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Questions for Discussion:

1. Is memorizing without understanding considered learning?

Answer. According to Encarta dictionary, to learn is to acquire knowledge or skills while to
memorize is to commit something to memory and acquiring is a lot different on committing,
acquiring is to gain new skills or ability while committing is just obligated to do something.

2. Is memorizing for the test and forgetting what you memorized after the test considered
Answer. No! Because learning the activity or process of gaining new knowledge or skills by
studying, practicing, being taught in which you will process in a life long run.

3. This knowledge base should be used with fluency. What does this mean?
Answer. This means that Mastery and Fluency must be used every time we acquire knowledge.

4. What does the term inert ideas mean? How can they prevented from becoming inert?
Answer. Inert ideas means an information which one can express but cannot use. We can
prevent ideas from becoming inert through giving various activities in which a student is force
to participate and give his/her ideas and let him/her participate collaboratively.
For Elaborate Learning - Group Activity
1. Present Thorndike’s laws of learning by way of a graphic organizer.

For Individual Work

1. Based on the nine principles of learning, do metaphorical thinking by completing this
statement: Learning is like ____. Share your metaphorical statement with the class.
Answer. Learning is like a puzzle you just have to figure it out do the best you can and the last
thing you will know is that you’re learning already.
Taking It to the Net
1. There are other principles of learning. Research on them.

1. Active,
All aspects of the learning environment (including ways in which the
semiotic domain is designed and presented) are setup to encourage
active and critical, not passive, learning.
2. Design Learning about and coming to appreciate design and design principles is
Principle core to the learning experience.
Learning about and coming to appreciate interrelations within and across
3. Semiotic
multiple sign systems (images, words, actions, symbols, artifacts, etc.) as
a complex system is core to the learning experience.
4. Semiotic Learning involves mastering, at some level, semiotic domains, and being
Domains able to participate, at some level, in the affinity group or groups
Principle connected to them.
5. Metalevel
Thinking about
Learning involves active and critical thinking about the relationships of
the semiotic domain being learned to other semiotic domains.
Learners can take risks in a space where real-world consequences are
Learners participate in an extended engagement (lots of effort and
7. Committed
practice) as an extension of their real-world identities in relation to a
virtual identity to which they feel some commitment and a virtual world
that they find compelling.
Learning involves taking on and playing with identities in such a way that
the learner has real choices (in developing the virtual identity) and ample
8. Identity opportunity to meditate on the relationship between new identities and
Principle old ones. There is a tripartite play of identities as learners relate, and
reflect on, their multiple real-world identities, a virtual identity, and a
projective identity.
9. Self- The virtual world is constructed in such a way that learners learn not only
Knowledge about the domain but about themselves and their current and potential
Principle capacities.
For a little input, learners get a lot of output.
1. Given any instructional objective, be able to identify the stated performance, the conditions
under which the performance will occur and the criterion of acceptable performance.
Performance- identify the stated performance, the conditions under which the
performance will occur and the criterion of acceptable performance.
Condition- none
Criterion- none
2. In an hour and given a light microscope, the teacher is able demonstrate how to focus the
microscope the 1.p.o and the h.p.o.
Answer. Not a Lesson Objective
The performance described is the instructional process of the teacher.
3. At the end of the semester, the student is able to cover rules of subject-verb agreement.
Answer. Not Lesson Objective
To cover the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement is not ad good objective. Rules of
Subject-Verb Agreement is a content not an objective.
4. Given a Model XXX System, a standard tool kit and at least one symptom of a common
malfunction, return the system to normal operation.
Answer. Lesson Objective
Performance- return the system to normal operation
Condition- Given a Model XXX System, a standard tool kit and at least one symptom of a
Criterion- none

Written Exercise
1. Go back to the Tables on the Taxonomy of Objectives. Formulate at least one good lesson
objective for each domain. So you will have a total of 3 lesson objectives.

 Distinguish the Nine Multiple Intelligences given by Gardner’s theory

 Comprehending each students diverse learning styles and levels of intelligences.
 Differentiating the Nine Multiple Intelligences

For Elaborate Learning

1. Choose a topic from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Formulate 3 SMART learner’s objectives in
the 3 domains. Refer to Table 1a, 1b and 2 for behavioral terms. Evaluate your objectives with
the help of the following questions:

Remembering: can students recall or Memorize, repeat , conclude, gather,
remember the kinds and uses of deduce, make out, remember
Understanding: can the students Describe, illustrate, employ, identify,
explain what is conjunction and its recognize, paraphrase
Applying: can the students use the Demonstrate, establish, prone, show,
conjunction and its kinds in making a substantiate, use, operate
Analyzing: can the student distinguish Compare, appraise, analogize,
the kinds of conjunction? assimilate, bracket, equate, contrast
Evaluating : can the students know the Support, brace, reinforce, value,
significance of conjunction and its kind evaluate, select
in constructing a sentence?
Creating : can the students create a Assemble, contrast, create, design,
new product or point of view? develop, formulate

a. Are the terms behavioral?

