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Karl McBeath

The Sweat of Shadows


It would be a great injustice if one was to realise what was real is now burdened upon them,
how a nation of saviours was dealt a harsh blow and how the future of the world was
balanced precariously on the shoulders of a nation. That nation was Scotland, and the last
great highlanders were the pinnacle of what humanity could become. They were ridiculed and
murdered, but they held the secret that would eventually be spilt on these very pages. The
secret was an idea that many people had and that was dissent to the crown and the people.
Because the crown and royal family had been keeping a tab on the spending and the idea was
that the royals would take what they could be consisting of begging borrowing and stealing
and they would eventually hoard a mass of objects and wealth so that when the dark days
would become, they could escape. The great minds of their advisors would ponder about the
ramifications of the selfishness of man, and it was the man in this desire to possess
everything that they possibly could so that they could prosper in absolute wealth. But there
was one thing stopping them, and that was a domestic threat, it was the threat of the
highlanders. Because the crown would never admit the fact that the world should be shared,
land shared with the people who had claimed and tended to it for generations, who wanted no
more wealth than to live and die in freedom in a situation of peace, and it was a situation that
was viewed as very normal because man had no aspiration to acquire all the riches. Riches
were invented by the Church as it was riches that were kept under lock and key in the very
rooms of the not so holy and sternly religious. But as the normal working-class realised that
they had different aspirations, aspirations to live in peace and prosper with harm
minimisation, they soon realised they were slaves. Slaves to a cause that would burden upon
themselves no more as they soon put their efforts into a family of their own. This was a
family that was righteously royal but not royal at heart because they the Stuarts, had principle
and honour to care about and not riches and safety. The Stuarts were one with the people who
were one with the land. It is the case to possess what is not truly theirs, to conquer another
who is different, the quest for power, to bring about change which drives mankind. It is this
case that will set mankind in his path, and there is no other affirmation that mankind is
extremely self-centred. He was so selfish he thought he could re-tell the story of life and the
story of the world, and positions a man, not a woman as the living incarnation of god on his
Earth. The belief in this world unlike reality, the concept of religion, which would time and
time again prove troublesome, as a man did not have a plan and throughout history would
frequently make the same mistakes over and over again, it, was like history was repeating
itself. The highlanders were an ethnic group who came dangerously close to eradicating a
people, the English from their clutches of power. The power that would dominate the world,
mighty armies and colonies throughout the world which all fight for the one king which is an
English king, was nearly successfully eradicated from this power by the humble Scots.

The Scots held firmly that the belief that they would bring about a system of change and
establish the clan system as the dominant system. But it was not to be as the English had
other ideas and squeezed together with a concoction of an idea that would aim to keep the
wealth in a specific family and that family was the royalty. The English royal family and they
would keep this wealth and treasure, and when the mighty waves would tear apart the
coastlines of the mighty Pacific nations, who would help? Not the kings of England. For they
would hold the secret that decimates the people and that secret that the desire for power
would slowly end-all of life on Earth and of course all human life on Earth. The royal family
of England knew this, and they would make a plan to simply not help the people, and as man
stepped on the moon for the first time, they realised this could be the chance at long last to
eradicate the desperation they felt as they saw the world-changing, as man to man is unjust,
through the tyranny of power. Man does not deserve any accolades as he is responsible for
not only the death and destruction of his people, his brothers and kin, but the death of the
planet itself. One whole single planet named Earth was deleted in its function and that
function was life. It was the life which was scarcely found in any galaxy which housed the
giants that were dinosaurs for many years and the race known as mankind. It was mankind’s
first mistake to isolate him through pride because he concocted a story and language, and this
is his first mistake. The first languages were made to barter for trade, instructions and basic
communication. It was first expressed through cave drawings which were meant to depict life
as how man saw it. Mankind lived in peace for many years, and these were the years before
the global threat of religion which would drive his environment into turmoil and the quest for
power would soon establish man as not only the dominant apex predator, he would eventually
fight himself and his fellow distant relatives. It was in these stages where mankind would
realise, that destroying his brothers and friends would lead to the establishment of pillaging
resources. The Scots were a poor race, and it became evident to the English that was quite
possibly the hardest race to eradicate from the planet. Hundreds of years of conflict, against
an enemy who was quite often outnumbered and ill-equipped. The English realised the fact
that their power base was threatened to almost destruction, so they put the Scot who they
tried to eradicate, a front line in their armies. Terrorist attacks on the local population could
not deter the people’s strength, as they saw off the Roman Empire remember, these were the
very same people. They were the hardest people to eradicate from the Earth. What they
lacked in numbers, they made up in pride and nationalism, for they were so patriotic that they
fought with a desire for freedom for their families, their culture and reward. They were not
mercenaries in a sense; even the clan system would enable them to fight for a clan chief and
reward. The Scots were an army not fighting for their means, they fought for a nation. The
English were so fragmented, so it became obvious that we're using the original Britons, and
the Normans were using the Anglo-Saxons as subservient. The Scots were fighting as clans,
and they were mostly volunteers. It was up to the decision of the clan chief whether to
support a king, wage war against a king or to take no part, which was highly unusual for the
many chiefs. It is deemed that a progression in society is to uphold ancient law,
predominantly the Bible. Any progression to anti-religion is referred to a transgression to a
simpler time, but that is truly not the case. The belief in god is the first false belief, and what
law shall rely on the word of a figment of imagination? The people, who wrote the word of
god, were simply writing so that they could profit, and their motive could be met. It is simply
a fable. They will assert the fact that denial of god is going back to animism, but in a perfect
world, there will be no religion. Because religion drives a man to do cruel things and all those
who do not agree with suffering from punishment. Why should the method of law rely on an
archaic presence of god, which is something that does not exist? The law is a way of the
morally corrupt powers that be to exercise the power and privilege of the innocent. That is
how injustice is stemmed from, the beacons of power, and the people who have little or no
political leverage as a relative outsider.


The disillusioned tyrant is put and posted into power, not simply by ability but by the fact that
he is a bully. A society run on profit and the suppression of human rights is a society that
employs such bullies and these bullies would not know what their position entails. A tyrant
will not see the way of another and will hold his victim accountable their values, and
whoever creates law, will see that others are overlooked, and double standards take place. It
is also a case of window dressing, and the vilest of types will try and please. The great
swindle was the belief that the world was replaceable and that the people who worshipped the
wind, animals and trees were wrong, is false. There is only one planet. There should not be
one belief in society, but many beliefs to make a true democracy in its purest sense. The onset
of capitalism has created a new class. Work migrants, who cannot obtain employment in their
local homes and villages and must migrate to pursue a career. It is sucking the life force out
of rural places, and many young people must simply move away because nothing is
happening in their homelands. They are essentially forced out of their habitat and join others
in the ultra-metropolitan environment. They may run up a massive debt, or simply waste
away and become forgotten, as just another number, and it is when a workforce become
robots it is a real worry. The ideal state has ultimate control of the market, where a chancer
will not take it upon himself to squeeze every dollar that they can, but shared wealth is
needed. To reach these goals the working class need to be furious, they need to be angry.
Because the neo-fascists do not hold back and are furious and violent themselves. In a dream
state, there is a constant debate from a variety of different sources, vying to pose their
arguments, and true democracy will be a theatre of different opinions in the giant forum that
is the modern highly communicative world. There is a case for justified violence, and that is
overthrowing an establishment. An establishment that enslaves and incarcerates people
should be overthrown and held accountable and punished in law. There shall be an immense
period of peace after the revolution takes place. Because the outcome for the revolution will
be peace, and again man cannot be trusted, especially if he lets others suffer, be tortured and
to struggle behind bars, and it is all capable in the many faces of evil by man, and those that
allow his torture to go unpunished are just as guilty as him, do not let the window dressing
impact one because a man who sells out his people for profit is evil. It has happened where a
figure of an oppressed people within fact sell his people for coin and let them suffer without
interference or action. These are the worst kinds of people because they are neither the
oppressor or the oppressed they are a casual tyrant who lets his people become victims to
evil, and these people who sell out their own cannot differentiate between good and bad and
are bitten by the temptation of the riches. The ambition of some, who think they can run
before they can walk, is a sorry sight, and the allure of riches shall be their undoing, because
when the revolution comes they clutch hold of their prized possessions as the soldiers muster
and they will not come for the riches, but the heads of the rich. The rich were warned by the
chaos that would ensue at the hands of the oppressed over the oppressor, because they may be
enslaved and silenced, but all they need is the switch of revolution to be turned on and the
bells will ring.
Crimson Rivers
To have a people exposed to every possible atrocity that could be thought of, against man
woman and child, will strengthen the character so much so that a strong nationalism will
occur, and identity will flourish, and the suffering will not be forgotten, and victories will be
celebrated, until the people will sing the songs composed for them and their warriors, songs
of suffering and to enjoy the peace, which was a result of the strength of the armies that laid
their security on the table to protect the people within the state, as the greatest invention of
mankind is the process towards peace, because the greatest mistake made by man was to fight
for something that is not right, and the selfishness to possess treasure that does not belong to
them. To pillage the world all for cane sugar to put in their cups of tea. Because to not feel for
their fellow kin is a mental illness and greed is, in fact, a mental illness. How there could be
some people who slave away and are rewarded so little when there are some who do
completely no work and profit from it in every minute of every day. Labour is not rewarded
and that is the root of injustice, and it comes to the occasion that when a government states
they will feed the poor, then they are met with the violent hands of imperialism and the
blades in the sky will come through and decimate and pillage against the threat of peace. The
highlanders have had it all thrown at them, and in a period of rapid expansion of the English,
their reign of power started with suppressing their auld neighbour and foe, the auld enemy
that had beaten them in the past well, and that only spurred on the zeal to avenge their fallen
kin and company, because the Scots had seen what it is like to have every inch of their
society threatened with eradication, and it was a so they different to English that caused the
English to murder and commit their power over another, for when two tribes meet and they
are foreign groups, the differences will only lead to disagreement and what will be agreed to
is the challenge that is wielded when two blades meet in the action that is violence which will
murder. An explanation of the suffering going on unpunished, and it will meet the prediction
of revolution, and these two sides, the past and the future will shape the world, and the ones
who will lay down their lives will be the eager ones spurred on by theorists, the great
predictors. Each person will have their futures determined in what oppression is dealt with
them, and their past will possess the stories and tragedies, while their future is unknown. To
have a culture so different, and that is Gaelic culture, which is a culture not based wealth, but
family ties, the concept was foreign to the English, who viewed the kinship between clans as
unnatural basically because the kings of the time had all the power, in Gaelic clan culture, a
king has to bargain with a clan to seal a favour, the clan chief had more power than the king.
Kingship was quite a ceremonial position. There was also the fact the Picts practised animism
quite late on during the Dark Ages, and what has revealed in their society is the fact they had
no concept of sin. They also kept pagan rituals like matrilineal succession even after they
became Christianised. Christianity delivered to their society the concept of right and wrong,
to a pagan culture who were backwards in their beliefs and superstitions. These aspects of the
paganism and clan culture was seen as foreign, terrifying and at odds to what the English
were and how their society functioned, and it was the fact that the Scots were so foreign to
the oppressor, the English, and it would often be led to disagreement and the outcome in most
disagreements is in fact war, hundreds of years of war and impact that consisted in this


When a power flexes their muscles, there can be no other outcome, then the victors of war,
and the losers who shall remember. The Picts remain unconquered and they were the last
people to convert to Christianity in the British Isles, and what remains is a strong resistance.
To distance oneself from greed and the insatiable rate race of humanity is to be free. To know
the stories of one’s people and to pass them on to others is to be free. To remove oneself from
the pillars of power in society is to be free, as they are meaningless. As the body ages, the
physical form people take may suffer and the physical ailments may take the body to some
difficult places, and one may suffer illness, but the mind shall not suffer, and as the years go
on the mind shall learn another story to tell, and the stories accumulate until the memory
fades as death lingers, but the mind shall always be free no matter what affliction shall be
thrust upon it because the mind cannot be tamed, only admired, like a rug in a dining room
made of tiger skin, the mind cannot be tamed. The kings of Scotland were essentially Pictish.
Do not forget that they, the male Picts took female Irish wives also, so basically, every Pict
was half Pict half Gael, and so it can be said that the Picts eventually adopted the language
and culture slowly, but kept the kings, as it was a match made in heaven, of the various
Gaelic families and their respect for their kin, and un-tamed wild Picts. That was the
difference in culture and society that led the English and inhabitants of England to understand
the firm idea that the Scots were a threat. Because the English knew that the families were
strong, so they undertook indiscriminate violence against the families. Spare no one they are
all possessing great power. The English thought also drives the Pictish kings away from their
homeland, an indigenous person drove away in exile. Deeply removed from the homeland,
forced to reminisce in melancholy of their once greatness, in the very heartland of the empire
that could not conquer them, which was Rome. To age way and die among the history and
tales that were so preciously kept, without a hope of regaining to once-mighty power that
was. What is it going to take for men of thought to be switched on the aftereffect of their
selfishness? Will it take awful incidents? Because some people have affection for suffering
because when a state privatises a hospital, which is traditionally a place where the ill are
treated, then why is there profit to be made? The madness of the leaders that will take money
at the cost of lives, it is lives at risk, and it is lives that pay for tolls upon the service of the
essential needs of society. A real maniac will try and turn sensitive issues of plights of the
unfortunate suffering in their darkest hour, and he this madman will seek to make coin from
these innocents. A new revolutionary young generation will rise and sweep the old aside
because it is warring the youth will fight to revolutionise the world and humanity. The racist
capitalist agenda will not stop till all humanity is dead and the world is in ruin. They the
white capitalists say they are free, but they are not they are wilfully chained to the belief in a
God that will not sleep till he infested all with hatred. Free one from the chains of the
almighty and one shall be free. Wake up and realise what is needed in society to more
forward, and that is peace because war funnels money into the arms of the rich and sacrifices
the poor. Fight for peace and unleash the mind.


Selfishness and greed will only drive to push people apart and fight. There is no peace. Man,
against man fighting for every scrap of land. The liberal democracies of today are not free
because they are chained to religion as Jesus is chained to the cross. The English were very
confronted by the Picts because the Roman Empire had destroyed Jesus Christ and the
Romans could not even destroy the Picts, so the question arises of what evil possessed these
people to paint the stones and paint their bodies. They thought it was pure evil incarnate, and
that the possessed slaves of the land these Picts, needed to be civilised and dealt the harsh
blow of conformity, and that is the unscrupulous Christian religion. Leave the beliefs at the
door because they will not save one. The beliefs will chain one to the institution and not
allow one to leave, and when he does leave, he will be forgotten about and whenever he finds
himself in trouble, his faith have would have abandoned him. Because it is to be with one
institution of their terms and there is no place for free will. And if one does not agree then
they will damn him. The shadows of faith shall plant their seed of conformity into the minds
of the unsuspecting public, all to be exploited by those who are in the chain of command, the
corrupt! Blast those fools because a Catholic girl will hide behind the guise of the ultimately
corrupt villain that poses as a priest, and it is this priest who cowards linger behind and fools
recite, for he is a villain and corrupt as all hell. Man would do better not to trust the selfish
priests who take donations and lure back men with a smile. Writing is like a poison, once
injected it travels through the bloodstream and delivers the hit that kills the structure that is
thriving inside. Writing can invoke the memories and drive people to do some very heinous
or some very heroic acts, once the word hits the page, the damage has been done. It will
cause no harm but the trauma to the trees and requires the patience from the author, has he
assembles a cast of thousands in late nights, and the author will write hoping he or she can
change the world for the better. Society is like a castle with its doors locked. No one knows
what is inside, so they dream, wonder and speculate theories until the theorists come along
and unlock all the doors and give the people their life long privilege, the concept that they are
welcome into this castle under no conditions. The Scots were denied the right to establish
their kingdom, and every privilege was denied. They lived in dire poverty, so they had a
solution to their problems, the problems they had learnt to live with for many generations, so
they took up arms to send a political message to the English, that they will not be swept and
their heads on the trophy racks of the English. The English it could be said were denied the
privilege of expansion on what they claimed as their island, and they could not even manage
to deter and conquer their neighbours.

Liberals will rant on about freedom, but it is a freedom for a select few. The USA is very
unfree and quite contained on this planet. No empire has jailed more of their citizens, and
these citizens are not the mainstream, many of them are racially diverse. So free is a
contradiction of terms. Not only are they not free, but they are also chained to methods of the
past leaders, and not progressive because diversity is progressive to democracy because it is
seeing another point of view not like one’s mind. Many Marxist states are criticised for being
totalitarian, but that is not necessarily a terrible thing, because when one has seen the poverty
that the working class are exposed to, and the labour that is squeezed out at little reward,
contrasted by the gross wealth of some of the middle classes, and also the use of violence by
the rich to oppress and terrorize the community and to subject them to hate and violence that
only divides them. If a society let the man get out of control, they would start donning
designer military uniforms and violently abuse the innocent masses. If there was a safer way
to peace, then it should have been shown by now, but the road to peace needs a victorious
revolution. The victorious revolution should not let the enemy die at the blade, because they
die in the name of something that they believe, let them rot, and let them rot for a long time in
a jail one’s making because justice can only bring about peace. Each army has men willing to
die in the name of an idea or thought, but if they rotted for eternity, then that is the most
diligent punishment. Let them eat in the cold between concrete walls, for this is the due
punishment for an oppressor, as a revolutionary will be forced to do the same thing if he was
captured by the oppressor, and a truly catastrophic event is not death, for that is only for the
body, the memories live on in others. But a true punishment is the sentence to serve behind
concrete walls and suffer the humiliation behind steel poles because a mind will slowly lose
all hope and then they shall perish because their will power has been absolutely and utterly
depleted. A casual approach will almost always grow and evolve to become accepted. Casual
racism will grow and evolve once accepted to become normal. Once tolerated it will become
religiously followed and will manifest in violence. The war on the young is the war to retain
age-old traditions over the future. There should always be an argument that positions well
versus evil, because until one has seen the dire impact of greed, and one has been traumatised
by religion then they will realise that it is good and evil and this is not in a biblical sense, but
a humanitarian sense. To be responsible of taking away a son from her mother, when this
man is in the prime of his life, and to cut it short is the most dreadful of acts, and is pure evil,
for this is what it was like being a highlander, to have his life ended by being born, and when
it was extermination of an ethnic group, that ethnic group was the Scots and the rivers ran
crimson, for the butcher had bled a people so that they shall never recover, it was these
people who were colonised by the rancid butcher.
The role of any political scientist is to predict the future, and forthrightly the role of any
journalist is to present an unbiased summary of the past events, and all people should strive to
mix the role of prediction and assembly of the past because that is man’s sole role. Forget all
beliefs to become free and focus on the rational, rather than irrational, because the world is
becoming stolen, to accommodate cattle, so take a stand and boycott the agricultural industry,
and look after oneself because one only gets one life, and it should be spent in love. How
could a mother cope when her sons have stolen away, with the grace of life taken so quickly?
As they grow up to be watched over by the mother, and then become brutally ravaged by the
crows that cometh and take the souls of the young soldiers to the sky. For it is Angus who
shall avenge his fallen comrades because Angus will take the mother’s love and when he
polishes his musket, he shall think of the young men who were taken away from their
mothers. When Angus shines his basket-hilt broadsword he shall remember fondly the smiles
of the young soldiers who were taken so young, and wreck the bastards who did this, for they
are not capable to waste their life and to take a life, to waste the rations on those scum, the
ones with a red coat, for those bastards, shall take in a furore so great that Medusa herself
would smile, and with the same squalor that they live in and the same horrible abodes they
keep, to take a life of the Gaelic speakers and think that all shall be well, for Angus spread
mutiny through the highlands, and dissent at the door, for no scallywag could cope with
Angus at his heels, and no minion would cope with a great highland warrior on his case, who
would charge and shriek just like those before, that would scare the crows from the trees and
bring the bounty within a breadth of the captor, only to disappear and silently with all reason
to show that the world has no master, and each shall speak the language of their choosing,
and wear the clothing of their choosing, and freedom meant having a sense of virtue and not
follow orders, as they were for fools. A criminal will commit crime because his state has
forgotten about him, and all states should look to accommodate the very depths of society. To
sow the seeds of every revolution, to live with guidance towards freedom and peace is the gift
that everyone deserves in their own lives. What good is a rotting society, with its unbelievers
cast out to fend for themselves amongst the vagrants in the search for truth, which will lead
man to bars and chains as to act against the pillars of society is too ignore the power that
lurks, the evil and corruption? The ability to see a state through the scope of how large its
army is and not by its wealth is to see the working-class flourish because the working class
are the soldiers who in droves and are sent home to be buried. The state has her valiant sons.
It is these who lay the life on the line to protect the people at home, and to murder every man
of fighting age is to rip the defence force out of the nation, but in Gaelic society, there is the
woman also who will not give up easily.

