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Post-Tensioned Concrete

Principles and Practice

Post-Tensioned Concrete
Principles and Practice
Third Edition

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred

Copyright © 2016 K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred

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Table of Contents

Preface ....................................................................................................................................................... vi

1) History of Post-Tensioned Concrete in United States Building Construction ...................................1

2) Design Philosophy, Equivalent Loads & Concrete Stresses on Determinate Systems ....................23

3) Review of Moment Distribution .......................................................................................................51

4) Concrete Stresses in Indeterminate Systems ....................................................................................61

5) Flexural Design.................................................................................................................................77

6) Shear Design .....................................................................................................................................99

7) Two-Span Beam Design Example ..................................................................................................149

8) One-Way Slab Design Examples ...................................................................................................177

9) Two-Way Slab Design Examples ...................................................................................................201

10) Two-Way Podium Slab Design Example .......................................................................................249

11) Mat Foundation Design Example ...................................................................................................277

12) Seismic Diaphragm Design Example .............................................................................................299

13) Design & Detailing for Mitigation of Restraint to Shortening Cracking .......................................327

14) Construction Issues and Structural Observations ...........................................................................351

15) Slabs-on-Ground .............................................................................................................................393

16) External Post-Tensioning ...............................................................................................................421

17) About the Authors ..........................................................................................................................439


Writing this book has been a labor of love and it actually began back in the mid-1990s, though I didn’t
realize it at the time. Much of the early chapters were written when I was teaching Prestressed Concrete
Design at California Polytechnic State University at Pomona. I was a young man at the time, but I was
lucky enough to have access to some of the greatest post-tensioned concrete engineers in the world.
Over the years Bryan and I have learned the art of designing and detailing post-tensioned concrete from
men such as my father, Ross Ellena, Ed Workman, Merrill Walstad, Florian Barth and Chris Deetz. We
both owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to all these men for sharing their wisdom. I also want to
acknowledge Trailer Martin, C.K. Allen, Bob Englekirk and Jim Cagley who were friends of my father
before I even knew I wanted to be a structural engineer and offered opportunities and served as role
models for me throughout my developing career.

Like most structural engineers in the post-tensioned concrete industry, Bryan and I were waiting for my
father to write this book. But when it became clear that he wasn’t going to, we decided to step up and
take on the challenge. The book is a combination of history, academic notes intended for use at the
university level, design examples straight from actual jobs that Bryan and I have designed and practical
applications and detailing intended for the practicing engineer. Chapter 1 describes the history of post-
tensioned concrete in the United States as only my father can tell it. Chapters 2 through 8 are currently
the notes that I use to teach Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures at UCLA. Chapters 9 through 13
are practical design examples in which we attempt to address many of the decisions faced by practicing
engineers on typical projects including proper computer analysis and modeling techniques. Chapters 13
and 14 contain the true art of detailing and observing the construction of post-tensioned concrete. This
knowledge was obtained over many years of working on our own projects and from listening and
learning from the men who were the pioneers of post-tensioned concrete. Chapter 15 is a thorough
discussion of the slab on grade industry, which represents more sales of post-tensioning tendons than all
other post-tensioning applications combined. And finally, Chapter 16 discusses arguably the most fun
and challenging application of post-tensioning – external post-tensioning.

I want to acknowledge and thank my 2012 UCLA CEE 143 students for helping me iron out the class
notes, and in particular Mr. Ryan Nakamoto and Mr. Christopher Smith for their reviews of the design
example chapters.

K. Dirk Bondy
This book reflects what Dirk and I do on a daily basis as structural engineers who specialize in post-
tensioned buildings. When my children ask me what I do for a living, I will give them this book and say
“This should explain it.” We tried to cover every detail from the beginning theory of balanced loads to
what to look for during the final structural observation. Over the years, we have engineered small
residential foundations to large hotels and everything in between. If it’s in a building and post-tensioned,
we have designed it, seen it constructed and tried to describe how to do it in the following chapters. As
Dirk wrote, we have both been extremely fortunate to be mentored by literally some of the best post-
tensioning engineers in the world. This book was written by them as much as us and will hopefully help
other engineers learn the art of post-tensioning.

Bryan Allred
History of Post-Tensioned Concrete in
United States Building Construction
by Ken Bondy

Post-Tensioning – What’s That?

It was the fall of 1963. I was 23 years old. I had completed the course work for my Master of Science
degree in Civil Engineering at UCLA, and I was almost finished with my thesis. I was barely surviving
on my meager teaching assistant salary. All things considered, it was time to…get a job.

I was living at the time in the San Fernando Valley, north of the UCLA campus, where I grew up. I
hoped that my first professional job could be in that area. So out came the Yellow Pages. I sent a brief
résumé to all of the structural engineering firms in the Valley, and I got about ten responses. I had
interviews at all of those ten firms, and soon had offers from five of them. All of the firms were offering
about the same salaries and benefits, so I had little objectively with which to make a decision. But there
was something unique and unusually appealing about one of the firms. I felt a good connection with the
engineering supervisor who interviewed me. His name was Ray Itaya, and the firm’s name was T.Y. Lin
& Associates. Ray offered me a job and I accepted.

My very first introduction to prestressed concrete came in one of my graduate structural analysis courses
at UCLA. The introduction lasted about fifteen minutes, and consisted of calculating some flexural
stresses at midspan in a simple-span beam. I had no idea prestressed concrete was about to become my
life’s work. It’s funny; many of the crossroads in our lives are passed without realizing their importance,
without sensing that the path we choose will change everything to follow. Seemingly inconsequential
decisions and events make profound changes, and yet often we do not realize their significance at the
time. When I accepted the job at T.Y. Lin & Associates in 1963 I did not know that I would be
introduced to post-tensioned concrete by the pioneering U.S. firm in that new field. I did not know I
would learn the fundamentals of prestressed concrete design from T.Y. Lin himself, who was becoming
the most respected individual in the history of prestressed concrete in this country. I did not know that
the decision to go to work for this firm would change my life forever.

My career as a specialist in the design and construction of post-tensioned concrete buildings spanned
almost the entire history of their use in the United States. I missed a few years when tendons were
predominantly used in lift-slab construction, but I did get involved in several lift-slab projects and I got
to know many of the people in the lift-slab industry.

I was moved and flattered when my son Dirk, who is also a specialist in post-tensioned concrete (bad
genes?) and an outstanding structural engineer, asked that I write the first chapter of this book. In the
following pages I will address the major landmarks which molded the present U.S. post-tensioned
concrete building industry.
2 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Thanks to Lift Slabs!

The U.S. building post-tensioning industry owes its existence to lift-slab construction. The first lift-slab
buildings were built in this country in the mid-1950s using non-prestressed slabs. Problems were
encountered during lifting in these early slabs because of their weight, and large deflections developed
after construction due to flexural creep. Post-tensioning was being widely used in European bridges at
that time, and the first post-tensioned bridges had been built in the United States and were functioning
well. Post-tensioning offered a potential solution to the problem of weight and deflection in lifted slabs
in buildings. The problem was that all of the existing post-tensioning systems available were in Europe,
and most of those systems were heavy bonded multi-strand systems not suitable for slab construction.
One of the European systems, however, held some promise for use unbonded in thin slabs. That was the
BBRV or “button-headed” tendon system. This system consisted of parallel-lay ¼” diameter high-
strength (240 ksi) wires which passed through a steel bearing plate and an externally threaded stressing
washer, with “buttons” cold-formed by impact on the ends of the wires. The buttons were anchored
against the outside face of the stressing washer, which attached to a hydraulic ram that elongated the
wires and applied the stress. The prestress force was held by steel shims inserted between the stressing
washer and the bearing plate.

Button-Headed (BBRV) Anchorage

To address the problems of weight and deflection, each of the early lift-slab companies went to Europe
and returned with a license to fabricate and use an unbonded BBRV tendon system. Some “independent”
companies (not involved in lift-slab construction) also obtained BBRV licenses and began to engage in
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 3

the general marketing of post-tensioned buildings; those included Prescon, Ryerson, American Stress-
Wire, and a few others.

Post-tensioning slabs in lift-slab buildings reduced their weight by about 30 percent, making lifting
easier, and solved the deflection problems. For a short time the lift-slab industry thrived and many
quality lift-slab buildings were built. However, while solving some problems, the button-headed tendon
system created others. First, since both dead-end and stressing-end anchorages were attached in the
factory, button-headed tendons had to be fabricated to a precise length between slab edge forms, with
very little tolerance. If the as-delivered tendon length was shorter or longer than the length between edge
forms, either the tendon had to be replaced with another one of the correct “exact” length, or the edge
forms had to be moved.

Next, button-headed tendons required some type of stressing pocket at their stressing-end to cover the
shims and stressing washer which protruded out from the bearing plate. Some contractors used a
continuous edge strip to cover the anchorages; others preferred a “saw-tooth” arrangement with a pocket
at each anchorage. But in both cases a second concrete pour was required to fill the pockets or the
continuous edge strip.

Finally, button-headed tendons required bulky and expensive couplers when intermediate stressing was
required. The coupler was usually provided in the form of a large high-strength steel stud, externally
threaded, that screwed into an internally threaded hole in the stressing washer. Tendon friction in wire
tendons at that time limited stressing lengths to about 80 feet from one end, and twice that, or about 160
feet, from two ends. Any building longer than 160 feet in either direction therefore required an
intermediate construction joint, intermediate tendon stressing, and expensive couplers. Most buildings
required such a joint.

The First Strand Post-Tensioning System

The first strand post-tensioning system used in the U.S. was developed in the early 1960s by Edward K.
Rice, the president of T. Y. Lin & Associates. The T. Y. Lin firm did consulting work for many precast
concrete plants, and of course they all used seven-wire strand for prestressing steel, anchored at the
bulkheads with various types of wedge anchors. T. Y. Lin & Associates had begun designing buildings
with some post-tensioned members, and Ed was keenly aware of the construction problems with the
button-headed tendons on those projects. Through his familiarity with the use of strand in
precast/prestressed concrete members, he also recognized that the use of a strand system with wedge
anchorages would solve all of the problems inherent in the button-headed system. Responsive to all of
this, Ed designed and patented the first wedge anchorage for use with seven-wire strand in post-
tensioned applications. He formed a separate company to market the strand system. That company was
called Atlas Prestressing Corp. Ed sold Atlas to Harold D. Long, a young engineer working for T. Y. Lin
& Associates at the time, and Hal became its first chief executive. Atlas was based in Van Nuys,
California. Through my design work at T. Y. Lin & Associates I became enthralled with post-tensioned
concrete as a structural system, and familiar with Atlas as a company. I joined Atlas in 1965, after about
three years with T. Y. Lin & Associates.

Atlas, under Hal Long’s leadership, introduced the strand post-tensioning system to the U.S.
construction market in 1962. Although competition with the button-headed tendon firms was fierce,
Atlas met with much success because the strand system eliminated all of the construction problems
inherent in the BBRV tendons. The strand system did not require exact length; the strand could be cut a
few feet longer than the finished slab length, and the excess strand was simply trimmed off after
stressing. The strand anchorages did not require formed stressing pockets or edge strips. A small two-
4 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

piece round rubber “grommet,” positioned between the anchorage and the finished edge form, recessed
the anchorage a few inches back inside the slab from the edge. When the grommet was removed after
concrete placement, it formed a round hole into which the jack nosepiece was placed when the strand
was stressed. A portion of the grommet also filled up the space inside the anchorage, preventing ingress
of cement paste from the back of the anchorage during concrete placement. After stressing and cutting
off the excess strand just inside the finished face of the concrete, the small hole was simply filled with
grout and finished flush with the slab edge. Stressing at intermediate construction joints was easy; the
strand was cut to the full length of the slab and an intermediate anchorage was simply slid onto the
strand and stressed at the intermediate construction joint using open-throated stressing jacks. The
remaining length of tendon was then rolled out into the next pour.

That is not to say that the first strand system was completely problem-free. The first strand-wedge
anchorage consisted of a coil of high-strength wire with a tapered shape to receive the wedges. There
was no bearing plate used with this anchorage; the small steel plate shown was used only to attach the
anchorage to the forms with nails passing through the nail-holes. The prestressing force was transferred
to the concrete not by bearing but by the direct tensile resistance of the concrete to the lateral forces
generated by the wedges on the inside surface of the coil. This required significant concrete tensile
strength in the anchorage zone.

Coil Anchorage

Many concrete breakouts occurred when coil anchorages were stressed. These breakouts were
particularly prevalent in lightweight concrete, which was widely used in California in the 1960s. Often,
in the early Atlas years, a few of us would gather together in the office after work and discuss the events
of the day. Occasionally our field superintendent, Tom Anderson, would stop by, and he would
invariably be bruised and bloodied from repairing the current day’s coil anchorage breakouts. Referring
to the coil anchorages, Tom started saying that the “…damn things should be chained together…” That
caught on, and eventually became the theme for an award that was given to the Atlas Employee of the
Year at our annual Christmas party. Here is the Thomas E. Anderson Award in all its glory:
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 5

The Thomas E. Anderson Award

It became obvious to Hal Long that the coil anchorage had to be replaced with a bearing-type anchorage.
Dick Martter, an extremely talented mechanical engineer and one of the first Atlas employees, stepped
up to the plate and, with help from Hal, developed the first ductile iron casting. It went into service for
the first time in 1965, the year I joined Atlas. The use of ductile iron, a casting material with ductile
properties, permitted a bearing plate surface to be combined with the “barrel” ring containing the tapered
hole housing the wedges in a single casting piece. The development of the ductile iron casting was a
huge event in the history of post-tensioned building construction, and ductile iron castings similar to the
original design by Martter continue to be used as the industry standard today.

The Battle Between Strand Systems and Button-Headed Wire Systems

Contractors quickly recognized the advantages of the strand system, and with a philosophy of good
service and dissemination of structural design information to practicing structural engineers, Atlas grew
6 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

rapidly. However, competition from the established button-headed tendon firms was vicious. It was
Atlas versus everybody else, and after a fierce five- to six-year struggle, Atlas eventually won the battle
of the marketplace by the late 1960s, and all of the surviving button-headed tendon firms switched to
strand systems. Button-headed tendons became extinct in the U.S. construction industry, and virtually all
post-tensioning in building construction has been with strand tendons with wedge anchorages since
1970. In a ten-year period from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s Atlas grew from the smallest to the
largest of the U.S. post-tensioning firms with division offices throughout the country and an operation in
Western Europe based in Amsterdam.

What Happened to Lift Slabs?

The concept of lift-slab buildings was a good one. It eliminated concrete forming, a major component of
concrete building cost, and had many other inherent advantages. The cost of the specialized equipment
could be amortized over many buildings. However, the lift-slab companies, in my opinion, made a fatal
marketing mistake which forever affected their penetration into the construction market. They combined
the cost of the lifting with the cost of the tendons into one bid price which was provided to the general
contractors on each new building project. This meant that independent post-tensioning companies could
not bid on lifted projects. The lifting companies would not expose the tendon price, and therefore a
tendon bid submitted by an independent post-tensioning company was meaningless because there was
nothing with which to compare it. This had short-term advantages for the lifting companies; it allowed
them to shield their tendon prices from competition from other tendon firms. But the practice had
serious long-term consequences for the lifting industry, and eventually resulted in the downfall of what
could have been a major construction industry.

Since independent tendon companies were excluded from bidding on lift-slab projects, our company, Atlas
Prestressing Corp., decided to form alliances with the emerging flying form industry and provide a bid to
the generals for a completely cast-in-place building. Joint promotion between Atlas, flying form
companies, and progressive concrete contractors allowed direct competition with lifted buildings. The use
of cast-in-place post-tensioned buildings using large-panel flying form systems was highly competitive
with lifted buildings (particularly with their inflated tendon prices), and by the late 1960s cast-in-place
buildings became preferred to lifted buildings, and lift-slab construction largely faded into obscurity.

I believe that if the lift-slab companies had encouraged competition from independent tendon
companies, instead of trying to exclude them, lift-slab construction, with all its inherent advantages,
would be a significant factor in today’s medium-rise building market.

Landmarks in Post-Tensioned Buildings

Looking back over my long career as a specialist in post-tensioned concrete, I would cite the following
as the most significant developments affecting the growth and use of post-tensioned concrete in U.S.
building construction:

The introduction of the strand/wedge system to replace the button-headed tendon system

The development of the ductile iron casting for single-strand unbonded tendons

The introduction of the “load-balancing” method for the design and analysis of post-tensioned
concrete members

The introduction of the “banded” tendon system for two-way post-tensioned slab systems
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 7

The formation of the Post-Tensioning Institute

The use of computers in the design of post-tensioned buildings

The first two landmark events, the introduction of the strand system and the development of the ductile
iron casting, have been discussed above. Following is a brief discussion of the others.

Load Balancing and Teaching Engineers How to Design

Perhaps the most important single event in the history of post-tensioned concrete building construction
was the introduction of a simplified method for the design and analysis of complex, indeterminate post-
tensioned concrete members called “load balancing.” This was done in a paper written by T. Y. Lin
himself, published in 1963 in an ACI Journal paper. It involved mentally removing the tendon from the
concrete member, and replacing it with all of the forces that tendon exerts on the concrete. T. Y. didn’t
invent the load balancing method, but he did more than any other individual to explain it and
disseminate information about its use. The concept was brilliant, easy to understand, and greatly reduced
the mathematical drudgery involved in other design and analysis methods. It made the design of post-
tensioned concrete members as easy for the practicing engineer as the design of non-prestressed concrete
members. This design simplicity encouraged structural engineers to select post-tensioned concrete as the
preferred framing method.

Even though information was available about load balancing and simplified design methods for post-
tensioned structures, engineers were not quick to pick it up, and the growth of post-tensioning lagged in
the early to middle 1960s. Almost all the design work was being done by T.Y. Lin & Associates and a
handful of other firms. Atlas Prestressing Corp. was the first firm to recognize that the growth of the
post-tensioning industry was dependent on disseminating effective design techniques to practicing
structural engineers. The structural engineer was the primary decision-maker on the use of post-
tensioning, and if he or she was not familiar with P/T design, the building was unlikely to be post-
tensioned. Atlas, primarily through its president Hal Long, knew that the best way to increase sales of
post-tensioning was to teach engineers how to design it.

Thus, for a ten-year period starting in the mid-1960s, on behalf of Atlas I presented more than one
hundred one-day design seminars to invited groups of practicing structural engineers. They were held in
most major U.S. cities and in Western Europe and Japan. They were free of charge to the attendees and
we provided them lunch and cocktails at the end of the day. We would walk the audience through a
detailed, state-of-the-art design of several typical post-tensioned concrete framing schemes, one a two-
way slab in a residential building, and one a post-tensioned parking structure. At the seminars I would
make it known that Atlas was willing to provide free in-house design assistance for these engineers to
help them with their designs.

We would start getting calls from attendees within weeks of the seminars (“I’ve got a job here where
post-tensioning might work, can you come in and take a look at it??”) In their seven U.S. division
offices, Atlas developed a staff of more than 100 licensed engineers to handle this design assistance
work, and the other design services we were providing (mostly on design/build projects). It was not
unusual for Atlas to register a sale of post-tensioning tendons within one year of, and directly as a result
of, the design seminars. Occasionally that happened in as little as six months. The seminars were wildly
successful and were the primary reason that Atlas grew, in less than ten years, from the smallest to the
largest post-tensioning firm in North America.
8 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Banded Tendons
Two-way post-tensioned slabs have been a popular type of framing in concrete building construction.
When this type of framing started to be commonly used, tendons in two-way slabs were installed in each
of two orthogonal directions with some located in the “column strip,” an imaginary area centered on the
column lines and extending one-quarter of the bay width on either side of the column. The remaining
tendons were installed in the “middle strip,” the area located between the column strips. Since the
tendons were “draped” in a curved vertical profile (generally parabolic), high at the column lines and
low at midspans, each individual tendon would typically have some perpendicular tendons above it, and
some below it, as shown in the figure below. This tendon arrangement was generically known as a
“basket-weave” system.

Basket-Weave Tendon Profiles

In order to install such a system of woven tendons, the tendon detailer had to locate and identify the
single tendon which was below all other perpendicular tendons. That tendon, or group of tendons, was
identified on the placing drawings as tendon sequence #1. Next the detailer found the tendon in the other
direction which was below all other perpendicular tendons, with the exception, of course, of tendon
sequence #1. That tendon, or group of tendons, was identified as tendon sequence #2. All tendons in the
slab were identified in this manner with a sequence number. Each tendon had to be installed with the
precise sequence number, or a bird’s nest of tendons would result and the tendons could not be chaired
at the proper heights. Often slabs would have 30 to 40 sequence numbers. An example of a sequenced
“basket-weave” two-way slab (in this case a foundation mat) is shown below:
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 9

Two-Way Foundation Mat with Basket-Weave System

In 1968, the most famous post-tensioned building in history was built. Its primary fame was not because
it was post-tensioned, but because of what eventually happened in it. It was the Watergate Apartments in
Washington, D. C. Yes, the very same one you are thinking of. Watergate is also famous for another
reason; it was the first building ever built using a two-way post-tensioned slab with a new and
innovative tendon distribution, which came to be known as the “banded” tendon distribution.

The Watergate
10 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

In the architectural design of the Watergate building, the floor plan was curved and columns were
located randomly in areas which substantially hid them, including walls, duct spaces, closets, etc. The
resulting column layout did not line up in either direction. No column was spaced any farther than about
22 feet from any other column; however, the concepts of gridlines, column strips, and middle strips were
meaningless. The structural designers of the slabs (a joint effort of T. Y. Lin & Associates and Atlas
Prestressing Corp.) were perplexed because, using conventional two-way slab techniques, there was no
obvious path for slab loads to columns. Someone in the team suggested connecting columns in one axis
of the building with imaginary straight lines between individual columns, and thinking of those lines as
a series of beams, or hard points. A “band” of tendons could be run along that line connecting columns
in one direction, then in the other direction tendons could be spaced uniformly over bands. With this
concept, the load path became obvious, and the forces and profiles for both the band tendons and the
uniform tendons could be easily calculated.

This tendon layout, with all of the post-tensioning tendons in one direction located in a narrow band
over columns, and tendons distributed uniformly with no regard for imaginary column strips and middle
strips, had never been done before. However, the Watergate design team saw no alternative and the
design and construction proceeded with the unique tendon layout. The performance of the slabs
appeared to be good, and the tendon installer reported a significant savings in tendon placing costs when
compared to the conventional “basket-weave” system. The primary labor savings resulted from the
elimination of tendon sequencing. In this new banded layout, all of the band tendons were placed first,
and then all of the uniform tendons. Ironworkers did not have to place individual series of tendons,
alternating in each direction, according to a complex sequence.

Typical Banded Tendon Layout

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 11

Since the Watergate Apartment building, built almost forty years ago, the banded tendon layout has
become the standard method for placing tendons in two-way post-tensioned slabs. The adequacy of the
banded tendon layout has been confirmed by the functional performance of hundreds of millions of
square feet in service, and numerous laboratory tests, starting with a landmark testing program at the
University of Texas at Austin in the early 1970s, supervised by the legendary professor and researcher
Dr. Ned H. Burns.

Four-Panel Test at University of Texas

Formation of the Post-Tensioning Institute

Engineers, contractors, and material fabricators in the post-tensioning industry recognized early that they
needed an industry organization to represent their interests and to disseminate design and construction
information relative to this specialized field. From the late 1960s through the mid 1970s the post-
tensioning industry was represented as a group within the Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), now the
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute. However, as the industry grew, it became apparent that a separate
organization, dedicated solely to post-tensioned concrete design and construction, was needed.

Pursuant to this, the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) was formed as an independent organization in 1976.
Now thirty years old, PTI provides all those with an interest in post-tensioned concrete a single unified
voice and source of design and construction information. Since its founding, PTI has been guided by
three extremely talented Executive Directors: Cliff Freyermuth, Gerry McGuire, and its current
Executive Director, Ted Neff.

PTI has matured and grown as the industry has grown. PTI now publishes a Journal with informative
articles about post-tensioning design and construction issues, and holds well-attended annual
engineering conferences. In many cases, PTI documents and committee reports establish the standard of
12 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

care for design and construction of post-tensioned concrete structures. PTI is now recognized
internationally as the premiere source of information about post-tensioned structures worldwide.

No discussion of the history of post-tensioning in U.S. buildings would be complete without addressing
how it was influenced by computers.

When I graduated from UCLA in 1963, and started my first engineering job with T. Y. Lin and
Associates, my primary mathematical tool was a slide rule.

Slide Rule

My slide rule could multiply and divide, but it didn’t know where the decimal point was. I had to figure
that out myself. Now, 50 years later, I can do a dynamic analysis of a 40-story building, with all the
decimal points in the right place, on a flight between San Francisco and Los Angeles, on a laptop
computer about the size of a book…..while sipping a glass of Shiraz. Just kidding about the Shiraz; I
would never do that.

Just in one lifetime the changes in computing power have been astonishing. From slide rules to personal
computers the size of a notebook (with more power than the original mainframe computers that took up
an entire air-conditioned large room), the improvements in computing power are breathtaking!

Let’s take a look at my personal journey through this whirlwind of technology.

The Dawn of the Computer Age

My first contact with machine-assisted design came in 1966, when I was employed by Atlas Prestressing
Corp., and I was introduced to the Olivetti Programma 101.

The Olivetti was like a giant hand calculator. It was 19” wide, 24” deep, 7.5” tall, weighed 78 pounds,
and, for the first time, showed the potential for machine-assisted calculations. It sold in 1966 for about
$3,500. It could add, subtract, divide, multiply, and calculate a square root. It could record and execute a
limited number of program steps on plastic magnetic cards, and the output data was printed on a roll of
calculator paper, like an old “adding machine.” There was no programming language; communication
with the Olivetti was in machine language (enter a number into the X-register, arrow up into the Y-
register, divide Y by X, store the answer in register ZZ).
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 13

Olivetti Programma 101 (1966)

We would trim and tape the output to preprinted 8.5x11 calculation sheets with predetermined locations
for the input and output data. For a short time in the late 1960s scissors became a primary structural
design tool. When I was with Atlas I presented a series of one-day seminars on the design of post-
tensioned concrete to groups of practicing structural engineers throughout the country and in a few
foreign countries. At these seminars we provided the attendees with a design workbook whose cover is
shown below:

Seminar Workbook Cover

14 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

One of the design examples I presented was for a post-tensioned beam, such as might be used in a cast-
in-place parking structure. First, I went through the hand calculations for the beam, part of which shows
the design for nominal strength:

Hand Calculations for Beam Strength Design

Next, I presented a sheet which showed the way we were actually doing this type of design at Atlas, a
preprinted sheet with input and output labels in prearranged locations. We had a series of recorded
“programs” on magnetic cards. For beam design we had four small programs: one which calculated
beam loads from input geometry and data, one which calculated section properties, one which
determined the prestressing force and flexural concrete stresses, and finally, one which calculated the
required amount of non-prestressed reinforcement.

We would take the output strips of calculator paper for each of the four parts of the design, trim them
with structural scissors, and tape them onto the preprinted calculation sheets in the proper locations. I
had the audacity to call this sheet a “Computer Example!” And I guess, in kind of a primitive way, it
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 15

“Computer Example”

The Wang Era

The next landmark in the evolution of computer-aided design came with the introduction of the Wang
700 series of “super calculators.” The Wangs still used machine language, but they had much more
capacity than the Olivetti with many more registers and much more storage. Program steps were
recorded on audio cassette tapes, and output could be printed on large sheets with an IBM Selectric
typewriter. The Wang 700 machine is shown in the two figures below, the second showing it with
peripheral equipment (typewriter, auxiliary tape reader) attached:
16 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Wang 700 “Super Calculator”

Wang 700 With Peripheral Equipment Attached

With the Wang 700 series machines we could write a crude analysis program in a series of independent
routines, each small enough to fit into the machine’s storage capacity. When one routine was completed,
we would print the input and output, then delete as much of the data as we could to make room in
storage for the next routine. The answers, and some of the input from one routine, were used in the next.
It was tedious, but it was better than anything else that existed at the time, and it was certainly better
than doing the calculations by hand.

The Wang programs were based on analysis, not design. It simply did not have enough capacity to
perform a true design involving loops, decisions, and iteration to a final design. We would input a first
guess at geometry, force and profile, perform an analysis on the given configuration (calculate stresses
and reinforcement), and if we were not happy with the results we would change something and start
over, iterating manually to a final acceptable design. Moments and shears were calculated with 2-cycle
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 17

moment distribution, done either by hand or with a programmed routine on the Wang. The capacity of
the Wang did not permit the use of matrix techniques.

The First Personal Computer

Wang revolutionized the engineering world by introducing, in 1973, the first real personal computer, the
Wang 2200. It had its own programming language, a BASIC interpreter, and could perform loops and
mathematical decisions. It had a mighty 4 KB of random access memory (RAM); thus, it required some
tedious programming. As with its predecessor the 700, with the 2200 we would input some data, do
some calculations, print the answers with a Selectric typewriter, delete unnecessary data, input some
more data, do some more calcs…..and so on until we got an acceptable design.

Wang 2200

Program code on the 2200 was recorded (read only) on standard audio cassette tapes, and the output
printed on 8.5x11 sheets with the Selectric typewriter. For the first time, output could be printed in a
tabular format with rows and columns. The Wang 2200 created some great programmers – if you could
program this thing in BASIC with 4 KB of RAM you could program anything!

The IBM Personal Computer

The world changed forever in 1981 when IBM introduced the first IBM Personal Computer (the “PC”).
It had two floppy disk drives, each permitting both reading from and writing to the disk. Flexible
printing with virtually unlimited formatting could be done on a dot matrix printer. A large monitor made
input/output operation much easier. The first PC had 64 KB of RAM (luxurious, who could want more
than that?) and a dazzling processor speed of 4.77 MHz. There was no hard drive. It came with a
sophisticated “GW-BASIC” (nicknamed “gee-whiz”) language developed by Microsoft, which also
developed the disk operating system (DOS) which controlled access, storage, and all internal operations.
18 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The First IBM Personal Computer (1981)

In 1983, two years after the introduction of the first personal computer, IBM introduced the greatly
improved IBM XT. It was the first computer to have a built-in hard drive (a huge 10 MB). Along with
the hard drive, the XT had two floppy disk drives. RAM was doubled to 128 KB, and the processor
speed remained at 4.77 MHz.

IBM XT (1983)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 19

The XT allowed vast improvements in programming. For the first time matrix methods became feasible,
and with the increased RAM we could do true design programming with decisions and iterations to a
final design. Much more sophisticated routines were possible, such as the one we developed for
punching shear in two-way slabs. Finally we didn’t have to spend most of our programming time
juggling and printing data.

The first version of our widely used post-tensioning design program PTData was developed on the IBM
PC and finalized for use on the XT. PTData was first made available to the engineering community in
1983 and eventually sold over 500 licenses. It was recently converted to Windows 64-bit and by my son’s firm Seneca Software Solutions, Inc., which maintains and markets the
program now.

Perhaps the most significant landmark in computer history came in 1985 with the introduction of
Windows by Microsoft. Windows quickly replaced DOS as the prevalent PC operating system.
Microsoft also developed an improved BASIC programming language which it called Visual Basic.
third party programmers now had access to all the beautiful Windows interfaces and I/O routines.
Windows was originally a 16-bit system, but changed to 32-bit in 1994 requiring a major conversion for
16-bit programs. In 2009, Windows changed again to a 64-bit system and introduced, an
advanced BASIC programming language.

With the advent of Windows came huge improvements in memory, processor speed, and disk storage.
RAM has increased from 64 KB on the first PC to a typical 4 GB now, an increase of more than 60,000
times. Processor speed has increased from 4.77 MHz to 1.4 GHz, an increase of about 3,000, and now
with 1+ terabyte hard drives easily available and inexpensive, disk storage has increased about 100,000
times since the first 10 MB hard drive on the XT.

Post-Tensioning Design Programs

In the early 1970s the market for post-tensioning in buildings was rapidly growing. One major reason
for this growth was the dissemination by Atlas of design information to practicing structural engineering
firms through seminars and design assistance to those firms. More engineers were learning how to
design post-tensioned buildings and, as a result, more post-tensioned buildings were being built. To
handle this volume of engineering work, Atlas grew and maintained a large staff of licensed engineers
(more than 100) in their various offices throughout the country.

With the availability of a true personal computer (the Wang 2200), and having for the first time the
capacity to run a real post-tensioned design program, Atlas decided that it was time to develop one. The
conversion of our Wang-based machine language routines to a comprehensive design program written in
BASIC looked like a major undertaking. Through PTI committee work I had become friends with
Merrill Walstad, the chief structural engineer for the VSL Corporation, a competitor active in post-
tensioned concrete building work. Atlas and VSL made the decision to develop the program jointly, with
Atlas providing most of the programming work (we had full-time programmers on staff) and VSL
providing funding and support. Surprisingly, this unlikely relationship worked, and in a period of about
six months the program was functional and both Atlas and VSL began to use it in-house for their design

Both Atlas and VSL made the decision NOT to market the program commercially, but rather to limit its
use to in-house proprietary design services. However, Merrill left VSL and I left Atlas at about the same
20 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

time in 1976 to start our own firms, Merrill a structural design firm (Walstad Engineering, Inc.) and me,
with my partner Chris Deetz, a construction firm and a structural design firm, both specializing in post-
tensioned concrete buildings (Seneca Construction Systems, Inc. and Seneca Structural Design, Inc.)
Merrill and I continued the relationship we had developed at Atlas and VSL and worked together on
several projects. We of course had the source code for the Wang 2200 program we developed at
Atlas/VSL, and we recreated the program and used it for our own design work for about five years. In
the early 1980s, when the first IBM PC was introduced, Merrill and I decided it was time to develop a
state-of-the-art post-tensioning design program which would run on the PC and which we would make
available to the general engineering public. To accomplish this, we formed a corporation called
Structural Data, Inc. (SDI) and made the decision to call the new program “PTData.”

Along with Merrill and me, an original SDI partner was Nick Watry, a close friend of both of ours, who
was running a growing structural design firm in the San Francisco Bay Area (Watry Design Group) and
who had an interest in the development of the program. As work on the program progressed, Nick’s
interest in SDI faded and we bought him out. I think Nick decided it was in his best interest to keep his
post-tensioning expertise in-house and not make it available, through the program, to potential
competitors. The buyout was amicable and Nick has remained a great friend and colleague throughout
the years.

PTData was completed and first offered for sale in 1983. The original version was written in GW-Basic
based on the DOS operating system. Merrill developed the original I/O routines and I did all the other
technical programming. The program was converted to 16-bit Windows in 1985 and then to the 32-bit
version in 1994. Merrill ran all other aspects of SDI business, sales, accounting, etc., and we jointly
handled the technical support. It was an extremely successful venture and we eventually sold about 500

PTData was the first commercially available computer program sold for use in the licensee’s office.
However a program called POSTEN was previously available (since 1971) but it was “rented,” i.e. the
customer filled out data forms, submitted them to the POSTEN office, which ran the program on a
mainframe and returned the output to the customer. As powerful personal computers became available,
the concept of a “rented” program became less appealing to structural firms, and the use of POSTEN
decreased dramatically. In 1991 a licensed version of POSTEN was made available, but by that time it
was too late to compete with the other established programs which could be run in-house on the
licensee’s computers.

A few years after PTData began to be sold, another competitive program called “ADAPT” was
developed and marketed. From that time to the present day, a period of almost 30 years now, PTData
and ADAPT have dominated the market for post-tensioned concrete design software. The last several
years have also seen new software developers entering the market, mostly with very complex, three-
dimensional finite element analysis programs.

In his design classes at UCLA my son Dirk effectively integrates PTData computer calculations with
hand calculations, and the combination results in a very powerful learning tool for students, who today
are highly computer literate. Examples of the use of the computer as a learning tool can be found in the
design examples in this book, starting with Chapter 7.

In the late 2000s Windows converted to a 64-bit system and Microsoft introduced a new version of its
BASIC programming language, Our 32-bit Windows version of PTData would not run
in the 64-bit environment, and faced with another major conversion and lured by retirement, Merrill and
I decided to end our long run and hand our interests in the program over to Dirk’s structural engineering
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 21

office. Dirk formed a new company, Seneca Software Solutions, to market the program. He successfully
converted the program to the Windows 64-bit environment and it is up and running on Windows 7!

Problems Faced by the Post-Tensioning Industry

Restraint to concrete volume change (shortening) was the first big pervasive problem faced by the
industry. The mechanics of volume change, and the restraint to that volume change, is different in post-
tensioned concrete members than in non-prestressed members. In non-prestressed concrete beams and
slabs restraint to shortening provided by connected elements (walls and columns) results in many closely
and uniformly spaced cracks throughout the length of the member. The ends of a non-prestressed
member tend to stay in their original positions, and the total shortening is simply the sum of the crack
widths along its length. Because of this, shears and moments induced into restraining connected
elements are relatively small.

In post-tensioned concrete members, however, the effect of the axial prestress force tends to close most
of the restraint-to-shortening cracks which would otherwise form between the ends of the member.
Unlike non-prestressed members, the total volume change along the length of the post-tensioned
concrete member is reflected in significant movement inwards at the ends. This induces large shears and
moments into the connected walls and columns. These shears and moments can result in large and
unsightly cracks in the post-tensioned member, and in the walls and columns themselves.

Engineers had to learn how to design post-tensioned concrete floor systems with levels of cracking
normally accepted in non-prestressed floor systems. This was accomplished over the years largely with the
use of joinery details (slip joints and pour strips) and the use of properly located and sized non-prestressed
reinforcement. Mitigation of restraint-to-shortening effects in the design of post-tensioned buildings has
become as large a part of the design process as the selection of the forces and profiles themselves.

But without doubt the biggest problem ever faced by the industry was tendon corrosion. The early
unbonded tendon sheathings and coatings (grease) were inadequate for aggressive environments, such as
those where de-icing salts are applied to exposed concrete surfaces. Serious corrosion problems began to
be apparent in such buildings within about 10 years of service. Most were repairable, and several
companies thrived by specializing in corrosion-related repairs.

Improved material specifications developed and enforced by PTI through certification and informational
programs have largely solved these corrosion problems. These include improvements in the quality and
performance of sheathing material, coatings, and the development of a complete tendon encapsulation
system for use in the most severe environments.

My career in post-tensioned concrete has been rewarding in every way. It was technically challenging,
always exciting, and it brought me into contact with some of the most interesting and talented people in
the construction industry. I am still dazzled by the power of post-tensioned concrete, and its inherent
economy. By “balancing” applied downward loads, post-tensioning eliminates a significant amount of
bending, and bending, because it does not use the full member cross section, is an extremely inefficient
way to carry a load from one place to another.

I never tired of working in the field of post-tensioned concrete. Every day was fun. Some days were
more frustrating than others, but it was always fun. Now, 50 years later, in these words, I have tried to
look at the history of this dynamic industry, as I saw it firsthand. For me, it was a great ride.
Design Philosophy, Equivalent Loads & Concrete Stresses
on Determinate Systems

All references in this book to ACI 318 refer to the 2014 edition. All references to ASCE 7 are to the
2010 edition.

Working Stress versus Nominal Strength Design Methods

In the early days of structural engineering virtually all materials were designed using what was called
the “Working Stress” method. Highlights of the Working Stress Method are as follows:

• Under “working” or “service” loads the material stresses are limited to a level that promotes
elastic behavior.
• Factors of safety are inherent in the allowable stresses (for instance, 0.66Fy for stable steel
beams) but the factors of safety are not explicitly stated and typically are not easy to
• One benefit is that all calculations are performed using the same loading (stress checks,
deflections, etc.).
• A significant drawback is that engineers cannot determine the true maximum (ultimate) strength.

Eventually, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) blazed a new trail, as they often have, and developed
the “Nominal Strength” method of design. Highlights of the Nominal Strength Method are as follows:

• The actual maximum capacity of a member is calculated (the nominal strength).

• A portion of the factor of safety is applied to the loading used in the elastic analysis (the load
factors, such as 1.2 x Dead Loads & 1.6 x Live Loads). This part of the factor of safety is
strictly a function of the loading and applies equally to all elements and modes of failure
(beam shear or column axial load, etc.).
• The remainder of the factor of safety is applied through a “capacity reduction factor”, φ. The
capacity reduction factor varies according to the member and the mode of failure (i.e., φ = 0.9 for
beam flexure & 0.75 for beam shear) and is intended in part to promote more ductile (rather than
brittle) failure modes. It is also intended to account for variations in material properties.

Prestressed concrete, probably because it is so different than any other material or system in that it
actively supports load (as opposed to virtually all other materials which passively resist loading), has
always been (unfairly?) required to satisfy both working stress and ultimate strength design criteria in
the ACI codes. In this book we will first address the working (service) stress design requirements, and
then we will tackle the ultimate strength portion. As we work through this it should become clear that
this is also the proper design sequence used in the everyday design of prestressed concrete members.

24 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The working stress portion of the design will determine the prestressing force and profile, which will
become a “given” in the ultimate strength part of the design.

Pretensioned versus Post-Tensioned Prestressed Concrete

Prestressed concrete is the umbrella term that describes both pre-tensioned and post-tensioned concrete.
The “pre“ and “post” prefixes describe when the prestressing tendons are stressed (pulled or jacked)
relative to the concrete being placed and cured.

In pre-tensioned concrete the tendons are typically placed in steel bed forms and stressed prior to the
concrete being placed. The prestressing steel is usually straight, or “harped” in straight segments. These
tendons are bare and bond directly to the concrete. Once the concrete is cured the tendons are released
from the bed and the tension force is transferred through bond into the concrete, compressing the
concrete. Pretensioned concrete is almost always associated with precast concrete, or concrete cast in
beds within a precasting plant. The most typical pre-tensioned structural members are single tees, double
tees, beams, girders and planks.

In post-tensioned concrete the tendons are typically draped in a parabolic profile in the concrete forms,
unstressed. These tendons are coated in grease within plastic sheathing so that they won’t bond to the
concrete and can slide within the sheathing when they are stressed after the concrete had been placed
and hardened. Post-tensioned concrete is almost always associated with cast-in-place concrete, or
concrete cast at the actual site in its final location. The most typical post-tensioned structural members
are one-way slabs, two-way slabs, beams and girders.

One-way Slab Tendons Over a Post-tensioned Beam

This book will primarily focus on post-tensioned concrete, though for academic purposes pre-tensioned
concrete will be discussed occasionally.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 25

Review of Section Properties

Before we jump in to equivalent loads let’s do a quick review of section properties. All of the stress
calculations that we do in this book will depend upon the elastic section properties of the members, so
it’s important to start off on the right foot.

Rectangular Beam Example:

c.g.c. =
yt = yb =
& S=
bh3 bh2
∴ St = Sb = h =
12( 2 ) 6

In general: I = ∑Io + ∑Ad2 & S = I/y

Tee-Beam Example:

Area, A = (48 in)(6 in) + 30 in(14 in) = 708 in2

48 in(6 in)(6 in�2) + 30 in(14 in)(6 in + 30 in�2)

c. g. c. =
708 in2

= 13.67 in from the top

∴ yt = 13.67 in ; yb = 36 in – 13.67 in = 22.33 in

I = 48 in(6 in)3/12 + 14 in(30 in)3/12 + 48 in(6 in)(13.67 in – 3 in)2 + 14 in(30 in)[13.67 in – (15 in+6
= 87,719 in4
∴St = I/yt = 87,719 in4 / 13.67 in = 6417 in3
& Sb = I/yb = 87,719 in4 / 22.33 in = 3928 in3
26 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Equivalent Loads
Before we begin with equivalent loads we should first address the convention for drawing the moment
diagrams. Virtually all textbooks draw moment diagrams to the compression side (positive up and
negative down for horizontal members). However, most consulting structural engineering firms that
specialize in any type of concrete will reverse this convention and teach their young engineers to draw
moment diagrams to the tension side. One reason for this is that tensile reinforcing steel is obviously
placed where the concrete is in tension. It is much less likely that a young engineer will make the
mistake of drawing the reinforcement on the wrong side of the beam, slab or wall if the moment diagram
clearly indicates where the reinforcement should be placed. Another reason is that the tension side
moment diagram will approximate the deflected shape, which helps a young engineer develop a more
intuitive feel for bending behavior. In post-tensioned concrete it is even more important that the tension
side be clearly depicted in the moment diagrams because the controlling service level stresses are always
the tensile stresses in a proper design. This is one of a number of instances where the practicing world
and academic world have clear differences of opinion. In this book all moment diagrams will be drawn
to the tension side.


Drape, “a”: The maximum distance from the c.g.s. to a line connecting the support c.g.s. locations. This
is sometimes referred to as the “sag” of the tendons. Drape has nothing to do with the c.g.c. The drape
will be used to determine the equivalent loads in the span.

Eccentricity, “e”: The distance at any point in the span between the c.g.s. and the c.g.c. Whereas “a”
occurs at a single location in the span, the value of “e” can vary and can be determined at any location in
a span. The eccentricity is used to determine the primary prestressing moment at a discrete location,
which is defined as the force times the eccentricity.

Strand: Prestressing steel reinforcement consisting of 7 high-strength wires.

Tendon: (From ACI) In pretensioned applications, the tendon is the prestressing steel. In post-tensioned
applications the tendon is a complete assembly consisting of anchorages, prestressing steel, and
sheathing with coating for unbonded applications or ducts with grout for bonded applications.

c.g.s.: The center of gravity of the reinforcing steel or tendon group.

c.g.c.: The center of gravity of the concrete section.

F: The effective force in the tendon group, typically in kips.

MPrimary Prestress = Fe in both statically determinate and indeterminate systems. The primary prestress
moment will also be the equivalent moment in statically determinate systems.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 27

Consider a tendon cast in a weightless but stiff material. Let’s assume also that the tendon has no
inherent stiffness (consider the tendon as a string or rubber band). The tendon is pulled (stressed) to a
tension force, F, and anchored at the end of the beam. The beam in this case is statically determinate. In
this case “a” also equals “e” at midspan.

Note that there is no external load on the system (beam). Now pull out the tendon from the system and
look at the forces acting on it. Notice that it wants to straighten, but the material resists that.

For this tendon with no stiffness to have this shape (2 straight portions) a load “P” must be acting as
shown. There is no other load or location that will result in this same shape. The load “P” is applied by
the surrounding material. For equilibrium, the ends of the tendon must each have a vertical component
of P/2.

Now look at the material only. Remember that there are no external loads on this weightless beam.

Here’s the point. When evaluated separately, the tendons and material have loads acting on them in
equilibrium. But when they are added together there is no net force.
28 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Let’s look at a free-body diagram of the tendon again and determine the load “P” acting on it.

Using small angle theory,

� Fy = 0 ⇒ 2F � � − P = 0

Another way to look at this (also utilizing small angle theory) is:

Summing moments about “O” yields:

Fa − P � � + � � = 0
2 2 2
PL 4Fa
Fa = or P =
4 L

Let’s look at the material again.

The equivalent moment being applied to the material is:

Pequiv L
Mequiv =
exactly offsetting the tendon moment. The “equiv” is short for “equivalent”, and we will begin referring
to these vertical loads in the span as “equivalent loads” or sometimes “balanced loads” because later we
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 29

will be “balancing” the applied loading. The material, since it has stiffness, resists this equivalent load
by creating internal stresses. Note that this is also under compression from “F”, therefore the total stress
in the material at midspan is (tension is positive, compression is negative):

Mequiv F
@ Top = −
St A

Mequiv F
@ Bottom = − −
Sb A


Note: Mequiv equals F

multiplied by e, the
eccentricity of the c.g.s to
the c.g.c., at any point

Pequiv L3
30 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Consider the same beam with a parabolic tendon profile.

Now pull out the tendon and analyze it alone. Once again, a tendon under tension wants to straighten,
but this is resisted by the stiffness of the material.

Think of this as a clothesline. An evenly distributed load (of clothes, say) creates a second order
parabolic shape, referred to as a catenary. Therefore, if a tendon is to retain its parabolic shape, it must
“feel” uniform loading acting upon it. No other load will create this same shape.

Now cut a free-body diagram at the centerline:

Sum moments about “O”:

Fa − wequiv � � � � = 0
2 4

wequiv L2
Fa =

wequiv =
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 31


Again, Mequiv equals

F multiplied by e,
the eccentricity of
the c.g.s to the c.g.c.,
at any point

5wequiv L4
32 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

In a statically determinate beam, prestressing the system creates no external loads/reactions, and no net
moments or shears, etc. However, stresses in the material are induced by prestressing and deflections
can occur.

So far we have only looked at tendons anchored at the centroid of the section (at the center of gravity) at
the ends of the beams.

Consider this case:

Tendons at the c.g. create only compression (F/A) in the material. But what if the tendon is not at the

Let’s separate the tendon from the material and first look at the tendon only.

A straight tendon applies no vertical equivalent loads in the span of the beam.

Now let’s look at the material only:

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 33

This can be thought of as an eccentrically loaded column sideways. The “P-Delta” moment is Fe at all
points in the section. In this particular case the moment is constant along the length of the beam since
“e” is constant. In this case, the “equivalent” loads, or “applied loads” to the “material only” which will
create the same moment and axial load are a moment at each end and an axial load at the c.g.

These are the only “applied” loads that will create a constant moment and constant compression. The
“material only” moment diagram, drawn to the tension side, looks like this:

Let’s look at the stresses in the material (compression is negative, and tension is positive). In this
example the beam is in tension at the top.

Mequiv F
ftop (anywhere) = −
St A

Mequiv F
fbottom (anywhere) = − −
Sb A

Always keep in mind what we are doing when we talk about equivalent loads. We are taking the tendon
out of the system and replacing it with “equivalent” applied loads which create the same moment, axial
load and stresses in the material. In a statically determinate member this equivalent moment anywhere in
the material will always be “F” (the force in the tendon group) multiplied by “e” (the distance between
the material centroid and the center of gravity of the tendon group).
Now let’s look at more complicated tendon arrangements.
Consider the following weightless beam:

The beam above has no tendon drape, “a”, but it does have eccentricity, “e” at every location in the
span. Therefore, there will be a primary moment at any location along the span, but no equivalent loads
within the span. In this case the equivalent loads that create the primary moments in span must be
concentrated moments at the ends, equal to Fe at each end.
34 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Now consider this weightless beam:

Let’s take the tendon out of the system and set it aside. Then we will concentrate on the “material only”
with the tendon replaced with the equivalent loads that it imparts on the material.


4Fa 4F � 2 � 2Feend
Pequiv = = =

& Mequiv = Feend

Or, we can get the same answer for Pequiv by looking at the tendon components;

eend 0 2Feend
Pequiv = F � � + F� � =
L� L� L
2 2
Remember, in a statically determinate system the “material only” moment diagram due to the equivalent
loads is equal at every point to Fe. Therefore we can find the equivalent moment diagram without doing
a static analysis as follows:

Now we will verify this by applying the equivalent loads individually, finding the individual static
moment diagrams and superimposing them.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 35

Apply Pequiv first at midspan and determine the moment diagram.

Mequiv = Pequiv � �
2Feend L
= � �
L 4
= Feend /2

Now apply Mequiv at the beam end and determine the moment diagram.

Mequiv = Feend

Now superimpose these individual moment diagrams determined from the equivalent loads to get the
same moment diagram determined by simply multiplying F times e.

We will finish this topic by looking at equivalent loads on cantilevers. Let’s start with a cantilevered
beam with a parabolic tendon profile. We’ve already established that a parabolic tendon profile results in
a uniform equivalent load.
36 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

From before:

Fa = wequiv

4wequiv L2

wequiv L2
∴ wequiv =

Or, another way to arrive at the same answer is as follows:

wequiv L2
Mequiv = (from statics)

wequiv L2
Fe =
∴ wequiv = , and since e = a in this case
wequiv =
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 37

Now let’s look at a cantilever with a straight tendon profile.

Determine the equivalent loads acting on the concrete using the components of the tendon profile:

Pequiv = F( )

Or, using statics;

Mequiv = Pequiv L

Fe = Pequiv L

∴ Pequiv =
38 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #1 – Stresses in a Determinate System Using the Equivalent Load Method

A = (30 in)(16 in) = 480 in2

St = Sb = (16 in)(30 in)2 /6 = 2,400in3
yt = yb = 15 in
I = (16 in)(30 in)3 /12 = 36,000 in4

Find: Maximum stress at the top and bottom of the member using the “Material Only” (equivalent
load) method.


Find the equivalent load that the tendons exert on the material.

a = 15 in - 4 in = 11 in (also equal to “e” at midspan).

The total vertical component of “F” (using small angle theory),

Pequiv = 2(11 in/240 in)(120k) = 11 kips

Or, alternatively
Pequiv = = 4(120k)(11 in)/(40 ft x12) = 11 kips
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 39

Find stresses in the material (compression is negative, tension is positive):

M F (40 ft − kips)(12) 120k

fb = − = 3
− = 0.20 − 0.25 = −0.05 ksi (c)
Sb A 2400in 480in2

M F −(40 ft − kips)(12) 120k

ft = − − = − = −0.20 − 0.25 = −0.45 ksi (c)
St A 2400in3 480in2

Notice that this beam with a 15 kip point load at midspan and a 40 ft length is completely in
compression, top and bottom because of the prestressing.

The following is a free-body diagram cut through the previous example (without the 15 kip external load
for simplicity) to demonstrate that, of course, statics also applies to a post-tensioned concrete member.
40 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Concrete Only

= 0.250 ksi
M 1,320 in − kips
= = 0.550 ksi
S 2400 in3

Steel Only

Combine Concrete & Steel

Check statics on the system:

∑Fx = 66k − 120k − 66k + 120k = 0

∑M"0" = 120k(4 in) - 66k(5 in) − 120k(15 in) + 66k(25 in) = 0

Since there are no external loads, there are no net forces or moments.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 41

Example #2 – Stresses in a Determinate System Using Both the Free-Body Diagram

and Equivalent Load Methods
Given: Beam and loading shown.

