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Haroun- Bella Wedding

5pm- Loboc River Resort Function Hall

1. Opening (Kuracha- Kuradang) by Binhi Cultural Dance group

2. Grand Entrance ( With Cultural Dancers)
3. Master of Ceremonies ( Welcome)
4. #Offering (Arabic)
Candles, wine, fruits, flowers, souvenirs- Arabic Wedding Dance
5. Emcee: Intro of Musicians Acoustic Band, Saxophonist
6. Dinner ( Music- Acoustic, Sayo)
7. Cake cutting
8. Wine Toasting
9. Bouquet throw
10.Retrieval of the Garter
11.Garter Toss
12.Match Maker
13.Bride & Groom Kuradang Pinning ( Mo pin ug kwarta)
14.Speeches of Congratulations from Friends
15.Pictorial Each Table ( Couple)
16.Dance ( 3 dance music)
17.Words of Thanks ( Bride and Groom)
18.Thank you & Acknowledgment ( Loboc River Resort
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention please. We are
about to begin our Dinner Reception so please locate your respective seats and
make yourself comfortable

Grand Entrance

Now, ladies and gentlemen, LET US ALL RISE AND GIVE OUR WARMEST

I. Welcome Spiel

A very good afternoon to each and everyone. Welcome to Haroun and Bella’s
Wedding Reception. It is such a wonderful sight to see everyone gathered here to
celebrate the love of these two people who are both beautiful inside and out. We
thank you all for gracing this joyful occasion especially to those who have traveled
many miles just to be with us. It is indeed a pleasure to have you all tonight.

By the way, I’m Carren- I’m Bella’s friend, and I will be your emcee for tonight’s
memorable event here at Loboc River Resort Function Hall for the reception of our
newlyweds in celebration of the beginning of their new life together. So before
anything else ladies and gentlemen, let us all clap our hands once againfor Mr. and
Mrs. Haroun? Thank you.

II. Offering (Arabic)

Candles, wine, fruits, flowers, souvenirs- Arabic Wedding Dance

So at this point in time, let us have the offering of candles, wine, fruits, flowers and
souvenirs to our lovely couple while also witnessing an Arabic Wedding Dance.

Adlibs [ Wow, that was absolutely amazing and mesmering to watch. This
is all new to me actually and I have never seen such a beautiful wedding
dance offering before, and I think all of you will agree to me. Right?
III. Emcee: Intro of Musicians - Acoustic Band, Saxophonist

Imagine we’ve just started and everyone is already in awe with the dance, how
much more if I tell you that we also have invited a bunch of musicians, like an
acoustic band and a saxophonist to serenade us all tonight, I mean most especially
for the newlyweds.

But before that, I know you are excited, let us first have our dinner, because I think
the food is now ready.

IV. Dinner (Music- Acoustic, Sayo)

May I call on __________________________ to say the grace before

meals.Thank you _____________________. So, there you have it ladies and
gentleman. Dinner is served. You are all hereby invited to partake dinner.
You may now get your food at the buffet table. Please enjoy your meal and
also the music to be given to us by the acoustic band.

May I have your attention please, I guess by now everyone had their fill of our
sumptuous food tonight . So I guess, we will now resume with our program

V. Cutting of the Cake

May I now request Haroun and Bella to do the honors of cutting the wedding cake.
The cake, which has been a part of wedding celebrations since the Roman times, is a
symbol of good luck and fertility. The sharing of this food symbolizes the couple's
willingness to fulfill each other's needs, creating a bond so simple and yet so strong.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, the cake has been cut

VI. Champagne Toast

Our next tradition is the champagne toasting. Raising a glass together is a way for
everyone to share in wishing good health and happiness to the newlyweds. As the
champagne is poured, our newlyweds now make wishes for their good fortune, a
better future and the best life possible for them. We would like to invite everyone to
raise their glasses to Groom and Bride and join them in their fervent wishes through
good fellowship and camaraderie, love and happiness.
VII. Bouquet Throw

B: Ok now let us all have some fun and its time for the traditional Bouquet Throw.

