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(plays bgm and everyone dances for opening prod)
Here are your hosts:
Tracy Marie Tamayo and Juliene Tenefrancia
Tracy: Good morning!
Juliene: Good morning!
Both: Good morning everyone! Once again this is… THE TT
SHOW! Bringing you the latest techy chikas.
Tracy: Today, we will be having special whom we believe is very
familiar to you all.
Juliene: Right Tracy! Our guests for today are the 2 persons that
wis well known in their field. They have become business
partners for the last ten years and today we will test how their
perspective vary in the topic that we will discuss.
BOTH: Let us all welcome… JOSH AND JOSH
(entrance of guest with matching dance)
Tracy: Good morning gentlemen. Please take your rightful
Juliene: Thank you so much for accepting our invitation.
Sar: It’s a great honor on my part. Thank you for having me as
Josh: Ofcourse, this is all for my avid supporters out there. I
love you all!
(crowd makes noise)
Juliene: What an overwhelming response from our audience.
With the presence of these two men, we will be able to gain
insights on how fb become of great help to them and to where
they are now.
Tracy: So as net idols, we believe that you are aware of the
recent article that went trending online that talks about the
effects and usage of facebook. So, what can you say about it?
Do you agree with it?
Sar: For me, FB is such a great technological innovation. It has
served a big part on my business since I am able to connect and
reconnect with my clients as well as it serves as the platform
where I can advertise my products. It is much more easier to
reach people there.
Josh: I don’t think it is really that bad. As an influencer we
needed such platform to properly advertise our products
because without it we would not be able to reach the world.
Tracy: I bet that you two have rightfully used Facebook for
business purposes, but lets pretend that both of you are not
business people. As an ordinary person, what good can fb bring
Josh: Maybe I’ll still become famous. This charm like mine could
capture every girls heart.
Girl: OMG, I like you!!!
Sar: in this case, I would agree with the article. Like any other
man out there I would endulge myself using my phone and sit
for hours while scrolling up and down. It could really become a
distraction. If it can be a distraction to me now that I’m a
businessman, what more to the students? It’s a complete
Juliene: And so, we have now heard how your views varied.
They two have their own points and yet we still have more to
discover. Sit back, relax coz’ we will be right back after a short
Tracy: Once again, welcome to the… TT SHOW. At this point we
will have our concerned netizens to ask you some questions. So
I guess I need to pick one from our audience to raise their
(one person for audience stands up)
Audience 1: Good morning, my question is for Mr. Sar. Sir, what
do you think prompted the writers to write that article? What
could be their central claim for it?
Sar: (Prepares own answer)
Audience 1: Thank you so much Sir!
Juliene: So we will have another one, from here. Hi Ms.
Audience 2: Good morning. Mr. Josh this is for you. Do you
think the evidences presented are believable and enough to
presuade others about the negative effects of using fb? Why or
why not?
Josh: (Prepares own answer)
Juliene: We hope that things had been clarified with regard to
our netizen’s thought.
Tracy: this has not been possible without our guests here so
thank you so much again.
Juliene: this time we would like to here your general thoughts
with regard to this topic as well as your message to those
aspiring business people like you.
JOSH: (insert here)
SAR: (insert here)
Tracy: As a sign of gratitude, let us again be entertained by one
of our dance idols, Sugar for a closing performance.
Juliene: Thank you so much for the wonderful dance Sugar! And
now the moment we’ve all been waiting for, the fast talk!
(fast talk)
(kadlaw2 kuno abi)(drama2)
Hosts and guests shake hands.
Juliene: Let us all clap our hands together once again for Josh
and Josh.
Tracy: This has been your humble hosts, Tracy and
Juliene: Juliene for
Dances TT and exits

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