Beam Properties:
A = 1296 in2
Yt = 12.75 in
Yb = 29.25 in
St = 16,139 in3
Sb = 7,035 in3

Find: Maximum stress at the top and bottom of the beam using the:

a) Free-Body Diagram Method

b) Equivalent Load Method.

42 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The Free-Body Diagram Method

Assume that the maximum top and bottom stress will occur in the first 40 feet of the beam measured
from the left support and cut a free-body diagram (FBD) in that zone. To satisfy statics, the centroid of
the compressive stresses must coincide with the centroid of the tension in the prestressing tendons.

Move the compression force, C, up to the center of gravity of the section and add a moment that
statically compensates for this shift (equal to the tendon force multiplied by the eccentricity) to maintain
equilibrium. This allows us to numerically separate the uniform axial load stresses from the bending
stresses so that we may independently analyze each.

Set up an equation for the flexural stress in the concrete at the bottom of the beam, fb. Units are in
inches and kips (but not shown). Compressive stresses are negative and tensile stresses are positive.
F MTL F ∗ e
fb = − + −
A Sb Sb
450 MTL F∗e
=− + −
1296 7035 7035
MTL − (F ∗ e)
= −0.347 +
& (F*e) = 450e
The maximum bottom tensile stress occurs when the term (MTL – 450e) is maximized.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 43

Rewrite MTL and e in terms of x.

2.1 x
MTL = 71.4x − (x) � �
12 2
= 71.4x − 0.0875x 2

At x = 0, e = 0 and at x=480 in, e = 42 in -4 in -12.75 in = 25.25 in

∴ e= (25.25) = 0.0526x

& (MTL − 450e) = 71.4x − 0.0875x 2 − 450(0.0526x)

= 71.4x − 0.0875x 2 − 23.67x
= 47.73x − 0.0875x 2

The derivative of this equation set to zero will yield the point x where the original function is a
maximum (where the slope of the equation is zero).

(47.73x − 0.0875x 2 ) = 47.73 − 0.175x

Set this equation equal to zero and solve for x.

47.73 − 0.175x = 0 ⇒ x = 272.7 in

MTL = 71.4(272.7) − 0.0875(272.7)2

= 12,964 in − kips

e = 0.0526(272.7 in)
= 14.34 in

Now calculate the stresses.

MTL − 450e
∴fb = −0.347 ksi +
7,035 in3
(12,964 in − kips) − 450k (14.34 in)
= −0.347 ksi +
7,035 in3
= −0.347 ksi + 0.926 ksi
= 𝟎𝟎. 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤

And the stress in the concrete at the top of the beam is,

F MTL − 450e
ft = − −
A St
[(12,964 in − kips) − (450 kips)(14.34 in)]
= −0.347ksi −
16,139 in3
= −0.347 ksi − 0.403 ksi
= −𝟎𝟎. 𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤
44 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Though it is somewhat obvious in this particular case, we do not always know with certainty which
section of the beam will contain the maximum stresses. To be absolutely certain in this example we
would need to set up a second equation for the section between 40 ft and 68 ft and solve for the stresses
in the same way. We will not do that here, but it is important to understand that when the FBD method
is used it may be necessary to analyze multiple sections of the beam span.

The Equivalent Load Method

Determine the equivalent point load acting on the “concrete only” beam.

25.25 in 25.25 in
Pequiv = (450 kips) � + � = 57.49 kips
480 in 336 in

Draw the loading on the “concrete only” beam. Only vertical equivalent loads within the span are
shown, though vertical equivalent loads at the supports and axial compression loads also exist on the
“concrete only” beam.

Draw the “concrete only” shear and moment diagrams.

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 45

Calculate the stresses.

fb = −
Sb A
(542.9 ft − kips)(12 in/ft) 450 kips
= −
7,035 in3 1,296 in2
= 0.926 ksi − 0.347 ksi = 𝟎𝟎. 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤

ft = − −
St A
(542.9 ft − kips)(12 in/ft) 450 kips
= − 3

16,139 in 1,296 in2
= −0.403 ksi − 0.347 ksi = −𝟎𝟎. 𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤
The results using the Equivalent Load Method are identical to those found using the Free-Body Diagram


Observe that not only does the Equivalent Load Method require less calculations, we do know with
certainty exactly where the maximum flexural stresses occur using one single analysis. For most
engineers this method is also much more intuitive and consistent with how we analyze flexural members
in general.

Finally, keep in mind that this was a relatively simple statically determinate beam. We will demonstrate
later in the book that the equivalent load method is just as easily applied to statically indeterminate
(multi-span) systems. However, one can only imagine how many equations would need to be
established and solved using the FBD method in multi-span systems.

In the previous example our task was to determine the maximum flexural stresses and their location in a
determinate system. In that example we demonstrated that the most straight-forward approach was to
use the Equivalent Load Method. However, when considering stresses in discrete locations the
Equivalent Load Method may be the more cumbersome approach, particularly with a more complex
tendon profile.

The following example will reinforce the fact that there are no support reactions generated due to
prestressing in determinate systems, and will also demonstrate that sometimes it is beneficial to calculate
flexural stresses using “MTL – Fe” as the moment creating stresses instead of combining the applied
loads with the equivalent loads and generating a complete moment diagram.
46 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #3 – Equivalent Loads, Support Reactions & Stresses in a Determinate


Given: Post-tensioned beam and loading shown.

Beam Properties / Material Properties

A = 1,132 in2 f’c = 5000 psi
St = 10,964 in3 yt = 9.50 in
Sb = 4,249 in

1. Determine the reactions at Supports A & B using the applied loads only.
2. Determine the maximum flexural tensile stress in the concrete at Support B using the “MTL – Fe”
3. Determine the maximum flexural tensile stress in the concrete at 31’-0” to the right of
Grid/Support A using the “MTL – Fe” method.
4. Determine all of the equivalent loads on the beam.
5. Create a net load “concrete only” diagram (applied loads and equivalent loads combined).
6. From the net load diagram found in 5), calculate the reactions and show that they are the same
as those found in 1).
7. Determine the maximum flexural tensile stress in the concrete at Support B using the net
“concrete only” diagram.
8. Determine the maximum flexural tensile stress in the concrete at 31’-0” to the right of
Grid/Support A using the net “concrete only” diagram.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 47


1. Applied Load Support Reactions

−3.0 klf(12 ft)2 2.0 klf(62 ft + 18 ft)2

� MA = + − R B (62 ft) = 0
2 2
R B = 99.74 kips
R A = 3.0 klf(12 ft) + 2.0 klf (80 ft) − 99.74 kips = 96.26 kips

2. Tensile Stress at Support B

The moment causing flexural stress in the “concrete only” is MTL – Fe

2.0klf(18 ft)2
MTL − Fe = − 0 = 324.0 ft − kips
The maximum flexural tensile stress occurs at the top of the beam at Support B

(324.0 ft − kips)(12 in/ft) 350 kips

ft = − = 0.045 ksi
10,964 in3 1132in2

3. Tensile Stress at 31’-0” to the Right of Grid A

The moment at 31’-0” is determined from:

(31 ft)2
MTL = 96.26 kips(31 ft) − 3.0klf(12 ft)(31 ft + 6 ft) − 2.0klf = 691.1 ft − kips
34 in - 9.5 in − 12 in
MTL − Fe = 691.1′ k − 350k � � = 326.5 ft − kips

Tension exists at the bottom of the beam at this location.

(326.5 ft − kips)(12 in/ft) 350 kips
fb = − = 0.613 ksi
4249 in3 1132 in2
48 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

4. Determine All Equivalent Loads on the Beam

To determine the equivalent loads remove the tendon from the system and evaluate each tendon segment
individually. The equivalent loads on the concrete act in the opposite direction.

Left Cantilever “Tendon Only” Equivalent Loads:

2(350 kips)(0.4583 ft)
wequiv 1 = = 2.228 klf
(12 ft)2
PAL = 2.228 klf (12 ft) = 26.74 kips

Span “Tendon Only” Equivalent Loads:

(4 in + 9.5 in)
a = 34 in - 12.11 in − = 15.14 in
8(350 kips)(15.14 in/12)
wequiv 2 = = 1.126 klf
(56 ft)2
(56 ft)2
� MA/CGC = −(350 kips)(0.4583 ft) + 1.126 klf − P56′ (56 ft) = 0
P56′ = 28.66 kips
PAR = 1.126klf(56 ft) − 28.66 kips = 34.40 kips

PAL + PAR = 26.74 kips + 34.40 kips = 61.14 kips

5. Net “Concrete Only” Loading

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 49

6. Calculate Reactions on Net “Concrete Only” System

−0.772klf(12 ft)2 0.874klf(56 ft)2

� MA = + + 28.66 kips(56 ft) + 2.0klf(24 ft)(68 ft)
2 2
− R B (62 ft) = 0

R B = 99.74 kips
R A = 0.772klf(12 ft) + 61.16 kips + 0.873klf(56 ft) + 28.69 kips + 2.0klf(24 ft) − 99.74 kips
= 96.26 kips

These are the same reactions found in Part (1) as they must be, since applying prestressing to a statically
determinate beam/slab does not create any reactions. Therefore, the only reactions possible for the “Net
Concrete Only” loading are the reactions due to the applied loads. Another way to do this would have
been to do the equivalent load analysis separately from the applied load analysis and superimpose them.
In the equivalent load analysis there would be no reactions.

7. Tensile Stress at Support B

(18 ft)2
M"Conc Only" = 2.0klf � � = 324.0 ft − kips
(324.0 ft − kips)(12 in/ft) 350 kips
ft = − = 0.045 ksi
10,964 in3 1132in2

8. Tensile Stress at 31’-0” to the Right of Grid A

(31 ft)2
M = (96.26 kips − 61.14 kips)(31 ft) − 0.772klf(12 ft)(31 ft + 6 ft) − 0.874klf
= 326.0 ft − kips

(326.0 ft − kips)(12 in/ft) 350 kips

fb = − = 0.612 ksi (≅0.613 ksi found in 3)
4249 in3 1132 in2
50 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

ACI 318 “Permissible Stresses in Concrete Flexural Members”

Transfer (ACI 318 Section
Extreme Fiber in Compression = 0.60f’ci
Extreme Fiber in Tension = 3�f′ci

Service (ACI 318 Section – Class U & T

Extreme Fiber in Compression Due to Prestress
Plus Sustained (Dead) Load = 0.45f’c

Extreme Fiber in Compression Due to Prestress

Plus Total Load = 0.60 f’c

Extreme Fiber in Tension – Total Load

= 7.5�f′c Class U (Uncracked)
= 12�f′c Class T (Transition)
= 6�f′c Two-way Slab Systems
Review of Moment Distribution

So far we’ve only looked at simply supported beams. However, the true power of post-tensioned
concrete is only realized fully by studying indeterminate, multi-span systems where the tendon drapes
can be maximized. This is the only way to truly appreciate and understand all aspects of post-tensioned
concrete. But before we dive into multi-span systems it’s very important that we have a solid
understanding of the analysis of indeterminate structures. For this book moment distribution by hand
will be the analysis technique of choice. It’s a terrific visual tool that unfortunately is not always taught
in schools anymore. The following text is intended to be a refresher for those who have, at one time,
been exposed to the analysis. Those who have never learned moment distribution would be advised to
consult a traditional structural analysis textbook first.

Moment Distribution
The following discussion applies only to prismatic members (constant E & I throughout the length of the
member). Later in the book we will discuss moment distribution with non-prismatic members.

Stiffness & Carry-Over Factors

Elements with the far end fixed:

∴ Stiffness Factor, KAB = 4EI/L & the Carry-Over Factor is ½.

52 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Elements with the far end pinned:

∴ Stiffness Factor, KAB = 3EI/L & the Carry-Over Factor is zero.

Fixed-End Moments
Again, the following applies to prismatic members only. Fixed-end moments can be derived for any
loading condition, but for purposes of this book we will restrict the loading to uniform line loads.

wL2 wL2
12 12

Distribution Factors
The distribution factor to a member framing into a joint is the stiffness, K, of that member divided by
the sum of the stiffnesses of all the members framing into that joint (ΣKJoint).

Moment Distribution Example #1

Given: 3 span beam below
EI = constant
Ignore column stiffness (assume pinned supports)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 53

Find Stiffness Factors

KBA = 3EI/L = 3EI/28 ft
KBC = 4EI/L = 4EI/32 ft
KCB = 4EI/L = 4EI/32 ft
KCD = 3EI/L = 3EI/40 ft

Find Distribution Factors

DFAB = 1.0 DFDC = 1.0

KBA 3/28
DFBA = = = 0.4615
KBA +KBC 3/28+4/32

DFBC = 1 – DFBA (Since no columns) = 1 - 0.4615 = 0.5385

KCB 4/32
DFCB = = = 0.625
KCB +KCD 4/32+3/40

DFCD = 1 – DFCB = 1 - 0.625 = 0.375

Find Fixed End Moments

Span A-B

wL2 3.0klf(28 ft)2

= = 196 ft − kips
12 12
Span B-C

wL2 2.0klf(32 ft)2

= = 170.67 ft − kips
12 12
Span C-D

wL2 1.0klf(40 ft)2

= = 133.33 ft − kips
12 12
54 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Set up the moment distribution (Right Hand Rule sign convention)

Now release both joints A & D, but keep B & C locked. Mathematically we are adding -196 ft-kips to
Joint A, and 133.33 ft-kips to Joint D.

The mathematical addition of the moments at Joints A & D to put them in equilibrium affect the far end
of the beams, and this is reflected by the carry-over moments to Joints B & C.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 55

Joints B & C are not in equilibrium since the moments on each side are not equal. Let’s focus on Joint B
first, which in its locked condition has 294 ft-kips trying to rotate it counter-clockwise, and 170.67 ft-
kips trying to rotate it clockwise. Intuition should tell you that when it’s released the joint will need to
rotate counter-clockwise to achieve equilibrium.

Let’s release Joint B. Mathematically the joint is out of balance by the difference between the two fixed
end moments, which is -123.33 ft-kips at this joint (-196 – 98 + 170.67 = -123 ft-kips). To bring the
joint to equilibrium we need to add 123.33 ft-kips, and distribute this to each side of the joint based upon
the relative stiffness of the beams framing into the joint. The left side of the joint will receive
0.4615(123.33 ft-kips) = 56.92 ft-kips and the right side will take the remaining 66.41 ft-kips.

Now that Joint B is in equilibrium we will re-lock it against further rotation and we will move over to
Joint C. Joint C is currently out of equilibrium by 62.54 ft-kips (-170.67 + 33.21 + 133.33 + 66.67 =
62.54 ft-kips). Now we will release Joint C (mathematically “adding” -62.54 ft-kips to it) to put it in
equilibrium. Based upon the relative beam stiffnesses, the left side receives -39.09 ft-kips and the right
side -23.45 ft-kips. However, remember that each time we put a joint in equilibrium by adding moment
to a beam end we affect the far end of the beam by the carry-over effect. Joint B is now affected by -
19.55 ft-kips.
56 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

This process of moment distribution continues until the unbalanced moments become so small that they
are insignificant. The complete moment distribution for this example is as follows:

In the previous example we took advantage of the fact that the supports at Joints A & D were pinned,
and this resulted in a relatively quick convergence of the moment distribution. This makes for a good,
relatively quick example, but in most actual analyses there are no completely pinned supports in cast-in-
place concrete. The next example will be the same problem, but we will treat the end joints the same as
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 57

the interior joints. This will get us closer to what we’ll be doing later in the book when we integrate
columns at all the joints, and it will also demonstrate that it is not necessary to use a rotational stiffness
of 3EI/L when the far end is pinned.

Find Stiffness Factors – Use “Far End Fixed” Stiffnesses

KBA = 4EI/L = 4EI/28 ft
KBC = 4EI/L = 4EI/32 ft
KCB = 4EI/L = 4EI/32 ft
KCD = 4EI/L = 4EI/40 ft

Find Distribution Factors

DFAB = 1.0 DFDC = 1.0

KBA 1/28
DFBA = = = 0.533
KBA +KBC 1/28+1/32

DFBC = 1 – DFBA = 1 - 0.533 = 0.467

KCB 1/32
DFCB = = = 0.556
KCB +KCD 1/32+1/40

DFCD = 1 – DFCB = 1 - 0.556 = 0.444

Carry-Over Factors
Since we are treating all the joints as a “far end fixed” system with prismatic beams, the carry-over
factor will be 0.50 for all cases. The next page shows the complete moment distribution for this analysis.
58 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Complete Moment Distribution

This is the same answer as before. It just takes a few more iterations when we don’t take advantage of
the fact that the stiffness, K, to a pinned support is 3EI/L.

Moment Distribution Example #2 – Moment Distribution with a Cantilever

Given: The same 3 span beam as in Example #1, but with a right cantilever

wL2 1.0klf(10 ft)2

Cantilever Moment = = = 50 ft-kips
2 2

Cantilevers are statically determinate and therefore their moments will not be affected by the moment
distribution. However, the cantilever moment does, of course, affect the moment distribution.
According to the right-hand rule, the moment is placed as a positive moment to the right of Support D.
We will use the distribution factors associated with the “far-end pinned” assumption as we did in the
first part of Example #1.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 59

The addition of the cantilever will decrease the positive moment in Span C-D, and also decreases the
negative moment at Support C. Cantilevers will often have a very beneficial effect on prestressed
concrete members and the benefit often comes at no added cost.
Concrete Stresses in Indeterminate Systems

The approach to determining the concrete stresses in an indeterminate system is similar to that in a
determinate system, with a few important exceptions. In an indeterminate system the tendons are
“removed” and replaced with the equivalent loads they impart to the concrete, just as they were in the
determinate system. The indeterminate system is analyzed using moment distribution or some other
method to determine the bending moments as if the equivalent loads were actually applied loads.
However, unlike in the determinate system, in an indeterminate system the moment at any location is not
necessarily equal to “F” times “e” (the tendon force times the eccentricity of the c.g.s. to the c.g.c.). In
fact, in typical analyses this won’t be the case. The reasons for this will be discussed later in the book
when we address secondary moments.

Example #1 – Stresses in an Indeterminate Beam


Beam and section shown.

6 in slab
14 in x30 in Beams spaced at 17’-0” o/c
f’c = 4,000 psi

Find: The maximum compression and tension service stresses at the interior support and at the
maximum positive moment.

62 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice


Determine the effective flange width, bf

bf = the smallest of 8t on each side of the web plus the beam width, or the beam spacing.

bf = (2)8t + bw = (2)(8)(6 in) + 14 in = 110 in or bf = 17 ft(12 in/ft) = 204 in

∴bf = 110 in

Determine Beam Section Properties

Atotal = 110 in(6 in) + (30 in-6 in)(14 in) = 996 in2

yt = [110 in(6 in)(6 in/2) + (30 in-6 in)(14 in)[(6 in+(30 in-6 in)/2]] / 996in2 = 8.0 in
yb= 30 in – 8.0 in = 22.0 in

I = 110 in(6 in)3/12 + 14 in(30 in-6 in)3/12 + 110 in(6 in)[8 in – (6 in/2)]2 +
14 in(30 in-6 in)[6 in + (24 in/2) – 8.0 in]2
= 68,208 in4

St = I/yt = 68,208 in4 / 8.0 in = 8,526in3

Sb = I/yb = 68,208 in4 / 22.0 in =3,100in3

Service Loading
wdead = 1.40 klf (includes beam weight)
wlive = 0.60 klf
wtotal = 2.0 klf
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 63

Equivalent Load Method

Determine the equivalent (balanced) load in each span

Span A-B

a = 26 in – (8 in+4 in)/2 = 20 in
wequiv = 2
8(186.2 kips)(20 in�12 in/ft)
(45 ft)2

= 1.23 klf ↑

Span B-C

a = 23 in – (8 in+4 in)/2 = 17 in
wequiv = 2
8(186.2 kips)(17 in�12 in/ft)
(40 ft)2

= 1.32 klf ↑

Find Net Distributed Load on “Concrete Only”

Span A-B: wnet = 2.0 klf – 1.23 klf = 0.77 klf ↓
Span A-B: wnet = 2.0 klf – 1.32 klf = 0.68 klf ↓
64 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Moment Distribution on “Concrete Only”

Distribution Factors
KBA = 3EI/LAB (prismatic members with far end pinned)


∴DFB−A = 45
�45 + 1�

= 0.471

& DFB-C = 1 – 0.471 = 0.529

Fixed End Moments

FEM = wL2/12 (prismatic members)

Span A-B: FEM = (0.77 klf)(45)2/12 = 130 ft-kips

Span B-C: FEM = (0.68 klf)(40)2/12 = 90.7 ft-kips

Carry-Over Factors
CO = 0.50 (prismatic members with far end fixed)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 65

Moment Distribution (right hand rule)

Find Maximum Positive Moments

Determine the shear diagram first.

Maximum Positive Moments:

Span A-B = ½(17.8 ft)(13.7 k) = 121.9 ft-kips
Span B-C = ½(26.2 ft)(17.8 k) – 167.2 ft-kips = 66.2 ft-kips
66 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Determine the Maximum Service Stresses

Direct compression: F/A = 186.2 kips / 996 in2 = 0.187 ksi

Sign convention for stresses: tension = +, compression = -

@ Support B: M = 167.2 ft-kips

Max. Tension = M/St – F/A = 167.2 ft-kips(12)/8526 in3 – 0.187 ksi = 0.048 ksi (T)
Max. Compression = -M/Sb – F/A = -167.2 ft-kips(12)/3100 in3 – 0.187 ksi = -0.834 ksi (C)

@ Max. Positive Moment of Span A-B: M = 121.9 ft-kips

Max. Tension = M/Sb – F/A = 121.9 ft-kips(12)/3100 in3 – 0.187 ksi = 0.285 ksi (T)
Max. Compression = -M/St – F/A = -121.9 ft-kips(12)/8526 in3 – 0.187 ksi = -0.359 ksi (C)

By inspection, Span B-C will have lower stresses so it is unnecessary to check that span.

Notice that the bending moment at the support (negative moment) is much higher than the bending
moment in the span (positive moment), but the tensile stress at the support (at the top of the beam) is
much less than the tensile stress in the span (at the bottom of the beam). This is because the section
modulus to the top in a tee-beam is much larger than the section modulus to the bottom. Don’t make the
mistake of assuming that the controlling tensile stress in a multi-span beam or slab system will always
be at the largest moment.

Check Actual Service Stresses versus ACI 318 Allowable Stresses

ACI 318 lists the allowable concrete service tensile stresses in Section 18.3.3. The allowable stress
limitations depend upon the classification of the prestressed member, and those classifications are Class
U (uncracked), Class T (transitional) or Class C (cracked). Since the early chapters in this book are
geared toward the academic crowd (students and instructors) we will limit the allowable service stresses
to those in the Class U (uncracked) category for simplicity. It should be noted however that when
designing beams and one-way slabs using software programs such as PTData it is very common and
efficient to design these members in the transitional zone.

Allowable Service Tension Stress (Class U):

7.5�f′c = 7.5√4000/1000 = 0.474 ksi > 0.285 ksi ok

Section 18.4.2 contains the maximum allowable compression stresses for Class U and Class T members.
The Code has allowable compression stresses listed for both sustained loading and total loading. Again,
for instructional simplicity we will only consider the total load case.

Allowable Service Compression Stress (Class U & T):

0.60f’c (for total load) = 0.60(4 ksi) = 2.4 ksi > 0.834 ksi ok
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 67

ACI 318 Allowable Transfer Stresses

Finally, ACI 318 Section discusses the allowable tension and compression stresses immediately
after stressing (the transfer of prestress forces to the concrete). For cast-in-place concrete allowable
transfer stresses are as follows (note that f’ci refers to the concrete strength at the time of prestress

Allowable Transfer Tension Stress: 3�f′ci

Allowable Transfer Compression Stress: 0.60f’ci

A well designed beam or slab system will typically never be controlled by the transfer condition, so we
are not going to dedicate any significant time to studying it in this section. However, completely
ignoring the transfer condition in more atypical designs, particularly designs which balance significantly
more than 100% of the concrete weight, has led to problems. We will discuss the consequences of over-
balancing later in the book, but for now we will limit our discussion to typical designs.

In most designs of beams and slabs we balance between 70% and 90% of the concrete weight with the
post-tensioning. But at the transfer condition this will be somewhat higher since the long-term prestress
losses (prestress losses will be discussed in the next section) have not yet occurred. In other words, the
force in the tendons is higher than you assumed in your final design, which leads to higher balanced
loads and a larger compressive force (F/A). Higher balanced loads will decrease the net load on the
“concrete only”, and since these net loads do not include the design live load at the time of transfer the
beam or slab system should be in almost pure compression. So as long as your design does not grossly
over-compress the system (you stay within recommended F/A values) you will find that your design will
virtually never be controlled by the transfer condition.
68 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #2 – Optimizing Stress Distribution Using Load Balancing

Beam and section above with loading shown.
Force per tendon = 26.62 kips

Section Properties:
A = 1,132 in2
yt = 9.5 in
St = 10,964 in3
Sb = 4,249 in3
Parabolic tendon profiles

a) For the two-span post-tensioned beam loaded with service loads as shown (includes beam weight,
dead load and live load) calculate the top and bottom concrete fiber flexural stresses at the center
support “B” and at the points of maximum positive moment in spans A-B and B-C with “x”= 4in.
in Span A-B.
b) If the concrete 28 day compressive strength is 5000 psi, does the beam satisfy the ACI allowable
service stresses?
c) Repeat a) & b) above with “x”=12 in. Calculate only the tensile stresses for this part and check
them against the ACI allowable tensile stress.
d) Repeat a) & b) above with “x” = 4 in and reduce the number of tendons in Span A-B only to 8.
Calculate only the tensile stresses at the bottom of the beam in the spans for this part and check
them against the ACI allowable tensile stress.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 69


a) Calculate the top and bottom concrete fiber flexural stresses at the center support “B” and at the
points of maximum positive moment in spans A-B and B-C with “x”= 4 in (full drape) in Span A-

Equivalent Loads

4 in + 9.5 in
aA−B(x=4 in) = 30 in − � � = 23.25 in
4 in + 9.5 in
aB−C = 30 in − � � = 23.25 in

Equivalent Loads

Span A-B:
23.25 in
8Fa 8(319.4k) � �
wequiv = 2 = 12 = 1.637 klf
L (55′ )2

Span B-C:
23.25 in
8Fa 8(319.4 kips) � �
wequiv = 2 = 12 = 1.172 klf
L (65 ft)2

Net Loads on “Concrete Only”

Span A-B:
wNet = 2.0 klf − 1.637 klf = 0.363 klf

Span B-C:
wNet = 2.0 klf − 1.172 klf = 0.828 klf

Moment Distribution

Distribution Factors
DFB−A = = 0.5417 DFB−C = 1 − 0.5417 = 0.4583
1/55 + 1/65

Fixed-End Moments
Span A-B:
wL2 0.363klf(55 ft)2
FEM = = = 91.51 ft − kips
12 12

Span B-C:
wL2 0.828klf(65 ft)2
FEM = = = 291.53 ft − kips
12 12
70 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Calculate Stresses

F 319.4 kips
= = 0.282 ksi
A 1132 in2

@ Support B (Tension on Top Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F (299.8 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
ftop = − = − 0.282 ksi = 0.046 ksi (tension)
St A 10,964 in3
Maximum Compression:
M F −(299.8 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
fbottom = − − = − 0.282 ksi = 1.129 ksi (compression)
Sb A 4,249 in3

@ Positive Moment in Span A-B (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F (28.3 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
fbottom = − = − 0.282 ksi = −0.202 ksi (compression)
Sb A 4,249 in3
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 71

Maximum Compression:
M F −(28.3 ft − kips)(12)
ftop = − − = − 0.282 ksi = −0.313 ksi (compression)
St A 10,964 in3

@ Positive Moment in Span B-C (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F (300.3 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
fbottom = − = − 0.282 ksi = 0.566 ksi (tension)
Sb A 4,249 in3
Maximum Compression:
M F −(300.3 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
ftop = − − = − 0.282 ksi = −0.611 ksi (compression)
St A 10,964 in3

b) If the concrete 28 day compressive strength is 5000 psi, does the beam satisfy the ACI allowable
service stresses?

Maximum allowable tension:

= 0.530 ksi < 0.566 ksi N. G.

Maximum allowable compression:

0.6(5 ksi) = 3.0 ksi > 1.129 ksi OK

The calculated tensile stress at the bottom of the beam in Span B-C exceeds the ACI allowable tensile
stress. At this point many engineers (most?) would simply add more prestressing force until the
calculated stress was less than the allowable stress (more cowbell! for those of you who took my class or
watched my videos). This would result in a costlier design, as well as increasing all the negative effects
of over-compressing the system (increased shortening, restraint cracking, over-balancing, etc.).
However, an experienced post-tensioning engineer or a student who has taken my UCLA or Cal Poly,
San Luis Obispo class would instead investigate modifying the balanced load by modifying the drape in
the non-controlling span (the short span) in an attempt to decrease the tensile stress in the controlling
span (the longer span).

c) Repeat a) & b) with “x”=12 in (a decreased drape and balanced load in Span A-B). Calculate
only the tensile stresses for this part and check them against the ACI allowable tensile stress.

Revised Equivalent Loads

Revised Drape in Span A-B

4 in + 9.5 in
aA−B(x=12 in) = 22 in − � � = 15.25 in

Revised Equivalent Load in Span A-B

15.25 in
8Fa 8(319.4 kips) � �
12 in/ft
wequiv = 2 = = 1.074 klf
L (55 ft)2
72 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Revised Net Loads on “Concrete Only” in Span A-B

wNet = 2.0 klf − 1.074 klf = 0.926 klf

Moment Distribution

Revised Fixed-End Moments in Span A-B

wL2 0.926klf(55′)2
FEM = = = 233.4 ft − kips
12 12

Calculate Revised Stresses

@ Support B (Tension on Top Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F 397.3 ft − kips(12 in/ft)
ftop = − = − 0.282 ksi = 0.153 ksi (tension)
St A 10,964 in3
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 73

@ Positive Moment in Span A-B (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F 179.7 ft − kips(12 in/ft)
fbottom = − = − 0.282 ksi = 0.226 ksi (tension)
Sb A 4,249 in3

@ Positive Moment in Span B-C (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F 261.0 ft − kips(12 in/ft)
fbottom = − = − 0.282 ksi = 0.455 ksi (tension)
Sb A 4,249 in3

Maximum allowable tension:

= 0.530 ksi > 0.455 ksi OK

That was a good solution in that we did not add any cost or unnecessary prestressing force in order to
reduce the controlling tensile stresses to below the allowable. However, an even better solution is to try
and reduce cost and precompression by decreasing the prestressing force in the non-controlling span.
This is achievable as long as stressing can occur at Grid C. If stressing were only possible at Grid A,
then we would use the design in the previous step.

d) Repeat a) & b) above with “x” = 4 in (fully draped again) and reduce the number of tendons in Span
A-B only to 8. Calculate only the tensile stresses at the bottom of the beam in the spans for this part and
check them against the ACI allowable tensile stress.

Revised Equivalent Loads

Revised Force in Span A-B

FSpan A−B = 8 tendons �26.62 � = 213.0 kips

F 213.0 kips
(Span A − B) = = 0.188 ksi
A 1132 in2

Revised Equivalent Load in Span A-B

23.25 in
8Fa 8(213.0 kips) � �
12 in/ft
wequiv = 2 = = 1.091 klf
L (55′ )2

Revised Net Loads on “Concrete Only” in Span A-B

wNet = 2.0 klf − 1.091 klf = 0.909 klf

74 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Moment Distribution

Revised Fixed-End Moments in Span A-B

wL2 0.909klf(55′)2
FEM = = = 229.1 ft − kips
12 12

Calculate Revised Stresses

@ Positive Moment in Span A-B (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F 174.9 ft − kips(12 in/ft)
fbottom = − = − 0.188 ksi = 0.306 ksi (tension)
Sb A 4,249 in3

@ Positive Moment in Span B-C (Tension on Bottom Due to Bending)

Maximum Tension:
M F 262.3 ft − kips(12 in/ft)
fbottom = − = − 0.282 ksi = 0.459 ksi (tension)
Sb A 4,249 in3

Maximum allowable tension:

= 0.530 ksi > 0.459 ksi OK
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 75

Prestress Losses
Loss of prestress is given a tremendous amount of time in some Prestressed Concrete courses. However,
the practicing structural engineer spends very little time concerned with these losses. There are several
contributing factors that determine the losses a tendon will experience over time and weeks can be spent
evaluating and calculating each component. While the final effective force a tendon achieves is critical
to the design, standard friction loss values have been established over the years by practicing engineers.
Most consulting structural engineering firms have an established built-in default value for prestressed
tendon losses in the company’s design criteria and software. With these typically conservative values the
computation of specific tendon friction loss values are rarely required. To do this for every different
tendon length, configuration and stressing condition on a project would be extremely tedious and time
consuming, and would usually not affect the final design at all.

Most design firms and computer software programs will use a 15 ksi long-term stress loss value for
determining the effective tendon force. This value is typically conservative for single ended pulls
(elongating one end of the tendon only) less than 120 feet and double ended pulls up to 250 feet. Tendon
pulls of longer than 250 feet are rare due to limitations on concrete pour sizes and finishing times. For
very long single ended pulls, there may be a significant difference in force along the length on the
tendon between the stressing and dead end, with the effective force diminishing away from the stressing
end. This difference in force can affect the balance load and the flexural stresses. Most commercial
computer software such as PTData have options to calculate the losses for longer pulls in those unique
and rare cases. This book will only briefly discuss losses in this section and the reader is referred to the
Post-Tensioning Institute for a more in-depth discussion if necessary. While it’s not necessary to spend a
significant amount of time computing each source of stress loss it is important that a designer understand
the source of the losses.

The tendons in a cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete floor system are stressed (literally stretched) and
anchored with a maximum stress of 0.70fpu according to ACI 318 Section When 270 ksi
tendons are used, this equates to 0.70(270 ksi) = 189 ksi. Therefore, the final effective stress that most
designers will use which incorporates the 15 ksi long-term loss is 189 ksi – 15 ksi = 174 ksi. The factors
that contribute to the long-term losses are as follows:

Post-tensioned Members (Cast-in-Place)

• Elastic shortening. When the prestress force is transferred to the concrete, the concrete
compresses elastically (∆ = PL/AE), which decreases the length of the stretch of the tendons.
• Shrinkage. The shrinkage of the concrete creates a volume and length change in the concrete
and also decreases the length of the stretch of the tendons.
• Creep. Over time concrete under sustained loads “creeps” in the direction of the load. Again,
this results in another decrease in the length of the stretch of the tendons.
• Steel Relaxation. Relaxation is a material property of steel where the molecules reorient
themselves to decrease their stress.
• Wobble. In elements with significant depth (i.e., beams) the change in direction of the
tendons causes horizontal resistance.
• Friction. Long tendons develop friction in the plastic sheathing, despite being greased.
• Wedge seating. When the jack releases the strand will recoil somewhat as the wedges seat
into the anchor.
76 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Pre-tensioned Members (Precast)

Pre-tensioned members experience all of the same losses that post-tensioned members do, with the
exception of friction and wobble since the tendons are stressed in casting beds prior to the concrete
being placed.
Flexural Design

So far everything we’ve done up to this point fell within the “working stress” or “service” category,
where the actual design loads are used to evaluate the member. As stated previously, prestressed
concrete must not only satisfy stress limits under service loads but it must also satisfy ultimate strength

The following is intended as a review of material properties that were taught in your introductory
reinforced concrete course. If you need something more than this refresher you should consult a
reinforced concrete design textbook.

Review of Non-Prestressed Steel Stress-Strain Relationship for 60 ksi Steel

78 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Prestressing Steel Stress-Strain Relationship for fpu = 270 ksi Steel

Note: The yield stress level is not the maximum stress for design.

Review of Flexural Strength in Non-Prestressed Reinforced Members

& by setting Cc = T;

A s fy
0.85f′c b

Remember, in non-prestressed reinforcing steel whenever the strain in the steel is greater than εy the
stress is fy, however this will not be the same for the prestressing reinforcement. When ε is greater than
εy in the prestressing steel we still don’t know what the stress is. Thankfully, the ACI Code is there to
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 79

Aps fps
& by setting Cc = T; a =
0.85f′c b

Determining the Ultimate Stress in Bonded (Typically Pretensioned) Steel

γp fpu d 𝑓𝑓𝑦𝑦
fps = fpu �1 − �ρp � � + (ρ − ρ′ )�� (
β1 f ′c dp 𝑓𝑓′𝑐𝑐
f d 𝑓𝑓𝑦𝑦
& if compression steel is used, then the term �ρp � pu
′ �+
(ρ − ρ′ )� shall not be taken less than
fc dp 𝑓𝑓′𝑐𝑐
0.17 & d’ shall be no greater than 0.15dp.

Definition of Terms:
d = depth from the compression face to the centroid of the non-prestressed tension reinforcement
d’ = depth from the compression face to the centroid of the compression reinforcement
dp = the depth to the prestressing steel centroid from the compression face

As (non − prestressed steel)

ρ =
A′s (non − prestressed steel)
ρ′ =
(and note that d remains as previously defined)

fpu = Maximum tensile stress (270 ksi is the most common)

γp = Factor. For low relaxation steel use γp = 0.28
Aps = the area of the prestressing reinforcement
ρp =
80 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Limits for Flexural Reinforcing

The strength reduction factors, φ, are listed in Table 21.2.1.

ACI 318 Table 21.2.2 – Sections are tension controlled (ductile) if εt ≥ 0.005 in the extreme tension
steel. For beams and one-way slabs this will almost always be in the non-prestressed rebar. For tension
controlled flexural members, φ = 0.9. Beams should always be designed to be tension controlled and
compression steel should be added to achieve this, if necessary.

Determining the Ultimate Stress in Un-Bonded (Post-Tensioned) Steel

For members with a span to depth ratio of 35 or less (beams):

fps = fse + 10,000 + (Table

≤ fpy & fse + 60,000 (all in psi)

where fse = the effective prestressing stress at service after losses.

In most design firms the assumed loss in most elements is taken as 15 ksi.

∴fse = 0.70fpu – 15 ksi = 0.7(270 ksi) – 15 ksi = 174 ksi, or 174,000 psi

For all design examples in this book using unbonded tendons we will use an effective prestressing stress
of 174 ksi.

For members with a span to depth ratio greater than 35 (one & two-way slabs):

fps = fse + 10,000 + (Table

≤ fpy & fse + 30,000 (all in psi)

The same maximum reinforcement limits for bonded tendons apply to unbonded tendons (ACI 318
Table 21.2.2).
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 81

Example #1 – Flexural Strength with Bonded Tendons


Previous example w/ 7 Bonded “Harped” Tendons.

Aps/tendon = 0.153 in2

The maximum useable moment capacity at midspan, the maximum midspan factored point load, and the
maximum useable moment capacity 10 ft from the support.

φMn at midspan
γp fpu d 𝑓𝑓𝑦𝑦
fps = fpu �1 − �ρp � �+ (ρ − ρ′ )��
β1 ′
f c dp 𝑓𝑓′𝑐𝑐
γp = 0.28

β1 = 0.85 for 4 ksi concrete

ρp = = 0.0026 (note: dp = 30 in - 4 in = 26 in)
16 in(26 in)
ρ= = 0.0072 (note: d = 30 in - 2.5 in = 27.5 in)
16 in(27.5 in)

ρ′ = = 0.0014
16 in(27.5 in)
82 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

0.28 270ksi 27.5 in (60ksi)

∴fps = 270ksi �1 − �0.0026 � �+ (0.0072 − 0.0014)��
0.85 4ksi 26 in (4ksi)

(note: the quantity inside the brackets is 0.26)

fps = 270ksi(1-0.329[0.26]) = 246 ksi

Since the compression steel was used to calculate fps, we need to check that the part of the equation
represented by:

fpu d 𝑓𝑓𝑦𝑦
�ρp � ′
�+ (ρ − ρ′ )�
f c dp 𝑓𝑓′𝑐𝑐

is greater than 0.17. Since 0.26 > 0.17 we will use 0.26. If the quantity in the brackets was less than 0.17
we would use 0.17 in the calculation.

Also, since we used the compression steel in the calculation of fps we need to verify that d’ is less than or
equal to 0.15dp.

d’ = 3 in
0.15dp = 0.15(26 in) = 3.9 in > 3 in ∴ ok to use compression steel in fps equation.

Note: If this were not satisfied then we could not use the compression steel to determine fps.

Cut a section at midspan.

First assume that the compression steel yields, and then check that assumption later.

Using equilibrium, solve for the concrete force Cc.

Cc = Tps + Ts – C’s = 263.2 kips + 189.6 kips – 37.2 kips = 415.6 kips

Now use the Whitney Stress Block to find “a” & “c”.

Cc 415.6k
a= = = 7.64 in
0.85f′c b 0.85(4ksi)(16 in)

a 7.64 in
& c= = = 8.99 in
β1 0.85
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 83

Draw the strain diagram and check to see if the compression steel is yielding and to verify that the
member is tension-controlled.

Now draw the complete force diagram and sum moments to determine the nominal moment capacity,
Mn and useable moment capacity, φMn .

∴Mn = [37.2 kips(24.5 in) + 415.6 kips(23.68 in) – 263.2 kips(1.5 in)]/12 in/ft
= 863.1 ft-kips

φMn = 0.9(863.1 ft-kips) = 776.9 ft-kips

84 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Find maximum factored point load at midspan (Use load factors: 1.2D + 1.6L)

We will assume that the only uniform load is the beam’s weight itself.

(30 in)(16 in)

wu = 1.2( )(0.15 kcf) = 0.60 klf

wu L2 Pu L 0.60 klf(40′ )2 Pu 40′

∴ Mu = + = + = 120′k + 10Pu
8 4 8 4

Set equal to φMn and solve for Pu.

120 ft − kips + 10Pu = 776.9 ft − kips ∴ Pu(max) = 65.7 kips

Very Important – Where’s the Equivalent Load?

The reason that we included this simple statics exercise is to demonstrate that equivalent loads and the
“concrete only” moment diagram, etc. have nothing to do with the calculation of ultimate strength (at
least for simply supported members, but we will address that later). Those concepts were only used to
determine the service level stresses in the concrete. This could have been any beam (concrete, steel,
wood) given to you in your statics class, and given a maximum moment capacity you would have solved
it exactly this same way. We could now solve for the support reactions and draw the moment diagram
with the applied Pu & wu loading, etc. and these would represent the true, statically correct reactions and
moments for the system. The fact that there is prestressing steel in the beam has nothing to do with those
reactions and moments in this statically determinate beam.
Be sure that you understand why we did not include the equivalent upward point load for the ultimate
strength check in this example. The design of prestressed concrete will always be confusing and abstract
for you unless this is clear.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 85

c) φMn at 10 ft from the support

We will follow the same exact procedure, but with a new dp depth.

We will not go through the numbers again here, but the procedure is the same as before and as follows:

1. 0.15dp = 3.08 in > 3 in so it is still ok to use compression steel

2. Calculate fps at 10 ft from the support (this will not be the same as it was at midspan).

3. Determine Cc, “a” & “c” at this location.

4. Draw the strain diagram to verify that the compression steel yields (we will ignore it if it is not
yielding) and verify that the member is tension controlled.

5. Set up the force diagram and sum moments about any point to determine φMn.
86 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #2 – Flexural Strength with Unbonded Tendons


Beam w/ 7 Unbonded Tendons with a Parabolic Profile

Aps/Tendon = 0.153in2


The maximum useable moment capacity, φMn at midspan.

40′ (12 in/ft)

Span to depth ratio = = 16 < 35 (this is typical for beams)
30 in
∴ Use fps = fse + 10,000 +
≤ fpy & fse + 60,000

7(0.153 in2 )
ρp = = 0.000374
110 in(26 in)
(note: b = width of the compression face = 110 in)

fse = 0.70fpu – 15 ksi = 0.7(270 ksi) – 15 ksi = 174 ksi

4,000 psi
∴fps = 174,000 psi + 10,000 psi + = 290,951 psi = 291 ksi
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 87

But limited to:

fpy = 243ksi

or fse + 60,000 = 174 ksi + 60 ksi = 234 ksi < 291 ksi

∴ 234 ksi controls

Assume the compression steel yields & draw the force diagram.

Using equilibrium, solve for the concrete force Cc.

Cc = Tps + Ts – C’s = 250.6 kips + 189.6 kips – 37.2 kips = 403 kips

Now use the Whitney Stress Block to find “a” & “c”.

Cc 403 kips
a= ′
= = 1.08 in < t slab =6 in (rectangular assumption is correct)
0.85f c b 0.85(4ksi)(110 in)

a 1.08 in
& c= = = 1.27 in
β1 0.85

This example demonstrates that including compression steel in a tee-beam is of very little value. The
neutral axis will typically be in the flange and therefore the compression steel will virtually never be
yielding in compression. Therefore for tee-beams we will ignore the compression steel.
88 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Recalculate the concrete force Cc.

Cc = Tps + Ts = 250.6 kips + 189.6 kips = 440.2 kips

Cc 440.2k
a= = = 1.18 in
0.85f ′ c b 0.85(4ksi)(110 in)

a 1.18 in
&c= = = 1.39 in
β1 0.85

Calculate Strength.

∴Mn = [189.6 kips(27.5 in) + 250.6 kips(26 in) – 440.2 kips(0.59 in)]/(12 in/ft)
= 955.8 ft-kips

φMn = 0.9(955.8 ft-kips) = 860.2 ft-kips

Verify that the member is “tension-controlled” at this location.

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 89

Verify Section Has Minimum Bonded Reinforcement Required per ACI 318 Section

ACI 318 Section – Minimum bonded reinforcement for beams with unbonded tendons:

0.004Act (

Where Act = Area of cross section between the tension face and the c.g.c.

From the example in Chapter 4 using the same beam section:

Act = 22 in(14 in) = 308 in2

Minimum area of bonded reinforcement required = 0.004(308 in2) = 1.23 in2

4-#8 provided = 4(0.79 in2) = 3.16 in2 > 1.23 in2 ok

90 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Strength Calculations for Indeterminate Members – Secondary Moments & Reactions

Just when it was starting to make sense, we are going to throw a curveball at you. Recall our previous
example of a statically determinate beam where prestressing causes deflections and stresses, but no
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 91

Some people refer to secondary effects as “hyper-static” effects. However, we have never heard any of
the legends who taught us how to design post-tensioned concrete use this term and we do not use it
ourselves. When I think of “hyper” I think of my kids when they were young running around the house,
and “static” indicates no movement. So this term seems contradictory and misleading to me. We will be
consistent in this book with the ACI 318 code and only use the term “secondary” to describe the effects
of post-tensioning on an indeterminate system.

How do we find the secondary effects? Look at the “concrete-only” final moment diagram, the moment
diagram generated from the equivalent loads due to the post-tensioning (never with applied loads). The
equivalent load is wequiv acting upward.

Remember, in a statically determinate system we found that the “concrete-only” moment at any point
was always equal to F (the total tendon force) multiplied by e (the eccentricity between the concrete
c.g.c. and the tendon c.g.s.). Therefore, the “primary concrete-only moment diagram” for this example
would look like this:
92 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The difference between the final and primary concrete-only moment diagrams is the secondary moment
diagram (remember, only prestressing forces are considered).

Secondary reactions and shears are found from the free body diagrams. Break the spans apart and
determine the individual reactions (shears) for each span:

The reactions at the supports are the sum of the shears from each span at that support.

Again, the sum of the reactions must be zero because simply prestressing the beam does not add any
weight or load to the system.

Remember, for ultimate moment (strength) design we calculate the moments due to the external loads
acting on the system. The secondary reactions are external to the system. They are generated by support
restraint in an indeterminate system. Simply stated, the member wants to deflect due to the prestressing
and the supports resist that movement. This generates reactions, shears and moments in the complete
system. Therefore, the final demand moment diagram is found from the following loading:
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 93

ACI 318 Section 5.3.11

Section 5.3.11 states that “Required strength U shall include internal load effects due to reactions
induced by prestressing with a load factor of 1.0”.

Or, in equation form:

Mdemand = Mu + M2
= 1.2MD + 1.6ML + 1.0M2

Secondary effects will generally lower the factored moments over continuous supports (lower the
demand negative moments) but increase the positive moments.

Recall the previous example:

The equivalent prestress loads previously found were:

Span A-B: wequiv = 1.23klf ↑
Span B-C: wequiv = 1.32klf ↑

The distribution factors previously found were:

DFB-A = 0.471
DFB-C = 0.529

In the previous example we subtracted the prestress load from the applied load to get the “net” load on
the concrete. However, now we will find the moments due to the equivalent prestressing loads only.

FEMA-B = 1.23klf(45 ft)2/12 = 207.6 ft-kips

FEMB-C = 1.32klf(40 ft)2/12 = 176.0 ft-kips
94 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Recall that in a statically determinate beam the moment due to prestressing is always “F” times “e”. But
in an indeterminate beam that will usually not be true.

Determine the primary moment, “F” multiplied by “e”, at Support “B”:

e = 8 in – 4 in = 4 in
F = 186.2 kips
Mprimary = Fe = 186.2k(4 in)/12 in/ft = 62.1 ft-kips
∴ M2 = Mpre final – Mprimary = 289 ft-kips – 62.1 ft-kips = 227 ft-kips (tension on the bottom)

Secondary Moment Diagram:

The reactions that cause this moment diagram must look like this:

And they are easily found by:

Vleft span = M2/L1 = 227 ft-kips / 45 ft = 5.04 kips
Vright span = M2 / L2 = 227 ft-kips / 40 ft = 5.68 kips

ΣFy = 0 ΣM = 0

Find the moment diagram due to the applied factored loads, Mu.

wu = 1.2(1.4klf) + 1.6(0.60klf) = 2.64klf

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 95

Fixed-End Moments (for prismatic members):

MFA-B = 2.64klf(45 ft)2/12 = 446 ft-kips

MFB-C= 2.64klf(40 ft)2/12 = 352 ft-kips

Determine Shears
96 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Mdemand = Mu + M2

Notice that by including the secondary moments the final design moment at the interior support has been
dramatically decreased relative to the factored moment diagram, and the positive moments have been
increased but not nearly by the same proportion. This is beneficial to the design because the negative
moment capacity is less efficient due to the smaller compression flange, and the positive moment
capacity is much more efficient due to the large compression flange. So anything we can do to decrease
negative moments and increase positive moments in tee-beam construction makes the design more

Note: To be analytically correct, a demand shear diagram should also be determined.

Vdemand = Vu + V2

In practice, with secondary moments at all columns (exterior and interior columns) the secondary shears
are extremely small and are often ignored. This will be demonstrated in a later example.

Now that we have the demand moment diagram, proceed with the flexural design as we did previously.
Determine the capacity of the beam at the critical sections (maximum positive and negative moments).
Determine fps, etc. at each of these sections and add rebar as necessary for ultimate strength and/or
minimum requirements.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 97

C-Line / Concordant Tendon Profiles

This topic gets a lot of attention in some Prestressed Concrete courses, so we will touch on it in case you
are at a party and the topic comes up. While the concept of C-Line or concordant tendon profiles is an
interesting academic exercise, it’s effectively useless in practice.

Let’s look at the “prestress only” moment diagram previously found with the maximum span moment
values included.

It is theoretically possible to create the same “prestress only” moment diagram that would have no
secondary effects. How? By dividing the moment at each point by the prestress force and calculating “e”
at those points. In other words, creating the profile in which the primary moment equals the final
moment diagram throughout the member. That profile is a “concordant” profile and represents the “C-

Let’s look at the interior support. If we divide 289 ft-kips by F (=186.2k) we get an eccentricity of (289
ft-kips/186.2k)(12 in/ft) = 18.6 in. However, remember what the beam section looks like:

With an eccentricity of 18.6 in. the tendon would be 10 in. above the top of the beam! Therefore, we
need to proportion the profile in the beam at all locations until it fits inside everywhere, but when we do
that we will have much less balance load for the same force, F. Therefore, to achieve the same balance
loads and “prestress only” moment diagram we will need to dramatically increase the prestress force, F.
At the middle support B, to achieve a primary moment of 289 ft-kips with an eccentricity of 4 in (8 in –
4 in, or 0.33 ft) the required prestress force, F is 289 ft-kips/0.33 ft = 875.8 kips (an increase of 370%!).
The full concordant profile and force required to provide the same “prestress only” moment diagram is:

This is a remarkably inefficient design. Why spend 370% more on prestressing steel when we have
already shown that the secondary effects actually help us by decreasing the negative moments where the
compression flange is small and increasing the moment in the span where we have a much more
efficient beam section because of the large compression flange? Concordant profiles are definitely only
an academic exercise.
Shear Design

Beam Shear
Shear design of beams is covered in ACI 318 Section 22.5.8. For instructional purposes we will assume
that all concrete in the examples is normal weight and we will ignore the lightweight concrete factor, λ
in the equations.

According to ACI 318 Section 21.2 the strength reduction factor, φ for one-way shear is 0.75 (this is the
same for non-prestressed and prestressed beams). The basic required equations for shear design are:

φVn ≥ Vu (Eqn.

Vn = Vc + Vs (Eqn.

