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Anatomic Ligament Repairs

of Syndesmotic Injuries
Craig C. Akoh, MDa,*, Phinit Phisitkul, MDb

 Syndesmosis  AIFTL  PITFL  Tight rope  Deltoid ligament

 The resurgence of direct syndesmosis repair has attempted to address the shortcomings of
syndesmosis screw fixation and isolated suture-button constructs.
 Biomechanically, ligament repair has been shown to be as strong as syndesmosis screw fixation.
 The quality of syndesmosis reduction seems to be the main factor for improving clinical
outcomes after syndesmotic injuries.

INTRODUCTION talus. The incisura fibularis is a concave groove

along the anterolateral distal tibia on which the
Isolated syndesmosis injuries are common in the lateral malleolus rests.11 This groove provides
competitive athletic population.1,2 In the Na- the osseous stability of the syndesmosis.
tional Collegiate Athletic Association, the inci- Soft-tissue stabilizers are also important in
dence is 1.00 per 10,000 athlete exposures, maintaining syndesmosis stability. These soft-
with 9.8% of injuries being recurrent.1 The classic tissue stabilizers include the syndesmosis liga-
mechanism for isolated syndesmotic injures is ment complex and deltoid ligamentous com-
external rotation of the ankle within the foot in plex.12–14 The syndesmosis complex comprises
a dorsiflexed and abducted position.3 Syndes- 4 ligaments that maintain the distal tibia and
motic injuries can also be seen in 13% to 20% fibula relationship, preventing diastasis. The
of ankle fracture patterns,4 including Maison- anteroinferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL) is
neuve fractures,5,6 posterior malleolar fractures,7 smallest syndesmotic ligament, with a mean fib-
and bimalleolar ankle injuries.8,9 ula insertion of 8.5 mm2.14 It is trapezoidal
The ankle joint is a complex hinge joint that is shaped, fanning out as it runs obliquely from
composed of osseous and soft-tissue stabilizers. the Chaput tubercle (tibia) and inserts onto the
The primary osseous structures that constitute Wagstaff tubercle on the anterior distal fibula.13
the ankle include the distal tibial plafond, talar Posteriorly, the posteroinferior tibiofibular liga-
dome, medial malleolus, and lateral malleolus.10 ment (PITFL) originates at Volkmann’s tubercle
The distal tibial plafond is concave in the sagittal on the posterolateral distal tibia, running
plane and highly congruent with the convex talar obliquely to insert onto the posterior aspect of
dome. The medial and lateral malleoli are the the lateral malleolus. Its fibula footprint is
distal most aspects of the tibia and fibula, 108.1 mm2.14 The inferior transverse tibiofibular
respectively. Both malleoli serve as a buttress ligament, also known as the deep PITFL, is a
against medial and lateral translation of the strong fibrocartilaginous structure just distal to

Disclosure Statement: The authors report the following potential conflicts of interest or sources of funding: P. Phi-
sitkul is a paid consultant for Arthrex and Restor 3D, receives royalties from Arthrex, and has stock/stock options in
First Ray and Mortise Medical. Full ICMJE author disclosure forms are available for this article online, as supplemen-
tary material.
Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Madison, 600 Highland Avenue, Room 6220, Madison, WI 53705-2281, USA; b Tri-State Specialists, LLP, 2730
Pierce Street, Suite 300, Sioux City, IA 51104, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Orthop Clin N Am 50 (2019) 401–414
0030-5898/19/ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
402 Akoh & Phisitkul

