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Personality Traits and Class Engagement of Grade 12 Students in Maryknoll

College of Panabo Inc.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research 2 Subject A

Quantitative Research Paper is Submitted and Presented
To the Senior High School Faculty of
Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc.,
Academic Year 2023-2024

Chatto, Chester Jeg L.

Estolas, Stephany Keith T.
Gedalanga, Ashton Raphael L.

September 2023

Chapter 1 ...........................................................................................................1
Background of the Study...................................................................................1
Statement of the Problem...................................................................................3
Research Objectives...........................................................................................4
Theoretical Framework......................................................................................5
Conceptual Framework......................................................................................6
Significance of the Study...................................................................................6
Scope and Limitations.......................................................................................8
Definition of terms.............................................................................................8
Chapter 2............................................................................................................9
Review of Related Literature.............................................................................9
Chapter 3..........................................................................................................18
Research Design..............................................................................................18
Research Locale...............................................................................................19
Population and Sample Size............................................................................19
Research Instruments.......................................................................................20
Data Gathering Procedure................................................................................20
Statistical Treatment........................................................................................21


Background of the Study

An interesting and complicated link exists between a student's personality

and their level of participation in class, with the former frequently acting as a

significant predictor of the latter. Numerous studies have investigated the role that

a student's unique qualities and attributes may have in their degree of involvement

in the classroom. Using empirical research to illuminate the complex interplay

between a student's personality and their educational engagement, we will explore

the numerous facets of nature that affect class involvement in this discussion.

According to McLeod (2017) Personality features underline a person's

uniqueness, and each individual has an idiographic perspective on their identity;

therefore, it is critical to understand what type of person they are. The person's

personality will help them converse and establish their own sense of self. Holzman

(2018) further said that a personality attribute is a person's conduct and way of

thinking that he or she develops and displays to others, further on, Students' focus

and attention are improved as well as their ability to think critically when they are

actively involved in the learning process.

Student engagement, according to The Glossary of Education Reform

(2016), "refers to the amount of focus, interest, enthusiasm, and excitement that

students show when they are studying or being lectured, which transcends to the

degree of motivation that they feel to learn and advance in their learning." This

extends to how motivated they are to study and advance in their education. In the

study of Embarak and Khan (2019), There are many learning and intellectual

levels among students methods in the classroom that have an impact on their

ability to comprehend particular academic ideas and acquire particular abilities. It

is believed that certain personality qualities will have an impact on how students

approach their studies and, as a result, on the outcomes of their studies.

Numerous research studies made by (Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities, 2015)

have looked at the relationship between personality and class interaction and, if

so, which particular personality traits are crucial for improved class results.

In a recent international study conducted in the United States of America on

class engagement in relation to personalities conducted by Gallup (2018), the

responses of the students concluded, nearly half of students (47%) are engaged,

29% are not engaged, and 24% are actively disengaged, according to the Gallup

Poll conducted last 2018. In a recent national study conducted by De Goma and

Moneva (2020), it shows that the rarely class engaged students have a total

frequency of 152 with a percentage of 64.7%, while those students who has active

class engagement has a total frequency of 83 with a percentage of 35.3% and the

total is 235 overall with 100% percentage. There is more rarely disengaged

students than engaged Senior High School Students of Jagobiao National High


Consequently, the researchers have not encountered an existing study in

the local setting. Giving consideration in this research study, we the researchers

want to further comprehend the essential relationship between personalities and

class engagement, especially the Grade 12 Students of Maryknoll College of



The study focused on the relationship of class engagement and the Senior

High Students during school activities, specifically the Grade 12 students in

Maryknoll College of Panabo. Therefore, the researchers want to find out how

individual personality traits influence and interact with class engagement behaviors

among grade 12 students, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of Personality Trait of Grade 12 SHS Students in MCPI

in terms of:

1.1. Openness

1.2. Conscientiousness

1.3. Extraversion

2. What is the level of Class Engagement of Grade 12 SHS Students in

MCPI in terms of:

2.1. Behavioral Engagement

2.2. Cognitive Engagement

2.3. Emotional Engagement

3. Is there any association between the demographic profile and the level

of Personality Traits of Grade 12 SHS Students in MCPI?


This Research Study aims to identify the relationship between Personalities and

Class Engagement of Grade 12 Students in Maryknoll College of Panabo Inc.

