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1. Morphine and Aspirin both can produce this pharmacologic effect: ANALGESIA
2. Which of the following Cephalosphorins would have increased activity against Bacteroides
fragilis? CEFOXITIN
3. A neonate was given IV antibiotics for 3 days. However, the baby had hypothermia, diarrhea
and gray color. The baby was probably given? CHLORAMPHENICOL (lack of glucoronyl
4. ACE inhibitors are associated with which of the following adverse reactions? DRY COUGH due to
5. After prolonged treatment with Penicillin, the patient developed pseudomembranous colitis.
What antibiotic will you give for this case? VANCOMYCIN, Metronidazole in milder cases
6. This 2nd generation H1 antagomist may induce torsades de pointes when concurrently taken
with drugs that inhibit the 3A family og P450 enzymes in the liver? TERFENADINE
7. Antidote for cyclophosphamide induced hemorrhagic cystitis? MESNA
8. A synergistic ratio of 20:1 Sulfonamide with another combination that provides greater
antibacterial spectrum/less bacterial resistance against systemic infections?
9. The patient has been having intermittent episodes of dry cough. The agent that may have
probably caused this symptoms? CAPTOPRIL
10. The drug of choice for a serious digitalis induced arrhythmia is? ANTIDIGOXIN FAB FRAGMENTS
11. This anticoagulant is the drug of choice for anticoagulaltion in pregnancy because it does not
cross the placenta? HEPARIN
12. Closure of PDA in 70% of neonates can be expected with this drug? INDOMETHACIN
13. Which of the following is a calcium channel antagonist? VERAPAMIL
14. DOC to treat Doxurubicin induced Cardiomyopathy? DEXRAZOXANE
15. Route of drug administration that will most likely subject a drug to first pass metabolism? ORAL
16. Drug of choice for the treatment of Amoebiasis, Giardiasis and Trichomoniasis?
17. Which of the following is used as prophylaxis of meningococcal disease? RIFAMPIN
18. Antidote for Heparin Toxicity? PROTAMINE SULFATE
19. Which of the following is an adverse effect of Procainamide? Drug induced Lupus Erythematosus
20. Inhibits de novo synthesis of cholesterol by inhibiting HMG CoA Reductase? SIMVASTATIN
21. Which of the following NSAID has the longest half-life and therefore should be given at a longer
dosage interval? TENOXICAM
22. Pyridoxine deficiency leads to this condition in the anterior segment of the eye: CORNEAL
23. A 56 year old male executive with a 2 year history of HPN is given: PRAZOSIN
24. Antiprotozoal agent used clinically for both prophylaxis and treatment of pneumocystis carinii
25. Which of the following cytotoxic agent is used for the treatment of severe disabling (Psoriasis
and Refractory RA): METHOTREXATE
26. The 2nd generation cephalosporin which crosses the BBB? CEFUROXIME
27. A patient underwent hip replacement and is being given morphine for pain relief, at present her
RR was noted to be at 8CPM with prolonged episodes of apnea. What will you give this patient?
28. Lipoprotein lipase inhibitor used to treat obesity? ORLISTAT
29. Drug of Choice for Leptospirosis? DOXYCYCLINE
30. When the goal of therapy is for prophylaxis against thrombotic episodes aspirin should be given
at a subtherapeutic dose range of: 40-80mg daily
31. The following are 2nd line drugs for TB except? PYRAZINAMIDE
32. Irreversible acetylation of both COX1 and COX2 characteristic mechanism of action of this
33. DOC for management of GDM? REGULAR INSULIN
34. This agent inhibit topoisomerase II (DNA Gyrase): CIPROFLOXACIN
35. Treatment for Benzodiazepine Toxcity? FLUMAZENIL

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