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Assessment of Learning

1. Mrs. Cabrera made deductions in an essay response with misspelled words. Was she correct?
Explain your answer.
A. Yes, as long as spelling is one of the criteria in rating the essay response.
B. Yes, because correct spelling should be equally emphasized.
C. No, this invalidates the test.
D. No, it is unfair to the students.
2. Mrs. Lopez used her students’ scores in the first grading test in Math and correlated these with the
students’ scores in the second grading test in that same subject to determine if her instrument can
describe the present performance of the students in mathematics. What test of validity did she
A. Content Validity C. Predictive Validity
B. Concurrent Validity D. Construct Validity
3. What type of validity does the Pre-board Examination possess if its results can explain how the
students will likely perform in their Licensure Examination?
A. concurrent C. content
B. construct D. predictive
4. Ms. Maghirang wants to determine if the students’ scores in their Final Test are reliable. However
she has only one set of test and her students are already on vacation. What test of reliability can
she employ?
A. Test-Retest C. Equivalent Forms
B. Kuder Richardson Method D. Test-Retest with Equivalent Forms
5. Mrs. Secretario wants to establish the reliability of his test. However, she has only one form of the
test and she administered her test only once. What test of reliability can she do?
A. Test of Stability C. Test of Correlation
B. Test of Equivalence D. Test of Internal Consistency
6. The reliability coefficient of a test is reported to be r= 0.92. What does this mean?
A. The test is highly reliable. C. The test is perfectly reliable.
B. The test is very unreliable. D. The test has low reliability.
7. A test item has a discrimination index of 0.75 and a difficulty index of 0.45, how would you
evaluate the item if this for a standardized test?
A. The item should be retained C. The item should be revised
B. The item should be changed D. The item should be discarded

Refer to this case in answering items 8-9

Two teachers of the same grade level have set the following objectives for the day’s lesson:
At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
A. construct bar graph;
B. interpret bar graphs;
To assess the attainment of the objectives, Teacher A required the students to construct a bar
graph for the given set of data then she asked them to interpret this using a set of questions as
a guide. Teacher B presented a bar graph then asked them to interpret this using also a set of
guide questions.
8. Whose practice is acceptable based on the principles of assessment?
A. Teacher A C. Both Teacher A and B
B. Teacher B D. Neither Teacher A nor Teacher B
9. Which is true about the given case?
A. Objective A matched with performance-based assessment while B can be assessed using the
traditional pen-and-paper objective test.
B. Objective A matched with traditional assessment while B can be assessed using a
performance-based method.
C. Both objective A and B matched with performance-based assessment.
D. Both objective A and B matched with traditional assessment.
10. In the context of the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, which is a weakness of the paper-pencil test?
A. It puts non-linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage.
B. It is not easy to administer.
C. It utilizes so much time.
D. It lacks reliability.
11. Mr. Moreno is doing a performance-based assessment for the day’s lesson. Which do you expect
to happen in his classroom?
A. Students are evaluated in one sitting.
B. Students do an actual demonstration of their skill.
C. Students are evaluated in the most objective manner.
D. Students are evaluated based on varied evidences of learning.
12. Miss Del Rosario rated her students in terms of appropriate and effective use of some laboratory
equipment and measurement tools and if they are able to follow the specified procedures. What
mode of assessment should Miss del Rosario use?
A. Portfolio Assessment C. Traditional Assessment
B. Journal Assessment D. Performance-Based Assessment
13. Teacher M presented the lesson on baking through a group activity so that the students will not
just learn how to bake but could also develop their interpersonal skills. How should this lesson be
I. The teacher should give the students an essay test explaining how they baked the cake.
II. The students should be graded on the quality of their baked cake using a rubric.
III. The students in a group should rate the members based on their ability to cooperate in
their group activity
IV. The teacher should observe how the pupils perform their task.
A. I, II, and III only C. I, II, IV only
B. II, III, and IV only D. I, II, III, and IV
14. If a teacher has set objectives in all domains or learning targets, which could be assessed using a
single performance task, what criterion in selecting a task did she consider?
A. Generalizability C. Multiple Foci
B. Fairness D. Teachability
15. Which term refers to the collection of students’ products and accomplishments for a period for
evaluation purposes?