Having diverse personalities make particular effects on class engagement of

students. This Study aims to:

 To Determine the level of Personality Trait in terms of:

1. Openness

2. Conscientiousness

3. Extroversion

 To Determine the level of Student Engagement in terms of:

1. Behavioral Engagement

2. Cognitive Engagement

Emotional Engagement

 To establish the relationship of Personality Traits and Student Engagement


Based on the derived statement of the problem, the researchers have

drawn this hypothesis:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between personality traits and class

engagement of students.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between personality traits and class

engagement of students.


Personality Trait Theory, specifically the Big Five Model. According to Darby

(2022), It has been hypothesized that social psychologists began attempting to

develop a better scientific knowledge of personality as early as the late 19th

century. This framework posits that five core personality traits - Openness,

Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN) -

play a significant role in shaping individuals' behavior, including their engagement

in the classroom setting. Moreover, this can also be associated with the Self-

Determination Theory (SDT), created by Deci and Ryan in 1985, provides a useful

framework for comprehending how students' motivation and sense of autonomy

affect their engagement in class. According to the SDT theory, people are

intrinsically motivated to fulfill their fundamental psychological needs for autonomy,

competence, and relatedness. In a variety of settings, including the classroom,

these psychological needs have a significant impact on how motivated and

engaged people are. These theories solidify this study’s take on the relationship

between class engagement and behaviors of grade 12 SHS.


 Openness  Behavioral Engagement
 Conscientiousness  Cognitive Engagement
 Extraversion  Emotional Engagement
Figure 1 . Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. presents the variables of the research study. Our two Variables are

Personality Traits and Class Engagement. On the left is the Independent Variable

which is Personality Traits along with its indicators namely: Openness,

Conscientiousness, and Extraversion, and on the right is our dependent variable

which is the Class Engagement with its indicators namely: Behavioral, Cognitive,

and Emotional Engagement. It is defined to find out the association between two

variables, Personality Traits and Class Engagement and how both variables have

relation to each other.


In presenting this research, it talks about the implications for personal

growth, relationships, and various aspects of society. It will also contribute to those

students who want to know more about the relationship of class engagement to

grade 12 SHS. This study will significantly benefit the following:

Students - At the end of the research, students expand their knowledge about

their personalities. It can help introverted students better understand their

personality traits, preferences, and tendencies, leading to improved self-

awareness. Students will clearly establish their ideas and thoughts about this topic.

Institutions - This study can spread the information of the struggle and

experiences that introverts are going through days. This can help the community

with spreading and informing other people with the given knowledge and might be

able to widen their thoughts and understanding towards this topic.

Teachers -. can gain insights into the different learning styles of introverted

students. Teachers can play a role in helping introverted students develop social

and communication skills that will serve them well in the future. This can lead to

more productive teacher-student interactions and better academic outcomes.

Future Researchers- This study would help future researchers with the same field

of study. This would become their future reference. This study can help gather the

information needed and establish research. This study is more focused on the

experiences of student personalities. Future researchers can have ease in

searching for information and are given no complications or difficulties in defining

the research. This does not just benefit the future researcher to have no difficulties;

the information gathered can also help with tasks and future studies.


The study focused on finding out the correlation of Personality Traits and

Class Engagement. This also include the effects of Personality Traits of Grade 12

Students, as these are also relevant in finding out the main objective of the study

which is to know the relationship of the variables. Hence, the study did not cover

other problems or inaccuracy of the said topic. This study’s target population are

the Grade 12 Senior High School students of Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc.

(MCPI). The researchers will examine a selected number of random senior high

school students from Grade 12 who portray personality traits as the sample size of

the said study. The results of this study are applicable only to the respondents of

this study and should not be used as measure of the students who do not belong

to the population of this study.


Personality Traits- represent the typical cognitive, emotions, and

personality traits of individuals.

Class Engagement- means if "students make a psychological investment

in learning," happens.



This chapter of the research study contains the studies that present

evidence that is related to Class Engagement and Personality of the Grade 12

Students. This part of the research study asserts the feasibility and conciseness of

the study. This section of the study aims to provide a clear perception between the

relation of the variables and its indicators. The Researchers made a extensive and

structured review of the literature to determine the research proportion.


