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Situation Awareness and Workload in Aviation


Impact Factor: 3.93 · DOI: 10.1111/1467-8721.00184


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Christopher D Wickens
Alion Science and Technology


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128 VOLUME 11, NUMBER 4, AUGUST 2002

goals, (c) cooperation in pursuit of Recommended Reading

Devine, P.G. (2001). Implicit prejudice and stereo-
typing: How automatic are they? Introduction
those goals, and (d) authorities’ to the special section. Journal of Personality and
support, it provides a basis for in- Duckitt, J. (1992). The social psychology Social Psychology, 81, 757–759.
tergroup friendship. Genuine in- of prejudice. New York: Praeger. Dovidio, J.F., & Gaertner, S.L. (Eds.). (1986). Preju-
Eberhardt, J.L., & Fiske, S.T. (Eds.). dice, discrimination, and racism. San Diego, CA:
tergroup friendships demonstrably Academic Press.
(1998). Confronting racism: The
do reduce stereotyping, prejudice, problem and the response. Thousand
Fiske, S.T. (1998). Stereotyping, prejudice, and dis-
crimination. In D.T. Gilbert, S.T. Fiske, & G.
and discrimination of whatever Oaks, CA: Sage. Lindzey (Eds.), Handbook of social psychology
sort. Oskamp, S. (Ed.). (2000). Reducing (4th ed., Vol. 2, pp. 357–411). New York:
prejudice and discrimination. Mah- McGraw-Hill.
wah, NJ: Erlbaum. Fiske, S.T. (2000). Stereotyping, prejudice, and dis-
crimination at the seam between the centuries:
Evolution, culture, mind and brain. European
Journal of Social Psychology, 30, 299–322.
WHERE NOW? Fiske, S.T., Cuddy, A.J., Glick, P., & Xu, J. (2002). A
Note model of (often mixed) stereotype content:
Competence and warmth respectively follow
Much is known, but much re- 1. Address correspondence to Su- from perceived status and competition. Journal
mains to be learned. Promising san T. Fiske, Department of Psychol- of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 878–902.
ogy, Green Hall, Princeton University, Macrae, C.N., & Bodenhausen, G.V. (2000). Think-
lines of research range from imag- ing categorically about others. Annual Review
ing brain activity beyond the Princeton, NJ 08544-1010; e-mail: of Psychology, 51, 93–120.
amygdala, to specifying intergroup Pettigrew, T.F. (1998a). Intergroup contact theory.
Annual Review of Psychology, 49, 65–85.
emotions beyond mere antipathy, Pettigrew, T.F. (1998b). Reactions toward the new
to explaining stereotype content minorities of western Europe. Annual Review of
References Sociology, 24, 77–103.
beyond mere lists of negative
Sidanius, J., & Pratto, F. (1999). Social dominance: An
traits, to predicting discrimination Allport, G. (1954). The nature of prejudice. Reading, intergroup theory of social hierarchy and oppression.
MA: Addison-Wesley.
in all its guises, to assessing peo- New York: Cambridge University Press.
Altemeyer, B. (1996). The authoritarian specter. Wheeler, M.E., & Fiske, S.T. (2001, November).
ple’s control over their own seem- Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. fMRI study of three cognitive tasks that differen-
ingly automatic reactions (Fiske, Brewer, M.B., & Brown, R.J. (1998). Intergroup rela- tially modulate stereotype accessibility and human
tions. In D.T. Gilbert, S.T. Fiske, & G. Lindzey amygdala response to racial outgroup faces. Poster
2000). Bias researchers will not be (Eds.), Handbook of social psychology (4th ed., presented at the annual meeting of the Society
unemployed any time soon. Vol. 2, pp. 554–594). New York: McGraw-Hill. for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.

