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Shiv Tandav Strotam

Recitation & Sanskrit Lyrics

with English translation

Dedicated to the Success of

JAN LOKPAL Bill Movement
Content of this Audio-Visual presentation
• Purpose of this presentation.

•The Shiv Tandava Strotam, Story of its Creation, it’s

Lyrics, recitation in RAGA and English meaning of

• Why Jan LOKPAL Bill.

• Stand of Government & Civil Society on various

provisions of LOKPAL and reasons of opposing the
Government ‘s draft.

• Request from the presenter.

It is said that Lord RAMA had worshiped Lord SHIVA at
Rameshwaram ( situated in the Indian state of Tamilnadu) for the
success of his offensive on RAVANA, King of Lanka, to free his (RAMA)
wife SITA, whom he ( RAVANA) had kidnapped and confined in his
Capital city. SHIVA got pleased from this worship and gave Boon of
success to RAMA, against his (Shiva’s) ardent follower RAVANA.
Taking clue from this story, I felt that why not the entire civil
society should worship Supreme LOKPAL ( Lord Siva’s one
name is LOKPAL also) for the success of LOKPAL Bill in the
SHRAVAN month of Hindu calendar, which is known as good month to
please Lord SHIVA, as ruling class of our country is robbing our
progress and prosperity by rampant corruption, so it is duty of civil
society to come forward and fight for this cause ( Creation of a strict,
effective and independent institution like LOKPAL against
corruption.) .
The SHIV TANDAV STROTAM is known as best pray to please the Lord
SHIVA and by chanting , listening or reading this STROTA, we will
create a SATVIK atmosphere, which will drive out the detractors of our
So! Just listen these mantras and share it with maximum people as it
is said that if this mantra is chanted by a million times, then it
became RUDRA YAGNA and that create a pious atmosphere.
The story of creation of the SHIV TANDAV Strotam

(िशवताण्डवःतोत ्) is a Sanskrit song or Mantra or Hymn written on

Lord Shiva which describes Lord Shiva's Power, Beauty
(Physical and Mental) and specially Tandava. Though this
song is considered as an Arya Geeti (the song of Aryans, a part
of Vedic culture), but it is said, the song was written
(dedicated) and sung by Visrava (father of Ravana) and
especially by Ravana (King of Lanka). It is also said that,
Ravana himself wrote and dedicated the song to Lord Shiva.
In Ramayana, we can see Ravana was a great follower of Lord
Shiva and he was thoroughly blessed by Lord Shiva. Ravana
got Lord Shiva's blessings and assurances (बराभय) by very hard
mental and physical prayer (तपःया). The word 'Tandava'
means 'Destruction', which is also a part of 'Taal' [the word
'Taal', which is a very essential part of Indian music, is the
combination of 'Tandava' (which is considered as Lord Shiva's
dance form) and Lashya (which is considered as Goddess
Parvati's dance form). The fourth and fifth quatrains of this
hymn conclude with lists of Shiva's epithets as destroyer, even
the destroyer of death itself.
.. ौीगणेशाय नमः ..

जटाटवीगलज्जलूवाहपािवतःथले लेऽवलम्ब्य लिम्बतां भुजङ्गतुङ्गमािलकाम ् |
डमड्डमड्डमड्डमिन्ननादवड्डमवर्यं चकार चण्ड्ताण्डवं तनोतु नः िशवः िशवम ्
|| १||

Translation: With his neck, consecrated by the flow of water

flowing from the thick forest-like locks of hair, and on the neck,
where the lofty snake is hanging garland, and the Damaru
drum making the sound of Damat Damat Damat Damat, Lord
Shiva did the auspicious dance of Tandava and may He shower
prosperity on us all. (1)
जटाकटाहसंॅमॅमिन्निलम्पिनझर्री िवलोलवीिचवल्लरीिवराजमानमूधिर् न |
धग ग गज्ज्वलल्ललाटपट्टपावके िकशोरचन्िशेखरे रितः ूितक्षणं मम
|| २||

