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Domains & Kingdoms

1. What are domains?

2. What is a eukaryote?

3. What is a prokaryote?

Directions: Complete the chart below.

Eukaryotes or
Domain Unicellular, Multicellular, or Either?




Directions: Complete the chart below.

Eukaryotes or Unicellular, Multicellular, Autotrophs, Heterotrophs,
Kingdom or Either? or Either?




4. What three characteristics are used to classify an organism into a kingdom?

5. What characteristics make the organisms in domains Archaea and Bacteria different from each other?

6. If an organism is unicellular, a eukaryote, and autotrophic, into which domain would it be classified?

7. If an organism is a prokaryote, unicellular, & can survive in harsh conditions, into which domain would it be classified?
Domains & Kingdoms
1. What are domains?
Domains are the broadest level of classification. Organisms are placed into one of three domains based upon whether they
have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles or not.
2. What is a eukaryote?
A eukaryote is an organism that has a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles.

3. What is a prokaryote?
A prokaryote is an organism that does not have a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles.

Directions: Complete the chart below.

Eukaryotes or
Domain Unicellular, Multicellular, or Either?
Eukarya Eukaryotes Either

Archaea Prokaryotes Unicellular

Bacteria Prokaryotes Unicellular

Directions: Complete the chart below.

Eukaryotes or Unicellular, Multicellular, Autotrophs, Heterotrophs,
Kingdom or Either? or Either?
Animalia Eukaryotes Multicellular Heterotrophs

Plantae Eukaryotes Multicellular Autotrophs

Fungi Eukaryotes Either Heterotrophs

Protista Eukaryotes Either Either

4. What three characteristics are used to classify an organism into a kingdom?

Eukaryotic or prokaryotic, unicellular or multicellular, & autotrophic or heterotrophic. (Do they make their own food or have
to eat other organisms?)

5. What characteristics make the organisms in domains Archaea and Bacteria different from each other?
They have cell walls that are made of different materials, and they are genetically different.

6. If an organism is unicellular, a eukaryote, and autotrophic, into which domain would it be classified?
Domain Eukarya.

7. If an organism is a prokaryote, unicellular, & can survive in harsh conditions, into which domain would it be classified?
Domain Archaea.

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