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151. How to rename a form ?

By using rename option in the action menu.

152. What is a content canvas view ?

A content canvas view ( or simply content view ) is the base view that
occupies the entire content pane of the window in which it is displayed.

153. How can we change the tittle of my RUNFORM window ?

Use set_window_[roperty(forms_mid_window,title,'your title');

154. How can I dynamically prevent the user from entering a new record ?
Have a pre-record trigger that does :
If ((dynamic-condition-is -true) and :system.record_status='New') then
Raise form_trigger_failure;
end if;

155. How can I dynamically make an entire block query-only at runtime ?

Issue the following :

156. If a timer expires during a long running query when is it handled ?

The timer will always wait to be handled until the current operation has been
completed. In other words, the query is completed before the timer is serviced.

--end of 1st set of questions-

--these are a bit high level and are elobrately explained.

1)select the nmae of managers who manage more than one employee.
A)select mgr from emp group by mgr having count(*)>1;

2)select empno,ename,dno,dname,salary and the average salary of each department.

A) select a.eno,a.ename,a.dno,a.sal ,avg(a.sal) from emp a,emp b where a.dno=b.dno
group by a.dno,a.eno,a.ename,a.sal;
3)write a query to delete duplicate rows.
A)delete from emp where rowid in(select max(rowid) from emp where eno=1);
Delete from emp where eno=1 and rowid !=(select max(rowid) from emp where eno=1;
4)what are sql pseudo-columns.
A)currval returns current value from a sequence.
Level used in conect by clause returns 1 for root node and 2 for child
Rownum returns the number of the row
Rowid returns the address of the row
Sysdate returns current date and time.
User returns the oracle user name .
Id returns the oracle user id number which is unique and alloted by
the system
when a user is created.
5)what is sql operator precedence.
A)=,!=,<,>,<=,>=,between, in,like,is null.
6)Find out first highest paid persons displaying their names and salaries ;
A)select empno,ename,sal from emp a where &no >(select count(distinct sal) from
Where sal>=a.sal);
7)what is the difference between sql%found and c1%found.
A)sql%found is used only in exception handling whereas c1%found is used after a
8)How can you create or define and use a user_defined exception whose name is
same as pre-defined exception
no_data_found exception;
Action 1;
Action 2;
If no_data_found then
Raise no_data_found;
End if;
when standard.no_data_found then
when no_data_found then

9)Write about snapshots.

A)In order to improve the performance of an application that uses distributed data
we can make local copies of remote tables.Oracle provides snapshots as a means of
managing local copies of remote tables.Snapshot can be build using one or more
tables/views from one or more remote databases. The refresh of the data will be
taken care by Oracle as specified by parameters.In 7.0 snapshots were not

10)What is Two phase commit.

A)Oracle manages distributed transactions with a special feature called two-phase
commit.Two-phase commit guarantees that a transaction is valid at all sites by
the time it commits or rollbacks.All sites simultaneously commit or rollback what
ever may be the error.

11)what is a role?
A) A role is a collection of related privilages that an administrator can grant
to database users and other roles.

12)what is a distributed database.

A)A distributed database is two or more physically seperate database that logically
make up one database,users of any server can access information through out the

13) list all report triggers.

A) Before report
After trigger
Between pages
Before parameter form
After parameter form

14)Order of precedence of field level triggers.

A)pre-text-item, when-new-item-innstance,key-next-item,when-validate-item

15)what are different rdbms available in the market.

A) Oracle,Ingries,Sybase,Unify,Informix,Foxpro.

16)What are different Gui 's

A)MS-Windows,power builder,Dev 2000, VB,VC++ etc.

17)What is SGA?
A) system global area which is the allocation of memory for Oracle in the
primary memory.

18)What is MDI?
A)Multiple Document Interface.

19)Why is oracle choosen as RDBMS.(codd's rules)

A) the information rule.
Guarentee access rule
Systematic treatement of null values.
Dynamic online catelouge based on the relational model
Comprehencive Data sub language rule.
View updating rule
High level insert,update and delete
Physical data independence
Logical data independence
Integrity independence
Distribution independence
Non-sub rule.

20)What is Oracle optmizer?

A)Oracle Optimizer is a part of the RDBMS Kernal which reads a query
And decides on the best manner of executing the request based on the
tables and indexes.

21)What is page 0
A)This is the address Oracle uses for the non display fields of the

22)What is a correlated Query?

A) A correlated query is a nested sub-query which is executed once for each
candidate row concidered by the main query.

23)What are different locks?

A)Exclusive lock,shared lock, Row level lock,page level lock.

24)What are different indexes.

A) unique indexes,composite indexes.

25)What are different clusters.

A) indexed and hash clusters.

26)what is sqlca
A)strctured query language communication area.

27) what is sqlda

A) strctured query language descriptor area.

28------31 are blank.

32. What is OLTP ?

On-Line Transaction Processing.

33. What is DCE ?

Distributed Computing Environment.
34. What is API ?
Application Program Interface.

35. Can you create tables from froms ?

Yes, through forms_ddl (Create table emp(empno number, ename varchar2(22));

36. How to change the message of and Alert ?

Set alert_message_property(alert,alert_message_text,new message);

37. Write a Sql statement to delete two identical rows with one statement .
Delete from emp A where A.ename=X.ename and rowid in (select max (rowid) from
emp where emp.ename=A.ename);

38. What are the triggers that are created by master_detail relationship ?

39. What is master_detail relationship based on a single table called ?

Self Referential Integrity.

40. Difference between & and && ?

In & we can enter different records, where as in && we can enter the same
records number of times by using '/ '.

41. If we are not using the keyboard will the Key-next-item trigger fires if not
which trigger is suitable
No, Post-next-item is suitable.

42. Number(*,2) will it work?

Yes, It will take default 38 digits for *.

43. How do you attach a Menu to a Form?

Create a form, go to form level properties & attach Menu file

44. Based on the table given find the total amount of each sales person which
should be more than the maximum amount
Table :-
Sname Amount
A 4000
B 2000
A 200
C 3000
C 2000
B 200

Select sum(amount) from stable having sum (amount) > (select max (amount)
from stable ) group by sname;

45. Difference between any and some.

No difference.

46.What is PCTFREE ?
It is a storage parameter you can use to minimize the row changing. It is the
percentage of space free for updates.

47. To get sum of all salaries where in ename starts with same character say
Select substr (ename,1,1), sum (sal) from emp where substr (ename,1,1) in
(select substr (ename,1,1) from emp ) group by substr (ename,1,1);

48. Difference between delete and truncate .

Delete deletes the specified row only when the transaction is committed
truncate deletes all the rows permanently without using commit.

49. What are the background processes created by Oracle ?

Database Writer, Log Writer (LOGWRI) , Archiever (ARC) , System Monitor
( SYMON), Process Monitor (PMON), Check Point (CKPT), Dispatcher, Recoverer, and

50. Will * work while creating a view with two tables using a join condition.

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