The approach to beam shear design is similar to that of non-prestressed reinforced beams, except in the
calculation of the concrete contribution, Vc. According to ACI 318 Section the designer is given
two choices for determining Vc. The first is the relatively straightforward equation (

Vu dp
Vcn = �0.6�f ′ c + 700 � bw d (Table
Vu dp
where cannot be taken greater than 1.0

(In ACI 318 this term is Vc, but we have added the subscript “n”)

Definitions for Table

f’c under the radical is always in pounds per square inch.

dp = Distance from the extreme fiber in compression to the centroid of the prestressing reinforcement.
d= Distance from the extreme fiber in compression to the centroid of all tension reinforcing
(prestressed and non-prestressed), but need not be taken less than 0.80h. However, most designers and
programs take “d” only to the centroid of the prestressed reinforcement, but not less than 0.80h. This is

The second choice that ACI 318 offers for determining Vc is contained in Section Vc may be
taken as the lesser of Vci or Vcw (the “i” refers to inclined flexural cracking and the “w” refers to web

100 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Vi Mcre
Vci = 0.6�f′c bw dp + Vd + (Eqn.

where dp need not be taken less than 0.80h & Vci need not be taken less than 1.7�f ′ c bw d

Note that the lower bound of 1.7�f ′ c bw d does not make much sense given that we always have the
option to use Table and its lower bound is 2�f ′ c bw d. Not to mention that we could also ignore
the prestressing altogether and use 2�f ′ c bw d as a non-prestressed beam.

Definitions for Eqn. (

Mcre = �I�ytension ��6�f′c + fpe − fd � (Eqn.

(Note: ACI 318 actually uses the term “yt” instead of “ytension”. Our reasons for using a different
subscript will be explained in the example.)

Vd = Shear force at section due to unfactored dead loads.

Vi = Factored shear force at section due to externally applied loads (loads applied after the member is
prestressed) occurring simultaneously with Mmax.

Mmax = Maximum factored moment at section due to loads applied after prestressing.

fpe = Compressive stress in concrete due to effective prestress forces only (after losses) at the extreme
fiber of the section where tensile stress is caused by externally applied loads, psi.

fd = Stress due to unfactored dead load at the extreme fiber of the section where tensile stress is
caused by externally applied loads, psi.

Vcw = �3.5�f ′ c + 0.3fpc �bw dp + Vp (Eqn.

where dp need not be taken less than 0.80h.

Definitions for Eqn. (

fpc = Compressive stress in concrete (after losses) at the centroid of the cross section (pure F/A), psi

Vp = Vertical component of effective prestress force at the section.

Limits for Vc:

ACI 318 Section states that the concrete contribution, Vc shall be less than or equal
to 5�f ′ c bw d , but need not be taken as less than 2�f ′ c bw d. However this section only includes Table. Section states that Vc shall be permitted to be computed as the lesser of Vci and Vcw.
Since Section does not specifically state an upper bound for either Vci or Vcw, most engineers
and computer programmers have concluded that the upper bound of 5�f ′ c bw d does not apply to these
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 101

equations, despite the fact that the lesser value will be used as Vc. Earlier versions of this book limited
all values of Vc to 5�f ′ c bw d since the Vci equation will approach infinity at inflection points (when has
any Code ever not placed an upper bound on an equation that can approach infinity?), but our view was
widely criticized for going against the standard of practice, so we now follow the herd.

Important Points & Assumptions Regarding Beam Shear

1. Vu & Mu, based upon the ACI 318 definitions do not include secondary effects.

2. Vp, the vertical component of the prestressing force in the Vcw equation is difficult or impossible
to determine at reverse curvature of the tendons and is typically ignored in calculations
(including computer programs). It is conservative to ignore Vp.

3. The terms Vi & Mmax include only the factored loading applied after the member is stressed and
stripped of formwork. Vi & Mmax exclude the unfactored dead load shears and moments, but
include the factored dead load shears and moments that occur after stressing, as well as all of
the factored live load shears and moments. Since this can be somewhat confusing and tedious to
calculate, we will take advantage of the fact that typically the ratio of live load shear and live
load moments will be very similar, if not exactly the same, as Vi & Mmax. This is because all of
the post-stressed loading occurs with the top column present (if one exists), and any ratio of V
& M should be similar. Therefore, for instructional purposes in our examples with columns we
will use the ratio of live load shear to live load moment in place of Vi & Mmax. For simply
supported beam examples we will use any convenient ratio of V & M that we have.

4. The ACI 318 Code requires that at least 40% of the total tensile strength will be provided by the
prestressing reinforcement in order to use Table We will assume in our examples that
this is easily met and will not check it.

5. Shear reinforcing (stirrups) is always oriented parallel to the loading (& flexural reinforcing is
always oriented perpendicular to the load.) We’ve heard some engineers say that stirrup
reinforcing is most effective at a 45° angle, but that just is not the case. Keep the following
diagram in your mind and you will never make that mistake.
102 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #1 – Shear Design of a Beam with Positive Moment Only

Service Loading:
wd = 3.50klf
wl = 1.25klf

Remember, Vu & Mu are defined by ACI 318 as 1.2D + 1.6L so even for continuous beams the strength
Table will not include secondary effects. However, for the demand shear the secondary shears
should technically be included. We will demonstrate in the two-span beam design in the next chapter
that these shears are relatively small so ignoring them as most designers do is typically inconsequential.

Find: Stirrups and spacing required at a distance “h/2” from the face of the support using:
a) Vcn (Table
b) Minimum of Vci (Eqn. & Vcw (Eqn.
c) Vc as a non-prestressed member


a) Vcn (Table

Vn = Vc + Vs ⇒ φVn = φVc + φVs & φVn ≥ Vu

wu = 1.2(3.50klf) + 1.6(1.25klf) = 6.20klf

Vu (@ support) = (20 ft)(6.2klf) = 124 kips

Vu dp
Vcn = �0.6�f′c + 700 � bw d (
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 103

“d” is defined as the distance from the compression face to the centroid of all tensile reinforcement, but
not less than 0.80h. It’s typical to ignore the non-prestressed steel and take “d” to the prestressing
reinforcement only.

∴ “d” near the support will be controlled by 0.80(30 in) = 24 in or 2’-0”

Somewhat inexplicably, “dp” does not have the 0.80h stipulation in this equation, though it does in all
other equations, as does “d”.

ACI 318 Section states that prestressed concrete beam sections located less than a distance h/2
from face of support shall be permitted to be designed for Vu computed at h/2. In non-prestressed
concrete this critical shear location is defined as “d”. However, the commentary explains that because
“d” varies in prestressed concrete members, h/2 was arbitrarily chosen as the critical section.

The centroid of the prestressing steel at h/2 from the support is:

1.25 ft
dp = 9.32 in + (16.68 in) = 10.4 in
20 ft

Vu @ “h/2” = 124 kips – (15 in/12 in/ft)(6.2klf) = 116.3 kips

Mu @ “h/2” = the shaded area under the shear diagram since the moment at the support is zero.
124 kips + 116.3 kips
= (1.25 ft) = 150.2 ft − kips
= 1,802 in − kips
(116.3 kips)(10.4 in)
∴ Vcn = �0.6�4000 psi + 700 � �� (16 in)(24 in)
1,802 in − kips
Vu dp
Remember that the term must be < 1.0

Vu dp (116.3 kips)(10.4 in)

=� � = 0.671 < 1.0 ok
Mu 1,802 in − kips

Vcn = (37.9 psi + 469.8 psi)(16 in)(24 in)/1000 = 195.0 kips

But Vcn has an upper bound of 5�f ′ c bw d = 121.4 kips ← Controls Vcn
104 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

b) Vci ( & Vcw (

Vi Mcre
Vci = 0.6�f ′ c bw dp + Vd + (Eqn.
(Note: In this equation, dp is greater than or equal to 0.80h)

Vd = Shear at section under unfactored dead loads

wd = 3.5 klf & wu = 6.2 klf

∴Vd = (116.3 kips) = 65.7 kips

Mcre = �I�ytension ��6�f′c + fpe − fd � (moment causing flexural cracking at section due to externally
applied loads)

This equation can be a little confusing, particularly if you are following along with the ACI 318 Code.
ACI 318 uses the term “yt” instead of “ytension.” We changed the term in this design book because it is
too easy to confuse “yt” with distance from the centroid to the top of the member, and we didn’t want to
have one term that has two different definitions. If you keep in mind that this equation attempts to
predict the moment at cracking under applied loads and which side of the beam will crack at a particular
section (top or bottom) you will hopefully remain clear on this. Remember, all of the section properties
used in the Mcre equation are to the tension face under applied loads at a particular section.

For this example, ytension = yb (distance from the centroid to the bottom of the beam because the applied
loads cause tension on the bottom)

ytension = yb = 20.68 in

The section modulus used in the terms fpe and fd will also be to the tension face under applied loads.

S = Sb = 3,429in3

fpe = Compressive stress in the concrete due to the prestressing only at the extreme fiber where
external loads cause tension. In the case of a simply supported beam, the moment due to prestressing is
equal to F multiplied by e. This is typically not the case in an indeterminate beam.

P Mequiv
∴ fpe = +
(note: “plus” because prestressing causes compression where external loads cause tension)

186.2 kips 186.2 kips(10.4 in - 9.32 in)

= + = 0.270 ksi (compression)
880 in2 3,429 in3

fd = Stress due to unfactored dead load at the section where external loads cause tension
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 105
Md (@ "h/2") = (M @ "h/2")
wu u
= (150.2 ft − kips) = 84.8 ft − kips

Md 84.8 ft − kips(12 in/ft)

∴ fd = =
S 3,429 in3

= 0.297 ksi (tension)

Mcre = �70,938 in �20.68 in� �6√4000 + 270 psi − 297 psi�/1000
= 1,209 in − kips
= 100.8 ft − kips

In this example, since there are no columns above or below occurring at different times in construction,
the ratio of shear to moment is the same for all loading conditions. We will use the dead load shear and
moment for convenience.

Vi Vd 65.7 kips
= same ratio in this case as =
Mmax Md 84.8 ft − kips

0.6√4000(16 in)(24 in) 65.7 kips

∴Vci = + 65.7 kips + (100.8 ft − kips)
1000 84.8 ft − kips

= 14.6 kips + 65.7 kips + 78.0 kips

= 158.3 kips


Vcw = �3.5�f ′ c + 0.3fpc �bw dp + Vp (Eqn. (Remember, we will take Vp to be zero)

fpc = Compressive stress at the centroid

F 186.2 kips
= = = 0.212 ksi
A 880 in2

∴Vcw = � + 0.3(0.212 ksi)� (16 in)(24 in) = 109.4 kips

Vcn = 121.4 kips
Vci = 158.3 kips
Vcw = 109.4 kips
106 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Check Lower Limits:

Lower Bound (the concrete contribution need not be less than this):
2�f ′ c bw d = 48.6 kips

ACI 318 Section states that we may use Vcn, or the smaller of Vci or Vcw. For this example we
would benefit most from the Vcn value of 121.4 kips.

∴φVc = 0.75(121.4 kips) = 91 kips

Design Stirrups
Reinforcement Contribution, Vs

Vu − φVc 116.3 kips − 91 kips

Vs = = = 33.7 kips
φ 0.75

Use 2 legs of #3 stirrups (Av = 0.11in2 / leg)

A v fy d 2(0.11 in2 )(60 ksi)(24 in)

Spacing, S = = = 9.4 in (required for strength)
Vs 33.7 kips

Check Maximum Spacing for Prestressed Members (ACI 318 Section

Spacing, S = the smaller of 0.75h or 24 in., provided Vs ≤ 4�f′c bw d

0.75h = 0.75(30 in) = 22.5 in < 24 in but 9.4 in still governs at this location.

Check ACI 318 Section for Av(min)

ACI 318 Section states that for prestressed members with an effective prestress force not less
than 40 percent of the tensile strength of the flexural reinforcement, Av(min) shall not be less than the
smaller value from the greater of Table and Table or Table In practice
these equations in the range of typical designs will never control the design of a prestressed concrete
beam, but they will be shown for academic completeness.

bw S 50bw S
Av(min) = 0.75�f ′ c ≥ (Table
fyt fyt
where "t" stands for transverse

Aps fpu S d
Av(min) = � (Table
80fyt d bw
Again, assume 2 legs of #3 stirrups and solve for the maximum spacing, S.

Rewriting the equations in terms of the spacing means that largest spacing from the greater of Table and Table or Table controls minimum requirements.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 107

Table & (d), rewritten for S

Av fyt 2(0.11 in2 )(60,000 psi)

S= = = 17.4 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖
0.75�f′c bw 0.75�4000 psi(16 in)
Av fyt 2(0.11 in2 )(60,000 psi)
S= = = 16.5 in
50bw 50(16 in)

Table, rewritten for S

Av (80fyt d) 2(0.11 in2 )(80)(60 ksi)(24 in)

S= = = 71.5 in
d 24 in
Aps fpu � 1.07 in2 (270 ksi)�
bw 16 in

The maximum spacing based upon minimum requirements is 71.5 in., but we need a spacing of 9.4 in.
for strength at this location. Table will typically generate a spacing value that grossly exceeds
the smaller of 0.75h or 24 in., and it is for this reason that these two equations can typically be ignored
in most designs.

∴Use #3 Stirrups (2 legs) @ 9 in o/c at beam ends

c) As a Non-Prestressed Member

φVc = φ2�f ′ c bw d (note: d will be taken as 27.5 in for a non-prestressed beam)

= (0.75)(2)√4000(16 in)(27.5 in)/1000
= 41.7 kips

Vu − φVc 111.6 kips − 41.7 kips

Vs = = = 93.2 kips
φ 0.75
VS(max) = 8�f ′ c bw d = 166.8 kips > 93.2 kips, ok

Using 2 legs of #3 stirrups:

A v fy d 2(0.11 in2 )(60 ksi)(27.5 in)

Spacing, S = = = 3.9 in
Vs 93.2 kips

Behold the benefit of post-tensioning for shear!

108 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #2 – Shear Design in a Post-Tensioned Beam with Positive and Negative


Unfactored Service Loads “w”: f’c = 4000 psi

Dead = 2.20 klf (includes beam wt.) fpu = 270 ksi
Live =1.0 klf fy = 60 ksi

Parabolic Tendon Profile


A = 1152 in2 I = 128,703 in4
St = 12,257 in Sb = 5048 in3

Tendon Location from Top of Beam

x value 1.5 ft 10 ft 45 ft 58.5 ft
(h/2 from Grid (h/2 to the left
‘A’) of Grid ‘B’)
Tendon cgs
from Top of 12.75 in 23.17 in 24.19 in 6.58 in

Find: At each “x value” (4 total locations) in the table above calculate:

1) Vu & Mu
2) Vcn (ACI Eqn., which has an upper bound of 5 f'c bwd)
3) Vci (ACI Eqn.
4) Vcw (ACI Eqn.
5) The required stirrup spacing per the ACI 318 code using the values found in b) through d).

Use 2 legs of #3 stirrups (Av/leg = 0.11 in2) & a lower bound of 2 f'c bwd for all Vc equations.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 109


1. Vu & Mu

wu = 1.2(2.20 klf) + 1.6(1.0 klf) = 4.24 klf

2. Vcn (ACI Eqn.

Vu dp Vu dp
Vcn = �0.6�f ′ c + 700 � bw d where cannot be taken greater than 1.0
Mu Mu
Vcn(Max) = �5�f ′ c �bw d

@ x=1.5 ft
dp = 12.75 in d = 28.8 in
Vu dp (113.9 kips)(12.75 in)
= = 0.689 < 1.0 Use 0.689
Mu (175.6 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)

�0.6√4000 + 700(0.69)� (16 in)(28.8 in)

Vcn = = 239.8 kips
Vcn(Max) = �5�f ′ c �bw d = � � (16 in)(28.8 in) = 145.7 kips
< 239.8 kips 𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏. 𝟕𝟕 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤
110 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

@ x=10 ft
dp = 23.17 in d = 28.8 in
Vu dp (77.9 kips)(23.17 in)
= = 0.152 < 1.0 Use 0.152
Mu (990.7 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)

�0.6√4000 + 700(0.152)� (16 in)(28.8 in)

Vcn = = 66.4 kips
Vcn(Max) = �5�f ′ c �bw d = � � (16 in)(28.8 in) = 145.7 kips > 66.4 kips 𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔 𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟔. 𝟒𝟒 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤
@ x=45 ft
dp = 24.19 in d = 28.8 in
Vu dp (70.5 kips)(24.19 in)
= = 0.127 < 1.0 Use 0.127
Mu (1119.4 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)

�0.6√4000 + 700(0.127)� (16 in)(28.8 in)

Vcn = = 58.5 kips
Vcn(Max) = �5�f ′ c �bw d = � � (16 in)(28.8 in) = 145.7 kips > 58.5 kips 𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓. 𝟓𝟓 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤

@ x=58.5 ft
dp = 36 in - 6.58 in = 29.42 in d = 29.42 in
Vu dp (127.8 kips)(29.42 in)
= = 1.43 > 1.0 Use 1.0
Mu (219.1 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)

�0.6√4000 + 700(1.0)� (16 in)(29.42 in)

Vcn = = 347.4 kips
Vcn(Max) = �5�f ′ c �bw d = � � (16 in)(29.42 in) = 148.9 kips
< 347.4 kips 𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏. 𝟗𝟗 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤

3. Vci (ACI Eqn.

Vi Mcre
Vci = 0.6�f′c bw dp + Vd + & dp ≥ 0.8h
@ x=1.5 ft
Vd = 59.1 kips, Md = 91.1 ft-kips
Since the beam is statically determinate, Mequiv is equal to Fe.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 111

P Mequiv 372.7 kips (372.7 kips)(12.75 in - 10.5 in)

fpe = + = + = 0.324 ksi + 0.166 ksi
A Stension 1152 in2 5048 in3
= 0.490 ksi
(91.1 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
fd = = 0.217 ksi
5048 in3
Mcre = �I�ytension � �6�f′c + fpe − fd �

(5048 in3 ) � + 0.490 ksi − 0.217 ksi�
Mcre = = 274.5 ft − kips
12 in/ft
(113.91 kips)(274.5 ft − kips)
∴ Vci = 0.6√4000(16 in)(28.8 in)/1000 + 59.1 kips +
(175.6 ft − kips)
= 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐. 𝟔𝟔 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤

@ x=10 ft
Vd = 40.4 kips, Md = 514.1 ft-kips
(372.7 kips)(23.17 in - 10.5 in)
fpe = 0.324 ksi + = 1.259 ksi
5048 in3
(514.1 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
fd = = 1.222 ksi
5048 in3
(5048 in3 ) � + 1.259 ksi − 1.222 ksi�
Mcre = = 175.2 ft − kips
12 in/ft
(77.87 kips)(175.2 ft − kips)
∴ Vci = 0.6√4000(16 in)(28.8 in)/1000 + 40.4 kips +
(990.7 ft − kips)
= 𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕. 𝟕𝟕 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤

@ x=45 ft
Vd = 36.6 kips, Md = 580.8 ft-kips
(372.7 kips)(24.19 in - 10.5 in)
fpe = 0.324 ksi + = 1.335 ksi
5048 in3
(580.8 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
fd = = 1.381ksi
5048 in3
6 4000
(5048 in3 ) � √ + 1.335 ksi − 1.381 ksi�
Mcre = = 140.3 ft − kips
12 in/ft
(70.5 kips)(140.3 ft − kips)
∴ Vci = 0.6√4000(16 in)(28.8 in)/1000 + 36.6 kips + = 𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟔. 𝟗𝟗 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤
(1119.4 ft − kips)
112 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

@ x=58.5 ft
Vd = 66.3 kips, Md = 113.7 ft-kips
(372.7 kips)(10.5 in - 6.58 in)
fpe = 0.324 ksi + = 0.443 ksi
12,257 in3
(113.7 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
fd = = 0.111 ksi
12,257 in3
(12,257 in3 ) � + 0.443 ksi − 0.111 ksi�
Mcre = = 726.7 ft − kips
12 in/ft
(127.8 kips)(726.7 ft − kips)
∴ Vci = 0.6√4000(16 in)(29.42 in)/1000 + 66.3 kips +
(219.1 ft − kips)
= 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓. 𝟎𝟎 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤
4. Vcw (ACI Eqn.
Vcw = �3.5�f ′ c + 0.3fpc �bw dp + Vp (where Vp will be taken as zero & dp ≥ 0.8h)

@ x=1.5 ft
372.7 kips
fpc = = 0.324 ksi & dp = 28.8 in
1152 in2
Vcw = � + 0.3(0.324 ksi)� (16 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖)(28.8 in) = 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏. 𝟕𝟕 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤

@ x=10 ft
dp = 28.8 in
∴Vcw = 146.7 kips
@ x=45 ft
dp = 28.8 in
∴Vcw = 146.7 kips
@ x=58.5 ft
dp = 29.42 in
Vcw = � + 0.3(0.324 ksi)� (16 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖)(29.42 in) = 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏. 𝟗𝟗 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 113

5. Stirrup Design

Summary of Vc Results

“x” Vcn Vci Vcw Vc (control)

(kips) (kips) (kips) (kips)
1.5 ft 145.7 254.6 146.7 146.7

10 ft 66.4 71.7 146.7 71.7

45 ft 58.5 62.9 146.7 62.9

58.5 ft 148.9 508.0 149.9 149.9

@ x=1.5 ft
Vu − φVc 113.91 kips − 0.75(146.7 kips)
Vs (req′d) = = = 5.16 kips
φ 0.75
A v fy d 2(0.11 in2 )(60 ksi)(28.8 in)
S(req′ d) = = = 73.7 in
Vs 5.16 kips
S(Max) = Smaller of 24 in, 0.75(36 in) = 27 in, 𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔 𝟐𝟐 𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋 #𝟑𝟑@𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢
It is physically impossible in any normal design for the equations in Table to govern the design,
so those equations will not be checked in this example.

@ x=10 ft
77.87 kips − 0.75(71.7 kips)
Vs (req′d) = = 32.17 kips
A v fy d 2(0.11 in2 )(60 ksi)(28.8 in)
S(req′ d) = = = 11.8 in < 24 in 𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔 𝟐𝟐 𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋 #𝟑𝟑@𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏. 𝟖𝟖 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢
Vs 32.17 kips
@ x=45 ft
70.5 kips − 0.75(62.9 kips)
Vs (req′d) = = 31.1 kips
A v fy d 2(0.11 in2 )(60 ksi)(28.8 in)
S(req′ d) = = = 12.2 in < 24 in 𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔 𝟐𝟐 𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋 #𝟑𝟑@𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏. 𝟐𝟐 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢
Vs 31.1 kips
@ x=58.5 ft
127.8 kips − 0.75(149.9 kips)
Vs (req′d) = = 20.47 kips
A v fy d 2(0.11 in2 )(60 ksi)(29.42 in)
S(req′ d) = = = 19.0 in < 24 in 𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔𝐔 𝟐𝟐 𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋 #𝟑𝟑@𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏. 𝟎𝟎 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢
Vs 20.47 kips
114 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Summary of Stirrup Design

Logic and reason would dictate that the tightest stirrup spacing required would be near the supports
(specifically, at h/2 from the supports). However, logic and reason play no role in shear design using the
ACI equations for concrete shear capacity. In this case, while the beam requires only minimum stirrups
at h/2 from Support A, 10 feet away from Support A where the shear demand had decreased by more
than 30%, the required stirrups more than doubled. A similar phenomenon occurs at the other end of the
This design approach is poor for many reasons. The first is that despite all the work that went into this
example, none of the “x” points correspond to the maximum stirrup demand. That location is actually at
x=47.5 ft. There is no way that even an experienced designer can look at a beam and a shear diagram
and have any idea where to check for the controlling shear stirrup demand. Only with a computer can
the designer ever have any comfort level that enough points along the beam were checked such that
there is no Code violation. Another problem with the ACI design approach to shear in prestressed
concrete is that it is very difficult to make sense of and teach, resulting in instructors and students who
are confused and frustrated with prestressed concrete in general.
My father spent many years on ACI boards and committees, including ACI 318. I naively thought that
if I presented my grievances to him that he could influence someone within ACI to re-evaluate the Vc
equations and move towards dramatically simplified equations (or one equation). Unfortunately, to date
ACI has shown no interest in changing anything about the current equations for concrete shear capacity
in prestressed beams.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 115

Summary of Beam Shear in Prestressed Concrete

φVn ≥ Vu (Eqn. where φ = 0.75
Vn = Vc + Vs (Eqn.

Vc is calculated from (Table or the lesser of (Eqn. or (Eqn. –
Designer’s choice.

Limits for Vc:

2�f ′ c bw d (for all Vc equations) & 5�f ′ c bw d (for the Vcn equation only)

Stirrup Strength, Vs

A v fy d A v fy d
Vs = Rewrite, S =
S Vs

Smax (ACI 318 Section

Smaller of 0.75h or 24 in, provided Vs ≤ 4�f′c bw d

VS(max) (ACI 318 Section = 8�f ′ c bw d

116 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Punching Shear
For two-way slab systems ACI 318 requires at each column that the total factored shear, and a portion of
the unbalanced factored moment, be transferred from the equivalent frame slab-beam to the column
through a section of slab concrete surrounding the column known as the “critical section”. A critical
section exists just outside the column and just outside each change in slab thickness in the vicinity of the
column, i.e., at each shear cap. The term “shear cap” will be used throughout this book to be consistent
with ACI terminology, though many practicing engineers and structural engineering firms refer to this
thickened section as a “column capital.” While the term “column capital” is not technically correct in
this application, many firms believe that this term is clearer for contractors for whom terms such as
“shear” have little meaning. The critical section follows the column or shear cap plan shape and is
located at a distance of d/2 from the edge of the column or shear cap. The shears and moments acting on
the critical section produce stresses on the critical section and the Code limits these stresses to certain
permissible values.

A pure flat plate will have only one critical section (critical section #1 in the figure) and a column with a
shear cap will have two (both critical sections #1 & #2).

Shears in punching shear calculations (Vu) are those acting at the centerline of each column, considering
continuity, due to factored loads. Moments in punching shear calculations (Mu) are those transferred
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 117

from the slab to the column, at the column centerlines, due to factored loads (the “unbalanced”
moments). The unbalanced moment is the difference in centerline beam end moments on either side of
the joint.

ACI 318 states that the unbalanced moment is transferred partly by direct flexure (in the contact area
between slab and column) and partly by shear stresses on the critical section. Thus:

Munb = Mf + Mv

From ACI Sections & the fraction of the total unbalanced moment which must be
transferred by shear stresses on the critical section is:

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
γv = 1 − ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
2 (b )
⎢1 + � � � 1 ⎥
3 (b2 )
⎣ ⎦

Where b1 is the dimension of the critical section in the direction of the span, and b2 is the dimension
perpendicular to the direction of the span. The moment transferred by shear stresses on an interior
column’s critical section is:

Mv = γv Munb

Unlike the frame analysis that generated the slab and column shears and moments, punching
shear stress calculations assume the shear is applied at the centroid of the assumed critical shear
area, rather than at the centroid of the lower column. In the cases of edge and corner columns,
the centroid of the assumed critical shear area does not coincide with the centroid of the lower
column (see the following figures).

In order to maintain equilibrium with the original frame analysis, an applied moment equal to
Vuex must be applied at the centroid of the assumed critical shear area. Standard practice dictates
that the portion of this applied moment assigned to the moment transferred by shear, Mv, should
be equal to γv.

Therefore, for edge and corner columns the total moment resisted by shear is as follows:

Mv = γv (Munb − Vu ex ) ; where (Munb − Vu ex ) must be greater than or equal to zero.

118 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The moment Vuex only exists because of the somewhat arbitrary assumed critical section that we
create to analyze the shear stresses (see below). It does not make intuitive sense that this
moment could result in shear stresses due to bending that actually reverse direction at the edge of
the assumed critical section, so it is logical to limit the value of Vuex to Munb.

In order to maintain static equilibrium the moment resisted by flexure at edge and corner
columns must also be modified as follows:

Mf = γf Munb + γv Vu ex

Stresses on the Critical Shear Faces

Applied stresses acting on the critical section are calculated using the following equation:

Vu Mv xc
vu = +
Ac Jc
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 119

where: Ac = the area of concrete of the critical shear section (in2)

xc = distance from center of gravity of shear to face of critical shear section (in)
Jc = the polar moment of inertia of the critical shear section (in4)

The polar moment of inertia is the sum of both the strong and weak moments of inertia of the individual
shear faces parallel to the direction of analysis plus the sum of A𝑥𝑥 2 of all of the shear faces, where A is
the area of the shear face and 𝑥𝑥 is its distance from the centroid of all the shear faces.

In general terms:
Jc = ∑Ix (faces parallel to analysis) + ∑Iy (faces parallel to analysis) + ∑Ax (all faces)

The figures on the following pages describe the section properties of the critical shear sections for
interior, edge and corner column conditions.
120 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Interior Column

Properties for an interior column:

Ac = [2(C1 + d) + 2(C2 + d)]d

(C1 + d)
xc =

2(C1 + d)3 d 2(C1 + d)d3

Jc = + + 2d(C2 + d)xc2
12 12
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 121

Edge Column with Bending Axis Parallel to Slab Edge

Properties for an edge column with the bending axis parallel to the slab edge:

Ac = �2 �C1 + � + (C2 + d)� d
d 2
d �C1 + �
xc = 2
d 3 d d 2
2 �C1 + � d 2 �C1 + � d3 d C +
Jc = 2 + 2 + 2d �C1 + � �
1 2 − x � + d(C + d)x 2
c 2 c
12 12 2 2
122 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Edge Column with Bending Axis Perpendicular to Slab Edge

Properties for an edge column with the bending axis parallel to the slab edge:

Ac = �2 �C2 + � + (C1 + d)� d
(C1 + d)
xc =
(C1 + d)3 d (C1 + d)d3 d
Jc = + + 2d �C2 + � xc2
12 12 2
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 123

Corner Column

Properties for a corner column:

d d
Ac = ��C1 + � + �C2 + �� d
2 2

d 2
d �C1 + �
xc = 2

d 3 d d 2
�C1 + � d �C1 + � d3 d C +
Jc = 2 + 2 + d �C1 + � �
1 2 − x � + d �C + d� x 2
c 2
12 12 2 2 2 c
124 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Circular Columns

Many texts advocate using a square column with equivalent area to approximate the punching shear
properties of a circular column since the equations for calculating those properties are somewhat more
complicated. While PTData and the Seneca Shear Stud computer program use the actual circular
column properties to calculate the stresses for Critical Section #1, it makes logical sense to use the
equivalent square properties for analyzing Critical Section #2 stresses because the shear stud
reinforcement is configured in an orthogonal direction to align with the non-prestressed and prestressed
reinforcement. Whether or not the column is circular or square becomes practically irrelevant in the
shear stud analysis and design. This will become clearer in the following examples, and for that reason
we will not specifically address circular columns in this book.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 125

Allowable Punching Shear Stress

The allowable stress acting on the critical shear section is based upon the rather intricate requirements of
ACI 318 Section For interior columns vc shall be permitted to be the lesser of:

vc = 3.5�f′c + 0.3fpc + (
bo d
αs d Vp
vc = �1.5 + � �f′c + 0.3fpc + (
bo bo d

where f’c ≤ 4,900 psi and the average of fpc shall not exceed 500 psi.

The ACI Code defines α𝑠𝑠 as 40 for interior columns, 30 for edge columns (bending in either direction),
and 20 for corner columns. However in Section it also states that “no portion of the column
cross section shall be closer to a discontinuous edge than 4 times the slab thickness.” ACI 318 does not
clearly or numerically define “edge” or “corner” columns, but most textbooks, software programs and
engineers consider four times the slab thickness from a free edge as the border between interior and edge
or corner columns. Therefore, ACI Section effectively limits the use of the above equations
to interior columns. Thus the α𝑠𝑠 specifications for edge and corner columns are meaningless in this
equation for our purposes since they will never be used. The term fpc is defined as the average
compressive stress at the centroid of the slab in both directions and the term bo is defined as the
perimeter of the entire critical shear section. ACI 318 Section limits the useable 28 day
compressive stress to 4,900 psi by limiting �f′c to 70 psi in this equation.

For edge columns (bending in either direction) and corner columns, vc is found in ACI Table
and is the smallest of:

𝒗𝒗𝒄𝒄 = �2 + � �f′c
where 𝛽𝛽 is the ratio of long side to short side of the column.
αs d
𝒗𝒗𝒄𝒄 = � + 2� �f′c

𝒗𝒗𝒄𝒄 = 4�f′c
126 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #1 - Punching Shear / Shear Stud Design for an Interior Column

14 in x 16 in interior column Loading:
Slab thickness, t = 8 in (d = 6.5 in) Vu = 148.77 kips
f’c = 4,500 psi Mux = 26.59 ft-kips ; Muy = 0
fpc = 150 psi fyt = 51,000 psi
Stud rail width = 1.25 in

a) Determine the maximum punching shear stresses in Critical Section #1.
b) Design shear stud reinforcing per ACI 318.

Determine Section Properties of Critical Section #1

bo1 = (2)(22.5 in) + (2)(20.5 in) = 86.0 in

Ac1 = bo d = 86.0 in�6.5 in � = 559.0 in2

xcy1 = 22.5 in/2 = 11.25 in

2(C1 + d)3 d 2(C1 + d)d3

Jcx1 = + + 2d(C2 + d)xc2
12 12
2(22.5 in)3 (6.5 in) 2(22.5 in)(6.5 in)3
= + + 2(6.5 in)(20.5 in)(11.25 in)2 = 𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒, 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎. 𝟔𝟔 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝟒𝟒
12 12
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 127

Determine Portion of Unbalanced Moment Resisted by Shear Stresses for Critical

Section #1

⎡ ⎤
γvx1 =1− ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2 (c1 + d)⎥
1 +� ��
⎣ 3 (c2 + d)⎦

⎡ ⎤
=1− ⎢ ⎥ = 0.411
⎢ 2 (22.5 in) ⎥
1 + � ��
⎣ 3 (20.5 in)⎦

∴ Mvx1 = 0.411(26.59 ft − kips) = 10.93 ft − kips

= 131.1 in-kips

Determine Maximum Shear Stress for Critical Section #1

Vu Mvx1 xcy1
vu1(max) = +
Ac1 Jcx1
148.77 kips (131.1 in − kips)(11.25 in)
= + = 0.297 ksi = 297 psi
559.0 in2 47,098.6 in4

Determine the Allowable Shear Stress for Critical Section #1

For interior columns; φvc = φ�βp �f′c + 0.3fpc � and f’c ≤ 4,900 psi
40(6.5 in)
where βp = + 1.5 = 4.52 but limited to 3.5 maximum
86.0 in
∴ φvc = φ �βp �f′c + 0.3fpc � = 0.75[3.5√4500 + 0.3(150 psi)]
= 210 psi < 297 psi

Since φvc < vu additional shear capacity must be provided.

128 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Determine the Maximum Capacity of the Reinforced Section if Shear Studs are
According to ACI 318 Sections &, vc and vn shall not exceed 3�f′c and 8�f′c ,
respectively. However, most ICC ESR reports for headed shear stud reinforcing limit these values to
1.5�f′c and 6.5�f′c , respectively. Therefore, this book will limit the total capacity, vn, to 6.5�f′c to be
consistent with the ICC ESR reports.

φvn(max) = 0.75(6.5)√4500 = 327 psi > 297 psi

∴ ok to use shear studs.

Verify Section Properties and Stress Results with PTData

The following was taken from the PTData “Punching Shear Analysis” Screen:

Design Shear Stud Reinforcing

Determine Number of Rails Required

ACI 318 Section mandates that the maximum spacing of rails not exceed 2d.
2d = 2(6.5 in) = 13 in
Since the width of the rails will be 1.25 in., the minimum number of rails required on the 14 in. face is
determined by:
N14 Face = (14 in. – 1.25 in.)/13 in. + 1 = 1.98 ∴Use 2 rails on the 14 in. faces

The minimum number of rails required on the 16 in. face is determined by:
N16 Face = (16 in. – 1.25 in.)/13 in. + 1 = 2.13 ∴Use 3 rails on the 16 in. faces

The total number of rails provided = 2(2) + 2(3) = 10 rails

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 129

Determine Stud Spacing on Rails

ACI 318 Section states that the maximum spacing from the column face to the centerline of the
first stud shall not exceed d/2. The same section states that the maximum spacing between remaining
studs must be constant, and for prestressed concrete slabs shall not exceed 0.75d. However, for non-
prestressed slabs where vu exceeds φ6�f′c the maximum spacing is reduced to 0.5d. Conservatively, in
our practice and in this book we limit the spacing of all studs to 0.5d.
Therefore, the spacing to the first stud and the spacing between all remaining studs will be:
So = S = 6.5 in./2 = 3.25 in.

The overall height of the stud, according to ACI 318 Section, shall not be less than the
thickness of the member less the sum of: (1) the concrete cover on the top flexural reinforcement; (2) the
concrete cover on the base rail; and (3) one-half the bar diameter of the tension flexural reinforcement.
However, typically the top and bottom cover to the stud is specified to be the same as the cover to the
flexural reinforcement. In this example, if the concrete cover to the top and bottom flexural
reinforcement is one inch, the total stud height will be 6 inches.

Design Studs
The maximum factored shear stress, vu, was previously determined to be 297 psi. When using shear
stud reinforcement the maximum concrete strength contribution, vc, using the ICC-ESR report
requirements is 1.5√4500 = 100.6 psi. Therefore the stud demand, vs, is:
vs = − vc
297 psi
= − 100.6 psi = 295.4 psi

The area of shear stud reinforcing required at the first critical section is:

sbo1 vs 2�f′c bo s
Av req′d = ≥
fyt fyt

3.25 in. (86.0 in. )(295.4 psi)

= = 1.62 in2
51,000 psi

2√4500(86.0 in.)(3.25 in.)

≥ = 0.74 in2
51,000 psi

Try 3/8 in. φ Studs (Av/stud = 0.11 in2)

Av provided = 10 rails (0.11 in2/rail) = 1.10 in2 < 1.62 in2 NG

130 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Try ½ in. φ Studs (Av/stud = 0.196 in2)

Av provided = 10 rails (0.196 in2/rail) = 1.96 in2 > 1.62 in2 ok

Use 10 rails w/ ½ in. φ studs @ 3.25 in. o/c spacing

Determine Length of Rails

ACI 318 Section states that the shear stress due to factored shear force and moment shall not
exceed 2φ�f′c at the critical section located d/2 outside the outermost peripheral line of shear
reinforcement (at Critical Section #2). It seems difficult to fathom that the concrete shear stress capacity
at Critical Section #2 would be on the order of half that at Critical Section #1. The true purpose of this
significant reduction probably lies in the fact that if the same concrete shear stress capacity were used,
designs that nearly worked without shear stud reinforcing would require only one or two studs on very
short rails. By dramatically reducing the useable concrete shear capacity the designer is forced to use
longer rails with more studs. However, this same objective could instead be achieved by requiring a
minimum rail length, such as 4d or something similar. Hopefully in the future this will be modified in
the ACI 318 Code so that designers will have a more consistent and accurate determination of the
punching shear capacity at Critical Section #2. But since this has not happened yet, we will use the
current ACI 318 Code requirements in this book.
A computer software program would now begin iterating to determine the length of rail required by
adding studs incrementally, thus increasing Critical Section #2 until the factored shear stress at the
peripheral of the section is less than 2φ�f′c . According to our software program, 9 studs are required.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 131

Verify Punching Shear Capacity with 9 Studs Per Rail

Determine Section Properties of Critical Section #2

Lx1 = 14 in. – 1.25 in. + 6.5 in.(tan22.5°) = 15.44 in.

Lx2 = 14 in. + 2(10)(3.25 in.) = 79.0 in.
Ly1 = 16 in. – 1.25 in + 6.5 in(tan22.5°) = 17.44 in
Ly2 = 16 in + 2(10)(3.25 in) = 81.0 in
L = (1/2)(81.0 in – 17.44 in) √2 = 44.94 in

The perimeter of Critical Section #2 is:

bo2 = 4(44.94 in) + 2(15.44 in) + 2(17.44 in) = 245.5 in

The area of Critical Section #2 is:

Ac2 = 245.5 in(6.5 in) = 1,596.0 in2

According to the American Concrete Institute document ACI421.1R-08, the polar moments of inertia
about each principle axis can be determined by summing the contributions of the individual segments
about those axes using the following equations:
Polar moment of inertia about the x-axis:
Jcx = d ∑�𝑙𝑙/3�yi2 + yi yj + yj2 ��
132 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Polar moment of inertia about the y-axis:

Jcy = d ∑�𝑙𝑙/3�xi2 + xi xj + xj2 ��

Where xi, yi, xj and yj are coordinates of points i and j at the extremities of a segment measured from the
centroid of the total critical section, whose length is l.

Segment #1 (occurs twice):

15.44 in
J1 = 2(6.5 in) � � [(40.5 in)2 + (40.5 in)(40.5 in) + (40.5 in)2 ] = 329,231 in4

Segment #2 (occurs four times):

44.94 in
J2 = 4(6.5 in) � � [(8.72 in)2 + (8.72 in)(40.5 in) + (40.5 in)2 ] = 806,009 in4

Segment #3 (occurs four times):

8.72 in
J3 = 4(6.5 in) � � [(0 in)2 + (0 in)(8.72 in) + (8.72 in)2 ] = 5,746 in4

Therefore, the total polar moment of inertia about the x-axis is:
Jcx2 = 329,231 in4 + 806,009 in4 + 5,746 in4 = 𝟏𝟏, 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏, 𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝟒𝟒

The moment of inertia about the y-axis is not calculated since there is no moment about the y-axis in this
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 133

Determine Portion of Unbalanced Moment Resisted by Shear Stresses for Critical

Section #2

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
γvx2 =1− ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
2 �Ly2 �
⎢1 + � � � ⎥
3 �Ly1 �
⎣ ⎦

⎡ ⎤
=1− ⎢ ⎥ = 0.403
⎢ 2 (81.0 in)⎥
1 + � ��
⎣ 3 (79.0 in)⎦

∴ Mvx2 = 0.403(26.59 ft − kips) = 10.72 ft − kips

= 128.6 in-kips

Determine Maximum Shear Stress for Critical Section #2

Vu Mvx2 xcy2
vu2(max) = +
Ac2 Jcx2
148.77 kips (128.6 in − kips)(40.5 in)
= + = 0.098 ksi = 98 psi
1,596.0 in2 1,140,986 in4

Determine the Allowable Shear Stress for Critical Section #2

Again, ACI 318 Section states that the shear stress due to factored shear force and moment shall
not exceed 2φ�f′c at the critical section located d/2 outside the outermost peripheral line of shear

φvn = 2φ�f′c
= 2(0.75)√4500 = 101 psi > 98 psi ok

Use 10 rails w/ (9)-½ in. φ studs @ 3.25 in o/c spacing per rail

Just for laughs, if we assume that the concrete shear stress capacity did not dramatically decrease at
Critical Section #2 from what we calculated in Critical Section #1, but instead remained at or near 210
psi, this shear stud design would provide more than twice the required capacity at the boundary of
Critical Section #2 (210 psi versus 98 psi.)

See the following page for the plan view layout and elevation.
134 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 135

Shear Studs at Interior Column

136 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #2 - Punching Shear / Shear Stud Design for an Edge Column

12 in x 20 in edge column Loading:
Slab thickness, t = 7 in (d = 5.6 in) Vu = 55.9 kips
f’c = 4,000 psi Mux = 56.2 ft-kips ; Muy = 15.0 ft-kips
fpc = 150 psi
Stud rail width = 1.25 in
fyt = 51,000 psi

a) Determine the maximum punching shear stresses in Critical Section #1.
b) Design shear stud reinforcing per ACI 318.

Determine Section Properties of Critical Section #1

bo1 = (25.6 in) + (2)(14.8 in) = 55.2 in

Ac1 = bo d = 55.2 in(5.6 in) = 309.1 in2

d 2
d �C1 + � 2
xcy1 = 2 = 5.6 in(14.8 in) = 3.97 in
Ac1 309.1in2

xcx1 = (C2 + d)/2 = 25.6 in/2 = 12.8 in

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 137

d 3 d d 2
2 �C1 + � d 2 �C1 + � d3 d C +
Jcx1 = 2 + 2 + 2d �C1 + � �
1 2 − x � + d(C + d)x 2
cy1 2 cy1
12 12 2 2
2(14.8 in)3 (5.6 in) 2(14.8 in)(5.6 in)3 14.8 in
= + + 2(5.6 in)(14.8 in) � − 3.97 in�
12 12 2
+ (5.6 in)(25.6 in)(3.97 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖)2
= 𝟕𝟕, 𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟔. 𝟓𝟓 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢

(C2 + d)3 d (C2 + d)d3 d 2

Jcy1 = + + 2d �C1 + � xcx1
12 12 2
(25.6 in)3 (5.6 in) (25.6 in)(5.6 in)3
= + + 2(5.6 in)(14.8 in)(12.8 in)2 = 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑, 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑. 𝟏𝟏 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝟒𝟒
12 12

Determine Portion of Unbalanced Moment Resisted by Shear Stresses for Critical

Section #1

About the x-Axis:

⎡ ⎤
γvx1 = 1 − ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2 (c1 + d/2)⎥
1 +� ��
⎣ 3 (c2 + d) ⎦

⎡ ⎤
=1− ⎢ ⎥ = 0.336
⎢ 2 (14.8 in)⎥
1 + � ��
⎣ 3 (25.6 in)⎦

Mvx1 = γvx1 (Mxunb − Vu ex1 )

∴ Mvx1 = 0.336[(56.2 ft − kips)(12 in/ft) − (55.9 kips)(4.83 in)] = 135.9 in − kips

About the y-Axis:

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
γvy1 =1− ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2 (c2 + d) ⎥
⎢1 + �3� � d ⎥
⎣ �c1 + �⎦

⎡ ⎤
=1− ⎢ ⎥ = 0.467
⎢ 2 (25.6 in)⎥
1 + � ��
⎣ 3 (14.8 in)⎦
138 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

∴ Mvy1 = 0.467(15.0 ft − kips) = 7.01 ft − kips

= 84.1 in-kips

Determine Maximum Shear Stress for Critical Section #1

Vu Mvx1 xcy1 Mvy1 xcx1

vu1(max) = + +
Ac1 Jcx1 Jcy1
55.9 kips (135.9 in − kips)(3.97 in) (84.1 in − kips)(25.6 in/2)
= + + = 0.282 ksi
309.1 in2 7,668.5 in4 35,362.1 in4

Vu Mvx1 (C1 − − xcy1 ) Mvy1 xcx1
vu1(min) = − 2 −
Ac1 Jcx1 Jcy1
55.9 kips (135.9 in − kips)(14.8 in -3.97 in) (84.1 in − kips)(25.6 in/2)
= − − = −0.041 ksi
309.1in2 7,668.5 in4 35,362.1 in4

vu1(Control) = 0.282 ksi = 282 psi

Determine the Allowable Shear Stress for Critical Section #1

For edge columns (bending in either direction) and corner columns, vc is the smallest of:

vc = �2 + � �f ′ c ; 𝛽𝛽 = 20/12 = 1.67
= �2 + � �f′c = 4.4�f′c
αs d
vc = � + 2� �f′c ; αs = 30
30(5.6 in)
= � + 2� �f′c = 5.04 �f′c
55.2 in

vc = 4�f′c 𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜

φv𝑐𝑐 = (0.75)4√4000 = 190 psi < 282 psi

Since φvc < vu additional shear capacity must be provided.

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 139

Determine the Maximum Capacity of the Reinforced Section if Shear Studs are
Once again, according to ACI 318 Sections &, vc and vn shall not exceed
3�f′c and 8�f′c , respectively. . However, most ICC ESR reports for headed shear stud reinforcing
limit these values to 1.5�f′c and6.5�f′c , respectively. Therefore this book will limit the total capacity,
vn to 6.5�f′c to be consistent with the ICC ESR reports.

φvn(max) = 0.75(6.5)√4000 = 308 psi > 282 psi

∴ ok to use shear studs.

Design Shear Stud Reinforcing

Determine Number of Rails Required

ACI 318 Section mandates that the maximum spacing of rails not exceed 2d.
2d = 2(5.6 in) = 11.2 in
Since the width of the rails will be 1.25 in, the minimum number of rails required on the 12 in face is
determined by:
N12 Face = (12 in – 1.25 in)/11.2 in + 1 = 1.96 ∴Use 2 rails on the 12 in faces

The minimum number of rails required on the 20 in face is determined by:

N20 Face = (20 in – 1.25 in)/11.2 in + 1 = 2.67 ∴Use 3 rails on the 20 in face

The total number of rails provided = 2(2) + 3 = 7 rails

Determine Stud Spacing on Rails

ACI 318 Section states that the maximum spacing from the column face to the centerline of the
first stud shall not exceed d/2. The same section states that the maximum spacing between remaining
studs must be constant, and for prestressed concrete slabs shall not exceed 0.75d. However, for non-
prestressed slabs where vu exceeds φ6�f′c the maximum spacing is reduced to 0.5d. Conservatively, in
our practice and in this book we limit the spacing of all studs to 0.5d.

Therefore, the spacing to the first stud and the spacing between all remaining studs will be:
So = S = 5.6 in/2 = 2.80 in. Use 2-3/4 in spacing.
140 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The overall height of the stud, according to ACI 318 Section, shall not be less than the
thickness of the member less the sum of: (1) the concrete cover on the top flexural reinforcement; (2) the
concrete cover on the base rail; and (3) one-half the bar diameter of the tension flexural reinforcement.
However, typically the top and bottom cover to the stud is specified to be the same as the cover to the
flexural reinforcement. In this example, if the concrete cover to the top and bottom flexural
reinforcement is one inch, the total stud height will be 5 inches.

Design Studs
The maximum factored shear stress, vu, was previously determined to be 282 psi. The concrete strength
contribution using the ICC-ESR report requirements is 1.5√4000 = 94.9 psi. Therefore the stud
demand, vs, is:
vs = − vc
282 psi
= − 94.9 psi = 281 psi

The area of shear stud reinforcing required at the first critical section is:

sbo1 vs 2�f′c bo s
Av req′d = ≥
fyt fyt

2.75 in(55.2 in)(281 psi)

= = 0.84 in2
51,000 psi

2√4000(55.2 in)(2.75 in)

≥ = 0.38 in2
51,000 psi

Try 3/8 in φ Studs (Av/stud = 0.11 in2)

Av provided = 7 rails (0.11 in2/rail) = 0.77 in2 < 0.84 in2 NG

Try ½ in φ Studs (Av/stud = 0.196 in2)

Av provided = 7 rails (0.196 in2/rail) = 1.37 in2 > 0.84 in2 ok

Use 7 rails w/ ½ in φ studs @ 2.75 in o/c spacing

Determine Length of Rails

ACI 318 Section states that “shear stress due to factored shear force and moment shall not
exceed 2φ�f′c at the critical section located d/2 outside the outermost peripheral line of shear
reinforcement” (at Critical Section #2). See the discussion in the previous example about our opinions
on this drastic reduction in capacity.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 141

A computer software program would now begin iterating to determine the length of rail required by
adding studs incrementally, thus increasing Critical Section #2 until the factored shear stress is less than
2φ�f′c . According to our software program, 8 studs are required.

Verify Punching Shear Capacity with 8 Studs Per Rail

Determine Section Properties of Critical Section #2

Lx1 = 20 in – 1.25 in + 5.6 in(tan22.5°) = 21.07 in

Lx2 = 20 in + 2[(8)(2.75 in) + 2.8 in] = 69.6 in
Ly1 = 12 in – 1.25 in/2 + 5.6 in(tan22.5°)/2 = 12.53 in
Ly2 = 12 in + [(8)(2.75 in + 2.8 in)] = 36.8 in
L = (36.8 in – 12.53 in) √2 = 34.32 in

The perimeter of Critical Section #2 is:

bo2 = 2(34.32 in) + 2(12.53 in) + 21.07 in = 114.8 in

The area of Critical Section #2 is:

Ac2 = 114.8 in(5.6 in) = 642.7 in2

According to the American Concrete Institute document ACI421.1R-08, the polar moments of inertia
about each principle axis can be determined by summing the contributions of the individual segments
about those axes using the following equations:
Polar moment of inertia about the x-axis:
Jcx = d ∑�𝑙𝑙/3�yi2 + yi yj + yj2 ��

Polar moment of inertia about the y-axis:

Jcy = d ∑�𝑙𝑙/3�xi2 + xi xj + xj2 ��
142 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Where xi, yi, xj and yj are coordinates of points i and j at the extremities of a segment measured from the
centroid of the total critical section, whose length is l.

