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Landscape Photography

essential equipment
Wide-Angle Lens
Sturdy Tripod
A wide-angle lens is popular amongst
Since you’ll often work with a slow
landscape photographers. With focal
shutter speed you need a sturdy tri-
lengths such as 14mm you can achieve
pod in order to capture razor sharp
many interesting perspectives and in-
images. A sturdy tripod that doesn’t
clude grand landscapes within the
shake when touching the camera is

Remote Shutter Telephoto Zoom

To avoid camera shake and Landscape photography is
obtain the sharpest possible more than just wide-angle,
images, you want to use a re- though. You should also have
mote shutter. A delayed shutter a telephoto zoom available
is ok for stationary landscape in your camera bag in order
photography but when photo- to capture nature’s smaller
graphing scenes with motion a scenes or compress the grand
remote shutter is preferred. landscapes.

Neutral Density Filters

Use ND Filters to achieve lon- Circular Polarizer
ger shutter speeds. Such filters A circular polarizer is an essential tool,
are especially popular amongst especially during daytime photogra-
landscape photographers when phy. It is commonly used to increase
photographing seascapes, rivers contrast and remove unwanted glare/
or other scenes with motion. shine from wet surfaces.

Graduated Neutral Density Filters

Such filters are used to darken only parts of
the image in order to maintain a well-balanced
exposure. Typically, the GND filter is used to
balance the exposure by darkening the sky.

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