A. Diary C. Anecdotal record
B. Portfolio D. Observation report
16. Mrs. Narvaja allowed the students to develop their own portfolio in their own style as long as they
show all the non-negotiable evidences of learning. What principle in portfolio assessment explains
this practice?
A. Content Principle C. Equity Principle
B. Learning Principle D. Product Principle

17. Which is logical sequence of the following steps of portfolio assessment?

I. Set targets IV. Rate Collection
II. Select evidences V. Reflect on Evidences
III. Collect evidences
A. I, II, III, IV, V C. I, II, III, V, IV
B. I, III, II, V, IV D. I, III, V, II, IV
18. Which is an advantage of portfolio assessment?
A. Students are evaluated in the most objective manner.
B. Students are evaluated based on varied evidences of learning.
C. Students are evaluated free from their teacher’s personal biases and prejudices.
D. Students are asked to demonstrate what they are capable of doing without necessarily
providing outputs of learning.
19. Which is INCORRECT about rubrics?
A. Rubrics are key to corrections in performance-based assessment.
B. Rubrics are rating scales that give descriptions for each performance level.
C. Rubrics are used solely by the teachers to make assessment objective.
D. Rubrics reduced subjectivity when rating performance-based methods of assessing learning.
20. Which could be seen in a rubric?
I. Objective in a high level of cognitive behavior
II. Multiple criteria in assessing learning
III. Quantitative descriptions of the quality of work
IV. Qualitative descriptions of the quality of work.
A. I, and II only C. I, II, and III
B. II, III, and IV only D. I, II, III, and IV
21. The pupils are to be judged individually on their mastery of the singing of our national anthem and
so their teacher let them sing individually. What should the teacher use in rating the performance
of the pupils considering the fact that the teacher has only one period to spend in evaluating her
20 pupils?
A. analytic C. Either holistic or analytic
B. holistic D. Both holistic and analytic
22. Teacher Gina gave a test to find out what subject the students like. What affective target is she
A. Locus of Control C. Interest
B. Self- Efficacy D. Anxiety
23. Which of the following is an item that measures students’ locus of control?
A. The subject is boring. C. I can solve well any mathematical problem.
B. Education is important. D. I like math because of my inspiring math teachers.
24. Mrs. Banayo wants to find out what the students’ felt when they were performing an experiment.
What test should she use?
A. Objective C. Essay
B. Self-Report D. Performance
25. Which is FALSE when writing items in an attitudinal test?
A. Select statements that are believed to cover the entire range of affective scale of interests.
B. Statements should be in the form of simple sentences.
C. Use “always” or other universals in the statements.
D. D Avoid the use of double negatives.
26. Which self-reporting technique is good to use if you want to know one’s life experiences?
A. Self-expression Essay C. Self-desription
B. Self-awareness Exercise D. Autobiography
27. Which group assessment technique is good to use if you want to determine the frequency of
students’ participation in a group activity?
A. Social Distance Scales C. Guess-Who test
B. Sociometric Test D. Communigram
28. What do you call a test which measures the extent of one’s agreement or disagreement to the
statement “Mathematics is an interesting subject”?
A. Rubric C. Rating Scale
B. Likert Scale D. Semantic Differential Scale
29. The fourth year students were given an achievement test in English. Majority of the students got
low scores. How would you describe the distribution?
A. Platykurtic C. Positively Skewed
B. Mesokurtic D. Negatively Skewed
30. Mrs. Fule is a district supervisor. She supervises ten schools. At the end of the school year, she
administered an achievement test to all the ten schools in each grade level to find out the school
that makes the best record in the said achievement test. What measure should she use?
A. Measure of Central Tendency C. Measure of Dispersion
B. Measure of Variability D. Measure of Relationship
For items 31-32
Dr. Brion administered a test in Guidance and Counseling to 40 CTP Students. Below is the
frequency distribution of their scores.