Situation Awareness and Workload Keywords

mental workload; attention;
in Aviation situation awareness; displays;
spatial cognition
Christopher D. Wickens1
Aviation Human Factors Division, University of Illinois, Savoy, Illinois

The study of aviation psychol-

ogy has borrowed from other do-
mains to apply psychology to all
Abstract task awareness. Each of these
aspects of aviation, including selec-
A pilot faces special chal- components has real-world im-
tion and training of pilots, perfor-
lenges imposed by the need to plications, spatial awareness
mance of the aviation team (com-
control a multivariate lagged for instrument displays, sys-
munications and interactions), and
system in a heterogeneous tem awareness for keeping the
pilots’ perception, decision mak-
multitask environment. The operator informed about ac-
ing, and performance under stress.
time lags between critical vari- tions that have been taken by
However, my focus in this review
ables require prediction in an automated systems, and task
is on situation awareness and
uncertain world. The interre- awareness for attention and
workload, concepts that although
lated concepts of situation task management. Task man-
not unique to aviation are particu-
awareness and workload are agement is directly related to
larly relevant to aviation psychol-
central to aviation psychology. mental workload, as the com-
ogy and have presented important
Three components of situation peting demands of tasks for at-
challenges to classic experimental
awareness are spatial aware- tention exceed the operator’s
and cognitive psychology. In this
ness, system awareness, and limited resources.
review, I describe how aviation

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psychologists have represented and ond, situation awareness is relevant or information processing, chal-
studied these phenomena, and the to dynamic, evolving situations, lenges: First, the system has six
particular research challenges they and therefore is not the same as the variables that have to be monitored
present. more static knowledge of long-term and controlled as they change over
To understand the intertwining memory (e.g., knowledge of how time: three variables of orientation
of situation awareness and work- systems work or appropriate proce- around the axis of the aircraft—
load, consider a single pilot ap- dures to follow, mental models). pitch, roll, and yaw (heading)—and
proaching for a landing in rapidly Third, content or the product of sit- three position variables—altitude,
deteriorating weather. Already uation awareness is distinct from lateral deviation from a flight path,
overloaded just in keeping the the process of maintaining situation and position along a flight path.
plane aloft and tracking the air- awareness (Adams, Tenney, & Pew, Second, all of these six variables are
craft’s instruments along the flight 1995). The pilot who is situationally linked, or “cross-coupled,” in the
path, the pilot does not initially no- aware has rapid access to an accu- flight dynamics; for example, pitch
tice a failure of one of the naviga- rate mental representation of the determines future altitude, and roll
tional instruments. After noticing changing environment that is determines future heading, future
this failure, and while trying to di- broader and more enduring than lateral deviation, and future pitch.
agnose the nature of the instru- that which can be held within the The skilled pilot represents these
ment problem, the pilot loses very restricted capacity of working linkages and constraints in a mental
awareness of both the present off- memory, or “consciousness.” The model (Wickens, 1999). Third, these
course path and a large thunder- pilot with good situation awareness causal sequences produce time
storm that appears on the radar may not be consciously thinking lags, lasting several seconds, be-
display. Finally, after noticing the about the fact that there is an air- tween changes in the orientation
plane’s path and taking steps to craft close by to the side, but if variables, which can be directly
correct it, in this overloaded state, called upon suddenly to respond controlled, and the positional
the pilot has forgotten to lower the appropriately to this situation, the changes that result. The cognitive
landing gear. Thus, our pilot, be- pilot will do so rapidly and accu- challenges of anticipation when
cause of the high mental workload, rately because of the ability to rap- tracking systems with lags (Wickens
fails to maintain awareness of the idly access the information from & Hollands, 2000) impose an addi-
surrounding environment and the memory (Kintsch & Ericsson, 1995). tional mental workload beyond
state of the aircraft, and at various Thus, finally, good situation aware- that associated with the multivari-
points “sheds” certain critically im- ness supports the response to the able complexity of the system. (The
portant tasks. unexpected (Wickens, 1999). Hence, perceived lags between an air-traf-
aircraft design features that enhance fic controller’s instructions to a pi-
routine performance may inhibit lot and the change in the aircraft
situation awareness, creating a “tun- visible on the controller’s display
SITUATION AWARENESS neling of attention” focusing pri- are even greater than the lags for
marily on expected events and tasks. the pilot, and the cognitive chal-
Endsley (2000) defined situation Three aspects of situation lenges of anticipation are thus am-
awareness as “the (1) perception awareness that are most relevant plified for air-traffic control; Wick-
[noticing] of the elements in the en- for aviation are three-dimensional ens, Mavor, & McGee, 1997). Fourth,
vironment within a volume of time (3-D) spatial awareness, system the pilot must coordinate some-
and space, the (2) comprehension (mode) awareness, and task aware- times-conflicting goals of aviating
of their meaning, and the (3) projec- ness. I discuss each in turn, before (maintaining the proper orientation
tion of their status in the near fu- showing how all three are directly to preserve lift) and navigating
ture” (p. 5). This three-stage con- linked to the issues of workload (moving from point to point in 3-D
struct can be further understood in and task management. space). Fifth, such coordination is
terms of three important features. carried out in a 3-D space that itself
First, it involves cognition and contains numerous dynamic haz-
working memory (the temporary Spatial Awareness ards (weather, other traffic), whose
store of information that is rapidly 3-D trajectories cannot themselves
forgotten if not rehearsed), rather The concept of spatial awareness be predicted with certainty.
than action and response. Good sit- is inherent in the task of moving an To address these multiple chal-
uation awareness may support aircraft through a 3-D space filled lenges to spatial awareness, de-
good choice of action, but is not in- with hazards. The pilot in control signers are endeavoring to create
herently a part of that choice. Sec- confronts the following cognitive, instrument displays with 3-D