The poor should not feel embarrassed of the meagre possessions they have, for they should
feel proud because they are the real heroes, and the poor make the world go round, they do
the jobs with little personal gain, but with massive societal gains for many others alike. For
Angus MacDonald was great marksman, and as his profession required the stalking of dear
and great patience, he grew to like time spent on his own, and it was in these times he learnt
to master his skills, and his skill set required the bravery of a whole army in one man, and the
poise and precision of a surgeon to administer death to the people who rightfully deserved it,
the redcoats. Because Angus was a sole operator, who knew every shortcut in the highlands,
who would travel by horse, but on foot and he could disappear like a mouse disappears when
a cat is nearby, he could vanish like smoke in the wind, and he had mastered the art using the
musket, but with a basket-hilt broadsword by his side he remained safe from all comers. At
last, the reputation of Angus was that of an assassin, and like marksmen, he had to cast aside
his family ties, and the desire to possess a woman, because the assassin was to remain aid to a
cause, the relievers of effort and do the job that many armies would do, and that is to
dismantle power. The assassin would do all that is needed in war, to take out the
megalomaniacs who would order the hordes to do their bidding, so it was Angus who was a
former soldier in the Jacobite ranks, who know belonged to no one but the resistance in the
highlands after the events of Culloden. To generate an objective standpoint is to lose and
unhinge all beliefs, and to retell the stories of old is to immerse oneself into it, so that one
knows it completely and utterly so that there can be no other explanation from the past but
the words themselves. Every bullet put in the musket of Angus MacDonald would not be
wasted, as he swore on his people’s burial sites to avenge the fallen from many battles, and
Angus would strive to lift the veil of deceit that has plagued his people, for their king was the
rightful king and this had not been honoured. It would take brave men to risk what they had
in a battle that would mean the end of a long tradition or the start of something new, and it
took Angus past every bullet and blow to a new place of contemplation, he counted his
blessing, for he had been part of the MacDonald clan who suffered heavy losses, and they had
been drastically decimated by the grapeshot and it was to be their undoing, for he had
survived and become a run-away soldier, because he had deserted his people, but he had
thought that he shall run far way, to live fight another day, because he could see the trouble
before it had appeared. There was only one way to survive the massacre and subsequent
terror attacks and that was to run for the hills, and let no red coat follow one because Angus
knew they were ruthless and that the coming of the Gael had come, for this was the test of
time, whether they would survive or whether they would fall, and not until the last child born
without a highland name would they concede defeat, because they had many fights left in
them and this is their struggle. The struggle to beat back the oppressor for Angus knew how
brutal the blow would be, for decimating the lowland government army and thinking they
could march as far as Derby, the butcher went out of his way to exterminate a people that had
thought they had a claim, well claim they may, and that claim fled, for he had suffered the
bitterest blow and that blow was defeat on home soil, there was nowhere to run as the enemy
was at the door, and there can be no other means but to turn and run, run for hills and run
with the gun.

For when Angus spied on a lone soldier, he noticed he spent his last musket ball, but there
were rations and equipment nearby in a small hut, so Angus would steal from this
unsuspecting soldier because when he had his back turned Angus wasted no chance, but
sneak up oh so cleverly and dispatch the soldier with his dirk, and take what he may from the
den of the red coat because every bullet taken from them is a bullet less in the rogue
highlander. Democracies all over the world are they listening, for the man’s rights have been
betrayed, his cloth, and his home gone from under him. It was even evident to greats like
Napoleon that the Jacobite cause was an inspiration him, the fight for freedom. For this was
not about religion and folly beliefs. This was about restoring the rightful and innocent into the
thrones away from the jails abroad, this was about the rights of a people whose rights had
been denied. Their language, their homeland and their culture all denied a place in the nation
they so desperately deserved. Give up the carrying on and drinking, and go and fight for
people, who need a warrior so desperately so, it is all in war. One man’s fight is for another’s
freedom, and the resilience of those spared the brutality of war will live to enforce the rights
of the dead. Angus was emboldened by bloodshed, and to cope with the suffering he would
wage war, he would settle his scores with the auld enemy, and seek wherever he could for an
advantage over his foe, and that is what drove the one-man army of Angus MacDonald.
Angus had finished garrotting the guard of the ammunition with his dirk and was busy taking
resources, the musket balls and food which he could find, he was also extra careful when
firing rounds in the highlands as muskets were loud, and any attention was bad attention, and
quietness was needed. When a man has no beliefs like that of the mainstream agenda, and he
is of an oppressed people, others may think that they have the right to administer all that they
can upon, he is their captive, and he shall be taken from home and jailed, but he is free in the
mind, so he cannot scream, but wait, wait for his body to be free whilst his mind lingers and
clings to the bigger things in life, rather than a jailed body, but the reason kingdoms crumble
and exiled soldiers die fighting for another force, just so to fight. Neo-liberal democracies
will wage their eternal war on the other, and there is only division as a result, bloodshed and
carnage, where the rich man who lives in the hills will profit, and the common man will die a
horrible, and there is no fairness in that. To take a neglected people, one who suffered for
generations and the only buffer that will ease the pain is the injection of nationalism, for it
will fill the hole void where sadness once sat, and the denizens will go out and prove the
world wrong, for they were once captives in a jail oppression and neglect, and now they are
proud for whom they have become and what they represent, a great deal strength overcoming
all that was thrown against them, and they shall not falter for they are brave and they wear
their victories well, for they have seen it all.


To predict the simple future, it shall be plagued by war and the repercussions of war, and the
people at the very bottom shall suffer in the dread and belly of the beast that is mobilised by
the elite, and a real carnage will so forthrightly ensue. This is not the study of finance but the
study of power, because it was displayed in many periods of overthrowing of the monarchy
that power consisted of money. A war can be waged with scythes and pitchforks, it does not
need any more than that, it could also be said that there are failings in warfare of the
advancement of technology, and spending money to upgrade weapons does not always lead
to winning wars, as this kind of tremendous expenditure of wealth into an armed conflict may
be like throwing money into stream to stop the flow, it is in itself a bizarre process, made by
one person who does not understand the activity of war. Look at the great armies, and the
great armies are made up of the working class, and a strong military is a strong reflection of
an armed and well-organised working class. A soldier makes his wages in war, but ultimately
wants periods of peace he does not have to protect his people, but when the people and the
state he knows becomes threatened he must do all must for his people to thrive, function and
survive in this situation. Real leaders would ride out with their comrades, front line and
disperse death in an orderly fashion, they would embarrassingly hide way and let others
sacrifice their lives, because a real leader is putting one’s body on the line for a cause, and
real leaders shall be remembered in time. For the security of work is a hard thing, and
socialism shall relate to the ethics of the working class and no other business is needed
because all that exists is man’s plight for peace and that is it, and it should start from the very
bottom because every member of a state is just as important as others. A state shall look after
its weakest link and there cannot be injustices to the working class at the expense of the rich.
Wealth will not buy the security of humanity, only peace can ensure the future of mankind. If
every man lay down arms and continued to not fight for what he truly believed in and when
one states fight it can be all means of retaliation to an oppressive cause may that be political
also, for when they lay down arms injustice will further occur and silence and suffering shall
still occur where there is suffering, for to die fighting for something is to escape the suffering,
of that which is subjecting a victim to live their life behind walls, both physical and
psychological, for psychological walls are denying the very mind and not the auld body? The
concept of the two issues, social issues and environmental issues are intrinsically linked
because they are both reliant on strong efforts into human rights, and to leave the world for
the fellow humans and generations to come is upholding human rights, their people are
connected to the planet of Earth. Because scepticism does not belong to the people who
cannot see forward, scepticism is checking facts and double-checking facts, and within this in
my one would lose god and the concept of securing mass wealth, and these wealthy have only
secured their wealth by the sheer privilege that is.

Ensuing to win the vote of the commoner is the way societies are formed, how empires fall,
and wars are fought. A politician must win the vote of the common man, and in doing this
will determine whether the policies will be implemented. People who have left the common
man to fend for him are selfish and only interested in power from a selfish perspective. Power
can manifest into extreme loneliness and isolation, and a truly powerful king empowers the
common man into his struggle, to forget the common man’s needs and intentions for a leader
is to leave him isolated, and two people in the struggle for life, the common man in the leader
in isolation and dread, whereas to be truly happy is to think for others and unite with people,
for people are not isolated as they think they are but belong to massive that needs balance.
There does not have to be religious to understand the fact there is a real heaven and hell, and
a real good versus evil. These were part of fable long before religion, and mainstream
religion has significantly distorted the concepts of good and bad divided whole nations to
fight them. The religion of Christianity is a religion that will ultimately divide whole nations
to eventually fight amongst themselves. It is a religion of hate and intolerance at the basis of
their beliefs of what is unacceptable, there is control, whereas people should be absolutely
and utterly happy and free. To look to the future for one’s next descendants can live in peace
and harmony, leaders must look into the future, it cannot be stagnant and stuck in the past
because the world violently leaves the past behind, the wars scarred in the memories of the
survivors and the tales of bravery told to be passed on to the young generations, because the
past produces facts, facts that shall sway the minds when looking into the future, of what
precisely not to do, as they reproduce the same errors in the past is sheer political failure. It is
a sheer political failure to make the mistakes twice, and to look to the future is not wholly
acknowledged as people will seek the information supports their own needs and not the
information that shall lead the public into a safe environment, a man is driven by him. Politics
is plagued by non-foresight and people who are wholly and truthfully abiding by the word of
god in every available facet of society and in this relationship with a false prophet and
figment of imagination they have become clouded and their judgement inhibited because they
see the world in black and white. Society has many colours, and many complex individuals
make society and they need the attention that they are deserved. Mankind in all his glory, if
he was told that something was utterly and completely bad for him he would still do it, and
there is nothing more infuriating for a law-abiding citizen in their moral efforts to be good are
told that the powers that be are corrupt and not abiding by law like the majority of the
population do. For it is truly infuriating because the enforcement of law can be corrupt, and it
is man’s best interest as a citizen of the world to hold corruption to account on behalf of the
law-abiding citizens who grind themselves down to be good. The best thing a citizen can do
is to help and volunteer services to politics, as it is in desperate need of some common sense
and normal personification because it has swerved to that of tyranny.

A government sets the agenda, but people can mobilise and hold the government to account if
they are not abiding by their own rules or promises. It is very common for a politician to set a
tone with window dressing and change their mood according to this system. Do not let them
do this! As it is the common man who suffers, the common man can change politics and in
his struggle to be innocent and honest, it finally impacts him that is how power does not
work, as power for the very wealthy is dodging the blows that everyone feels, it is about not
abiding by the rules that they set. Power is a contradiction of self-interests it is not about
abiding by a set structure, it is wild! And unchallenged, when a man who is of rational
thought realises this then they have the power to change from what is good to what is bad
because democracy is only as strong as its weakest link and that link is the people and
nothing but the people. To hold churches and governments to account, for their devilry is the
job of the international working, and this power shall be called the ‘’greater good’’, which is
noted as being a good that benefits the everyday person and the rational person, because the
gap between the powerful and the people is a gap that is widening every day and it is with
this power that the people possess, which is to right to take democratic action for their greater
good because the powerful make up a small percentage of the population but wield tyranny.
The more one takes the less one knows, and the obsession with investment in physical objects
will only allow a man to lose his mind in the investment in an object. Since when has man
mattered what he owns? The ability to obtain something with wealth will invest his existence
into the material world, and therefore lose his mind as he becomes paranoid in the safety of
his material world and not the safety of his family. The rich will burden upon the poor things
that they should not be paying for, or what the rich have plenty of money that they can easily
afford but the poor cannot. The world is shaped so that the poor will struggle and the rich will
live in leisure, without a massive revaluation of this fact the poor man will continue to suffer.
No one deserves to suffer, to suffer economic violence is a denial of the rights to live in
peace, so there should be justice, and justice will only be met if there is a system that puts the
monstrosity that is power into the hands of the people and not the corrupt and wealthy, for to
be wealthy is not natural, it is not natural to invest so much effort into the material world, and
to own many things that should be seen as a human right like a house. The common man
deserves to have the pressure taken off him and to live not in luxury but a normal setting.
When power will bring its ferocity down onto the poor it will do strange things to a man, for
the poor will seek to justify their suffering is at the hands of power bases, and the realisation
that power is evil, and the systems in place are robbing the people of free will and common
sense so that a man will live his entire existence in trying to justify his plight, as the law takes
away the ability for the common man to justify his actions, it will silence people into
suffering. Governments and institutions spread the disease of oppression, where a man will
be silenced and cast out to suffer for having free will and the interest not in material gain, for
the interest in material will cause conflict as there is jealousy emitted from the possession of
goods, and the society that is a liberal democracy is a democracy on their terms, one has to
abide by the power bearers, as a slave to the Church. The society also reeks of the
enforcement that man must work his life away under gruelling conditions, and that success is
not caring to make a change but abide by the crude division of labour.


To treat the population as free on specific terms that must be abided, and the enforce fear
onto them is the gravest of punishments. To allow them to be free but the threat of
punishment if they re-offend or offend is to drive the population into an absolute primal fear.
The far-right and ultimately power in liberal countries will slander the rise of the greater
good. They will use their methods and resources to combat the rise of the greater good
because they see it as the greatest threat to their personal needs, which is maintaining
alliances to preserve their bank balances until there is politics without money and until man
realises that money is an illusion of grandiosity and useless, there will be dirty tactics to
slander those people who stand for the greater good. For there is one re-occurring factor
within the far right, and that is religion. Their basic premise is to extort money from everyone
who does not abide by the religion of their beliefs. Everyone who is an outsider is a potential
enemy who must be stopped at all costs because they pose a threat to the very foundation of
society. It is also true that massive contributors to selfish politics are the Church and they
have their fingers into power at all forms throughout society, they are the silent killer to
democracy and extort all people to meet their needs. They will silence all those who oppose
them with soft violence. Mankind without the acknowledgement of others in his quest to
possess everything possible to possess and instigator of violence and obsessed with violence.
With violence, he can win possession of almost anything he wishes. Violence from a form
that is not approved by the systems of power that is in place takes on another form, it is
labelled as destructive to society, not as a reaction of the harsh brutality of society. The quest
for power will ultimately result in oppression to funnel their power into power for other
people. With the submission of a group, they will seek and search for a reaction for their
circumstance, which they may be tremendously poor as a direct result of the subtle art of
power; power can be a simple as discrimination and can manifest itself through time and
conditioning as extremism. The violence that is not approved of the powers that be that is a
result of poverty and desperation through other forms of non-violent power will ultimately be
described as a threat the system that rules, and they will do all they can to suppress alternate
reactions from power. Unity in a society is the belief that all people are equal, but sadly there
is a superiority complex that will only allow white privileged males into positions of power, it
will not deviate from this algorithm and the other subgroups of the population will without
question be subject to discrimination, which is a form of non-violent power that can result in
poverty which itself produces violence. One must fight the primacy and stereotypes that
plague society and the only way forward is to free the sufferers of violence in an immense
quest for absolute and utter worldwide peace for all citizens of the Earth. Labour is the
systematic use of violence onto the working classes, for with the bare resources they are paid,
they simply can only survive in their lives by a whisker whilst others reap the profits from
nowhere near the same amount of labour input. They are simply hopelessly abused.


There is the urgency for the people to lift the veil from upon their eyes, and this ensured in
atheism. People should not give every cent and a bit of time to a cause that will not hold, that
is heaven, and heaven will not save mankind, because the establishment, not god’s word
which is the window dressing of lies that a corrupt body like the Church possesses in society.
The single most beautiful aspect of the people is their labour which they should never be
abused for and their free will which will always define man for what he is. To live within the
law and to confess their sins to a father is to inflict violence onto the mind, for there is no sin
and there should not be absolving of sins, because they have not sinned. There is violence
inflicted and self-inflicted throughout society, the melancholic infliction of alcohol is one
example. People do things and they know it is wrong and bad for them, but they still do it.
Society is built to destroy people slowly; it is a slow subtle destruction of man’s physical will
through labour and man’s free will and mind through lies and deceit till he becomes
somewhat of lesser of a mind and flocks to things like a sheep. He is brainwashed, and to free
oneself from society is to remove oneself from every mainstream facet and be free to make
one’s mind. The people are masked from the truth by lies. It is lies that run the society and it
is the way it functions to destroy free will through massive obedience to laws that must be
followed by the masses, to free oneself from society and its bizarre rituals are to be free.
Society and those who run it in positions of power will also seek to belittle striving for a
greater good masked by their selfishness. They will destroy the people to feed themselves
with the spoils, therefore the people should take it to the extremes of revolution because they
are being violently oppressed and abused by the rich. When will mankind come to the
realisation? That they deserve everything and are magnificent in their unique way, and they
do not need to listen to the people who control every facet of society because they are only
interested in themselves not a greater good, and they will seek to divide the people not
ultimately bring people under the real belief that there is no right and wrong, but people are
beautiful in their unique way and they are all equal and are made in the image of themselves,
not of god. Capitalism is the single most non-violent of the working class it has ever felt, and
the climate crisis is the single greatest threat to mankind in its history. There can be no other
statement that capitalism will destroy mankind if no further action is taken to eradicate it.
Who shall remain supreme, when the monarchies over the ages had always been looking for a
means of escape when the trouble was coming for they always knew that selfishness and
greed would be man’s undoing, and they will hide away when the people start pointing
fingers because they are the only ones responsible for amassing wealth and grooming the
wealthy, it is monarchies all over the world that responsible for setting an example that the
rich persons throughout the world will follow, and then they vanish into thin air when they
held accountable, for the rich followed the monarchies and the royals followed the wealthy.
That is all that can be said and there is no other excuse. They caught the scent of wealth and
wanted to attain every bit of land, mineral and jewel because the wealthy were set an example
of power, the power that can break the rules to suit their needs. But there is another form of
power, and that is the gun and violent revolution, for only the masses will seek to bring social
justice upon the monarchies and rich of the world in their means of overthrowing the great
dictatorships of the world.