Openness reveals a person's propensity for creativity, intellectual interest,

and a desire to learn about new things, High-openness individuals are often

innovative, open-minded, and receptive to new ideas and notions. Johns (2023)

described Openness is a person's capacity for being or becoming open-minded,

innovative, creative, and perceptive. Personality qualities like openness may have

a big impact on how a student feels about education. High openness students

typically do best in learning environments that value originality, problem-solving,

and the study of fresh ideas. Harrapa (2021) further argued that being open-

minded and welcoming of novel ideas and experiences is referred to as having an

openness to experience.

An individual who scores highly on the openness to experience scale is

creative, perceptive, and inventive, and they have an unquenchable interest about

everything. Benedek et al. (2014) expounded that on how receptive you are to

novel concepts or experiences is referred to as openness. Additionally, this

personality attribute has been linked in research to both creativity and intellect.

More openness, according to recent study, alters how we view and interact with

the outside world. When examining how the same image is presented in conflict by

each eye, researchers discovered that those with high levels of openness were

better able to view the two patterns as integrated (Jarrett, 2021). According to

Cherry (2023) People who score highly on the openness attribute tend to be more

receptive to new ideas and experiences, they approach new experiences with a

certain amount of curiosity.

Openness may affect a person's employment, interests, and general

attitude to problem-solving and decision-making, among other elements of their

life. Sutton (2019) argued that a larger level of "openness to experience suggests

the extent of an individual's complexity regarding both experiential and mental life,"

as well as more imagination, innovation, adaptability of thought, and


To Conclude, Openness is a crucial personality trait that distinguishes

people who accept innovation and intellectual curiosity from those who cling to

tradition and the security of the familiar.


Students that are conscientious are frequently organized. They follow

organized schedules, keep track of their work, and don't procrastinate as much.

Because they tackle duties and obligations in an organized manner, conscientious

students are better able to handle the stress of their academic workload.

According to Darby (2023) One characteristic that is frequently linked to

awareness is conscientiousness. People that are conscientious are often

organized, show self-control, and have excellent time management skills. They are

renowned for being hard workers and excellent team members.

Conscientiousness as a personality trait, conscientiousness is a crucial factor in

determining a person's wellness, good aging, and social status (Roberts et al.,


The personality characteristic known as conscientiousness in students is

characterized by self-control, planning, goal-oriented conduct, and a strong feeling

of responsibility. In their academic endeavors, conscientious students often exhibit

diligence, dependability, and attention to detail. Additionally, because of their

diligence, they are able to attain their academic objectives and excel in both their

studies and future employment by developing strong work ethics and good study


The research study of Carter et al. (2015) asserted that people that are

conscientious are often loyal and dedicated workers. They might also be

"workaholics," "perfectionists," and obsessive if carried to the extreme. Objectives

are frequently what motivate diligent students, and they are prepared to make the

sacrifices necessary to reach those objectives. They make goals for themselves

that are doable and practical, and they consistently strive toward those goals.

Rieger et al. (2022) observed that very few research have combined

conscientiousness and individual interest to predict educational results. Academic

performance is significantly impacted by diligence. High levels of

conscientiousness among students are often associated with improved academic


In Conclusion, Although conscientiousness is crucial in determining

academic outcomes, its advantages transcend beyond the classroom since those

who possess it are more likely to succeed in their future employment due to their

dependability and dedication to their work.


Extrovert People that are outgoing frequently excel in social settings and

find energy and excitement in connecting with others. They are more at ease in

social settings and are often outgoing and forceful. Cherry (2022) enunciated

Sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness, and excitability are traits of extroversion.

Researchers discovered that extroverts are frequently over represented in

social networks in a study released by Feiler and Kleinbaum (2015). Popular,

extroverted individuals are over represented in social networks because they

frequently have a large number of friends. The researchers further said that there

are important elements that influence how people choose companions.

According to the research study of Beebe (2016) An extrovert is often open,

gregarious, forgiving, and outgoing in temperament. According to research, They

tend to be more adventurous as they fearlessly & recklessly enter into uncharted

territory. Student extroversion can significantly affect their academic experience

and overall growth. Student extroversion can significantly affect their academic

experience and overall growth. Mind Potential Power (2015) described Extroverts

draw their energy from other people and social circumstances, and they refuel by

mingling with and being among other social beings.

Concluding, Extroversion in students is a powerful force that defines their

academic careers, inspiring some to participate in active social engagement and

teamwork while motivating others to favor introspection and independent study.

