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9 Secret strategies to

increase your ecommerce

The key to selling online with your
online store

If you want to (really) make money with your eCommerce, you are in the best moment of
history to do so. It is now that you have the opportunity in the palm of your hand.

Spending on online purchases has grown by 38% in 2017 according to data from the
Cetelem eCommerce Observatory. This data also shows that the expense incurred by users
in the same year amounts to an average of 1,954 euros.

As an entrepreneur, this opportunity for success is exciting and very promising, isn’t it?

However, not everything is so easy.

Don’t think you’re going to create your own store and sales will automatically drop out of the

With lots of competition, gaining visibility is not so easy and customers are accustomed to
the quality standard that Amazon offers...

So, if you want your online store to start winning over customers and boosting your
sales.... it won’t be a bad thing for you to have a read through the 9 tips (some of them not
very well known) we have prepared for you.

Let’s sell!

1 Study the behavior of your customers and hold
them tight so they don’t get away

If a customer has already had a good shopping experience with your

e-commerce, you have achieved the most difficult thing. He’s already trusted
you once, and if you do it right, your business will become one of his go-to

Now it’s time to take care of every detail to keep him loyal so he is happy every
time when clicking on the “pay” button over and over again.

Don’t know where to start?

No problem because now we’re giving you a few ideas to convert the shopping
experience of your store into a “First Class” one.


You can give free samples of other products, a discount on

future purchases or simply a thank you card.

For example, imagine you have a sportswear store.

Include a gift box of some samples of energy bars, a

discount for a famous isotonic drink or if you want to keep
him in the boat forever, some cool socks.

Your client will not be expecting it. Not only will it be a

surprise, he’ll also be aware that you did not have to do it,
which will make him feel special and, in a way, in debt to


And make your clients feel like you’ve known them all their

We all like to be called by name.

In a certain way, it is the equivalent of being looked into

the eyes in a physical store while you are being attended.
Experience changes, doesn’t it?

Do you prefer to be called “Mr. Jones” or “Dear

Customer”? :D

Establish regular communication, but don’t just send them

commercial information.

If you have a blog, send them the articles you publish. And if
you don’t (although you should), start curating content and
offer interesting information.

The more value you bring to your clients, the more chance
you have to convert them into your loyal fans.

2 Your mobile commerce (you should already be a

Smartphones have become the modern version of Aladdin’s lamp. The customer
has a sudden desire to own something, rubs the screen of his particular lamp
and et voilà!

Therefore, the easier you make the m-commerce experience, the more
options you have to attract all those customers who already buy from their

It has been proven that around 70% of users leave pages that are not
optimised for smartphones in a few seconds and 30% of them go directly to
the competition.

Also, keep in mind that if your store is not responsive Google will penalise you.

Want to know how to bring your responsive version to life?

Take note:
•• Mix Panel: offers users the possibility of tracking visitors with geolocation,
creates heatmaps and studies the behaviour of buyers facing various offer
options, the so-called A/B tests.

•• Simplify menus and the navigation experience: place Call To Action in a

visible and easily accessible position.

•• Optimise loading time: it should not exceed three seconds, simplify the design
as much as you can and take into account the different screen sizes of your

•• Design a clear and simple purchasing process: simplify the forms to the
maximum so the customer goes straight to the “pay” button. Around 50% of
users prefer to complete their purchase from their computer because they don’t
feel confident when buying from their mobile phone.

Don’t be too confident of the mobile version of your e-commerce.

The trend of growth is unstoppable, so anything you don’t do to optimise and convert
visitors on smaller screens.... means losing customers. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

3 Fear of losing an opportunity

Have you ever heard of FoMO syndrome?

The FoMo, Fear of Missing Out, is the feeling of anxiety that is generated in
people when they feel they are going to be left out of something important.

It’s what you feel when you see other people going to enjoy something you’ll be
missing out on if you don’t act fast.

It is the fear of losing a bargain and it can be a powerful way to encourage your
customers to buy. For example:

•• When you say that the units of a given product are limited.

•• By showing that the same product you are looking at is also being looked at
by other users.

•• Insisting that an offer is applied for a limited time by adding a countdown.

•• Creating a sense of exclusivity in your campaigns can activate the

recipient’s FoMo. For example, promoting the idea of a VIP club will make your
users want to be VIPs and be part of it.

It is not a question of using this technique all the time, but with some sales
promotions it can give you very good results.

4 Optimise the purchasing process

One of the metrics that will make you pull your hair out is the rate of abandoned
shopping carts in your store (people who arrive at the checkout but for some
reason, abandon it at the end).

Enough to pull your hair out, right?

A customer was about to buy and, in the end, you missed them at the last

What can you do about it?

Here are a few tips:


Use highly visual product sheets that clearly specify the

benefits of what you offer (copywriting is essential here). Do
not bore the customer with an excess of data, it is better to
combine it and create desire.

