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Level of Attitude and Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior

High School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc.

on Science Investigatory Project

Avila, Krezza Marie V.

Cajetas, Katleen Grace S.

Dagani, Nicole Therese B.

Jubay, Dexter John R.

Ogayan, Jemma Rose M.

Tubog, Prince Ivan D.

October 2019


Though you are capable of doing something, attitude determines how well

you do it. Science investigatory project is more on hands-on working, which

involves experimental, investigation, and deep understanding. Science

investigatory project is not just merely a simple science research. There is a

need for high motivation and commitment in doing it. Some students feel

stressed out; feel anxiety, and difficulty of understanding scientific processes.

Some are having their self-doubt about being not so knowledgeable. Some are

not aware of the use of science investigatory project in academic life. Because

of it, their positivity and self-esteem become low and by this, many are not more

courageous to engage in it. The reason why the researchers conducted this

study was to assess the level of attitude and level of capabilities of students on

science investigatory project and also to see the relationship between these two

variables. Through this study, the researchers could give solutions to the

current problem experienced by the student upon doing their science

investigatory project, in particular there is a need to look at the proper way of

molding the attitude of students and enhancing their capabilities on that matter.

Collins, Osborne, and Simon (2010) in their study in London, UK, found out

that students attitude towards school science varies from the relevance of

specific sciences to life. Students engage in science, biology, chemistry, or


physical science resulting in them to be intellectually complicated in various

situations, experiencing more difficulties in doing things related to memorizing,

identifying and determining aspects of science that they have to learn but failed to

perceive its relevance to their everyday lives. Without this essential ingredient

of importance, sustaining interests in science was then complicated, gaining the

interest of students towards science is the need for school science to be less

retrospective and more prospective. They pointed out that environmental

factors and gender are the factors that could influence the attitude of students

towards science.

According to Comia (2019) one of the schools in San Nicolas, Batangas, they

observed that the students in Maabud National High School are not aware of the

vital contribution of the research to man's life. They tend to ignore it as a subject,

which is manifested by their negative attitude towards it and low performance in

the research subject. That is why students tend to consider scientific

researches as a matter of compliance with their subject, which leads to the

negative attitude of students on science investigatory project and having low

performance as a result to it.

In the study conducted by Aparecio (2018) in the selected divisions of Region

X, Northern Mindanao showed that although there are students who can perform

competently in the research process, majority of the students have low

performance. And there is still a need to improve their knowledge and skills in

the scientific processes involved in conducting scientific investigations and may

especially require support and assistance from their teachers in performing


science research tasks. Besides, their low performance may also account for

their experiences as novice investigators. They are yet to integrate and apply

their knowledge on the scientific processes involved in doing research projects.

Various factors may cause low performance, which may come from the teachers,

school environment, family background, or the students itself.

The beneficiaries of the study were the students, teachers, institution, and

future researchers. The study has focused on the participation of students at St.

Peter's College of Toril, Inc. This study made used to the responses of the

overall total population of 227 grade 10 junior high school students from St.

Peter's College of Toril, Inc. 2019-2020. This research talked about the level of

attitude and level of capabilities of students and has used quantitative analysis.

The uniqueness of the study was we aimed to assess the level of attitude and

level of capabilities of students on science investigatory project and the

relationship between these two variables.


The researchers chose to study the level of attitude and level of capabilities

of students on science investigatory project because the researchers observed

that there was a problem on it. Some students do not take seriously the making

of science investigatory project and also they are ignorant in the process of

making it. Given these issues, the researchers would like to assess the level of

attitude and level of capabilities of grade 10 students on science investigatory


project. Also, this study aimed to know the correlation between the attitude and

capabilities in making science investigatory project that could be beneficial to

students in assessing their level of attitude and level of capabilities and the

connection between these variables towards science investigatory project.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to assess the Level of Attitude and Level of Capabilities of

Grade 10 Junior High School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on

Science Investigatory Project. It particularly sought to answer the following.

1. What is the demographic profile of grade 10 junior high school students in

St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms


1.1 Sex

1.2 Section

1.3 Age?

2. What is the level of attitude of grade 10 junior high school students in St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms of:

2.1 Willingness in Making Science Investigatory Project

2.2 Relevance to Academic Life

2.3 Achieving a Goal in Science Investigatory Project?


3. What is the level of capability of grade 10 junior high school students in St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms


3.1 Making Science Investigatory Project Title

3.2 Formulation of Hypothesis

3.3 Data Analysis

3.4 Data Gathering

3.5 Conclusion and Recommendations?

4. Is there a significant difference in the level of attitude of grade 10 junior

high school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science

investigatory project when analyzed by profile?

5. Is there a significant difference in the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior

high school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science

investigatory project when analyzed by profile?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the level of attitude and level of

capabilities of grade 10 junior high school students in St. Peter’s College

of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project?

7. What recommendation can be formulated from the study?



This section included the formulated hypotheses of the researchers.

H0: There is no significant difference in the level of attitude of grade 10 junior high

school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory

project when analyzed by profile.

H1: There is a significant difference in the level of attitude of grade 10 junior high

school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory

project when analyzed by profile.

H0: There is no significant difference in the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior

high school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science

investigatory project when analyzed by profile.

H1: There is a significant difference in the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior

high school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science

investigatory project when analyzed by profile.

H0: There is no significant relationship between the level of attitude and level of

capabilities of grade 10 junior high school students in St. Peter’s College of

Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project.

H1: There is a significant relationship between the level of attitude and level of

capabilities of grade 10 junior high school students in St. Peter’s College of

Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project.


Review of Related Literature

This section was composed of different literature that was linked or related to

the study about the level of attitude and level of capabilities on science

investigatory project.

General View on Science Investigatory Project

A science investigatory project also known as an investigatory project is the

same as in other research works. It is a research work that applies scientific

principles or concepts to determine solutions for a specific problem on a

phenomenon. There are two types of research: pure research that you have no

particular purpose in conducting it but you had produced solutions of difficulty in

other fields. Applied research, in contrast to the first one, had a goal in mind that

should have the immediate finished product and have less time and focuses on a

specific problem (Marist School Science Department, 2019).

The science investigatory project is a scientific process involving the use of

scientific methods within a specific area of investigation or inquiry. There are

five steps in scientific methods, namely: identification of the problem; formulation

of possible answers to the question; testing the formulated solutions; gathering

and analytic evaluation of all relevant data and drawing conclusion based on the

available data. Furthermore, a science investigatory project has applications in

all physical sciences, such as astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology or medicine,


as well as disciplines of social sciences and economics, statistics or

computational finance. In each discipline, through those inventions that had

made will lead to discoveries that would help the foundation of structures in

society today. By the practical experiences of students in it and the conducted

investigations of professionals may lead to life-improving discoveries (Reodica,


A Science Investigatory Project (SIP) uses a scientific method to study and

test an idea about how something works. It involves a topic that inclined in their

interest, formulating a hypothesis that can be verified through their investigation,

conducting different and multiple experiments, and recording and reporting the

results. You need to follow these procedures if you are planning to enter a

project in a school science fair. However, doing a science investigatory project

is useful for anyone interested in the sciences as well as anyone who wants to

improve their problem-solving skills (Ruff, 2019). Furthermore, high school

investigatory projects enable students to choose topics with regards to their

interest and conduct research, these kinds of projects aid students in expanding

their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and everyday

life (Dotson, 2018).

Willingness in Making Science Investigatory Project

Students gain insight into science by working on different investigatory

projects about what interests them the most. Aside from that, with so many

choices for investigatory projects, students can pick from anything that catches

their interest. Working on in their passions and working to solve problems gives

students greater insight into their surroundings and prepares them for higher

education (Dotson, 2018).

More so, special science classes of high performing public high schools in

Western Visayas successfully joined division and regional level research (SIP)

competitions. Students may say that research is difficult and challenging. But

they still possessed a positive attitude towards it through their willingness to

involve in activities that would enhance their knowledge and by looking at

research as useful in their daily lives. They are very proud of for producing

highly competitive science investigatory project (Chavez, 2014).

Department of Science and Technology Science Education Institute and

University of the Philippines National Institute for Science and Mathematics

Education Development (2011) affirmed that research shows that the quality of

science teachers greatly influences the quality of science education in schools.

Students' interest in science is directly linked to the quality of teaching as well as

learning interactions provided by their science teachers. Interviews with students

who excelled in science reveal that they were much inspired by science teachers

who engaged them in tasks that enabled them to inquire and solve problems.

According to the study of Cuartero (2016), financially better pupils would tend

to become interested in science and working scientific investigations because

they are provided enough materials and support from their parents. Pupils who

lacked financial support from parents are less interested to learn science due to

the incapability of materials to work for the activities. In the results of her study

also showed that male and female pupils develop science process skills

differently while in the conduct of science investigatory projects.

Furthermore, learning is correlated with motivation. Student's level of

motivation is necessary because it pushes the students to learn; if a student is

motivated to learn, the student will take action and move toward learning.

Therefore, if education in the 21st century is all about computers, and there is no

motivation, then students are not going to succeed. The same thing will happen

to hands-on activities because if the students do not have a positive motivation,

then they will not be interested in learning (Guzman, 2017).

Relevance to Academic Life

Through the conduct of science investigatory projects, it yields the students

to create more understanding and unique ideas of the project of their own that is

reflective to the rational minds of the students. Their thoughts are more on the

practical one that hooks them into science and seeing how science concepts can

be applied in their everyday lives. By the investigations conducted of students,

they were educating their teachers, teaching in a way that the students'

discoveries are shared and told to their teachers which in result, the roles get

reverse there, students as the lecturer and teachers as learners (Mascarelli,

2011). Also, conducting a science investigatory project can be made with your

daily routine, lifestyle, or even the environment you surrounded. By the naturally

existing forms, you can do more with it, then compare and analyze its concept.

In that way, scientific research exists wherever and whenever you are, and it is in

our everyday life (Dotson, 2018).

What's more is that learning research skills at a young age will give students

an ability that will serve them over a life times. This skill will not only be useful in

school but their everyday lives as they attempt to absorb ever-increasing

amounts of information (The Room 241 Team, 2013).

Science fair project has been familiar to any scientific inquiry which helps

students to be responsible and develop a sense of personal capabilities.

Additionally, it helps students develop an appreciation for nature and the

relevance of science in daily life, thereby promoting positive attitudes toward

science. However, the primary focus of science fair projects is on fostering the

cognitive and intellectual development of students (Balas, n.d).

The Synopsys Outreach Foundation (2012) conducted a survey of 1600

students in grades 4-12 in Santa Clara County developing science projects

during the 2011-2012 school year, "The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Student

Science Project Evaluation Report" showed that students increase their ability to

perform numerous "21st Century Workplace" skills. Including managing

deadlines, they are developing and conducting experiments, keeping a logbook,

analyzing data, creating a chart or graph, writing results, and creating a

presentation board. As a result, exposing students into it becomes more

professional in doing science investigatory projects, which leads to a discovery

that can improve the lives of people and protect the environment (Gomez, 2013).

Aside from that, these skills can be learned if taught in a formal way of discussion

in the classroom with the use of proven teaching methods. Furthermore, these

skills can be retained for future use if lessons are based on science investigations

and practiced over a long time (Dela Cruz, 2015).

