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Excretory System Liver

When we eat fatty foods, the liver orders the gall bladder
to release bile into the intestines. The bile then puts the
waste products into the intestines. Then the intestines
Definition: absorb the fats into the blood stream. The liver is then
given the blood, and removes all waste products from it as
The excretory system consists of the it passes through. The liver removes the iron, which
organs that remove metabolic wastes from involves red blood cell production. Amino acids are then
the body. In humans, this includes the broken down and passed into the kidney. The kidney uses
removal of liquid nitrogenous waste in the these to carry out their function in the excretory system.
The liver then stores the vitamins, and repeats its cycle.
form of urine, and solid wastes especially
from the breakdown of hemoglobin. The The Lungs
removal of urine is accomplished by the The lungs play a mandatory role in the excretory system.
urinary tract, while solid wastes are Your lungs remove the carbon dioxide built up in your
expelled through egestion from the large blood using specialized cells known as alveoli. Your lungs
intestine. process the molecules into gas and when you breathe, the
gas is ejected from your body. If the lungs did not remove
the carbon dioxide from your blood, it would eventually
build up, causing a number of different dilemmas in your
Organs: body.


Wastes in the blood come from tissue breakdown, and

from food. After the body takes and uses what it needs, it
sends the wastes to the kidneys. The kidneys are bean-
shaped organs, about the size of a fist. Having atleast one
The excretory system performs many functions
kidney is mandatory for living, unless treated immidietally. such as:
Because of the enormous amounts of blood passing
through the kidney, kidneys sxtract 180 liters of fluid daily.  Helps eliminate waste products such
If we extracted all of the fluid as urine, we would lose as urea, uric acid ammonia, and
nutrients and dehydrate, Kidneys are responsible for
filtering the filtrate and returning most of the solutes and other products via urine.
water to the blood  It helps maintain the osmotic level
Urinary Bladder of blood and plasma
 Control body temperature
After the kidneys filter the fluid, the remaining wastes go
to your bladder. The organ stores the urine, and keeps  Regulate water
storing it until you can feel it. When you can feel it, it  Eliminate CO2
means that the bladder has become full, and you must
urinate to release the wastes from your body.

The skin

Your skin has a very important part in the excretory

system. It holds moisture into every part of your body. In
the excretory system, the skins job is to regulate one's
body temperature. The salt in the skin helps in
evaporation of the water off of the body, to cool off one
who is hot. Sweat is excreted through sweat glands.
Sweating helps the body maintain a cool, consistent
temperature, which also helps one maintain homeostasis.

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