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If the exercises are ​RED​ that means it’s a superset

If you can get to 8 reps then increase the weight. But make sure form is still good.
Rest period can not exceed 1 minute.
Ensure you stretch before and after.

*The Facebook support group is private so you must request access to it:
​ ttps://
*Progress photo demo video:​ h

Note 1​: Progress photos are not mandatory but are highly encouraged to be sent every Monday to
Note 2​: To access Youtube videos you must log in with ​​ and the
password is fancyfit30

Week 3

Day 1 – Back and Core

Warm Up – ​Running in place for 1 minute, burpees for 30 reps, jumping jacks for 45 reps, rest for 30
seconds. 10 sets.

Reverse Close Grip Row ​-​

10 reps each (super setting with 4 different weights, drop sets(decreasing the weight each time), 3 sets
Assisted Pull ups​ ​- ​ 
12 reps, 5 set

Close Grip Lat Pull down​ ​- ​ 

Wide Grip Lat Pull down​ ​-​ ​
15 reps each, 4 sets

Single Arm Dumbbell Row ​- ​

12 reps each (Use one arm at a time then super setting using both arms. So, those 3 movements will
make one rep), 3 sets

Assisted Pull ups​ ​- ​ 

8 reps, 3 set

Knee tuck with obliques​ - ​ 

20 reps, 4 sets

Flutter Kicks​ - ​

25 reps, 4 sets

Russian Twist​ - ​

25 reps, 4 sets

Leg Raises​ - ​

30 reps, 5 sets

Cardio- ​Incline is at 6% but you will pick your speed ​(remember to push yourself)(also, be sure to share
with the fb group the speed you end up going with)

For Intermediate: 30 seconds of work 30 seconds of recovery/walking , 15 times

For Advanced: 40 seconds of work 20 seconds of recovery/walking, 15 times. Then finish off with 3
minutes of walking for the cooldown, Incline: 10%, Speed: 2.0

Day 2 – Arms
Warm Up​ – Elliptical on level 15 for 15min. Every minute alternate Hands/no hands.

Bar curls on Wall: Superset ​- h

​ ttps://
7 reps each, 4 sets

Dumbbell Triceps Press ​ - ​

15 reps, 4 sets
Plate Curls(women: 25lbs and men: 45lbs)​ - ​
20 reps, 4 sets

Tricep press down with Rope​ -​ ​ 

Body weight dips​ ​-​
15 reps each, 4 sets

Standing Hammer curl​- ​

20 reps, 2 sets

Machine Dips ​- ​ 

10 reps each(super setting with 4 different weight), 4 sets

Cardio – ​No incline, Pick your own speed for each part. Speed should not be lower than 2.5 when you
get to the walking part.

Moderate Jog for 1 min, Sprint for 1 min, Run for 1 min, then Walk for 1 min, 5 times

Day 3 – Legs
Warm Up​ – Stair master at level 8 for 10 minutes

Goblet Squat​ ​- ​ 

Leg Extensions ​- ​
Sumo Squats​ ​-​
10 reps each, 4 sets
KettleBell Swings ​- ​ 
8 reps each(super setting with 3 different weight), 4 sets

Leg Press SuperSet ​- ​

8 reps each, 4 sets

Glute Kick Back​ ​- ​

20 reps each side, 4 sets

Standing Calf Raises ​- ​ 

10 reps each(super setting with 2 different weight), 4 sets

Cardio- ​Incline is at 8% but you will pick your speed ​(remember to push yourself)(also, be sure to share
with the fb group the speed you end up going with)

For Intermediate: 30 seconds of work 30 seconds of recovery/walking , 15 times

For Advanced: 40 seconds of work 20 seconds of recovery/walking, 15 times. Then finish off with 3
minutes of walking for the cooldown, Incline: 12%, Speed: 2.5
Day 4 – Shoulders

Warm Up​ – Jumping Jacks for 30 seconds, Jump rope for 30 seconds, then Arms out, right along your
side(making a T with your body) just hold it there for 1min. 15 sets.

Alternating Dumbbell Press​ ​- ​

12 reps, 4 sets

Front Lateral Raise​ ​- ​

Cross Body Raise​ ​- ​ ​ 
15 reps, 4 sets

Military Press​ ​- ​ 

10 reps(super setting with 2 different weights), 4 sets

Arm Circles ​- ​

30 reps, 4 sets

Side Lateral Raise​ ​- ​ 

12 reps(super setting with 2 different weights), 4 sets

Arm Circles ​- ​ 

30 reps, 2 sets

Cardio – ​No incline, Pick your own speed for each part. Speed should not be lower than 2.5 when you
get to the walking part.

Moderate Jog for 1 min, Sprint for 1 min, Run for 1 min, then Walk for 1 min, 5 times

Day 5 – Legs and Core Again

Warm Up​ – Stair master on level 9 for 7 minutes then level 5 for 3 minutes

Repeat Day 3 leg day but add a set to every exercise.

Hydraulics​- ​
20 reps, 5 sets

Plank with twist ​- ​

15 reps on each side, 5 sets

Toe Touches Leg Raise ​- ​

20 reps on each side, 5 sets

Cardio – ​Treadmill at no incline. Challenging speed for sprint for 1 minute (as fast as you can), then bring
the speed down to a light jog for 3mins, 7 times.

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