Furthermore, science investigatory project instruction does not end in the

classroom alone. Students' engagement in science fairs that are programmed

by the school contributes as well. Research outputs of students are showcased,

where they have to present their science studies. Undergo some question and

answer portion as a way of assessing their acquired knowledge while working on

their research (Tortop, 2013a). To encourage them to produce quality science

investigatory project, education agencies organize science fair as a competition.

Which result them to focus and make a good quality output to its investigatory

project for their science fair. Winning outputs shall participate and be the

representative for the regional and national level (Ndlovu, 2014).

By conducting a science investigatory project, students learn to be more

organized in their work, following set of rules given, and the scientific procedures

that should be followed. Through this, it influences them to be more accurate on

what they do, understanding what it is all about, and make their creativity show

and apply to its work. Originality and planned the characteristics of an excellent

investigatory project reflect the personality of the students as well, which

influences and enhance their self through it (Bernido & Bernido, 2014).

Science investigatory project can help a student to develop their scientific

investigation, and they will know what the different concepts, theories, principle,

and law of nature are. Through science investigatory project, they can deal with

realistic objects on how they can find discoveries for that matter. As a result,

they are already being capable of widening their abilities in creating different

innovations (Salac, 2017). Besides, science investigatory project provides

students practical experience in using the scientific method and help them to

develop their interest in scientific inquiry (Lebednik, 2017). More so, in the

conduct of investigatory projects, students gained more understanding of science

concepts and skills in the quantitative analysis which results to the increase of

participants in every science fair competition (Gomez, 2013).

Achieving a Goal in Science Investigatory Project

Science fair programs can open doors to career opportunities, improve

speaking skills, and increase scientific knowledge. The advantages of

participating in science fairs are limited only by the amount of work you put into it

(Ravishankar, 2017). In contrast, project-based approach (PBA) is a kind of

project-based teaching which involves the use of classroom projects to facilitate

the learning of students. They will expose to some questions, which allows

them to develop research skills that can help in everyone's success in changing

society today (Gomez, 2013).

The Project-Based Approach provides students a well-rounded classroom

experience wherein the students are exposed to a reality-based situation. This

is the starting point of scientific inquiry and applies what they have learned to

real-life experiences. While learning, it produces new knowledge that impacts

future learning. Means that learning is usually viewed as a process that is a

source of new knowledge, yet it is shaped by prior knowledge (Gomez, 2013).

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (2011) suggested that for

students to gain more knowledge, they have to be exposed to different programs

that can attract their interests. Not only the students but as well as the teachers

and STEM professionals. Activities such as conducting science projects

whether it will be held at school or out of school programs, or a hands-on

experiment that would nurture their curiosities and skillfulness.

Students also have the low skill on having the initiative and self-direction,

which refers to their ability to achieve their goals and managing their time and

workload. However, it is reasonable to a high school student to have these level

of skill because of their dependency on their science teachers guidance upon

doing their science project specifically in doing their science investigatory project

(Gomez, 2013).

Furthermore, learning sciences should develop students as inquirers,

scientifically literate, caring and responsible individuals who will think critically

and creatively when solving problems and making decisions about aspects

affecting themselves, others and their social and natural environments - it is more

than simply learning technical scientific terminology (Dela Cruz, 2015).


Science Investigatory Project Capabilities

High school investigatory projects allow students to engage with both

real-world and hypothetical situations to develop skills to aid them in future study.

Students learn to research, test hypotheses, and analyze their results. Students

are freely to choose topics of interest and conduct research by formulating

investigatory title in their preferred topics of interest (Dotson, 2018).

Dela Cruz (2015) affirmed that in the performance of the students in each skill

tested through the Integrated Science Process Skills Test. Science process

skills are defined as a set of broadly transferrable abilities that reflect the

behaviour of scientists. Even before the students went through the module, they

already have at least proficient level of the integrated science process skills

except for stating hypotheses where they only have skill level of developing

proficiency. It can be noted that 8% of the students learned the skill of

identifying variables, 11% acquired the skill of stating hypotheses, 16% learned

skill of operationally defining variables, 8% acquired the skill of graphing and

interpreting data, and 14% learned the skill of designing experiments.

Moreover, this study also found that students' perceptions and experiences in

conducting their science research projects are both positive and negative.

Through making investigatory projects, students have gained learning in the

different components of the scientific process, but also encountered some

difficulties. They have identified several mentoring needs especially in the


assistance in selecting the research problem, forming the problem statements,

writing literature reviews, choosing appropriate methods, materials and tools to

collect data, and analyzing data and interpreting the results (Aparecio, 2018).

As student learns science they should become competent and confident in

accessing, using and communicating scientific information. Students are

expected to use scientific language correctly and select appropriate

communication formats for oral and written communication. They are also

expected to demonstrate critical-thinking skills to analyse and evaluate

information in order to make informed judgments in a variety of contexts (Dela

Cruz, 2015).

It has been detected that students’ “mostly” exhibited difficulties on the

execution of data collection, analysis and interpretation which were considered

as one of the crucial steps in scientific research. Thus, students must be

competent enough on execution of collecting data, analysis and interpretation of

data, for them to prove their scientific research investigations to have legit

evidences (Belarmino, Gramatica, & Mejos, 2016).

Student's research skills in conducting investigatory projects were generally

found to be not efficient enough to access and effectively use accurate

information. There was a need for them to understand the legal/ethical use of

data with the permission or acknowledgment of the owner. They tend to copy

and paste the information without giving justice of their works or without granting

permission to the owner. They lacked the competence to develop, implement,

and communicate new ideas from the gathered information (Gomez, 2013).

Thus, science investigations are giving students an opportunity to undergo

the process of conducting an investigation using the scientific method making

them gain a considerable understanding of the nature of obtaining solutions to

problems or answers to questions in a systematic and scientific way (Dela Cruz,


Based on the findings the students had a low achievement level in data

collection, analysis and interpretation which indicates that they lack systematic

reproducibility of results, appropriate application of mathematical and statistical

methods. Moreover, insufficient data collected to support interpretation and

conclusions (Belarmino, Gramatica, & Mejos, 2016).


Science Investigatory Project contributes to the improvement of our society.

It helps students to be exposed into many real-life situations and practicality

which has the involvement of unlocking those premises that should be solved and

answered, however, in spite of the significant contributions of this, it leads them to

be in a vast of complications. Excessive exposure to information, corrections,

and updates of all the misconceptions lead to the complexities of these events.

Many programs had been established for the success of their goals of the

progress in society through this. Despite this reviewed literature, there is still a

need to conduct the study because this study aimed to assess the level of

attitude and level of capabilities of students on science investigatory project.


Also, to contribute ideas on the improvisation to the misconceptions and

problems that exists. By this study, it can fill the gap between the student's side

to the science investigatory project (program) itself.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored to the Self-efficacy Theory of Albert Bandura in

1995. According to the proponent of Self-efficacy Theory, explains that it "refers

to beliefs in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action

required to manage prospective situations" (p. 2). More simply, self-efficacy is

what an individual believes he or she can accomplish using his or her skills under

certain circumstances. The basic principle behind this theory is that individuals

are more likely to engage in activities for which they have high self-efficacy. And

less likely to engage in those they do not. Self-efficacy influences people's

ability to learn, their motivation, and their performance. As people will often

attempt to learn and perform only those task for which they believe they will be

successful. Judgments of self-efficacy are generally measured along with three

basic scales: magnitude, strength, and generality (Slaugenhoup, 2016).

This theory was linked to the study because it explains the relationship

between the attitude and capabilities of students in the success of their work. In

a sense that is having the mind set of believing in one's self that he or she can

accomplish the task and put it in a positive way thinking it results then to a good

quality of capabilities of an individual in the success of their work. Wherein the


role now of self-efficacy is to influence the overall individual's ability to learn and

perform the given task. This will vary now on the self-efficacy of an individual in

finding out one's capability that resulted to a successful work.

This study was also be anchored to the Functional Attitude Theory of Daniel

Katz in 1960. According to the proponent of Functional Attitude Theory,

explains that attitudes can serve functions for the individual and outlines four

functional areas: Knowledge, Self / Ego-expressive, Adaptive, and Ego-defensive.

The basic idea behind the functional approach is that attitudes help a person to

mediate between their own inner needs (expression, defense) and the outside

world (adaptive and knowledge). This theory says that although two people

might have an attitude with the exact same valence, that attitude might serve very

different functions for each person. This implies that even though every

individual has the same positive or negative attitude, it differs on their function

and reason behind that attitude they have (McLeod, 2018).

This theory was linked to our study because it is used in the current study

given the importance of attitude on science investigatory project. This had

provided explanations about why such a person having that attitude on some

circumstance and elaborate more about its inner being. It had a deeper

understanding of the causes of someone having that attitude within them. It

could be their true identity, the general attitude to their group that is adapted, or

the attitude that justify their actions.


Conceptual Framework


Independent Variable
The level of attitude of grade
10 junior high school students
in St. Peter’s College of Toril,
Inc. on science investigatory
project in terms of:
1.1 Willingness in Making
Science Investigatory
1.2 Relevance to Academic
1.3 Achieving a Goal in
Science Investigatory Recom
Project Survey mendat
Dependent Variable ion

The level of capabilities of

grade 10 junior high school
students in St. Peter’s
College of Toril, Inc. on
science investigatory project
in terms of:
2.1 Making Science
Investigatory Project Title
2.2 Formulation of Hypothesis
2.3 Data Analysis
2.4 Data Gathering
2.5 Conclusion and
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study



This chapter presented the methods that have been used in the study, which

included research design, research locale, research respondents, instruments

used, data collection procedures, data analysis, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study is a descriptive-comparative correlational research design for it

defined the differences and relationship of two naturally occurring variables such

as level of attitude and level of capabilities of grade 10 Junior High School

students on science investigatory project when analyzed by handing out survey

questionnaires to be answered by the respondents. The answered

questionnaires will be gathered and will be used as the basis to determine the

level of attitude and level of capabilities of grade 10 students.

According to Punch (2013) a descriptive design seeks to describe the current

status of a variable or phenomenon. These research projects are designed to

provide systematic information about a phenomenon. There are types of

descriptive design and one of these is the descriptive-comparative. This


approach to problem solving seeks to answer questions through the use of


A correlational study is a quantitative method of research defined as a

relationship between the two variables level of attitude and level of capabilities of

students. This study sought to understand the relationship between these

variables and determine whether the latter has a correlation, or it has no

correlation. A correlational research best serve to answer the questions and the

purposes of the study.

Research Locale

The study was conducted in St. Peter's College of Toril, Inc. campus located

at MacArthur Highway, Toril, Davao City. St. Peter's College of Toril, Inc is a

private Catholic educational constitution founded in 1948, owned and managed

by the Presentation of Mary Sisters. The school was established to provide a

formal religious instruction program for the youth of Toril and its neighboring

districts. St. Peter's College of Toril, Inc. offers a comprehensive basic

education program which is from kindergarten to senior high school. Its senior

high school program, in particular, includes all strands under the academic track.

Moreover, it is recognized by the Department of Education and the Commission

on Higher Educated, and it is PAASCU Level II accredited.