Translation: I have a very deep interest in Lord Shiva, whose

head is glorified by the rows of moving waves of the celestial
river Ganga, agitating in the deep well of his hair-locks, and
who has the brilliant fire flaming on the surface of his
forehead, and who has the crescent moon as a jewel on his
head. (2)
धराधरे न्िनंिदनीिवलासबन्धुबन्धुर ःफुरि गन्तसन्तितूमोदमानमानसे |
कृ पाकटाक्षधोरणीिनरु दधर्
ु रापिद क्विचि गम्बरे मनो िवनोदमेतु वःतुिन
|| ३||

Translation: May my mind seek happiness in the Lord Shiva, in

whose mind all the living beings of the glorious universe exist,
who is the sportive companion of Parvati (daughter of the
mountain king), who controls invincible hardships with the
flow of his compassionate look, who is all-persuasive (the
directions are his clothes). (3)
लताभुजङ्गिपङ्गलःफुरत्फणामिणूभा कदम्बकुङ्कुमिवूिल िदग्वधूमुखे |
मदान्धिसन्धुरःफुर वगु रीयमेदरेु मनो िवनोदम तं
ु िबभतुर् भूतभतर्िर
|| ४||

Translation: May I seek wonderful pleasure in Lord Shiva, who

is supporter of all life, who with his creeping snake with reddish
brown hood and with the luster of his gem on it spreading out
variegated colors on the beautiful faces of the maidens of
directions, who is covered with a glittering upper garment
made of the skin of a huge intoxicated elephant. (4)
सहॐलोचनूभृत्यशेषलेखशेखर ूसूनधूिलधोरणी िवधूसरािङ्यपीठभूः |
भुजङ्गराजमालया िनब जाटजूटक िौयै िचराय जायतां चकोरबन्धुशेखरः
|| ५|

Translation: May Lord Shiva give us prosperity, who has the

moon (relative of the Cakora bird) as his head-jewel, whose
hair is tied by the red snake- garland, whose foot-stool is
grayed by the flow of dust from the flowers from the rows of
heads of all the Gods, Indra/Vishnu and others. (5)
ललाटचत्वरज्वल नञ्जयःफुिलङ्गभा िनपीतपञ्चसायकं नमिन्निलम्पनायकम ् |
सुधामयूखलेखया िवराजमानशेखरं महाकपािलसम्पदे िशरोजटालमःतु नः
|| ६||

Translation: May we get the wealth of Siddhis from Shiva's

locks of hair, which devoured the God of Love with the sparks of
the fire flaming in His forehead, who is bowed by all the
celestial leaders, who is beautiful with a crescent moon (6)
करालभालपिट्टकाधग ग गज्ज्वल नञ्जयाहतीकृ ु तूचण्डपञ्चसायके |
धराधरे न्िनिन्दनीकुचामिचऽपऽक ूकल्पनैकिशिल्पिन िऽलोचने रितमर्म |
|| ७||

Translation: My interest is in Lord Shiva, who has three eyes, who

has offered the powerful God of Love into the fire, flaming
Dhagad Dhagad on the flat surface of his forehead who is the
sole expert artist of drawing decorative lines on the tips of breasts
of Parvati, the daughter of the mountain king. (7)
नवीनमेघमण्डली िनरु दधर्
ु रःफुरत ् कुहिनशीिथनीतमः
ू ूबन्धब कन्धरः |
िनिलम्पिनझर्रीधरःतनोतु कृ ि िसन्धुरः कलािनधानबन्धुरः िौयं जग रंु धरः
|| ८||

Translation: May Lord Shiva give us prosperity, who bears the

burden of this universe, who is lovely with the moon, who is red
wearing the skin, who has the celestial river Ganga, whose
neck is dark as midnight of new moon night covered by many
layers of clouds. (8)
ूफुल्लनीलपङ्कजूपञ्चकािलमूभा वलिम्बकण्ठकन्दलीरुिचूब कन्धरम ् |
ःमरिच्छदं पुरिच्छदं भविच्छदं मखिच्छदं गजिच्छदांधकिछदं तमंतकिच्छदं भजे
|| ९||