Polar Moment of Inertia About the X-Axis

xcy2 = [(2)(34.32 in)(36.8 in-12.53 in)/2 + (2)(12.53 in)(36.8 in-(12.53 in/2))/] / 114.8 in = 13.92 in

Segment #1 (occurs once):

21.07 in
J1 = (5.6 in) � � [(13.92 in)2 + (13.92 in)(13.92 in) + (13.92 in)2 ] = 22,863 in4

Segment #2 (occurs twice):

19.69 in
J2 = 2(5.6 in) � � [(13.92 in)2 + (13.92 in)(0 in) + (0 in)2 ] = 14,244 in4

Segment #3 (occurs twice):

14.63 in
J2 = 2(5.6 in) � � [(0 in)2 + (0 in)(10.35 in) + (10.35 in)2 ] = 5,851 in4

Segment #4 (occurs twice):

12.53 in
J2 = 2(5.6 in) � � [(10.35 in)2 + (10.35 in)(22.88 in) + (22.88 in)2 ] = 40,577 in4

Therefore, the total polar moment of inertia about the x-axis is:
Jcx2 = 22,863 in4 + 14,244 in4 + 5,851 in4 + 40,577 in4 = 𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖, 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝟒𝟒
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 143

Polar Moment of Inertia About the Y-Axis

Segment #1 (occurs twice):

10.54 in
J1 = 2(5.6 in) � � [(0 in)2 + (0 in)(10.54 in) + (10.54 in)2 ] = 4,371 in4

Segment #2 (occurs twice):

34.32 in
J2 = 2(5.6 in) � � [(10.54 in)2 + (10.54 in)(34.8 in) + (34.8 in)2 ] = 216,398 in4

Segment #3 (occurs twice):

12.53 in
J3 = 2(5.6 in) � � [(34.8 in)2 + (34.8 in)(34.8 in) + (34.8 in)2 ] = 169,953 in4

Therefore, the total polar moment of inertia about the y-axis is:
Jcy2 = 4,371 in4 + 216,398 in4 + 169,953 in4 = 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑, 𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝟒𝟒
144 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Determine Portion of Unbalanced Moment Resisted by Shear Stresses for Critical

Section #2

According to ACI 421.1R-08, the γvx2 term for edge columns bending perpendicular to the edge is:
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
γvx2 =1− ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
2 �Ly2 �
⎢1 + � � � − 0.2⎥
3 �Ly1 �
⎣ ⎦

�Ly2 �
& γvx2 = 0 when < 0.2
�Ly1 �

⎡ ⎤
=1− ⎢ ⎥ = 0.277
⎢ 2 (36.8 in) ⎥
1 + � �� − 0.2
⎣ 3 (69.6 in) ⎦

For bending about the y axis:

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
γvy2 =1− ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
2 �Ly2 �
⎢1 + � � � ⎥
3 �Ly1 � ⎦

⎡ ⎤
=1− ⎢ ⎥ = 0.478
⎢ 2 (69.6 in) ⎥
1 + � ��
⎣ 3 (36.8 in) ⎦
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 145

12 in
ey2 = 36.8 in − − 13.92 in = 16.88 in

Mvx2 = 0.277[(56.2 ft − kips)(12 in/ft) − (55.9 kips)(16.88 in)] < 0

∴Mvx2 = 0

Mvy2 = 0.478(15.0 ft − k) = 7.17 ft − kips

= 86.1 in-kips

Shear Stress at Point “A”

Vu Mvx2 xcy2 Mvy2 (2)Lx1
vuA = + +
Ac2 Jcx2 Jcy2
55.9 kips (0 in − kips)(13.92 in) (86.1 in − kips)(10.54 in)
= + + = 0.089 ksi
642.7 in2 83,535 in4 390,722 in4

Shear Stress at Point “B”

Vu Mvx2 �Ly2 − xcy2 − Ly1 � + M x
vuB = − ⁄− vy2 cx2
Ac2 Jcx2 Jcy2
55.9 kips (0 in − k)(36.8 in - 13.92 in - 12.53 in) + (86.1 in − k)(34.8 in)
= − ⁄−
642.7in2 83,535 in4 390,722 in4
= 0.0946 ksi , 0.079ksi
146 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Shear Stress at Point “C”

Clearly, since Mvx2 is zero the stress at Point “C” will be the same as the stress at Point “B”, but the
calculation will be shown for academic completeness.

Vu Mvx2 �Ly2 − xcy2 � Mvy2 xcx2

vuC = − +
Ac2 Jcx2 Jcy2
55.9 kips (0 in − k)(22.88 in) + (86.1 in − k)(34.8 in)
= − ⁄− = 0.0946 ksi , 0.079 ksi
642.7in 2 83,535 in4 390,722 in4

∴vu2(Control) = 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤𝐤 = 𝟗𝟗𝟗𝟗. 𝟔𝟔 𝐩𝐩𝐩𝐩𝐩𝐩

Determine the Allowable Shear Stress for Critical Section #2

φvn = 2φ�f′c
= 2(0.75)√4000 = 94.9 psi > 94.6 psi ok

Use 7 rails w/ (8)-½ in φ studs @ 2.75 in o/c spacing per rail

See the following page for the computer generated plan view layout and elevation.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 147
148 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Shear Studs at Exterior Column

Two-Span Beam Design Example

Given: The following two-span parking structure beam with dimensions, material properties and loads
shown below.

• Determine the prestressing force & drape in both spans. Balance approximately 70% of the
concrete load in each span and provide a minimum of 250 psi average compression.
• Verify that all ACI 318 Code allowable service flexural stresses are satisfied.
• Design the negative moment non-prestressed reinforcement at the interior support. Show all
secondary support reactions.
• Use Eqn. (11-9) Vcn, and determine the required spacing of #3 stirrups (2 legs) at the Span 1 side
of the interior support.

150 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

5 in Concrete Slab ................................................................. 62.5psf
15 in x36 in Beams @ 18 ft o/c............................................. 26.9psf
(Concrete = 89.4psf)
Misc. ...................................................................................... 2.0psf
D.L. Total = 91.4psf
L.L. = 40.0psf (Standard Parking Loading)

Service Loading:
wconc = 18 ft(89.4psf) = 1.609klf
wD = 18 ft(91.4psf) = 1.645klf
wL = 18 ft(40.0psf) = 0.720klf

Factored Loading:
wUD = 1.2(1.645klf) = 1.974 klf
wUL = 1.6(0.720klf) = 1.152 klf
wUtotal = 3.126 klf

Long Span Beams in a Parking Structure

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 151

Determine Number of Tendons & Drape

Use 4 in minimum from the face of concrete to the c.g.s. of the prestressing steel. Start with the longest
bay and use the largest drape possible.

32 in + 24.6 in
a= − 4 in = 24.3 in
Estimate the equivalent load that will balance 70% of the concrete weight.

wequiv req’d ≈ 0.70(1.609 klf) = 1.126 klf

8Fa wequiv L2
wequiv= ⇒ F =
L2 8a

(1.126 klf)(62 ft)2

F= = 267 kips
24.3 in
8� �
12 in/ft

Verify that this will provide a minimum of 250 psi in the beam section.

Fmin = 250 psi(940in2)/1000 = 235 kips < 267 kips ∴ok

∴Number of Tendons = (267 kips) / (26.62k/tendon) = 10 tendons

The actual force provided by 10 tendons is 10(26.62 kips/tendon) = 266.2 kips

This is the number that will be used in the calculations.

Now determine the drape in the 2nd span that also balances approximately 70% of the concrete dead
load. In practice we might choose to reduce the number of tendons in the 2nd span and maximize the
drape to achieve the same results, however in this example we will keep the number of tendons the same
in each span and adjust the drape.
152 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

wequiv req’d ≈ 0.70(1.609 klf) = 1.126 klf

wequiv L2
areq′d =

1.126klf(44 ft)2
= (12 in�ft) = 12.3 in
(8)(266.2 kips)

The dimension from the bottom of the beam to the c.g.s. is:

32 in + 24.6 in
− 12.3 in = 16 in ∴ Use 16 in from the bottom of the beam.

Note that in this case we calculated exactly 16 in from the bottom of the beam. However, typically you
would need to round up or down to get to an increment of ¼ or ½ in. When doing so remember that is
better to slightly under-balance the shorter (non-controlling) spans rather than slightly over-balance
them. This is because increasing the balanced load in the non-controlling spans will increase the positive
bending stress in the adjacent spans. Therefore, for the non-controlling span we would round the
dimension up from the bottom of the beam to the c.g.s. (decreasing “a” and the balanced load).

Determine the actual prestress (equivalent) loads:

Span 1:

8Fa 8(266.2 kips)(24.3 in/12 in/ft)

wequiv= = = 1.122 klf (69.7% of the concrete load)
L2 (62 ft)2

Span 2:
32 in + 24.6 in
a= − 16 in = 12.3 in
8Fa 8(266.2 kips)(12.3 in)/12 in/ft)
wequiv= 2 = = 1.128 klf (70% of the concrete load)
L (44 ft)2
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 153

Set Up Frame for Moment Distribution

Remember, if these were prismatic members, the stiffness K would equal , the fixed-end moments
would be and the carry-over factor would be 0.5. However, since the members have rigid zones at
the joints this will not be the case.

Determine Stiffness Factors, Carry-Over Factors and Fixed-End Moments

We will use the moment-area method and perform calculations for the Span 1 beam as an example.
According to the moment-area method, the deflection between two points (A & B) is found from:
Mx dx
δAB = �
154 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

In this case, the deflection between points A & B is zero. Therefore;

A1 A2
(L1) − (L2) = 0

Where A1/EI & A2/EI represent the shaded areas under the M/EI diagram, and L1 & L2 are the
distances from Point A to the centroids of areas A1/EI & A2/EI, respectively.

For this example, x is solved as 40.68 ft. This can be solved directly by establishing mathematical
equations, or iteratively using a spreadsheet or computer program and iterating values of “x” until the
equation above is satisfied.

Determine the Beam Stiffness Factor, KFactor

The moment-area method states that the sum of the area under the M/EI diagram between two points
equals the total rotation of the member between those two points. In this case, the total rotation at “A” is
equal to (A1/EI - A2/EI).

In this example, the moment at “A” divided by the rotation at “A” for a unit value of MA is:

1.0 ft − kips
A1 A2
� (Rad) − (Rad)�

However, the stiffness of the beam is defined as the moment per unit rotation (one radian), and is written
in general terms as:

K Factor EI
L(1.0 Rad)

Where KFactor is the beam stiffness factor. Since these two ratios are the same, we can set them equal to
each other and solve for KFactor.

1.0 ft − kips K Factor EI

A1 A2 L(1.0 Rad)
� (Rad) − (Rad)�
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 155

Solving for the beam stiffness factor, KBeam,

L (1.0 ft − kips)
K Factor =
(A1 − A2)

In this example:

A1 = 0.5(0.9754 ft-kips)(39.68 ft) = 19.352 ft2-kips

A2 = 0.5(0.4996 ft-kips)(20.32 ft) = 5.076 ft2-kips

(A1 - A2) = 19.352 ft2-kips - 5.076 ft2-kips
= 14.276 ft2-kips

& the beam stiffness factor is:

(62 ft)(1.0 ft − kips)
K Factor = = 4.343
(14.276 ft 2 − kips)

Determine the Beam Carry-Over Factor

The carry-over factor is found from the moment diagram above and is the ratio of the moment at
Support B divided by the moment at Support A. Once “x” is determined, similar triangles can be used to
calculate the moment at the support centerline at Support B. In this example, the moment at Support B
is 0.524 ft-k when the moment at Support A is 1.0 ft-k.

MB 0.524 ft − kips
∴ C. O. Factor = = = 0.524
MA 1.0 ft − kips

Determine the Beam Fixed-End Moment Factor

Since the rigid zones do not allow any bending from the centerline of the joint to the face of column, the
fixed-end moment that we are accustomed to using of w(L’)2/12 will occur at the face of support,
wherethe (L’) value is the clearspan length between the column faces.
156 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The fixed-end moment is simply the value of the fixed end moment at the column face, plus the area
under the shear diagram between the joint centerline and the face of column.

In our example, using a unit distributed load of 1.0 kips/ft. the moment at the face of the column will be:

w(L′ )2 (1.0 klf)(60 ft)2

MFace = = = 300 ft − kips
12 12
And the fixed-end moments at the support centerlines are:

31.0 kips + 30.0 kips

MAF = MBF = 300 ft − kips + (1 ft) = 330.5 ft − kips

In general terms, for any distributed load w, the fixed-end moments will found from:

MF =
FEM Factor
(1.0 klf)(62 ft)2
= = 330.5 ft − kips
FEM Factor
Solving for the FEM Factor,

(1.0 klf)(62 ft)2

FEM Factor = = 11.63
330.5 ft − kips

Therefore, in this example all of the Span 1 fixed-end moments will be found from:

MSpan 1 =
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 157

Determine the Column Stiffness Factors

The process for determining the column stiffness factors is the same as it was for the beams, except the
far-end is assumed not to have a rigid zone. Since the columns are not loaded it is not necessary to
determine the column carry-over factors or the fixed-end moments.

The calculations for the columns and Span 2 beam will not be shown, but the results are displayed in the
table below.

Moment Distribution Factors:

Member FEM Carry-Over K Factors

62 ft Beam wL2/11.63 0.524 4.343EIb/L
44 ft Beam wL2/11.49 0.533 4.497EIb/L
11’-4” - - 7.043EIc/L

Determine Distribution Factors

The beam moment of intertia was given as 114,360in4 and the moment of inertia of a 24 in square
column is 27,648 in4. Therefore, the rotational stiffnesses are:
7.043E(27,648 in4 )
K Top Col = K Bot Col = = 1,432.2E
(11.33 ft)(12 in/ft)

4.343E(114,360 in4 )
K Span 1 Beam = = 667.6E
(62 ft)(12 in/ft)
158 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

4.497E(114,360 in4 )
K Span 2 Beam = = 974.0E
(44 ft)(12 in/ft)

And the distribution factors are calculated as follows:

DFAB = = 0.189
1,432.2(2) + 667.6

DFBA = = 0.148
1,432.2(2) + 667.6 + 974.0

DFBC = = 0.216
1,432.2(2) + 667.6 + 974.0

DFCB = = 0.254
1,432.2(2) + 974.0

The Frame Stiffness – Used For All Loading Cases

Determine Dead Load Moments & Shears

Dead Load Fixed-End Moments:

MFSpan 1= wL2/11.63 = (1.645 klf)(62 ft)2/11.63 = 543.7 ft-kips

MFSpan 2= wL2/11.49 = (1.645 klf)(44 ft)2/11.49 = 277.2 ft-kips

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 159

Dead Load Moment Distribution (Right-Hand Rule), Shear & Moment Diagrams
160 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Many commercial software programs are available for the design of post-tensioned concrete that provide
similar results. Because we use and market PTData, input and output from our program will be shown
in this example and in the following design examples. Check the Dead Load Moments found in the
previous hand analysis with PTData.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 161

Live Load Shear & Moment Diagrams

ACI 318 Section 6.4.2 requires that the live load be arranged such that the analysis captures the largest
negative and positive moments and shears that might occur. The designer is allowed to assume that the
maximum negative moments and corresponding shears at an interior support occur with live load in each
adjacent span, and the largest positive moments and corresponding shears to occur with live load in the
span of interest and alternate spans. The largest exterior negative moments and corresponding shears
will occur under full live load in the adjacent end span and alternate spans.

For our two-span example we would need to perform an analysis with full live load in Span 1 and no
live load in Span 2, then an analysis with full live load in Span 2 and no live load in Span 1. These
analyses would yield the maximum exterior support negative moments and the maximum span positive
moments (and shears). The largest negative moments at the interior support would occur under the
superposition of these two analyses. However, since this example is for instructional purposes, we are
going to bypass the “skipped” live load analysis and limit our discussion to full live load in both spans.
It should also be noted that many computer software programs such as PTData provide the user with the
option to “skip” the live load to capture these maximum effects.

Since the live load will not be skipped, the live load shears and moments are directly proportional to the
dead load shears and moments by a factor of 0.72klf/1.645klf = 0.4375.

Determine Prestressing Equivalent Load Moments & Shears

Equivalent Load Fixed-End Moments:

MFSpan 1= wL2/11.63 = (1.122 klf)(62 ft)2/11.63 = 370.8 ft-kips

MFSpan 2= wL2/11.49 = (1.128 klf)(44 ft)2/11.49 = 190.1 ft-kips

162 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Equivalent Load Moment Distribution (Right-Hand Rule), Shear & Moment Diagrams
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 163

Check the Equivalent (Balanced) Load Moments with PTData.

164 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Check Service Stresses

First we need to determine the final moments to be used. Superimpose the dead, live and equivalent load
moments acting on the “concrete only.” All moments are in ft-kips.

Loading Span 1 Span 1 Span 1 Span 2 Span 2 Span 2

Left Col Span Right Col Left Col Span Right Col
Face Face Face Face
Dead -410.6 283.2 -505.1 -333.0 126.5 -151.0
Live -179.7 123.9 -221.1 -145.7 55.3 -66.1
Equiv. 280.0 -193.1 344.7 227.9 -86.8 103.7
Total -310.3 214.0 -381.5 -250.8 95.0 -113.4

F/A = (266.2 kips) / 940 in2 Stop = 10,028 in3 Sbot = 4,650 in3
= 0.283 ksi

Sample Calculations:

Remember, the sign convention is positive for tension, and negative for compression. At the left column
face of Span 1 the maximum tension stress occurs at the top of the beam and is:

(310.3 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)

ftop = − 0.283 ksi = 0.088 ksi (tension)
10,028 in3

At the bottom of the beam at column face of Span 1 the beam is in compression, and that stress is:

(310.3 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)

fbot = − − 0.283 ksi = −1.084 ksi (compression)
4,650 in3

In the span of Span 1 the maximum tension stress occurs at the bottom of the beam and is:

(214.0 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)

fbot = − 0.283 ksi = 0.269 ksi (tension)
4,650 in3

In the span of Span 1 the maximum compression stress occurs at the top of the beam and is:

(214.0 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)

ftop = − − 0.283 ksi = −0.539 ksi (compression)
10,028 in3
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 165

Stress Summary (Tension = + / Compression = -)

All values are in ksi. Values at the critical tension areas are in bold.

Location Span 1 Span 1 Span 1 Span 2 Span 2 Span 2

Left Col Span Right Left Col Span Right
Face Col Face Face Col Face

Top 0.088 -0.539 0.174 0.017 -0.397 -0.147

Bottom -1.084 0.269 -1.268 -0.930 -0.038 -0.576

Note that in Span 2 the beam is almost entirely in compression at the top and bottom faces. The only
tension in Span 2 is at the face of the interior column.

Check the Service Stresses with PTData.

166 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Check Against ACI 318 Allowable Stresses

Maximum Compressive Stress
= 0.60f’c
= 0.60(5 ksi)
= 3.0 ksi

Maximum Tensile Stress

= 7.5�f ′ c
= 7.5√5000/1000
= 0.530 ksi

All service stresses are “ok”

Flexural Strength Calculations

Determine the Secondary Moments

First determine the secondary moments for strength design.

Secondary Moments at Interior Support “B”

Primary Moment = Fe
= (266.2 kips)(11.4 in - 4 in)/12 in/ft
= 164.2 ft-kips

The final equivalent load moment (left side & tension is on the bottom)
= 380.0 ft-kips

The final equivalent load moment (right side & tension is on the bottom)
= 255.1 ft-kips

∴M2 (Left Side) = 380.0 ft-kips – 164.2 ft-kips = 215.8 ft-kips

& M2 (Right Side) = 255.1 ft-kips – 164.2 ft-kips = 90.9 ft-kips

Secondary Moment at Left Support “A”

Primary Moment = Fe = 0

The final equivalent load moment = 313.1 ft-kips

∴M2 (Left Support) = 313.1 ft-kips – 0 = 313.1 ft-kips

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 167

Secondary Moment at Right Support “C”

Primary Moment = Fe = 0

The final equivalent load moment = 125.0 ft-kips

∴M2 (Right Support) = 125.0 ft-kips – 0 = 125.0 ft-kips

Secondary Moment Diagram

Check the Secondary Moments with PTData.

168 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Find All Reactions (Shears & Moments) Due to Secondary Effects

Note: This exercise is not required for the design of the beam, but shown for reference and static
completeness. Remember, the secondary reactions only occur at the supports.

Free-body Diagrams:

We discussed previously that while secondary moments play a significant role in the design of post-
tensioned beams, the secondary shears are relatively small are therefore usually ignored in the design.

Remember, prestressing alone does not change the weight of the beam, so the sum of all reactions must
be zero.

ΣFy = 1.57 kips – 2.35 kips + 0.78 kips = 0

ΣMA = -313.1 ft-kips + (2.35 kips)(62 ft) + 124.9 ft-kips – 0.78 kips(106 ft) + 125.0 ft-kips ≈ 0

These secondary reactions must be included in the design of the columns, along with the effects of dead
and live loads. The moments shown are at the joints and must be distributed to the upper and lower
columns based upon their relative stiffnesses.

Design the negative moment non-prestressed reinforcement at the interior support

Determine the final demand moment at the interior support “B”

Mdemand = Mu + M2 = 1.2MD + 1.6ML + 1.0M2

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 169

By inspection, the left side of the joint will control the design. The moments at the left face of the
column are:

MD = -505.1 ft-kips
ML = -221.1 ft-kips
M2 = 217.4 ft-kips

∴Mdemand = 1.2(-505.1 ft-kips) + 1.6(-221.1 ft-kips) + 1.0(217.4 ft-kips) = -742.5 ft-kips

Verify the Demand Moment with PTData.

The span to depth ratio = 62 ft(12 in/ft)/(36 in) = 20.7 < 35

∴fps = fse + 10,000 + ≤ fpy & fse + 60,000

10(0.153in2 )
ρp = = 0.0032
15 in(32 in)
(remember that the compression side is on the bottom, therefore b = 15 in)

fse = 0.70fpu – 15 ksi = 0.7(270 ksi) – 15 ksi = 174 ksi

5,000 psi
∴fps = 174,000 psi + 10,000 psi + = 199,625 psi = 199.6 ksi

But limited to:

fpy = 243ksi
or fse + 60,000 = 174ksi + 60ksi = 234ksi > 199.6 ksi
∴ 199.6 ksi controls
170 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Determine the Non-Prestressed Reinforcement

We will start with the minimum required rebar, and we will ignore compression steel unless we
determine later that we need it to maintain a “tension-controlled” member.

The minimum bonded reinforcement required is 0.004Act

Act = 95 in(5 in) + (11.4 in-5 in)(15 in) = 571 in2

Minimum area of bonded reinforcement required = 0.004(571in2) = 2.28 in2

Use 3-#8 = 3(0.79 in2) = 2.37 in2 > 2.28 in2 ok

Set Up the Force Diagram

Cc = Tps + Ts = 305.4k + 142.2k = 447.6k

Cc 447.6 kips
a= = = 7.02 in
0.85f ′ c b 0.85(5ksi)(15 in)
a 7.02 in
&c= = = 8.75 in
β1 0.80

“d” to the non-prestressed rebar is:

36 in – 1.5 in(cover) – 0.375 in(stirrup) – (1 in/2) (half the #8 diameter) = 33.6 in

∴Mn = [(142.2 kips)(33.6 in) + (305.4 kips)(32 in) –(447.6 kips)(7.02 in/2)]/12 in/ft
= 1,081.6 ft-kips
φMn = 0.9(1,081.6 ft-kips) = 973.5 ft-kips > 742.5 ft-kips ok Use 3-#8

Verify That the Beam is Tension Controlled

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 171

Since the beam is tension controlled, there is no required compression reinforcement.

Shear Design
Use Table Vcn, and determine the required spacing of #3 stirrups (2 legs) at the Span 1 side of
the interior support.

Technically, the demand shear should be determined from the following:

Vdemand = Vu + V2

However, as we demonstrated earlier the secondary shears are relatively small and will be ignored. The
equations used for the shear design will be:

φVn ≥ Vu (Eqn.

Vn = Vc + Vs (Eqn.

And for Vc we will use:

Vu dp
Vcn = �0.6�f′c + 700 � bw d (Table

Determine the factored shear demand.

Since the prestressing steel is in a parabolic shape, it is somewhat difficult to determine “d” exactly. The
ACI 318 Code therefore states that the critical shear location should be taken at h/2 from the face of
support. The factored shear at the face of support is:

Vu(face) = 1.2(51.0 kips) + 1.6 (22.3 kips) = 96.9 kips

The factored shear at “h/2” from the face of support is:

Vu(h/2) = Vu(face) - wu(1.5 ft)

= 96.9 kips – 3.126klf(1.5 ft)
= 92.2 kips

Determine the factored moment demand at “h/2” from the face of support.
172 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The factored moment at the face of the column is:

Mu(face) = 1.2(505.1 ft-kips) + 1.6(221.1 ft-kips) = 959.9 ft-kips

The factored moment at “h/2” from the face of support is:

Mu(h/2) = Mu(face) – 1.5 ft(Vu(face) + Vu(h/2))/2

= 959.9 ft-kips – 1.5 ft(96.9 kips + 92.2 kips)/2
= 818.1 ft-kips

Remember, the code does not define Mu or Vu as having any secondary effect contributions.

Determine the depth to prestressing, dp at h/2 from the face of column.

Determine d.

Typically, we take “d” as “dp”. However, d need not be taken less than 0.8h, or 0.8(36 in) = 28.8 in.
Therefore “d” is 28.8 in at h/2 from the support.

Determine the concrete contribution to shear resistance.

Vu dp
Vcn = �0.6�f′c + 700 � bw d

92.2 kips(27.9 in)

∴ Vcn = �0.6�5000 psi + 700 � �� (15 in)(28.8 in)/1000
(818.1 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
= 97.6 kips

φVcn = 0.75 (97.6 kips) = 73.2 kips

Vu dp
Check that the term is less than 1.0

Vu dp (92.2 kips)(27.9 in)

=� � = 0.26 < 1.0 ok
Mu (818.1 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 173

Design Stirrups
Reinforcement Contribution, Vs

Vu − φVc 92.2 kips − 73.2 kips

Vs = = = 25.3 kips
φ 0.75

Use 2 legs of #3 stirrups (Av = 0.11in2 / leg)

A v fy d 2(0.11 in)2 (60 ksi)(28.8 in)

Spacing, S = = = 15.0 in (required for strength)
Vs 25.3 kips
Check Maximum Spacing for Prestressed Members (ACI 318 Section

Spacing, S = the smaller of 0.75h or 24 in

0.75h = 0.75(36 in) = 27 in > 24 in ∴ Use 24 in o/c as absolute maximum

ACI 318 Section requires checks for Av(min). As previously stated in the shear chapter, the
equations for Av(min) will never control the design of any “normal” beam, so those equations will not be
checked here.

∴Use a spacing of 15 in at h/2.

∴Use #3 Stirrups (2 legs) @ 15 in o/c

Typical Long Span Beam Detail

174 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Deflection Check

Post-tensioning, when designed correctly, effectively eliminates significant deflections. This is

particularly true when the service stresses are kept below the cracking modulus of concrete of 7.5�f′c
since the gross moment of inertia, Ig, is used at all locations. Never once in the millions of square feet
that have been designed by Seneca Structural Engineering, Inc. has a single beam, one-way slab or two-
way slab been controlled by deflections. This is why we have given deflections very little attention in
this book.

The deflections from PTData are shown below.

The post-tensioning in combination with the dead load deflection results in less than 0.10 in deflection
(L/9017) in the longer span. Even with a long-term multiplier of 3.0 the calculated deflection under
dead and prestressing loads is only approximately a quarter of an inch. Similarly, the live load
deflection in the long span is 0.11 in (L/6561).

Two Span Beam and Girder in a Parking Structure

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 175

Final Design Elevation from PTData:

176 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Academic Beam Design versus Beam Designs in Practice

In this example we did a couple of things to simplify the hand design that are not correct with respect to
what is required in practice. The first is that we did not skip (pattern) the live load as required by ACI
318 Section 8.11.2, as we already discussed. Programs such as PTData will have an option to do this
analysis for you.

From PTData General Input Menu

The second thing that was not technically correct is that we used the same frame stiffness for all load
cases. In reality, post-tensioned systems are poured and then typically stressed and stripped four days
later. This is one of the tremendous benefits of a post-tensioned system. However, at that time the upper
columns and beams have not yet been constructed, so performing a moment distribution analysis that
incorporates the upper column stiffnesses for dead loads and for secondary effects is not accurate nor is
it conservative. In practice the designer should use a software program such as PTData that has an
option to analyze the concrete dead load, equivalent loads and secondary effects without the upper
columns present.

From the PTData Configuration Menu

Stressed and Stripped Beam with No Top Column

One-Way Slab Design Examples

The design of one-way post-tensioned slabs is very similar to that of post-tensioned beams. The
minimum rebar requirements are the same, however slabs typically do not require any shear

Example #1
f’c= 5,000 psi
Normal weight concrete
Parking live load = 40 psf
Added dead load = 3 psf
Fire rating = 2 hours
Maximum slab span (centerline-to-centerline of supporting beams) = 19’-0”

Slab Thickness
From Table 9.3 and “Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs Using Unbonded Tendons – 3rd Edition”, PTI
2004, Table 2.1, p. 7, the recommended L/h = 48.
(12 in/ft)(19 ft)
h= = 4.75 in
Use a 5 in. thick slab.

Slab (5/12) x 150 psf = 62.5 psf
ADL 3.0 psf
DL 65.5 psf x 1.2 = 78.6 psf
LL 40.0 psf x 1.6 = 64.0 psf
wTL = 105.5 psf wu = 142.6 psf

178 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Minimum Tendon Cover For Maximum Sag

Interior spans are restrained, exterior spans are unrestrained. For a 2-hour fire rating minimum cover =
0.75 in. at high points and interior span low points, 1.5 in. at exterior span low points (IBC 2015 Table
721.1(1) Item #4-1.1 and 4-1.2, also “Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs Using Unbonded Tendons – 3rd
Edition”, PTI 2004, Table 2.3, p. 8).
Use 1 in. cover at all high and low points, 1.5 in. cover at exterior span low points. Tendon diameter =
0.5 in.

Initial Tendon Force and Profile

Balance 60% of concrete dead load
wp = 0.6 x 62.5 psf = 37.5 psf = 0.0375 ksf
Interior spans

aint = 3.75 in − 1.25 in = 2.5 in

wp L2 0.0375ksf x (19 ft)2

F= = = 8.12 kips/ft use 9.0 kips/ft
8a 8 x (2.5 in/12 in/ft)
9.0 kips/ft.
wp = x 0.0375 ksf = 0.042 ksf
8.12 kips/ft.
F 9.0 kips
= = 0.150 ksi
A (5 in)(12 in)
Exterior spans
2.5 in + 3.75 in
aext = − 1.75 in = 1.375 in
wp L2 0.0375 ksf x(19 ft)2 x12 in/ft
F= = = 14.77 kips/ft, use 15.0 kips/ft
8a 8 x 1.375 in
15.0 kips/ft
wp = x 0.0375 ksf = 0.038 ksf
F 15 kips
= = 0.250 ksi
A (5 in)(12 in)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 179


Calculate Net Load Moments

Net loads - Interior spans
With full Live Load
wtl – wp = 105.5 psf – 42 psf = 64 psf = 0.064 ksf
With no Live Load
wtl – wp = 65.5 psf – 42 psf = 24 psf = 0.024 ksf

Net loads - Exterior spans

With full Live Load
wtl – wp = 105.5 psf – 38 psf = 68 psf = 0.068 ksf
With no Live Load
wtl – wp = 65.5 psf – 38 psf = 28 psf = 0.028 ksf

Four moment distributions (frame analyses) are required to determine maximum negative and positive
moments at all points:
180 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Net loading patterns which produce maximum negative and positive moments:
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 181

Calculate Flexural Stresses Caused by Net Loads (Service Load Condition)

F Mnet bh2 (12 in)(5 in)2
f=− ± S= = = 50 in3
A S 6 6

Allowable flexural tensile stress = 7.5�fc′ = 7.5√5000 = 530 psi = 0.530 ksi

Allowable flexural compressive stress = 0.6f’c = 0.6 x 5000 psi = 3000 psi = 3 ksi

Supports C & D Mnet = -2.01 ft-kips/ft

9 kips (12 ft )(2.01 ft−kips)
f=− ± = −0.150 ksi ± 0.482 ksi = +0.332 ksi @ top, −0.632 ksi@ bot.
60 in2 50 in3
(both OK)

Supports B & E Mnet = -2.45 ft-kips/ft

15 kips (12 ft )(2.45 ft−kips)
f=− ± = −0.250 ksi ± 0.588 ksi = +0.338 ksi @ top, −0.838 ksi @ bot.
60 in2 50 in3
(both OK)

Exterior Spans A-B & E-F Mnet = +2.33 ft-kips/ft

15 kips (12 ft )(2.33 ft−kips)
f=− ∓ = −0.250 ksi ± 0.559 ksi = −0.809 ksi @ top, +0.309 ksi @ bot.
60 in2 50 in3
(both OK)

Interior Span C-D Mnet = +1.73 ft-kips/ft

9 kips (12 ft )(1.73 ft−kips)
f=− ∓ = −0.150 ksi ± 0.415 ksi = −0.565 ksi @ top, +0.265 ksi @ bot.
60 in2 50 in3
(both OK)

By inspection Spans B-C and D-E are OK (same F/A, smaller moment than Span C-D)
All flexural stresses at service loads are within ACI Code allowables.
182 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Flexural Strength - Demand Moments

Mdemand = 1.2MDL + 1.6MLL +1.0M2

Calculate Secondary Moments, M2 = Mequiv – Fe

At B & E Fe = 15 kips x 1.25 in/12 in/ft = +1.56 ft-kips/ft
At C & D Fe = 9 kips x 1.25 in/12 in/ft = +0.94 ft-kips/ft

Equivalent Loads, wp:

Factored TL = 0.143 ksf

Factored DL = 0.079 ksf
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 183

Factored loading patterns which produce maximum negative and positive moments:
184 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Flexural Strength – Capacities

Minimum bonded reinforcement Act = (12 in)(2.5 in) = 30 in2 As,min = 0.004x30 in2 = 0.12 in2/ft
Try #4@20 in o/c
At supports B & E (Mdemand = -5.01 ft-kips/ft)

L (12 ft )( 19 ft) f′c
β1 = 0.85 − 0.05 = 0.8 = = 46 fps = fse + 10,000 +
h 5 in 300ρp

kips 15 kips/ft. 0.153 in.2 in2

Fe = 0.153in2 x174 ksi = 26.6 Aps = x = 0.086
ft 26.6 kips/tendon Tendon ft

Aps 0.086 in.2 5 ksi

ρp = = = 0.0019 fps = 174 ksi + 10 ksi + = 192.8 ksi
bdp (12 in)(3.75 in) (300)(0.0019)

Tp = 192.8 ksi x 0.086 in2 = 16.6 kips Ts = 0.12 in.2 x 60 ksi = 7.2 kips
23.8 kips 0.47 in.
Cc =16.6 kips +7.2 kips = 23.8 kips a= = 0.47 in c= = 0.59 in
(0.85)(5ksi)(12 in) 0.8

3.16 in
εs = x 0.003 = 0.016 > 0.005 ∴ Tension controlled & ϕ = 0.9
0.59 in

∅Mn = (23.8 kips x 3.51 in) = 6.26 k − ft > 5.01 k − ft OK
(12 in/ft)

At supports C & D (Mdemand = -3.91 ft-kips/ft):

9 kips/ft 0.153 in2 in2 Aps 0.052 in2

Aps = x = 0.052 ρp = = = 0.00116
26.6 kips/tendon Tendon ft bdp (12 in)(3.75 in)

5 ksi
fps = 174 ksi + 10 ksi + = 198.4 ksi
Tp = 198.4 ksi x 0.052 in2 = 10.3 kips Ts = 0.12 in2 x 60 ksi = 7.2 kips
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 185
17.5 kips 0.34 in.
Cc =10.3 kips+7.2 kips = 17.5 kips a= = 0.34 in. c= = 0.43 in
(0.85)(5ksi)(12 in) 0.8

3.32 in
εs = (0.003) = 0.033 > 0.005 ∴Tension controlled & ϕ = 0.9
0.43 in

∅Mn = (17.5 kips)( 3.58 in) = 4.69 k − ft > 3.91 k − ft OK
12( in/ft)

At spans A-B & E-F (Mdemand = +4.60 ft-kips/ft):

15 kips/ft 0.153 in2 in2 Aps 0.086 in2

Aps = x = 0.0862 ρp = = = 0.0022
26.6 kips/tendon Tendon ft bdp (12 in)(3.25 in)

5 ksi
fps = 174 ksi + 10 ksi + = 191.6 ksi

Tp = 191.6 ksi x 0.086 in2 = 16.5 kips Ts = 0.12 in2 x 60 ksi = 7.2 kips
23.7 kips 0.46 in
Cc =16.5 kips + 7.2 kips = 23.7 kips a= = 0.46 in. c = = 0.58 in
(0.85)(5ksi)(12 in) 0.8

3.17 in
εs = x 0.003 = 0.0164 > 0.005 ∴Tension controlled & ϕ = 0.9
0.58 in

∅Mn = ((23.7 kips)(3.01 in) + (7.2 kips)(0.5 in)) = 5.62 ft − kips > 4.60 ft − kips OK
12( in/ft)

Spans B-C, C-D, D-E OK by inspection. Same F and dp as Supports C and D, smaller moment (3.62 ft-
kips < 3.91 ft-kips). Use #4@20 in o/c.
Inelastic redistribution of moments in accordance with ACI 318 Section 6.6.5 was not necessary.
Minimum bonded reinforcement was adequate at all critical locations with elastic moments.

Vu ≈ 9.5x0.143 = 1.36 kips/ft

∅Vn = 0.75(2)√5000 (12 in) ((0.8 x 5 in)) = 5.1 kips/ft >> 1.36 kips/ft
186 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Deflection Check

Post-tensioning, when designed correctly, effectively eliminates significant deflections. This is

particularly true when the service stresses are kept below the cracking modulus of concrete of 7.5�f′c
since the gross moment of inertia, Ig, is used at all locations. Never once in the millions of square feet
that have been designed by Seneca Structural Engineering, Inc. has a single beam, one-way slab or two-
way slab been controlled by deflections. This is why we have given deflections very little attention in
this book.

The deflections from PTData are shown below.

The post-tensioning in combination with the dead load deflection results in less than 0.10 in deflection
(L/2528) in the end span. Even with a long-term multiplier of 3.0 the calculated deflection under dead
and prestressing loads is only approximately a quarter of an inch. Similarly, the live load deflection in
the end span is 0.159 in (L/1432).

Final Design
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 187

Example #2

Consider the floor plan of a parking deck below.

Parking Structure Loads on Slab

5 in Slab Dead Load ........................................................................................ 63 psf
Superimposed Dead (mechanical, electrical,
Plumbing, miscellaneous) .................................................................................. 3 psf
Live ........................................................................................... 40 psf (unreducible)
188 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

One Way Slab and Long Span Beams

ACI 318 in Section now mandates that all unbonded single-strand tendons “be protected to
provide resistance to corrosion in accordance with ACI 423.7”. Therefore we will use ½ in φ
encapsulated tendons.

Concrete Strength
Typically the concrete subcontractor will pour a slab section (15,000 to 20,000 square feet usually) on
Thursday or Friday and will stress it on Monday. Many engineers specify a minimum concrete
compressive strength for stressing of 3,000 psi and also a maximum time period of 72-96 hours or so
from the placement of the concrete to the time it is stressed. The purpose for the maximum time period
is to minimize the amount of shrinkage cracking that will occur before the concrete is compressed.
Given this combination of minimum strength and maximum time the beams and slabs will require
“high-early” strength concrete. Any mix design that achieves 3,000 psi in 3 days will easily achieve
5,000 psi in 28 days, so our design example will use a 28 day compressive strength of 5,000 psi and
3,000 psi at transfer.

Concrete Cover for Reinforcement Protection

ACI 318 Section contains the concrete cover requirements necessary to protect the prestressed
and non-prestressed reinforcement. However, larger concrete cover may be required for fire resistance,
which will be covered next. For parking structures most structural engineers will consider the slabs
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 189

“exposed to weather” since the structures are open and rain and moisture can and will enter from the
perimeter. Therefore the concrete cover required is 1 in at both the top and the bottom of the slab.

Fire Cover Requirements

The 2009 IBC contains minimum concrete cover requirements for fire resistance in Table 720.1(1). Item
numbers 4-1.1 & 4-1.2 address post-tensioned concrete. For unrestrained members, typically considered
end spans unless a more detailed analysis is made, the cover required for a two-hour rating in slabs is 1-
1/2 in when carbonate aggregates are used. For restrained members, typically considered interior bays,
the cover required for a two-hour rating is ¾ in which is less than the 1 in required for reinforcement
protection. Therefore, with a ½ in diameter strand the smallest c.g.s. dimension from the bottom of the
slab will be 1-3/4 in in the end bays and 1-1/4 in in the interior bays. The c.g.s dimension from the top at
the beam supports will be 1-1/4 in also.

Estimate the Prestressing Force per Foot Required

Contrary to what many engineers believe, there is no minimum amount of prestressing compressive
stress required in one-way slabs (or beams). The tendon spacing and minimum average prestress of
ACI 318 Section only applies to two-way slabs. This has been made very clear in ACI 318-
14, now that there are independent one-way and two-way slab chapters. However, most design firms
will have their own requirements for a minimum amount of prestress force for one-way slabs. For
this example we will provide a minimum of 150 psi of average compression, which in our
experience works well. We will also attempt to balance approximately 80-90% of the concrete
weight in each bay.

Interior Bays

Design a 1 ft wide strip of slab and estimate the equivalent load that will balance 80% of the concrete

a = 3.75 in − 1.25 in = 2.50 in

wequiv req’d ≈ 0.80(0.0625 klf) = 0.050 kips/ft

8Fa wequiv L2
wequiv= ⇒F=
L2 8a

(0.050 klf)(16.5 ft)2

F= = 8.17 kips/ft
2.5 in
8( )
12 in/ft

Find the prestress force required for 150 psi average compression.
190 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

F = (0.150 ksi)(12 in)(5 in) = 9.0 kips/ft ⇐ Controls. Use 9.0 kips/ft at the interior bays.

The actual balanced load with a prestress force of 9.0 k/ft is:

9.0k 2.50 in
8Fa 8( )( )
ft 12 in/ft
wequiv= = = 0.055ksf ≈ 88% of the slab weight
L2 (16.5 ft)2

End Bays

Determine the percent of the concrete weight balanced if we use 9.0 kips/ft at the end bays also.

3.75 in + 2.5 in
a= − 1.75 in = 1.375 in
9.0 kips 1.375 in
8Fa 8( )( )
ft 12 in/ft
wequiv= = = 0.0624ksf ≈ 100% of the slab weight − ok
L2 (11.5 ft)2

Since the design balances more than 80% of the concrete slab weight in the end spans there is no need to
add more prestressing force in the end bays.

Use PTData to Complete the Design

One way slabs are required by ACI 318 Section 6.4.2 to arrange the live load to capture the maximum
positive and negative moments that might occur. An example of patterned or “skipped” live loads is
shown in the following diagram.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 191

PTData actually uses six live load combinations to determine the most demanding negative and positive
moments that may occur. The “Live Load Arrangement” radio button of “skipped” must be clicked in
the “General Input” menu.

The General Input Menu in PTData

192 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

After modeling the slab in PTData the program takes the user to the Force & Profile Screen.

Pour Strip

From the PTData Force & Profile Screen

With 9.0 kips/ft. (150 psi average compression) and the fully draped profiles we can verify that the
balanced load is what we calculated previously in the non-pour strip bays. In the pour strip bay (Span 8)
the low point c.g.s. is at mid-depth of the slab since that is where the post-tensioning will be anchored.
In this bay we will have to accept a balanced load less than optimal.

We can see that all service tensile stresses are well below 7.5�fc′ (or 0.530 ksi), even in the pour strip
bay. However, the positive moment tension stress of 0.254 ksi in the pour strip bay is not correct. There
is actually no post-tensioning in the delayed pour strip, therefore another computer analysis is necessary
that models the prestress force as zero to determine the maximum positive moment rebar required.

Pour Strip

From the PTData Force & Profile Screen with Zero Prestress Force in the Pour Strip Bay

Interestingly, even with zero prestressing force in the pour strip bay, the service tensile stresses are still
satisfied at the maximum positive moment location (0.423 ksi < 0.530 ksi). However, this is not
necessary. The pour strip concrete is not prestressed concrete and therefore does not need to satisfy any
of the prestressed concrete stress requirements. The only strength requirement of the Code is that it has
the positive moment capacity as a non-prestressed slab.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 193

Bottom Rebar
Required in Pour
Strip Bay

From the PTData Controlling Rebar Screen with Zero Prestress Force in the Pour Strip Bay

We can see from the Controlling Rebar Screen above that the required rebar in all but the pour strip bays
is #4@20 in. both over the beams and in the spans. This indicates that the minimum bonded rebar
requirements control both the positive and negative moment design at all locations. For the bottom rebar
in the pour strip bay, use #4 bars @15 in. on centers and lap them the full width of the pour strip.

Typical Pour Strip in a One Way Slab

Minimum Bonded Reinforcement

ACI 318 Section – Minimum bonded reinforcement = 0.004Act
Where Act = Area of cross section between the tension face and the c.g.c.

For the 1 ft wide strip of 5 in slab, the minimum bonded reinforcement required is:
As(min) = 0.004(5 in / 2)(12 in) = 0.12 in2/ft

#4@20 in o/c = 0.20in2(12 in / 20 in) = 0.12 in2/ft

194 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Note that there is no maximum spacing limit for this minimum bonded reinforcement according to the
ACI 318 code.

Verify Moment Capacity

For members with a span to depth ratio greater than 35 (one & two-way slabs):

fps = fse + 10,000 + (Table
≤ fpy & fse + 30,000 (all in psi)

The area of prestressing reinforcing per foot in a slab with 9.0 kips/ft and an effective stress of 26.62
kips/tendon is:
Aps 9.0 kips/ft
� = (0.153 in2 ) � � = 0.0517 in2 /ft
ft 26.62 kips/tendon
0.0517 in2 )
ρp = = 0.0011
12 in(3.75 in)

fse = 0.70fpu – 15 ksi = 0.7(270 ksi) – 15 ksi = 174 ksi

5,000 psi
∴fps = 174,000 psi + 10,000 psi + = 199,152 psi = 199.1 ksi

But limited to:

fpy = 243 ksi
or fse + 30,000 = 174 ksi + 30 ksi = 204 ksi > 199.1 ksi
∴ 199.1 ksi controls

Note that Tps and Ts occur in the same plane, but are shown stacked graphically for clarity.

Calculate the concrete force Cc.

Cc = Tps + Ts = 10.3 kips + 7.2 kips = 17.5 kips

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 195

Cc 17.5 kips
a= = = 0.34 in
0.85f ′ c b 0.85(5ksi)(12 in)

Calculate Strength

∴Mn = [(17.5 kips)(3.75 in - 0.17 in)]/(12 in/ft)

= 5.22 ft-kips/ft
φMn = 0.9(5.22 ft-kips/ft) = 4.70 ft-kips/ft

Note that since the slab geometry and reinforcement is symmetric, this capacity applies to both the
positive and negative moment capacities.

Check Demand Using PTData

From Factored Load Rebar Screen of PTData – Span 4

It is clear looking at this typical interior span that the capacity of 4.70 ft-kips/ft easily satisfies both the
maximum positive and negative moment demands. It is also clear that a very minor amount of rebar is
actually required at the maximum negative and positive moment locations for ultimate strength and this
required rebar dissipates very quickly away from the points of maxima.
196 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Determine Rebar Length Requirements

ACI 318 Section 7.7.4 addresses flexural reinforcement in prestressed slabs. The minimum lengths of
rebar are dictated by this section when the minimum bonded reinforcement controls the design, as it
does at all locations in this example.

Section states that the length of bonded positive reinforcement shall be:
“At least ln/3 in positive moment areas and be centered in those areas”

Section states that the length of bonded negative reinforcement shall be:
“At least ln/6 on each side of the face of support”

Ltop = (2)16.5 ft/6 + 1.5 ft = 7.0 ft

Lbot = 16.5 ft/3 = 5.5 ft

One-way slabs are not included in ACI 318 Table “Minimum requirements for structural
integrity”. However, as depicted in the previous figure there is a potential zone in the slab without any
rebar. This can lead to severe cracking in this zone in some structures, particularly larger structures that
are restrained from shortening. Most engineers will detail the 3rd or 4th bottom bars as continuous
throughout the slab to provide some ability to distribute cracks. Many engineers will also consider
detailing some of the top rebar continuous as well.

A detail such as the following one is often used to provide some amount of rebar at any section through
the slab.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 197

Typical One-Way Slab Reinforcing Detail

Typical One Way Tendon Profiles

198 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Slab Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement

Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement is required perpendicular to the slab span (parallel to the
beams) in one-way slabs. The requirements for this reinforcement in post-tensioned slabs are contained
in ACI 318 Section

The sum of the beam tendons and the slab shrinkage and temperature tendons must provide a minimum
of 100 psi on the gross area of concrete. However, according to ACI 318 Sections &
under no circumstances can the spacing, S, of the shrinkage and temperature tendons be greater than 6
feet, and added non-prestressed reinforcement is required for any spacing greater than 4.5 feet.
Therefore most designers will limit the spacing of the shrinkage and temperature tendons to a maximum
of 4.5 feet and avoid the addition of non-prestressed reinforcement.

In this example we will assume that there are 10 tendons in each beam and the slab shrinkage and
temperature tendons are spaced at 16.5 ft/4 spaces = 4.125 ft (3 shrinkage and temperature tendons).
Therefore, the average compression on the gross area is:

(10 + 3)(26.62 kips⁄tendon)(1000)

Favg = = 220 psi > 100 psi ∴ ok
1,576 in2

Use (3) shrinkage and temperature tendons each 18’-0” bay (equally spaced). Shrinkage and temperature
tendons should be centered at mid-depth in the slab.

Deflection Check

Post-tensioning, when designed correctly, effectively eliminates significant deflections. This is

particularly true when the service stresses are kept below the cracking modulus of concrete of 7.5�f′c
since the gross moment of inertia, Ig, is used at all locations. Never once in the millions of square feet
that have been designed by Seneca Structural Engineering, Inc. has a single beam, one-way slab or two-
way slab been controlled by deflections. This is why we have given deflections very little attention in
this book.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 199

The deflections from PTData are shown below.

Since we balanced nearly 90% of the concrete load the dead load plus prestressing load deflections are
extremely small. The live load deflections are 0.10 in or less in all spans (< L/2100).

Finishing a One Way Slab and Beam Floor

Two-Way Slab Design Examples

The design of two-way post-tensioned slabs is very unique compared to the one-way systems (beams
and one-way slabs) that we have presented so far. In one-way systems the load is carried by the member
being designed directly to a support. Beams are directly supported by columns, walls or girders. One-
way slabs are supported by beams or walls.

However, in two-way slab systems 100% of the load must be designed to span in each orthogonal direction.

202 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #1 –Perimeter Banded Tendon Design in a Hotel Slab

Consider the floor plan of a hotel below. We will use banded groups of tendons along grids A, B, C & D
and uniformly spaced tendons in the opposite direction. This design example will be based upon the
banded group of tendons along Grid A. Note that the concepts of “column strips” and “middle strips” are
intended only for use in non-prestressed slab systems and do not apply to post-tensioned concrete two-
way slabs. ACI 318 Section 8.7.5 makes no reference to column strips or middle strips.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 203

Superimposed Loads on Slab

Fixed Partition Walls / Exterior Facade......................................................... 15 psf
Misc./Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing ........................................................... 3 psf
Total Superimposed Dead Load .................................................................... 18 psf
Live .............................................................................................. 40 psf (reducible)

Elevation of a Two Way Flat Plate

Use PTData To Suggest a Slab Thickness

In this example the span lengths vary significantly in the banded tendon direction, but are consistent in
the transverse direction. Also, in the transverse direction two of the three spans are relatively long 26’-8”
end bays, but the end bays in the longitudinal direction are relatively short. PTData can be used to
suggest a slab thickness; however when the conditions vary as much as this engineering judgment and
reliance upon experience will be necessary. Inputting the longest interior span and the longest exterior
span will result in a slab thickness that is inefficient for most of the remainder of the floor system.
Therefore averaging of the span lengths will give a more efficient design. PTData suggests a 7.5 in slab
based upon an average interior span dimension of 27 ft, but suggests an 8.5 in slab based upon the end
bay dimension. In this example we will choose to use a 7.5 in slab throughout with the understanding
that the design in the transverse direction will require more post-tensioning to balance the same
percentage of the concrete weight and to satisfy flexural stresses.
204 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The “Estimate Slab Thickness, t” Window from PTData

ACI 318 in Section now mandates that all unbonded single-strand tendons “be protected to
provide resistance to corrosion in accordance with ACI 423.7”. Therefore we will use ½ in. φ
encapsulated tendons.

Concrete Strength
Typically the concrete subcontractor will pour a slab section (approximately 12,000 square feet in this
case) on Thursday or Friday and will stress it on Monday. Many engineers specify a minimum concrete
compressive strength for stressing of 3,000 psi and also a maximum time period of 72 - 96 hours or so
from the placement of the concrete to the time it is stressed. The purpose for the maximum time period
is to minimize the amount of shrinkage cracking that will occur before the concrete is compressed.
Given this combination of minimum strength and maximum time requirements the slabs will require
“high-early” strength concrete. Any mix design that achieves 3,000 psi in 3 days will easily achieve
5,000 psi in 28 days, so our design example will use a 28 day compressive strength of 5,000 psi and
3,000 psi at transfer.

Concrete Cover for Reinforcement Protection

ACI 318 Table contains the concrete cover requirements necessary to protect the prestressed
and non-prestressed reinforcement in cast-in-place prestressed concrete members. However, larger
concrete cover may be required for fire resistance, which will be covered next. While the ACI 318 Code
only requires ¾ in cover for slabs not exposed to weather, many engineers will use a 1 in cover
regardless of exposure conditions to all prestressed and non-prestressed reinforcement and to headed
shear studs (punching shear reinforcing at columns) in a post-tensioned slab. This also allows shot pins
or drop-in anchors to be used that have an embedment of 1 in or less. Therefore in this example we will
use a concrete cover of 1 in at both the top and the bottom of the slab.

Fire Cover Requirements

The 2009 IBC contains minimum concrete cover requirements for fire resistance in Table 720.1(1). Item
numbers 4-1.1 & 4-1.2 address post-tensioned concrete. For unrestrained members, typically considered
end spans unless a more detailed analysis is made, the cover required for a two-hour rating in slabs is 1-
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 205

1/2 in when carbonate aggregates are used. For restrained members, typically considered interior bays,
the cover required for a two-hour rating is ¾ in. Therefore, with a ½ in diameter strand the smallest
c.g.s. dimension from the bottom of the slab will be 1-3/4 in in the end bays.