St. Peter's College of Toril, Inc. has an academic program, the science

investigatory project, wherein the students from grade 7 to grade 10 must


conduct investigation in part on the objectives with their science subject. It

depends on the students on the topic they will choose in their investigatory

project. St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. wants and supports their students to be

involved in a research-like activity which is the science investigatory project.

That is why the researchers have conducted the study at St. Peter’s College of

Toril, Inc. because it supports the great involvement of students on investigatory


Research Respondents

The respondents of this study were the grade 10 Junior High School students

of St. Peter's College of Toril, Inc. In this study, the researchers utilized total

population in choosing the respondents because the grade 10 students were the

respondents of this study. It focuses with the level of attitude and level of

capabilities of students on science investigatory project, where the grade 10

students were exposed to it and will have more experience about it. Grade 10

students were the respondents of this study with a total population of 227

students that they participated in the process of conducting the survey. By

having a total population, it was beneficial to the researchers because having a

total population means all the students were the respondents of the study. So,

the greater the number of respondents was, the higher the reliability and validity


Prior to the giving of questionnaires, the researchers presented a consent

form that would signify the willingness of the respondents to participate in the

research study. The respondents will then answer the given questionnaires


Research Instrument

The study used a replicated survey questionnaire from the study conducted

by Elena C. Papanastasiou (2005) entitled “Factor Structure of the “Attitudes

toward Research” Scale” for the first variable (level of attitude) and originally

constructed the survey questionnaire for the second variable (level of


The replicated questionnaire that were adopted by the researchers are run

through editing those basic terms to change to be centered in the topic about the

students on science investigatory project because the replicated questionnaire

focuses on the attitude towards research.

The first part of the guide questionnaire was meant to establish the

demographic profile of the respondents in terms of their age, section, and sex. It

also indicates the instructions on how the respondents must answer the

questionnaires. The legends that will be used in the survey questionnaire are

also given definition on this part.


The second part of the survey questionnaire was composed of statements

about the level of attitude of students on science investigatory project. It was

designed with the Likert Scale method wherein the survey questionnaire contains

a set of accurate and understandable statements which the respondents have to

respond by checking the box of their preferred choice. The tables are under the

given legends: five (5) as Strongly Agree, four (4) as Agree, three (3) as

Undecided, two (2) as Disagree and one (1) as Strongly Disagree. These

legends would be the basis to quantify the responses of the grade 10 Junior High

School students.

The third part of the survey questionnaire was composed of statements about

the level of capabilities of students on science investigatory project. It was

designed with the Likert Scale method wherein the survey questionnaire contains

a set of accurate and understandable statements which the respondents have to

respond by checking the box of their preferred choice. The tables are under the

given legends: five (5) as Strongly Agree, four (4) as Agree, three (3) as

Undecided, two (2) as Disagree and one (1) as Strongly Disagree. These

legends would be the basis to quantify the responses of the grade 10 Junior High

School students.

The following range of interpretation shall be used to describe the obtained

mean score of the respondents’ level of attitude and level of capabilities on

science investigatory project.


Table 1. Table of Interpretation under the Level of Attitude of Grade 10 Junior

High School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory
Range Description Interpretation
4.21 - 5.00 Strongly Agree Respondents possess very
satisfactory level of attitude on SIP
3.41 - 4.20 Agree Respondents possess satisfactory
level of attitude on SIP
2.61 - 3.40 Undecided Respondents possess moderate
satisfactory level of attitude on SIP
1.81 - 2.60 Disagree Respondents possess fair
satisfactory level of attitude on SIP
1.00 - 1.80 Strongly Disagree Respondents possess poor
satisfactory level of attitude on SIP

Table 2. Table of Interpretation under the Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior

High School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investiagtory
Range Description Interpretation
4.21 - 5.00 Strongly Agree Respondents possess very
satisfactory level of capabilities on SIP
3.41 - 4.20 Agree Respondents possess satisfactory
level of capabilities on SIP
2.61 - 3.40 Undecided Respondents possess moderate
satisfactory level of capabilities on SIP
1.81 - 2.60 Disagree Respondents possess fair
satisfactory level of capabilities on SIP
1.00 - 1.80 Strongly Disagree Respondents possess poor
satisfactory level of capabilities on SIP

Data Gathering Procedure

The study aimed to assess the level of attitude and level of capabilities of

grade 10 Junior High School students on science investigatory project and see

the relationship between these variables. In order to successfully gather the

data needed to justify this study, the researchers must provide an organized,

systematic process that will make the process of data gathering easier.

The researchers replicated a survey questionnaire relative to the statement of

the problem, after which was validated by a specified teacher that was asked

prior by the research adviser of this study to be the official validator. The

respondents of the survey, were from the grade 10 students of St. Peter’s College

of Toril, Inc. had given consent forms showing that they have the freedom to

disagree or to not respond to the request for survey. If the participants will agree,

they were given survey questionnaires to be answered honestly. After

answering, the researchers collected the survey questionnaires and started

analyzing the results. This was the difficult part of the process because the

gathered data will be checked and tallied thoroughly that took a long period of

time. After the data was analyzed, it was interpreted by the researchers in order

to provide the results of the study.

Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics, a test of difference, and the Pearson R test have been

used in the study.

Mean as a basic statistical measure is defined as the average value

attained. In this study, the mean was taken from the average of all the

summed up answers by column and category of the respondents. It was used


to determine the students’ level of attitude and level of capabilities on science

investigatory project.

The standard deviation is a measure of the spread of score within a set of

data. In this study, the standard deviation will be used to know how varied the

numbers of the variables are with each other. It is use to indicate how to

disperse the data tend to be on the mean or if the data tend to be on a broader

range of values.

T-test assessed whether the mean of the two groups are statistically different

from each other. This analysis was appropriate whenever you want to compare

the means of two groups. In this study, the t-test is use to compare the level of

attitude and level of capabilities of the respondents on science investigatory

project and determine its significant difference when analyzed according to sex.

ANOVA is a measurable procedure that assessed possibility contrasts, this

test was also known as fisher examination fluctuation. This test widens the

interpretation of contrasts between variables compared to the t and z tests which

have the issue of just permitting the ostensible level variable on two

classifications. It was used to determine the significant differences in the

respondents’ level of attitude and level of capabilities on science investigatory

project when analyzed according to age and section.

Pearson R test is a statistical formula that measured the strength between

variables and relationships. In this study, Pearson R test was utilized to

determine how strong the relationship is between the two variables of the study

specifically the level of attitude and level of capabilities of grade 10 students on

science investigatory project.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers adhered to the formulated measures and set the mechanism

in the undertakings of quantitative research. In this study, the respondents will

be given prior consent form that would prove that they were to be a respondent in

this study. The privacy and confidential information of the respondents were


More so, the names and any confidential data coming from the respondents

were highly respected and will be put in observance of privacy. Any literature

and related studies that were used in this study were referenced and cited in an

APA format. The replicated questionnaire that was adopted by the researchers

should not contain any discriminating and other offensive statements that might

upset the respondents and must be solely related to the topic where this study is



Results and Discussion

This chapter presented the analysis and its interpretation regarding the

collected data. It included the information of the respondents of the selected

grade 10 students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. It also showed the scores

obtained of each individual from the test that has been administered; significant

correlational results between respondents level of attitude and level of

capabilities. Correlation between age, section, and sex were also given

emphasis to translate the results of this study. The succeeding discussions

were anchored on the theories and related literature.

Demographic Profile of the Respondents

In this part the researchers answered the first statement of the problem which

is the demographic profile of grade 10 junior high school students in St. Peter’s

College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project that talked about the profile

of the respondents in terms of sex, section, and age. To answer this, the

researchers utilized different statistical tools as of frequency and percentage.

This was to get the number of students and its corresponding percentage

according to their profile that was used of the researchers in the study.

Table 3. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Male 102 44.9%
Female 125 55.1%
BMR 46 20..3%
OLA 45 19.8%
OLG 45 19.8%
OLL 46 20.3%
OLP 45 19.8%
14 2 0.9%
15 108 47.6%
16 113 49.8%
17 3 1.3%
18 1 0.4%
Overall 227 100%

As shown in table 3, the demographic profile of grade 10 students in terms of

sex was consisted of 102 male with a 44.9% and 125 female with a 55.1% with

the total number of 227 grade 10 students. In terms of section, Blessed Marie

Rivier was consisted of 46 students with a 20.3%, Our Lady of Assumption was

consisted of 45 students with a 19.8%, Our Lady of Guadalupe was consisted of

45 students with a 19.8%, Our Lady of Lourdes was consisted of 46 students with

a 20.3%, and Our Lady of the Presentation was consisted of 45 students with a

19.8% with the total of 100%. Also, the demographic profile of grade 10 students

in terms of age were consisted of 2 students at 14 years old with a 0.9%, 108

students at 15 years old with a 47.6%, 113 students at 16 years old with a 49.8%,

3 students at 17 years old with a 1.3%, and 1 student at 18 years old with a 0.4%

with the total of 100%.

This implied that in the respondents which were the grade 10 students in St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. possessed unequal amount of number of population.


In terms of sex, the Female had the higher number of respondents which mean

that it had the greater tendency to had the higher level than the Male. In terms

of section, BMR and OLL had 46 students and the rest sections had 45 students

each, that means that whatever it was those respondents were having justifiable

number of respondents whom could represented each class. In terms of age,

most of the respondents were at the age of 15 and 16 years old, however, they

had also the younger ones at age 14 years old and the older ones at age 18

years old. Therefore, in terms of age, it was a good part to have different

variances from 14 to 18 years old so that it could actually show its differences.

Level of Attitude of Grade 10 Students on Science Investigatory Project

In this part the researchers presented the first variable of the study the level

of attitude of grade 10 students on science investigatory project which discussed

about the three indicators, willingness in making science investigatory project,

relevance to academic life, and achieving a goal in science investigatory project.

Willingness in Making Science Investigatory Project

In this part the researchers answered the second statement of the problem

which was the level of attitude of grade 10 junior high school students in St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms of their


willingness upon making the investigatory project. To answer this, the

researchers utilized different statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, and

its description. This was to measure the average score and the spread of score

of the respondents answered in each statement under the first indicator. Also,

by this given output of means the researchers interpreted the data and gave the

exact description on it.

Table 4.1 Level of Attitude of Grade 10 Junior High School Students in St. Peter’s
College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory Project in terms of Willingness in
Making Science Investigatory Project
Willingness in
Making Science x sd Description
Investigatory Project
I enjoy making SIP. 2.991189427 0.986596857 Undecided
I am always ready for a 2.678414097 0.906037344 Undecided
science investigatory project.
I am interested in SIPs. 2.942731278 0.97820385 Undecided
I am willing to conduct 2.616740088 0.994801505 Undecided
another SIP.
I do SIP to learn not only 3.325991189 1.132536999 Undecided
for the sake of passing.
Overall 2.911013216 0.082274104 Undecided

As shown in table 4.1, the result indicated that the level of attitude of grade 10

students’ in terms of their willingness in making science investigatory project was

all had an undecided description of the study. Also, its overall mean indicated

the undecided description which means that the respondents possessed

moderate satisfactory level of attitude on science investigatory project. To sum

up, the level of attitude of grade 10 students in terms of their willingness in

making science investigatory project possessed moderate satisfactory level for

having the range of 2.911013216 that was undecided.


