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Plunging. -- In this the performer enters the water in somewhat the same manner as
when diving (see below), but at a flat angle, and from the moment of doing so makes
no active muscular movement whatever of any part of the body under water.
Plunging came into vogue as the most graceful and practical method of starting in
swimming races. From 3 to 5 feet above the water-level makes the best springing
point, whether from bank, board, or rock. The knees should be kept together and
slightly bent, with the weight on the balls of the feet and the lungs fully charged. The
spring forward at the signal to start is given with all muscular power available. A
swing of the arms from behind is taken, and, as the feet quit their support, the arms
are swung forward as to rise up to and straight beyond the head.
The body is shot into mid-air as far as possible, and, before touching the water, the
head falls between the arms till the chin just touches the chest and the ear grazes
the inside of the biceps. The body now glides gracefully and almost noiselessly into
the water, with the chest slightly hollowed, the shoulders contracted, and the arms
rigidly braced out straight.
The hands are now laid flat and thumbs locked, while the hips and ankles are kept in
one rigid straight line, with the soles of the feet turned upward and level with the
surface, the toes pointing straight behind. The forward motion from the spring
continues as long as the body will float and the air in the lungs can be held, when the
feet, followed by the arms, begin to sink, and the plunger ends his performance by
merely raising his head.
Adepts in this branch have saved themselves from a sinking vessel by a long plunge
from the ship’s side, and so by one effort have got clear out of the vortex that is
caused by her setting down and sinking.

1. First, practice plunging into the pool without the starting block. If you’re unable to
do so, then you shouldn’t proceed further just yet.
2. Only once you have mastered plunging without the starting block, then proceed to
the starting block. Start by placing one feet in front so that the toes of that foot are
over the edge. Place your other foot about shoulder-width behind you and face
toward the pool.
3. Once you hear “take your mark”, crouch down with your feet and grab the front of
the starting block with one hand at a time. Bend further down until your chest
touches the top of your thighs. Once you become better, you should lean as far
forward as possible till the point where you feel close to falling any time. Remember
to remain still until you hear the signal to go.
4. Once you hear the signal to go, jump off the block by pushing forward off from it
with your arms and legs simultaneously. When you are in the air, place your arms
into a streamline position above your head. Upon hitting the water, tuck your head in
and straighten your body out to avoid sinking in too deep before you begin your
dolphin kicks.

 Get a professional instructor to assist you with your dive so that they can
highlight your mistakes.
 When you are about to dive in, tuck your head into your chest to prevent your
goggles from falling off.
 A swim cap can prevent your goggles from falling off.
 Remember to dive out and not down. You wouldn’t need to dive deeper than
two feet to get a head start.
 Never plunge without proper knowledge and supervision.
 Never plunge from the starting block with fins on as there are chances of
slipping and injuring yourself.

Like the underwater swimming event, the plunge for distance is a common event in
the backyard pool, and it once made it to the greatest international sporting stage.
The competitors began with a standing dive, then had to remain motionless
underwater for one minute or until their heads broke the surface of the water,
whichever came first.
The longest distance recorded won the event. This event was only held once at the
Olympics, in Paris 1904. It is not surprising that it was never seen again on the
Olympic program. The first three places went to members of the New York Athletic
1. William Dickey USA 19.05m (62 feet, 6 inches)
2. Edgar Adams USA 17.53m
3. Leo 'Budd' Goodwin USA 17.37m

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