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4 Extension Name

1. Complete each sentence with a suitable word below.
stone • shopping centre • bridge • spare • resort • apartment • high street • steel • leisure • glass • cinema
1. Brighton is a popular ……………………… on the south coast of England.
2. ……………………… is used for making knives as it’s a very strong metal.
3. Dominique Benhura digs ……………………… out of the ground and creates statues from it.
4. I haven’t been to the ……………………… for ages. I prefer watching films on DVD.
5. I love walking along the ……………………… and looking in all the shop windows.
6. Myra keeps a ……………………… umbrella in the car during the winter.
7. Modern houses have got large ……………………… windows to provide light.
8. The best thing about a ……………………… is that everything is under one roof.

2. Choose the correct continuation. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. Deciding on a career is a major decision.
a. It can change your whole life.
b. You shouldn’t worry about it.
2. Janine reached for the telephone.
a. It was on the other side of the table.
b. It was in another room.
3. The king was a fair ruler.
a. He wasn’t interested in what went on.
b. He did what was best for his people.
4. They found the source of the terrible smell.
a. There were onions at the supermarket.
b. There was a rotten potato in the basket.
5. The front door was made of glass.
a. Everyone wanted to know who lived there.
b. Everyone could see into the house.
6. The room was completely bare.
a. They had to bring their own furniture.
b. It had a bed, a table and a few chairs.

3. Complete the sentences to show you have understood the meaning of the words in bold.
1. Let’s walk along the shore and ............................................................................................... .
2. I need spare time in order to .................................................................................................. .
3. The shopping centre was empty because ............................................................................ .
4. Our parents chose a resort which .......................................................................................... .
5. They crossed the bridge and ................................................................................................. .
6. The sugar always runs out when ........................................................................................... .

4 Extension Name

4. Read the situations. Then write sentences using the correct form of want or don’t want.
1. Helena thinks working in an animal shelter will be interesting.
2. Meg’s mother needs her help in the kitchen.
3. Toby gets upset when Kyle makes fun of him.
4. The teacher thinks the boys are too noisy.
5. I think going to the beach is a great idea.
6. Holly doesn’t feel like going to the party.

5. Complete the passage with suitable words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes.
surface • source • huge • bare • shore • ancient • breathtaking • major • run out • narrow • reach for

Whales live far out at sea, but tragically, they often find their way onto the 1. ……………………… where they usually die.
This is what happened on the Costa del Sol in Spain in 2008. A 2. ……………………… , injured blue whale got stuck on
the beach. It lay there with its 3. ……………………… skin exposed to the hot sun. Hundreds of people threw buckets of
water over the whale, trying to keep the 4. ……………………… of its skin cool. Nobody knew the 5. ……………………… of
its injuries or why it ended up on the beach. In the end, time 6. ……………………… for the whale and it died. In another
……………………… incident in the same year, 64 pilot whales ended up on an Australian beach. This time, 11 whales
were saved.

4 Extension Name

1. Complete each sentence with a suitable verb below. Use the Future Simple or be going to.
practise • not listen • not start • open • teach • look after
1. What’s the hurry? The party …………………………… without you.
2. ……………………… you …………………………… the children, please?
3. I bought a pair of rollerblades today. I …………………………… after school.
4. I’m sure Halle …………………………… to what they say. She’s much too stubborn.
5. Laura …………………………… her letters later.

2. Write a continuation for each sentence below. Use the words in brackets and the Future Simple or
be going to.
1. They want to fly to Australia next month. (buy tickets next week)
2. The buses usually run on time. (next one / arrive in ten minutes)
3. Sally is ill. (not go to work tomorrow)
4. We should take Meg to the castle. (love it)
5. Tom can’t come on Tuesday. (play basketball)

3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Continuous or Future Perfect.
1. For the next few days, we …………………………… (build) the spare room. Hopefully, by the end of the week, we
…………………………… (paint) it, too.
2. I can’t come tomorrow, as I …………………………… (interview) a job candidate. Let’s meet the next day. By then,
I …………………………… (finish) all the interviews.
3. On 23rd October, I …………………………… (be) in this job for 20 years. All my friends ……………………………
(celebrate) with me that night.
4. Do you think you …………………………… (live) in the same place in ten years’ time? Maybe you
…………………………… (move) to another city by then.
5. Ms Burns is busy right now. At 10.30 she …………………………… (discuss) your plan with Mr Hay. By 12.00 you
…………………………… (hear) from her.

4. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the correct future tense. There may be more than
one correct answer.
1. Graham and his friends are busy next week. (fix their bikes for the race)
They ........................................................................................................................................ .
2. That’s the third mobile phone you’ve lost this year. (lose another one)
I suppose that by the end of the year, ..................................................................................... .
3. Your bus left half an hour ago. (get home)
How ........................................................................................................................................ ?
4. Jack stayed up all night watching the game. (sleep all day)
He ........................................................................................................................................... .
5. Jo and Denise have decided to put on a play. (invite lots of people)
They ........................................................................................................................................ .

4 Extension Name

5. Complete the passage with the verbs below. Use the correct future tense. There may be more than one
correct answer.
talk • be • complete • go • have • come • arrive • be able to

Next year, my family and I 1. …………………………… camping, but there is a lot I need to do. First,
I 2. …………………………… to the park guide at the nature reserve and make sure we 3. …………………………… enter
the nature reserve. I know everyone 4. …………………………… very excited by the breathtaking views of lakes and
forests. By the end of the month, I 5. …………………………… the plans. I’m so excited. My cousin from California
…………………………… with her son. Other relatives 7. …………………………… from far-away places like Peru and
China. Hopefully, we 8. …………………………… a great time together.

6. Arrange the words in the correct order to form sentences. Use the correct future tense. There may be more
than one correct answer.
1. tomorrow / ask / history / I / teacher / the / .
2. year / the / we / to / house / next / paint / .
3. have / time / when / help / to / me / you / ?
4. deliver / 6 o’clock / newspapers / he / the / all / by / .
5. next / rehearse / from / we / Monday afternoon / 2 till 5 o’clock / .

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