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Lecturer: Mrs. Annisa Septya Mega, M.Pd





PREFACE .............................................................................................................

TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................................


A. Background ..............................................................................................
B. Identification of Problems .........................................................................
C. Research Question ....................................................................................
D. The Purpose of Research ..........................................................................
E. The Significances of Research .................................................................


A. Theoretical Review ..................................................................................
B. Related Previous Research .......................................................................
C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................
D. Research Hypothesis ................................................................................


A. Background of The Research

There are many languages used as means of communication by people all over
the world, one of them is English. English has become an international language.
Almost everyone use English to communicate with other people. Therefore this
language has been a lingua franca, a term refers to a language that is used by
people who have different first language to communicate with each other. It
means that, with English, people from different countries and languages
background will be easier to communicate with others.
English has four skills, one of them is speaking. Speaking is an important
aspect in language learning. Through speaking, people can convey information
and ideas, and maintain social relationship by communicating with others.
Speaking is also one of the skills that should be mastered by foreign language
learners because speaking can develop other skills and can make communicative
In fact, it is not easy to master speaking. Many students still have any
difficulties in learning and the usage language orally. This incapability caused by
some weakness such as lack of vocabulary, less of confident, and feel shy,
nervous, and afraid of making mistakes when the teacher asks them to speak.
Therefore, it is suggested by teachers find the effective way in increasing
students’ speaking fluency and find how to motivate them to speak up.
Realizing these problems the teacher must be carefully managed to solve the
problem of English teaching, because learning English is different from learning
other disciplines of knowledge. In learning English the students have to practice
their English very often. In addition teaching of a language must be combined
between theory and practice, depending on the situation of the classroom, the
condition of the students, and the level of subject matter difficulties. The teacher
should use an appropiate method, which is suitable for the situation and condition
of the students.
The success of English teaching can be achieved, It is supported by the
method of teaching, professional teacher, facility or aids, suitable books, and
conducive environment. There are many ways to overcome the problem of
English teaching and to improve the quality of school well attract the people's
interest. The program, which are provided by the school are not the same, one of
the program used by the school is Speech before starting English lesson. One of
the school used Speech before starting English lesson is Al-Fajar Vocational High
Speech is human vocal communication using language. Each language uses
phonetic combinations of vowel and consonant sounds that form the sound of its
words (that is, all English words sound different from all French words, even if
they are the same word, e.g., "role" or "hotel"), and using those words in their
semantic character as words in the lexicon of a language according to the
syntactic constraints that govern lexical words' function in a sentence. In
speaking, speakers perform many different intentional speech acts, e.g.,
informing, declaring, asking, persuading, directing, and can use enunciation,
intonation, degrees of loudness, tempo, and other non-representational or
paralinguistic aspects of vocalization to convey meaning..
The second Speech perception refers to the processes by which humans can
interpret and understand the sounds used in language. The study of speech
perception is closely linked to the fields of phonetics and phonology in linguistics
and cognitive psychology and perception in psychology. Research in speech
perception seeks to understand how listeners recognize speech sounds and use
this information to understand spoken language. Research into speech perception
also has applications in building computer systems that can recognize speech, as
well as improving speech recognition for hearing- and language-impaired
Third speaking skill is also need to practice so student’s can be influence and
clearly confidence to speak up in front of publich at least in the class, so this will
take place in english class by english teacher instruct to student’s to prepare their
Speech one weeks before the class so when the class will be starting some
student’s start to Speech in front of class at least one minute. Mr. Adistriadi D,
S.Pd as english teacher at elevent class said that “speech program is expected can
increse speaking skill of the student’s, because they will try to speak up and try to
have a confidence so they will start to improve their speaking ability”.
In increasing students' speaking skill, student have to involve themselves in
activity which can increase their speaking skill. The writer assumes that English
activity can influence students speaking skill if the students involve themselves.
English day is one of extracurricular activity which gives big influence to the
students to be more active in speaking English day separated student from formal
and informal situation which make students easier to increase their competence in
pronunciation, vocabulary, or speaking.
English Speech program based on habit in students Al-fajar It is performed on
english lesson class. Furthermore, the writer would like to find out whether there
is any influence English speech program toward Student's speaking skill.
Therefore, the writer conducting the research under the title "increasing students'
speaking ability through speech at eleventh grade of SMK Al-Fajar
B. Identification of The Problem
In relation to background of the problem above, the writer might conclude the
common problems as follows:
1. The student were lack of vocabulary and meaning of the word.
2. The students grammar use still low in speaking, it made their speaking were
3. The students had difficulties in pronunciation, because English had different
writing and Spelling so the students were afraid of making mistake in
4. The students were not fluently speaking English because the student only had
limited time in learning English so the student seldom practice English.
5. The students is not confident in speaking, that was why the student were shy
when they were speaking in the classroom and public.
C. Research Question
The writer try to decides the research questions is as follow:
1. Is there any increasing speaking ability through speech before english class ?
2. Is speech before english class effective for the students’ speaking ability?
D. Purposes of Research
According to the research statement, namely:
1. To know speech before english class is having increase on the students speaking
2. To find out speech before english class is effective through to increase the
students’ speaking ability.
E. The Significance of Research
The result of this research was expected to be meaningful contribution in:
1. Theoretically
a. Assisting the students to grow and increase their speaking proficiency.
b. Enriching the Teachers knowledge about the appropriate technique in
teaching speaking.
2. Practically
a. For the Researcher
The result of the study was useful for the writer in using speech before
english class in teaching speaking.
b. For the Students
The result of the study was expected to be useful for the student to enable
them to use the language in a creative way and make them think
c. For the Teacher
For materials developers and other writers, the study will be useful as an
experience in how to conduct further research of developing the English
teaching materials.

