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Homeopathy: Mind, Body, and

How does homeopathy understand the human structure?

Homeopathy understands that humans exist as body/mind. We live and function on the levels of
our physiology (physical body), our mental and emotional states (mind) and our consciousness
(spirit). All of these are interrelated and impact the others. Our health and well being depend on
the balancing and integration of these levels of being.

Homeopathy also recognizes that there is a “higher purpose” to life than merely being
consumers; that our lives are soul journeys, each individual bringing unique patterns of
challenges and opportunities for growth.

A homeopath recognizes that all symptoms of ill health, whether physical, emotional, mental or
spiritual, are merely expressions of an underlying cause – an imbalance in the patient’s energy.
We all have an inbuilt mechanism for healing that when blocked or imbalanced gives rise to what
we call disease. This imbalance can be triggered by many common factors – genetic, upbringing,
social status, trauma etc., but our reaction to these is uniquely personal.

No two individuals will suffer in exactly the same way, nor present with exactly the same
symptoms. To a homeopath, these symptoms are the mechanisms a patient has developed for
survival and need to be handled with great care. Suppression of these mechanisms chemically or
behaviorally can be extremely damaging and leave a patient at great risk of developing more
serious symptoms and ultimately prolonging their suffering.

Rather than controlling or indeed suppressing these symptoms with powerful, toxic and often
mind-altering drugs, the homeopath will prescribe safe, natural remedies. These are individually
selected and dispensed in minute doses, to stimulate the patient’s energies and thereby rectify
the underlying imbalance. The homeopathically-prescribed remedy stimulates the energy, then
the body/mind wisdom, the inbuilt healing mechanism takes over and continues the healing

By treating the source of the illness in this way, patients experience a gentle return to health.
Their symptoms gradually disappear without any of the potential complications or dangers of
conventional medication and they emerge from their healing journey energetically stronger, more
balanced. With this new strength and resilience, they will be healthier on all levels and better able
to manage their life’s circumstances.

Homeopathy is a natural treatment easy on people and the environment.

...Homeopathic remedies stimulate the innate healing power (in homeopathic terms Vital
Force ) by balancing the intricate mind-body connection. Treatment based on a very
thorough health profile provides relief for emotional and physical conditions

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