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Sleepy Athletes

By: Kimbria and Sierra

We collected our data using a google survey and by walking
around surveying people. The explanatory variable in our project is the
number of hours of sleep someone gets per night and our response
variable is the number of sports someone plays.
The scatter plot shows a moderaltely positive correlation. Which
means that the number of sports someone plays can affect the number of hours someone
sleeps but it is not directly related to the hours of sleep someone gets per night. Our r value is
0.407. The r value shows how closely related our two data sets are. The closer to 1 our r value
is, the more strongly positive our correlation would be. If the value is closer to -1 than our data
set would be strongly negative. Since our data set is closer to 0 than 1 our data is moderately
positive. 𝑥= 1.74 and 𝑦= 7.3. The 𝑥is the average of all our x values so our 𝑥 is the average
number of sports people in our school play. The 𝑦is the average number of hours student
athletes at our school sleeps per night. The significance of these two points is if we plotted it on
our scatter plot is it would show our average amount of sports played and hours of sleep
someone sleeps per night. Our least squares regression is y= 0.379x + -1.03. We can use this
equation to find other results. If we wanted to know how many sports someone plays just from
the hours of sleep they get each night, we would plug in the hours into x and get an answer. For
example, if someone slept 7 hours we would set up our equation like y= 0.379(7) + -1.03. We
would get an answer of 1.623 and since no one can play half of a sport that person would
probably play two sports.
The marginal change is the slope of the linear regression. When calculating our data we
found that our marginal change for the number of sports played compared to the hours of sleep
a person gets each night to be 0.379. This means that as you increase one hour of sleep you
increase the number of sports you play by 0.379. We did have one influential point in our data.
Someone answered that they played 13 sports and slept 24 hours a day. We decided that this
data would affect our project too much so we took it out. The significance of the influential point
was it made our r value very high which meant that there was a direct relationship between the
number of sports someone plays and how much they sleep. However, when we removed the
influential point our r value dropped about 0.4. Because of that drop we concluded that the
number of sports someone plays does not directly affect how much they sleep. Our 𝑟 2 value is
0.165. The coefficient of determination says that only 16.5% is explained by our data and 83.5%
of our data is unexplained. This tells us that our data is very close together but there could be
some lurking variables in our data set. The amount of explained variation in our regression is 𝑟 2
or 0.165, while unexplained variation is 1-𝑟 2 is 0.835. This means that the proportion of variance
for the number of sports played is explained by the hours of sleep each person gets.
Some lurking variables that could have existed is if someone played more than 3 sports
or none at all. Also, some people play no sports but are night owls so they may sleep a lot or not
at all. Many factors played a role in the result of our data. The impact this might have is our r
value shows that the number of sports someone plays and how much they sleep is not directly
correlated. However, the people who play no sports and sleep less affect our end result
because their data is more spread out causing our r value to be farther away from 1. An
example of interpolaton is (5, 0.8); this means that if someone got only 5 hours of sleep they are
predicted to not even play one sport. An example of extrapolation and would be the data point
(13,4). We did not collect this point and it is beyond our graph, but it can be predicted that if
someone were to get 13 hours of sleep they are likely to play 4 sports according to our
regression line.

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