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Avocado Oil: the perfect food oil

Avocado oil is derived from the avocado fruit, from a tree bearing the scientific name
Persea Americana, native to Mexico. This cooking oil is pressed from the fruit and is
used in a variety of ways.

Nutrients values of avocado oil:

Many health benefits are associated with avocado oil due to the presence of high
levels of vitamin A, thiamine, folate and riboflavin.

Nutrients Values
Water 0
Energy 884
Protein 0
Total lipid 100
Carbohydrate 0
Fiber 0
Calcium 0
Iron 0
Magnesium 0
Potassium 0
Sodium 0
Zinc 0
Thiamine 0
Riboflavin 0
Folate 0
Vitamin A 0
Fatty acids, total saturated 11.56
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 70.55
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 13.49

Health benefits of avocado oil:

1. Skin care:

Avocado oil is ideal for clearing up skin conditions due to the presence of high levels
of vitamin E along with other potent antioxidants. Vitamin E has certain antioxidant
effects, helping to stimulate the growth of new cells, protecting the skin against
infections, reducing inflammatory problems including eczema and rosacea and
improving the appearance and youthfulness of your skin.

2. Boosts cardiovascular health:

Regularly consuming avocado oil, helps to boost your heart health be lowering blood

3. Improves vision:
The carotenoids found in avocado oil will turn into vitamin A within the body. It act
as an antioxidant eliminating oxidative stress and lowering the chances of chronic

4. Helps to beat the high blood pressure:

Because of the high the content of potassium and vitamin E, avocado oil is great for
improving the health of blood vessels. It also supports a hormonal balance in the
kidneys, which is responsible for maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

5. Helps to control cholesterol:

Avocado oil is cholesterol friendly as it contains high levels of monounsaturated fats
and few saturated fats. It also helps to lower the levels of bad cholesterol.

6. Helps in weight loss:

Avocado oil contains high levels of oleic acid which is responsible for weight loss.
Omega-9 fatty acid encourages blood flow to the muscles as you exercise which in
turn helps our body to remove fat which in turn can be used as energy.

7. Helps to relieve arthritic symptoms:

Arthritis, is characterized by a painful swelling and inflammation of joints in the
body. The pain can be relieved through the combination of soy bean and avocado oil

8. Used for healthy hair:

Due to the presence of Lecithin, avocado oil lubricates and protects your hair, skin
and follicles which helps to stimulate new growth.
This is especially helpful if you are exposed to harsh, dry climates.

9. Detoxes Your Body:

Avocado oil contains chlorophyll, a natural source of magnesium, which naturally

removes heavy metals like mercury and lead from the liver, kidneys, brain and other
10. Helps Fight and Prevent Cancer:

Avocado oil is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid, the same omega 9 EFA found in
olive oil. One of oleic acid’s many benefits is lowering the risk of cancers. Omega
3 fatty acids, also found in avocado oil, are well known anti-carcinogens that help
to slow the growth of cancer cells, specifically those causing breast and colon
cancer. Avocados also contain the anti-carcinogenic antioxidant glutathione.

11. Treats Skin Damage and Irritations:

Avocado oil is very penetrative and is believed to be absorbed through the epidermis
and into the dermal layer of skin, which most moisturizers and oils are unable to do.
Avocado oil has been known to treat dry, flaky skin and sunburn. Used over time,
avocado oil can reduce the appearance of minor sun damage, age spots and scarring.
The omega 3s and vitamin E found in avocado oil also make it a great choice for
treating skin irritations, such as eczema, psoriasis, cracked heels, dandruff, and insect
bites and stings. A thin layer of avocado oil on your skin goes a long way. Massage
directly into your skin or add a few drops alone, or with essential oils, to your bath
water, especially during the winter to help retain moisture. To ward off dry skin, try
mixing avocado oil and olive oil and massaging them into your skin after bathing.

12. Fights Wrinkles:

The high protein levels found in avocado oil combined with the various amino acid
content makes this oil excellent for tissue regeneration and cell renewal. Avocado oil
enhances the body’s rate of producing collagen. Vitamins A and D, found in avocado
oil, can promote collagen production and binding. Consuming or applying avocado oil
topically can slow your skin’s aging process.

Side effects of avocado oil:

1.Some people might suffer from itchiness when applied to the skin.
2.People might suffer some itchiness in the mouth after consuming avocado oil.
Risks and warnings
Studies on the side effects of avocado oil are scarce. As with any product, it’s a good
idea to do a patch test on your skin first to rule out any allergies.
To do this, rub a dime-sized amount of the oil into the inside of your forearm. If you
don’t experience any irritation or inflammation within 24 hours, the oil should be safe
for you to use.
If you’re allergic to avocados, check with your doctor before using avocado oil.

How to buy and store avocado oil?

1. Avocado oil doesn't need to be refrigerated.

2. One of the benefits of natural refined avocado oil is that it doesn't go rancid very
3. Cooking oils should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent any oxidation.

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