A. Theoretical Review
1. Definiton Of Speaking Skill
Speaking is one kind of english lesson. Many definitions about speaking
have been submited by language. Speaking obtain from the word “Speak”.
According to Oxford dictionary, “Speak” means say things; talk, be able to
use a language, make a speech, express ideas, feelings, etc. So what is
speaking skill? Tarigan (1990, p.15), says that speaking is the capability in
pronouncing sound or word to express or convey though, idea or feeling”
opinion and wish. That’s theory refer if speaking is pruductive activities
where we are using idea and feeling for making a word or sentence voice.
Another expert says that speaking is talk or speaks (Haryanto in Sunardi,
2004, p. 13). If both speaking and ability are combined, so it means a
capability to utter the articulation of sound to express or to deliver thought,
opinion and wish to the other person.
For example, when someone ask you “ can you help me ?” that has mean,
she or he share his ide and feeling with the voice produce. Speaking requires
that learners not only know how to produce specific points of language such
as grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary (linguistic competence), but also
that they understand when, why, and in what ways to produce
language (sociolinguistic competence). Finally, speech has its own skills,
structures, and conventions different from written language (Burns & Joyce,
1997; Carter & McCarthy, 1995; Cohen, 1996). A good speaker synthesizes
this array of skills and knowledge to succeed in a given speech act.
In Speaking lessons, teacher can follow the usual pattern of preparation,
presentation, practice, evaluation, and extension. The teacher can use
the preparation step to establish a context for the speaking task (where, when,
why, and with whom it will occur) and to initiate awareness of the speaking
skill to be targeted (asking for clarification, stressing key words, using
reduced forms of words). In presentation, the teacher can provide learners
with a preproduction model that furthers learner comprehension and helps
them become more attentive observers of language use. Practice involves
learners in reproducing the targeted structure, usually in a controlled or highly
supported manner. Evaluation involves directing attention to the skill being
examined and asking learners to monitor and assess their own progress.
Finally, extension consists of activities that ask learners to use the strategy or
skill in a different context or authentic communicative situation, or to
integrate use of the new skill or strategy with previously acquired ones
(Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997; Carter & McCarthy, 1995).
2. The Function of Speaking Skill
Numerous attempts have been made to classify the functions of
speaking in human interaction. Brown and Yule (1983) made a useful
distinction between the interactional functions of speaking, in which it
serves to establish and maintain social relations, and the transactional
functions, which focus on the exchange of information. In workshops
with teachers and in designing my own materials, I use an expanded
three-part version of Brown and Yule’s framework (after Jones, 1996,
and Burns, 1998): talk as interaction; talk as transaction; talk as
performance. Each of these speech activities is quite distinct in terms of
form and function and requires different teaching approaches.
3. Teaching Speaking
Brown (2000:7) states that teaching is showing or helping someone to
learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of
something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. The
goal of teaching speaking skills is communicative efficiency. Learners should