This implied that the respondents were somehow agree or disagree by the

concept of their willingness in making science investigatory project. If they will

be conducting another study or if they were really ready for a science

investigatory project or not. The respondents were not sure if they were

interested and enjoy the making of science investigatory project. Therefore,

there was a need to the respondents to make sure their feelings towards their

willingness in making science investigatory project, accepted the fact that making

science investigatory project was already a part of their student life, and acquire

more specific skill for their benefit from it.

According to Dotson (2018) students gain insight into science by working on

different investigatory projects about what interests them the most. Aside from

that, with so many choices for investigatory projects, students can pick from

anything that catches their interest. Working on in their passions and working to

solve problems gives students greater insight into their surroundings and

prepares them for higher education.

More so, students may say that research is difficult and challenging. But

they still possessed a positive attitude towards it through their willingness to

involve in activities that would enhance their knowledge and by looking at

research as useful in their daily lives. They are very proud of for producing

highly competitive science investigatory project (Chavez, 2014).

Furthermore, learning is correlated with motivation. Student's level of

motivation is necessary because it pushes the students to learn; if a student is

motivated to learn, the student will take action and move toward learning.

Therefore, the same thing will happen to hands-on activities because if the

students do not have a positive motivation, then they will not be interested in

learning (Guzman, 2017).

Relevance to Academic Life

In this part the researchers answered the second statement of the problem

which was the level of attitude of grade 10 junior high school students in St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms of the

relevance to academic life. To answer this, the researchers utilized different

statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, and its description. This was to

measure the average score and the spread of score of the respondents

answered in each statement under the second indicator. Also, by this given

output of means the researchers interpreted the data and gave the exact

description on it.

Table 4.2 Level of Attitude of Grade 10 Junior High School Students in St. Peter’s
College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory Project in terms of Relevance to
Academic Life
Relevance to
Academic Life x sd Description
SIP is useful for my study. 3.466960352 1.035866109 Agree
SIP is very valuable. 3.431718062 0.963244035 Agree
I will employ SIP 3.088105727 0.973629932 Undecided
approaches in my
academic life.
The skills I have acquired 3.374449339 1.011377327 Undecided
in SIP will be helpful to

my academic life.
SIP is connected to 3.017621145 1.100943914 Undecided
my field of study.
Overall 3.275770925 0.055237648 Undecided

As shown in table 4.2, the result indicated that the grade 10 students level of

attitude in terms of relevance to academic life of science investigatory project was

mostly having an undecided description of the study. Some agreed, especially,

on the usefulness and valuable of science investigatory project. Also, its overall

mean indicated the undecided description which means that the respondents

possessed moderate satisfactory level of attitude on science investigatory project.

To sum up, the level of attitude of grade 10 students in terms of relevance to

academic life of making science investigatory project possessed moderate

satisfactory level for having the range of 3.275770925 that showed undecided.

This implied that the respondents agreed with the relevance of science

investigatory project on the usefulness in academic and is valuable, however,

they were undecided to the part of employing their acquired skill on science

investigatory project to their academic life. In fact, in the given result showed

that they were not sure if the science investigatory project was connected in their

field of study in higher level. Therefore, there was a need to the respondents to

see the value, importance, and usefulness of making science investigatory

project to their academic life and should also look at the good side of this project

where they could benefit from it.

According to Salac (2017) science investigatory project can help a student to

develop their scientific investigation, and they will know what the different

concepts, theories, principle, and law of nature are. Through science

investigatory project, they can deal with realistic objects on how they can find

discoveries for that matter. As a result, they are already being capable of

widening their abilities in creating different innovations.

Besides, science investigatory project provides students practical experience

in using the scientific method and help them to develop their interest in scientific

inquiry (Lebednik, 2017). More so, in the conduct of investigatory projects,

students gained more understanding of science concepts and skills in the

quantitative analysis which results to the increase of participants in every science

fair competition (Gomez, 2013).

Achieving a Goal in Science Investigatory Project

In this part the researchers answered the second statement of the problem

which was the level of attitude of grade 10 junior high school students in St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms of achieving

a goal in science investigatory project. To answer this, the researchers utilized

different statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, and its description.

This was to measure the average score and the spread of score of the

respondents answered in each statement under the third indicator. Also, by this

given output of means the researchers interpreted the data and gave the exact

description on it.

Table 4.3 Level of Attitude of Grade 10 Junior High School Students in St. Peter’s
College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory Project in terms of Achieving a
Goal in Science Investigatory Project
Achieving a Goal in
Science Investigatory x sd Description
I always pay attention 3.392070485 0.907456152 Undecided
on the status of our SIP.
I conceive SIPs as 2.656387665 1.037351627 Undecided
I assure that our SIP 2.77092511 1.022075162 Undecided
product is better than
the others.
I adhere when someone 3.317180617 0.929275566 Undecided
has a good idea in
achieving our goal in SIP.
I put to consideration our 3.308370044 0.903322522 Undecided
objectives in SIP and
surely achieve it.
Overall 3.088986784 0.064718099 Undecided

As shown in table 4.3, the result indicated that the level of attitude of grade 10

students in terms of achieving a goal in science investigatory project was all

having an undecided description of the study. Also, its overall mean indicated

the undecided description which means that the respondents possessed

moderate satisfactory level of attitude on science investigatory project. To sum

up, the level of attitude of grade 10 students in terms of achieving a goal in

science investigatory project possessed moderate satisfactory level for having

the range of 3.088986784 that was undecided.

This implied that the respondents were apparently not having the attitude of

achieving a goal in the process of making their science investigatory project.

They were confused if they conceived it as competition, in a simplest way, they

were unsure if they have the courage to achieve goals in their investigatory

project. Therefore, there was a need to the respondents to have specific goal in

it for them to have main objectives on how to achieve that goal and should look

for the brighter side that by the end of this, this will be their greatest achievement

as a student.

According to Gomez (2013) students also have the low skill on having the

initiative and self-direction, which refers to their ability to achieve their goals and

managing their time and workload. However, it is reasonable to a high school

student to have this level of skill because of their dependency on their science

teachers’ guidance upon doing their science project specifically in doing their

science investigatory project.

Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Students on Science Investigatory Project

In this part the researchers presented the second variable of the study the

level of capabilities of grade 10 students on science investigatory project which

discussed about the five indicators, making science investigatory project title,

formulation of hypothesis, data analysis, data gathering, and conclusion and


Making Science Investigatory Project Title

In this part the researchers answered the third statement of the problem

which was the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior high school students in St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms of making

science investigatory project title. To answer this, the researchers utilized

different statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, and its description.

This was to measure the average score and the spread of score of the

respondents answered in each statement under the first indicator. Also, by this

given output of means the researchers interpreted the data and gave the exact

description on it.

Table 5.1 Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior High School Students in St.
Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory Project in terms of Making
Science Investigatory Project Title
Making Science
Investigatory Project x sd Description
I am capable of 3.202643172 1.010297455 Undecided
formulating title within
my interest.
I can make a title in a 2.876651982 0.942004677 Undecided
creative way (catchy).
I can quickly think of a 2.748898678 1.005927619 Undecided
possible title for my SIP.
I am capable of making 3.22907489 1.009003946 Undecided
a simple title.
I can always make sure 3.198237885 1.004589678 Undecided
that my title summarizes
of what does my study
all about.
Overall 3.051101322 0.029359766 Undecided

As shown in table 5.1, the result indicated that the level of capability of grade

10 students in terms of making science investigatory project title was all having

an undecided description of the study. Also, its overall mean indicated the

undecided description which means that the respondents possessed moderate

satisfactory level of capability on science investigatory project. To sum up, the

level of capabilities of grade 10 students in terms of making science investigatory

project title possessed moderate satisfactory level for having the range of

3.051101322 that was undecided.

This implied that the respondents were somehow confused of their capability

in formulating title to their science investigatory project or having difficulty in

choosing a topic in their project. They were having trouble if they can quickly

formulate and think of possible title for their science investigatory project.

Therefore, the respondents need to explore themselves on seeing and reading

SIP title from other schools and students project for them to have the skill and be

able to formulate easily a possible title. They should enhance the skill of making

titles in an attractive way which summarizes or describe or talk about the topic of

their project.

One of the most important considerations in picking a topic for your science

fair project is to find a subject that you consider interesting. You will be

spending a lot of time on it, so you do not want your science fair project to be

about something that is boring. Finding a topic is the hardest part of a science

fair project, and sometimes you just need a little help focusing on what sorts of

topics would be of interest to you (ScienceBuddies, 2019).


Formulation of Hypothesis

In this part the researchers answered the third statement of the problem

which was the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior high school students in St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms of the

formulation of hypothesis. To answer this, the researchers utilized different

statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, and its description. This was to

measure the average score and the spread of score of the respondents

answered in each statement under the second indicator. Also, by this given

output of means the researchers interpreted the data and gave the exact

description on it.

Table 5.2 Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior High School Students in St.
Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory Project in terms of
Formulation of Hypothesis
Formulation of
Hypothesis x sd Description
I can quickly formulate 2.991189427 0.982101726 Undecided
a hypothesis in my study.
I am capable of 3.242290749 1.008095569 Undecided
formulating hypothesis
with the help of others.
I can create a 3.158590308 0.931956617 Undecided
hypothesis based
on my knowledge.
I am capable of 3.211453744 0.945062203 Undecided
making a hypothesis
based on my title.
Overall 3.150881057 0.034766171 Undecided

As shown in table 5.2, the result indicated that the level of capability of grade

10 students in terms of formulation of hypothesis on science investigatory project


was all having an undecided description of the study. Also, its overall mean

indicated the undecided description which means that the respondents

possessed moderate satisfactory level of capability on science investigatory

project. To sum up, the level of capabilities of grade 10 students in terms of

formulation of hypothesis on science investigatory project possessed moderate

satisfactory level for having the range of 3.150881057 that was undecided.

This means that the respondents were somehow confused if they were able

to formulate hypothesis within the scope of their knowledge or not. They were

unsure of their capability on making hypothesis connected or out from their

investigated project. Therefore, the respondents should think properly and right

away of what could be the possible hypothesis out from their study. They

should have more knowledge about their study so that they can easily and be

able to formulate right or precise hypothesis. Also, it is beneficial for them to

engage their self in an activity where it enhanced the thinking capability of a

student in formulating hypothesis out from a specific study.

Hypothesis is a supposed statement but it is not a meaningless, unconnected

and illogical statement. Formulation of a hypothesis is an art and requires

mental, intelligence and guidance and support to formulate it. In scientific

knowledge, a hypothesis is arranged by logical relationship of cause and effect

when keeping in view the incident the material knowledge and wisdom help to

know the causes and through deduction a relation is established to investigate

through research. Students must have available knowledge, theories, analogies,

and personal intelligence and observation in order for them to formulate


hypothesis. The absence of clear theoretical framework, lack of ability to utilize

theoretical framework, and lack of acquaintance with available research

techniques will result you in difficulties of formulating hypothesis in the study

(Baba, 2014).