The spectrum of extroversion among pupils vividly and clearly exhibits its effect on

the dynamic world of education. Students that are outgoing and sociable flourish in

group situations where they can interact with others and generate lively discussion.

Behavioral Engagement

According to Zepke (2018) the term "student engagement" refers to a

construct that teachers can use to understand better what students do, think about,

and feel while learning as well as how to improve these behaviors in classroom

settings. Lawson & Lawson (2013) further argued that there are many aspects of

academic engagement, such as cognitive and relational engagement, behavioral

engagement has been the subject of most research.

Numerous factors, including attendance, participation in class discussions,

completion of homework assignments, and test scores. For 12th graders,

behavioral engagement is a crucial matter. These students are getting ready for

either college or job hunting.

As indicated by Fredericks et al. (2016), engagement can be acknowledged

as a complex, numerous concept that encompasses behavioral, cognitive,

emotional, and social effects. As a result, it is critical to make progress in our

understanding of this human characteristic and how it affects education.

According to Bond et al. (2020), researchers have worked to define and

comprehend the various aspects of student engagement that apply in various

contexts. Reeve et al. (2019) further asserted, that behavioral, cognitive, and

emotional engagement frequently include multidimensional constructs, are greatly

influenced by context, and are defined by a specific conceptual framework. It has

been argued that a detailed level of specificity is needed to measure and

conceptualize student engagement, regardless of the construct or context (Sinatra

et al., 2015).

In conclusion, recent research emphasizes the crucial importance of

behavioral engagement in learning, working, and interacting with others in social

situations. It enhances interpersonal relationships, job performance, academic

achievement, and overall well-being.

Cognitive Engagement

Another crucial element of student engagement is cognitive engagement. It

refers to the concentration and commitment that students make to their studies.

Numerous factors include the depth of students' thought processes, the caliber of

their inquiries, and their capacity to apply what they have learned to new contexts.

According to Alpaslan et al. (2016), cognitive factors play a role in educational


The value of cognitive engagement cannot be overstated. This factor is

crucial in predicting students' success in academic performance. Different levels of

thought can result from different learning patterns and the use of different learning

strategies ( Hu & Li, 2017).

Additionally, Greene (2015) considers cognitive engagement to be a

superordinate construct, reflections on how to learn best, and the use of mental

energy to facilitate strategies and basic ways of thinking about what one is

learning. Depending on the learner's background and the course's demands,

reflections have been cognitive engagement components that vary.

When students actively participate in their educational experiences, they are

cognitively engaged. Students who are cognitively engaged set goals, plan steps,

monitor progress, solve problems as they arise, and reflect on their learning in the

face of challenges ( Wilson, 2021).

Without a doubt, student motivation is an essential aspect of learning

(Svinicki, 2016). We can, therefore, consider emotional and behavioral

engagement to be necessary prerequisites for cognitive engagement. However,

students must also be intensely cognitively engaged in their time investment to

have the greatest immediate return.

The central role of cognitive engagement in learning, problem-solving,

creativity, motivation, and various real-world applications is highlighted by recent

literature, In conclusion. Understanding the importance of cognitive engagement

and the variables that affect it can have profound effects on learning, growth, and

success in the workplace.

Emotional Engagement

The third and final element of student engagement is emotional

engagement. It speaks to how the students feel and behave about their education.

Students' interest in the subject matter, enjoyment of the learning process, and

sense of community in the classroom can all be used as indicators of emotional


Emotional state in which knowledge and skills of emotions were developed

through a variety of activities. Hanin and Van-Nieuwenhoven (2016) considered

motivation to be a function of achievement emotions. According to research

by Kahu et al. (2015), students' achievement emotions can affect both their

engagement and disengagement. It is generally acknowledged that these factors

are important predictors of students' success in higher education.

Students' relationships with their education play a significant role in their

emotional engagement. Hattie (2018) notes that this directly affects emotional

engagement and is strongly correlated to student learning.

According to Postareff et al. (2017), knowledge of the connection between

emotions and learning behavior is advantageous for students' interactions,

learning outcomes, and mental health. The blending of online and offline learning

will unavoidably stir up a range of emotions in the students (Feng et al., 2020).

Student's feelings about their learning are what define emotional

engagement. Teachers can spot signs of emotional engagement in their student's

participation in class discussions, questions they ask requests for assistance, and

expressions of curiosity. Emotional engagement is increased by developing good

relationships and establishing a learning environment that is student-centered

(Wilson, 2021)

In conclusion, recent research highlights the pervasive significance of

emotional engagement in various life domains. It contributes to learning, work

performance, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being.



