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Master of Computer Applications

Name of the Course : Problem Solving using C

Module.1. Algorithms and Flowcharts

Course Co-ordinator: Prof. S. P. Sreeja

Course Code: 18MCA11
➢C is a popular general purpose
programming language, designed and
developed by Dennis Ritchie @ Bell Labs
in 1972

➢C is a middle level computer language

which combines the features of high
level & functionality like assembly level

 C is a structured language which
allows variety of programs in small
modules. It is easy for debugging,
testing & maintaining if the language is
a structured one.

 Developed by the committee ANSI

(American National Standard Institute)
Standard in the year 1983 & Marketed
in the year 1990.

 Program – a set of detailed, step-by-step
instructions that directs the computer to
process data into information.
 Programming is combination of art and
science, because you may code a program
however you like as long as you follow the
language’s rules.
 Programming language – a set of rules (syntax)
and commands that provides a way of telling
the computer what operations to perform.
 Programmer – designs algorithm and converts
it into computer instructions and tests
programs as developed.

 Six main steps
1. Defining the problem
2. Planning the solution
3. Coding the program
4. Testing the program
5. Documenting the program
6. Implementing the program

 Design the algorithm
 An algorithm is a finite series of
logical steps required to solve a
particular problem.

 An algorithm is a step-by-step description of the solution to a
problem. It is defined as an ordered sequence of well-defined
and effective operations which, when carried out for a given set
of initial conditions, produce output, and terminate in a finite

 The term “ordered sequence” specifies, after the completion of

each step in the algorithm, the next step must be
unambiguously defined.
 An algorithm must be:
• Definite
• Finite
• Precise and Effective

 We use algorithms almost daily in our lives
without realizing it
 For example

an instruction manual
a cooking recipe
a knitting pattern

Aim: To write a C program for adding two

1)Start the program

2)Declare the variables a, b and c
3)Read the values of a, b
4)c= a +b
5)Write the value of c
6)Stop the program

 A flowchart is a pictorial representation of an
algorithm or logical steps.
 Each step is represented by a symbol and the
arrows indicate the flow and order of the
 The shape of the symbol indicates the type of
operation that is to occur.
 Flowcharts may help the more visual students
learn and understand logic.

Begin or End Input or Output

Processing Decision

Branch or Direction of Flow

 Flow control is the order in which
statements are executed.
 There are four control structures.
1. Sequence Control
2. Selection Control
Also referred to as branching (if and if-else)
3. Case Control (similar to selection)
4. Repetition Control (loops)


price, qty

subtotal =
price * qty;



If weight < 10 Handling = 1.00


Handling = 3.00

Output Handling
 Pseudocode is a mixture of programming
code and English like statements.

 Used when designing algorithms.

 When designing, we don’t necessarily need

to be concerned about specific function
names. We want to concentrate on the

 Translate solution algorithms into a
programming language
 Enter program code into programming
development tool using correct syntax
 Include comments in program
 Use good structure so you don’t
 create spaghetti code

Testing the Program
⚫ Remove syntax and logic errors
⚫ Syntax error - when code violates language rules, errors
are displayed by the programming development tool.
⚫ Logic error – when program does not generated expected
output when using the test data. Error must be found by

 Programmer name and date
 A narrative description of the
 Include comments within the source
 Flowcharts and/or pseudocode
 Layouts of input and output records
 Testing procedures

Implementing & Maintaining
⚫ Programs may be part of a system
implementation or single program
⚫ Training, user manuals, technology upgrades,
and conversions must be taken into consideration
during implementation.
⚫ Programs may be enhanced to add new features
or functionality

A compiler translates all of the
source code into object code,
an executable program. During
this translation process, a
program listing of any syntax
errors is produced.

An interpreter translates one

line of the source code at a
time. Interpreters run programs
more slowly than compilers, but
they are helpful programs for
finding syntax errors, because
they are interactive.

 Procedural Programming
◦ Programmer must provide step-by-step instructions, telling the
computer what to do and how to do it.
◦ Logic begins at the top and flows down.
◦ Non-procedural language, such as SQL in a relational database, the
programmer specifies what is needed, and the language
determines how by using the data dictionary.
 Event Programming
◦ A program listens for and reacts to events such as mouse click on a
 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
◦ Use classes to build programs.
◦ A class definition includes properties (data) and methods
(procedures) to manipulate the properties.
◦ Classes are used to declare objects that are considered an instance
of the class.

 BASIC (Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code –
 COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language 1960s)
 C - Used to develop UNIX in 1970s;
runs on most operating system now
 C++ - A better C, Object oriented; (1980s)
 Java - Similar to C++;
Became popular because of web development – applets,
Programs run on multiple platforms (Win, Unix, Mac),
Originally named Oak (1991) and renamed to Java in 1995
 Visual Basic – Microsoft created language so that graphical
user interfaces could be created for their new operating
system – Windows (1990s)
 C# (c-sharp) – Microsoft’s newest language (2002);
syntax is similar to Java, but uses the same library items as

 Sum of 2 numbers
 Calculate Simple and compound interest
 Convert Celcius into Fahrenheit and Vice
 Find out the area of a triangle
 Find out the largest of 2 numbers
 Find out whether the given number is ODD or
 Find the factorial of a number

➢ Simple & Compound
SI = ((p*r*n)/100);
q = 1+(r/100);

➢ Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa

fahrenheit = (1.8 * celsius) + 32;
celsius = (fahrenheit-32) / 1.8;

➢ area of a triangle
s = (a + b + c) / 2;
area = sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c));


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