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Books that you should read for your mental fitness

Mind power books

Do you wish there was a gym where you could work out your mind? Both your muscles and
your brain benefit from regular exercise by being more energized, stronger, and more

Reading, solving puzzles, and engaging in other mental activities boost memory and learning
capacity, allowing you to take in more information more quickly.

The human brain is the most potent weapon you can ever have. Is your brain being trained and
utilized to the fullest? These two books will assist you in achieving the highest levels of
performance necessary to be competitive now and in the future.

1. Curious

Author: Ian Leslie


Summary: Use your innate curiosity to broaden and deepen your thinking.

2. Thinking, fast and slow

Author: Daniel Kahneman


Summary: Your success in life is dependent on your ability to use both of your brain's systems
effectively: the quick, intuitive, and emotional system, as well as the slow, methodical, and
logical system.

How books can help to improve mental fitness?

To be physically fit, we know that we must work out and exercise, but what about being
mentally fit?

To begin, let us define mental fitness as follows:

Mental fitness is "keeping your brain and emotional health in tip-top shape" by introducing
mental dexterity exercises like exercising, playing a brain training app/game, or learning a new
skill. By incorporating these workouts into your everyday routine, you can:

 Improve your cognitive abilities.

 Boost your mental well-being.
 Do not race.
 Decompress.

Exercising improves our performance and, in the words of Merriam Webster, helps us maintain
"excellent health and strength" in our bodies. It's the same with mental health. It's just as vital
to exercise your mind as it is your body when it comes to being fit. Amid the daily grind, it's
easy to forget to stretch your mind, and if you've never done it before, it might be
overwhelming. Fortunately, we've put in the time and effort to compile a selection of books
that can help you stay mentally fit.

Books that increase intelligence

Numerous studies have shown that reading improves your intellect in three areas: crystallized,
fluid, and emotional.
Vocabulary, knowledge of a wide range of topics and situations, and the capacity to discern
emotions and feelings in others are all examples of these sorts of intelligence that can help
people communicate and build relationships more effectively.

These two books will help you become a smarter person by increasing your knowledge base.

1. Jump Start Your Business Brain

Author: Doug Hall


Summary: This book's goal is to help you become more knowledgeable about the process of
creating and marketing a new product. To make a viable product, you need certain skills and

2. You Are Not Your Brain

Author: Jeffrey Schwarz


Summary: We need to be more self-disciplined in our thinking and actions. This book offers
advice on how to keep your thoughts in check while also managing any impulses that are
interfering with your relationships, productivity, or overall performance.

My Recommendations

1. Brain Fitness by Dr Aihan Kuhn

2. The Sharp Brain Guide to Brain Fitness by Alvaro Fernandez and Elkhonon Goldberg

3. Mindset by Dr Carol Dweck

Final Thoughts

The well-being and health of the brain depend heavily on one's mental fitness. Hundreds of
books are now available online and in stores, making it easier than ever to get information.
When you know how the brain works, you may make minor modifications to your daily routine
to boost your memory, decision-making, or general well-being.

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