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Deck Rules:

Decks are made up of 50 cards

You may have up to 3 copies of the same card per deck

You start the game by placing down a lvl 1 familiar to act as your Guardian

You lose the game when your opponent has destroyed your 9 Shields and destroys
your Guardian

Your Guardian level determines how many actions you can perform that turn, excluding
extra actions

The first turn: both players draw 5 cards, then play R/P/S to determine who goes first

Beginnings phase: both players reset and guardsman and then the player whose turn it
is draws one card and activates abilities that say to activate them this phase

Summoning phase: during this phase, the player calls familiars to the Field and activate
abilities that say to activate them during this phase

Tactics phase: in this turn, the player declares attacks, plays Phantasm cards, sets
World Cards, activates abilities that say to activate them this phase, once the player
either runs out of things to do this phase or ends the phase prematurely, their turn ends

Familiar cards: these are what you use to defeat your opponent, there are a few things
about Familiar cards you need to be aware of:
Level (from 1 to 6)
Talents: effects that have no cost
Abilities: stronger effects that are performed as an action and this limited by action
Strength Value
Shield Value
You may have 4 Infantry familiars on the field at max
Phantasm cards (equipment): these cards are attached to your Familiars to give them
unique effects, they're equipped as an action, but they're own effects do not, you may
only have a single Phantasm equipped to a familiar at a time

Phantasm cards(effect): one time cards that do a variety of things, may or may not have
a cost, there some Phantasm cards with COUNTER in description, meaning they are
used to retaliate against an opponent

World cards: special cards placed on the world card tile

Battle: basic combat works like such: you select one upright Familiar you control and
target one of your opponents Familiars, you compare your Familiars Strength value to
your opponent's Shield value, your attack will only work if your total Strength is higher
than your opponents total shield

When you attack a Guardian, it works the same way, instead of the guardian being
destroyed, you break a shield, when all 9 Shields are broken, you must successfully
attack it one last time to secure the victory

Skills: Every Familiar has one of the following skills:

Shield: when your opponent tries to attack your Guardian and you have a familiar with
the Shield skill, you can call it to defend your Guardian, if successful, the attack is
repelled and the guardsman is rested, if not the attack goes through
Refresh: when this card is put into play you can reset one ability or attacker
Draw: Draw 1 card
Spear: this card gains 1000 Strength when attacking a guardsman or Guardian
Fear: when this card is played, rest one of your opponent's familiars
Open Hands: equipping Phantasms count as an extra action

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