the PITFL that runs in an oblique manner infero- into stable or unstable. Grade III injuries involve
laterally, similarly to the PITFL. The interosseus complete disruption of the syndesmosis with
tibiofibular ligament is the broadest and most radiographic syndesmosis and medial clear
proximal structure of the syndesmosis, with a fib- space widening. However, the more subtle rota-
ula footprint of 408.4 mm2.14 It represents the tional syndesmotic injuries are often missed on
distal thickening of the interosseus membrane, plain radiographs.25 With the improvement of
terminating 9.3 mm proximal to the central advanced imaging, Sikka and colleagues26 pro-
plafond.14 posed an MRI classification incorporating del-
The deltoid ligament complex, also an impor- toid injuries. Grade I injuries were isolated
tant soft-tissue stabilizing structure of the AITFL injuries. Grade II included AITFL and inter-
syndesmosis, is a fan-shaped structure that orig- osseus ligament (IOL) injuries. Grade III injuries
inates from the medial malleolus and inserts involved the AITFL, IOL, and PITFL injuries.
onto the navicular, talus, and calcaneus. Lastly, grade IV injuries involved the AITFL,
Although the deltoid ligament is highly variable IOL, PITFL, and deltoid ligaments. MRI has
with up to 6 separate bands, it is constantly been shown to be overly sensitive in detecting
composed of the tibiocalaneal, superficial poste- syndesmotic injuries.25 Given the limited sensi-
rior tibiotalar, and deep anterior tibiotalar liga- tivity of plain radiographs and overly sensitive
ments.15 The deltoid ligament can also be MRI, intraoperative arthroscopy is becoming
divided into the superficial band, which origi- the gold standard for detecting subtle syndes-
nates at the anterior colliculus of the medial mal- motic injuries.25,27,28
leolus, and the stronger deep fibers that There are challenges in the treatment of syn-
originate from the intercollicular groove and desmotic injury using screw fixation, including
posterior colliculus of the medial malleolus. malreduction, overcompression, screw removal,
Biomechanically, the syndesmosis ligamen- and hardware breakage.29–33 The benefits of
tous complex serves an important role in resist- suture-button constructs are restoring physio-
ing tibiofibular diastasis and external rotation logic syndesmosis motion,34 reduced malreduc-
of the fibula, given the lack of osseous constraint tion,35 accelerated rehabilitation,36 and less
of the syndesmosis.16–19 Previous biomechanical hardware prominence.35,37 Despite these bene-
studies demonstrated that syndesmosis diastasis fits, isolated suture-button constructs do not
was prevented with an intact deltoid during completely restore normal syndesmosis biome-
axial loading.20 However, more recent studies chanics.38,39 In addition, complications such as
have shown increased coronal diastasis up to skin irritation, implant loosening, and implant
7.3 mm with sequential syndesmosis prominence have been reported.40–42 Although
sectioning.18 External rotation instability of the there is limited understanding of direct anatomic
tibiofibular articulation is also increased when ligament repair of ankle syndesmosis, advance-
the AITFL and PITFL is sectioned by 24% and ments have been made in the surgical technique
11%, respectively.16 The deltoid ligamentous for syndesmosis repair.43
complex is the strongest ligamentous structure
of the ankle.21 Both the superficial and deep fi- INDICATIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS
bers of the deltoid ligament complex must be
intact to prevent valgus tilt of the talus and The indications for surgical treatment of isolated
widening of the ankle mortise.22 Sectioning of syndesmotic injuries continue to evolve with
the superficial fibers of the deltoid ligament in- improved classification and understanding of
creases the peak contact pressures of the ankle these injuries. As a result, the fixation of isolated
joint by 30% and lateral translation of the talus syndesmotic and syndesmotic injuries associated
by 4 mm.23 with ankle fractures has increased significantly.8
The classification of syndesmotic injuries has The goals of syndesmosis surgery are to restore
evolved over the years to predict outcomes the normal anatomic relationship of the distal
and guide management. In 1984, Edwards and tibiofibular joint and to prevent ankle arthritis.
DeLee3 described syndesmotic injuries as having Indications for surgical intervention for isolated
frank diastasis, latent diastasis with stress syndesmotic injuries include frank syndesmosis
examination, and no diastasis. In Amendola diastasis or medial clear space widening on plain
and colleagues’ classification,24 grade I was radiographs. Other indications include latent
mild syndesmosis sprains, and grade II was mod- diastasis on stress radiographs or fibula malposi-
erate injuries with partial syndesmosis rupture, tion within the incisura fibularis during weight-
normal radiographs, and positive external rota- bearing computed tomography (CT) imaging.
tion test. Grade II injuries can also be subdivided However, there is no clear evidence for fixation
Anatomic Ligament Repairs of Syndesmotic Injuries 403