Copyright © 2002 American Psychological Society

130 VOLUME 11, NUMBER 4, AUGUST 2002

graphics. Such displays must be

compatible with pilots’ mental
models, and with the limits of vi-
sual attention, which is required to
process multiple sources of dy-
namic information (Wickens, in
press). Three general themes cap-
ture the questions that arise in de-
signing aircraft displays that pro-
mote spatial awareness.

• The frame-of-reference issue con-

cerns whether information
should be presented from the pi-
lot’s frame of reference, an ego-
centric (“inside out”) view of the
airspace corresponding to what
the pilot sees, or from an exocen-
tric (“outside in”) view of the air-
space, stabilized to a world-cen-
tered frame. Should the world
rotate and translate around a
fixed aircraft (egocentric), or
should the aircraft rotate and
translate on the display (exocen-
tric)? Should the viewpoint show
the pilot’s forward view, or
should it show the aircraft from
above and behind? The answers
to these questions depend on
both the task and the user. For
example, several studies have
found that flight control (track-
ing accuracy) is much better Fig. 1. Three representations of a pilot’s airspace as the aircraft approaches two hills.
with an egocentric view (Fig. 1, The gray box near each display represents the “camera view” relative to the large
black aircraft. The most egocentric representation (viewpoint A) is from the pilot’s
viewpoint A), but that noticing eye point. It depicts a three-dimensional (3-D), forward-looking command flight
hazards in the airspace (referred path “tunnel” (represented by the three squares, which are “windows,” receding in
to as Level 1 spatial awareness, depth, to be flown through) and the aircraft’s current location (represented by the
or Level 1 SA) and understand- large inverted T); the small inverted T shows the predicted location of the aircraft a
ing their general location (Level few seconds in the future. The 3-D exocentric viewpoint (viewpoint B) depicts the
airplane (shown by the lines in the middle of the display) from behind and above; the
2 SA) are better served by a view maintains a constant distance behind the plane, as if “tethered” to it by a rope
more exocentric view (Fig. 1, (represented as the dashed line). The 2-D co-planar display (viewpoint C) depicts
viewpoint B; Wickens, in press). two separated views: a map view at the top and a vertical profile view below; the
Other studies have compared dashed path predicts the aircraft’s movement in a turn. The changes from viewpoints
two kinds of egocentric displays: A to B to C produce progressively less egocentric, integrated, and ecological repre-
moving-aircraft displays, which
are consistent with a mental
model that represents an aircraft that skilled pilots track equally flow (Fig. 1, viewpoints A and B;
moving in a fixed environment, well with the two kinds of dis- Gibson, 1979), or a more sepa-
and fixed-aircraft, moving-envi- plays (Previc & Ercoline, 1999). rated, analytical representation
ronment displays, which are • The degree-of-integration issue con- (Fig. 1, viewpoint C). Here again,
more familiar to skilled pilots. cerns whether it is better to use there appears to be a trade-off
These studies have revealed that an integrated, ecological repre- that is task dependent (Wickens
novice pilots are better served sentation of the airspace, provid- & Prevett, 1995): Because ambi-
by moving-aircraft displays, but ing indications of 3-D motion guities result whenever a 3-D