Answer. Yes!
b. Are they SMART?
Answer. Yes!
c. Are they relevant and significant and therefore, worth pursuing?
Answer. Yes!
d. Are the three 3 domains of objectives represented?
Answer. Yes!
2. Let two present their output before the whole class. The class evaluates the output using the
same questions in # 1 as guide.

3. Read this dialogue then tell its implication on instructional objectives.

a. “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”. asked Alice.
“That depends a good deal on where you want to go,” said the cat.
“I don’t much care where,” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the cat.
Answer. Choosing a way on travelling is one of the best way for you to be safe and goes in the
way straight and no worries you will arrive in your destination without fear and fuss, the same as
an instructional objective before you will going to start a lesson you must plan or make strategies
before you go on the lesson proper and in that way you will arrive in your destination successfully
which is t transfer your knowledge on the learner in an easy and fluent way.

5. By means of a diagram, show the relationship between learning objectives and vision-mission
statements of schools and the Department of Education, the goals of education as embodied in
the Education Act of 1982, the aims of education in the Philippines Constitution.
6. By means of a rap or jingle, summarize the chapter.
Answer. Move give way
Management of Instruction is on the way
Move give way objective-related principles of teaching
Makes it easy.
7. Performance objectives are also characterized by the acronyms MOST or TOMAS. Knowing the
characteristics of performance objectives what is mean by MOST or TOMAS? Formulate your own
acronym to describe performance objectives.

Guide Questions for Discussion

1. Describe the teaching behavior of the teacher without a specific lesson objective upon entering
a class.
Answer. Teachers would act strangely because he/she is not prepared in the lesson, he’s/her way
of teaching would be in chaos there will be no direction of the lesson and the students will learn
less on the teacher.
2. Why is it important that students make the teacher’s lesson objectives their own?
Answer. It is important because its one way of motivation in each student, it will serve as their
guide and aim for them to learn and will serve also as like a finish line.
3. Will it make a difference in your teaching if your lesson objective is only on the cognitive or
psychomotor domain?
Answer. Yes! It will, there will be learning but it will be limited on because in learning we must
touch these 3 domains in order for us to be effective enough in teaching , educating the mind ,
educating the heart and letting them facilitate.
4. What happens when you, as teacher, disregard educational goals (as stated in Phil.
Constitution) and vision-mission statements of your Institution.
Answer. There will be an alienation on an specific classroom or students that he/she will teach
because he/she uses different style , he/she disregard the educational goals although they will
still learn but in different ways.
5. What pedagogical benefits can you derive from formulating SMART objective?
Answer. It will enhance the teacher’s knowledge about making the lesson more specific,
measurable, attainable, relevant, time bounded win which greatly helps in the transferring of the
knowledge in an easy and fluent way.

For Elaborative Learning

1. What problems can be solved be algorithm? And heuristics?
Answer. Algorithm or heuristic strategy refers to the following specific , step by step instructions
they solves the problems like puzzles and anything that use chronological situation.
2. Why fluent, flexible, original and elaborative thinking classified as divergent thinking?
Answer. Because they are far different from each other fluent thinking is characterized by
generation of lots of ideas , flexible thinking is characterized by variety of thoughts in the kinds
of ideas generated , original thinking is thinking that differs from what’s gone before and
elaborative thinking embellishes on previous ideas or plans.
3. Divergent and Convergent thinking are poles apart but are they related? Explain your answer
Answer. Divergent and Convergent thinking are both thinking they all refers to the skills beyond
recall and comprehension. They are skills concerned with application and of what was learned ,
evaluation and critical and creative thinking and synthesis.

Taking it to The Net

1. Surf the Internet for activities that can develop each of the creative thinking behaviors.

 Solving puzzles
 Making essays
 Mathematical activities
 Finding the treasure
 Who’s the killer
2. What does curriculum indigenization mean?
Answer. To cause or to have indigenous characteristics or personnel.
Guide Questions for Discussion
1.” Hands-on-minds-on-hearts-on” learning is in line with the principle that learning is an active
process. What is meant by “hands-on-mind-on-hearts-on” learning?
Answer. It means that these three domains must really be in touch together the cognitive,
affective, and the psychomotor domain. These three are inseparable for educating the mind
without educating the heart is not education at all, and putting it on actions makes it more
possible and understandable.
2. “There is nothing in the mind that has not been in some way through senses”. What does this
imply about the use of the five senses in the teaching-learning process?
Answer. The five senses serves as to be the basic requirements for effective learning , lacking one
of those senses can greatly affect the teaching-learning process , they serve to be as the tools or
bridges in learning process because it is where first the knowledge go until we already absorb it
and use it in our daily life.
3. Remembering the fourth principle of teaching and learning in this chapter, what does a highly
cerebral approach to teaching lack?

 Answer. A highly cerebral approach to teaching lack:

A. The learning environment is supportive and productive.
B. The learning environment promotes independence, and self-motivation.
C. Student’s needs, backgrounds, perspective and interests are reflected in the learning.