Angus was a marksman on a mission, he was on a trail of furore to dethrone the fake kings of
England. He was a one-man army and driven by the passions that united the highlanders, to
disperse death onto the loyal servants of the kings of England. He was enraged, but calm, a
clinical bringer of death, who would make barley a sound when delivering his final notes,
like an artisan with his musket, smooth barrel that would bring justice upon his foes with the
precision of a fiddle player who would never miss a note and entertain the crowds for hours
on end. For Angus was a bringer of death, and when fighting alone it would do strange things
to a man, it would essentially drive him into isolation, but that isolation would lead to
extremism as he had others to guide him or influence him, for he was alone with no other. He
specialised in taking out captains of the ranks with a single shot, and taking out groups of five
redcoats with a dirk in one hand and a basket-hilt broadsword, he was an assassin in the basic
sense of the word, and he would have one title and that was ‘’murtair’’, which meant assassin
in Scottish Gaelic. With this title he would bring hell to the coats of red with a mask made
from woollen cloth, he was the masked murtair and would give the redcoats hell in the name
of Scotland. Since it is known that a soldier has one purpose, and that is to kill. Who gives
him this order? Is it the politician? Men cannot act independently but under the order of
another more powerful being, there is always a motive behind men’s actions and, man is a
dimwit. When instructed to kill there is a motive of following orders to take resources in their
killing for the greed of the politician or it is killing to protect. Killing to amass resources is
done by the henchman of the selfish politicians but killing to protect is done by a worker to
protect his family. There is always a motive behind every war, and mankind has always
sought to fight wars if there was profit. The only other circumstance is if a soldier kills to
protect his homeland and the Scots fall into this latter category. The clan chiefs did not pay
the highlanders, they were all volunteers, so they were killing for resources but killing to
protect. There are a sheer difference and monarchies will seek to reward the thugs who lay
down death and destruction for a reward. Mankind has always been this way, thinking of
himself rather thinking for others. Some people would not kill to protect their kin but sell
their kin away to the highest bidder. There is a sheer difference between mankind who is
lured by war for the riches spilt from the daggers of war and that is using the bayonet to
protect his people and way of life, his home and fighting for a greater good, not riches. It is in
man’s best interest not to lie something as precious as his life on the line for mere riches but
that of protecting innocent life. Monarchies will use racism to subject other races to
psychological and physical violence/ it is violence towards difference, and the psychological
violence is to drive other races into poverty, as there is not an adequate sharing of wealth and
opportunities but rather discrimination and racially driven as a crude weapon.
Racism and capitalism are the two wars pillaging the world, plundering resources all for the
super-rich to dine with their friends, whilst innocents are being torn apart limb from limb in
massive war zones and millions of people are being displaced and do not have safety or even
food. Angus was going to spend his days fighting, fighting against the people who knew
nothing but endless greed. As he smote down redcoat every odd mile, the highlands were
swarming as the word had got out that Bonnie Prince Charlie had escaped back to Italy, and
the butcher was fuming. Angus was doing his best to halt the advance of the government
forces into the highlands, and they were set on dispersing death onto the Jacobite forces who
had evaded capture after Culloden. Angus was very wary of the fact that there had been
atrocities committed, overhearing it from some government troops. Society erects almighty
pillars in society, the pillars that must abided by at all times from every citizen, and if they do
not abide by them they will find themselves in a spot of bother because these pillars are the
greed of the monarchy and fickleness of the Church, and when the call up comes for a man to
represent his country in war, then they have to follow this call. The pillars of society are
erected to keep mankind a slave for society, and when one is a slave they must abide by the
powers that be or cast out, for the powers that be are selfish, and only reward the mindless
individuals who commit their existence to serving the pillars of society, and the pillars of
society will enforce themselves throughout society, for they shall brag that they are the best
society in the land and that nationalism will cause violence, for a monarchy wants to cause
violence for its means and if it can get volunteers who want to cause violence for free,
without paying them to subject themselves to violence, these are the mighty henchmen of the
pillars of society and should be feared. The pillars of society will conscript servants and they
will keep all wealth and opportunity within the family. When a henchman delivers violence
to the marginalised victim, he shall be rewarded for he has done his part in the name of
violence and to cause division throughout a community. The silent war on racial diversity,
because racially diverse communities tend to be poor, the capitalist model is a silent killer
and warring monstrosity to the developing world. The silent killer to religious diversity is the
spread of lies and deceit to instil fear into communities of the other religions, that are
perfectly safe, the pillars of society will subject the poor to violence for a profit of the rich,
and the henchmen shall deliver the role of the Church and that is to cause division within a
community for them to follow the priests blindly like sheep who of course pay no tax. The
state seems to want to protect the Church as it is one of the main contributors to the violent
methods of the rich. It is the question of all humanity, whether they become a sheep and
believe lies and live a lie, and the suffer the violence of power and follow the rich in their
pursuit of violence, or shall the people strive towards not riches and power but peace, and to
be switched onto the reality of life that is stolen from them, the belief that if they do not give
every cent and bit of their time to the Church they will die a horrible death and spend eternity
in a hell, well that is false and it is a belief that is churning the profits into the Church and
allowing them to commit daylight robbery of theft onto the poor.
Religion must cause division throughout a society, and it is administered through the
henchmen of the pillars, and every bit of psychological or physical violence starts from a
casual action, whether it may be racism or Islamophobia, it will be allowed to exist and not
punished and will manifest itself after years of acceptance into the violence that is
perpetrated. Violence will start small but after not being condemned and forthrightly
condoned so that violence is acceptable, that is the way of the rich and they will seek to
divide society through methods of violence. The simplest form of violence is the coin, and
many states do not let the churches their pillars of society take the brunt of the coin, but they
let the poor be pummelled by the coin, and figure of the state will enforce this violence onto
the public, to fund their wars abroad against their enemies who have in the state which is
called home absolutely and completely marginalised so that the war abroad is also fought at
home. The enemy of the state may exist in the state, through being the innocent bystanders of
the war that was recklessly exposed to war, and these people become refugees and they flee
the wars. But this cycle of violence does not stop, they have to pay taxes in their new home, a
form of violence which churches are exempt from, and they are subject propaganda from the
media outlets that are set on causing division and spread hate in the form of news which is
based around a system of bias, and there is nothing more powerful in spreading division and
that is religion. It will pit man against man and seek to divide and conquer for the Church
will. When a nation declares war on its public it has lost its ways as a state, because a state is
set in place to make sure its citizens are protected and the only method of violence shall be
the method of self-defence and no other method shall be practised. When a pillar of society,
the Church successfully divides a state, all innocent citizens pitted against each other like
boxers in a ring that is when religion in all its ability has failed to be as a religion because its
main purpose is to bring people together and nurture them all. To spread division through the
pillars of society and distributed through violence is the gravest of deeds because man is the
one people. He is not as different as he seems, and there is massive division throughout
society based on conflicting beliefs because the Koran’s closest similar book is the Bible.
They are brothers in text, they are both Abrahamic and share close similarities. Mankind is
the one people, and he deserves to live in a society that will nurture his needs and spread
peace throughout his society, so the poor do not have to commit violence to survive. Extreme
poverty will cause the man to do extreme things, it is also evident on the other end of the
scale that extreme wealth will only sustain itself through more accumulation of wealth, and
this will manifest itself in violence and absolute carnage. Inequality in society, both having a
wealthy class and dire poor class will only spread violence and it is more ideal for peace and
safety to have an even spread of wealth where every citizen does not resort to violence to
simply live, but they live in humble peace where they live a splendid free and meaningful
The pillars of society it is true to seek to terrorise society. They will start with the very young
and indoctrinate them with the way that they perceive normality and that is the way of the
Church. They will teach the young in the religious schools their dogma, which is a religion to
terrorise and a religion of hate. The pillars of society will punish those who do not abide by
their means and traumatise school children. They are a terrorist organisation who preys on the
very vulnerable and that is children at schools. When this generation will grow into
adulthood, they will seek to spread division through hate and cause society to be far worse off
and the world to be a far worse place. It, the pillars will stir hatred through society and cause
the man to fight the man in a hellish game of putrid violence. When a man is fighting man,
brother versus brother the rich will aid them. They watch with glee for entertainment the two
sides pitted against each other with real violence. Any leader of any state who administers
violence to their most vulnerable and divides the people is a terrorist and megalomaniac.
Every person this Earth deserves to live in freedom from persecution and they deserve to live
a happy life in peace because a society functions to instil peace and basic freedoms, and when
it resorts to systematically fund warfare to kill innocents, and when is systematically abuses
its people who are caught in an economic war whilst the very rich profit from their efforts,
that is when a state has failed, a state must protect its citizens. When a man’s beliefs are
threatened and his very existence is at odds to a specific group and he becomes a target of
hatred and lives in division well then the society has failed to truly become a democracy
because every man deserves his say and every man has a right to contribute to public
discussion and not be silenced, and when there is breaking the silence of a member of the
community has undergone then well that society is a true democracy and there should be a
striving of mankind to make fair and diverse democracies and also allow the people to live in
absolutely and pleasurable peace that aims to deliver rights to all people. To revolutionise the
people with stories, and to re-tell the ancient stories almost forgotten, for Angus was bitterly
hurt. He had been raiding and stealing, murdering and singing, but his people were cast to the
corners of the country and he had no hope. For the hopes of a nation lay bare, and her story
was weaved into the very countryside so that her valleys would resemble the female body,
and she was being abused and ill-treated so much that her sons began to moan, and moan they
did for Scotland was uttering her last gasps of fresh beautiful air. The capitalists will claim
there system is right, but are missing the point the society was nearly demolished with the
Global Financial Crisis, and what more evidence to suggest that self-destruction is an
inherent flaw in humanity and their selfish drives will cause them to lose sight of danger, for
a man will still do things that are deemed dangerous. He will subject his life to danger even
when he has seen the warnings, it leads to an absolute scepticism of mankind and his
endeavours because life is ill-treated and abused. Mankind will torment himself, and this is
his undoing.

Racism without direct regulation and allowed to flourish will lead to genocide. To
marginalise members of a community and convey a stereotype and trope will lead to
persecution, incarceration and genocide which will go unpunished by the powers that be and
the politics of racism are mightily dangerous. Racist violence is the ugly side of selfish
politics that seeks to divide. The ugly side of the pillars is mass murder and genocide not only
to a people, but the environment and animals are caught in mass genocide. Any clown who
does not acknowledge the many failures of capitalism and its direct impact on the
environment is delusional. The world is changing, and it is not like it was, for the winds have
changed, and Angus could see that selfishness would result in death and destruction, for he
had his suspicions on the nature of man and his failings. The poor are not an affliction that
needs to be cured, but the cure. If there is more living like the poor and a sort of open-minded
adoption of minority religions and movements that will save mankind, not adopting archaic
methods that do not work and ultimately lead to horrifying genocide through division and
ultimately man’s self-destruction. If there is to be a stable progression to self-destruction,
then it is with the desire for riches. If there is to be a massive progression to division,
isolating people and causing genocide and violence, then stay with the Church. Because the
pillars will only allow hatred and violence to emit from society, and without the intervention
of man’s own devices there will be absolute carnage at tremendous costs. A man left to his
own devices shall only drive hatred and violence into society. The intervention of the pillars
is needed. The big problem with Christianity is that it condones anger and it allows violence
to be perpetrated in the name of God. This is highly dangerous as a man may seek to use
violence to lever his way into society, and religions all act on a pillar that grooms young
violent or victims into forces of absolute carnage because hatred in Christianity is condoned,
and anger is acceptable solutions to problems. This should not be the case, and every person
needs to reflect on their faith and come to the realisation, of is this faith leading to hatred.
There needs to be a tolerance and complete reworking of faith and the way it impacts society,
and the questions need to be raised ‘’will this belief cause the grief of others?’’, for when two
tribes meet there can be no other outcome but war, for when man is left to his devises and
beliefs he will instil hatred into his minions and shall instil violence into his peers because
something clicks in mankind and he will respect his master the pillars if there is money, war
and violence on the cards, for each man has his very own minions. Politicians seek to think
the poor is not the way to live and should be punished, but they live a life of resilience and
their strength of character shows through, as the poor need an injection of revolution as they
are the leaders of society. Society will only progress when there is peace and movement of
one people because people are similar than they are different. Man is one kind, and society is
the greatest achievement, for societies should clash as they are similar than what is presented
of them. Man is an atrocity and his greatest invention in the state, and he ought to leave his
beliefs behind him because everything is meaningless.
Middle classes all over the world, get the impression that the more hoarded, the greater the
treasure when the revolutionary trumpets shall sound the uprising of the people who are
hungry for the spoils of war, and it may be a deterrent for war, to erase unemployment rates
as the unemployed are a breeding ground for war, and war is primarily the working class
being exploited and they bring back tragic tales, but a revolution waiting to happen is a poor
and traumatised working class, because the main threat that all politicians feel throughout the
world is the threat of the working class, as poverty can transform into war and violence, and
the politicians greatest fear is a mobilised working class angry at the system that weighs so
heavily on him and his friends, a system that will cause civil unrest eventually, as the most
sane person in society is the man who watches society go at a furious pace that no one can
keep up, as it grinds down people and takes no prisoners, and a wise man sits objectively and
watches society collapse. An indicator of a well-functioning working class reflects an army,
and the little pawn in a military mind’s grand strategy sacrifices his security for the security
of the state. An ideal situation for an army is no war, but cold war, spending an eternity
intimidating an opponent and not raising a hand, for armies can do other things but wage
wars, they can plant trees and help out during times of crisis, and it is a soldier’s means of
existence to maintain the safety and security of all his comrades from the many terrors that
man faces. Armed forces maintain the function of many organisations other than just pure
military might, for deterrence can cause peace, and it is only in the direst needs of self-
protection will the common man use violence, but those with power may use violence to take
from another poor nation. The use of violence when it is done in the words of protection of
the state is not violence like that of purging of man onto another man, there is useable
violence that can protect in the name of the law if a state was forced to retaliate to save lives.
Violence justified by greed is a different form of violence completely and holds no value, as
it is a brutish state. All states should consider that an armed forces is a method of protection,
and can function in many other roles, as the work of many can be done by one, and Angus is
a prime example of this work of an entire army done by one man, as he seeks to raid supplies
and assassinate captains that take orders to the others, and his speciality is sniping a
messenger from on top of his horse to plummet to his death. A man who is granted power
should abuse others with it, but the accumulation of wealth and man’s desire for possessions
will lead to horrifying outcomes for everyone else whilst the greed will envelop the pillars
and spur them on to dastardly deeds that no one in their right mind would claim to do. As
wealth will corrupt mankind, and the desire for wealth will push victims aside, so there is no
pride in wealth but man must not take material possession so seriously, the drive to possess
all that he may because it will drive into a paranoid state where he will put the safety of his
family and himself at risk for the pleasure he takes in his own greed and it will devour him
from the inside. Wealth will do bad things to man, and if he is spurred on by the pillars who
shall reinforce lies then he shall live a lie and lose his mind in the striving for wealth as at the
end of the day wealth cannot make people happy or sad they are just called wealthy because
they possess man’s greatest blunder, the invention of wealth which is a mistake.


When the colonies have raided and plundered people not so different. The people have been
forgotten about for greed of a few who have escaped responsibility due to privilege and the
monarchies who used to lead the armies in the front line, well now they are very different
people. There can only be one outcome, and that is for the people who strive for a greater
good to control, and if they are resisted with force, then show force back. Because mankind
has become incredibly wasteful and complacent with the power that many before him and
they have worked for. All good kings will lay their life on the line, and they will seek to
throw themselves to protect their soldiers, they will march with their soldiers and they shall
become immortalised in songs of their soldiers, for no man shall seek anything less in life
than to be immortalised. Angus was doing the work of many, and he was assassinating
captains and raiding and pillaging supply depots, and his work was not going unnoticed for
his people were thrown far and wide to the hills and valleys, he was acting on his own free
will with his army’s objective. For the Jacobites were spread far and wide, miles apart from
one another with no clear goal or objective, all that Angus knew were the redcoats were
seeking to wipe them out, and there must be a resistance at all costs to save the plight of the
king, and there was no other plight, for Angus had to put his family and his loved ones aside
and cast them off, as he had duties to attend to, the duties of a marksman, and a marksman
felt no love, as he was the bringer of suffering, and Angus did administer death. Angus has no
orders, for he is driven by instinct to do what is right, and knows thoroughly what is right
from wrong, and he only has one enemy, and that is a man with a red coat. He is no coward
for deserting his own people to hit and run like a real highlander, Angus MacDonald fights
with the equipment he has, and the knowledge he possesses of the land, which comes from an
indigenous mind, one that has surveyed the land and accumulated knowledge passed on from
generation to generation, so that nothing shall be wasted and to live moderately and with a
sense to respect the land and her people, rather than pillaging and plundering and subjecting
other innocents to brutality, Angus would respect the land and animals, and that was what
had frightened the redcoats because this man was so in tune with the land, the vanishing and
disappearing coward who was friends with the valleys and the hills. He sang the tune of the
highlands through the bullets whistling through the air that was plummeting into bellies and
brains of his foe, and that was all, for he had no possessions, and was one with nature. The
states of today want civil obedience to a formula. They want to reduce mankind to his
essentials, a form of a person driven by greed to act violently. The sort of alleviation of man’s
basic attributes is a trust within his greatest creation, the creation of something that supports
its weakest link, and does not forget, because a politician is an elected representative first and
foremost. Not a businessman or a war criminal, his duty is the people and nothing else.
Because it will take many generations for people to realise, how others fail, and governments
will fail the people time and time again and there will be an injustice.
Man will be lured to use violence to gain and seek to imprison and punish people who do not
abide by his law. No person deserves to be jailed, every person deserves the freedom and
should be tried in their own courts with their own law, because the jails are punishing the
sons who have chosen the alternate life, and society has failed them. The use of violence to
bring great riches is mankind’s worst asset, and he jail violently all those that do not abide by
his rule. If there was a tremendous reversal, instead of abiding by God’s rule, which man
claims to be his greatest invention, and instead by the state which is his truly greatest
invention. Instead of making sure man pillaged freely and this being rewarded, man’s greed,
there should a reversal so that people were free from captivity and singing the songs and
writing majestic works that everyone will read, and the stories that need to be told. Instead of
freeing up markets for unlimited wealth, free the chains from humanity’s sons who have
suffered enough and let them sing those majestic songs. The ability to exploit a people, who
have no connection to things like wealth, they have a connection to the land, and they don’t
stockpile resources, they live simply and sometimes nomadic, for the agents of greed shall
pummel the land so deep that no one shall recover, and the denizens of the land shall bleed
the same blood of the land, the rivers and lochs seeping with the tears of a land and its
people. For they shall never recover, and the cuts are so deep that she has been left to death, a
whole nation of good souls forever lost. Scotland was to weep no more, as she was about to
have her revenge, as Angus readied himself to take on his next job, and that was reunited
with some groups of highlanders. He had enough bullets and provisions to travel to Inverness.
He had just been living and fighting, for that is life, throughout Sutherland and throughout the
area which was a vast and desolate area. He could travel faster on foot than a horse as he
knew the countryside, and it was hills filled with heather and boggy marshes, a horse could
not make haste here. He was to travel through the highlands on foot, but his way would be
perilous and met with danger, as there was fear throughout the highlands, the fear that would
envelop all people so that the people who live in fear, but there were some that were strong in
the days of murder, and they cast their fears aside to house the hunted, and the men cast away
by the chiefs who had fled for their lives, the young men who showed such bravery and who
had marched for miles needed a place for rest, as there was going to be more rising. Inverness
was going to harbour a rebellion so strong, that the people would take to the streets with
arms, for the highlands boasted many soldiers, and they didn’t need much equipment other
than a farming implement and a voice, for the government troops had marched for miles and
were exhausted, the local denizens of Inverness had an ace up their sleeve, they were at
home, they could muster all the help they could get and played a game of cat and mouse,
where they would hit and run, as they knew the landscape like the back of their hands.


