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My Precious Child,

I have paid and bought everything you will ever need in this life by My saving grace.

Everything you need saving from, I have already saved you from it.

Before you even encounter a problem, I have already saved you from it.

Before sickness could even touch your body, I have already provided your healing.

Before you even turn away from Me and choose to do things your way, I have already forgiven
you and reconciled you to My Father.

My grace is an invitation.

Your faith, which I have pioneered and perfected, is your response.

Faith is your claim stub.

You have already been saved by grace. Now, respond by claiming it with the faith I have placed
in you. Use it freely.

I died and bled for you.

I was pierced, crushed, bruised and beaten for you.

I rose SO THAT you may rise up and have newness of life.

It is finished. I paid everything in full.

Forgiveness is yours. Healing is yours. Freedom is yours.

Walk in it!

Victory is your portion. Your victory is in My Name.

Drive out anything that is not victory, out of your body, out of your mind!

I have given you all power and authority, by the power of My Name and by the power of My

Use it with boldness and confidence in Me, for I have authorized you.

Respond to my invitation.

Partake of everything I have prepared for you.

Everything is there for every situation, every condition, every problem you will ever encounter.

The very WORD I have spoken to you is your daily bread.

This is your life.

Take it. Eat it. Live by every WORD that comes out of My mouth.

Live close to me.

I desire to show you exceedingly, abundantly, beyond what you could ever imagine.

Believe Me to do the impossible for you! Healing, wholeness and deliverance in every area of
your life.


For if you truly understand what I have done for you, you need not be afraid.

This is how you overcome.

“I have told you these things,

SO THAT in Me you may have Peace.

In this world you will have trouble.

But take heart!

I have overcome the world.”

~ John 16:33

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