Translation: I pray to Lord Shiva, whose neck is tied with the

luster of the temples hanging on the neck with the glory of the
fully-bloomed blue lotuses which looked like the blackness
(sins) of the universe, who is the killer of Manmatha, who
destroyed Tripuras, who destroyed the bonds of worldly life,
who destroyed the sacrifice, who destroyed the demon
Andhaka, the destroyer of the elephants, and who controlled
the God of death, Yama. (9)
अखवर्( अगवर्) सवर्मङ्गलाकलाकदं बमञ्जरी सूवाहमाधुरी िवजृंभणामधुोतम ् |
ःमरान्तकं पुरान्तकं भवान्तकं मखान्तकं गजान्तकान्धकान्तकं तमन्तकान्तकं
भजे || १०||

Translation: I pray to Lord Shiva, who has bees flying all over
because of the sweet honey from the beautiful bunch of
auspicious Kadamba flowers, who is the killer of Manmatha,
who destroyed Tripuras, who destroyed the bonds of worldly
life, who destroyed the sacrifice, who destroyed the demon
Andhaka, the killer of the elephants, and who controlled the
God of death, Yama. (10)
जयत्वदॅिवॅमॅम जङ्गमु स ि िनगर्मत्बमःफुरत्करालभालहव्यवाट् |
िधिमि िमि िमध्वनन्मृदङ्गतुङ्गमङ्गल ध्विनबमूवितर्त ूचण्डताण्डवः िशवः
|| ११||

Translation: Lord Shiva, whose dance of Tandava is in tune

with the series of loud sounds of drum making Dhimid Dhimid
sounds, who has the fire on the great forehead, the fire that is
spreading out because of the breath of the snake wandering in
whirling motion in the glorious sky. (11)
ःपृषि िचऽतल्पयोभुज र् ङ्गमौि कॐजोर ् गिर र लो योः सुहृि पक्षपक्षयोः |
तृंणारिवन्दचक्षुषोः ूजामहीमहे न्ियोः समूवृि कः ( समं ूवतर्यन्मनः) कदा
सदािशवं भजे || १२||

Translation: When will I worship Lord Sadasiva (eternally

auspicious) God, with equal vision towards the people and an
emperor, and a blade of grass and lotus-like eye, towards both
friends and enemies, towards the valuable gem and some lump
of dirt, towards a snake and a garland and towards varied
ways of the world (12)
कदा िनिलम्पिनझर्रीिनकुञ्जकोटरे वसन ् िवमु दमर्
ु ितः सदा िशरः ःथमञ्जिलं
वहन ् | िवमु लोललोचनो ललामभाललग्नकः िशवेित मंऽमुच्चरन ् कदा सुखी
भवाम्यहम ् || १३||

Translation: When will I be happy, living in the hollow place

near the celestial river, Ganga, carrying the folded hands on
my head all the time, with my bad thinking washed away,
and uttering the mantra of Lord Shiva and devoted in the
God with glorious forehead with vibrating eyes. (13)
इदम ् िह िनत्यमेवमु मु मो मं ःतवं पठन्ःमरन्ॄुवन्नरो िवशुि मेितसंततम ् |
हरे गुरौ सुभि माशु याित नान्यथा गितं िवमोहनं िह दे िहनां सुशङ्करःय
िचंतनम ् || १४||

Translation: Whoever reads, remembers and says this best

stotra as it is said here, gets purified for ever, and obtains
devotion in the great Guru Shiva. For this devotion, there is
no other way. Just the mere thought of Lord Shiva indeed
removes the delusion. (14)
पूजावसानसमये दशवक्ऽगीतं यः शंभुपूजनपरं पठित ूदोषे |
तःय िःथरां रथगजेन्ितुरङ्गयु ां लआमीं सदै व सुमुिखं ूददाित शंभुः
|| १५||

Translation: In the evening, after sunset, at the end of Puja,

whoever utters this stotra dedicated to the worship of Shiva,
Lord Shiva blessed him with very stable Lakshmi (prosperity)
with all the richness of chariots, elephants and horses (15)
इित ौीरावण- कृ तम ् िशव- ताण्डव- ःतोऽम ्
सम्पूणमर् ्
Why LOKPAL Bill:

Corruption is a reality and we have to accept it. Few

Bureaucrats world over since ages in any
administration, be it feudal or democratic , are
corrupt. For Preventing the spread of this problem and
turning it in to a menace, We need a strong, speedy,
transparent and effective mechanism of trial and
punishment against corruption . In USA also, ENRON
like Scandals happens, but in-spite of clout of
Mr. Kenneth Lay ( Chairman of ENRON), over BUSH
administration (he was largest donor to the Bush
Election campaign), he ( Kenneth Lay) and his
associates. were prosecuted and sentenced to as much
as 45 yrs jail and Millions of $ were recovered from
their estates as fines, within a year of beginning of
trial. Where as trial against RAJU (SATYAM) is still
pending and Mr. SWAMI has to wait for more then a
year to file a case against RAJA.
Corruption effects our society from all spheres. Let look at
it’s effects on society.

• On our Economy : The ill gotten money heads to safe

havens in international currencies like US$. That means we
buy US $, thus transfer our wealth to the US or other
countries. India used to be called Golden Bird, but British
had looted us systematically and transferred our wealth to
EUROPE. After independence, it was expected that this loot
will stop and we will be able to use our resources for our
development, but unfortunately, corrupt Bureaucrats,
hand in glove with politicians replaced the British and
our wealth is still heading to West and ,making them

•On our Society: Socially our values are deteriorating

because ill gotten money is lavishly spend in social
occasion like marriage and luxuries, thus prompting
society at a large for corruption and hitting our great
moral values.
• On Our Development: because of this corruption,
benefits of social spends doesn’t reach in right hands
and goes to few hands thus leaving society at large
undeveloped thus creating unreal distribution of
wealth and hitting our growth.
•On National Security: Due to corruption, illegal
activities such as extortion , illegal mining, illegal
transfer of money (HAVALA) etc. spreads and this
money goes in the hands of anti social elements thus
harm our national security also. Look at the internal
security scenario of our country. It is worsening
because of rampant spread of corruption .
• On Environment: Corruption leads to excessive and
uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources, which
leads to destruction of ecology. Gandhi had said
“Mother nature have enough for men’s requirements
but it can’t fulfill the greed of even a one greedy”.
Reason of Opposing the Government Draft
Sr Reason of Opposing the
.# Government Proposal Civil Society Proposal Government Drafts
Initiation of Cases
LOKPAL proposed by Will designated authorities
government will be just Lokpal will have powers to like speakers of Loksabha/
an advisor body, which initiate investigations Rajyasabha/ PM/ Chief
will act only on the suo moto in any case and Secretary allow any case of
recommendations of also to directly entertain ruling party MPs or
designated authorities complaints from the government officials? It will
for forwarding the cases public. It will not need give ruling party powers to
to LOKPAL The general reference or permission be selective in referring the
publics will make from anyone to initiate cases. Even it could close the
complaints to the investigation into any window of investigation
1 designated authorities case through CBI.

