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Working Man’s Game

‘Working Man’s Game” raising awareness of how football is now becoming more of a brand
than a sport, and how it is pricing out its most loyal supporters and the so called working
man, whoever that may be today.

With the influx of foreign investment from abroad and the far east, huge wages, transfer fees
and big money corporate TV deals with the likes of Sky, BT Sport etc.

The main focus will be on how ticket prices are inflammatory in todays society, football fans
are simply being ripped off each week throughout the country, with clubs simply seeing it
acceptable to raise prices across the board, the shift in class meaning these
changes are implemented.
SpeakOUT - A campaign focusing on suicide in young males

Mental health has become more of a cultural issue in recent years, with government,
celebrities and the general public starting to realise that it is a serious issue which
needs to be tackled.

We still have this stigma, governments, celebs and the general public are aware of mental illness, but
some still disregard mental health. There are many charities out there many campaigns, trying to
create and raise awareness for this mental illness.

As a practitioner, my creative skills and mindset, I can create something unique and different from
what we see already online and in the media in relation to suicide within young males that can help
raise awareness and make people notice at how serious this stigma is, which is why I have decided
to focus my project on this serious topic. With myself taking a risk by creating something unique and
original which could either raise awareness through a new use of creativity, or be the same sheep in
the herd with something that is already out there.

I wanted to implement a glitch into the design, to give it a uniqueness and back up the stat I
highlighted earlier with 90% of suicides and suicide attempts having been found to be associated with
a psychiatric disorder, the twitch on the designs being that of the disorder highlighting a problem, a
new way in advertising a campaign, a risk that can be taken to present something new into the media.
EDGE - Corporate ID

First year Corporate ID module

I was given the task of creating a new corporate logo for a new company from a range of industries,
from a clothing brand, to a broadband firm.

At first I was struggling to choose an industry, but I wanted to branch into the technology side.

I wanted to focus more on a text based logo, but not cutting out an icon or and easily recognisable
marque such as a mouse, a cursor or keyboard etc. as long as it is relevant to that industry.
Integral -

A live brief set by Sheffield based agency Field

Client: Masters Students – Winter Show

The brief was to come up with a creative brand to make it stand out at this show.

My idea was to create a brand that fits its context, the logo representing that of a
floor plan design and using the aesthetics of the logo to create additional brand assets.
Möbel - Contemporary Furniture
Möbel, German for furniture, this was a contemporary furniture brief, I was given the task of
creating a new company that would be launching in Sheffield in June 2017.

I wanted to go away from the whole clean layout you see nowadays with modern furniture and
introduce a derelict/urban decay sort of feel with the project with that duo tone black and white
throughout the brief.
IKEA - Marketing campaign
Having been given an interview for a designers position at IKEA, I was given the task of creating a
new way in which IKEA could market their products.

I was given three popular items within IKEA and had to present my final designs at the interview.
These items were the RASKOG Trolley, EKTORP chair and ISTAD freezer bags.

The direction I went in for this campaign was that each of these products had a different use, not all
just used for one thing, they are all diverse in some way in which you would not expect:-

A RASKOG Trolley can be used to put plants in, used for your stationery equipment or even unused
toys by your infant or younger relative.

An EKTORP Chair can be used as a place of comfort for your household pets, your favourite pair of

An ISTAD freezer bag, can be used to store socks, peas, or even your pets favourite treat.
Darren Till - Brand Identity
Darren “The Gorilla” Till, UFC welterweight/middleweight contender.

I was contacted by one of his close friends who asked myself to design the iden-
tity for Darren in the form of a Gorilla, this would then be used on fight mer-
chandise and used as his overall Identity moving forward within the UFC

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