Class Limits Frequency
40 – 44 2
35 – 39 6
30 – 34 7
25 – 29 10
20 – 24 8
15 – 19 4
10 – 14 3
31. What is the crude mode?
A. 26 B. 27 C. 28 D. 29
32. What is the lowest true limit of the class with lowest frequency?
A. 39 B. 39.5 C. 9.5 D. 10
33. The three classes handled by Mrs. Maloles have the following mean scores: Sec 1- 82; Section 2
– 84; Section 3 – 85. How would you describe section 3 as compared to the other sections?
A. Section 3 is the most homogeneous. C. Section 3 is the best performing group.
B. Section 3 is the most heterogeneous. D. Section 3 is the least performing group.
34. Mr. Mendoza found out that majority of his students got a score that is not so high or not so low in
the test. What measure of central tendency should he use to have a single score that can
represent all their scores?
A. mean B. median C. mode D. range

35. Two sections have the same mean but the standard deviation of section 2 is higher than section 1.
Which between the two sections is more homogeneous?
A. Section 1 C. Both A and B
B. Section 2 D. None from the above
36. The quartile deviation of the scores obtained in the Department Examination is 2.3. What does
this mean?
A. The median is 2.3 C. The deviation of Q3 from the median is 2.3
B. The deviation of Q1 from the median is 2.3 D. The average deviation of Q3 and Q1 from
the median is 2.3
37. Which among the classes described below is the best?
Mean 86 84 86 86 84
Standard 3.4 7.2 5.3 7.2 3.4
A. Class A B. Class D C. Class B and D D. Class A and E
38. Marilyn got a percentile rank of 88 in a national test. How would you interpret her score?
A. She missed 12 items in the test. C. She belonged to the upper 88% of the class.
B. She answered 88 items correctly. D. She performed better than 88% of the total number
of examinees.
39. The Magcaseville Elementary School has a mean score of 55 and a SD of 4 in a 100-item test.
John who is a student of that school got a raw score of 67. How would you describe his
A. John scored 3SD above the class mean. C. John scored 2 SD above the class mean.
B. John scored 3SD below the class mean. D. John found the test easy.
40. A 50-item test was given to the students of Mrs. Banayo. After checking the test, most of the
students got a perfect score. Using the criterion-referenced grading system, all the students will
get a grade ranging from 90 - 100%. Which is true when this grading system is being used?
A. If the test is too hard, few students will get low grades
B. If the test is too easy, many students will get high grades
C. Whether the test is hard or easy, all students will get a passing mark
D. Whether the test is hard or easy, all students will get a failing mark

41. Teacher Emma gave a True-False pretest on social justice. Based on the pretest results, she
taught her class social justice by correcting whatever wrong concepts the students have and affirmed
and expounded on their correct concepts. After correcting their wrong concepts and affirming their
correct answers, Teacher Emma gave the class a post test. Among the form of assessment
explained, which one/s did teacher Emma do?
a. Assessment of learning c. Assessment for learning
b. Assessment as learning d. Assessment for and as learning
42. The class was taught how to conduct an action research and was required an end-of-the-term
written research report. The class was taught how to do the research report and was shown an
Analytic Scoring Rubric for them to know how they will graded. The class took the scoring Rubric as
guide in the making of their research report. They were all motivated to pass an excellent research
report and as a group checked now and then if they were true to the qualities of an excellent research
report as seen in the scoring rubric. What form of assessment is described?
a. Assessment of learning c. Assessment for learning
b. Assessment as learning d. Assessment for and as learning
43. Teacher Julie sees to it that she check for understanding as she teaches to ensure that every
students can follow the lesson. With that form/s of assessment is teacher Julie occupied with?
a. Assessment of learning c. Assessment for learning
b. Assessment as learning d. Assessment for and as learning
44. Teacher Grace is done with Unit 1. She wants to know how well her students could demonstrate
the knowledge and skills targeted at the beginning of the Unit. Into what form of assessment is
Teacher Grace?