of isolated grade II injuries without radiographic scans can be used to detect subtle syndesmotic
diastasis. There are suggestions that grade II in- malrotation.53,58–60 A CT scan can also charac-
juries with significant disruption of the PITFL and terize the size and amount of articular involve-
deltoid ligament may be an indication for syn- ment of avulsion injuries, which can dictate the
desmotic fixation.24 Guyton and colleagues44 surgical approach.61 MRI can detect the extent
showed that syndesmosis diastasis of 3 mm dur- of soft-tissue injury to the syndesmosis and del-
ing arthroscopy correlated with significant syn- toid ligament when frank diastasis is not
desmosis injury. Patients who may benefit from present.26
deltoid ligament repair are those with medial There are several options for syndesmosis
diastasis or distraction after syndesmotic repair repair augmentation including metal screw and
or those with complete rupture of both superfi- washer,55 soft-tissue augmentation,55 and
cial and deep parts. suture-button contructs.62 Syndesmotic screw
Contraindications to syndesmotic fixation supplementation may be considered for obese
include grade I ankle sprains without frank syn- patients with marked syndesmosis diastasis.
desmosis diastasis or grade II injuries without Length unstable fibula fractures should undergo
syndesmosis diastasis on stress examination fibular plate fixation in addition to syndesmotic
without a trial of conservative treatment, except fixation. Maisonneuve fracture should be
in athletes. Previous studies have shown that reduced and fixed with rigid screw fixation to
grade I and II injuries without diastasis can be maintain anatomic rotation and length. Avulsion
successfully treated conservatively.26,45 injuries of the AITFL (ie, Chaput or Wagstaff
fragments) can be fixed with a screw-and-
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE/PROCEDURE washer construct. The technique described here-
Preoperative Planning in focuses on direct syndesmosis repair and
There are several considerations that must augmentation.
be considered when planning the surgical man-
agement of syndesmotic injuries. Physical exam- Syndesmosis Repair and Augmentation for
ination findings of positive squeeze test, Isolated Syndesmosis Injuries
dorsiflexion-external rotation, and inability to
perform a single leg hop may indicate a more se- 1. The patient is placed in the supine position
vere syndesmotic injury.46,47 However, the at the end of the operative table and
absence of medial deltoid pain is not specific the appropriate anesthetic method is
for the absence of deltoid injury.48 The presence administered.
of blood-filled blisters may represent a deeper 2. Contralateral anteroposterior (AP), mortise,
soft-tissue injury, and surgery should be delayed and lateral fluoroscopic views of the
for 5 to 10 days.49,50 Patient factors such as contralateral ankle are obtained for
comorbidities, body mass index, and diabetes comparison of the operative syndesmosis
mellitus should also be considered. Less invasive reduction.
fixation techniques can reduce would com- 3. The patient is properly prepped and
plication rates in the comorbid and elderly standard anteromedial and anterolateral
patient.51,52 arthroscopy portals are established.
Plain radiographs can assist in detecting frank 4. Diagnostic arthroscopy is performed in
diastasis of the syndesmosis and associated frac- the standard fashion to evaluate injury to
tures of the fibula, medial malleolus, and poste- the syndesmosis, deltoid ligament, and
rior malleolus. However, plain radiography fails articular cartilage. Noninvasive distraction
to detect subtle syndesmotic injuries18,25,53,54 is typically not used unless osteochondral
or bony avulsion injuries.55 Boden and col- lesions are being treated.
leagues56 previously stated in their cadaveric 5. If used, noninvasive distraction is taken
study that the level of the fibula fracture (greater off before syndesmotic evaluation. Using
than 4.5 cm from the ankle mortise) correlated a 90 angled arthroscopic probe, the
with the presence of syndesmotic injury. How- amount of diastasis seen in the distal
ever, the clinical study by Nielson and col- tibiofibular joint is measured when the
leagues57 showed that the level of the fibula ankle is externally rotated to determine the
fracture could not reliably predict the presence amount of syndesmosis instability. A cut
of injury to the syndesmosis. Thus, stress exami- point of 3 mm can be used to indicate a
nation48 and arthroscopic examination25 should definite injury to the AITFL (Fig. 1).
be used to determine the presence or absence 6. A 4-cm anterolateral skin incision is made
of a syndesmotic injury. Standing bilateral CT centered on the distal syndesmosis. Care is
404 Akoh & Phisitkul