The pillars shall make the man a sheep, following orders and grinding himself down into a
robot, whilst a fat man will profit, and the pillars shall seek to destroy the ancient people who
are interested in the beauty of the land and who in freedom with sprawling lands. There many
forms of violence that can wreak havoc on man and animals, being physical violence and
economic violence. Both are incredibly dangerous and can cause the death of many brave
souls. The pillar’s use of both kinds of violence will reward the greedy and righteous in their
pursuit of power. Mankind will use violence as a method, and it is the duty of the public to
maintain peace because the state will regulate physical and economic violence, and make sure
the innocent people, the people, shall be protected because man without regulation will
destroy everything he touches and even resort to violence towards his friends and family, for
governments will fall and crumble with the use of violence. It is the people’s responsibility
maintain peace through furiously upheld law, and to take the individual out of power, for the
people need to act militantly to overthrow the greedy politicians and establish a state that can
look after everyone and maintain peace throughout a society, because a society run off greed,
will lead to the absolute self-destruction of all people, and all that will be left will be the
decimated remains of a people and the greedy ones who cause the mayhem will by their own
hope, seek to evade the blame and become victors of the self-destruction of man, or they are
simply stupid and do not think that far forward, because man would do thing onto himself
that would be deemed dangerous, he is an untrustworthy and selfish lout. The need for an
institution like religions, to weed out all unbelievers from their society, whilst guarding and
protecting the believers like moths to a flame causes turmoil to a state. The fallacy of
democracy is that faith will only protect its members and will not rush to aid of others.
Institutions offer protection to their believers and it is evident that faith with no protection has
no leverage and money to offer protection of its believers. Faith is different from faith as an
institution. Faith is a religion is nonsense, whilst faith as an institution has enormous power.
The leverage to abuse and protect the abuser in institutions is corruption. Institutions of the
pillars have enormous power to shelter their own kind and silence the others, and they govern
society with tremendous finances and wealth, so much so that they cause a threat to
democracy, as the need to cover their tracks is the need to silence, and in all democracies,
there should be no need for silence, and silence offers no place in society, and it should be
commended that every citizen who calls themselves a citizen of a proud democracy should
seek to give voices to the silenced, there shall be no silence in society, and democracy should
favour the brave and mighty, as they offer a reflection of the human condition more than
anything else, and they shall be talked about in the streets, and songs shall be sung for them,
for they shall shine. For Angus shall be worshipped by his people forevermore, and the
stories of his bravery shall be versed in the song of the highlander, it shall all be well, for
revolution had come to Scotland and the people had a duty to do, for their nation as one


Man is so beautifully honest, that he would give every last cent to be guided through life,
therefore the natural state of man should not be abused, and it is in the faith’s circumstance to
not abuse man, for he is feeble and unsure, and to lie to man is the worst sin known to
mankind, for man should put everything into worshipping his leader of the state, the brave
one that risks life and limb, not the people who sit by as the wars are fought, the religious
people, man should worship the bravery of mankind. He should worship the great leaders that
have risked all that they have in order for a people to thrive in freedom from persecution, for
men who fight for freedom will fight and love for a better place, they are the dreamers and
will always be remembered in the hearts of a few. But there is no point arguing with
mankind, as he is so dim-witted and cannot see men of genius when he is frequently
confronted with the bravery of immense will and he chooses to devote his time to the worship
of false gods and false prophets, for he is daft. Where were would bravery be if there was no
oppression? If there was no oppression, then man could not rise to the great heights that
would seek to describe him in the ranks of the gods. But the great oppression is the
oppression man does to himself, by his forfeiting of free will to worship false prophets and
the pillars, in a sense man has done the affliction onto himself by his own free will. The good
shall not be swayed by coin, and the good shall not incite violence, as the good shall turn
their suffering into song, so to reassure others when times are truly tough and tested, the good
shall always worship the people who have done right, to rise against oppression, and to turn
their suffering into revolution, for the pipes will play and Angus has come to town, and be
him a fair man without drowning himself in ale, for he is a straight-talking no-nonsense man,
one who has many stories told about his heroics, and will lead the sufferers into the glorious,
for Scotland shall have no suffering forevermore, for she is free! And she shall sing the songs
that should be known, for her love of her sons has no more oppression. Her sons will sing the
songs with their heroes in tow, for the heroes will be remembered forever and a day, and
what a jolly day when one is free, because there is no threat of violence because the oppressor
has been overthrown, and what a jolly day when the suffering has gone and all shall be for
peace, and let not a jolly day be forgotten because everyman needs freedom to set himself
against the suffering that will take one and consume one whole. The great men of the past
will set the precedent at last for all heroes to have their stories to tell, and a story not told is a
story that is waiting for its chance at stardom, and the people know that the stories that should
be told will sing of their hope and freedom. Because Angus had many stories to tell, but he
silently made his way into Inverness and hid in the shadows of the many buildings that stood,
as he took off his woollen cloth masking his face and sought to find the men who were
alerted to his name, the ones that had their lives taken that day, one day on the moors, for
Angus MacDonald was here, the great marksman who fled, to deter the venture up the north
by those in red.

The streets of Inverness housed a hoard of tales about the butchering of a people at the hands
of tyrants, and since when should a people give up their beliefs and customs to a foreign
invader, and they cannot be colonised by a power that will remember their culture, instead it
seeks to drive it out and destroy it, wholly utterly and oh so completely. There are two types
of the army like there are two types of the pillars, Church and politicians. The two types of an
army are the ones who have massive and humongous types of money and resources, the other
is an army formed by the people for the people over the many tears shed after the many
innocent killed. It is a man’s duty to fight the pillars with all he has, and that shall revenge
death. There was a house where Angus had been alerted to go, on the outskirts and he was
told to go there by night, as he should be very secretive and not alert the government forces,
and upon entering this house, he was asked in Scottish Gaelic what the password was and he
replied and met with the Jacobites in the house. They talked but it was brief, they had plans to
meet with more Jacobite forces at Ruthven and barrage the enemy again as they had one goal,
and that drove the English and government forces away, and undercover of darkness the
meeting had stopped, Angus went on his way to collect his weapons he had very carefully
placed in the trees outside the city, as the whole city was crowded with redcoat soldiers
everywhere, and utmost precaution was to be taken, as not to the let enemy know the plans,
as they were violently enforcing their occupation on the local people and any slip of the
tongue about another rising would surely result in more violence and anger the redcoats, and
precaution was to be taken, and in amassing a force, words were the greatest weapon, as a
message could spread information far and wide, and the aspect of physical weaponry was not
that much of an issue, as men could always use the pitchfork and scythe as weapons, and
most Jacobite sympathisers had a basket-hilt broadsword hidden away under the thatching of
their house, and they were always ready to wage war and rely on the word of the chief of
when to strike, as the word had come, it was time for war. The war would continue, and
Angus set to sharpen his sword and dirk, for soon it would be needed to punish the heathen
and protect the people, as a revolution was to be had. The people had spoken, and the chiefs
have listened, for the populace of the highlands were ready, and as the secrecy was working
its way through the glens, the murmuring of a fight, the fight which would result in the
freedom of a people, and the failings of tyranny as Angus was to lead the clan MacDonald,
with his dirk and broadsword. His work had amassed the attention of many highlanders, for
he was Angus the one-man army, and he had no other reputation, as he was a man of the
blade, not the drink, and he would seek to treasure bravery he showed in his escapades and
reunite brothers who had long been distanced. The brothers of the highlands would fight for
their lives, as they had no other choice, they were confronted with the fact that they would be
driven from their homes, murdered and their language and culture destroyed, they were
spurred on as a collective force that could have no other master but themselves, and the threat
of colonial oppression was seen by the seers, for they predicted carnage.
Great men fight for a greater good, and they fight against the identifiable evil, also called the
pillars, as to go down in the annals of time is to fight for freedom. People should become
more sceptical, and raise issues that need addressing, rather than relying on greed because
greed cannot keep and empire going, it requires more than money and it requires the efforts
of all, and forthrightly democracy requires to input of every possible demographic, and every
possible person needs to have their say. So, therefore, the working class need to be united, the
poor united to construct an imaginary state that can offer support for every person. A strong
state concocted by a sole and gifted individual, to meet the requirements of every possible
person, an overarching system of government that looks after and watches after every
possible person, and a forum, a forum of dreams where every person can put forward their
own distinct argument. The state needs power over man’s deepest desires, which cannot be
trusted and there needs to be freedom, freedom and loving beautiful peace. Mankind is driven
by the sole purpose to possess that which is not rightfully his and to wage war to do it. If
there was a way that inhibited man’s selfishness and superiority complex that makes him
think in violent selfish ways, it is the state and the invention of the state and regulation of
society, to make sure everybody is treated fairly and earns the same amount and pays the
same amount, it is an endeavour towards peace and it is an endeavour for man to stop being
selfish, to limit his resources and share assets, and also to regulate markets so that everyone
pays the same amount of tax, for every person on this Earth in the eyes of the state is equal
and violence cannot change this. Man is one people and is allowed the same opportunities as
the other, there will be no atrocity within the state and there will be no injustice because it
shall be fair. Mankind should seek to exploit people and think that this is worthwhile job in
society, man is selfish and always thinking for himself and to extort violence over another
man. In the state, there will be no violence, and to combat the greed, every man should own
the same amount of material possessions, there shall be equality and fairness, for to regulate
is a must because man is selfish, and to wage peace is a must because man is violent, and the
only way to shape the nature of man is the greatest invention of mankind, the state. For the
pillars will favour and protect their minions, the sheep who flock to the abyss of lies and
deceit, for man will be sheltered and nurtured in the arms of the law, the pillars who are
corrupt and are built of mistruths and lies, for the law is buckling under the corruption of the
pillars, and they cannot protect they're chosen few forever because people are beginning to
change, for some are open-minded and can see past the lies of the pillars, as some are curious,
it is the nature of some to question power, as it is lies built upon lies and will nurture the
chosen few through life so that they face no hardship, but if one removes himself from the
pillars he shall be forgotten about forevermore, and he shall not be protected by the veils of
deceit from the pillars. For society is built on lie upon lie, and that is to ensure power stays
with the few who administer these lies so that they remain powerful of the coerced few
people by the power of the pillars.
To have truly nothing is to understand that there shall be no reliance on wealth to sustain
mankind. Mankind cannot remain so interested in greed and violence that is either for greed
or funded by greed. There needs to be regulation on greed and obedience to the letter of the
law for the prospect of peace, and the obedience to a higher power out of man’s influence, for
a state, should be drafted by many people, who are all gifted individuals who can create the
rules for a state for all people, and that is all that needed to save the wretched. The pillars
maintain law and structure within a society, to protect the ones that uphold their values, and
with this guidance they become lambs to the slaughter, sheep guided from one crisis to the
next, this obedience to the pillars for protection results in stupidly driven people who cannot
think for themselves and have to have everything shown to them, to live the life like others
and the aspect of free will and freedom is extremely dangerous to the pillars because it can
undermine their credibility in understanding and unearthing their lies to show the power they
possess as corrupt. To find a law to be corrupt and the powers that be that dictate this law is
maintained are actually not abiding by this law and there is a corruption of power, where the
powers that be do not abide by the law that is being followed to the word by the masses is a
farce. The powers that be need to be put in place when there is a corruption, and they need
the power of the people to let them know that they may fool some with their lies, but they
cannot fool everybody with their deceit. Like morons following the leader of a pack off a
cliff, what has become of society? When what is based on being right is from a millennia-old
book, when the pillars shall halt all progress for the glorious man when the young are
murdered in droves for a king to be fed and clothed. The murder of the innocent that shall aid
the people sitting on thrones in faraway lands, free from the slaughter, and there is no
ramification for slaughter, whilst the people lose their homes and forced onto the shores of
the very ones who administered the death. The people need to lay down the pitchfork and
pick up the musket, for they are slaves to the economic violence perpetrated by the wealthy,
for they need to hold the rich accountable and trial them in a court. For Angus was going to
lead the battle at Ruthven and has he arrived he mustered his forces and they charged. The
battle was an ensuing mess of bodies and bullets, for both sides put up one hell of a fight, and
the sound of muskets firing drove on the bayonet and the charge and cry of the highlanders
was heard, as both sides lost many men, but as the carnage subsided, there was Angus laying
on the grass, for he had his lungs punctured by a bayonet, and as he lay dying he let out an
almighty scream. Calgacus may have been the first recorded Scot in the history, but Angus
was certainly the last, and as he lay dying, his life flashed before him and he uttered his last
breaths, for he lived a life worth living and he spent his adult days tending his duties, to hunt
for prey, and he spent his later stages on the run and preying on the dim-witted redcoat, but
he couldn’t survive in the mess of a war zone, he was an assassin and he specialised in the
one-man army, he could possibly cope with being in a battle.

As the victors were administering death upon the highlanders and the victors smiling as they
won the day, these redcoats were the ones who got to sing the songs, for they had the
winnings of war. As Angus lay and spied at the sky, he thought to himself, why does one cry?
Why does one spend our lives fighting against the death, when man meets his end the years
of effort go down the river of life, for the river of life teaches men many things, it teaches
them to not always think for themselves and their wants and possessions but to think of a
greater good, a good that is not personified, but one that is collectivised, and the river of life
teaches them to think what they can do for their families and loved ones and how they can
contribute to a society that is one society and not fragmented, but a society with equal
representation and honour. For the people have been sold lies, they have been sold the short
straw by the powers that be, as they sit idly by whilst the masses risk their lives. For all was
not lost, as reinforcements had arrived! The Irish Brigade and had stormed the redcoats, with
musket unloading their carnage and the bayonet slicing through flesh, this was a ferocious
attack and as Angus lay on the heather, an Irish man had helped him to his feet, whilst his
friends hacked away at the redcoats. This was a victory for the Scots and Angus had survived
by the grace of the Irish Brigade. They sang their songs that night, and Angus was tended too,
for the French had come and had engaged with the government forces as well, and all was
cared for, for Scotland had been freed. Whilst Angus over the next few days was tended too
for his wounds, he had become stronger and the first thing that this new chief was to say to
his people, was that he cared for the people of Scotland, and every enemy cut down was done
in the name of Scotland, and he had one thing to say, that there should be a cultural
revolution, right here right now, and that Scotland should do away with all the English
influence, do away with religion as a whole and to go back to animism like the Picts of old.
In the days forward the Scots swept away all traces of the English, including the language
and all ties with England, and these Scottish revolutionaries constructed a society without the
threat of colonialism, it was a country governed by the people’s king, Charles Edward Stuart,
and it was a nation that had no religion, it had changed to animism because the people had
spoken. This rejection of the oppressor and the trust in the people’s king, this rejection of
religion and the trust in the animals of the state tended to the hurt souls of Scotland. For she
still had her clan system, but they did away with the money, every man was to report to the
chief and the chiefs were stripped of money, and the clan system did prosper, for they did
away of wealth and gave the people power, as the monarch was just a ceremonial position,
Charles had a council of chiefs and they decided what to do through the council of minds, and
the chiefs had to represent their people, for it was a people’s state. Charles was the people’s
ruler, and he would lead them through storms and chaos, for he was a revolutionary, not a
king, and he was guided by the greater good of the people. The Cultural Revolution destroyed
all the churches, and it rooted out religion from the many facets of society, so they went back
to the days before the Church and they would sing the songs of pagans and would worship
the animals and be one with the glorious land.


The system favours the shadows. The people do not like the common people, because these
shadows hide behind the veil of power. The priests and the politicians favour the people who
lurk behind the scenes, whilst the people slave away their lives into torture. For when this
cultural revolution took place, it took off the heads of the priests, burned down the churches
and put stones like the ancient Picts in their place, for a progression of society is taking away
religion, and it is not going back to the ways of the past, but to go forward by establishing a
system that is not morally corrupt, and to give power to the animals and worship them as
gods is not necessarily a bad thing as they are gentle and honest, and they cannot deviate
from that. So the Picts had purpose, and in this revolution, they took away the positions of
power acknowledging kings, instead the king, Charles Edward Stuart acknowledged that the
power should be dispersed to the clan chiefs, who would disperse it fairly into the kingdom,
to share the wealth and power to the kings, as many different principalities are better than a
monarch who hoards the wealth, and administers the spread of lies with their churches, the
position of monarch is always questionable for the abuse this power. The Republic of
Scotland with its many minor kingdoms each with their chief who always sought to represent
his people and council with his people, for his position was not a position that he profited a
great deal from, and he should always seek to represent his people, not the individuals who
would seek to profit from their greed, for the great manuscript says that no individual is
important and instead decisions must be made by the vote of all citizens, the great People’s
Republic of Scotland. They did away with crosses and an instead erected giant standing
stone, for this was a state that showed its diversity of peoples, the many who inhabited the
land, for this state was Scotland, and Scots shall be not be punished, as they were the hardest
people to exterminate from the face of the Earth, which was the finding of the Romans and
the English later on, these were the Scots who had a resolve as strong as their standing stone,
they were a people so in tune with the arts and the natural world, for they constructed
beautiful stone carvings and the Gaels wrote beautiful books and poems that vividly
expressed the yearning for the natural world and the land especially, for the people are a
yearning for art and they believed in the law of the land, and the law of people as a collective
and they believed in the power of freedom and their art resembled that of the respect brave
warriors who once led their armies into battle, for the people of Scotland worshipped their
warriors and not the false beliefs of a god. The kind of strength one acquires when the body
has been traumatised and all that remains is the mind, for the jails may only house the body,
and the body may be beaten and bruised, tortured and decimated, but the mind lingers on to
live in fear, fear of the next whipping and to live in fear of the body is life on life’s basic
senses, for the mind lingers in the places that are not meant for in torture, and as far as one
slips into fear and isolation, the body will only bare the bruises whilst the mind lingers.


The poor have done nothing wrong and deserve everything, for the Scots would worship and
tend to the land rather sit in giant abodes drinking and eating all that they could desire, for
they would see the bigger picture in things, and would not change their ways, for they had
done nothing wrong in their own eyes, and being poor is not an affliction, as the poor are not
chained to debt, they have no monetary value but the value is their families, language and
culture, and the greedy will not see this and desire to possess the land from under them. This
was to never take place as the People’s Republic of Scotland was to look after their poor, and
spread the wealth and do away with the pillars as they had chained the minds of the needy for
many generations, and the pillars had become a burden on the people, as they were held in
higher esteem based on lies and they could mingle their way out of everything with privilege
so it seemed, so they did away with the pillars and set about creating a society that would
allow people to fully meet their expectations of greatness, for the state of Scotland was all
about the people and would love the people and see the beauty in nature of people, living on
the beautiful land tending to the animals like the great animal worshippers, for the Church
had taken its toll, and without the Church, there was more money for every basic necessity,
they could put schools in the highlands and the people were healthy educated and working,
and there was no middle class that spread their poison and blamed all the troubles on
minorities. No complaints or people were needing more as there was a fine balance in a
society, and if by chance they were threatened they had an almighty ally in the French who
would rush to their aid. For the educated working class had prevailed and the Scots had a
progressive society that would rank in the higher echelons of great societies, and the premise
was feeding the poor and educate them, as the poor were the mightiest force to be reckoned
with and could, when mobilised, bring about a sort war machine that would cast aside foes
with ease, as the people were the powerful ones, and the army could conquer any army, as the
men were trained at a very young age. To mobilise the working class was the greatest asset to
society, and to spread the wealth so the quality of life was greater. The society had no people
who were privileged and were protected with lies and deceit, they had a religious middle
class who were protected at all costs, for the people who were protected were the
philosophers and working class. There was a lot of peace in the society because there was no
dispute, people lived by the facts and enjoyed working, and life was good. For the armies had
no wars to fight and instead did other things like tend to the environment and work in the
glens, for the people were at peace. The state when enjoying these periods of peace, where
the people have been rejuvenated, is not under pressure because the greatest threat to a state
is an unhappy people, for one ruler does not underestimate the working class at all, and the
people should have their long lost freedom and peace, for the state must provide the resources
so that the intellectuals are minded to and the philosophy is well respected.


