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Great training and grooming for your dogs

Who are we?
We are the first certified dog trainers in coimbatore.We
received “Best Dog Trainers Award”in 2019 from the
Association of Professional Dog Trainers(APDT).We have
50 experienced and talented dog trainers who will train
your dogs with full care.We provide all types of training
for all types of dogs.We train all breeds ,all sizes and all
ages of dogs.We believe that the ‘Ring master dog
trainers’is the best place to train your dogs.In the past ten
years our dog trainers have trained two thousand and five
hundred dogs out of which five hundred dogs were trained
as guard dogs and two fifty service dogs.
What is dog training?
Training a puppy to sit

Dog training is the application of behavior analysis

which uses the environmental events of antecedents and
consequences to modify the behavior of a dog, either for
it to assist in specific activities or undertake particular
tasks, or for it to participate effectively in contemporary
domestic life. While training dogs for specific roles dates
back to Roman times at least, the training of dogs to be
compatible household pets developed with
suburbanization in the 1950s.
A dog learns from interactions it has with its
environment.[1] This can be through classical
conditioning, where it forms an association between two
stimuli; non-associative learning, where its behavior is
modified through habituation or sensitisation; and operant
conditioning, where it forms an association between an
antecedent and its consequence.[2]
There are a variety of established methods of animals
training, each with its adherents and critics. Some of the
better known dog training procedures include the Koehler
method, clicker training, motivational training, electronic
training, model-rival training, dominance-based training,
and relationship-based training. The common
characteristics of successful methods are knowing the
animal's attributes and personality, accurate timing of
reinforcement and/or punishment and consistent
communication. The use of punishment is controversial
with both the humaneness and effectiveness questioned
by many behaviourists.

Our objective:
Our main objective is to teach your dog to develop a
beautiful relationship with the owner filled with love , trust
and understanding.Our dog trainers will train your dpg to
improve good listening skills and good manners.
A well trained dog is a welcomed dog

Dog training is an important part of any dog’s life and
is important for several reasons.Our dog trainers will help
yor dog to improve mental stimulation which will keep
your dog happy.

Training Packages:
We provide four training packages for your dogs such
as level 1, level 2 ,specialised and service dogs training
The level 1 package costs Rs.20,000/- and the dogs
are trained for a month.During this training programme
behavioural training and obedience training sessions are
provided by our dog trainers.Our trainers will train your
dog to sit , lay down , to play and to walk well.
The level 2 package costs Rs.50,000/- and the dogs
are trained for three months. This training session involves
obedience training, behavioural training, occassional
training and agility training.Our dog trainers will teach to
your dog to avoid biting and chewing your stuff, to avoid
aggression over toys and food and to come when called.
Our dog trainers also train your dogs to work as
service dogs.The service dogs training package costs
Rs.75,000/- and the dogs are trained completely for five
months.Service dogs are usually trained to work for
persons with disability.
The specialised dog training package costs
Rs.1,00,000/- and the dogs are trained for specific
purposes such as CGC certification for dog sports
including dog tracking and flyball.We also train detection
dogs, police dogs, search and rescue dogs and guard dogs.
Special services:
During the training programme, healthy diet is
provided to your dogs at free of cost. It is not necessary for
the owners to accompany the dog during the training as our
trainers will take care of your dogs.Transportation charges
will be neglected as our dog trainers will pickup your dogs
and drop them in your house after the completion of the
Free Tools:
In our ring master dog training centre the dog trainers
will train your dog with certain advanced tools.After the
completion of the training programme the trainers will visit
your house and teach you to train your dog with free
tools.Those tools include
Aversive collars- Collars that apply discomfort or pain
during training, and they include:
 Choke collar (slip collar or check collar)
 Remote electric shock collar
 Prong collar (pinch collar)
 Martingale collar
Head collar or halter
No pull harness- The no-pull harness is worn on the body
of the animal. The no-pull harness differs significantly
from the standard harness since it makes it harder for the
dog to pull because it distributes energy over the dog's
back and shoulders. Like the head collar, the no-pull
harness does not teach the dog not to pull, it only makes
it harder for the dog to pull.
Dog bite tug-Dog training bite tug is a tool usually used for
prey drive and retrieve developing skills. Dog training bite tug is a method used for
police, military and Schutzhund dog training

Training treats-Low calorie training treats are used as rewards for desired behavior by trainers
who adhere to behaviorism.

Best offer:
Celebrating our Charter’s Day , we provide a discount
of 20% in the respective dog training packages .This offer
is valid till the end of this month.

Palace street,
Coimbatore-641 045,
Contact:0422-234 432,0422-233 244.
S.Sreenidhi ,
II B.A.English,
English For Media Assignment.

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