reduction clamps is important in avoiding

malreduction of the syndesmosis.69,70
10. Adequate reduction is confirmed both
directly and fluoroscopically. Direct
evaluation involves ensuring that the distal
fibula lies within the incisura fibularis and
not anterior to it.12 Fluoroscopy reduction
confirmation is best seen on the lateral
radiograph, with the fibula overlapping the
posterior one-third of the tibia. The
tibiotalar overlap and medial tibiotalar
clear space is assessed on the AP and
mortise views. If the tibiofibular overlap is
inadequate, the reduction clamp is
tightened further.
11. AITFL Avulsion repair
a. If the AITFL involves an avulsion injury
Fig. 1. Intraoperative arthroscopic image of a left from the tibia (Chaput fragment) or
ankle with significant widening of the ankle syndesmo- fibula (Wagstaff fragment), the avulsed
sis with probe palpation. ligament is repaired directly at its origin
by drilling and placing a screw-washer
taken to protect the superficial peroneal construct (Fig. 2).
nerve as it crosses the surgical field. 12. AITFL Midsubstance repair
a. Direct visualization of the syndesmosis a. If the AITFL injury is midsubstance there
leads to improved reduction.63 is often too much tension to allow for
7. Ligamentous debris and scar tissue are direct repair, and augmentation is used.
removed to clearly visualize the injured b. The AITFL can be reconstructed
AITFL. using the fourth extensor digitorum
a. The location of AITFL injury should be longus tendon,55 suture anchor-to-post
determined (ie, bony avulsions versus construct71 (described in the deltoid
midsubstance tear). Typically when repair section) (Fig. 3) or suture tape
there is no avulsion fracture, the AITFL construct.72
is peeled off from the distal tibia to 13. IOL Repair Supplementation
expose the ankle syndesmosis. a. Suture-button construct
b. Care should be taken to avoid injury to i. This step is a reconstruction of the
the perforating branch of the peroneal interosseous ligament that is indicated
artery, as it pierces the interosseus for athletes and other patients with
membrane about 3 cm proximal to the more severe instability in the central
tibial plafond.64,65 plane of the syndesmosis (Fig. 4).
8. The injured syndesmosis is reduced under
direct visualization usually by manually
pushing the distal fibula in the fibular
notch of the distal tibia along the neutral
axis. Although the previous thought was to
reduce the syndesmosis in dorsiflexion to
avoid overtightening, this has not been
confirmed in the literature, and the
overcompression is less of an issue with
flexible reconstruction.66–68
9. The reduction of the syndesmosis is
provisionally held with pointed reduction
clamps proximal to the tibiotalar joint if
needed. The lateral clamp should be
placed along the posterolateral aspect of
the lateral malleolus. The medial clamp
should be placed in the anterior third of Fig. 2. Intraoperative image of a Chaput fragment
the medial tibia. Careful placement of the avulsion undergoing anatomic repair.
Anatomic Ligament Repairs of Syndesmotic Injuries 405

anterior to the coronal plane to

avoid intra-articular placement of the
iii. The suture-button construct is
then placed through the drill hole
to provide trans-syndesmotic fixation.
One should be sure to confirm the
reduction directly and fluoroscopically
once the implant is placed.
14. Deltoid repair
a. Ankle stability is reassessed with a
gentle external rotation stress test. If
medial clear space widening is present,
a medial approach over the medial
malleolus should be performed to
remove incarcerated deltoid ligament
from within the ankle joint and to
perform a direct repair. Occasionally
the medial joint space may appear
widened after syndesmotic stabilization,
indicating significant medial instability.
b. Pronation external rotation ankle injuries
should be carefully scrutinized for medial
clear space widening after appropriate
fibula and syndesmotic fixation. Usually
the superficial deltoid ligament is avulsed
from its medial malleolus insertion.73
c. For acute deltoid ligament injuries, direct
repair with suture anchor augmentation
can be performed (Fig. 5).
d. For chronic deltoid ligament injuries with
poor tissue quality, the deep deltoid can
Fig. 3. The AITFL, which was previously peeled off, is
also be reconstructed using a suture
repaired back to the distal tibia using a suture post
construct. anchor-to-post construct.71 (see Fig. 5)
i. A longitudinal incision is made over
the medial malleolus and medial talus.
ii. A drill hole is made at the ii. Soft-tissue dissection is made to
posterolateral distal fibula 2 to 3 cm expose the intercollicular groove of
proximal to the tibiotalar joint. The the medial malleolus and medial
drill hole should be made parallel to talus, taking care to protect the
the tibiotalar joint at a 30 angle saphenous neurovascular structures.