Police Powers to LOKPAL

Without Police powers
Lokpal would have police LOKPAL will be surely
powers. The wing of CBI ineffective. Even if the report
which deals with of Lokpal is accepted, who
Lokpal has not been corruption cases, will be will file the charge sheet in
given police powers. under the LOKPAL. It will the court? Who will initiate
Therefore Lokpal cannot be able to register FIR, prosecution? Who will
register an FIR. It will proceed with criminal appoint the prosecution
refer the case to the investigations and lawyer? The entire bill is
2 designated authority. launch prosecution silent on that
Inclusion of PM, judiciary and lower ranking bureaucrats
If government succeeds,
BOFORCE could not be
investigate in future. We are
seeing the case of Justice
Dinakaran. Common man
annually pays bribe, in tune
of 21,068 crore (US$4.7
billion) for 11 basic services
like education. Judiciary,
healthcare, police etc. Only
Truckers pay 48,680 crore,
appx. (US$5 billion in bribes)
Civil society LOKPAL will in 2010, and this amount is
Lokpal will have shared between the local
jurisdiction over politicians, local officials in
Government LOKPAL politicians, officials and the form of bribe for the
excludes PM (cases judges. CVC and the lucrative postings by public
which deals with entire vigilance servants and we can see that
foreign affairs, machinery of our present system is not
security and government will be adequate to save common
defense), Judiciary merged into Lokpal. man. Un-till unless this issue
and lower ranks of There will be taken seriously, common
Bureaucracy from LOKAYUKTAs in states for people will not feel the
3 the LOKPAL lower ranking officials. difference
Frivolous complaints and Security to Whistle Blowers
Deterrence has been So the bill appears to be
There is a strong provided against meant to browbeat,
punishment for frivolous frivolous complaints in threaten and discourage
complaints. Lokpal will the form of financial those fighting against
have the power to send penalties against the corruption. Large numbers
the complainant to jail complainant, Lokpal of people raising their voice
through summary trial will have powers to against political corruption
but if the complaint were provide protection are being murdered, so in
found to be true, the against physical and such scenario, how can we
Lokpal will not have the professional expect people will come
power to send the corrupt victimization of forward against
4 politicians to jail! whistleblowers corruption?
Punishment & recovery of ill gotten money
Nothing has been provided The reason of rampant
in law to recover ill gotten Loss caused to the corruption is fearless of
wealth. A corrupt person can government due to corrupts due to negligible
come out of jail and enjoy corruption will be punishment and
that money.Under the recovered from all retaining the ill gotten
present law, there is Small accused. Enhanced wealth. So Govt. bill will
punishment for corruption- punishment - The not make any impact.
Punishment for corruption punishment would be Only recovery of ill gotten
is minimum 6 months and minimum 5 years and wealth and strict
maximum 7 years. maximum of life punishment keep people
5 imprisonment. away from corruption.
Request from the presenter

(Nutan Chaturvedi)

As I have already mentioned earlier, idea of this video is

taken from the SHIV PUJA by Lord RAMA at Rameshwaram, so
we all should pray Lord SHIVA to gain his (SHIVA) blessing
because the fight of Civil Society for effective LOKPAL Bill is our
fight, as it is against Corruption which is effecting our life,
our progress and our future.
This fight will not be an easy one, but ultimately, the civil
society will win, because we are fighting for a noble cause,
bringing comfort to the millions of lives, enable them
(common man of this country) to get their rightful dues
from the government, for which they ( common man,
including us) only pay in the form of taxes.
We should not be dishearten with the government stand
as Have you ever heard that a thief had allowed
prosecution against his/her theft? We should ready
ourselves for the 2014 election because then the political
class has to come back to the same civil society. We need to
go to the masses and make them understand the
importance of not only LOKPAL Bill but other reforms also
so that when the political class comes to the public for the
re-elections, people should ask them for a written
commitments on these rightful demands, so that if they fail
in delivering those demands, people can go to the court for
proceeding for betrayal on written commitments.
We need to ready for a prolonged fight as 2-3 yrs is nothing
in the life of a nation, because nations lives thousands of
years and this nation is even agile. We have example of
CHANAKYA with us from our own history. How come a
humble teacher had overthrown a powerful empire, when he
felt that the empire is not performing its nationalist duties
and is a threat to the security of nation against the
external dangers to the country, at the times, when military
powers used to be needed for change of regimes. Today we
are having comfort of democracy by the grace of our
nationalist leaders, and political class has to comeback to
masses after every five years.

We can do many thing. The another idea could be till 16th of

this month, people are thronging the SHIVA Temples across
the country. Why can’t we organize the recitation of SHIV
MAHIMNA STROTAM in our local temple at a time and date
fixed, which could be conveyed to the devotees through a
poster and at the fix date, we can distribute the literature
printed in local language describing the need of LOKPAL
- Bill drafted by civil society and reason of our confrontation
with government draft. There is no harm in doing this. These
public gatherings were always used and created for
conveying the DHRMA, and by creating the awareness about
LOKPAL Bill is nothing but doing our RASTRA DHARMA or
national duty . Kindly post this video to as many groups and
individual as possible as spreading this message is also every

Toady we stand at a crucial time, which could be compared

with the early 19th century ,in the history of this nation. Our
nation is in danger ( I have already discussed the threats
briefly), so we, educated class, even most of us belongs to the
L & D domain, it is our national duty to come out and spread
this message to the masses and bring them to this platform of
reform and I am sure, most of us will not hesitate for a minuet
in responding to this call of fight. Jay Hind!
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