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Social media and Blogging can influence the King's decision-

Customer or the end user are considered as the KING of the market. In order to maximize their
sales and earn more profit, seller produces goods and renders services, as per the requirement of

But now, customer decision of buying or availing is influenced by the seller or entrepreneur by
the use of Social Media, Blogging and Digital Marketing.

By viewing social media links, almost 71 percent of users are more likely to buy a product or
service. Social media is one of the main peer forces that helps customers is shopping smartly.

In modern marketing era, everyone either by interest or by need is involved in blogging. The
most popular social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are proving to be an
effective way for customers to respond to each other by sharing information and experiences, not
to mention making difficult buying decisions.

Thus, nowadays electronic word of mouth has become one of the important way of promotion of
product. Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) is a type of buzz marketing and if the message is
persuasive or humorous enough, it can become viral. It is a powerful sales driver, as it reduces
the perceived buying risk, increases the credibility of the product, and the intention to buy from
the customer.

Why is Social Media and Blogging considered as a Big Influencer?

Crowd Mentality- If your friends have already bought something, it's easier to convince someone
to buy it. Only telling customers that their brand has helped their peers is the only thing
companies need to do in order to convince the customer. Research has shown that many shoppers
are affected by parents, friends, and other shoppers ' positive reviews.
Emotional Decision- When making decisions, most decisions use a combination of the logical
left brain and the subjective right brain. Nearly half of people who buy a product say they have
no plans to do that. This is because they took hold of their feelings and made a decision without
first planning or analysis.

Images- Pictures, graphics, and other images impact customers and increase their probability of
purchasing a particular product. Sometimes customer decision with regard to purchase of product
is also affected by number of times advertisement that appear in any or different websites.

Natural Suspicion- This is one reason why consumer refuse to buy things when they are asked by
a salesperson. That's where social media comes in. Until making a purchase, a person can get to
know a business through their posts. This is also where tips for family and friends come in.
Customer before purchasing product looks after reviews and blogs.

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