At this point we would like to request all the single ladies to please come
forward for the bouquet throw. We would also like to request the bride to come
forward and take her place center stage.
Ladies kindly take your place behind the bride and be prepared to catch the

A: It is said that whoever will catch the bouquet will soon be the next bride. So is
everyone in? Ready when you are - at the count of three the bride will throw her

May I also request the audience to please join me in the counting. Ready when
you are ladies. Let us now do the countdown .May I request for the lady who
was able to catch the bouquet to please come forward. Congratulations Miss,
May I have your name please.

Ok let’s give a big hand to Miss ___________. Please have a seat beside the bride
and in a moment we shall find your match in the garter Toss.

VIII. Retrieval of the Garter

Before we go on with the Garter Toss, the groom is to retrieve the garter from his
bride. So may we request Haroun and Bella to please come center stage and do
the garter retrieval ritual.

(A chair is in the center for the bride to sit. while groom kneels down at the
bride's feet ready to retrieve the garter)
Ladies and gentleman the groom will now retrieve the garter from the bride.
(Groom retrieves the garter from the bride.)

There you have it ladies and gentlemen; the groom was finally able to retrieve
the garter. Let us give him a big hand.
IX. Garter Toss

B: Ok it is now the gentlemen's turn and we will now do the garter toss. May I now
request all single men to please come forward for the Garter Toss.

Gentlemen please take your place behind the groom and be ready to catch the
garter. So is everyone ready? At the count of three the groom will throw the garter
and again we request the audience to participate in the countdown.

Ok ready when you are guys. One….. Two……Three…… and it Goes !!!!

X. Matchmaking Ritual

May I request for the gentlemen with the quick hand who now have in his
possession the garter. Sir please come forward and take your place beside the lady
who has the bouquet.

Congratulations Sir. May I have your name please.

Now that we have already found a perfect match. The next bride and groom to be. It
is time for another ritual.

The gentlemen who got the garter is to put it on the lady who caught the bouquet.
At this point we would like to request Ms. __ _________to please have a seat while
Mr. ___________ will put the garter. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. __________ will now
put on the garter on Ms. _________.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Our new lovely pair and if it would not be
too much to ask we would like the gentlemen to give the lady a quick kiss on the

Thank you Mr. _______ and Ms ________, Let us give them both a big hand

At his point, we request that both of you remain onstage for the picture taking.
The newlyweds will now pose with our lovely new pair.
XI. Bride & Groom Kuradang Pinning ( Mo pin ug kwarta)

Tonight is indeed a special night and will forever be etched in the memory
of our beloved couple. For tonight marks the beginning of their new life
together. From this day forward they shall be one, and on this joyful
beginning what could be more fitting than to celebrate it with their First
Dance. The First Dance is symbolic of the consummation of their wedding
vows. This Dance is the wedding couples' first cooperative engagement
and joint endeavor

So ladies and gentlemen, find your purses and wallets. It’s now time for
our money dance where you will get your chance to financially bless our
couple. Some of our coordinators will be standing here, you may
approach them and they will hand you the safety pins where you can use
to attach your bills to the sash they are wearing.

AFTER------------- Thank you all for your generosity that will indeed go a
long way for the couple.

XII. Speeches of Congratulations from Friends

A wedding brings two people and their friends together. It refreshes the ties
and takes friendships to another level. Now, we would like to proceed with
messages from the friends of the couple. These are the people who literally
saw the romance between the groom and bride blossom into a serious
relationship. May we call on first_________________ to share with all of us
what he knows about the couple.
1. Joop Miranda 2. 3. 4

XIII. Pictorial Each Table ( Couple)

At this point, the newlyweds would like to take this opportunity to thank
everyone personally for your presence. Haroun and Bella will now go from
one table to another to greet each and every one and also to have their picture
taking with their guests.
(if ever- Simultaneously, our Matron of Honor assisted with some members of the
bridal entourage will be distributing the wedding giveaways and will be routing the
guest book so please stand by in your seats.)

XIV. Dance ( 3 dance music)

And now ladies and gentlemen, the celebration is not yet over. Don’t go
home yet since we still have a few dances to share with. So without further
much to say, lets have the dance floor for ( binhi cultural dance group )
and for everyone who wants to join.