Estimate the Prestressing Force and Number of Tendons Required

The minimum average prestress of ACI 318 Section applies to two-way slabs. A minimum
average compression of 125 psi is required at all cross sections, including within the shear cap area.
However, for this example we will assume that welded headed shear studs will be used in lieu of shear
caps, so the slab thickness will be uniform. We will attempt to provide a minimum 150 psi average
compression as an office standard. The maximum tendon spacing limit of 8 times the slab thickness or
5’-0”, whichever is smaller, only applies in one direction (the uniform tendon direction), so that will not
apply to this banded tendon design. We will also attempt to balance approximately 80% of the concrete
weight in the typical spans (70% in the longer spans and very short spans), again as an office standard.
Balancing high amounts in the short spans typically increases the flexural stresses in the adjacent longer
spans, so we limit the balanced loads in the short spans.

The 30 ft Interior Span

Estimate the equivalent load that will balance 70% of the concrete weight. The tributary width to the
banded group of tendons at Grid A in the 30’-0” span is 16.33 ft.

The 7-1/2 in slab weighs (7.5 in/12 in) * (150 psf) = 93.8 psf, therefore the weight of slab as a line load
is 93.8 psf * (16.33 ft) = 1.53 klf.

a = 6.25 in − 1.25 in = 5.0 in

wequiv req’d ≈ 0.70(1.53 klf) = 1.07 klf

8Fe a wequiv L2
wequiv= ⇒F=
L2 8a

1.07klf(28.33 ft)2
Fe = = 258 kips
5 in
8( )
12 in/ft

Find the effective prestress force required for 150 psi average compression.

Fe = 0.150 ksi(16.33 ft)(12 in)(7.5 in) = 220 kips < 258 kips
∴ 258 kips controls. This equates to 258 kips / (26.62 kips/tendon) = 9.7 tendons
(Use 10 tendons)
206 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

With 10 tendons the actual force, Fe equals 266.2 kips.

Use PTData to Complete the Design Using 10 Tendons

Before modeling the Grid A design strip we need to verify the analysis parameters of the program. In
virtually all cast-in-place post-tensioned construction the floor system is poured, stressed and stripped of
forms prior to the construction of the columns and floor system above. This means that the bending
moments and stresses due to the concrete dead loads and the secondary moments and reactions must be
generated without using the stiffness of the columns above. The live loads, on the other hand, will be
generated considering the stiffness of the upper columns. PTData allows this scenario to be modeled in
the Configuration Menu.

From The “Configuration” Menu in PTData

Two-way slabs are not required to have skipped or patterned live load according to ACI 318 Section, provided the unfactored live load does not exceed ¾ of the unfactored dead load. In our case, the
unfactored live load divided by the unfactored dead load is 40psf/111.8psf = 0.358 < 0.75. Therefore,
skipping of the live load is not required.

The “Live Load Arrangement” radio button of “Uniform” must be clicked in the “General Input” menu.

The General Input Menu in PTData

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 207

After modeling the slab in PTData the program takes the user to the Force & Profile Screen.

Percent of concrete
weight balanced

Flexural Tensile
From the PTData Force & Profile Screen Stresses

The maximum flexural tensile stress in a two-way flat plate is 6�fc′ (or 0.424 ksi for 5,000 psi concrete).
The 7-1/2 in. thick slab with 10 tendons in this banded group easily satisfies the allowable flexural
tensile stresses while balancing approximately 70% of the concrete weight or more in each span.

Post-Tensioning Layout in a Hotel Slab

Punching Shear
Once the tendons and profiles are established, and stresses and balanced load criteria have been met, the
next step is to check is punching shear. Grid intersection A/10 corresponds to Joint 1, intersection A/9
corresponds to Joint 2, etc. The column dimensions are c1 = 20 in & c2 = 16 in.
208 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

From the Punching Shear Analysis Window of PTData

As we might expect in this purely flat plate, PTData warns the user that the allowable punching shear is
exceeded at a number of locations. The choice of the designer to resolve this is to either design shear
caps at these locations or design internal shear reinforcement using headed-welded studs on a rail.

Let’s first verify the results of PTData with hand calculations at Joint 5 (grid intersection 6/A).

Analyze punching
shear at this joint

In this example the cantilever to the left of the joint from the face of the column is less than 4 times the
slab thickness, therefore PTData will ignore that portion of concrete for punching shear purposes and
analyze the column as a pure edge column (without the cantilever). The properties of the edge column
are shown below.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 209

Critical Punching Shear Dimensions

From Chapter 6, the properties of the critical punching shear section are:

Ac = �2 �C2 + � + (C1 + d)� d
= [2(19 in) + 26 in]6 in
= 384 in2

(C1 + d)
xc =
26 in

= 13 in

(C1 + d)3 d (C1 + d)d3 d

Jc = + + 2d �C2 + � xc2
12 12 2

(26 in)3 (6 in) (26 in)(6 in)3

= + + 2(6 in)(19 in)(13 in)2
12 12

= 47,788 in4

The maximum shear stress is found from the equation:

Vu γv Munb xc
vu = +
Ac Jc
210 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Where the portion of the unbalanced moment transferred by shear, γv is;

⎡ ⎤
γv = 1 − ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2 (c1 + d) ⎥
1 + ( )�
⎣ 3 (c2 + d/2)⎦

⎡ ⎤
γv = 1 − ⎢ ⎥ = 0.438
⎢ 2 (26 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖)⎥
1 + � ��
⎣ 3 (19 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖)⎦

The unbalanced factored moments and factored shear forces can be determined from the “Unfactored
Column Loads” screen of PTData.

From the Unfactored Column Loads Screen of PTData

The factored shear force at Joint 5 is:

Vu = 1.2(42.6 kips) + 1.6(15.0 kips) – (1.0)2.4 kips = 72.7 kips
(Note that to satisfy statics, the secondary reaction must be included in the direct shear)

The factored unbalanced slab moment is taken from the column moments at Joint 5:
Munb = 1.2(20.7 ft-kips) + 1.6(6.2 ft-kips + 6.2 ft-kips) – (1.0)(11.1 ft-kips) = 33.6 ft-kips
= 403 in-kips
(Note again that to satisfy statics the unbalanced portion of the secondary moment must be included, and
this is not an insignificant number)

72.7 kips 0.438(403 in − kips)(13 in)

∴vu (right) = + = 0.237 ksi ≈ 0.242 ksi
384 in2 47,788 in4
(within roundoff error)

72.7 kips 0.438(403 in − kips)(13 in)

& vu (left) = − = 0.141 ksi ≈ 0.137 ksi
384in2 47,788in4
(within roundoff error)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 211

Determine the Allowable Punching Shear Stress

ACI 318 Section states that for members without shear reinforcement;

𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛 = 𝑣𝑣𝑐𝑐 (

And ACI 318 Table states that for edge (bending in either direction) or corner columns (see
Chapter 6) Vc is the smallest of;

vc = �2 + � �f′c
where 𝛽𝛽 is the ratio of long side to short side of the column.

αs d
vc = � + 2� �f′c

vc = 4�f′c

For this example:

bo = 19 in + 19 in + 26 in = 64 in

d = 0.8h = 0.8(7.5 in) = 6 in

20 in
𝛽𝛽 = = 1.25
16 in
αs = 30 for edge columns

d 6 in
αs = (30) � � = 2.8
bo 64 in


vc = �2 + � �f ′ c
= �2 + � �f ′ c

= 5.2�f ′ c
212 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

αs d
vc = � + 2� �f ′ c

= (2.8 + 2)�f ′ c

= 4.8�f ′ c


vc = 4�f′c (𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜 𝐭𝐭𝐭𝐭𝐭𝐭 𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝𝐝)


φvn =
bo d

0.75(108.6 kips)
(64 in)(6 in)

= 212 psi (exactly matches 𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷𝑷) < 242 psi ∴ Shear reinforcing is required

When shear reinforcing is required in a residential type project or a parking structure, the slab to column
connection is often reinforced with welded headed studs on rails instead of using concrete shear caps.
See Chapter 6 for shear stud design examples.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 213

Shear Stud Punching Shear Reinforcement at an Interior Column

Non-Prestressed Bonded Reinforcing Requirements

For purposes of determining the non-prestressed reinforcement requirements we will focus on the 30’-0”
span along Grid A (Span 5) in this example, since it also has the largest tributary area.

PTData determines the required flexural non-prestressed reinforcement for ultimate strength, and for
minimum bonded reinforcement requirements. The table below comes from the “Factored Load Rebar”
screen, and lists the rebar requirements based upon ultimate strength.
214 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

From the PTData “Factored Load Rebar” Screen

PTData has determined that 0.986in2 of top rebar is required for strength over the adjacent columns, and
1.002in2 of bottom rebar for strength in the span. Since the concept of ultimate strength has been
covered in previous chapters we will instead calculate the minimum bonded rebar requirements by hand
and compare the results to the ultimate strength rebar requirements.

Minimum Bonded Top (Negative Moment) Rebar

ACI 318 Section requires that in negative moment areas at column supports, the minimum area
of bonded reinforcement As in the top of the slab in each direction shall be computed by:

As = 0.00075Acf

where Acf is the larger gross cross-sectional area of the slab-beam strips in two orthogonal equivalent
frames intersecting at a column in a two-way slab.

In this example, for the column at Grid 6 the cross-sectional width of the equivalent frame in the
direction of analysis is the tributary width of 16.33 ft. The cross-sectional width of the perpendicular
equivalent frame at Grid 6 is:

30 ft + 13.5 ft
= 21.75 ft (controls)

Therefore, the controlling value of Acf is:

Acf = (21.75 ft)(12 in/ft)(7.5 in)

= 1,957.5 in2

And finally, the minimum area of top bonded rebar required in both directions is:

As = 0.00075(1,957.5 in2)
= 1.47 in2

Since the minimum bonded area of rebar is greater than the 0.986 in2 required for strength, 1.47 in2, or
(5)-#5 bars will control the design of the top steel over the column.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 215

ACI 318 Section states the length requirements for the minimum bonded negative moment
rebar as one-sixth the clear span, ln, on each side of the support. In Span 5 this corresponds to [30 ft–
(20 in/12)]/6 = 4.72 ft. The minimum length from the centerline of the column is 4.72 ft + 10 in/12 =
5.55 ft. From the “Factored Load Rebar” screen it is clear that this dimension is adequate for the strength
requirements since at 3.19 ft from the centerline no rebar is required. 3.19 ft plus the required bar cutoff
dimension of d or 12db (6 in or 12(0.625 in) =7.5 in) equals 3.82 ft which is less than 5.55 ft. Therefore,
specify 5.75 ft (rounded to an increment of 0.25 ft) from the centerline of the column.

Top Rebar and Shear Studs at an Interior Column

Minimum Bonded Bottom (Positive Moment) Rebar

ACI 318 Section requires that in positive moment areas where computed tensile stress in
concrete at service load exceeds 2�f′c , the minimum area of bonded reinforcement shall be computed

As =

where Nc is the resultant tensile force acting on the portion of the concrete cross section that is subjected
to tensile stresses due to the combined effects of service loads and effective prestress.

The required moments in Span 5 are found in the “Unfactored Beam Moments” screen.
216 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

From the Unfactored Slab Moments Screen of PTData

The section modulus for the 16.33 ft wide design strip is:

S = (16.33 ft)(12 in/ft)(7.5 in)2 /6

= 1,837.5in3

And the average compression in the span of Span 5 is:

F 266.2 kips
= = 0.181 ksi
A (7.5 in)(16.33 ft)(12 in/ft)

Therefore, the top stress, ft, is:

(91.71 ft − kips + 31.45 ft − kips − 53.53 ft − kips)(12)

ft = − − 0.181 ksi = −0.636 ksi (comp. )
1837.5 in3

And the bottom stress, fb, is:

(91.71 ft − kips + 31.45 ft − kips − 53.53 ft − kips)(12)

fb = − 0.181 ksi = 0.274 ksi (tension)
1837.5 in3

2�f ′ c = = 0.141 ksi < 0.274 ksi

Therefore, bonded rebar is required in the positive moment region of Span 5.

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 217

This stress information can also be found in the “Flexural Concrete Stresses” screen:

From the PTData “Flexural Concrete Stresses” Screen

From this diagram, Nc is calculated as:

Nc = (0.274ksi))(2.26 in)(16.33 ft)(12 in/ft)
= 60.7 kips

And the required area of bottom bonded rebar is:

Nc 60.7 kips
As = = = 2.02 in2
0.5fy 0.5(60ksi)
(> 1.002in2 required for strength)

Use (11)-#4 Bottom Bars (As = 2.20 in2) spaced at 16.33 ft(12 in/ft)/11 = 17.8 in

ACI 318 Section states “In positive moment areas, length of reinforcement shall be at least ln/3
and centered in those areas.”
218 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

For Span 5, one-third the clear span is [30 ft-(20 in/12)]/3 = 9.44 ft. However, the strength requirements
necessitate rebar between the 7.92 ft and 22.08 ft points (=14.16 ft of length). With a bar cutoff length
added at each end of d or 12db (6 in or 12(0.5 in) = 6 in) another foot is added, making the total length
required 15.16 ft. PTData will round this number up to the nearest half foot (shown as 15.50 ft in the
graphic elevation).

Most engineers will specify a continuous mat (grid) of bottom rebar in a flat plate. In this example, a
continuous grid of #4@30 in. o/c would provide some of the rebar required, and the remainder would be
added in the span.

PTData allows this continuous grid of rebar to be specified in the General Input Menu.

From the PTData “General Input” Screen

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 219

And the “Controlling Rebar” screen will inform the user if any added rebar is required in addition to the
mat of bottom rebar. In this case, (5)-#4 (spaced at 39 in o/c) is required to be added to the mat of #4’s at
30 in o/c.

From the PTData “Controlling Rebar” Screen

The graphic elevation will also display this information.

From the PTData “Graphic Elevation” Screen (Partial)

220 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Note that the graphic elevation only prints the rebar that is required to be added to the bottom mat of

Bottom Rebar in a Two Way Post-Tensioned Slab

Design of the Uniformly Spaced Tendons

Please the next example for the design of the uniform direction strands which are perpendicular to the
banded tendons.

Deflection Check

Post-tensioning, when designed correctly, effectively eliminates significant deflections. This is

particularly true when the service stresses are kept below the cracking modulus of concrete of 7.5�f′c
since the gross moment of inertia, Ig, is used at all locations. Never once in the millions of square feet
that have been designed by Seneca Structural Engineering, Inc. has a single beam, one-way slab or two-
way slab been controlled by deflections. This is why we have given deflections very little attention in
this book.

The deflections from PTData are shown below.

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 221

The post-tensioning in combination with the dead load deflection results in less than 0.17 in deflection
(L/2186) in the 30 ft span. Even with a long-term multiplier of 3.0 the calculated deflection under dead
and prestressing loads is approximately one-half of an inch. Similarly, the live load deflection in the 30
ft span is 0.128 in (L/2805).
222 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Example #2 – Hand Design of Uniform Tendons in a Two-Way Flat Plate Parking

Deck Using the Equivalent Frame Procedure

Consider the partial floor plan of a parking deck below. We will use banded groups of tendons in the
longitudinal direction and uniformly spaced tendons in the transverse direction. This design example
will be based upon the uniformly spaced tendons in the 29’-6” design strip below. Note that the concepts
of “column strips” and “middle strips” are intended only for use in non-prestressed slab systems and do
not apply to post-tensioned concrete two-way slabs. ACI 318 Section 8.7.5 makes no reference to
column strips or middle strips.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 223

Loads on Slab
8 inch Slab: Dead Load................................................................................ 100 psf
Superimposed Misc./Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing Dead Load ................. 3 psf
Total Dead Load .......................................................................................... 103 psf

Live .......................................................................................... 40 psf (unreducible)

Uniform Tendons in a Two Way Slab

Use PTData To Suggest a Slab Thickness

In this example the maximum span lengths are similar in both design directions (30’-0” in the transverse
direction and 29’-6” in the longitudinal direction). Using PTData, the suggested slab thickness and the
slab thickness that we will use in this example is 8 inches.
224 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The “Estimate Slab Thickness, t” Window from PTData

ACI 318 in Section now mandates that all unbonded single-strand tendons “be protected to
provide resistance to corrosion in accordance with ACI 423.7”. Therefore we will use ½ in. φ
encapsulated tendons.

Concrete Strength
Many engineers specify a minimum concrete compressive strength for stressing of 3,000 psi and also a
maximum time period of 72 - 96 hours from the placement of the concrete to the time it is stressed. The
purpose for the maximum time period is to minimize the amount of shrinkage cracking that will occur
before the concrete is compressed. Given this combination of minimum strength and maximum time
requirements the slabs will require “high-early” strength concrete. Any mix design that achieves 3,000
psi in 3 days should easily achieve 5,000 psi in 28 days, so our design example will use a 28 day
compressive strength of 5,000 psi and 3,000 psi at transfer.

Concrete Cover for Reinforcement Protection

ACI 318 Table contains the concrete cover requirements necessary to protect the prestressed
and non-prestressed reinforcement in cast-in-place prestressed concrete members. However, larger
concrete cover may be required for fire resistance, which will be covered next. While the ACI 318 Code
only requires ¾ in cover for slabs not exposed to weather, many engineers will use a 1 in cover
regardless of exposure conditions to all prestressed and non-prestressed reinforcement and to headed
shear studs (punching shear reinforcing at columns) in a post-tensioned slab. This also allows shot pins
or drop-in anchors to be used that have an embedment of 1 in or less. Therefore in this example we will
use a concrete cover of 1 in at both the top and the bottom of the slab.

Fire Cover Requirements

The 2009 IBC contains minimum concrete cover requirements for fire resistance in Table 720.1(1). Item
numbers 4-1.1 & 4-1.2 address post-tensioned concrete. For unrestrained members, typically considered
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 225

end spans unless a more detailed analysis is made, the cover required for a two-hour rating in slabs is 1-
1/2 in when carbonate aggregates are used. For restrained members, typically which are considered to be
interior bays, the cover required for a two-hour rating is ¾ in. Therefore, with a ½ in diameter strand the
smallest c.g.s. dimension from the bottom of the slab will be 1-3/4 in in the end (unrestrained) bays.

Estimate the Prestressing Force and Number of Tendons Required

The minimum average prestress of ACI 318 Section applies to two-way slabs. A minimum
average compression of 125 psi is required at all cross sections, including within the shear cap area.
However, for this example we will assume that welded headed shear studs will be used in lieu of shear
caps, so the slab thickness will be uniform. We will attempt to provide a minimum 150 psi average
compression as an office standard. The maximum tendon spacing limit of 8 times the slab thickness or
5’-0”, whichever is smaller, only applies in one direction (the uniform tendon direction). We will also
want to balance at least 65% of the concrete weight in the long spans, again as an office standard.
Balancing high amounts in the short spans typically increases the flexural stresses in the adjacent longer
spans, so we limit the balanced loads in the short spans.

Determine the Prestressing Force

The prestressing force required will be determined from the longest span.

Estimate the equivalent load that will balance 65% of the concrete weight.

The 8 in slab weighs (8 in/12 in) * (150 psf) = 100 psf.

a = 6.75 in − 1.25 in = 5.5 in

wequiv req’d ≈ 0.65(100 psf) = 65 psf

8Fe a wequiv L2
wequiv= ⇒F=
L2 8a

0.065 ksf(30 ft)2

Fe = = 16.0 kips/ft
5.5 in
8( )
12 in/ft

Find the effective prestress force required for 150 psi average compression.

Fe = 0.150 ksi (12 in)(8 in) = 14.4 kips/ft< 16.0 kips/ft

While we would typically specify the 16.0 k/ft on the drawings, for this example it will be a little easier
and clearer for some of the calculations if we use a round number of tendons in the design strip.
226 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

(16.0 kips/ft)(29’-6”) / 26.62 kips/tendon = 17.7 tendons.

For this example we will round up to 18 tendons, which equates to 18 x 26.62 kips/tendon / 29.5 ft =
16.24 kips/ft.

Therefore, the equivalent load that we will use in the calculations in the interior span is:
8Fe a 8(16.24 )(5.5 in/12)(29.5 ft)
wequiv= 2 = ft = 1.952 klf
L (30 ft)2

Determine the Drape in the End Bays

We will also balance approximately 65% of the concrete weight in the end span.

8Fe a wequiv L2
wequiv= ⇒ a =
L2 8F

0.065 ksf(15 ft)2 (12 in/ft)

a≈ = 1.35 in
8(16.24 k/ft)

The dimension from the bottom of the slab is then 8 in – (4 in+1.25 in)/2 – 1.35 in = 4.025 in (Use 4 in)

aactual = 8 in – (4 in + 1.25 in)/2 – 4 in = 1.375 in

Therefore, the equivalent load that we will use in the calculations in the end spans is:
k in
8Fe a 8(16.24 )(1.375 in/(12 ) )(29.5 ft)
wequiv= 2 = ft ft
L (15 ft) 2

= 1.952 klf (note: the same as the interior span)

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 227

Uniform Tendons at the End Bay

Determine the Equivalent Frame Properties

It is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of the Equivalent Frame Method already, so the
development of the method will not be shown here.

Slab-Beam Properties

29.5′ (12)(8 in)3

ISlab−Beam = = 15,104 in4
ISlab−Beam ISlab−Beam
ISlab−Beam @ Joint = c = 2 = 1.084ISlab−Beam
(1 − 2 )2
L2 14 in
�1 − in �
((29.5 ft)(12 ))

It is now possible to determine the slab-beams rotational stiffnesses, carry-over factors and fixed-end
moments. Refer to the example in Chapter 7 for the analysis techniques using the moment-area method.
The results are summarized in the following table.
228 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Slab-Beam Moment Distribution Factors:

Member FEM Carry-Over K Factors

15 ft Spans wL2/11.92 0.505 4.072EISlab-Beam/L
30 ft Span wL2/11.96 0.503 4.037EISlab-Beam/L

The rotational stiffness of the slab-beams are:

4.072E(15,104 in4 )
K15 ft Slab−Beam = = 341.69E
(15 ft) � �

4.072E(15,104 in4 )
K 30 ft Slab−Beam = = 169.37E
(30 ft) � �

Equivalent Column Properties

Using the moment-area method shown in the example in Chapter 7, the column stiffness is calculated to
K Column =

14 in(18 in)3
& IColumn = = 6,804 in4

4.57E(6,804 in4 )
∴ K Column = = 254.79E
(10.17 ft)(12 in/ft)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 229

The Torsional Member

K Tors =
c 3
L2 �1 − 2 �
x x3y
C = � �1 − 0.63 � �� � �
y 3
where x is the shorter side of the rectangle, and y is the longer side.

For this example;

8 in (8 in)3 (18 in)

C = 2 �1 − 0.63 � �� � � = 4,423.6
18 in 3

∴ K Tors = = 126.94E
14 in 3
(354 in) �1 − �
354 in

Now the Equivalent Column Stiffness can be calculated from the equation;
K EC =
1 1
∑ K Column K Tors

∴ K EC = = 101.6E
1 1
2(254.79E) 126.94E

Find the Distribution Factors for the Moment Distribution

K15 ft Slab−Beam 341.69

DFAB = = = 0.771
K15 ft Slab−Beam + K EC 101.6 + 341.69

K15′ Slab−Beam 341.69

DFBA = = = 0.558
K15 ft Slab−Beam + K 30′ Slab−Beam + K EC 341.69 + 169.37 + 101.6
230 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

K 30′ Slab−Beam 169.37

DFBC = = = 0.277
K15 ft Slab−Beam + K 30′ Slab−Beam + K EC 341.69 + 169.37 + 101.6

DFCB = DFBC = 0.277

DFCD = DFBA = 0.558
DFDC = DFAB = 0.771

Dead, Live and Balanced Load Shears & Moments

Dead Loads as a Line Load

WD = (0.103 ksf )(29.5 ft) = 3.039 klf

Dead Load Fixed-End Moments

F wD L2 3.039 klf(15 ft)2

M15′ Spans = = = 57.36 ft − kips
11.92 11.92

F wD L2 3.039 klf(30 ft)2

M30′ Span = = = 228.69 ft − kips
11.96 11.96
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 231

Moment Distribution – Dead Loads

232 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

In this example the live load is constant in all spans, as was the dead load. Therefore, the live load shear
and moment diagrams will be proportional to the dead load shear and moment diagrams by a factor of
40 psf / 103 psf = 0.388.

Live Load Shear and Moment Diagrams

The prestressing loads (also referred to as equivalent or balanced loads) are also constant in all spans in
this example. Therefore, the balanced load shear and moment diagrams are proportional to the dead
load shear and moment diagrams by a factor of -1.952 klf / 3.039 klf = -0.642.

Balanced Load Shear and Moment Diagrams

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 233

Verify the Unfactored Dead, Live and Balanced Load Moment Results with PTData
234 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Service Flexural Stress Calculations

The service flexural stresses are calculated from the superposition of the dead, live and balanced load
service moments. All moments are in ft.-kips.

Loading Spans 1 Spans 1 & Spans 1 & Span 2 Span 2

&3 3 Span 3 Interior Col. Face Span
Exterior Col. Face
Col. Face

Dead +7.45 +21.68 -144.0 -168.1 140.51

Live +2.90 +8.42 -55.92 -65.27 54.56

Equiv. -4.78 -13.92 92.45 107.92 -90.21

Total +5.57 +16.18 -107.47 -125.45 104.86

F 479.2k
= = 0.169 ksi
A (8 in)(29.5 ft)(12 in/ft)

(29.5 ft)(12 in/ft)(8 in)2

Stop = Sbottom = = 3,776 in3

Maximum Negative Moment Stress (M=125.45 ft-kips at the Interior Span Column Face)

The maximum negative moment tensile stress is:

(125.45 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)

ftop = − 0.169 ksi = 0.230 ksi (tension)

The maximum compressive stress occurs at this same location and is:

(125.45 ft − kips) �12 �
fbottom = − ft − 0.169 ksi = −0.568 ksi (compression)

Maximum Positive Moment Stress (M=104.86 ft-kips at the Interior Span)

The maximum positive moment tensile stress is:

(104.86 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)

fbottom = − 0.169 ksi = 0.164 ksi (tension)

The corresponding positive moment compressive stress is:

(104.86 ft − kips)(12 in/ft)
ftop = − − 0.169 ksi = −0.502 ksi (compression)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 235

Calculation of this compressive stress is necessary for the determination of the minimum positive
moment bonded reinforcement calculations later in this example.

Check Stresses Against ACI Allowable Service Stresses

ACI 318 Section 8.3.4 limits the flexural tensile stress in the slabs to 6�f′c , and ACI 318 Table
limits the flexural compressive stress under total loads to 0.60f’c. In addition, ACI 318 Table
will require a minimum amount of bonded deformed longitudinal reinforcement, regardless of strength
requirements, in positive moment regions where the flexural tensile stress exceeds 2�f′c .

In our example, the maximum allowable tensile stress anywhere in the system is limited to 6�f′c , or
0.424 ksi for 5,000 psi concrete. The maximum calculated tensile stress was 0.230 ksi, so our design
satisfies the ACI 318 allowable tensile stress requirements.

The maximum allowable compressive stress anywhere in the system is limited to 0.60f’c, or 3.0 ksi for
5,000 psi concrete. The maximum calculated compressive stress was 0.568 ksi, so our design also
satisfies the ACI 318 allowable compressive stress requirements.

Additional bonded longitudinal reinforcement will be required in the positive moment regions if the
tensile stress exceeds 2�f′c , which is 0.141 ksi for 5,000 psi concrete. The positive moment stress in the
interior span is 0.164 ksi, so additional bonded reinforcement will be required in this span. Calculations
were not shown for the exterior spans, but they are actually in compression in the positive moment
region so no additional bonded reinforcement is required, unless it is necessary for strength.

Verify the Service Stress Results with PTData

236 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Flexural Strength Design

Find the Secondary Moments, M2

At Support “A”
Mbalanced = +0.24 ft-kips
Fe = 0
∴M2 = +0.24 ft-kips (tension on bottom)

At Support “B” Left Side

Mbalanced = +108.26 ft-kips (tension on bottom)
Fe = (479.2 kips)(4 in -1.25 in)/12 = +109.82 ft-kips (tension on bottom)
∴M2 = +108.26 ft-kips – 109.82 ft-kips = -1.56 ft-kips (tension on top)

At Support “B” Right Side

Mbalanced = +129.31 ft-kips (tension on bottom)
Fe = +109.82 ft-kips (tension on bottom)
∴M2 = +129.31ft-kips – 109.82 ft-kips = +19.49 ft-kips (tension on bottom)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 237

Verify the Secondary Moment Results with PTData

238 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Calculate the Demand Moments, MDemand

Negative Moments

At Supports “A” & “D”

MDemand = 1.2(+7.45 ft-kips) + 1.6(+2.90 ft-kips)+1.0(+0.15 ft-kips) = 13.73 ft-kips

At Supports “B” & “C” Exterior Side

MDemand = 1.2(-144.0 ft-kips) + 1.6(-55.92 ft-kips) + 1.0(-1.47 ft-kips) = -263.74 ft-kips

At Supports “B” & “C” Interior Side

MDemand = 1.2(-168.1 ft-kips) + 1.6(-65.27 ft-kips) + 1.0(+19.49 ft-kips) = -286.66 ft-kips

Positive Moments

Exterior Spans
MDemand = 1.2(+21.68 ft-kips) + 1.6(+8.42 ft-kips) + 1.0(-0.26 ft-kips) = 39.23 ft-kips

Interior Span
MDemand = 1.2(+140.51 ft-kips) + 1.6(+54.56 ft-kips) + 1.0(+19.49 ft-kips) = 275.4 ft-kips

Verify the Demand Moment Results with PTData

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 239

In this example we will show calculations for the negative moments at Grids B & C, and for the positive
moment in Span 2. We will first determine the minimum bonded top and bottom reinforcement at the
critical locations, and determine the flexural capacity using this reinforcement in combination with the
post-tensioning reinforcement. If this does not provide enough capacity, we will add additional bonded

Minimum Bonded Top (Negative Moment) Reinforcement (Grids B & C)

ACI 318 Section requires that in negative moment areas at column supports, the minimum area
of bonded reinforcement As in the top of the slab in each direction shall be computed by:

As = 0.00075Acf

where Acf is the larger gross cross-sectional area of the slab-beam strips in two orthogonal equivalent
frames intersecting at a column in a two-way slab.

In this example, for the columns at Grids B & C the cross-sectional width of the equivalent frame in the
direction of analysis is the tributary width of 29.5 ft. The cross-sectional width of the perpendicular
equivalent frame at Grids B & C is:

30 ft + 15 ft
= 22.5 ft (does not control)

Therefore, the controlling value of Acf is:

Acf = (29.5 ft)(12 in/ft)(8 in)
= 2,832 in2

And finally, the minimum area of top bonded rebar required in both directions is:
As = 0.00075(2,832 in2)
= 2.12 in2
240 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

(5)-#6 provide (5)(0.44in2) = 2.20in2

ACI 318 Section states the length requirements for the minimum bonded negative moment
rebar as one-sixth the clear span, ln, on each side of the support. In Span 2 this corresponds to [30 ft–
(18 in/12)]/6 = 4.75 ft. The minimum length from the centerline of the column in Span 2 is 4.75 ft + 9
in/12 = 5.50 ft. The minimum length of bonded reinforcement in Span 1 from the face of column is [15
ft– (18 in/12)]/6 = 2.25 ft. The minimum length from the centerline of the column in Span 1 is 2.25 ft +
9 in/12 = 3.0 ft. The following is a partial screen shot of the PTData graphic output.

Column Top Rebar In Uniform Tendon Direction

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 241

Check Negative Moment Capacity Versus Demand Moment

The span to depth ratio for the 30 ft span = 30 ft(12)/8 in = 45 > 35

∴fps = fse + 10,000 + ≤ fpy & fse + 60,000

18(0.153 in2 )
ρp = = 0.00115 where dp = 6.75 in
(29.5 ft)(12 in/ft)(6.75 in)

fse = 0.70fpu – 15 ksi = 0.7(270 ksi) – 15 ksi = 174 ksi

5,000 psi
∴fps = 174,000 psi + 10,000 psi + = 198,493 psi = 198.5 ksi

But limited to:

fpy = 243ksi
or fse + 30,000 = 174ksi + 30ksi = 204ksi > 198.5 ksi
∴ 198.5ksi controls

Note that the span to depth ratio for the 15 ft span is (15 ft)(12 in/ft)/8 in = 22.5 < 35, so it will not be
controlled by the same fps equation.

Set Up Force and Strain Diagram

Tp = (198.5 ksi) (18)(0.153in2) = 546.7 kips

Ts = (5)(0.44in2) (60 ksi) = 132.0 kips
Cc =546.7 kips +132.0 kips = 678.7 kips
678.7 kips
a= = 0.45 in.
0.85(5ksi)(29.5 ft)(12)

0.45 in
c= = 0.56 in.

(6.75 in - 0.56 in)

εs = (0.003) = 0.033 > 0.005
0.56 in
242 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

∴ Tension controlled & ϕ = 0.9

0.9 0.45 in
∅Mn = �(678.7 kips) (6.75 in − )� = 332.1 k − ft > 286.66 ft − k OK
12 2

Minimum Bonded Bottom (Positive Moment) Reinforcement (Span 2)

ACI 318 Section requires that in positive moment areas where computed tensile stress in
concrete at service load exceeds 2�f′c , the minimum area of bonded reinforcement shall be computed

As =

where Nc is the resultant tensile force acting on the portion of the concrete cross section that is subjected
to tensile stresses due to the combined effects of service loads and effective prestress. The service stress
distribution was found previously in the example, and is shown below.

From this diagram, Nc is calculated as:

Nc = (0.164 ksi))(1.97 in)(29.5 ft)(12 in/ft)
= 57.2 kips

And the required area of bottom bonded rebar is:

Nc 57.2 kips
As = = = 1.91in2
0.5fy 0.5(60 ksi)

Use (10)-#4 Bottom Bars (As = 2.00 in2) spaced at (29.5 ft)(12 in/ft)/10 = 35.4 in

ACI 318 Section states “In positive moment areas, length of reinforcement shall be at least ln/3
and centered in those areas.”
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 243

For Span 2, one-third the clear span is [30 ft-(18 in/12)]/3 = 9.5 ft. In the positive moment regions
PTData conservatively adds a bar cutoff length at each end equal to the larger of d or 12db (the larger of
7 in or 12(0.5 in) = 6 in). Therefore another 14 in is added, making the total length required 10.67 ft.
PTData will round this number up to the nearest half foot (shown as 11 ft in the graphic elevation).

Most engineers will specify a continuous mat (grid) of bottom rebar in a flat plate. In this example, a
continuous grid of #4@30 in o/c would provide more than the minimum bonded reinforcement required,
but we will continue the calculations using (10)-#4 bottom reinforcement in Span 2.

Check Positive Moment Capacity Versus Demand Moment

The span to depth ratio for the 30 ft span = 30 ft(12)/8 in = 45 > 35

∴fps = fse + 10,000 + ≤ fpy & fse + 60,000
18(0.153in2 )
ρp = = 0.00115 where dp = 6.75 in
(29.5 ft)(12 in/ft) in(6.75 in)

fse = 0.70fpu – 15 ksi = 0.7(270 ksi) – 15 ksi = 174 ksi

5,000 psi
∴fps = 174,000 psi + 10,000 psi + = 198,493 psi = 198.5 ksi

But limited to:

fpy = 243 ksi
or fse + 30,000 = 174 ksi + 30 ksi = 204 ksi > 198.5 ksi
∴ 198.5 ksi controls

Note again that the span to depth ratio for the 15 ft span is (15 ft)(12 in/ft)/8 in = 22.5 < 35, so it will not
be controlled by the same fps equation.

Set Up Force and Strain Diagram

244 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Tp = (198.5 ksi)(18)(0.153 in2) = 546.7 kips

Ts = (10)(0.20 in.2) (60 ksi) = 120.0 kips
Cc =546.7 kips +120.0 kips = 666.7 kips
666.7 kips
a= = 0.44 in.
0.85(5ksi)(29.5 ft)(12 in/ft)

0.44 in.
c= = 0.55 in.

(6.75 in - 0.55 in)

εs = (0.003) = 0.034 > 0.005
0.55 in

∴ Tension controlled & ϕ = 0.9

0.9 0.44 in
∅Mn = �(666.7 kips) (6.75 in − )� = 326.5 ft − kips > 275.4 ft − kips OK
12( in/ft) 2

Uniform Tendons and Typical Bottom Mat of Rebar

Punching Shear
For this example only calculations for the interior columns will be shown. Chapter 6 has a complete
analysis and design of an edge column and the corresponding shear stud design. In this example the
exterior columns are lightly loaded and the concrete capacity alone will easily satisfy the punching shear
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 245

In PTData, “d” for punching shear calculations is calculated as:

d = (tslab – concrete cover – tendon diameter) = (8 in – 1 in – 0.5 in) = 6.5 in. This calculation accounts
for the fact that tendons in orthogonal directions are crossing over each other in the vicinity of the
column, so this calculation represents the average “d” for both directions.

Critical Punching Shear Dimensions

From Chapter 6, the properties of the critical punching shear section are:

Ac = [2(C1 + d) + 2(C2 + d)]d

Ac = [2(24.5 in) + 2(20.5 in)](6.5 in) = 585.0in2

(C1 + d)
xc =
(24.5 in)
xc = = 12.25 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖

2(C1 + d)3 d 2(C1 + d)d3

Jc = + + 2d(C2 + d)xc2
12 12
2(24.5 in)3 (6.5 in) 2(24.5 in)(6.5 in)3
Jc = + + 2(6.5 in)(20.5 in)(12.25 in)2 = 57,045in4
12 12

The maximum shear stress is found from the equation:

Vu γv Munb xc
vu = +
Ac Jc

Where the portion of the unbalanced moment transferred by shear, γv is;

⎡ ⎤
γv = 1 − ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2 (c1 + d) ⎥
1 + ( )�
⎣ 3 (c2 + d/2)⎦
246 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

⎡ ⎤
γv = 1 − ⎢ ⎥ = 0.422
⎢ 2 (24.5 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖)⎥
1 + � ��
⎣ 3 (20.5 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖)⎦

The unbalanced factored moment is the difference between the demand moments, which by definition
include the secondary moments, on each side of the joint taken at the centerline of the column (the
previous demand moments were calculated at the face of column).

The demand moment to the exterior side of the column centerline is:

MDemand Exterior = 1.2(168.63 ft-kips) + 1.6(64.59 ft-kips) + 1.0(1.56 ft-kips) = 307.26 ft-kips

MDemand Interior = 1.2(201.42 ft-kips) + 1.6(78.21ft-kips) - 1.0(19.49 ft-kips) = 347.35ft-kips

∴ Munb = 347.35 ft-kips – 307.26 ft-kips = 40.09 ft-kips

The factored shear force is taken from the dead and live load shear diagrams previously found. The
secondary shears are very small relative to the factored dead and live load shears, so they will be
considered negligible.

Pd = 45.59 kips + 34.0 kips = 79.59 kips

Pl = 17.7 kips + 13.2 kips = 30.9 kips

∴ Pu = 1.2(79.59 kips) + 1.6(30.9 kips) = 144.95 kips

144.95 kips 0.422(40.09 ft − k)(12)(12.25 in)

∴vu (interior side) = + = 0.291ksi
585.0 in2 57,045 in4

144.95 kips 0.422(40.09ft − k)(12)(12.25 in)

& vu (exterior side) = − = 0.204 ksi
585.0 in2 57,045 in4

Determine the Allowable Punching Shear Stress

ACI 318 Section states that for members without shear reinforcement;

𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛 = 𝑣𝑣𝑐𝑐 (

The allowable stress acting on the critical shear section is based upon the rather intricate requirements of
ACI 318 Section For interior columns vc shall be permitted to be the lesser of:

vc = 3.5�f′c + 0.3fpc + (
bo d
αs d Vp
vc = �1.5 + � �f′c + 0.3fpc + (
bo bo d

where f’c ≤ 4,900 psi and the average of fpc shall not exceed 500 psi.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 247

The ACI Code defines α𝑠𝑠 as 40 for interior columns.

fpc is the average precompression in the system. We have already calculated that F/A in the direction of
this analysis is 0.169 ksi. PTData will assume that the precompression in the perpendicular direction is
the minimum precompression required of 0.125 ksi unless this value is over-ridden by the user.
Therefore, the average precompression in the system in this example is:

fpc = (0.169 ksi + 0.125 ksi)/2 = 0.147 ksi

∴ Eqn. ( with Vp taken as zero:

vc = 3.5�f′c + 0.3fpc = + 0.3(0.147 ksi) = 0.289 ksi

Or Eqn. ( with Vp taken as zero:

40(6.5 in) √4900
vc = �1.5 + � + 0.3(0.147 ksi) = 0.351 ksi
[(2)(24.5 in) + (2)(20.5 in)] 1000

vc = 0.289 ksi controls

φvn = 0.75 (0.289 ksi) = 0.217 ksi

Since the capacity of 0.217 ksi is less than the demand shear stress of 0.291 ksi, punching shear
reinforcing will be required. See Chapter 6 for complete calculations of an interior column shear stud

Verify the Punching Shear Results with PTData

248 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Shear Studs at an Interior Column

Deflection Check
Post-tensioning, when designed correctly, effectively eliminates significant deflections. This is
particularly true when the service stresses are kept below the cracking modulus of concrete of 7.5�f′c
since the gross moment of inertia, Ig, is used at all locations. Never once in the millions of square feet
that have been designed by Seneca Structural Engineering, Inc. has a single beam, one-way slab or two-
way slab been controlled by deflections. This is why we have given deflections very little attention in
this book.

The deflections from PTData are shown below.

The post-tensioning in combination with the dead load deflection results in less than 0.10 in deflection
(L/3958) in the 30 ft span. Even with a long-term multiplier of 3.0 the calculated deflection under dead
and prestressing loads is just over a quarter of an inch. Similarly, the live load deflection in the 30 ft
span is 0.10 in (L/3643).
Two-Way Podium Slab Design Example

Podium slabs support a structure (typically a wood-framed structure) and the loads from that building usually
will not coincide with the concrete columns and walls supporting the concrete slab. This requires that the
podium slab be designed to support the entire vertical weight of the structure and transfer its seismic load to
the lateral system of the concrete building. In the following example we will use a post-tensioned podium
slab with concrete columns and concrete shearwalls to support a 4 story wood-framed structure. This type of
construction allows for parking and/or retail below the podium slab and living units above.

Superimposed Loads on Podium Slab

Dead Loads:
3 Floor Levels of Wood Framing (3 @ 45psf) including Partitions......... 135 psf
Roof Level .................................................................................................. 25 psf
5-1/2 in Concrete Over-Pour on Podium .................................................... 69 psf
Partitions at Podium .................................................................................... 15 psf
Misc./Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing ........................................................ 6 psf

Total Superimposed Dead Load ............................................................... 250 psf

Live Loads:
Floor ........................................................................................... 40 psf Reducible
Roof ........................................................................................... 20 psf Reducible

250 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Podium Slab Supporting Wood Structure

Determine the Design (Reduced) Live Loads

The International Building Code (IBC) Section 1607.9.1 allows the live loads to be reduced
based upon tributary area. The premise is that the larger the total tributary area, the less
mathematical probability there is that the entire area will be fully loaded.

The reduced floor live load is calculated as:

L = L0 �0.25 + � (Eqn. 16 − 22)

L= Reduced live load in pounds per square foot (psf).
Lo = Unreduced live load in pounds per square foot.
KLL = Live load element factor from Table 1607.9.1, and is equal to 1.0 for two way slabs.
AT = Tributary area in square feet.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 251

The restrictions to use this formula are that the total tributary area, AT, must be at least 400
square feet, and that the reduced live load, L, cannot be less than 0.40Lo.

The roof live load reduction is covered in IBC Section 1607.11.2.1. For tributary areas greater
than 600 square feet the live load may be reduced from 20 pounds per square foot to 12 pounds
per square foot.

The ground level and podium level plans depicting the spans, tributary areas, framing and
column sizes are shown on the following pages.
252 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 253

The shortest interior span in the design strip along Grid B is 20’-0”. The tributary width is 23’-0” (15’ +
8’). Therefore the tributary area per level for this panel is 20 ft x 23 ft = 460 square feet (SF). However,
the total tributary area that must be loaded with full live load supported by this panel includes the 3
levels of floors above, as well as the roof level. Therefore the total tributary area, AT, for this panel is 5 x
(460 SF) = 2,300 SF.

The reduced floor live load for this panel is calculated as:

L = L0 �0.25 + � = 0.56L0

= 0.56 x (40 psf)

= 22.4 psf

The absolute minimum reduced floor live load allowed by Code is 0.40 x (40 psf) = 16 psf.

Using the same process for the remaining spans and the cantilever, the final design floor live loads in
each span are as follows:

Span Length Reduced Live Load (psf)

20 ft 22.4
28.5 ft 20.5
8 ft Cantilever 29.8

Since the live load varies by only 1.9 psf between the shortest and longest span, to simplify the input in
this example we will use 22.4 psf for all interior spans, and 29.8 psf for the cantilever.

Therefore the design live loads will be:

Interior Spans (4 x 22.4 psf + 12 psf) ............................................................ 102 psf

Cantilever (4 x 29.8 psf + 12 psf) .................................................................. 132 psf

While members framing the corridors and lobbies within the wood framed structure must be designed
for 100 psf of exiting loading, the podium slab cumulative live load does not include this larger
emergency exiting loading. The logic behind this is that during an emergency, the same people who
comprised the 40 psf in the residential units are simply now in the exit areas. This change of load
location does not result in a net increase in total loading, but only represents a localized shifting of the
load. Therefore the uniformly distributed live load is an appropriate model for the design of the two-way
254 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Courtyard / Landscape Loading

If there is an exterior courtyard most engineers will design that portion of the slab for the same loading
as the building portion, and instruct the landscape architect to use this as an allowance for soil, planting,
small trees, fire pits, etc. However, it should be clearly discussed early in the project that large trees
(palm, oak, etc.) will often weigh in excess of 20,000 pounds as fully grown trees. It is critical that the
mature weight be used for the design. Using the shipping weight of the trees, which is relatively easy to
obtain, can grossly underestimate the mature weight of the tree. The ratio of the mature to shipping
weight can be as much as three. Whoever is specifying the trees (typically the landscape architect) needs
to provide the engineer with the maximum mature weight of the tree, root ball and depth of the
surrounding soil. In addition, notes should be added to the structural drawings to indicate the maximum
tree weight assumed in the design. This maximum weight will be helpful if the landscaping is modified
after construction.

Large Trees Supported by a Podium Slab

For large planters, the amount of soil used can quickly exceed the weight of the wood structure. Normal
soil weighs approximately 110 pounds per cubic foot. On many of our projects, the planters are more
than three feet deep, weighing over 330 pounds per square foot. This weight is more than the 4 stories of
wood in our example and is also more than the weight of fire trucks that are valet parked. Filling the
entire planter with soil will often create a loading condition that is greater than the super structure. In
addition to the soil, a topping slab is used to cover the water proofing while providing localized
drainage. The topping slab will add approximately 75 pounds per square foot in the planter.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 255

Planters Being Filled with Several Feet of Soil on a Podium Slab

For flowers, ground cover and minor shrubs, we recommend structural rated foam be used in
combination with only the amount of soil necessary for growth. This construction minimizes the weight
of the planter and provides the visual affect desired by the architect and owner. Structural foam weighs
approximately 2 pounds per cubic foot, which has a negligible effect on the design of the structure. For
this type of vegetation, landscape architects have required only 15 to18 inches of soil to achieve proper
growth. This amount of soil is less than the weight of the wood structure and falls within the allowance
given to the landscaping elements. The below detail illustrates the interaction of the slab, walls, soil and
structural rated foam.
256 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Typical Planter to Podium Slab Detail

Smaller planters (4’-0” or less in height) are typically designed as self-contained boxes with the walls of
the planter attached to the topping slab within the planter (see above). This eliminates doweling from the
structural podium slab which creates hazards in the field, inhibits proper finishing and also allows
flexibility in the location of the planter. The landscape architect is often designing and redesigning the
courtyard area well after the podium slab has been constructed, so a flexible planter design benefits
everyone. This detail is also the preferred method for the water proofers since they will not have to lap
or seal around the numerous pieces of vertical rebar. However, for taller retained conditions or planters
along the slab edge, the rebar should extend from the structural podium slab.

If structural rated foam is not an option, light weight soils that can be used to keep the planter weight to
manageable levels. Lightweight soils can be expensive and placard notes are recommended to alert
grounds keepers and future contractors that normal weight soil cannot be used as replacement. Notes
should also be added to the structural drawings to document the design assumptions.

In the courtyard, the structural slab should be sloped for drainage. Pouring a “flat” structural slab, then
adjusting the thickness of the topping slab to create drainage can cause two potential problems. First, the
minimum topping slab thickness is usually 3-1/2 inches to provide adequate rebar cover and provide a slab
thick enough to minimize shrinkage cracks. If the topping slab thickness varies for drainage however, the
maximum thickness will easily be in the 7 to 8 inch range depending on the number of drains and their
locations. 8 inches of concrete weighs 100 pounds per square foot which approaches the weight of a three
story wood structure. The second concern is that water will penetrate the porous topping slab and sit
underneath. Ponding water will eventually lead to corrosion and deterioration of the concrete and
reinforcing. We recommend sloping the structural slab to a few primary drains and making minor
adjustments to the topping slab thickness to create fall for the main surface drainage system. Most drains
used in courtyards will have entry points at the top of the topping and structural slabs. From a formwork
standpoint it is not economically realistic to slope the structural slab to every drain in the courtyard.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 257

Discussion of Dead Loads – How to Handle The Building Line Step

Larger podium slabs will often have courtyards outside of the building structure. For architectural and
landscaping purposes this typically requires an approximate 5-1/2 inch step at the building line between
the interior and exterior structural slab elevations. This allows for the courtyard slab to have a
waterproofing layer covered by a decorative topping surface which can be any type of material.

There are effectively two ways of handling the step at the building line. The first is to step the structural
slab itself. The second is to use a concrete over-pour (topping slab) beneath the wood framed structure.
We will discuss the pros and cons of each in the following sections.

Stepping the Structural Slab

Stepping the structural slab is the preferred method of estimators who focus primarily on the material
cost of a project who may not understand or appreciate the complications involved with this type of
construction. However, as the structural engineer of record we recommend considering this method
when the step does not meander too much or intersect too many columns and shear caps. The wood
structure will often have a very irregular edge to create the desired architectural appearance. The shifting
slab edge can quickly complicate the forming of the structural step and require the step to occur in two
orthogonal directions. Before committing to stepping the structural slab the engineer should have
confidence that the concrete and forming subcontractors have the experience and qualified personnel to
follow your directions regarding transitioning the slab and tendons through the steps.

We typically request documentation that the contractor understands the detail, the intent and potential
complications. The concrete subcontractor who convinced the team to eliminate the over-pour and build
the step in the structural slab will call for a field meeting where he or she, along with the City and
deputy inspector will try and put the entire onus on you as the Engineer of Record to verify that the
construction is correct. This is a good time to remind them that this was their preferred method of
construction. In addition, the documentation virtually eliminates any potential change order claims from
the contractor or their subcontractors. While this may seem fairly aggressive, we have had numerous
meetings of this type and without proper backup this can quickly become very confrontational.

The following is a typical detail describing the structural step in a podium slab.
258 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Detail of Step in Structural Deck with Correct Parabolic Profile

Stepped Structural Slab Prior to Placing Concrete

This detail is simple enough for relatively straight step conditions that do not occur over columns, shear
caps and beams. The top dashed line in the detail indicates the top of the assumed sloped structural slab.
This is similar to the construction of a parking slab at a ramp condition which sometimes slopes as much
as 20%. The small portion of concrete above the dashed line is not necessary structurally, and is
constructed only to create a flat surface for the wood construction. The weight of this portion of slab
must be accounted for in the design of the slab. Averaging this added load over the entire slab is usually
acceptable for the design of the columns, foundations and lateral system, but this may not be adequate
for the design of the slab itself.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 259

The contractor will also often ask to square off the bottom soffit, instead of sloping the forms. This
request should be refused for one primary reason. The post-tensioning chairs supplied by the supplier
will not account for deeper sections of slab. There is effectively no way the post-tensioning detailer will
know the location or extent of the thickened areas. The chairs will be supplied based upon the slab
thickness assuming a flat or sloped (like a parking structure) bottom surface. If the supplied chairs are
placed lower than assumed in the design, a large localized balanced load will be generated by the “kink”
in the tendon profile.

Incorrect Tendon Profile at Squared off Slab Step

Forces Created by Incorrect Tendon Profile at Squared off Slab Step

A common response from contractors is they will field adjust the tendons to maintain the correct
parabolic profile. The iron workers are not qualified and should not be required to “eye ball” the tendons
and adjust them at their discretion to match the structural drawings. The proper profile is critical in post-
tensioning to generate the correct balance load and in the correct direction. The consequences of placing
the chairs off of localized deepened sections can be very serious. The following photograph
demonstrates what can happen when the tendons are installed incorrectly and generate a balance load
greatly in excess of the direct tensile strength of the concrete.
260 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Resulting Damage Due to Incorrect Transitioning of Tendons at the Building Line Step

Utilizing a Concrete Over-Pour to Achieve the Building Line Step

The practically fool-proof method of achieving a step at the building line is to use a concrete over-pour
slab (or topping slab), and this is what will be done in this example. This slab usually only requires a 28-
day compressive strength of 3,000 psi and is reinforced with only plastic fibers, wire mesh or light rebar.
The cost of this slab is substantially less than that of the structural post-tensioned slab supporting it and
is comparable to or less expensive than a slab-on-ground.

