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Nobody spends a whole lesson listening. and we are not suggesting that any of the skills are
taught or learned in isolation. The division into the four skills as chapter headings is simply a
convenient and systematic way of presenting the teaching ideas in this book. What we are
talking about in this chapter are activities which concentrate on the listening skill.

Listening in the classroom

 It is quite clear that listening is the skill that children acquire first. especially if they
have not yet learnt to read. When the pupils start to learn a foreign language. it is
going in mainly through their ears and what the pupils hear is their main source of
the language. Of course. we also give them as much visual back-up as possible
through facial expression. through movement. through mime and through pictures.

 It is worth remembering too that once something has been said. then it disappears.
If you're reading. you can go back and check. or you can re-read something you
don't quite understand. This isn‘t possible when you are listening. so when we are
talking and the children are listening. it‘s important to say things clearly. and to
repeat them. When you are telling a story. for example. you don’t have to tell it
from beginning to end without breaks. You can re-tell it again and again as you go

”This story starts on a nice. sunnv Monday morning. Who's the story about? Who can we
see in the picture? Yes, Fred and Sue. It's a nice. sunny Monday morning and Sue and Fred
are . . . . Where are they? In the forest. Right. They're in the forest. And what are they
doing? They're picking berries. So. it's a nice. sunny Monday morning. and Fred and Sue are
in the forest picking berries. What happens next? Well . . . .' and so the story continues.

0 Because the listeners can’t re-listen in the same way that they can re-read, it means that
if you are the listener. you can’t decide how fast you work. Therefore, you have to
concentrate very hard when you’re listening. Young learners have a very short attention
span. This is something which increases with age for most pupils, and you’ll find that the
eight to ten year olds can sit still and listen for longer periods. But it’s important not to
overload children when you’re working on listening tasks.
 When we are talking to somebody who is saying something in everyday life, we
usually understand what is being said and we say so we nod, or we comment, or we
show in some way that we know what the other person is saying. If we don’t
understand, then we usually say so at once. We very seldom wait until the end of a
conversation or a story or an announcement and then start answering questions
about what we have heard. The activities presented in this chapter try to ask for
understanding as the children listen and not check for understanding only at the end
of the exercise.

 Some listening activities will wake your pupils up, make them move about, create
movement and/or noise. Others will calm them down, make them concentrate on
what is in front of them, and create a peaceful atmosphere. Sometimes you want to
have a nice quiet atmosphere and sometimes you want your children to move
about, and you can use listening activities for both purposes.

‘Listen and do’ activities


The most obvious ‘listen and do’ activity which we can and should make use of from the
moment we start the English lessons is giving genuine instructions. Most classroom
language is a type of ‘listen and do’ activity. Communication is two-way, and you can see
very easily if your pupils have understood the message or not.

Moving about

There are also lots of ‘listen and do’ exercises which you can do with your children where
they have to physically move about. The younger your pupils, the more physical activities
they need. Children need exercise and movement, and you should make use of this
wherever possible. As well as the moving about activities
connected to doing ordinary things in the classroom, you can ask pupils to do all sorts of
crazy things ~ ‘stand on your head by the door’ : ‘hop on your left foot five times’ and the
more language the pupils learn, the more you can ask them to do ‘count up to ten and then
walk to the blackboard and back‘. The advantage with this type of activity is that you know
at once if the children have understood. You can check classroom vocabulary, movement
words, counting, spelling, etc. Pupils learn from each other, If they haven’t understood the
first time, they'll still be able to do the activity by watching the others. As pupils learn more
and more language, you can let them take over the role of ‘instructor‘ they are very good at

Put up your hand

You will almost certainly have to make use of the ‘put up your hand’ type exercise at some
stage. For example, when the pupils are learning the sound system, you might ask them to
put up their hands when they hear the sound /d3/. Or you might want them to put up their
hands when they hear a certain word. Or, in order to calm them down a bit, whisper the
numbers from one to twenty, and ask them to put up their hands when you miss out a
number. There are all sorts of uses for the ‘put up your hand when‘ type of exercise. Can
you think of others?

Mime stories

In a mime story the teacher tells the story and the pupils and the teacher do the actions. It
again provides physical movement and gives the teacher a chance to play along with the

Here’s a very simple example of a mime story:

‘We’re sitting in a boat, a small rowing boat. Let’s row. We row and row. Now what’s that? A
bird. A big bird flying over the water. Now it’s gone. We keep rowing. Can we see the bird?
No, no bird. This is hard work. Row, row. We’re tired. We row slowly. There’s the shore.
Let’s go home now. We’re so tired we’re dragging our feet. We’re tired. We want to go to
sleep. We lie down on our beds. We close our eyes, and . . . . shhhh . we're asleep’.

Drawing ‘Listen and draw’ is a favourite type of listening activity in almost all classes, but
remember that. drawing takes time, so

keep the pictures simple. In ‘listen and draw’ activities the teacher, or one of the pupils, tells
the other pupils what to draw. You can make up a picture or describe a picture you have in
front of you. This activity is particularly useful for checking object vocabulary, prepositions,
colours and numbers. It is not so useful for actions, since drawing people doing things is
quite difficult for most of us.

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