Data Analysis

In this part the researchers answered the third statement of the problem

which was the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior high school students in St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms of data

analysis. To answer this, the researchers utilized different statistical tools as of

mean, standard deviation, and its description. This was to measure the average

score and the spread of score of the respondents answered in each statement

under the third indicator. Also, by this given output of means the researchers

interpreted the data and gave the exact description on it.

Table 5.3 Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior High School Students in St.
Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory Project in terms of Data
Data Analysis x sd Description
I am capable of using 2.929515419 0.899538344 Undecided
any statistical software.
I can interpret the 2.977973568 0.928625085 Undecided
results of my data.
I am capable of using 2.925110132 0.871695714 Undecided
basic statistical
I can analyze the data 3.039647577 0.937524446 Undecided

manually and make use

of other applications.
Overall 2.968061674 0.029885571 Undecided

As shown in table 5.4, the result indicated that the level of capability of grade

10 students in terms of data analysis on science investigatory project was all

having an undecided description of the study. Also, its overall mean indicated

the undecided description which means that the respondents possessed

moderate satisfactory level of capability on science investigatory project. To

sum up, the level of capabilities of grade 10 students in terms of data analysis on

science investigatory project possessed moderate satisfactory level for having

the range of 2.968061674 that was undecided.

This implied that the respondents were undecided to their skill of analyzing

data and their skill of using any statistical software. They were unable to decide

if they acquired a positive skill on analyzing data. Therefore, the respondents

should let them self-explored and used some any statistical software or

applications to have a prior knowledge about it. Experience more on

interpreting data so that they were able to enhance their skill right away. Also,

train their self on interpreting data results correctly.

According to Belarmino, Gramatica, & Mejos (2016) the students had a low

achievement level in data collection, analysis and interpretation which indicates

that they lack systematic reproducibility of results, appropriate application of

mathematical and statistical methods. Moreover, insufficient data collected to

support interpretation and conclusions.


Data Gathering

In this part the researchers answered the third statement of the problem

which was the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior high school students in St.

Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms of data

gathering. To answer this, the researchers utilized different statistical tools as of

mean, standard deviation, and its description. This was to measure the average

score and the spread of score of the respondents answered in each statement

under the fourth indicator. Also, by this given output of means the researchers

interpreted the data and gave the exact description on it.

Table 5.4 Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior High School Students in St.
Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory Project in terms of Data
Data Gathering x sd Description
I am capable of 3.167400881 0.920846971 Undecided
gathering the needed
I can handle the 2.77092511 0.954931554 Undecided
pressure in collecting
the data.
I am able to determine 2.898678414 0.903948085 Undecided
the scope and
delimitation of the data
I am gathering.
I can ensure the ethical 2.973568282 0.930889311 Undecided
consideration is observed
during data gathering.
I am capable of gathering 2.828193833 0.922433199 Undecided
data myself even if it is
outside the academe.
Overall 2.927753304 0.018605399 Undecided

As shown in table 5.4, the result indicated that the level of capability of grade

10 students in terms of data gathering on science investigatory project were all

having an undecided description of the study. Also, its overall mean indicated

the undecided description which means that the respondents possessed

moderate satisfactory level of capability on science investigatory project. To

sum up, the level of capabilities of grade 10 students in terms of their willingness

in making science investigatory project possessed moderate satisfactory level for

having the range of 2.911013216 that was undecided.

This implied that the respondents were not sure if they are able to handle

pressure upon gathering the data needed and observed the ethical

considerations during data gathering. Also, at their age and grade level they

were not sure if they can gather data themselves even if it is outside the academe.

Therefore, the respondents should train their self in gathering data even if it is

only an exercise or just a simple thing to do because it can helped them to

acquire the skill of gathering correct and true/reliable data. Also, they should

make sure that during gathering data they should always remember the ethical

considerations to be considered while handling the pressure by understanding

different attitude you encounter to your respondents.

According to Gomez (2013) student's research skills in conducting

investigatory projects were generally found to be not efficient enough to access

and effectively use accurate information. There was a need for them to

understand the legal/ethical use of data with the permission or acknowledgment

of the owner. They tend to copy and paste the information without giving justice

of their works or without granting permission to the owner. They lacked the

competence to develop, implement, and communicate new ideas from the

gathered information.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In this part the researchers answer the third statement of the problem which

was the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior high school students in St. Peter’s

College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project in terms of conclusion and

recommendations. To answer this, the researchers utilized different statistical

tools as of mean, standard deviation, and its description. This was to measure

the average score and the spread of score of the respondents answered in each

statement under the fifth indicator. Also, by this given output of means the

researchers interpreted the data and gave the exact description on it.

Table 5.5 Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior High School Students in St.
Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory Project in terms of
Conclusion and Recommendations
Conclusion and
Recommendations x sd Description
I am capable of 3.074889868 0.901637822 Undecided
finishing the
objectives of my study.
I always make sure 3.220264317 0.938334959 Undecided
that the discussions
in my conclusion are
anchored in the
result of my study.
I make use of 3.017621145 0.907026444 Undecided

transitional phrases
to connect my ideas
I can make practical 3.158590308 0.883203013 Undecided
based on the result
of my study.
I am capable of 3.110132159 0.964518074 Undecided
drawing a reasonable
conclusion as a
summation of the
details I have used.
Overall 3.116299559 0.032295339 Undecided

As shown in table 5.5, the result indicated that the level of capability of grade

10 students in terms of conclusion and recommendations on science

investigatory project were all having an undecided description of the study. Also,

its overall mean indicated the undecided description which means that the

respondents possessed moderate satisfactory level of capability on science

investigatory project. To sum up, the level of capabilities of grade 10 students in

terms of conclusion and recommendations on science investigatory project

possessed moderate satisfactory level for having the range of 3.116299559 that

was undecided.

This means that the respondents were somehow capable or not capable of

coherently discussed their conclusion and on giving recommendations based on

the result of their study. They were not sure if they were not able to finish their

objectives in the study conducted. Therefore, the respondents should enhanced

their skill on making up decision in the gathered data and fixing on their ideas into

a joint one reasonable conclusion. They should also practice thinking critically

on making recommendations out from the conclusion and discuss the result

concise and precise to easily understand.

Writing a conclusion is an important part of any piece of writing. It is often

possible to get a good overview of an assignment by looking briefly at the

conclusion. However, writing a conclusion can be quite difficult. This is

because it can often be hard to find something interesting or useful to say in the

conclusion. Any conclusions that you draw must be clearly stated. Students

may encounter difficulty in making conclusions such as the main point is not clear,

too wordy, unorganized, too short that not all implications have been discussed,

not enough familiarity with the literature to contextualize the work, not enough

discussion of the significance of the outcomes, unjustifiable conclusions are not

supported, some results are ignored, and the interpretation obscures the true

meaning of the data (Chuang, 2017). In addition, the list of recommendations

reflects the conclusions. It proposes actions that should be taken. It is usually

combined with the conclusions in a section called conclusions and

recommendations. As a result, students base each recommendation on their

expert view of what can and should be done according to the outcome of their

conclusion. Recommendations may refer to a need, a new concept, a new

project, a solution to a problem where students see complications with gathering

up new ideas (Roberts, 2019).


Level of Attitude of Grade 10 Students on Science Investigatory Project

In this part the researchers presented the first variable of the study the level

of attitude of grade 10 students on science investigatory project which discussed

about the test of difference when analyzed according to sex, section, and age.

Test of Difference When Analyzed According to Sex

In this part the researchers answered the fourth statement of the problem

which was the significant difference in the level of attitude of grade 10 junior high

school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory

project when analyzed according to sex. To answer this, the researchers

utilized different statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, degree of

freedom, p-value, critical value, and its decision. This was to measure the

average score and the spread of score of the respondents answered in each

statement per indicator and to show the degree of freedom used, its p-value

obtained, and the critical value. Also, by the p-value obtained the researchers

interpreted the data and gave the decision on it.

Table 6.1 Test of Difference on the Level of Attitude of Grade 10 Junior High
School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory
Project When Analyzed According to Sex
Sex x sd df P-val Crit val Decision
Indicator 1. Willingness in Making Science Investigatory Project
Male 3.066666667 0.7054714 225 0.006253183 1.97056339 Accept the H1

Female 2.784 0.837276691 at 0.05 αlevel

Indicator 2. Relevance to Academic Life
Male 3.241176471 0.697002485 224 0.555032721 1.970610961 Accept the H0
Female 3.304 0.903612815 at 0.05 αlevel
Indicator 3. Achieving a Goal in Science Investigatory Project
Male 3.084313725 0.612371643 225 0.92494885 1.97056339 Accept the H0
Female 3.0928 0.743376775 at 0.05 αlevel

As shown on the table above were the significant differences of the

respondents’ level of attitude when analyzed according to sex. In terms of sex,

statistical results using t-test showed that there was a significant difference that

was established in the respondents’ response towards the first indicator

(willingness in making SIP) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.006253183

that led to the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis which means that it did

reject the null hypothesis. Still, there was no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the second indicator

(relevance to academic life) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.555032721

that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the

alternative hypothesis. There was still no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the third indicator (achieving a

goal in SIP) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.92494885 that led to the

acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the alternative


This implied that the level of attitude of grade 10 students on science

investigatory project when analyzed according to sex under the first indicator

accepted the alternative hypothesis at 0.05 alpha level. In the second indicator

and third indicator, accepted the null hypothesis at 0.05 alpha level. Therefore,

it showed that whether you are a female or male, it has no differences in the level

of attitude in terms of seeing science investigatory project had relevance to

academic life and in achieving a goal. However, there was a difference in the

willingness of the student in making their science investigatory project.

Test of Difference When Analyzed According to Section

In this part the researchers answered the fourth statement of the problem

which was the significant difference in the level of attitude of grade 10 junior high

school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory

project when analyzed according to section. To answer this, the researchers

utilized different statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, degree of

freedom, p-value, critical value, and its decision. This was to measure the

average score and the spread of score of the respondents answered in each

statement per indicator and to show the degree of freedom used, its p-value

obtained, and the critical value. Also, by the p-value obtained the researchers

interpreted the data and gave the decision on it.

Table 6.2 Test of Difference on the Level of Attitude of Grade 10 Junior High
School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory
Project When Analyzed According to Section
Section x sd df Pval Crit val Decision
Indicator 1. Willingness in Making Science Investigatory Project
BMR 3.02173913 0.832910037 226 0.14018595 2.412311459
OLA 2.96 0.651711035 Accept the H0
OLG 2.64 0.963516287 at 0.05 αlevel

OLL 2.995652174 0.726010872

OLP 2.933333333 0.721110255
Indicator 2. Relevance to Academic Life
BMR 3.308695652 0.944416595 226 0.486904591 2.412311459
OLA 3.257777778 0.735616281 Accept the H0
OLG 3.093333333 0.947340775 at 0.05 αlevel
OLL 3.32173913 0.704876047
OLP 3.395555556 0.714128698
Indicator 3. Achieving a Goal in Science Investigatory Project
BMR 3.07826087 0.713648853 226 0.062560001 2.412311459
OLA 3.084444444 0.693461527 Accept the H0
OLG 2.848888889 0.836829031 at 0.05 αlevel
OLL 3.17826087 0.575388967
OLP 3.253333333 0.531550049

As shown on the table above were the significant differences of the

respondents’ attitude when analyzed according to section. In terms of section,

statistical results using ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference

that was established in the respondents’ response towards the first indicator

(willingness in making SIP) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.14018595

that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means that it did reject the

alternative hypothesis. Still, there was no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the second indicator

(relevance to academic life) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.486904591

that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the

alternative hypothesis. There was still no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the third indicator (achieving a

goal in SIP) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.062560001 that led to the

acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the alternative


This implied that the level of attitude of grade 10 students on science

investigatory project when analyzed according to section under the first indicator,

second indicator and third indicator accepted the null hypothesis at 0.05 alpha

level. Therefore, it showed that whether you are in a different class composed

of different students, it has no particular differences in the level of attitude in

terms of the willingness of students in making their science investigatory project,

seeing science investigatory project as relevance to academic life and in

achieving a goal in science investigatory project.

