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Material Required

PowerPoint Presentation
Screens (Recall sheet, Recognition sheet)

IV- Levels of processing of the brands in the powerpoint presentation

DV- Recall and Recognition of brand names by the participant.

Control Variables-
Age, gender, language of participant
Duration of presentation of advertisements
Duration of recall

Steps of Conduction
1. The apparatus was set up and the subect was called in the laboratory.
2. Rapport formation was doe to dispel the participant's anxieties, note down preliminaries
and to establish confidentiality and informed consent.
3. The instructions were presented to the participant.
4. The participant was shown an example of the brand advertisement and questions which
they would be required to answer.
5. All 40 advertisements of the experiment were presented, each of them followed by a
question, in continued succession.
6. The participant's behaviour (facial expressions, remarks, etc.) were noted as they
answered the questions in the response sheet.
7. After all 40 advertisements had been presented, the participant was given a recall sheet
to recall and write down the names of as many brands as they could remember in an
informal time limit of five minutes.
8. Following this, the subject was presented with the recognition sheet in which they were
required to tick ‘yes’ for the brand names they had seen in the presentation.
9. Once done with the recognition sheet, the participant was asked to write an introspective
10. The participant was thanked for their participation in the experiment.
Setting up of the apparatus : The screens were placed in such a manner that the distractions
were blocked. The laptop was placed in the middle of the table and only the response sheet was
made visible to the subject.

Rapport formation : After setting up the apparatus, the subject was called into the laboratory. A
brief rapport was formed with the subject to make the subject feel comfortable and questions
like 'how was your breakfast’ etc. were asked. The subject was told that the confidentiality would
be maintained.

Instructions : You will be shown an image of an advertisement. Identify the brand name. The
image will be followed with a question you have to answer either yes or no. Record your answer
on the recall sheet. For example after the PPT present the recall sheet, give the following
instruction ‘in the space given below write down the names of as many brands that you
remember from the PowerPoint presentation’ (maximum five minutes).
After this present the recognition sheet and give the following instruction. 'Given below is a list of
80 brand names, tick yes or no to indicate whether you have seen the brand name in the

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