Remember that the product sheet is like that dessert they

show you which makes your mouth water only by looking
at it!

Look at this example of Mr. Wonderful.

A clean image, some text that connects directly with the

target client and at the same time provides specific data
such as dimensions or materials.


Only ask for information that can help you segment and

Nobody likes to fill out forms, it’s boring and


If you ask your buyer for too many details you will arouse
in them a feeling of distrust and laziness, which will make
them leave your website.

It is also worth activating the option to buy as a guest

(giving only the minimum data).


Use well-designed buttons that directly call to perform an

action, final prices without surprises and an efficient and
fast step-by-step.
Don’t distract the user with anything!

If you don’t want the user to leave the purchase just before
he clicks the pay button, be very careful that there are no
surprises such as surcharges, taxes or fees that were not
shown on the initial price of the product.

This is one of the most important factors in abandoning the

shopping cart.


And do it with all the elements at your fingertips:

•• Testimonials from other clients.

•• Money-back guarantee (in addition to the legal

minimum, you can offer other extras)..

•• Secure payment platform (this is essential).

•• Logos of the payment entities you use or the purchase

guarantees you offer.

Also, the more payment alternatives you offer, the better.

Credit cards are a must, but there are also many people who
prefer secure payment via PayPal or even payment by wire
transfer or cash on delivery.

Analyse your customers’ preferences; do they prefer fast

shipping or free shipping?

Many companies on the Internet take it for granted that

their customers prefer speed and do not consider any other
alternative, but there are studies that show that users
prefer the alternative free of charge.

5 Strengthen your brand so that your customers
can be engaged with it

Your brand is much more than your logo or your corporate colors.

Branding is the set of emotions and experiences that the customer lives with
your brand in general.

The importance of this lies in the fact that, thanks to promoting your brand, you
generate a bond with the customer and create customer loyalty.

Let’s look at options:

•• Consistency in brand identity: any aspect of your business has to do with

your brand. From the first time the customer lands on your homepage to the
product packaging, it must preserve and reflect your own personality. Take
care not to lose the uniformity at any time (always use the same typography,
colors, etc.).

•• Play with copywriting: communicate with texts that are pleasant and
not just descriptive. Use storytelling to describe your products, highlighting
how they use the product in their lives (and for example, show them all in
Instagram Stories).

•• Define the values you want to identify with: now you don’t buy a product
just for its price, but for the way the brand makes you feel. Do you know who
your ideal customer is? What are their values? What do you identify with?
Create a universe of values that identifies your brand and with which the
person can easily identify.

As distant as it may sound, Apple were just a small company once upon
a time. They are now one of the largest companies in the technology
industry, but much of their success is based on the strong brand
identification of users.

6 Social listening: become a spy for your customers

Can you imagine that you would have the superpower to find out ALL the
opinions, complaints or compliments that your customers publish about your
business on the Internet?

Imagine lots of customers talking about your business (for better or worse) on
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, forums, etc; and you not knowing what they are
saying about you. Without being able to say thank you or defend yourself.
That information is pure gold and you know it. But the best part is that it is not
impossible thanks to what we call Social Listening.

Social listening is about monitoring conversations to understand what

customers think of your brand on social networks and on the web in general.

Only 24% of online retailers pursue this strategy, so you have a good chance to
stay ahead of your competition.

Here are some tools to put social listening into practice:

•• Google Alerts: is a free tool that keeps track of keywords and long tails related
to your activity and sends you email messages when new results are found
about you in articles, forums, comments on networks, etc. You can get a lot
out of this tool, because in addition to monitoring the opinions of your potential
customers it allows you to keep up to date with news in your sector or control
what your competition is doing.

•• Talkwalker Alerts: on their website they claim to be “the best free alternative
to Google Alerts”. It allows you to monitor the internet to detect mentions of your
brand, competitors, events or any other aspect that you configure.

•• Social Mention: one of the best online tools for data analysis. It is quite
extensive but does not cover all the mentions and is especially interesting
because it is free and does not require installation.

•• Awario: registers mentions for keywords in any language and on the whole
website and tracks the growth in the number of mentions. It also identifies the
main influencers.

Anything that’s said about your brand , you’ll have it under control. ;)

7 Use video marketing

But never in the Home Shopping Network style!

Videos are important because your consumer wants to know who is behind
your brand. And behind your brand is you, and your team if you have one, so
show yourself as you are.

People empathize with people like them, you don’t want to look like Jeff Bezos,
the most you’ll get is rejection.

We will give you some more ideas:

•• Show your product in action: videos that show your products in a real
context and show the user how they work and the best ways to get the most
out of them.

•• Simplicity works: you don’t have to hire a company to shoot your videos,
your community wants you to add value to them. An example of a good
video marketing strategy is the Bere Casillas, from Elegance 2.0. He created
a YouTube channel where he gives advice ranging from how to tie an
impeccable tie knot to how to choose the best wedding dress.

