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Geminid Meteor Shower: When, Where and How...


Geminid Meteor
Shower: When, Where Weekly Digest (Dec
09-13, 2019): Top …
and How to Catch the 

Best Meteor Show of When, Where and How

the Year in India  to Watch the Geminid…

By TWC India Edit Team ·

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Representational image of a meteor

(Credits: NASA/Bill Ingalls)

Arguably the best meteor show of

the year will be on display in the
night skies around the world,
including India, this weekend. The
Geminid Meteor Shower is set to
reach its annual peak on the night
between Saturday, December 14
and Sunday, December 15.

What is the Geminid Meteor


The Geminid meteor shower

occurs when Earth passes through
a trail of dusty gravel and debris
left behind by the famous 'rock
comet' named 3200 Phaethon. A
rock comet is a rocky asteroid that
behaves like a comet, outgassing
materials like rock grains, instead
of a typical comet that outgasses

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Geminid Meteor Shower: When, Where and How...

The tiny meteoroids from 3200

Phaethon enter Earth's upper
atmosphere, producing bright
streaks of light in the dark sky.

These 'shooting stars' appear to

originate from the constellation
Gemini, which gives the Geminid
shower its name. This occurrence
typically takes place during
December every year.

The Geminids were first observed

in the early 1860s but were
initially noted among the minor
meteor showers. However, they
have since gradually strengthened
to become the strongest annual
shower, as Jupiter's gravity has
pulled them closer to Earth.

Will this meteor shower be

visible in India?

Absolutely. The shower will be

visible from all across the country,
provided you find clear skies and a
secluded place away from all the
light pollution of the cities. Clouds
and bright city lights are sure to
dim the trails and dampen the

However, the one unfortunate

thing about the shower this year
is the Moon. The Geminids will
reach their peak this year just two
nights after the Full Moon.

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Geminid Meteor Shower: When, Where and How...

Therefore, the bright moonlight

might prove to be of some
hindrance in recognising the

Furthermore, to make things

worse, the Moon will also be
passing through the middle of the
constellation Gemini, moving very
close to the Geminids' radiant
point—the point in our sky from
which the meteors will radiate.

"Due to the Moon's presence, the

number of meteors seen this year
will be low. But if there is a big
fireball, then irrespective of the
Moon, it will be seen. Had it been
a new moon night, even small
meteors would have been visible,"
says the honourary secretary of
Khagol Mandal, Dr Abhay
Deshpande. Khagol Mandal is an
NGO of astronomy enthusiasts
that are known to organise
various sky observation
programmes, lectures and study
tours since its establishment in

What is the best time to catch

the show?

File photo: Enthusiasts watching an
astronomical event at India Gate in
New Delhi

(Credits: Piyal Bhattacharjee/BCCL Delhi)

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Geminid Meteor Shower: When, Where and How...

The Geminids will be at their best

in India on the night between
December 14-15. They will be
visible starting around 7:30 pm IST
on Saturday, and continuing up to
7:30 am IST on Sunday.

Around the globe, the shower's

peak occurs at around 2 am, when
the shower's radiant point is
highest in the sky. Dr Deshpande
recommends the time frame
between 12:30 am and 4 am as
the optimal one to gaze at the
Indian night skies.

How to view the Geminids?

To witness this magical

astronomical event, you need no
special equipment—just clear
skies and loads of patience. Give
your eyes 20 to 30 minutes to
adjust to the darkness, and ensure
you avoid all light sources of light
during this adjustment time. Once
your eyes are accustomed to the
dark, look up in the direction of
the radiant.

Watching a meteor shower can be

a waiting game, which is why it is
important to be dressed
appropriately considering the low
winter temperatures, and carry
along with essentials such as
water bottles and blankets.

Between 60-70 Geminids are

typically visible to the average
viewer per hour, which is over one
per minute. However, the Moon's
presence is likely to decrease that
number this year.

The meteors are known to

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Geminid Meteor Shower: When, Where and How...

produce multicoloured meteors

when they hit the Earth's
atmosphere, with white, flash
yellow, blue and green being the
frequently observed ones. Due to
their size and relatively slow
speed, plenty of slow-moving
fireballs are also on display during
the shower.

If the number of visible meteors

happens to be low this year, then
worry not, as this astronomical
event will occur again, probably
amid more ideal conditions, in 12

"All the meteor showers this year

have coincided with full moons.
But for the past four years,
Geminid was quite bright—more
so than Leonid—and it will once
again occur on a new moon night
next year," Dr Deshpande adds.

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