The masses worked their chores and tended the animals in this dream-like society. There was
no pressure on them, and in this time of peace they could forget about the perils of war, but
the soldiers still trained, but it should be noted that the soldiers recruited any man of fighting
age, and they taught him how to wield and clean his sword, for this was the way and lifestyle
of the Gael and he had no other means and values, for his most precious possession was the
implements of war, those implements of war that cut a man in two and render the foe dead, it
could cut a stomach open and inflict the gruesome end to a man that would front up to fight
him. There was no crime as no man had to commit crimes to feed himself, everyone had a
balanced life, there was no inequality, for the gravest fear of the privileged who take a lot and
never give back, is the lower classes and as to incite fury into the lower classes is to inject
them with the belief that their labour is being robbed for the upper class and politician. They
are being lied to and abused by the violent and selfish, the people whose whole position of
power is built upon lies, for the pillars are a massive piece of deceit that shall render a society
hopeless, where people will be favoured over others, and society will be divided. If one was
to simply divide society, it could do so by favouring a group over the others and allow them
privileges and refuse the service to the minor marginalised demographics, and society in
doing this would make people paranoid of the other, and they would live in deep and
almighty fear. When a society has failed, it is when the people know how to count their
pennies but cannot spell their name, which is when society has failed. Society has failed
when the working classwork to the ground, slaving away under poor conditions, whilst their
masters live the high life and relax with extreme wealth. Society has failed when there is no
hope for many diverse peoples, who value other things like the land and animals. Society has
failed when it cannot accommodate diverse peoples and their beliefs; it is when society has
failed. Society should not enslave the poor whilst the rich pockets the resources. The rich
exert no purpose and should be taken away from their positions, as they preach hatred onto
the masses, and they live in the safety of their religion. To be rich is to be selfish and greedy,
which does not contribute to society, it devalues society when there is an emphasis on money
because is a mere invention to aid the rich. When people do not understand the value of
money and are sold the short straw that is when society has well and truly failed. Society has
failed when it allows the heads of the pillars good treatment for one crime, but with the other
hand punishes the people who commit the same crime, it is unfairness basking in all its
corruption. To punish an act but to let the other act slide basically because someone is
privileged, society has failed. Society has failed when the people are forced to confess their
sins which are not sins society has failed. Society has failed when the privileged rich will
hide and complain when the soldiers are at their door and revolution has come, and they do
not understand what they have done wrong, because they are the spoon-fed rich who rely on
privilege, position and leverage to get what they want. Because greed is what is wrong with
man, for he cannot escape his selfish ways, and he has his mind sold to the pillars for
somewhat of a reward after death, so give him death.

The human traits are the constant positioning of preserving the self and this self-preservation
is always maintained. Greed and selfishness are very human traits. There is also the trait of
believing things that are false, or false interpretations of things and the act of doing things
that are constantly condemned by specialists, the man will do things that he knows are wrong
and false. He will live a lie rather than live in the truth, and he will continue to lie and believe
things that are not true. He will make his life a lie and he will seek to spread lies and deceit
throughout his society, for a society built on lies is a society which keeps the masses
controlled, as they constantly shovel their minds with deceit they will become desensitised by
the reality of life within a society. For the pillars want to keep man plump and fed on lies to
cloud his judgement and to take away his free will is to take the soul out of man, and he is
merely a puppet on strings. It is evil to take man’s freedom and make him do things that
abide by the pillars for the pillars are evil incarnate, and once they say a thing, they may say
another thing get away with the things that they oppose so strongly because power corrupts
and the pillars will always be corrupt. To be honest, is to speak with one’s own free will, but
the pillars will do their best to silence free individuals and make them pay to the pillars for
the pillars will assert their authority of the denizens and the pillars are in fact religion. The
pillars will make people bow down and worship their corrupt entity, or that shall meet a
premature death, for the pillars will always seek power and power corrupts. The way a
society should work is to have its people front and centre, and not the individual who
worships the pillars for the pillars do not spread positivity and heroism, because they are
fools. The way a society should be is run by intellectuals, not businessmen, for society
sometimes houses people who have no desire for monetary gain, and they will seek to live
their life without money and they shall live a happy life because money is the be-all and end-
all. The simple man who lives the simple life will always strive to make his society great and
he will not be lured by such riches, for the simple man knows that greed is the undoing, and
greed in the name of violence, and violence in the name of greed not revolution is a curse, for
the ensuing attraction between greed and violence will destroy mankind, and violence should
only be administered in revolution, for then it will not be tainted by man’s inability to see into
the future, for he only sees his wealth and how he can extort more from others, to take the
human aspect out of violence, because humans are flawed. Society should not be tainted by
human impact, and to take the humanity out of society is to set it free and take the pillars out
of society and to set man free. To be a sceptic is to be wise, for man has flaws, deep flaws
that will destroy the society he lives in others, man cannot be trusted, as he invented the
pillars and has chained the people and oppressed, because man cannot be trusted. To stage a
revolution with the tainted attributes of man is to release the people, for man has held them
back and the pillars have clouded man’s judgement so that he does not see the truth, for the
truth, is there, it is the fact that man is flawed, and cannot foresee his undoing in his myriad
of undoing.
Monarchies throughout the world will splinter eventually, with different nations and ethnic
groups emerging, battling for power. What is stopping them from uniting is racism and
conflict over resources; on one hand indigenous people or people who have been settled in
the one area for a long time with a rightful claim to resources; on the other hand, some greedy
invaders think they have a claim over the natives. It is also evident that tiny religious
differences will cause the mightiest war, and it is safe to say religion is not a peaceful
institution by any means. Nations and ethnic groups need to rise as one in the face of racism
and colonial greed, because there is one race and that is mankind, the differences are
minuscule. Nations need to not let human interference take hold and must be guided by their
intellectuals and philosophers because greed, racism and religion will be man’s undoing and
there needs to be a progressive shift away from these evils. The great evils and threats to
mankind are in his nature, and society must at all costs veer away from the nature of man
because man is a failure. Mankind cannot see forward into the future, for his fixation with a
cheap fix will plague his judgement. There is also the case that man will indulge in false
beliefs which will lead him to say and do things that are inaccurate with the chance of
harming himself and others. Man does not like facts and chooses to indulge in false beliefs.
He would do things to himself and others knowing that they are dangerous. All the hope there
is to demand equal distribution of wealth, but when that is ignored the people need to rise to
take what is theirs rightfully, and the people must be furious, for they deserve a better quality
of life, and all that the intellectuals can say is to warn the powers that be that their wealth will
be start of greed, with will act paranoid to protect and take what is no rightfully theirs for
they will be driven into greed, and it will be their undoing, for the bastards are at large and
they are seeking to destroy the human race, so fight the war that every people have in
common and that is the war against greed, for greed will get man nowhere, but a relic of a
tombstone, but to stay in the minds of the many for millennia, it is to write books, books that
will warn the peril of greed and the pillars, for man is the same amongst many kingdoms, he
has spread his disease to every corner of the globe, and in every corner, there is a fight taking
place, a fight over what is earnt and what is taken, for no man has the right to take what is not
his, and if he takes it by force then damn him so. Money has the ability, it may not grow on
trees, but it is powerful, it can alleviate poverty and give people a better quality of life. People
need to realise that they are playing with people’s livelihoods when dealing with money, and
a small cost for a rich person is the life’s savings for the poor, and man should not live in
luxury but have enough money so that he has a good quality of life. The rich shall cover their
tracks but they are corrupt there is no doubt about that. Mankind reeks with the stench of
covered tracks of corruption, and it will take a brave person to uncover the truth that lies
behind power.
Man would give up his people if it meant to sacrifice his greed, as man has his only focus on
amassing massive amounts of wealth. He cannot think when he is high up in his position
power ruling with an iron fist of his people and will let them down, because man will
selfishly drive for power, and selfishly abuse power when he receives. Of course in a
monarchy, the king or queen would have accumulated power with inheritance, and power put
on people by their privilege is allowing people an act of power simply by the system that
allows kings or queens to rule and the power stays in the family, and these rulers are the great
enemies because they are selfish and they act on selfish methods. They will state that the
Church is the most important aspect to their society, vulgar priests who hide corruption and
feed the masses with lies, as the great lie fed to mankind is the lie of heaven and hell. Rulers
will rule only because an ancestor won land and a title, a previous ancestor who risked life
and limb, rather than his next generations who hide from battle. There needs to be a society
where selfishness is outlawed, and the wealth spread evenly so no families may hoard it
because the reality is there should be law enforced by the people, and to give the people want
they want, which is peace and freedom, so that can live in longevity and be productive in
their freedom so that the people can live without fear and are protected is the greatest wish of
a society. For the people are deserved of power if they can wipe humanity from themselves
and the great aspects of humanity that exist is the selfishness of man. Man’s selfishness and
self-preservation are his greatest affliction, coupled with his attribute of doing things that may
be wrong or incorrect; these are man’s greatest weakness. For he would do things even
knowing they were wrong, he would still do them. He would do things like commit violence
to accumulate wealth, and he would repeat offences even though had been punished. Man
does not like to be told something by a voice of reason. He would still do wrong things. If
there was a way where there could be a system introduced that stripped away from a
politician or a greedy monarch’s power, and dispersed it to the people, for them to have a
better quality of life. What is not needed is filling the wealthy monarchs or heads of state
money. What is needed is an understanding of ethics for the common person, it will only then
that man realise people do not deserve something that is not theirs to take, and all men are
equal under a law that shall govern the people, and is constructed by the people, for the
greater good. The greater good will allow people power that they have not had for a very long
period. It will create opportunity and it will strip the power of the archaic pillars and
introduce more privilege for the people and not the monarchs. For a system needs to be
drafted by a talented individual, with no bias, to present the facts as they are, it is only when
the establishment of a state free of monarchs that people will have the balance of power. For
they are the ones who deserve, they have just not had the courage and bravery to take power.
For the people need to be empowered for the greater good!

The fascists will seek to destroy the people working for the greater good, and it is in the
teacher’s best interest to teach the working class because an educated working class will have
their lenses cleared from the grief of the pillars. The educated working class will have their
sights aligned on what is needed, as the only fear of the fascists is a mobilised and thinking
working class, for the trigger in the people need be switched on. Once the trigger has been
switched there will be no more failure and working that offers little reward. For a man can
work his whole life and not be rewarded barely anything that of what monarch owns and
makes, for when the way has been shown the working class will establish a method of
overthrowing of the monarchy. The state should be managed to allow security for the people,
as it is a safety net and shall work for the people. The method of establishing this shift to
people politics, not monarchy politics should be a revolution, and holding the powers that be
to court and legally sentence them, for the people are being robbed, segregated the hammer of
the fascists strikes hard on the hands of the working class who slave away their days to what?
People should be angry and outraged, for there should be pride in the little people, for they
deserve it all but have not been switched on, and the trigger for revolution is daring bravery
of a collective of individuals who shall state the fact that knowledge should be rewarded not
privilege, for the privileged shall not listen to reason. The privileged will pay no attention to
the weak and poor, for it is in the interest of all citizens to shares stories and hear the stories
that have been silenced by man’s evils. Society should be a realm of peace protected by her
favourite sons, where a man is free to love and live his life free of persecution; to dream of
freedom and peace are the dreams of a very sane mind, and the mind of the greats are
entwined with the issue of freedom, away from the pillars of humanity, for the pillars will
have their control over a society, and sometimes punish the great minds for acts that go
against the pillars, for an artist who has a great mind needs freedom and expression, and the
great minds think about not how much they earn, but how much they give for a greater good
for man is destined to repeat himself over and over again, and he his warnings, where the
people who can foresee a situation will warn him so about the peril of his greed, for the
greedy have not thought as far forward to see that they have no escape and nowhere to go, it
is because they with their selfishness are trapped in their demise, and it is because they want
to end humanity, whereas people who abide by the greater good will do all they can to help
others and make sure that the poor are fed and there is peace. For peace is not a natural state
and is the maintenance of the mindful to ensure there is peace, for man will be violent to get
what he wants, and the peace of mankind is not natural but a beautiful construction of the
talented individuals, for peace is the creation of genius, violence the creation of average man.
The state is the construction of a superior mind, sturdiness and greed is the act of the average
mind. There is no future in greed.


So it could be said that Angus has brought peace to his people, and the bringer of peace
through bravery and revolution will be rewarded in song and story, for Angus has the same
bravery of a thousand men. He showed the same tenacity for revolution like one of the greats,
as war from revolution will maintain peace in a state, and the profit from war will not happen,
because it is not an industry but an act of revolution, and revolution is not an industry that
requires slavery of the people, it is the opposite, it is an industry that requires the great minds
to mobilise the people, and they do not suffer but a revolutionised, and they will shape the
future, as an industry based of the exploitation of the people will only spread the suffering
and the hardship, which is the industry of war, whereas the industry of revolution will save
the people from a life of hardship, free the people. For the people have been wronged and
nothing has been done, but alas to disguise a revolutionary manifesto in the pages of an
historical novel is just the beginning, as why should the people keep suffering at the hands of
their master, when there should not be a master, he shall submit the people to oppression, but
is not the role of a society to maintain peace and look after the people? Not the people
submissive to an individual and meet his every wish, for a man is the king of his kingdom,
and there shall be a king and kingdom and every people, and whoever disagrees with this is
not an exceptional being, as the exceptional people will not be lured by the temptation of
man, exceptional beings rise above the basic nature of war and plunder, and they shall see
past the guise of the pillars, for the lies that they emit, because the great men shall unleash the
power of the people against the nature of man. They shall unlock the state and set her free to
instil peace, and destroy the churches in the cultural revolutions of the world because they
spread evil and poison into the minds of the honest, and those that shall believe in reality will
be marginalised no more. Angus knew enough about man to not let him influence his acts,
and he would spread peace to his people that have long needed stability and peace for their
wishes have been finally met, and the veil had been taken off with the destruction of the
churches, and Angus knew who to trust and who not to trust, and all he knew was the land,
his land, the land of the Scot, and to worship the animals like beautiful creatures they are.
Angus was not a leader, nor was he an exceptional warrior, he was a one-man army who
specialised in single man guerrilla warfare, and he looked after the Highlands for the rest of
his life. For he liked to be alone, with his musket, tending over the land and animals, lochs
and wildlife, and he was meditative and alert of his function for he was a guardian, and
Scotland needed a guardian for the highlands. But as the country was won by the original
people who called it home, still some rogue redcoats were astray in the highlands, for they
had marched so far north they were essentially into every corner of Scotland, hundreds of
men, many patrols that need to be exterminated, and it was the guerrilla warfare of people
like Angus who helped to clean the country of the red menace, a menace who stank of lies
and oppression, and people like Angus were to do the dirty work for the state, and they
hunted down their foe one after the other and each patrol that wandered north would be
destroyed one after the other because the war had just begun, for now.

In his natural state man is pitted against one another in a game of domination, of one man
against the other, there is little time for alliances, in his liberty he is isolated, lonely and
driven to act out violence to satisfy his thirst for greed. Angus carried his work of guerrilla
warfare with the hope of destroying key targets so his friends had less work to do on the
battlefield to stall the advance of the main armies, and Angus would destroy supplies going to
the front lines and his speciality was killing rival evil redcoat captains. Angus was tracking a
large group of redcoats down Loch Ness, and it would seem to him that they had reached the
point just after Culloden, and hearing about the latter rising of Jacobites, had tried to attract
attention, but they caught the eye of one hit and run specialist, and as Angus had gathered
himself with a musket ball in hand and has loaded his musket, to aim at the soldiers and with
a precise shot he took out the scout. As the shot rang out through the glens, Angus would run
and hide as the patrol had been alerted. There were about twenty redcoats, and they had run
for cover, and Angus with a smile on his face masked himself with the woollen mask, the
mask of guerrilla bandit and he picked up his basket-hilt broadsword and charged at five or so
redcoats, and it was too close for them to get a decent shot and Angus was a blur of shapes,
and as he cut one down, he would doge and pounce on another, and they let out screams of
agony, as this bizarre black-masked shape would cut down his foes, and dodged their blows.
He drew a pistol and a dirk and unleashed a shot that hit a redcoat in the temple and they
scattered off running, and with his dirk, he threw it with great accuracy and the redcoat fell
with a blade in his back, but as they turned around to get a shot after fleeing several metres,
the great masked black blur, that wielded several weapons had disappeared. They spent the
night in fear after several of the men had been felled, and as they scanned to scene for sight of
this masked blur, they were thwarted with fear, for it is the job of an army to generate any
strength over their opponent and that includes physical strength and mental strength, for them
to feel genuinely scared for their lives will inhibit their ability, because they act under
primordial senses, and the primordial sense cannot rationally think and they cannot
communicate they are irrational and fear-stricken. Their communication skills were impaired
as they spent the night, fifteen of them or so in fear, and as morning came, they had no idea
of what peril would await them for the blur might be back to slay them one by one. When a
people have been damaged and hurt so badly, when they grieve for their poor, there is only
time to tell the stories of hope, for they shall bring the light into the dark, and to empower the
people who have been silenced. For so long the Scots had no voice, and there was no
representation, as they were slaves to the empire, and they had undergone a great deal of hurt
and pain, and to bond, the very few survivors together was the act of telling stories and
having stories that would lift morale and offer hope.
Man would mistruth his way through every answer until his whole society was built on lies.
When a whole society is built upon one lie after the other, the powers that be that create the
lies for people to believe, one wonders if the people would believe that they believe a lie and
just go on with it. Because man would do things that are wrong even though he may himself
deep down know that something is wrong, and just along with it, because man has
surrendered all free will to the pillars, and he rests his existence with them so he may be
promised a better life after it all ends, for abiding by the lies will give man what every man
desires, life after death. The ability of immortality is man’s greatest wish, to hoard his
possessions and live in a tomb that was promised by the pillars. Angus was waiting to strike
at morning with the sun rising, he knew that this was when the watchmen were at their most
tired, and as he started to run towards the unsuspecting guard, he slit his throat with the dirk
and tossed a grenade in the camp. The explosion rattled and slew many and as the awoke and
gathered themselves, Angus quickly pulled out his broadsword and got to work, as he
dispatched of the camp in a swirling melee of action and sword strokes, for he was emitting
the anger and hatred through his blades, until there was only one left. One redcoat was left
and Angus got him down on his knees and took his mask of and whispered that no one should
think that they deserve this land, for it is my land, and seeing as though if Angus would let
him go he would soon die of exposures, all by himself in the wild highlands, Angus cut short
his suffering and slit his throat, for Angus now picked some new supplies from the camp, for
this was the life of a guerrilla force of one army, and Angus moved on to find any more lone
patrols through Loch Ness, but as he ventured further, he did not come across many things
until a woman came running screaming that she had just escaped from a redcoat patrol, and
Angus grabbed his blade and readied himself, for he drew his pistol, and this masked bandit
guerrilla warfare fighting one many army was about find himself in a spot of bother, for a big
redcoat came strolling through the forest, he shot his musket but Angus dodged the bullet,
and as he thrust his bayonet, Angus dodged and followed through with his dirk straight into
the heart of the redcoat, and with this thrust he cast the redcoat to his early demise, for the
maid had lost her captor, and Angus walked with her all the way to Inverness and it was at
Inverness that this maid lived, and with this escort Angus had rid the loch of the ones with
red coats, and Angus met his council and they decided that peace had been brought onto the
highlands for now, but they should alert every man of fighting age to be on the lookout and
have their weapons ready, for Scotland was free, and with the ever impressive impact of the
French army on mainland Europe, it would soon be only a matter of months until the Scots
would fight alongside the French in the conquering of Britain, and has these two forces met
and fought the final battle on British soil, the land of Scotland was free.


