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What you MUST ABSOLUTELY know:

 the present
 perfect tense
 the imperfect
 Futur tense
 articles including partitives, contracted
 the place of the adjective and its agreement
 the gerund
 reported speech
 express obligation, possibility and purpose with subjunctive
 passive form
 logical links
 possessive adjectives
 demonstrative adjectives (this, this, this, these)
 simple negations (do not, never, never, nobody, nothing ...)

B. What you need to know (without necessarily knowing how to master perfectly)

 past Perfect
 the conditional
 relative pronouns (who, what, where, where), pronouns direct and indirect complements
 the rules of agreement of the past participle
 prepositions of place and time
 the concordance of the times
 the expression of the hypothesis
 the adverbs so

C. What you need to know Know (without necessarily using them yourself)

 the possessive pronouns (mine, ours ...)

 the demonstrative pronouns (this one, that one ...)
 the restriction (ne..que)
 indefinite pronouns

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