Fig. 4. (A) AP and (B) lateral intraoperative fluoroscopic views of a case of chronic ankle syndesmotic instability
after previous syndesmosis screw fixation and removal treated with a suture-button construct.
406 Akoh & Phisitkul

administered. In patients with large

posterior malleolus fractures, lateral or
prone positioning may be considered to
optimize direct fixation of the posterior
2. Contralateral AP, mortise, and lateral
fluoroscopic views of the contralateral
ankle are obtained for comparison of the
operative syndesmosis reduction.
3. Medial malleolar fracture, if present, should
be anatomically fixed first through a medial
4. A 6- to 8-cm incision is made over the distal
fibula through skin directly onto bone. Care
Fig. 5. Intraoperative photograph of a case of superfi-
should be made to protect the superficial
cial and deep deltoid repair for a chronic medial ankle
peroneal nerve.
5. Appropriate retractors are placed to retract
the peroneal tendons posteriorly to fully
iii. The posterior tibialis tendon sheath
visualize the lateral malleolus fracture.
is incised and retracted posteriorly
Interposed periosteum is then resected
to evaluate the deep deltoid
from the fracture site.
ligament fibers.
6. A reduction maneuver is performed
iv. A small medial capsulotomy is made
to reduce the lateral malleolus fracture
to evaluate for any interposed deep
anatomically and out to length. If the
deltoid ligament fibers, and medial
posterior malleolar fracture is large and
gutter debridement is performed.
displaced, it should be fixed before plate
v. A double-loaded nonabsorbable
fixation of the fibula because the plate may
suture anchor is placed at the
obscure the lateral images of the tibial
talar insertion of the deep deltoid
plafond. In addition, displaced fractures of
ligament. Anchor placement is
the posterior malleolus can be facilitated
confirmed with fluoroscopy.
by removal of interposed bony fragments
vi. A separate stab incision is made at the
from the approach through the lateral
medial malleolus proximal to the tibial
malleolar fracture.
insertion of the deltoid ligament and a
7. Fixation of concomitant posterior malleolus
3.5-mm screw-post and washer is
is performed with percutaneous anterior to
placed in the medial malleolus.
posterior screw or direct fixation with a
vii. The suture limbs are passed through
posterior buttress plate or screws.
the deep and superficial deltoid
a. Posterior malleolus fixation has been
fibers in a fan-like fashion and tied
shown to improve syndesmosis
after fluoroscopic ankle reduction is
8. The lateral malleolus fracture is then fixed
viii. The suture limbs are then tied
with a one-third tubular plate-and-screw
proximally over the screw-and-post
construct to ensure adequate fixation
above and below the fracture line. A lag
ix. The posterior tibialis tendon sheath
screw may be placed if needed before
is repaired using absorbable sutures.
plate fixation.
15. The wound is irrigated and the dermal and
a. In patients with length-stable Maisonneuve
skin layers closed with interrupted sutures.
fractures, syndesmotic screw-only fixation
16. Dressings and short leg splint are placed
can be used.
over the operative foot to allow for
9. Appropriate placement of fixation
postoperative swelling.
and fibula length is confirmed on
Syndesmosis Repair and Augmentation with 10. Avulsion injuries of the AITFL (ie, Chaput or
Associated Ankle Fractures Wagstaff fragments) can be fixed with a
1. The patient is placed in the supine position screw-and-washer construct.
at the end of the operative table and 11. Assessment of syndesmosis stability is
the appropriate anesthetic method is performed by AP and mortise fluoroscopic
Anatomic Ligament Repairs of Syndesmotic Injuries 407