This part of the study presents the method used to conduct the research

study, including the research design, research locale, population and sample size,

research instrument, data gathering procedures, and statistical treatment. This

section highlights how the study was conducted, where the study was focused on,

and how the data was analyzed.

Research Design

The Design that will be used in this research study is non-

experimental, quantitative correlational research design. According to Arteaga

(2022) A study technique called non-experimental design is used to observe and

characterize a phenomenon without changing a single variable. Non-experimental

research doesn't entail the carefully orchestrated manipulation of one independent

variable to observe how it affects another. Bhandari (2021) expounded that A

correlational study involves measuring two or more variables to see if and to what

extent they are connected. A correlation reveals the intensity and/or direction of

the association between two or more variables. Correlational research designs

examine correlations between variables without the researcher altering or

changing any of them. This kind of study can be used to investigate cause-and-

effect connections or to look for data trends. Depending on the type of data being

analyzed, correlational investigations may be done using either quantitative or

qualitative methodologies ( Phallister, 2023)

Research Locale

This research will be conducted in Maryknoll College of Panabo

Incorporated, a school known for its quality and competent education they

provide. The Researchers of the study chose this prestigious institution to

conduct their study because it is the type of environment that aligns to our

Research Study that aims to distinguish the relationship of the Class

Engagement and Personalities among Grade 12 Students. The

Researchers are currently enrolled in this institution, making the research

credible and reliable.

Population and Sample Size

The Respondents of this research study are the Grade 12 Senior

High School Students of the Maryknoll College of Panabo Inc, who regularly

engage in the classroom setting and with the common utilization of their

personalities, with a Population of 731 students. Simple Random Sampling

is the sampling method to be used and the Slovin’s Formula to solve the

sample size, with a margin of error of 0.05, which resulted in three hundred

ninety eight (398) total number of respondents.

Wherein :
n = Sample Size
N = Population under the study

e = Margin of error

Research Instruments

The researchers employed a standardized survey instrument, specifically

the EZ Yale, comprising a total of twenty-one (21) questions. They tailored this

questionnaire by incorporating all the questions aligned with the Statement of the

Problem for this study, resulting in twenty-one (21) modified questions.

The researchers employed Google Forms for data collection, utilizing a

questionnaire comprising sixty-one (61) questions designed to address the study's

research inquiries. This questionnaire incorporates four (4) Multiple-choice

questions, presented in all Categorical and Drop-Down formats, for profiling

purposes. Furthermore, it includes twenty-one (21) Rating Scale questions

categorized as Ordinal Questions. Additionally, each question is accompanied by

answer choices, facilitating respondents in selecting their answers to ensure the

collection of accurate and pertinent data for the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The procedures that the researchers use to collect the data required for the

analysis that resolves the issue raised in the study are the following:

1. The initial step involves seeking standardized questionnaires relevant

to the research to be use for data collection.

2. The next step is to present the questionnaire to the Practical

Research 2 Adviser for assessment.

3. A letter, facilitated by our Practical Research 2 Adviser, is then

submitted to the department head, granting the researchers permission to

conduct the survey.

4. Another letter is sent to the Office of the Registrar to obtain data

encompassing the entire Senior High School student body, along with a roster

of student names. Subsequently, the researchers proceed to identify potential


5. The subsequent step entails requesting the respondents' consent to

participate in the survey, utilizing personal messages sent via a messaging

app, with the expectations of a positive response.

6. Following the collection of respondents' responses, the researchers

distributed the survey questionnaires by sharing a link to a Google Form

through the messaging app.

7. Finally, the questionnaires are retrieved.

Statistical Treatment

1. Frequency Distribution Table- is a statistical tool that is used to

determine the frequency of the profile of the respondents. This provides

a visual representation to illustrate the data collected. This tool is used

in Research Questions 1 and 2.

2. Mean - is the statistical tool used to determine the level of the variables

used in the study. This tool uses all the values in the data to get the

average. This tool is used for Research Questions 1 and 2.

3. Pearson Correlation Coefficient - is a statistical measure that is used to

determine the relationship between Class Engagement and Personality

Traits. This tool measures the linear correlation and strength of

association between variables. This statistical tool is utilized in

Research Question 3.


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