For the state that man exists is not a matured state, his natural state. It is a state that grinds
down the working class, whilst the richer classes profit. It is a state where the monarchs and
politicians do not work adequately for their wealth. It is a system that sends the poor off to
fight battles abroad all so the rich can profit. They risk their lives with great peril so that the
rich can afford their hedonistic lifestyle, for the life of the rich is the great swindle, whilst the
poor live in a meagre existence and risk life and limb for their rulers. It is an unfair society.
Another great swindle, apart from man’s natural state to accumulate resources for him, whilst
the others risk life and limb for man’s possessions is the fact that there is a great lie told to the
people that they will be promised eternal life if they give their time and money to the pillars.
The pillars will not guarantee eternal life because that is false, and it does not take the
brightest spark to realise that eternal life is not real. But man is sold these illusions, and he
shall spend his life trying to attain immortality, and it is a life in service of religion and the
pillars. To break away from the slavery to support the greedy, and the war to support man’s
greed, on top of this there is the illusion of immortality that one shall receive if he gives his
life in support of the pillars. Therefore an atheist’s life is logical there are more important
things that believing false delusions, for man has the land and animals to tend to and he needs
to keep his state alive that will look after the weak, for his role is with the others in protecting
the land that his people call theirs. One shall not take away the one thing that man’s existence
is defined by and that is his duty to a state, for man’s duty to his state will deter the onset of
thinking for himself and he shall think of the greater good. He will think realistically and
rationally about his existence, that is the reality that there is no immortality, and the fact that
he only has one life, and that life should be spent working towards peace, because of the
state. The great lie told to mankind near and far, is that work will set them free, but this is not
the case as the capitalist system requires sacrifices to keep the profit in the very top echelons
of society. Blood sacrifices of innocent young men to keep the rich wealthy. This is the issue
clear as day as the warfare of states is a system of profit, and not protecting the people and it
is not reaching a period of peace through the efforts of war. It is a crude blood sacrifice, and
the influence of the pillars means, that if a young man sacrifices his life for the greed of
others he will become immortalised, but this false, because his sacrifice will cause the system
they destroy other people’s livelihoods, that may not be the same as his. He shall only receive
an average man’s grave. The disregard for innocent life by man, and this concept of
obedience to a way of life, and anyone who does not abide by the selfishness of the pillars is
the enemy and will be silenced and violently opposed. The way of the pillars is to destroy the
others who do not abide by their twisted vision, and those who sympathise for the oppressed
will be dealt with in violent methods.


The harsh reality one has to acknowledge is that man is not a god. He is not all-conquering
and all-knowing. What he shall achieve shall be for the greater good, and not chained by his
failings which is caring only for himself and believing fallacy. For men, their greatest
achievement shall be the greatest invention of mankind and that is the state, anything else is
driven by his failings. A state that shall look after its weakest parts, for the management of
people to live in the state of peace is maintained by the soldiers of peace and the servants of
the state. Mankind’s greatest achievement is concocting a state where all people are safe and
will avoid man’s greatest weakness of selfishness, violence and stupidity by knowing man’s
faults and setting up a system where it will not be faulted by man’s weakness, and shall work
consistently in achieving a common goal for the greater good, by eradicating man’s flaws,
and in working for a greater good will destroy the pillars set a system in control, not an
individual. Knowing man’s faults is crucial in implementing a system which will be
constructed by a talented individual, which puts the greater good into the equation, and not
the individual, for putting an individual in charge of a state will only result in aroma of man’s
weakness onto the state, with a system in charge of the state, the individuals who make up the
collective must strive for the greater good and not their gains. Construction for the state of the
greater good must be thought out rationally, and the policy must be for the greater good. The
policy should be seeking to make the quality of life better for all people, and the greater good.
Eradicating greed, war and poverty should be the main agenda, and there should be policy-
based around man’s weakness and prevention of the rising of individual sorts of politics, that
will be identified by self-driven politicians who prey on the most vulnerable in society. The
most vulnerable groups in society must be looked after by the state, and there shall be the
balance of power shared amongst every citizen so that there is a greater good and the plight
of the vulnerable diverse peoples be met by the state. For it should be a system of the most
vulnerable people and not a system which profits for individuals. For how shall there be polar
extremes of poverty within a state? It is because equal labour is not given a reward. There
should be warning signs alerted when a politician arises who is driven by individual
ambition, and not a service to a people. There should be warning signs ringing when they
spread hate onto the poor and vulnerable members of society, for those with no power are not
approved by the pillars, and the pillars hold tremendous power and political leverage and
power among a society. The pillars should approve who has power, by giving them the
illusion that they shall be living after death, their life prolonged and the immortality upon
them, for this promise which is a fallacy is what the pillars do supply, for society should not
be led by man for his wish is society to be turned into a sacrificial arena to sacrifice men to
the cause of war, an army should lead to revolution, overthrowing a dictatorship and
installing a system that looks after people and feeds the poor, and then maintaining periods of
peace, for the power to possess another people’s wealth is an affliction of mankind.

The two methods of warfare not only the means of violence, either physical or psychological,
but the two types of warfare are guerrilla hit and run tactics and then there are free-standing
armies. A good general will fight both types and be aware to utilise both types of warfare to
his advantage, and whatever new weapon that will be introduced to technological
advancement, there will always be pitched battle of the hit and run. Warfare is the method of
shaping a man’s psyche, and once a man has fought in warfare either pitched battle or part of
guerrilla warfare, he would have seen it all and would forever be a changed man. Because
war can make political change, protect people and state, and change a man, and the survivors
of war have a broadened wisdom as they are changed, people. War can do it to a man, show
him the one thing that life can be taken in an instant, and cherish what is important, which is
safety. If man in his natural state is stricken with greed and selfishness, this should be
identified as an illness, therefore man has a natural illness of greed and selfishness, therefore
the plight for the greater good is not an illness, nor is it natural, it is, in fact, a state which is
exceptional and not tainted with humanity’s sickness. Therefore if man in his natural sick,
then that explains mankind being the sort of sickness on the face of the planet Earth, and
capitalism is not an exceptional state, but is completely natural, therefore man is explained as
a rather flawed individual, and the only way a society can progress is if it takes the humanity
out of politics, and puts the exceptional state that is occupied with the greater good into
politics, therefore politics will go forward, as man cannot simply look into the future, and he
only sees himself. If there was an unnatural society it would consider humanity’s largest
neglect in society, the international working. Mankind in all his weakness will vent his
frustration upon the working class, and this unethical treatment of the working class is the
great atrocity, for man sends young people to go fight his wars, and take from the other
working-class who he is fighting, and the people on both sides are scarred for life, with no
homes and they will seek to repeat this action again and again until there is nothing left but
piles of dead, for the working class have been let down, and these people the poor are just
sheep and sacrifices for man, for when society treats its people like slaves making them
labour all day in worship of an entity, and they call that society progressive? For no society is
progressive that relies on slavery to build the legacy of its rulers, where the rulers have the
power and the people have not, and the pillars treat everyone who believes their lies as
special and guaranteed a reputation after death, for only if they give their soul to the pillars.
Governments driven by religion are driven by lies, and if they do not treat their most
vulnerable, the international working class with respect, they will face revolution! For the
people have become sick of slaving away their labour away for the profit of others and will
seek to make the challenge in the political sphere and the easiest way to make the change is
through the pleasurable act of revolution. For revolution is the act of the frustrated working
class and led by exceptional individuals.


Mankind must be perilously certain when instilling law unto his subjects; he does not resort
to the defence of a subject with their religion, as religion is not rationally thought out, and is
in regards based on myth. Religion cannot dare defend the accused, for example, they did do
something based around their religious beliefs, even though it may have been dangerous, and
the other way which permeates through society, that people who have a religious position
should be absolved of their crimes. Because religion is based on myth and not tangible
evidence, and religion offers individuals unfair power over the law. A society should, for its
progression, destroy every mythical belief in their society, for progression is reverting to a
simpler time, as many of the problems faced in modern society, including health issues did
not exist in simpler times. Religion is the stuffing of society; it is there to fill the gaps. Also,
nationalism unites a common person with their ruler in a search for a common good, which
will not benefit the commoner as they are essentially a meat shield to take bullets in the great
blood sport and sacrificial event which is war, and this part of nationalism injects people with
a false belief that their monarch’s goal is their goal, but it is not because society pits man
against man and it is a plight for individual, and the outcome that can look after the people
and their greater good is from an exceptional individual. Nationalism and religion are the
stuffing of mankind, sold a lie that he is important even though he is a blood sacrifice, and the
fact that he must worship the pillars with every last piece of energy and will power and he
will be promised life after death, for this is the stuffing of society and the great false belief.
For beware of one’s nation being led by people with individual methods, because politicians
led by humanity and human methods are a force that needs to be dealt with, and the
politicians that should be trusted are the politicians that put the most vulnerable into the best
treatment, for this is the way a state would treat one in one’s darkest hour, and the politics of
nature are pitting man against man, whereas the politics of the people will be an elected
representative and putting the people first will result in the ethical compassion towards the
people, for to not address the demands of the people is to surrender oneself to the perils of
revolution, and the perils of revolution will take politics into the hand of the oppressed and
deliver cold justice to the selfish individuals who thought for one meagre second that they
could themselves before the people, for they will peril under the sword. No matter which war
is fought, the victors will dine with one another, and there can only one victim which is the
people unless the people take control, but they should avoid the temptation of human politics
into their ranks, for if they think and act for the greater good, and rely on self-control over
things like greed and selfishness and they must at all costs put the greater good as the
absolute priority, then there may be hope for mankind. As the only hope for mankind resides
in the strict and utter obedience under the state, and to let man has his influence from
personal politics, it will only end in disaster, the more regulation of man means the more
control over his humanity, which is a dire state.


Peace and prosperity for all people is not a far off dream and is achievable if people can
acknowledge that their greed is wrong, and to go into the future with the thought of restraint
over the personal needs, and to think for the greater, for with people thinking not about
themselves but the greater good will result in the prosperity of mankind. For he has escaped
the clutches of despair in the past and it was not one man, mankind has never been about one
man it has always been about people, groups and nations thinking for the greater good, for
with the greater good at hand and the regulation of man’s worst attributes he will live.
Despite man’s shortcomings and faults, the ability to think for the greater good, past false
beliefs on life and death, to be reborn from living into a veiled privilege from the pillars, to
think of how people can help their state and for the greater good of their people is an
exceptional case, and this is not blessed many, for some of the exceptional individuals will
see past the lies and see the problems with man being so selfish, and they must think that
these problems have arises from a selfishness, and the only thing that can stop these disasters,
is to work towards a greater good, and the greater good is the value of the state, for only the
state can assure the safety and wellbeing of a people, and only the state can maintain periods
of peace with the sons of the state protecting her, for these periods of peace can only be
brought about by shared efforts, this reliance in the greater good and the acknowledgement of
society’s most weakest links, for only the state will look after the people, as man cannot be
trusted as he will always put himself first and there can never be anyone else but man’s self-
interest, to work towards a goal of prosperity and peace for the greater good of the people, is
to put less trust in man and more trust in the state, because peace can only be maintained as
long as there is a strive for the greater good. Man will reoffend each and every time until,
wrongly spreads lies and deceit to fuel his own ambitions, and when his country or state lies
in ruin, and when the revolutionary gangs arrive at his door, they will tell him he was warned,
for man’s selfishness and greed shall get him everything and will also give him nothing, as
the angry hoards will seek to gain what was stolen, and man has no one else but himself to
blame as he was warned many times that the people hold a fury so powerful that it would
topple whole empires, and they are a reckless beast, and to tame them with lies from the
pillars will only anger them more as to find out that they had been lied after the riches they
gave for eternal life does not come true like they were promised, they will be furious for a
selfish individual will seek only glory, and lie to the public for long enough to achieve power,
and when the people are at his door demanding answers for the lies, well then he had been
warned, and it is only himself that can be blamed for instilling the pillars into aa society when
he knew it meant trouble, and for achieving goals only for himself, whilst his state lies in
ruin, for one should see the poverty that the people are forced to face, one does not see the
desperation in a people with so little power but so deserving.

The people of states and soldiers need to hold politicians to account, because any person, who
has any sense inside them, would seriously do a better job of governance that some if not all
politicians. It is a citizen’s job to hold them accountable for the promises they make, and if
they do not keep these promises their credibility plummets. It does not take an economic
genius to realise that free markets will lead to collapse and environmental degradation.
Humanity’s future lies in the hands of these people and they are blessed with the ability to
make decisions that affect millions of people, if not all people on planet Earth. There must be
a council on decision making, and there cannot be people pushing their ideas onto politics,
democracy lies in the council to come together for an outcome and to have a rich democracy
there should be diversity. A state with one leader had better have an individual who can see
far forward in time and have a basic idea of their actions and what impacts they have on the
people, because a person who thinks only for himself will earn the disrespect of the people,
and when their country lies in tatters, when the personal politics has cost the lives of many in
wars that politicians were eager to enter without full knowledge of the repercussions, for a
state who is experienced in war, knows that peace is a more desirable option than waging
war. Trade of any sort cannot stop a war, because if the businessman is angered, he violently
react, and he will anger himself receiving a faulty product or some other wrongdoing because
greed can manifest a man to attack his family members, and he would sell family members if
the price was right, for the businessman only sees his greed for profits, and peace can only be
made by giving the people power in each state to make peace. Above their state is chaos and
the law is not abided to, but if they could put efforts into their state, and if every person on
the planet could help their state for the greater good, then there would be many peaceful
states, and it would be idyllic. Because man and his business agenda will only result in one
man standing and he would sell all assets that are bestowed upon himself, his wife, his
children and his state, he would sell them all if they had a price, for everything has a price,
but the things in the world that are priceless is the state, and a man must realise that wealth
adequately is where wealth is most powerful, not wealth kept by greed, only wealth as the
ability to alleviate poverty and give people a better quality of life, only wealth shared by the
state can afford the needs of the poor masses and the people must guide the states because
man cannot be trusted. Man would not listen to expert opinion, for his stupidity to believe a
false belief is so great. The average mind will shove expert opinion aside, and he will search
for the quick fix, the average mind will only live in the here and now, the average mind will
be diluted with false beliefs, for these false beliefs will lead to the supposed guaranteed
immortality that does not exist. The average mind will not hear warning signs, but only react
when he is denied profit, for financial profit is a trash and grad scenario, he will take, though
warned of its implications and he will run will the average man, for business is trash and grab
scenario. And once he has what he hoped of getting, he will live out his days waiting for the
next fix, to trash and grab again with the full knowledge that the more he puts in the pillars,
the close to immortality it shall take him, but it is all false because wealth is only bits of
paper, and immortality does not exist. Man shall spend his whole life searching to accumulate
goods, not for his family or others, but him and only him.


Angus was alerted to the situation, and the situation involved a tremendously huge force of
Hanoverians and Dutch army that had just landed in England and had moved north, towards
Scotland to conquer the Scots who they thought of as heathens. The Scots did their best to
raise an army that would meet their opponent in battle, and the time was now, for when a
nation’s wellbeing and safety is threatened when their state is under so much threat that it
would dislodge the society and result in the murder and suffering of the innocent when the
protectors were to be hacked to pieces by a real evil, the evil of revenge. Angus readied his
troops for the march south, and they were to meet the Hanoverians and company in the
lowlands in a pitched battle. For Angus was to do his finest attire and equip himself with
musket and pistol, and for the ensuing melee he donned a dirk and broadsword, for the battle
would result in a sheer and massive combat, one that rival the ages, for the Scots had met
their menace and this was done or die for a state that, if they lost would be slaughtered in
their beds as the goal of the foe was to not only steal and plunder, but they had a concept on
their mind, which eradicated to the last man, woman and child. For them, the angry snake had
once had the power of the Scots, but it had subsided due to resistance, they had become angry
and are hell-bent on exterminating every highlander from the face of the earth. The people
who survived in the same place for millennia and who had fought off the Romans and who
had fought for every bit of freedom. The clash between the Germanic hoards versus the
descendants of the Scythians. The battle that would settle the bastard's millennia-long conflict
once and for all, for the group of warriors with a genetic mutation from the Black Sea would
wage their warfare on the better-equipped scum from south of the border. This was a battle
that would settle old scores, a battle that would unite brothers together, for when the
highlanders fight, they fight with fury and bravery against a force neat in rank with bayonet
and bullet. The Scots would fight with their musket, Lochaber axe and basket-hilt
broadsword. There would also be an emergence of dirk and sgian-dubh, and not to mention
the pistol and occasional pitchfork. For this battle had the highland charge with the shrill
high-pitched scream of a banshee. The battle would have it all, and when the forces gathered
to settle the score, it was an almighty force on both sides. Both sides ran at one another, and
there was murder and scores of blood to be settled, As Angus let off his musket and charged
the enemy wailing like a banshee and his sword sung as he danced around in the melee with
the front wall of the Hanoverians, for it was chaos and Angus was swirling around as the
blood leapt out of vessel and the grenadiers sprang to their feet as grenades went off and the
world moved and time seemed to stop, as the wild action took over. It was to be the day of
bloodshed as the death toll rose, but no one seemed to notice, and as Angus struck down a foe
and let the last straggling survivors make off with their lives, the Scots had won the day, for
an old settle had been scored.
The heave of a battle wrecks a man, for it is all that once can know and see. Every life
experience up until then has prepared these young men for war and the sight of seeing death
traumatises the mind so great, that they will forever be searching for hope, and the hope they
seek is the hope of peace, for they are a peacemaker, and their efforts are warfare and the
desired outcome is peace, for no man can live without a desire to make change, albeit small
or large, but he has one wish when he has seen his friends slaughtered where they stood, and
each friend comes and goes, for the machine of war takes no captives and it is a blood sport
to capture mankind and break him to the ground in the giant blood sacrifice sport that is the
sport of war. Nothing can compare the tragic loss of a brother in war, for a soldier has to give
their life to a greater good, and they may survive or live, but after they have seen the perils of
war, they are changed forever, for they have seen the bad sides of mankind, an animal who
will ruthlessly naturally cause chaos and destruction, for they have heard scream of bullets
pass by their ears and they have been threatened with torture implements that leave a slow
and painful death, for this is called violence. Warfare and the craft of a battle remove all law
from a scenario, until there are just common sense and the will of the man to act on his basic
instincts, for the right to live freely in a society practising one’s language immersed in one’s
own culture, this right vanishes. There is an only man stripped down to his pure essence.
Again as stated previously where man will do things that are deemed to be destructive to him,
he will cast his knowledge of basic human rights aside to inflict war, and he will forget his
obligations, once a brother will now be an enemy, he will tear them asunder. Man will submit
lesser beings to fight his own battles, and behind every battlefield, there is a general who is
sitting on his chair watching the slaughtering of many whilst they spoil his view. War
degrades the poor whilst they fight for the rich, and the people should only trust a general
who is not afraid to immerse himself into a war and fight the war himself, for generals like
this are hard to come by and it is every boy’s dream to fight for and lead his state. Man must
put his trust not in others, for they are fickle and invest in opportunities for financial gains,
for he must live freed from false beliefs, in an open and fair democracy, that is diverse and
allows the citizens to criticise the power and authority, diverse place with many different
customs and cultures, for they must all contribute for a forum of speculation and think, and
society must be open to all people, to have their freedom to express their say on how the
society should function, and they should gather together and write the laws for the state. For
this was not a battle, this was all but a dream, and Angus and his plight was a mere daydream
from someone in the present day who had by chance stumbled on an old broadsword and
imagined who might have wielded it hundreds of years ago, a tale of oppression overcoming


For man needs the destruction of the pillars, which is fallacy and distorts perception of what
is right and what is wrong, and to be reawaken to view society as a whole system of control
of the individual, and every system put in place of the pillars is to control the people like
sheep, so there should be freedom to oppose the pillars. For man is doomed to die because his
mental illness which is an affliction known as greed will strangle the future, and there will be
violence, because if the man cannot attain what he wants there will be blood. For the man in
his natural state is greedy and violent and without regulation and proper obedience to the
state he will wreak havoc. The wars of society situate the people who fight the war, and the
difference in people who create the war. The people who fight the war are realists, whom
every decision they make must be made in a split second, and every reaction is created by
action. The people who create the war are the people who sit by and watch, for them war is a
blood sport of sacrifice, and they will profit from this battle, but the concept of money does
not have any real purpose when one is on a battlefield, for when one is on a battlefield one
must act with quick reactions and bravery, for when one is dealt the cards of war one must
live or be killed, kill or be taken. The great brave men who lead armies on the glorious
pursuits must be led by conviction and honour because the people who sit by and spectate a
war and battle are the sewer rats of society, for they achieve and profit from other people’s
misery, whereas the great soldiers of the past will seek glory in the eyes of his brothers, for
man thinking of the greater good, his state over his bare greed will be remembered as a true
champion, and one who fought for something special. Be not the one to be occupied with
fools, to save the mind. For the trust in a state to make its own decision in an alliance is folly,
because of the domino effect. States will attract to larger states, for the largest states will
submit their allies to their whim, and it is not true that a state acts on their conditions, for
above the state is all but chaos and like war, it is realm of turmoil where conflicting
individuals wage war on the other, and without the regulation of a state, there would be all-
out war. For this dream that this lone hill walker dreamt, of Angus and his comrades, was this
just, all but a dream, for this hillwalker found an only broadsword and dreamt of the people
who may have used that is all, for the dreamers will live far in the memory as visionaries who
had a desire for their ideas to be acted upon, and the victors indeed write the history books,
and the Scots having many losses, well, they needed to have someone to listen to their tales
of loss and absolute despair and great hardship. For they told stories to each to raise the
morale of their comrade, and the language and stories seemingly nearly eradicated from the
annals of time, for here they had stories that would ling on in the hearts and minds of all
revolutionaries. The Scots had and still have an eternal and revolutionary spirit, one that shall
allow many who listen, the ability to dream big and grandiose of a people who were silenced.


