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How many times do you wear a pair of jeans until you wash them?

Sierra Watts and Taylor Bierstetel

For our project we chose to survey people about how many times they wear a pair of
jeans until they wash them. The variable in our survey is how many times someone wear a
single pair of jeans until they wash them. What we are measuring is how long people wear a
pair of jeans until they wash them. We chose this topic because we are curious how often
people wash their jeans. People tend to wear jeans quite often because they have multiple
different purposes. They can be worn for a casual event, to church, to school, etc. However,
because of that we may not wash our jeans before we wear them again. Some people wash
them right away or wait a week or even longer. Therefore, we were curious to see just how often
people wash their jeans because people wear them so often.The variable in our study is
quantitative. It’s quantitative because our study is measuring the amount of times people wash
their jeans. For our study, it makes more sense to use the entire population because we want
the most accurate average and it’s easier to have the whole class respond to our survey than
for us to ask a select few. Our survey does not have a placebo effect because everyone is being
asked the same question. No one is being tricked into thinking they are receiving something and
not. In addition, it is not a double blind survey because there is not a third party. There was a
lurking variable because people voting more than once affected our data because some of the
options may have had more answers than they should of.
We will be doing a survey. We chose this because it’s easier to do a survey with our
topic than to observe how many times someone wears a pair of jeans and to do an experiment.
We can’t control how many times someone washes their jeans; therefore, conducting a survey
and asking them is the best option.Our data will be measured at the ratio level. Our study will
not have a control group. There is a privacy issue with our study which is why we chose to
survey people anonymously because people may not want us to know how many times they
wash their jeans. Some people may be embarrassed to say how long they wear a pair of jeans
until they wash them which is why we have a privacy issue. We are collecting our data by
creating a google form survey, sending it to our stats class, and having them fill it out. What we
will have to consider is that some people may vote more than once; therefore, throwing our data
What we found out from our study is that more people wear their jeans five or more
times until they wash them. This data was shocking to us. We thought that people would wear a
pair of jeans only a couple of times and then wash them. However, some of our classmates
voted more than once throwing off our data so the results for five or more times may not be true.
We were also surprised that only 16.3% of people wear their jeans once then they wash them.
We assumed that more people would only wear a pair of jeans once. In conclusion, we were
shocked by our final data results but we do have to keep in mind that someone voted more than
once because our total responses were 86 and we have 26 people in our class.

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