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I found out that Tommy doesn’t know about his father it’s because

her mother did not tell him what happen and where is his father. For me, I

could say that this is a very Filipino happening’s because of the fact that his

father left his mother and she doesn’t want to talk about it. I could say that

this is such a wonderful book to read because you can actually get a lot of


It encourage me in a way that there are lots of circumstances in

our lives that we should choose or we should take the right path or decisions.

Every single chance to do the right thing is sunshine but still there’s a chance

to be tempted of those bad things. I believe if I read more lots of this kind of

novel the more I will understand what life is; and to understand what’s the real

meaning of living in this life.

In my own understanding of this novel I will give 9(nine) for this.

Even if I am not in the same situations I can relate because I have few friends

that encountered this kind of situations and I could barely think that this

would be the outcome of a wrong situations. On the other hand, there is always

one person that will understand and defined who truly you are and there is

always someone that always be with you through ups and downs.
The narrative techniques were used in the novel is chronological

order because the story begins that Tommy is searching for his father. Then

suddenly Mr. Chance is a father that is fighting also for custody of his son.

Somehow, Mr. Chance can relate to the situation of Tommy Philips; and that’s

why it is chronological but also there is an interest of flashbacking because

they are reminiscing the past of each other. Even if Tommy is just a kid but

because of his experience he could barely understand everything.

For the best part is Mr. Chance and Jessie wins their

custodies for their sons. Jessie proved to his wife that he could raise

his son because he can provide quality living the same way of

Tommy’s mother. The worst part for me is that why does each couple

engaged in divorced in the way that they bared a child that symbolizes

fruit of love.

In chapter two I suggest that the father of Tommy will

appear and see his son, so that they will have a reconciliation to each other in

order to have a forgiveness to each other for the sake of Tommy’s happiness,

Lastly, I believe that it is the only way to have again a colorful family or let just

say there is home (specifically for Tommy’s Family) there goes a saying that

“learn how to forgive even if it is not easy to forget.”

My novel has a sixteen chapters and I think it is just

enough for this story. I understand the concept of the story. There’s

no weak scene of the story because the author had explained the

story very well. There’s no need to remove some parts because I admit

that this novel is more than enough or let just say it is one of the best

novel I’ve ever read.

In chapter thirteen page 242, Keith said, “Well, I’ve taken

enough of your time, “And I can tell you are expecting someone, so I’ll get out of

your way”. In this scenario I could say that I am a little bit affected because

even if the divorcement is on processing they are still couple. There’s no need

to be in hurry of Keith’s side.

The main characters in the story are Mr. Chance, Jessie, and

Tommy. Mr. Chance is a good man, father, and a policeman. He

will do anything for his only son but in his marriage he can’t make

it to the end because he does not love anymore his wife. Jessie is

also a good mother she will her best to raise Tommy in prosperous

life While Tommy is just a kid longing for the love of his father and

a presence of his father as a whole.

What I like most is how Lisa child’s describes the sheriff.

Lisa says that how handsome Chance is and his charisma brings him

to Jessie that they attach to each other because is also good looking

and sexy even if she had a child already. And also I like their fighting

spirits to fight for their rights.

The theme of the story talks about the custody of the child. Lisa

child’s present in a shallow way because in the first chapter telling us that the

boy was searching of his father and the following chapters is revealing the real

situation and that’s why I understand because each Character are describing

the situations slowly and in the sense that they are fighting for the custody for

their child. In the long run, Mr. Chance and Jessie likes each other and their

relationship come up of sexual romance.

My point of view about the theme is very timely and relevant

of today’s generation. There is early marriage that is related in the story of

today’s generation. Lisa Child’s story is very “Teleserye”. I could see this in

Television and even in Movies. I could say that this is very interesting novel

because it is realistic because it happen in a real life situations and I am sure

some of the readers can connect about the happenings of the story. Lastly,

Lisa wants us to realize that this novel is not just about romance but the

readers to enlighten about marriage, divorcement and most especially the true


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