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1. The most common type of primary liver cancer.

Hepato cellular Carcinoma

2. A small walnut shaped gland in men that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transport

Sperm. Prostate

3.-4. Types of Lung cancer – NSCLC and NCLC

5. 9. – Risk factors of Prostate Cancer:

- Age, Gene Changes, Family History, Race, Chemical Exposure

10.- 12.- Risk factors of Lung CA

- Smoking, Exposure to 2nd hand smoke, exposure to radon gas, exposure to asbestos, Family Hx

13. Prostate Ca runs in a family that makes up about 20% of all prostate ca. T

14. Chronic infection with Hepatitis B increases risk of liver ca. T

15. Radon is one of the least common cause of Lung Ca. F

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