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volume is represented on a 2-D Designers need to understand aware of the changes of their flight
viewing surface, 3-D ecological these three general issues and inte- modes that are relevant to the safety
views (e.g., viewpoint B in Fig. 1) grate the principles of visual atten- of flight.
create ambiguity in precisely lo- tion, spatial cognition, and manual
cating entities in the airspace control to craft the configuration of
(Wickens, in press). In contrast, aircraft displays that will support Task Awareness, Task
more analytical 2-D representa- all of the needed tasks, without over- Management, and Workload
tions avoid those ambiguities, loading attentional capabilities.
but impose greater attentional The pilot actually has four differ-
demands and cognitive load. For ent generic classes of tasks to per-
example, in the case of viewpoint System Awareness form. I have described the tasks of
C in Figure 1, the pilot must inte- aviating and navigating already.
grate the vertical and lateral dis- Just as the aircraft and its air- The two additional tasks are com-
plays in order to attain a mental space are complex and dynamic, so munication (on the flight deck and
“picture” of the 3-D airspace, also are the systems within the air- with air-traffic control) and systems
which is needed to fly a 3-D tra- craft. In modern aircraft, designers management (e.g., managing fuel,
jectory (Wickens & Prevett, 1995), have provided a host of automated cabin pressure, electricity). These
or mentally rotate the displays flight-control systems in an effort to four tasks are arranged somewhat
into a forward view, which is relieve pilots’ workload. Thus, in- on a priority hierarchy in the order
more characteristic of a 3-D view. creasing computer power has en- in which I have just referred to
• The prediction issue concerns the abled aircraft to perform many ac- them (aviating, navigating, com-
degree of prediction, or “look tions—status monitoring, situation munications, and systems manage-
ahead” capabilities, that should inference, and changing the mode ment, or “ANCS” for short), al-
be built into a display. For both of flight (e.g., climb, cruise, de- though the hierarchy has some
pilots and controllers, prediction scent)—that pilots need not usually flexibility. The busy pilot must al-
capabilities support Level 3 be aware of, unless the unexpected ways be aware of what tasks need
SA—the ability to deal with situation arises. The complexity of to be performed, and in what order
lagged systems. Reliable predic- many of these automated systems, (Adams et al., 1995). The number of
tive displays (e.g., seen in Fig. 1, coupled with poorly designed sym- such tasks is so extensive and, in
viewpoints A and C) are always bolic displays, makes system aware- some cases, their performance is so
helpful for controlling the air- ness difficult to maintain (Sarter & vital that a host of checklists pro-
craft. However, the reliability of Woods, 1995). Furthermore, the fact vide reminders of what to do and
prediction in an airspace full of that people remember actions that when to do it, thereby circumvent-
uncertainties regarding future they themselves have initiated bet- ing the frailties of human prospec-
wind, weather, and the pilot’s ter than those initiated by another tive memory (memory for things to
own control actions will be less agent (in this case, automation) be done in the future). Yet such
than perfect. An automated sys- poses an additional challenge to au- proceduralized checklists, reinforc-
tem can provide inferences tomation-system (or mode) aware- ing the knowledge acquired from
about the future (e.g., viewpoint ness. Finally, the high workload im- pilot training and experience, fall
A in Fig. 1 shows where the air- posed by other aspects of flying short in several respects (Wickens,
craft is predicted to be a few sec- may further degrade the pilots’ 1999). First, in some situations, per-
onds in the future), but may monitoring of automation-con- forming two or more tasks at once,
prove wrong, and incorrect pre- trolled devices (Parasuraman & Ri- or rapidly switching between them,
dictions may destroy the hu- ley, 1997; Parasuraman, Sheridan, & is desired, if not required. Check-
man’s trust in the system, Wickens, 2000). How to exploit the lists provide no guidance on how to
thereby negating its benefits workload-reducing advantages of do this. Second, unexpected events
(Parasuraman & Riley, 1997). It automation while still keeping the can require actions that could never
is known that the reliability of pilot adequately “in the loop,” be fully laid out in written proce-
prediction decreases as the pre- aware of actions taken by auto- dures. Third, many cognitive tasks,
dicted interval increases. But de- mated systems, provides a tremen- such as maintaining situation
termining precisely how long dous challenge for aviation psychol- awareness, cannot easily be codified
this interval should be to sup- ogy (Adams et al., 1995). Recent in checklists and procedures, yet
port automation usage, without psychological research on change performance of such ongoing tasks
engendering mistrust, remains a detection should provide impor- is vital in supporting the response
major research challenge. tant insights into how to keep pilots to the unexpected.