be able to make themselves understand, using their current proficiency to the

fullest. They should try to avoid confusion in the message due to faulty
pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary and to observe the social and cultural
rules that apply in each communication situation.
To help students develop communicative efficiency in speaking, teachers
can use balanced activities approach that combines language input, structured
output, and communicative output. Language input comes in the form of
teacher talk, listening activities, reading passages, and the language heard and
read outside of class. It gives learners the material they need to begin
producing language themselves. Language input may be content-oriented or
form-oriented. Content-oriented input focuses on information, whether it is a
simple weather report or an extended lecture on an academic topic. Content-
oriented input may also include descriptions of learning strategies and
examples of their use. Form-oriented input focuses on ways of using the
language: guidance from the teacher or another source on vocabulary,
pronunciation, and grammar (linguistic competence); appropriate things to say
in specific contexts (discourse competence); expectations for rate of speech,
pause length, turn-taking, and other social aspects of language use
(sociolinguistic competence); and explicit instruction in phrases to use to ask
for clarification and repair miscommunication (strategic competence).
4. Problem During Speaking Activities in the Classroom
During the lesson, the teacher should be aware of the problems which
occur in the class. The problems which occur may come from the students
themselves, their friends or the teacher. There are several problems which
occur during speaking activities that influence students’ speaking fluency.
Lawtie (2004) offers three problems which often occur during speaking class.
Those problems are: (1) students do not want to talk or say anything because
they are afraid of making mistake or because they are not interested in the
topic, (2) when students work in pairs or groups, they just end up chatting in
their own language, and (3) when all the students speak together, it will be too
noisy and out of hand, and sometimes the teacher loses control of the
5. Definition of speech
Speech is human vocal communication using language. Each language
uses phonetic combinations of vowel and consonant sounds that form the
sound of its words (that is, all English words sound different from all French
words, even if they are the same word, e.g., "role" or "hotel"), and using those
words in their semantic character as words in the lexicon of a language
according to the syntactic constraints that govern lexical words' function in a
sentence. In speaking, speakers perform many different intentional speech
acts, e.g., informing, declaring, asking, persuading, directing, and can use
enunciation, intonation, degrees of loudness, tempo, and other non-
representational or paralinguistic aspects of vocalization to convey meaning.
In their speech speakers also unintentionally communicate many aspects of
their social position such as sex, age, place of origin (through accent),
physical states (alertness and sleepiness, vigor or weakness, health or illness),
psychic states (emotions or moods), physico-psychic states (sobriety or
drunkenness, normal consciousness and trance states), education or
experience, and the like.
Although people ordinarily use speech in dealing with other persons
(or animals), when people swear they do not always mean to communicate
anything to anyone, and sometimes in expressing urgent emotions or desires
they use speech as a quasi-magical cause, as when they encourage a player in
a game to do or warn them not to do something. There are also many
situations in which people engage in solitary speech. People talk to
themselves sometimes in acts that are a development of what some
psychologists have maintained is the use in thinking of silent speech in an
interior monologue to vivify and organize cognition, sometimes in the
momentary adoption of a dual persona as self addressing self as though
addressing another person. Solo speech can be used to memorize or to test
one's memorization of things, and in prayer or in meditation (e.g., the use of a
6. The meaning of Speech before English lesson program.
Not all school used Speech Before English Lesson, one of the schools
that use Speech Before English Lesson program is SMK Al-Fajar
Palabuhanratu. It is performed in every English lesson will take a class and
followed by some students that has given instruction to have a speech at
eleventh grade. The participants are all of students in eleventh class, so all
people in the class especially eleventh must follow the program.
Based on the writer observation, Speech Before English Lesson has many
purposes, they are :
1. Motivate the students to practice English Speaking
2. To increase students speaking ability
3. Help the students be more confident in expressing idea to speak.

B. Related Previous Research

In order to improve the understanding about this research, the researcher

presents three relevant studies. The first research has been done by Yunita
Haffidianti (2011). The objective of this research was to improve the learning
result in mathematic class of MTs N 1 Semarang. The participants of this
research were 38 students. After the conducting the research, the researcher
found that in the result indicated that there was the significant improvement of
using group investigation to the standard of learning index.
The second research has been done by Fariyah (2013). The objective of this
research was to improve the activeness and the learning result of students. This
research applied true experimental design. The participants of this research were
30 students studying inflation learning in economy class at tenth grade of SMA 1
Candiroto Temanggung which were divided into experimental group.
After conducting the pre-test and post-test, the result of this research showed
that group investigation (GI) has positive effect on the learning of economy class.
It encouraged the students to be more responsible for the learning process.
According to researcher opinion and looking for at some literary in some
library nothing a related research for this title because the reseacher sure that this
program is so limited and also will foung at SMK Al-Fajar Palabuhanratu. So the
researcher use this title to be a research.

C. Conceptual framework
In fact, it is not easy to master speaking. Student still have some difficulties in
learning and the usage language orally. This incapability caused by some
weakness such as lack of vocabulary, less confident, and feel shy, nervous, and
afraid of making mistakes when the teacher asks them to speak. Therefore, it is
suggested by teachers find the effective way in increasing students’ speaking
fluency and find how to motivate them to do speaking.
The research is could be in order to know the increase of speaking skill.
Speaking is a skill used by someone to communicate orally in daily life whether
at school or outside the school. Most teachers tried to find techniques in order to
make students interested in learning speaking. At least, they can speak in simple
conversation freely In fact, the students of the second grade in SMK Al-Fajar
Palabuhanratu have difficulties in speaking subject. It caused by some factor:
first, they are too shy and afraid to speak in the front of the class because lack of
self confidence. Second, they are unmotivated and lack of practice. Speech
before English class is one of the techniques of learning speaking skill because it
can stimulate students to increase speaking skill, strong and unified through the
speaking skill.
D. Research Hypothesis

Considering to the theories and conceptual framework, the researcher

formulates the hypothesis as follows:
1. Alternative hypothesis (Ha ): There is an increasing on student's speaking skill
through speech before English class at eleventh grade of SMK Al-Fajar
2. Null hypothesis (H0) : There is no increasing on student's speaking skill
through speech before english class at eleventh grade of SMK Al-Fajar

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