The over-pour slab will require that the structural slab be approximately ½ in thicker than it would be
without the topping slab, but the reduction in forming complications as well as the time and effort
required to verify that the construction is correct (not to mention the peace of mind you as the engineer
of record will have) will often compensate for the extra concrete. From contractors that we have worked
with, there is not a substantial difference in cost between the two methods. The slab step method will
have less material, but substantially more difficult to construct. The over-pour method has more
concrete and requires a secondary pour, but simpler to build. In the initial design phase, we recommend
accounting for the over-pour slab weight. The topping slab load can always be removed with minimal
numerical changes but adding the weight after the design has begun will effectively require a re-analysis
of the entire vertical and lateral system.

The following is a typical detail depicting the concrete over-pour to achieve the finish floor elevation
difference in a podium slab.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 261

Detail of Over-Pour at Building Line Step

Forms for the Future Over Pour

262 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Over Pour on a Podium Slab

Other Benefits of the Topping Slab

The topping slab is not only beneficial for creating a building line step without stepping the post-
tensioned slab. Other benefits include:

• The bathroom tub traps and toilet castings can recess into the topping slab instead of the
structural post-tensioned deck, which minimizes conflict between the penetrations and the
• The line of the units and over-pour is formed directly on the podium slab instead of being
hung or suspended off the slab forms.
• Misplaced anchor and holdown bolts can be adjusted over the depth of the topping slab,
reducing the requirements for drilling and epoxying additional bolts.
• Masonry walls below are much easier to construct since they do not need to be cut or sloped
to follow the step detail.
• Conduit can be placed in the topping slab as opposed to being mounted below or in the slab.
• Floor heating elements can run in the topping slab.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 263

Typical Penetrations in a Podium Slab

Modeling the Loading of the Structure Above

Typical residential wood framing results in numerous distributed bearing walls that occur approximately
12 to 14 feet apart. For this type of framing, most structural engineers will use uniformly distributed
dead and live loads in the podium slab analysis. However, when longer spans are used creating larger
line loads (such as when trusses are utilized in the wood framing) the analysis may require that the line
loads and point loads be modeled.

For this example we will assume that the bearing walls are relatively closely spaced and that a uniform
distribution of the dead and live loads is appropriate.
264 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Anchor and Hold Down Bolts in a Podium Slab

Use PTData To Determine the Slab Thickness

PTData will help the designer estimate the required slab thickness. The program asks the user to input
the maximum end span and maximum interior span in either direction. For this example we will input
the 30’-0” transverse span as the maximum interior span, and the 20’-0” longitudinal span as the
maximum end span. PTData recommends trying a 12 in. thick slab, but also note that the program
recommends to the user that shear caps be used with this slab thickness.

The “Estimate Slab Thickness, t” Window from PTData

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 265

ACI 318 in Section now mandates that all unbonded single-strand tendons “be protected to
provide resistance to corrosion in accordance with ACI 423.7”. Therefore we will use ½ in φ
encapsulated tendons.

Concrete Strength
Typically the concrete subcontractor will pour a slab section on Thursday or Friday and will stress the
tendons on Monday. Many engineers specify a minimum concrete compressive strength for stressing of
3,000 psi and also a maximum time period of 72 - 96 hours from the placement of the concrete to the
time it is stressed. The purpose for the time to stressing requirement is to add the precompression into
the system as soon as possible to minimize the amount of shrinkage cracking that can occur before the
concrete is compressed. Prior to stressing, post-tensioned slabs do not meet the minimum temperature
and shrinkage requirements of ACI and can be susceptible to cracking. Given the requirements of
minimum strength and time to stressing, contractors will typically use a “high-early” concrete mix.
Aside from very tall buildings or specific jurisdictions that have unique requirements, high-early mixes
are typically designed to achieve an f’c of 3,000 psi in 3 days. With this quick initial compressive
strength, these mixes should easily achieve 5,000 psi in 28 days. Our design example will use a 28 day
compressive strength of 5,000 psi and 3,000 psi at transfer.

Concrete Cover for Reinforcement Protection

ACI 318 Table contains the concrete cover requirements necessary to protect the prestressed
and non-prestressed reinforcement in cast-in-place prestressed concrete members. Larger concrete cover
may be required for fire resistance, which will be covered in the next section. While the ACI Code only
requires ¾ in cover for slabs not exposed to weather, many engineers will us a 1 in cover regardless of
exposure conditions to all prestressed and non-prestressed reinforcement in a post-tensioned podium
slab. This also allows shot pins or drop-in anchors to be used that have an embedment of 1 in or less. We
will use a concrete cover of a 1 in at both the top and the bottom of the slab. The engineer must
determine what direction of the slab will have the rebar in outermost layer. Rebar that is located in the
inner layer will typically have at least a ½ in reduction in effective depth. Due the draping profile and
spacing of the tendons, both directions can typically be shown to have the same cover.

Fire Cover Requirements

The 2009 IBC contains minimum concrete cover requirements for fire resistance in Table 720.1(1). Item
numbers 4-1.1 & 4-1.2 specifically address post-tensioned concrete. For unrestrained members,
(typically considered end spans in the direction of analysis) unless a more detailed analysis is made, the
cover required for a three-hour rating in slabs (typically required of podium slabs) is 2 in when
carbonate aggregates are used. For restrained members, (typically considered interior bays) the cover
required for a three-hour rating is 1 in. Therefore, with a ½ in diameter strand the smallest c.g.s.
dimension from the bottom of the slab will be 2-1/4 in in the end (unrestrained) bays.
266 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Fire Damage on the Underside of a Podium at an Interior (Restrained) Bay

Fire Damage on the Underside of a Podium Slab in the Unrestrained (End) Bay

Let’s take a timeout from the example to discuss the previous two photographs. These were taken from
one of our projects after a few less than upstanding citizens decided it would be fun one night to pour
gasoline all over the wood framing above and torch the structure above the podium deck. The project
was in construction at the time of the fire. Four levels of wood framing had been constructed, but none
of the finishes had been applied.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 267

The fire became so intense above the podium deck and there was so much fuel from the wood framing
that falling debris through the pour strip, elevator and stair shafts and the edge of the building ignited the
fuel (stored palettes of finishes, bath tubs, and automobiles, etc.) below the podium deck. The fire from
the burning truck and other fuel created some pock marks in the concrete cover above it, but there was
no failure whatsoever of the podium deck, columns, shearwalls, etc. anywhere on the project.
It is interesting to note that the concrete cover over the reinforcement in the interior bays was only one
inch, the same as it typically is in parking structures, hotels and just about any other structure. The end-
bay cover was higher, but it is not clear that there was any noticeable difference in the behavior of the
end-bays compared to the interior bays. There is a lot of discussion revolving around post-tensioned
concrete fire cover requirements with respect to restrained and unrestrained bays, siliceous versus
carbonate aggregate concrete, etc. that does not apply to non-prestressed concrete construction, but the
truth in this case was that the deck performed beyond our expectations. After this experience it seems to
us that post-tensioned concrete, probably because of the precompression of the concrete, performs just
as well if not better than non-prestressed concrete during a fire.
Needless to say, what transpired after that involved insurance adjustors, attorneys, engineers, contractors
and a host of their “experts.” At first the “team” wanted us to write a letter stating that the concrete sub-
structure was fine and construction could continue above the deck. We declined. Instead we responded
that in our opinion, extensive destructive testing of the post-tensioning, including the encapsulation
system, concrete and non-prestressed reinforcement would be necessary, as well as load testing of the
podium deck, particularly if we were going to take responsibility for the capacity of the deck. To make a
long story short, the general consensus was that we were acting like scared little old ladies and we
needed to be replaced by a firm with that could better think “out of the box.” We are not really sure
what level of effort went in to analyzing and verifying the capacity of the existing podium deck prior to
completing the construction, but construction did proceed on the project without removal and
replacement of the podium deck. All’s well that ends well, we suppose. Now back to the example.

Determine the Prestressing Force and Number of Tendons Required

PTData determines an initial prestressing force and tendon profile for the user that satisfies the
allowable flexural tensile stresses. To demonstrate the benefits of using shear caps on the number of
tendons required we will first run the program without any shear caps modeled.

No Caps
Modeled Initially

PTData “Plate Geometry Input” Screen

268 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

PTData “Force and Profile” Screen

Without shear caps included, PTData determines that approximately 27 tendons/strands will be required
to satisfy the maximum flexural service stress allowance of 6�f′c = 6√5000/1000 = 0.424 ksi. With
approximately 27 tendons the average compression is 213 psi, which is slightly more than the 200 psi
that we try not to exceed for two-way slabs. Further, the balanced load is approximately 175% of the
concrete weight which exceeds the 125% that we also try not to exceed in podium slabs.

Now we will allow PTData to design the first pass at the shear caps. The program will size the caps to
satisfy punching shear stresses at all locations, but we will also see that the addition of the shear caps
dramatically reduces the number of strands required to satisfy allowable flexural service stresses.

PTData “Punching Shear Analysis” Screen

The program flags the user that punching shear allowable stresses have been exceeded. At this point the
user can ask PTData to determine the minimum cap sizes that will satisfy the allowable punching shear

After calculating the minimum shear cap geometry required to satisfy punching shear stresses, PTData
fills the “Drop Cap Geometry” automatically in the input section.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 269

PTData “Plate Geometry Input” Screen

While these cap dimensions will satisfy punching shear requirements, experience tells us that larger caps
will increase the section properties in the vicinity of the column where the highest bending stresses will
occur, leading to the least amount of post-tensioning required. For this example we will us 6’-0” square
column caps at all of the interior columns, and we will make them all 12 in deep below the slab soffit
(24 in total depth). Our typical practice is to make the cap depth below the soffit approximately equal to
the slab thickness.
270 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Typical Podium Shear Cap

With these shear cap dimensions, we can now go return to the “Force and Profile” screen and allow
PTData to once again estimate a prestressing force and tendon profile that will satisfy allowable service
flexural stresses.

By simply including the 6’-0” square shear caps in the design, the required number of post-tensioning
strands decreases from approximately 27 to 20. The minimum average compression is now 128 psi in
the caps and 161 psi in the spans, which is just above the minimum required of 125 psi in the caps and in
a very comfortable range in the spans. The balanced load is now below 125% of the concrete weight
while easily satisfying the allowable service flexural stresses. Notice that we are careful to balance less
than 100% of the concrete weight in the cantilever. This is important in order not to reverse the slope of
the cantilever, which is often an exposed balcony in a residential unit. Lifting of this slab edge can cause
drainage issues since the water is now being directed toward, not away from the unit.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 271

Banded Tendons in a Podium Slab

Transfer Stress Check

ACI 318 Section requires that the stresses in the concrete also be verified immediately after
prestress transfer. This is particularly important in podium designs (or any design for that matter in
which the balanced load exceeds the weight of concrete) since we will often balance approximately
125% of the concrete weight.

According to Tables and the extreme fiber in compression shall not exceed 0.60f’ci,
and the extreme fiber in tension shall not exceed 3�f′ci . We will specify a minimum concrete
compressive strength of 3,000 psi at stressing (f’ci). Therefore, the maximum allowable concrete
compression stress allowed at transfer is 0.60(3 ksi) = 1.80 ksi, and the maximum concrete tension stress
at transfer is:

= 0.164 ksi

PTData displays the service and transfer stresses in the “Flexural Concrete Stresses” screen. A typical
podium design should never come close to exceeding the maximum allowable compressive stress at
transfer. However, spans with high balanced loads will approach the maximum allowable tensile stress
at the bottom of the slab at the face of the support (column or wall). In this example the highest transfer
tension stress occurs at the column face in Span 6 (0.139 ksi).
272 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

PTData “Flexural Concrete Stresses” Screen

In this example the transfer stresses are satisfied (0.139 ksi < 0.164 ksi), but not by much. It is not
uncommon in podium slab designs to easily satisfy the service level stresses when the concrete has
reached its full strength and the building load is on the slab, but not satisfy the transfer stresses. This is
why it is very important to follow the established standards of practice for post-tensioning with respect
to minimum slab thickness and maximum balanced loads, etc.

Non-Prestressed Bonded Reinforcement Requirements

PTData calculates the bonded reinforcement required for ultimate strength and for the minimum
requirements of ACI 318 Table and prints that rebar in the “Controlling Rebar” Screen as well as
in the graphic elevation. The calculations and equations required by ACI 318 for bonded rebar were
discussed in Chapter 9.

Most structural engineers will specify a grid or mat of bottom rebar throughout the podium slab. This
information is input in the General Input section of PTData. For this example we will use #4 rebar at 24
in on centers, which is very common for podium slabs. This rebar will help to distribute the loading, and
will aid in minimizing and distributing any restraint cracks that might develop.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 273

PTData “General Input” Screen with #4@24 ino/c Bottom Mat

Bottom Mat of Rebar and Embedded Bolts for the Wood Structure
274 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The Controlling Rebar screen shows the total top and bottom rebar required, and also shows the designer
the rebar required to be added to the bottom mat of rebar. If no bottom mat is specified, the total and
added bottom bars will be the same.

PTData “Controlling Rebar” Screen

The graphic elevation shows the post-tensioning force and profile, as well as the rebar quantity and
length requirements. Note that only the rebar that is added to the bottom mat is shown in the graphic
elevation. The c.g.s. are the same values that should occur on the structural drawings. Due to the step
condition, we recommend calling out the c.g.s. from the bottom of the concrete section.

PTData “Graphic Elevation” Screen

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 275

Deflection Check

Post-tensioning, when designed correctly, effectively eliminates significant deflections. This is

particularly true when the service stresses are kept below the cracking modulus of concrete of 7.5�f′c
since the gross moment of inertia, Ig, is used at all locations. Never once in the millions of square feet
that have been designed by Seneca Structural Engineering, Inc. has a single beam, one-way slab or two-
way slab been controlled by deflections. This is why we have given deflections very little attention in
this book.

The deflections from PTData are shown below.

The post-tensioning in combination with the dead load deflection results in less than 0.10 in deflection
(L/5272) in all interior spans. Even with a long-term multiplier of 3.0 the calculated deflection under
dead and prestressing loads is just over a quarter of an inch. Similarly, the live load deflection in all
spans is less than 0.04 in (L/9821).

Conduit in Podium Slabs

The design shown in the above example assumes that the full section properties of the podium slab and
shear caps are capable of being utilized at all locations. However, owners, architects and contractors
often insist that the electrical conduit also be placed in the podium slab, and this can significantly
displace a large portion of concrete. Conduit placed in the slabs is discussed further in Chapter 14. We
recommend discussing the conduit issue in the first initial meetings. We have found it very helpful to
bring pictures illustrating the amount of conduit that will be placed in the slab. An engineering degree is
not required to understand that the magnitude of conduit generated by multi wood levels cannot be
beneficial for the performance of the slab. Please see Chapter 14 for a further discussion on conduit.
276 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Excessive Conduit in a Podium Slab

In the event that a large number of 2-1/4 in diameter conduit are required to be placed in the slab the
designer should consider a slab 2 in thicker than what is required by the analysis demonstrated in this
design example. Regardless of slab thickness, the conduit should be located away from the shear caps,
anchors and shearwalls. Flexural strength, punching shear and diaphragm attachment to the shearwalls
must take priority over conduit placement. Additional rebar hoops and longitudinal bars are also
recommended around/along the conduit to aid in providing composite action between the concrete above
and below the conduit. This additional concrete will have an effect on the minimum post-tensioning and
rebar quantities and also the columns, foundations and seismic system.
Mat Foundation Design Example

Mat slabs are best understood by considering them as upside down podium slabs, where the soil is the
superimposed load. Consider the post-tensioned mat slab for a 5 elevated deck parking structure below.

278 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Post-Tensioned Mat Foundation Under Construction

Load Criteria
Building Dead Load: 5 Levels @ 115psf/Level............................................ 575 psf
Building Live Load: 5 Levels @ 32psf/Level............................................... 160 psf
Mat Dead Load (assume 24 in thick and verify later)................................... 300 psf

Analyses/Designs Required
Post-tensioned mat designs require three different analyses, each with different loading considerations.
The required analyses and corresponding loading are as follows:

1. A plate analysis on soil springs to determine the total and differential settlements
anticipated. The loading on the soil is the sum of the above grade building loads and the
mat weight. The building point loads are placed on the plates at the column locations and
the plates impose the uniform distribution of the mat weight on the soil.

2. An analysis and design using a post-tensioning two-way slab design software program such
as PTData. The soil loads are imparted uniformly on the plate and only include the soil
pressure due to the weight of the building above the mat. This is because the portion of the
load on the soil due to the mat’s weight is placed while the concrete is wet, and therefore
this portion of the load does not create any bending moments, shears, stresses or
deformations in the mat. The only loads that cause moments & shears in the mat are those
generated by the construction of the building above the mat.

3. An analysis that verifies that the moments, shears and stresses in the mat at the time of
stressing are within allowable code limits and accepted standards of practice. The tendons
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 279

in the mat are typically stressed prior to the construction of any of the superstructure. This
can be the most critical case for the design of mat foundation.

ACI 318 in Section now mandates that all unbonded single-strand tendons “be protected to
provide resistance to corrosion in accordance with ACI 423.7”. Therefore we will use ½ in φ
encapsulated tendons.

Concrete Strengths
28 day compressive strength = 4,000 psi
4 day compressive strength (at transfer of prestress) = 3,000 psi

Analysis #1 – Plate on Soil Springs to Determine Total and Differential Settlements

For structures with a regular column spacing it is not necessary to model the entire structure in the plate
model. Typically a section of the structure will suffice for the purposes of determining the total mat
settlement and differential settlements between columns.

The geotechnical engineer must provide soil spring constants for use in the model. Typical values range
between 2 and 8 pounds per square inch per inch of settlement (2-8 pci). For this example we will use a
low value of 2 pci to demonstrate the stiffness of a 24 in thick post-tensioned mat. This equates to an
average mat settlement of (2 psi/1 in)*(144in2 / 1ft2) = 288 psf / 1 in of settlement. Since the total
280 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

average load is 1,035 psf, we will anticipate an approximate average total mat settlement of (1,035psf
/[288psf/1 in]) = 3.60 in, though the settlement values at concentrated loads (columns & walls) should
be somewhat higher. This average value is probably considered too high for most projects, but the
purpose of this example is to demonstrate how a 24 in post-tensioned mat can limit differential
settlements between columns despite being supported on very poor and compressible soil.

The settlement results from a finite element plate analysis are shown below.

The settlements shown are along the column lines in each direction, so we would expect that they would
be slightly higher than the 3.60 in average settlement that we predicted, and that is the case.

While the edge of the mat settles approximately 4 in, the maximum differential settlement between any
two adjacent columns is only approximately ¼ in. This is easily handled by any post-tensioned concrete
structure and is less than is typically estimated for structures with conventional foundations (spread and
continuous footings) on stable/stiff soils.

It should be noted that these results, particularly the total settlements calculated, will be substantially
larger if soil is used to construct the ramp over the mat. There have been a few cases where this created
some fairly serious problems. In fact, doing so in this example would approximately double the total
load on the soil below the mat in the vicinity of the ramp head wall. To mitigate this problem the soil
below the ramp can be pre-loaded prior to construction, but that solution usually takes months according
to most geotechnical engineers. Most structural engineers will specify structural rated foam in lieu of
soil to support the ramp slab, minimize additional load and limit the settlements. Unfortunately, the
foam is not as economical as soil, so be prepared for a value engineering question.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 281

Structural Foam To Support Ramp

Analysis #2 – Analyze and Design the Mat Using PTData

PTData has a structural mat foundation option that will automatically account for the modified cap size
and correct dead load used in the analysis that follow in this example. However, instead of presenting
that option we will use the more general two-way slab module for the benefit of anyone who is using a
more general post-tensioning software package. Either can be used to design post-tensioned mat
foundations, but using a general two-way slab procedure presents unique challenges that will be

Intuition and the results of the finite element analysis demonstrate that the mat is very rigid relative to
the soil. The minor differential deformations within the mat correspond to a nearly uniform value in the
spring supports. In other words, the soil pressure on a rigid mat is effectively uniform despite the fact
that the building loads are at concentrated locations. Therefore, using a post-tensioning design software
program and modeling a uniformly distributed load on the mat to represent the soil pressure while
modeling the columns as the supports is appropriate (the upside down podium). This is actually
conservative for any soil and mat stiffness combination because if the mat were not extremely stiff
relative to the soil the soil loading would concentrate near the columns and diminish in the spans. This
would decrease the mat bending moments and decrease the load that must cross the critical punching
shear zones.
282 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Layout of Typical Post-Tensioned Mat

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 283

Banded and Uniform Tendons in a Mat Foundation

Banded and Uniform Tendons in a Mat Foundation

284 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Design the Typical Uniform Tendons

A section through the mat foundation at a column looks like this:

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 285

The as built condition looks like this:

Post-Tensioned Mat and Cap at Column

The previous section and photograph are what will be reflect on the drawings and constructed in the
field. However for the computer model we will turn this upside down. Note that the shear cap dimension
used in the computer model must be decreased for the punching shear check as shown to correctly
reflect the useable punching shear plane.
286 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Determine the Actual Shear Cap Dimension Required

First we will input the superimposed loading. The live load input is straight forward, and equals the total
live load from the building above (reduced as allowed by Code). The dead load input, however, can be a
little confusing at first since we are using a software program that not only assumes the applied loads act
in the direction of gravity, but also calculates and adds the slab (mat) weight automatically to the
superimposed dead loads input by the user.

The total dead weight of the structure including the weight of the mat foundations is 575 psf plus 300
psf = 875 psf. This is the total dead load (pressure) on the soil causing total dead load settlement, but not
the dead load that will cause shears & moments in the mat foundation. Again, since the mat foundation
is placed while wet and fluid against the soil, it will not create stresses, shears or bending moments in it
due to its own weight. The only dead load that causes shears and moments in the mat is the soil pressure
created by the elevated building weight of 575 psf, so the total dead load used by the computer program
must be 575 psf. Since the program will add in the weight of the 300 psf mat, we will input only 275 psf
as the superimposed dead load. The total dead load used in the analysis will then correctly be 575 psf.

The design will be iterative, since we do not yet know the required dimensions of the thickened areas at
the columns. A first pass analysis with PTData without shear caps will not necessarily give us the
correct number of non-prestressed bars or the most efficient post-tensioning, but we will get an accurate
estimate of the length of rebar required.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 287

Graphical Output from PTData

The program calculates a dimension of 5.50 ft from the joint at the longest span (28’-6”). To make the
design and construction simple, we will use a square dimension centered on the columns and increase
the dimension to account for the 3 in of cover required to non-prestressed reinforcement in grade. A
square “shear cap” of 12’-0” will be adequate. This dimension will be shown on the drawings and
constructed, but it is not the dimension that we will use in the computer program.

We will determine the post-tensioning force required by first using the model with 12’-0” square shear
caps. We will also begin with a 12 in deep cap. This portion of the analysis will insure that the slab has
125 psi minimum compression in the shear cap region, as is required by the ACI 318 code.

The objectives of a post-tensioned mat design are very different than those for an elevated plate, such as
a podium. Since the mat will be stressed prior to the columns being built, there is no actual support at
transfer. Therefore it is imperative that the deformations in the free-floating plate be minimized. To
achieve this most designers limit the concrete balanced load to 50% or less of the concrete weight. Even
at that minimal tendon profile the service flexural tensile stresses are minimal in this example, as they
typically are in most designs.
288 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

From the “Tendon and Profile” Screen of PTData

We are using a 3 inch concrete cover to the tendons, which results in a 3.25 in c.g.s. at the supports.
Given that we do have a 2 inch unreinforced waste slab we could probably argue that we could model a
1 inch cover. But this discussion is really irrelevant provided shear caps are being used, which provide
plenty of cover in the vicinity of the columns.

Post-Tensioned Mat Banded and Uniform Tendons

Next we will check punching shear by changing the shear cap sizes in the computer model to 8’-0”
square and 12 inch deep. Note that the “h” dimension shown below is the total depth of the section, not
just the 12 inch below the slab.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 289

From the PTData Punching Shear Screen

The shear stresses in both punching shear critical sections satisfy the code easily.

The final design of the typical uniform tendons is shown below.

290 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The Non-Prestressed Reinforcement Layout

The PTData graphical rebar layout is shown below.

When PTData determines that a span has no positive moment the graphical output will conservatively
extend the negative moment reinforcing across the entire span, though this is not technically required by the
ACI 318 code. This is the case for the middle spans in this example. To achieve this the thickened areas
below the columns will be connected in the drawings and the 11-#7 bars will be continuous in the shear cap.

The typical uniform tendon layout is now complete. The design of the remaining uniform tendons and
the banded tendons will complete the post-tensioned mat design. This will not be shown.

Analysis #3 – Verify the Mat Stresses at Time of Prestressing (at Transfer)

PTData calculates the stresses at the time of prestress transfer. The program analyzes the slab without
any of the superimposed dead or live loads. For mat foundation designs the slab should be in
compression at all locations at the time of transfer.

From the PTData Flexural Stresses Screen

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 291

Span 2 is the controlling span in this example. As we can see from the Flexural Stress screen of PTData
the slab is in compression at all locations at the time of prestress transfer.

Construction and Detailing Issues in Post-Tensioned Mat Foundations

A post-tensioned mat foundation has similar design issues as any other two way slab, however, since it
is a foundation, the penetrations are typically larger since they are servicing the entire structure rather
than individual levels. One consistent issue is a drain line adjacent to a column.

Drain Line Adjacent to a Column

292 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

In a conventional pad/spread footing project that has a floating slab on grade, a penetration very close to
a column has no structural impact. The slab on grade is effectively non-structural and has no positive
connection to the column. In a mat foundation, this same penetration has a signifcant impact on the
punching shear strenth of the system. It is recommended that the drain lines be located away from the
column and also run laterally beneath the mat. Notes limiting the location of penetrations used in
elevated slab construction should also apply to mat slabs. It is also recommended that the limitations of
the mat slab embedded items and penetrations be explained to the architect and MEP consultants to
avoid field issues prior to the concrete being poured.

Groups of penetrations should be treated as block-outs with the strands curved to avoid the opening so
they can maitain their intended path of travel.

Strands Threaded Through Adjacent Penetrations

The construction shown in the above photo should be avoided. Regardless of the application or
reinforcing used, constructing slivers of concrete is never a good idea. The strands do not have
sufficient cover to the penetrations and if these penetrations are ever replaced or serviced, the tendons
have an increased chance of being damaged due to their proximity.
Due to the large number of tendons, over lapping anchors are more likely to occur than in elevated
construction. These zones will create large localized forces in different directions during stressing.
Cracking and blow-outs can happen if the concrete is not well vibrated and consolidated.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 293

Over Lapping Anchors in a Mat Foundation

These overlap conditions are rarely seen on the structural drawings since the engineer does not show or
locate every strand and anchor. The shop drawings, however, should clearly identify where an overlap
will occur and the uniform tendons should be adjusted, if possible, to avoid this situation. Provided no
large gaps are created, the exact spacing of the uniform tendons has effectively no impact on the
performance of the slab.

Band Anchorages at a Pour Strip

294 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

At the band anchorage zones we will often stack the anchors in two rows to avoid over-lapping with
adjacent bands and to maintain a consistent band width across the slab. At the pour strip shown in the
above photo, stacking the anchors would allow for additional shear keys without affecting the pour strip
rebar or the profile of the uniform strands. With two rows of anchors, the rebar at the banded anchorage
needs to be adjusted accordingly.

Band Anchorages That Should be in Two Rows

In contrast to elevated slabs, we do not recommend the use of shear studs as band anchorage reinforcing.
Given the thickness of the mat, the studs will typically need to be welded on top of each other or “piggy
backed” to achieve the correct length. Typical mat slab tendons have minimal drape, so the location of
the hairpins rarely causes conflicts with the perpendicular strands.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 295

Hairpins at Banded Tendon Anchorage

As noted in the previous paragraphs and figures, we always specify a waste slab under the mat and any
thickened areas. This slab is replacing the form work that would be used for an elevated slab. The
profile of the tendons is critical to the performance of the foundation, and the chairs should be anchored
to a reliable and solid surface. Several contractors have requested the waste slab be removed for cost
saving purposes, but we have seen problems with chairing the strands off dirt. Soil supported chairs are
not as secure as when they are attached to concrete and they will also have a larger potential to roll or
become dislodged during concrete placement. Even though the mat slab is a foundation, it requires the
same degree of construction accuracy as any elevated post-tensioned system. The waste slab is non-
structural and is usually placed with 2,000 psi concrete and no rebar. We treat the waste slab as
“improved” soil so we use the same reinforcing cover in the mat as if the concrete is formed and poured
on the soil.
296 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Chairs Supported by a Waste Slab

The design described in this chapter requires the mat slab and the thickened areas under the column to
be poured monolithically. Depending on the thickness of the system, a common request by contractors
is to use a two pour system by creating a horizontal construction joint between the slab and cap. To
achieve composite action between the slab and the cap, a substantial amount of rebar will need to be
installed across the joint to transfer the tensile force of longitudinal reinforcing. We typically refuse this
request. Our typical detail has a large boxed note requiring a monolithic pour and prohibiting a two
pour system. While two pours is always an option, we recommend utilizing the strength of monolithic
concrete instead of relying upon rebar.

Typical Mat Slab at Column Detail

The shear wall footings are physically intertwined with the post-tensioned mat slab, but their design is
basically independent. We recommend designing the mat slab as if the shear wall footing is not present
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 297

and primarily using rebar in the wall footings. Incorporating the thickness of the shear wall footings in
the 125 psi minimum pre-compression level will significantly increase the number of strands in the
system while providing no benefit for the typical mat slab. Over-compressing a slab does not generate
better performance and typically leads to additional cracking and a higher potential for anchorage blow-
outs. We usually design the shear wall footings as if they were stand-alone elements while utilizing the
post-tensioning as necessary to satisfy minimum reinforcing levels. The mat slab and shear wall
footings are designed for different loading conditions so a hybrid approach is appropriate to minimize
over-design of each particular element. The thickness of our shear wall footings are typically in the 4 to
6 foot range so a two pour system is often requested. Additional rebar is added across the construction
joint to attach the two concrete elements.

Shear Wall Footing in a Mat Slab

Summary of Post-Tensioned Mat Design

In this example we assumed a 24 in thick mat and found that the design required only minimum post-
tensioning and non-prestressed reinforcing to support the 5 story structure. The punching shear also
worked easily. From this we could conclude that the mat could be thinner. However, extreme care must
be taken to provide adequate stiffness for differential deflections between columns as well as minimal
deformations at the time of stressing.

Staged stressing (applying only a portion of the total prestress at construction intervals) is theoretically
possible, but is rarely feasible, challenging in the field and typically unnecessary. Leaving delayed pour
strips open for lengthy periods of time while load is being applied to each side on highly compressible
soil can lead to large differential settlements between the two sections. Also, access to stressing from the
perimeter of the structure is often only available early in the project. It is typically considered best to
stress all of the mat foundation tendons at one time and close all of the pour/stressing strips prior to the
construction of the building above.
Seismic Diaphragm Design Example

We will present seismic design of diaphragms by beginning with the development of the seismic loads
themselves using dynamic principles. It is critical in the proper design of post-tensioned diaphragms to
make sure that the diaphragm loading and resulting shears and bending moments are correct. A well-
executed chord and collector design does not mean much if the loads, shears and moments were all
developed incorrectly. In addition to practicing in the seismic country of California our entire careers,
both of us have taught courses in seismic design and have found that the textbooks often make dynamic
modal analysis seem much more complicated than it actually is (as they similarly do for prestressed
concrete). Further, it is also difficult to find examples where the dynamic loads are developed and
applied to the structure following any building code requirements. There are tremendous benefits to
using the dynamic properties of the building for the seismic system design as well as the diaphragm
design and you will observe that it is not much more involved than an equivalent static analysis. It is
also unnecessary to buy expensive and complicated software to reap these benefits.

Once again, the derivations of dynamic analysis equations and principles will not be shown here, and the
reader is referred to a dynamic analysis textbook for that information. What we will show is how a
practicing engineer uses those principles to maximize the efficiency of the structure.

Consider the following structure. We have located some of shearwalls in less than ideal locations for
educational purposes. The seismic weights shown are based upon a typical floor seismic dead load of
140 pounds per square foot, and approximately 215 pounds per square foot at the rooftop plaza deck
(supporting landscaping, hardscape, etc.). The seismic system of concrete shearwalls shown is the same
at every level. The columns supporting the roof and floor systems are not shown.

300 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Obtain the Translational Modal Properties of the Structure

Most computer frame analysis programs will generate translational mode shapes and periods quickly
and easily. The most common approach is to link all parallel vertical seismic resisting elements in a two-
dimensional model (using rigid links with end releases) and input the seismic mass at each level. For this
example the normalized translational mode shapes, φ and corresponding periods, T in each principle
direction (due to symmetry) are as follows:
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 301

Determine the Participation Factor for Each Mode

The Participation Factor β for Mode “i” in a structure with “N” levels is:

n=1 mn φin
βi = 2
n=1 mn φ in

8000(1.0) + 5250(0.638) + 5250(0.368) + 5250(0.151) 14,075k

β1 = 2 2 2 2
8000(1.0) + 5250(0.638) + 5250(0.368) + 5250(0.151) 10,968k
= 𝟏𝟏. 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐

8000(1.0) + 5250(−1.086) + 5250(−1.754) + 5250(−1.228) −13,356k

β2 = =
8000(1.0)2 + 5250(−1.086)2 + 5250(−1.754)2 + 5250(−1.228)2 38,258k
= −𝟎𝟎. 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑

8000(1.0) + 5250(−3.499) + 5250(0.345) + 5250(3.845) 11,628k

β3 = 2 2 2 2
8000(1.0) + 5250(−3.499) + 5250(0.345) + 5250(3.845) 150,531k
= 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎

8000(1.0) + 5250(−6.309) + 5250(9.685) + 5250(−7.009) −11,073k

β4 = =
8000(1.0)2 + 5250(−6.309)2 + 5250(9.685)2 + 5250(−7.009)2 967,315k
= −𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎
302 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Verify that the Sum of the Participation Factors Multiplied by the Mode Shapes
Results in Unity
This is not necessary for the design, but it’s a good math check to verify that the accumulation of all the
modal responses results in 100% of the dynamic response of the structure.

Determine the Mass Participating in Each Mode

For our example we will assume that we are on a planet with a constant gravitational field so the mass
units will be in kips, not kips/g. The Mass Participating in Mode “i” in a structure with “N” levels is:
n=1 mn φin ]
Mass Participating in Mode "i" = 2
n=1 mn φ in

But note that we have already calculated these summation terms when we calculated the Participation
Factors. The only calculation that we need to do is to square the numerator in the Participation Factor
equation to determine the mass participating in that mode.

Remember that the total mass of the structure is 23,750 kips.

1st Mode Mass Participation 2nd Mode Mass Participation

(14,075k)2 (−13,356k)2
= = 18,062k (76.1%) = = 4,663k (19.6%)
(10,968k) (38,258k)

3rd Mode Mass Participation 4th Mode Mass Participation

(11,628k)2 (−11,073k)2
= = 898k (3.8%) = = 127k (0.5%)
(150,531k) (967,315k)

Σ (Mass)i = 18,062k + 4,663k + 898k + 127k = 23,750k 

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 303

ASCE 7 Section 12.9.1 states that we only need to include “a sufficient number of modes to obtain a
combined modal mass participation of at least 90% of the actual mass” in each orthogonal direction.
That will be achieved in this example by using the first and second modes only, which total 95.7% of the
total mass.

Develop the Seismic Lateral Forces by Using the ASCE 7 “Design Response Spectrum”
ASCE 7 Section 11.4.5 allows the design response spectrum shown in their Figure 11.4-1 to be used in
lieu of a site specific design spectrum. For this example, we will assume that the site seismic parameters
are as follows:

SD1 = 0.590g SDS = 0.972g

T0 = 0.2 � � = 0.12s TS = � � = 0.61s

For this relatively stiff shearwall building we will not need to concern ourselves with the longer period
range. The resulting ASCE 7 Design Response Spectrum for short periods then looks like this:

The spectral accelerations for Modes 1 & 2 are:

T1 = 0.66s ⇒ Sa1 = 0.894g

T2 = 0.10s ⇒ Sa2 = 0.972g (note, we typically don’t use the sloping “back side” of the spectrum ∴ Use
Sa = 0.972g between T=0 and T=0.61s)
304 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Modal Participation Functions = β𝐧𝐧 φ𝐧𝐧

The modal participation functions are defined as the participation factor multiplied by the mode shape
factor at each level, or βi φin .

1.0 1.283
0.638 0.819
Mode 1 Participation Function ⇒ 1.283 � � = � �
0.368 0.472
0.151 0.194

1.0 −0.349
−1.086 0.379
Mode 2 Participation Function ⇒ −0.349 � �= � �
−1.754 0.612
−1.228 0.429

Determine the Maximum Credible Forces and Story Shears for Each Mode
The process of dynamic modal analysis is simply to evaluate each mode’s response individually, and
then mathematically combine the modal responses together to arrive at the total structural response.

The force at any level “n”, in a particular mode “i” is found from the following equation:
Fin= Sai x (mass)in x (Participation Function Value)in

1st Mode:
Force Story Shear
FPlaza = 0.894g�8,000k �(1.283) = 9,176k
F4th = 0.894g�5,250k �(0.819) = 3,844k
F3rd = 0.894g�5,250k �(0.472) = 2,215k
k k
F2nd = 0.894g�5,250 �(0.194) = 911
16,146k (1st Mode Base Shear)

2nd Mode:
Force Story Shear
FPlaza = 0.972g�8,000k �(−0.349) = −2,714k
F4th = 0.972g�5,250k �(0.379) = 1,934k
F3rd = 0.972g�5,250k �(0.612) = 3,123k
k k
F2nd = 0.972g�5,250 �(0.429) = 2,189
4,532k (2nd Mode Base Shear)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 305

Combine the Story Shears Using the Square Root Sum of the Squares (SRSS) Method
Plaza Story Shear= �(9,176)2 + (−2,714)2 = 9,569k
4th Story Shear= �(13,020)2 + (−780)2 = 13,043k
3 Story Shear= �(15,235)2 + (2,343)2 = 15,414k
2 Story Shear= �(16,146) + (4,532)
2 2 = 16,770k (Structure Base Shear)

Determine the Final Maximum Credible Forces at Each Level from the Maximum
Story Shears
Plaza Force = 9,569k (=0.571V)
4th Level Force = 13,043k - 9,569k = 3,474k (=0.207V)
3rd Level Force = 15,414k - 13,043k = 2,371k (=0.141V)
2nd Level Force = 16,770k - 15,414k = 1,356k (=0.081V)

Scaling the Results for Design

ASCE 7 Section 12.9.2 states that the resulting forces determined from the response spectrum analysis
above shall be divided by the quantity R/I to arrive at the design level force values. For this example we
will assume an “R” value of 6 and an “I” value of 1.0.

Base Shear Reduced Based Upon Ductility Capacity = 16,770k / 6 = 2,795k (=0.118W)

However, ASCE 7 Section 12.9.4 also states that the minimum base shear used in a dynamic analysis
cannot be less than 85% of the base shear determined by the equivalent lateral force procedure of
Section 12.8.

From the Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure of Section 12.8:

VELFP = Cs W (12-8.2)

SDS 0.972g
& Cs = = = 0.162
R 6
� � � �
I 1.0

But need not be more than Cs = for T < TL (12.8 − 3)
T� �

For this example we will assume that the long period transition period is 8.0s, well beyond the range of
periods for short shearwall buildings.

ASCE 7 Section 12.8.2 contains the methods for determining the fundamental period.

Ta = Ct hxn (Eqn. 12.8 − 7)

For a concrete shearwall building, Ct = 0.02 and “x” = 0.75. Therefore, for our 55 ft tall building:

Ta = (0.02)(55)0.75 = 0.40s
306 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

We used the dynamic properties of the structure to establish that the period of the fundamental mode is
0.66s. But Table 12.8-1 contains the limits for the period upper limit. For our case that coefficient, Cu is
1.4, so the largest period, Tu that we can use with the equivalent static procedure is:

Tu = 1.4(0.40s) = 0.56s

SD1 0.590
∴ = = 0.176 > 0.162
R 6
T� � 0.56 � �

Therefore, the controlling eqivalent lateral base shear, VELFP = 0.162W.

& 0.85VELFP = 0.138W (> 0.118W ∴controls the dynamic design)

0.138W = 0.138(23,750k) = 3,278k (the final design base shear)

Final Dynamic Design Forces at Each Level

Plaza Force = 0.571V = (0.571)(3,278k) = 1,872k
4th Level Force = 0.207V = (0.207)(3,278k) = 679k
3rd Level Force = 0.141V = (0.141)(3,278k) = 462k
2nd Level Force = 0.081V = (0.081)(3,278k) = 265k
Σ = 3,278k

Compare the Vertical Distribution of the Dynamic Analysis Results with the
Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure
ASCE 7 Section 12.8.3 contains the requirements for the vertical distribution of the static force
procedure base shear.

Fx = Cvx V (Eqn. 12.8 − 11)

wx hkx
Cvx = (Eqn. 12.8 − 12)
∑ni=1 wi hki

The value of “k” is dependent on the fundamental period of the structure and is determined by Eqn.

(0.56 − 0.5)
k =1+ (1) = 1.03
(2.5 − 0.5)
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 307

We previously calculated VELFP = 0.162W = 0.162(23,750k ) = 3,848k Therefore, the vertical force
distribution is:

Level w h hk whk Cvx F OTM

(kips) (ft.) (kips) (ft-k)
Plaza 8,000 55 62.0 496,208 0.491 1,888 103,843
4th 5,250 41 45.8 240,617 0.238 916 37,537
3rd 5,250 29.5 32.7 171,426 0.170 652 19,242
2nd 5,250 18 19.6 103,060 0.101 392 7,059
Σ=1,011,311 Σ=1.0 Σ= 3,848 Σ=167,680

We’ve already determined that the dynamic base shear used for design is 85% of the equivalent lateral
force base shear, which will benefit the diaphragm design (among other elements) significantly. But we
can also evaluate the benefits of using the dynamic modal properties by looking at the global over-
turning moment (OTM) on the structure.

For the dynamic loading the OTM is:

OTM = 1,872k(55 ft) + 679k(41 ft) + 462k(29.5 ft) + 265k(18 ft) = 149,198 ft-kips

The dynamic over-turning moment is 149,198/167,680 = 89.0% of the equivalent static over-turning
moment. This will benefit the shearwall jambs, foundations, etc.

Determine the Diaphragm Design Forces

The story forces previously found will be used to design the vertical lateral load resisting system (the
shearwalls and their foundations in this case). However, those story forces are not necessarily the
maximum anticipated diaphragm forces at each level. We previously calculated the square root of the
sum of the squares of the story shears and then extracted out the unique set of forces that create those
maximum shears. Those forces are put on the building simultaneously as a set to design the vertical
seismic system. The concept behind the diaphragm design is to find the maximum potential force that
may occur at each level during the earthquake, regardless of what occurs at any other level. If we were
to take the square root of the sum of the squares of the modal forces (not shears) at each level this would
give us the maximum anticipated force at each particular level. Those forces, of course, would need to
be scaled by the same factor we determined for the base shear. This procedure accounts for the fact that
the higher modes often create higher story forces at the lower levels than does the first mode. However,
in this example we will follow the requirements of ASCE 7 for calculating the maximum anticipated
diaphragm forces, which attempts to capture the same effects.

The Code forces required for the diaphragm design are determined from ASCE 7 Section 12.10.

∑ni=x Fi
Fpx = w (Eqn. 12.10 − 1)
∑ni=x wi px
308 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The minimum required diaphragm force at any level is 0.2SDSIwpx, and the maximum is 0.4SDSIwpx. The
value of SDS was previously given as 0.972g.

Level w F Fpx 0.2SDSIwpx 0.4SDSIwpx

(kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips)
Plaza 8,000 1,872 1,872 1,555 3,110
4th 5,250 679 1,011 1,021 2,042
3rd 5,250 462 855 1,021 2,042
2nd 5,250 265 725 1,021 2,042
Σ=23,750 Σ=3,278

The values in bold represent the controlling diaphragm design force at each level. Because we utilized
the dynamic properties of the structure the minimum diaphragm forces control the design at three of the
four levels.

Design 4th, 3rd & 2nd Level Diaphragms for North-South Loading
We will assume that the seismic dead load of the floor is uniform throughout. The seismic diaphragm
load in kips per square foot is then 1,021k/37,500SF = 0.0272ksf. And the line loads applied to the
diaphragm, w1 & w2 are as shown in the diagram below.

ASCE 7 Section discusses the requirements of a 5% dimensional shift of the center of mass (the
“accidental torsion”) in either direction perpendicular to the seismic loading. While this requirement
applies to the design of the vertical seismic system, it does not and cannot apply to the individual
diaphragm designs. In order to properly determine the shears and bending moments in the diaphragm the
applied resultant load and location must coincide with the distributed loads that are applied to the
diaphragm. If they do not agree, statics will not be satisfied and the diaphragm shears and bending
moments will not close properly.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 309

Perform the Rigid Diaphragm Analysis for North-South Forces

In this example all of the walls have the same relative rigidity at every level. If they did not, we would
apply a unit lateral load at the 4th level to each shearwall and determine each wall’s lateral deflection.
Dividing the force by that deflection would give us each wall’s rigidity. The first task in our example is
to determine the coordinates of the center of rigidity of all the shearwalls. We will use a relative rigidity
of 1.0 for each wall since they are all equal.

E-W Center of Rigidity Coordinate

1(0′ ) + 1(150′ ) + 1(300′ )

= = 150′
N-S Center of Rigidity Coordinate

1(0′ ) + 1(100′ ) + 1(150′ )

= = 83.33′

Determine Direct Forces

The direct force, FD is determined strictly by the rigidity of the walls (or frames) in the direction of
loading assuming no rotation of the diaphragm. The rigidity of the perpendicular lateral system is not
included in the calculation of direct forces.

FDi = (F )
∑R P

For our example, the rigidity of the walls on Grids 1, 2 & 3 are all equal. Using the sign convention of
North and East forces on the diaphragm as positive, the direct forces are:

∴ FD1 = FD2 = FD3 = −1,021k � � = −340.33k
310 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Determine the Rotational Forces

The force in any wall due to the torsional moment (pure rotation of the diaphragm) includes all of the
walls in the system and is found from:

R i di
FRi = Mt � �
∑ R i d2i

Mt = Torsional moment
= Fp(XCR - XCG)
Ri = Rigidity of wall “i”
di = Perpendicular distance between the center of rigidity and wall “i”

For our example the torsional moment for loading in the North-South direction is:

Mt = 1,021k(150 ft-135 ft) = 15,315 ft-kips (applied clockwise on the diaphragm)

Wall Grid Ri di (ft.) Ridi Ridi2

1 1 150 150 22,500
2 1 0 0 0
3 1 150 150 22,500
A 1 83.33 83.33 6,944
B 1 16.67 16.67 278
C 1 66.67 66.67 4,445

It is easy to get confused when trying to keep track of positive and negative signs while doing this
analysis. However, if you draw the applied torsional moment at the center of rigidity and visualize the
rotated shape it becomes easy to see the direction that the shearwall forces act on the diaphragm. Then
you can simply apply the correct sign after performing the calculations.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 311

Rotational Forces on Diaphragm with Convention Signs Applied:

150 83.33
FR1 = 15,315′k � � = −40.54k FRA = 15,315′k � � = 22.52k
56,667 56,667
0 16.67
FR2 = 15,315′k � � = 0k FRB = 15,315′k � � = −4.51k
56,667 56,667
150 66.67
FR3 = 15,315′k � � = 40.54k FRC = 15,315′k � � = −18.02k
56,667 56,667

Final Total Forces on Diaphragm

F1 = -340.33k – 40.54k = -380.87k
F2 = -340.33k + 0k = -340.33k
F3 = -340.33 + 40.54 = -299.79k
k k

FA = 22.52k
FB = -4.51k
FC = -18.02k
312 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Verify Statics on Diaphragm

ΣFE-W = 22.52k - 4.51k - 18.02k ≈ 0 

ΣFN-S = 1,021k - 380.87k - 340.33k - 299.79k ≈ 0 
ΣMA/1 = 340.33k(150 ft) + 299.79k(300 ft) - 18.02k(150 ft) – 4.51k(100 ft) – 1,021k(135 ft) ≈ 0 

Draw the Diaphragm Shear and Moment Diagrams

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 313

If this were a non-prestressed diaphragm we would now determine the concrete shear capacity and
determine whether or not we needed collector (drag) reinforcement to each N/S wall. Then we would
determine the chord forces and supplement the diaphragm with non-prestressed chord reinforcement.

However, because this is a prestressed concrete diaphragm the approach is different. ACI 318 Section states that “Precompression from unbonded tendons shall be permitted to resist diaphragm
design forces…” We must first determine the useable precompression force available for resisting
earthquake effects.

Find Useable Precompression Force for Earthquake Resistance

The floor system below now includes the columns graphically in a 25’-0” grid. In this example the
typical floor occupancy is residential. The loading on the 7 in post-tensioned slab is as follows:

Superimposed Dead Load = 35 psf (includes flooring, partition walls, MEP, etc.)
Live Load = 40 psf reduced to 34 psf per ASCE 7 Section 4.8.

The final prestressing design is shown below for the uniform tendon direction (the banded tendon
direction will be virtually identical due to the symmetric spans). The typical interior spans have an
average compression of 150 psi (12.6 kips/ft) and the end spans require 200 psi average compression
(16.8 kips/ft).

Final Prestressing Design from PTData Force & Profile Screen

314 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The required rebar at the joints and in the spans is shown below. This includes minimums or strength
requirements depending on what controls the design, but in most typical designs the minimum rebar
requirements will control. Our design example also includes a bottom mat of rebar of #4 bars spaced at
30 in each way throughout. Therefore each joint will have 1.86in2 (6-#5) of top reinforcement and 2.0in2
bottom reinforcement in the typical interior spans (#4@30 in over 25 ft). The exterior spans will have
3.2in2 (16-#4) bottom reinforcement.

Final Required Rebar from PTData Controlling Rebar Screen

ASCE 7 Section 2.3.2 contains the strength design load factors for various load combinations. The final
design above included 1.2D & 1.6L load factors. However, when considered in combination with
earthquake loading the load combination is 1.2D & 0.5L (note that the exception in Section 2.3.2 allows
the live load factor to be 0.5 for loads less than or equal to 100 psf except for garages and public
assembly areas, otherwise it is 1.0).

In the computer model we will change the load factor for live loads to 0.5.

The PTData Configuration Menu

The next step is to reduce the prestressing force by the same kips per foot in each span until the ultimate
strength rebar required equals what is provided. Keep in mind that we are verifying the strength of the
slab to support the required vertical loads during a maximum credible earthquake event. Since life safety
is the objective there is no need to be concerned with service level requirements such as stresses or
deflections, or even minimum post-tensioning or rebar requirements. In this example we reduced the
prestressing in each span by 3.5 kips/ft. If we can show that our design maintains the ultimate strength
required to support vertical loads without this 3.5 kips/ft we will consider it available for the diaphragm
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 315

The PTData Force & Profile Screen with the P/T Reduced by 3.5 kips/ft in Each Span

The next step is to verify that the required top and bottom rebar required for ultimate strength with the
reduced live load factor and reduced post-tensioning is less than or equal to the actual rebar provided. In
this case the top rebar required in each span is less than the 1.86in2 provided and the required bottom
rebar in each span is less than what is provided (only Span 3 is shown below).

The PTData Ultimate Rebar Requirements for Span 3

This analysis has shown that we have 3.5 kips/ft available for the design of the diaphragm. Since the
spans are symmetric we will use the 3.5 kips/ft in both principle directions. It is typical in most two-way
slab designs to find that approximately 25% of the average post-tensioning force is useable for seismic
diaphragm design. In one-way slabs and beams this is often much higher since the minimum rebar
requirements are higher.

Collector/Drag Design
There have been many lively debates among practicing engineers regarding how to proceed from this
point. Of course, we will present the method that we believe most accurately represents the behavior of
the structure. The diagram below shows the shear failure planes for seismic loading in the North
direction. The diaphragm shear capacity across the failure planes must be capable of resisting the shear
generated by the portion of the diaphragm in tension. It is assumed that the portion of the diaphragm in
compression will not have to be “collected” or “dragged” to the shearwalls.
316 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

We will present a conservative approach to the design of collectors or “drag” elements. Our analysis will
assume that the shear capacity of the failure plane emanating from each wall must be fully capable of
transferring the entire load required to that particular wall. This approach ignores the fact that the
portion in compression does not need to cross the failure plane. As you can see by looking at the
diagram, this is very conservative for the walls on Grids 1 & 2, but only slightly conservative for the
wall on Grid 3.

In summary:

Wall Grid Force to Wall Length of Shear Plane

1 380.87k 54.75 ft
2 340.33k 92.25 ft + 100 ft = 192.25 ft
3 299.79k 25 ft

Determine the Diaphragm Shear Capacity

In this example we will assume a diaphragm 28 day concrete compressive strength of 5,000 psi.

φVn ≥ Vu
φVn = φVc + φVs

According to ACI 318 the shear strength of concrete in diaphragms is (2)�f′c Acv .