4. Describe a teacher when does when she engages herself purely in “teaching for testing.” How
does this affect students learning?
Answer. The teacher will purely just present the lesson in an easy and fast way without
considering if the learner understand, he/she is just after of finishing the said competency
without considering any objective , it greatly affect students learning because they were not
given an chance to explore what is the lesson all about, although they will have something to
learn but there’s nothing more beautiful than trying what is being discussed by the teacher.
5. What practice(s) should we avoid to make teaching-learning more meaningful?
Answer. We should avoid brining our own personal problems in our classroom and our students
because they don’t have nothing to do with it, avoid biasness and artificiality, refrain from
prejudice of culture , economic level and intellectual capability of your student be a model of
correct manner and right conduct.
6. When the teacher teaches higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), what do skills does he teach?
Answer. He teach the skills of the students on critical thinking , he enhances the capability of the
student to dig deeper in the core of their minds o gathering certain data or information about
the given task.
7. What is the best learning style? Explain your answer.
Answer. For me the best learning style is through visual, auditory and kinesthetic , because you
can hear it at the same time you can see it and you will going to apply what have you seen and
heard on the outside world.

For Elaborative Learning

1. Illustrate with symbols or with drawings each of the seven teaching strategy-related principles.
Present your symbols to the class and explain the symbol each.
a. Answer. This presentation shows processing in teaching on how to solve numberings on
mathematics. The learners can receive more learning if the teacher teach a processing
form or step by step.

b. This presentation shows that as a teacher we need to use visual aids in order to easy to
understand what those following concepts are.

c. This presentation shows that as a teacher we need to calm our emotion. Please avoid any
struggled emotion if you teach students. Remember that our emotion is the cause of our
d. This presentation shows that as a teacher we need to give a subject matter relating to
the students experiences.

e. This presentation shows that as a teacher in terms of teaching is sure that our teaching
reaches the levels of application, analysis, evaluations, and synthesis.

2. Choose 2 or more principles of teaching in this chapter. Compose a rap or jingle that captures
the essence of these principles
Answer. Nobody can learn for us in the same way that nobody can eat for us, nor live
for us, nor die for us. We eat for ourselves, live our own life and die our own death.
Only I can learn for myself. As a learner, I must therefore, be actively engaged in the
learning process.
“Learning is meaningful what is connected to student’s everyday life.
Abstract concepts are meaning understandable when we give sufficient examples
relating to the students experiences. The meaningfulness and relevance of what we
teach is considerably reduced by or practice of teaching simply for testing.

3. Imagine that you were assigned by your teachers to explain this lesson on teaching strategy-
elated principles to 3 classmates who were absent. Teach it your three classmates.
Answer. Good morning classmates today were going to tackle about chapter 3 Guiding Principles
in the Selection and Use of Teaching Strategies, here are some guiding principles in the selection
and use of appropriate teaching strategies:

 Learning is an active process

 The more sense you are involved in learning, the more and the better in learning
 Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning
 Learning is a meaningful when is connected to student everyday life
 Good teaching goes beyond recall if information
 An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of
 An integrated approach incorporates successful ,research-based and brain-based
instructional strategies
 Brain-based strategies
4. By means of a graphic organizer, give the characteristic of an integrated approach.

5. Observe a class. What graphic organizers did the teacher use? Is there any appropriate graphic
organizer that the teacher could have used? Explain your answer.

6. What graphic organizer(s) can your introduce or create?

Guide Question for Discussion
1. Since this methodology is teacher-directed” justify its use in teaching science, a subject which,
by nature, does lends itself more to the exploratory, discovery and inquiry approach.
 Answer. Yes. The strategy is teacher-directed. The emphasis is on the teaching of skill.
Each step must be mastered; hence the students gain “now” rather than “what”. It is
learned procedure knowledge in teaching science and etc.

2. Why is instruction often used in lessons that are implemented through step-by-step
Answer. So that the lesson will flow in the right direction , following step-by-step order will lessen
the confusion of the students in following such instruction and it will make the lesson more easy
and attainable.
3. Give three lessons that can be taught effectively by the use of this methodology. Discuss your

 Answer. These refer to the impact of each method in terms of how

studentseill utilize it.
 Knowledge: is the basic information of a subject; the facts and data of a
 Synthesis: is the combination of knowledge elements that form a new
 Performance: refers to the ability to effectively use new information in a
productive manner.

4. Explain the meaning of behavioral modeling”. Give an example.

Answer. It asserts that most behaviors are learned by observation and modeling. That means if
your pick up on your unhealthy and healthy habits depends on what are you going to practice
on them. Example a father want to teach his child how to change oil in the car. So he has his
teen watched while he changes the oil. That helps teen process and remember the information.
Then, the next time the oil needs to be changed, the teen does it on his own. His father
provides constant supervision. The father offers praise and positive feedback. He also provides
correction if necessary to ensure his teen is doing correctly the job.

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