Copyright © 2002 American Psychological Society

132 VOLUME 11, NUMBER 4, AUGUST 2002

One important domain of avia- ness is inherent in the fact that fectively addressed these issues in
tion research concerns the “rules” of maintaining situation awareness is isolation. However, understand-
task management and task switch- itself a task, requiring the allocation ing and then modeling the complex
ing. Research in this area has inves- of mental resources to the processes interactions among these phenom-
tigated both the tendencies that of selective attention (i.e., selec- ena remains a critical challenge
characterize pilots in general and tively attending to some events in posed by aviation to psychological
those that discriminate better from the environment and ignoring oth- researchers who are interested in
more poorly performing pilots. In ers) and of working memory or “scaling up” their theories to real-
the former category are studies that short-term memory. In this regard world problems. Overlaid upon
have examined task interruptions— it is important to realize that those this complexity are the fascinating
the extent to which the ANCS hier- attention-management strategies challenges of understanding how
archy is maintained when a task that support routine performance powerful yet imperfect computer
with a lower or higher priority ar- are likely to narrow the focus of at- automation, in predictor displays,
rives while another task is ongoing. tention on the parameters of flight warnings, inference making, and
Some evidence suggests that audi- control and potential hazards in the flight management, affects pilots’
tory tasks low on the ANCS hierar- forward path, but this narrow focus situation awareness, mental work-
chy, and particularly auditory com- does not necessarily support situa- load, and task management (Para-
munication tasks, tend to be both tion awareness. For example, a dis- suraman et al., 2000).
more interrupting and less inter- play (e.g., viewpoint A in Fig. 1)
ruptible than tasks with a higher that channels attention to the for-
priority (e.g., navigation). Studies ward flight path inhibits attention
Recommended Reading
comparing better and more poorly to surrounding hazards even when
performing pilots have indicated these are displayed elsewhere in Endsley, M.R., & Garland, D.J. (Eds.).
that better multitask performance the cockpit (Wickens, in press; (2000). Situation awareness analysis
results from rapid switching be- Wickens & Prevett, 1995). Thus, a and measurement. Mahwah, NJ: Erl-
tween tasks (Wickens, 1999). good pilot must allocate attention
Tsang, P., & Vidulich, M. (Eds.). (in
Task-management research has both to sources of information for press). Principles and practices of
a natural link to more traditional routine performance and to infor- aviation psychology. Mahwah, NJ:
studies of attention as a perceptual mation from the broader environ- Erlbaum.
phenomenon because highly sa- ment (in anticipation of unexpected Wiener, E.L., & Nagel, D.C. (Eds.).
(1989). Human factors in aviation.
lient perceptual events within a events), and training in task-man-
Orlando, FL: Academic Press.
task can capture attention and agement skills can help to maintain
thereby remind the pilot that the situation awareness. A good dis-
task needs to be performed. With- play designer must create displays
out such events, a task might be ne- that can effectively integrate the Note
glected. One direct linkage of task representation of the two classes of
management to situation aware- information. Finally, effective mod- 1. Address correspondence to
ness is inherent in the extent to els of mental workload should be Christopher Wickens, University of Illi-
which the pilot or air-traffic con- able to predict the circumstances in nois, Aviation Human Factors Divi-
sion, Willard Airport, 1 Airport Rd.,
troller notices that a task should be which the workload of routine per- Savoy, IL 61874.
attended to as a result of an auto- formance is raised to such a level
mated alerting signal (Level 1 SA), that resources are not available to
and retains an understanding that maintain situation awareness and
the task should be done now (in the latter task is shed. References
the face of competing task de-
mands, Level 2 SA), or in the future Adams, M.J., Tenney, Y.J., & Pew, R.W. (1995). Sit-
uation awareness and the cognitive manage-
(Level 3 SA). Remembering to take ment of complex systems. Human Factors, 37,
care of future requirements (such CONCLUSION 85–104.
Endsley, M.R. (2000). Theoretical underpinnings
as when an air-traffic controller re- of situation awareness. In M.R. Endsley &
members to take an arriving air- I have described an interlinking D.J. Garland (Eds.), Situation awareness analy-
sis and measurement (pp. 1–21). Mahwah, NJ:
craft out of a “holding stack” set of cognitive phenomena relat- Erlbaum.
around an airport) depends on ing to awareness, aircraft control, Gibson, J.J. (1979). The ecological approach to visual
prospective memory. attention, mental resources, and stra- perception. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Kintsch, W., & Ericsson, K.A. (1995). Long term
A second linkage between task tegic task management. Much ba- working memory. Psychological Review, 102,
management and situation aware- sic research in psychology has ef- 211–245.