a. Assessment of learning c. Assessment for learning
b. Assessment as learning d. Assessment for and as learning
45. Which assessment is/are used to determine grade of students?
I. Formative assessment II. Summative assessment III. Assessment of learning
a. II and III c. I and II
b. I and III d. I only
46. Which assessment leads students to become self-directed and independent learners?
a. Formative assessment c. Assessment as learning
b. Summative assessment d. Assessment for learning
47. Complete this analogy.
Formative assessment: Assessment for learning
Summative assessment: ____________________
a. Assessment of learning c. Assessment as learning
b. Assessment with learning d. Assessment in learning
48. Emphasize on self-assessment. Teacher Lyn applies this principle by________________.
a. Making her students make their own papers
b. Motivating her students to set their personal learning goals and track their progress against that
c. Preparing her students for higher-order thinking questions
d. Requiring them scoring rubric as project
49. Assessment should be on real-world application and not on out-of-context drills. To apply this
principle, what should teacher Nancy do?
a. Assesses students’ English oral communication skills in graduation program simulation where
each students has a speaking assignment
b. Gives a 20 point quiz asking students to determine whether or not the sound of “a” is long or short
c. Gives students a matching type of test on vocabulary
d. Gives a 10 items quiz on adding dissimilar fractions which is the weakness of students
50. If you emphasize on assessing higher-order thinking skills, which should you do?
a. Avoid paper-and-pencil test.
b. Give students problem to solve.
c. Give oral examinations.
d. Do less formative assessment.
51. On which should be a teacher base his/ her assessment?
a. Learning outcome c. Developments stage of learner
b. Learning content d. Learning resources
52. In Outcome-Based Education or Outcomes-Based Teaching-Learning, the assessment task
should match with the ___________.
a. Learning resources c. Learning outcome
b. References d. content
53. “Very good. You are doing very well, Johann!”, says Teacher Jona. Teacher was referring to
Johann’s word problem solving skills. Is this is accordance with giving specific feedback?
a. Yes c. Very much, the is clear enough
b. No d. No, it is exaggerated
54. Teacher Annie explains to her class: “Each one is expected to spell 10 words out of ten words
correctly. This is a mastery test”. Is teacher Annie’s behavior in keeping with the principle to set
acceptable standards of success?
a. No, the standard she set is too high.
b. No, She is not setting the standards. She is just explaining the meaning of a mastery test.
c. Yes, It is. The standard is clear.
d. Yes, she sees to it that every students agrees.
55. Teacher Jocelyn considers the multiple choice type of a test the best among the written types of
test, so for assessment of assessment she uses only multiple choice type of test. Is this in
accordance with the principle of assessment?
a. Yes, well-formulated multiple-choice tests measure HOTS.
b. Yes, for as long as the multiple choice test measure low and high level thinking skills.
c. No, she has only one source of data.
d. No, she should make use of varied tools for assessment data- gathering.
56. A professor does not given quiz at all. The student’s grades are based only on the summative
assessment results. Does he violate an assessment principle?
a. No, that is academic freedom .
b. No, he assesses learning and give grades anyway.
c. Yes, assessment data to reliable should come from the multiple sources.
d. Yes, he does not consider multiple intelligences and learning styles.
57. Which is NOT belong to the group?
a. Completion test c. Matching type
b. Multiple choice d. Alternate response
58. Which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Completion test c. multiple choice
b. Problem solving d. Short answer
59. Which type of test measure student’s thinking, organizing and written communication skills?
a. Extemporaneous speech c. Short answer
b. Completion type d. Essay
60. Teacher Dada wants to test student’s acquisition of declarative knowledge. Which test is
a. Performance test c. Short answer test
b. Submission of a report d. Essay
61. Performance test: Psychomotor skills
Paper-and-pencil test:_____________
a. Declarative knowledge c. Motor skills
b. Psychomotor procedures d. Procedural knowledge
62. Teacher Peter wants to know how will his students have imbibed the virtue of honesty.
Which tool is appropriate?
a. Personality test c. Reflective journal on “How Honest Am I?”
b. Students interview d. Written test
63. Which assessment task is most fit for logic-smart learners?
a. Solving a puzzle c. Describing the solution
b. Showing the steps through diagram d. Composing a song
64. Which assessment task works best for language-smart learners?
a. Oral presentation c. Dance
b. By the use of graphic organizers. d. By demonstration
65. In which level is identifying the authors of given literary pieces?
a. Understanding c. Recalling
b. Applying d. Synthesizing
66. The students were expected to be able to develop a lesson plan following outcomes-Base
Education (OBE) principles. Based on Kendall’s taxonomy, in which level is the intended learning
a. Analysis c. Knowledge utilization
b. Retrieval d. Metacognitive system
67. You have to remember the steps of opening a computer if you want to do it on your own. In what
level of assessment is remembering the steps?