Test of Difference When Analyzed According to Age

In this part the researchers answered the fourth statement of the problem

which was the significant difference in the level of attitude of grade 10 junior high

school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory

project when analyzed according to age. To answer this, the researchers

utilized different statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, degree of

freedom, p-value, critical value, and its decision. This was to measure the

average score and the spread of score of the respondents answered in each

statement per indicator and to show the degree of freedom used, its p-value

obtained, and the critical value. Also, by the p-value obtained the researchers

interpreted the data and gave the decision on it.


Table 6.3 Test of Difference on the Level of Attitude of Grade 10 Junior High
School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory
Project When Analyzed According to Age
Age x sd df Pval Crit val Decision
Indicator 1. Willingness in Making Science Investigatory Project
14 3 0 226 0.498970524 2.412311459
15 2.872222222 0.775059037 Accept the H0
16 2.927433628 0.812870552 at 0.05 αlevel
17 3.2 0.8
18 4.2 #DIV/0!
Indicator 2. Relevance to Academic Life
14 2.9 0.707106781 226 0.085096572 2.412311459
15 3.294444444 0.815943160 Accept the H0
16 3.228318584 0.802169940 at 0.05 αlevel
17 4.066666667 0.808290377
18 5 #DIV/0!
Indicator 3. Achieving a Goal in Science Investigatory Project
14 3.1 0.141421356 226 0.123154798 2.412311459
15 3.144444444 0.698106027 Accept the H0
16 3.008849558 0.672091288 at 0.05 αlevel
17 3.8 0.346410161
18 4 #DIV/0!

As shown on the table above were the significant differences of the

respondents’ attitude when analyzed according to age. In terms of age,

statistical results using ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference

that was established in the respondents’ response towards the first indicator

(willingness in making SIP) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.498970524

that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means that it did reject the

alternative hypothesis. Still, there was no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the second indicator

(relevance to academic life) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.085096572

that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the

alternative hypothesis. There was still no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the third indicator (achieving a


goal in SIP) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.123154798 that led to the

acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the alternative


This implied that the level of attitude of grade 10 students on science

investigatory project when analyzed according to age under the first indicator,

second indicator and third indicator accepted the null hypothesis at 0.05 alpha

level. Therefore, it showed that whether you are in a different age and maturity

level, it has no significant differences in the level of attitude in terms of the

willingness of students in making their science investigatory project, seeing

science investigatory project as relevance to academic life and in achieving a

goal in science investigatory project.

Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Students on Science Investigatory Project

In this part the researchers presented the second variable of the study the

level of capabilities of grade 10 students on science investigatory project which

discussed about the test of difference when analyzed according to sex, section,

and age.

Test of Difference When Analyzed According to Sex

In this part the researchers answered the fifth statement of the problem which

was the significant difference in the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior high

school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory

project when analyzed according to sex. To answer this, the researchers

utilized different statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, degree of

freedom, p-value, critical value, and its decision. This was to measure the

average score and the spread of score of the respondents answered in each

statement per indicator and to show the degree of freedom used, its p-value

obtained, and the critical value. Also, by the p-value obtained the researchers

interpreted the data and gave the decision on it.

Table 7.1 Test of Difference on the Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior High
School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory
Project When Analyzed According to Sex
Sex x sd df Pval Crit val Decision
Indicator 1. Making Science Investigatory Project Title
Male 3.147058824 0.711393262 224 0.088303943 1.970610961 Accept the H0
Female 2.9728 0.821620743 at 0.05 αlevel
Indicator 2. Formulation of Hypothesis
Male 3.071078431 0.709184313 225 0.176978469 1.97056339 Accept the H0
Female 3.216 0.902697570 at 0.05 αlevel
Indicator 3. Data Analysis
Male 3.044117647 0.626766577 221 0.170704872 1.97075627 Accept the H0
Female 2.906 0.883691852 at 0.05 αlevel
Indicator 4. Data Gathering
Male 2.92745098 0.680005368 225 0.995615563 1.97056339 Accept the H0
Female 2.928 0.823603412 at 0.05 αlevel
Indicator 5. Conclusion and Recommendations
Male 3.096078431 0.643462411 224 0.708503284 1.970610961 Accept the H0
Female 3.1328 0.833935094 at 0.05 αlevel

As shown on the table above were the significant differences of the

respondents’ capabilities when analyzed according to sex. In terms of sex,

statistical results using t-test showed that there was no significant difference that

was established in the respondents’ response towards the first indicator (making

SIP title) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.088303943 that led to the

acceptance of the null hypothesis which means that it did reject the alternative

hypothesis. Still, there was no significant difference that was established in the

respondents’ response towards the second indicator (formulation of hypothesis)

as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.176978469 that led to the acceptance of

the null hypothesis which means it did reject the alternative hypothesis. There

was still no significant difference that was established in the respondents’

response towards the third indicator (data analysis) as indicated by the obtained

p-value of 0.170704872 that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which

means it did reject the alternative hypothesis. There was still no significant

difference that was established in the respondents’ response towards the fourth

indicator (data gathering) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.995615563

that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the

alternative hypothesis. Lastly, there was still no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the fifth indicator (conclusion

and recommendations) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.708503284 that

led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the

alternative hypothesis.

This implied that the level of capabilities of grade 10 students on science

investigatory project when analyzed according to sex under the first indicator,

second indicator, third indicator, fourth indicator, and fifth indicator accepted the

null hypothesis at 0.05 alpha level. Therefore, it showed that whether you are a

female or male, it has no significant differences in the level of capabilities in terms

of making science investigatory project title, formulation of hypothesis, data

analysis, data gathering, and conclusion and recommendations.

Test of Difference When Analyzed According to Section

In this part the researchers answered the fifth statement of the problem which

was the significant difference in the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior high

school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory

project when analyzed according to section. To answer this, the researchers

utilized different statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, degree of

freedom, p-value, critical value, and its decision. This was to measure the

average score and the spread of score of the respondents answered in each

statement per indicator and to show the degree of freedom used, its p-value

obtained, and the critical value. Also, by the p-value obtained the researchers

interpreted the data and gave the decision on it.


Table 7.2 Test of Difference on the Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior High
School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory
Project When Analyzed According to Section
Section x sd df Pval Crit val Decision
Indicator 1. Making Science Investigatory Project Title
BMR 3.065217391 0.863125429 226 0.365166635 2.412311459
OLA 3.062222222 0.633636291 Accept the H0
OLG 2.848888889 0.879209930 at 0.05 αlevel
OLL 3.165217391 0.812463302
OLP 3.111111111 0.657205593
Indicator 2. Formulation of Hypothesis
BMR 3.163043478 0.953381979 226 0.065798739 2.412311459
OLA 3.372222222 0.775370553 Accept the H0
OLG 2.872222222 0.842112843 at 0.05 αlevel
OLL 3.217391304 0.700413956
OLP 3.127777778 0.775370553
Indicator 3. Data Analysis
BMR 2.967391304 0.847559725 226 0.1356116 2.412311459
OLA 2.983333333 0.735465221 Accept the H0
OLG 2.727777778 0.706749566 at 0.05 αlevel
OLL 3.005434783 0.794930343
OLP 3.155555556 0.780240600
Indicator 4. Data Gathering
BMR 2.8 0.904310664 226 0.273214501 2.412311459
OLA 2.884444444 0.714128698 Accept the H0
OLG 2.826666667 0.753898956 at 0.05 αlevel
OLL 3.069565217 0.756855943
OLP 3.057777778 0.636213547
Indicator 5. Conclusion and Recommendations
BMR 3.108695652 0.842964633 226 0.329576795 2.412311459
OLA 3.142222222 0.719371218 Accept the H0
OLG 2.933333333 0.753175097 at 0.05 αlevel
OLL 3.126086957 0.857239700
OLP 3.271111111 0.537934696

As shown on the table above were the significant differences of the

respondents’ capabilities when analyzed according to section. In terms of

section, statistical results using ANOVA showed that there was no significant

difference that was established in the respondents’ response towards the first

indicator (making SIP title) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.365166635


that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means that it did reject the

alternative hypothesis. Still, there was no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the second indicator

(formulation of hypothesis) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.065798739

that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the

alternative hypothesis. There was still no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the third indicator (data

analysis) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.1356116 that led to the

acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the alternative

hypothesis. There was still no significant difference that was established in the

respondents’ response towards the fourth indicator (data gathering) as indicated

by the obtained p-value of 0.273214501 that led to the acceptance of the null

hypothesis which means it did reject the alternative hypothesis. Lastly, there

was still no significant difference that was established in the respondents’

response towards the fifth indicator (conclusion and recommendations) as

indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.329576795 that led to the acceptance of

the null hypothesis which means it did reject the alternative hypothesis.

This implied that the level of capabilities of grade 10 students on science

investigatory project when analyzed according to section under the first indicator,

second indicator, third indicator, fourth indicator, and fifth indicator accepted the

null hypothesis at 0.05 alpha level. Therefore, it showed that whether you are in

a different class composed of different students, it has no particular differences in

the level of capabilities in terms of making science investigatory project title,


formulation of hypothesis, data analysis, data gathering, and conclusion and


Test of Difference When Analyzed According to Age

In this part the researchers answered the fifth statement of the problem which

was the significant difference in the level of capabilities of grade 10 junior high

school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on science investigatory

project when analyzed according to age. To answer this, the researchers

utilized different statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, degree of

freedom, p-value, critical value, and its decision. This was to measure the

average score and the spread of score of the respondents answered in each

statement per indicator and to show the degree of freedom used, its p-value

obtained, and the critical value. Also, by the p-value obtained the researchers

interpreted the data and gave the decision on it.