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Parasuraman, R., & Riley, V. (1997). Humans and Sarter, N., & Woods, D. (1995). How in the world Wickens, C.D., & Hollands, J. (2000). Engineering
automation: Use, misuse, disuse, abuse. Hu- did we ever get into that mode? Human Fac- psychology and human performance (3rd ed.). Up-
man Factors, 39, 230–253. tors, 37, 5–19. per Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Parasuraman, R., Sheridan, T.B., & Wickens, C.D. Wickens, C.D. (1999). Cognitive factors in avia- Wickens, C.D., Mavor, A.S., & McGee, J.P. (Eds.).
(2000). A model for types and levels of human tion. In F. Durso (Ed.), Handbook of applied cog- (1997). Flight to the future: Human factors in air
interaction with automation. IEEE Transactions nition (pp. 247–282). New York: John Wiley & traffic control. Washington, DC: National Acad-
on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, 30, 286–297. Sons. emy Press.
Previc, F.H., & Ercoline, W.R. (1999). The “outside- Wickens, C.D. (in press). Aviation displays. In P. Wickens, C.D., & Prevett, T.T. (1995). Exploring
in” attitude display concept revisited. The In- Tsang & M. Vidulich (Eds.), Principles and prac- the dimensions of egocentricity in aircraft nav-
ternational Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9, tices of aviation psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Erl- igation displays. Journal of Experimental Psy-
377–401. baum. chology: Applied, 1, 110–135.

Employee Control and with co-workers or abusive behav-

ior by supervisors. Finally, there
Occupational Stress are stressors in the organizational
context, such as having insuffi-
Paul E. Spector1 cient resources to do the job (e.g.,
Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida defective equipment or inadequate
supplies), or unfair payment and
reward systems.
Research has demonstrated that
Abstract for employees in the United States all of these job stressors are associ-
Occupational stress has been and other developed countries. ated with employees’ health and
recognized as a major health is- Cartwright and Cooper (1997) well-being. Investigators often ask
sue for modern work organiza- pointed out that in the short term employees to answer question-
tions. Conditions of the stress can lead to emotional dis- naires about their job stressors and
workplace have been shown to tress, stomach disorder, headaches, their health and well-being. For ex-
lead to negative emotional re- sleeplessness, and loss of energy, ample, Schaubroeck and Fink
actions (e.g., anxiety), physical and in the long term it can contrib- (1998) surveyed 214 employees
health problems in both the ute to serious illness and even pre- from a national insurance company
short term (e.g., headache or mature death, most likely due to about their job stressors, physical
stomach distress) and the long cardiovascular disease. They ar- health symptoms, and attitudes
term (cardiovascular disease), gued that occupational stress costs about the job. As is typically found
and counterproductive behav- American businesses more than in such studies, higher levels of
ior at work. Perceptions of con- $150 billion per year because of ab- stressors (e.g., heavy workload and
trol play an important role in sence, lost productivity, and health uncertainty about supervisors’ ex-
this process, being associated costs. Furthermore, occupational pectations) were associated with
with all of these variables. Evi- stress seems to be endemic to the physical symptoms, such as head-
dence is growing that en- modern workplace, as national sur- aches, and poor job attitudes.
hanced control at work can be veys have shown that a large pro- Sometimes job-stress studies in-
an important element in em- portion of workers report feeling clude physical measures of the
ployees’ health and well-being. highly stressed at work (see Sauter workplace as well. For example,
These relationships can be un- et al., 1999). Melamed, Fried, and Froom (2001)
derstood in the context of the There are a number of work- conducted a study of 1,507 factory
control-stress model. place factors, called job stressors, workers in Israel. Researchers vis-
that make jobs stressful. Some ited each workplace and took mea-
Keywords stressors concern the nature of the surements of the noise level with
occupational stress; control; job and job tasks. For example, jobs sound-intensity meters. Experts
employee health with heavy workloads requiring observed each worker for a day
long periods of attention (e.g., driv- and then provided ratings of how
ing a truck) and jobs that are highly complex each job was. Finally, each
repetitive and boring will likely be participant received a physical ex-
Occupational stress has been perceived as stressful. Other stres- amination that included a blood
recognized as one of the most sig- sors concern interpersonal relation- pressure reading. Results showed
nificant workplace health hazards ships at work, such as conflicts that noise at work was associated

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