a. Retrieval c. Comprehension
b. Analysis d. Knowledge utilization
68. Teacher Joji’s intended learning outcome is this: interpret the given poem”. Which assessment
task is aligned? Teacher Joji
a. Gives the students a written test and asks them to paraphrase the poem.
b. Gives an oral test and ask them to recite the poem with feelings.
c. Gives a written test and asks the students what poem expresses.
d. Makes them memorize the poem then recite irt with feelings to prove understanding.
69. Is the test item “classify the given teaching methods” aligned to this intended learning outcome “to
select the appropriate teaching methods”?
a. Yes c. A little because classify and select are related
b. No d. Yes, if you change “select” in the learning outcome to classify
70. Here is a lesson objective/intended learning outcome.” Illustrate the law of supply and demand
with your original concrete example”. For content validity, Which test item is aligned?
a. Define the law of supply and demand illustrate it with an example.
b. Illustrate the law of supply and demand with a drawing.
c. Illustrate the law of supply and demand with concret, original example.
d. Explain the law of supply and demand and illustrate it with a diagram.
71. Teacher Joji wrote this learning outcome: ”To interpret a given quotation.” For content validity
which should she ask?
a. Interpret Nietsche’s statement: “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.”?
b. Did you believe in Nietsche’s statement “He who has a why to live for can bear for almost any
c. What is true in Nietsche’s statement “he who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how”?
d. Nietsche was an atheist. Do you believe that he can give this statement “He who has a why to live
for can bear with almost any how”?
72. After teaching them the process of experimenting, Teacher joe wanted his student to be able set
up an experiment to find an answer to a scientific problem. Which will he ask his students to do?
a. Set up and experiment to find out if aerial plants can also live on land.
b. Can aerial plants also live on land? Research on experiments already conducted.
c. Observe if aerial plants can survive when planted in soil. Note your observations and present them
in class.
d. Research on the answers to this scientific problem: Can aerial plans survive when transferred in
73. Here is an intended learning outcome of a Health Teacher: “Identify skill-related fitness and
activities suitable for the individual”. Does her test item measure this particular outcome and
therefore has content validity?
I. Identify the components of Physical Fitness under the skill-related activities.
A. body composition C. flexibility
B. agility D. organic vigor
a. Yes, very much c. No.
b. Yes, because it asks something about skill-related activities d. The options have nothing to do
with skill-related activities
74. In Teacher Lea’s Table of specification (TOS), 60 percent of the 1 st grading test items are
applying questions based on bloom’s taxonomy. A review of her test shows that 50% are
remembering items, 20% are analyzing Questions and 30% are applying questions. Does Teacher’s
test coincide with her TOS?
a. No. c. Yes
b. No, her analyzing question is supposed to be 60% d. Yes, her applying questions are also
analyzing question, too.
75. Teacher Parah asked her pupils to display their penmanship work in the beginning, middle and
near the end of the school year. Which type of portfolio is displayed?
a. Development portfolio c. Showcase portfolio
b. Evaluation portfolio d. Assessment portfolio
76. You are applying for a job. Which type of portfolio should accompany your application letter?
a. Development portfolio c. Showcase portfolio
b. Evaluation portfolio d. Assessment portfolio
77. I have to check if my students were able to produce the expected output as stated in my intended
learning outcome. Which type of portfolio am I interested to see?
a. Development portfolio c. Showcase portfolio
b. Evaluation portfolio d. Assessment portfolio
78. Teacher Alex wants his pupils to display their favorite poem among the poems each one
composed. What type of portfolio is Teacher Alex expecting to see?
