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Oxycontin Oral : Uses | Dosage | Side Effects | Interactions |

Oxycontin is a potent medicine that helps to relieve chronic ongoing pain. It is an opioid pain killer that blocks
the pain signals traveling through the body to the brain. The medication works inside the central nervous system
(CNS) by altering a few natural chemicals inside the brain. There are two main formulations of Oxycontin that
works differently to relieve the pain. Discuss the outcomes of Oxycontin with your doctor before starting the


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How does Oxycontin work to relieve pain?

Oxycontin is an opioid pain killer (narcotic analgesic). It binds to the MAO receptor inside the central nervous
system. The onset of action should start within 30 minutes after taking the first dose. When you take a dose of

Oxycontin, it will reduce the sensation of pain. It generally blocks the pain messages traveling from your body to
the central nervous system.

Oxycontin works differently for every patient. You may experience different effects of medicine than any other
patient. However, the impacts of medication solely depend on the medical condition and severity of pain .
Discuss it with your doctor if you are concerned about the effects of Oxycontin.

Is addiction possible to Oxycontin?

Addiction is possible to opioid medicines when you take them without limits. Follow the medication guidelines
correctly to prevent addiction or dependence. Addiction to Oxycontin is possible when you take it in higher

doses or a more extended period than prescribed. We advise you to do not exceed the dosage strength or
quantity by yourself. Consult with your doctor if any change in the medication is required.

How to treat Oxycontin addiction?

There are many treatments for addiction available. Your doctor will suggest you choose the best treatment plan
according to your convenience. However, your doctor may prescribe some medication to prevent the withdrawal
of Oxycontin. You may also have physical therapy along with medication to treat

the addiction.

While many treatments for addiction are available, you can also prevent the happening of dependence. Follow
the medication instructions available on your prescription. Take the doses in prescribed quantity and time.
Please do not exceed the dosage or take it for a more extended time than prescribed. Discuss with your doctor
how to prevent the addiction of Oxycontin.

Is Oxycontin available without a doctor's approval?

Oxycontin is a controlled and prescription medicine. It would be best if you do not use this medication without a
doctor's approval. However, there might be many adverse effects when you use Oxycontin without
prescription. Some of the side effects might be life-threatening. Please do not hesitate to call medical help when
you get any of its side effects.

For how long does Oxycontin work?

The onset of action depends on the strength of the medicine and the medical condition of the patient. Your
doctor will adjust the dosage strength according to the treatment requirements. In general, the effects of
Oxycontin last for up to 36 hours. However, the onset of action might be different for you. So, discuss it directly
with your doctor for a better understanding.

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