φVc = (7 in)(12) = 8.91k /ft

φVs = 0.75�3.5k /ft� = 2.63k /ft

∴φVn = 8.91k/ft + 2.63k/ft = 11.54k/ft

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 317

Check Demand Versus Capacity at Each Wall

Wall Grid 1:
Demand Force: 380.87k
Capacity: 11.54k/ft(54.75 ft) = 631.8k > 380.87k ∴No Collector Required

Wall Grid 2:
Demand Force: 340.33k
Capacity: 11.54k/ft(192.25 ft) = 2,219k >> 340.33k ∴No Collector Required

Wall Grid 3:
Demand Force: 299.79k
Capacity: 11.54k/ft(25 ft) = 288.5k < 299.79k ∴Collector IS Required

ASCE 7 Section requires that collectors be designed with the overstrength, Ωo, requirement of
Section, which is 2.5 for building frame systems with special reinforced concrete shearwalls.

∴Collector Force for Wall Grid 3 = (2.5)(299.79k – 288.5k) = 28.2K

FCollector 28.2k
As(req′ d) = = = 0.63in2
φ(60ksi) (0.75)(60ksi)

Use 4-#4 Bars (As = 0.80in2)

Determine the Collector Length Required

The collector is required to extend a distance such that it creates a new failure plane that is capable of
resisting the total demand.

Length, L required = 299.79k/(11.54k/ft) = 26.0 ft (just barely past the 25 ft long wall).

While the calculations indicate that very little collector length is required, most engineers would extend
the collector bars at least 25 ft past the end of the wall in order to double the original shear plane length
and consider increasing the collector bars proportionally.

The next step is to reverse the direction of loading and check to see if collectors are required in the
opposite direction.
318 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Check Collector Requirements for South Loading

Wall Grid 1:
Demand Force: 380.87k
Capacity: 11.54k/ft(87.5 ft) = 1,010k > 380.87k ∴No Collector Required

Wall Grid 2:
Demand Force: 340.33k
Capacity: 11.54k/ft(50 ft) = 577k > 340.33k ∴No Collector Required

Wall Grid 3:
Demand Force: 299.79k
Capacity: 11.54k/ft(100 ft) = 1,154k > 299.79k ∴No Collector Required

Chord Design
The maximum diaphragm bending moment between Grids 1 & 2 was found to be 17,760 ft-kips, and the
maximum bending moment between Grids 2 & 3 was 16,505 ft-kips.

Determine Bending Stress Between Grids 1 & 2

The section modulus of the diaphragm between these grids is:

(7 in)[(150′ )(12)]2
S= = 3,780,000in3
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 319

The useable compression for seismic design is 3.5 kips/ft, or:

= 0.0417ksi
(7 in)(12 in)

The tensile bending stress in the diaphragm is M/S – P/A:

(17,760′k )(12)
ft = − 0.0417ksi = 0.0147ksi

The maximum allowable bending stress in the diaphragm is typically taken as the rupture stress of
7.5�fc′ , or:

= 0.530ksi ≫ 0.0147ksi ∴No additional chord reinforcement req′ d.

Determine Bending Stress Between Grids 2 & 3

The section modulus of the diaphragm between these grids is:

(7 in)[(100′ )(12)]2
= 1,680,000in3
The tensile bending stress in the diaphragm is M/S – P/A:

(16,505′k )(12)
ft = − 0.0417ksi = 0.0762ksi < 0.530ksi
∴No additional chord reinforcement req′ d

Obviously, reversing the loading direction on the diaphragm will produce the same mirrored moment
diagram so there is no need to do that. If there are no pour strips then the diaphragm in this example
does not require any added chord reinforcing.
320 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Let’s consider the case where there is a pour strip in the diaphragm.

Typically we would not want to locate a pour/stressing strip at the point of high diaphragm bending
moment, but sometimes it is unavoidable. The pour strip has no prestressing compression or tendons that
can be used to resist earthquake forces, so non-prestressed reinforcement must be lapped in the pour
strip to resist the diaphragm bending moment.

In this example the pour strip coincides with the maximum bending moment between Grids 2 & 3 of
16,505 ft-kips. Therefore, the required chord force at each edge of the diaphragm is:

M 16,505′k
Tchord ≈ = = 174 kips
0.95D 0.95(100′)

The area of rebar required is:

Tchord 174k
As(chord) = = = 3.22in2
φFy 0.9(60ksi)

Use 11-#5 Bars (As(provided) = 3.41in2)

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 321

Determine the Required Length of the Chord Bars

To determine the required length of the chord bars, we again need to rely upon the diaphragm shear
capacity. We found this to be 11.54k/ft previously.

Tchord 174 kips

Lchord = = = 15.1′
φVn 11.54k/ft

Use (11)-#5 Chord bars x 25’-0’. This includes the added dimension of the pour strip width plus a bar
cutoff distance past the shear plane plus a little more so that we sleep well at night. The pour strip width
that these chord bars lap within needs to be wide enough to transfer the full capacity of the chord bars.
Smaller bars can usually lap within a 3’-0” wide pour strip, but often a 4’-0” wide pour strip is required
for heavier diaphragms such as podiums.
322 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Final Chord Reinforcement

Chord Bars Lapping in Pour Strip at Slab Edge

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 323

Design the Slab to Wall Dowels

The last step in the diaphragm design process is to connect the diaphragm to the seismic system through
dowels. The diaphragm itself has now been designed and reinforced to maintain its integrity during a
seismic event, but there is not a complete load path until it is adequately connected to the vertical
seismic resisting system.

Interior Shearwall Dowel Connection to Diaphragm

Exterior Shearwall Dowel Connection to Diaphragm

324 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Diaphragm to Shearwall Connection

Notice that the collector reinforcement and diaphragm shear capacity itself “drags” the load into the
compression zone of the diaphragm corresponding to each shearwall, but the diaphragm is not connected
across the cold joint of the shearwall without shear-friction dowels. While there are vertical shearwall
reinforcement bars crossing this same cold joint, those are being used as flexural wall reinforcing so
relying on them to also connect the diaphragm would be double counting them. The vertical shearwall
bars also only pass through the deck, as opposed to extending out into the deck, so their adequacy to
work as dowels is also suspect.

For this example we will design the dowels at the Grid 1 wall, which has the highest reaction at 380.87k.

It is our opinion that the overstrength factor, Ωo, does not apply to the design of the shearwall dowels,
even when a collector is required to “drag” a portion of the load into the compression zone adjacent to
the wall. Our reasoning is that the dowel connection to a concrete shearwall is continuous along the
entire length of the wall and includes multiple pieces of reinforcement. In steel or wood structures a
collector is attached to the seismic element (frame or shearwall, etc.) at a discrete location through
hardware such as bolts or straps. The loss of this single connection would be devastating to the seismic
load path in these structures, and therefore the overstrength factor should apply at those conditions.
However, most building officials have agreed with our reasoning regarding concrete shearwalls and
have not required the dowel design to include the overstrength factor.

According to ACI 318 Section the area of shear friction required to transfer the diaphragm
reaction into the wall is:

Avf =
φfy µ

Where µ = 1.0 for normal weight concrete placed against roughened normal weight concrete.

∴Avf = = 8.46in2
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 325

or 8.46in2 / 25ft = 0.34 in2/ft ∴Use #6@15 ino/c Dowels (Asprov’d = 0.35in2/ft)

The diaphragm analysis and design for the North-South direction is now complete. Now the entire
process needs to be performed for the East-West direction, which will not be shown here.
Design & Detailing for Mitigation of Restraint to
Shortening Cracking

Designing and detailing to minimize cracking is one of most important requirements on any concrete
project, especially for a post-tensioned concrete structure. If an engineer masters the art of detailing to
reduce or eliminate cracking then he or she will typically enjoy repeat clients and stay out of legal
trouble. We have performed numerous observations on existing post-tensioned buildings that are
adequately supporting the required loads, but have noticeable cracking causing concern from the owner
or architect. Unfortunately, owners, architects and especially attorneys typically equate cracks as being a
defect in the design or construction. While not all cracks are structurally significant, it can be difficult to
explain to non-engineers that a shrinkage crack that extends through the slab is not a structural concern.
It is also important to remember and educate others that there is no such thing as “crack-free” concrete.
Anyone who states otherwise does not understand the behavior of concrete and has probably never
designed a concrete building. The best any engineer can do is to identify the areas of concern and detail
accordingly to minimize cracking. Besides being unsightly, cracks allow easier access for water and
other corrosive elements that can adversely affect the reinforcing and concrete. We discuss this further
in Chapter 16.

Restraint to shortening (RTS) occurs when the lateral resisting system or other stiff elements that are
“hard connected” (connected rigidly without the ability of one element to slip or move relative to the
other) to a floor system at locations that prevent or resist movement. On most projects it is the masonry
and concrete wall elements that cause RTS cracking. It is possible for moment frames to cause RTS, but
unless the columns are very stiff the moment frames are typically flexible enough to provide only
minimal restraint. Concrete shearwalls are much stiffer than the moment frames required for the same

The most common culprits causing RTS cracks are the shafts (elevator, stair, vent, etc.) or miscellaneous
room separation walls that are often located in the corners of the building where the slab movement is
the greatest. While these walls are typically not part of the lateral system they are usually stiff enough to
provide restraint to slab shortening. Regardless of their function, concrete and masonry walls must be
carefully detailed with consideration given to their potential to restrain movement.

Concrete must change volume during curing. This is true for non-prestressed concrete as well as post-
tensioned concrete. While RTS occurs in all concrete structures it is often associated only with post-
tensioned concrete. Simply stated, in order for the post-tensioned concrete floor system to maintain the
precompression as designed, the floor system must be allowed to shorten. Any restraint to this required
movement represents a loss of prestress in the system exactly equal to the amount of force applied to the
retraining elements. Eventually, given enough restraint, tensile forces in either the floor system (slab) or
the restraining element (walls) will cause cracking in the weaker of the two. While each situation is
unique, in general a 5-inch thick slab will be the weaker element compared to any wall, and in most
cases a 12-inch thick slab will be the stronger element regardless of the restraining element. Since post-
328 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

tensioned slabs have significantly less non-prestressed reinforcement than rebar-only slabs, the resulting
cracks in the post-tensioned slabs will usually be fewer but substantially wider. In order to better
distribute this cracking should it occur, most structural engineers specify a continuous mat of bottom
reinforcing in two-way slabs, and detail one-way slabs to have at least a portion of the bottom
reinforcement continuous.

Typical Two Way Slab Layout with Minimal Top Rebar and a Bottom Mat of Rebar

Consider the rectangular floor plan in the following figure. For this structure we will assume the slab is
placed in a single pour and the only elements with stiffness are the four shearwalls shown. The walls
have been located at the center of each side of the structure. With this configuration, the center of mass
of the slab and the center of resistance coincide. Once the slab has been poured, the four corners of the
slab will begin to move towards the center of mass. The larger the distance between the center of mass
and the edge of the slab, the more the edge will move.

During typical construction the edge of a post-tensioned deck will move approximately 3/4 of an inch
for every 100 feet of unrestrained slab. The unrestrained distance is measured from the edge of the
shearwall to the edge of slab and this movement will occur in both directions of the building. With this
shearwall layout the edges of the slab are free to move toward the center of mass. The location of the
shearwalls closely aligns with the center of mass so the in-plane restraint they will provide is in the area
of minimal movement.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 329

Shearwall Layout for Minimal RTS Cracking

Now consider the shearwall layout in the next figure where shearwalls have been re-located to the corners of
the building. Note the center of mass and center of resistance are still in the same location as before. After the
slab has been poured, the extreme corners of the slab will still attempt to more towards the center of mass. As
the corners of the slab move the shearwalls will activate and restrain this shortening. Eventually in the
vicinity of the walls tensile stresses will be generated that are large enough to crack the slab as shown in the
plan. Once the interior portion of the slab has cracked and separated from the shearwalls it will continue
moving toward the center of mass and the crack widths will continue to increase.

Shearwall Layout Restraining the Extreme Corners of the Slab

330 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

These two examples demonstrate the two extremes of RTS behavior. The same length of wall will
produce very different RTS results based upon their location relative to the slab edge and building
configuration. The initial wall layout is typically done in the very schematic phases of the project, so
RTS performance needs to be understood by the design engineer and communicated well to the architect
and owner. There are methods to minimize RTS cracks with a less than ideal wall layout, but it’s best to
try and avoid the situation altogether.

Typical RTS Cracks in the Restrained Corner of the Slab

For larger structures, locating the shearwalls only at the middle of the structure may lead to diaphragm
and collector (drag) problems (See Chapter 12). In addition, the wall layout should also consider how
the slab will most likely be constructed. Larger slabs will typically have multiple pours per level and
will often use pour strips or construction joints to create stressing locations and manageable pour sizes.
The plan view below indicates shearwalls in the long direction that are roughly located at the quarter
point of the slab dimension. The pour strip is placed toward the middle of the structure so the shearwalls
are near the middle of each individual segment. While the pour strip is open each slab segment shortens
individually with minimal restraint as previously described. Pour strips should not extend into a wall,
because without extraordinary detailing, the two sides of the pour strip will be connected by the wall and
the purpose of the pour strip will be defeated.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 331

Pour Strip
A pour (or delay) strip is a temporary block out in the slab that can be used for stressing and will allow
the adjacent slabs to initially shrink as individual segments, not as portions of the total structure. Pour
strips are typically 3 to 4 feet wide and will extend across the entire building. For each segment slab to
move independently all reinforcing needs to lap inside the pour strip, and this includes any collector and
chord rebar. Any reinforcing that extends from one pour to the other will act as a tension strut between
the slabs and defeat the purpose of the pour strip.

Pour strips are typically placed at the mid or quarter point of the span, though the midpoint is preferred
since it minimizes any potential lifting of the slab edge due to the cantilever effect. If a quarter point
pour strip is used the designer should verify that the balanced load in the short portion does not exceed
the concrete dead weight while the pour strip is open. This is especially critical for smaller spans where
the edge of the pour strip may only be a few away from the columns or walls.
332 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Lifting of the Slab Edge at a Quarter Point Pour Strip

The lap length of the rebar will typically dictate the width; however we recommend using 3’-0” minimum
since that allows the use of standard stressing equipment. The tails of non-encapsulated tendons stressed at
and protruding into a pour strip cannot be used for reinforcement. The development length for strand is
much longer than the typical 3-4 foot dimension of the pour strip, even if the strands were to be completely
cleaned of grease. With encapsulated tendons, of course, there will be no tails extending into the pour strip
since they must be cut off, the ends injected with grease, and then properly capped and finished at the
anchorage to accomplish the encapsulation. It should be emphasized that proper finishing of encapsulated
tendon anchorages is as important at pour strips as it is at exterior slab edges, since joints at pour strips can
be vulnerable to corrosion. The entire positive moment flexural strength of the system at pour strips must
be provided by rebar (see the design example in Chapter 8). While not required for strength, top rebar can
be used to minimize separation at the joint and as diaphragm reinforcement. A mid-span pour strip should
have minimal shear requirements but keys are still recommended.

The longer the pour strips remain open the more benefit will be derived from their use. A 30 to 60 day
open period is fairly standard. The longer time frames are generally used for buildings that have a larger
RTS potential due to poor shearwall layout or an unusual slab configuration. Anything time period less
than 30 days will produce minimal results which may not justify the additional cost of constructing the
pour strips.

In general, most contractors prefer construction joints in lieu of pour strips where feasible. The reasons
include the time delay, additional rebar, re-shores and a small piece of concrete to form and install that
adds time to the construction schedule. In addition to the cost, shoring can also make moving material,
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 333

equipment and machinery around the site more challenging. See Chapter 14 for a more detailed
discussion about the pour strip shoring requirements. The design engineer will need to evaluate the
benefits as well as the costs when determining whether or not to utilize pour strips on a project.

Typical Pour Strip with Lapped Rebar

Subterranean Buildings and RTS

Subterranean structures have tremendous RTS potential due to the large amount of retaining walls.
Without proper detailing and construction the perimeter walls will act as shearwalls and prevent the full
perimeter of the slab from shortening. The most extreme RTS cracking usually occurs in subterranean
structures. Property line shoring will typically require stressing to internal pour strips, slab openings,
ramps splits or block outs. In addition, large extents of hard-tied walls will absorb the precompression
from the slab. Without precompression the slabs will display significant cracking in the areas with little
or no rebar. These cracks will often extend across the slab in a fairly regular and straight pattern. The
figure below shows potential cracking in a fully restrained subterranean building. Even though the
cracks are in different directions, they are all caused by restraint and extend through the full slab
thickness. The cracks from reduced precompression will typically occur near midspan where there is
minimal rebar compared to the supports.
334 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Potential RTS Cracking In Poorly Detailed Subterranean Structures

A typical perimeter wall section is shown in the following figure for a one-story subterranean structure.
The slab is placed over the wall but the top of the wall is troweled smooth and two layers of Masonite
board are placed between the slab and wall. The Masonite prevents bond and creates a slip plane that
allows the slab to move independently of the wall. A layer of plastic or building paper is placed between
the lip and the wall face to further eliminate bond. While most engineers rarely use bond for any
structural reason (except between concrete and rebar), the bond strength between a concrete slab and a
concrete or masonry wall is strong enough to cause RTS cracks.

The reason for the success of this detail is that there is no rebar attaching the slab to the wall. We have a
simple saying that goes “if you don’t want it to act like it’s connected, then don’t connect it.”
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 335

One-Level Subterranean Slipped Slab to Wall Connection

The following photographs contain a plan and end view of the as-built condition of the previous detail.
The brown material is the Masonite board.

Below grade the wall is braced against lateral movement in both directions, by the soil in one direction
and the bracing lip in the other. However if the wall extends above grade, the wall must be connected by
rebar to the lip to prevent movement away from the building. The downturned lip is used to transfer the
soil reaction into the structure. This reaction must be included in the lateral analysis and diaphragm
design. The wall could also be designed as a cantilever to eliminate the lip and additional lateral load but
this will typically require a larger footing due to the overturning moment. This detail generates a
permanent slip and will allow relative movement for the life of the structure. Localized portions of the
wall are hard tied to the slab using dowels to transfer seismic load. These locations should follow the
same general philosophy described previously. Even though there is a tremendous amount of shearwall
available, the “hard” connection is limited to only what is necessary to transfer seismic loads. With
localized shearwalls, the footings will typically be larger at these locations since they are based on a
reduced wall length.
336 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Downturned Lip and Masonite Prior to Placing Concrete

Retaining Wall Slip Detail with Masonite Board

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 337

See Chapter 12 for a complete diaphragm example which includes calculating the dowel requirements
from the slab to the seismic shearwalls. Contrary to some engineer’s beliefs; seismic diaphragm forces
are generated in subterranean floor systems. Any mass experiencing acceleration will generate seismic
forces that must be anchored to a seismic system. While the forces in the subterranean levels may not
affect the vertical distribution of the seismic loads, the loads do exist and must also be reconciled.

In general, we recommend using dowels that are roughly same number size as the slab thickness (#5
dowels for a 5-inch slab) and space the dowels 6 inches or more apart. The following plan view
graphically indicates the slip to hard connection locations that will minimize RTS cracking.

Slip to Hard Connection Location in a Subterranean Structure

For multi-level subterranean structures, the top of wall to slab connection is the same as the one story
condition, while the lower floors can be detailed in a number of ways. The most successful method is to
create a complete vertical system that is independent of the perimeter walls (we commonly say to
owners and architects that we need to build the building inside of a box). This is typically done with
perimeter columns but the slab can also be supported by corbels if space is limited. While concrete
corbels or a steel angle are possible, the use of perimeter columns is the more economical solution. The
following wall section contains a column a few inches from the perimeter wall. The wall extends past
the slab and requires no rebar connection to the slab since the system is braced by the soil and the deck.
With this detail the wall can be built at any time since it is not required to vertically support the slab. On
projects with two or more subterranean levels the contractor will often build the walls full height prior to
constructing the columns and slabs. Since the walls are designed as braced retaining walls they will need
to be supported until the slab is built.
338 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Two-Level Subterranean Slipped Slab to Wall Connection

Plastic, building paper or felt is placed between the wall and slab to eliminate bond. Some contractors
have opted to use a bond breaking spray but we typically prefer a physical barrier that can be inspected
and observed. This connection will produce a permanent slip and will not transfer any seismic load into
the walls. As with the one-story condition, localized hard dowel connections will be required to activate
some portion of the wall for lateral resistance.

Where internal perimeter stressing is necessary the same general column philosophy applies, but the
column is located approximately 3 feet from the face of the perimeter wall creating the delayed
perimeter pour strip. The engineer must be sure to detail the pour strip slab with the same slip material
as the remaining slab. Unless a corbel or a notch in the wall for bearing is provided the slab will need to
be designed and reinforced as a cantilever. Multiple analyses may be required to capture all of the
critical flexural and punching shear conditions that exist both before and after the pour strip is in place.
Having a construction joint on the face of the column effectively eliminates the pour strip concrete from
contributing to punching shear resistance.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 339

Two Level Subterranean Slipped Slab to Wall Connection with Pour Strip

Some portion of the pour strip will need to be designed and detailed to transfer seismic load into the
wall, unless interior shearwalls are used. The dowels will typically only extend into the pour strip which
will dictate the size of the rebar to achieve full development. The location of these hard tied connections
will follow the general guidelines discussed previously. Activating the full length of the perimeter walls
after the pour strip is placed will restrain all future movement of the slab. We have often been asked to
visit sites where the slabs were behaving properly after they were poured, then developed cracks in the
usual RTS places months afterwards. For this reason, we recommend the use of permanent slip details
where possible.

For conditions where the shearwalls have no other option than to be located in large potential RTS areas,
rebar should be added to minimize cracking. A grid of top and bottom rebar can be very useful in
preserving the appearance of a slab. The size and spacing of the bars will depend on the slab thickness
and building dimensions. The down side of this approach is the cost of the rebar. As stated previously,
one of the main financial benefits of using post-tensioning is the reduction in rebar and concrete
340 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

compared to a non-prestressed slab. This savings will be reduced if additional rebar is required to offset
the effects of poorly located shearwalls or hard tied locations. Since the tendons are unbonded, adding
tendons will not help with this condition and will actually increase the cracking. More pre-compression
will produce increased movement of the slab, thereby increasing the RTS potential. Only bonded
reinforcement is useful in minimizing cracking for these situations.

Slip Connections at Non-Lateral System Walls

In addition to the shearwalls the non-structural walls can also create restraint if not properly detailed.
These walls will typically occur at the maintenance and storage rooms, stairs, elevator shafts, vent shafts
and fire separation walls. Unfortunately, architects often place these rooms and shafts in the corners of
the structure where the RTS potential is the greatest. Unlike retaining walls where the soil acts to brace
the walls, the slab is the only element available for bracing the wall out-of-plane and a rebar connection
is required. The following detail is used to provide a horizontal slip plane to allow the slab to move in-
plane relative to the wall while also maintaining vertical support during out-of-plane loading.

Typical Interior Wall to Slab Slip Detail

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 341

Typical Exterior Wall to Slab Slip Connection

The two layers of plastic (Visqueen) will prevent bond between the slab and wall similar to the
subterranean wall sections. The plastic needs to extend over the full width of the wall. This may require
multiple layers of material depending on the width purchased. Foam rubber (pipe insulation) is placed
around the wall dowel at the top of the wall and extends approximately 8 inches into the wall below. The
pipe insulation will typically be 2 inches in diameter and will allow the dowel to move laterally with the
slab before activating in shear friction. The rebar will need to extend far enough into the wall below the
foam to achieve adequate lap to the wall reinforcing. This detail allows the bar to bend in the wall while
the slab shortens without transferring lateral loads to the wall. The dowel will need to fully compress the
foam before it will begin to restrain the system. The diameter of the foam rubber depends upon the
lateral movement anticipated for the structure.

During the structural observation it is not easy to determine that the foam rubber was installed properly.
One very non-scientific method to verify that the full depth of the foam was installed (and not just the
very top after the contractor realized too late that it was missing) is to kick the dowel and note whether
or not it moves. One other way is to shove a pen or pencil down into the foam. Inspection of the foam is
critical prior to pouring the wall.
342 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

As-built Wall-to-Slab Slip Connection

The top of the wall is to be troweled smooth to eliminate any localized depressions that could create
shear keys. Even with a full slip connection, if a portion of the slab extends down into the wall restraint
will be created. The same restraint condition will be created if the top of wall extends into the slab. If the
wall was constructed short of the slab soffit the slab will be formed to extend down to the top of the wall
so no bearing lip is created, and this does not present a restraint problem.

Plastic or tape is tightly wrapped around the dowel to prevent the concrete from filling any voids
between the foam and the dowel. If done correctly, no portion of the top of the wall should be visible.
The as-built photograph above illustrates the final condition.

The following photograph shows the rebar improperly extending into the slab space. This condition will
guarantee a restrained system unless the rebar cut flush with the top of the wall and the slip detail is
installed properly.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 343

Typical Vertical Wall Rebar Extending to Slab Invalidating the Slip Connection

Some building departments have questioned the use of plastic, Masonite board and other slip materials
in garages since they are combustible materials. We have successfully responded that the slip plane does
not affect the vertical load carrying capacity of the wall and if the material did burn during a fire no
structural deficiencies would result. This is clearly one of those situations where the good intentions of
the building code could inadvertently create a building with poor performance if the letter of the Code,
but not the intention of the Code were rigorously followed.
344 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Typical RTS Crack in a Masonry Wall

Slip Joints and Facades

RTS cracks do not only occur in the walls and slabs. If proper movement is not accounted for in the
details and construction distress in the facades can also occur. This is often seen in brittle exterior
architectural treatments like stucco and plaster. In the following wall section the exterior wall will have
an architectural treatment that will cover the wall and slab. With the slip connection the post-tensioned
slab will shorten and move along the concrete wall while the wall remains stationary. Any façade or
material that is connected to both the slab and wall will experience this differential movement, which
can cause distress in the material.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 345

Exposed Slab to Wall Slip Connection

To minimize this cracking potential a joint, reveal or termination of façade is required at the wall to slab
joint. The following photograph illustrates the cracking of a stucco exterior that crossed the joint
between the slab and the wall. Note the straight horizontal crack line in the second photograph which is
indicates the location of the top of the wall and bottom of slab.
346 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Cracking in Stucco That Extended Across a Slip Joint

Repair of Stucco Cracking at Slip Joint

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 347

Slipped Connection at Fire Separation Walls

The following detail is typically used when a fire wall is required between two structures in close
proximity, such as when a parking structure exists near an apartment building.

Exterior Wall Section at Fire Separation Walls

This condition is similar to subterranean projects where the demands of the site provide more shearwalls
than is required. The primary difference is the slab required to brace the wall for out of plane forces.
Since the slab does not bear on the wall, the foam rubber is installed in the slab with a plastic layer
between the two to prevent bond.
348 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Foam Rubber (Pipe Insulation) and Visqueen Placed for Future Slab Pour

Unless slip connections are provided the walls will try and restrain the slab, most likely causing cracks
in either the wall or slab. Any location where concrete or masonry walls are not required for lateral load
resistance, slip connections are recommended.

This chapter has focused on permanent slip connections. Engineers have used temporary slip
connections in the past, but they are not our preferred choice and we do not recommend them. Our
reasoning is that post-tensioned slabs will continue to shorten for at least 2 years. Slipping a wall-to-slab
connection for 30 days is only beneficial for that time period. Once the temporary slipped connection is
replaced with a hard-tied connection all future slab movement will be resisted by the wall. We have
observed numerous instances where slabs or walls were un-cracked for the slipped time period, but then
developed RTS cracks as the concrete continued to move after the connection became locked.
Permanent slip connections are recommended since they will allow relative movement for the entire life
of the structure as well as during seismic events.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 349

RTS Crack in an Exterior Masonry Wall

Construction Issues and Structural Observations

Reshoring Pour Strip Bays in Multi-Level Buildings

Reshoring in general and reshoring of pour strip bays fall in both the design and construction categories.
While some engineers consider this topic entirely part of construction means and methods, most
engineers provide some guidance to the contractor in the form of details and notes. And it is definitely a
good idea to take note of the reshoring during structural observations. There is a dramatic difference
between reshoring of typical bays in a building, and reshoring of the pour strip bay.

Unshored Pour Strip Edge Must Temporarily Act as a Cantilever

The rule of thumb for reshoring of typical bays is that three to four cured and stressed floors are required
to support one freshly poured floor. This of course assumes that the floors are of equal thickness and that
352 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

the design live load of the finished floors is at least one third to one fourth the concrete weight of the
freshly poured floor. The load of the fresh concrete is dropped off to each floor as it works its way down
the building, requiring less and less reshores at each consecutive level.

However, in open pour strip bays the floors below are incapable of supporting any of the freshly poured
concrete weight since they are incomplete floors themselves. Therefore, in these open pour strip bays the
weight accumulates as it works down the building requiring additional reshores at each consecutive
level. In the detail below approximately one-third of the load is distributed to each floor below, but to be
conservative we require the reshores themselves to be designed for 75% and 50% of the weight of the
fresh concrete floor instead of 67% and 33%.

In a number of instances contractors and those who design their reshores have not understood that the
same rule of thumb applies to the open pour strip bays; it takes three to four complete floors to support
each incomplete or wet concrete floor. To support four open pour strip levels reshores would be required
at twelve to sixteen floors below. If the contractor only reshores three or four levels below four open
pour strip floors large deflections, buckling of reshores and potential collapse are all potential
consequences. Since most buildings are not sixteen to twenty stories tall it is best to direct the contractor
to provide reshores in the open pour strip bays entirely to the ground level.

If a contractor ever calls and informs you as the design engineer that “unexplainable” floor deflections
and buckling of reshores is occurring, we recommend immediately adding available reshores in the pour
strip bays and extend them to the foundation. Do this before hanging up the phone and prior to driving
to the site to observe the condition.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 353

This condition is exacerbated when the pour strip is located at the quarter point in the bay. When the
pour strip is located at midspan there is usually some ability for the slab to act as a cantilever from each
side. However when one side is very long it becomes impossible for the slab on that side to support itself
as a cantilever. Load will accumulate even faster on the long side of the pour strip and buckling can be
expected to develop only a few floors down from the top level.

And to make matters worse, the very short side of the pour strip bay often lifts after stressing. When
using a quarter point pour strip, the cantilever condition must be considered in the design. To avoid
lifting the slab while the pour strip is open, the cgs over the wall/column is often lowered to reduced the
cantilever balance load. Even when the long side is properly reshored, the discrepancy in slab length on
each side of the pour strip can cause a noticeable kink in the floor. For all of these reasons, most
experienced post-tensioned concrete structural engineers will attempt to locate pour strips at mid-bay
whenever possible.
354 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Structural Observations
In addition to the responsibilities of calculations, plans and details for the building, the structural
engineer is required per the International Building Code to perform structural observation to aid the field
in providing construction that is in general conformance to the permitted structural drawings. Structural
observations do not replace deputy inspection or relieve the contractor of their requirement to satisfy the
contract documents. Structural observations are simply another layer of review to help ensure quality
construction. Any portions of the structure that were included in a particular observation, but did not
satisfy the drawings are not “approved” by default because they were not identified by the observer. The
structural observer is not required to count reinforcing, verify bar size and placement or other specific
items that should have already been reviewed by the inspector. The structural observation is a general
overview but is not an approval of construction. The observation should occur when the construction is
approximately 80% complete and the inspector and field is confident that the observable items satisfy
the drawings.

The observation should be performed by an engineer involved with the project. The observer does not
have to be the engineer of record but the individual should have worked on the project, be experienced
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 355

in post-tensioning, concrete detailing and have the ability to provide direction to the field. An
observation by a drafter or an unlicensed engineer is not recommended or allowed per the building code.

Performing an observation very close to the time the concrete is delivered may not allow sufficient time
for any errors or omissions to be corrected. We typically perform a structural observation one or two
days before the pour. In our experience, the first elevated slab observation will take the most time since
the field may not be familiar with the details or what the engineer expects at typical conditions such as
penetrations, slab openings and tendon curves. After the first slab pour and an understanding has been
established between the field and engineer, the remaining slab observations should take less time and
hopefully have only minor items that need correction.

While there are numerous items that should be reviewed during an observation, from our experience the
following issues are the most prevalent in post-tensioned building construction.

Columns and Two Way Slabs

In two way slab projects, punching shear is a critical design and performance issue. To maintain the
punch shear strength assumed in the design, the column cannot extend into slab. Any penetration of the
column into the slab will reduce the d and bo value thereby reducing the punching shear strength of the
slab. While this condition can occur on any portion of the slab, this is typically seen on the ramps of
parking structures and steps in the slab where the slab elevation is somewhat variable. Unless the
contractor forms the column to the lowest deck elevation, a portion of the column often extends into the

Column Extending Into the Future Slab

The extended portion of the slab needs to be chipped down to be flush with the slab forms. The chipping
needs to be done without damaging the column reinforcing. While the concrete removal can be done
after the slab reinforcing is installed, it’s easiest to do once the slab forms have been placed and the
356 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

extension is noticeable. The same procedure should be used for walls that extend into the slab. While
walls rarely have punching shear issues, having portions of a wall extending into the future slab can act
as a key that can lead to RTS cracks (Chapter 13), reduces the slabs flexural capacity over the wall and
reduces the diaphragm connection strength between the slab and the wall. In addition, we recommend
adding notes to your typical slab to column connection detail that clearly states no portion of the column
can extend into the future slab.

Tendon Profiles
The profile of the tendons should be done in a gradual manner as they transition from their high and low
points. Sharp bends or kinks should be avoided in the vertical layout of the strands. When the tendons
are stressed, the kinks will try and straighten out causing large localized forces that may crack the slab.

Cracked Slab Due to Localized Kink in Tendons

The kinks are often caused by chairs that are the wrong size, placed at the wrong location or damaged
during construction as the workers walks across the forms. Another common cause for kinks is other
field personnel “adjusting” the tendons to facilitate placement of their embedded items. Unless
specifically detailed on the plans, the tendons are typically near the top of the slab over the supports
(columns, walls and beams) and near the bottom of the slab at mid-span. This type of parabolic profile
will create a balance load (See Chapter 2) counteracting the weight of the slab. If a reverse profile is
constructed, the balance load will act in the direction of gravity and locate the tendons away from tensile
regions of the slab. The observer should verify no reverse curves have been constructed.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 357

Reversed Tendon Profile

While the observer does not need to verify the tendon heights along its length, the observer should verify
a gradual parabolic profile of the strands across the slab. This is best accomplished by reviewing the
path of travel of the strands from a distance rather than focusing on specific chair locations.

One Way Slab Tendon Profiles

358 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Two Way Slab Tendon Profiles

Localized Drop in Tendons Would Have Created Huge Balanced Loads

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 359

The curving the tendons horizontally in the concrete are often done when columns/walls don’t align in
plan. The curve of the strands should be done in a gradual manner that will not induce large lateral
forces into slab at stressing. The radius should be limited based on engineering experience and project
specifics, but typically do not exceed a 1:10 ratio. The curves should be correctly shown on the
structural plans and duplicated in the shop drawings. Depending on the severity of the curve, additional
rebar hairpins may be required and are to be called out on the construction documents.

Gradual Curve in a Banded Group of Tendons

Tendon curves near the top and bottom portions of the slab leave minimal concrete to resist any lateral
forces and eliminate the possibility of rebar being added to reinforce the section since the minimum
covers cannot be achieved. For this reason, curving of the tendons is recommended to occur in the
middle portion of the slab where possible.
360 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Lateral Blowout at the Top of the Slab due to Severe Curving of Strands

Lateral Blowout at the Bottom of the Slab due to Severe Curving of Strands
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 361

The previous photographs show a lateral blowout resulting from a large horizontal bend of the tendons
which can occur at the top and bottom of the slab. Due to cover requirements and conflicting rebar, “U”
bars could not be added to help the concrete resist the lateral thrust. The same tendon layout placed in
the middle portion of the slab, with added rebar, would most likely not have caused the blowout seen in
the photographs. In addition to known curves, penetrations and slab openings may create additional
horizontal bends of the strands that are not shown on the structural plans or shop drawings. A typical
detail that indicates the acceptable radius of tendon curvature, required reinforcing and acceptable
placement relative to slab openings is recommended. The observer should verify the lateral profile
matches the intent of the structural drawings and installed in a gradual manner.

Tendons can also be anchored and an angle. They do not have to be orthogonal to the slab edge to
receive proper stressing. While it may be preferred by the supplier and the field, it is relatively easy to
have shaped pocket formers installed to minimize kinks at the anchors. Similar to what is shown on the
partial post-tensioned plan below, notes should be added to the structural drawings mandating the
curvature and angled anchors depicted on the design drawings. Even if the tendons are graphically
shown with an angle, the post-tensioning detailers will typically rotate the strands to use standard pocket

Notes For Angled Anchors – Structural Drawings

362 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Notes For Angled Anchors – Shop Drawings

Integrity Tendons
Section of ACI 318 requires a minimum of two integrity strands in each direction to be placed
through the column core. These strands are intended to help support the slab during a punching shear
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 363

Integrity Tendons Support Damaged Slab after the 1994 Northridge Earthquake

The photograph shows how a few strands that are embedded in the column core can support a slab after
a catastrophic event. While the slab in the photo did sustain damage, the embedded strands acted in a
catenary fashion and helped keep the slab “off” the level below. For smaller columns and columns that
don’t align on plan, having tendons pass through the column in each orthogonal direction can be easily
over looked by the field. The shop drawings should show tendons in each direction extending through
the columns. Verifying the integrity strands is a relative easy, but critical part of the review.
364 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Strands Curved to Become Integrity Tendons

Aside from the code requirement, locating the tendons over the column will aid in flexural resistance
and load transfer to the columns. Our drawings require a minimum of 4 tendons in the banded direction
to extend through the column. Due to the spacing of the banded tendons and the size of most columns,
we typically see up to 8 tendons intersecting the column. While this number exceeds the code
requirement, having as many banded strands as possible intersecting the column provides additional
reserve capacity and places the reinforcing at locations of the largest moment and resulting flexural
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 365

8 Banded and 2 Uniform Tendons Intersect the Column Core

Uniform Strands Missing the Column Core

366 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Column Top Rebar

Top rebar placed over the column is typically chaired to the desired location near the face of the column.
Chairs for the end of the rebar are often over looked or ignored and cause the rebar to cantilever off the
column with their ends located in the middle or bottom portion of the slab.

Top Reinforcement “Droops” and Terminates in Middle of Slab

While some variation along the length of top rebar is allowed for the placement of the perpendicular
tendons, the top bars should be located in the upper portion of the slab. In two way slabs, the vast
majority of top rebar is located over the columns/walls and having the rebar installed near the top of the
slab will match the flexural capacity assumed in the design. In addition, top rebar will provide some
crack control resistance away from the columns. Chairs should be located at and/or near the end of the
rebar to keep a relatively straight and consistent profile.

Beam Rebar
The observer should verify that the hooks of beam top bars are hooked into the column joint. The
column above the beam may not be placed for several days or weeks after the beam is cast. Once the
tendons are successfully stressed, the forms will quickly be removed and the top bars will be required
for structural support. If the top bar hooks are rotated so the tails are extending above the top of the
beam, the hooks will be bearing into the cover of the concrete, which is inadequate to develop the rebar.
The rebar will not be fully active at the face of the column. In addition, as the hooks compress into the
top cover, this thin layer of concrete may crack and spall. Unless the beam is specified to remain shored
until the upper column in constructed and cured, the top bars need to hook into the beam column joint.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 367

Most beams in typically long span garages will only have three top bars, so rotating the hooks into the
beam column joint should not cause undue congestion issues.

Beam Top Bars Hooked Up (Temporarily in Air), Not Down Into Concrete Column

RTS Details
To minimize RTS cracking as described in Chapter 13, slip details are often used to allow the slab to
move along the wall without being restrained. The construction of these details is critical to the
aesthetics and performance of the slab. While the specifics of the details may differ, one common aspect
is to eliminate the bond between the slab and wall. To prevent bond, Visqueen (plastic) or building
paper is typically used to cover the interface of the wall and slab. Pipe insulation or foam rubber is often
used around the dowel to allow some movement before the dowel activates in shear friction. To prevent
the concrete from going into area of the foam rubber and bonding to the dowel, the gap in the
plastic/paper needs to be sealed. This is typically done with tape or extra pieces of plastic/paper
368 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Slip Connection with Plastic and Duct Tape at the Dowels

A bond breaking compound has also been used, but we have always preferred to see the material in
place during the observation. Any gap in the separation material that allows a hard connection between
the two systems can lead to RTS cracking.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 369

Crack due to Bonding of Wall to Slab

Masonry Face Shell Crack due to Bond of Wall to Slab

370 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Penetrations at Columns
In hotel and podium projects, there will be a number of penetrations through the slab and some of these
will invariably be located in the shear cap area. This is critical coordination item that needs to be
addressed during the design phase. Aside from the obvious effect on punching shear, these penetrations
can cause the tendons to be curved around the column and prevent the top rebar from being properly

Penetrations in the Punching Shear Zone of the Slab Column Joint

If the penetrations cannot be adjusted, shear studs can be used to maintain the punching shear resistance.
Shear studs have the advantage of being able to be installed with the head of the stud in the top or
bottom portion of the slab without a reduction in strength. In both configurations, the assembly needs to
be vertical and adequately secured so the studs do not rotate or move during concrete placement.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 371

Shear Studs Trim out Traps for Additional Punching Shear Resistance

Plumbing Conflicts at a Shear Cap

372 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Plumbing Lateral through Shear Cap

Penetrations in the shear caps can also cause congestion and path of travel issues for the reinforcing. We
recommend that all penetration extend vertically through the concrete and not travel laterally in the slab
as shown in the photographs. Having horizontal runs will cause a greater loss of concrete, are difficult to
trim with rebar and will potentially affect more reinforcing. If the lateral of the plumbing penetration in
the previous photograph was installed underneath the concrete, the shear cap would only have a minimal
reduction in punching shear strength and effectively no change in flexural resistance.

For more complicated slab pours that include a large number of penetrations, we will often set up an
observation once the cans are laid out, but before the reinforcing is installed. The observation is to
identify the areas where the penetrations will create issues that may require re-engineering. Outside of
the integrity strands, the exact location of the tendons has practically no impact on structural
performance. This will give you a considerable amount of flexibility to move or curve the tendons to
accommodate the architectural requirements of the building while maintaining structural integrity.
Aside from toilets and showers, the majority of the penetrations can be adjusted on site to minimize the
structural impact on the slab. Overlaying a penetration plan on the structural drawings will help
everyone on the observation see the potential conflicts. This overlay should include all trades that are
penetrating the slab, but collecting information from all consultants can be challenging during the design

In addition to penetrations in the shear caps, having several can outs side by side can create a pseudo
wall preventing the tendons from extending across the slab. A pre-reinforcing job walk is useful in
identifying these areas. To prevent a re-design of the slab or additional rebar, the penetrations need to be
spaced out to create “alley ways” for the tendons. The largest tendon grouping is typically 5 strands in
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 373

two way slab construction which is approximately 3 inches wide. With 1 in cover on each side of the
strands, a 5 inch gap should be sufficient to allow the strands to continue as designed. These gaps can
typically be achieved by locating several of the penetrations side by side instead of having small 1 or 2
inch gaps between adjacent penetrations. In addition to creating an alley way for the strands, grouping
the penetrations together eliminates slivers of concrete which are prone to cracking and allows the
penetrations to be trimmed as a single opening in the concrete.

“Alley Ways” to Accommodate Penetrations in a Podium Slab

The concrete adjacent to the stressing anchors is the most highly loaded concrete on the project. Each
anchor will deliver approximately 33,000 pounds of force when the tendons are stretched by the
hydraulic jack. Locating penetrations or conduit in this zone can cause cracking or blowouts. As
discussed previously, the actual location of the strands can be adjusted if the penetrations cannot move.
If neither the anchors nor penetrations can be moved, the penetrations should use schedule 40 steel
sleeves to resist the force of the anchors. Additional rebar should be installed to reinforce the
discontinuities in the concrete.
374 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Penetrations in the Anchorage Zone

Conduit in Front of Anchors

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 375

Removing penetrations or any other obstruction from the banded tendon anchorage zone is extremely
critical to minimize the potential for blow outs and cracking. As previously discussed, in the banded
tendon direction, all strands intended for the design tributary width will be grouped together for ease of
construction. This layout also applies for the anchorage zone at pour strips, construction joints and slab
edges. The anchorage zone may be a few feet wide, but have will contain all the precompression force
for a much larger slab section.

Typical Banded Tendon Anchorage Layout

The anchorage layout in the photograph will impart a force of roughly 1,100 kips on the 12 foot wide
section of slab. If any obstructions are created in this zone that weakens or causes poorly consolidated
concrete, a blowout can occur as seen in the following photograph.
376 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Blowout at Banded Tendon Anchorage

Blowouts typically occur during stressing when the strands have their maximum force (prior to losses
and relaxation) and the concrete is still developing its strength. Blowouts effectively sound like bombs
going off when large chunks of concrete are literally crushed by the force of the tendons. For this reason,
stressing should only be performed by qualified personnel and all other individuals should keep a safe
distance away. Stressing is typically uneventful and generally boring, however, when things go wrong,
they go bad quickly. If you only learn one thing from this book, learn to respect stressing and observe it
from a distance.

Conduit Placed in the Slab

Placing conduit in a post-tensioned slab can be done, however there are several strength and code issues
that need to be satisfied. Limitations of the code and constructability prohibit large amounts of conduit
being placed inside structural slabs. Per Section 20.7 of ACI 318, any conduit in a slab cannot
significantly impact the strength or integrity of the slab. Previous ACI 318 codes also required conduit
to be spaced at 3 outside diameters on center, but unfortunately this section was removed in the 318-14
edition. The challenge of quantifying what constitutes a significant impact on strength or integrity
generally creates disagreements between the electrical contractors, owners and engineers. These
disagreements can often become contentious since there is no longer a specific code section to follow.
Embedding conduit in the slab is the more economical option and the acceptance of the conduit now
falls solely to the engineer’s discretion. We assume the change in the code section was to allow more
latitude in the use of engineering judgment. Unfortunately, replacing the previous limitations with an
ambiguous statement will potentially make it difficult to enforce and minimize conduit in the slabs.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 377

Conduit Coming out of Electrical Room into the Slab

Conduit in a Podium Slab Traveling to the Electrical Room

378 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Conduit Placed in a 5 inch Slab

Spacing limits aside, the volume of conduit in previous photographs effectively separates the slab into
an upper and lower slab. Any type of composite action between the two slabs is significantly reduced for
lateral and vertical load resistance. Due to the limited space between conduits, adding vertical or
horizontal rebar is not realistic for most two way slabs.

For projects where the conduit must be encased in concrete, we have used downturned sections that
house the conduit below the structural slab. Rebar hoops extend into the structural slab to support the
weight of the encasement, but the conduit does not extend into the structural slab. The structure will
need to be designed for the additional weight of these beams. This has worked for localized conditions,
but is not recommended for a large distribution of conduit that will encompass the entire slab due to the
added weight and cost of forming the downturned sections.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 379

Conduit in a Parking Structure Two Way Slab

Conduit is rarely an issue in typical parking structures since there is not a large electrical demand
outside of lighting and miscellaneous HVAC equipment. The biggest challenges we have seen is when
the electrical room for the adjacent structure is located in the garage. With this configuration, the
relatively thin slabs can be quickly inundated with conduit creating a series of structural issues.

Hotels and office building will have more conduit than a parking structure but the conduit typically can
be installed to meet the intent of code.
380 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Conduit Installed per ACI 318

Podium type structures (See Chapter 10) are typically where the congestion issue is the most severe
because the conduit for all the units levels will be placed in the slab. Instead of servicing a single level
like a parking structure, office or hotel, the podium slab has conduit for multiple building levels. In
addition, there are typically only one or two electrical rooms, so the conduit for all levels is being
directed to a very localized area which exacerbates the condition. To maintain the integrity of the slab
and satisfy the intent of the code, the conduit needs to be placed under the slab as shown in the
following photographs. The conduit will be under the slab until they are distributed enough to maintain
the minimum spacing requirements. In our experience, this has led to simpler construction since there is
minimal interaction of the conduit and reinforcing and only localized block outs in the slab are required
for the conduit to access the units. We recommend a large note be placed on all the podium level sheets
requiring the conduit to be installed below the slab until allowed by the structural engineer.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 381

Electrical Conduit Placed Under the Slab

Electrical Conduit Placed Under the Slab

382 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

When some portion of the conduit is to be placed in the slab, we recommend having the contractor
prepare a shop drawing showing every conduit and its path of travel through the system. It is critical that
every conduit is drawn as an individual line. Having a single line representing a group of conduit will
not capture the congestion the conduit can create. When all the runs are clearly shown, it is obvious
where the spacing limits will be violated, congested will create and where the conduit can realistically
be placed in the slab. In addition, the structural engineer can then identify the area (columns, anchors,
shearwalls, etc.) that the conduit needs to avoid. This plan is also helpful for the inspector to verify the
layout matches the design intent prior to the structural observation.

We recommend all conduit be placed outside the punching shear zone of the columns. This zone is
effectively created by the size of a column cap or the extent of the shear studs. This requirement will
also keep the conduit away from the top rebar over the supports thereby minimizing any reduction in the
flexural strength of the slab. The conduit should also be placed away from the anchors to avoid creating
voids or discontinuities which can cause cracking and blowouts.

Concrete Blowout Due to a Void in Concrete in Front of Anchors

Conduit is often requested to be installed in the columns and shearwalls. Conduit in columns should be
avoided unless the column is so large that the loss of concrete will not affect the vertical or flexural
capacity. The conduit should be schedule 40 steel, which will replace some portion of the loss concrete.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 383

We recommend the conduit be located in the middle portion of the column and far enough away from
the vertical rebar so the flexural strength and bond is not altered. Even if schedule 40 steel is used, the
conduit should not be placed anywhere near the jambs or ends of the shearwall. These areas will
experience the largest compression and tension forces in the building during an earthquake and are
typically already congested due to the jamb reinforcing and anchorage of the horizontal wall rebar.

Post-Tensioned Shop Drawings and Elongations

Shop drawings will be created by the post-tensioning supplier and will have more specific information
regarding the construction of the tendons than the structural drawings. The shop drawings are typically
reviewed by the structural engineer for general conformance to the structural drawings. As with all other
shop drawings, our review does not act as an approval or place the shop drawings above the structural
drawings as the contract documents. In addition to fabrication information, the shop drawings are the
rebar sub-contractors internal documents that are used to aid the field in placement. The engineers
review should be viewed as a courtesy to help in providing quality construction but does not relieve the
contractor of building in conformance to the structural drawings.

Unfortunately, we typically find the field is only using shop drawings to install the tendons and the
structural drawings are at best left in the trailer. When an issue comes up during the observation and we
ask to see the drawings, the majority of the time we are presented with the shop drawings. When pressed
on where are the structural drawings, the field will often state that we “approved” these, so the structural
drawings are no longer required. This consistent disagreement of the meaning of shop drawing review
has prompted several engineering firms to simply refuse to provide a review. While this course of action
is understandable, we recommend a blunt discussion with the contractors to clearly define the role of
shop drawings and their review. Anything that eliminates confusion and possible errors is beneficial to
the project, but not if it implies the non-engineered shop drawings are now the basis for construction.

While the shop drawings do contain useful information, the field should be using both the structural and
shop drawings together, while the inspector should only be using the structural drawings. Having the
inspector review the construction based on the shop drawings defeats their purpose in verifying the
construction matches the structural drawings. We recommend adding a statement on the shop drawing
stamp to this effect so all parties understand the expectations of the engineer of record.

The structural drawings will call out the height of the strands over the supports and at mid span. The
supplier will determine the chair heights at several locations in each span to match the profile on the
structural plans. The shop drawings will also identify each tendon with a color code or other indicator
which will correspond to a length and elongation. Each tendon is cut to length and located at a specific
point on the slab. The strands length will be the distance from slab edge to slab edge, plus approximately
24 inches for each stressing end. The reviewer should verify the heights at the columns/walls, mid span
and anchorage points match the permitted drawings. The other chair heights that create the parabolic or
harped profile on the shop drawings are typically not reviewed by the engineer.

For beams, girders and banded tendons, the specific number of strands is reviewed. One way slabs and
the uniform direction strands in two way slabs will typically refer to a kips per foot force instead of a
specific number of strands. The supplier will show each tendon group with the on center spacing.
Dividing the number of tendons over the slab area or spacing should match the structural drawings.

The elongations of each strand will be provided by the supplier and those are a function of the length of
the strands and their material properties. A good rule of thumb is the elongation is 0.08 multiplied by the
anchor to anchor length of the strands. A tendon that is 100 feet long between anchors will have an
384 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

elongation of roughly 8 inches. Per Section 26.10.2(f) of ACI 318, if the measured elongation is within
7% of the calculated value, the stress is considered acceptable. If the measured elongation is outside this
limit, the contractor and engineer shall determine the cause of the discrepancy and correct it if required.

We recommend the deputy inspector list the percent difference between the measured and calculated
value. This will speed up the review process and clearly identify for all parties which tendons need
further review. Provided the tendons are within the code allowed tolerance and double ended pulls have
had each anchor set to full gauge pressure, there is no real reason for the engineer to review the
elongation records that conform to the requirements of the code.

Aside from simple measuring errors, the only way to “fix” a tendon that does not meet the elongation
requirement is to de-tension the strand and re-tension it to the correct value. De-tensioning can be
dangerous and unfortunately individuals have been seriously hurt so this procedure should only be
performed by qualified personnel. Releasing the force in the tendon is accomplished by jacking the
strand to higher force than was previously used so the wedges will release from the anchor. Once the
wedges have been removed, the strand will retract back into the concrete. The danger comes from
applying a larger jacking force into the system that could potentially damage the concrete or the strand.