a. Development portfolio c. Showcase portfolio
b. Evaluation portfolio d. Assessment portfolio
79. Which portfolios enable you to determine if you realized your intended learning outcome?
a. Development portfolio c. Showcase portfolio
b. Evaluation portfolio d. Assessment portfolio
80. For diagnostic purposes which type of rubric is more appropriate?
a. Analytic rubric c. Holistic
b. General rubric d. Developmental rubric
81. Which rubric CANNOT provide specific feedback for improvement?
a. Analytic rubric c. Holistic
b. General rubric d. Developmental rubric
82. Which advantage does a holistic rubric over that of an analytic rubric?
a. Takes less time to create c. More direct
c. Shorter in content d. More detailed
83. Because of its nature, which can be of greater help for student self-directed learning?
a. Analytic rubric c. Holistic rubric
b. Developmental d. Combination of holistic and analytic
84. Which is the percentage contribution of quarterly assessment to the grade of the student from
grade 1 to 10?
a. 15% c. 25%
b. 20% d. 30%
85. Does quarterly assessment have the same percentage weights for all subjects, for all tracks in
Grades 11-12.
a. Yes c. Yes, only for the academic track
b. No d. It depends on schools.
86. Which is the percentage contribution of written work to grade of the grade 1-10 student in science
and math?
a. 50% c. 40%
b. 20% d. 30%
87. In MAPEH and TLE, which contribute/s heaviest to the student grade?
a. Performance tasks c. Quarterly assessment
b. Written work d. Quarterly assessment and performance tasks
88. Based on percentage contribution to the grade, what can be inferred from the depEd’s emphasis
on learning and assessment?
a. The emphasis depends on the grade level of the subjects.
b. All components are being emphasized
c. The emphasis for all grades 1-10 subjects is on performance tasks.
d. The emphasis is on quarterly assessment.
89. A student gets a numerical grade of 80. What is his descriptor for his level of proficiency ?
a. Satisfactory c. Very Satisfactory
b. Fairly satisfactory d. Did not meet expxctation
90. I get a grade of 90. What is its descriptor?
a. Very Satisfactory c. Advanced
b.Beginning d. Outstanding
91. Which is describe as “did not meet expectations”?
a. Below 75% c. Below 74%
b. Below 76% d. Below 72%
92. If a student failed to meet standards, which descriptor apply?
a. Developing c. Poor
b. Beginning d. Did not meet expectations
93. How is the final grade per subjects for grades 11 and 12 obtained?
a. Get the average of the grades for the 2 quarters
b. Get the average of the grades for the 4 quarters
c. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 2 semesters
d. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 4 semesters
94. Which is/are TRUE of MAPEH when it comes to grade computation?
I. The quarter grade is the average of quarterly grade in the four areas-Music, Arts, Physical
Education and Health (MAPEH)
II. Individual grades are given to each area (MAPEH)
III. There is one grade for Music and Arts, PE and Health because they are related.
a. I only c. I and III
b. I and II d. II only
95. Which is TRUE of Kindergarten grades?
a. Grades are computed like the grades in Grade 1.
b. There are numerical grades with descriptions.
c. There are no numerical grades.
d. Remarks like Passed and Failed are used.
96. At the end of the school year, which is/are TRUE of grades?
I. The General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by the total number of
learning areas.
II. Each learning area has equal weight in computing or the General Average.
III. The Final Grade per learning area and the General Average are reported as whole numbers.
a. I and II c. I and III
b. II and III d. I, II and III
97. Who is retained in the same grade level for Grades 1 to 10? Any students who did not meet
expectations ___________________.
a. in three or more learning areas
b. in 2 learning areas
c. in four learning areas
d. as shown in the general average
98. What happens when a student in Grade 1 to 10 did not meet expectations in two learning areas?
a. Retained in the same grade level
b. Promoted to the next grade level after passing remedial classes for learning areas with failing mark
c. Promoted in the next grade level but has back subjects in the lower grade level
d. Is not accepted for enrollment in the school
99. Why must grades be reported to parents?
I. Promote ongoing formative feedback to students
II. Ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment
III. Promote, to parents and students, credible and useful feedback
a. I only c. II only
b. I and III d. I, II and III
100. What must be done to make grade reporting meaningful?
I. The grading system must be clear to all concerned.
II. The standards and competencies are known and understood by all.
III. The grading system must be numerical.
a. I and II c. I, II and III
b. II only d. III only

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