The great poets and storytellers who told the fanciful tales that kept many awake, in times of
need and darkness, shall linger on in the minds, so when they are low in morale they shall rise
like the great soldiers and fight, for the art of learning mistakes from the past and
understanding the past will prepare man for the future, for the future is wrapped in the past,
and all that shall repeat history’s mistakes are a mistake themselves, for a people without
understanding of their own are condemned to repeat the mistakes from the past, and the
people silenced through defeat and oppression will scream for their stories that bring hope to
a people when times are tough, to bring light to the dark parts of life when a person is
screaming out for company, a good story will incite the senses so that the reader will feel the
same feelings, and to give good company to the reader, in telling the tales that are not too
often told, to remember the greats of the past and to honour them with masterpieces, for the
ancient tales will tell stories of how to live, to follow in the footsteps of the people showed
great dignity and honour, to learn how to live and cope in periods of darkness, these tales will
sing true. The storytellers held great value to the highland society, for they would pass down
melena old tales about freedom against oppression, they would deliver them in a language
that holds beautiful eloquence, and the people lay claim to possessing the greatest tales ever
told by mankind, of freedom against the odds, outnumbered on the battlefield, but triumphing
over such fierce ferocity. They would tell the tales of beasts ancient and mythological, of the
old people known as the Picts and what beautiful connection they had with the land and the
animals, of their art also and its reflection of the people. For the lone hill walker brought the
broadsword back to his dwelling, for on his walk he had composed the story on what he
thought where the sword may have come from, and where it may have gone to. Could it have
been equipped by a soldier who fought at Culloden or possibly earlier? This was all swirling
around the mind of the hill walker, for he would take this piece, this sword and take it to a
specialist because the world ought to know of its existence, and the hill walker pondered after
he had created this story himself. It is correct in assessing that evil has a name. To subject
people to oppression with the sole intention of colonising and exterminating a people from
the depths of their homes, yes evil has a name. When they subject a discouragement of a
language and culture, yes evil has a name. One does simply not have to be religious that evil
exists in society, and evil is not a religious concept, as it has existed for millennia before
religion. Man, left to his own devices, is evil. The great flawed humanity of man is a device
set on self-destruction and taking everyone with him. The great soul of a man will degrade
the law so much with his own selfish needs, and his privilege will allow him to do certain
things and go unpunished, and let others suffer whilst he is protected from justice, he is an
embodiment of evil. Man, in his deep flaws is evil because he is self-orientated, and without
furious obedience to the law he will let others suffer whilst he profits. To let innocent people
suffer is targeting the vulnerable and not holding the same measure as one holds to them as
one holds to himself, and to not punish one but to punish others for the crimes that one made,
being responsible for great heinous crimes, but fleeing the scene when the fingers are pointed
and the casualties mount up, is evil. To preach something as a crime, but behind closed doors
allow the same behaviour to go unpunished is wrong. To let others, suffer, who are innocent
is an act of evil doing. Man has deep flaws where his nature and belief system will condone
the suffering of others, he is deeply greedy, and his beliefs are absolutely and utterly flawed.

The deep flaws of mankind will slice away at the vulnerable and innocent, and without
consideration will leave many hurts. For the hillwalker had gone back to his home to inspect
the sword. It was very old, for it had been sitting in the heather for hundreds of years, and it
was unto whoever to find it take good care of it. The hillwalker was composing the epic story
it had possibly seen in his head, as he was establishing whether it was left there, by someone
running away from possible persecution. It was one that had been used in battle, because
what other purpose would a sword have from that era, whether or not it was from a nearby
croft was a whole other story, and it had not been found in all the years it had been sitting
there, for what stories did this sword have by chance. Perhaps, as most likely it had been
tossed by someone who was hiding up and around these parts a few hundred years ago.
Perhaps possessing this sort of implement was against the law at one stage and a nearby
occupant had wanted to throw it away to save them. Perhaps it had come from someone had
been on the run, who has passed through this area on their way, and they might have been
felled by chance when they were chased by the old enemy, the redcoat. Perhaps this sword
had been sitting here for such a long time, that the heather around it would bloom and die and
the sword would linger there for hundreds of years. These occurrences could all be true, but
no one would know. The hillwalker was certain of one thing, and that it was a basket hilt
broadsword, or in some parts it is called a claymore, and there was no doubting that it had
slain many. But this relic was a symbol of a once-proud warlike people, a people who had
laid their lives on the line for the freedom of a nation, and the people of the highlands used to
fight, and fight they did, for all now they suffer, suffer at the hands of colonisation. For once
they had a king and ruling family. For once they had their nation of Scots, and they had their
armies and law. It was all taken away from them to keep the monarchy of the English alive.
The old people of the north were subject to a rule, and a dream had ended. The dream of the
nation had ended hundreds of years ago, for the country lay in tatters. Not as a colony but as
the beaten bride of the English, who would mistreat the mistress that was Scotland, and
subject to gross humiliation, and eradicate the history, culture and language of the people
who had once called Scotland their home, for they were a waste now, a waste of beauty and
prosperity. The symbol of resistance was this sword, and it was a symbol that kept the dreams
alive of the most astute and patriotic, as there once was a kingdom and now there is none.
There once were a people and now there is none, for they have no understanding of their
culture, history and language. The great waste of people now reduced to average and
appalling contributions to what is now called society. A wasted colonised and indigenous
people, who had their culture ruthlessly taken away and now all they do is conform to the


A people wasting away their years under the veil of colonialism are the Scots. A people,
whose language was so great, now is draining away and being watered down in the speech
throughout the lands, a people, whose art once displayed throughout the land on rocks and
painted on their bodies, now nothing more than pictures in a book. A people, whose stories of
the old times now just chapters in a book, for the years of a wasted plight are before them, so
the superb resilience beckons, for they have a bright future if they can keep up the resistance,
for the people need their own culture and identity, to keep them strong and stable. People
need their state, and to remember the lives lost in defending her prosperity is what is needed.
For the people need to disregard society and create a new and fair society, a society that is not
divided, but open and free, transparent and a state that is allowed to be criticised, for the
people need freedom and they need peace. For violence used in the revolution is once the
dawn of time ends, is just a mere forgotten struggle, and if someone was to criticise the act of
a wounded snake in trying to defend itself, would they just? Because violence used in the
revolution is violence best used, to defend oneself and defend the innocent is violence best
used. For the hillwalker had a great story to tell of Angus and his adventures. The great one-
man army feared far and wide, for in these books on history there is the acknowledgement of
philosophy and the minor religions, and there should peace and tolerance of others, for a
belief, is just nonsense and should divide the society, and allow others special treatment for
their beliefs, for there should be rational thinking and thus sceptical thinking. For the minor
religions have a place alongside the major religions, and music and art should flourish
throughout society to make harmony, and the birds and bees should sing the same songs as
the society, for without freedom from persecution there shall be no good deeds. If the man is
left to his own devices, he will tear every tree down to fund his means for the free shall
spread hope and joy, and the society in the state shall protect her sons and daughters. For
Angus was just a figment of a nation, he was the nation’s hero and he was a kind and fair
warrior, who would have admitted he would put his society first and his beliefs second, for a
society where the soldiers bring the peace, and they defend the poor and vulnerable, and
society, where one man from one religion can talk in peace with another man, is society that
allows the people to thrive in freedom and peace, for no person can live a happy and content
without the people singing the songs of their heroes, the songs of great warriors and the songs
that brought freedom and peace, for Angus knew a thing about fighting wars, and he would
stand as a testament of warfare, how to do it, and how not to do it. For in every society in
every century man will have to take up arms, and so he shall and so he shall learn from
Angus MacDonald for he knew how to fight by himself. For foolish men fight in armies for
themselves, and the clever men fight by themselves for others, and the two conflicting
theories of war shall be these.

Would they tell a people that they had no worth, for the society needs to be shaken to the
core, for all people should have a worth, and all people should have their state, for a people
without a state is nothing, and what lies in the state is the ability to govern a sustainable
peace? For all people should have worth, and if it is denied, they shall take to the streets and
react with great anger. For the people need peace, and who is going to give it to them? For a
society that condones its abuse, to live in silence whilst the powers that be take away every
cent is a society that needs to be shaken. For every person deserves peace, for they cannot be
slaughtered in the hills as they flee the battlefields where they fought for their state, and they
cannot live in a society that will prey on the vulnerable, and one that causes division, for
there should be freedom and peace. A society that teaches people to show compassion and
fairness the most vulnerable people and a society where two rivals can function and cooperate
is a society worth having. So the sword was given to the local museum, and was displayed,
which is where it is displayed now, and the people who saw it fanaticised for hours about
who could have owned and where it could have come from. For the hill, walker wrote these
ideas that he concocted from seeing the broadsword and decided to publish these stories, and
this book is looking upon the ideas of the master hill walker and storyteller who would stop at
nothing for the resistance to stay alive, and for all those who felt the urge for resistance to
persevere. For which depraved madman and evil swine would seek to punish the speakers of
such beautiful words and murder the players of such fine songs on the beautiful pipes, for it is
evil in humanity and the Scots were torn asunder by it. Because the people need peace, and
all they ever wished for was enough money for them to live so that they could see their loved
ones now and then, and every soldier who goes to war is fighting for a future, a future for his
people, so the people cannot be blamed, but the ones to blame are to oppress a people so
beautiful they would make the coldest of hearts weep with their beautiful tales and songs,
because every soldier who fights in wars will fight till there is an end when there is no need
to fight, and when they put down the musket once and for all, there shall be periods of peace
where there once was violence, and there cannot be a sustained period of violence forever,
because after all the soldiers are killed, who would they expect to pick up the arms of the
fallen, the children? For war is done by the good for the profit of the corrupt, and every
soldier will meet with his opponent in a dance of death so that there shall be a victor, and a
woman with a broken heart as her man is not returning, so that every soldier knows, there is a
war that faces a state, a war for its wellbeing, and once that war has taken place and the
opponent defeated, well then there shall be peace, and the state will be so experienced in war
it will rise, and the more experience in warfare the harder the resilience of the soldiers, and
when each strong state rises, he shall earn the attention of the others, and if the stars align, the
friendships will be made, between foreign entities they shall, so that the most experienced
states shall attract the lesser states, and there is never any liberty because a smaller state will
do as the bigger state does, they are not gifted with the freedom to act upon their own accord.
They act and follow the leader.
The superb dream of peace shall be the vision, whilst the war took place in the vast past, and
the wars shall rage in the memory of the old, of the way life used to be, for the future is for
peace and the past for war. A war worth telling is the war that shall reach furthest in its
efforts for purpose, and purpose is found in wants of mankind, the want for freedom and the
want and desire for peace, for peace shall be in the future, and the struggles and hardships are
in the past, for how far a state has come is a reflection of its ability to overcome adversity.
Every soldier has their own brilliant story to tell. Who would do it to them? Take their life
and exterminate them with the sole intention of eradicating them from the face of the Earth.
For a man should scream on the highest mountain that he is free, and his people are free as
they sing their songs and paint their bodies like the warriors of old, for the free people will
know the feeling of a victory, when history rewrites itself, which lies in the stories of the past,
for to shape the future is to write the past as the people saw it, and every retelling will differ.
It is best to judge the past by the historians who write it, and each side will have their
retelling of events, whether they lost by the other side not partaking in the battle etiquette, or
if they won even when they were outnumbered, no, there cannot be one tale but many tales,
and a people who were forcibly nearly eradicated from the history books will have many
stories to tell, of failed and attempted revolutions and of the battlefields of Britain, and the
history lies in the head of the beholder, for each side is vying to be understood, and each side
years for their story to be believed as true. With this fanciful tale, the hill walker known to us
will create a new history, a history that may not be accurate, but a history that will last in the
minds of the many who read. The tale of Angus was to be heard by many who would spend
their days thinking, thinking of how they could make a difference to their state and their
society, and a people without the state, who were slaves to the crown, for every people
deserve their own stories, and it shall be the duty of a storyteller to make sure that the legends
had their tales told, for the listening of ears and the flourishing of thoughts shall preserve the
fables of once proud people, and the soldiers who once sweated under a great pressure of life
or death, had their efforts immortalised in folklore so that a people could prosper. The people
could learn a thing or two about the past and the great leaders who helped shape the future, or
about the forgotten empires who tried to forge their way in a myriad of power bases, each one
striving to outdo each other, for with many losses comes a resilience, a resilience to cope with
the hardships with life, and they may have tried to eradicate them from Earth, but they would
fail utterly and completely, for the stories shall remain strong in the hearts of the many, and
the masses shall share these tales from millennia to millennia, of once-great leaders in their
plight for power, and once-great nations with their vibrant cultures, nearly forgotten about,
for the written word will help keep a culture alive and thriving in its pages.
The tales of Angus will live long in the memory, of how a society should be, and what a man
can do to make a difference in his society and community. For every soldier would want one
thing, to not have to fight and take time from his profession, for every man is a soldier and he
must pass the customs down throughout his people and family, for when the hordes of
soldiers show up at his door to take him away and let him suffer because he is from a smaller
group of people, with different ways of doing things, the big empires will always shamefully
submit not only their enemies but their neighbours because they think that they should own
their neighbours as slaves, and states will fight and have conflict with one another because
they are different. They may look different or have a different language, and in the words of
their religion, they must possess the people who they see as their enemy as slaves. They will
subject them to violence and torture just because they are different, and states will enforce
their sovereignty onto others just because they are different, but man is not different, for he is
one person, which is humanity, and cannot all of mankind share the same place, for they
should not submit each other to slavery simply because a book told them to or because they
are different. For Angus triumphed when the odds were against him, he showed people that
they did not need many men to fight and win a war, for they did not need an army full of
cannon to wage and win wars. All that one needs to win and wage war against the evil that
they face is the belief in their resources and sheer strong will that shall guide them through
the dark places, they will have the stories of the past to give them hope, and they will carve
out peace throughout into the future so that man shall not be subjected to evil violence. The
aspect of the word of religion permeates through society, so that the ruling religious class will
not see the enemy as human and will not preserve the rights of their enemy, simply by the
belief that they need to subject foreigners as slaves. The word of religion will only spread
these beliefs. The state that needs to feed and protect the people will only be maintained by
the efforts of the soldiers in keeping the peace, and when one state has huge armed forces of
young working-class men, they will be seen as a deterrent to others. One huge state will deter
others from engaging in warfare with them because that is how states to act. The big states
will deter others because a great loss will not affect a bigger state as it does a smaller state,
but when a state grows it may be able to take a risk, the risk of war. Because states must at all
costs not reflect humans, so a state has no free will and must gravitate towards the bigger
states, and the newer states are picked on by the older ones, for it is the duty for a soldier not
to let the depths of humanity be reflected in his state, for he shall try his best for the depravity
of humanity to not be reflected in the state that he chooses to fight for, no, he was born to
fight for, as man cannot be trusted to be modelled upon by a state.
People are too daft, and they see more differences than similarities; therefore, there is war
because there is a push to enslave the people who are different. The war machine targets
different peoples and makes almighty blood sacrifices to the pillars so that there is an
ultimate war machine that takes no prisoner and will sacrifice every young man to its cause,
the war machine. Man is too daft to see far forward and will use the cheap fix, not for the
greater good, because mankind is daft and cannot think how interactions are impact the world
around him. Man is also led by false beliefs and the giant war machine is cooperating under
the guise of the pillars, for they push these principles forward and heads of state are the
mercy of the all-conquering pillars. Power attracts megalomaniacs because there are many
rewards for the daft. Angus would be immortalised in a method that is not like the grandiose
tombs of rulers but immortalised on the pages of books and in songs, efforts that will be far
greater than mere tombs and the belief in an afterlife, for the books and songs will keep the
memory of individuals far further than mere beliefs and buildings. Angus was a warfare
specialist and a revolutionary figure iconic with the struggle which the Scots faced, he would
be forever remembered. Not only do stories help to remember the struggles of a person’s
people, they can share the struggle, and people from another ethnic group can identify with
the struggle of the Scots and change their societies for the better, for the revolutionary spirit
in mankind can change the world and whole countries hold the power that can change the
future, the power of the greater good. For man is determined and set to make the same wrong
decisions time and time again, and without the intellectuals gathering to create a utopia, there
would be no hope. For the great utopia of man is the state that maintains a good quality of life
and one that can maintain periods of peace for its people, through protection and
consideration for the people. A utopia will not install the pillars to lie to the public, creating
propaganda which feeds the people with delusions, in the utopia the people will sing the
songs and share the stories in freedom. If a man sees the differences rather than the
similarities towards diverse peoples, he will always be radicalised to enslave the other due to
his religious beliefs, the massive flaw in the Bible which allows slavery towards a group who
is foreign. Man needs to realise, amid his daftness, then there are far similarities between one
group or state and another group. Both have the inherent flaws of humanity, self-preservation,
and both have the desire to believe fantasy from the pillars. To destroy religion and embrace
the freedom of expression and free will is needed, alongside obedience to the state. Another
aspect of the pillars is that they will hold mankind to account for what he expresses in a
speech in writing. Man should not be accountable for words and words should have the
ability to imprison someone, because the overlap of democracy and liberalism means that
freedom of speech only applies to the people in charge of the sacrificial war machine, not the
people who oppose, and to stamp a vicious authority onto people of the same state with
different views of how a state should be run, is fascism, the act of suppressing the opposition
with various forms of violence.
Mankind, if he continues the projectile to create war for a profit, a real industry of religious
purging through blood sacrifices to the arena of death, which is war, he will collapse and fail.
To be a success one needs to be forward-thinking, seeing possible obstacles from far away.
Man is not forward-thinking, he is backwards thinking, and scheming to dislodge his
opposition at every possible moment, to interfere with his opponent, so to create a future fall
all people is to create a future for the greater good, a utopia where everything is fair. Angus
was a soldier who had a legitimate use of violence; he was deemed a terrorist by his enemy,
but a freedom fighter by his people. When there is violence to gain some sort of outcome to
help people in need who need to be freed or given proper treatment against a government that
is waging war to exterminate from the face of the planet, this is where violence could call
legitimate violence that’s the main outcome is peace, and this legitimate violence is a form of
resistance to horrifying oppression, where the only hope is to take up arms in self-defence.
The concept of war for the sake of it, to plunder resources in the arena of blood sport and
sacrificial nature is not legitimate violence, it is violence for the sake of it, and it has no goal
or intention. Its goal and intention are to sacrifice young people for the benefit of others,
others who would not be seen ten miles from a warzone. The war as a blood sport is a flawed
process because it is not far-seeing, it is a process where there will be an outcome of massive
self-destruction for every single person. The pillars control the discourse in society, and they
make sure everyone is believing the same thing, which is to spread lies and falsehood, as the
pillars are lies and falsehood, they are reflected in the society. When will man see the other
states more similar to him and his state, for they are all but states, and they should aim to not
inflict war on each other because war is a natural state, and have not come so far as to not
resort to violence to make a statement? Have people not learnt to reason amongst themselves,
or not. For Angus had reasoned. He reasoned when his brother was brutally murdered at the
hands of the redcoats because the redcoats left to their own devices would inflict war and
suffering all for their gain, there is no denying that it has been proven time and time again in
every conflict of the human race, war can be made into profit, and war for peace is a war well
undertaken because man left to his devices would strangle his mother if it meant he could be
rewarded for it. Man has the basic natural attributes of a megalomaniac. Angus knew his
rewards of retaliation would spark the change that many people utilise for the advantage of
the greater good the world over. For the spark of revolution for the greater good was the most
radical change, well it should be radical, the consideration of people and their rights, it should
not be radical but normal and people the world over deserve the human rights for the greater
good of the world, for once they have gotten rid of the powers that be, the ones controlling
the society and wars, there will be global peace and prosperity for all.