•• Webinars: not everything has to be recorded. Interact with your

live audience, let them ask you questions and even do live product

Video is one of the strategies you have to implement. Think about it, there are
statistics that claim 60% of customers bought after watching the product video.

8 Discover the power of neuromarketing

Neuromarketing studies the functioning of the brain in response to certain


It’s not magic, it’s science.

And this, which at first may seem to be crazy, can considerably increase your
chances of selling.

See what you can do:


As obvious as it may sound, the words “new” and “free” still

work. Many studies state that these words generate attention
and desire in people. How many times have you bought in a
shop just because you were offered a small gift (of a small
amount) together with your (very) high purchase ticket?


If you read fragment from a website where they tell you:

“Our products are unique and are made from the highest
quality raw materials selected especially for our distinguished

Or something similar, you could apply it to anything that can

be sold on the market, right? Not only is vague and fails to
define the product, but it generates distrust for praising it so

Now stop for a second to read the following descriptions

and discuss which ones are most appealing to you:

•• “Applied marketing course for eCommerce” or “Fast

and efficient course for your eCommerce to become the
sales leader”.

•• “Apple jam” or “apple jam grown in the sun with a lot of

love and a touch of cinnamon”.

•• “Sunglasses for kids” or “Cool, safe sunglasses for the

coolest kids.”

Although the trend is to simplify as much as possible, by

giving a touch of grace to your product sheets, you will get
more sales.


If you really want to boost the buying action, you’ll have to

awaken three basic emotions in your customer:

•• Confidence: remember to reinforce it with social tests,

secure payment platforms, exchange and return policy,
guarantees, etc.

•• Wish: to wake them up, you have to tell them how they
will feel when the product is theirs, what the benefits will
be. That’s why it’s so useful to shoot videos where you
watch customers using the product, it makes it easy for
others to imagine themselves with it.

•• Value: Obviously, when purchasing a product, people

decide on the basis of the value they give it. But there is
a second reading for this perception that has to do with
the expectation that is generated in the customer to
anticipate the feeling of enjoyment (if you buy this car, you
will feel free).

Most of the time the key to selling is to empathise with the

customer, to really understand what they want.
If you get inside their head, you will have won.

9 Boost your sales with a professional web search

You know that unpleasant feeling you have when you ask the clerk if they have
those cool slippers in your size and they says, “I don’t know, have a look there”?

It makes you angry, doesn’t it?

Most likely you will go to another store with full stock to get the product.

It will be enough if a friendly salesman brings you the slippers while you sit
quietly waiting. And you’ll be back there when you need to buy something else,
that’s for sure!

Well that is what you are doing because you don’t have a professional web
search engine on your website.

You’re letting your potential customers go to the competition because nobody

helps them find what they need.

The search engine is a perfect employee because it works to increase the sales
of your website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s always available so you
won’t miss a single sale.

But why is the search engine the perfect shop assistant for your e-commerce?


You need a search engine that doesn’t miss a single

opportunity to sell. Whether your customers are looking for
“sneakers”, “running shoes” or “shoes”.

A professional search engine is able to solve spelling

mistakes, understand synonyms and work in many

What if it could go a step further and take advantage of the

“sneakers” search to help you get rid of the excess of sports
shirts you have in stock?

Keep reading. ;)


A female client enters your physical store and asks

for a Moleskine Agenda for 2018. However, there is no
Moleskines left but you have some Paperblanks that are
really cute and you know she might like them.

Well, you show them to her, don’t you? And some Parker
pens too that are perfect for the cool paper of the agenda.

Not only did you rescue a sale, but you won a customer and
managed to sell her something that she didn’t originally
plan to buy.

Not bad, is it?

Well, that is what your search engine will do for you.

When you don’t have the product that the customer wants, it
will offer them alternatives so that they do not leave empty-
handed (ever). ;)


How many times have you left a store without buying

just because you had to wait for the sales assistant to be
available to help you or because there were 1,000 people at
the cash register?

Well, this is particularly evident on the Internet where no one

has a second to lose.

Only with a professional search engine any interaction will

go fast like lightning (watch out, and sales too).


The summer season has just begun and you are already
changing the homepage with the new collections. However,
you still have a lot of overdue winter stock and want to take
it out at a discount.

What are you doing?

•• Do you mix the summer promotion with the winter


•• Do you just put discounts on the product sheets?

Neither of the two options are 100% great.

On the other hand, with a professional search engine, when

someone enters a search, you can show them only the
related promos.

Faster and more efficient it only means more conversion.

Would you like to try a professional search engine

that offers all these advantages and test for yourself
if the conversion increases?

It’s easy for you, because Doofinder offers you 30 days for free to test our search engine.

Just click on the link below, enter your details and you will have it.


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