When we have strands that fail to satisfy elongations, we review the situation globally, rather than
locally. If a few strands are under elongated, but several others are over elongated, the “extra” force can
be viewed as replacing the loss from under stressed strands. The concrete feels the total force from the
strands and is not smart enough to know what tendons are high and which ones are low. If the total force
is acceptable, the individual force in each tendon is somewhat irrelevant. It’s only the concrete directly
behind each anchor that has any affect from the individual anchors. This approach works well for
localized issues, but if entire series of strands are under elongated, de-tensioning may be required if the
reduced force does not meet the structural requirements.

For strands that are over elongated, provided the concrete is adequately resisting the load and
performing well, we do not recommend de-tensioning. The concrete will experience the largest force
from the strands during stressing. After the wedges are set, relaxation and other losses in the tendons
will occur reducing its force while the concrete compressive strength increases. If the system is stable,
there is no benefit to the risk of applying an ever larger jacking force to try and release the wedges. For
systematic errors, we recommend verifying the jack and the hydraulics are calibrated correctly. Each
jack should be paired with a hydraulic unit. A mismatched set can produce incorrect elongations.

Locating Existing Strands

When drilling into an existing post-tensioned structure, the existing strands and anchors should be
located prior to drilling. There are several methods available depending on the thickness of the concrete
and required accuracy. For thin one way slabs and ribbed on grade foundations which typically have a 5
inch thick slab, high strength metal detectors or scanners can be used. These will not differentiate
between post-tensioning and rebar, but should clearly indicate locations free of reinforcing.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 385

Scanning a Residential Slab on Ground

386 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Digital Scan of a Post-Tensioned Slab

For unbonded system, the concrete directly adjacent to the strands can be removed without any effect on
the tendon. There is no bond between the concrete and the strand so strain compatibility is not a factor as
it is in rebar. The same is not true for the concrete in front of the anchor. If the anchorage force cannot
be resisted by the concrete due some portion being removed by drilling, cracking and/or blowouts can
occur. The concrete directly bearing and adjacent to the anchor will experience the largest force
concentration and needs to be maintained. We recommend staying 3 feet away from drilling in front of
any single anchor and 6 feet from a group of banded tendon anchors.

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is also used to scan the concrete and locate reinforcing. GPR can be
used on thicker concrete section. A scanner is placed upon the surface moved over a pre-designated area
while a digital read out will show spikes when the steel is encountered. The operator can mark the
surface of the concrete to indicate the location of the reinforcing. Like the metal detectors, GPR will
typically not be able to differentiate between rebar and post-tensioning.

Ground Penetrating Radar Scanner and Results

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 387

Coring Between Steel Location Indicators

X-rays can also be used and will accurately locate the post-tensioning and rebar. This method is
typically the most expensive but produces the most accurate representation of the existing reinforcing.
After the X-ray is taken, the negative can be placed upon the beam or slab so the reinforcing can be
mapped on the concrete surface. This is often helpful when drilling into very congested areas.

X-ray Negative of Strands, Anchors and Rebar

388 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Post-Tensioning and Rebar Located on a Beam after X-ray

For structures where there is the large potential tenant turnover (office and retail), marking the tendons
location on the slab virtually eliminates the need to scan the concrete. The simplest way to identify the
strands is to paint their location on the slab. The paint marks will clearly identify the areas where coring
could take place. Due to aesthesis reasons, this is not a realistic choice on exposed slabs, but works well
when the slab is covered by a ceiling or flooring.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 389

Tendon Marked on Underside of Slab

For exposed slabs we have used small pins embedded in the slab to designate regions of the slab that
have post-tensioning. The pins are typically placed on either side of the area containing the banded
tendons in a two way slab. For one way slabs and the uniform direction strands in two way slabs, the
pins are located in center of group tendons at regular intervals defining their path of travel. Aside from
curving around openings or localized penetrations, the uniform direction tendons are typically placed in
relatively straight lines across the slab so only a few pins are required for each group.

Replacing Broken Tendons

There are several methods available to repair or replace tendons that are broken. Prior to calling in the
contractors, ACI 318 Section 26.10.2(g) should be reviewed. This section allows a design section to lose
up to 2% of the total prestress force before requiring a retrofit. The 2% is specific to a tributary width in
a two way slab system and the tendons in a beam or girder. Unless you are using more than 50 strands
in a girder or banded tendon group, the loss of a single strand will exceed two percent loss. This
effectively negates this code section for two way slabs and beams. An argument has been made that the
2% rule can be applied to the total building width in a one way slab since there is no specific design area
for the slab. Before using this code section, we recommend a discussion with the building department
on their interpretation as it applies to your condition. We typically don’t recommend the use of this
section for new construction where access to the structure is still relatively easy. Replacing broken
strands is not particularly difficult and this provision should only be utilized by the owner after the
building is complete, not by the contractor during construction.

The simplest repair procedure from an engineer’s point of view is to replace the strand. Most post-
tensioning contractors have the ability to re-thread a standard ½ in diameter strand through the existing
390 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

sheathing. They will operate the jack in reverse and push the new strand through the slab or attached it to
the broken strand and pull it through the system. Both methods will provide the force and profile shown on
the structural drawings. Even though a retrofit has technically occurred, there is no change to the design or
the drawings. This solution should not even require an RFI since nothing has been changed.

If re-threading is not an option, the tendon can be coupled and re-stressed. The couplers are roughly 2-
1/2 inches in diameter so they cannot be used near the top or bottom of the slab. Depending on the break
location, additional coring may be required to place the coupler in the middle portion of the slab. Once
the coupler has been attached, the tendon is re-stressed and will achieve the same force as the original
construction. The area needed for the coupler is relatively small so epoxying dowels into the existing
slab is typically not required. The void is typically filled with an epoxy type grout that matches the
general properties of the concrete.

Slab Opening with Mechanical Couplers

When a tendon is broken and it cannot be reconnected, new anchors can be installed. This typical occurs
when an opening is added and the strand cannot continue its original path of travel. The concrete around
the end of the strand will need to be removed to allow access to attach the anchor and use a jack to seat
the wedges. A standard jack will require approximately 3 feet to operate so the opening will be fairly
large compared size needed for a coupler. Once the anchor is attached, rebar is typically epoxied into the
existing slab to connect the infill concrete to the main slab.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 391

New Anchors Installed

Stressing Strands at Opening

Depending on the configuration of the opening and access due to existing conditions, the stressing
operation can be challenging. Prior to creating retrofit drawings, a discussion with the contractor is
recommended to determine the best method for stressing so the design can match accordingly.

Post-tensioned slabs-on-ground have become the standard foundation system for residential and light
commercial structures on expansive soils, and they are widely used also on compressible soils. These
foundations have been used for decades for single family homes, apartment structures, sport courts and
other standard wood framed structures. They have supported all types of buildings from small one story
sheds, steel framed fire stations to 5-story apartment buildings constructed with wood, steel and

The prevalent design method for expansive soils is the “PTI method”, which was originally developed
by a collaboration of the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) and Texas A&M University in the late 1970s.
The PTI method was based upon the performance of existing designs and numerous computer models.
The equations are empirical and were developed to match the results of the computer simulations. For
this reason, the equations do not resemble typical beam theory equations derived from statics.

The PTI method has been recognized in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and the International
Building Code (IBC) for several cycles and is constantly being reviewed and updated as research
continues on the performance of these foundations. The PTI method is cited in Section 1805.8.2 of the
IBC and is the only published design method satisfying the various criteria presented in that Section.
Thus the use of the PTI method is effectively mandated by IBC for design of post-tensioned foundations
on expansive soils.

The first PTI design guide was published in 1980 and has been subsequently updated with the 2nd edition
in 1996 and the 3rd edition in 2004. The PTI Slab-on-Ground committee is comprised of structural and
geotechnical engineers, contractors and tendon suppliers. Along with the guide manual, PTI publishes
mandatory-language “Standard” documents describing the method, which can be incorporated by
reference into building codes. These Standards 1 are incorporated into the IBC. Both geotechnical and
structural issues are covered in the Standards. The PTI manual should be used in conjunction with this
book. The numerous equations will not be reproduced.

“PTI DC10.1-08, Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground”, Post-Tensioning Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2008
394 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Post-Tensioned Slab-on-Ground

While the PTI method contains a procedure for compressible soils, the main use of the method is to
resist the effects of expansive soils. The compressible soil procedure is typically used to design for sites
that will experience larger than usual differential settlements (greater than ¾ in) from poor soil and/or
liquefaction potential.

For structural engineers, the main issue to understand about expansive soils is they will lift/swell with
the addition of water and drop/compress when water is removed. The PTI method for expansive soils is
based upon two swell mode conditions, Edge Lift and Center Lift. Edge Lift covers the lifting of the
foundation edge while Center Lift models the dropping or compressing of the foundation into the soil.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 395

Center and Edge Lift in Accordance With the PTI “Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-On-Ground”

The two swell modes are graphically shown in the above figure. Even though it is called “Center Lift”,
the center of the slab does not actually lift up. Rather, the edge drops relative to the center of the slab in
this swell mode .

ym is the Differential Swell value and is the amount of potential unrestrained vertical movement
expected in the soil. This potential soil movement is imposed upon the structure. The dotted line in the
figure extends above the graphical representation of the foundation. The ym value is for an unrestrained
soil condition without any consideration from the load of the structure or stiffness of the concrete. ym
values will typically range from 0.5 to 4 inches depending on the expansivity of the clay soil and the
swell mode. The maximum ym value based upon the research used to develop the PTI method is 4
inches, which was felt to represent the largest ym value normally found in nature. For sites where ym
significantly exceeds 4 inches, a different foundation system should be evaluated which typically
involves piles/caissons with a structural slab spanning between the supports.

em is the Edge Moisture Variation Distance and is the distance measured inward from the edge of the
foundation within which the moisture content of the soil varies. em will typically range from 2 to 7 feet.
Both of these values should be included in the soils report along with the other typical geotechnical
design parameters. Unlike allowable bearing or lateral pressures, there are no prescriptive code values
for em and ym if a soils report is unavailable. The PTI parameters must be determined by a geotechnical
engineer familiar with the PTI method.

Both Edge and Center Lift swell modes are functions of water introduced or removed from the soils at
the edge of the foundation. At a short distance inward from the edge of the foundation, the effects of
expansive soil are insignificant since the water content of the soil does not change in the central portion
of the foundation beyond the em dimension. Changes in soil moisture content in the center of the
396 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

foundation are typically caused by a plumbing leak rather than climatic or irrigation water. The
movement of the soil near the perimeter rib will cause moments, shears and deflection in the foundation
and the superstructure.

It should be understood that the two swell modes are based upon climatic effects only. Normal irrigation
on a site with proper drainage away from the foundation reduces the maximum range of soil volume
change by preventing the soil from reaching its minimum volume in the dry season, while not increasing
the moisture content beyond that which would normally occur in the wet season. Thus on a properly
irrigated and drained site, the em and ym values are conservative and should not be increased to account
for non-climatic water.

There is no reasonable way the structural or geotechnical engineer can anticipate or be responsible for
the homeowner’s irrigation schedule and drainage plan. Structural engineers can only design for the
values provided in the soils report. Over irrigation and poor drainage by the owner can have dramatic
effects on the foundation and façade of the building. Most residential soils reports and home owner
manuals have some recommendations on limited irrigation and draining away from the foundation, and
these recommendations should be followed rigorously.

Normally, good drainage near the foundation is a more important factor in mitigating expansive soil
movement than is limiting irrigation. Homeowners often put drains in the middle of their yards, but not
against the house where they are needed the most. A constant source of water ponding directly adjacent
and/or beneath a foundation on expansive soils can produce excessive soil movement. Excess water can
also cause moss, mold and increases the chance of corroding the concrete and the reinforcing.

In addition to the PTI parameters, the allowable bearing pressure is required to verify the foundation can
support the applied loads. While the bearing pressure needs to be checked, it rarely governs the design.
Any large bearing or post loads are typically handled by localized footings. The allowable bearing
surface utilizes a “T” beam approach where the adjacent slab-on-ground is included with the width of
the footing. Interior and exterior footings use a flange that is 16 and 6 times the slab thickness
respectively, which is consistent with the compression widths used for elevated systems.

Ribbed Slabs-on-Ground
For both expansive and compressible soils, the primary PTI design configuration consists of a relatively
thin slab with exterior and interior continuous footings for strength and stiffness to resist the soil
movement. This is commonly referred to as a “ribbed foundation”, where the continuous footings are
called “ribs”. For most residential construction, the slab is 5 inches thick; however it can be as thin as 4
inches, which we do not recommend. 4-inch slabs have a much larger potential for cracking than do 5-
inch thick slabs.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 397

Typical Ribbed Slab-on-Ground


Typical Exterior Rib Detail

The “notch” in the rib on the left side of the Figure is created by the edge form that extends above the
soil to create the slab edge. The edge form is typically a 3x12 or 4x12 extending about 9 inches below
the soil. If the rib is deeper than 12 inches, the notched configuration will be created. We recommend
398 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

providing the minimum width of rib at the notch and the bottom. The notch should have a minimum
width for integrity and the bottom width is critical for bearing pressure for vertical and lateral load.
Using a solid thickness rib in the calculations is only valid if both dimensions average that width. With
the exterior rib detail shown, using a 12-inch width in the calculations is not correct. For these types of
dimensions, we would use 10-inch wide ribs in the calculations. We also recommend showing the notch
since it will reflect the as built condition and eliminate any potential RFI's or discussions from the field
or inspector.

Typical Exterior Rib Trench with Edge Form

The interior ribs shall not be spaced more than 15 feet on center per the PTI method. The ribs are
typically placed under bearing and shearwalls so they can provide vertical and lateral support in addition
to resisting expansive soil movement. This placement will typically produce a spacing of 10 to 12 feet
on center. Locating the ribs on the walls will also tie their exact location to the architectural drawings to
minimize confusion in the field.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 399

Typical Interior Rib Detail

The detail shows the sides of the rib sloping, not vertical. This represents the potential for the vertical
face of soil to slough off during construction as people walk across the site. As this occurs, the excess
soils needs to be removed to maintain the minimum depth of rib and to keep debris off the rebar to
achieve proper bond and development. We have had several requests from inspectors to verify the
additional rib width is acceptable. To eliminate confusion and potential RFI’s, we graphically show the
as built condition and indicate the rib width as a minimum, not a hard dimension. The photograph of the
interior trenches shows the rounded top of the rib where the sloughing typically occurs.
400 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Typical Interior Rib Trenches

The rib minimum total depth is 11 inches and must extend at least 7 inches below the bottom of the slab.
The differences in rib depths between the exterior and interior ribs used in the calculations must be
within 20 percent. Calculations that use exterior ribs at 24 inches deep must have interior ribs depths
between 20 to 28 inches. Due to the geotechnical or other project requirements, situations occur where
the actual perimeter rib will be substantially deeper than the interior ribs. This typically occurs on low to
medium expansive sites where deep interior ribs are not required.

While larger exterior ribs will increase the section modulus, moment of inertia and most likely improve
performance, these values cannot be used in the numerical design. The intent of the PTI method is to
have a foundation with a stiffness that is relatively consistent across the slab. Using larger exterior ribs
to generate section properties that satisfy stresses may work numerically, but they create a large stiffness
differential between the exterior and interior of the foundation. This numerical maneuver has been used
by engineers to effectively remove the interior ribs while still showing the allowable stresses are
satisfied. While mathematically possible, this approach is not the intent of the PTI method and has been
addressed in the recent version of the design manual.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 401

For the slab-on-ground shown, the following section properties can be calculated.

A = 48 ft(12 in)(5 in) + 5(18 in-5 in)(12 in) = 3,660 in2

Yt = (48 ft(12 in)(5 in)(5 in/2) + 5(13 in)(12 in)(18 in-13 in/2)) / 3,660 in2 = 4.42 inches (from top of

Ix = 48 ft(12 in)(5 in)3/12 + 48 ft(12 in)(5 in)(4.42 in-2.5 in)2 + 5(12 in)(13 in)3)/12 + 5(12 in)(13
in)(4.42 in – 11.5 in)2 = 66,700.4 in4

Stop = 66,700/4.42 = 15,090.5 in3

For the same width of foundation and slab thickness, the interior ribs are eliminated and deeper
perimeter ribs are used.

A = 48 ft(12 in)(5 in) + 2(30 in-5 in)(12 in) = 3,480 in2

Yt = (48 ft(12 in)(5 in)(5 in/2) + 2(25 in)(12 in)(30 in-25 in/2)) / 3,480 in2 = 5.09 inches (from top of

Ix = 48 ft(12 in)(5 in)3/12 + 48 ft(12 in)(5 in)(5.09 in-2.5 in)2 + 2(12 in)(25 in)3/12
+ 5(12 in)(25 in)(5.09 in – 17.5 in)2 = 148,974 in4

Stop = 148,974/5.09 = 29,268 in3

By using two deep perimeter ribs, the resulting moment of inertia and section modulus will clearly
satisfy the deflection and stress limits of the foundation with equally spaced ribs. In addition, the deeper
rib design requires less concrete and subsequently less post-tensioning. While the numbers do work, an
examination of the foundation cross section illustrates the stiffness distribution issue. The complete lack
of interior stiffness violates the Code.
402 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

For similar reasons, the rib width for design purposes is limited between 6 to 14 inches. In most
residential foundations, the ribs are typically 12 inches wide with some localized wider ribs at large post
loads, hold downs or short shearwalls. The width requirement is only for the numerical design and does
not apply to actual construction. Additional concrete and larger ribs are rarely detrimental. Some people
have argued that larger ribs may create a situation that violates the minimum precompression limits.
Studies 2 are available on the PTI website that demonstrates that with a lower P/A, the increase in section
properties creates a stronger element. While this should not be used as a justification to violate the code,
localized areas of additional concrete is typically not an issue.

The PTI method requires that the interior ribs extend across the entire foundation from slab edge to slab
edge. The continuity of the ribs is required even for larger foundations that have dimensions that
significantly exceed the em dimensions.

Typical Post-Tensioned Ribbed Foundation Plan

The ribs do not have to maintain a straight path across the foundation, but large offsets in the ribs are not
recommended in order to maintain continuity of the system. If an offset is required, it should occur at a

Bondy, K. B., “Thicker is Weaker?”, Technical Note #15, Post-Tensioning Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, November
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 403

perpendicular rib which can transfer the bending moment through torsion to maintain continuity. Rib
offsets should be avoided within the em dimension since this area will experience the largest moments,
shears and deflections. A good rule of thumb is to keep the rib continuous until the second interior rib in
the perpendicular direction. At typical rib spacings, this location should be well past the em dimension.
Localized ribs can always be used for bearing and shearwalls, but if they do not extend across the
foundation, they cannot be used in the PTI design calculations.

Foundation Plan with Offset Ribs

Overlapping Design Rectangles

The foundation is modeled mathematically using a series of overlapping rectangles. Since buildings are
rarely a single rectangle, multiple runs are typically required for most structures. Each rectangle is
designed as a code compliant, stand-alone foundation so all the ribs and tendons required by the analysis
must be included on the drawings.
404 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

In the above figure, design rectangles A and C will have dimensions of 20 feet by 45 feet while design
rectangle B will be 30 feet x 40 feet. Calculations for each rectangle are required and should be
submitted to building department as required.

In the overlapping area, the smaller tendon spacing should be shown. Unless there is a substantial
difference, a few extra strands should not affect the design of the other rectangle. For the shared area for
rectangles A and B, the number of tendons placed left to right on the page will be per the B design due
to its longer length. For the shared area along the same rib depth is typically used on all design
rectangles. While you can design with different depths in each rectangle and specify the largest one on
the drawings, maintaining the minimum precompression levels is recommended.

Engineering judgment should be used in deciding how many rectangles to use. A small offset in the slab
may not necessarily require its own rectangle. There is nothing incorrect about using a single rectangle
provided it covers the general layout of the foundation. Small slab extensions, pop outs for fire places,
porches, etc., do not typically require their own design rectangle. These localized areas are often
designed in rebar and have little to no effect on the post-tensioning. The intent is not to turn the design
into a tedious procedure but to envelope the main elements of the foundation.

The loading that controls the design is the perimeter line load. The PTI method was created using a
range of 600 to 1,500 pounds per linear foot (plf) but has successfully been used for loads up to 2,500 plf.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 405

This higher loading would typically apply to four story apartment type structures. Engineering judgment
should be used for structures with loading beyond this range. The live load on the foundation is also part
of the design, but rarely a factor. We have designs that range between 40 to 125 pounds per square foot
with little change to the foundation. When the building is primarily supported by perimeter columns, the
load needs to be concentrated along the foundation edge to use the equations. Depending on the amount
of load, additional rebar and/or rib width may be required to spread the load out in a more uniform
fashion. Interior columns outside the em distance should have minimal effect on the post-tension design
but still require standard rib analysis.

Post-tensioned slabs on ground can support typical bearing wall loads. Section 6.14 of the PTI “Design
of Post-Tension Slabs-on-Ground”1 manual provides equations to determine the load bearing capacity of
the slab itself. The capacity is primarily a function of the slab thickness and concrete compressive
strength. For example, a 5-inch thick slab at 3,000 psi concrete can support a line load of 2,000 pounds
per linear foot. This load is usually larger than standard bearing wall loads in two and three story
residential construction.

Most reasonable post loads can also be supported without a rib. While the PTI manual does not
specifically provide design equations for column loads, we have successfully used standard pad rib
calculations (bending, one and two way shear) to determine load capacity. A conservative rule of thumb
is that a post-tensioned slab can support 1,000 pounds for every inch of thickness. A code compliant 5-
inch slab can easily support 5,000 pounds. For thicker slabs, this linear relationship is very conservative
since the section modulus increases exponentially. A 12-inch thick post-tensioned slab with 3,000 psi
concrete can support 20,000 pounds, assuming reasonable bearing pressure values. For both conditions,
the allowable soil bearing pressure must be known. Some geotechnical reports will not provide a bearing
pressure value at the surface so this will need to be requested. Aside from new construction, the load
carrying ability of post-tensioned slabs proves to be very useful for remodel and additions on existing

The typical maximum and minimum line loads should be used in the calculations. Since the Edge and
Center Lift conditions can be viewed as pseudo cantilevers, the amount of load at the edge of the
cantilever can play a significant role in the design. Using the maximum or minimum load only, may be
conservative in one direction, but un-conservative in the other. This is typically seen in narrow
rectangular buildings where the framing is only in one direction. One side of the foundation will support
the vast majority of the load while the opposite side will effectively only support the self-weight of the
wall and its façade. In general, the larger load should control the Center Lift design while the smaller
load will control Edge Lift. For typical designs, two loading conditions are required to determine the
maximum deflections, moments and shears on the foundation.

The Shape Factor

Another design consideration is called the Shape Factor which is defined as the square of the foundation
perimeter divided by the foundation area. If the Shape Factor exceeds 24, the PTI manual recommends
“the designer should consider modifications to the foundation footprint, strengthened foundation
systems, soil treatment to reduce swell or the use of additional non-prestressed reinforcement and/or
additional ribs in areas of high torsional stresses.” No derivation or back up is provided on how the
formula was created but it’s a numerical way to determine if a foundation is oddly shaped and therefore
more prone to torsional effects. The recommendations are very generic and defer to the engineer’s
judgment on what measures to use and at what locations. Numerous re-entrant corners, slab openings
and angled slab edges typically contribute to a Shape Factor exceeding 24.
406 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

If the Shape Factor exceeds 24, the typical structural remedy is the use of rebar and/or additional ribs.
These are typically placed in the areas of high torsional stresses which will most likely occur in the more
odd shaped portions of the foundation. The recommended remedy for high Shape Factors is to add ribs
to stiffen the areas that may have limited continuity with the main foundation. Soil treatments are
possible but are typically more expensive than adding rebar or a few more ribs.

Rectangular Foundation

This square foundation has a Shape Factor of 16. The value of the Shape Factor will not change with the
dimensions of the square. A 20 ft by 20 ft and an 80 ft by 80 ft foundation will have the same Shape
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 407

By modifying the slab edge in a more saw tooth pattern, the foundation now has a Shape Factor of 22.6
while keeping the same floor area.
408 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

With additional changes to the slab edge, a Shape Factor of 25.8 is generated. This foundation is
recommended to have additional rebar and/or ribs near the interior re-entrant corners where torsional
stresses are the largest. The size of the foundation is not the critical aspect; it is the configuration of the
slab edge that defines the Shape Factor.

Ribbed Slab Construction

In a ribbed system, the section properties to resist bending and deflections are primarily a function of the
ribs. For this reason, it is critical that the slab and ribs are placed monolithically. A cold joint between
the slab and ribs will have a significant impact on the performance of the foundation. Without composite
action the thin slab rests on the concrete ribs. All the post-tensioning is placed in the slab, leaving the
ribs effectively unreinforced. To avoid any possible confusion, we recommend adding plan notes on the
drawings to clearly require monolithic construction and prohibiting horizontal construction joints.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 409

Typical Residential Ribbed Foundation

This can be an issue due to the typical construction methods used for these foundations. In a standard
ribbed foundation, the ribs will be poured first. Prior to pouring the slab, the field will verify the
hardware and other embedded items are in the correct location.

Checking Hardware after the Ribs Have Been Poured

410 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The worker in the above photograph is verifying the placement of the hold down strap after the ribs have
been placed. The concrete can be seen in the exterior and interior ribs while the tendons that are in the
center of the future slab are still visible. Once the verification has occurred, the slab will be poured over
the ribs. If the time gap between pours is long enough and the ribs and slab cannot be vibrated together,
a cold joint has been created. Without rebar crossing the joint, the two systems only have concrete bond
to provide any composite action. To add to the delay time, several foundations will be poured at one
time in typical tract housing projects. The ribs for the all the lots will be placed before they return to the
first foundation to pour the slab on grade. If this is not monitored and understood, the time gap between
placing the ribs and the slab on grade can easily be over an hour.

If a horizontal construction joint is created the system will have to be retrofitted. Drilling in dowels to
reconnect the ribs and slab would need to occur at every rib which will be a significant amount of
drilling and most likely very expensive. Another option is to build a very deep perimeter rib directly
adjacent to the existing slab edge. The new rib would need to be designed to virtually eliminate water
intrusion under the foundation to minimize expansive soil movement. For this option, a geotechnical
engineer would need to be consulted to determine the minimum depth to achieve this effect. Engineers
have also attached mini piles to the perimeter ribs to restrain the movement of the edge of the

Uniform Thickness Foundations

The ribbed foundation described previously is the primary configuration in the PTI method. Once a
code-compliant ribbed design is completed, this system can be converted to a uniform thickness
foundation (UTF). Instead of a thin slab with a series of interlocking ribs, a constant thickness slab is
used that matches the section properties of the ribbed system. There is currently no direct design method
for UTF. The UTF is always preceded by a ribbed design. Per section 6.12 of the PTI Design of Post-
Tensioned Slab-on-Ground manual1, the moment of inertia of the ribbed system is converted into a solid
thickness by using the equation H = (I/W)1/3 where W is the width of foundation cross section. Once a
thickness is determined, the flexural, shear and deflection criteria should be verified against code
allowable values. In addition, the numbers of tendons will most likely need to be increased to satisfy the
minimum precompression requirements.

When converting a ribbed system to a UTF, any perimeter ribs used in the final design cannot be used
in determining the slab thickness. The conversion is based solely on the ribbed moment of inertia and
the uniform slab thickness. The presence of perimeter ribs, regardless of depth should play no part in
determining the uniform slab dimensions. As described previously, the section properties of the
perimeter ribs can numerically be used to reduce the slab thickness. This reduction is not the intent of
the PTI method but unfortunately has been used to justify thinner slabs than required by code.

Even though perimeter ribs are not required in the UTF, we recommend their use to minimize water
intrusion under the foundation and to resist any large post or hold down loads. Based upon the slab
thickness alone, the bottom of the UTF may only be a few inches below the soil level. With this
condition, site water can easily pond directly beneath the underside of the foundation which can increase
the edge lift affects. We have observed 11-inch thick uniform thickness foundations supporting one
story houses to lift over two inches due to this condition. While the foundation showed minimal to no
cracking, the stucco, drywall and framing were severely distressed. The UTFs were code compliantly
designed, conformed to the requirements of the soils report and constructed in accordance to the plans,
but no drainage was provided to remove the water. A relatively simple solution for this condition is to
use a perimeter rib, for no other reason than to act as a water cut-off wall.
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 411

The benefits of reducing water access to the underside of the slab can be seen in section 3.7 of PTI’s
“Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs on Ground”1. For perimeter ribs that extend more than 30 inches below
grade, the em value can be reduced. The deeper the ribs extend below grade, the larger the reduction. For
example, an 8 foot em value can be reduced to 5.7 feet for a 4’-0” embedment. The values of ym can also
be reduced but will require participation from the geotechnical engineer.

In general, a UTF will require more concrete and post-tensioning than the equivalent ribbed system.
Even with the additional materials, many contractors prefer the UTF system due to the reduction in
trenching. Trenching a series of orthogonal intersecting ribs, especially deeper ones can add time and
cost to the project. UTFs will typically have a perimeter rib and some localized thickened areas at hold
downs, but once the site is graded, the trenching is effectively finished. From an engineering stand point,
both systems work well.

Typical Uniform Thickness Foundation

The primary difference between the two foundation types is in resisting the applied loading. The bearing
wall load from a typical two story wood structure can be supported by the thin ribbed slab. The vertical
capacity of the slab limits the number of ribs to those required to resist expansive soils and support the
shearwalls. Four and five story apartment structures will create loading that cannot be supported by the
relatively thin ribbed slab. By using a thicker slab, a series of bearing wall ribs are not required which
makes the foundation simpler to construct. In addition, the use of UTF and ribs are also a function of
their geographic region. In northern California and Arizona, for example, UTFs are used almost
exclusively, while in Texas ribbed foundations are preferred, regardless of the type of structures they

Another noticeable difference between ribbed foundations and UTFs is the extent of the vapor retarder.
In the UTF the vapor retarder effectively extends over the entire foundation.
412 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The use of post-tensioning in these foundations is primarily to provide a compression force in the
concrete to reduce flexural stresses below allowable limits. Since the foundation is supported by the soil,
draping the tendons to create balanced loads serves no purpose because the slab is not spanning between
the ribs. The tendons are placed at a constant elevation at the center of gravity of the slab itself and are
kept at this elevation across the foundation. The same ½-inch diameter 270 ksi tendons commonly used
for elevated construction are used in slabs on ground. However as discussed below, in some highly
active edge lift conditions it is common to drape the tendons downward from the slab edge so they are
the bottom of the rib at the point of maximum moment (the β-distance in accordance with PTI

The building code does not require nor does PTI recommend an encapsulated tendon system in post-
tensioned slabs-on-ground. However many engineers always specify encapsulated tendons regardless of
environmental conditions. Slab-on-ground tendon anchorages are directly adjacent to soil and will
constantly be exposed to water, and possibly planting admixtures and other chemicals used in typical
landscaping maintenance. This exposure may be reason enough to encapsulate the tendons. There is a
minor cost increase for encapsulated systems, but many feel it is well worth the investment to protect the
integrity of the system, not to mention the liability of the engineer. For similar reasons, many engineers
specify encapsulated tendons in a structural mat foundation (See Chapter 11). Aside from one being
classified as “structural concrete” and having more concrete and reinforcing, they are basically the same
type of construction and should be treated as such with regard to the tendons. In addition, ACI now
requires that all unbonded post-tensioned structures governed by ACI 318 use encapsulated tendons.
While slabs-on-ground are not governed by ACI 318, the reasons for encapsulation seem to apply to
both foundation systems.

Encapsulated Stressing Anchor

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 413

For the vast majority of slab-on-ground foundations, the strands will not extend into the ribs. There is a
design methodology that requires that some tendons be draped into the bottom of the ribs, but that
construction is typically used for highly expansive soil with extremely large Edge Lift ym values. For
most sites, any reinforcing required in the bottom of the ribs is typically provided by rebar. With the
tendons located at the center of the slab and not the centroid of the entire foundation, there is an applied
eccentric moment that is accounted for in the design. Placing the tendons at the precise centroid of the
cross-section is not required.

The tendons should be chaired at approximately 3 to 4 feet on center to adequately support them during
placing of the concrete. Localized “kinks” in the strands are to be avoided since they will create
balanced loads during stressing which could crack the slab. The dips in the profile typically occur when
the tendons span over the rib. For most construction, chairs are placed at each edge of the rib to
minimize any sagging of the strand. This basically flat profile should be verified by the field and
inspector prior to pour concrete. Horizontally curving of the strands is possible but needs to be done in a
gradual manner. Any curve should begin several feet on either side of the obstruction. Sharp or tight
radius curvatures will generate a tangential force as the tendon tries to straighten during stressing. If the
curve occurs near penetrations or slab edges, cracking or damage to the penetrations could occur.

Large Radius Curve in a Ribbed Slab-on-Ground

Substantial penetrations are rarely an issue for single family home construction, but apartment
foundation can have large banks of conduits that need to be accounted for in the layout of the strands. As
in elevated construction, obstruction near the anchors should be avoided. When issues occur, the
simplest solution is typically to move the anchor away from the penetration. If that is not possible, the
penetration should be sleeved with schedule 40 steel pipe and trimmed with rebar to minimize cracking
and help the slab resist the anchorage force.
414 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The minimum precompression level in slab on ground foundations is 50 pounds per square inch (psi),
which is substantially lower than 125 psi minimum of elevated two way slabs. For typical single family
homes, a ribbed foundation will have tendons spaced at 3 to 4 feet on center in each direction. Engineers
more familiar with elevated construction will notice a difference in the amount of post-tensioning
between the two systems. The minimum precompression force in a foundation will typically take place
in the middle portion of the foundation where tendon losses and subgrade friction effects are the largest.

From the photograph and plan views, the tendons do not coincide with the ribs. They are typically
equally spaced across the foundation and shown with no interaction with the ribs. The exact location of
the tendons is not critical provided the correct number are installed and they are placed in conformance
with the drawings. We allow the field to adjust the location of the strands to avoid penetrations, hold
downs, etc. to facilitate ease of construction. Slight differences in tendon spacing will not affect the
performance of the foundation.

The maximum spacing between adjacent strands is 6 feet per the PTI Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-
On-Ground1. If conditions exist that require larger local spacings, the engineer should review the
conditions and provide additional reinforcing and details as required. Vertical penetrations that interfere
with the straight path of the strands is the typical reason for larger local spacings as the strands must
curve around the penetrations.

Typical Details
Most slabs-on-ground will contain steps that will require the tendons to transition between the two slab
elevations. The detail below illustrates how this is achieved while minimizing the curvature of the

Typical Slab Step Detail

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 415

Due to the spacing of the strands in ribbed slabs, localized trenches are created that allow the strands to
gradually transition from the upper the lower slab. If tighter tendon spacings are used in larger
foundations, the whole slab section can be formed in the flared configuration instead of individual
trenches. The use of localized areas of thickened concrete is an attempt to save money by reducing
concrete quantities. If a sharp radius is created in the strand at the bottom of slab step, cracking can
occur due to the upward force created by the strand profile. This is the same issue described in Chapter
10 regarding slab steps in podium slabs. The condition of the strand at this location must be verified in
the field and by the inspector. This zone of concrete can crack and blow out due to the upward force
from the strands when this is not installed correctly.

Typical Offset Slab Detail

If a step larger than 12 inches is required, we terminate the strands at the upper and lower slab and
connect the system with a stem wall. While it is possible to increase the length of the trench in the
typical step detail to maintain the vertical to horizontal 1:6 relationship, this tends to significantly
increase the amount of concrete and trenching required and also increases the chance for slab cracking
and/or blow outs. The typical offset detail allows the tendons to remain flat while also allowing internal
stressing of the upper slab tendons. The stem wall will have minimal rebar but needs to be well
connected to each slab since it will participate in resisting the moments and shears from soil movement
and the loads of the structure.
416 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Typical Horizontal Curvature Detail

Whether near a slab edge or to avoid a penetration, curving of the tendons is common practice in slabs-
on-ground. The termination of the curvature should be clear of the element that is being avoided. The
above typical detail shows a minimum 2’-0” dimension from the beginning of the curve from the slab
edge. If the curvature started at the slab edge, the tangential force created by the radius could crack or
blow out the slab. For the same reason, curving a strand directly adjacent to a penetration should be
avoided. When the tendon is some distance away from the slab edge, additional rebar may be required to
reinforce this zone of concrete. Regardless of the curving issue, trim rebar at re-entrant corners is always

The PTI method limits flexural and shear stresses under service loads to acceptable levels. There is no
calculation required for nominal (ultimate) strength as there is for elevated post-tensioned construction.
The PTI method does not directly require rebar and a code-compliant foundation can be constructed
with only post-tensioning, however we recommend the use of rebar. We typically specify rebar in the
bottom of the ribs. This rebar will provide some crack control ability in the ribs and flexural strength for
any large post or lateral loads. In addition, the geotechnical report will often require some top and
bottom rebar in all ribs. While the post-tensioning in the slabs can be argued to satisfy the top
reinforcing requirement, strands are typically not placed in the bottom of the ribs. Some engineers have
(correctly) argued that these rebar requirements do not apply to a post-tensioned system. We recommend
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 417

providing a design that satisfies the geotechnical report so unless the geotechnical engineer revises the
report, the rebar should be installed. In addition to the ribs, rebar is typically placed at re-entrant corners,
penetrations and other discontinuities to minimize shrinkage cracking. Trim rebar is critical since the
slab is essentially un-reinforced until the tendons are stressed. In our experience, most cracks originate
at the corners or at penetrations prior to stressing.

The allowable flexural stresses are limited to 6�𝑓𝑓𝑐𝑐′ , which is the same as elevated post-tensioned two
way slabs. Even with a design based on a stress less than the modulus of rupture (7.5�𝑓𝑓𝑐𝑐′ ), some
cracking can occur without invalidating the design. To address this issue, the current PTI method
requires the foundation to have enough reinforcing, strands or rebar, to develop at least 50% of the
moment strength of the uncracked section. This flexural strength is for both directions so top and bottom
reinforcing can be required. While the tension on the bottom is often satisfied by rebar, it can also be
provided by the post-tensioning. For uniform thickness foundations, the tendons are located in the center
of slab so the strands can equally be used for flexural in both directions. With this symmetry, additional
rebar is typically not required to satisfy this code section.

Sub-Base and Vapor Retarders

As the tendons are stressed, the concrete will move relative to the sub-base generating a frictional force.
The amount of friction is a function of the sub-base material and construction specified by the
geotechnical engineer. Typical sub-bases consist of 2 to 4 inches of sand and/or gravel with a layer of
Visqueen to act as a vapor retarder. Subgrade friction is accounted for in the design by a coefficient
which is typically between 0.75 and 1.0. Note that this value is not the same as the sliding coefficient of
friction which is commonly used to resist lateral loads. The sliding coefficient of friction is typically
between 0.30 and 0.40. The use of the lower sliding friction coefficient will underestimate the sub
grade-base friction force and possibly lead to an unconservative design. When a coefficient is not
provided, we recommend a coefficient of 1.0 which is typically conservative. In general, subgrade
friction will typically only affect the design in foundations with larger plan dimensions (greater than
about 60 feet).

The geotechnical engineer will typically specify the location of the vapor retarder in conjunction with
the sub grade. Some geotechnical engineers require the vapor retarder (typically Visqueen) to be placed
on top of the sub-base, others require it to be below the sub-base, and still others want it to be in the
middle of the sub-base. Some engineers feel that having the concrete cast directly on the Visqueen will
provide superior moisture protection while others feel that the sub-base should protect the Visqueen to
provide better performance. From a structural engineering perspective, we have observed no difference
in the appearance or performance of the concrete as a function of the different vapor retarder locations
and the structural engineer should therefore defer to the geotechnical engineer for this specification.

In ribbed foundations, the vapor retarder and sub-base are typically not continued to the bottom of the
ribs. As seen the typical ribbed foundation photograph, the sand and Visqueen layer stop at the edge of
the rib. It is argued that the ribs are deep enough to minimize water vapor intrusion. While this point
may be debatable, this decision should be deferred to the geotechnical engineer. Extending the vapor
retarder into the bottom of the rib will not affect the structural design as long as it does not impede the
flow of concrete into the rib.

Water intrusion is a typical issue in litigation brought against developers and consultants. Claims will
range from flooring and carpet staining to black mold. Concrete is a porous material and unless
waterproofing is provided via a membrane or an admixture, water vapor will transmit through the
418 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

concrete at known rates 3. If normal transmission rates are viewed as unacceptable by the developer
and/or architect, additional measures are required and should be provided by the architect or a
waterproofing consultant. There is nothing about post-tensioning concrete that makes it waterproof,
regardless of the amount of post-tensioning used. Unfortunately there are myths about post-tensioning
that if you increase the precompression levels; the concrete is “squeezed” together which essentially
provides waterproofing. That would be a great selling point if it was true, but sadly, that is not reality.
This is especially not true if the concrete has cracked. No part of a crack is water proof. Waterproofing
may be required by other consultants but it is not the responsibility of the structural engineer.

The concrete used in post-tensioned slabs-on-ground is the same as used in elevated slabs. Since the
slabs are in the soil, the sulfate content of the site must be determined. For higher sulfate sites, higher
strength concrete and sulfate-resistant cements are required by PTI and IBC 4. If the sulfate content is not
part of the soils report, we recommend specifying concrete which conforms to the “severe” sulfate
exposure category specified in ACI 318, even though this is not required by PTI or IBC. This requires a
minimum compressive strength of 4,500 psi concrete with a maximum water cement ratio of 0.45 and
Type V cement or equivalent. Sulfates have been another common issue in homeowner lawsuits and
there is no reason for the structural engineer to assume this responsibility if the appropriate tests have
not been performed. In addition to sulfate resistance, higher strength concrete will increase the allowable
stress limits which can help the design.

In any case concrete must have a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi in accordance with the
PTI Design of Post-Tensioned Slab-On-Ground manual1; however we recommend using a minimum
strength of 3,000 psi. The 4 in slump requirement per ACI 318 should also be specified. Even though
residential foundations may not be considered structural concrete in accordance with ACI criteria, larger
slump concrete typically has an increased potential for shrinkage cracking.

Brewer, H., “Moisture Migration – Concrete Slab-on-Ground Construction”, Journal of the PCA Research and
Development Laboratories, Vol. 7, No. 2, Portland Cement Association, May, 1965
“Standard Requirements for Design of Shallow Post-Tensioned Concrete Foundations on Expansive Soils”, Section 6.2,
Post-Tensioning Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2008
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 419

Concrete Being Placed From a Boom Pump in a Ribbed Foundation

While the 28 day strength is critical, the tendons should be stressed as soon as possible after placing the
concrete. Until the tendons are stressed, the foundation is effectively un-reinforced and more prone to
shrinkage cracking. We require the stressing to occur within 5 days and the concrete must have a
minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi at the time of stressing. Slabs that remain unstressed for two
and three weeks have developed numerous cracks. While the cracks can be epoxied from a structural
perspective, this retrofit can be expensive and unsightly to the property owners. The epoxy is typically a
much darker color than the surrounding concrete and the repair clearly stands out. In addition, the cracks
will need to be increased in width to insert the injection nozzle which increases their visibility.

Another myth about post-tensioning is that the force from the strands can close cracks. This is partially
true but difficult to predict and only possible when the tendons are stressed within the first few days
after placement. While post-tensioning has this potential, it should in no way be considered as a
guarantee. For stressing that occurs after the concrete has cured for two or three weeks, the concrete has
become stiff enough that the precompression force will have little to no effect in closing or reducing the
crack widths.

Design for Lateral Loads

The design per the PTI method only addresses vertical movement due to expansive or compressible soils
in conjunction with the vertical loads of the structure. The resistance to lateral loads is not part of the
PTI method. Post-tensioned foundations must be designed for the overturning effects of earthquakes and
wind in the same manner as nonprestressed foundations. Simply because rebar has been replaced with
420 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

post-tensioning does not make the foundation “work by inspection.” While this may seem obvious, in
our experience, the lateral design of post-tensioned foundations is commonly overlooked. Rarely are
lateral foundation calculations included with the PTI design. In performing numerous peer reviews and
aiding plan-checkers, we rarely see lateral foundation calculations included with the PTI foundation
design. No determination of the lateral soil pressure due to overturning moments and no design to
determine if the ribs can resist the resulting moments and shears are provided. This has been true for
one-story single family homes and 5-story apartment buildings. While it is understood that one story
single family homes probably don’t generate large lateral forces and calculations proving this becomes
academic, the same cannot be stated for multi-level apartment structures.

This oversight is typically attributed to a lack of coordination between engineers. In many projects, a
post-tensioning tendon supplier will propose a design build approach. Typically the “in-house” engineer
employed by the supplier (often called the “specialty engineer”) will know how to run the software to
design a code-compliant PTI foundation but may be unfamiliar with other aspects of structural design.
Since their design is only for expansive/compressible soils, any additional rib dimensions and/or rebar
required to resist lateral loads should come from the licensed design professional (LDP) responsible for
the wood design. Since the lateral loads do not change with post-tensioning, whatever was required
before the use of post-tensioning is still required.

The LDP responsible for the total project typically assumes that since he/she is not designing the
foundation, all aspects of the foundation are covered by the supplier’s design build team. This lack of
communication and coordination can create a void in the design for lateral loads. If a supplier or another
engineer accepts the responsibility to design the foundation, they are required to design for all loading
conditions. The LDP responsible for the wood design is required to provide all necessary loading and
the connection details of the structure to the foundation. The localized width and depth of the ribs are
detailed by the wood LDP since these dimensions are typically a direct function of the hold down
system they specify. The post-tensioning (specialty) engineer has no control over the hold down callout
or location. Connecting the structure to the foundation to adequately transfer the load is the
responsibility of the wood LDP while the strength of the foundation to resist the loading is the
responsibility of the post-tensioning (specialty) engineer. The division of responsibilities must be clearly
outlined when multiple engineers are involved.
External Post-Tensioning

External post-tensioning (EPT) is one of the most interesting applications of prestressing ever
conceived. It is possible to provide a tremendous amount of strength and lift to a system without adding
any significant weight to the structure at all. EPT is used to strengthen floor systems that have
deteriorated, for deflection control, for increased loading requirements or for changes in occupancy.

External Tendons Supporting a One-Way Slab

Structures with Corroding Reinforcement

The most common reason that we get involved with externally post-tensioning floor systems is loss of
strength due to corrosion of the original non-prestressed or prestressing reinforcement in older
structures. In the 1970’s it was very common to use lightweight concrete in prestressed concrete
structures. Also at that time the necessity for corrosion protection of the tendons was not as well
understood as it is today. In fact, paper was the most common method of sheathing the tendons. This

422 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

combination of porous lightweight concrete and paper-wrapped tendons proved to be no match for even
mildly aggressive environments.

When designing an EPT system for a structure with either existing and corroding non-prestressed
reinforcement or prestressed reinforcement it does not make much sense to apply the allowable stress
requirements for new design. These buildings have usually already cracked significantly so fictitiously
limiting calculated stresses to any value is purely academic. Deflection control is the only serviceability
requirement that needs to be followed.

Identifying Corrosion
It is critical that any engineer evaluating an existing structure be able to identify the signs of corrosion.
Those signs include unusual cracking, spalling of the top or bottom of a floor system, rust staining,
efflorescence and broken tendons.

The first time that an owner or building maintenance engineer will suspect that the structure might have
a problem will usually be when concrete has suddenly spalled and fallen.

Spalled Concrete on the Floor Below

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 423

A Chair in Lightweight Concrete

Corroded Paper-Wrapped Tendons in Lightweight Concrete

424 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

The concrete spalls because the corrosion byproduct initially expands the on the metal forcing the
concrete to dislodge. However, eventually the corrosion will consume and deteriorate the metal leaving
only a fossilized looking void.

Severely Corroded Tendon Wires and Complete

Voids Where Tendons Originally Existed

The spalling and corrosion evidence is limited to the bottom side only. The corrosion byproduct will
also spall the concrete at the top, but since it does not fall it is not always as noticeable.

Corroding Slab Tendon at High Point Over Beam

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 425

Often a tendon will break in one location, but will loop out of the slab in a different location. The elastic
energy will find the point of least resistance to loop, which is usually the location with the least concrete

Broken Tendon Looping Out of Top of Slab

Broken Tendons Looping Out of Bottom of Slab

426 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

One-Way Slab Strengthening

When externally post-tensioning an existing post-tensioned structure it is critical that the existing post-
tensioning be located prior to drilling. X-Rays teams can literally draw the locations of the existing
reinforcement on the concrete so it will not be damaged by the driller.

X-Ray Markings of the Stirrups and Post-Tensioning in a Beam

Drilling Through an Existing Post-Tensioned Concrete Beam

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 427

Stressing the EPT Tendons

Beam Strengthening

Externally Post-Tensioned Beam

428 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Stressing Operation

Interior Saddle
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 429

Marking the Tendons for Elongation Verification

2012 UCLA Class Dancing at Joe’s Crab Shack after Observing an EPT Job
430 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

2013 UCLA Class Dancing at Joe’s Crab Shack after Observing an EPT Job

2014 UCLA Class Dancing at Joe’s Crab Shack – Look How the Class is Growing!
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 431

2015 UCLA Class Eating at Joe’s Crab Shack (2 Photos Required) – We Had Too Many People & Tables to Dance
This Year!
432 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

2015 Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Class Eating at The Cracked Crab in Pismo Beach

2016 UCLA Class at Joe’s Crab Shack in Newport Beach

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 433

EPT Beam with Internal Stressing

EPT of a Precast Girder (That’s Bryan)

434 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Two-Way Slab Strengthening

Externally post-tensioning two-way slab systems usually requires a little more creativity than
strengthening one-way systems. The load path of the EPT system must get the load to the columns, and
the attachment to the columns also needs to be well thought out.

A Diagonal Two-Way EPT System

Supporting Added Plaza Loading Above
K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 435

Attachment to the Column in a Diagonal Two-Way EPT System

Orthogonal EPT in a Two-way System

Working Within Existing Systems & Obstructions

Unlike most other strengthening systems, EPT can usually be placed and stressed without removing or
relocating existing plumbing, HVAC ducts, lights or other objects. This alone can result in substantial
cost and time savings.
436 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Double King Post Placed within Existing Plumbing Pipes

Single King Post Placed within Existing Pipes & Lighting

K. Dirk Bondy & Bryan Allred 437

Fireproofing the EPT System

The fireproofing of an EPT system can be very expensive because it usually needs to be hand applied.
The commentary to ACI 318 Section states that “Corrosion protection methods should meet the
fire protection requirements of the general building code, unless the installation of external post-
tensioning is to only improve serviceability.” In other words, if the purpose of the EPT system is to limit
stresses or deflections and the EPT is not required for the ultimate strength of the system then
fireproofing is not required.

We have also had success with some building officials using the argument that a structure that is
standing and has been standing for years can be expected to continue to stand in the event that a portion
of the EPT system is lost due to fire. However, this argument only applies if there are no new loads
being applied to the structure, no further deterioration of the reinforcement anticipated and if the
building official is willing to accept it.

When fireproofing is required it should be designed as applying to a truss member in accordance with
IBC Table 720.1(1), Item Number 1-6.2, which states “Perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster over self-
furring metal lath wrapped directly around column (truss member), lapped 1 in. and tied at 6 in. intervals
with 0.049 in. wire.” The minimum thickness of the plaster will depend upon the required fire rating in
hours, but a 1-3/4 in. thickness will satisfy any fire rating.

Fireproofing Applied to an EPT System

438 Post-Tensioned Concrete - Principles and Practice

Fireproofing Applied to an EPT System

About the Authors

K. Dirk Bondy

Dirk Bondy earned his Bachelor’s degree from California Polytechnic State University at San Luis
Obispo in 1988 and his Master’s degree from the University of California at Berkeley in 1989. He is the
president of Seneca Structural Engineering, Inc. and The Great American Cable Company II, Inc., both
located in Laguna Hills, California. While he has been the engineer of record on millions of square feet
of post-tensioned concrete structures he is probably best known for being the son of Ken Bondy. His
professional interest and expertise are in the area of post-tensioned and reinforced concrete, seismic
design, seismic retrofit and vertical load retrofit. In addition to his structural design experience, Mr.
Bondy currently teaches Prestressed Concrete Design at the University of California at Los Angeles in
the Spring Quarter, and has been an instructor at the University of California, Irvine and California
Polytechnic State University, Pomona where he taught courses on Prestressed Concrete Design,
Reinforced Concrete Design, Steel Design, Structural Design and Seismic Design. He has been
published in numerous journals and conference proceedings. He is a registered Civil and Structural
Engineer in the states of California, Nevada, Hawaii and Arizona as well as a licensed C50 contractor in
the state of California. He is a licensed private pilot (single-engine, multi-engine and instrument ratings)
with over 400 hours total pilot-in-command time. He resides in Laguna Hills, California with his wife
Kristen and their three children; Cameron, Ryan and Elizabeth.

Bryan Allred

Bryan Allred has been a practicing engineer since 1993 and is the Vice-President of Seneca Structural
Engineering Inc. in Laguna Hills California. He received his Bachelors and Master’s degree in Civil
Engineering from the University of California at Irvine and is a licensed civil and structural engineer in
the state of California. Bryan specializes in the design of concrete buildings utilizing post-tensioned
floor systems, post-tensioned slab on ground foundations and retrofits of existing building using external
post-tensioning. He is a member of the Structural Engineers Association of California, American
Concrete Institute and is a Fellow of the Post-Tensioning Institute where he is also a member of the
Building Design and Education Committees. He has written several magazine articles relating to post-
tensioned construction and engineering and has also given numerous post-tensioning educational
seminars and webinars across the country. Bryan and his wife Marisa have three children, two smart
beautiful girls and one ultra-cool son.


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