Table 7.3 Test of Difference on the Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior High
School Students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory
Project When Analyzed According to Age
Age x sd df Pval Crit val Decision
Indicator 1. Making Science Investigatory Project Title
14 3.1 0.424264069 226 0.295199976 2.412311459
15 3.048148148 0.755723517 Accept the H0
16 3.028318584 0.800387074 at 0.05 αlevel
17 3.466666667 0.503322295
18 4.6 #DIV/0!
Indicator 2. Formulation of Hypothesis
14 3.875 0.176776695 226 0.470896241 2.412311459

15 3.206018519 0.807260300 Accept the H0

16 3.097345133 0.842796173 at 0.05 αlevel
17 2.666666667 0.803637563
18 3.25 #DIV/0!
Indicator 3. Data Analysis
14 2.875 0.176776695 226 0.775140937 2.412311459
15 2.969907407 0.822946036 Accept the H0
16 2.957964602 0.755118438 at 0.05 αlevel
17 3 0.25
18 4 #DIV/0!
Indicator 4. Data Gathering
14 2.9 0.141421356 226 0.761080523 2.412311459
15 2.912962963 0.777377882 Accept the H0
16 2.955752212 0.760044412 at 0.05 αlevel
17 2.733333333 0.416333199
18 2 #DIV/0!
Indicator 5. Conclusion and Recommendations
14 2.9 0.141421356 226 0.921468328 2.412311459
15 3.155555556 0.774033414 Accept the H0
16 3.077876106 0.752345678 at 0.05 αlevel
17 3.2 0.2
18 3.4 #DIV/0!

As shown on the table above were the significant differences of the

respondents’ capabilities when analyzed according to age. In terms of age,

statistical results using ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference

that was established in the respondents’ response towards the first indicator

(making SIP title) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.295199976 that led to

the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means that it did reject the

alternative hypothesis. Still, there was no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the second indicator

(formulation of hypothesis) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.470896241

that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the

alternative hypothesis. There was still no significant difference that was

established in the respondents’ response towards the third indicator (data


analysis) as indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.775140937 that led to the

acceptance of the null hypothesis which means it did reject the alternative

hypothesis. There was still no significant difference that was established in the

respondents’ response towards the fourth indicator (data gathering) as indicated

by the obtained p-value of 0.761080523 that led to the acceptance of the null

hypothesis which means it did reject the alternative hypothesis. Lastly, there

was still no significant difference that was established in the respondents’

response towards the fifth indicator (conclusion and recommendations) as

indicated by the obtained p-value of 0.921468328 that led to the acceptance of

the null hypothesis which means it did reject the alternative hypothesis.

This implied that the level of capabilities of grade 10 students on science

investigatory project when analyzed according to age under the first indicator,

second indicator, third indicator, fourth indicator, and fifth indicator accepted the

null hypothesis at 0.05 alpha level. Therefore, it showed that whether you are in

a different age and maturity level, it has no differences in the level of capabilities

in terms of making science investigatory project title, formulation of hypothesis,

data analysis, data gathering, and conclusion and recommendations.


Test of Relationship between the Level of Attitude and Level of Capabilities

of Grade 10 Students on Science Investigatory Project

In this part the researchers answered the sixth statement of the problem

which was the significant relationship between the level of attitude and level of

capabilities of grade 10 junior high school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril,

Inc. on science investigatory project. To answer this, the researchers utilized

different statistical tools as of mean, standard deviation, r-value, and its decision.

Also, the researchers utilized Pearson r interpretation in order to measure the

strength and direction of the relationship between the level of attitude and level of

capabilities of grade 10 students on science investigatory project. This was to

measure the average score and the spread of score of the respondents answer in

each statement of these variables. Also, by the given result to its correlation or

relationship value the researchers interpreted the data and gave the decision on


Table 8. Test of Relationship between the Level of Attitude and Level of

Capabilities of Grade 10 Junior High School Students in St. Peter’s College of
Toril, Inc. on Science Investigatory Project
x sd r Decision
LEVEL OF ATTITUDE 3.091923642 0.675208400 0.750692431 Accept the H1
LEVEL OF CAPABILITIES 3.041371385 at 0.05 αlevel

As shown on the table above, the first variable which was the level of attitude

had a mean of 3.091923642 and a standard deviation of 0.675208400. In the


second variable which was the level of capabilities had a mean of 3.041371385

and a standard deviation of 0.674911476. Also, between these two variables, it

had a 0.750692431 relationship range which means that the level of attitude and

level of capabilities of grade junior high school students in St. Peter’s College of

Toril, Inc. on science investigatory project had a strong relationship to each other.

This implied that the two variables which were the level of attitude and level of

capabilities had a strong relationship with each other given the range of

0.750692431 according to the interpretation table of the Pearson r correlation

coefficient. This means that the level of attitude and level of capabilities of

grade 10 junior high school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. on

science investigatory project accepted the alternative hypothesis and rejected the

null hypothesis which mean that these two variable had strong relationship to

each other. This means that with the given level of attitude of the student, it

greatly affected also the level of capabilities of the students in the process of

making the science investigatory project and so on.


Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Presented in this chapter were the summary, conclusions, and

recommendations based on the findings of the study. This briefly summarized

the way the study was conducted. The researchers main interest was to assess

and found out the relationship between the level of attitude and level of

capabilities of grade 10 junior high school students in St. Peter’s College of Toril,

Inc. on science investigatory project.

The researchers made use of two questionnaires to address the problem of

the study mainly the level of attitude and level of capabilities of students on

science investigatory project. There were two hundred twenty-seven (227)

respondents, composed of grade 10 Junior High School students only. All

indicators that belong to the level of attitude and level of capabilities showed that

the respondents possessed moderate satisfactory level on science investigatory

project that had the undecided description.

In terms of the significant differences, the level of attitude and level of

capabilities when analyzed by profile showed that the first indicator of the level of

attitude had only a significant difference when analyzed according to sex and the

rest were having no significant difference when analyzed by profile.


In terms of the significant relationship between the level of attitude and level

of capabilities, it showed that there was a strong relationship between these two

variables which means that in a given level of attitude of students it greatly

affected the level of capability of the student on science investigatory project.


The researchers found out that the 227 respondents from the grade 10

students in St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc. we are having the level of attitude and

level of capabilities based on the given indicators:

The students’ willingness in making science investigatory project which was

the first indicator under the level of attitude was not sure for having the result of

undecided description which mean that the respondents possessed moderate

satisfactory level of attitude on SIP. Also, there was a significant difference in

the first indicator when analyzed according to sex which mean that the obtained

p-value is less than the alpha level of 0.05 that led to the acceptance of the

alternative hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis but apparently this was also

having no significant difference when analyzed according to section and age

which mean that the obtained p-value is greater than the alpha level of 0.05 that

led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.

The students’ level of attitude on SIP in terms of relevance to academic life

which was the second indicator was still not sure for having the result of

undecided description which mean that the respondents possessed moderate


satisfactory level of attitude on SIP. Also, there was no significant difference in

the second indicator when analyzed according to sex, section and age which

mean that the obtained p-value is greater than the alpha level of 0.05 that led to

the acceptance of the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.

The students’ level of attitude in achieving a goal in SIP which was the third

indicator was still not sure for having the result of undecided description which

mean that the respondents possessed moderate satisfactory level of attitude on

SIP. Also, there was still no significant difference in the third indicator when

analyzed according to sex, section and age which mean that the obtained p-value

is greater than the alpha level of 0.05 that led to the acceptance of the null

hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.

The students’ level of capability in terms of formulating SIP title which was the

first indicator, still they were confused if they were capable or not for having the

result of undecided description which mean that the respondents possessed

moderate satisfactory level of capability on SIP. Also, there was no significant

difference in the first indicator when analyzed according to sex, section and age

which mean that the obtained p-value is greater than the alpha level of 0.05 that

led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.

The students’ level of capability in terms of formulation of hypothesis which

was the second indicator, they were still confused if they were capable or not for

having the result of undecided description which mean that the respondents

possessed moderate satisfactory level of capability on SIP. Also, there was no

significant difference in the second indicator when analyzed according to sex,


section and age which mean that the obtained p-value is greater than the alpha

level of 0.05 that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis and reject the

alternative hypothesis.

The students’ level of capability in terms of analyzing data which was the third

indicator, they were not sure if they were capable or not for having the result of

undecided description which mean that the respondents possessed moderate

satisfactory level of capability on SIP. Also, there was still no significant

difference in the third indicator when analyzed according to sex, section and age

which mean that the obtained p-value is greater than the alpha level of 0.05 that

led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.

The students’ level of capability in terms of gathering the data needed which

was the fourth indicator, they were still not sure if they were capable or not for

having the result of undecided description which mean that the respondents

possessed moderate satisfactory level of capability on SIP. Also, there was still

no significant difference in the fourth indicator when analyzed according to sex,

section and age which mean that the obtained p-value is greater than the alpha

level of 0.05 that led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis and reject the

alternative hypothesis.

The students’ level of capability in terms of making conclusion and

recommendations which was the fifth indicator, they were confused if they were

capable or not for having the result of undecided description which mean that the

respondents possessed moderate satisfactory level of capability on SIP. Also,

there was no significant difference in the fourth indicator when analyzed


according to sex, section and age which mean that the obtained p-value is

greater than the alpha level of 0.05 that led to the acceptance of the null

hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are to

be introduced. Recommendations to specific beneficiaries should be considered

such as the following:

School Administrator. The researchers would like to recommend to have

specialized subject focusing on science investigatory project only so that

students and teachers are able to focus in the process of making the

investigatory project.

Teachers. The researchers would like to recommend the teachers to focus and

be more hands-on in the process of making science investigatory project of

students. The teachers should provide an entertaining activity in lined with the

science investigatory project so that students upon their learning time will be

more interesting.

Students. The researchers would like to recommend the students to be attentive

and cooperative in their science investigatory project. Students should have

initiative enough to explore about the science investigatory project by themselves.

Though they have the ability or skills in the steps of science investigatory project,

level of attitude of the students is above all thing. Students should acquire the

willingness and openness on making investigatory project.

Future Researchers. The researchers would like to recommend the future

researchers to continue this study. It is helpful for the students, teachers, and

the school itself to assess the level of attitude and level of capabilities of students

towards science investigatory project because it includes to the academic

achievements of students and their learning for the betterment of the society.

Appendix A
Request Letter to Conduct Study

Appendix B
Validation Sheet

Appendix C
Letter for Grammarian

Appendix D
Survey Tool
Survey Questionnaire on Level of Attitude and Level of Capabilities of
Students on Science Investigatory Project


Name (optional)_____________________ Section________ Age__ Sex___

Instructions: Below are statements pertaining to your level of attitude and level
of capabilities on Science Investigatory Project in terms of:
LEVEL OF ATTITUDE: Willingness in Making Science Investigatory Project,
Relevance to Academic Life, Achieving a Goal in Science Investigatory Project.
LEVEL OF CAPABILITIES: Making Science Investigatory Project Title,
Formulation of the Hypothesis, Data Analysis, Data Gathering, and Conclusion
and Recommendations.

Put a check (√) under the appropriate column that corresponds to your answer.
5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Undecided
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree
I. Willingness in Making Science Investigatory 5 4 3 2 1
1.) I enjoy making SIP.
2.) I am always ready for a science investigatory
3.) I am interested in SIPs.
4.) I am willing to conduct another SIP.
5.) I do SIP to learn not only for the sake of passing.
II. Relevance to Academic Life 5 4 3 2 1

6.) SIP is useful for my study.

