the
strategies that were employed by the teachers in findings; 7. Data reduction; 8. Data display; 9.
encouraging learner’s participation, the study Conclusion; drawing or verification;
completed observation framework proposed by 4. Reliability and Validity of the Study
Steinert & Snell (1999). The observation
The collected and analyzed data need to
framework focused on investigating strategies in
be validated in order make sure that the
encouraging learners’ participation and the
findings and interpretations were valid. As
learners’ participation.
suggested by Creswell (2008), he explained
b. Interview three strategies which were typically used in
Through interview, the researchers may qualitative research as follows. The first strategy
investigate participants’ background, reported was by conducting triangulation. Second,
behavior and also opinions and attitude about member checking was another strategy that can
various aspects of language learning. Thus, this be employed to validate the findings of the
study employed this kind of instrument in order study. Through this strategy, the researchers
to investigate teacher’s inner thoughts toward check their findings with participants of the
the strategies used by them in encouraging study to determine if their findings are accurate.
learners’ participation, what problems they Last strategy was by having an external audit. By
encountered, and what follow up strategies they this step, the researchers ask the person outside
used to deal with the encountered problems. the project to conduct a thorough review of the
This study used the traditional one and semi study and report back, in writing, the strengths
structured design when the interviewer can ask and weaknesses of the project. However, to
additional questions when it is needed. This meet the reliability and validity, the study only
study also employed several steps to conduct an perceived two among three strategies that have
interview as suggested by Creswell (1998). It been mentioned above namely triangulation
covered identifying interviewees based on the and external audit. Triangulation was conducted
purpose (the two teachers), determining what by corroborating evidence from types of data of
type of interview is practical and will net the the study namely field notes and interview
most useful information to answer research transcriptions. Meanwhile, the external audit
questions (semi structured interview), using a was also applied by asking for feedback from
tape recorder, designing the interview protocol supervisors and proofreaders.
(it can be seen in appendices), determine the E. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND
place for conducting the interview (in the DISCUSSION
classroom), obtaining consent from the 1. Strategies Used by Teachers in Encouraging
interviewee to participate in the study. the Students’ Participation
3. Data Analysis In order to answer the first research
Analyzing qualitative data requires question, this study tried to find out strategies
understanding how to make sense of text and used by the teachers to encourage students’
participation. was based on Brown’s (2001)
suggestion that teacher strategies would give a line with Brown’s (2001) suggestion to criticize
great impact to the success of the learning students’ behavior or response as an attempt in
process. creating interactive learning. In short, it can be
said that interesting teaching aids are helpful to
Considering that there are so many
gain students’ participation.
strategies that the observed teachers used, but
there are only some strategies which resulted in d. Giving Commands
students’ participation. The students’
participation in this context referred to Moore From the aforementioned collected
(1989), who defined students’ participation as observation data, it can be noticed that the
three types of interactions, namely interaction of teachers applied giving commands as one of the
learner to content (LC), interaction of learner to strategies to promote students’ participation in
learner (LL), and interaction of learner to the class. Giving commands was used in every
teacher (LT). There are thirteen strategies used session by teachers (100%). With regard to the
by the observed teachers that gained students’ types of interactions, it was considered
participation. They are: successful to encourage students’ participation
a. Asking Questions since it gained the three types of interactions:
LC interaction LL interaction and LT
As revealed from the data, the teacher interaction. It also confirmed that giving
mostly used asking question as one of the
commands in English are applicable for
strategies in encouraging students’ participation.
The teachers used asking questions as a good students.
way to promote their students‘ participation. It e. Giving Positive Verbal Reward
was also found from the data that the strategy
was successful to gain students’ participation. Giving positive verbal reward was the fifth
strategy that the teachers used to encourage
b. Providing Interesting Teaching Aids their studentss’ participation. The teachers used
Another teacher’s attempt to encourage this strategy in every session (100%). It can be
students’ participation was providing interesting observed that this strategy was successful to gain
teaching aids. The teachers applied the strategy students’ participations. With respect to the
to promote students’ participation. It was found types of interactions, it turned out that all three
out that teachers used the strategy almost in types of interactions were gained: LC
every session. interaction, LT interaction and LL interaction.
c. Mentioning Students’ Name This strategy is in line with Brown’s (2001)
Mentioning students’ name was also suggestion that praises and encourages can be
discovered as a strategy that the teacher used to good ways to promote students participation.