imaging via the cotton hook test78 or  Weeks 2 to 6: continue non–weight

external rotation stress test with direct bearing in a boot. May work on ankle
observation. range of motion.
a. If significant widening of the distal  Week 6 to 12: progressive weight bearing
tibiofibular joint occurs, syndesmotic in shoes. May progress to strengthening
fixation should be performed. Care  Months 3 to 6: full weight bearing with
should be taken to also assess sagittal shoes. Progressive return to baseline
syndesmotic instability on the lateral activities.
view.18 The fibula normally rests in
the incisura fibularis and should overlap COMPLICATIONS AND MANAGEMENT
the posterior one-third of the tibia.
If the fibula can be displaced The complications after direct syndesmosis
toward the anterior half of the tibia, repair and reconstruction have not been well
syndesmotic fixation should be described in the literature. Given that direct
performed. repair is often supplemented with suture-
12. The previous lateral ankle incision is button or screw constructs, complications asso-
dissected anteriorly to directly visualize the ciated with these procedures are listed in
anterior syndesmosis. Table 1.
13. Steps 12 to 16 from the previous section
are followed if syndesmosis fixation is OUTCOMES
The literature suggests poor results with syndes-
Key Pitfalls motic injuries in the setting of ankle sprains26
and ankle fractures.83–85 Burns and colleagues20
 If considerable force is required to showed that combined deltoid and syndesmosis
restore the tibiofibular relation or if the disruption leads to 0.73-mm syndesmosis dia-
medial clear space widening is present, stasis and 39% reduction of ankle contact area
consider performing a medial approach during axial loading. In addition, 1 mm of lateral
over the ankle to assess the deltoid talar translation within the ankle mortise can
ligament. lead to a 43% reduction in total contact area
 In the pediatric population, inadequate of the ankle joint, potentially leading to
syndesmosis reduction despite adequate arthritis.86
reduction maneuver may indicate plastic The quality of syndesmosis reduction
deformity of the fibula. A proximal seems to be the main factor for improving
fibular osteotomy should be considered clinical outcomes after syndesmotic in-
in these cases to prevent disruption of juries.9,37,43,63,84,85 However, plain radiographs
the interosseous ligament.3 are not accurate in detecting rotational syn-
desmosis malreduction.53,54,87 Chissell and
POSTOPERATIVE CARE Jones85 found that Weber type C ankle frac-
Isolated Syndesmosis Fixation ture with greater than 1.5 mm of syndesmosis
 Weeks 0 to 2: non–weight bearing in a diastasis on plain radiographs after screw fixa-
postoperative splint for 14 days until tion led to worse outcomes. Similarly, Miller
sutures are removed. and colleagues43 showed that CT scan malre-
 Weeks 2 to 6: partial weight bearing with duction of the syndesmosis greater than
a walking boot. Patient may begin 2 mm after direct visualization leads to worse
physical therapy to work on gentle ankle outcomes. Leeds and Ehrlich9 followed 34
range of motion. patients with bimalleolar and trimalleolar frac-
 Weeks 6 to 12: full weight bearing with tures for 4 years and found that the inade-
shoes. quate lateral malleolus and syndesmosis
 3 to 6 months: return to play. reduction correlated with worse patient out-
comes and arthritis. Weening and Bhandari84
followed a cohort of 39 ankle fractures with
Syndesmosis Fixation with Concomitant syndesmosis injuries for 18 months and found
Fracture that unreduced syndesmosis at the time of
 Weeks 0 to 2: non–weight bearing in a ankle fixation led to poorer Short Musculoskel-
postoperative splint for 14 days until etal Functional Assessment (SMFA) scores
sutures are removed. and Olerud-Molander scores compared with
408 Akoh & Phisitkul

Table 1
Complications associated with direct syndesmosis repair and reconstruction
Complication Management Comments
Syndesmosis malreduction Intraoperative: carefully Sagi et al,63 2012: 27 of 68
assess lateral fluoroscopic malreductions (39%) on
images for sagittal CT imaging
malreduction. Redirect
reduction clamps prior to
definitive fixation
Postoperative: obtain
weight-bearing CT scan
to determine direction of
malreduction and incisura
fibularis morphology.79,80
May perform revision
fixation if needed
Suture-button knot Cover fibular periosteal 3 of 18 (16.7%) without
prominene40 sleeve over the lateral periosteal sleeve
knot at the time of wound 0 of 31 (0%) in modified
closure technique
Suture-button construct Avoid using limited-contact Case series of 3 patients
loosening41 dynamic compression
plates. Use 1/3 tubular
plates to prevent toggling
of the Suture-button from
within the screw hole
Tendon entrapment81 Hardware removal Avoid excessive anterior
suture-button divergence
if 2 constructs are used
Syndesmosis diastasis Hardware removal
Injury to perforating branch Careful placement of Peroneal artery penetrates
of peroneal artery64 superior fixation if 2 3.42 cm proximal to tibial
suture-button or screw plafond
constructs are used
Symptomatic screw31–33,82 Screw removal at 6 mo Screw removal of intact
screws can improve ankle
range of motion and
clinical outcomes. Mild
diastasis can be found
after screw removal.
There is no clear evidence
that supports the routine
removal of screws in
asymptomatic patients
Screw breakage83 Surgical removal 18 of 144 (13%) at 1-year