XV. Message of Thanks from the Newlyweds

B: The night and this celebration has almost come to an end but for our
newlyweds it is just a start of their new life together. As we each go home,
may this day be memorable for all of us as it is to them. To personally convey
their heartfelt gratitude let us now lend an ear to Haroun and Bella.

(Haroun and Bella delivers their message of gratitude.)

XVI. Thank you & Acknowledgment ( Loboc River Resort)

Before we end tonight’s program, on behalf of the newlyweds, I would like to

to acknowledge and thank the key persons who took a great part of this
joyous affair. For without their support, this event would not be made

- Sir Ondoy & Zenaida Galan Varquez

- Clarisa Sayon & LRR staff
Thank you Loboc River Resort Functional Hall for the wonderful accommodation and
service that they are providing us her

Principal Sponsors
1. Ray Lamdagan ( Uncle)
Jedd Tech
2. Selma Haroun ( Haroun’s Aunt)
3. Zainab Ali Haroun ( Haroun’s sister)
4. Ali & Beth Haroun ( Haroun’s Parents)
5. Maria Chona Haenil & Velio Piccioli ( Bella’s Mom)

6. NLA – Necie Lamdagan Aseniero

7. Jundy Cajes- Transportation
8. Engr. Pinpinraza
9. Rommel Lamdagan
10. ……. Villareal
11. ( Ma’am Terisita Revil Piquero)
Ofcourse, to Binhi Cultural Dance Group
12. Saxophone – Jiji Ampong
13. Acoustic Band-
14. D.I.

Once again, thank you for playing the biggest roles in making this event

XVII. Closing Remarks

Also, we would like to thank everyone for coming here today and sharing this
momentous occasion with Groom and Bride. We do hope that all of you had a great
time. This is ____ and ____ signing off. Good afternoon everyone and Let's Party!!!

I would like to start by telling you a little about our friendship. So Bella and I went to
the same university in Dumaguete, and there we immediately became best friends. To
tell you honestly, we don’t usually agree on the same thing, but the best thing about our
friendship, we always support each other’s differences and happiness. For years of
being best buddies, I know her quiet well. I am so confident to say that she is the most
sensible, mature, genuine, focused, independent, stable, caring, loving, and down to
earth person I have ever met. Bella knows exactly what she wants and she goes after it.
She knows how to get things done, and on top of all of that she knows what she's doing
and what she's going into. That is why when she told me “Carren, I am getting married,
I never asked her things like “Are you ready? Are you sure? Because in the first place, I
never doubted her choices and I know for sure she has found the right one.

Actually, I am so proud of the person that she has become and the life that she has
chosen for herself- especially the man she’s chosen to spend the rest of her life with.
You know, I am a little tainted towards love and relationships, but your love gives me
hope. Ever since the day you met, your relationship has blossomed into a beautiful

Through the years I have never seen Bella so happy as when she is with Haroun.
Haroun, you are handsome and generous with your love for my friend, and I know you
would be a great husband. ( insert funny chat)

Thank you so much for supporting her and for allowing her to be free. Bella is one of
most genuine people I've ever known and I believe you are a perfect fit for her.

My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years, your love for each other
will deepen and grow.
May your love be like the wind, strong enough to move the clouds, soft enough to
never hurt,
but always never ending.. So here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after.

I love you both very much. Cheers!! :] <3

To Haroun and Bella Cheers:

{Now, before I proceed, allow me to introduce family and friends who played
significant parts in this afternoon's wedding rites.

May we introduce you to the parents of the couple:

Groom’s parents ( Ali & Beth Haroun)
Bride’s parents ( Maria Chona Haenil & Velio Piccioli (Bella’s Mom)

And now, may we introduce you to the people who stood witness to the couple as they
took their vows:

The Principal Sponsors

Ninongs- Zeu Kalinao Lim
Emmanuael Bernaldez
Ray Lamdagan
Ninangs- Patsita Sarmiento Gamutan
Necie Lamdagan Aseniero

We would also like to acknowledge the following people who have also played
significant roles during the ceremonies:

The little hands that shared their precious time with the couple:

Ring Bearer: Master MARCO BUNOL___

Flower Girl: Miss Athena klaryze Torraba Alba

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