In building a vision for the future, the young people who next inherent power must listen to
the old, and the art of storytelling will allow the young to realise what has worked and to
realise what has not worked and it is up to the children to listen to the older generations to
think as an individual of how they should best approach the errors of the previous generation.
Because politics without involving the youth and leaving them a world of problems to deal
with should be seen as child abuse, and it is a right for children to not have to deal with
problems that should have been dealt with. It is also a right of the children to create their own
stories, and every intelligent storyteller should be prompted to tell their own stories and not
have to be made to continue on a tradition, creativity should be rewarded in society. Free will
and decisions based around the free will of a citizen should be a right in a society. To hold
people to the account of a way of thinking they do not associate with is wrong, so the rule of
law should never be guided by faith. Who is to think that the people are so daft they could be
fooled to think that between these pages of questioning the nature of man could be disguised
as a tale of Scottish history? For it’s a fanciful tale and a very tall tale. To take the tale of an
innocent poor young man, whose people are so marginalised, for they yield no extreme
wealth or power for they were targeted by a people that wanted to exterminate them from the
face of the earth, but instead they took up arms and radicalised warfare. For the wars shall be
fought differently, and the movements should reflect the values of liberation of the oppressed,
for the men who gave their lives for the greater good nearly changed the world, and the
stories shall be told of heroes of old, and the adversity they took and how it shaped and
changed the world, for are not only people, all bound to make mistakes, but each perfection
has its flaws and the essence of the human spirit is to capture flaws and all, for they should all
learn from the mistakes and not be afraid to admit that no one is perfect. But imperfections
aside there can be no doubt that there should be a strive for something to save the people
from their flaws, the construction of the state that shall impose the obedience to a greater
good, where the pillars are smashed like a stone wall. For everyone to believe in the pillars
and everyone does abide by the pillars is wrong, because it is falsehood and some people are
different to the pillars and will never change, therefore they become marginalised by society
and forgotten about. When a society becomes scattered like a broken pane of glass, it feeds
the minds of the evil, for they want society shattered and broken, for they can instil fear and
conflict and the more inner turmoil, is the goal of the evil, for the inner turmoil and
destruction of the society from the inside, is the act of evil. Some evil people would murder
the innocent men women and children. The sons of the Mahomet who kill in the name of
Allah are wicked to the innocent. So, when a society is fragmented and driven by fear, it has
failed and the evil win their long-awaited victory, for when the society is fragmented it is the
destruction of the foundation that people rely on. A society will spread mistruths about the
Mahomet, and society will seek to alienate the culture of the outsider. For the belief in
assimilation of the outsider is what they want to do, and if they wish not to assimilate, they
will be marginalised and they will rot forever in a hellish poverty and brutal tyranny from the
pillars, for the pillars wants obedience and they want conformity, they are not based around
democracy and the free will.


People craft stories to achieve a purpose. When people have no representation politically, or
it is stifled, the will seek to change the world. They will seek to alert the world and others of
their hardship, for the reaction against the pillars will be great that many others in
neighbouring lands will have the same problem with their power in their society. Stories can
spark a revolution, and if it is proved possible then others will try and achieve it. Every
revolution will seek to plant a new power base, and they may be the enemy of the pillars and
the tyrants, but they are the freedom fighters to the oppressed. To change the world, one must
write down the opinions and share their opinions. Because people with voice are strong
people, and they shall not be halted, not by bullets or guns and a strong public will seek to
influence others who face the same dilemma. Because a free society is a strong society, and a
fair society is one that shall reap the rewards when their people live a great life that is because
it is rightly fair and just. A free and fair society is what people should be striving for, for
Angus was striving for his people to have representation and a voice, and it was murdered,
and outlawed, and when one outlaw a people they will only strengthen the resolve, because in
the eyes of the enemy they are a threat, but in the eyes of the people they represent freedom.
Angus’ tale spread far and wide, and people switched their minds on to the stories of
overcoming oppression because to rewrite history is an ability that should be recognised. A
dream should be captured by the imagination of a leader, and he should rewrite history, that
as well as a dream can shape how battles are won and lost because there were many
individuals like Angus who were striving to make a difference and be heard, for the warriors
have a voice, a voice that should represent a struggle, and acknowledge a struggle in a society
for power, peace and freedom, is to recognise a soldier, not as a threat but something that can
be learned from for they must learn the art of how wars are fought to make change. Angus
was needing to make a difference, and he saw the poverty and despair his people lived in, and
he thought that the only way he could make a difference was with the sword, and make
difference he shall because the sword was found by the hill walker, and the story flourished
into a tale of resistance and a tale of a reimagined past, a past to be proud of and a past that
should be celebrated by the people because a dream can carve out a future and can influence
the minds of many great leaders because only politics made a difference. Angus’ master and
ruler had fled, and it took the one-man army of Angus to rise and take the power that had left
a vacuum, for when power is left it must take the brave ones to take it for themselves, for
men are all kings, and so they must be treated like kings, for any man who proves himself can
in fact rule, and in democracy, it is beneficial that every person must be given the chance to
make their case and have their say because people like Angus will change the world.

The great frustration of man will try to cause revolutions with a thrust of the sword, and the
great frustration of writers will rewrite the history in the manner in which they want to
present it, and after reading the books, one should read up on the historian or writer and seek
to understand what their motives are and what is their intent, for many writing is like
wielding a sword, they both seek sink deep into the heart of the opponent and cause the
beautiful end, with a dash of revolution and the ability to cause social change. The angry
young men who are alienated by their society will seek to make a political change in their
situation. War and politics are intrinsically linked because the powers that are in place use
war and contorting the pillars too seek to make people think and act in a way which suits the
politicians. People who want to make social change in a society will always take up arms,
because they may belong to a marginalised, they may not see eye to eye with the pillars, they
may disagree which is fair enough, and they may be the ones who have had their homeland
waged war upon because many refugees in the world have been the target of governments.
They are a direct result of the war. They are not linked politically, they may completely peace
neutral forces, but the direct result of war is, in fact, the refugees. That is the direct result.
Murdered sons for financial gain for the people who sit on thrones, and they shall displace the
innocent, and they must flee a warzone because once cannot live normally in a warzone,
these being normal people. So, when they come to the shores of the liberal democracies
wishing for peace and freedom, they are marginalised by a society who sees them as the
enemy, even though they are completely innocent people. The cost of war creates people as
refugees, in a peaceful society the people would not be displaced, they would be living in a
utopia protected by their state, where there is plenty of resources to share around, and in a
democratic state, they would not be marginalised in a state where they are persecuted in a
democracy just because they do not see eye to eye with the pillars. Dislodge the pillars and
there will be more diversity has it has society chained to it. Dislodge the sacrificial war
machine and there will be no more slaughtered sons and there will no more refugees. War is
the problem with every possible situation in the world. The pillars make a society that is not
diverse. People hide away when their stories should be sung about, for in a democracy that is
fair and just is where every group, the people who agree with the pillars and the people who
disagree with the pillars has a voice. Man is most beneficial to society when he is peaceful
and free. There can be no other way. When he divides and sets limitations and when the war
starts, he is basically in his natural state and this is the evil of mankind where he is the most
dangerous when he is in his nature. For to remove a man from his natural state is to write
songs and books about the heroes, and to order his army to plant trees, this is the state in
which man can flourish for when he is motivated by the greater good against the pillars he is,
in fact, the most productive. A productive man can make a change and the change he wants to
make in society. And when a state can put the quality of life into a society man will flourish
with good health and concentration that he can achieve great things, for an unnatural man will
seek to make a change.

Within a story, the past can be known, and the voices who have been silenced are quiet no
more, for the weak can be empowered and the mighty and tyrannical can be exposed, for the
power of retelling stories informs the questionable minds among the societies of the present.
Angus was seen as a threat, but also a glimmer of hope, for to preserve the rights of man is to
proudly display the things that should be displayed, the hope of peace and the strength in
freedom from oppression. To rise and take control of a state to instil peace is a gift, and to
proudly display the culture that is trying to be eradicated to maintain conformity, so that there
is no diversity and only worship of the one god and the one way of life, which only leads to
the powers that be to profit slaughtering young sons and grooming the ones not brave enough
to fight. Oh live with peace and live with freedom, and if they try and kill them for it, well
then take up arms and fight the monster that sacrifices sons and grooms the weak ones,
because the system is folly. Take up arms like Angus and storm the society, because the
watcher of a society, of how it functions should not be silenced, and the rational minds shall
not be silenced and forevermore there should be scepticism and the ability to question the
function of society and the war machine. There is no right or wrong way of crafting a story,
and history is only controversial if the historian is controversial. The story of history is more
linked to the historian rather than the fact or the period in which the story is situated around.
Scottish history will seek to be a beacon of light in the dark days, the days when people were
attempted to be eradicated, a language eradicated and a culture eradicated from their ancestral
homeland. The foes will cast Scottish history off as mere tribal and pagan, and the supporters
of Scottish history will use it as an attempt to garner a revolutionary spirit for a Scottish
republic. Scottish historians are either supporting a free Scotland which is nationalistic, or
they are degrading Scottish history as being a people who earned their oppression through
non-conformity, who carried the tribal traditions and started trouble for themselves. The
warring differences came to be because Scotland was the first enemy for the people who
would later go on as being the greatest empire to ever grace the planet, the British Empire.
Scotland has to this day a fierce rivalry with the English, and whatever stage the rivalry is set
there will be a contest. The combination of a difference in the royal succession, wars in
independence for Scotland and then religious differences whether it be pagan or Catholic, the
fierce rivalry between Scotland and England was born to be the greatest rivalry in the western
world. England will remain immortalised as the great oppressor, a rivalry that would harden
the resolve of any Scottish person who graced the shores of the far nations of the world, and
their characteristics would include a firm spirit, possibly a bit intimidating and radiant. For
the sons and daughters of Scythia will seek to inhabit every corner of the globe, they will
sparkle in the four corners and bring their hospitality and intelligence to every table in the
world, for they will welcome every refugee, and they will look to face every problem with
their inventions, for they have seen it all. They have seen their language excluded, their
culture destroyed, the brothers murdered, and their sister raped. They have felt the harsh
brutality of colonialism and have shaken the world in their Highland charge, for the sons of
Scotland have been the last tamed people of the British Isles. They gallivanted around with
their tattoos displayed and showed the world how to make the things that empires were built
off. They graced every university with the reading and writing skills so honed that they are
known as the educated working class that every society needs. They showed the way about
how to write books and they enthralled the people with their poems that are known far and
wide. They excited the world with the mythology and last of all they graced every army in the
world and set the standards high of how to fight and win a war.


The Scots, they have seen armies crumble and the lesser forces triumph. They have seen
empires fall and the rule of law shattered. They have seen their language and culture nearly
exterminated and eradicated. They have seen the glens in snow and the have been there when
the young have been born in spring. For the Scots had seen it all, and for some time in the
highlands there was this energy for the changing of the nation, and when Charlie came back
the highlanders had their long-awaited swagger returned and the people were united. Angus
showed a steely determination to be a thorn in the side of the redcoats, as he channelled his
angst and rage from seeing his brother slaughtered at Culloden, and he swore from then on he
would avenge his fallen brother, as when murder and death will hit the family, once is
desensitised to cope with it, it can be too much but in the society that people live in now,
there is a desensitising to violence. People shut off in liberal democracies to the reality of the
world. People are conditioned to not recognise between reality and fantasy, so for example,
when someone is coming to someone’s door claiming they are going to be killed, they don’t
believe them. People are so stuck in this reality, of work for the big slaughter machine
sacrificial government who sends young soldiers to their death, and they are protected from
the reality of war. The reality of war now is that people can operate a drone from many miles
away to fight wars. There is desensitisation of reality, and they are fed lies by the various
media outlets that just print propaganda. In a liberal democracy, one is a robot sheep, bred to
slave away and born to accept false news and subjective reporting. There can be a lot to learn
from the past in a way that can revolutionise the future, on what has worked and what hasn’t,
one can learn from the past as a form of understanding the present and how it functions,
because of what has gone on in the past. Scotland, for example, is part of the British Empire
because they lost at Culloden and joined the empire. Ways of retelling the past can keep the
people satisfied of mighty soldiers who fought for their freedoms, an acknowledgement of the
past can make people more rounded and appreciative. They become more informed and have
more to offer society, which is a bland boring existence, where people are led to believe one
thing. The retelling of history can open people’s minds to the facts that were never told.
Having some sort of long term plan in politics is what is needed, and a state needs a vision of
peace, they need offer some sort of prediction for the future where the quality of life is better,
not a system that sacrifices their brave young men to death. In a neoliberal society, one is not
free they are just another statistic, another dead soldier, another crime fatality and another
suicide. One is not free, and one is chained to expectations of the pillars so much that human
essence is choked by the expectations of the complacent authority. For the pillars will
strangle the people so hard that they make a single authority, and the outsiders who do not
agree bare any power, they are forgotten about, and how and why should society cast out its
citizens to make one single authority and a one way of life.


To think with a set logic is to question the norm and see its failings. Once the failings have
been identified a citizen should be able to see how they can help fix society. Without a
sceptical public who can see its failings and build a better stronger society for the greater
good, society would collapse. Society is only vibrant because in its natural state it is dull and
violent, but it is coloured with diversity and it is coloured by democracy and free will. To
bring life to society is think what one can do for their society for the greater good and not be
so self-indulgent in greed and amassing products, houses and resources, people should think
about the future and how they can shape their world and each other’s world for the greater
good. Because without the ability to share and think logically rather than naturally, to think
rationally is to do things that help others and the greater good. People are so daft and
desensitised to freedom that they become arrogant, selfish and ignorant. They do not think for
others and a greater good they only think for themselves, because society is fractured from
selfishness resulting in wars that tear states apart, and once when a person does not have a
state they have no hope they are in limbo, for the state will help the most vulnerable that is its
job, to offer a safety net to society’s most vulnerable. Bringing colour and diversity to a
stagnant democracy is the ability for minor religions to express themselves in a democracy,
for to silence the many voices in society with racism and hatred is to cast away people
socially. Society should be diverse and people should have right to express themselves with a
basic identity, because if everyone was the same they would represent sheep, and say
everyone is sheep, then they are all sheep waiting to be slaughtered, and surely some
likeminded individuals can see this folly and create a society that is open colourful and
peaceful because, without the fierce obedience to the pillars which people pride themselves
on, there would be no life. People have got to be smarter than thinking like sheep that are
deluded and thinking of the cheap fix with no foresight, and instead, they should think of the
greater good. Mankind is so desensitised to violence that when its result comes to him when
the refugees are arriving at his door, he will put the blame on someone else and he will put
himself first he is selfish and arrogant. When there are people marginalised by the pillars, he
will ferociously try and murder the outsiders. In his law, it is right to take the enemy and the
other as a slave and he will ruthlessly oppose diversity because his religion requires strict
obedience and conformity which spreads absolute vitriol and hatred on to people who are
different. For man is scared of difference, and in his morsel of a mind can he not believe that
there is only one way of living, well he cannot he only thinks for himself and sees his way of
living as the right way of living. Man is torn to only see the world in black and white of what
impacts him, he is selfish and narrow-minded and refuses to accommodate difference and is
utterly selfish in the application of his brain. Man is deeply flawed and the only thing that
will save him is the aim to live for the greater good.


The ignorant would not open the door for people who have suffered an attempt to eradicate
them from the planet. When war comes, the ignorant prosper. They will sit back and applaud
the displacement of people and reckless tyranny of war, for there are two people in the world,
people who wage war and the people who fight the war. The people who fight war do so for
their families to be free and prosper, the people who wage war will be the last to be seen at
the front line, for they see war, not as a survival of the fittest and a means of looking after a
greater good, they see it arrogantly of how they can extort as much money from the suffering
of others, and when the people wash up on their shores they will turn them away, for a
warrior will see that war puts food on the table of his family, and he will participate in war
because it is the last option for him, there is no other way to put food on the table and protect
his family. The selfish people will see how much they can exploit in war, for they are not
seen anywhere near a battlefield. When the results of war come to the shores of the selfish,
they will turn them away and pretend there is no result of war, but that is where they wrong
because with every action there is a subsequent reaction. For every war waged there will be
victims, and the people who believe in the greater goodwill seek to accommodate the tragic
victims of war because they see the world and its people and they see that people are closer in
similarities than they are in differences in the quest for peace. The revolution will come and
mere strangers will be united in a just cause, for the war is on all, and the revolution will seek
to dislodge the power bearers, for their society is dull and harsh, the revolution will come.
Once the henchmen are gone, and Angus identifies these henchmen as redcoats, once the
battles are won there is a clear road for the revolutionaries they take what is theirs, and the
revolution will arm the oppressed, and they will govern for the greater good, for an
exceptional individual has crafted the way a state should be governed. Once freed a society
will seek to make their quality of life better, and there will be a sharing of wealth, for the
revolutionaries will spark a peace, a time that is not threatened by the oppressor, people will
live in peace, because a state has enough resources in it for all people to have a good quality
of life. All people need not fight each other because there are enough resources for everyone
to live, and the great threat to international prosperity in every state in every continent is
greed. But the state must be brutal, it must subject the greedy to the pit of hell, for no works
of art or masterpieces were created from greed, and there is the state which lets every citizen
have peace, but its role is not to be authoritarian, its role is to look after the people not
suppress them to oppression. Its role should be regulation, where a person should be proud
enough to say they support the state, but not live in fear of the state, for they should be free
and not fear anyone, for the state should be associated around freedom and peace, and it will
Through wilds and thorns, good shall be remembered for Angus was the embodiment of
good, and he shall not meet another fate than to be remembered in song, for the good men
sing about brave men, and the good societies shall reap the benefits of the brave men who put
the greater good of the society before their lives, for Angus was a man of action, and to fight
bravely as he did and fight with conviction, he did, and he shall always be remembered as a
man who put others before his safety. To fight for the greater good and to fight for freedom
should be revered. The tales of the Jacobites should sing the praises of the people overcoming
evil to fight for a greater good, as the men who lay down their lives for a purpose, the
purpose being freedom for good of their people. The people who lay down their lives shall be
remembered in this reimagining of history, for it is the story that was meant to be told, for no
other person will know the truth of war until they hear both sides, and both sides will have
their reworking of the past.

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