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Automatic pitch trim

In an aircraft equipped with a movable horizontal stabiliser (trimmable stabiliser) and

elevator for pitch control, pitch trim is normally adjusted by first moving the elevators,
followed by trimming the horizontal stabiliser until the elevator is returned to the
neutral, centralised position. The normal action of an autopilot system in compensating
for an out of trim condition in pitch is to move the elevators until the condition is
corrected. The disadvantage of this system is that, once the elevators are deflected, the
amount of remaining movement in that direction is limited and control authority in pitch
is reduced. Furthermore, with the elevators deflected from their centralised position,
drag is increased, with the obvious adverse effects upon fuel economy and, ultimately,
range and endurance. Consequently, it is not uncommon for aircraft with the
stabiliser/elevator configuration to incorporate a system additional to the automatic
flight system, which will automatically adjust the horizontal stabiliser until the elevators
are restored to the neutral position. Such a system is known as an automatic stabiliser
trim (AUTO STAB TRIM) system and it is usually engaged automatically with autopilot
engagement. It is a requirement of autopilot engagement that the automatic stabiliser
trim system must be operational. The degree of elevator deflection necessary will
depend on airspeed and the automatic stabiliser trim controls incorporate a feel unit
which adjusts the trimming signal according to sensed dynamic pressure. Figure 6.2
illustrates schematically an automatic stabiliser trim system. Pitch commands from the
autopilot or from manual inputs are sent to the powered control unit, which deflects
the elevators through a screwjack, either up or down depending upon the pitch attitude
change required. The automatic trim system will then move the horizontal stabiliser,
through the trim actuator and screwjack to apply the nose-up or nose-down trim
adjustment initially required. As the stabiliser takes up its new position, its motion is
mechanically transmitted to a feel and centring unit and a neutral shift sensor. The
deflection of the stabiliser removes the need for elevator deflection and the neutral shift
sensor sends a feedback signal to the elevator PCU, removing elevator deflection as
stabiliser deflection increases, until theelevator and stabiliser are centralised.

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