individuals who underwent syndesmosis fixa- The resurgence of direct syndesmosis repair
tion. Sagi and colleagues63 studied 107 pa- has attempted to address the shortcomings
tients with ankle fractures and concomitant of syndesmosis screw fixation and suture-button
syndesmosis injuries who underwent either constructs. Biomechanically, ligament repair has
open reduction or indirect reduction and been shown to be as strong as syndesmosis screw
screw fixation. The investigators found that fixation.88 Goetz and colleagues89 showed that
39% of patients had malreduction of the syn- anatomic syndesmosis repair was required to
desmosis at a minimum of 2 years’ follow-up, restore external rotation stability of the syndes-
leading to worse SMFA and Olerund- mosis. The clinical outcomes specific to anatomic
Molander scores. repair of the syndesmosis are outlined in Table 2.
Table 2
Clinical outcomes specific to anatomic repair of the syndesmosis
Authors, Level of Cohort/ Sample Age Follow- Measurement
Ref. Year Evidence Indication Size (y) Up Tools Outcome Complications
Kabukcuoglu IV Supination-external 49 36.3 39 mo Baird and Jackson 59.2% excellent, 24.5% Fibular malreduction
et al,90 rotation, pronation- good, 10.2% fair, (n 5 4)
2000 external rotation 6.1% poor
(PER), and pronation-
abduction (PAB)
fractures undergoing
ANK device fixation
(fibula nail and tibial
screw-post AITFL
Grass IV Chronic PER III/IV and 16 16.4 y Karlsson score and Improvement in medial 0% infection, 7.1%

Anatomic Ligament Repairs of Syndesmotic Injuries

et al,91 PAB II syndesmosis radiographic/CT scan radiographic screw failure, 7.1%
2003 injuries undergoing follow-up reduction synostosis, 7.1%
AITFL reconstruction dysesthesias
using split peroneus
longus tendon
Nelson,55 IV Bimalleolar trimalleolar, 50 48.8 6 mo N/A 98% radiographic 10% persistent
2006 and bimalleolar anatomic reduction instability (n 5 1)
equivalent fixations on mortise view Hardware removal
undergoing open (HWR) for extensor
AITFL repair with hallucis longus
screw-washer irritation (n 5 3),
construct Hardware failure in a
neuropathic patient
(n 5 1)
Little III-comparative SER-IV fractures 45 46 12 mo Postoperative Similar ROM Group 1: malreduction
et al,92 Group 1 5 PITFL repair radiograph and CT 7.4%, major wound
2015 (screw and washer) scans 3.7%, 11% HWR
and deltoid repair Group 2 5 malreduction
(MiTek anchor) 33.3%, major wound
Group 2 5 syndesmosis 0%, HWR 78%)
(continued on next page)

Akoh & Phisitkul
Table 2
(continued )
Authors, Level of Cohort/ Sample Age Follow- Measurement
Ref. Year Evidence Indication Size (y) Up Tools Outcome Complications
Jones and III SER-IV ankle fractures 27 35 50.25 mo Lower extremity No difference in Group 1: malreduction
Nunley,93 Group 1 5 syndesmosis function outcome scores for 7%, wound
2015 screw and routine Foot and Ankle either group dehiscence 7%
HWR Disability score, Group 2: malreduction
Group 2 5 deltoid SMFA score, Foot 0%
repair with suture and Ankle Outcome,
anchor American Orthopedic
Foot and Ankle score,
visual analog score of
Hsu IV NFL players with PER 14 25 21.6 mo Return to play, games Return to play 6 mo No evidence of ankle
et al,73 ankle fractures played (86%) pain, increased
2015 undergoing ankle medial clear space, or
arthroscopy, arthritis
syndesmosis fixation,
and deltoid repair
with suture anchor
Zhan IV-comparative External rotation ankle 53 44.5 12 mo Olerud-Molander No difference in AITFL repair:
et al,94 fractures with scores outcomes for repair Malreduction 7.4%,
2016 posterior malleolus (90.4) vs screw (85.5) 0% infection
fracture fixation Return to work: AITFL Screw fixation:
Group 1 5 AITFL repair repair 5.26 mo vs malreduction 19.2%,
Group 2 5 syndesmosis 7.15 mo broken screws 11.5%,
screw rediastasis 11.5%,
3.8% wound infection
Anatomic Ligament Repairs of Syndesmotic Injuries 411

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