encourage students’ participation. The teachers Giving command also met some characteristics
used this strategy frequently because it was of effective strategy in encouraging students’
successful to gain the participation. It was also participation proposed by Brown & Cameron
seen from the observation that the teachers (2001) that this strategy were motivating and
used to mention students’ name as response to encouraging dealing with feeling, maximized
students’ misbehave. Mentioning students’ social interactions, and were helpful to create
name also met some characteristics of effective interactive learning. Additionally, this finding
strategy in encouraging learners participation was also in line with the previous study by
suggested by Brown and Cameron (2001) that Centra, Forth, Gray & Lamberts (1976) and
this strategy was dealing with feeling and Tsou (2005) who found giving positive verbal
maximized social interactions. This strategy is in
reward as a strategy in encouraging students’
participation. met some characteristics of effective strategy in
encouraging students’ participation proposed by
f. Presenting Interesting Activity Brown & Cameron (2001) that this strategy was
It was seen from the collected data above motivating and encouraging dealing with feeling,
that presenting interesting activity was used as a was supportive dealing with presentation, was
strategy in encouraging students’ participation. interactive dealing the use students’ ideas, and
Presenting variety of activities met some was helpful to create interactive learning. This
characteristics of effective strategy in finding is in line with the previous study by
encouraging students’ participation proposed by Centra, Forth, Gray & Lamberts (1976). It
Brown & Cameron (2001) that this strategy was confirmed that this kind of strategy is useful to
supportive dealing with presentation, put gain students’ participation.
children actively to construct meaning, provided i. Checking Students’ Understanding
space for children language growth, maximized
social interactions, and put students to learn Checking students’ understanding was
what they experience. This also is in line with also found as a good strategy in encouraging
the previous study by Steinert and Snell (1999) students’ participation. From the
and another previous study by Tsou (2005). aforementioned data, the use of this strategy was
The collected data from interview confirmed considered as a helpful way to gain students’
this finding that the teachers intended to apply participation. Checking students’ understanding
this strategy and realize the usefulness of this was used as one of the strategies to encourage
strategy in encouraging students’ participation. the participation. The teachers applied the
strategy in two of four sessions (50%). The
g. Point System as Reward strategy was successful to promote the
The use of point system as reward was participation in terms of two types of
also found as a strategy to encourage students’ interactions (LT interaction and LC interaction).
participation. This strategy was applied by the Checking students understanding also met some
teachers frequently. It can be noticed that the characteristics of effective strategy in
strategy was successful to gain the students’ encouraging students’ participation proposed by
participation. It is also shown from the Brown & Cameron (2001) that this strategy was
observation that students were very excited to supportive dealing with presentation, was
get the points. This finding showed that the interactive dealing the use students ideas,
teachers used both extrinsic and intrinsic reward maximized social interactions, and was helpful
as suitable as suggested by Brophy (1998). Point to create interactive learning. This finding is in
system as reward also met some characteristics line with the previous study by Centra, Forth,
of effective strategy in encouraging students’ Gray & Lamberts (1976). This finding also
participation proposed by Brown & Cameron confirmed that checking students’
(2001) that this strategy was motivating and understanding plays an important role to gain
encouraging dealing with feeling, maximized students’ participation.
social interactions, and was helpful to create j. Modeling
interactive learning. This finding is in line with
the collected data from interview. From the presented data above, modeling
h. Giving Reinforcement was also found to be one of the strategies used
by the teachers to encourage students’
As revealed from the data, giving participation. This strategy was successful in
reinforcement was discovered as a strategy that gaining students’ participation in terms of three
the teachers used to encourage students’ types of interactions which are: LT interaction,
participation. This strategy was successful to
LC interaction and LL interaction. This finding
promote the participation. This strategy also
revealed that the teachers mostly gave model interview and observation that there are some
before giving direction as suggested by Cameron problems which were appeared during the use
(2001) and Pinter (2006). Modeling also met of those strategies. They are:
some characteristics of effective strategy in a. Time Allocation
encouraging students’ participation proposed by
Brown & Cameron (2001) that this strategy was From the interview, it was identified that
supportive dealing with presentation, provided time allocation is one of problems which are
space for children language growth, put students encountered by teachers during the use of the
strategies in encouraging students’ participation.
to learn what they experience, and was helpful
to create interactive learning. This finding is in b. Students’ Difficulties to Understand English
line with Steinert and Snell (1999) who found Instruction
modeling as an effective strategy in encouraging From the interview, it was also identified
students’ participation. that students’ difficulties to understand English
k. Reviewing instruction is another problem which is
encountered by teachers during the use of the
Reviewing was also found as a strategy strategies in encouraging learners participation.
used by the teachers in encouraging their This finding also revealed that the
students’ participation. Reviewing also met teachers made special efforts to deal with
some characteristics of effective strategy in certain characteristic or condition of learners as
encouraging students’ participation proposed by suggested by Brophy (1998) cited in
Brown & Cameron (2001). This finding was Cruickshank, Jenkins & Metcalf (2006), they are:
also in line with the previous study by Centra,
a. Flexibility Principle
Forth, Gray & Lamberts (1976) who found
reviewing as an effective strategy in encouraging To deal with the time consuming
learner’s participation. problem, it is observed and also identified from
the interview transcription that they applied
l. Creating Teamwork flexibility principle to cope with the problem.
The teachers also used creating teamwork b. Providing Other Interesting Activities
as a strategy in encouraging their students’
Dealing with another problem, that is
participation. This is the last strategy that was students’ condition, it is observed and also
found in this study to gain students’ identified from the interview transcription that
participation. This finding confirmed that they provided other interesting activities to cope
teachers created teamwork as strategy in with the problem.
encouraging students’ participation as suggested
by Brown (2001). This study was also in line
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