7.) SIP is very valuable.
8.) I will employ SIP approaches in my academic
9.) The skills I have acquired in SIP will be helpful to
my academic life.
10.) SIP is connected to my field of study.
III. Achieving a Goal in Science Investigatory 5 4 3 2 1
11.) I always pay attention on the status of our SIP.
12.) I conceive SIPs as competition.
13.) I assure that our SIP product is better than the
14.) I adhere when someone has a good idea in
achieving our goal in SIP.
15.) I put to consideration our objectives in SIP and
surely achieve it.
I. Making Science Investigatory Project Title 5 4 3 2 1
1.) I am capable of formulating title within my
2.) I can make a title in a creative way (catchy).
3.) I can quickly think of a possible title for my SIP.
4.) I am capable of making a simple title.
5.) I can always make sure that my title summarizes
of what does my study all about.
II. Formulation of the Hypothesis 5 4 3 2 1
6.) I can quickly formulate a hypothesis in my study.
7.) I am capable of formulating hypothesis with the
help of others.

8.) I can create a hypothesis based on my

9.) I am capable of making a hypothesis based on
my title.
III. Data Analysis 5 4 3 2 1
10.) I am capable of using any statistical software.
11.) I can interpret the results of my data.
12.) I am capable of using basic statistical
13.) I can analyze the data manually and make use
of other applications.
IV. Data Gathering 5 4 3 2 1
14.) I am capable of gathering the needed data.
15.) I can handle the pressure in collecting the data.
16.) I am able to determine the scope and
delimitation of the data I am gathering.
17.) I can ensure the ethical consideration is
observed during data gathering.
18.) I am capable of gathering data myself even if it
is outside the academe.
V. Conclusion and Recommendations 5 4 3 2 1
19.) I am capable of finishing the objectives of my
20.) I always make sure that the discussions in my
conclusion are anchored in the result of my study.
21.) I make use of transitional phrases to connect
my ideas coherently.
22.) I can make practical recommendations based
on the results of my study.
23.) I am capable of drawing a reasonable
conclusion as a summation of the details I have

Appendix E
Reliability Test
Survey Questionnaire (Level of Attitude)
STUDENTS Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8

1 3 4 4 2 3 4 4 4

2 2 3 2 2 4 4 4 3

3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3

4 3 2 4 2 2 3 4 4

5 4 3 4 4 2 3 3 3

6 3 2 2 3 4 4 4 3

7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

8 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2

9 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 2

10 3 4 3 2 1 3 4 4

Variance 0.76 1 0.96 1.25 1.56 0.45 0.85 0.81

Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15

4 4 3 3 3 4 4 53

4 3 3 3 3 3 1 44

3 3 4 3 4 3 4 46

3 3 4 3 5 3 3 48

2 4 4 3 3 3 2 47

3 4 4 3 3 4 4 50

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 75

3 3 1 4 1 4 2 33

3 2 2 2 3 3 2 39

3 4 2 3 3 2 4 45

0.61 0.65 1.36 0.56 1.21 0.64 1.49





CRONBACH'S ALPHA 0.932750065

Survey Questionnaire (Level of Capabilities)

STUDENT Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9

1 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 4

2 3 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 2

3 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 4

4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3

5 4 5 4 3 4 4 5 5 2

6 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 4

7 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3

8 3 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 4

9 4 4 4 2 5 4 4 4 4

10 4 3 4 4 3 2 4 3 4

Variance 0.25 0.65 0.44 0.44 0.65 0.69 0.64 0.45 0.64

Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19

4 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4

3 4 3 4 3 4 4 2 4 3

4 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 3

3 3 4 2 3 4 3 3 4 2

2 2 3 5 4 4 4 3 4 4

3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 5

4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4

3 2 3 2 3 1 1 3 2 3

4 4 4 4 5 2 4 4 4 4

3 4 2 3 4 4 3 4 3 4

0.41 0.61 0.41 0.84 0.44 0.96 0.84 0.41 0.45 0.64

Q20 Q21 Q22 Q23

4 4 3 3 82

3 3 4 2 71 NUMBER OF ITEMS 23

3 4 4 3 79 SUM OF THE ITEM VARIANCES 13.17


4 4 3 4 86 CRONBACH'S ALPHA 0.853717512

5 4 3 3 81

4 4 4 4 87

3 4 2 1 62

4 3 4 4 89

4 3 3 4 79

0.41 0.45 0.56 0.89


Appendix F
Statistical Analysis
Level of Attitude of Grade 10 Students on Science Investigatory Project

Level of Capabilities of Grade 10 Students on Science Investigatory Project


Appendix G

Appendix H
Curriculum Vitae

Katleen Grace S. Cajetas

333 San Vicente St., Daliao, Toril, Davao City
Davao del Sur, Philippines 8000
Mobile No. : 0930 948 0888
Email Add:

PERSONAL DATAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Date of Birth: January 11, 2002
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary Level St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc.
Mac Arthur Highway, Toril, Davao City
Senior High School

Doña Carmen Denia National High School

Saavedra Street, Toril, Davao City
Junior High School

Elementary Level Don Juan dela Cruz Central Elementary School

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City

Dexter John R. Jubay

Saint Matthew St. Manggahan, Toril, Davao City
Davao del Sur, Philippines 8000
Mobile No. :
Email Add:

PERSONAL DATAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Date of Birth: June 28, 2000
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary Level St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc.
Mac Arthur Highway, Toril, Davao City
Senior High School

St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc.

Mac Arthur Highway, Toril, Davao City
Junior High School

Elementary Level Don Juan dela Cruz Central Elementary School

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City

Prince Ivan D. Tubog

Central II, Binugao Toril, Davao City
Davao del Sur, Philippines 8000
Mobile No. : 0995 906 1898
Email Add:

PERSONAL DATAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Date of Birth: February 15, 2001
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary Level Saint Peter’s College of Toril
Mac Arthur Highway, Toril, Davao City
Senior High School

Binugao National High School

Binugao Toril, Davao City
Junior High School

Elementary Level Binugao Central Elementary School

Binugao Toril, Davao City

Krezza Marie V. Avila

Purok 3 Pintuan, Mulig, Toril, Davao City
Davao del Sur, Philippines 8000
Mobile No. : 09758956681
Email Add:

PERSONAL DATAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Date of Birth: June 27, 2002
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary Level St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc.
Mac Arthur Highway, Toril, Davao City
Senior High School

Mulig National High School

Mulig, Toril, Davao City
Junior High School

Elementary Level Manambulan Elementary School

Manambulan, Tugbok, Davao City

Jemma Rose M. Ogayan

Prk. 6 Saypon Riverside, Toril, Davao City
Davao del Sur, Philippines 8000
Mobile No. : 0928 838 4633
Email Add:

PERSONAL DATAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Date of Birth: April 30, 2002
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary Level St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc.
Mac Arthur Highway, Toril, Davao City
Senior High School

Crossing Bayabas National High School

Neptune Street, Toril, Davao City
Junior High School

Elementary Level R.C. Quimpo Elementary School

Toril, Davao City
Artemio Loyola Elementary School

Nicole Therese B. Dagani

Ilocano Village, Toril, Davao City
Davao del Sur, Philippines 8000
Mobile No. : 0926 268 6005
Email Add:

PERSONAL DATAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Date of Birth: November 22, 2001
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Secondary Level St. Peter’s College of Toril, Inc.
Mac Arthur Highway, Toril, Davao City
Senior High School

San Nicolas Academy

Doña Carmen denia National High School

Saavedra Street, Toril, Davao City
Talomo National High School
Farland Extension
Junior High School

Elementary Level Memorare Christian Academy

Maranatha Christian Academy of Imus Cavite
Opong Elementary School

Appendix I
In doing this research, we have many struggles and challenges that we
encounter. It is the reason why we need to have a long patience in doing this
research. Wether we like it or not we need to do the things that could make it
successful, although in doing the research is very difficult we need to study and
learn the important things and steps that can help us to learn and know. It is not
easy to gather informations especially the informations for our Review Related
Literature (RRL). It was very difficult also in searching an informations from the
internet that could support our study especially when there is trouble with the
internet. But we are so blessed to have a reseach adviser who always there for
us to help in our study and teach us the right thing to do in conducting a research
eventhough sometimes we are so lazy to make this research. He didn't stop
explaining on us if we cannot understand the lessons about research. He didn't
want to proceed to another topic until everyone understand the lesson. As a
group we need to be united or do the research as one. Although we have a lot
of things that we need to do in other subject that could make us feel stress and
can make our mind blown out. We need to do it. We need to exert an effort
and give time to conduct or to make a study. Wether we like it or not we need to
do it as a student because this research is useful in our study until we go to
college. It is for the sake of our grades and to pass this school year and the
other years to come.
- Krezza Marie Avila

For me as a researcher, I encountered struggles and difficulty. that's why

we need to be patient in doing research. In doing research it's so hard to find a
reliable information for our study because our topic is all about science
Investigatory Project (SIP). although wether we like it or not, we need to do this
for our sake and for us to graduate. That's why we need to study hard and learn
important things to remember. As a group member we need to be as one no
matter what happen. For me research is like a challenge because life is full of
challenges and we did not surrender, we want to be successful if we did not have
encountered struggles in life.
- Dexter John Jubay

I have a luxury of insights on this research. Firstly is about the complexity of

this study I thought that it would be gonna to be really hard and tough also it might
affect our other subjects. But thanks God our research adviser did not pressure
us as what we are expecting from him, despite the difficulties of works of piling up
he has still managed to guide us throughout the conducting of research. We

have faced a lot of problems specially with the RRL for our topic. But still we
managed and we survived thanks to this I learned the importance of not just
science investigatory projects but also the relevance of science in our daily lives.
- Prince Ivan Tubog

For me, as the leader of the group. I knew right from the start that I should
not be worried and only to trust so as to put God at the center of everything. I
have learned to trust my group mates, I learned how to manage my time. I knew
from the start that it is my responsibility to guide my group mates with the topic.
From the fact that they chose me as their leader, now we are on the verge of
finishing our research. At first I thought research is a boring thing to do, but as I
slowly making progress I was also realizing that it is a fun thing to do, but of
course a little dreary sometimes. But we somehow managed until now, I bid so
much of my time for this, my dignity. I am so thankful because I have learned a
lot about research and the most pivotal part is I know in the near future this
research would not turn into a trash, but a forte for the students, future
researchers, and specially to the institution.
- Katleen Grace Cajetas

As this research started, my journey as a researcher also started again.

Sacrifices and hard work are needed for this to be done. Also the team work
of the group is needed but sometimes some of us are lazy to comply the
needed the reason why our leader got mad and angry sometimes. Honestly,
it’s our second time to conduct a study and still it is not easy just like before. I
encountered a lot of struggles especially to myself like “Fear” I scared when the
defense is up coming, when there is need to do and I can’t comply, and I am
also afraid if my hard work will no meaning because sometimes in doing
research will make me feel disappointed. Physically, lack of sleep, got eye
bags, and go to school with sleepy eyes. The most struggle was when finding
reliable information and that’s really my weakness because I’m not good at
searching. But those struggles I mentioned being paid with learning’s and
realization. Conducting this research will mold me as a student at first when
you think that you can’t do it but you don’t even realize that you really made
and accomplish it. Research are not just a research but it plays important role
in our community which a way to solve and answer existing problem. To my
group mates and especially to our understanding leader I found solidarity in
each one of us even if sometimes we didn’t understand but still we are both
wanted to listen. To those people who will read this I hope you will be
interested in research because it such a good experience and feeling just only
put dedication and perseverance.
- Jemma Rose Ogayan

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