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Task specific training: Ring Dips

Go through the following exercises. Rest as needed during and between the different exercises. Form not fatigue focus.
Levels of participation in exercises abbreviated as:
BN = Beginner/Novice
A = advanced
E = Elite
All = Everyone
MB = Matt Bruce only
* When you see the drill in parenthesis after the number that means you do that drill back to back the number of times indicated. Example: 2
sets of 3 (kte -> ttb) would mean do 2 sets of kte, ttb, kte, ttb, kte, ttb

Bottom of dip swings

(All) 4x10 Bottom of dip swings static support
(All) 4x10 Bottom of dip swings

Support swings
(All) 4x10 Static parallel support swings
(All) 4x10 Ring Support Swings

Bent knee drive to support

(E) 2x5 Arch bottom of dip hold knee drive press out: 3 second hold
(A,E) 3x5 Arch bottom of dip hold knee drive press out: 2 second hold
(All) 4x5 Arch bottom of dip hold knee drive press out: 1 second hold

Straight leg swing to support

(BN) 3x Bottom of dip swing to repeating intermittent front swing press out: press out every 3rd back swing (straight legs) (6
swings with press out on front swings 3, 5, 6)
3x Bottom of dip swing to repeating intermittent back swing press out - press out every 3rd back swing (6 swings with press out on
front swings 3, 5, 6)
(A) 3x Bottom of dip swing to repeating intermittent front swing press out: press out every 3rd back swing (straight legs)(10 swings
with press out on front swings 4, 7, 9, 10)
3x Bottom of dip swing to repeating intermittent back swing press out - press out every 3rd back swing (10 swings with press out on
front swings 4, 7, 9, 10)
3x Bottom of dip swing to repeating intermittent front swing press out: press out every 3rd back swing (straight legs) (15 swings
with press out on front swings 5, 9, 12, 14, 15)
3x Bottom of dip swing to repeating intermittent back swing press out - press out every 3rd back swing (15 swings with press out on
BACK swings 5, 9, 12, 14, 15)

Kipping ring dips

(All) 3x6 Swinging (kipping) dip knee drive up
(A,E) 3x6 Butterfly kipping dips
(E) 3x8 Back to front dips (each press out = one rep)
(MB) 10 minutes interpretive dance to Ini Kamozi - “Here Comes the Hotstepper.” Leave it all out there.

Rest as needed and then

10-15 minutes brief review practice

Handstand walking from last week’s skill session. Below is a brief overview of the principles you should think about.

1) Lunging to handstand under control getting your center of gravity over your hands and your torso as close to vertical a you can before you
gently push off of the front lunge leg. Don’t fling yourself up with the back leg. Try to be in control the whole time, not just try and catch
yourself in a handstand.
2) Weight shifts from one hand to another using box or wall for support or free. The idea is to maintain balance and body form and press out
through the shoulders, NOT by using any bend at the elbow. Straight arm pressing out with the shoulder.
3) Practice pirouetting on in a handstand and rolling out of a handstand and/or front rolls. Being able to safely and easily roll out of a
handstand can make you more aggressive and comfortable in handstand walking because you aren't afraid to fall over.
4) Practice walking with perfect hollow body form with a wrist band between your knees and ankles. Remember, if you practice good form
then both good and sloppy but manageable form are easy. If you practice only bad form then bad form is your only option and you regress to
5) Practice short lengths of handstand walking with speed as a priority.

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